Repairs Design Furniture

How to trim branches on trees. Tips on trimming fruit trees. Additional ways trimming fruit trees

Planting a seedling in the ground still does not ensure that the garden will grow lush and yield. All cultures grown on the plot require constant attention of the owner regardless of the season.

Trimming fruit trees - One of the main stages of garden care. It allows you to form the right crown, adjust the growth and fruiting. In addition, the correct pruning of fruit trees allows them to extend their productivity. All the necessary recommendations can be found in our article.

Proper trimming of fruit trees

Under the trimming implies the removal of dry and damaged branches and shoots. In addition, the process is cut out extra branches that thicken the crown and reduce the quality of the harvest (Figure 1).

For what is spent

Proper trimming also performs a sanitary function. Exemption from extra branches allows preventing diseases, and the rejuvenating procedure is able to extend the life of the plant.

Figure 1. Types of trimming fruit crops

It is important to choose the right time to remove branches. Best do it in autumn or in early springWhen the juice is not started in the trunk. At the same time, autumn thinning is possible only in regions with a mild climate, since severe frosts may damage the culture on the place of the cut.

Methods and techniques (shortening, thinning)

There are two main ways to trim: thinning and shorting (Figure 2). Each of them has its own characteristics.

Figure 2. Pruning techniques: shortening and thinning

Procurement implies partial removal of branches and shoots. For example, if 1/5 or ¼ of the escape is cut, such a shortening is called weak, when 1/3 or ½ is removed, and from half to 2/3 is strong.

In the process of shorting, rejuvenation is carried out. For the light branch, the increase of 2-3 years is cut off, the 4-6-year-old increase is removed, and almost the whole part of the skeletal branches are removed.

Note: With the help of shorting, you can stimulate the growth of the kidneys and shoots, as well as make the fruiting branches thicker. However, too strong shorting can lead to the fact that the plant will weaken and the volume of crop will decrease.

Sluorrow allows you to remove extra branches from the crown. With this method, you can increase the size of the fruit and make the tree stronger and yield. This reduces the number of kidneys, which only consume juices of culture, but do not give fruits. The juice comes faster from the roots to the leaves, the culture is growing faster and more intensively fruits.

More useful information about pruning you will find in the video.

Types of trimming

Depending on the purposes for which the cutting of extra branches is carried out, there are several types of trimming. For example, using this procedure you can form a crown desired size and forms, extend the displacement of the tree fruction or prevent the development of the disease.

Each view has its own characteristics, although it is carried out with the help of the same garden tools and techniques.

For the formation of the crown

This procedure is called forming. It is especially relevant for small household plots. Using data of manipulations, you can create a compact crown, while maintaining a high level of fruiting (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Forming trimming technique

The removal of branches for the formation of the crown allows the plant to give a suitable silhouette. In addition, the formed skeletal part becomes more resistant to loads. Depending on the timing of the forming trimming, you can slow down or strengthen growth. When the branches are removed in February, the growth will be more active, and the cutting at the beginning of spring will slow down the development of culture.

Regulating fruiting

Most often, it is carried out at the end of winter or early spring, but in the regions with a mild climate, the branches can be deleted in the fall.

The main goal of regulating trimming is to save the contours of the crown and maintain the optimal lighting of the branches. In addition, skeletal branches are strengthened during the process. They are not overloaded with young shoots, and the fruits become larger and evenly relying.


In the process, branches and shoots with mechanical or any other damage are removed. As a rule, they are removed in spring, during the process of checking the garden after winter.

A part of the branches can be frozen, so they need to be shortened to healthy wood. Also cut off all shoots with signs of diseases or damage. This will preserve the viability and fruiting culture.


Requires old trees, which are terminated due to prolonged growth or significantly reduce fruiting. In the process, all the old branches are removed, which form too small fruits or an insufficient scope (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of anti-aging trimming

The rejuvenating trimming stimulates the growth of new branches. As a rule, in the process remove annual growth (approximately 10-15 cm), which stimulates the kidney growth and increases yields.

Terms of trimming fruit trees (when to do better)

We ask the question when it is better to do the trimming of the fruit garden, we can say that the autumn, winter and spring is considered to be optimal due time, when the juice movement is stopped in the trunk and the plant is at rest.

In the regions with harsh winters, it is recommended to remove branches in the fall or in the spring, so that the location of the cut is damaged by frost and the tree did not die. Consider the features of this procedure for the seasons.


Experienced gardeners advise to cut garden crops in autumn only with extreme necessity. For example, the bone cultures are very poorly transferred to such an event and may even die, not having successfully stupid to frosts.

However, these cautions do not concern sanitary cleaning. If you discovered patients or damaged branches, they need to be removed immediately to save the rest of the plant.

The author of the video will tell about the main features of autumn trimming.


In severe frost, wood becomes very fragile, so it is not recommended to delete it. In fact, this is the only limitation, because in winter all plants are at rest and branches can be removed freely if the weather is relatively warm and windless.

Figure 5. Trimming fruit garden in winter

The main advantage of the procedure is that the tree is experiencing less stress, and the wound will heal faster. In addition, the branches devoid of leaves are much better visible damage (Figure 5).


It is believed that the trimming can be proceeding at any time with the onset of spring. In fact this is not true. It is better to start the procedure when the shipping has not yet begun, but the tree is ready to awaken. In this case, the culture does not experience strong stress, and the wound will faster faster (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Spring trimming fruit garden

Since the deadlines for the removal of damaged branches and growth in different crops are different, the gardener gets the opportunity to plan work so as to ensure all trees the necessary care.

It is advisable to start working in a quiet windless day at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees. All the wrecks are smelted to garden harrine or yellow clay to accelerate the formation of a boring.


In summer, special attention is paid to seedlings. They need to remove the tops of growing shoots for the formation of the crown.

However, when disease detection, infected branches are removed, without waiting for the cessation of the coilment. If this is not done, the disease can quickly spread in the garden. All remote branches need to immediately burn.

Trimming fruit trees in winter

Most. an important requirement To pruning fruit trees in winter is the absence of a strong frost. If the air temperature is below -8 degrees, it is impossible to carry out work.

Note: Despite the fact that in the winter of plants are at rest and it is easier to carry stress after removing the branches, on the strong frost of the wound will be too long to heal and can lead to the death of the entire culture.

However, in winter it is much easier to detect damage, as the krona is completely devoid of foliage and defects become more noticeable. It also allows you to make a cut more smooth and accurate. Thin branches are better to remove the secateur, and thick to focus on both sides so that the slice was smooth and healthy wood was injured.

Selection of tools for trimming

To remove branches, you need to use special tools. The main garden inventory includes (Figure 7):

  • Ceattor - Better to choose conventional model, not a tool with a snoring mechanism, since it will have to press several times for it. Use a simple secret is much easier and more convenient.
  • Hacksaw With spaces between the teeth. Such a design will prevent the solution of sawdust and will allow you to contain inventory clean. To work in the garden, only a special hacksaw is chosen, which is not recommended for other work, so that the blade does not fill.
  • Air sector - Tool with a telescopic handle to which blades are attached. To make a slice, it is enough to take advantage of a special lever. This tool will be very useful for the slice of the upper branches.

Figure 7. Main Garden Tools for Trimming

In addition to the inventory, it is necessary to buy a garden Var - a special ointment, which covers wrecks on branches for faster healing.

Trimming apple trees - reception, possession of which each gardener is necessary.

Applying the pruning of the Namobum, not knowing the rules, gardeners can put irreparable damage to fruit trees.

Competent trimming is an important element in the formation of well-groomed, steadily fruiting apple orchard.

Before cutting up an apple tree, it is necessary to carefully study the ways of trimming and their types.

Types of trimming

Pruning is formative, sanitary, rejuvenating and regulating. Forming trim creates a durable skeleton tree, on which only strong, fruiting branches remain. Sanitary trim is designed to cleanse the tree from damaged and incorrectly growing branches.

Rejuvenation - removal of old fruit branches. Via regulating trimming The height of the apple tree is constrained, the crown is thinned, the fruiting is adjusted.

On the intensity methods of trimming divide on chip, weak, middle and strong.

  • The quotient is used in the active development of annual green gains.
  • With a weak trimming on young trees, the growth of new shoots is stimulated, skeletal branches are cut into one quarter.
  • With medium trimming branches are cut off one third. Apply this method on mature apple trees, which are more than five years old.
  • Strong trimming implies a complete removal of a large amount of branches. So the crowns of adult trees are so thinned.

Major techniques

Trimming on the ring

This technique is used when it is required to completely remove the branch. At the point of growth, each branch has an annular thief.

In this place, the tissue cells are able to actively share, so the slice made on the ring heals quickly. It is important to make a smooth, pure sliceSo that approximately half the ring remains on the branch, and half - on the base.

Too far from the base can not be cut - there will be a penalty. The consequence of such trimming - the funeral will dry, falls and will form a hop. You can not completely cut the ring from the base, deepening in Cambier - it hurts the tree.

Trimming on the kidney

With partial removal of the branches of the trimming on the outer kidney, it allows you to expand the crown, reduce its degree of degree.

