Repairs Design Furniture

How to make Makivar Baduka drawings. Options for placing Makivara in the apartment of a regular apartment building. Mcivar made of tire

Mcivar ... Such a mysterious word, with recent times, more often and often sounding among fans of sports, and especially, karateist. What is this - Makivara?

For starters, let's understand where this word came to us. Mcivar is a special simulator for karate, an analogue of a boxing pear, allowing you to train shocks and increase their power and accuracy. In Karate Makivar appeared even during the time of the ancient Chinese imperial dynasties, and was actually used from the very creation of karate as such. As we remember, in antiquity karate was not just a sport, but also to survive, from which life and health often depended. And there were no rare cases when only one strike defined the winner of the fights. To train such accurate knockout shocks and made Makivara. Then it was a wooden board installed on Earth, one end of which was Copdan deep into the ground, and the other rid of straw. As the fighter is heard, the number of straw has decreased, and with the time of the straw and removed at all, and the fighter worked out strikes on the board.

And although since then no one century passed, Mcivar has not changed. Of course, with the advent of new materials, such as polyethylene or foam rubber, straw as a material for the creation of Mcivar is no longer so popular, but in all other things Mcivar remained the same as hundreds of years ago.
Why is she needed? Having created the Mcivar at home, you not only improve the technique of shocks, but also strengthen the ligaments and tendons, increase the fortress of bones and muscles. What do we need for this?

So, we need to cook: polyurethane foam (material from which rugs are made for tourist hikes), tarpaulin, leatherette or skin, several rubber bands, each width of about three centimeters and velcro.

First, several rectangles should be cut out of polyurethane foam, with sizes of about twenty and thirty centimeters, respectively. What are we needed for? It is these plates that will take our blows on themselves and amortizing them, which will make training with McIwar more comfortable.

Next, you must take the previously prepared tarpaulin or leatherette, fold it several times for greater strength, and put it on tarpaulin or leatherette plate from polyurethane foam. After you wrap these plates with the material we used and sew them inside. If you are all done correctly, you should have a kind of "column" with chisses inside the plates.

What is better for making Makivara? Each of the above materials has both pros and cons. When using tarpaulin in the sewing of Makivara, you risk damaging your hands and scratch the skin on the fists during the work of shocks. In addition, when training on the street in the rain is either in the case of placing Makivara, for example, on a wet tree, the tarpaulin flies rapidly, which, of course, is negatively affected by the quality of workouts.

As for the skin or leatherette, the main drawback of such a material is its price, which is an order of magnitude higher than the price of tarpaulin or burlap.

Now it's time to sew gum for fastening our Makivara. To do this, take four gum, every length about seventy centimeters, and sew one elastic over each seam of Makivara.

Why do you need velcro, speech about which was going on at the beginning of the article? They must be sewn along the seams near the Mcivar plate, while having occurred at the same time not to have velcro on its shock surface. This is important in order for during the work of the blows you did not get on the velcro and did not damage the hands about them. The velcro stitched near the seams will allow us to disclose compartments of makivars with plates, without extending the seams, and therefore it will be possible to replace the plates wear from the blows without disturbing the overall integrity of the design.

Finally, it remains to deal, where and how to fix the resulting Mcivar. Such Makivar is attached to any tree, with a thickness of the trunk of about ten-fifteen centimeters. Important condition: The tree must be flexible and slightly fade from your blows. Check it is very simple: if the tree, when pressed on it with your hand, bends, it means that it is suitable for training. Please note that when ignoring this condition, you risk getting injuries to the joints.

I am quite often asked how and what to install Mcivar at home. I thought it was not good. So, this topic may be interesting to many.

Well, the designs of Makivar there are a great set.
You can read this on this link \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003dcom_content&view\u003darticle&id\u003d85:konstruktciimakivar&catid\u003d20:osnariadah&itemid\u003d20

But not all of them are suitable for installation in the apartment, because Structural noise from a rigidly fixed Mcivar worries their neighbors, and vibrations from strikes may even, with time, destroy the wall or mount on the floor.

