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What metal is right for the twins. The best stones for Gemini women by date of birth. Gemini's married life

Probably everyone has heard that each zodiac sign has its own stone, plant, color or metal. The metal of the zodiac sign Gemini is gold - like Leo and Taurus.

Gemini zodiac sign metal - gold

Metals have been attributed since ancient times Magic power, and if it is correctly selected taking into account the sign of the zodiac, it will only benefit, strengthen the positive qualities of a person, save him from all sorts of troubles.

Astrologers view metals as a separate kingdom of nature. Of course, it is important to know how they conduct the subtle cosmic energies of different constellations and planets, how they interact with stones and minerals, and, accordingly, on us.

Therefore, there are clear restrictions on the setting of certain types of metal for different stones. If an astrologer selects a frame for you, then for each stone a metal will be selected according to the person's cosmogram and his goals.

What metals and stones bring good luck to the sign Gemini

But you can give General characteristics- the zodiac sign Gemini has its own metal. Even ancient beliefs said that metals are conductors of energy, they can transform it and at the same time are powerful accumulators of creative energy. When they are melted, they only change their form, but not the properties of subtle matter.

Of the metals most recommended to Gemini, and the most popular, gold can be distinguished. It is a very powerful and strong metal. Not all zodiac signs can wear gold all the time. But Gemini can use metal all the time. Since gold is a solar metal, it has the property of awakening the inner energy of a person, showing his charisma and creative spirit.

In itself, it belongs to the most lavish, festive and creative metals. It will help to settle problems with the cardiovascular system. The metal of the Gemini sign, gold, "loves" people with a finally formed consciousness, those who have decisively made their choice.

It will help such people to concentrate forces to achieve their goals, direct them, give alternative forces and express some kind of power.

It is convenient to combine it with the image of almost any person; an incredible variety of options are provided on the market - from cufflinks to piercings, and besides, it has always been considered an excellent piece of jewelry. It is only worth remembering about its power, but not using it for ill intentions, since it has its own dark side.

A woman born under the sign of Gemini is energetic, witty, sociable, but at the same time fickle, windy, selfish. Smooth negative traits correctly selected stones will help her character and strengthen the positive. How to choose your own, when and with what to wear it, read in this article.

Gemini ladies are best suited for stones of bright and juicy colors with an interesting shimmer. Minerals of yellow, golden, orange, green, purple shades... But cold (white, blue), as well as dark, gloomy or too expensive stones can bring bad luck to their mistress and take away her energy and cheerfulness.

It is important to understand what qualities you want to activate and why. Be sure to pay attention to the type of jewelry and the metal of the frame. We will talk about all this in detail below.

Best stones for Gemini women by date of birth

In many ways, personal feelings and your date of birth will help determine which stone is right for you. See below for a detailed list for each decade of the sign.

First decade (May 21-31)

Representatives of the sign, born in the first decade, are talented and successful people. They have a well-developed intuition and logic. They are generous and you can always rely on them. However, at times, they lack organization and ability to focus on one thing.

Moonstone, beryl, agate will be favorable for the twins of this period.

promotes the acquisition of harmony and balance, helps to concentrate and achieve success in work, as well as to better understand your soul mate. It is very important to know that it cannot be worn all the time. Greatest strength possesses during the growing moon, it is then that you should wear it. The rest of the time, it takes the energy of the hostess.

It is best if the stone is set in silver and decorates the ring. Preferably worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

enhances intellectual abilities, is considered the keeper of wisdom. It will help to complete what has been started, to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Preferably worn on a long chain under clothing as an amulet.

It will help you avoid embarrassing situations, relieve you of the intrigues of people who are hostile to you, and contribute to the acquisition of harmony and stability.

The stone will have the greatest effect on the left hand in a ring or bracelet.

Second decade (June 1 - 10)

Representatives of the second decade of the sign are especially charming and energetic. Their determination can border on aggression. They are selfish. They should pay attention to onyx, tiger's eye, citrine.

Able to calm the intensity of passions, make his mistress more calm and serious.