A cut on the kidney, looking inside the crown, is used to the shoots began to grow inside and krone became dense.

The correct cut is not more than 50mm from the chosen kidney. Exceeding this distance - will remain a penalty, it is the likelihood of damage to the kidney.

Sections follow immediately covered with garden borants, oil paint Or Olifa so that the wound does not damage the infection.

Example proper trimming on the kidney.

Large ring sites it is better to pre-decapitate antifungal drugs, for example, a solution of copper sulfate or iron mood (three or five%, respectively).

Terms of work

The trimming times are determined by the needs of trees, not a gardener. The best time of work is the very beginning of the Softness. The trimming of trees in spring from mid-April begins and continues until the kidney dissolution.

Tip! In the early summer it is convenient to produce sanitary trimming, as it becomes clearly visible, which escape survived the winter, and what kind of items.

During this period, it is easy to identify branches infected with infection or pests. In August, you can make a pruning in those areas where spring return freezes are common. This will brake the beginning of the vegetation of the tree for the next season, will allow preserve the fruit kidneys.

A good time to trim the apple tree - autumn, when leaves and fruits are already reset. The main thing that the next two to three weeks the temperature of the air did not fall below ten degrees. In the south, in a climate with warm winters, the trimmer period can continue until February.

Based on the timing of work, methods and types of trimming, you can draw up schemes for work in different seasons.

Apple tree trim diagram for beginners

How to trim the branches of the apple tree in the spring?

Spring the main tasks of the gardener - eliminating the consequences of winter trees wintering, their preparation for the new season. Sanitary trimming is performed, young apples form:

  • All broken, burnt and frostbed branches are removed;
  • Fully destroyed branches, strongly damaged by infections or pests;
  • Branches growing inside crowns and forming a sharp corner with a barrel;
  • Old trees can be rejected;
  • A strong or average regulating trimming is carried out if there is a need for this.

Conducting an adjusting trimming in the spring, you can control the amount of crop. If the previous year the tree gave big crop, It laid a bit of flower kidney. Spring regulating trimming in this case will not need.

If the previous year was not rich in the harvest, then spring tree need to trim enough strongly. So on the apple tree will remain as much fruit as it can grow, without spending excessive efforts.

How to pruning an apple tree in summer?

Cardinal trimming is possible only as a reaction to negative natural phenomena.

  • Early summer - time to remove sore branches, if the degree of their lesion was not visible in the spring;
  • End of June - make the sepure of rapidly growing green shoots so that they do not take power from the main skeleton of the plant, did not shadow the crown;
  • Anytime Throw those branches that broke or cracked under the influence of natural factors or harvest;
  • The end of the summer - Old branches of adult plants are removed, on which there were few apples and those that shadow young fruit branches shadow;
  • The end of the summer - Make trimming fruiting trees to slow down the beginning of the growing season next season, if there is a need.

If there are no patients and broken branches on an apple tree, in summer it can be limited to that trimming that regulates the thickness of the crown. Knowing how to cut an apple tree in the summer months, you such a successful crop.

How to do cropping apple trees in the fall?

You can make all those work on trimming, which did not have enough time in spring and summer:

  • Remove branches broken by the wind;
  • Branches are removed, which broke or cracked under the severity of fruits;
  • After fruiting, sanitary trimming is carried out, designed to get rid of the consequences of harvesting;
  • The rejuvenating trimming of old apple trees is carried out;
  • If in the period of fruiting on adult apples, branches were noticed on which the crop was practically absent, they should be removed;
  • Branches are removed on which small and deformed fruits have grown;
  • Branches are removed that shadow the main fruitless shoots;
  • The branches are removed highly affected by pests, bacterial or mushroom infection.

Tip! Universal pruning scheme do not exist, focus on the individual needs of each apple tree.

The need to pruning depends on many factors. One of them is the age of the fruit garden.

How to solve apple trees from different ages?

Deciding to trim the young apple tree, the gardener puts the goal to lay a good basis for its further development. Old fruit tree is cut to strengthen fruiting, remove crown defects, save vitality for further growth. Most of the work associated with the trimming of adult apple trees is aimed at getting rid of diseases and pests.

Although methods and types of work on the pruning of young and adult trees are the same, the technology of work is different. Consider further how to cut an apple tree by year

Annual apple tree

At the gardener at this stage there are two tasks: to keep the height of the growth of the central escape, in order for skeletal side branches well, and to form a stack. Forming trimming of young apple trees should begin a year after landing.

At the age of one year, the seedling consists of a trunk and 2 - 3 branching. If the central trunk is cut at an altitude of 0.8 - 1 meter, the growth of lateral shoots will increase. Long skeletal branches should be shortened. Each of them should be shorter than 16-20 cm than the height of the trunk, to have from three to five kidneys.

To form the right strab of shoots that grow on a sapling at a distance of 40-50 cm from the ground, you must delete. The branches that at the point of growth have an angle of up to 60 degrees, will not be able to independently form a good backbone. With them you can do in two ways: remove or try to give them horizontal position.

Two-year-old apple tree

If you think about how to cut the apple tree 2-pilot, then you should know that trimming helps to put skeletal branches correctly.

The crown shape is any, except for invading, assumes the presence of two to five large branches on each tier. The interval between the educated levels is approximately 40 - 60 cm and depends on the alleged height of the tree.

The branches of each level should be located approximately equal to the distance from each other relative to the circle of the tier. A seedling of two years produce crushing skeletal branches.

If it is decided to form an apple tree in the form of a bowl, then in the second year of life from a seedlings completely remove the central trunk. Scrolls are made above the first largest branches.

In the absence of a center, his role will take over the side branches. An apple tree consisting of 2-4 trunks is formed, depending on the number of skeletal branches on the first tier.

Until the five-year-old age, the crown continues to form.

Adult apple tree

Starting from the five-year-old age, the main trimming, which is carried out on fruit trees. Before starting it, they produce sanitary trimming. When the apple tree is cleared, proceed to rejuvenation:

  • Cropped all the old branches that are already unable to give apples of varietal size and quality;
  • Cut part of the wolfes;
  • Crossing branches are cut onto the ring;
  • All branches aimed into the crown and down, are removed;
  • It is destroyed by the roar and growing thrill in the trunk;

The last stage of rejuvenating procedures is the shortening of the trunk. Tall trees can be cut up to 3.5 - 2.5 meters, not harming the intensity of fruiting. Removal of the top opens the light inside the crown, contributes to an increase in the quality of fruits and their number.

Important! If an apple tree is more than eight years old, it is impossible to make a rejuvenating trimming at a time. Losing at the same time large volume of vegetative mass - big stress for the old tree. It is better to distribute work for several years.

Its features exist at trimming apple trees on dwarf and colonum-shaped.

How to cut a dwarf variety apple tree?

On the dwarf, the cutting of the apple tree gives abundant yields, earlier come into fruiting. If you do not cut dwarf fruit trees, the total period of fruiting can be reduced to 3 to 5 years.

In the first year of life, the skeleton of crown is formed by trimming the trunk. The height of the cut depends on the variety and is 40-70 cm. Side shoots cut to a visually Croon look like ball, hat or triangle.

The closer to the top of the apple tree, the stronger the branches develop. The strengths of the upper branches are shortened that it stimulates the growth and development of shoots in the center of the crown. Branches of trees on dwarf flowing, if they are healthy, rarely cut completely. Most often there are two - four kidneys.

As soon as the apple tree begins to be fruit, the number of flower kidneys should be adjusted so as not to overload with apple tree fruits. Under the weight of fruits karlikov variety may threaten not only a fracture of the branches. A tree may harde themselves from the ground.

How to properly cut the appleary of the coloniform variety

The shape of the crown in the colon-shaped apple trees is special. The width of such a tree does not exceed 50 cm, there are no long side branches. Regular trimming columns are not required. But sometimes the apple tree has a need for trimming.

Damage to the top of the trunk

Top Damage - one of the most common problems Colon's apple tree. The damage usually causes frost and pests, then by the beginning of the season the top of the trunk dries out, dies. These processes force gardeners to pruning the tops.

The feature of the trimming of shoots on the painter is that it is not necessary to cut the central escape, but also to find a replacement. If this is not done, the apple tree forms several trunks on top, loses the shape of the column. To create a new macushkin, choose the strongest escape that grows vertically.

The remaining vertical branches are cut off, leaving two kidneys from the base. The former macushkin is removed at the point of contact with the selected leader.
To avoid the need for trimming, the top of the columns for the winter should be wondering.

How to cut apple trees, keeping the crown shape?

The first year of growth colon-shaped varieties, as a rule, do not require a gardener intervention in the process of forming the crown. Starting from the biennium, young growths begin to compete with the fructural branches, take nutrition.

It is during this period that the gardener must intervene and adjust the growth ratio of the main branches and growths:

  • All shoots that applied apple trees are plugged at the same distance from the barrel, which makes up 25-30 cm;
  • On the third, and the next year following him, the capper is carried out at a distance of 30-40 cm;
  • Starting from the fourth year, three-year branches are partially removed.

