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Directions and tools. Business Online - Ways to create relatively stable online marketing schemes on the Internet

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine "Site"! In this article, let's talk about business on the Internet, different areas Online business, as well as how to start from scratch and what promotion methods are advisable to use to develop our own business through the Internet.

The topic of the Internet business is very relevant for the majority of the world's population. Leading economists claim that enterprises that through 5-10 years old will not attend the global network in general disappear from business.

Since the market is a platform for interaction buyers and sellersAnd the Internet is just the same and represents a convenient platform for business, without geographic and communication restrictions.

From the article you will learn:

  • What factors should be considered before starting your own business online;
  • A list of schemes that can be used at the initial stage of activity;
  • The most popular and actual business areas on the Internet without initial investments;
  • Methods of efficient business promotion on the network.

After reading the information set out in the article, each novice entrepreneur will be able to choose for himself the most appropriate activity, and an experienced businessman, reading to the end, will provide itself with knowledge that will optimize efforts to increase revenues.

Where to start and what to pay attention to when creating a business on the Internet network + 12 online business ideas

The beginning of his own career in business implies the presence of a set of completely other qualities and installations of a person compared to employment.

In the consciousness of most people, the principles of work and ensure money only on the basis of the implementation of the instructions of the authorities and permanent, stable earnings are laid.

What is important to know before starting in the Internet business?

1. Statement of the goal in business

The most important point. In the absence of a goal, a novice entrepreneur will be missing for the success.

The dream and the goal allow to overcome difficulties, solve emerging problems, find optimal methods and ways to meet customer needs, earning money.

2. Risk optimization

Especially at the initial stage should be very careful about financial investments and the use of borrowed funds. Optimal decision Will be a budget costs and strictly adhere to it.

At Novichka There may be a very good large-scale idea, but it is small one - you need to learn right organization Activities.

An experienced entrepreneur It may notice the idea of \u200b\u200ba novice, take advantage of her and defeat in a competitive struggle in a less sophisticated opponent.

The expedient decision will "go through the school of business" from the lowest and prepare yourself for large-scale activities.

5. Choosing a direction of activity that is familiar to the newcomer

It is important to start your own business activities From the direction in which the novice is well versed.

Otherwise, you will have to give a considerable amount of time to study the specifics of a product or service, evaluate the competitive environment, buying preferences, which can negatively affect the development of the business at the initial stage.

6. Earn self-confidence and perseverance

These qualities are not congenital, their person acquires in the process of life. An important key in the development of data skills is the ownership of business information:

  • study modern tendencies in business;
  • reading business literature;
  • view motivational films;
  • study of the success of well-known entrepreneurs.

Method number 2 - work in popular groups

On the exchanges of freelance and specialized forums on earnings on the network, you can detect many vacancies for work in social networks.

For example, it is possible to settle in the popular community by the administrator, which will allow you to perform the functions of the moderator: to ensure the cost of information and address advertising issues.

Method number 3 - Development of applications with subsequent sale

In the presence of special skills, the entrepreneur has the ability to develop special applications and earn money on their sale. The owners of the most famous applications receive multi-million revenues and are constantly interested in acquiring promising programs.

The most sought-after directions for applications:

  • a variety of variations of famous computer games;
  • applications that stimulate communications between people in social networks;
  • all sorts of questionnaires and tests;
  • programs for statistical and analytical processing of information;
  • programs to integrate the Internet resource on social network.

Method number 4 - the creation of its own popular group

In order to this method allowed to earn it necessary:

  • to create a group;
  • split public, collecting a large number of subscribers;
  • making money on advertising in a group of other goods and communities.

Create a community will not be a lot of work for any registered user on social network.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the thematic orientation of the group and choose a suitable name that will attract the attention of a large number of social network users.

It should also be paid to the design and filling with high-quality information.

For group promotion It is necessary to take measures to attract how more subscribers. This requires high-quality and interesting content, as well as constant replenishment of the public with new information.

