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Banner and targeted advertising on classmates. Advertising in social networks: classmates

If it comes to social networks, it must once be overlapped by the theme of their advertising functions. So the life is arranged, and the Internet works so: without advertising it does not work well. After all, social network users are potential customers, ready to buy that they are interested. You just need to tell them about yourself. And today we will answer the question of how advertising in classmates for you is implemented - the advertiser.

OK.RU is the product of And Mail.Ru offers users their own internal system Target advertising. It seems to be trying to simplify everything as much as possible, but on the fact it turned out that they were just confused.

How to file an advertisement in classmates for free?

Let's try to decompose everything around the shelves and start from the first moment - options for advertising on classmates. You have three options:

  • Banners;
  • protectors;
  • pRE-ROLL.

With banners more or less understandable, because This is one of the most sought-after and familiar options for promoting tools. They are located along the side parts of the pages or at the top, as well as in the news feed. And with all the visible utility, the banners have two essential minuses. The first - such posts are blocked by Adblock and other advertising blockers. The second is frankly expensive. So for only the running brand, this option will simply depart in a penny.

Protposts - already a slightly different type of advertising. They are a slightly more advanced and specific type of targeting. Binding to the group is not required. And the promotion can look like text, a graphic image or even a video. The last option is particularly effective, but only in the case of a competent approach to its creation. As practice shows, it is necessary to maximize the essence of the proposed product or the proposed service. This will help attract the attention of users and, as a result, to quickly unwind your brand.

Finally, Pre-Roll. This targeted advertisement in classmates is a small roller, which runs before viewing by users OK.RU video on the site. Effectively? Yes. But despite the fact that there is definitely the investment of money. And this, alas, may not be allowed every advertisers.

How to run advertising in ok?

With the theory, at least basically figured out. Next, go to practice. Natural question - how to advertise in classmates? And really, how? After all, in the social network itself, as such settings, as we used to see on other services, are missing.

And this is not by chance. Just Mail.Ru Group decided to create a separate product to control advertising placement on all its available services. He received the symbolic name "MyTarget", then you mean "my goal." It is clear from the name that its sphere is a targeting advertisement that interests us. According to developers, work on the MyTarget service should be as simple as possible and understandable. The point sample of the target audience promises, but in fact everything turns out much more prosaic.

Nevertheless, such paid advertising really relieves the problem of finding potential customers. Everything you need to do is create an account on MyTarget, replenish your balance and edit the settings of the shows in which you think advertising will be most effective. What settings are available to us:

  • geography;
  • groups;
  • games and applications;
  • timing;
  • demography;
  • interests;
  • birthdays;
  • search history;
  • rearketing.

It is also important to determine the subject of advertising. Basically, advertise a website or a group in classmates, and the price teams are doubled, or even three times cheaper. Sometimes you need to advertise the post - for example, if you hold a competition. Categories "Shop" and "Motor Show" is a completely different story. Moreover, the "store" goes to dynamic remarketing, which only adds the complexity of its use, and the "auto show" automatically integrates to the service.

Another point is the choice of advertising format. The taser size of 90x75 is the smallest paintings on the sides of the pages that are most often ignored. Banner 240x400 - the same format, but large sizes. In addition to prerolls, you can integrate 1000x200 banners. Carousel allows you to attach several photos in the post. Mobile advertising is limited to publication in the official application and the mobile version of the site. A multi-format accommodation allows you to advertise immediately in several formats.

Finally, it is important to competently approach the creation of the very post. And here everything is selected by experiments and samples. Fonts, texts, pictures - it is important to show your advantages available and in a very concise form.

Alternative to mytarget.

Of course, you should not be afraid of all these price tags and complex settings. Think if you can customize advertising in classmates without the help of mytarget filed or generally yourself? Yes.

First, you can completely free the information about classmate groups among the social network users. We'll have to sweat. Create multiple accounts, add to friends and invite to our community, colorfully painting their strengths And your uniqueness.

Fourth, there are simply SMM specialists who only need a budget and goals. Everyone else they are ready to do for you. And quite professionally and efficiently, if lucky.

Create advertising in classmates is not very difficult. But some marketing knowledge can still come in handy. Well, if you read this article, I did not receive the answers to your questions - ask them in the comments. Reply!