A distinctive feature of onyx is the presence of layers. Try to choose a stone that has more than two colored stripes. Keep in mind that onyx takes time to get used to the owner and begin to fully help him.

Will help her mistress to be kinder to others. It will help ladies with a creative nature to unleash their potential and avoid confusing situations. The stone is especially effective during periods of emotional stress.

It is preferable to wear a tiger's eye with a silver frame. In the form of a keychain, it will strengthen willpower.

Perfect fit business women, as she knows how to attract money, and will also help to successfully carry out complex financial transactions and avoid rash or risky decisions. It is extremely useful for those who often speak in public. It will help if you feel unwell.

For success in business, it is better to wear citrine in a ring on your right hand; for oratory feats, wear it in the form of a pendant around your neck.

Third decade (June 11-21)

Ladies born in the last decade of the sign are charming. They are light sunny people always in the spotlight. They are also observant and practical, but sharp-tongued and prone to outbursts of anger. Alexandrite, sapphire and tourmaline are perfect for them.

It will pacify an explosive character, calm down an overly emotional or impulsive hostess, help her find calmness and prudence.

It is best to put on a ring with alexandrite every day, be sure to take it off at night, then the stone will reveal its full potential. The stone does not tolerate loneliness and should always be paired.

(pink, colorless or red) bestows patience, nobility, restraint. It will enhance your natural sociability and help you attract more friends into your life.

Sapphire loves gold. Can be worn in a pendant, earrings or a ring. You should not constantly wear a sapphire ring on your ring finger, it is better to move it to your index finger.

Promotes building strong family, finding love, having children. Strengthens women's health.

The tourmaline must be gold-edged. A red tourmaline ring is a must-have for ladies looking for stability. Those looking for love prefer pink tourmaline rings and wear it on their ring finger.

Gemstones for a Gemini woman

  • Topaz will become one of the main gems for the twins. He endows women with attractiveness, calms, helps with nervous exhaustion and high emotional stress... A ring with topaz will strengthen your intuition, the main thing is not to wear it on Monday and Friday. The stone is not capricious and tolerates the neighborhood with other stones.
  • Emerald will give composure, help navigate big company, will calm you down. Hanging an emerald at the head of your bed can help dispel disturbing dreams. Creative natures jewelry with emeralds will give inspiration.
  • Opal will make her mistress more discerning and successful. Dress your opal in silver, but remember not to wear it all the time. It is better to choose an option in which the mineral will not come into contact with the skin, for example, a keychain.
  • Amethyst is a stone of tranquility. It will calm down its mistress and bring regularity and stability into her life.

Semi-precious stones for the Gemini woman

  • For Gemini, pomegranate is a stone of love. It will help you find your soul mate and not lose it in everyday problems... The pomegranate has many colors, prefer the green pomegranate. Best worn on the arm.
  • Rauchtopaz will reveal the creative potential of the hostess. It will also help to avoid a cursory glance at things. Helps in solving women's health problems. This is a powerful stone in energy, and the age of the future hostess is important for it: young girls will do well with light stones, and older women should prefer darker shades. Best of all, rauchtopaz will reveal its capabilities in a silver frame.
  • Rock crystal is a stone of wisdom and concentration. It will help to show flexibility, as well as to strengthen communication skills and will help in establishing connections, including with people who speak other languages. It is better to wear it in the form of a silver pendant or necklace, it is also allowed to wear it in a bracelet, but in a ring, rhinestone is more likely to harm the hostess.

Talismans and amulets for Gemini

In order for your jewelry with stones to be amulets, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • When buying jewelry, listen to your feelings., your feelings should only be positive. If something bothers you, do not buy this piece;
  • Take care of your stones, then they will reveal all their properties;
  • Be sure to take off your amulet pendant at night, but earrings can be worn all the time
  • Do not give anyone jewelry that has become an amulet or talisman for you., but do not wear or try on other people's jewelry yourself;
  • Stones have good energy presented from a pure heart.

What stones are not suitable for Gemini

Gemini are contraindicated in stones such as diamond, ruby ​​and aquamarine. They take energy, vitality and good luck.