Friends, familiar and relatives can be the first subscriber users, and then you can use the services of specialized services that provide community promotion services. In more detail about we wrote in the past material, where they told how to create a group how to promote them and so on.

After overcoming the turn of a thousand subscribers can be used additional ways Promotions:

  • coordinate mutual advertising with other communities;
  • report their community on the walls of third-party groups;
  • carry out the advertising activity of their group through various promoting sites;
  • use by posting high-quality video with reference to the community.

After creating and successfully promoting the group on the network, you can try to make money.

The most popular ways to receive income with the help of communities are:

  • placement of advertising information in the community;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • the use of advertising exchanges for advertising posts.

Method number 5 - creation of a group for further sale

This method of earnings should take advantage of entrepreneurs with the experience of successful creation and promotion of communities in social networks. The main factor determining the potential income - choosing the right thematic.

The creator must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relevance of a particular topic, as well as navigate the aggregate of potential buyers.

Very promising direction It is the creation, promotion and subsequent sale of communities advertising popular brands.

The qualitative graphics and text design and maintenance of "branded" groups can lead to a proposal to buy a community from the owners of these trademarks.

Idea 7. Bug fix

As challenged above in the Internet community, there are significant demand for writing quality texts. At the same time, the owners of sites, buying articles on stock exchanges, face performed works with brushes, small shortcomings. To accommodate quality articles on our own resources, they are interested in services of proofreaders.

Earnings on editing can be an excellent way to make money for people with deep knowledge of the Russian language. Correction You can texts on any topic, but when working on a highly specialized subject, it will be necessary to study additional information.

Earnings on correcting errors in articles is not very popular, but a large number of people with philological education can provide themselves with a significant level of income.

Using these abilities can be made by other methods. For example, on the stock exchanges / sale of articles there are a large number of newcomers, and the corrector has the opportunity to earn through buying cheap texts and sell them for more significant money after adjustment.

Idea 8. Photo

A large number of people are interested in photography. At this hobby, in addition to personal satisfaction, you can earn good money.

There are many resources (photo equipment) in the network, providing intermediary services for the purchase / sale of photographic materials. The artist puts its work on this site, where other users have the opportunity to purchase them.

Mostly sites - Photoshoki work according to a specific scheme:

  • Photos in the highest possible quality is implemented once at an extremely high price (at least 400 rubles) and then removed from trading,
  • The image on average resolution is implemented 10-30 times at a price of 15-35 rubles,
  • The photo "is rented" to a fixed number of views.

The main buyers of photographic materials are:

  • news media;
  • advertising agencies;
  • web designers;
  • internet logs.

The most popular and demanded areas of photographs are:

  • photos of thematic orientation ( cooking, repair, nature, building materials, etc.);
  • photo reports;
  • photographic patterns.

Idea 9. Translations from foreign languages

Very popular activity on the Internet. A person who knows foreign languages \u200b\u200bat a good level has the ability to earn good.

This work is advisable to combine with the provision of copywriter services. On all sorts of stock exchanges a large number of orders for translation with foreign language in Russian.

The big advantage will be the knowledge of special terminology in certain areas. Earnings depends on the popularity of the language, the complexity of the text and can reach 1 000 rubles For a thousand characters.

Idea 10. Web design services

Also very popular activity in the network. For successful work Required at a good level to own popular programs for working with graphic files. In addition, there is basic knowledge of graphics as current and its component elements.

Creative approach, sense of style and artistic talents will also provide significant income.

An important component of success is the establishment of proper communication with customers. Each client has its own idea of \u200b\u200bthe required operation of the resource.

Respectively very important Designer to be able to coordinate the project, taking into account their own capabilities and client preferences.

On the initial stages A beginner web designer should use specialized stock exchanges, where you can perform the work of any complexity and gain experience. Their network has a large number, and the most popular of them , , and etc.

Qualitative tasks will allow a good reputation on the resources and will provide an opportunity to earn more.

Idea 10. Outsourcing

The development of Internet technologies contributed to the creation of conditions for business development in the field of outsourcing. Many companies are beneficial do not use in your own state some employees, and give assignments to perform certain work third-party specialists who will independently pay taxes and compulsory contributions for their services.

