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Install the program to remove advertising on the Internet. Adblock Plus - how to remove advertising from a browser

Below is a list of the best free adbokers. But none of them is ideal, therefore, it is most effective to use several solutions at once.

Types of advertising

When choosing the best blockers, we adhered to the following criteria:

  • Fully free;
  • Good user ratings;
  • You do not need to register an account for use;
  • Recently updated (over the past 12 months);
  • Implementation in the form of a plugin at least for one browser or operating system;
  • Blocks "media ads" (pop-up windows, banners, video, static images, wallpapers, text ads);
  • Blocks advertising in video (for example, on YouTube).

For testing blockers, we used several sites with various types of advertisements. Among them:,, YouTube and
At Orlando Sentinel, we found aggressive promotional formats that could not block most adbokkers. In fact, only a few of them effectively blocked all ads shown on ORLANDO SENTINEL.

We checked each of these free tools based on the specified criteria and put the evaluation. In addition, the adbockers listed below, with the exception of Stend Fair Adblocker, are open source software.

The best adambals - browser plugins and applications

The best option for blocking advertising is the installation of a specialized plug-in or using a browser with a built-in blocker. They interact with sites much more accurately than offline programs running on a computer in the background.

Stands Fair Adblocker
It is only available for Google Chrome browser. With this plugin you can block all types of advertising. But it is only available as an addon for a Google Chrome browser.
Stands Fair Adblocker is not intended to block promotional blocks, although it can be used for this. The developer company believes in fair advertising and encourages users who form white listings of ads shown on sites.

Fortunately, Stands perfectly copes with the blocking of the rest of the advertisement. Including aggressive advertising formats, demonstrated on ORLANDO SENTINEL. As well as media ads, video with automatic playback and ads on YouTube.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Lock advertisements on Facebook and in Google search.

Works with: Google Chrome

Adbuard Adblock.
Adguard Adblock could block all types of ads. But the biggest disadvantage of this adboker is that all functions are available only in the premium version. At the same time, the difference between the versions of the blocker is explained only in reference documentation.

Many users have appreciated AdBuard Adblock. It was loaded over 4 million times and received high marks.
When we spent tested, it turned out to be one of the adbokers, which not only effectively blocked advertising, demonstrated on the Orlando Sentinel website, but also did not miss promotional frames with the word "Advertisement".

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Ability to transfer a white list to the blacklist.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft EDGE, Yandex.Browser.

Opera Browser.
One of the fastest and most productive browsers. He was one of the first who offered its users a built-in ad bocker.

After turning on the adblector in the settings, it blocks almost every advertisement with which you encounter. But the browser could not block the interdanish ads on the Forbes website (blocks of quotes that are displayed before the articles). Most other advertising blocks were blocked.
In addition, the Opera Adjoker, successfully blocked advertisements, demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Built into a popular browser, simple work with a white list.

Works: C Opera.

Adblock Plus.
It is the most popular software for blocking advertising with more than 10 million downloads only in the Google Chrome browser. This is a free open source project. Adblock Plus is the basis for many other free blockers.

By default, Adblock Plus is designed to block only those advertisements that are considered obsessive or potentially dangerous. Therefore, it requires additional configuration.
If you want to block most of the advertisement (including automatic playback of videos), in the settings you need to disable the "Allow some non-intrusive ads" parameter. But even in this case, ABP blocks not all.

Adblock Plus was one of the tools that could not do anything with an advertisement demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel. Unfortunately, even the "blocking of elements" function could not help. ABP is good and popular, but far from being perfect.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: The presence of anti-lock filter.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Yandex.Browser, IOS, Android.

ublock Adblocker Plus.
Unlike other Ublock Adblocker Plus tools is convenient in operation. Nevertheless, there are some things that the developer could have improved. For example, the site of the blocker is just a page with the title name and no additional information.

Block Adblocker Plus effectively blocks most advertisements, but still misses some of them. For example, it has not blocked automatic advertising playing on one of the sites.

