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Communion and verbal spirits: definition, spelling, rules. Proper spelling: What is the sacrament and verbality, the rules with examples


Communion is a hybrid verbal-adjective form, which in school traditions are considered as a special verb form. Communions are combined by signs of verb and adjective, expressing the value of the procedural sign of the subject. Glazhnaya signs of communities:

1. The nature of the verb control is preserved (for example: dream of freedom - dreaming about freedom);

2. The type of appropriate verb is preserved;

3. The communion has two collateral forms (in accordance with the two-shallow concept) - a valid and affirmative collateral (for example: allowed - the actual deposit, permitted - the suffering key);

4. Communion has two temporary forms - the present
(Loving, beloved) and past (loved) time.

All verbal signs of communities are constant, variable signs are signs of adjective: genus, the number, the case, complete or brief (in suffering communities), the form and the corresponding flexion in the proposal is a legend or definition.

Pridsescence of the present time are formed from the verb basis of the present time with the help of suffixes-/ - / Yusch, in -yess - - - valid communities, suffixes -th, -th-, -im- - the suffering communities. Communion of the past time is formed from the basis with an infinitive basis. At the same time, suffixes are used for the formation of valid communities - if the base is ends with a vowel (for example: hearing - hearing-entertainment) or -Sh-, if the base ends on the consonant (for example: brought-th - brought).
In the formation of the suffering genthesis of the past time, the suffixes are attached to the verb basis - if the base ends onto the vowel, except / and / (for example: to hang out - hang), -nn, if the base ends on the consonant or / and /, and in the latter case / and / falls
(for example: a shot - a shot-ennorative, brought - brought-made), - for the formation of communals from some verbs of unproductive classes with the basics on the i-, o-, as well as from the verbs of the IV productive class
(For example: stitched - sewn, damas - the washed, it is embedded, rotated - rotated). The initial form of communion, as an adjective, is the nominative case of the only number of male genus.

A common feature of the use of communities is that they make up the belonging of the book speech. This is explained by the history of communities.
The main discharges of the communities belong to the elements of the literary language borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, which affects a number of their phonetic features, for example, in the sections of the present time: the current, burning, which corresponds to the adjective fluid, hot, which are by the origin of the Old Russian communion, and Also, in the presence of a number of communities before the hard consonant under the stress E, whereas in the verbs, from which they are formed, under the same conditions there are EK (O): who came, but came invented, but invented, blossomed, but bloomed.

Communication of communities with Old Slavonic language in the XVIII century. Notes
Lomonosov, who in his "Russian grammar" about several discharges clarifies that they are consumed only from Slavic verbs and are unacceptable from Russians. So, he writes: "The actual pledge of the current communion of the above, produced from verbs
Slavic origin: a crown, writing, powered; And it is not very decent from ordinary Russian, which the Slavs are unknown: talking, chawing. " The same is noted by him regarding the suffering communities of the present time "from Russian verbs, the Slavs in the use of not former, produced, for example: the trogged, swap, maramerable, very wild and hearing are impermanent," and relative to the communion of the last time of the actual pledge: "... for example, Bucked, blaspiced, dived, dutiful, quite disappeared. " At the same time, Lomonosov celebrates greater relevance of communities for high-styles of speech, indicating that they "decently rely on rhetorical and poems, rather than in a simple calm, or in the surprise."

Currently, two centuries after Lomonosov, restrictions on the formation of communities from pure Russian verbs, alien to the Old Slavonic language, has not been preserved. And the examples of unacceptable communions are demonstrated by Lomonosov, do not create that impressions of insulting the linguistic faintness, which he speaks with such categoricalness, and quite admissible. The main discharges of complete communities are productive and easily formed from any verbs, including from the neoplasms (the turret, unknown, turbulent). Supporting communities of the present time are the least common, but also in some types of verbs are productive (westing, formable, stored) and unproductive only with suffix -om- (incommable, slave, desired).

But at present, firstly, communities are the belonging of a literary language (they are not in dialects); Secondly, they are almost not found in conversational speech.
The mansion is the brief communion of the past time of the suffering
(written, brought, nanit), which are widely used in household speech and are used in dialects.
On the contrary, for different books speech styles, complete communities are one of the necessary tools that is used extremely widely. This is due to the fact that the communities contribute to the compression of speech, allowing the opportunity to replace the apparent proposals; Compare: Enterprises, early plan and enterprises that completed the plan ahead of schedule;
The delegate and delegate chosen by the General Assembly, which was elected the general meeting. In the newspaper speech, it is almost always preferred by communities.

Communions in their meaning are close to adjective and often go into adjectives. The general difference between the sedes from the adjectives is that the sacrament is indicating a temporary feature of the subject created by the subject of the item itself (valid partitions) or the action carried out on this subject (the suffering party), while the adjective indicates the constant sign of the subject, for example: flying seeds is seeds who fly, are in motion, and the volatile seeds are seeds that have features in the structure, thanks to which they easily fly are transferred to the wind. The communion points only to a state and does not characterize the item itself, so you can say flying stone, although the stone has no qualities that contribute to flight. Adjective, on the contrary, only characterizes the subject and does not provide information about what state it is, therefore the phrase is possible: the earth was covered with volatile maple seeds, although these seeds lie motionless on Earth. Draised area - this area, on which work is carried out by drainage; In the adaptive dried, resulting from the communion, the drying process was left without attention, and the characteristic qualities of items are indicated; So, dried fruit - antonym for fresh fruit, i.e., fruits with their taste features, convenient for storage, etc.

Communions have a number of compliance among the adjectives, part of their origin ascending to communions. These include:

1) Actual communities of the present time and adjectives with the same root:

red - Red Shine - Blue White - White Agent - Old Sedister - Gray Warding - Solid Editable - Rare

All these communities belonging to verbs formed from adjectives
(Blur from red, sitting from gray), indicate a sign in the process of its education: the red apples are apples that become red; Adjective expresses the possession of the quality in the formation: red apples. In a figurative meaning, these communion indicate a more active, effective manifestation of a trait, and adjectives - on the passive presence of it from items. Compare: Green fields and green fields; Something whiteway and something white.

2) communion of the real time of the actual pledge (as well as returnable) and the adjectives with the suffix -ky, -yuly, -Kuchny, jacius, which are by the origin of ancient Russian communities:

rashing - Bulk Sitting - Sitting Crossing - Spicy Standing - Standing Scripping - Squeezing Current - Fluent Lying - Liberated Burning - Firefish - Flying Flying - Bulk

As mentioned above, in these paired designations, the sacrament expresses, in what state is the subject of which it shows the action relating to the present time: the hanging ball is a ball that hangs, current water - water in motion, stitching blasting - blade Cool, without a relationship to that, whether its structure contributes to this. The adjective denotes a constant property, the feature of the subject, due to which it is adapted to perform some action, but does not indicate this action: a hanging lamp indicates a feature in a lamp device that contributes to hang it, spiny shrub - shrub that has a shrub spikes and can easily prick; Also the stray dog \u200b\u200bgives the overall characteristics of the dog and close by the value to the homeless. In some cases, such adjectives are antonyms of adjectives of another structure: hot - cold, sedentary (lifestyle) - mobile, combustible - fire-resistant.

