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Horoscope guy scorpion. Zodiac sign Male Scorpio - Characteristic. Strong and weak sides of the zodiac sign

Scorpio (October 24-November 22) is one of the most mysterious and most attractive signs of the zodiac, a sign of love and death, calm and frenzy, sensuality and cold mind. Natura Scorpion is contradictory and multicolum, this is a sign of extremes, mixing all the best and worst, which may be in a person. Scorpio is a sign of kings.

It has long been noted that if a scorpion child is born in the family, then someone dies in the family to this in the family, it doesn't matter a close relative or distant. And vice versa, if someone from scorpions die in the family, then during the year the baby will be born in this family. According to astrologers, this is due to the fact that the patron siest of Scorpion is a Phoenix bird, which is always reborn after death. Apparently, a large amount of energy is required for the birth of scorpion, which appears after his death. Therefore, Scorpio is the personification of life on Earth, the symbol of revival.

Even the most immentable beauty will not stand in front of a male scorpion. If a woman ever was lucky enough to know his love, you can be sure that she will remember him until the end of his days. Scorpio and love - inseparable concepts.

The list of male scorpions that have received world fame is pretty great. Among them, businessmen Roman Abramovich and Bill Gates, artists Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet, Composer Nikcolo Paganini, actors Nikolai Karachentsov and Alain Delon, Russian writer F.I. Dostoevsky and many others.


The element of scorpion - standing water, gives a man with exacerbated sensuality, increased emotionality and shiny intuition. The insight makes the male scorpion sensitive to other people's problems, he knows how to compare and help, but at the same time not to go into suspensions, not to lose the life of the life. Water gives the scorpion of good "streamlining" and adaptability, allowing him to find a way out of any hopeless situation. Signs of water elements are well able to hide their intentions and thoughts, die lust. Increased sensitivity can make a male scorpion dependent on alcohol and other detrimental habits.

The main competitor of Scorpio is the element of fire, that is, people born under the constellations of the lion, Sagittarius and Aries. Faced in personal life or at work, the two opposite elements will definitely conflict, experience their hostility to each other. However, there is no explanatory, strong attraction between fire and water, especially in sexual terms, therefore marriages between them are not uncommon.

The best compatibility of "water" people is the elements of the Earth, that is, those who were born under the constellations of the Taurus, Virgin and Capricorn. The Earth supports water, gives it strength and outlines. These two elements are created for each other, especially if their life goals coincide. But you should not forget that when mixing water and land sometimes gets dirt, and in such conflicts it is very important to choose the right words and clearly express your thoughts. Scorpion's water always boils, and if suddenly the calm occurs, it means that the strongest storm is ahead.

The perfect place of residence of Scorpio is the shore of the sea, the lake, the standing reservoir. If it is impossible, you can build a pool in the yard or put an aquarium in the house.


The ruling planets - Pluto and Mars. Strong Pluto makes a person extremely strong and straightened both physically and morally. Weak Pluto turns a man in a rebar, a destroyer, a sower of chaos and a mess. In most horoscopes of natural disasters, disasters and world wars, a strong effect of pluto is felt. The planet symbolizes a huge, concentrated force.

In Astrology, Pluto is the personification of death and subsequent revival. Human instincts and sexuality of man also include the sphere of its influence. Men-Scorpio Pluto gives thirst for power, predisposition to betrayal and committing a crime. Pluto is unique in that it has a direct connection with the best and worst instincts of human nature.

Sometimes a male scorpion itself is afraid of his own strength, which gives his Pluto. This is a really strong planet, and people with whom it rules, much is given in life, but also the demand from them is also special.

Mars, also managing scorpion - energy planet and active action. It gives a man with such qualities as aggressiveness and militancy, strength and courage. The planet also awards a man with a huge, almost mystical sexual energy and eroticism.

Weak Mars can give a man with aggressiveness, rudeness, a tendency to violence and excessive cruelty, and in a pronounced form. Highly developed male Scorpio is able to suppress these qualities in itself, so many of them are noble people, successful professionals and beautiful family mans.

All scorpions under the influence of the ruling planets of Mars and Pluto combines the passion of nature and a rustling temperament, indomitable energy and extraordinary insight, and sometimes gloomy character and dislike.

Stone talisman

A male scorpion, born in the first decade (from October 24 to November 3), has the most vividly pronounced features of the person inherent in this sign. He is energetic, assertive and confident, so his talismans should be solid and transparent gems. For example, amethyst, diamond, tiger eye, hematite or rhinestone.

Men born in the second decade (from 3 to 13 November) are crispies possessing kindness, nobility and courage. As stones-talismans, coral, amethyst, turquoise and sardonix are good for them. These minerals help to show and strengthen the best features of the scorpion male character.

Those who were born in the third decade (from November 14 to November 22) are distinguished by passionism, incontinence, artistry, in love and very difficult to understand the character. Useful stone for such a man will be a grenade, Beryl, Alexandrite, Topaz or Emerald.