Social networks have a multimillion audience, and therefore nothing surprising is that they have become effective advertising platforms, no. Sellers and buyers find each other, and in the global context, it is very good.

Here are just banners sooner or later begin to bother, and users are trying to decide how to remove advertising in classmates. Fortunately, there are salvation from annoying virtual advertising shields. And how it looks, read below.

Types of advertising

Actually, you need to start with one small detail - species existing in an advertisement. At the glance of the user, there is no difference - it prevents everything and, it seems, always. However, if you intend to disable advertising in classmates, you need to figure it out.
So, you can see 4 types of advertising:

  • in the news feed;
  • on top of the pages;
  • side of pages;
  • pop-up.

Unfortunately, universal Fashion There is no disconnection of all these messages. Therefore, to delete advertising will have to be alternately. It is necessary to use additional services that allow you to block the annoying banners.

And now we will analyze these ways.

Clean the advertising page

There is information that you used to remove advertising in classmates in the tape directly in the social network itself. To do this, it was necessary to simply go to the settings and, putting a tick in the appropriate column, turn off the posts pop-ups among other news. However, now other ways to exit the situation are required.

It is reduced to the so-called "EDBLOCERS", i.e.

Submit ads in classmates

special extensions that help get rid of advertising. And not only in OK, but also on sites in web browsers, in general. How to download these extensions? To do this, go to the extension store in your browser (in Opera or Google Chrome). Next, drive into the search string "Lock advertising" and view all the results obtained. The option is even easier - immediately drive "adblock", because it is the first expansion that can be useful for us.

The installation of the EDBLAK will help remove advertising in classmates at the top of the page. However, it is possible that the desired effect will not be reached immediately. First you need to check the filter updates. To do this, you must click on the Adblock icon in the browser header and go to "Parameters". Go to the "Filter List" tab and click "Update Now".

On this, our manipulations do not end - to remove advertising in classmates at the top, you will have to work hard. The problem is that the social network developers are looking for ways to bypass the blocking of EDBLOKERS. As a result, we get not quite the correct operation of downloaded extensions on pages in classmates. It looks like this - as soon as the browser prog blocked the banner, a new one appears on the spot being blocked. Fortunately, the developers of extensions do not sleep, offering their bypass scripts of the social network. Therefore, if you see a banner, you need to do the following:

  1. Click right-click mice on the right corner of the banner;
  2. Click on the item "adblock";
  3. Click "Block this advertisement."

Of course, this is not the most convenient way, but the main thing is that it works, blocking advertising in classmates for free and effectively enough.

There is an alternative to the expansion described above - the product of another developer called " Adblock Plus." It provides removal of all options for advertising blocks in OK, including on the side and bottom of the pages.

Separately, it is worth saying about the so-called sound advertising. Forced to disappear - if there is sound advertising, then you have a more serious problem than just annoying banners. At the site itself, such a species is not provided, so the source of high-profile pop-up windows is likely to have some malicious file on your computer. What to do? Urgently drive all hard drives through the antivirus and when the "sore" is detected immediately treated.

It is possible that the situation is not "ahova" and the worm of the worm-advertiser just built into the browser. And while it will not save him, the musical "postcards" will unexpectedly pop up during your work in the browser.

So, we learned the issue of blocking advertising in classmates. The output one is to get rid of it, you will have to use the help of third-party resources represented by browser extensions. However, they cannot be 100% expected to ensure the expected result and make rid of users from annoying banners. The battle of social networks, marketers and edblers continues!

View on advertising from the owner of groups in classmates

Pluses of social network Odnoklassniki

Socialized classmates (OD) ranks second after VKontakte (VC) in popularity in RuNet. Audience classmates are more age-related than in VC, which means more solvent. There is another advantage - monetization of groups in one is much less developed than in VK.

Cons of Ode

But you should not forget about the minuses of classmates, advertising in groups there is practically not regulated in the rules of the social network. Theoretically, your group can just ban for advertising. In practice, it is usually for the placement of advertising of normal goods and services no bans do not happen.

The worst thing that could happen is the account of the account with which advertising or removing advertising post. This is usually due to advertising all dubious resources and goods from CPA affiliates, like "green coffee", which is actively advertised in the official advertising network, but in groups of his advertising is prohibited. It is not approved to redirect users to external sites of dubious content (fucked by teasers, fraudulent, etc.)