Remember, Gemini is a light and changeable sign, so heavy and too expensive stones will not bring good luck to its representatives. Pick some amulets and may they bring you good luck!

Twins- sign of the air element. Changeable, windy and at the same time versatile, intelligent and sociable, they give the impression of friendly know-it-alls, and their natural charm attracts interesting people to them and makes it easier to achieve goals where others would spend a lot of effort.

To embody their ideas and achieve harmony, twins women are helped by talismans in the form of both precious (beryl, emerald, sapphire) and semi-precious stones (agate, rock crystal and some others).

An effective amulet will be the mineral chosen by the date of birth. Stones suitable for Gemini women are discussed below.

Stone selection by date of birth (decade):

  • Born 21 to 30 May beautiful representatives of the air are guarded by Jupiter. He develops a strong will, generosity, developed intuition and logic. For good luck and overcoming obstacles, moonstone, agate, rock crystal and beryl are suitable.
  • Women Born June 1-10 are Influenced by Mars... They are charming, purposeful, and often put their careers above other values. Under the unfavorable action of their planets, they become aggressive, hypocritical and egocentric. What stone is suitable for twins women of this decade to get rid of the bad manifestations of the stars, it is, first of all, citrine; onyx, chrysoprase and tiger's eye also work favorably.
  • The twins, born from June 11 to June 21, are patronized by the Sun. They are bright, with a sense of humor, intellectuals, but at the same time they are too vain, stubborn and talkative. The disadvantage of the girls of the third decade is the frequent change of mood, which is why they get irritated from scratch. To soften the unwanted traits, make sure to get emerald, sapphire, topaz and tourmaline.

Gemini's talismans for women can be gems of bright and warm colors. Crystals of light shades, yellow, green are preferable to choose. Having several minerals in the box, you can wear them depending on your mood.

Garnet stone for Gemini women

It got its name because of the similarity to the grains of the fruit of the same name. Has the ability to identify and concentrate the positive character traits of the owner. It also charges you with optimism and cheerfulness. recommend to people with strong energy, since it depletes the weak-willed even more.

Women of this sign can choose a mineral as a talisman for acquiring true love and friendship, it will help to show tact in relationships and depth of feelings. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with a pomegranate all the time, to relax it is worth taking it off for a while. Which ones you will learn here.

Gemini women

Gemini gems for women born under the sign of Gemini:

  1. Beryl. A noble crystal that has several varieties, differing colors... Thanks to impurities different metals(iron, magnesium, chromium) takes on shades from golden green (heliodor) to red (bixbit), it can be multi-colored and iridescent. V pure form beryl is colorless. In married twins, it restores family harmony, attracts free representatives of the sign to the life true love, mutual feelings. For active twins who are building a career, the stone is suitable as a talisman. It will help you not to abandon everything halfway, boldly go to the goal, quickly overcoming problems. In addition, it helps to improve memory and concentration, which allows you to quickly understand new information. The mineral will be a good helper in the treatment of various female ailments. Beryl is also used in the fight against colds, problems nervous system.
  2. Emerald. A beautiful precious mineral with a deep green color. One of the most expensive stones. Like no other, it is suitable for twins according to the horoscope. When exposed to it, there is pacification, peace of mind and even composure with stress, unnecessary anxiety and irritation. Strengthens memory, helps to determine your purpose in life, increases self-confidence. For the child, it will serve as a protector from the evil eye (including during pregnancy), while strengthening the family, and maintaining the loyalty and love of the spouses.
  3. Alexandrite. It changes color depending on the lighting and even the mood of the wearer, which echoes the twins' ambivalent nature. Shades go from bright saturated emerald to dark - of blue color and even burgundy red.
    Alexandrite carries with it an aura of balance, soothes and improves the processes of the nervous system, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The mineral is able to cool heated disputes and disagreements, acts as a talisman for evil intentions on the part of opponents. The owner will bestow happiness and prosperity in family life. At the same time, it is removed at night so as not to provoke energy leakage.
  4. Sapphire. This precious blue crystal will help you become restrained and patient. He reveals the talents of the air girl. It harmonizes relationships with people, while the social circle increases and the connections that Gemini need are acquired. The inconsistency of the zodiac sign is diminishing, and this has a positive effect on personal and professional relationships.