Most of the male scorpions are large skeptics, nevertheless, it is none possess a mystical ability to endow their amulets with an incredible force and energy that helps them in life.

The most important talisman is, of course, the figure or the image of the scorpion itself is the symbol of darkness, destruction and self-destruction. However, it is precisely this poisonous animal that helps to make representatives of the sign to neutralize their enemies, gives them great energy, endurance and power. Having such a talisman, the male scorpion feels the desire to live and fight, conquer new vertices. The talisman helps its owner to develop superplactation and insight, which can over time to turn out the prediction.

Another no less powerful talisman for the Scorpio Men - Scarab Beetle, which brings to him material well-being. Amulet attracts money from completely unexpected sources, it can even be crazy, "light" money, or an unexpected inheritance or a gift.

Such an unusual talisman as a frog will give its owner an extra force and luck, especially if it is made of green material (for example, glass or malachite). This animal knows how to make clarity into a situation, to extinguish the persecution of passion.


Most Men Scorpios are physically very strong, even if they do not have an impressive complex. A man can even be punted, since his strength is in character, and not in the physique. Face features are heavy and sharply outlined, the nose is usually large, reminds of beak. The color of the face pale, the eyebrows are wide, almost struck on the nose. On the legs and legs there are abundant reddish vegetation, emphasizing masculinity. Hair color is usually dark, but among the scorpions, ash blondes can occur.

Men Scorpio can be found in a calm, calm appearance and of course in the eyes with special magnetism. His gaze penetrates right into the soul, so the interlocutor can feel uncomfortable, trying to take her eyes.

In the speech of the male scorpion, regardless of the timbre, intonation and the strength of the voice, unusual self-confidence always heard, so he wants to believe. And although they do not differ in words, most have a stunning sense of humor and the ability to laugh at themselves.


A distinctive feature of all male scorpions is unparalleled courage and contempt for death. It can endure any pain, tests, adversity and danger, always ready to defend and attack, fight for success in life with much greater zeal than all other signs taken together.

These men possess a true understanding of life, without embellishment, with all its difficulties and problems. For them, all life is a struggle, they simply do not know how to walk in the life of playing, easy. However, most of the male scorpions relate to the category of very successful people with great abilities and many talents.

There are three types of scorpion men, differing significantly in character. Each of the three types is rarely found in its pure form, all the listed qualities in one degree or another manifest themselves from each male scorpion.

  • The first type is people dangerous, sometimes poisonous, ruthless and malicious. In his hatred, they are capable not only for huge destruction, but also to self-destruction. The paradox of this nature is that envious and unkind attitude towards the surrounding world sooner or later turns against him. Walking with this man will be very difficult, nevertheless, there is magnetism and sexuality inherent in all scorpions.
  • The second type is strong, independent, wise and fair. He directs its strength to creation, and not for destruction. Externally, it can be soft and calm, but inside the passion, like all scorpions. He is ruthless primarily towards himself, in life there is a lot of attempts to change everything, to redo, start everything from the beginning. It often goes against fate, people, but always fair and noble. This is an active, energetic person who is not afraid to go to public opinion. Thanks to its curiosity, these people have uncommon commercial abilities, as well as initiative. Mystery and carefully hidden passion as a magnet attracts people, especially women.
  • The third type is the weakest of scorpions. This man may suffer from the fact that it cannot find the use of its irrepressible energy, so always unhappy with himself and others. He closes in himself, does not try to change anything in his life. Such people could be considered dangerous if they were not so weak. Nevertheless, he may well "be horrid" even friendly hand. His Konk - cunning and backstage intrigues. He seeks in everything, even in minor details, stand out among the others, show that he is the creature of the highest order, not even with everyone else. Tactics of waiting makes a dangerous, treacherous enemy from it.

The attitude of the male scorpion to the surrounding world depends largely on what he managed to achieve in life: losers are usually selfish and vertigany, and those at the top seek to enable as many people around themselves. Often only to the mature age, a man begins to understand how to properly dispose of the energy given to him, and until then, there are many mistakes in life, only firming his will and ambition.

Most male scorpions perceive the world as a hostile environment, where you can not trust anyone and everyone for yourself. To prevent the impact in the back, he must constantly be ready for attack and protection, while the pity does not accept himself, considers it weakness. It is difficult to reveal the essence of such a person, but you can make it be sincere, and then the scorpion aggressiveness and suspicion will go to the background, giving way to nobility and generosity.


Nature did not shake on the vitality for the Scorpio Men, so it will resist diseases to deep old age. It will be promoted by a moderate sports from which he enjoys. But nature was also not stuck on the test, so accidents often happen to the man, automobile accidents are possible, various household injuries.

All scorpions are subject to infectious diseases, which is a consequence of their bad adaptability. During the outbreak of any epidemic, they should be worked out, limit their stay in crowded places. Male Scorpio, as a rule, recovers much faster than the rest of the people, unless of course he will do self-fighting. All diseases proceed violently, recovery comes quickly.