In this regard, the requirements in "Home Makivar" are indicated:

  1. relative "silentness"
  2. small vibrations leaving "beyond" makivara

Those. Mcivar must absorb "in itself" a significant part of vibrations from shocks. There are 2 main ways to solve these issues:

  1. high inertness of the projectile, i.e. His big mass
  2. shock absorbing structures

I will not go into numerous details, but just ladies 2 - and the option, which, in my opinion, is most suitable for the house:

  1. makivara version of the old automotive tire (very cheap and angry, you can even achieve some aesthetics of the projectile); The shock-absorbing properties of rubber combined with the geometry of the hollow torus allow you to make the projectile is not very noisy; picture \u003e\u003e\u003e
  2. the second option, immediately say, no cheap, but very functional and aesthetic, moreover, is the most real Mcivar, not a surrogate

Makivara "Skalton Shilova":

In the apartment is installed elementary. Recently, I asked one of my comrade "on the workshop" to send me the option of my home installation and a review that I here and please.

Options for placing Makivara in the apartment of a regular apartment building.

Hello, Mikhail Yuryevich!
I answer your questionnaire:
1. With packaging, delivery and appearance (although it is not so important) everything is fine;
2. Mcivar even exceeded expectations;
3. Passed it quite simply - put the rubber and pulled 160 self-stairs to the wall ....


Sincerely, furious Denis

This is part of the letter.
And here are the photos of Denis, on which it can be seen that Makivaru he installed right in his apartment.

The other day, the famous Master of Karate Evgeny Galitsyn published on his page in Facebook. An interesting article about Makivar. The arguments of Evgenia Borisovich caused live interest from Budo-audience, many readers ask questions and not without reason interested in the author, when his book comes out. We published a few articles of Galicin and could not pass by the material about Makivar. The article is published unchanged.

Evgeny Galitsyn: "Makivara ... Makivara ??? Makivara !!!"

Mcivar, - an integral, almost cult training projectile in each more or less serious karate school. They heard about it all who somehow in practice came into contact with Karate.

But for some reason, for what, in addition to the general words about "shocking parts", it is intended how to make it yourself and how to use it correctly, there is not much information.

Previously, under Makivara in Karate, a certain, I will name it "traditional" option - a fixed one (lower) end and a vertically installed rather thick board, a height, as a rule, to the level of shoulder or chin, the top end of which should be wrapped with rope from rice Straws or simply tied with straw (actually "Makivara"), which in the course of work on it became all thinner and thinner, and gradually the strikes were applied already on a bare board. (I express my gratitude to Gorbunov and San for a detailed historical certificate!)

Then, gradually, the rope or sheaf began to replace with other materials - leather, rolled tarpaulom, rubber, polyurethane, etc., but the "general design" remained unchanged: under the term Mcivar as a rule was understood by the spotted to the ground (or mounted in the floor) special elastic board Various thickness with the selected working area for applying a strike in its upper part.

Now for consideration (and especially for the acquisition), quite a lot of various variants of Makivar are offered: and the "traditional" vertical and its kind is horizontal, and a modern wall-mounted, made on the basis of the automotive tire, and a compact metal multi-dimensive with a variable replaceable tension system requiring for Its manufacturing industrial equipment, as well as stretch marks, portable portable, even author's makivars - Makivara Fedorishna, Makivar Shilova, etc, etc.
I will not give them an assessment - let it do everyone for himself, I will talk about how it is better and how to use the Mcivar.

If you look at the most common photos of Makivara, as well as some video masters working on their "traditional" makivars, then, as a rule, we see as its basis a rather thick wooden board with a width of 20 cm and a thickness of about 4-6 cm , and some are even a thick ram with a thickness of 10-15 cm, wrapped in the upper part of a rough rope or covered with a modern combined "Boyhead" (term - not mine, taken from the parallel article by Volodya Volodykova).

Such macivars really exist, but they only fit the units, who prepared their limbs to work on such a "aggregate". But the comments on such photos and videos in which you read that someone does on a similar Mcivar of 300-500 blows with each hand, and - daily, cause a lot of questions ...

If it is serious about the conversation about work on the Mcivar, it is necessary to start with the fact that Makivar should be selected individually for itself, taking into account its current preparedness and its growth, and at the same time he must remember - Mcivar should be different at different stages of preparation .

Without applying for the statement of the final truth and a description of all existing options, I would just remind you to what both of us (still in the USSR!) Our first teachers taught, and we taught and teach us, constantly rethinking the experience of our training.