Features of the trimming of side shoots are that with systematic segments, the colon-shaped apple tree will not need trimming. Since the selection - the procedure is more sparing, apple tree is not injured, not experiencing stress.

Attention! It is recommended to fully wrap the colon-shaped apple trees with a passing material in several layers for the winter. So, in the period of severe frosts and sharp fluctuations in temperatures, floral kidneys will not suffer, the trunk and, which is especially important, the bark of the apple tree.

The need for special support is experiencing any apple tree after the pruning procedure.

How to trim the apple tree: video of the correct method

If you do not know how to make a trimming of apple trees, we recommend watching this video:

And on this video, see the details and subtleties of the spring trimming apple trees:

Applement after trimming

After trimming, fruit trees need watering and feeding. If the pruning was carried out in the spring, it is necessary to put a fertilizer in the soil of a priority circle that contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal parts.

After autumn trimming, fertilizers are made, the composition of which contains potassium and phosphorus - they stimulate wound healing, strengthen the bark of the apple tree. Nitrogen fertilizers In the autumn period should be avoided.

Making a nitrogen in the fall will give impetus to the development of new shoots, as a result of annual growths, it will not have time to grow to the end, the apple tree will not prepare for wintering. As a result, cuts made in the fall, may be susceptible to frostbite.

Making feeders should strictly observe the norms of fertilizer. Excessive apple tree fertilizer will bring more harm than good.

Scheme trimming apple trees.

How to cut an apple tree by year.

How to cut an apple tree in the fall.

How to trim the apple tree to form a tree crown.

Instead of imprisonment

Preparing to trim the apple tree, it is necessary to remember that it is to cut each branch, you should answer the question "why?". The answer exists - cut. There is no answer, it means that this branch can remain on the apple tree.

If a bacterial or fungal infection is raging in the area - garden trimming should be postponed. Each slice is a potential input for microbes.

Proper pruning - the guarantee of the health and fertility of the fruit garden.

In contact with

Pruning fruit trees in the photo

For the normal development of fruits, there is a lot of light, the fruit must literally "swim" in the sun. Otherwise, the crop will be focused only on the periphery of the crown, and in the center there will be only foliage on weakened and dried branches. In addition, for diseases and pests, the Paradise's poorly blowed by the Paradise, where all the conditions for their rapid reproduction are created. That is, the pruning of fruit trees is also an important measure for the prevention of diseases.

There are 11 basic rules for trimming fruit trees.

  1. Seven times will die - one revenue. With regard to the pruning, the proverb can be paraphrase: a few times will die - one cut. "Printed" back the remote branch or part of it is impossible. If you have at least the slightest doubts - do not cut! And remember that illiterate "circumcision" is even worse than the complete absence of trimming.
  2. Hurry up - rush people. Do not hurry, pruning does not tolerate fuss. This is a thorough and painstaking work that can be compared with the surgical operation. You are unlikely to trust the forever in a hurry and a fussy doctor - and during the trimming you are a doctor for your plants, as well as to some extent the teacher, because with the help of trimming you send and regulate their growth and development. Perhaps you grow up the process of trimming for several days, especially if you are developing this art, because the eye is "climbing", it is not tired - there is nothing terrible. Impact rates are suitable not for trimming, but for the workpiece of firewood. In the case of old trees is absolutely normal, if several seasons will be required to achieve a goal.
  3. There are no universal recipes. To each tree and even for each slice you need an individual approach.
  4. Another rule of trimming fruit trees is always starting with sanitary trimming. It is possible that on this trimming and will be completed until the next season.
  5. Crop crown fruit trees - regular occupation. If you started cropping trees and shrubs, you have to do this from year to year.
  6. Slices are made on the ring or on the kidney(More often outdoor), and not in an arbitrary place, about more in the relevant section of the article.
  7. Another principle of trimming fruit trees is to make the rays of the sun penetrated into the middle of the crown. Through the correctly cropped crown should fly a sparrow. So say masters trimming. Typical error - The thickened Crown, in the center of which branches devoid of the sun, begin to die and become easy prey of pests and diseases. And then the gardener complains - many branches, a lot of foliage, and the crop is small. Farms believe that from the point of view of productivity, a sufficient height and diameter of the crown is 3-3.5 m, only such a volume is well lit by the Sun, and all "excess" are unproductive.
  8. In the process of cropping fruit trees, delete no more than a quarter of the living branches in one year. Of course, the tree will always try to restore the balance and increase the above-ground part, but too radical trimming weakens the tree, can reduce its winter hardiness and even lead to death. Trimming in the style of "High Stump", which in cities are often used to combat the poplar foam, for fruit trees are unacceptable, moreover, may be destructive. The plants of the IV family, which include a poplar, a lot of sleeping kidneys and high future formation capacity, so they are rapidly restored and increased the crown. In fruit trees (all the most common fruit trees belong to the family of rustic, with the exception of sea buckthorn from the Loche family) the future formation capacity is many times lower.
  9. Proper the fruit trees correctly, as practice shows, it is necessary according to the principle "better less, yes better." That is, it is better to remove one large branch than a few small - it is physically easier for you and easier for wood. The total area of \u200b\u200bsections is less and the wood is faster and easier to avoid wound.
  10. If you need to remove at least two large branches, located close, it is better to cut one branch to the ring, another - to shorten, and finally removed in a year or two. This is especially important when we are talking On skeletal branches, large sections can weaken the tree and lead to a drying of the piece of crown above the cuts.
  11. Mandatory disinfection of the instrument and the molding of the Russian Academy of Sciences, especially if the tree is not entirely great. Ideally, after each cut, the instrument is disinfected, and all sections with a diameter of more than 1 cm are lubricated with garden wrair or similar compositions.

Scheme trimming fruit trees in photo

After reviewing S. common rules Trimming fruit trees, it is important to learn about what branches must be removed.

How to trim the branches of fruit trees?

There are 8 types of branches that are removed without fail:

Weak branch of two, located near and running in one direction:

  • Frightened large branches running in one direction, prevent each other. To make the pruning of the fruit tree, we will have to leave only one - which is stronger.
  • If the branches are approximately equal in force and still need both - you can redirect them, "dilute" in different directions by trimming on the translation.

Branches representing a threat to the safety of people and property.

Roasting piglets and all shoots growing below vaccinations :

  • Roasting pigs need to be cut in a timely manner without waiting for an apple tree to turn into a multi-tree

Branches, departing from the trunk at an acute angle:

  • These are potential faces, and the sharper angle, the more dangerous. Optimal corner Disagreeing the branch of the fruit tree from the trunk - about 60 degrees, permissible range -45-80 degrees
  • The consequences of sharp corners. Such a huge wound will remain until the end of the tree

Branches aimed down, that is, attaching to the trunk under a stupid angle. The exception is the branches of molding forms:

  • Branches directed down, get less nutrition, besides, are in wast conditions Lighting. And although at a certain stage, the branches directed down can give more harvest, they die faster, thickening the crown and are fragile to trunk
  • Sharp corners in Krone. Despite the fact that the branches look strong and durable, at any time it can happen

All intersecting, fond of each other branches or one of them:

  • With constant friction of branches, significant damage is unnoticed.
  • Commissioning and intersecting branches interfere with each other. They must be "broken" by circumcalling one or more branches

Things growing inside crowns. Weak branches. Wipes:

  • Weak branches, branches growing inside the crown, several wolfges. Pruting such a launched tree should not be done in a "short time", it is better to stretch for two to three seasons. And to avoid many mistakes, and the apple tree is less injured.
  • Wipes. From everyone to get rid of it is inappropriate, from those that are relatively well located, you can try to form fruiting branches by systematic trimming.

The photo "Trimming fruit trees" shows which branches should be removed:

Fruit trees

There are two main techniques of trimming fruit trees - trimming (shorting) and cutting (removal). When thinning - the removal of a certain number of branches - the crown volume changes little, but on the view it becomes more openwork. As a result, the illumination of the crown is improved, and, therefore, more generative kidneys are laid. In many cases, removing the branch, you have to think about its replacement. The removal of a large number of large branches violates the balance between the above-ground and underground part, the tree seeks to fill the lost volume and reacts with a rapid growth, most often - the formation of wolfes, and if the situation comes out of control, then after a couple of seasons, the Crown will be even more thickened than before Trimming. It is wiser to stretch radical thinning for several seasons or first crushing the branches, and then gradually cut them.

With proper trimming of fruit trees, you need to be very attentive. The stronger shorting, the more branching next year. If the tree is inclined to branch much (it depends on the variety), it is not recommended to shorten, it is better to cut the branch entirely. With a short trimming (approximately 1/3 branches are removed), it will grow some shoots at the top. With a strong trimming of fruit trees (1/3 remains from the branch), few shoots are formed in the remainder of the branch, they will be powerful and will divert under sharp corners. In most cases, increments of less than 40 cm long do not shorten. On the other hand, if it is necessary to stimulate growth, then the crop has a lot.

Some varieties have long one-year increases, but low kidney awakenity - branching occurs only in the upper part, and the following kidneys remain in reserve, as a result of Krone, becomes "hot" and volumetric. In this case, strong shorting stimulates branching and makes the crown more compact.