Typical ailments of scorpions are urolithiasis, hepatitis, problems with teeth and breathing paths. Any illness of Male Scorpio overcomes steady, often preferring to cope with them yourself. Helps him, as always, natural curiosity - he actively collects information about his ailment, analyzes it and draws conclusions.

The fundamental factor in preserving the health of the Scorpio Men - moderation in everything, ranging from food, ending with carnal joy. He must keep a tireless struggle with his bad habits, a tendency to smoking and alcoholism, control the accumulation of negative emotions, learn to "produce steam" gradually, not harming himself and others. If it feels the accumulation of negative energy, the increase in aggression, then the best way to get rid of it will be physical exertion. If pessimism rolls, then you just need to relax, chat with pleasant people, reduce physical exertion.


Any male scorpion, to whatever type it does not relate, has a tendency to professions with high risk. These are brave, physically and morally sustainable personalities born to fight and victory. Any risk will be carefully calculated, all actions are aimed at the result. Many scorpion men attracts service in the army or strength structures.

Scorpions have a considerable gift to influence people, which are brilliantly owned by oratorical abilities, so there are many sellers of consultants, politicians and teachers. A natural flair and love for knowledge contributes to a successful implementation in medicine, the desire to always come to the truth. A typical cold indifference to someone else's sufferings allow them to become an excellent surgeon, a pathologist.

Pedagogical activity, especially working with children, will allow a man to touch human nature, to become softer and tolerant, to study the process of becoming a person and have a certain influence on it. Scorpio teacher will always enjoy great respect for students - natural magnetism and ability to manipulate people will help in this mind.

Research work will also like to do any scorpion, especially in the field of chemistry, physics and medicine. Among them are a lot of inventors, but few realizers of their ideas. Inherent in each representative of the sign of the thirst for knowledge leads to expansion of the horizon and the accumulation of experience.

"Nyuh" for money will help the Scorpio Men to become a lucky businessman, such people usually feel good that you need to consumers, quickly grab fashion trends, are not afraid to be innovators and pioneers.

Career Men-Scorpio will be given slowly, will require perseverance and foresight. But his performance is extraordinary, and with the emergence of difficulties, it only increases. The only thing that he can subcont is intrigue, disrespect and ill-quality atmosphere in the team.

It happens, the male scorpion suffers Fiasco, when he harms himself with his cunning and the desire to undermine the position of others. Such personalities are extremely egocentric and ruthless in the struggle for the place under the sun, but they can be enough sitres to skillfully hide their true intentions.

To any case, the Male Scorpio will be treated energetically and even aggressively, though after a certain routing. If he enthusiasms his business truly, then for the sake of him can donate even family happiness. All scorpions love work active, dynamic, bringing a noticeable result. They are not interested in the launched trails, stagnant constancy in work, routine monotone activities without mental load.

The most successful years of professional activity - from 33 to 41 and from 50 to 57 years. Age from 20 to 30 years is usually held in the fight and a desperate attempt to break through.

Financial welfare

The originality of thinking, leadership inclinations and many other qualities allow scorpions to become if not millionaires, then very successful in financial plan. They love the earning process itself, and no matter how much they have had, all waste will be extremely intelligent and rational. In general, financial activities are this sphere where the sign representatives are most successful.

Love for money in most male scorpions is reasonable, and not contemplative - he adheres to the rules that money must "work." Such a person will not hide money in stocking so that they just admire them, but will try to invest it in a profitable business. He knows how to count money, and his financial flair is almost fantastic.

Representatives of the sign need at least in comfort, and as a maximum of luxury. At the same time, many of them may be greedy, can significantly reduce family expenses, but at the same time leave loopholes to meet personal needs.


In sex for a male scorpion there are no obstacles and prejudices, so his partner must say goodbye to all restrictions, otherwise harmony in relations will not be. It is desirable that she was ready at any time to satisfy the desire of Scorpio, and to do it "not for a tick", but to surrender with all the passion and without a balance. Some male scorpions are pleasure from mixing sex and pain, so the partner needs to be ready for the embodiment of its rather hard erotic inclinations.

Being a representative of the element of water, Scorpio receives a special pleasure from sex in water: for example, in the pool or in the shower. With special enthusiasm, he will make love with a woman who does not use the means of contraception - it excites him.

If a woman wants to voice his desires to scorpion, then she needs to do it in a very delicate form, so as not to hurt his hypertrophied male pride. Drought by instincts, he loves when a woman worships him and obeys, and does not dictate his conditions. At the same time, he is always an excellent lover who can deliver unearthly pleasure.

Love and marriage

Men-Scorpio is rarely able to maintain its first marriage, usually he marries repeatedly. And it is not surprising, because it is not easy to get along with a person with such a complex and controversial character. Passionate lover, an incredible owner, a difficult partner in love that will require full self-dedication and wants to remake the partner to himself, who does not endow false and frivolous attitude towards life - it's all about him. But patient and at the same time passionate woman will certainly be able to build his family happiness with him.