I also want to warn that I did not put the task to give a detailed and detailed description of the method of working with different "students" makivars and at each stage, since it is difficult if not impossible in the "absentee version".

The purpose of the article is, first of all, to warn our karate-youth from the wrong recommendations, conclusions and erroneous approaches to training, which can be made on the basis of seen on the network, help them maintain their own health, and pay attention to the main important components of work on Mcivar, often These reasons remainless.

The beginning of work on any Makivar must be preceded by special preparatory exercises to strengthen muscles and ligaments of brush, wrist, forearm, etc. It is also push-ups on fists and fingers, and various jumps on the fists and the back of the brush in the stop lying, and exercises with burdens (leti), and exercises on the simulator Sotsky, etc.

As a rule, in parallel with the OFP and SFP, the initial study of the technique is underway. And only when the student can already more or less correctly perform a strike technique "by air" - work begins on accuracy, over speed (speed) and strength, and actually above the strike.

In the presence of the necessary equipment and inventory in the training process, work is actively involved in the Makivar, bags, pears, paws, rings, etc.) T.O. In the process, now these specialized training shows further strengthening and preparing muscles, ligaments, bones to shock loads, inaccessible with "air work", but is extremely necessary to perform accurate blows to full force on various surfaces.

It is no secret that work on each of their listed shells is its own method of use for efficient training. I will limit the description of the right job only on traditional Mcivar.

It is the opinion that Mcivar is intended only for packing and hardening the impact parts as a basis for a strike. But it is not focused that for each stage of training and quenching various makivars of stiffness variable are selected, and each - a specific work technique is used.

Standard Mcivars are usually made from the boards of durable woods of the tree equal (the same along the entire length) or a variable (evenly or in a special way reduced to the top) thickness and widths, and, accordingly, varying degrees of elasticity and rigidity.

Immediately I want to say: The recommendation of work on the Makivar, which comes in the Internet, which comes out of Eastern Masters - "Do not be smart, Come and Bay" - this is the most direct and shortest path to the grades and damage to the skin, injury injuries, bourrs, traumatic arthrosis and latitude of fingers and brushes.

In fact, training in Makivar must represent a long, permanent, gradual, strictly controlled and continuous process of "growing a beautiful flower", in the role of which our own physical and psychological health.

Makivara can be conditionally divided into high-speed (student) and power (workshops).

The thickness of the upper part of the high-speed MACIBOR is different and selected in accordance with the tasks:
- for primary kneading skin;
- for sealing subcutaneous fiber, strengthening and hardening the periosteum;
- to strengthen the shock surface capsule;
- To strengthen the ligaments of the POST, brushes, rays-up, elbow and shoulder joints.

Accordingly, the thickness of the upper part of the makivara under the "brought" varies from 5 mm to 15 mm. Such a "speed" Makivar under the influence of the blow should deviate from the vertical to the distance from 30 cm to 10-15 cm ...
When working on such makivars use relaxed blows to various (gradually increasing) depth of correctly "formed", but not a tense shock part of the hand.
And it is starting to work on high-speed Makivars. Mandatory with almost "contactless" precision workout, inflicting the plasticine ball onto the Makivara brick (as a mandatory prevention of damage to the integrity of the skin) and the primary skill to dose the desired force to strike at various depths.

The ball is then cleaned and start working with shocks for skin seal - apply accurate blows with a depth of 1-2 cm, then - to strengthen the supervisor -Audars depth - 4-5 cm, hereinafter - to strengthen the articular capsules - the blows of the depth of 5 to 10 - 15 cm ...

Such a sequence of work has, on the one hand, first of all, the formation of psychological readiness to strike into a solid subject, gradually strengthening the impact surfaces, but the main thing is to avoid the formation of a "subconscious brake", which inevitably arises from abandoning skin, bruises and even the first bursts from shocks.
On the other hand, it allows you to approach your "high-speed barrier" as possible.

Once upon a time it is emphasized that high-speed makivars are designed (along with the hardening of the shock parts), first of all, for the later appearance of the "high-speed barrier" and to prevent "the internal subconscious" brake ", inevitably emerging due to the concerns of obtaining bruises and tensile tensions, especially At the initial stages of work.