When some advertisements were loaded, I used the "Locking" feature to block specific ads on the web page. For example, on ORLANDO SENTINEL, the blocking of the elements worked perfectly. And its use did not lead to a reboot of the page (as it was in the case of other adbokkers).

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: Easy to use, the ability to block items.

Works with: Google Chrome.

ublock Plus Adblocker
The biggest drawback of this plugin is that it has an uncomfortable interface. There are several settings that are activated using switches. But most of the work is related to the digging in the parameters. Nevertheless, Ublock Plus Adblocker effectively blocked all advertisements, including video with auto start.

The main advantage of the plug-in - the presence of a large library of third-party filters. The tool also includes extended user settings that allow you to create your own content filters.
During testing, Ublock Plus Adblocker blocked most advertisements. But I could not do anything with the banner advertisement shown on Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: Filters of elements and unsafe advertising.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblocker Genesis Plus.
If you used Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus, this plugin will suit you. Adblocker Genesis Plus is a form of other popular plugins. It uses the same basic source code, but it realizes the set of eigenfunctions.

Its user interface is slightly different, but the functionality of blocking ads is the same. The developer of the plugin claims that specially deleted the tracking code from the source code Ublock / Adblock Plus to ensure greater confidentiality.

This adblector has a high rating (4.34 of 5) based on more than 100,000 estimates. But I found that Genesis Plus blocks not all advertisements. On one of the sites, this plugin blocked simple media ads (, but could not block the media advertisement on ORLANDO SENTINEL.

Rating: 6/7.

Main advantages: No tracking code, simple button "White List", "Locking Item" button.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblock Ultimate.
Open source project. The tool allows you to fight most advertisements. When testing, he was able to block ads on YouTube and most media ads on sites. This adblector has high marks: 4.84 out of 5 from Google Chrome users and more than 600,000 installations.

The plugin could not cope with ads demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel. He did not block ads broadcast on this site. But for those who need to cut off only most of the advertisement, this is a good option. Unfortunately, the plugin has not been updated for more than a year. Because of this, his assessment was reduced.

Rating: 6/7.

Main advantages: Quick feature "blocking elements", allowing you to instantly block any advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.


This tool is suitable only for Firefox and is more like a script blocker, not an adbox. Noscript prevents download on the web pages of all types of scripts: JavaScript, Java, Flash and others. You can enable download certain types of scripts. But by default, the tool applies a rather "hard" filter.

As a result of his work, most media ads are blocked. Including aggressive advertising on ORLANDO SENTINEL, with which other tools did not cope. But Noscript does not block advertising in the video at all.

Rating: 5.5 / 7

Main advantages: Full blocking of scripts.

Works with: Firefox.

Why is there no Privacy Badger and Ghostery in this list?

You may have heard about popular Adbokers Privacy Badger and Ghostery. The fact is that these plugins are not designed to block advertising, but to refuse advertising and other elements of sites that violate the privacy of users. As a result, they both block certain types of advertisements. But first of all, the tools are aimed at protecting privacy.

This means that using any of these plugins, you will not see that advertisement in which you may be interested. In addition, they provide limited control over that advertising what type need to be blocked. And considering their "good advertising" policy, you cannot block a certain part of the ads at all.

Google Chrome AD Blocker

Despite the loud statements by Google developers, the built-in Chrome Adjoker is not capable of much. During his testing, we found that he misses almost all advertisements.
At the same time, the management of the built-in blocker is strongly limited. Even find a website on which advertisements have been blocked, turned out to be a problem. And since the Chrome Adjoker is designed to block certain types of advertisements, most of them are not intercepted.

Adjoker from Google looks like a fake. Perhaps his appearance forced some sites to remove especially obsessive advertising. But you will not be able to use this tool for a full blocking.

Note on the blocking of advertising and income sites

Users hate advertising for several reasons:

  • It can slow down the page load;
  • Many ads are intrusive and annoy;
  • Advertising often does not meet the interests of users;
  • Ads can interrupt view content (in particular, on streaming video sites, such as Hulu or Crunchyroll);
  • Many advertisements contain tracking code, which sends information about the behavior of the user to third parties.