Observing the technology of trimming fruit trees, it is important not to overdo it with shortening of shoots from a young tree. Excessive zeal can delay entry into fruction - a tree will need to restore lost shoots, spending a lot of strength.

The video "Trimming fruit trees" clearly demonstrates how the trimming and cutting of the branches is performed:

Tools for trimming fruit trees in the photo

Select a tool for trimming fruit trees should be carefully and picky as cold weapons. Considerable part of the price is the cost of metal, so quality instrument, there is no cheap. Buy the most expensive, that you can afford to purchase. Savings will bring more harm than the benefit of a high-quality secretiary cannot cost as much as kilograms of apples. The tool is a hacksaw for trimming, a vaccine knife, the secret must have bright parts so that it is easy to find, leaving in the grass or in the snow. Another useful detail is a loop that dresses on the wrist and does not give a setator or hacksaw to fall, if you accidentally drank your fingers.

To trim the fruit trees, beginner gardeners when choosing a tool, you can give the following advice: take a tool in your hand, listen to your feelings - is it convenient for it lying in your hand? If not, refuse to buy immediately - in the season you will make at least several hundred cuts per day, and erase your hands into the blood, working as uncomfortable secateurs, you can literally for ten minutes. If so, move your hand, like during operation, squeeze several times and unload the handles, make some imaginable sections at different heights. You have a feeling that you were born with this tool in the hands, what is this - continuation of your hand? Take not thinking!

Sulls on the rods There are for work at the height, if there is no possibility or desire to climb the stairs. In the nearby past, Suchkorez was sitting on a stick on the existing in the farm and jerked for the rope, now there are comfortable and light telescopic rods. Modern models can adjust the angle of installation of the cutting part.

Hoven is necessary for working with branches big diameter (Photo)
Hacksaws in the photo

Some models of hacksaws may also have a telescopic handle. Hoven is necessary for working with branches of large diameter. For trimming, you cannot use the tool from the arsenal of carpenters and carpenters, which is adapted to work with construction materials. Handsaws should be designed for live wood and have smaller teeth, sharpened on both sides, which provides a smooth section - and the higher the quality of the cut, the faster it overcomes. Foldable models are very comfortable, moreover, they are safer in work and storage. And it is absolutely impossible to use for trimming chainsaw - to make an accurate, neat and smooth cut by this worthy unit absolutely unreal, and sections made by chainsaw, in the overwhelming majority of cases, will remain huge inseparable wounds until the end of the tree's life.

Garden knife will be needed for stripping cuts. It must be perfectly sharply shaped - because it will have to cut wood. The old masters of the garden knife skillfully cut the branches, but the secret for this purpose is much more convenient and safer.

Inventory to trim the garden trees to serve for a long time, pay attention to him after work. Wipe the blades with a soft cloth, if necessary, lubricate and check the quality of sharpening. Many models of the blades are removable, which makes it easy to sharpen them. If the secator "snacks" cuts, most likely, you need to adjust the gap between the blades.

For lubing of cuts and wg wounds, garden var (photo) is required

For lubing of cuts and wg wf, garden varities are needed or similar compositions (for example, a paste "Rannet"), the material costs are small, and made Vary himself, as the old manuals recommended, during the modern state of the industry there is no need. In extreme cases, it is possible to use oil paint (strictly on a natural olife, all other basics will not "stick" to live wood).

Right secateur for trimming crowns of garden trees

Chat for trimming fruit trees in the photo

The secator for trimming fruit trees is the safest and most convenient tool. He appeared only two hundred years ago, but now he is in the arsenal of every gardener. Some manufacturers claim that their secateurs can be cut off rather large branches - up to 3 cm in diameter, but for female hand It is almost always an unbearable task, so it is better to use the hacksaw. A good and correctly sharpened tool makes smooth sections, the secret is equally easy, smooth and smoothly cuts and the branch, and paper (of course, cut the paper is more convenient than ordinary scissors, but you can check a couple of cuts).

There are also secectors for left-handed, special secateurs for florists, for those who deal with the art of Bonsai and so on. If you need only one secateur for all occasions - look at universal models.

If several family members enjoy one secret man, it makes sense to pay attention to the models with adjustable handle split widths (it is possible to rotate the control knob only when the secator is closed!).

Owning secateurs are the most common models with curved blades. They work on the principle of scissors. The upper sharp blade is a working, cutting, and the lower is the support, it is shifted relative to the top. The blades of the right secateurs are designed so that they minimally injure plant fabrics and optimal to work with live wood.

Seccators with odds are easy to recognize on direct blades, the working blade falls right on the reference as a guillotine knife. They lose with watering secateurs in terms of accuracy, but they won in strength - they can remove thick branches, and they are optimal to remove dried branches. Some models of the secateurs have a snoring mechanism or toothed transmission - they reduce the muscular effort, and they are much easier to work. A long handle secateurs (including telescopic) is convenient for working with spiny shrubs.

What else does the gardener need to trim the fruit trees

Before it is properly cutting fruit trees, prepare the following clothes and accessories:

  • Convenient clothes on the weather, not constraining movements and not clinging over branches.
  • Comfortable low-heeled shoes with non-slip sole.
  • Headdress, better with a visor.
  • Gloves for garden work (knitted or leather), providing a tight grip of the instrument in hand.
  • Glasses or mask that you use, for example, to work with a saw or a lawn mower. They will protect their eyes from random movements of branches or falling out of sawdust.

Also, for trimming fruit trees, a ladder is required in the country area, steadily standing on Earth, or a steady and strong table.

And the last but important, in such a responsible business, like pruning garden trees with your own hands is a reliable assistant!

How to make a pruning of fruit trees: safety equipment

To comply with the safety technique when trimming fruit trees, the instrument must be well sharpened. Paradoxically, when working with a blunt tool, the likelihood of injury is incomparable above.

From the moment when at least one of your foot breaks away from the ground, an assistant is needed, which will insure you when you are on the stairs or table, and serve you everything you need. Again, one head is good, and two are better.

If the legs of the stairs come into the ground, take two wide boards and put the staircase on them to reduce the pressure per unit area. Before climbing, make sure the staircase is steadily and smooth. Do not neglect this important measure: Pruning is a combination of surgery and acrobatics, carried away and stretching over the branch, you risk falling together with the staircase. Cannot use potted stairswhere construction workers work - the tree crown is very fragile, it is not a reliable 'wall of the house.

Take care so that a bottle of water and medicine is always at hand. Please note that during the trimming of trees will have to spend a lot of time with the headborne head.

When to crop fruit trees in spring, summer and autumn: optimal terms

The main rule on when to crop fruit trees and shrubs is to perform this agricultural reception at rest, while cultures have not woke up - then the wounds are heal faster, and plants do not expire with juice.

In the winter, watch the crowns, outline the branches that you need to delete or fix. After heavy snowfall, shake snow with the branches to reduce the risk of faults. Check the tool status, if necessary, cover it.

When to crop fruit trees in spring to not harm cultures?

Early spring (before the start of the deployment) - the optimal term of the trimming of fruit trees. The prerequisite is the positive air temperature, since at temperatures below zero, the properties of wood are changed - it becomes more fragile and prone to faults and cracks. The exact date is difficult to call, as the weather can move optimal deadlines Trimming for two to three weeks. Depending on the weather in the middle strip, the pruning season is usually the second half of March - the first half of April. You can use the February thaws. But this is a certain risk, because even in March there are severe frosts.

Considering when it is necessary to crop fruit trees, start with sanitary trim, then remove all weak, thickening and branching branches, as well as branches that depart from the trunk under an acute angle. In the future, act, given the goals of the pruning and features of a particular tree or shrub.

From the beginning of the scattering of the kidneys to the full deployment of leaves and the end of flowering fruit plants are most vulnerable. During this period, it is important to pause: postpone the secateur and hacksaw, admire blossom. If necessary, you can only deal with sanitary trimming and ignition of flowers and stocks.

In the summer, pruning is also predominantly sanitary. You can pinch or shorten the tips of young gains, if you need to limit their growth. Cut large branches undesirable, wait until spring.

When trimming fruit trees, you need to remove appearing wipes. You can hold a pinction (quilting) when the length of the shoots reaches 1 5-20 cm or there are 5-6 well-developed leaves. If after two or three weeks, the stubborn kidneys will break, then the shoots have grown out of them, it is necessary to adjust over 2-3 sheets.

Start of summer - time for trimming fruit lien - grapes, actinidia and lemongrass. In more early deadlines They can relax or even die due to "crying" - large losses during intensive intensity.

And when to crop trees in the fall, and how appropriate to do it before the onset of cold weather? In the fall, trees in the southern regions often cut off. After completion of the leaf fall, the formative, rejuvenating and reducing trimming is carried out, but most of Russia will have to wait until spring, so as not to risk the life of the trees, since the autumn trimming significantly reduces the woodship of the tree. But even in the southern regions, it is better to remove only old and weak branches in the fall, and form the remaining in the spring. It is recommended to leave the protective links - hemps 20-30 cm long, and in the spring, complete the cropping and make a slice in the right and right place.