3) the actual selection of the present time (usually with denial) and the adjective, which coincides with the persistent commander of the present with the negative prefix not as:

non-burning - non-aggravated non-fogging - unfavorable not flossing - a waterproof not clenching - a non-melted penetrating - impermeable non-transmitting - indescribable

Communion only states that the action continues that the action continues that it is not nearing completion; This is achieved at the negative particle; Compare: the burning is not a burning, clenching - not clenching. Adjectives indicate the impossibility of performing an action, on the inaccessibility of the subject for the well-known process: a non-aggravated wardrobe - a wardrobe that cannot burn, a waterproof coat - a coat that cannot bust. Therefore, it can be said: I had to drown raw, long non-burning firewood (but it is impossible to say: "long non-burning firewood"). Adjective usually hyperbolly characterize the subject, representing its known quality as an absolute, so the inappropriate is stronger than the unpleasant. It should be noted that such adjectives, as non-aggravated, are formed for the most part of non-transparent verbs, i.e. Such that do not allow the formation of suffering communities.

4) Paddative communities of the present time (usually with denial) and adjectives with the prefixes are not and suffixed:

not allowable - unacceptable not defeated - invincible not tamped - an indispensable non-crushed - uncomplicable non-discrepable - non-disgustable non-disgustable - inevitable not implemented - unfulfilled not begone - inexorable not repeated - unique not discrepable - inseparable

The difference in communities and adjectives in this category similarly to the difference in the previous one: the communion states the lack of impact on the subject: the project that will not be implemented by us can be used by another organization; Here is not implemented - the one that is not implemented, without indicating that it may be carried out or not. The adjective indicates the impossibility of performing over the subject of action, on the resistance of the subject to known impact: a unfulfamble project is one that cannot be implemented, the unstable stronghold is the one that cannot be crushed.

These adjectives are also hyperbolically expressed quality (invincible -
"The most powerful") and in connection with this have expression. Usually the adjective types of uninimicable form are formed from the verbs of the perfect species, which cannot be the communities of the present time, but in some cases they are formed from the verbs of the imperfect species, and then there may be homonymous communion and adjective, for example: the passage not translated by me has already been translated by my comrades and Gogol often encounters untransformed speeds, the same: not flushed by you spoil the picture, i.e.
The stain that for some reason remains unsemifier, and this is an imbued shame, i.e. Shame, which can not be washed, the same: undisguised (\u003d 1) which cannot be hidden and 2) which is not hidden by anyone)

5) Valid times of past time and adjectives formed from the communities with suffix-chief:

tanned - Tanned Growing - Triggy Murped - Fancy Zaraded - Zapranny Zolaried - Invented Swimming - Walking Luxury - Loseable Skipped - Smoky Frozen - Frozen Oblowed - Owlless Cooked - Cookstone

These communion and adjectives are particularly close to the value; The communcies are more clearly addressed by the process: tanned - this is the one who acquired a tan, as he was sunbathing, and tanned - having a tan, and this adjective is more close to dark. Then the communion clearly expresses personal participation; Thus, the Oblow experienced, more realizing the grounds for frightened than the daisy, which fear was waiting for the outside (not because there are no such adjectives from the verbs, which express a greater activity of the actual person: a pleasure, joyful); Adjectives are more often applied to subjects (poverty glasses, smoky walls, solar disease, merry cake, gladellea road), which are only exposed to the side. Finally, adjectives are associated with spoken speech and are often formed from conversational and spacious verbs: to ride, rally, to go aige.
Take the example of an excerpt of Fedin from "Unusual Summer":

... Eashable, sharp, with red after the eyes of the eyes, he
[Dibic] smiled shyly and offended. Dibic looked at the ground, floating past him in the lazy change of plowed strips, black rustles, cool slopes of the railway canvas with telegraph polinatal grades on the backups and the raspberries, poured alone on sagging wires. He sat, ticking on the table with the elbows, wet from the stuffiness, if you have a piping.
Swimmed cheeks quickly Belelles ...

having hated - ripe matured - ripe clothes - sluggish puffed - a short-sided - the burnt burnt - the grieving fearful - a sighless rotten - rotten

The separable nature of these adjectives is completely darkened, and they usually denote only qualities without indication of their education.

7) the suffering passengers of the past time and adjectives that were formed from these communities; Usually the first with consoles, and the second without consoles:

cooked - Boiled Baked - Baked Salted - Salted Washed - Ureda Used - Called Broken - Battered

The communion points to the process to which the subject: baked apples - apples that baked, and the adjective baked apple indicates what kind of quality the apple has, in connection with which this adjective acts as an antonym of the word raw. In some cases, transition to adjectives and communities with consoles: bloated pants
(\u003d too large), open wound.

8) valid and affirmative communions and ionic adjectives formed from these communities:

a) A stone brilliant in the sun is a brilliant report.
Cape, outstanding in the sea - an outstanding figure.
Shakaly wandering in the forest is a wandering smile.
Director, causing technique - causing tone.

b) Respeted by everyone - Dear comrade.
The machine driven by the driver is a controlled balloon.

Communions, usually supported by the fact that there are dependent words with them, indicate a sign created by the subject itself (valid communion), or express effect on the subject of another subject
(Passpasteful communion); Aditual, usually having a figurative meaning, indicate permanent quality: brilliant report \u003d excellent report, outstanding worker \u003d excellent, excellent worker, wandering smile \u003d involuntary, weak smile causing tone
\u003d sharp, rough tone, respected comrade \u003d decent respect, controlled balloon \u003d possessing devices for control.

Among the communities there are types close by value and speakers sometimes as synonyms. This applies, on the one hand, to the suffering communions and, on the other, to the communions from the return verbs. It is among the diverse values \u200b\u200bof return verbs that there is a value of affectionism; In this case, the verb refers to the subject, which is the object, and the acting person is indicated by the workful case:
The house is built by architect. Food formed from the verbs with such a value of the partition with a particle is also acquired by the value of affectionism: the house under construction is built by the architect, correlated by the expression of the suffering with the turnover of the house built by the architect, where the suffering communion acts; At the same time, these communion are not equal.

A. M. Peshkovsky found that the main expressant of the sufferment is the suffering communion, and where it is available, usually a returnable communion is unacceptable: "We will never say a child dressed in a nanny, but only - dressed as a nanny; Never say a box that has done a joiner, never say the house built by this architect, but only built by this architect, etc. ".
It indicates that the returnable communion is used when the suffering communion does not form at all or is non-consistent. Thus, the verbs of an imperfect species usually do not form the suffering communion of the past time, in this case, its substitute and returns the return part; Therefore, along with the suffering communion of the perfect species, the return part of the imperfect type is used: a house erected by the architect; The report written by the student and the report written by the student during the month;
Books published by scientist and books that have been published last year by scientified.

For some cases, A.M.Peshkovsky still considers the use of the intersections of both types. As examples, it appears: "The book read by many and the book reading by many; The house built by the architect and the house built by the architect. " But the communion is not generally generally accepted, and the turnover is a book reading many clearly worse than the book read by many. If there are parts of both types, the returnable communion is hardly desirable there, where the suffering is clearly pronounced (when there is a cleaner acting person), it is more appropriate when the affectative value is stuck, so, more acceptable: the book, a lot and willingly read or does not cause objections: phenomena observed
(existing), but better: the phenomena observed by us.

