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Description, varieties and origin of the Diffenbahi spotted. Types and varieties. Diffenbahia species and its varieties

Diffenbachia is an interesting, widespread plant capable of decoracing the interior in any office or in the apartment. Flowers love him for colorful appearance, rapid growth and simple care.

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Plant for favorable conditions It grows in a height of up to 2 m. It should be considered in detail beneficial features And the damage to the diffenbahia, a description of its varieties.

What are views?

Diffenbachia has large, beautifully painted leaves, but inexpressible flowers. As a result of the operation of breeders, more than 40 varieties of this room plant were obtained. The most common things are considered:

  • Camilla - a hybrid having a light lemon color of the leaves in the central part with a dark border along the edges;
  • Bause - not more than 90 cm high, with marble pattern on large yellow-green leaves;
  • Bowman - with large oval leaves reaching a length of 75 cm, with a light line in their mid-part and outgoing small specks;
  • diffenbachy spotted - with a pattern on pointed leaves, along the entire surface of which spots and clips of the color of ivory are scattered;
  • Ersteda, differing from other plant species with solid dark green leaves with a wide bright streak in his center;
  • Charming (Segina), highlighting a pattern in the form of a Christmas tree of contrasting color on the leaves;
  • Green Magic - a hybrid with a smooth dark green color of the sheet that gives in blue, with a white central strip and light rays outgoing from it;
  • Compact - miniature variety Plants having a lot similar to the caliber;
  • The reflector, the memorable color of the leaves of which is presented in the form of yellowish spots along the lateral veins on the dark surface;
  • Mars, on the large leaves of which there are many small strokes of light light that merging into a solid background.

All types of diffenbachia are divided into 2 groups: bush and tree. Tree have one strong stem. The bush plants are characterized by the presence of several stems and externally resemble a lush bush.

How blooms?

Not every flower water can boast a blooming diffane bag. With it for landscaping the interior, the focus is on the motley decorative leaves, and not on the flowers. At home, bloom is observed quite rarely.

Under favorable conditions in the middle of spring on the top of the plant from the sinuses of the sheet, the inflorescence of small buds of light yellow colors collected into the patch may appear. Top of inflorescence is tightly shrouded in a gentle coat with a cream shade.

A few days later, the flower joined, continuing to stay on the stem. During this period, the inflorescence should be removed, since it, taking the beneficial substances in the plant, can cause a stop of its further development.

With natural pollination of insects, the Diffenbachy flower would please the flowerfields with orange or red small berries, spectacularly looking at a rich foliage.

Plant Description

This exotic refers to the family of aroid. Right from the tropical forests of South America. The plant is named after the Vienna Gardener Josef Diffenbach, which was engaged in its breeding.

The flower has large motley leaves with an expressive pattern, which differs greatly depending on the type. The leaves reaching 25-30 cm in length are arranged alternately on a strong trunk of tree-like diffenbahia or on multiple herbaceous stems of its bush varieties.

As the lower left leaves are falling, taking decorativeness. Flowers are not obvious and at home rarely appear. The plant has a rapid growth and can reach a height of 1.8-2 m.

Diffenbachia refers to the number hazardous plants, Therefore, be careful.

Its feature can be called selection under certain conditions from the surface of the leaves of the caustic juice in the form of droplets. The effect of a crying plant is created. Especially expressive this property is manifested in contrasting leaves (Dieffenbachia Seguine).

The reason for "plassiness" is high humidity, sharp pressure change, excess moisture of an earthen coma. The plant acts as a barometer: before falling out atmospheric precipitation, it begins to "cry".

The flower will delight turbulent vegetation subject to correct conditions content. He loves moisture, heat and good lighting. Period from February to May is considered suitable time For its transplantation.

The plant is thermalized. The temperature in the room where it is located should be + 22 ... + 24 ° C. IN winter time It is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 18 ° C. Otherwise, the flower will stop the growth, hesitates and can perish.

Diffenbachia does not endure drafts, light access for it is required. In the hot season you need to protect the plant from direct sunlight exposure. So that it does not lose their appeal, it needs to be trimmed about 1 time per year.

From spring to autumn, the diffenbachy should be unscrewed, spray the leaves with water. Loves wet microclimate. It is necessary to feed 1 time in 2 weeks with a comprehensive fertilizer.