Sanctions are superimposed after complaints of your group's subscribers. If they do not like advertising, they hise the "spam" button and the administration decides what to do with you.

Therefore, if you do not want to obtain sanctions for advertising, follow several simple rules:

  • Post only advertising of high-quality goods, services, sites;
  • Not part with advertising posts;
  • Place advertising posts from the Moderator account, and not the group administrator.

How to find an advertiser

Advertisers will find you. Often the problem is reverse, advertisers cannot find the contacts of the admin group for communication. Therefore, in the description of the group, insert your contact details or do not hide in the settings of the group of its administrator.

I can advise two: Plibber and Bisciy. Plibber makes it possible to advertisers post posts with advertising in social networksAnd in the Bisciy of you place videos in your group and pay you for each unique viewing of the roller. You can also act as an advertiser and unwind your videos on YouTube with a BSID.

Advertising Efficiency in Odnoklassniki

I always advise advertisers how to make an advertising post to see him as you can more of people. A satisfied advertiser will return once again and will advise others. It is important that there is a good selling text in the post, visitors should wanted to follow the link. No less important, beautiful, clinging, high-quality picture. It is recommended to post a survey, this will increase the audience coverage. The more class put and vote in the survey, the more people will see an advertisement.

Prices and conditions for advertising in classmates

Everything is purely individually, each appoints the price from the ceiling, you can find both very favorable offers and space prices. If you are an advertiser or want to evaluate average prices, register in advertising exchange for classmates Plibbember and look at prices.

Personally, I have several groups, the total number of more than 500 thousand people, and that is very important, the "living" person. The price of an advertising post, located on one day in a group of 140 thousand people with a predominantly female audience costs 550 rubles. Here are the statistics of my group. If anyone is interested in advertising in my groups, write to the address [Email Protected]

How to run targeted advertising in classmates?

According to the results of 2017, the number of users registered in classmates around the world is 330 million people. The growth dynamics of new registrations in the social network is 13%. The growth rate of the daily mobile audience is 11%. Audience classmates Young, more than 50% make up users under the age of 35 years, of which 34% are 26-35 years old. The main topics, which are interested in this audience, - Beauty and Health, Trade, Creativity, Auto and Moto, Sport and Active Leisure, Cooking.

Targeted advertising in classmates is located through MyTarget - the platform belonging to Mail.Ru Group. MyTarget unites several largest social networks in Russia and the CIS. The capabilities of the platform are setting accurate targeting, detailed statistics of campaigns, automated campaign optimization and support tools with which it is possible to analyze mobile traffic.

Setting targeted advertising in classmates

The launch of the campaign begins with the creation of an advertising office. This requires registration in the MyTarget service or entry through accounts of other popular social networks. The start of advertising campaigns is possible after the payment of payment data in the interface. In the case of several projects of various orientation, it is recommended to start an advertising account with the type "Agency".

Fig. 1. Options for promotion objects

The platform allows you to make a new campaign, copy the settings of already existing or import ads from the boot file.

In the case of moving a mobile application, the site, the post on social networks, groups, games and articles is indicated by reference to the resource. When choosing a store or car dealership, you must download the price list of the appropriate format.

Formats of announcements in classmates

From the type of object, the formats of advertising ads are dependent on promotion. Setting up targeted advertising in classmates offers the following accommodation formats:

  • Multi-format accommodation is a text-graphics banner with an image size of 256x256, 1080x607 and 600x600. The site must be adapted by shots on mobile devicesoh.
  • Teaser 90x75 is a text-graphic banner with an image size of at least 90x75 pixels.
  • Carousel - Texto-graphic banner of 6 slides with an image size of 600x600.
  • Prortals in the video - a video of not more than 30 seconds, which is shown in the video posted in the service.
  • HTML5 banner 240x400.
  • Banner 240x400.
  • Cross-platform video accessories - advertising posts with video in news feed.
  • Videos - Advertising with autorun in the ribbon of events.
  • Notes - Notes of groups, displayed in the ribbon of events.
  • Notes by Lead ADS - Notes of groups, displayed in the event ribbon, with the created LED form to collect user contact data.
  • Notes with CANVAS - promotional post, when you click on which the user opens a full-screen version of the page with content.