Work in this area is beneficial and highly specialized specialists, as it allows us to cooperate with an unlimited number of customers and ensure ourselves high levels income.

1. Accounting outsourcing

The most popular destination. To provide services, a beginner entrepreneur must have an appropriate education, successful work experience, as well as to know the legislation in the field of taxation, taking into account current changes in it for proper fulfillment Work.

Important aspect - possession at the professional level by special programs, for example, 1c accounting .

The most popular options for cooperation with clients is:

  • drawing up accounting and statistical reporting for the organization;
  • maintaining financial accounting of the enterprise;
  • auditing services;
  • full range of accounting services.

2. Legal outsourcing

Also very popular activity. The performer must have the appropriate higher education and experience in jurisprudence, as well as as much as possible, knowledge of economic and tax legislation.

Organizations are interested in legal advice, in compiling correctly executed documentation. In some points, the enterprise requires services for the preparation of claims and a wide variety of contracts.

3. IT Outsourcing

Works by maintenance local networks, creation of sites, software development Most enterprises prefer to transfer to third-party organizations or entrepreneurs providing these services.

Idea 11. Network Marketing

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is the interaction of the manufacturer, entrepreneur and the buyer.

The popularity of this type of business on the Internet is also high. Creating a specific company with a demanded commodity grid gives the founders the possibility of good earnings.

So you can organize a web studio on the Internet, which will offer these services, finding relevant specialists in this area.

Schemes and business promotion methods on the Internet

4. Effective business promotion on the Internet - 6 best tools

The organization of its own business on the Internet, as a rule, does not cause large difficulties in entrepreneurs. The main difficulties arise in solving development issues and ensure profit growth.

The idea and direction of activity can be very popular among consumers, but without the use of a set of measures aimed at promoting business, it will be difficult to count on increasing income.

Business promotion methods online:

  1. Social networks;
  2. Forums on the required subject;
  3. Use of video channels;
  4. Promotion with free advertising mailing numbers;
  5. SEO-optimization of its own resource or lending;
  6. Using free bulletin boards.

Consider each of these promotion tools in more detail.

1) social networks

The correct solution will be the active use of social networks for business promotion. Statistics shows that more than 80% network users have their own pages in social networks and use them at least 2 hours a day.

The main ways to promote businesses with social networks are:

  • Placing quality information in optimal quantity.Important components - Uniqueness and fascinating style of writing texts, as well as the emotionality of the transfer of information, without an explicit advertising orientation. The filling of the page with new posts should be regular, depending on the direction of activity can be from 2-3 texts per day before the same number per week.
  • Using targeting. Effective direction of advertising activity, oriented towards the target audience, selected on the basis of geographic affiliation, socio-demographic component and interest in the proposed products and services.
  • Advertising in popular groups.The first direction is the paid placement of posts. Second - purchase of repost. Efficiency (as well as the cost of services) depends on the level of popularity of the advertiser community.
  • Promotion with professional advertising exchange. The network has a large number of stock exchanges specializing in the provision of business promotion services in social networks. On a paid basis can provide a group with high-quality content, as well as run all required types of advertising.

Orientation for optimal time to accommodate information in different social networks to allow entrepreneurs to increase the efficiency of their activities.

2) Forums on the required subject

Online a large number of a wide variety of forums. It is necessary to find such that correspond to the direction of the activities of the entrepreneur and have high attendance.

Next, you should register and constantly contact the participants. When communicating, the advertising orientation of posts should be avoided (since it is possible to obtain a "ban" from the web resource administration), when establishing good level And to obtain a sufficient rating should be left links to their Internet projects.

Like any business, the Internet business is better to build on the fact that you are best obtained, what is the soul. Make a list of 3-4 activities. It should be borne in mind that a business successfully developing offline will not necessarily be as successful on the network. For this reason, every type of activity must be tested in search engines (Google, Yandex).

