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Vitamin is not synthesized in the human body. Sunny Vitamin: Time to receive and accumulate. A completely simple solution

And in the dark and cold winter months, when so little sun and colds and viral diseases wait for each angle, and in hot sunny summer, when it is so easy to burn on the burning sun, the most important factor for maintaining immunity is the high level of vitamin d in the body, which Directly depends on the amount of ultraviolet radiation obtained. Numerous studies are now held on this topic, which often refute the data that was previously considered immutable facts and as a result, recommendations are often directly directly opposite to those who have been given earlier. You probably heard some blurry tips, for example, to be in the sun "a few minutes every day." But they are too common and uncertain to be useful. The amount of sun, which is needed to meet the need for vitamin E varies greatly depending on your location, type of skin, season time, time of day, and even atmospheric conditions.
Bar myths:
1. Tanning is best to 12 days and after 15 pm.

4. With the help of any solarium, you can score the missing vitamin D in winter.

1. Tanning is best to 12 days and after 15 pm.
The optimal time of staying in the sun for the production of vitamin D, as far as possible, in the middle of the afternoon, about 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

The fact is that the region of ultraviolet radiation includes waves of various ranges that are conditionally divided into three groups:

UV (UVA) (315-400 nm)

UV-B (UVB) (280-315 nm)

UV-C (UVC) (100-280 nm)

Rays UV-A and UV is able to pass through the ozone layer to achieve our skin, but they differ significantly when it comes to their individual characteristics.

UVB rays:

    Respond to the launch of vitamin D production in the skin.

    Are the cause of tan.

    Cannot penetrate glass or clothing.

    Active only at certain times of the year and day.

UVA rays

    Do not cause the production of vitamin d in the skin.

    Do not cause sunburns.

    Peel into the skin deeper than the UVB rays and, therefore, are the cause of premature aging, color changes, and wrinkles.

    They can penetrate through glass and clothing, and are active throughout the year all day.

Between 11:00 in the morning and 3:00 pm, a rather short time of staying in the sun for obtaining vitamin D, because the UVB rays are most intense at this time. But you need to be very careful with the time of staying in the sun. Remember that enough such effect so that the skin becomes a slightly pink shade. Some it takes several minutes, and someone can an hour and more, after which the chances of burning are increasing, and this, definitely, I would like to avoid. The fact is that the body can only produce a limited amount of vitamin d per day. After it reaches its limit. Further staying in the sun will only bring harm and damage to the skin.
When the sun goes down to the horizon, then the UVB rays is filtered up much more than dangerous UVA. It is also possible that the sun at 9 am or 5 pm will reduce the level of vitamin D, since it is data that the UVA is destroyed.
Thus, if you want to enter the sun to optimize the production of vitamin D, and minimize the risk of malignant melanoma - the middle of the day is the best and safest time.

2. To maintain the required level of vitamin D in the body, it is enough to substitute your hands and face 2-3 times a week for 5-15 minutes during the summer months.
It is believed that most people are just a 15-minute impact of ultraviolet in order to form so much vitamin d in the skin, how much, according to the recommendations of the doctors, should be produced daily to maintain health.
However, as soon as you have a tan, you need to spend much more time in the sun. If you have dark skin, then the achievement of the point of equilibrium can take from two to six times more (up to hours or two), depending on pigmentation. People with light skin face. Living rather far from the equator (for example, in the UK or in the North of the United States, the middle band of Russia) requires at least three of the 20 minute sessions per week, with a bright half-hearted sunlight and with a minimum of clothing. Dark-skinned person, of course, should be much more in the sun, and more often to get the same effect.

This information is only starting to penetrate the media, so it is important to emphasize this moment.

3. Going to the Sun must always use sunscreen.
Keep in mind that the use of a sunscreen is largely neglecting your efforts to metabolize enough vitamin D. It is advisable to make sure that you have no vitamin D deficiency before resorting to sunscreen of any kind.