Natural stones for Gemini women

Natural include both precious and gender gems... The first ones were discussed above, so let's pay attention to the second ones.

Semi-precious stones for twin women:

Stones contraindicated for Gemini

Zodiac women should avoid heavy dark minerals. They draw out vitality and energy from them, bring them to depression, deprive them of ease of communication and a positive attitude towards the world. These are primarily diamonds and rubies. They attract a lot of trouble and worsen the health of women in the air element. They should also give up aquamarine.

Basic amulets made of stones for Gemini women.

What stones are best for Gemini women to wear as amulets, crystals that suit them primarily in terms of energy will tell you. It is worth paying attention to minerals, based on the individual character of the girl. It can be both semiprecious and precious crystals.

Choosing the first, you can wear them in Everyday life, as precious minerals will not always look appropriate.

The most favorable of them for the human aura are:

  • agate - worn on the left hand in the form of a ring or bracelet,
  • tiger eye - best used in a pendant,
  • rhinestone - also worn as a pendant or pendant,
  • citrine - worn in or in a ring of other material on the ring finger right hand, and when speaking in front of an audience, they put it on the neck,
  • chrysoprase is worn as a necklace or pendant on a thin silver chain.

Gems are more active and fit strong personalities, it is not recommended to use them around the clock.

Features of Gemini Wearing Gems:

  • The influence of alexandrite will be more effective if it is in a ring with a gold rim on the middle finger. It is better to use it in a set with other jewelry - a necklace or earrings.
  • For the manifestation of its qualities, the emerald is recommended to be worn on the little finger.
  • Beryl can be worn as a pendant to adjust family relationships and find love, or in a gold ring on the ring finger for good luck.
  • Sapphire, as an amulet, will fit in the form of a ring or bracelet.

The given tips for wearing certain stones according to the sign of the zodiac as a talisman are proven and effective. At the same time, attention is paid to the considered crystals by date of birth, but what stones to wear for Gemini women is up to them, especially if they liked jewelry or products with gems not of their own decade. Your mineral is felt at a subtle energy level.

The sons of Leda Castor and Polidevk were beautiful and strong. Born on the same day, they were indistinguishable from each other. But there was a difference between them, which made them suffer mental anguish: Polideukos was the son of Zeus, he was destined for a place on Olympus and immortal life, Castor was the son of a mortal and after life was doomed to a miserable existence in the dark kingdom of Hades.

Polideukos pleaded, asked his father to equalize them with his brother, so as not to part with them ever. The Lord of Olympus awarded: one day the brothers spend on Olympus, among the gods, one day both go to gloomy Tartarus, to the kingdom of the dead. And so it happened.

This dual nature of Gemini makes them so attractive and obnoxious, frivolous and wise, talkative and silent, sociable and withdrawn. Their mood can change instantly, and among the thousands of things they manage to do at the same time, they cannot choose the main thing.

Their lightness and versatile interests provide Gemini with many friends, acquaintances and acquaintances. Their ambiguity and changeability guarantee them the presence of enemies, whom the representatives of the most sociable sign of the Zodiac easily turn into their friends.

What minerals will decorate Gemini

People born under the constellation Castor and Polidevka need concentration, peace, choice, protection and restraint. What stones are suitable for Gemini and have a beneficial effect on their ebullient nature? It all depends on the date of birth:

  • 05.21 - 05.31 - moonstone, malachite, jade, agate;
  • 01.06 - 10.06 - cat's eye, amber, citrine;
  • 11.06 - 21.06 - beryl, onyx, opal.

Alexandrite is suitable for all Gemini, regardless of the date of birth.

Metals and cut

Gold is too heavy a metal for Gemini jewelry. The light disposition and sociability of the representatives of this sign requires the same lightness and airiness from the metal frames of minerals. Silver - the best choice for Gemini.

In a silver frame, they look great: malachite, moonstone, amber, beryl, opal or onyx.