After working on "high-speed" makivars go to work on "power".

Power Mcivars are designed:
- Total to adjust the setting of the interpretation of various bones of the body to transmit the maximum effort into the shock part and their harmonious interaction with the "melting" of the Mcivar resistance;
- For the development of the explosive force involved in the strike of muscle groups.
- to "feel" the inclusion of the right muscle groups into the execution of impact on certain modes of operation;
- To train the "body separation" as an important prerequisite for powerful blows to a predetermined depth. (Who "in the topic", he knows that when working on the head and body, it is particularly targeted by specific internal organs for various consequences, the blows of different depths and the direction of transmission of the impulse, etc.) are applied. Sometimes to control this in Mcivar use an additional control pendulum as an indicator of sufficient depth of "breakdown".

The thickness of such power makivar is from 5-6 cm at the bottom to 1.5-2 cm in the top. "Boosts" or decreases the thickness of the board from the maximum below to the required above in a specific way, be sure to the back side of the board, which allows not to lose strength when decreasing stiffness. The individual height of power Mcivar is also about the level of chin or shoulder. The number of "working zones" or "brisk" on it - depending on the purpose of a specific Mcivar - from one to 3-5 ...

In addition to compliance with the sequence of changing Machiva, important working conditions are:
- the correct use of the "formed", but not a tense fist, the direct position of the wrist, providing the ability to meet the goal on any section of the shock trajectory and correctly and safely transfer the effort;

Training "accuracy" and the timeliness of the fist's rotation before hitting the "Match" as a condition for the prevention of abrasion. For the accelerated formation of accuracy, lovers of the "extreme" workout offer to use the workshop to the target, causing pain in errors, for example, in the bottom of the canning can or a small saucepan, selected in size so that the fist is fluent in it, leaving the space on the sides of approximately 5 mm. In such a job, if you make a mistake with accurate centering, it will be very painful, and pain - teaches better and faster than any words.

Workout and preparation of the shock part and the surrounding joints, and the mandatory "hitch" after the end of work.

Not only the sequence of work on macivars of various thicknesses should be observed, but also not exceed the permissible frequency of work per week for different types of shocks (horses, power, taranny ..) and withstanding optimal breaks for recovery after loading of shock surfaces, joints and ligaments - each shock Part of the work is not more often 2 times a week.

With energetic work on the power "workshops", Makivara makes sense to use farm preparations (trousers) and thermal special procedures during the first 2 hours after impact work, as well as adhere to proper nutrition.

I repeat: to work out impulse blows on power Mcivar can be passed only after a long preliminary work on high-speed makivars, which ensured sufficient preparation of the entire articular and ligament and supporting apparatus to large loads, and the corresponding preparation of nerves, ligaments and muscles involved.

The criterion for the possibility of the beginning of the transition to a more rigid McIivar can serve as a subjective lack of pain in bones and bundles, both when working on Mcivar and after training, with a sense of some "fullness" and "warm gravity" in the shock parts after training.

The amount of strong blows should not exceed 30-50 per shock part, and repeated no more than 2 times a week. For one training, it is desirable to "process" no more than 3 shock parts.

Other mandatory items that must be observed when working in Makivara:

The first requirement - work on the Mcivar is a logical continuation and consolidation of kikhon. There should be no distortion of the previously studied right technique. This is achieved as a selection of the right source positions and the choice of location in front of Makivaa, as well as isolated work on individual shock phases.

The second requirement is the coordination of blows with breathing, and the work of the back legs - with the correct moment of the end of the rotation of the hips and the erection of the muscles of the bark.

Compliance with the requirements of "body separation" to neutralize the "reverse strike" due to the appropriate relaxation and "building" of the body, neck and shoulders, especially in the case of the so-called tarante and "sticking" impact, having a body in accordance with the anatomical "rays of force".

Study of different types of inclusion of the muscles of the bark when working on the Mcivar (direct, cross, double, etc.) with a pulsed impact;

Remember the features of the work of the hips and legs when working out the option of hitting the type "whip", and the avoidance "dispersion of force" due to the widest muscles of the back.

The correct work of the knee of the front leg is as a condition that the "hit will not leave in the floor", the moments of its relaxation and inclusion in order to preserve stability and equilibrium.