But, if you really need some form of protection, when you are in the sun for long periods of time, it is better to use light clothes to cover outdoor sections, or look for more secure, naturalsunscale products that do not contain petroleum products.
It is also important to remember that if you use the sun or safe solarium to get vitamin D, then you need to take into account that, in order for vitamin E to switch from the surface of the skin in the bloodstream, you need about 48 hours, and you can easily wash it off with soap and water. Thus, it makes sense to be limited to minimal hygienic procedures for at least 48 hours so that all vitamin E is absorbed. Whatever it sounds strange, washing can reduce all your efforts.

4. With any solarium, you can score the missing vitamin D in winter.
In winter, many use solarium to prepare the skin for the summer sun, support the level of vitamin D, avoid winter depression, and just for beauty. If someone does it in a commercial place, remember, it is desirable to ask the owners about which lamps they use. There are solariums in which the UVA and UVB radiation are used in different proportions, and in some only UVA. As noted above, the UVB radiation is necessary for the production of vitamin D. On a natural Sun, the ratio of UVA and UVB is about 2.5-5.0% UVB, respectively, to be solarium with 5% UVB and 95% UVA is about the same as if you were on the bright sunlight in the middle of the day and this enough to get the desired dose of UVB radiation, and consequently vitamin D.

In recent years, it becomes more and more obvious that even given the recommendations of scientists and doctors, it is not so easy to understand what measures need to be taken to. On the one hand, due to excessive caution, do not deprive themselves by the fact that the body requires to maintain good self-confidence, and on the other, it is not harmful to itself, neglecting dangerous factors.
The exact data that Openweathermap supplies to the IT market using the most advanced technologies (for example, Big Data) can be both, in many areas already are the basis for products that can help people get accurate forecasts and recommendations to save and protect their health. .

Such the necessary children, and adults, Vitamin D, is not as simple as it may seem. And scientists are still arguing - whether it is enough to get sunny baths enough in summer to provide a children's body with a daily dose of vitamin D.

All moms know - Vitamin E deficiency causes Rahit in children, and this is a fact proven scientifically. But it turns out that its meaning is much wider - since without this, the vitamin does not absorb calcium, follows a logical conjunction, teeth and all tissues that require calcium with a lack of vitamin D suffer. Vitamin D participates in lipid metabolism, preventing obesity, reduces the risk of oncology ((breast cancer, rectum, prostate), for the exclusion of skin cancer, alas. Helps support immunity at the required level. Receptors for vitamin D discovered in almost all tissues of the human body .

Sources of vitamin D.

A group of biologically active substances discovered in 1922 includes several subspecies, including a cholecalciferol, which is synthesized in our skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays from provitamin D3, and ergocalciferol coming with vitamin D2. The cholecalciferol is absorbed significantly and since it is fat-soluble vitamin, accumulates in the body and is consumed throughout the year.

Products rich in vitamin D know everything, but I remind you:

  • Fish fat
  • Fatty fish varieties
  • Cod liver
  • Fatty dairy products - butter, sour cream, cheese
  • Egg yolk
  • Forest mushrooms (chanterelles)
  • Yeast

But it is worth considering - the amount of ergocalciferol in the products is completely insufficient and without sunlight its deficit is provided.

What prevents the development of vitamin D

In order to obtain the necessary dose of vitamin D, it is necessary to comply with certain rules, because it is proved that factors that can interfere too much.

  1. It is so reliably that provitamin D is produced with maximum intensity at the length of the sunny rays of 280-315 nm, which they reach during the zenith - that is, in our latitudes it is from about 11:00 to 14:00. Of course, in such hours to be in the open sun children, especially small, completely unacceptable. But it was during this period that a few minutes enough to get a daily dose of vitamin.
  2. Since ultraviolet rays do not penetrate through any materials, if the child is in the shade of trees, walks in clothes when most of the body is closed, covered with even the thinnest sheet, or looks at the sunshine through the closed window, cholealcyferol is not produced.
  3. Full cloud reduces the effect of ultraviolet radiation by 50-60%. But does not exclude at all, just the time of exposure will need more
  4. It also matters the skin color - in the lateral kids with a small amount of pigment melanin vitamin D is produced faster, it is more solar rays for a sufficient number of cholecalciferol.
  5. It interferes with the development of vitamin d any with the level of protection (SPF) more than 8, and for children it is recommended to use much more powerful protection.

