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Spraying trees: caring for fruit trees in spring and autumn. What spray fruit trees at what time of the day spray trees

Repeated spraying fruit trees After flowering, actually, as before flowering, and in early deadlines Even before the renewal of the growing season, taking into account all the factors of the extremely necessary measure. Garden pests are a whole half, and everyone has their own taste addictions, their own biology of development, the plus there are favorable or no weather conditions during the year to form their numbers.

Sooner or later, the protection of his garden from not laid guests is beginning to engage in every gardener. It often happens that you are waiting with the anticipation of good crops of fruits and berries, watching the raw flowering of their spring. And the time comes, and seemingly recently hanging small green fruits of plums, apple trees, pears, cherries, suddenly find themselves on Earth, Nose. Why is that? After all, all pest treatments were held? Probably bad drugs are likely to fake - most often such a conclusion is heard. But no, this is not the point! Even using high-quality poisons, you can get the same result. In addition, in the spring, the fruit trees will be reserved.

It's all about the timing and multiplicity of cultural treatments, in its development phases at that time, period protective action The drug itself, as well as the biology of the harmful object, to be more accurate, its stages of development, weather conditions. For example, the fruit apple tree is vulnerable in the butterfly stage, before laying eggs. If this moment is missing, and it lasts only 3-7 days while the butterfly lays eggs, further processing of the apple tree will be simply meaningless, by any means of protection. Upon exit from the pending eggs, the caterpillar breaks down the shell of the fetal fetus, is introduced into the flesh and settles in the center near the seeds. Here it will not give her no poison, she is complete. In addition, this pest for spring and summer gives several generations and performs a thunderstorm garden up to cleaning.

What to spray and what time

Proper gardening is a guarantee of obtaining a quality harvest. Fruit trees also need care, watering, trimming, feeding, chemical treasures, like any other culture on our garden. Let's sort out what how and what time do the spraying of trees is most effective.

Plant protection products from pests can be:

Chemical. Very effective, give a quick effect, hold the protective screen to 2-3 weeks. There may be like a narrow-controlled and wide range of action. It is possible to carry out the processing of them only strictly adhering to the instructions of cooking and dosages for each specific culture and a hindral object. But here is the time of the departure of the pest from the shelters, in which they winterized, every year different. And they depend directly from weather conditions. So, if the spring is warm, then the awakening of fruit trees and their eternal satellites will come earlier; If cold - then later.

Biological. Differ from the first nature of the content of the active substance. That is, it is usually temporarily not active strains of microorganisms groups. The activation of which occurs when dissolved in water and spraying into fruit trees. This may also be insects - predators, destroying the number of a harmful object (for example, God's cow protects the garden from the Tly, going to it). Ferromon traps are very effective from apple-tree frozing, moths, etc.

Combined. Such a means for spraying trees is interested in what can work at the same time as chemical preparationand biological. As a rule, contains in itself one of the components of the anti-accaricidal active ingredient (from the tick). It is very amazed by toss plum, apple trees, pears. A pleasant bonus will be the deliverance from the Tly, but this is at the expense of another active component. Such drugs may not require apply them again. To understand the sea of \u200b\u200binformation related to this may require help of specialists. Sometimes, if territory and technical capabilities Do not allow to cope with volumes, then have to resort to the help of special organizations offering our services in this area.

So in the conditions of the Moscow region spraying trees in the spring and throughout the season the following companies are engaged in: LLC "Royal Nursery of Decorative Gardens-VA", "Your Garden", "Garden Processing", a number of others.

In the domestic conditions, on their own, the spraying of trees in the spring can also be perfectly carried out on their own. We will understand more. First, with the main one - this is a spray time.

It is necessary to start the spraying of trees in the spring only when the average daily air temperature is achieved + 5ºС.

Kidney by this time will begin to swell and pour. Usually, B. middle laneThis is March month and the time of the first spring processing from pests.

Previously cleaned wood from the old bark, lichen with a metal brush. In foliage under the trees, a kind half of harmful objects. Therefore, the sheet must be assembled and burned, and the soil under it is treated with the same insecticide solution. Apply better at this time. Effective means of protection: from diseases (fruit rot, pass, rust, dr.) - Bordeaux liquid, copper sipop, djpotamat; From pests (from apple treary) - Aktara, DR.

Trees trunks to protect with cable belts, at the level of the half-meter from the ground, previously turning them.

When working with poisons, you need to protect yourself individual protection: Mask on Breath Organs, Rubber Gloves, Clothes with Long Sleeves, Pants, Closed Shoes.

During spraying, strictly monitor the quality of work, carefully wetting and moisturizing the surface of the barrel and twigs, as well as land under them. Of people's methods Apply within these deadlines ready-made solutions from jam, kvass, compote. Poured into bottles and hang on the branches. They work like catholic belts - lure and lie.