All formats and their content must comply with the requirements for promotional materials.

Selection of targeting when setting up advertising in classmates

Basic parameters: socio-demographic, geotargeting.

Extended parameters: targeting on behavioral interests and social characteristics, on mobile devices, on thematic interests, on a cellular operator, and even on the day of birth (choosing this parameter significantly narrows the audience coverage).

Additionally, you can install age marking on the announcement, time and days of shows, the period of action of the advertising campaign.

Fig. 2. Selection of advertising targeting

In addition to using audiences by default, you can create your own audiences and segments within them. To do this, you must download data about users to the system. Counters and pixels can act as a data source [Email Protected], groups and applications, custom lists, price lists, etc. Advertising on the downloaded audio classmates, you can create remarking campaigns and targeted to a similar audience.

Cost of targeted advertising in classmates

The cost of placement depends on the selected object of advertising and payment model.

  • Payment for clicks.
  • Payment for shows.
  • Payment for watching the roller.

The budget constraint is set at the campaign level for the entire period of its action, further indicates the restriction on daily consumption.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of targeted advertising in classmates

Fig. 3.

All Secrets of advertising in the social network Odnoklassniki

Graphic Provision of Data in the Interface of the Advertising Cabinet

Data is displayed online, however, full statistics are recommended to look the next day after the ending period of the campaign drive. In case of marking of references UTM labels, Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics are used to analyze statistics. Additionally, you should connect the MYTARGET attribution. With a configured pixel [Email Protected] Conversion statistics are available in the interface of the advertising office.

Specialists of the Icturbo agency will help to qualitatively and effectively set up targeted advertising in classmates, pose targeted audiences. We work with budgets from 20,000 rubles. And ready to call the final amount after refinement of parts.

The second in the number of visits to the social network of Russia is classmates. Many shopping sites do not take into account this network, considering it the main audience of housewives and elderly people. We are in a hurry to assure you that it is not: the main part of the audience is male and women aged 25-35 years.

It is not only possible to promote the product in classmates, but also need. To do this, exist both free and paid methods. Most. effective way There will be a launch of a targeted campaign aimed at a specific group of users. You can promote this method by a separate website, group or publication.


A commercial campaign in this network has good performance, despite the commodity opinion of many specialists. This web resource takes 5 place at attendance in the territory of the Russian Federation. In numbers it can be expressed as 40-50 million visitors per day. The audience of the social network is quite diverse: men and women aged 25-35 years, then mostly women of 35-45 years old and pensioners of both sexes. If your target audience coincides with such data, then these advantages make it possible to boldly take on the presentation of your product or services.

Finally verify the feasibility of promotion, you can see the report on the occupation of visitors to this site:

Other positive factor It is almost equal in popularity in all regions of Russia.

Types of advertising in classmates

Consider in more detail each of the types that they imagine what they are good and what their shortcomings are.

  • free;
  • paid in groups (through administrators or special exchanges);
  • paid targeting advertising.

There is no difference where you attract visitors: to the site, in a group, inform about the promotions, etc. Differences are only in the methods. Let's go through each of three species.


The method that allows you to promote a product or a platform for free, but has already lost its effectiveness and popularity. He lies in self-adding to friends with the aim of invitations to a specific group. For such purposes, specialized programs that make a process for automatic mode can be used.

Paid in groups

This method implies the acquisition of publications in groups. Its effectiveness is high enough, users will truly are truly interested in your publications, and you can earn on sale of goods. If you enter into a group, it will be live visitors who make many reposts, put likes and add comments.

Paid tergheting

This species offers a wide selection of formats, with an accurate selection of the audience, which they will be shown. She is like contextual advertising On information resources, where the selection goes in accordance with the topic, only here you select the users themselves. You are setting targeting for the age of clients, their hobbies, education, employment, marital status, income and much more. We describe all these settings below, and now consider the formats themselves in more detail.


Locked on the right column on the site, and look like this:

There are two permissible sizes: 240x400 and 90x75. TO negative parties It is possible to include sufficiently prolonged use and high show cost. The advantages will take the opportunity to independently calculate value. To calculate, perform the following actions:

The cost is very decent, given the age of this format and the appearance of the concept of "banner blindness".