Thus, it turns out that it is accurate to calculate how long the child needs to be in the open sun to fully provide it with vitamin E, it is unambiguous to say difficult. How to name the amount of vitamin D, which is produced in 5 minutes - it is very individual and depends on many factors. In any case, the time from 11 to 14 is not suitable for solar baths the smallest, and older children are quite dangerous. What to do?

Vitamins - This is a group of low molecular weight organic compounds relative to the simple structure and a variety of chemical nature, combined on the basis of the absolute need for these substances for heterotrophic (incapable of their synthesis, but in the needy) of the body as part of the food.Vitamins (from Latin vita. - "Life"), in contrast to amino acids, proteins or lipids, it is difficult to call even the class of organic substances, because Connections of this group almost impossible to find general chemical properties. Vitamins are kept in food (or in the environment) in very small quantities, and therefore relate to micronutrients.

Vitamins - "Amines of Life": This name came up with the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk, highlighting a substance that prevents the disease of Bury Take, and finding out that it has the properties of the amine ( Amines - this is organic compoundsderived Ammonia, in the molecule of which ( NH 3.) One, two or three hydrogen atoms are replaced by hydrocarbon radicals. As an ammonia derivatives, the amines have a building similar to it and show similar properties). However, it turned out later that the amino group is not all (!) Vitamins.Vitamins - These are organic substances, First of all, are not sources of energy or building material, secondly, it is nevertheless necessary for the normal operation of the body and, thirdly, in the body are not synthesized at all or synthesized in insufficient quantities. And they are necessary because they are part of enzymes or coenzymes (molecules-assistants).

Vitamins are included in the top five mandatory groups of cellular nutrition factors. They are a weak place of a huge network of metabolic reactions (metabolism) in the human body. The absence of any vitamin breaks only a few threads, but, as you know, small cuts tend to spread into huge holes. In general, this situation is described in the old English song: "There was no nail - the horseshoe disappeared, there were no horseshoes - the horse loosened, the horse looked down - the commander killed ...". The reaction was stopped - the substrate began to accumulate, in certain doses, as a rule, harmful to the cell cell; There was a lack of product, as well as products of all subsequent reactions of the branching network.

It should be noted that the "product" of many vitamin-dependent reactions is the energy obtained by oxidation of fat and carbohydrates and sparkled in the form of ATP (approx.: AdenosineRithhosphate is a nucleotide that plays the most important role in the exchange of energy and substances in organisms; first of all, the connection is known As a universal energy source for all biochemical processes occurring in live systems). So, there will be no vitamins - food will not feed cells. And all this is not happening in the only (!) Cage, and in the whole organism, and each organ, each tissue reacts to the problem in its own way ...

Mandatory factors of cell nutrition of the body

The figure shows the five groups of mandatory nutritional factors of the human body cells: 20 amino acids, 15 minerals, 12 vitamins, 7 enzymes and 3 types of essential fatty acids:

I want to ask: how did evolution allow such a mistake?
Why, since the vitamins are so important, they are not synthesized in the body in sufficient quantity? There would be a dozen enzymes by a dozen enzymes - could eat with one porridge, one potato, in one meat without vegetables or a nourishing cocktail of a simple composition ... But the fact of the matter is that almost all over the history of the species, our omnivities properly provided the influx of these substances. They were synthesized by other organisms that had the necessary enzymes - plants and animals, which then fell into the stomachs to our ancestors. Therefore, probably enzymes and adapted to use molecules coming with food in order to effectively carry out reactions. And only when in the diet starts to miss something, it turns out how much this is something we need ...

