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The year of the rooster looms on the doorstep. Colors and decorations for the Christmas tree. About the origin of the eastern calendar

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017 and will affect our lives right up to February 15, 2018. The Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in a more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetrating abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to the above qualities that the Fire Rooster often achieves success where other signs give up and retreat. But, along with the undoubted merits, the Fire Rooster has not very positive character traits, because of which it Grand plans periodically crash. To achieve the desired heights in life, the Fire Rooster must first overcome impatience and irritability in himself. Often, the Fire Rooster abandons the work he has begun in the middle, without completing it, only because the development of events seems to him too slow. However, the stars endowed the Fiery Rooster with such impenetrable optimism and such self-confidence that even having failed, he very quickly forgets about it and rushes to conquer new life heights. Both in business and in love, the Fire Rooster is prone to maximalism. If it works, then on full force if he is resting, then souls; if he loves, then with all his heart. In a word, despite its difficult character, the Fire Rooster is a very whole nature, and therefore happiness and good luck accompany him both in business and in his personal life.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will give all of us a chance to find solid ground under our feet and to improve our affairs. You can expect to flourish Agriculture and political stability. At the same time, in 2017, no one should expect easy and quick success. To make the desired amount of money, you will need to work hard and diligently.

IMPORTANT!!! The Fire Rooster does not like and does not tolerate lazy people, therefore idleness can lead to professional failures and large financial losses. But for those who are accustomed to working honestly and hard, 2017 will bring creative success, and achievements in business, and honor, and financial stability.

The Fire Rooster motto is: less words - more action. Therefore, in 2017, you should spend less precious time on empty talk and pouring from empty to empty, and it is better to spend it on achieving real and useful goals.

So that in 2017 the love relationship does not collapse, but becomes even stronger, it is necessary to clarify them as soon as possible and decide on plans for the future. Frivolous people who themselves do not know what they want, the year of the Fire Rooster will bring only setbacks and troubles in their personal lives. In the year of the Fire Rooster, couples in love should pay attention not only to romance, but also to establish a joint life. The habit of solving everyday issues common forces, will greatly help spouses to strengthen their relationship. An extremely suitable year for an engagement, for a family. Marriages, which will be concluded in 2017, will be surprisingly durable - they will not be afraid of any trials.

Let's consider in more detail Eastern horoscope 2017 by year of birth for all signs.

Year of the Rooster: what years of birth - 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

2017 Horoscope for Rat

The rat will love the new perspectives that will open before her in 2017. The difficulties of this year will hardly touch you, but you will take full advantage of its advantages and good chances. No one can deal with problems at work as quickly and dexterously as you. And therefore, you have every reason to count on concessions and encouragements from your superiors.

2017 will be a period of financial savings and profitable acquisitions for the Rat. Your income will be fine with you. In 2017, you will be reluctant to spend money - it will be much more pleasant for you to save it, gradually increasing your capital. Although, if the purchase is beneficial to you, then you will not regret the money. Large forced spending is not expected.

In love, the Rat will show the most positive features your character. A loved one can completely rely on you - you will not leave him in difficult times. In 2017, your love relationship will be built on the basis of mutual help and mutual support. A lonely Rat will have a chance to meet a soul mate.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Ox

In 2017, the Ox will finally find peace of mind and with renewed vigor he will begin to implement his plans. You are not afraid of work, so 2017 will be a period of great career and professional achievements for you. You can try a career in sports or politics. Almost all of your ambitious business endeavors will be crowned with success, especially if you manage to not only start, but also finish them in 2017.
For his financial position in 2017, the Bull may not worry - money will flow to him like a river. Surely by the end of the year, you will be able not only to patch holes in the budget, but also to postpone a tidy sum for a rainy day. Large spending is also not excluded, but they will fully justify themselves.

2017 will bring big adjustments to the Ox's personal life. If you are in love, this year may mark your marriage, no matter how long you have known your loved one. Events will develop rapidly. And before you have time to look back, you will find yourself in the role of a happy family man.

2017 horoscope for Tiger

2017 could be a year of endurance tests for the Tiger. But if you do not give up and manage not to lose heart, then success will surely come to you, although not immediately. Wait patiently for your time. You shouldn't be too active. It is better not to change jobs and, if possible, avoid changes. Strive for stability so that you have fewer problems in 2017.

The main source of income for the Tiger will be his permanent job. Income will depend on your hard work. Don't even dream of easy money! 2017 will not bring you financial problems if you do not take risks, do not chase after a long ruble and try to live within your means.
In 2017, Tiger's dream of a happy marriage may come true. Many Tiger women will receive a marriage proposal. Tiger men will finally decide to call their beloved down the aisle. But remember that a successful relationship depends on both partners, and that love often requires personal sacrifice. If you manage to overcome your selfishness and put your soul into a relationship, then everything will turn out well for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cat (Rabbit)

The cat will only benefit if it begins to reckon more with objective circumstances and tries to adapt to them. 2017 will not be very easy for you, as much will depend not on your will, but on other people and on the situation. Be diplomatic under any circumstances! It is possible that you will be transferred to another position, or you will have to establish cooperation with new business partners.