When the stage of the green cone appears, spraying fruit trees with solutions of the same drugs.

From Tlim, most likely, you will have to carry out another processing - according to young leaflets. And then, during the season, after the flowering of processing, it is necessary to repeat not once, because it gives it not one generation, and it will be transferred to the ants, so after the use of poison, it can appear again and again, especially in very hot days, in the bake . Therefore, the Tly is quite difficult to get rid of. Purples protruding with favorite cultures for her.

Tsley preparations today in the plant protection market a wide choice. In the period of bloom itself, the poisons are not recommended. The main reason is the years of bees and other insects of pollinators for whom they can be fatal. And without pollination - there will be no fruit. In this case, it is better to warn.

If last year the degree of contamination of the leaves and fruits is a pair, moniliosis, rust, cockclock, fruit, leaflet, etc. Diseases and pests were high, then processing this season is obligatory.

Spraying fruit trees after flowering

This is the most golden time. Moreover, process the garden from pests and diseases will come further. The last time - a month before harvesting, not later (by this, we, just, are obliged to the apple tree and leaflet, the passage); It is possible to work and from Tsley on pear and plum, if the summer is hot long.

At the same time, it is possible to combine processing against these pest species and use poisons: Danadim, Callery, Summethion, Fufanon, Carbofos, Kinmix, Insegoar, Karate Zeon, Calypso, etc.

At later dates, it is better to use biological preparations: phytodeterm, lepyocid, batchibacillin. The tick will help the inson. Immediately after flowering, continue processing against diseases - from the paste, from fruit rot (maniliosis), which are mostly affected by seeds: pears, apple trees. In the fight against the latter, in this period, a good effect gives 1% solution of burglar fluid or a zircon solution, cinet, caption, chloropuse copper, etc. Processing repeat again after 14-20 days after.

Against the brushes are effective, Sorrow, strobe, impact, ruby, chorus, kids, etc. further, also require repeated processing with an interval in two to three weeks. Very effectively spraying with copper vitriol (solution: 100 g / 10 l. Water).

There is still one little-known dacha pest - plum fruit. It appears in early June. At this time, carbofos solutions are used, fozalone. Two weeks are required to repeat. If you ignore this moment, the plums will be on Earth are still greens.

Urea spraying also gives a positive result in combating fungal and viral infections Garden. In addition, it does not pose a danger to ambient. It can even replace borodic liquid. But at the same time, the chemistry should always keep on ready, to process it will still have to. Urea is better to apply as a drug to combat diseases, in autumn or in early spring, Before dissolving most of the crown (5% solution).

Everyone who is engaged in gardening dreams of a beautiful fragrant garden and a rich yield. To achieve such a result, regular care for fruit trees is needed. Spraying fruit trees in spring is an integral procedure in order to assemble high-quality fruits. Each processing and a separate type of wood needs their own methods and timelines.

Procedure for treating trees in spring

Spring spraying fruit trees includes three common processing:

  1. The first is carried out early in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. First, the territory around the tree is cleared from last year's remnants: fallen and pumping foliage, dry branches. Then the trunks (hawed lime, pva and insecticides) are performed. It will protect OT. sun burns And destroy pests
  2. The next step is the spraying of the garden with copper vigor. The spraying of trees of the vitriol will save from the appearance of harmful insects, such as media, blooming and weevil. The solution is made in the ratio of 100g of the drug on 10 liters of water. Water should be warm, but not hot. If there is a bordeaux liquid, then it will be effective to spray it with a mixture of it (600 gr) and copper sipop (300 gr) on the water bucket. This procedure will also protect against fungal diseases and saturates copper plants.

The same result will give a mixture of vitriol (50 gr) and urea (700 g). Divideced by 10 liters of water and is a fertilizer for such trees such as a pear, apricot, quince, apple tree, cherry,. An excellent disinfectant will become for shrubs:, gooseberry. The calculation is taken as: by 10 square meters. m three liters of the mixture.

The second composition of the solution and processing them will save from the appearance of ticks, dustwater, weevil and other insects living in winter time under wood crust. For him, we take into 9 parts of water diesel and 72% laundry soap. The diesel fuel is needed on one part more than water, and the soap is enough one part, grated on the grater.

If the insects still chose some trees, then the composition of spraying after a week is carried out again, until the impact of pests.

Spraying fruit trees in the spring will prevent the appearance of diseases and relieve from harmful insects, which will be the key to a good harvest in the fall. Most drugs are toxic, so conducting preventive actions In the garden, it is worth remembering about security measures.