Currently, there are 13 vitamins, of which 9 water-soluble and 4 fat soluble

Fat-soluble vitamins (a, d, e, to) They have a feature to give serious complications if they are taken in large doses.

Water soluble vitamins (vitamins C, P and vitamins of groups in) Displays from the body with urine, if their dose is redundant, and with fat soluble, this focus does not pass. There are cases when the polar explosions died from hypervitaminosa a, revealing the liver of a polar bear. The fact is that the liveries of vertebrate animals in the cold Arctic areas accumulate especially a lot of this vitamin.

Synthesis of vitamins bacteria probiotics

Vitamins in the national economy are synthesized mainly by chemical trees or are obtained from natural sources. However, ergosterine, riboflavin (B2), vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid (used as selective oxidizing agents of sorbitol in sorbose) are obtained by microbiological means. It should be emphasized that fermentation of milk or other food medium with probiotic cultures allows you to qualitatively enrich the products with vitamins, with respect to which their bodies-producers are autotrophic microorganisms.

O industrial synthesis of vitamins see

Microorganisms (bacteria) contain quite a lot of vitamins, which are most often part of their enzymes. The composition and amount of vitamins in microbial biomass depend on the biological properties of the culture of microorganisms and cultivation conditions (changing the conditions of the nutrient medium, the content of individual vitamins can be increased). Some vitamins of microorganisms can be synthesized, others opposite can only be absorbed in the finished form from the environment. Culture capable of synthesize any vitamin is called authotrophic in relation to it if the culture is not capable of synthesizevitamin, mustnecessary for labeling (cell growth), then it is heterotrophic (orauto-heterotrophic), and the corresponding vitamin refers to the group of growth substances, i.e. is a mandatory growth factor for these microorganisms (approx.: It is these properties of microorganisms that were taken into account when creating innovative bacterial probiotic starts for the production of maximum vitaminized fermented milk bioproducts).

Biofidobacteria and Proponionic bacteria A sufficient number of vitamins important for the body of the human body are capable of synthesize, i.e. These microorganisms in relation to the specified vitamins are autotrophic bacteria. New probiotic starters are considered as the most effective food processors with vitamins of the group in, because Pexpecting research of doctors and microbiologists confirmed that the use of vitamins in a coenpanic (associated microbial cell protein) easily disliked form. Therefore, an important role in the prevention and treatment of the above-mentioned diseases can be played by fermented milk products containing bifido- and propionic acid bacteria - producers of vitamins of group V.

What vitamins are the synthesis of probiotic microorganisms

Proponionic bacteria

Stripping from the data obtained from numerous studies, the cultures under consideration are produced by group B vitamins. Moreover, propionic acid bacteria (PKB) are synthesized vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), nicotinic acid(Vitamin RR, Niacin, Vitamin B3), B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid (vitamin B9), and also stand out (!) Synthesis of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).


Bifidobacteria synthesize vitamin to, contribute to the absorption of vitamin d, dresidually actively produce vitamins B1, B2, B6, incl. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), nicotinic acid (vitamin RR, niacin, vitamin B3), biotin (vitamin H, coenzyme R, VitaminAT 7 ), as well as folic acid (vitamin B9).

see also: Vitaminsit-sensitive bifidobacterium ability

We emphasize that the PKB is used in the industrial synthesis of vitamin B12 for the pharmaceutical industry. The unique ability of these bacteria to vitamin synthesis, made it possible to consider probiotic products based on bifido- and propionic acid bacteria, as effective means for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, which are among the most common speciesalimentary diseases .

Due to the fact that about vitaminson the Internet is available there is quite a lot of information, we give only a general characteristic and a brief description of the properties of the vitamins of the group B, and we describe the properties of some of them separately: cyanocobalamin (B12), folic acid (B9), thiamine (B1).

Vitamins Group B.

All group vitamins in ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and are responsible for energy exchange. The activity of the immune system, the efficiency of growth and reproduction of cells is also largely dependent on this complex. Modern people dealing with mental and emotional workloads, stress, chronic diseases, group vitamins are needed in large quantities.