Love and Scorpio is a very difficult combination, almost never bypass without mental suffering. Scorpions love and hate the same passionately, there are no halftone for them. Relations with a scorpion man can be very warm and trusted, or turn into an infinite, stinging struggle. Felight of feelings such a person can save for many years, and love him makes vulnerable and vulnerable, which he is very afraid and tries to avoid.

The devotion of the male scorpion is that he will try to completely absorb his partner, that is, to master not only the body, but also with thoughts, dreams, aspirations and affairs. In return, he will give all his herself, but women will be the problem in how not to lose their individuality in such a "close" love. The paradox of a scorpion relationship is that on the one hand he wishes to fully own the object of his love, and on the other hand, in order to keep his interest, it is necessary to always be from him at a distance, to suffer him to suffer.

The male scorpion will look at his spouse as his property, which passed into his full possession. However, he is focused on the family, very devoted to his loved ones ready for self-sacrifice. Despite its independence, he really needs care and care, in a reliable rear.

The sharp individualism of Scorpio makes him very touchy, leaning for living, he can talk a bunch of muck, which will be regretted himself. He will never allow his wife to dictate to him, but it is quite capable of listening to her opinion and take into account her desires. The spouse should know that her husband is predisposed to pessimism, and it is necessary to not give him the opportunity to plunge into this dangerous state.

A woman will never wait for the scorpion of compromise, concessions, condescension in response to her tears and resentment. It is possible that permanent quarrels, promises and attempts to partner meet his desires will only disturb the blood of a man, to give him pleasure. He has periods when he wants to be alone with himself, and at such moments it is better not to touch him.

Passionate novel on the side of Male Scorpio perceives as an independent area of \u200b\u200bhuman relations, which does not have any relation to the family, which he protects as a real fortress. He will never allow his random connection on the side to threaten the family relations. But what is allowed for him will never be allowed to a woman - a spouse should not give even the slightest reason for jealousy, and its betrayal will mean full collapse of the family.

It is meaningless to lie in this man, he feels and will always find the opportunity to uncover deception, and the false relationship he hates. If something in the relationship went wrong, then it is meaningless and even dangerous to threaten him - he will always find a way to cause a person unbearable pain. Participate easily and beautiful scorpions do not know how - this is not in their character.

As a Male Scorpio's father is very demanding even harsh, but over time, children will understand that it is for them - a real shield and protection against any everyday adversities. He will never leave his children about previous marriages, children will never be "former."


Aries-scorpion - These are two extremely strong signs that do not stick anyone. They attract each other and at the same time repel, so quarrels and conflicts in this union are inevitable. It is surprising that over time, two loving people begin to listen to each other, in addition, they both are focused on family and stability in relationships, so a happy marriage between them is quite possible.

Taurus-Scorpio - bring together these two unlike people can bed, like lovers, this couple may well take place. To help get along with one roof, they will help the same views on the life and compatibility of temperaments - a calm woman - one will be able to not respond to attacks of a scorpion's husband, and at the same time maintain their dignity and individuality.

Twins scorpion - In this union, love is not excluded at first glance and excellent sexual compatibility, but a durable marriage is almost impossible. The owner and maximum scorpion will be difficult to accept the windiness and optional twin woman. In this union, a man will feel deprived, and a woman will miss freedom.

Cancer Scorpio - These two people from parallel worlds, with completely different temperaments and attitude to life. Male Scorpio is committed to high targets and conquest of the world, and a quiet family life more souls. The durable alliance is possible between them if they learn to discuss and solve even the slightest problems in the family, and not to save the resentment.

Lev-Scorpio - This is a bright union of two leaders who can perfectly develop a sex life. They are asserted and purposeful, their ambition is largely similar. But the marriage union of two leaders is rarely successful, besides, each of the partners are not ready to give another personal space. If the spouses learn to give up and take each other as there are, their union can become brilliant.

Virgo-Scorpio - This is the perfect marriage based on the alliance of two opposites. Silent virgin and temperamental scorpion as it is impossible to suit each other, together they are capable of collapse. Their union can be successful not only in marriage, but also in business, especially if it is a family business.

Scorpion scales - A rather complicated union, as a sensual and vulnerable woman will be difficult to fight back from the attacks of ulcer scorpion. She needs equality, and he likes to dominate. However, if a woman is quite wise, it will be able to adapt and cope with the difficult character of his man.

Scorpio Scorpio - In sex, these people do not know equal, but in partnership these are two bombs of slow motion. The joint life of two scorpions risks turning into an incessant war of two unusually strong, bright and unusual people. But do not forget that from any rule there are unexpected exceptions.

Sagittie Scorpio - Union, though common, but not too durable. Sagittarius woman can give a lot of reasons with jealous scorpion, and he in turn will try to limit her freedom in every way. If they learn to respect the independence and desire of a partner to a personal space, then a joint life can be longer and calm.

Capricorn Scorpion. - Excellent compatibility based on the Iron Capricorn Women and Emotionic Scorpio Men. If they are both tuned to a serious relationship, then they will intertire all obstacles to their happiness. A frivolous attitude towards life and problems is not about them.