The quality of the demonstrated advertising has become so bad that even Google began to use the Adbokker chrome in its browser. But Google's intentions. The company owns a large advertising unit and, most likely, Chrome does not block ads from Adsense.
The advertisements demonstrated by us have various disadvantages. And they can be used to distribute computer viruses with hackers.

Before installing any of the blockers, keep in mind that the sites that you attend are often relying on advertising income to survive. The profit received from the broadcast of advertising remains the main source of income for many Internet resources. In recent years, the use of adambalkers has led to a loss of income sites in the amount of $ 15.8 billion.
The "White List" is a good way to secure the sites that you like, getting an income from advertising. Even if you never click on ads, they all early receive income for watching advertising.

Translation of the article " 10 Best Free AD Blockers to Remove Ads and Popups"Was prepared by a friendly team team

Probably, it is not necessary to say that advertising in Android applets or in browsers when accessing the Internet is incomprehensible annoying all users without exception. But after all, it does not work out with its own means of the system. So what to do? Locking advertising on Android-Systems can be made either using special programs, or in manual mode by changing one of the key system files.

Where does advertisement be taken in Android applications?

Probably, every Android-deva owner thought about how many garbage was taken in the form of advertising from the programs. The answer to this question must be sought in the Google Play service itself, from which in most cases and the installation of mobile applications is loaded.

The situation is such that absolutely all free applications that are presented in the service have built-in advertising. Everything!!! The exception is only paid programs. There is no this garbage. But not everyone wants (or maybe) to pay some amount only to get rid of constantly pop-up messages and banners. But there is a way out. You need to use some application to block advertising on Android, which can remove it from both the applications installed, and from the browser when the user performs Internet surfing.

Types of advertising and ways to eliminate

But before proceeding to the consideration of the question of how, for example, blocking advertising in "Chrome" on Android or its elimination in the installed applets, it is worth seeing what basic its types can be found.

Many specialists, analyzing all possible situations, tend to share advertising on several main species:

  • static or dynamic (pop) banners on top, from below or full screen with a picture or video;
  • built-in advertising directly in the program interface;
  • advertising appearing in 2-3 days of use of the application;
  • "Useful" advertising, after viewing which the user receives some points, bonuses, coins, etc.

As for its removal techniques, in most cases, when installing additional applets, the superuser's rights are required, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve any significant result. But! It will not work - does not mean that it is impossible in principle. Locking advertising on Android without root rights can also be done too. This will stop separately.

By the way, one of the simplest methods that prevent the advent of advertising in applications is to download and install not from the Google Play service, and the loading of their complete analogues in the form of APK files followed by installation from other sources. But resources must be proven, otherwise the guarantee that do not pick up a virus somewhere, no one will give. Programs on such sites in most cases are already delivered from advertising, and even in those situations if the application for correct operation requires constant Internet access.

Locking advertising on "Android": the most popular applications

On the Internet, you can now find enough software applets aimed at eliminating the user from annoying banners and messages. Not all of them are equivalent to each other. But in most cases you can allocate some of the most powerful, popular and interesting applications:

  • Adaway.
  • LuckyPatcher.
  • Adfree.
  • Adblock.
  • Adguard.
  • Adblock Browser, etc.

This list is interesting because the first three applications are required to require root rights, the second three can work without them. Consider several utilities. In principle, they all work on similar principles.

Adaway - the simplest to use the application

Locking advertising on "Android" using this program is based on automatic change in the Hosts file.

After installing and starting the application, you need to use only two buttons. First, you should be tapped by the file load button, and then on the Advertising Disconnection Button. True, as already understandable, Google Corporation is completely unprofitable to appear such programs, so it is pointless to look for it in the Market. You will have to download from other sources and manually installed.