Announcements that are published in groups, but with accommodation in special places without tosing to a specific community. Promote post classmates will be 4 ways:


It is a video that is shown to the user before starting the main roller. It is important that such inserts do not have time to get taking to the user, otherwise no one will watch them. The constant change of materials will allow a little to hold interest. Efficiency is low, but the price of such a method is not overestimated.


Creating a brand memorable name. Performed through games, holding contests and polls. You can characterize these words: it is expensive, beautifully, placing in memory. This species PR is suitable for very large companieswhich can spend more than one million rubles.

Advertising in classmates: how to place

We looked at the basic types of advertising, now it came to talk about its placement. Consider methods for all three types, special attention will be paid to targeting, as it is the greatest interest and causes many questions.

Placing free advertising

You can try to get subscribers without investments on such instructions:

  • Register the Facular Page
  • Open a group that fill the contents
  • Add a target audience as a friend, then invite to the group

There is nothing more to add, this is the entire essence of the method. It is similar to a massive folloving on twitter or instagram. For greater returns, you can give a gift along with the invitation of friends. Try to get as many class marks as possible, as they not only mark the post, but also publish it in the tape.

It is worth noting that free promotion is not 100% free, to make the most huge amount of work will not work. You will need to buy a page, special programs, liking and so on. Costs in any case are present, but effectiveness remains in question, together with the risk to receive Ban.

Advertising advertising

To promote pages or goods in communities in two ways:

  • Directly. Find suitable groups and contact managers to learn about publication and cost.
  • Through the stock exchange. Registered on the service, choose a group and placement time. After moderation of the post, the money on the account is reserved, and after publication in the group, they go to the account of the community administrators.

Exchange Exchange in Odnoklassniki protects against not honest administrators who can take money and not post the post. Also shows the group statistics, which allows you to see the effect of publication. A lot of stock exchanges work with classmates, but official are official - and unofficial -

Placing targeted advertising

You can configure and run such a type of promotion on the MyTarget platform.

Register using ok or other social network. Go to personal Area Directly with classmates can be several ways.

  • The first: On the left on the page, find a commercial ad and click the "Create Advertising" link.
  • Second: at the bottom of the page there is a link "Advertising".

Before creating a campaign, make sure your ad will not contradict the rules of the system:

  • it is forbidden to use obscene, coarse expressions, slang;
  • the picture may contain text, but the size of no more than 50% of the entire area;
  • in the ad text, there can be only one exclamation mark.

If you are not sure according to the rules, or you have questions - contact your support service. The guys work quickly and always be happy to help.

Having understood according to the rules, proceed to the creation of a campaign. We click the "Create Campaign" button and choose yourself that we want to promote: site, group, game, shop, etc.

For example, chose a site. We enter its address, after which it is necessary to decide on the format: teaser, banner, mobile, multi-format.

Selecting the format, we get to the ad creation page. We enter an interesting header, the main text, put the link to the page, load the image.

Next comes the most important thing, the fact that this method is attractive - the choice of the target audience. To properly configure the parameters, you need to understand your customers well. Correct parameters will help bring the finished buyer to the site and save significant funds.

Consider more each parameter:

  • First of all, choose the floor of the client. It is doubtful that men will want to click on the announcement of the sale of women's handbags. If the goods fits men and women - it is better to create several ads, with different headlines and calls.
  • Age. You can show ads to everyone or only users in a specific range.
  • Age limit. If the link is intended for adults - do not miss this parameter.
  • Birthdays. You can start showing advertising for the month before the birthday of a person and finish 2 weeks after his end. The number of the audience is significantly reduced when this parameter is selected, but you can cover the birthdays by offering relevant shares.
  • The audience. Suitable for experienced users. Adjusts the parameter in accordance with the behavior of a person on the site.
  • Interests. Choose people according to their hobbies.
  • TV viewers. Setting greatly reduces coverage, often does not require inclusion.
  • Education. Selection of people S. higher education And without it.
  • Employment. We select working and non-working citizens. You can conduct an experiment, alternately choosing one of the parameters, then leave one that has greater efficiency.
  • Family status. Choose those who are married or free.
  • Income. Useful parameter that allows you to select users by their earnings. Especially useful when working with premium goods.
  • Geography. Customize, for which cities will be displayed. If this is not an online store, and it is located in a specific city, then you should set this setting.
  • Local advertising. Limits the announcement of ads to people who are around the city - sometimes or often.
  • Display time. I exhibit a temporary display frame.
  • This selection of parameters ends. It remains to set the price of clicking and the budget of the campaign (common and daylight).