Using various preparations for spraying fruit trees in the spring, it is necessary to take into account their temporary action. Depending on the composition, the action of most of them ends 10-14 days after processing. The highest quality are the combined mixtures.

Folk recipes for spraying fruit trees

Bordeaux liquid

Its use helps to protect trees from this kind of diseases as a pass, rot, the curlyness of the leaves, moniliosis, spotted lesions and rust. After processing by this means, the amount of fruits increases and the growth of leaves is stimulated.

In the spring period, 1% solution is used. For its preparation, 100 grams of negated lime takes and diluted with water in the amount of 5 liters. Capacity for this takes two times more. In the second bucket of 100 g of copper might mix with hot water (In order to avoid reaction with iron, the dishes is taken from glass or plastics). The resulting mixture of sipop pour into a lime (but not vice versa). All mix and immediately proceed to processing, as the shelf life of this fluid is not more than six hours.

Copper Kuner

Spraying fruit trees with 1% solution helps prevent drying, pass, leaf curlyness, spotted species Diseases on an apple tree, cherry, pear, peach, plum, quince, cherry, apricot, cherry and some types of shrubs. The proportions of the solution depend on the age of the tree.

In the fight against mold and with the disinfection of the Earth, 3% solution is used, in order to prevent, the treatment of wounds and deliverance from fungal diseases is made 0.5%, 0.2% solution is used as feeding and fertilizer. For processing trees in early spring, the last two options are suitable.

Colloid sulfur

Kills fungal diseases And prevents the appearance of ticks. Using this drug should be remembered that it cannot be used simultaneously with other means containing pesticides, mineral oils or phosphoric connections. Since it is a potent substance to use special protection measures when working with it.

For processing, sulfur powder is divorced with simple water to sour cream mass. After that is added required amount Water to obtain the desired dose solutions. It is worth remembering that the use of other drugs is permissible after 15 days.

The most common preparations for spraying fruit trees


It is used for prevention from spotted diseases, prevents the growing of moss and lichen, eliminates the cycle-rodent insects. Perfectly fights with weeds near the trees, such as moc., Furk and them like. The replacement for it will serve drugs double blow and the day.

For a solution on the fruit trees, 200 g of nitrophen on a 10-titilitone water bucket is taken; to carry out the disinfection of the soil on the same amount of water 300 g. One adult tree Requires 30 liters of this drug.

Double punch

The drug double blow to spraying trees is used to protect against fungal type diseases and protects against pests. This drug among gardeners is famous for a long action and high levels Plant protection.

To properly use this drug, you need to know the dosage: here 30 g of the mixture is designed for 10 liters of water. The ideal option It is considered both to care for trees in early spring and autumn.


One of the most popular funds in the struggle against the pests of the root system. Destroys both larvae and small insects and adult individuals. It's good fighting, frozing, potato mole and fly. Is harmless to people and animals. Perfect for spraying fruit trees such as pear, cherry, apple tree or peach.


It has proven itself in preventive purposes from fungal diseases. Kills infected cells that appeared in winter. It acts only on young plants, for older trees it is not recommended to apply. A distinctive feature It is its effectiveness when used in cool weather, as most means are used, on the contrary, in dry.


Changes with most types of diseases. Applied before the appearance of infected dispute. If such appeared, then the effect will not be effect. Slightly it is not recommended to conduct more than three treatments, otherwise the opposite result will arise (for example, it will appear). Protection keeps about a week.

Additional information about the spring spraying

All drugs for spraying fruit trees contain keriformicates, so when using any of them, security measures should be observed.

Several recipes from pests for their own preparation that are not sold in stores:

To get a good harvest to care for the trees, you need from early spring and is not recommended to tighten with the deadlines. This is the most favorable time for the development of diseases in plants and laying larvae insects. To prevent this site, use the recommendations described. Observing all these rules, in the fall you will certainly be rewarded with numerous healthy fruits.

Video: Detailed instructions for processing bone trees

How to process the trees on the site, as part of the following video:

The main part of the work in the Garden is to maintain the optimal state of decorative green plantings and cultural plants. Fighting pests, prevention of diseases, increasing fruit and other measures for tanned flora are mandatory economic work Location on. Trees and shrubs are perhaps the least demanding of care, nevertheless regular spraying - prerequisite For their development and beautiful flowering. BUT fruit-berry varieties Provide a dacket and natural delicacies, but again, subject to the competently prepared spring spraying.