In 2017, financial problems will not worry Cat. Whatever happens, you will find how and where to make money for bread and butter. Moreover, good opportunities will themselves go into your hands. The main thing is that you do not reject new business proposals, do not be lazy and show diligence.

The sphere of love in 2017 will come to the fore for the Cat. You will persistently look for ways to build a relationship with your loved one. Try to avoid being too straightforward, do not offend your partner with harsh criticism - and then 2017 will not bring you serious love problems. Lonely Cats will find great love where they do not expect.

2017 horoscope for the Dragon

The dragon will lead a social life and dream of a brilliant career. In 2017, nothing will be impossible for you, if only your dreams and words are supported by active actions. Do not refuse to participate in social activities - it will contribute to your secular success and professional achievements. Perhaps, thanks to the patronage of influential friends, you will be able to move to a more prestigious position.

The financial situation of the Dragon in 2017 will be, if not brilliant, then quite satisfactory. And this despite the fact that you will not save on yourself. The main thing is not to invest in dubious enterprises - and then you will not face financial losses.

In 2017, the Dragon will be a little lacking in romance. The need to deal with the allocation of household responsibilities and decision everyday problems you won't like it. But, despite this, you will find a way to harmonize your relationship with your loved one and establish a happy life together with him. Lonely Dragons will have no shortage of admirers and admirers.

2017 horoscope for Snake

In 2017, the snake will have no time to relax - work will require activity and initiative from it. In 2017, you will have to spend less time on entertainment and pleasure, and come to grips with solving business issues. Sometimes you will feel very tired. But on the other hand, the professional success that you achieve will compensate for your lack of rest.

Money will not be given to the Snake easily, but she will not feel a lack of it either. In 2017, your financial situation will not cause you anxiety, although it can hardly be called brilliant. You will probably have a chance to make a successful business investment that will bring benefits in the near future.

On the love front for Snake in 2017, little will change. If you already have a loved one, then you will definitely not strive for change, but on the contrary, you will avoid them in every possible way. And, most likely, you will be able to maintain your relationship, even despite the circumstances. Lonely Serpents await a new strong feeling, which is likely to be mutual.

Horoscope for 2017 for Horses

The horse will be happy - finally everything fell into place! 2017 will be an extremely fruitful year for you. Firstly, you will put things in order in your affairs, and secondly, take part in a profitable and successful business project. Many Horses in 2017 will be successfully engaged not only in business, but also in political activities. Career growth is likely, although career will not be your primary goal.

In 2017, the financial situation of the Horse will improve significantly, even if the Horse does not put much effort into it. Chances are, money will be a by-product of your business success. Almost every business deal will bring you a profit. But if you want to save the accumulated money, refrain from squandering.

2017 promises Horses a stormy personal life. You will tend to do rash things and lose your head in love. However, if the relationship does not work out, you will not be killed because of this for a long time and will quickly find a successful replacement for the partner who disappointed you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Goat (Sheep)

2017 will be a mixed year for Goat. On the one hand, you will feel like workers in demand - and this will add confidence and optimism to you. Your talents will come in handy in solving many important problems at work, and your work will be honestly paid. The only drawback of 2017 is that it will be difficult for you to get out of the relaxed state and switch to active work.

In 2017, it is money that will be the main incentive for Goat to work. The fear of a possible lack of money will force you to mobilize all your strength and plunge headlong into work. However, closer to the second half of 2017, your earnings will increase and enter a stable track - and then you can relax and slow down the pace of work a little.

The love sphere in 2017 will either please the Goat or grieve. It is possible that your loved one will begin to demand proof of love from you or will want to legitimize the relationship. And then you have to decide what is more important for you: to keep freedom or keep love. However, there is no doubt that you will choose love.

2017 Horoscope for Monkey

Monkey 2017 will not seem as great as the previous one. But, despite this, the Monkey will quickly navigate the situation and will derive considerable benefit from it for himself. Do not be afraid of drastic changes this year. For most Monkeys, 2017 will be a period of prosperity. You will be able to consolidate the successes already achieved, strengthen the rear and protect yourself and your loved ones in case of any unforeseen events.

In 2017, the Monkey can count on high and stable earnings... But if you want to avoid financial problems, it is better not to change your place of work in 2017, even if it does not suit you very much. Keep in mind that any changes in the professional sphere that you yourself provoke can be fraught with monetary losses for you.

The personal life of the Monkey will be successful only if the Monkey becomes more serious about love and relationships. Frivolous actions can lead you to loneliness. Stay faithful to your partner, and then in 2017 you will feel the most loved and happy.

2017 horoscope for Rooster

In 2017, the Rooster will feel in his element and will begin to actively implement his grandiose plans. Luck will accompany you in almost all matters. But at the same time, it is advisable that you do not overestimate your strengths and do not take on too many responsibilities. Do not rush to extremes, do not create problems for yourself - and then 2017 will be a year of great career and professional achievements for you.