Aquarius-scorpion - Sexual attraction is possible, but a durable union in question. They have a different attitude to life and family values, and Woman Aquarius is too appreciated by its independence, which is unacceptable for scorpion. Her reluctance to stand at the slab and the economy is far from the representation of scorpion about the ideal hostess.

Fish scorpion. - This is a mystical, very successful union of two completely dissimilar people. For each other, they will always remain an unsubstantiated mystery, however, together it will be comfortable. Scorpion energy will smoothly flop into the softness and fascination of female fish, giving her strength and confidence.

You want to better find out the nature of the satellite of life, but do not know how can this be done? Very simple! Enough information about what he is the sign of the zodiac. And then questions like: you can quickly find the answer. By the way, about males scorpions: this is a rather interesting sign of the zodiac, we will talk about it now.

So, the topic of our today's conversation is the characteristic of a scorpion-man. The main feature that men are endowed with this sign is a passion. Moreover, this property is manifested not only in loving relationships. They dip with passion in all, whether it is a career, the upbringing of children or sports. It is also noticed that people who are surrounded by scorpions feel emotional tension. It, in turn, is a consequence of all the same passion. The characteristic of the scorpion-man is permeated, which attracts to itself who is not familiar with the scorpions, may first seem like people born under this sign - restrained and even soft. However, you should not hurry with conclusions, as the scorpions are very strong and almost always achieve their goals.

Characteristics of character

We also note that that is extremely contradictory. On the one hand, they show themselves like restrained people independent of someone else's opinion with a huge but at the same time male scorpions are very often susceptible to emotional explosions. For this reason, many cannot immediately understand what kind of person it is - an angel or demon. People with a weakened psyche, as well as those who are too susceptible, as a rule, is very difficult to communicate with this zodiac sign.

Scorpio - Passionate Nature

Since the characteristic of the scorpion-man is completely shrouded in passion, he, like an inexhaustible source, moves all the time forward, conquering all new vertices. As for love, there are rapid passion volcanoes here. You may not even wonder how to conquer the Scorpio Men, it is almost impossible. He must choose you and achieve your location. Only in this case, the union can be successful. Closely communicating with scorpion, it must be remembered that it is impossible to play with his pride. His vulnerable pride can also play a joke with you. And even if the scorpion looks like a calmly, a serious fire is exactly ignited inside him.

If the husband is scorpion

If you chose a man of this sign as a satellite of life, you can forget about other men. After all, it is no secret that scorpions are very jealous, and in this they can cross all the imaginable borders. Interestingly, in relation to himself jealousy, they are not transferred. If your husband is scorpion, then get used to the fact that it will always be a female representatives will always be surrounded. However, it is not worthwhile, because if Scorpio chose you, it means that he really is really strong feelings, and no will be able to prevent your happy marriage.

Many dream of a scorpion man, because in family life, he manifests himself as a passionate, gentle and caring spouse. As we see, scorpions are quite contradictory, and they are not always easy with them. However, if your choice fell on this difficult man, be sure that you are for him - the only and most beloved.

\u003e Zodiac sign Scorpio: Male

In the wardrobe, men are a lot of black and gray outfits, sometimes even gloomy. But the sign can attract attention thanks to the sports figure, excellent posture, proud look and confident gait. This zodiac is sexy and is not shy to emphasize its influence on women. This uses usual tricks. For example, unbuttones the upper buttons on the shirt or choose tight trousers and jeans. In addition to the image, Macho finds a sensual perfume, which its loop captures the ladies like an invisible network.


Scorpio in love



Scorpio: characteristic Behavior

  • This high, strong, strong and emotional representative of the zodiac horoscope got used to live as he wants, despite the fact that others say. He comes up with his rules and is not going to discuss them with others. Independent, confident in the abilities, unshakable in decisions, the smart, permeable, dare, straight and looks at everything without impurities of fantasy or pink glasses.
  • Sometimes they are perceived as cruel personalities, because Scorpio does not pay attention to the floor or age and does not give anyone to overlook. Therefore, weak people prefer to bypass it. There are calm and calm in society. The sign is filled with emotions that successfully monitors until a certain point. This is a bright individualist, not inclined to walk with the crowd. He will choose his direction.

Personality and characteristics

Personality and characteristics

  • This is a powerful zodiac. Mysterious, capricious, real and crushing sexy. In many ways, it is the most unique and dramatic sign, but also the most difficult to give a correct description. Many aspects of the individual may seem negative. For example, it can be very intrusive. One does not like it, but others will feel desirable.

Is he eccentric?

It is always a difficult question, because each has its own level and the limit of eccentricity. So it is impossible to generalize. But Scorpio is among the most eccentric zodiacs. The bottom line is that it is driving on things that others can embarrass. However, configured on its satellite and quickly adapts to a new style of behavior.