Time and Conditions

Many gardeners and dacms are engaged in caring for trees along with other work on the site. In other words, when time will allow. But to get the highest effect should not be focused on the personal schedule. Experienced farmers recommend spending a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs after snow cover completely comes down and warm weather will restore. At the time of processing, the temperature should be at least +5 ° C. In time, you can note two periods - the beginning of March and mid-April. Spraying at the very beginning of spring is aimed at the destruction of microorganisms, when the kidneys are just starting their height. In April, drugs will ensure the protection of apple trees, apricots, pears and other trees from insects, bugs and fungal diseases. Perhaps the May spraying, after flowering.

Technical means

The traditions of domestic management of the country farm involve the use homemade devices and spraying devices. Re-equipment canes, cans and buckets are eliminated from the cost of special devices. But this path is doubtful in terms of efficiency and safety. Since spraying of fruit trees, shrubs, as well as cultivated plants, requires accuracy and sometimes point processing, it is more expedient to use specialized aggregates. First, they are more convenient, and secondly, they do not represent dangers for the user. The main thing is to relate the requirements for chemical processing Specific garden and vegetation with the parameters of the device.

Rechargeable, gasoline, manual and automatic models make it possible to effectively produce a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs to a poisonous substance, eliminating the risk of burning burns or poisoning. Some devices are also supplied with extension cords and other additions opening access to hard-to-reach zones.

What to spray?

Despite the development chemical industry Processing preparations garden vegetation It is fundamentally not changing decades. However, some modifications based on traditional drugs make modern spraying of trees and shrubs in spring more efficiently and safer.

The most common tools include the following:

  • copper sulphate;
  • lime milk;
  • insectoacaricide (the so-called preparation 30B);
  • soap-ash mix (urea).

The selection of a specific spraying agent is made on the basis of the effect that is required to obtain: destruction of pests, disease prevention, raising fruitiness, etc. Also, should also be taken into account how safely the drug is regarding the application to a certain type of tree or shrub.

Spraying copper vitriol

This is one of the most famous compositions that professionals are also called despite the popularity of the fund, few know how to spray the trees with copper vitrios so that the effect is maximum.

The vigor should be used before the kidneys blossomed, that is, early in the spring. The three-percent solution has the following formulation: 10 liters of water 300 g directly of the vigor and 400 g of the limit base. Regarding use in processing, pears and apple trees marks the effectiveness of the fight against a pair. In cases of plums and cherries, it is not bad manifest itself against the slurryososporiosis and kokkomicosis. Shrubs are also protected by this tool, for example, blackberry and raspberries can be delivered from spot.

Spraying with limestone milk

This solution will help preserve health, fruitiness and in the conditions of late frosts. Properly prepared spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring of lime milk for a week detaining flowering, but the kidneys will save from death. In the course of processing on the branches, a thin lime layer is formed, which does not grow and develop the remaining eggs, dolls and pest larvae. The solution is prepared from water and fresh lime. Optimal combination: 10 l 1.5 kg of active mixture.

Spraying urea

It is fairly common in the farms of experienced summer houses and urea, which is a soap-ash mix. It is prepared in this way: on 10 liters of water 1 kg of sifted wood ash. The mixture is boiling, after which it must be cooled, strain and give to settle. But before spraying fruit trees in the spring soap-ash mixture, you must add to it green soap (20 g) and immediately urea (30 g).

Insecticacaricide in spraying

This is a relatively new remedy in Russia, which was allowed for use in private farms in 2013. Dachniks and gardeners know it as a drug 30B. Among his advantages, environmental purity and versatility in the fight against various garden pests. In addition, the strong effect of the insectoacaricide allows you to cope with biological problems in old gardens, where the insect nesting has been subjected for the years.

With this means, it is possible not only spring spraying of fruit-berry trees, but also processing decorative shrubs. The procedure is performed once in the season, as a rule, to the dissolution of the kidneys. It is important to consider temperature mode: As indicated in the instructions, the thermometer should not show less than +4 ° C.

Spraying with diesel and iron vigor

Also, in some cases, the diesel fuel is used and due to the specificity of the action they received less distribution, but in the same launched gardens can protect the flora from unwanted livestock. The benefits of the diesel fuel refers to a potent effect - covering the film of the branch and crown, it eliminates any damage to insects and kills the larvae left under the crust. But it is important to know how to spray fruit trees and shrubs in spring with this means.

The fact is that the diesel fuel is a petroleum product, so the concentration must be as gentle as possible. In addition, for some particularly capricious decorative varieties Its application is not recommended, since the film closes the pores of the plant.

Iron vitrios, in turn, in addition to a protective function, supplies plants with useful trace elements. When a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out, it is worth treating a vitriol and the soil - iron entering the ground, acts as feeding and contributes to the production of chlorophyll.

How is spraying?

Since the event involves working with chemically hazardous solutions and drugs, a respirator or multilayer glasses and gloves should be prepared (better rubber). Despite special protective fundsIn the course of work, direct contact with the composition used should be avoided.