Money in 2017 will come to the Rooster easily, and he will also easily spend it on his whims and pleasures. You will not deny yourself or your loved ones anything. Basically, in 2017 you will have the opportunity to live in grand style. But at the same time, make sure that your generosity does not degenerate into squandering.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rooster will behave boldly and self-confident. 2017 will be a period of brilliant love victories for you. But this, of course, does not mean that you will be frivolous. As soon as you feel that you have fallen in love, immediately transfer the relationship with your loved one into a serious channel.

Horoscope for 2017 for Dog

For the Dog, 2017 will be a period of life transformations and a struggle for a place in the sun. In 2017, big changes await you in the professional field. Chances are that the transition to another position will introduce new complex responsibilities. But don't worry - you can easily deal with it. The main thing is that you are not too lazy to start improving your professional skills.

The financial position of the Dog in 2017 will be good, although not brilliant. It is possible that you will have to take out a loan or borrow money from friends in order to make a major purchase. But if you manage your finances correctly, you can compensate yourself for any expenses.

The personal life of the Dog in 2017 will be successful if the Dog is more indulgent towards its partner and lowers the bar of requirements. The less you demand from your loved one, the more he will do for you. Lonely Dogs should not look for profit in a new relationship, but for love - then 2017 will bring them happiness.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Pig (Pig)

The boar in 2017 will be able to achieve a lot, there would be a desire and aspiration. If you love your job, your career is in store for you. If you are not satisfied with your position, you will have a chance to move to another job, where you will have more chances to show your talents and make a career. Well, if your work is related to creativity, it is possible that 2017 will bring you recognition and fame.

In 2017, Kaban is not in danger of money problems. You will strive for financial stability. And it is more than likely that due to your professional achievements, your earnings will skyrocket. The main thing is that you are not lazy - laziness can prevent you from reaching the desired level of well-being!

In a relationship with a loved one, Pigs in 2017 will seek first of all stability and reliability. No amount of passion will save your love union if you or your partner are not attentive enough to each other. However, everything that happens in your personal life in 2017 will be for the best for you!

Sergey Vasilenkov

As always, on December 31, 2017, the chimes will sound, a miracle will happen and we will find ourselves in a completely new reality - in the New Year 2017! We will enter new stage of our life in the royal degree of Capricorn, which will help us to celebrate the holidays really fun and bright.

Moon and Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra will give you the opportunity to meet friends, gather cheerful companies and communicate a lot. Celebrate the Year of the Rooster as loudly as possible with shouts, toasts and songs, fireworks and confetti, colorful outfits and rich tables. Saying goodbye to the difficult year of the Monkey, we will truly enter a new reality of a bright, unique, unusual and straightforward Rooster.

In Russian folklore, the Rooster is a heroic person who takes responsibility, makes decisions, comes to the aid of the weak and boldly speaks the truth. This is the embodiment of Truth, which is revealed thanks to a timely spoken word and a timely perfect action. In astrology, the Rooster is associated with the planet Chiron - with the image of time.

In 2017, we will receive the result of the actions that were performed in the year of the cunning Monkey.... In the year of the Rooster, everything that was hidden before will be revealed. Deafening scandals, incredible revelations and stunning discoveries await us. We will become unwitting witnesses to the personal dramas of even those celebrities who previously carefully concealed their lives.

The Year of the Rooster is traditionally associated with loud slogans, youth movements, riots, discontent and open protests against the government. This is the time of bright charismatic personalities who lead and create various new political or cultural movements. Lucky for those who know how to speak, convince, show themselves. Who has brightness and originality and can bring something new. This is the time of creative people, actors, politicians, television commentators. Their role and authority, their ability to influence the public and the masses are increasing.

Good opportunities are also revealed for those who have pressure, a loud voice, who can make you listen and obey. 2017 is the year of the Leader with a capital letter... It is true leaders, true passionaries who will be able to achieve dizzying success in all areas - in business, and in politics, and in art, and in the military field, and in all other areas.

A hundred years ago, in 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, and world history took a new path. In 2017, thank God, we are not expecting such radical events. But a certain echo of the revolutionary mood, struggle and confrontation will certainly make itself felt. The rooster promises us a very interesting year. I assure you - you will not be bored!

Since March 2011, the planet Uranus has been moving along zodiac sign Aries, which causes a process of constant transformations, changes and crises. In 2017, Uranus finally comes to the end of this multi-year cycle and prepares for the transition to Taurus. But before that happens, we will fully "feel" the destructive impact of the blue planet Uranus, symbolizing change, reshuffle and sudden change.

From the point of view of astrology, the era of Uranus in Aries (2011-2017) can be called the era of global revolutions around the world... It is Uranus that gives impetus to the redivision of the world, to the confrontation of states, the fall and overthrow of regimes, the change of political power in many countries, the rise of new leaders who have never possessed political power before. He elevates some (Trump) and easily overthrows others (Hillary Clinton), helps every person and every state to find their own path and fight for their independence (Ukraine), puts us all before a difficult choice. Uranus in Aries does not accept compromises, takes everything to the limit, forces us, one way or another, to solve problems.