Therefore, it is possible to agree with a figurative estimate that A.M.Peshkovsky gives these discharges of communities: "They treat each other as a specialist to the amateur."


Similarly, the germinations of the traditional adapters are considered as a special verb form that connects signs of verb and adverbs, i.e. Denotic procedural feature of action, characterized by unchanged, preserving verb control, verbal appearance, mortgage properties of the verb adjacent to the verb or communion and protruding in the proposal in the function function.

The species properties of verbalia are obtained by morphological expression in particlepric suffixes. The verbalia of the imperfect species form from the base of the present time with the help of a suffix -a, ", for example: Ring - the link'st, think - the Duma'-me. The verbality of the perfect species is formed from the infinitive basis of the verbs of the perfect species with the help of suffixes
-The, he had, -h, for example: send - send-in, bring - brought-shi, smile - smile-lice-sm. In modern Russian, the process of differentiation of particle-acting suffixes, depending on the verb form, is not yet completed, therefore, the forms of the perfect species, formed according to the models of the imperfect form, are possible, i.e. from the basis of the future simple time using suffix
(leave - leaving, bring - bringing, etc.). The verbalism of the imperfect species is not formed from the verbs with the basis:

1. On the posteriorized (bake - bake, it is impossible: * baked);
2. Of the alone agree (GN-UT, it is impossible: * GNU);
3. Distorious time for a hissing, alternating infinitive with a whistling (Pish-Ut - Pisa-th, it is impossible: * Pisha);
4. With the basis of infinitive on - Nu- in the verbs of an unproductive class

(dying, impossible: * Milf);

Like the sacrament, the verbatility is distributed in the book speech and is not typical for the household spoken speech.

Temploying, denoting an additional action, characterizing another action, is primarily used to push one of the actions to the second plan compared to another. In this regard, the verb with the following verb is opposed to two verbs. So:
Standing at the window, reading the letter indicates that the main thing is stood, and reading the details of this state by an indication of the accompanying occupation, whereas stood by the window and read the letter represents both verbs with equal and independent. The use of verbalism makes it possible to establish another attitude between these verbs: standing by the window, read the letter, where in the foreground it turns out to read, and by adding pointing to what the reading was held in what position. Such an opportunity to give a combination of equal verbs, on the one hand, and establish a prospect between them, highlighting the main and secondary, on the other, it serves as a convenient means to express a variety of relationships between several actions and states. Compare: He told and laughed - he told, laughing - telling him, he laughed; Overwhelmed and shot -
Afterbed, shooting - running, shot.

How did the verprica give an opportunity to subjugate to others, make them expressive to various parts and the circumstances of other actions, can be seen from such examples: the bitter "childhood": the grandmother was smoking, drinking a cup over a cup; I sat by the window, looking at how the evening dawn over the city and red shocks in the windows of houses ...; And she [Grandma] laughs a hearty laugh, her nose trembles scolding his eyes, and his eyes, thoughtfully lightly, caress me, speaking about everything else more clearly than words; I am increasingly thinking about the mother, putting it in the center of all the fairy tales and the Vale, told by the grandmother. An attempt to replace the verbs to reverse the links between individual actions would destroy the differences between the main and additional difference, would have made a single list of individual actions.

In many cases, verbalia cannot be replaced by the verb at all. It happens when they acquire a circumstantiated value, for example:
Grandmother of Gmuro leaned against the peculiar and sighs, lowering his eyes to the floor (\u003d with her eyes omitted); He [Grandfather] stands, pulling his head (\u003d with a welcome head); I was also ready to cry, sorry my garden, slag (\u003d from pity).

Relationships expressed by verbalism are very diverse.

When using verprices, it should be not overlooked, to which person belongs to the actions that are denoted by verbalism and verb. In this regard, there are significant limitations. It is the condition that is generally accepted in the Russian language of use of verbalias is that the actions that are denoted by the verbalism are made by the same person who owns the action denoted by the verb-fag. This is a place in the personal offers, in which the verbal spirits and verb designate the action of the subject. So: Designer, dismantling the drawing, explained the features of the new model. Here demonstrated and clarified the designer.

In addition to personal suggestions, adoprifers are also permissible in impersonal proposals, provided that both actions are believed to one person.
Talking about it, I want to remind ...
Such revisions are found in artwork and scientific speech.

On the example of M. Gorky: inexplicably swimming well on the Volga autumn at night, sitting on the root of the barge, at the helm; Not loving - it is impossible to understand life. I felt that only very hard, very passionately, loving a person can be drawn in this love strength in order to find and understand the meaning of life;
On the example of Academician I.P. Pavlova: Exploring the conditional reflexes day after day, it is possible to predict a convulsive thing in advance;
Thus, without claiming the absolute accuracy of the situation, it is necessary to take that large hemispheres are the main organ of conditional reflexes.

Temploying can be subordinate to the infinitive, provided that the actions are indicated by verbal and infinitive, belong to one person.
On the example I.P. Pavlova: Thus, the goal is to remove part of the hemispheres, to see the disappearance of the fiction of the remote part of the total hemispheres
- It is covered at the first pores with an overlooking of the operational impact over the entire mass of the hemispheres. On it [physiologist] lies a permanent duty, relying on the current successes of natural science and an emergency increase in modern technical means, try to find other techniques for the same purpose, not so distant from the improved device under study.

It is even less likely to be seriously subordinate to the communion, but still such cases are found in artistic works. Herzen: The silence officer of silence proudly went under the arch, as a spider returning to the dark angle, biting milling brains. The bitter "artamon business": these little pleasures were somewhat reconciled him with many offensive people, which he experienced from the womb people, and more firmly embarrassed the case in their tenacious hands, pushing him aside, alone; Gorough, Karonin:
One day, this Agafonov, a small, ruver-haired man who wrote his stories, worrying to sobs, fell ill ...

Errors in the use of verbalia are their use depending on the verb when the verbal spirits and verb represent actions of different persons, for example: entered into the room, the mother stood at the window.
Here, the company is the action of the speaker (\u003d when I entered the room), and the mother stood. Invalidness of such revolutions, besides the fact that they are not accepted in Russian, it is also explained by the fact that they lead to the ambiguity due to the possibility of attributive to the action denoted by the lead, the person who is subject to the proposal: for example, if we phrase:
When I returned home, my grandmother fed me with dinner replaced with a design with a leader: Returning home, the grandmother fed me with dinner, then the impression would have created that his grandmother had returned home.
Errors of this kind are quite often found in students, for example: somehow sitting in the evening at home, an unfamiliar man entered us;
Having worked for three months, the father was transferred to Penza; After studying at school for four years, I had a desire to learn further; The doors closed tightly, fearing so that the sounds from the street did not come to the ears of Baryni. Sometimes such revolutions penetrate the print: Bookper, "A few words about Chekhov": And when they noticed how, listening to him, I had eyes and cheeks burned, a cute student was quietly deleted from our house.