Before starting the spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs, you need to explore branches and trunks. They should not remain lichens and moss - the removal is made by a metal brush. Next, it is necessary to estimate the condition and readiness of the sprayer. It should be planned to plan the work of work in advance, comparing accessibility to highly growing branches with the capabilities of the device. If everything is ready for processing, you can pour chemical composition In the appropriate compartment.

Spraying should be evenly the surface of the pillar, branches and foliage. As noted, soil processing may be required, but this is last. In order for the cleaning of irrigation to be uniform and the solution is not allocated too thick, it is necessary to observe the optimal distance, as a rule, 80 cm. When the work is completed, all elements of the sprayer are thoroughly clean. The face and hands should also be rinsed with soap with an antibacterial effect, and mouth rinse.

Spraying the garden plays an important role in the vital activity of each individual plant, affects their development and fruitiness. If you splash the trees on time with the necessary compositions, you can significantly improve the quality and amount of crop.

Consider in more detail the procedure for spraying the garden and answer a number of questions: the better splashing the trees in early spring, late, in summer, is it worth spending an event in the fall? We will also figure out in the compositions (fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides).

This article will help everyone who wishes to adhere to the garden. If you do not have the right time, due experience and the vast desire to work yourself, we recommend using the services of professional gardeners. We quickly and qualitatively take care of your landing! :)

Mandatory spraying

First of all we will tell when you need to splash the trees. Mandatory spraying procedures come in spring time. There are several of them: Before the appearance of foliage, before and during flowering, as well as after the plants are swinging. Each event carries its function.

  1. Before the appearance of the first greenery on the branches, the garden spray in order to destroy pests that have successfully overwhelmed in the crust and shoots. Also, the spraying serves as prevention against diseases: pasta, kokkomicosis, swasteporiosis, etc. If you are interested in how to splash the trees to the dissolution of the kidneys, pay attention to copper-based drugs: copper sipop, burglar liquid or specialized mixtures (sold in horticultural stores).
  2. The second sanitary event falls at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Objective: Improving immunity and resistance against fungal diseases. To the question than splashing trees before flowering, there is no unambiguous answer. C is a mass of special preparations or one of the fungicides: burglar liquid, iron or copper sipop.
  3. Now consider when and than splashing trees in the spring when you bloom. It is best to spend two procedures: the first - after all the buds dissolve; The second - in two weeks (when 75% of petals fee). These are two complemental spraying, carried out in order to combat garden pests (mainly ticks and weevils) and increase immunity to fungal diseases. In this case, carbofos are used, DDT or anabazine powder.
  4. When the plants are flashing, the following event is carried out - spraying to increase resilience to causative agents of rotary diseases, as well as to destroy the extinguished insect larvae. So, what to splash the trees after flowering to solve these tasks? Combined mixtures are already applied here, you can buy them on specialized points of sale.
  5. Summer splashes special compositions To exterminate a certain type of insect or rapid saturation of the garden, the necessary microelements (the so-called extraxarrow feeder).

Our specialists will help to hold preventive procedures. Experienced gardeners with many years of experience will select an effective tool and will hold necessary work According to the "highest category"! :)

We select the composition

Early spring effectively splashing trees with diesel. Spraying is carried out in March. The refining product perfectly copes with the task of destroying pests. The diesel fuel covers the plant with a thin oily film, overlapping free access to oxygen with larvae, overwhelming on plants. Of course, living creatures dies.

Against all sorts of fungal diseases best prevention Except to splash the trees with copper vigorous or burglar liquid. They are not only struggling with causative agents of disease, but also increase the immunity of the garden as a whole.

Spraying carbofosomes has its advantages. The substance is perfectly burning the larvae of pests, like acid. In addition, plants are saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, carbofos are used as a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In view of these features, it is necessary to accurately determine when the trees of the urea costs, and at what time of year - the processing of plants will entail negative consequences. Remember - the treatment of the garden with nitrogen-containing compositions is not allowed in a state of Drema (March) or during the preparation of plantings to sleep (the second half of the autumn). In both cases, the use of urea will negatively affect the development of the garden.

By the way, the copper cunery is sometimes replaced with iron. It has a similar action, but in parallel with this carries a useful property for some plants: it satages them with an important trace element - iron. This trace element is involved in many oxidative apple trees, peach plants, cherries. Therefore, before sprinkling peach or apple trees with copper vigorous carefully inspect the plant for iron deficiency.

There are I. folk recipes Spraying substances capable of replacing fungicide in the fight against certain types of pests or diseases. For example, if you are interested in how to splash the trees from the Tly, liquids with a sharp smell come here. Excellent showers of garlic or tobacco. Tly do not tolerate sharp flavors.