Later in the fall, if possible, remove and destroy all the remaining mummified fruits and the remaining leaves left after the leaffall. They have causative agents of diseases that are activated with the arrival of spring heat.

Before shelter, with a plus temperature, you can cut grapes.

All year round, as needed, spend only sanitary trimming and remove branches that threaten the health and safety of people and the safety of the property. If, for example, you discovered a dried branch on an apple tree, affected by cytospose, in the middle of summer - do not pull until spring. Shift the timing of the trimming of fruit trees in this case is necessary for the disputes of the fungus not fly throughout the garden. Sanitary trim often happens "first medical help" - for example, a spill with a gaping open wound - and in this case it is also unreasonable.

Sanitary trimming of fruit trees - It is removal (clipping) of patients and damaged branches forming - the formation of a solid crown of a young tree in order to obtain high yields and relief of care.

Supporting (regulating) type of trimming fruit trees - It is a limitation of the dimensions of the tree (shortening or trimming branches), prevention of the crown thickening, preservation of the ability to regular fruiting, thinning (rationing) of flowers and barriers.

Forming trimming of fruit trees - This is the creation decorative shapes From trees on dwarf flowing with a frame and by multiple trimming (cordons, palmettes, volumetric forms).

Rejuvenating trimming of fruit trees - This is the return of the ability to increase by significant shortening of branches in places where the length of the annual increase was optimal.

Recognition trimming fruit trees - This is the rejuvenation of old trees, restoring the ability to fruit, decreased wood height, restoration of the tree after severe damage, the formation of the crown or its parts from the wolf.

These photos show how to crop fruit trees in various ways:

Sanitary trimming of fruit trees in the photo

Rejuvenating trimming of fruit trees in the photo

Additional ways trimming fruit trees

There are other techniques for regulation of growth, fruiting and crown formation. These are methods that replace the cropping of fruit trees, or used in addition to it.

Ringing Kerbovka, Fruit Belt - These are special, additional ways to control the vehicle transport flows. Kerbovka - rarely applied reception, its essence is to remove a small piece of bark over the kidney or annual branch, in order to stimulate their growth. Blowing kidney - renal removal before the development of shoots. Pincing (Pinzing) - removal of the tops of young green growths. The september and caustic of young shoots are also sometimes called green operations, because they are carried out with growing shoots.

In some cases, instead of trimming, it is advisable to flex a branch. In the spring, at the beginning of the growth of shoots, the branches give the desired position and fixate. To the rope or wire crashed into the bark, put a plank or rubber pieces. At the end of the summer, the fixation is removed and repeated as necessary next season.

In practice, several types of trimming are usually combined to one degree or another.

The young tree has only growth processes. The fruitful tree establishes a certain balance between fruiting and increasing, with age, the growth processes are faded, the tree is overloaded with harvest, resets a lot of uncens, because they cannot "feed" them due to exhaustion. Restore lost equilibrium helps the rejuvenating trimming.

Removal and promotion of branches are carried out by strictly certain rules. Cut in the style of "how God puts on the soul" is completely unacceptable. If the slice is made incorrectly or in the wrong place, the wound can heal for a long time or not to heal at all, and in the most accidents - to cause the death of a tree. In other cases, when removing one branch, a whole "bouquet" grows in the same place.

The plants have a wonderful ability - to overflow. Wounds overlapping thanks to the wound meristem - the educational fabric arising in place of any damage from which all other fabrics are formed. If the slice is made too low, the place where the wound meristem should be formed, removed, and the cut will overcome longer. Too big "Penc" is also bad: it will still dry and become easy prey and source of infection, after a few years a hemp can be formed in the place of hemp, and the rot is spread throughout the wood. Nature does not tolerate "deadlocks" in the plant organism, it contradicts the anatomy and plant physiology, so the cut is always done so as to "redirect transport flows" to another branch.

That is, it is performed or on the kidney, or for the translation, that is, with the help of the secret, it is deleted too much and translated the growth of the branches on strong branches growing in the direction we need. You can compare the coating of the tree with the flow of water through the channel system - where the water is flowing, it is clean and transparent, and in floors and deadlocks, where water is stagnant, rotting processes begin.

Check out the video how to crop fruit trees to better understand the technology of doing this work:

Crimping apple trees in autumn - the procedure is mandatory. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow should each gardener should be carried out. After all, it is the apple tree that takes about 70% of fruit plantings in private households and on plantations of large farms.

This culture is distinguished by durability, fertility, can grow in different climatic zones. Regular trimming is directly related to the yield and health of the tree. It is unlikely that it makes sense to invite an experienced gardener on little plot yearly. Therefore, the simplest schemes of trimming apple trees in the fall need to know to be able to take care of the trees on their own.

When to trim: apple tree in autumn or spring

Apple trees can be trimmed in autumn, in spring or winter. Each period has its advantages, the main thing is to stop or have not yet time to begin active ash.

In the spring of apple trees begin to cut early, preferably before swelling the kidneys. When they burst, and will not reveal, but the leaves will already be shown (the so-called green cone) will begin intensive ashes. If at this time injured the branch, and even more so, trim it, the tree can harm the tree. In the spring it is important not to be late. Make it in the southern regions is difficult - there you do not have time to blink the eye, and yesterday the naked apple tree stood not only dissolved the leaflets, but the floral buds shaped.

Crop the apple trees in winter to lovers, and even beginners, it is not recommended. These are usually engaged in professionals in large gardens - they simply do not have any other time. Everything needs to be done neat, but several hundred trees (or more) for a week or two trim unreal. And find the detachment of competent gardeners for a short time so that they do thin and important workAnd then dissolve until the next autumn is unreal. So cut commercial gardens in winter.

Important! At negative temperatures, near the sections of the cut, it is freezing, peeling, heals a very long time.

It is in the fall of trimming an apple tree for beginners will represent the smallest complexity. It is possible to conduct it in all regions, except the northernmost, where the apple trees are often grown in shale form. It is there that the trees are better in spring.

Comment! Experienced gardeners can trim the apple tree at any time. Beginners are better to do this in the fall.

Whether the apple tree is cut in autumn

So it is better to cut an apple tree in the fall. Of course, when lacking time, you can transfer the surgery for spring, but practice shows that at the beginning of the season and so the mass of work. And in the southern regions you can simply skip the right moment: yesterday it was too early, tomorrow it will be late, and today it is not enough to have time.

Beginner gardeners in general, it is necessary to crop apple trees in the fall, so that they do not rush anywhere and calmly carry out the operation. Then, if necessary, you can stop and think, reread the book or an article on the Internet. For some reason, the first trimming causes many panic. In fact, it is enough to have comprehensive information and a solid hand.

Apple tree cropping apple tree in autumn has a number of advantages:

  1. The injured branches will be lit in the spring and immediately go into growth.
  2. When the apple tree trimming time is falling in autumn, other works in the garden and garden are usually finished.
  3. There is no danger that heat will quickly come, and no time to delay the wound surface will be exposed to high temperatures.
  4. Beginner gardeners may not be in a hurry, and calmly trimmed. But a solid hand with this operation is important.

When to crop apple tree in the fall, in which month

The trimming time apple trees in the fall dependent on the region. Where the climate is hot, as in the Krasnodar Territory, or moderate (Moscow region), for the secateurs are taken after the leaffall. In the Urals and in Siberia, it is necessary to trim the early and fruitful on average apple dates from September to the beginning of October, when the harvest is assembled. Late varieties are left for spring - they may not have time to drag the wound surface before the onset of frosts.

To facilitate the cropping apple tree in the fall for beginners, there are many schemes. But on big accountAll they are very similar.

Target trimming

It is impossible to just plant an apple tree and expect a good harvest. Pruning is one of the main stages of culture care. If you neglect this procedure, you can not only stay at all without apples, but also to "start" on the tree a bunch of diseases and pests. Then the running tree will still have to trim, but it will be difficult to do it. Perhaps the procedure will not work without the help of a specialist.

Pruning is better to spend regularly, from the moment of planting an apple tree. Distinguish:

  1. Forming trimming With the help of which the crown give the desired shape and adjust the height. It is held for the first few years. After the frame of skeletal branches is formed, it is simply supported. If you run an apple tree and do not cut a few years, everyone will have to start again. That's just to carry out the formation of an adult tree beginner gardeners hardly bye.
  2. Trimming, regulating fruiting. There is a balance between the number of apples and branches, the growth of shoots that you need to stick. If you do not cut the apple tree, too much fruit can form. First, they are able to just break the branches, and secondly, they will be small, tasteless. In the worst case, the mass of small fruits will be tuned, which will not be able to keep long slim shoots, and the tree - to provide the right amount nutrients. As a result, the branches will break, and the apple tree will exhausize, and the harvest does not have time to grow.
  3. Sanitary trim. With it, they remove broken, dry, sick, thickening the crown shoot. If you do not carry out sanitation, the fruits will not get enough light, the tree will spend the forces to maintain the vital activity of the non-expective branches from the aging apple. With sick branches of infection can spread to healthy. Dry and broken shoots not only thicken the crown and complicate care, but also serve a seedler of pests.
  4. Restoring trimming It is designed to restore and put the crown after severe damage - frostbite, fire, mechanical injury.
  5. Rejuvenating trimmingan apple tree will extend the fertility of the tree. It is even able to resume the growing vegetation of very old, but especially valuable instances.