Your task is to analyze the number of real queries for each direction that the potential customers are gaining in search enginesoh. This information is collected in the database and is a mirror reflection of the market, i.e. The problems whose solution potential customers were looking for on the Internet.

To do this, you can use the Yandex WordStat service or the Google Keywords Tool. For each direction you need to choose at least 1000 phrases and on subjective criteria to choose the most interesting for business (about 20%).
Manually doing this work, you will begin to better understand which of your goods or services most often searched for users.

You also need to highlight a list of competitors (for each direction) and briefly describe their suggestions. Be sure to learn advertising of competitors on the network: types of goods (services), keywords, headlines.

After conducting this work, you will learn which of your directions are more promising, and what products under each direction should be offered.

The next step will be the creation of the site and its filling with appropriate textual materials (topics and keywords you are already known).

Prerequisite - monitoring site statistics. You need to know how many visitors comes to the site, by some key requests and what other information on the site they look. At this stage, you can already offer some products and services and offer to fill out the form of pre-registration or purchase.

It is necessary to understand that customers are primary, more precisely, you should be interested in the active actions of customers, such as pressing the order design button.

Goods can be promptly found if orders go orders, it is more important to understand what works, and what is not. You do not carry no costs for logistics, always begin with the formation of customer flow, and then the products themselves. This can be done in parallel, but it is not worth starting with the purchase of goods or production before you get the first customers.

So, you have determined which requests are attracting the most visitors and which of them use real demand and they are trying to buy them. Now on the site you can bite the real online store of the relevant goods or services. To do this, the site is added to the site directory of goods, receiving orders and payment.

After that, fill the online store in goods. Pay attention to the cards of goods, interesting descriptions, photos, videos and customer reviews. Photos should be high quality and with the ability to look at the goods from different sides. Recommended by arrows to specify key details, for example, the number of ports at the laptop. If there is an opportunity to do 3D viewing with the possibility of rotation.

The structure of the site should exactly comply with the initial partitions that were created during the selection of keywords. We try to do exactly on the sections and further subsections with more detailed requests.

For example:
Wash off paint - how to wash off acrylic paint
Wash off paint - how to wash off the oil paint
Wash off paint - how to wash the graffiti
Wash off paint - what to wash the old paint

On specified pages, create interesting articles that correspond to the requests that customers asked and these articles will introduce blocks of purchase of the recommended product, with which you can solve the site visitor's problem.

Analysis of user actions shows that these pages people get directly, bypassing the main page of the site from search engines and contextual advertising. Access to this structure is organized through the menu "Articles" or "Blog".

Separately create navigation by manufacturers, nomenclature and types of goods that are already opening specific cards for purchase. This navigation is already located in the main menu. Usually in the left block on the site to quickly search for necessary type goods.

In parallel with this, you need to find product providers, score staff to work with customers and in the delivery service.

It is advisable to immediately divide the whole process on weakly dependent areas: customer search (LEAD Generation), sales (SALEC), those who accept orders and are able to sell by phone, work department with existing clients (Account Management). This makes your business initially more stable and hardworthy, as everyone is engaged in a narrow circle of tasks and it does not have all the necessary skills. For a while you will have to spend on writing instructions for personnel (creating regulations). This is very important, since if necessary, replace a person, you will have a list of tasks that must be done again. Consider this from this point of view - fast replacement node of the mechanism.

Immediately, from the first profit, reserve from 10% to 40% on attracting customers: search engine optimization, contextual advertising Yandex Direct, Google AdWords, banner advertising etc. (The selection of the channel depends on the features of your business).

Many businesses bend exactly due to the fact that resources disproportionately consume.
Be sure to create project pages on social networks that will piano your Internet resources. Represent your business on them, attract potential customers, stimulate a positive discussion, collect feedback, etc.

The effective method of working with clients' objections is video recruitment of your goods. YouTube video stations should offer "supporting" materials: video presentations of products, training video for customers (for example, a set of exercises using the simulator that you sell).

Do not neglect the placement on different resources of references to selling pages of your site. Such resources can be profile forums, professional communities, hobby community, etc. Actively communicate in them, become an expert, and the number of transitions on your links will increase.