Winter for the plant is considered to be the time of relative rest. During this period, it is necessary to water to reduce, stop feeding.

Why don't you keep a differential home?

It can be dangerous for people and animals with their toxic juice. Under the rules and warning, the plant can be bolden to grow at home, glad and surrounding interesting solutions Interior decorations. With the content of the specified room flower At home you need:

  • do not let the plant of small children and animals;
  • all work with it to produce, applying the means of protection;
  • avoid entering juice on open parts of the body and mucous membranes
  • sensitive people watched plants not to cause allergies;
  • choose a suitable place for the flower away from the bedroom.

It is not recommended to grow a diffenbach in the bedroom for the following reason. Plants on light absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen than contribute to the improvement of the microclimate in the room. But at night there is a reverse process.

If you put a flower into sleeping, then its leaves of large size will quickly fill with carbon dioxide room. In the morning, a person will wake up with a headache, will not feel rested and vigorous.

Positive properties

The benefits of Diffenbahia, with its proper content, is as follows:

  1. Due to the wide leaves of the plant constantly and intensively sweeping dry air in rooms.
  2. Futoncides highlighted by flower suggests cleaning the room from pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. In the daytime, the plant well purifies the space from dust and enriches it with oxygen.
  4. Neutralizes the harmful effects on the human formaldehyde organism, harmful impuritiescontained in construction and fuel and lubricants.
  5. A large aesthetic pleasure delivers compositions from living plants, especially in winter.

In funds folk Medicine Diffenbachia is not used due to toxic juice.

Signs and superstition

According to esoteric, this flower is incompatible with the male energy, is lost men's powerdisappeared the possibility of continuing the kind, it turns out negative impact on health.

A man becomes uncomfortable to stay in the house where the plant is, and he leaves. Then his woman is doomed to loneliness. The people of Diffenbachia be called "Mugano".

According to Feng Shui - the Taoist practice of organizing space, there are no plants, harmful and dangerous, with bad energy. Knowing how to choose the right place for content, even the active energy of the plant can be curbed and make a positive effect on a person.

Then the plant will enhance creative and mental potential. If the Diffenbachy suddenly bloomed, then the family is waiting for cardinal changes in the near future.

Is it worth keeping beautiful exotic at home, each decides on their own. But superstitious people are better to refuse it right away.

What harm plant?

Diffenbachy juice is toxic, because it has calcium oxalate crystals and other dangerous enzymes. If the juice of this room flower can cause a strong burn or dermatitis when entering the skin of a person and animal. At the site of the defeat there is swelling, redness, blisters and ulcers.

It is more difficult about the ingestion of a poisonous juice in the body or eyes. In this case, there is a burn, swelling of the mucous membrane and oral cavity Or eyes, allergies, difficulty swallowing and breathing, enhanced salivation. Man is not able to talk. Can manifest strong poisoning.

Video Gallery


Diffenbachia home care Dieffenbachia


Diffenbachia transplanting and care. Sonic flowers. Dieffenbachia.


Shining Diffenbahia!


Poisonous plant Diffenbahia. This plant kills the child for 1 minute


Diffenbahia. Growing beautiful thick diffenbahia


How to grow diffenbachy. Diffenbahia, shilling, care, cultivation.


Diffenbahia. Methods of breeding.


Diffenbachia: pruning and rooting. My experience


Elegant diffenbahia without problems.


About the most important: dangerous home plants - Diffenbahia and Samshat

Where does the differentbachy grow? If you find yourself in the tropics of South and Central America, your attention will certainly attract the amazing beauty of the diffanebahia plants.

Confused this plant with others is not possible. Majestic, with large motley leaves.

There are plants with almost white leaves, some copies with white or yellow krapinkamiother white strips, Dissolved fan from the central vein of the sheet.

There are green representatives of this plant. The literature describes more 50 species Diffenbahia. but at home You can grow not many of them.

Diffenbahia Roda Representative evergreen plants, Family Aoid. Despite the fact that the diffenbachia in nature flowers, flowerfish belongs to decorative deciduous plants. Large sheet, oval with a varied pattern. The stalk at the plant is powerful, reprehensive. The plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Motherland indoor plant Diffenbahia - Central and South America.

More often the diffenbachy is grown as a single plant, but it is very it looks spectacularwhen in one flower pot Several plants are planted.