Indifference - the opposite of love

  • Scorpio loves to enjoy every emotion. And although it will not tell about it directly, but prefers emotional heat (good and bad), and also has a huge inner force to cope with anything (and even with your negative qualities). Looking for a strong satellite with which you can play.
  • Intuitive, passionate and confident scorpion always withdraws your secrets, but you will learn about him only that he wants to open. And will not ask, because it is able to draw conclusions from the details in behavior and stories.
  • But you do not need to perceive it as a cunning spider that wars around you your networks. In fact, the problem is that it takes care too much. He is more mature, so he understands that ...

Partner who cares get power

  • The snag is only that it is scorpion that falls into the trap. He is laid out as much as possible, is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of you and becomes almost on the position of the artist, because it often makes more than getting. It is not surprising that in many cases everything ends sad and he takes bad experience from the relationship. But every new one becomes wiser.
  • Perfectly communicates with the surrounding, so easy it makes useful dating and friends. But this is a secretive man, through the armor of which does not break through without permission. He does not like a partner that is easy to get or too wound.


  • If you have never met with scorpion, you can first even get frightened. This is an intense person. Its energetic turns into a crazy passion when falls in love. It is scary, but no one else will experience anyone. He managed to seek his without different tricks and tricks.

Scorpions ...

  • It is interesting to note that in the entire zodiac circle it is the only sign that is risening in the form of a poisonous sting. This is a unique being, as it prefers to kill ourselves, rather than to be killed, leads a nightlife, possesses photophobia ("Sixth sense"), and also discards the cover several times. All this affects the personality of a person.

  • You rarely meet Scorpion in apathetic or inactive condition. This is a boiling volcano of energy. With whatever profession does not bother with fate, he is ready to surrender to a beloved case by 100%. Watching his behavior, you will not immediately understand where it moves. But his thoughts are increasing to the limit, and he seeks to the destination destination, intended only to him. Plans are surprised by scale. In work reaches incredible heights. Moreover, all the secrets of the profession opens in front of it, and sometimes he produces innovative approaches inaccessible earlier. But even the most successful zodiac will not stand without moral support from beloved people. Although the sign is never recognized in this.
  • In this regard, it is important to understand who is suitable for a man Scorpio. Despite the complex character, he will perform a defender for fish, aquarius and scales. Passion will turn around with airy, but they will break out due to lack of understanding. The most successful compatibility with cancer, as the man will get a cozy home and a loving spouse.

Scorpio in love

Love and stone for zodiac

  • If you choose stone by sign Not just like a decoration, but to protect, then Topaz is suitable. It restores the emotional balance and weakens stubbornness. Exemption from negative emotions comes with Beryl. Without him description of the sign It will focus only on the negative sides, since Scorpio sometimes forgets about loved ones and thinks more about himself. From stress will save Ruby.

Start of relationship

Gives up 100% and expects a response equivalent reaction. If you are not ready to develop relationships at such a level, it is better to stop everything right away. However, if you dream of a sensual lover who will explore your body and soul, then it is a great option.

  • Zodiac can love and therefore so attractive in the eyes of a beautiful floor. They are achieved, but the sign is known for its intelligibility. Zodiac in love endowed with power. It's all about his ability to see which motifs are behind the words of girls. So, without looking at compatibility, they clarify many contenders seeking money, minute passion, etc.

How to understand what is in love?

It all depends on the specific guy. Scorpion does not have any problems in order to write you 50 love messages or call without a break. But sometimes he just does not want you to know how much attached. To figure out, you just need to ask. He does not like games and appreciate an honest conversation. For such an act, only stronger to respect.

  • But if he put an eye on you, then in 99% of cases will achieve the desired. Despite their own minuses And possible shortcomings, purposeful zodiac will let all the skills of the temptation. This is a ram, punching any walls. But even a passioned man remains a single. You have to adapt to his rhythm if you want to be near.


Scorpio in Serious relationships

  • For today With confidence, you can declare that in the family of Scorpio will never raise the topic "Who is the main one." The role is assigned to him, and households never put this question in doubt. A woman does not just get along with the zodiac, as they will need obese, renunciation from the male company and patience to the whims of her husband. Remembering these simple conditions, you are aware of how to conquer his.

What about loyalty?

This is a passionate man, but if you fall in love, it is devoted to his companion. Although it is enough for him to feel that they are neglecting or disliked, it will make it a betrayal as revenge and try to fill the inner emptiness. If survived a large number of disappointments, it can ride a messy sex.

  • Scorpio does not know compromises and remains indifferent to insults, tears and dramatic scenes from the companion. There is another problem. They do not include a goal to the actual treason, therefore consider themselves devotees. But this does not mean that the scorpion is by nature a class. In the joint life there will be no place to rest. But if the wife adapts to his worldview and habit, then in response will receive an incredibly caring and loving person.

How to keep?

This is a "real" person, so just be honest and open. He does not need a supermodel, he is looking for you true. Open and let it.

  • Zodiac is needed not just comfort, but luxury. She is inclined to greed, and often infringes the needs of the family to satisfy their needs. As fathers, they are strict and even harsh. Children will not grow bald. They constantly require obedience and subordination. But in dangerous situations, Dad will become a shield that securely guarding offspring. Scorpio on a personal example shows what the power of the will, the resistance of the spirit and objectivity. Sometimes fathers are captured by the upbringing process so much that they start competing with her mother, fiercely defending their position.