Does your Internet business work and brings your profit? Do not relax. Competitors are improving their proposals, new business projects appear, consumer tastes change. Do not stop watching what is happening in your Internet business niche, analyze the statistics of your resource and develop it.

So typical step-by-step plan To create a business on the Internet:

  1. The choice of several topics and directions to which there is a soul, i.e. I wonder them. There must be several such (prerequisite)
    Focus on:
    • What can you do
    • What do you have talent
    • What is the value for the client
  2. Market Analysis - Creating a semantic kernel for each of the topics and identifying key key requests from Yandex statistics and Oogle
  3. Analysis of the population of the market according to the topics. We compile a list of competitors, their sites. We analyze what and how they sell.
  4. We analyze who of competitors gives contextual advertising and set these areas the highest priorities.
  5. We plan the structure of sites in these directions and launch the process by filling it with relevant articles
  6. We collect primary statistics and where I went through the flow of visitors, screw the mechanisms for receiving orders and payment, i.e. Create online stores and fill their catalogs with goods.
  7. We are looking for suppliers of these goods and establish service reception and delivery service.
  8. We are constantly working on analytics sites and the allocation of the most sought-after directions.
  9. Run paid customer attraction channels.
  10. We launch the accompanying projects in social networks and video hosting for information support
  11. We work on external reference weight and other channels to attract customers.
  12. Gradually increase the amount of useful content and nomenclature of the products sold.
  13. We repeat the process for other less priority topics.

Create new projects and successful selling you!

Greetings to you dear blog visitors. In this article I want to provide you somewhat useful Soviets, namely, the category of selected people who want to create their own business on the Internet. It is no secret that the Internet - the sphere is very difficult to master many citizens, which is here to talk about the Internet - marketing, which is given with great difficulty. In this article, I want to bring you to the right way to the Internet business, how to choose a niche to create own businesswhere to start and how best to act.

But, accordingly, you must perfectly understand that this article is not a franchise, and I will not fully describe actions, the point is that I often write newcomers in VKontakte, and ask how and where to start, the better to do, Is it worth doing this, and all the other ....

I decided to write this post, in which I will tell you how to create my business from scratch on the Internet, the better to do and what niche to choose. But first you should ask yourself what you really know how. The fact is that such a situation may arise that you are a simple girl at the age of 18, which decided to go closely copywriting. You may already be earning for example 50,000 rubles, but suddenly it turns out that you have excellent knowledge of Photoshop, and it becomes immediately clear that you chose the main scope of activity incorrectly. After all, creating beautiful designs For sites and blogs you can earn even more. Good web - designers are very demanding on any Freelance Exchange, and for one created design for the site you can earn an average of 15,000 - 70,000 rubles, which is here to talk about banners, logos, and everything else ... ..

1. Choosing a niche for business

Before you decide, what kind of online business do you want to do, you must choose a niche in which you will deal with. For example, if I hate renovation, I'm sick, when I pass by the construction site (remembering as I smelled there), I will never succeed in the construction business (be it there is a building blog, or it is possible to write articles on a construction topic). I understand SEO, I love to dig in software, flash phones, I love to make money on the Internet, I love to write articles, and I defined my niche, namely:

- creation of sites and blogs

- maintaining own sites and blogs

- Banking Offers (CPA Marketing)

- Trading

- Creating inforoduks

- Building a subscription base (E - Mail Marketing)

You also have to decide on your niche. Immediately it will be very difficult, I, too, at first I started with trading at all, but in the future it was infobusiness and blogging. Everything will be over time, you cannot immediately decide, but in the Internet business you immediately need to understand that yours. You may have a psychologist by profession, thereby be able to create excellent information courses about family relationshipAll other things ... Courses are in great demand, and having a large subscriber base, your blog, you can build a fairly reliable business type.