There is even a danger that the world will again find itself on the brink of revolutions and wars, but most likely, both those in power and people will find enough reason not to tread on this destructive path. Still, Uranus is not at the beginning, but at the end of its journey through Aries. And he is preparing for the transition to Taurus, which will finally open up the long-awaited opportunities for material well-being and financial prosperity after a painful six-year redistribution of the world.

In addition, the symbol of 2017 is Fire Red Rooster, which the according to the Chinese calendar not yang, but yin a symbol that significantly softens the aggressive start of the fighting cock. Its main differences are instability, emotionality, quick temper.... It will be a nervous, stressful year. In our personal lives, our emotions will accumulate and "explode".

There can be a record number of fires and explosions, international conflicts and short-term clashes with the use of weapons, assassinations and attempts, shootings and terrorist attacks. The Fire Rooster loves a good fight, but it depends only on us whether we follow his insistent calls for struggle and confrontation.

If you channel the cockiness of the Rooster in the "right", peaceful channel, 2017 can turn out to be a very optimistic time. He will help us expose our enemies, make relationships clearer and more defined, protect us from ill-wishers and help solve difficult problems, putting all the points above. " and ".

The rooster is a symbol of protection and home, romance and beauty, entertainment and joy. It will give a special boost to all those working in industries such as tourism, entertainment, fashion, women's beauty, restaurants, fitness and music. They will have many interesting events and good business opportunities.

2017 is suitable for changes and changes - moving to another country, buying a house, changing jobs, traveling. However, you should refrain from taking risks while driving and refrain from frequent skydiving and diving. It is in the year of the Rooster that the risk of spinal injury and fractures increases.

It is very important in 2017 to define your goal and firmly follow the chosen path, knowing your path well.... Over the course of the year, we will receive significant results from the entire previous six-year period, but especially - what we laid down in the year of the Monkey. If you have been active in business in the previous year, you will make excellent profits in the Year of the Rooster.

But do not rush to spend this money or immediately invest it somewhere. In the year of the Rooster, it is better to accumulate and stock up than it is easy to spend. Due to the capricious nature of the Rooster, all types of currencies will fall and rise. Unexpected events will take place, which, of course, will affect the global market and business, especially in the second half of the year.

In the year of the Rooster, one must be very careful about financial transactions. This is at the same time a year of obtaining results and planning a new one, searching for a new path and preparing for the entry of Uranus into the sign of Taurus, where positive changes in the field of economy await us.

The most dangerous aspect of 2017 is the danger of plane crashes and road accidents... Try to check with an astrologer and choose the right dates for flights and trips... Uranus in Aries will bring many changes, updates. It will be a year full of events. For some married couples, the year of the Rooster will be the last for their love union.... Traditionally, the Rooster brings a record number of divorces.

But at the same time as divorces in the year of the Firebird, as if for compensation, there will be a lot of love and happiness... Even for those who have just divorced, opportunities for new partnerships will open up. Jupiter in Libra will bring a lot of wonderful love meetings and joy and personal relationships. Especially lucky in this regard are Leo and the signs of Air.

In the year of the Rooster, it is very important to be ready for new trends, ideas, laws and changes. This is a great time to realize your talents and abilities.... All signs of the zodiac there will be an opportunity to change the life program, to experience spiritual and energetic renewal.

Fire Rooster - a symbol of optimism, innovation and progress... Despite the conflict and disharmony in international relations, we will be very optimistic, confident and will actively solve our problems. This is the year of love, passion, great relationships and new alliances.

Happy New Year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster, dear readers!

Anna Falileeva

Publishing Site " OMARTASATT"

Year of the Red Rooster

The Year of the Rooster 2017 is the tenth year of the third 12-year cycle in the current 60-year period beginning in 1984 according to the Chinese lunar calendar. The start date of the new year this time falls on January 28, 2017, and its end on February 15, 2018.
The symbol of 2017 is the Rooster. The cosmic element of this year is Fire (color - red).
Below are indicated, corresponding to the year of the Rooster, the dates of their beginning, end and corresponding to each period of the cosmic element from 1900 to 2020:

01/22/1909 to 02/09/1910 - Earth
from 02/08/1921 to 01/27/1922 - Metal
from 01/26/1933 to 02/13/1934 - Water
from 02/13/1945 to 02/01/1946 - Wood
from 31.01.1957 to 17.02.1958 - Fire
from 02/17/1969 to 02/05/1970 - Earth
from 02/05/1981 to 01/24/1982 - Metal
from 23.01.1993 to 09.02.1994 - Water
from 09.02.2005 to 28.01.2006 - Wood
from 01/28/2017 to 02/15/2018 - Fire

From the above table, it is not difficult to determine that the year preceding 2017 of the Rooster with the cosmic element Fire, similar in its characteristics, was 60 years ago and passed from January 31, 1957 to February 17, 1958.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

Those born under the sign of the Rooster were born in 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 ( exact dates see above).