Choose the current composition for your garden and our professional gardeners will help prevent preventive events. We will take care of your landing quickly, efficiently and cheap! :)

Technological process

Now let's tell how to splash the trees, consider the technology and give a list of tools. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • special pump and spraying fluid;
  • protection tools (rubber gloves, respirator, glasses).

First of all, decide when it is better to splash the trees. It is necessary to conduct an event in dry weather, preferably early in the morning or after sunset. Thus, the applied fluid is as much as possible, it does not wash off the rain and will not evaporate in the sun. So, day and time is chosen, it's time to proceed:

  1. Spray the active ingredient over the entire surface of the tree. Watch that the composition lay down evenly small dew. To do this, keep the tip of the spraying machine at a distance of 60-70 cm from the surface coated.
  2. Periodically, shake the liquid in the pump tank. This is done so that the solution does not smell.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wash all the pump elements. Then wash your hands and face simple soap And rinse your mouth.

Frequently asked Questions

After talking with novice gardes and spilling many forums, we allocated a number of questions that are most often tormented by newcomers. We will try to give intelligible answers to each of them.

  • Question №1: When do you need to splash the trees - in the spring, autumn or summer?

Each spraying performs its function depending on the composition of the substance that is applied in the procedure. For example, copper-based compositions are perfectly struggling with fungal diseases, and urea burns pests perfectly. Universal means It simply does not exist from all problems, so the event is carried out several times a year: at least three times in spring and 2-3 times in the summer. The spring event serves as prevention, and the summer - to destroy pests, capturing the tree or saturation of the garden with the necessary elements (nitrogen, iron, etc., depending on the deficit) is the so-called extraxarrow feeding.

  • Question # 2: What to splash trees in March and why not apply urea during this period?

Early spring spraying is carried out with the aim of destroying insects who are overwhelmed in the "deprane" of the tree. For these purposes, drugs based on copper or diesel fuel are often used. They perfectly cope with this task. Carbofos also has a unique property - it satts the garden with nitrogen. What does it mean? Urea activates vegetative processes. It is not worthwhile to wake the garden, he will wake up when the earth and the air warms up. Previously, awakening will not entail anything good.

  • Question number 3: When and what splashing trees from the leaflet?

This is one of the most "harmful" types of insects. They damage the fertilizers from the middle of the spring and almost to the end of the autumn. It is necessary to fight them even before the start of the blown of the kidneys. Effective means For spraying: diest, machine oil emulsion. In the middle of spring, urea is used. In the summer of the caterpillars can be raised by tobacco or carbofos. If the pests are a bit, they are often collected and destroyed by hand - but this is an ineffective way to fight.

  • Question number 4; Is it possible to splash the trees during flowering?

Yes! Not only possible, but also need! In this period, many pests are dedicated, ticks and weevils crawl. The latter damage the buds of the wound, so their destruction is a paramount task if you want to get a big and high-quality harvest.

We will remind you to conduct important events for the vital activity of your garden instead of you can professional gardeners. We will take care of your site as high quality and carefully! :)

When and than splashing trees video

So that the garden justifies your expectations, pleased the eyes and soul good harvestIt is necessary to provide him with the right, professional care. Landscaping workshop Lenotr Park will gladly take care of processing and spraying fruit trees and shrubs. For this we have experienced specialists, special equipment. Order the processing of the garden in Moscow and the Moscow region is simply only one call on the telephone indicated in the right column.

Cost of work:

Spring treatment of fruit trees is a number of measures aimed at preventing and treating diseases of trees and shrubs, to prevent the invasion of pest insects or on the destruction of these. From how timely, work quickly, organized and competently carry out work, depending the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the future harvest.

Spring trees treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • Before the beginning of the vegetation
  • On the green cone, when the kidneys fucked
  • During flowering
  • After flowering.

Spraying is also carried out and outside this schedule, as needed.

But at the same time it is necessary to realize that the spring spraying of fruit trees is not a strictly regulated event in the sense that no one says in advance when both drugs have to process the garden, because each tree is unique in its characteristics and state, respectively, requires an individual approach. When planning the processing of fruit trees, it is necessary to repel, first of all, on the degree of garden infestation by those or other insects and diseases. The principle of "just in case" in relation to the trees is not applicable. Excessive use of chemicals may adversely affect the well-being plants, besides, it is undesirable for people and the environment as a whole.

Landscape workshop Le-Park provides services for complex spring trees and shrubs in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our experts are held competent planning events proper selection Preparations, timely and high-quality spraying. You can order as complex gardening and seasonal garden treatment.