Adblock - program on "Android". Lock advertising for free

As already, probably, it is clear from the title, this applet is a mobile version of the computer add-in to browsers adapted to Android systems.

This utility, like Adblock Browser, which is a regular browser with a built-in blocker, is intended for use in the form of supplement (expansion) to all available browsers in the system. True, she has one minus. If the system provides for the provision of root rights, the application will filter absolutely all traffic, and to block without them will additionally need to configure the proxy parameters. And keep in mind that this application can not work on all devices and not in all versions of the Android operating system.

Lucky Patcher - Universal Solution

Many experts believe that this application is the best program for blocking advertising on Android. And it's not even in principles of work.

The program itself in some way is somewhat modified an analogue of Adaway applete in the interface plan. However, its possibilities are much wider. In fact, the application is a whole complex-patcher for all occasions.

When starting programs, it makes a complete system scanning, and the results in the application category distributes to several types, highlighting them with different colors:

  • yellow - the application is fixed, and no additional actions are required;
  • green - need to check the Google license;
  • blue - the presence of advertising.

Programs have been made to a separate section, which is impossible to disappear. By clicking on the desired application, the user receives an additional menu in which the action option is selected (removal of advertising, the installation of the patch, etc.).

Adfree - another simple means

This program practically repeats the adaway applet presented above.

It is not only used by the same principle of changing the HOSTS file, but also the order of troubleshooting problems in the form of using the file download buttons and disconnect advertising.

Use manual mode

Locking advertising on Android in this case implies an independent download of the changed Hosts file from the Internet or creating it on a computer using any text editor (for example, "notepad"). It has the appearance as shown in the image below.

The original system file, to avoid trouble, first need to be renamed (or make it backup), after which the new Hosts object is placed in the ETC directory, which can be located either in the root of the system, or in the System directory using for this file manager like root Explorer. After that, it will remain only to reboot to the device and rejoice.

What to use?

As for the choice of the preferred method of deliverance from advertising, it is difficult to advise something specific, since each program is focused on a specific type of task. However, if you have a superuser's license, it is better to install LuckyPatcher (an application can be useful for other purposes). But in the optimal version, to remove advertising and from installed programs, and from the browser, the optimal decision will be the installation of two applets, one of which will block the appearance of unwanted banners in applications, and the second is to eliminate advertising when carrying out Internet surfing. For example, in addition to LuckyPatcher, you can install Adblock. However, there is a choice for the owner of the Mobile Device. As for the download or manual creation of the HOSTS file, this option can be used if suddenly (which is unlikely) nothing else helps.

Looking for a way how forever remove advertising in the browser for free without registration and SMS :)? He is. This is a simple and ordinary plugin called Adblock. More precisely, there is not even one, but the two popular versions of this expansion, as well as several similar on the functionality of advertising blockers. There are versions for Yandex browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari and other less popular. If these extensions do not help, most likely your computer is already infected with the virus, and to eliminate it, you will have to sweat, but everything is in order.

Browser advertising blockers

There are several types of advertising blockers. The most popular and easy to use are undoubtedly Adblock and Adblock Plus. Also, there are less common, but no less efficient: Ublock, Adguard, Ghostery, Privacy Badger, Disconnect.

Installing adblock

The control occurs with the button in the control panel and the LKM (left click of the mouse) and the PCM (right click with the mouse) on it.

You can enable and disable certain types of advertising, enable sites in exception lists. All control is easy and understandable at the intuitive level. You can disable unwanted objects on the page.

Settings look like that

As you can see, the default is the possibility of showing unobtrusive advertising. This means that advertising will not be blocked, which does not occupy a lot of space and labeled "Advertising". In principle, the settings can not be changed, and everything will work as it should, as they say, out of the box.


Description: Expansion of the browser, which fully blocks all annoying advertising on sites, including advertisements on YouTube and Facebook, balloon and like buttons, as well as spyware and malicious software.
From myself I will add that there is a site localization into Russian, in contrast to the same. For me, so it's about something, yes says.