The rooster is hardworking, talented, resourceful and courageous. He is extremely confident in himself. This is a bright, charismatic personality with pronounced leadership qualities... In the group, he is very popular due to his constant optimistic attitude. The rooster is almost always cheerful, funny and easy-going, for which he is loved. At the same time, the Rooster can be extremely vain and selfish in his desire to always be in the spotlight. At its worst, it is a proud and windbag.

V ordinary life The rooster is very sociable. Differs in sincerity and openness. His words can be trusted because he is honest and frank in his statements. Unfortunately, sometimes his words sound tactless. The rooster can find mutual language with any audience. For this reason, he often becomes the leader of a social movement or political party. The rooster is a talented polemicist and can always refute someone else's opinion. At the same time, he will be so witty and convincing that the sympathies of the audience will certainly be on his side. If the Rooster chooses the profession of a journalist or writer, he can reach considerable heights in this field.

However, his abilities are very versatile. The rooster is a born organizer and neat. People born under his patronage make excellent economists and gifted administrators. They always meticulously observe job descriptions... Perfect order reigns in the area of ​​work under their jurisdiction. The documentation is organized and organized into folders. The folders themselves are arranged on the respective shelves in the correct order. All documents are drawn up and signed in due time. no checks on the Rooster can be taken by surprise.

His abilities are most clearly manifested in a strictly regulated environment, when all the proposed actions are scheduled and recorded in official documents - production plans, service instructions, codes of practice and legislative acts. When the Rooster makes decisions in a non-standard situation, he relies on prescriptions, and therefore must carefully consider the essence of the issue and correlate his conclusions with regulatory documents... V conflict situations The rooster holds on to the last, but if he gets angry, he immediately rushes into a fight. He is observant and capable of quick analysis of the information received. The work of collecting and processing data in the head of the Rooster is going on continuously. Thus, he forms and corrects his point of view in order to always have a well-founded system of arguments.

The most strong point The rooster is considered to be the ability to manage financial flows. He does it equally well on a private and professional level. When it comes to money, Rooster becomes calculating and careful. People born under his patronage make excellent financial advisors, bank employees and accountants. Rooster has an enduring reputation as a financial genius who can find money in the most difficult situations and in places where it would not occur to anyone to look for it. The Vietnamese say that thanks to the strength of its beak and claws, the Rooster will find the worm in the desert. This proverb most fully describes the active nature of this sign. The rooster is rarely relaxed. He is constantly on the alert and always busy with some business.

Regardless of its own gender, the Rooster prefers the company of women. It is here that he is best able to show himself with the most advantageous side... Among women, he is handsome, witty, intelligent, dexterous and successful, sometimes only in words, but he is forgiven for his gallantry and condescending permission to love himself. The Rooster man will identify with the female type of behavior, and sometimes he will not mind playing with boys, but this will not affect his final choice. Same-sex relationships, in his opinion, are the path to degeneration, gradual extinction. The Rooster Woman will also prefer the society of her gender, but she will never be seen in something reprehensible. She will maintain friendly contacts mainly with women and will choose a profession for herself so that she is constantly in a female environment.

During the three phases of his life, the Rooster will experience its heights and depths. In childhood and adolescence, this will be a desperate romantic with an acute craving for knowledge of the world. In adulthood, he will gradually rise from poverty to wealth and descend from ideal love to the most perverse love fantasies. The Rooster will be glad to the onset of old age. At this age, passions will leave and wisdom will come, which he will generously share with descendants, receiving incomparable pleasure from the process.

An eastern proverb claims that two Roosters under one roof are capable of poisoning the lives of everyone who settles next to them. Both of them see the world in black and white, and therefore are always categorical in their judgments. Roosters either love or hate. The third state is simply not given to them. Their life together takes the form of a romantic confrontation. They will always try to gain the upper hand over each other, arranging truly universal battles, but solely in order to have fun and be in full view of their neighbors all the time. Roosters are passionate lovers and can demonstrate universal love during courtship, but when it comes to Serious relationships are usually deflated. They are naturally honest and, if their feelings are not deep enough, they never hide it. However, even with strong love, they can present unpleasant surprises, since their affection is short-lived. Many Rooster marriages fall apart due to the fact that in the absence of tact and with a sanctimonious attitude towards life, they literally push the partner out of their bed.

Nevertheless, as a mating partner, the Rooster is very, very popular. Women will be attracted by the daring, brilliance and beauty of the man of this sign. Ladies are often delighted in the company of gallant hussars. This is exactly the case. The Rooster Woman is attractive in a different way. Of course, she is attractive with her elegant classic style, but would-be suitors are often fascinated by her practicality and modesty. It's funny, but Roosters of both sexes usually make their choice "according to their clothes." They shy away from those who dress, in their opinion, sloppy and tasteless, and if the applicant is persistent, they can ridicule him and drive him away. In love, the Rooster sometimes spoils everything for himself. Despite the fact that he sincerely and faithfully cares for the family, he often disappoints his partner, because he rarely matches the ideal image of himself that he himself forms during courtship. To the Rooster's credit, it is still worth noting that he really believes what he says, and all his life he tries to achieve his ideal.