Especially there are similar revisions occurring occasionally at the classics at the advantage of the first half of the XIX century. (Pushkin, Lermontov, Herzen, L. Tolstoy).
They have such a syntax design supported by the influence of French. This was paid to the attention of Lomonosov, who wrote in "Russian grammar": "It is very silent by those that, according to the properties of foreign languages, the leadership of the verbs of the verbs are divided. For, the verprepiece must agree with the main verb of personal, on which the whole speech is the power: I am at school, I met my friend; Having writes a challenge, sending for the sea. But many in the opposition to this write: Iduchi I went to school, I met me a friend; I wrote a diplock, he came from the sea; What is very wrong and annoyable hearing that felt the right Russian essay "

Here are examples of such not allowed turns from the works of Herzen and

L. Tolstoy: All this was done, approaching the village; Having left Vyatka, I was tormented by the memory of R. *; Having passed to the gate, Pierre hung on the heat, and he unwittingly stopped.

The designation of time by the Perfect view of the perfect species deserves attention.
Usually, the verbality of the perfect species indicates the action preceding the action of the verb. It always happens when the verbality stands ahead of the verb: bitter "in people": briefly told me about the life and death of Pushkin, she asked, smiling ...; Runing a finger behind the collar, the cook is angry with ... Usually, the previous action is also a height of the verb: "How the boy teaches me," Peter thought it offended, having spent it (\u003d thought when he spent); She left the kitchen, throwing a bunch of carrots on the table (\u003d first threw, then left); The kochgar continued, putting a piece of sugar over the cheek (\u003d continued after he put a piece of sugar in his mouth).

But when the verpriction stands after the verb, it can express other relationships with the verb in time. So, it sometimes means simultaneous with the verb action. In this case, the verpriction is important, similar to the perfect value of the last time, when not the accomplishment of the action, but the preservation of its result is: Gorky: the father went under his arm with Yakov, silently lowering his head (\u003d lowered his head and continued to stay with the head lowered) ; Peter sat on the chair, tightly pressing the head against the wall (\u003d pressed and did not take one); He read books even on the street, - walks around the panel, closing the face of the book, and pushes people.

Finally, there are cases when those standing after the verb of verbality denotes a subsequent effect; In this case, you can outline two groups of examples:

a) The designer designates the effect of the action that is expressed by the verb: bitter: somewhere closely hit the thunder, scared all (\u003d hit and frightened); Under Kazan sat on a stone, breaking the bottom, a big barge with the Persian commodity (\u003d sat onto the stone and as a result, broke). I saddled one, two cola, - the wall grade, then I got to her, grabbed the top ... and the whole band of the shoulder fell, covering me almost to the head
(\u003d fell and covered).

b) The verbality denotes an action that does not necessarily flow out of the actions of the verb, and usually quickly followed by it. Gorky: I sat on the floor, laying the fists ... (\u003d sat down and lay); He threw a cigarette to the ground, trampled her two legs
(\u003d threw and after that it was trampled).

Such Tues of the Time of Temperysty are developing in Russian relatively recently and, in all likelihood, this happens under the influence of the word of words, since the verbs of the perfect species denote the currently performing actions that are one after another in which the verbs are located in the same way. I read it, gave a comrade).

A series of verbalies are close to the meaning of adverbs formed from the communities: Begging - beggingly threatening - waves threatenly - blindingly blinding - blindly indulging - indignantly
The difference in the leaders from such adverbs is reduced to the fact that the first indicate an extension effect: (the child said, begging to let it on the performance), and the second is of a circumstantiated value and indicates how or what kind of type is made, close to the efficiency of the cooling case with a pretext with : With a prayer or with a view of a plenty, with a threat or with a threatening view: Gorky: The child looked imploringly to the mother; They [Eyes] look at everything around incredulously and awesome; Sophon often shouted and threateningly: logic! Here and talked in a special way - briefly, warningly ... Spirits in the hands of the worn documents, they are threatening, then hopelessly shouted: "Comrade Chief!" Pavlik wiped his lips and turned out defiantly ... He looked at her with superiority and waiting ... He smiled cheerfully and enthusiastically ...

Such adverbs, as an exciting, blindingly, in combination with adjectives, express a qualitative characteristic and indicate a high degree of quality: the exciting is beautiful Tchaikovsky melodies; Film flooded fountains blindingly bright and multicolored.

The difference between an additional action and the circumstance is also observed in cases where the verbatility moves to the adverb, and as a result, along with the verbalism, there is an adverbing resulting from verbalia. This includes several different discharges.

First, the individual cases, when the need-consumable, the desired, the artist drew standing, here standing does not indicate a second action, but only details the verb value drew, pointing, in which position was drawn; On the contrary, in the phrase:
The artist drew, standing behind the easel: standing is the second action subordinate to the first. Just: The boy writes sitting and the boy writes, sitting at the desk.

Secondly, there is a series of idiomatic expressions: folded hands, high, after the sleeves, a little climb, sowing head, breaking his head. Do not sit back it means only: "Do not sit idle," nothing says nothing about the position of hands, and not sit, folding your hands already indicates that the hands really are folded and that this position should be changed. Also: to run high language (rapidly) and run, drowning the language (with a dried language); Work after the sleeves (carelessly) and work, pulling the sleeves (with nose-stented sleeves). The idioms of this kind have a conversational tint.

Thirdly, along with adapters, there are adverbs on -chuchi,
- Wechi: play, chuck, dough, suffocate: he played heavy bales (easy, without effort); He lives or danced (without worries) and danced, solder in the input of some kind of motive. Such adverbs have a spoken and folk character. From such adventures on -uchi should be distinguished by single dieseliys: the overhang of being and conversational and walking.

Finally, it should be mentioned that some groups of verbalias are placed in two morphological formations with the same meaning.
So, firstly, the perfect species of perfect species with the basis for a vowel sound may have a suffix -to-in order: I wrote - writing a bulk - fill the shower - bumping down - fucking
In the overwhelming majority of cases, forms with suffix -s
They are more brief and more harmful. The dysfreactivity of type forms wrote especially emphasized A.M. Gorky. But it should be borne in mind that the verbs with the basis for the consonant there is one form: bring, bring, bridheld; The same at all returning verbs: hitting, shook, having wrapped around.

Secondly, along with forms having suffixes, - Versh, in a number of verbs of the perfect species there are verbalia with suffix -a, -I: putting - I put it hearing - I HANDED NOTE - WOOK
Usually indicate (chess, Chernyshev) that the forms are on-, -I widely used in the 4th century, but they are not uncommon and now and, for example, was widely used bitter. Here are some examples from the "artamon business": a frown, tilting, coming down, walking, hung, straightening, leaning, worshiping, returning, stopping, changing, leaning, leaning, leaning. Obviously, the form is clearly advised instead of consulting, consumed by Czech in a letter to brother (advise with Leukin, I will send you ...)


1) A. N. Nervyev. "Essays in the Stylistics of the Russian Language."

2) V.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Pot, D.E. Rosenthal "entertaining about Russian."

3) L. L. Bulanin "Hard issues of morphology."

4) M.V. Lomonosov "Russian grammar".

5) V.I. Dal "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian."

6) A.S. Pushkin "Letter to the publisher".

7) N.M. Shan, T.V. Shan, V.V. Ivanov "Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language".

Russian lesson in 7 sklass

Partichat and involvement

Scrobin Galina Nikolaevna

The purpose of the lesson: consolidation of information about involved and particlepric turns; The formation of a practical ability to find involvement and conscious turns and put the signs of punctuation with them, distinguish between involvement and conscious turns.

Equipment: Tutorial M.T. Baranova, TA Ladyzhenskaya and others.