First processing to the awakening of the kidneys

In early March, when the snow comes down, and the daily temperature will be established steadily within + 5 ° C, you can proceed to preventive or wellness activities.

Trimming and cleaning of trees and shrubs

The garden treatment of early spring begins with trimming trees and shrubs. Thinks should be removed, dead and summing up branches, clear the thickened crown. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the sections of the bark damaged by rodents. The locations of the damage are cleaned up to living wood fabric, be sure to be treated first with copper vigor (1% solution), then - by the ranks (in the same way, the sections of the cuts of branches are processed during trimming, the copper sumpeant is not required).

After that, it is necessary to carefully, without damaging the bark, clean the trunks and branches from the detached and cracked dead crust, from fungal raids, lichens. The removed dead bourney under the tree can not be left. It is advisable to pre-lay around the trunk and under the crown cellophane film or another litter. After the end of the work garbage collect and burn. If there are stumps in the garden, which are a constant source of fungal diseases, they need to emerge.

Be sure to handle the hollow, if any. Slend them, disinfect, lubricate and leave to push, sticking from rain and dirt.

Treatment of trunks

Next, in the spring processing of trees, the tricks of trunks and the rollers. The task of this event is to prevent the development of the remaining larvae pest pests in the fall, scare adult pest insects, which soon wake up and kill the spores of fungi.

Effective for these purposes are modern means (already ready for use) that can be purchased in specialized stores. They are several species: aerosol, water-dispersion, acrylic. In their composition, as a rule, there are fungicides. It is desirable that the mixture passes air, which is especially important for young trees.

You can prepare a solution for whitening trees yourself. For this, 2 kilograms of hazed lime to dilute in a bucket of water, add 1 kg of clay and 250 g of copper sulphate. Some add a household soap, glue. Mix everything well. This mixture is to whiten the trunks and the lower parts of the stem branches of trees.

It is also necessary to prepare for processing the priority platforms. If the autumn works were not carried out, it is necessary to give the closest attention. Last year's foliage, mummified fruits remove and burn.

The first spraying of trees and shrubs of early spring

The very first spring spraying of trees is carried out in obligatory. Spraying before the awakening of the kidneys is performed, and it is directed, first of all, against fungal diseases - brush, kokkkikosis, letters of leaves, against moss and lichens, etc., as well as against Tly, ticks, caterpillars of apple moths, medalers, etc.

What spray trees in early spring? For sale now many drugs. The problem is that they often have a narrow-controlled action. Therefore, by purchasing attention to the description. It is better to use the preparations of a wide range of action. It is clear that a person far from gardening is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to quickly understand the intricacies of this case. Right decision will appeal for help to professionals that know exactly - than when, how much and how.

But, if there is no such possibility, by virtue of certain reasons, we advise you to use proven and reliable means. It is a copper vigor, burglar liquid, carbamide, iron vigor. Pay attention to the mixture of carbamide with copper vitrios. They are good in that in addition to their immediate plant protection function, nitrogen fertilizer And delay the growing season for a week and a half. Both additional factor are useful. Nitric feeding is quite relevant at the start, and later flowering reduces the risk of falling into spring frost.

Spray trees need plentifully, starting from the surface of the crown and gradually moving inside, to the trunk in the direction from above-down. Incorrect platforms are also thoroughly treated with a solution, after which it is close to close the area surgeless circles Black film (film is removed after the end of flowering). This is done in order to reduce the likelihood of the exit of the larvae of malicious insects from the soil.

After spraying, you can put on the trees of the curiy belt. And although the insects have not yet awakened, very soon their hordes rushes on the trees.

As for shrubs - currants and gooseberries, they are processed immediately after snow comes down. On the gooseberry, it is necessary to cut branches damaged by American powdery dew, on currant cut branches with unnaturally swollen kidneys, in which females of the currant higsis set (cut branches are out of the garden and burn). Shrubs are sprayed with solutions of iron vapor or nitrafena.

Second spring processing on a green cone

By the time of the crumpled kidney, the life of flora and fauna will resume after the winter completely and will become a little clearer, what trouble threatened the garden. In addition, attentive gardeners may already be predicted to predict outbreaks of diseases and the activity of certain types of pests (taking into account the current and last year's observations).

Selection of preparations for treating trees and shrubs at this spring time is a difficult task. Dozens of new funds are produced every year, to which pests are adapted during the year. No matter how good is this or that drug, it is not able to solve all the problems with complex, by one coming. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and accurately diagnose diseases, identify the type of pest and select the appropriate means of protecting and treating trees.

If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region - at your service qualified gardeners landscaped workshop Lenotr Park. You can get professional advice at any time or use the services of specialists for spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs.

Preparations, depending on the state of trees, can be used chemical or biological.