2. Ideas on how to create your business online

In fact, ideas are a lot, but in fact you have to decide what idea to choose you. Here is the most profitable types of online business, namely:

- Infobusiness (you create personal courses for subsequent sale)

- Affiliate Infobusiness (you are engaged in promoting other people's courses, and get up to 80% from the sale) for example using QWERTYPAY. Registration by reference\u003dWebmasterDima (Caution Refka))

- You will build a subscription database in SmartResponder or Justclick, for subsequent monetization. First you need to choose a niche, create any free information product, or buy with the right sense. You need to create a capture page, and collect a subscription database. In fact, this is a fairly simple type of business, if you compare with the site building. You just need to learn how to send an avalanche of traffic to your subscription page to receive avalanche of subscribers, which will be your key buyers.

- If you work well in Photoshop, you know how to create designs, logos, banners, then you are very lucky. Sign up on any Freelance Exchange, fill the portfolio. The average income of the successful web designer in the area of \u200b\u200b30,000 - 300,000 rubles per month. Or you can act as an intermediary, search for customers and performers, and as a dealer earn your percentage.

- You can do trading. It is not about trade in the forex market. You can attract investors and traders to a specific dealing center, and building a large structure to earn a good passive income.

- You can . If you do not have data skills, you can proceed much easier to act as an intermediary, create your own web studio. The most important thing in this type of business is to provide customers with your performers.

- You can become the founder of your own activity, the main thing to choose a niche.

- You can create your own CAP system. But in the last article, I wrote about whether to be an administrator of the CAP system.

- maintaining your own blog (very profitable, but long)

3. Do not be confused ... ..

Do not confuse internet - business with earnings on the Internet. These are completely different things, and the actions are made completely different. If you want to build big business From your own blog, most likely you will be all your free time to fill your blog useful and unique content, you will invest in the purchase of links in PR blog. And if you decide to make money on the Internet, then your main task is to earn.

Decide that you want from the Internet, the fact is that business online and earnings on the Internet are completely different things that differ literally to all.

If you want to create your business on the Internet, you can create your own blog, build a large subscription database, to do the infobusiness, sale of goods or services, or create your own online store, and if you want to make money on the Internet, you can simply go to copywriting. That's what I recommend to you for study, namely:

Also for free you can download a very useful information material, in which I told about how to make money on the Internet from 20,000 rubles. In any case, this money will be an excellent addition or initial investment in your business.

>> <<

In any case, even if you are currently doing business on the Internet, but simply earn the Internet, it is worth thinking about to start your own website or blog. If you can not create your blog, contact me by mail [Email Protected], I will create you inexpensively and set everything competently.

4. Send everything ..........

If you decide to make an Internet business, forget about all your friends and parents who will tell you that this is all deception, it is impossible to earn. As if we did not like our parents, we perfectly understand that they are used to just work, and there has never been such that you can make money on the network. Better, do not speak anything superfluous, that's when you really achieve high results, everyone yourself will notice that will not need to say anything ....

Internet - business is a rather strange area of \u200b\u200bactivity, it is poorly studied, many simply do not even represent how a person can make hundreds of thousand rubles each month. Many people think so that you can earn only if you Pavel Durov, or the owner of Yandex. In fact, even a simple culinary blog can bring hundreds of thousands, do not forget that there are also advertisers who are able to pay any money for their advertising on your resource.

5. Act!

If you solved something, then act! Correctly suggest that the smartest thought is the first! If you solved something, then start acting immediately! Take all your toys from the computer, forget about movies and TV shows, forget about the rest and weekends. No need to whine !!!

How to create your business online?

1. Choice of activity

2. Choosing a niche

4. Plow and plow again

5. Invest and plow again

6. The first results - the first money

7. First money in investing and plowing again

8. First big money

9. Extension

10. Big money - part of yourself - part in circulation

For example, I will never shoot with some Rotaban 300 - 500 rubles, I better spend this money for the purchase of banners, or I will transfer to Rotapost to buy links. Do not be fined, money should work!