Look at the video, what the diffenbachy looks like and how to care for it:


Lower a slender system species of Diffenbahia Can not even specialists. Often they cannot come to an agreement in the title of individual species. Let's try to figure out.

(Amoena), not often found. Stem is meaty, reprehensive. Color from the sheet dark green with white stripes along the residences.

But (Camilla) uses flowerflowers in great demand .. very beautiful plant With practically white leaves. The young plant has the entire sheet of sheet white with a bright emerald narrow strip around the edges.

Diffenbahia Leopold (leipoldii) and Diffenbahia Ersteda (Oerstedii) are almost the same. Sheet 30 - 35 cm, color dark green, white central vein. Short stuff. Stem is small.

There are several types of titles Diffenbahia Pestray, colored, spotted and even drawn.

Among the diffenbahium there are many such ones based on hybrid varieties, one of the representatives - (Maculata). She happens to be "PRATEPENTER" Many new varieties.

If you want to settle Diffenbahia Baumanna (Bowmannii), you will have to give it your living space. Plant with huge leaves (at least 70 cm) do not put on the windowsill. The color of the leaves is dark green, all the surface of small white specks.

Do not remember Diffenbahia Baraguin (Baraquiniana). All types of differentials are distinguished by the coloring sheet, and this "beauty" is highlighted by snow-white stiff.

W. diffenbahia Bause (BAUSEI) The color of the leaves differs from the already described varieties. The color of the sheet is yellowish green. But the spots are dark green and white, the drawing resembles a marble color.

What does Diffenbachia look like: photo


To go around the party, you need to know the secrets of success in the cultivation of a beautiful plant:

Important! Slices of trunk can be planted without the roots of the diffenbahia. Be sure to wash off the juice of the plant before boarding.

A few years ago it was considered a great luck to get a piece of the stem of the Diffenbahia. Almost every apartment grew this beautiful plant. Gradually, the boom passed and now many flower products abandoned him. There are several reasons for this.

This is I. poisonous juice, I. big sizes, I. troublesome care, and the need to systematically rejuvenate the plant and the shed radio. For some reason suddenly gave the belief that Diffenbachia catches the men from the house. Chief of course, but we are sunsitive people.

It is better to get rid of the plant than the peasant will lose. This is a joke of course, but if seriously it is a pity that the flower products are more and more attention to such wonderful plant.

The video about how to glorify Diffenbachye:

Latin name: Dieffenbachia


Motherland:South and Central America

Interesting information about spectacular, downtown and successful diffanebahia

Diffenbachia (Diefenbachia) - Rod, consisting of thirty species of picturesque evergreen shrubs and grassy rhizome plants, belongs to the huge family of ARAID (ARACEAE).

No one will argue that the Diffenbachy flower is the most common room plant. The presence of this green beauty establishes its bright accent in production rooms, supermarkets, clinics, kindergartens, and also they beautifully garden living rooms, verandas, balconies. And, for sure, every amateur of flowers had the honor to grow this miracle room flora at home.

What did this flower attract the attention of the flower of amateurs?

The magnificence and expressiveness of the Diffenbahia comes from the motion of large leaves of the oblong and symmetric shape, wateted on thick juicy stems, having similarities with tree trunks. Leaves and are a raying plant. The unique attractiveness that do not have equal plants in the world, betray the foliage of amazing patterns, painted with stains, spectacles and strips of different shades from dark green to light, completely white. Diffenbachia flowering it in the conditions of home to see almost impossible. Small pale flowerscollected in dense bracts - the cobs can be admired only in the wild.

The Motherland of the Diffenbachy Plants is the forest tropical arrays of Central and South America, where she is used to shadow conditions, but it does not prevent her from being a very light-affiliated plant.

This beautiful plant was open and described in the nineteenth century and called the well-known Austrian naturalist Henry Wilhelm Schott in honor of Josef Diffenbach - the main caretaker of the Imperial Botanical Garden at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. So became the Victorian period of the prosperity of the Diffenbahi - a greenhouse plant. We have this beauty appeared and became a popular century later.

The nearest Rodney of Diffenbahia can be called singonium and zamokulkas .

Diffenbahia species and its varieties

Fridest Diffenbachia (DieffenbachiaMaculata) She is also called diffenbachia painted (Dieffenbachia Picta).