Chemical preparations are fairly radical means with some side-unwanted impacts on the environment.

Biopreparations - non-hazardous for the environment, animals, insect pollinators and people. Their production is based on the use of living microorganisms (bacteria, bacterial viruses, antagonist mushrooms). They are not so aggressive in relation to pests and to achieve the result, spraying them is carried out more often.


  • Bordeaux liquid - Fungicide of a wide range of action
  • Fufanon - insecticide of a wide range of action against ticks, weedons, leaflers, shields, malinous beetle, twee, trips, moths, fires, etc.
  • Decis - Insecticide of contact-intestinal action against low, scraping, severe
  • Inta-Vir - Insecticide intestinal contact for the fight against tool, leaf-racing caterpillars, trips, blonde
  • Akarin - Insecticide of a wide range of action for the destruction of ticks, tribes, peelers, frozing, leaflers, garden pests.
  • Bi-58. - Insectaccharicide is effective against ticks, shields, leaflerting, frozing, media, moths, root pests.


  • Lepyocid - For treating from caterpillars, false guns, sawers on fruit and berry and forest hardware, coniferous rocks.
  • Bitoksibatillin (BTB-202) Fully repeats the action of the previous drug, and is also used against a paw-tick.
  • Hauksin - Used against all fungal diseases, as well as against ticks, frozing, leaflerting, ho.
  • Phytodemer - Recommended to combat ticks, fruit, many types ofphids, apple moth, sawers, trips, leaflers.

Spraying trees during flowering

During flowering, the garden is not processed by insecticides and fungicides. You can use biological products that stimulate the formation of the ovary. This is especially true when during the flowering of trees the weather does not contribute to the fly of bees. Actually, the drug is called "ovary" or "wounded universal". It is classified as growth stimulator.

The fruit trees are processed twice - during the period of active flowering, and during the period of fruits (7-10 days after the first spraying).

Berry shrubs are also sprayed twice - in the bootonization phase, and during the formation period.

During flowering, the intensity of work in the garden decreases. You can pay the time to filling the hollow, which were cleaned and disinfected earlier.

Spraying trees and shrubs after flowering

By the time of the start of fruit, all insects have already woke up and aimed at creating augable offspring, which to destroy the entire future harvest with foliage - a pair of trivia. Therefore, you can't lose vigilance. At this time, fruit trees from pests are treated, guided by the principle of an individual approach.

For Apricot, the main threat is the slurryososporiosis and monilial burns. Despite previous processing apricot trees It is necessary to process copper chloroks or 1% copper sulfate solution. If you have a twe and leaflerting, add to the solution for spraying insecticide.

The drain most often suffers from moniliosis, slurryosoporiosis, polystygmosis, etc. The copper is used for spraying with the addition of insecticide (if necessary).

The cherry and cherry are subject to slurryosospieriosis, a philiser appears on the foliage, the leftimeter, cherry fly, etc., is activated. From fungal diseases trees are treated with topsin, copper chlorokising. From insects - spraying with a zone, sumition.

On pears and apple trees after flowering often there is an appearance muced dew, Parsh and other spotting on foliage. It is necessary to spray with fungicides of the type of Vectra, Rubigan, the strobe, soon. Spraying repeat after 12 days, replacing the drug to another.

And thus need to analyze and spray all fruit trees and shrubs in the garden.

After the trees are flashing, there is a big risk of appearance of sawers, ticks, tribes, leafpers, etc. pests. At the very first signs of the presence of these "friends" of the garden, it is necessary to treat the trees insecticides of a wide range of action - bi 58n, Rogor C, Mitak, Danadim, etc.

Garden processing price in the spring period (Moscow / Moscow region)
Package name Count Hesker Service cost Note
Package "Cottage" from 6 to 20 acres. 6-20 hundred from 10.000 - price per share from 8.000 rubles
Package "Cottage" - one-time departure of a specialist for protecting plants for a complex spraying of the garden ( all trees and shrubs are processed up to 15 meters high) From diseases / pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners. from 21 to 50 acres. 21-50 hundred from 14.000 - price per share from 12.000 rubles. Action on spring treatments until 05/30/2019 The cost of this service depends on the remoteness of the object outside the MKAD. Trees with a height of more than 15 meters are calculated individually.
Package "Manor" - one-time departure of a specialist for protecting plants for a complex spraying of the garden ( all trees and shrubs are processed up to 15 meters high) From diseases / pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners. from 51 to 100 acres. 51-100 acrookes from 18.000 - stock price from 16.000 rubles. Promotion for spring processing until 05/30/2019 The cost of this service depends on the remoteness of the object outside the MKAD. Trees with a height of more than 15 meters are calculated individually.