Here are the typical levels of harmony between the scorpion and other signs. Click on any pair to figure it out in more detail.


Love and sex


Love and sex


Love and sex


Love and sex


Love and sex


Love and sex


Planet Governor: ♇ Pluto, ♂ Mars. Element: Water.


If adrenaline attracts you in any manifestations, be it eruption of a volcano or a stormy passion, then Scorpio is the person you need. What, and you will not get bored and throw it. However, perhaps your idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage was somewhat different, perhaps you imagined marriage as a quiet family harbor - nothing can be done here. If you hit the deadly charm of the Scorpio Men, then I'm afraid, it is already forever.

The fact is that since the scorpion stopped soon, it will not force him to retreat. If this has not yet happened, think about how you know how you can handle fire? The emotions of the Scorpio Men are akin to the rouse element that fascinates and admires, but it may hurt.

We can say about the male scorpion that it all beats through the edge: both love, and hatred, and strength and courage. At the same time, unlike other passionate signs, the feelings of scorpion have incredible stability. If love is, for life, if self-sacrifice is then breasts on the ambrusura. Well, the enemies of the male scorpion even in old age can be advised not to relax.

It is not surprising that the strong and passionate scorpion nature attracts women to him as the fire of the night lamp - moths. But to, becoming his chosen, you did not burn your wings, you need a real instruction on using the scorpion husband.

So, first, remember that you should become absolutely all: mistress, companion, interlocutor, friend. Must share all of his convictions, and this is sincerely, otherwise the insightful scorpion will immediately feel false. We must not just keep the scorpion loyalty (this is myself!) But you can do flirt and even simply shoot your eyes. Remember, play with the feelings of jealous scorpion - it's like pouring gasoline into an open fire.

In other words, prepare for the fact that life with scorpion will quickly make another person from you. If not, then you just can not stay next to him.

You still need to take into account in advance that not only in work, but also in home affairs, Scorpio is unlikely to listen strongly to your opinion. And the point is not at all that he does not respect you. Just the male scorpion is so independent that I got used to all responsibility for making decisions. Of course, it's a shame when even at home decide for you, but agree, in comparison with infantile mamyenicine sons (and not only with them), a decisive scorpion looks like a real man.

Scorpio is a strict and demanding father. In children, he seeks to raise accuracy, discipline and most importantly - the ability to stand for yourself.

Despite all its drawbacks, perhaps, only Scorpio is able to be so surprisingly loving, devotees, caring and gentle. Although he enjoys success in women, even Angelina Jolie would not be able to seduce him. Loyalty is one of the manifestations of his sense of justice: not allowing you to change you, the male scorpion does not allow thoughts about it for himself.

Male Scorpio - This is one of the brightest among all signs of the zodiac. If you characterize such men in one word, it would be the word " passion" They are passionate all: in love, in friendship, in hobbies, in work. There are no halftone for them, they never seek compromises, do not go on other people. These are very strong and self-confident men.

Male Scorpio - the hottest zodiac sign

Male Scorpio is a real devil. One of the main features of his character is aggressiveness, thirst for leadership. A man born under the sign of Scorpio attracts women by possessing a powerful sexual potential. It exudes charm, mystery, strength and it can not not fascinate.

Scorpio no one can convince if he decided. And if he is forced to obey, he will curse everyone and everything is such a hot and uncontrollable. But this is not clearly visible immediately. In society, the Male Scorpio behaves outwardly calmly and intelligently, but in his fire. You will never suspect that it is far from so naive, as it seems at first glance. Understanding this comes late.

Recognize scorpion among other harmless people is not difficult - it will be given a burning insightful look, with the external peace of mind and seeming indifference. It is his eyes that give all the inner fire of this man. The view of Scorpio never happens inexpressive or extinct. Outside, he will seem to you a phlegmatic - so a bit shy, thoughtful, few-sellers. But upon closer examination, you will be surprised that he is not at all what you expected. Inside him - volcano. It can be a pleasant surprise for you, and maybe not. With such a man hard. He will drive anyone for himself, so if you do not scorpion itself, then be ready to obey.

Thausing bites - the main feature of this man

Why did this sign of the zodiac named "Scorpio"? Because it is more painful, no one bites. He is cruel. Male Scorpio will receive a sadistic pleasure, mocking you - this is his bites, without which Scorpio is not scorpion. In society, he will express what you are short-sighted, stupid, estate, etc. "It's so having fun, although you are ready to burn from shame. Not to do all your persuasions so more - it will begin to mock even more. Vicious circle. His tongue is his sting. He is a few, but what they say will be enough to offend you. Therefore, they consider everything that Scorpio is a very hard man and difficult to him. And indeed it is.

This man was hated by generally accepted rules of conduct when something imposed on something, he has his own opinion on everything and he always goes as it seems necessary. He constantly changes something surrounded, he quickly even bored, because this sign is characteristic of destruction.