Neither the man nor the woman of this sign will be frank about their personal life. Even the insignificant nuances of their intimate adventures will be kept to themselves, not to mention something serious. In marriage, they will begin to remain faithful to their partner, which, thanks to their natural sincerity, will not even enter his head. Unless in an unhappy union they will seek consolation on the side, but the spouse will never know about it. Regardless of the orientation, they will create a family with representatives of the opposite sex. The only unpleasant feature of their marriages is that they will regularly come out with criticism of their partner, almost always deserved and therefore doubly offensive. Only a person with angelic patience and strong nerves can withstand such an attitude.

A perfect marriage for the Rooster can work out with the Bull, Dragon and Snake. The Rooster is usually touching friends with the Monkey and the Pig. The introverted Rabbit will not be able to accept the Rooster in any capacity, since he cannot stand bragging. With the Tiger, the Rooster will fight for power all his life, but they will not be able to understand each other. The Rat itself will impose rivalry on the Rooster, but here the struggle will go on at the level of the basis of existence - for a piece of bread. With such a confrontation, no relationship is possible.

The month of the Rooster is October.
The Hour of the Rooster is a part of the day between 17 and 19 hours.
The Rooster's side of the world is west.
The color of the Rooster is peach.
In Western astrology, the Rooster corresponds to the sign of the zodiac - Virgo.
The Rooster's own element is metal.

Influence of the element "Fire" on those born in the year of the Rooster

Year of birth - 1951, 2017.

In the year of the "fiery" Rooster, those who in 2017 will celebrate their sixtieth birthday were born, and of course the newborn chickens of 2017.

People born under this sign have unconditional leadership qualities. They are smart, confident and impatient. In addition, they are independent and do not like when their personal life becomes public. It is almost impossible to achieve intimate revelations from such people.

Those who are patronized by a fiery Rooster are distinguished by an emphasized love of freedom. But they are willing to act and obey the laws under the influence of some kind of incentive. It is, however, useless to promise them a reward for behaving well in everyday life in the midst of a tedious routine. These people are energetic and know how to choose a bright goal for themselves. They have a strong sense of timing, so their goals are usually achievable. You can trust them. Unfortunately, these people are quick-tempered and suffer very much if, through their own fault, they cannot complete some business on time.

People born in the year of the fiery Rooster have a pronounced entrepreneurial streak. In their chosen field, they reach noticeable heights already in middle age. They choose a difficult job that requires constant struggle and overcoming obstacles. They are good where there is constant competition because they are not discouraged by failure. They quickly recover and rush into battle again. They know how to set intermediate goals and achieve them.

Those who were born in the year of the fiery Rooster are lucky in acquiring wealth. However, it rarely falls on them from heaven in the form of an inheritance or a kindred gift. They have to achieve everything themselves. But even if they are lucky in getting start-up capital at the initial stage, they do not calm down until they work hard to increase it significantly. Such people achieve success in any profession, and they consider the increase in the profitability of the chosen business as milestones of achievement. But best of all, they reveal their innate talents where it is required to manage financial flows. Such people can be successful accountants and bank managers, but they reveal themselves as much as possible where their personal material interest is present in the case.

In love, those born under the sign of the fiery Rooster are dominated by romance, abruptly involved in emotional closeness. Women from among these people are often lucky to meet a person who knows how to appreciate their admiration and devotion. The fairer sex of this sign is unpredictable, freedom-loving, but loyal and never let the partner get bored and start looking to the left. For men born under the auspices of a fiery Rooster, personal life is more difficult. They tend to win their love, and therefore choose mainly those women who are surrounded by a crowd of fans. If no obstacles arise on the way to the hand and heart of the chosen one, the men of this sign skillfully create them. But they are bright, strong, often rich. Partners, as a rule, love them to the point of self-forgetfulness and prefer to turn a blind eye to petty pranks. It's funny, but this is what annoys such men most of all, and they themselves can provoke a scandal, take away their souls in a quarrel, so that later they will long and persistently beg forgiveness and overwhelm the chosen one with gifts.

The horoscope for the Rooster for 2017 promises to be cloudless, because it is he who patronizes other signs. In all areas, the situation can come to a positive outcome, but the cockiness of the representatives of the sign can make an unpleasant contribution. If Roosters learn to avoid conflicts, then the coming year will go smoothly, but not every bully will like complete tranquility.


Health promises not to fail in the coming year, but Roosters should not let their fortune take its course. In the winter-spring period, in order not to succumb to a severe cold, you should introduce a complex of vitamins into the diet, and also play sports. It is better for men to give preference to play types, and women will certainly appreciate the loads in the gym or swimming. Throughout the entire period, there is a great risk stressful situations that can undermine the psychological state. Try to get more rest, spend time with friends, attend cultural events. Developing your spiritual world, The rooster will easily cope with any problems and will not spoil his health.