How much is advertising in classmates

The cost depends on many factors and methods of promotion. Conditionally free still gets costs in the form of paying likes, buying programs, etc. Advertising in communities is more expensive. The cost of one publication in a group with the number of participants about 1 million may be 10,000 rubles and higher. It all depends on the popularity of the community and the position of administrators.

Targeting advertising begins with a minimum budget per 100 rubles per day. At the same time, the recommended clique value - 30 p. Again, it all depends on your goals and opportunities. Promotion of a small store with a narrow target audience will cost much cheaper than promotional shares of the store technology. The positive side of this method is its flexibility and the possibility of adjustment to any budget. Right choice The parameters will significantly reduce the costs and attract a large number of ready-made buyers.


Advertising in Odnoklassniki undoubtedly deserves attention. The social network develops, its audience has gradually changed to younger people, with broad interests. Proper definition Your audience will make the maximum result. The lack of tough competition gives financial benefits and fresh visitors who have not tortured abundance of advertising. Test various options Accommodation and soon you can achieve the desired results.

I did not decrease this article for a very long time. Advertising in classmates. Is this social network still use someone?

I was confident that everyone had long switched to VKontakte and Instagram. And the whole business audience has long and firmly sitting in Facebook.

That is the case

Pretty for a long time By order of the administration, we conducted a project in the field of promotion and creating a positive image of the "central market" of our city.

The very, large and city market, which is in every city. Sometimes it is not very beautiful and well-groomed, but with a big history, where they sell meat, milk, vegetables and other products.

To bring it in order, especially in terms of marketing and advertising, great efforts were required.

Even in the presence of a team of marketers, they lacked the marketing strategy and understanding the actions that need to be done further.

That is why they took advantage of our service.

Quite a long time we did internal work (brandbook, navigation, price tags, shape, hot line), but over time, they switched to conquer the Internet space, in particular social networks.

Since we are not the first day in internet marketing, then laughing betted rates, 50-100 subscribers in the group in classmates.

What was our surprise when we saw that subscribers would come out much cheaper to us and at the same time they are much more active than in other social. networks.

The seeking final was when we did not just collected subscribers in classmates at a price of 2-3 times lower by VKontakte, but also saw that the group began to grow due to the increased activity of subscribers consisting in it.

Most likely we just lucky, you say. But I think everything is completely wrong.

Back in 2006

If we speak frankly, Albert Popkov never hidden, which borrowed an idea with similar foreign sites, such as MySpace and others.

Just did everything to be convenient for Russian mentality. It seems to me that this approach should remind the loan to Vkontakte on Facebook. But this is me, by the way.

On the this moment Odnoklassniki, or how they are called OK.RU, belong to Mail.Ru Group (owner - billionaire Alisher Usmanov, the one who is fighting on the Internet with Alexey Navalny).

If you did not know, Mail.Ru Group also belongs to Vkontakte. And I am very surprised that with all the success of VKontakte, classmates for 2017 are in popularity only the 5th site on attendance in Russia.

At one time in the article (it below) I found detailed statistics that shows the difference between these two social networks. But back to classmates. Rather, advertising in classmates.

Promotion in classmates. Is it worth it to take for this thing? Of course it is worth.

I will summarize. Website in fifth place at attendance in Russia. Every day 40-50 million users enter it.

And now attention! The classic "classmate" is a woman 35-45 years old. As well as a fairly large accumulation of middle and elderly people.

Audience classmates

Well, so that you completely finish and convince the promotion of business in classmates, I will show you a favorite statistics on the occupation of users of this social network. I'm sure she will pleasantly surprise you.

Russian classmates

Forward to advertising

There is a pretty wise saying: "You are afraid of what you do not know." It is perfect for advertising in classmates.