During the classes:

1. Orgmant.

2. Read d / h. (Ex SEP.194)A teacher on notebook student checks d / s. Pupils correct mistakes.

3. Fastening information about involved and particlepric.

- Today we will focus on practical skills to find involvement and particlepric turns in speech and put the punctuation marks with them.

Remember what is the involuntary turnover? DEPARTH TRANSFER? (Children's responses)

Look at the desk. What phrases are the involvement of the turnover, what are he-involved? (Children's responses)

On the desk:

picture of arr. about. And Deeprich. about.

Suffix of the communities: -t-Yusch-Ash-sh-EM-I-I-VSH-Shenn-Yong-Nn-T- What? what kind?

Sufifixes of the Tempecism: -A-I-V-Whi-Shi-teach, who making? What made?

Opening (what made?) Read, opening a book, ...

Opened (what?) A student who opened a book, ...

How do you distinguish the sacrament from verbalism? What part of speech explains the sacrament? Temploying? (Children's responses)

Divide the page on 2 columns: one - with P.O., Other - with D.O. I will read the phrase, and you distribute them in columns. In communists and leading, highlight suffixes, the communities still end.

Distribution dictation

Singing at the dawn, returning home, growing from the river, who fell from the poplar, without feeding the horse, being a student who is not seen by me mistake, shiny in the sun, who has been working

Read the phrases, which are P.O. What question is the question? (Guys answers)

Students explain the spells in words: butr., R. butsilent notnoticed by me

Read the phrases that are D.O.

Students explain the spells in words: bl e.ha not Focus.

Tell us about the formulation of punctuation marks at P.O.

What is P.O. in a sentence?

Tell us about punctuation signs at D.O. What is D.O. in a sentence?

Explanatory dictation.

1. To stop the grammatical foundations. 2.Night P.O. and D.O., highlighting the suffixes and endings, to explain the formulation of punctuation marks and graphically designate these points. In what style of speech are used by P.O. and D.O.?

The puppy jumped out into the street, having wandering his tail, but, frightened us, hid under the porch. Soon cut the overgrown with reed lake, surrounded by a deaf forest. The road went through a huge field, sowed to the Snark, and, turning to the right, deepened into the forest. Having settled on the Seine, we looked at the bottomless zenith for a long time, filled with stars, listened to the night with a cry of a korost, running near the head of the head. Beat was heard, and, slowing down the train, the train approached the station.

Creative task

1. Create a part of the sentence with the word "which is involved in the involuntary turnover after the word determined.

Apple tree, which was not covered with straw, died from the cold.

2. Replace one of the verbs of verbalism.

The rider grew up with a crowd and jumped off his horse.

3. Replace the involvement of the turnover by a readprint.

A teacher who explained the punctuation marks in the involuntary turnover, ordered the exercise.


1. What figures in this sentence should have commas?

In hot air rapidly rushed (1) the anticipating thunderstorms (2) swallows (3) and (4) grabbing on the summer of dragonfly (5) or midges (6) sharply fluttered

1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

4) 4, 6

2. Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the offer.

Approaching the monument

1) The children decided to take a picture.

2) It covered a sense of pride.

3) He made a big impression on us.

4) We had a desire to break a little .

3. In which sentence there is no involvement?

1) The Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island is the cape of the island, dissecting the Neva for two broad sleeves (greater and small Neva).

2) Before the building of the Exchange on the other side of the area there are two columns, decorated with images of Rostr - the nasal parts of the ship.

3) Under Peter the first on Rostral columns, lighthouse lights were always burning, they were always burning on only on holidays.

4) Looking to the right, you can see the beautiful panorama of the Palace Embankment and the Winter Palace.

4. Specify the correct explanation of the semicolon or its absence in the proposal:

Tilting the head and squinting the eyes () he diligently and very slowly displayed in a letter every letter.

1) We need a comma, because the particlepic turnover is facing the definable word.

2) Does not need a comma, because the verbal turnover is facing the defined word.

3) Need a comma, because the particlepic turnover is always allocated with commas.

4) Do not need comma, because it is a simple sentence

5. In which sentence should two commas stand, distinguishing the involvement of the turnover?(Punctuation signs are not arranged)

1) Read the text and rewrite it by setting the necessary commas.

2) She collected the sheets laid out in a strict order on the desktop and told about the superb vacation

3) Closing the eye he began to remember the necessary address.

4) The cat woke up and sweetly stretched deftly jumped off the sofa

6. In what version of the answer correctly indicates all the numbers, in place of which are the commas in the sentence?

Shooting old dusty photo albums (1) and viewing photos (2) and postcards (3) I saw (4) Yellowed from time (5) Letter from the front (6) written by Grandfather (7) a few days before death.

1)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

2)2, 3, 4, 5,

3)3, 4, 5, 6

4)3, 6

After testing the test, the students give notebooks

4. Outcome lesson.

- What is common to involuntary and consuming turns and what do they differ? (Answers Guys)


Communion is a hybrid verbel-adjective form, which is considered in tradition as a special verb form. Communions are combined by signs of verb and adjective, expressing the value of the procedural sign of the subject. The verb signs of communities: 1) the nature of the verb control is preserved (for example: dream of freedom - dreaming of freedom);

  • 2) the appearance of the corresponding verb is preserved;
  • 3) The communion has two collateral forms (in accordance with the two-shallow concept) - a valid and affirmative collateral (for example: allowed - the actual deposit, permitted - the suffering pledge);
  • 4) The communion has two temporary forms - the present (loving, beloved) and the past (loved) time.

All verbal signs of communities are constant, variable signs are signs of adjective: genus, the number, the case, complete or brief (in suffering communities), the form and the corresponding flexion in the proposal is a legend or definition. Pridsescence of the present time are formed from the verb basis of the present time with the help of suffixes-/ - / Yusch, in -yess - - - valid communities, suffixes -th, -th-, -im- - the suffering communities. Communion of the past time is formed from the basis with an infinitive basis. At the same time, suffixes are used for the formation of valid communities - if the base is ends with a vowel (for example: hearing - hearing-entertainment) or -Sh-, if the base ends on the consonant (for example: brought-th - brought). In the formation of the suffering genthesis of the past time, the suffixes are attached to the verb basis - if the base ends onto the vowel, except / and / (for example: to hang out - hang), -nn, if the base ends on the consonant or / and /, Moreover, in the latter case / and / falls (for example: a shot - a shot-concrete, brought - brought-of-one), - to form communities from some verbs of unproductive classes with the basics on and-, -, as well as from the verbs of the IV productive class (for example: stitched - stitched, flux-to-slip, shrink - jammed, rotated - rotated). The initial form of communion, as an adjective, is the nominative case of the only number of male genus.

A common feature of the use of communities is that they make up the belonging of the book speech. This is explained by the history of communities.