Annual apple tree trimming is usually called supporting. In fact, it includes all possible ways. Just pruning young trees for the most part forms an apple tree, adults - regulates fruiting, old - rejuvenates the crown.

If you do not conduct an annual competent removal, normalization and shortening of the branches, the tree will bloom beautifully, but the crop will give me me. All power it consumes to maintain numerous useless fruitless shoots.

Trimming methods

There are two main ways to trim:

  1. Procurement, reinforcing growth and formation of lateral shoots. At the same time remove part of the branch.
  2. Sluorrow concluded in removing escape completely. It allows the remaining twig to score maximum strength and well fruit. Also thinning cropping brightened the crown.


Pruning fruit trees varies as follows:

  1. Weak: 1/3 of young branches are removed 20-25% of length, 1/3 is cut into the ring, 1/3 - leave as it is. As a result, the next year will give an increase no more than 10 cm.
  2. Moderate. At the same time, the autumn of an apple tree from 40 to 50% of the increment should be trimmed by 1/3, as much removed completely. The result is normal growth, no wolf.
  3. Strong. More than half of the young branches in the fall shortening twice, the rest need to trim completely. Usually applied on launched, unclean trees. Such trimming will contribute to the appearance of a large number of wolf.

Reference! Wolf - growing straight up fat (not fruitful) escape.

Preparation of instruments and materials

Any, explaining how to crop the apple tree in the fall of the scheme, will require a whole set of tools. All of them should be sharp and clean:

  • shatter construction secator - for shoots, thicker 20 mm;
  • ordinary secateur - for thin and young twigs;
  • such storage (a long-handed secator) - for hard-to-reach shoots;
  • saw - for thick branches;
  • garden knife - they are cleaned with a wound surface.

For processing places trimming the branches of the apple tree, oil paint is used either a mixture of a cowboy with clay, diluted with a solution of copper sulfate. You can take a specially cooked garden var. The usual late autumn does not apply.

Comment! Wound surfaces remaining on thin (less than 10 mm in diameter) branches can not be processed.

Technology trimming apple trees

Video trimming in the fall of apple tree for beginners and inexperienced gardeners:

On lateral branch

It happens, two branches form a fork, grow almost from one point. One of them needs to trim in the fall, using a saw for a thick escape, a secator - for thin. After that, the wound is treated. Such trimming is called translation (on lateral branch).

On the ring

Both thick old and young twigs often have to trim completely, "on the ring." With young shoots, this operation is carried out easily. But with old branches, you need to act neat and right:

  • if you leave a bitch, a lot of wolfes will be formed for the next year, the bark may become detached, wood - bend;
  • if it is briefly cut, it is formed a hollow, and the wound will be delayed for a long time and bad.

Reference! Ring - influx of wood at the base of the branch.

Crop needed competently. On the thick branches, first do inscribed on the bottom side of the ring, then removed completely. Otherwise, this part of the crown necessarily breaks down when trimming, the bark will turn around, the barrel of the trunk. Then the wound necessarily is preparing a garden knife and is treated with a cow with clay or oil paint.

Help video for beginners: trimming the old branches on the apple tree in the fall:

On the kidney

When promoting shoots to give them the right direction of growth, strengthening branching and education more Plodas are pruning apple branches on the kidney. The slice is performed at an angle of 45⁰, the hemp length should be in the range of 0.5-1.0 cm:

  • a close location can damage the kidney;
  • the distance more than 1 cm will lead to the drying of the tip of escape.

Crop the shoots exclusively on the outer kidney. So a young twig will grow out.

Proper trimming apple trees in the fall

Single scheme, how to proper apple tree in the fall, no. But there are many ways to form a crown. The most common:

  • rarely long-term trimming;
  • kosy and horizontal palmette;
  • vane pruning;
  • taganrog boat.

In addition, old young tree And entered into full fruiting is cut into different ways.

The correct crown of the apple tree is easy to form and maintain only if you care for it start from the moment of landing. Trimming the launched tree for beginners is complex, besides, you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect the plant with severe damage. It is better to invite the autumn of a specialist. It will not only make apple trees correctly, but will give advice how to support the crown in the future.

Trimming apple trees in autumn after landing

Immediately after the young apple tree was put in the soil in the autumn, it should be trimmed. The main escape is shortened to 0.9 m, if it is short, remove the top. Side branches are cut by 70% (of course, if they are). Those that are 40 cm from the vaccination location and below are completely removed.

As an apple tree grows, her trunk will be pulled out. In adult tree, the lower branches will be just at such a height to collect harvest without difficulty.

Trimming young apple trees in autumn

In the fall of an apple tree in the fall, after rooting - in 2-3 years. It should be borne in mind that the most productive branches are almost horizontally, and the vertical almost do not give floral kidney, therefore apples.

First, the skeleton of the tree is formed in the fall. To do this, leave 3 or 4 the strongest, growing in different sides of the branch, the rest are cut into the ring. With the second tier (if it is), the same operation is carried out. Skeletal branches need to be trimmed to the outer kidney, shorting on 1/3.

Sometimes all shoots grow up. This can be corrected by installing the strut and ticked the branches to them, gradually flexing down.

Pruning young apple trees in autumn, video for beginners:

How to cut a fruitful apple tree in the fall

By the time of entry into fruction, the apple tree should already be formed, in the fall carried out mainly supporting cropping. First remove all broken, sick, dry branches and wipes. Then cut the thickening crown growing inside and weak shoots.

Apple tree carefully examine, remove the intersecting and lateral branches. As a result, a well ventilated and lit crown should be turned out.

Scheme how to crop apple tree in the fall:

How to cut the old apple tree in the fall

The trimming of the old and fruiting apple tree does not differ. But if the harvest decreased, the tree needs to be rejuvenated.

Old skeletal branches alternately need to trim in autumn at an angle of 45⁰, leaving the pencil small size. This is then done to spring thumbs up. They are removed, leaving 1-2 strong and well-spaced. Then rejected to the sides with the help of a thick rope and drove into the soil pegs. Gradually trimming will form new skeleton and crown.

Important! Every autumn can be removed only one skeletal branch.

It is for an apple tree that the cardinal trimming is often used to rejuvenate the tree. At the same time, the trunk is removed completely, leaving the pencils. Cropped at an angle of 45⁰, the wound surface is cleaned, processed with a solution of copper mood to avoid infections. Then covered with oil paint.

Applement after trimming

When trimming is finished, the autumn apple tree needs regular examination of the wound surface. Strong attention requires old thick branches. When trimming is finished, they are treated with oil paint, a mixture of cowboat and clay, or a garden boiler. Perhaps the procedure will have to repeat several times, or even impose a bandage impregnated with clay and a solution of copper sulfate on the injured surface.

Apple tree after trimming in the fall in dry weather must be watered. It is useful to bite the tree with potassium and phosphorus fertilizer, even if it was not done before. The rolling circle is mulched by humus.

In the late autumn, the trunk of the apple should be blocked. And up to the age of 5, the chalk is used for this, after - lime. In the northern regions, the strak turns into jute or burlap - it will not only warm the tree, but also protects the bark from the Zaitsev.


Crumming apple trees in autumn - the procedure is not the easiest. For beginners, it can be conjugate with physical and psychological difficulties. The main thing is solid hand, confidence and knowledge of the bases of trimming, and experience will come with time.

Details Updated: 03/05/2015 19:09 Views: 94001

With the arrival of spring, the time of trimming of the green inhabitants of our gardens occurs: you need to break their crowns and shorten the branches. However, gardeners often fall into extremes and cut during this period even those plants, with trimming, which is better to wait until summer or autumn, for example, early shrubs. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the pruning with knowledge of the case.

The basic rules of trimming you can learn from the section of trimming trees and shrubs, but decorative trees and shrubs have a certain specificity of care.

Cutting decorative trees, we are primarily we strive to give them to crowns the appropriate shape and to keep it . Plants in live rods Strigess so that the foliage is thick and in crowns did not scream holes. Thanks to the regular use of the secateurs, we achieve fruit trees and berry Sustainers Especially rich crop. Decorative shrubs. As well as curly and container plants cut in the first place for lush flowering. If the plant has decorative bark, then with the help of trim, it is possible to emphasize the beauty of young shoots once again, because with the time of coloring the bark of old branches becomes bell.

In addition, pruning is designed maintain the natural shape of the crown of green inhabitants of the garden and adjust their dimensions . But in any cases it is necessary to clearly understand that too big shrub or an adult tree even after a very strong trimming does not turn into an attractive dwarf plant! And, of course, do not forget that regular - especially spring pruning of plants contributes to a more intensive appearance of new shoots.

The use of saws and secateurs contributes to the rejuvenation of plants, due to the pruning they can return lost forces. In rare cases, crop trees and shrubs need radically, cutting out all the stems at the very base. Such a method is applicable, but with a good future formation of the bushes of flavory or forssee. In most plants, the rejuvenating trimming is carried out in stages.