Therefore, in my article, I will tell you some more detail how you can promote your business on this site with all the nuances, for example, an advertising cost calculator.

  1. Free;
  2. Paid standard;
  3. Paid media / targeted.

The differences are small and most often they are more noticeable in free attracting customers.

We are already over 29,000 people.

Free adverts

So that you are not happy with, I will say right away, free advertising implies those most boning to everyone adding friends from bots and fakes, and then inviting live people into commercial groups. And this is how it is done:

  1. You give a fake page in classmates (or buy for 20 rubles on special sites).

    Register the group. Naturally fill it with its pictures, detailed information and all sorts of contacts;

  2. Begin to add to friends to people who, as you think, are your ideal buyers.

    Along the way, invite them to enter your group. You can do it manually, but you can use special programs, such as OdfriendsAdder or Odnoklassniki Inviter.

You will not believe, but this is the whole way to unwind your group in classmates.

And if you still want your community, you can consider buying a group with existing participants.

Prices will just surprise, as they start from 15 kopecks (!) For the group member. Only one problem, people do not wait for you and will need to work with involvement. But this is an extreme case. It is better to do that.

Paid standard advertising

Why standard? Because now I mean the purchase of advertising posts in other people, where your target audience is already sitting. Make you can this:

  1. Alone. You yourself find groups in which your potential customers are sitting and directly negotiate with community administrators on posting post, date and price;
  2. Through the advertising exchange. You go to the site and select a community and time for advertising. After approval of the post from your account, the money is reserved, which will be written off after placement.

Personally, I choose the advertisement exchange. Here you can see the statistics of each group and evaluate the effectiveness of the post, as well as the stock exchange insures you from unscrupulous administrators who can forget about the placement or stupidly throw you on money.

It's a little more expensive (15-20%) than normal placementBut the pros is much more.

Odnoklassniki has several stock exchanges, but 2 are the most normal. Official advertising in approx - and unofficial, but well known to all Internet marketers -

In order for you to understand how it all happens and what actions need to be performed, here is a learning video from the official stock exchange.

Looking at this video, you will know how to advertise in classmates and how to advertise in the group you have enjoyed yourself.

Paid Media / Targeted

With paid advertising everything is much more interesting. Odnoklassniki so concerned that people rarely buy advertise on them, which prepared special instructions with explanation as and what can be relocated on their playground for money.

Tasks and solutions


All the well-known placement of banners. You can accommodate them both on any other site and on the social network site approx. It looks like this:


It is not difficult to do this, but not a fact that reasonably. Now you will see everything yourself.

Banners are 2 sizes: 240x400 (large) and 90x75 (small) pixels.

Big plus classmates that the cost of placing such an advertisement you can count on your own:

  1. Come on a special calculator -;
  2. Install the settings you need (platform, format and placement period) and target audience criteria;
  3. Click "Calculate";
  4. Come in shock from the numbers "shows";
  5. Multiply "Shows" on the price posted here -

As I said, the cost turns out to be simply processed, especially if we consider the visitors to the "banner blindness" of modern sites. And do not forget that minimal budget Advertising campaign 20 000 rubles.


Website promotion
Advertising post

In addition to text I. graphic imageYou can use video promotions.

From such videos, you can attract people to themselves in a group and to your site. Naturally, there are roller time limits. Yes, you do not need a long roller, as the framework of this task should be small.


That on the one hand is less efficient, but on the other hand less expensive.

In this case, you do not need to develop your big and complex video material, you need to either remove small video With the call or generally make an image.

It all depends on the use format. In more detail what pre-roll can be read in the article.

Last year, we set out the purpose of transforming our site into the real marketing encyclopedia for small business and private projects. What we just did not tell! And then they realized that we had no materials about Odnoklassniki. We urgently correct! Today, our expert is Svetlana Balahnina, an entrepreneur, a practitioner, a specialist in targeted advertising. Svetlana prepared detailed instructions On the launch of advertising in Odnoklassniki for beginners.

If you have a website, then there is also the need to search for traffic sources for your project. I want to tell about the MYTARGET service interface, through which advertising is occupied in the social network "Odnoklassniki".