The most common decoration of residential premises, spacious halls, corridors is a spotted diffenbachy. It forms one or more large stems, which are decorated with oval, large glossy leaves to a half-meter in length, and the width of these giants is 12 cm. Depending on the grade of the spotted diffebachy varies with a variety of color and patterns on the leaves. In the height, the plant, Diffenbachia grows up to one meter.

Diffenbachia Leopold (Dieffenbachia LEOPOLDII)

Native places are Costa Rica. The sophisticated and tender Diffenbachy Leopold has a short and juicy five centimeter stem. Dark green, elliptical shape, with a light central streak, very beautiful large leaves have a symmetric location. The dimensions of the leaves reach up to 35 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. And they are presented on pale green stiffs with bright green spots. For good care The plant will thank the flowers collected in the pillage to nine centimeters of the magnitude, surrounded by green-cream to 17 cm with a flap long.

This kind of diffenbachi can decorate not only a residential premises, but also to improve the scenery of yards and cottages.

Diffenbachia Segina (Dieffenbachia Seguina)

Had to us from the tropical wet forests of Brazil. The appearance looks a bit like a spotted diffenbach. The difference is only in the form of a sheet - it is wider and less painted with spots. Flowering Diffenbachia Segina is represented by large twenty-five centimeter cob.

Adorable Diffenbachia (Dieffenbachia Amoena)

It became the most common view in home flower growing. The external parameters are reminded by a Diffenbachy Segina, but she has a much less leaflets.

The plant stem reaches one and a half meters altitude. It is decorated with leaves about round shape With a light pattern along the sides similar to the Christmas tree. Thanks to this, the Diffenbachy Adorable looks very attractive and will decorate any interior, provided that there is no sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts.

Bowls also like this species. Take care of your adorable beauty.

Diffenbachia Reflector (Dieffenbachia Reflektor)

The most colored appearance of the Diffenbahia. The plants are very beautiful, rounded shape, sinted ends, dark green with violet tint Large leaves. They are covered with bright green or yellowish stains and have a pronounced central veil.

Tropical forests are the most appropriate natural conditions for this variety of Diffenbahia. In the conditions of the house wishes high humidity and moderate irrigation. Does not like hypoints, is not afraid of direct sunlights within reasonable limits.

Similar flower in appearance is maranta .

Diffenbahia bush. Taking on the basis of the Diffenbachy spotted, the breeders were withdrawn a variety of bush grades and plants hybrids. All of them are very beautiful and differ in size, forms and unique patterns of sheet plates.

Representatives of bush varieties of Diffenbahia:

Diffenbachia Camilla (Dieffenbachia Camilla)

The most rudely bushy variety, very popular in the world of flowers lovers. Unrecognizable beautiful leaves The lanceal shape of a white-cream, greenish or light shade circled along the edges of a dark green cantic.

Diffenbachia Compacta (Diefenbachia Compakta)

Miniature and neat, bushy variety. Its height does not exceed forty centimeters. Leaves along the central vein are covered with light clips.

Diffenbachia Home Care

Selection of space and temperature regime

The light-headed diffenbachia is required with a bright scattered light, especially the voyal varieties. Suitable windows from the north-eastern or western side can be. Larger specimens are better located in the area of \u200b\u200btwo meters from sunny window. With darker territories of the place of residence of the plant, artificial lighting should be applied. With lack sunlight The leaves become pale, the stalks are pulled out. Diffenbachia turns its leaves towards sunlight. Such actions perform and anthurium . Plants must be periodically rotated around its axis in order to avoid its one-sidedness.

The thermal-loving diffenbachia will feel great in the summer months room temperature 20-28 ° C, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C. Take care of the plant from drafts to avoid discharge of leaves.

Watering and humidity

Watering the plant should be abundant with soft water. After all, a large amount of moisture is intensively evaporated from large leaves of Diffenbachia. To replenish and create a natural microclimate for its tropical queen in warm months, we water the flower at least three times a week, plus a daily spraying. And in the cool time, watering reducing to one, two times a week. Moreover, follow the state of the soil, one third of which should be fed.

The limit level of humidity for the diffenbach can be considered 55%. With low temperature testimony, the plant does not spray. Too low humidity It may adversely affect the flower state.