Cat's eye, citrine, malachite can and should be worn as talismans and amulets without any frame. The strength of the stones will be stronger, and the properties will appear better.

Figurines made of jade or malachite - a drop, an elephant, a mask, a ball - the best amulet for Gemini. Amber with inclusions in the form of air bubbles also works well.

The cut of crystals of jewelry for Gemini can be any, the main thing is that it helps to reveal the beauty of the stone, its features. While citrine and beryl look great when cut into a diamond, then cat's eye, opal, malachite, amber and onyx look better when cut into a cabochon.

The symbolic meaning and properties of Gemini stones

Being under the auspices of Mercury (Hermes), representatives of the most airy and lightest sign of the Zodiac risk dissolving in their stormy activity, losing themselves. Gemini stone talismans possess magical properties, capable of improving the health and the very quality of life of the representatives of this sign.

Moonstone - puts in order thoughts, relieves internal tension, develops oratorical abilities and attracts love;

Malachite - will bring harmony to life, maintain health, save from the influence of negative energy, relieve empty worries and fears;

Jade - will moderate passions, strengthen intuition, help get rid of financial problems, attract prosperity and good luck;

- helps to quickly determine the choice, make the owner more persistent and more confident in himself, in case of danger, the stone will save and help;

Cat's eye - makes the owner more attractive, helps with diseases of the throat and lungs, facilitate any negotiations and ensure victory in disputes;

- brings happiness and health to the owner, helps to overcome all hardships for pregnant women, drives away all evil and attracts wealth;

Citrine - gives the owner the ability to foresee the future, accumulates positive energy that can protect the owner from all evil;

Beryl - a symbol of love and prosperity, will bring optimism in the most difficult situations, strengthen the strength of the spirit, save you from misfortunes during travel;

- gives power over other people, relieves indecision and shyness, makes its bearer a winner;

Opal - will ensure success in all matters, relieve gloomy thoughts, a symbol of trust and sincerity;

Alexandrite - prosperity, longevity, enhances creativity.

For woman, girl and man

The answer to the question of which talisman gem is suitable for a twin woman according to the horoscope lies in the characteristics of this sign. The dual nature of Gemini suggests that the crystals that bring them good luck must have the same nature.

Alexandrite is just such a stone. In daylight, it is dark green, and in the evening, when artificial lighting, the stone fills with a reddish-purple color. This property of the mineral makes it attractive for those who do not want to part with their favorite amulet. The stone is suitable for both everyday wear and for publication, creating a mysterious and attractive image of the owner of Alexandrite.

Citrine jewelry is always smart and elegant. The soft and muted colors of this mineral will be effectively accentuated by a matching dress. The yellow-brown scale of these crystals creates a halo of fun, makes communication easy and pleasant.

For twin girls, jewelry is perfect, in which the "main violin" is played by the onyx talisman stone. This mineral has many colors, but the most exquisite is pink stone (pink onyx). A necklace or bracelet made of pink onyx is the best amulet and delicate adornment for a girl.

Jewelry made of amber will not only adorn any twin woman, but also protect from any negativity. Beads and necklaces are recommended for pregnant women, earrings and rings with this stone for young girls.

For independent and assertive natures, a moonstone is perfect for constant wear. This type of Gemini needs special protection, which the stone will provide.

Watch the expert's story in the video:

Stones for men

The mascot stone for twin men by their zodiac sign can be any of the above list. This is not to say that citrine or beryl with their soft and delicate shades will attract the representatives of the stronger sex themselves. But malachite cufflinks, jade keychains, rings with agate, a lighter trimmed with cat's eye plates are a wonderful decoration and good talisman for a twin man.

For a man, this air sign is well suited in the form of a massive amulet silver ring with amber.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that metals have a certain effect on humans. They assumed that each material has its own energy and transfers it to a person. Amulets and charms were made for various precious metals. The craftsmen understood that it is possible to change the shape of this or that material, but its properties will remain the same. In ancient times, the seventh metals were endowed with special properties. Three of them - gold, silver and platinum - are called precious today.