The vitamins of the group in were statenly open throughout the first half of the last century. At the same time, they often "opened" several times under different names, so there is still some confusion in their names. Over time, scientists have established the exact structure of each vitamin from the group B and as a result it became clear that some of the substances called vitamins are not available. For example, vitamin B11 completely coincides with the formula with an amino acid L-carnitium.

Today, the presence is officially recognized seven (!) vitamins Groups in:

This is vitamin B 1 (thiamine), vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), vitamin B 3 (RR or nicotinic acid), vitamin B 5 (Pantotenova acid), vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B 9 (folic acid), vitamin V 12 .

All group vitamins are actively involved as coenzymes in cellular metabolism. They contribute to the intensification of the work of the cells of the brain (neurons), improving the transfer of nerve pulses both inside the brain and in the peripheral nervous system. Each of the vitamins of the group B has its "specialization" and therefore is a vital vitamin for the human body.

! Vitamin B1 (thiamine) affects the nervous system and mental abilities.Therefore, when it is short, the memory is sharply deteriorated, thoughts are confused (thiamine is involved in the glucose brain supply). We should not have a lack of vitamin, because it is easily absorbed and quickly enters the blood. Plus, it is in many products: cereals, rice, legumes. However, it is necessary to take into account that thiamine is mainly in the grain husk, so it is much smaller in the treated croup. By the way, according to some data, vitamin B1 reduces dental pain after dental operations.

! Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) participates in the work of any cell cell,in all metabolic processes. It is important for vision, normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, for hemoglobin synthesis. With its lack, sports will bring fatigue rather than vigor, since efforts will not "turn into muscles." Vitamin B2 is sensitive to the effects of light. In 3 hours, 70% of riboflavin collapses in the product in the product. Therefore, for example, dairy products are produced in opaque packages. But Vitamin B2 is well tolerating high temperatures. The main sources: meat, milk, liver and nuts. Vitamin B2 has yellow and used in the food industry (Dye E101).

! Vitamin VZ (Vitamin PP, Niacin) Participates in the biosynthesis of hormones (estrogen, progesterone, cortisone, testosterone, insulin and others). Plus Vitamin Vz participates in the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Niacin is very important not only for physical, but also for nervous health, and if you remember that initially Vitamin Cons was considered a medicine from Pellagra, the signs of which are penette, it becomes clear that it is also needed for healthy skin.

Vitamin B4 ( choline) Improves memory, promotes the transport and exchange of fats in the liver. Under its influence, the metabolism of substances in the nervous tissue is improved, the formation of gallstones is prevented, the exchange of fats is normalized.Large quantities are contained in eggs and sub-products.

! Vitamin IN5 (Pantothenic acid) Although it is contained in almost all products, but it is still possible: in frozen products, vitamin B5 is less than a third, half of the nicin is lost during heat treatment.It is simple to notice his shortage: if your hands and legs often appear, a feeling of tingling appears in the fingers, you need to take vitamin additionally. A large amount of pantothenic acid is required by the brain, because without this, the vitamin will not reach the signals from the senses. B5 also participates in the synthesis of coenzyme A, which supplies the cells of the bodyenergy helps to "burn fat" and reduces cholesterol levels.

Vitamin B5 protects the mucous membranes from infections, it helps with the regeneration of the mucous membranes, is responsible for the splitting of fats, therefore its lack leads to an increase in body weight. Provitamin B5, Panthenol - the only of the vitamins is well absorbed when applied to the skin. Therefore, it is used in drugs from burns and in cosmetics.

! Vitamin B6. (pyridoxine) - a group of related substances: pyridoxal, pyridoxamine. They are contained in all protein products. Participate in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, to which the "hormone of happiness" of serotonia and the substance responsible for the good mood, appetite and strong sleep.