Love and relationships

The horoscope for 2017 promises many fleeting hobbies. The rooster will flutter between the chosen ones, fluffing up its tail and scattering money to the right and left. Such behavior will not bring anything good, especially for the family representatives of the sign, because by the spring everyone will know about the propensity for adventures. In the family, the Rooster will have to choose, and he, of course, will give preference to the second half, but not every partner will react with understanding to excessive looseness. Lone Roosters will enjoy the increased attention, with both sexes being lucky to have fans. Wealthy men will be interested in girls, and charming and young representatives of the fairer sex will be attracted to men.


In work, all kinds of jumps are expected, so the Rooster must be ready for non-standard situations. In the summer, the likelihood of disagreements with the management team increases. You should not enter into an open conflict, but it is not recommended to agree with the opponent's position. Try to convey your ideas and make defending arguments, the main thing is to come to a compromise, and then success is assured. V autumn period Roosters may find an interesting vacancy, but do not immediately take off. First you need to think and consult with knowledgeable people, because the Fire Rooster gives out different gifts: to some - a colossal profit, to others - a complete collapse.


Roosters tend to squander the money they earn and changing this behavior is far from easy. So in 2017, there is a risk that the representatives of the horoscope will spend the "last" on some trinket, which they will regret later. The patron of the year invites you to think about strengthening your financial position, because the accumulated capital may be needed more than once during the year. Already in the spring, lively Roosters will have a chance to invest in a profitable business, which in the future will provide a stable cash income. True, you should not risk everything you have acquired, for the sake of such a prospect, you should make informed decisions in matters with money. Tough times can come at the end of the year, so a margin of financial strength will come in handy.

Horoscope for a Rooster man

The horoscope for 2017 for the Male Rooster promises success at work, but only if the representative of the sign does not rush from one case to another. It is important from the beginning of the year to identify the primary and most significant tasks and draw up a plan for their implementation. Then the brisk Roosters will definitely succeed, which they will certainly appreciate from above and offer movement along career ladder and a tangible increase in wages. In their personal lives, Male Roosters will be less ardent, because in the coming year they are more focused on themselves and work. In the family, they will take the care of the second half for granted. Single Roosters will not decide to change their status, but rather let the relationship take its course.

Horoscope for a Rooster woman

The horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster-woman promises a sea of ​​passions, romance and gifts - isn't that an excellent forecast? Family ladies will look at their partners with different eyes, and feelings will inflame with renewed vigor. The passion of the first months will return to the relationship, which will only strengthen the marriage. Lonely Chickens will feel the attention of fans who will be generous with expensive gifts. Such courtship will inspire girls and increase their own self-esteem. At work for female Roosters, not everything will be smooth. Those who occupy leadership positions will have to constantly resolve minor conflicts, and ordinary employees will be bogged down in piled up responsibilities.

Rooster horoscope by zodiac signs

Rooster - Aries

Aries-Rooster 2017 should be devoted to work, because this is the best period for a quick leap forward. True, you should not forget about household members, you will have to learn how to allocate time between your career and your family. Those Aries who work for someone can expect a spike, accompanied by a change in status and a rise in wages. Also coming year- the perfect time to start your own business, and it is Aries who will succeed in this matter. One has only to think about self-realization and set off on the fulfillment of what you want with your head, then success is guaranteed for many years.

Rooster - Taurus

2017 can bring a lot of disappointment to the representatives of the sign if they do not protect everything they have acquired with back-breaking labor. People around you will certainly notice that harmony reigns in the family, and the situation at work is stable and good earnings. That is why "interesting" proposals for investment in profitable projects may appear. The Fire Rooster advises to approach such a solution on a sober head, since there is a great risk of bumping into scammers. Taurus should solve financial issues only with those people whom they completely trust, it is better to leave all other transactions for later.

Rooster - Gemini

Peace of mind for Gemini in the coming year is ensured only if the representatives of the zodiacal circle learn to keep emotions under control. The Fire Rooster will constantly throw up small problems that emotional Gemini will regard as a global catastrophe. In order not to ruin life for yourself or others, it is better to seek advice and help from family and friends. They will be able to look at the situation from a different angle and suggest the most optimal solution to the horoscope representatives.

Rooster - Cancer

Cancer-Rooster plans to spend 2017 under the banner of "all at once", his maximalism will go off scale, which will negatively affect in some cases. Going from one extreme to another and doing everything in a hurry can be a mess. So that later you do not have to correct mistakes for too long, the Fire Rooster advises adding measuredness and deliberation to your actions. Ambitious goals are great, but without a clear plan, moving towards them is much more difficult. Only with the right approach, Cancers will be able to pull off everything they have planned and not harm themselves and those around them.

Rooster - Leo

2017 is a good year for Leo-Rooster because everyone around will strive to help the calm representatives of the horoscope. You will not have to ask anyone for advice, because bosses, colleagues and friends themselves will propose their candidates to delegate part of the work to them. True, you should not take such attention for granted, because the location of others can quickly dissipate if people born under this star do not help in return. In addition, the patron saint of the horoscope does not advise Leo to go on long trips abroad.