Platinum can rightfully be called unique in its properties. She has no negative memory, she has light and pure properties. That is why amulets are most often made from platinum. For example, a bracelet made of this precious metal enhances positive attitude man, and earrings sharpen a woman's sense of intuition. A platinum chain, according to magicians and alchemists, will protect from all negative and show the right path.

If you are haunted by failures, you want to change your life for the better - pick up correct talisman... Your zodiac sign will tell you the solution itself. The best mascot for the sign of the zodiac is semi-precious and precious stones and metals. If you wear them every day, your life will sparkle with new colors. Nature and Space merge in harmony for you. Your life begins to change in better side, after all negative energy will be reflected. So life is easier and more pleasant - feel the energy of an effective amulet on yourself. The harmony of your life is closer than it seems. For zodiac signs, talismans and amulets help you in your daily life. It is better to wear such an item without removing it. This will provide you with constant protection.

If the right talisman can improve life, then it is chosen incorrectly - on the contrary, it will bring headaches, setbacks, unnecessary worries. Look at your jewelry - is it suitable for your sign? Also select the mascot of the zodiac sign strictly in accordance with the date of birth.

It is very useful to combine stone and metal. Such combinations can be difficult to find, but if you really want to create a good amulet, order your combination from a jeweler. Zodiac signs are talismans for those who value their life. Harmony is available to you, which is impossible without the right energy. This is your personal beacon through which your constellation will find you. Metals should not be mixed - silver and gold on one hand can damage your energy, because these are metals of different groups. It is best to choose your metal for yourself. Usually planetary metals are good for their signs. You will not feel discomfort, allergies will not come.

An amulet for a zodiac sign with the image of your sign will become not only a strong helper, but also a decoration. Perhaps he will attract the attention of your significant other. When influenced by your sign and the right amulet, it is very easy to build a harmonious family life... The energy of the stars will help to grow happiness and love. This is especially important for those who are going through not the most pleasant period in life, trying to keep their family together, and cannot start a relationship. In nature, everything is simple - it will not be difficult to find and buy a small pebble, and the effect will delight you.

The Taurus element is Earth. Calm, confident Taurus should wear jewelry with turquoise and sapphires. Astrologers assure that sapphire is able to strengthen memory, and turquoise is a kind of amulet against diseases. Also, people of this sign should introduce jewelry inlaid with agates, opals, emeralds, jade into their wardrobe. But they should not wear the brand. The products of the models "Louise" and "Shakira" are suitable for Fairy Taurus.

The multifaceted nature of Capricorns can smooth and "simplify" onyx. This stone is able to enhance the dignity of the owner. Capricorns are recommended to have jewelry with ruby, pomegranate, moonstone, lapis lazuli. Jewelry with onyx models "Calypso" and "Lady" will look better than you.

Inventive and charismatic Scorpios, who are often envied by others, must wear beryl stone as a talisman. In addition, choose jewelry with aquamarine - the "Wave" and "Grapes" models from Golden Silver, - carbuncle, moonstone, topaz, malachite. Base iron and steel help Scorpios hold back their emotions. However, “cold” white silver will do the job just fine.

Surprisingly feminine and hardworking women - virgins, manage not only to be wonderful housewives, but also to remain beauties. The women of this earth sign have excellent taste and a unique ability to create coziness. A gift for such a woman should be special, and what could be better than a commemorative gem? ! Read and take note!

Allergy to gold - is it really possible? It turns out, yes! People are faced with this problem more and more often. Gold is an inert metal, does not react with almost any chemical compounds, which means it should not cause allergies. A 100% gold allergic reactions and does not call. The impurities with which they are diluted are to blame for everything. a precious metal to increase its weight and reduce the cost of expensive jewelry: cobalt, nickel, manganese, chromium, etc.

The colors of this zodiac sign are soft yellow and green. They have a wonderful property: to awaken the best feelings, as well as to give softness, tenderness and soothing. Aries, with their penchant for irrepressible courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help find balance.

In general, gemstones are unique pieces of jewelry that many women and men choose. Meanwhile, one cannot underestimate the astrological nature and potential power of such stones, which is revealed individually in each sign of the zodiac.