Should be clarified! One-year increase - this is the increase in last year with numerous vegetative and generative kidneys. The bark can be lighter than other shoots or radically differ in color. (for example, U. Derene white).

The cut should be done at an angle so that water causing the rotting of wood is not stood on its plane. In addition, the essential value, has a distance between the cut and below the kidney, there is a danger that it dries down or freezes. If, on the contrary, it is very strongly retreated by Prenok, where the infection can quickly penetrate.

Trimming ornamental trees.

Some representatives of the Green Kingdom of the years are becoming more painfully, so do not need crown correction (for example, Magnolia and Maple Dlanidoid). But many decorative trees and shrubs, whatever they bloom or their crowns did not lose form, periodic trimming is needed.

Decorative apple tree, for example every 2-3 years needs only in regulatory trimming . At the same time remove old, damaged and thickening branches. Regular strong trimming is necessary only by those trees and shrubs that should retain a certain form of crowns. The same to relate to plants, the flowers in which appear on the young, just formed shoots, for example, to the Three-bladed almond. Very severe trimming after flowering contributes to the fact that they have numerous shoots with floral kidney in the current year. Many deciduous trees are kept like a radical haircut: White Acacia Umbraculifera. and Iva goat Pendula. After trimming, they quickly turn new shoots that appear from the kidneys on the remainder of the circumcision branch.

For small gardens, the trees with a spherical crown, such as Catalpa Bignonyevoid, are suitable for small gardens. Nana. . Regular trimming helps to restrain the growth of the tree. Such trees endure even severe trimming, almost to the base of skeletal branches.

Trees with a spherical crown.

Thanks to the dense crown of the harmonious spherical shape and bright green foliage of a pseudo-survey or white acacia Robinia Pseudoacacia) Umbraculifera. ideal for landing in little garden: This tree extremely well withstands even a very strong trimming, it can be reduced to any sizes, while it does not lose its presentability.

Without trimming the diameter of the ball pseudo-suritation crown Umbraculifera. Over time, it can be 4-5 m. It can be warned if every 2-3 years fully trim all branches almost to the base, leaving only short hemps . The best time for such trimming trip-free day in early March. Slow-growing species, for example Ginkgo biloba MARIKEN. Pruning is necessary only after many years after landing, while it can be limited to only a weak correction of the crown. Liquidambar Smolenosny Gum Ball Also distinguished by a beautiful spherical crown, which as the rules do not need pruning.

Light Pruning White Acacia can be done at any time of the year . But it is better in early spring. Then young shoots will quickly hide the ugly places in the crown arising after trimming.

Also cut off:

  • clean ordinary Fráxinus Excélsior.,
  • white acacia Umbraculifera.,
  • katalpa Bignonyevoid Nana..

Stambling shrubs are cut into the same principle. Three-blade almonds with gentle pink, as if air flowers, it looks incredibly elegant. For this plant annual severe trimming is desirable . If immediately after flowering branches almond Three-bladed to shorten up to 10 cm, next year long lush-flowering branches are guaranteed.

Early in the spring cut off strab syrian hibiscus: Depending on whether you want to see the crown, the stems can be shortened, leaving only 2-3 kidneys. Top kidney should be directed outward.

WWI soliste Hakuro Nishiki. The first time is cut in late March. Additionally, the branches can also be shortened in May and at the end of June. After each trimming, the tree gives new shoots with beautiful foliage.

WWI with a bush crown is usually trimmed early in spring. If you want to admire the flowers, it is possible to wait until the plant is wondering.

Ball-shaped maple Ostrolistic cut is not as much as white acacia Umbraculifera. Or do not cut off at all. Important: The branches are shortened only from August to December, no later, otherwise the tree will cry.

In the grafted stramblast plants, a wild greed can appear on the break. Its just like root pigs cut off at the base , not leaving hemp.

Plants with a disrupting crown.

Stumbling plants with romantic hanging branches invariably attract a look. A similar molding form of the crown is found in many trees and shrubs, for example, willow Goats (Salix Caprea) Pendula..

This tree grows quickly, so branches shorten every year , leaving the hemp with a length of about 10 cm. The tree, which did not cut a long time, can also be rejected using severe trimming.

If we are talking about grafted trees and shrubs, you need to completely remove dicks Formed at the scene below the vaccination location.

Do not cut:

  • beech Lesnaya (Fagus Sylvatica) RURPURREA PENDULA.,
  • elm Rashavy (úlmus Glábra) Camperdownii.,
  • birch Bearded (Betula Pendula) YOUNGII.,
  • white Mulberry (Mórus Álba) Penaula. .

These flooded crown plants grow slower than their rectifying relatives. The crowns of the listed trees are formed by themselves and do not need to be adjusted. Is that damaged branches you can cut off at the very reason or shorten the branches which seem too big or long. The latest procedure must be carried out in stages so that the plant does not lose a beautiful view.

Decorative apple trees.

While the fruit trees should be happy to make an abundant harvest, decorative species are valued, first of all, for a beautiful appearance. Decorative Apple Tree (Malus) Especially popular due to the crown of compact, bright color of autumn foliage and even in winter remaining fruit on branches. This church is cut only if necessary and always in order to preserve the harmonious type of plant. For this early spring remove the crowns growing inside and crossed, as well as dry and damaged branches.

To transform a corrupt village in strabetic, in addition to the above branches, every year it is necessary to remove the lower side branches , leaving one, the longest, as the central conductor, until the desired height is reached. If it is necessary to slow down the growth of the apple tree on the strip-level stock, spend the summer trimming, although the structure of the plant is visible worse.

A real beauty can be called a decorative cherry - sakur.achieving anti-aircraft bloom in April - May. At old trees It is enough to limit ourselves to only weak cutting of the crown . And if decorative apple trees are trimmed in early spring, it is better to cut the sakura in the summer, when these plants slow down the sludge and slices are healing faster.

For vertically growing ornamental cherries, for example cherry Small Pipe (Prunus Serralata) Amanogawa. , there is a place even in small gardens and barisades. Their crown is good and without trimming.

Tees colonum form, for example tIS Berry (Táxus Baccáta) varieties Fastigiata aurea. , well tolerate haircut. but cruculate only old plants Or in the case when a slim form is preferable, and the colon-shaped krone is grouped.

Beautiful without trimming

While some trees and large shrubs have a natural beautiful crown form or acquire it thanks to the adjustment, there are a group of plants that pruning does not benefit : Many slow-growing trees, such as magnolia, Maple Dlanoid (Acer Palmatum) Better look with a crown of natural shape. Is that them can be slightly to proper.

Since slow-growing trees and shrubs, on old wood, new shoots no longer appear, each step should be carefully thought out, because because of the wrong trimming, a beautiful tree can be disfigured for a long time. If there are no skills in trimming, delete branches are best in early spring When even the newcomer can well see the structure of the crown of the plant.

Also cut off:

  • maple Dlanoid (Acer Palmatum),
  • bassist (laburnum)
  • cercis (Cercis), Magnolia (Magnolia),
  • corylopsis,
  • gamamelis (Hamamelis),
  • common wolper year
  • borovik.

Trimming springwenty shrubs.

Many shrubs, which, like forzing, bloom in spring, floral kidneys appear, first of all, on last year's gains. If shrubs do not cut, they are aging, and the number of new shoots decreases. To stimulate the education of new shoots, these plants after flowering follows every year to cut forward . For this, individual old branches are cut from the soil surface. In addition to the right, you need to delete or shorten the shields. You can additionally cut and separate lateral branches directed in the middle of the bush.

Also cut off:

  • bubbler (PhysoCarpus),
  • blood-Red Currant (Ribes Sanguineum),
  • deutzia, Chubuschik (Philadélphus),
  • forzia (Forsythia),
  • kalina Ordinary (Vibúrnum óPulus),
  • collection (Kolkwitzia),
  • spirae Wanguttei (Spiraea X Vanhouttei)
  • kerryia (Kerria),
  • weigela (Weigela).

Trimming the summer shrubs.

Pruning is held first in order to be abundantly blooming . In addition, plants due to regular trim acquire a beautiful compact form.

Many shrubs blooming in summer, flower kidneys are laid on young shoots that appear in spring. Typical example of buddha. So that the plant in the spring gave as much young shoots as possible with floral kidney, buddhell \u200b\u200bis cut into autumn or early spring.

But for the majority of early plants, for example, forzia, floral kidneys are laid on last year's growths. If the shrub is cut, as the buddha in the spring, the flowers will be very small. therefore Rannetic shrubs cut off immediately after flowering . Then plants will re-give new shoots, lay a good basis for flowering next year. The exception is only shrubs with beautiful fruits, such as beautiful (Callicarpa) and European bearing. Although they bloom in the spring, but rooting the branches immediately after flowering, you will cut and fruit. Such shrubs should only be rejuvenated 1 time in 5 years, completely removing late autumn old branches.

Some shrubs flowers appear on perennial branches. These shrubs include irga and lilac. They do not need to cut regularly, enough to cut the bushes every few years . And cross-cutting is contraindicated.