The main discharges of the communities belong to the elements of the literary language borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, which affects a number of their phonetic features, for example, in the sections of the present time: the current, burning, which corresponds to the adjective fluid, hot, which are by the origin of the Old Russian communion, and Also, in the presence of a number of communities before the hard consonant under the stress E, whereas in the verbs, from which they are formed, under the same conditions there are EK (O): who came, but came invented, but invented, blossomed, but bloomed. Communication of communities with Old Slavonic language in the XVIII century. Lomonosov is celebrated, which in his "Russian grammar" about several discharges clarifies that they are used only from Slavic verbs and are not allowed from the Russians. So, he writes: "The actual pledge of the time of the present communion of the above, is produced from the verbs of Slavic origin: a crown, writing, feeding; And it is not very decent from ordinary Russian, which the Slavs are unknown: talking, chawing. "

The same is noted by him regarding the suffering communities of the present time "from Russian verbs, the Slavs in the use of not former, produced, for example: the trogged, swap, maramerable, very wild and hearing are impermanent," and relative to the communion of the last time of the actual pledge: "... for example, Bucked, blaspiced, dived, dutiful, quite disappeared. " At the same time, Lomonosov celebrates greater relevance of communities for high-styles of speech, indicating that they "decently rely on rhetorical and poems, rather than in a simple calm, or in the surprise."

Currently, after two more than a century after Lomonosov, restrictions on the formation of communals from pure Russian verbs, alien to the Old Slavonic language, was not preserved. And the examples of unacceptable communions are demonstrated by Lomonosov, do not create that impressions of insulting the linguistic faintness, which he speaks with such categoricalness, and quite admissible. The main discharges of complete communities are productive and easily formed from any verbs, including from the neoplasms (the turret, unknown, turbulent). Supporting communities of the present time are the least common, but also in some types of verbs are productive (westing, formable, stored) and unproductive only with suffix -om- (incommable, slave, desired).

But at present, firstly, the communities are the belonging of a literary language (they are practically absent in dialects); Secondly, they are almost not found in conversational speech.

The mansion is the brief intersections of the past time of the suffering pledge (written, brought, nanit), which are widely used in household speech and are used in dialects. On the contrary, for different books speech styles, complete communities are one of the necessary tools that is used extremely widely. This is due to the fact that the communion contributes to the complicity of speech, letting the opportunity to replace the apparent offers.

Similarly, the germinations of the traditional adapters are considered as a special verb form that connects signs of verb and adverbs, i.e. Denotic procedural feature of action, characterized by unchanged, preserving verb control, verbal appearance, mortgage properties of the verb adjacent to the verb or communion and protruding in the proposal in the function function.

It is from two categories of communion - a brief valid present and the past time - Russian Temperysty developed and took shape. The case is that brief communities in ancient Russian language could be used firstly as as a registered part of the said and as definitions. However, it is not difficult to understand that the communities were more closely connected with the verb, and therefore their use in the role of definitions was lost. There were conditions for the dieting of the forms of indirect case. Thus, in Russian, there was only one form of former short communities - the old named after them. Pad. units. h. m. and cf. The genus is in present on ["a] (s), in the past - on [ъ], [in] (or after the drop of reduced - a form equal to a clean basis, or a form for [in], such as read).

This involvement form has lost all the signs that brought it closer to adjective, and above all lost the ability to match with the treaty. It is precisely the fact that in the monuments of the ancient Russian language begin to appear the facts of violation of the coordination of communities with the subject (for example, in the after-schooling to the Suzdal Chronicles of 1377. Referring to the correction instead of the correction, i.e., units instead of an ancient set And indicates the transformation of the former communion into a verbality - an unchanged verb shape, which joins the secondary faith.

The species properties of verbalia are obtained by morphological expression in particlepric suffixes. The verbalia of the imperfect form form from the base of the present time with the help of suffix -a, ", for example: Ring - link" -I, think - the Duma "-I. The desigitality of the perfect species is formed from the infinitive basis of the verbs of the perfect species with the help of suffixes -t, it was, -h, for example: to send - send-in, bring - brought-shi, smile - smile-lice-smile. In modern Russian, the process of differentiation of particle-acting suffixes, depending on the verb form, is not yet completed, therefore, the forms of the perfect species, formed according to the models of the imperfect form, are possible, i.e. From the basis of the future of a simple time with the help of a suffix - I (leave - leaving, bring - bringing it, etc.). The verbalism of the imperfect species is not formed from the verbs with the basis:

  • 1. On the posteriorized (bake - bake, it is impossible: * baked);
  • 2. Of the alone agree (GN-UT, it is impossible: * GNU);
  • 3. Present on a hissing, alternating infinitive with a fistula (Pish-Ut - Pisa, it is impossible: * Pisha);
  • 4. With the basis of the infinitive on - n- in the verbs of an unproductive class (die, it is impossible: * flexible);

Like the sacrament, the verbatility is distributed in the book speech and is not typical for the household spoken speech. Temploying, denoting an additional action, characterizing another action, is primarily used to push one of the actions to the second plan compared to another. In this regard, the verb with the following verb is opposed to two verbs. So: Standing at the window, reading the letter indicates that it was the main one, and reading this state by an indication of the accompanying occupation, whereas stood by the window and read the letter represents both verbs with equal and independent. The use of verbalism makes it possible to establish another attitude between these verbs: standing by the window, read the letter, where in the foreground it turns out to read, and by adding pointing to what the reading was held in what position. Such an opportunity to give a combination of equal verbs, on the one hand, and establish a prospect between them, highlighting the main and secondary, on the other, it serves as a convenient means to express a variety of relationships between several actions and states. Compare: He told and laughed - he told, laughing - telling him, he laughed; We were overwhelmed and shot - overwhelmed, shooting - running, shot. In many cases, verbalia cannot be replaced by the verb at all. It happens when they acquire the circumstantial importance, for example: Grandmother, Gmuro leaned against the pendant and sighs, lowering his eyes into the floor (\u003d with her eyes omitted); He [Grandfather] stands, pulling his head (\u003d with a welcome head); I was also ready to cry, sorry my garden, slag (\u003d from pity).

Relationships expressed by verbalism are very diverse. When using verprices, it should be not overlooked, to which person belongs to the actions that are denoted by verbalism and verb. In this regard, there are significant limitations. It is the condition that is generally accepted in the Russian language of use of verbalias is that the actions that are denoted by the verbalism are made by the same person who owns the action denoted by the verb-fag. This is a place in private suggestions in which the verbal spirits and verb denote the action of the subject: Talking about it I want to remind.Such revisions are found in artwork and scientific speech.

Temploying can be subordinate to the infinitive, provided that the actions are indicated by verbal and infinitive, belong to one person.

Errors in the use of verbalia are their use depending on the verb when the verbal spirits and verb represent actions of different persons, for example: Entered into the room , mother stood at the window. Here enteredhe is the action of the speaker (\u003d when I entered the room), and there was a mother. Invalidness of such revolutions, besides the fact that they are not accepted in Russian, it is also explained by the fact that they lead to the ambiguity due to the possibility of attributive to the action denoted by the lead, the person who is subject to the proposal: for example, if we phrase: When I returned home, my grandmother fed, I dinner Replaced with a design with verbalism: returning home grandmother feed me dinner, I would have created the impression that my grandmother returned home.

Errors of this kind are quite often found in students, for example: somehow sitting in the evening at home, an unfamiliar man entered us; Having worked for three months, the father was transferred to Penza; After studying at school for four years, I had a desire to learn further; The doors closed tightly, fearing so that the sounds from the street did not come to the ears of Baryni.