Rooster - Virgo

Representatives of the horoscope are recommended to go into creativity with their heads, because the coming year promises a lot of positive bonuses for the development of their talents. Firstly, at work, they will certainly notice a new hobby for Virgos, which will help them move higher in their careers. Secondly, by the middle of the year, mass popularity will come to the representatives of the horoscope, which is why recognition, secular evenings and many new acquaintances will burst into life. Thirdly, the Fire Rooster promises material encouragement for the creative development of Virgos, and far from being modest!

Rooster - Libra

Rooster - Scorpio

The representatives of the horoscope are incredibly lucky, because they can significantly jump up the career ladder, and this does not have to spend a lot of effort. At the beginning of the year, a powerful patron will appear in the life of Scorpios, who will help with work and settle all matters. In addition, people born under this star will think about global changes for the coming year. You should not rush things, because cardinal changes may not please close people. First, you should discuss plans with them, and only then proceed to action. However, in the second half of the year, all the difficulties will evaporate by themselves, so Scorpios will be able to show themselves at their best.

Rooster - Sagittarius

Do you dream of spending the year fruitfully, positively and without problems? The Fire Rooster will gladly fulfill desires, but only for those Sagittarius who will moderate their ardent disposition and show a bit of patience. Most of the representatives of the sign prefer a temperamental approach to resolving issues, but such actions will only bring disappointment. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the situation and draw up a clear plan, only in this way all tasks will be solved quickly and easily, and as a result they will bring tangible profits.

Rooster - Capricorn

Capricorn-Rooster will spend 2017 without problems, thanks to its dedication and hard work. Many will write off the success of the representatives of the sign on random luck and look after them with envy. You should not pay attention to the caustic remarks so as not to ignite a conflict, because Capricorns have so many plans in their plans, so there will be no time for skirmishes at all. In addition, you need to have time to pay attention to family and friends. Close people will feel a lack of communication with Capricorn, but he will try to find a balance between work and family.

Rooster - Aquarius

Aquarians will wake up a craving for aesthetics, so they will decide to radically change their environment. Buying cute trinkets, works of art and even a global renovation is exactly what will take possession of the minds of the representatives of the horoscope. The fiery patron of the horoscope advises to prudently approach such expenses, because in order to realize all the plans of Aquarius for alteration, you will have to earn a rather large amount. If those born under this star are able to provide for their needs, then no one will stand in their way, but in no case should they resort to loans to satisfy their personal quirks.

Rooster - Pisces

For Pisces, the coming year is truly lucky, because in any field of activity they will enjoy the absence of difficulties. At work, everything will be smooth, the financial area is stable, harmony will reign in personal life, health will not be a problem either. The Fire Rooster favors the representatives of the sign, so they will be able to accomplish great deeds. Any plans to improve yourself or the environment will come true without problems, because nothing will burden Pisces on the way to achieving the goal.

Every year passes under a certain sign Zodiac. 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope will pass under the sign Red Fire Rooster... What does this mean and what can we expect from the coming year?

Rooster - one of 12 symbols Chinese horoscope... These symbols change every year in a 12-year cycle. In addition, the element that patronizes the year changes every year. There are five elements in total - earth, metal, water, wood and fire. 2017 will be patronized by the fire element, hence the year of the Fire Rooster. Both the image itself and the element that patronizes the year, as people who trust horoscopes claim, will in a certain way have an impact not only on each person, but also on the whole society and world events.

2017 Rooster characteristic

What can the Rooster bring in? To answer this question, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the image of the rooster itself, as an image of an animal and as an image in mythology. The rooster is a leader with a strong-willed, firm and stubborn character. There is practically nothing to break the rooster's iron willpower. The rooster jealously defends the interests of his family and his territory. Every outside rooster who encroaches on the owner's territory will immediately receive a powerful rebuff.

Another quality of the rooster is its concern for the family. For a rooster, nothing is more important than his family. He is constantly on guard for his wives and his offspring, so no one dares to approach them.

The rooster is hard work, assertiveness, courage, the will to win. 2017 will patronize those who go to their dreams, no matter what. Hardworking people who put all their strength into their business will be rewarded with a symbol of the coming year. The element of fire, as a symbol of striving and victory, also favors stubborn and hardworking people. Also, the rooster will patronize those who take care of their family. The rooster will also help those who dream of finding love and a new family.

From a mythological point of view, the Rooster is a symbol of the good forces of light and the Sun itself. Every morning, the rooster emits loud cries that announce the entire district. Thus, according to the ideas of the ancients, the rooster proclaims the sunrise and the end of the night. The rooster has always been considered a real thunderstorm for any evil spirits. No wonder, in the tales of many peoples of the world, evil spirits disappear with the crowing of a rooster. For this reason, the image of a rooster has been used in embroidery, carving, home decoration, and also in the form of amulets. Judging from a mythological point of view, 2017 will be the victory of the forces of good over the forces of evil.