Also B6 contributes to the formation of red blood cells and glycogen. Pull your hand with a palm, then try to bend the two end joints on four fingers (palm should not be compressed in the fist) until the fingertips touch the palms. If it succeeds with difficulty, then you have a lack of B6.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin, Vitamin H) - "Vitamin Beauty",like other vitamins of B Group, biotin actively participates in the most important to maintain life the process of converting carbohydrate carbohydrates in glucose, which the body further uses as a source of energy. Biotin is also needed for normal metabolism of fatty acids, maintaining the health of skin, hair and nails, with his participation there are some processes, important to work organs of vision, liver and soto.

Vitamin B8 (inositol) reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver, restores the structure of the nervous tissue, works as an antioxidant and an antidepressant, normalizes the sleep, healing the skin. It is produced by the organism itself, no food contains.

Vitamin AT 10 O'CLOCK ( paramyinobenzoic acid ) activates the intestinal flora,participates in the process of assimilation of protein and in the production of red blood cells. Important for skin health. It is contained in beer yeast, milk, eggs, potatoes.

Vitamin AT 11 ( levokarnitin ) stimulates the energy exchange, increases the body's protective forces, is necessary at large physical exertion. Improves the activity of the most energy-intensive systems - brain, heart, muscles, kidneys. It is contained in germinated wheat, yeast, dairy products, meat, fish.

! Vitamin B12 (Kobalamin, Cyanocobalamin) it is impossible to find in any product of plant origin: neither plants nor animals synthesize it.Vitamin B12 is produced by microorganisms, mainly bacteria, blue-green algae, actinomycetes and accumulates mainly in the liver and kidney of animals. Therefore, vegetarians always have a deficit of this vitamin. B12 protects nervous fibers from the destruction. His lack causes depression, confusion, sclerosis. Bleeding without vitamin B12, it leads to sudden bleeding from the nose, nausea, anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency is manifested in muscle fatigue and very fast fatigue.

How to determine the vitamin deficit of the group in

To determine the shortage of vitamins of the group B, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the state of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that the group's vitamins are involved in all the metabolic processes, it is the nervous system that suffers first. The manifestations of hypovitaminosis can be different. As a rule, the first simtomas are blurred and can remain unnoticed for a long time.

This is both increased fatigue, weakness, chronic fatigue, reduction of memory and performance. But if you do not pay attention to them, there are also serious neurological violations: tingling and numbness of fingers and legs, fears, nervousness, depression, sleep disorders.

In high doses Vitamins of groups are needed to women during pregnancy and lactation, when using hormonal contraceptives, with acute somatic and infectious diseases. As well as people with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the syndrome of Malabsorption, when the suction of nutrients and vitamins is impaired.

Diseases of the digestive organs entail a disorder of intestinal microflora, which affects the synthesis and assimilation of the Vitamins of Group V.

However, remember that these vitamins are poorly absorbed while using not only alcohol, sugar, but also any vitamins of another group, antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazide, anticonvulsant drugs, as well as sorbents.

Hypovitaminosis B1.With a slight disadvantage of vitamin, functional disorders of the central nervous system are noticed - irritability, insomnia, nervous depletion, fatigue, manifestation of neurosis. Avitaminosis B5 has the same symptoms as during the disease Take-take.

BERI-BERE (Avitaminosis B1, alimentary polyneurite) - disease associated with a disadvantage in the body of vitamins of group B, in particular B1 (thiamine). The main disorders with this avitaminosis: polyneurite, swelling, violations of the cardiovascular system.

B1-Avitaminosis (BERI-BERE) is formed with long-term eating with a disadvantage of Vitamins V. In the past, due to food with extremely polished rice, in the countries of South and East Asia, the insufficiency of vitamins V. during alcoholism, pregnancy, chronic and acute diseases of the small intestine, possibly disturbing vitamins V.

The clinical picture consists of the symptoms of the nervous system (sensitivity disorders, paralysis of stop and brushes) and symptoms of myocardiodestrophs, sodium delay in the body and the development of edema. Beri Beri is two forms: heart and polyneuritic mold. The disease in the type of flow can be acute and chronic, and in gravity - light and malignant.