According to statistical data 2016, the monthly audience of Odnoklassniki is 73 million people, of which 60.6% are women, 39.4% - men. The audience of users of mobile devices is 64%. And the active audience is not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former CIS, in Europe and the United States. The level of income: 10% - below average, 40% - medium, 50% - above average.

"Odnoklassniki" is a large source of traffic for the sale of physical goods, info products and services.

MyTarget. It makes it possible to place mobile advertising in Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. That is, anywhere, except for this system, you cannot configure advertising on users of mobile versions of these social networks.

Getting started in MuTarget

We register:

In the Cabinet Interface, we see sections, go to them to obtain the necessary information as it is working with an advertising campaign.

Interface Cabinet Mutarget.

Before starting configuring an advertising campaign, I recommend to think about collecting data on visitors to your site, which you will need to launch retarting campaigns. After all, we must necessarily "catch up" visitors with a reminder of our product or service.

Installing MyTarget Counter

We register the mail, the meter on Mail.Ru on the link: and install its data on the site.

Install the meter data to the site

Adding a meter occurs in the "Audience" section. There will be data on visitors of your site, and then you can configure a retargeting campaign to them. In VKontakte and Facebook, the pixels of social networks use for these purposes.

So add a new counter

Basic MYTARGET settings

Settings for collecting information

Analytics - our everything! It is necessary to collect it through UTM labels, in MyTarget I recommend using an automatic option, it will save your time, and the data obtained will be enough for efficient optimization.

Choose automatic staging of labels for analytics

I put the target audience criteria

The "age limit" item must be filling out if your project under legislation has such.

In the "Audience" section, you can configure targeting to the segments you created using the counter. [Email Protected] data from games, applications and groups.

You can also customize the audience and on the basis of already available data on your customers: Id users of social networks: "Classmates", "Vkontakte", "My World", as well as phone numbers and their email.

If you have some other audience data, use them

This data is loaded in * TXT format as a list that can contain from 5,000 to 5,000,000 lines and have no size than 128 MB. If you do not have the right number of representatives of your Central Asia, you can configure advertising display directly to the group you are interested in.

Analyze other existing settings if applicable to your target audience, then use them.

Call additional settings

Collection of information about the interests of users occurs through the thematic portals of Mail.Ru, which also, like, are included in the Mail.Ru Group of Companies.

Geography show

Here we configure the geography of the show

MYTARGET has the ability to set up local advertising, this feature is recommended for shops, beauty salons, fitness centers, that is, for those who are important to cover the audience on the adjacent territory.

Time settings

In the "When" block, set the time intervals and days of displaying campaigns, as well as start and completing the broadcast.

Set the show time

Settings prices

In the next block, we need to choose, for which we will pay - for clicks or shows?

In my practice, the most effective payment strategy is most effective for multi-format accommodation, but it is impossible to say this with a 100% warranty. I recommend when starting test advertising campaigns to try both options, and then choose the one in which the cost of the lead is cheaper and sales results are better.

How and where you can file an ad so that it scored the greatest number Views, if not in classmates (especially if you want to do it for free)? After all, as you know, this site is just a colossal audience - his daily attendance is up to seventy million people a day! So, if you want something profitable or maybe. Report a disappearance of something important, this is an online community - exactly what you need!

Add an advertisement in classmates in the following ways:

  • in a group (its own or someone else's);
  • on your page.

We will describe in detail about each way and give necessary instructionsThanks to which you can easily handle the task.

How to file an ad in classmates in a group?

If you want to write an advertisement in approx so that everyone seen it, it is best to do it in some popular community. The main thing is that what you want to report corresponds to the subject of this group and it was interesting and understandable to its audience. There are special communities in which you can sell and buy things, and there are also those where you can find the owners for the puppies found and kittens. So, if you found a community for which your topic will be suitable, then - forward!

You can easily learn if you read another article on this site.

How should undergo So that she had as many subscribers as possible, you will understand by reading another article on our website.

How to advertise in classmates on your page?

Most. simple way How to place an ad in Odnoklassniki in the ribbon of their friends and acquaintances will be this one. No need to look for anything, just go to your account and follow the instructions.

Now you are familiar with all ways to give ads and hopefully, in the future it will not be any difficulty. If you have some questions, ask them in the comments and you will definitely learn the answer.

How to apply for free?