The peculiarity of the knee of the back leg in the "thigh impulse" to match the rotational and translational movements.

Work on the Mcivars is first performed by single blows from the scene, then with a significant movement of the OCU, with various movements, in bundles with blocks and kicks, etc.

The specifics of such work - already beyond this article.

These are just some of the essential moments common to all. Details, nuances, accents and corrections in each individual case are made by the coach (teacher) along the workout.

Unfortunately, most people coming in karate do not have the developed abilities of the kinesthetic self-control, and cannot independently determine the causes of improper performance. Sometimes someone can help using video filming with subsequent analysis, and mapping from video masters, etc.

But the best (and safe! The option is a training session under the "supervision" of the teacher or a good coach that can not only teach, but also help learn.

Once in its article "Dana, belt, discharges. And who needs it all" (it still has online) I wrote:

Each student is not superfluous:
"No teacher, whatever the" great "and famous, he has not, cannot teach anyone forcibly. Forcibly, you can only "exult", and only if the learned has the necessary prerequisites.

The teacher can only help learn how this one himself really wants to work.

A good teacher will help to choose the most effective and suitable training methods only to this student, teach analyze the successes and causes of failures, and thus will speed up the learning process, will help develop the strengths of the student and eliminate its weakness.

And only a very good teacher can do all this together, but he can also find such words that the student will be lit in the soul of the student of the restless fire of the desire for perfection, they will unail unshakable confidence in him and give the strength to overcome any obstacles in their path, retaining and even improving At the same time its health. "

I still sincerely wish everyone to meet on my life path and the martial arts path of such a good teacher.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to make makivar for karate
  • How to use Makiva for karate
  • How to choose makivar for karate

Modern methods of teaching karate in most cases for some reason do not imply the use of a fairly effective simulator - Makivara. Meanwhile, every person who professionally engages karate should know that basic exercises with this projectile are able to put a good blow and establish equipment. What makes Mcivar for Karate, how to use it during training and whether it is possible to make such a projectile with their own hands - learn from our article.

Why do you need Makivar for karate

Makivara - a multifunctional device designed to test shocks, packing shock surfaces, is used in contact martial arts. It is believed that the design of Makivara for karate has Okinawa, Japanese origin, and the technique of work with it came from China - it began to use it during training in the Shaolin monasteries, working out blows on trees and covered in the ground logs. Thus, the monks sought hardening certain parts of the body and staging.

Many developers are trying to complicate and improve the design of already existing simulators, make their own unique contribution that will bring fame and good profits. In those days, when your dinner depended from victory over the enemy, few people thought about the reconstruction of shells. And Makivara were practically the only assistants in training Karatist.

Systematic application of a plurality of blows in Mcivar for karate was the most efficient exercise for strikes: a fist strengthened; The body got used to the loads; The body was added as follows. In most cases, the presence of makivara for karate near the house and the pair of learned kata has already been considered prerequisites for the upbringing of the future master.

Some believe that Mcivar for karate is intended only for embanking shock surfaces. According to others, it is impossible to develop anything other than the power of the blow. And only part understands that the correct technique of working with this projectile allows you to work a lot of components of a really powerful impact.

We propose to consider these aspects in order, but we will negate that they are all equally significant:

  • hardening and packing shock surfaces;
  • formation of stabilization of the stabilization of links (shock links), functional stabilization of the impact link;
  • constructive stabilization of the impact link (anatomical deformations, often associated with compensatory hypertrophy or tissue);
  • development of the optimal position of the body and its parts in space to achieve maximum blow strength;
  • formation of a sense of distance to apply a powerful blow;
  • the work of the ability to preserve the strength of the blow throughout the reception due to the correct coordination between the muscles and inside them;
  • development of skill to kimat a blow is not on the target surface, and at some distance from it (in depth), but at the same time not to replace the stroke controlled by the blow;
  • understanding the ability to invest all body into the blow, because it is too unrealistic to break through the depth of the planned level only due to the muscles of the limbs is simply unrealistic;
  • he teaches with force to attack and immediately dramatically remove the shock part of the body in order to have time to prepare for the next technical action.