Third fire sign of the zodiac Sagittarius symbolizes the light of spirituality, mature, born in Aries and hardened in the fire of a lion. The softness of the forms as the basis for the expressiveness of the symbolism of the sign is a characteristic advantage for Sagittarius.

The best gemstone for Capricorn is a deep red ruby. For the climb up career ladder It is useful for Capricorns and men and women to buy a pendant with a graphic image of the symbol of the sign.

Graceful, timid Virgins love Jewelry... This zodiac sign is, as it were, created for sensual self-expression, for romantic illusions, for mysterious half-mystical dreams. Emerald and jasper, pomegranate and chalcedony are especially favorable for Virgins. But alexandrite, coral and sapphire are not suitable for Virgo.

This strong sign zodiac, which is characterized by properties such as stability and endurance. Taurus representatives can perfectly manage a business, understand commerce, they understand the importance of money and other values ​​in life.

The graphic representation of the zodiac speaks of the need for constant balance and harmony. Libra reveres and respects history, its cyclicality and constancy, precious stones in old bindings, rare caskets and furniture can be a talisman. A personal silver amulet in the shape of a scale will help you find inner harmony and confidence in the future.

Born in the hottest months, lions need constant nourishment to maintain vitality, tone and stability. Traditional symbols - figurines of an eagle or a lion are painted gold. Gold and material valuable things will protect the lion, it is better to use a gold coin or precious stones to create a personal amulet.

Most often, Ophiuchus does not need additional support, the main source of strength and protection is self-sacrifice. In addition to stones, a personal talisman can be graphic image signs, items of red color, symbols are associated with treatment and health.

Sign gravitates towards water element, when choosing a talisman for fish, it is impossible to make a mistake. Any image or figure of fish brings wealth and success; sea ​​stones and shells give harmony, protect from worries and troubles in life. Items blue contribute to creative development. The mission of fish is spiritual growth, they will help to achieve the goal musical instruments, amulets from natural materials lubricated with essential oils.

No spiritual practice is complete without natural stones. With their help, they tune in to subtle vibrations and meditate. Choosing stones according to the sign of the zodiac, you buy your isodiacal talismans, which will help your body heal from diseases, provide protection from negative energy and bring good luck throughout your life.

In progress permanent use it is necessary to periodically clean the stone talismans, removing all the accumulated negative from them. Sometimes the stones themselves give you signals that they are overloaded with information and require cleaning - they fall out of the frame, begin to interfere with you, there is a feeling of heaviness in the neck if the stone is in the pendant, the “tired” gem in the ring suddenly starts to cling to everything, etc. This sure sign that a pebble requires water treatments.

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a whole group of stones - talismans, so you can pick up various minerals with those properties that are most necessary for you at this stage. At the same time, you are not strictly tied to any one stone.

The procedure for cleaning natural stones is very simple - absolutely everyone can handle it. The stone is lowered into a transparent glass vessel with clean water and remains for several hours in a good illuminated place - the gem must be in contact with water and sunlight. Water, as a custodian of information, will take up all the negative, and the Sun will charge its structure new energy... After the cleaning procedure, water is necessarily poured out and is not used anywhere. Better to pour water into the ground. Ordinary table salt copes well with negative energy - after the procedure, it also cannot be used.

Gemini is associated with the planet Mercury. The Roman god of the same name was responsible for cunning and deceit, therefore the metal of Gemini is the mobile and changeable of all - mercury. Stones - talismans for this sign are all transparent green and blue stones: beryl, topaz, aquamarine.

Pisces receive all the energy of cold Neptune, which allows them to feel the world in a slightly different way than other people. And the stones of this sign are unusual - pearls and coral, donated by the living sea. Pisces' metals are light silver and tin.

Cancers are helped by the forces of the closest patron to the Earth - the Moon, so their main stone is, as expected, the moonstone. The metal is only silver. Jewelry made from these two materials will be a good protective amulet.

Sagittarius is helped by the powerful Jupiter, which gives them leadership qualities... All stones of golden shades, as well as sparkling aventurine, are suitable for this darling of fate. The metal of Sagittarius is yellow gold.