Sea breeze, rustling palm trees and a glowing monitor on the beach chaiseing chair of Thailanda - Usually such pictures of the future life are drawn in the heads of those who think about business on the Internet. The dream of modernity is to work a little and receive a lot - according to the unenmended majority, it will help to implement the almighty Internet. When you have gained and having heard the stories of the success of entrepreneurs who earned millions on the Internet, young people start thinking:

If he was able, then what am I worse?

At the hundredth of it stumbled upon the next story that business on the Internet is easy and simple, and you can earn a hundred thousand thousand years per month, working for a few hours a day, someone starts searching for a familiar programmer, and someone himself begins Study site designers and comprehend Aza Google Analytics.

There are of course those who bring to the bait of fast and easy money - trying to understand binary options, Internet traders, instrects and traffic arbitration ...

Internet business attracts that it does not require initial investments. No need equipment, no office, nor employees. You can not even make an IP, do not pay taxes - you will not be anything. Moreover, the options to start earning, without having nothing for the soul - a lot, thinks the vast majority.

Is it really?

Freelance or business?

First you need to decide on the concepts. What is a business on the Internet, and how does it differ from the usual earnings via the Internet? If equating Internet business and earnings with it, then millions of freelancers - copywriters, designers and programmers are the same businessmen as the creators of Google or VKontakte.

When working via the Internet, only the mythical sense of work on ourselves is created - a flexible schedule, a comfortable sofa at home, self-catering instead of a dining room ... I work when I want, I don't see anyone, I choose customers, etc. However, nevertheless, you will have a boss, albeit on the "deletement" that will tell you what, how and when to do. What is this business?

This business involves the development, delegation of powers, a more extensive hierarchy and a well-thought-out structure and, of course, is accompanied by legal design, accounting and work with contracts.

No serious customer will contact the single-haired freelancer without legal entity.

Sale of knowledge and online training today is gaining increasing popularity.

Starting with your own video courses, you can stay, getting passive sales income from time to time, or go further and start development in this area - to attract other speakers, coaches and coaches, publish both paid and free video courses and video - Turks, expand the themes of your online school courses, run webinars, etc. Only then can this be considered a full-fledged business. Nevertheless, the start of any enterprise on the network always starts from one point - the site creation.

Business on the Internet: the site all over the head

Make sure that the site brings money - the task is not from the lungs for several reasons.

Website owners need not only correctly pick up a niche and the subject of their site and constantly fill it with interesting and useful content - it is obvious and required by default. Anyone who wants to monetize its site will have to master a lot of advance technician - the main of which is SEO-optimization - a dark forest in which hundreds of entrepreneurs wandered. But this is another story about which we will talk about in another article, but for now we suggest to consider various business options on the Internet in more detail.

Niche in online business

Alexander Ningburg

General Director of the Nimble Service

Separately, perhaps, it should be stopped on the most popular online business area - online stores. It is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a store in the network first comes to a person who dreams of a business on the Internet.

Despite its low marginality in today's realities, a business built on a purchase and sale continues to attract novice entrepreneurs. Whether it is connected with laziness and reluctance to invent and look for unique and original ideas for business, whether the desire for trade is laid down at the genetic level along with the memory of the successes of Falterns and shuttlers of the 80s and 90s of the last century. In any case, today raroppers, Internet aggregators and online stores of various masters came to replace the rearrangement schemes. All these options are used as the main one, if not to say the only, channel sales of the Internet, which allows you to minimize the initial investment, reduce costs and increase the marginality and profitability of this business.

According to the many experts and analysts, Internet commerce is one of the few areas of business, which does not slow down the growth rate, despite economic shocks, changes in the macro-economic climate and political confrontation in a separate country and all over the world as a whole. Moreover, novice entrepreneurs do not allow the success of foreign giants - Aliexpress, Ebay and Amazon. How to stand in front of the temptation to start a business on the Internet, creating your own online store?


Online stores, as a rule, open people who a) far from business and commerce, b) are far from IT. This is 80% of owners of online stores. They make an incredible number of idiotic mistakes. It is for the store to start making a profit, as a rule, you have to go through a long and thorny path. Our practice shows that there are money and motivation in such people. More often people open online stores, do not think that any market has a ceiling. Especially in small cities. As a result, people spend a bunch of money, in the hope that sooner or later they will start earning, but this does not happen, because those and a half of the buyer who have in the first month and there are 100% market saturation.