How to use Mcivar in karate

The masters of the past years is not very detailed described methods of working with Makivoa for karate.

For example, the end of Anko wrote: "In Tode, the strength of the hands and legs is very important, in connection with which they must be carefully trained in Makivar. During the exercises, lower your shoulders, straighten the lungs, concentrate the power, hard to face my feet into the floor, and cling to the ground to the ground, lower your inner energy (ki) into the bottom of the abdomen (Skeka Tandan). Do an exercise on every hand no less than a hundred or two hundred times. "

When pulling the right hand during the shock, the fist should be turned down the inside. It should be noted that it is necessary to start expanding the fist in the second part of the way from the breast to Mcivar.

Apply a blow to McIivar for karate is needed by large knuckles of index and middle fingers. So, when hitting, the strength of which is about 80%, it should be pulled off with one hundred percent power.

We describe the approximate method of working with Makivoa for karate for a novice athlete.

Preparatory stage

First, try one technique that allows you to improve intramuscular coordination and as a result - the force of impact.

To begin with, stand up before Makivaa for karate in the final point of the blow (we have a shock surface of the fist in the batcher). Straighten your hand, the heel of the back legs will be sick in the floor so that the fingers dug into the coating (ki is expanding forward, perpendicular to the booze). The thigh must be ready to finish the reset of force / KIME.

ATTENTION! You can make such an exercise you can only hardly warm up the muscles, otherwise the risk of injury is very high. It is possible to develop the body using several repetitions of isometric exercise, which is similar to shock.

Now try alternately with the left and right hand to apply 10 blows / discharges to the makivar for karate, without taking a fist from the brisk.

Check out the list of the most frequently allowed errors To avoid their repetition:

  • before the shock, the fist is broken away from the brush and, gaining speed, crashes into a makivar for karate;
  • the blow is reproduced due to the muscles of the hand, which is bent in the elbow;
  • during the impact, the blade is separated from the back - save the muscles of the chest and the armpits in the tone;
  • the pelvis falls forward during the strike (the reason: there is not enough structure, the stomach is inexplicitly straining or its muscles slowly decrease, which may entail the infringement of the lumbar intervertebral discs) - Try to keep the abdominal muscles and buttocks in tone;
  • the pelvis takes place back during impact (reason: the desire to strike shoulder often entails failure) - save tensions in the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks;
  • the heel is broken during the strike (the reason: the desire to hit the shoulder ballistic), which leads to a violation of the structural chain, and since the strength of the chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link, then the impact force will be proportioned by the power of the calf muscle.

Control yourself: With a full force, the foot breaks away from the floor by 5 mm. The structure of the body remains the same.

First stage

Those who are just starting to learn karate, it is worth learning first on a soft shell. We do not mean the upholstery of Makivara for karate soft foam rubber, just need to choose a board with minimal rigidity.

Please accept the rear CowWe-cottage rack, the front palm should touch the makeup of Makivara for karate, palm or fist (depending on the school: we have a palm in the priority, and in the netokana - fist) of the back of the back - to the side (floating ribs). Put the back of the back leg on the attack / shock line. The forearm of the back should be directed along the axis to the Boyhead of this projectile, but sometimes in schools require the forearm parallel to the axis of the body (pressed against the side).

The back hand (right or left) produces a punch of sequen-giyaku-tsuki. The beginning of action comes from tandan, or, more simply, from the hips (the second principle of body attachment). Then, Karates from Cupute-cottages (Fudo-cottage) moves to Zenkutu-cottage (front desk), producing a third principle of body attachment. And the concluding position is completed, in which the fist, shoulder and stop are on the same line.

In some schools, they teach a blow to the projection of their own axis (when the hand leaves a little inside), however, we believe that the frontal collisions should be avoided, so it is better not to linger on the attack line.

During the touch of the Boyhead, KIME / Power Reset, pushing a brushhead at least to the depth of a fist (5-7 cm) and the preservation of the resulting position (with a favor) for a second or more (it is necessary to navigate the purpose of the training). After that, the hand gradually occupies the starting position.