Finally, there are cases when those standing after the verb of verbality denotes a subsequent effect; In this case, you can outline two groups of examples:

  • a) Teepericity denotes a consequence of the action that is expressed by the verb: Clausysian slightly rangfilling the air of a sad trepidant (= slipped and filled); This little, slender chick from the last power dragged him,breaking between him and chariot ... (= dragged it and as a result of this burst between them). I stitched the leg literally through,leaving the lattoon from the bloody mash (= we lached and left).
  • b) The verbality denotes the action that does not necessarily flow out of the actions of the verb, and usually quickly following it: and here is the cake,lovely hiding caviar , badly live grass (= oslastika and holling); He threw a cigarette on the ground,fasting it with two legs (= threw and after that). Such tones of time in the designer develop in Russian relatively recently and, in all likelihood, this happens under the influence of the order of words, since the verbs of the perfect species denote the rates of the acting actions that are one after the other in which the verbs are located in the same way. Got the book, read it, handed over to the neighbor).

A series of verbalies are close to the meaning of adverbs formed from the communities: begging - imploringly; Threatening - threateningly; Waiting - exciting.

Such adverbs, as an exciting, blindingly, in combination with adjectives, express a qualitative characteristic and indicate a high degree of quality: the exciting is beautiful Tchaikovsky melodies; Film flooded fountains blindingly bright and multicolored.

The difference between an additional action and the circumstance is also observed in cases where the verbatility moves to the adverb, and as a result, along with the verbalism, there is an adverbing resulting from verbalia. This includes several different discharges. First, the individual cases, when the need-consumable, the desired, the artist drew standing, here standing does not indicate a second action, but only details the verb value drew, pointing, in which position was drawn; On the contrary, in the phrase: the artist drew, standing behind the easel: standing is the second action subordinate to the first. Just: The boy writes sitting and the boy writes, sitting at the desk. Secondly, there is a series of idiomatic expressions: folded hands, high, lean, silent, slightly, sowing head, breaking his head . Do not sit back So only: "Do not sit idle," nothing is said here about the position of the hands, but do not sit, folding hands already indicates that really hands are folded and that this position of the hands should be changed. Same: run highlight (rapidly) and run by tonging the language (with a dried language); work sleeves later (casually) and work, sleeping sleeves (with null sleeves). The idioms of this kind have a conversational tint. Thirdly, along with Tempecias, there are adverbs on -yuchi, "Wechi: Playing, Naughty, Skullochi, suffocate: he played heavy bales (easy, effortless); lives Nadvyuchi (without worries) and dancedpretty in low voice some kind of motive . Such adverbs have a spoken and folk character. From such adventures on -uchi should be distinguished by single dieseliys: the overhang of being and conversational and walking.

Finally, it should be mentioned that some groups of verbalias are placed in two morphological formations with the same meaning.

So, firstly, the verbalia of the perfect species with the basis for the vowel sound may have suffix -to and after. They are more brief and more harmful. But it should be borne in mind that the verbs with the basis for the consonant there is one form: bring, bring, bridheld; The same at all returning verbs: hitting, shook, having wrapped around. Secondly, along with forms having suffixes, - Vershi, a number of verbs of the perfect species have verpride with suffix -a, -a.

The involvement of the turnover is a construction used in Russian and consisting of a part of speech, which is called communion, and related words or, in other words, dependent words. With it, you can specify any value for the author a sign of the noun.

As a syntactic design, it is known in Russian since time immemorial. The use of involuntary turnover on the letter can be found in literary creations, created in ancient Russia. Thanks to its properties and ability to give greater expressiveness of speech on writing or in a conversation, the involvement of the turnover not only did not disappear from the language, but also is actively used by Russian-speaking people and now.

Definition of the concept of "involved turnover"

It is determined according to the rules of the Russian language as a communion with associated with it and adjacent to it by other dependent words that form the phrase of a simple type. However, this definition will be incomplete without understanding what is a defined word. Under it is understood by the noun, which, with the help of involuntary turnover, is endowed with a characteristic feature that makes it a characteristic feature. Thus, it can be argued that our syntax design consists of:

  1. Determined word.
  2. Actually the most common.
  3. Other words adjacent to the communion.

Let us give an example: Innocent, thoughtfully looked out the window, was Hmur and gloom.

What do we see here? We see that as a definable word, in the present example, the word "Innocent", the involvement of the turnover is separate with the help of the commas "thoughtfully looked out the window", the communist itself itself - "looked", dependent words - "thoughtfully" and "window".

If we consider the above offer as a scheme, then the involvement of turnover plays in it the role of separate definition. Why exactly definitions? Because this part of the offer answers the question "What?", Which is characteristic of definition.

Communion: What is this part of speech and what is its properties

Communion as part of speech is Symbiosis of signs and properties of two parts of speech: adjective and verb. Similarity with adjectives is achieved due to the fact that the sacrament can take various forms of the number, kind or, and also form a brief form. The features of the verb are found in that the communities differ in time, as well as return.

Such unusual properties of the communion still cause stormy disputes about its independence and allocations into a separate part of speech in the Russian language environment. Some linguists denied communion in independence and believe that it is a special verb form.

How does the writer stand out in the letter?

By default, the syntax design under consideration in the sentence should always commodityif it is after the defined word.

For example, the ship, swaying on the waves, was reliably moored to the pier.

In this example, as a definable, the word is "ship", and as involved, "swaying on the waves". As we can see, the syntactic design is after the noun, which is defined in the word, therefore must be highlighted using commas.

If in the proposal, the involvement of the turnover is located in front of the noun, acting as a determined word, then he not denoted by commas on the letter.

For example, the ship swayed on the waves was reliably moored to the pier.

Special cases when the involvement of the turn does not allocate commas

  • Look, if the attitude of the syntax design is equally considered by us, both to the led proposals and to be subject to, as in the following example. Before the house we raced the sweeping through the rain. In this case, we can ask a question to turnover as from the pronouns "We" - "What?", And also from the faith "rushed" - "How?"
  • If the pronoun, which is personal, is in the vinegenic case, for example, we discovered him lying next to the hay.

In the analytical report of FIPI on the results of the exam in the Russian language, it is said: "Most often, they are incorrectly qualified as part of the speech of the exclusive adjectives, derivatives of official words, do not distinguish between communion and verbalism, adjectives and adverbs, communion and adjectives."

We want to recall the differences between the exclusive adjectives and communities.

Communions and exclusive adjectives

From the same verb can be formed as forms communions , so I. otgal adjectives . If different ones are used for the formation and adjectives, suffixes are used on the sound (letter) composition, it is easy to distinguish them: from the verb burn Using a suffix - lasch Esaciousness is formed burning, and with a suffix - yUCH - - adjective combustible. If the communion and adjectives are formed with the help of suffixes having the same sound (letter) composition (for example, -N. - or - them -), it is harder to distinguish them.

However, the differences between the communion and adjectives are also in this case.

1. Pr. occasions indicate the temporary sign of the subject associated with its participation (active or passive) in action, and adjectives denote a constant feature of the subject (for example, "resulting from the implementation", "capable of participating in action '), for example:

She was brought up in strict rules (=She was brought up in strict rules) - participle;

She was brought up, formed (=She was brought up, formed).

2. Full form with suffix -n - (- nn-), -n - (- enh) - is an otgal adjective if it is formed from the verb nsv anddoes not have dependent words and is communion, if it is formed from the verb of SV and / or has dependent words, Wed:

non-smoked meadows (adjective ),

not a kosnaya oblique meadow (communion, because There is a dependent word ),

beveled meadows (communion, because St. ).