Supported browsers:

  • Chrome (on the WebKit engine: Yandex browser, Google Chrome and the like)
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Opera.
  • Internet Explorer.
  • Safari.
  • Maxthon.
  • Microsoft Edge.

There is a mobile browser of its own production under Android and iOS - Adblock Browser.

Installation is also made in one click. As you can see, you can choose your browser from the list

Management and setting is also made using the LKM and PCM on the button, which will appear in the control panel (to the right of the URL entry field) after installing the expansion.

But what do you look at the settings from the inside

As you can see, in general, the essence is similar to Adblock: unobtrusive advertising is allowed, there is a white list of domains (a list of allowed domains, for them Adblock Plus is disabled). There are personal filters, there you can set your own parameters for what exactly needs to be blocked on sites (in general, option for advanced users).
A warning is displayed that filter lists should not be too large, otherwise it can strongly slow down the work of the browser.

In general, these are the two most popular ways to block the unwanted content of sites, and they are more than enough for all occasions. Use them and do not forget to include useful sites in the list of allowed domains.

Description: The original Adguard is a firewall with the possibility of filtering advertising, the fishing warnings on the network level, that is, the processing of incoming traffic occurs before it gets into the browser. In this its advantage over Adblock and other browser extensions. It is possible to install the MAC version, as well as mobile Android and iOS.
Adguard Farwall is paid, but the cost is far from beyond, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pair of hundred rubles per year. For this you get a full-fledged commercial product with round-the-clock support, ready to use directly from the box.

If you don't want to pay, there are extensions Adguard Antibanner Under various types of browsers.

Supported browsers

  • Google Chrome.
  • Yandex browser
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Opera.
  • Palemoon.

What can be said - adguard in comparative tests with Ublock, Adblock, Adblock Plus showed itself far from worse. Yes, and blocking advertising in mobile, in my opinion, a fairly useful opportunity, which is provided at the proper level is not all available free applications. And then for a meager fee, a complete set with a guaranteed service and support service. In general, Adguard is an option for those who appreciate their time and money.

Description: relatively young, but very promising expansion for blocking advertising on the site. The main advantage of Ublock Before Adguard, AdBlock and Adblock Plus, its authors call a very low load on the processor and memory consumption for the work of the plugin. For clarity, comparison in memory consumption

As you can see, Ublock almost does not consume rates, its level remains almost at the same level as in the absence of blockers

With the load on the processor, things are even more interesting

It is clearly seen that Ublock leaves his competitors far behind. In general, if you use Adblock or AdBlock Plus, and because of them your browser slows down, I advise you to try Ublock, it is possible that you need

Supported browsers:

  • Chrome (WebKit: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser)
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Safari.


ublock is very similar to Adblock and Adblock Plus - the same white list, a list of filters used, the ability to add your own. It is possible to import and export settings, so you can easily transfer all your settings to another machine and do not lose them when reinstalling the operating system.

Control It is performed using the LCM and PCM on the button, which will appear in the browser control panel.

Setting: Third-party filters - Mark RUS: Bitblock List and Rus: RU AdList.

After you need to update the filters (find the Run button now). Setup completed.

Another moment - some sites have in their arsenal scripts to determine and bypass Adblock and Adblock Plus. Ublock has an interesting Anti-Adblock Killer mechanism - this is a site detector with similar antiborders. Using this Killer's anti-block, Ublock finds such sites and forcibly cuts advertising on them. So, here, another plus for using this interesting plugin. Try.

Description: The main task of expansion is the search and suppression of hidden spy scripts embedded in the site page code, suspicious objects. Also knows how to block aggressive advertising

Supported browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Yandex browser
  • Opera.
  • Safari.
  • Internet Explorer.


Description: In essence, it looks like Ghostery, the functionality and the mission as a whole are the same as most similar blocks

Supported browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Yandex browser

Description: Software that has not exceeded among itself the like. Detects and stops a surveillance, including from social networks, cuts advertising, reports on the work done, and does it well. It is especially clear that in the light of the fact that the author of extensions is the former Google employee

Supported browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Yandex browser
  • Opera.