Fighters newcomers beat in Mcivar for karate for 100 times with both hands alternately (about 10 minutes of unhurried training). First, the strikes (about 10%) are performed easily at a slow pace, but with each touch of the projectile, the blow strength should increase. Please note that light touch does not imply a bending of a beating hand, just the body is inserted into the blow not for full force. This can be seen by the deviation of the brisk of this device. With each subsequent impact of Makivar must be deflected stronger until it reaches the extreme point.

Focus on "breaking" target and skip your blow through the target. The focus should be focused on coordinating your movements. All of them must stop simultaneously. Avoid breaking! Key is located in tandan and spreads through the hand through the target and through the back of the floor.

Variate shocks with the removal of the stop from the attack line and fix them in place.

McIvar for karate do it yourself

In the desire to gain the best physical shape and hone their skills, it is not forbidden to use macivar for karate made with your own hands.

Portable Makivara

This is the easiest way to make makivara for karate. To do this, prepare: a tourist rug, some fabric (even worn jeans), laces and threads. At first, cut the rug on the part, the size and softness of which depend on the ultimate goal (sizes and softness of the device).

Beginner fighters are better to use a minimum three layers of the rug, and then, with time, gradually reduce their number. Then sushrify from the existing fabric case for future makivara, given its parameters. Inside, place the mats and place the free edge (preferably on the typewriter, but you can manually).

If you have a desire to make makivar for karate with several sections, simply divide it with the help of seams (for example, if you flash in the middle, you will get two sections), after which it is possible to bend it without much effort and bind, let's say, in two layers.

Mcivar made of tire

For the manufacture of such Makivara for karate you will need: a long board, the old tire, six bolts with nuts, a tourist rug or a twine, and possibly a chain for fastening.

The board is sawed into three equal parts, the length of which will be equal to the wheel diameter. With the help of bolts, fasten one board in the middle of the tire, and the other two on the sides, on the reverse side. To the central board, take a rug or wrap it with the twine (depending on the density of packing).

The finished macifer for karate can be fixed on the wall using boards on the bokes of the tires or use the chain (in this case the boards do not need to be attached). The main advantage of this projectile is that it will spring, regardless of its place of consolidation, which is an important factor in the formulation of impact.

Classical Makivara

Required components: flat board, twine or tourist rug, several bricks. Nothing difficult: dig a small pit, partially immerse the board into it, strengthen the bricks and jump. At the board, attach the rug or wrap the twine. We also advise you to cover the primer board so that it does not die in Earth and Makivar for karate served you for a long time.

McIwar for karate: choices

Mcivara-paws for karate is a shell, which is intended, first of all, to test the technique of hands. Choosing them, focus on the goal you want to achieve by further work with this projectile.

If you need to put a blow, then it is necessary to look at passive and heavy laps with high inertia.

Only working with such a model, you are guaranteed not to injure your hands to those who will keep you paws - Padman.

Heavy makivara paws for karate are good and the fact that they allow to fully experience feedback. Working out shots, you will definitely feel good resistance and return. Thanks to this, you can better control your technique - an important aspect when laying a strike.

It is desirable that at first the structure of the paws allowed to apply powerful blows with bare hands even inexperienced users.

In this regard, the paw should not be too tough. It is better that it is big, thick and soft enough.

In the event that you need to work on Makivara's paws, it is the tactics, the cutter resistance to the strike is not so significant as when produced. That is, the paws in this case can be chosen much easier and tougher. But keep in mind that you will work on them and protected, and bare hands.

Talk about the form and sizes of the projectile. Various options are allowed.

Staged lampit should be chosen quite large. Of course, fighters professionals can use a small projectile to work out accuracy in powerful impact. But newcomers before this level need to train long.

Tactical pawsmust be small. Only such a projectile will help develop the necessary impact of impact. However, the rant of such Makivara-LAP must have parameters that allow you to strike and counterattack.

Significant moment - the shape of the paw.

Better, if the shredded surface is absolutely flat. Thus, when setting a fist (a particularly unprotected hand) it will be possible to feel the contact points and the corners of the force application.

In turn, Padman, changing these angles, can very effectively "train" the fighter, correctly "bring" a fist to the goal. It is worth paying attention to it.

Sportstyle was founded in 1992 and for more than 25 years successfully presents its goods and services in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries.

One of the main activities of the company is the production of frame-awning structures, sports equipment, leisure goods. Our products are very popular and in demand, among them everything for:

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