When starting an Internet online store, you will have to face many problems that will be forced to solve the Internet entrepreneur. To the list of questions, in addition to the standard "website creation", "content of content" (in the case of an online store, this is the content and design of the catalog of goods) and "Promotion" will be added such items as "search for suppliers", "Logistics", "Organization of payment" And other business processes characteristic of ordinary offline stores.

Regardless of whether you are going to open an online or offline store, start will have to choose a product that you will sell. According to Pavel Gorbova, the executive director Re: Sale Expert, today the most popular destinations in the Internet trading are:

  • products of personal daily demand (beauty and health; gifts, etc.);
  • personal use technique (phones, tablets, etc.);
  • goods of domestic use (bed, dishes, etc.);
  • decorations, accessories (not jewelry);
  • sporting goods;
  • clothes, shoes.

On the other hand, today there are more conservative business - woodworking, chemical industry, heavy industry, agriculture, approve data from Allbiz Allbiz. This opens up additional opportunities to choose your niche, free from competitors, which means that gives the opportunity to use the form and go into a gap.

Peter Talent

Founder and general director of flower delivery service

There is no single e-commerce market, there are many markets, each in its niche - food delivery, search and purchase Avia and railway tickets, purchase of equipment, hotel search, delivery of bouquets and flower arrangements. These are all completely different businesses combined only by a common denominator - their location in the worldwide network. As in any other company, here you need to find your own not yet occupied niche, much invest in marketing, to the service, to the organization of the procurement and production process.

Of course, if 15-20 years ago, the business on the Internet can be started with the starting capital of $ 350, now this can be launched (depending on the business) from $ 1000 and higher. The seeming simplicity of the organization of online commerce is a huge amount of work, which is not inferior to its analogues offline, and the competition in this area is often even higher.

From ideas to an online startup: uniqueness and competition

The Internet and modern IT technologies as nothing else make it possible to realize any idea of \u200b\u200ba business, provided that the idea is in demand (will solve some problem) and to monetize it will not be difficult.

Find a problem and try it to solve it with the help of Internet technologies in the future can bring considerable income - on this statement and today is being built today. That's where young and ambitious online startups appear there, which offer a unique service or service, solving any problem or a new way to relieve life, save time or money through IT.

Another thing is that not every startup develops into a normal, acting business ...

CEO "Photochenka"

At the moment, the photobanks market is sufficiently developed and saturated. Market leaders now have bases at 30-50-70 million images. To create a new successful project in this segment, a strong competitive advantage and considerable capital is necessary. Opening the photo bank on the knee will be doomed to failure.

Competitive advantages - prices and service. At the moment, both in the first and in the second question, photobanks succeeded. To "break" the market you need to come up with something revolutionary.

Business business

However, not all Internet business options suffer from competition and high market entry barriers. The very fact of the need and demand for website creation, the presence of companies on the Internet and the creation of an additional sales channel through the online store gives birth to a whole pleiad of various options and business opportunities on the Internet in the B2B sphere.

The only requirement in this case is the presence of knowledge and competence of the future Internet entrepreneur in certain areas - web development, web design or Internet marketing.

Director of the IT Factory Agency

Founder of the Agency's Internet Marketing Agency "Architect"

Beginners of Internet entrepreneurs can be divided into several categories.

The first is young and inexperienced people, with burning eyes and solid faith in the success of the Internet business. Often they do not have significant starting capital, they only have a remote presentation of both programming and methods of attracting traffic. Nevertheless, enthusiastically rushes into battle - to conquer the expanses of the Internet, tick the cones, act as a sample and error. If you feel about this category, you have two options. The first, spending the titanic efforts, master all the online business nuances on their own, stubbornly follow the goal, starting with a small one, or to do differently - gain experience in the sphere in which you plan to run a business.