How to live with a scorpion man?

With a male scorpion can not be soft. He will first cease to respect you. For them, a riddle is important in a woman, the same inner force and passionality as he has. Show that you hurt you hurriedly - confess your helplessness and weakness. Silence and smile. No matter how hard it. Only in this case, you wander over it top. Do not discharge, do not cry, do not hiure - he is just waiting for it, just get calmly in his eyes and smile. It will be more close, but internally comes true.
And never under any conditions, do not regulate it. He can hit it, without saving with his emotions. In anger, he gives himself completely. As in love. Therefore, many women are literally "primed" to his inner power of individuality, Charizme to this strange duality of scorpion. But for this they have to pay too high. Masohistrics, not otherwise. Male Scorpio is needed in life Passion to become an ideal girl, you need to become a bitch. When everything quietly and calmly, he himself is looking for adventures to his ... Head. Who knows where she can lead him. If you begin to complain about him girlfriends, they will be sincerely surprised - how so, such a quiet thing and passion is inciting? Can not be! Yes, in humans Scorpions alone, and in their personal life - others. They are equally controlled both emotions and mind. And you never deserve what time will take the top.

How to win a scorpion man

He is very passionate, temperamental, jealous. A woman who is in a relationship with a man Scorpio can never deceive him, otherwise he simply discern. If a woman managed to conquer a man of scorpion, it's not worth relaxing, you should always be ready to conquer him again, because he fighters everything quickly.

Compatibility Men Scorpion

Ove woman

This is a very stormy union, but rather durable compared to other unions. Their relationship is filled with passion. Male Scorpio and Aries Woman are owners of strong characters, but at the same time they are romantic. Often, quarrels and scandals happen in their family life, but they only benefit them, given their emotionality and passion. This is a reliable and long-term union.

Woman Taurus

In this pair of partners unites sexual compatibility. They are suitable for each other in everyday life, since the woman is a calm character and does not respond to the increased aggressiveness of the Men Scorpio, for which he is grateful to it, as he understands that he is difficult for her. Marriage between them can be very durable and tightened all life.

Woman twins

They absolutely do not fit each other. Twins Woman will not adapt to the complex character of a male scorpion, herself loves to do what he thinks necessary, a lover of diversity. She is not interested in life and home comfort, such a woman prefers society girlfriends or disappearing at work, and not work in the kitchen at home. Male Scorpio will be unhappy with her, will be constantly jealous, since such a woman usually has many fans. Love relationships can still last for a while, and marriage is hardly possible.

Woman cancer.

Male Scorpio by nature fighter, and a woman cancer has a calm and timid character. Flashes of aggression and a strong character of a male scorpion will be suppressed and hurting. Woman Cancer will not swear and find out the relationship with a male scorpion, she will simply climb in himself and will not feel happy. Such a woman will quickly bother Scorpio, and he will look for new feelings, new relationships on the side.

Woman Lev.

The union between them is possible, but not immediately. Male Scorpio and Woman Lion got used to being leaders and be the main things in everything. Love relations between them are possible immediately, because between them there is a strong sexual attraction, but about the marriage is very doubtful, only if one of them is on the second roles.

Woman Deva.

A quiet and peaceful woman of Virgo is suitable for a hot-tempered and strong scorpion man. They both have a lot in common, they are targeted, they are not accustomed to retreat in front of life difficulties and both are ready for serious relations and family life. Scorpio understands that Virgo is ready for him everything, she is reliable and responsible, he appreciates her for it. Together they will be able to do a lot.

Woman scales

Their union is possible, let's say fifty-fifty. Considering their sexual attraction, a woman scales and a male Scorpion easily converge, but then difficulties begin. Scales - a sign of finely felt people, so a woman born under this sign is difficult to put up with a sharp scorpion. Woman scales will suffer from coarse and ulcer scorpion, often it leads to parting.

Scorpion woman

The union of two scorpions is doomed to parting. They often have love at first sight, but since they both possess strong, you can say, hazardous character, hardly any of them will want to give way. Their joint life can turn into a permanent war, endless quarrels and clarifying relationships - they cannot be avoided, only if both tried to soften their wild temper.

Woman Sagittarius

Woman Sagittarius regards the jealousy of a male scorpion as an encroachment on her freedom, on her personal space. This union is short-lived, since both will not be able to endure each other. A woman born under the sign of the Sagittarius is too independent, and the male Scorpio wants to be the leader, in a different way he just can not. The union between them is possible, if the Sagittarius woman learns to understand the value of family life, and the male Scorpio will not try to put it too much.

Woman Capricorn.

You can say the perfect union. Both sign are very similar. Holders of strong characters and, at the same time, are smart enough to give way to each other, with a strong sexual attraction, which does not subside with the time between the woman, is a strong sexual attraction. They are not boring together, there are emotions and sensuality, romance and jealousy in their relationship. Both are configured to serious and long-term relationships, perfectly understand each other and are ready to overcome vital difficulties together.