3. Since the suffering communities of the present time can only be in transient verbs of NSV, words with suffixes -them-, -eat- are adjectives if they are formed from the verb of the SV or non-circuit verb:

? Warm boots (adjective, because verb to get into the meaning 'to pass the water' non-optical),

? Unbeatable army (adjective, because verb to defeat SV).

Let us dwell on the formation of forms of some of the communion and verbalia.

Forms of communion

1. From options wages - who got acquainted, acquired - acquired, the sunken - the surrender The first is used in the book speech, the second - in the conversational.

2. Smart verbs with suffix -Well- Type go out, mock, dry Save this suffix in the communities, for example: stumbling, lipped, mocking, whipping.

Sexual verbs of this type, as a rule, lose the suffix in the form of communion, for example: frozen, flax, sticky, proceeded, wet, blinded. In some cases, form with suffixes are formed ( the bladder disappeared) or parallel forms: with suffix and without suffix ( the wounded - the riddle, who heard - the worshiped, who was running out - the dried, who fastened - the comprehent, who got drunk - staggering, faded - faded and some others).

3. When using returnable communities with suffix -We It is necessary to take into account the possibility of coincidence of two values \u200b\u200b- the suffering and return, which can produce double-rate, for example: a combination of "Beasts, departed in the zoo" (instead of: beasts sent to the zoo).

Forms of verbalia

1. From optionstaking - holding, meeting - meetings, buying - bought etc. First (with suffix-in ) is a normative for the literary language, the second (with a suffix- Having ) It has a conversational. Forms on- Having Stored in proverbs and sayings, for example:Giving the word, firm; Having removed the hair, do not cry .

2. Options are possiblememers - Measured, locked - locked, swings - races, simplests - shoes, soles - stears (The second form in each pair has a conversational character). But onlydisabled (not "leaving"),verifying (not "wizzy")observing (not "acquired")driving (not "take away"),wrong (not "mistaken")prone (not "jester"), etc.

In parach hanging - Highlight (cf. run highlight), putting - Position (cf. hand on the heart), razing - Razinka (cf. listen to Rota Rota), crossing - fastening (cf. agolate the hearts), looming - broken (cf. rush breaking his head), after pulling down - after (cf. work after sleeves) etc. The second forms are outdated and are stored only in stable phraseological expressions. Cf. also outdoor shade in forms remember, make, notice, mischievous, detecting, reversing, leaving, dismaying, dealing, laying, seeing, Ice etc.

3. Stylistically painted (under the national ancient speech) are particleless forms on - Walk (-yuchi) : looks, dwarfs, Guliauchi, Stuchi, Regulation, Luggage and so on. In the meaning of the molds are used playing (cf. make play), edge (cf. slink), nadyvyuchi (cf. live felling), mustache (cf. use skill) and some others.


A large number of errors is allowed in the use of involved revolutions. We will analyze it on a specific example. Take the offer:

The underlying book on the table is read.

The lack of it is in the wrong order of words: the defined nounbookit turned out in the middle of the involved turnover. According to the rules, the defined noun should be or before all turnover, or after it. Wed: 1)The book lying on the table is read;2) Lying on the table book read. Another example: "Pupil, writing the presentation without a single error, will get a high rating " Can I say so? Will the combination be created on this sample: "athlete that is easy to run a row for ten seconds », « prisoner trying to escape "? No, because the parties have only two forms of time - the present and past, they have no future time. Therefore, from the verbs of the perfect species(Write, able, try)communions on"not formed. In these cases, the involvement of the turnover is replaced by the apparent determination:a student who will write; Athlete who will be able to run; Prisoner who will try to escape. And can I say so: "Everyone who wished to speak at the meeting will receive the word "? No, because from the verbs in the form of a conditional inclination (with a particle)particularities are not formed. In these cases, the involvement of the turnover is also replaced by the apparent definition proposition:Everyone who wishes ...

« Fruits of the new crop, departing from the south, are already entering industrial centers of the country " Perhaps reading aloud this offer, you will feel some awkwardness. And indeed: is it possible that the fruit "send themselves" to the north? The fact is that suffix-Wein verbal forms, not only return value (Wed:Pupils are sentintouristbut suffering when the subject is experiencing someone's impact (Wed:Answers to letters are sent by the secretary without delay).To avoid possible ambiguity, we use such cases instead of communion on-Wecommunion by-Mom(the suffering communion of the present time), i.e., instead of the design "Fruits,going ... "we write:Fruits,send ...Instead of "girl,risevomitinggrandmother ... "-Girl,brought upgrandma ...

The use of involuntary turnover helps to eliminate the ambiguity in the proposal. For example:Students passed a practiceinone of the workshops of the plant, which was recently reorganized(One of the workshops or the plant as a whole was reorganized?).

Requirements: 1)... in one of the factory shops, recently reorganized;2) ... in one of the factory shops, recently reorganized.

The stylistic feature of the communities and involvement is that they attach a binding character.BUT.S. Pushkin wrote: "We do not say:careta, jumping along the bridge; servant, vaccinated;we are talking:which is jumping, which sweats ... "The above reasoning of Pushkin, noted the "expressive brevity of communities," has such a continuation: "The richer the language of expressions and turnover, the better for a skilled writer. A written language is enlivened by a commemorated expressions that are born in a conversation, but should not be rented from them acquired during the centuries. "

Participial turnover

Everyone is known to the textbook phrase from the story of A.P.hekhov: " Handing to this station, I flew the hat".

Its meaning is clear, but the proposal is unsuccessful: the rule of consumption of consumption is violated.

A perpetual turn is usually free moving within the offer: it can stand at its beginning, in the middle and at the end.

For example: 1) Entering the classroom, the teacher greeted his students; 2) Teacher, entering the class, greeted the students; 3) The teacher greeted the students by entering the class. As the examples show, the action, expressed by the verprica (entering), refers to the one.

This provision is not complied with the epigraph: it takes about two acting items in the grammatical meaning of this word - about the passenger (he approached the station) and about the hat (it flew), and the action of the passenger does not apply to. In the wrong construction of this proposal, it is easy to make sure that if you rearrange the actual turn: "The hat, approaching the station, flew away from the passenger."

Compare in the student: " Living and rotating in the aristocratic society, Onegin has created habits and views inherent in this society"(It turned out that in the aristocratic society" the habits and views "lived and rotated").

Perhaps the consumption of an adapted turnover in an impersonal sentence With an indefinite form of verb, for example: Turning the street, you need to carefully follow the movement of transport. There are no grammatical or logical subject in such proposals (i.e., the subject of speech, expressed in the impersonal proposal of the indirect case of nouns). But an unsuccessful sentence would be: " Sitting to the forest, I got cold": It does not have an infinitive to which a hematic turnover could relate.

An accructive turnover, as elsewhere, is usually used in book speech. His undoubted dignity is brevity, laconicity. Compare two suggestions: After I performed my homework, I went for a walk. - By doing homework, I went for a walk. It is easy to notice that the second sentence, more compressed in his vocabulary, sounds more vigorous than the first.

Teperysty and height turns have great expressiveness, thanks to which they are widely used in the language of artistic literature. For example: Fogs, sebble and squander, slipped around the crowds of neighboring rocks (M. Yu. Lermontov); Sometimes on the river ran from the wind light ripple, sparkling in the sun (V. G. Korolenko).