Cutting off the plant, many gardeners allow one and the same error:they cut the scrubbed scissors for living hedges only from above, equal to the bushes at one height. This, in turn, can lead to the fact that plants will not bloom at all or lose their attractiveness. As a result, a new root piglery appears and the plant is rejuvenated. The function of the old branch can be reproduced and a younger lateral process.

To do this, cut the branch over the escape selected lateral branch. The branch continues to grow, but the role of the top now performs a young escape. Removing only individual branches, you will help the shrub to keep the natural shape, and in winter even without leaves it will look beautiful. In general, than radical pruning, the more young shoots appear on the shrub. In the summer they also need to proper well, otherwise, in a short time, the bush grows up to the same size.

At all Not allowed strong thickening on grafted shrubs . Otherwise, the wild stroke from the stock will quickly displace the cultural lead.

There are shrubs, such as white and silky, which do not differ in the special splendor of flowers or coloring leaves, but they are the owners of bright branches.

This advantage is particularly much noticeable in winter. However, only young shoots differ in color, after 3-4 years, the color of the crust becomes flexible. Therefore, the purpose of trimming such shrubs, the formation of new shoots. Plant it is necessary to cut forward every year in early spring shortly before the appearance of escapes. , Sut off at the surface of the soil all the branches over three years. Launched bushes of the dend can be cut throughout the entire season.

Also cut off:

  • derente silky (Cornus Sericea),
  • iva Volchnikova (Salix Daphnoides),
  • rubus Cockbur-Nianus),
  • derenny white (withnus alba)

Beautiful after trimming or without it:

  • derene blooming (Cornus Florida)
  • deren Cone (Cornus Kousa),
  • folded Kalina (Viburnum Plaicatum) Mariesii,
  • photoGill (Fothergilla),
  • derented controversial (Cornus Controversa),
  • corylopsis Spicata.

In order for the lavender in the summer of fragrant in full force, and her bush had a harmonious appearance, the plant must be cut 2 times a year, using scissors for living hedges.

The first time in the spring, when the temperature begins to gradually rise, the tops of the shoots are shortened by a third, giving a semicircular shape.

The second time in the fall, when inflorescences are already dried. This time the flowerons are removed together with 2-3 top pairs of leaves.

Similarly, young plants are cut and young plants are already in the first year after landing. Then the lavender grows up, creating a dense carpet. If the lavender does not cut, then the shoots are shirled to the most tips. At the same time, the plant will lose compact shape and poorly transfers stronger spring cropping.

Some gardeners cut the lavender by the secateur, but it is better to use the scissors for living hedges, they easier to give a uniform pillow-shaped cush. See that the bush acquires the outline of the hemisphere. Dry branches can be used to aromatize the room.

Pruning hydrangea

Depending on the species, hortensia Flower kidneys are laying at different times of the year, from this and depends on the care of each specific species. For example, the hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale flowers appear on last year's growths. This means that the floral kidneys are laid on them in the summer last year, so it is impossible to cut the spring plant.

But at the hydrangea, the blurred flowering runs on young shoots of the current year, so its bushes can be trimmed enough. At the shadowless tree hydrangea, spherical inflorescences also appear on annual growths. However, in any case, the hydrangea of \u200b\u200ball kinds, every 3-4 years they need a solid rejuvenating trim, then the bushes will always have a beautiful compact form.

As in each rule there are their own exceptions And here: almost every type of hydrangeas are at least one grade, which has flowers to be laid differently than the rest of the conid. Therefore, the peculiarities of each type and variety are best to learn from specialized reference books, even before buying a new green pet.

G. hortinzia large-scale aboutclinely negative . The hydrangea hydrangea, dust and hydrangea hydrangea and hydrangea hydrangea appear on bilateral branches. So that the bushes evenly grow up and acquired a beautiful form, in the first year after landing they do not cut them at all . At the end of winter or early spring you should remove only dry inflorescences , neatly cutting them over the first pair of kidneys, but not lower. Otherwise, you remove the already laid floral kidneys, and the plant will not bloom. And so that young shoots are constantly formed on hydrangea, the bush needs to cut forward every 3-4 years. . To do this, flush with the surface of the soil cut the old branches that have become weakly blossom.

Hydrangea Mistelstea Middle trimming is required. Miscellaneous Hydrangea (Hydrangea Paniculata) Significantly different from other types of hydrangeas, the inflorescences of the conical form. Since her floral kidneys are formed in annual branches and shoots of this year, this plant blooms plentifully, even if it suffered from severe frosts. In the spring for the first three years after landing, all strong skeletal branches should be shorted for a third, weaker half. In an adult plant Remove old branches growing in the middle of the bush, and also cut apart annual, with dried inflorescences , up to four kidneys. Of these, young shoots with floral kidneys appear. Without trimming, the bush greatly grows, in this case it will be necessary to proper as soon as possible. Exceptions, in varieties Rgaesokh and Dharuma. buds appear on last year's branches (growths), so they are not cut. Only at the end of the summer you can remove the fiction of the infloresception.

Hydrangea Differs in frost resistance and abundant bloom. Thanks to the bright white, similar to the pumps of inflorescences - the balls, it will perfectly fit both in the village and in modern style Garden. The most hardy variety tree hydrangea AnnaBelle , the flowers of which painted at first in gentle-green color, increasing, gradually become white. This, and less known varieties Grandiflora. and White Dome. Flowers appear on shoots of this year. So it can be in early spring without a remorse of conscience root , leaving 15-20 cm above the surface of the soil. Thanks to such a radical trimming on the bush, more inflorescences will appear, while they will be larger. With young plants should be coordinated, they are cut more moderately. In May, After the appearance of the leaves, the plant is usually no longer cut. . Since these hortensia Very heavy and large inflorescences, they need a support. Tip: re-rooting some of the stems in mid-June, then later the shrub will start blossoming again and will last it up to the fall.

In time distinguished autumn, Spring and Summer Trimming , of which the spring is considered the main one. At the same time, for each group of roses, from small flower and up to high plenty, there are their rules for trimming.

The most suitable time for spring trimming roses, comes in April , namely, when the Forsic flowers bloom. As a rule, this means that the threat of severe frosts has already passed and soon new shoots will appear at the queen of flowers. However, if the rose needs to be very easy to switch or remove individual old branches, then it can be done in the fall.

Cropped branches can not be left in the garden or put in compost. Then it will be possible to prevent the spread to other plants, pathogenic microbes, mushrooms causing black spot and real mildewing dew.

Shrub roses (removable) single and re-blooming are cut in different ways. The latter includes all modern varieties, park rosesas well as many english roses, great blooming all summer. Early In the spring they need to cut forward Removing primarily dry and damaged branches. Short down side shoots with outside A bush is approximately 5 kidneys. This contributes to a more abundant flowering.

If you wish, you can shorten a shrub in a height per and two thirds of length. It is blooming once, many old varieties include. They bloom abundantly on the growth of last year. In order for the next year on plants, shoots with floral kidneys were formed, immediately after flowering, such roses should be trimmed.

Floribund, tea-hybrid and miniature roses.

First remove the frozen, dry and damaged branches , then growing inside the bush stalky, and cut to a healthy fabric. Then 3-5 of the youngest and strong stems are shortened taking into account the growth strength and varietal features of each plant. In roses from groups of floribund and tea-hybrid on each stem, there are 3-4 lower well developed kidneys, and heavy varieties are larger. Miniature I. soil roses In the spring, do not cut down at all And in the summer they remove the bleached inflorescences, with 1-2 leaves.

Pleet roses.

At removable plenty roses in spring cut all old stems , leaving 5-6 strong annual increases, and if there are few of them, then a few two-year-old, and shorten the side sprigs up to 3-5 kidneys. After trimming, the stems are neatly tied up to the support, if possible, directing the stems at the top of the horizontally or at an angle, which stimulates flowering. In the summer, the faded flowers are removed along with 2-3 leaves, after which the roses are quickly blooming again.

Single-winding rampers, such as varieties Veilchenblau. , do not deliver a lot of trouble. The flowering of them passes along the entire length of the overwhelming stalks of last year's growth, so trimming is reduced to removing all old stems and shortening side shoots up to 20-25 cm.

Stumbling roses.

When trimming strabetic roses, it is important to know which group includes graft graft . If it belongs to tea-hybrid, floribunda or sustained roses Compact form forms predominantly straightforward branches. To give the crown of a strambered rose rounded shape, the branches of such plants in early spring are shortened to 20-30 cm.

If Kronu. stumbus Rose. present varietal miniature Roses , they are cut as hard. In a different way, things are dealing with roses with disintegrating stems, so-called wasting or cascade straak roses. They will bring with plenty roses, including rabblers, as well as miniature roses with drooping stems. Cascade roses are shortened only too long branches. Nevertheless, that Rose from year to year remains beautiful and abundantly bloom, still it is necessary to remove too old branches from time to time, thereby freeing the place to form young growths.

Important: Before rummageing the queen of colors, carefully urinate the secret. Then the slice will turn out even, and besides, you will spend less time on the haircut.