Treatment is carried out in the hospital with the help of beddown and large doses of vitamin B1 and other vitamins of the group B. Positive effect has food with a large number of proteins.

In time, the initiated treatment leads mainly to a favorable forecast. And if you do not treat the disease on time, the forecast can be very bad, even death may occur from heart failure.

To avoid hypovitaminosis, balanced nutrition is recommended, food with a high content of vitamins B, in particular B1 (bread, beans, cereals), and vitamin preparations. Vitamin B1 solutions are recommended for violation of the absorption of vitamin B1 in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypovitaminosis B2.The initial symptoms are cracked in the angles of the mouth, Glossite, Haylit, seborrheic dermatitis (on the neck, face, ears). With severe forms, hair loss, muscular weakness, corneal lesions appear noticeably.

Hypovitaminosis B6.Chronic intoxication, tuberculosis (due to the fact that the treatment is used isoniazide - vitamin B6 antagonist), as well as incorrect power can serve as the causes of Hypovitaminosis B6. The long form of the disease is rare and manifests itself dermatitis and acrodineia. Breast children at B6 insufficiency suffer from the lesions of the nervous system (most often epileptiform seizures).

Hypovitaminosis B12.Due to the lack of vitamin B12, malignant macrocytic megaloblastic anemia is developing, violations of blood-made functions, neuritis, glossitis, gastritis. With a characteristic anemia of hypovitaminosis B12, it is necessary to exclude the invasion of helminths (they consume a large amount of vitamin B12). Similar anemia is detected with a lack of folic acid.

Industrial biosynthesis of vitamins

IntroductionVitamins are used as medicinal preparations, as well as food and feed additives. The global volume of the vitamins market is about $ 3 billion a year. Most vitamins are obtained by chemical synthesis or extraction from vegetable material. Biotechnology, Vitamins B2, B12 and C.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin).Riboflavin in the form of FMN or FAD is the most important coenzyme in oxidative and rehabilitation processes. In the free form of riboflavin is present only in milk. The disadvantage of this vitamin in food leads to skin pathologies, growth impairment and eye diseases. In animals, riboflavin is formed in a complex multi-stage reaction from guanosynthosphate. In industry, vitamin B2 is obtained by one of three ways: chemical synthesis, fermentation or chemical-enzymatic method. In recent years, enzymatic technologies began to use envital and economic considerations. Riboflavin produced by fermentation by superproductive strains Ashbya Gossypii.. To the bioreactor as a source of carbon is added to melassia, and soy flour is added as a nitrogen source; The riboflavin yield is up to 15 g / l for 72 hours. After removal of cells, the product is purified chromatographically. With a chemical-enzymatic method of obtaining vitamin B2, the Alloxazin ring is synthesized by a chemical method, and then by a chemical reaction, it is connected to the D-ribose residue, which in turn is obtained from D-glucose in the cells of mutant strains Bacillus Pumilus.. This method has not yet been widely used in industry.

We acquire it through sunlight or food. Ultraviolet rays act on oil oil, contributing to the formation of this vitamin, which is then absorbed into the body. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the action of sunlight from the provitamins. Provitamins, in turn, are partially entered in the body in the finished form from plants (ergosterine, stigma and sitosterin), and partially formed in the tissues of their cholesterol (7-dehydroholesterol (provitamin vitamin D 3).

When taking inside, vitamin D is absorbed with fats through the walls of the stomach.

Measured in international units (IU). The daily dose for adults is 400 meters or 5-10 μg. After receiving the tan, the production of vitamin D is terminated through the skin.

Benefit:Controlly utilizes calcium and phosphorus necessary to strengthen bones and teeth. When admission with vitamins A and C helps in the prevention of colds. Helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency: Rahit, severe dental destruction, osteomalacia *, senile osteoporosis.

Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins with anti-grade effect (D 1, D 2, D 3, D 4, D 5)

To the Vitamins of the group D refer:

vitamin D 2 - Ergocalciferol; Allocated from yeast, its provitamin is ergosterin; Vitamin D 3 - cholecalciferol; Allocated from animal tissues, its provitamin - 7-dehydroholesterol; Vitamin D 4 - 22, 23-dihydro-ergocalciferol; Vitamin D 5 - 24-ethylcholecalciferol (sensiferol); isolated from wheat oils; Itamine D 6 is 22-dihydroethylcalciferol (stigma-calciferol).

Today, vitamin D is called two vitamin - D 2 and D 3 - Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol - these are crystals without color and odor resistant to high temperatures. These vitamins are fat soluble, i.e. They dissolve in fats and organic compounds and insoluble in water.

Calcium and phosphorus are regulated in the process of calcium absorption in the intestines, interact with parathyroid hormone, responsible for the calcification of bones. In childhood at avitaminosis D, due to a decrease in the contents of calcium and phosphorus salts, the process of costh formation (growth and ossification) is disturbed, rickets develop . In adults there is decalcification of bones (osteomalacia).

German chemist A. Window, for more than 30 years studied Sterina, in 1928 discovered ergosterol - Provitamin D, which turned under the action of ultraviolet rays in Ergocalciferol, it was found out that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, a certain amount of vitamin D can be formed in the skin, and the irradiation can be like Sunny and with a quartz lamp. . It is estimated that the 10-minute irradiation of animals has the same action on the body as the introduction of 21% fish fat into the diet. In the irradiated products, vitamin D is formed from special layer-like substances (sterols). Recently, ultraviolet irradiation of animals is widely used in animal husbandry, especially young, as well as feeds.

Main sources: Fish fat, caviar, liver and meat, egg yolk, animal fats and oils, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk. Holy flour, vitamin D is contained in large quantities and in egg yolk, yeast, good hae, vegetable oil, herbal flour and other products. In vitamin plants, as a rule, there is no, but they contain its provitamin ergosterol, which in the body of animals turns into vitamin D.

Daily need 2.5 μg, for children and pregnant women - 10 μg. Negatively affect the absorption of vitamin D intestinal disorders and liver, dysfunction of the gallbladder.

In pregnant and nursing animals, the need for vitamin D rises, because An additional amount is necessary to prevent Rakhit in children.


A person is not enough to just know which vitamin is produced in the body due to sunlight, its lack must be regularly filled, taking into food, eggs, fish oil, parsley, butter creamy, mushrooms.

The human body is a comprehensively thoughtful structure in which all processes are provided and will occur without failures if necessary for the necessary conditions for ensuring its livelihoods. There are several types of vitamins that are produced independently, but in minor quantities.

In the intestine microflora are produced: choline, pantothen, thiamine, pyridoxine. Their number is not enough to fully ensure healthy existence, so the main source remains their receipt with food.

Thus, disputes about which vitamin is produced in the human body A, B or D, are groundless. Each group is assigned its own role, its sources of replenishment. Not produced in any form only that is responsible for many functions. Despite the ability to produce other groups by the body by the organism naturally, feeding nutrients with the content of vitamins B and D is necessary.

For all the perfects of the human body, it turns out that many useful nutrients in it are not synthesized. Scientists suggest that this happened as a result of evolution. In the process of improving a person of reasonable nature abolished production in a natural way of almost all vitamins in order not to take place excess energy costs.

For a person taking care of his health, this fact is not so important. It is enough to know which vitamin is produced in the body in the human body. Other It is important: despite the fact that in the body the synthesis of some vitamins occurs, their content is not enough, and the balance must be replenished regularly. As for vitamins of groups A, E, C, which are not generally produced at all, but play an important role in the flow of processes of vital activity, their replenishment is necessarily daily in accordance with the daily norm.

As you already understood, most of the vitamins fall into our organism with food. Therefore, it is very important to eat balanced. And how to make a full-fledged menu you will tell you a video course "Healthy food: how to turn food into a source of longevity?". I recommend downloading it.

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