The soil

Transplant and subordinate

Diffenbachy transplant as the root system is filled. For young specimens, the place of residence should be changed annually, and more adult plants once every two three years. Better time For this procedure will be March or April before starting active growth. Pots for transplanting increase in diameter of only one or two centimeters to protect the plant from excessive root extension instead of intensive growth of the top of the plant, the soil in a smaller capacity will be less acidic. Drainage is required and must correspond to one quarter of the volume of the pot.

Intensive feeding in the spring-summer period at an interval once a fourteen days of Diffenbachi will only benefit. Universal soluble fertilizer can be used. In winter, fertilize the plant is not necessary.

Diffenbahia reproduction

Modify the plant will not be much difficulty.

I cut off the top to put it into the water, waiting for the rustling of the roots to two centimeters, land in a pot and get a new beauty of the diffenbachy.

The remaining trunk is cutting on a born of 15-20 cm long, be sure to have a sleeping kidney, dry them and put into water for rooting. The cuttings can be rooted in a sandy peat mixture. After the appearance of the roots, and small leaves of sprouts will appear from the sleeping kidney, you can land in separate pots.

Diffenbachia Diseases and Pest

The fat trunk and huge diffenbachy leaves can be the place of concentration of various pests - insects. To hit the plant can be a web mite, shield, mealybug. Immediately after finding uninvited guests, we use folk methods of struggle - soapy solution, onion, garlic or lemon infusion. The next step of struggle will be chemical preparations Decis, Akttellik, PhyTeerm, Intaavir according to the instructions.

Diffenbaching care for it is not complicated and on the state of health of the southern beauty can immediately determine errors in its content.

Difficulties that occurred during the cultivation:

  1. Diffenbachia yellow leaves, and also folded from drafts with excessive temperatures, it is also possible to infection with the root rot.
  2. The stalk is drawn, the leaves are pale and smallest, the clarity of the drawing is changed - the plant is not enough sunlight.
  3. Holding the stem at the base can cause excess polish under reduced temperature.
  4. Dry leaves, tips and seeds of sheet plates acquire brown tint With a cristed earth coma and dry air indoors. Spray the diffbachia and water more often.
Diffenbahia Signs

Very often the question arises: Can Diffenbachia keep her at home? On this account there may be two options. On the one hand, there is an opinion that the plant is a defender from evil and envious people. If they appear in the house, the Diffenbachy can neutralize the effect of negative energy. They also say that Diffenbachia is considered a strong "man's". Diffenbachia absorbs oxygen and it is impossible to leave it in the bedroom. This is certainly wrong. After all, there is a scientific evidence that the beautiful plant cleans the air from xylene, formaldehyde and benzene.

Of the above, it is clear only one thing that every amateur of colors should decide for himself to keep at home this is a wonderful plant or not.

Diffenbahia Yadovita or not? Yes. All parts of the plant are toxic.

Perform precautions when careing and everything will be fine. After all, the diffenbachia is very beautiful and deserved to decorate any room. Yatro Also the plant is poisonous.

bright decorative evergreen Right from countries with a tropical climate.

Diffenbachia is common in South America, meets in North America.

Diffenbachia: General Description Plants

Many species of diffenbahium are large, oval shape leaves growing alternately. The coloring of the leaves is shot by stains, splashes and patterns. It is due to the leaves of Diffenbachia so appreciated with flowers and grows about 150 years.

Diffenbachy fleshy strong stems predisposed to brute. Diffenbachia of many species - the tree, part of the trunk they have a cable.

Although houseplants Flower very rarely, it happens in April - early May. Inflorescence in the diffenbachy in the form of a patch, covered with cream-green petal-bedspread. Plants bloom just a few days, a faded flower can stay on the stem for a long time.

Diffenbahia fruit, fruits are orange or red berries. Strong varieties of diffenbachy to the age of 5 reaching the height of 2 m, sometimes more.

Important! Diffenbachy juice poisonous. Keep the plant further from children and animals, hitting the milk on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity will cause the echo of the larynx and the language, when entering the eye - blindness. Care for the diffenbachy in gloves!

How to share differential

The main differences between the form in the form of leaves, painting and patterns on the sheet plates. Depending on the shape, the plant is divided into tree and shrubs.