If adblock does not help

If you already have an advertisement blocker, but you do not disappear pop-ups with an annoying advertisement and other nonsense, I have bad news for you - most likely you picked up the virus or Troyan. But, you should not despair, there is a solution to every problem.

Alternatively, you can start scanning a computer with 2 free utilities, from Kaspersky and Dr.Web:

And even if the usual antivirus did not help, special utilities will be able to help with Spyware, Mailware and such evil spirits. One of these programs can be downloaded here -
After scanning the system, all suspicious objects are sent to quarantine. If your error goes there useful the necessary files, you can restore them.

Also, where it is worth noting:

The above measures should be enough to eliminate problems with pop-up advertising windows.

How to use adblock

As you know, advertising - engine trade, and without a market we would be deprived of adequate prices for goods and services. Therefore, not any advertisement is bad. In addition, advertising on the site is often the only source of profits, due to which the site lives and develops, and there are many such networks. I understand, some webmasters in pursuit of profit forget about the faces of reasonable, having inspired the site by advertising as a Christmas tree with garlands. Yes, there are both dredgers, and those who are not bent the spread of viruses and Trojans, and here it will help you unequivocally adbelk. But there are also good useful sites with unobtrusive advertisements that you regularly visit, and which grow and develop thanks to advertising placed on them. I do not call to completely abandon the use of Adblock, but do not forget to add useful resources to the list of exceptions for your advertising blocker, thereby paying the authors for the efforts to create high-quality content.

Nowadays the topic is very relevant removal of malicious software and viral advertising. Today, on the Internet, it is very easy to pick up an infection that embeds advertising into the browser, downloads and installs unnecessary programs, sets the default unknown search engine or prescribes the site into the autorun. It is often found all this together. On this page we will talk about the best utilities for removing malicious programs, viruses and advertising in the form of pop-ups and annoying sites.



Anti-Malware (MBAM). Program for removing advertising, malware, viruses, Trojanov.

It has an absolutely working free version that can be used forever without any trial periods, registrations and activations. The only difference from the paid license is that the free version does not provide real-time protection. You can only scan the system on demand.

Anti-Malware successfully removes viruses, trojans, malware, potentially unwanted programs. But it can skip some relatively harmless things like adware extensions that successfully define and deletes adwcleaner.


HitManPro - means for removing malicious programs, adware, vinlinkers

Hitmanpro is famous for its wide-profile and meticulousness. This utility uses two cloud anti-virus engines to search for malicious software - Kaspersky and BitDefender. Therefore, even the newest threats. In my practice there were cases when it was HitmanPro that removed malicious programs that were able to restore independently after removing other antiviruses. Also, the program has proven itself well when removing villakovers.

Contains a special HitManPro Kickstart tool, which allows the treatment of the system if Windows is not operational (for example, not loaded or blocked by the extortionist). How to create a bootable media with Hitmanpro Kickstart we.

However, this utility is the third in the list because only 30 days work for free. If the trial period is over, it will be possible to use HitmanPro on this computer only by purchasing a license and in any way.


A good utility from the well-known manufacturer of antivirus software TrendMicro. Created to clean browsers from hijackers. To use the utility it is very desirable to have basic knowledge of what extension, Add-on, Bho, Hosts. With inexperienced users, you can also use the program, but only those strings are worth noting for deletion, where the malicious element is explicitly displayed - for example, the address of the site-hijacker, which you tired in the browser.


I also want to say that it is not always possible to remove malware using programs. This is especially true of the tracks of activity: when the malicious program itself has already been removed and on the fact of infection on the computer, there are such consequences as spoiled browsers labels with incorrect paths, batch files that open the undesirable site, registry values \u200b\u200bprescribed by malware, which open the site while loading. Such things quite often have to be cleaned manually. For example, if the label is changed completely, no utility will help to return it. Therefore, in particularly severe cases, you will have to use manual shortcut correction.