W. tree Diffenbachy varieties are a strong thick trunk, usually without branches. The trunk of the plant is broken as it is growth, the leaves simply fly away. Adult plant Something resembles the silhouette of palm trees.

Sustained Diffenbahia low growth, they have branched stems and many leaves. The leaves begin to grow internally at the very base of the trunk, above the surface of the soil. Diffenbahia bushes lush and thick.

Did you know? The Austrian Botanist Heinrich Schotta gave the plant name Josef Diffenbach. Senior gardener of the Schönbrunsky Palace courted at the plants of the imperial botanical gardens in Vienna.

Spotted diffenbahia, or painted, Especially popular in breeders. Based on the variety, many hybrids with an interesting color, shape and texture of leaves are derived. To the touch, leafy plates can be smooth, have convex patterns and roughness. The surface can be both matte and glossy.

Room Flowers Diffenbachy Spotted are characterized by a peculiarity of growth and development. The plant quickly increases the crown, during the year the stem grows by 40 cm in height. However, reaching a height of a little more than meter, stops growth.

Diffenbahia Pensty - fast-growing grade plant. It grows up to 2 m in height. Beautiful large leaves reaches 40 cm long and 15 cm in width.

Oval sheet plate juicy green color. The drawing on the sheet plates is represented by the combination of white clear strips and spots incorrect form. Diffenbachia Pösta needs a scattered light. The optimal will be the content at a distance of 2 m from the window.

Diffenbachy varieties are pretty endurance: not afraid of dark and hot conditions.

Diffenbachia Adorable or Pleasant - This is a tree variety of plants. A large number of Bright green leaves with light stripes grows on the stalk of one and a half meter length. This species is subject to invasion. custom tickTake it into account when growing.

Right from Costa Rica. A dwarf plant with a stem up to 5 cm in height and about 2 cm in diameter has dark green leaves separated by a white central residence.

Sheet plate in the form of an ellipse is long up to 35 cm and a width of up to 15 cm. The leaves have short stiffs, pale, with a purple tint. The inflorescence in the form of a patch is not more than 9 cm, covered with a white bedspread in 17 cm long.

Diffenbahia Ersteda - bush plants. They have a fat, strong, branched stem. Long up to 35 cm leaves have the form of an ellipse, some species of the leaves are obliged or in the shape of a heart.

Most often juicy leaves, but there are more dark and with a silver tide. Through the entire leaf plate passes a light strip. Diffenbachy Ersteda need to replant once every 2 years and make a rejuvenating haircut. Leaves of the plant love spraying.

Important! The Diffenbachia Ersteda loves lit places, but does not tolerate the straight sun as well as a complete shadow. Extremely undesirable for her drafts and temperatures below 14-15 ° C.

in natural conditions Prefers a rainforest. This plant loves humidity, fresh iris, he does not interfere with straight sun rays. Drafts I. low temperatures For the reflector are destructive.

The plant is distinguished by an interesting "camouflage" color. On a sheet plate on a dark green background, either light green or yellow spots of round shape are scattered. Along the sheet passes a clear white strip.

Adult height diffenbahia Bause It reaches 90 cm. Marble pattern on the leaves is yellow and white irregular shape stain-divorces. Length sheet plate up to 30 cm.

This variety rarely blooms, inflorescence in the form of a sample with small flowers. "Bause" contraindicated dark rooms, in the shadow of her leaves will lose their decorative color And they will warm. The plant needs transplants once every 2 years, regular watering and temperature not lower than 12 ° C.

Variety Baumanna It has an unusual structure: they grow out of the thick trunk large leaves On long stalks-stems.

Leaves of light green colors are covered with specks of various shapes and size. There are views with a yellowish, almost cream pattern on a sheet plate.

On the leaves, many blonde specks and spots of a rounded or oval shape. Length sheet plate up to 75 cm.

This variety was a spotted diffenbachy until allocated to a separate one.

it differs from the spotted greater saturation of white splashes and a white central strip separating the leaf plate along.

It is noteworthy that plants are also almost white.

Interesting! The history of the plant is overshadowed by one impartial fact. At the time of slavement, the stems of Diffenbahia were punished by slaves, using instead of ridge. Juice falling into wounds caused edema and burns.

Diffenbachia largest

- Guest from Peru. She has a strong thick stem in a meter height. On the stem is a lush mass of leaves up to 60 cm long and 40 cm in width.