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Living fence from ash. Perennial fast-growing alive fence: evergreen plants and their description. Types of shrubs for a living fence

Livestore is a popular element of landscape design, which is successfully used by dackets and owners of private houses. Creating a green fence is not a special difficulty, it is only necessary to choose the right plants and provide them with appropriate care. Let's deal with what it is better to make a living fence so that over the years it was nice to admire, and not cut every 2 weeks.

What is better to make a live fence

The competent selection of plants for the living hedge will allow you to equip this original element of the landscape design on the household plot so as to pay attention to him when leaving. And first, you must decide whether your green fence will be: molded or it will be able to highlight enough space to give natural outlines. Or maybe you are enough to crush the fence of Lian?

Wood breeds of plants are best suited for molded green fence, which simultaneously have a compact form and differ in uniform growth. It should also be considered the texture of leaves, their size and color. Preference should be given to plants with small leaves, which in the stredatory hedge will have an attractive appearance.

Also, gardeners need to take into account climatic conditions in the region. For example, in the south, the tees and the males are growing perfectly growing, which have excellent decorativeness. However, in the middle lane of Russia, they, even being covered with high-quality thermal insulating materials, die in the winter season. Since Peter I, these shrubs have repeatedly zero in Peterhof, but then they picked up good doubles, and calmed down. That is why choosing this or that plant to form a fence, it is necessary to take into account various factors.

If in the near past, the gardeners were significantly limited in the choice of plant crops for the hedge, today in the horticultural stores the plant sorting is quite wide. From unpretentious shrubs, you can mark turquoine, hawthorn and a caticker. With proper trimming of their such shrubs, it is pretty easy to form a decorative fence, while they are distinguished by magnificent winter hardiness and unpretentiousness.

From high plants you can mark maple, turn and ussuri pear. Under certain conditions, the gardener will be able to form a low spreader crown, which will be used as a fence. We can also recommend you to pay attention to: currants, lilac, hazel, sea buckthorn, jasmine, barbaris and many others.

For the design of a high living fence it is better to use three-year shrubs. But choose for these purposes fast-growing plants do not recommend. Subsequently, you will have to make a lot of effort for their trimming and forming the crown. It is possible that such fast-growing shrubs will allow you to get a high-quality alive fence literally for the second year of its formation. However, in the subsequent care for such landings is extremely difficult.

Many gardeners when choosing plants for the formation of hedges pay attention to the beauty of colors and fruits. It should be said that such a criterion should not be determining when choosing. In most cases, when forming such a green fence, shrubs are not allowed to bloom, so homeowners cannot be evaluated by the beauty of fruits and colors.

A very interesting and thick green fence can be obtained from conifers, for this most suitable thuja and fir.

But the unformed hedges plant a few gardeners. And although such a green fence does not require the formation of a bush and trimming, she needs to provide a much larger area. In subsequent landing care, it does not represent any complexity - shrubs need only sanitary trimming of broken and dried branches, and rejuvenation of bushes with age. In this case, we can advise you to pay attention to such plants like Irga, honeysuckle, barbaris, bubbler, the canbushnik, a snowy year and lilac.

And a live fence from roses of gunoza (wrinkled rose, or in a simple rosehip) not only protects against wind, but also from the uninterested guests:

And of course, do not forget that the effect of green fence can successfully perform and plenty plants - girlish grapes, garden ivy, plenty roses, actinidia and many others.

Landing and care for decorative shrubs

The width of trenches and lounge is determined depending on the chosen culture. Therefore, special sections under the names "" and "" have been created in the Ecosad Project for All, where these questions are disclosed in detail.

Care behind the fence implies regular trimming of shrubs and small trees. Such a procedure enhances the thickness and decorativeness of the leaves, and the fence itself acquires an attractive appearance. Depending on the choice of specific plants, the gardener will need to perform watering, as well as to make appropriate trace elements and the organic.

Most of the plants selected for such a living fence are distinguished by frost resistance. However, in the first winter, it is still not superfluous to recommend to cover such landings so as not only to preserve their appearance, but with the onset of warm spring days to achieve their rapid growth.

Mixed livestock

Experienced gardeners can offer to try creating a mixed type of alive hedge in which green and other colors can prevail. This will allow you to avoid one-room, and the decorative fence itself will have an original appearance.

The choice in this case depends solely on individual preferences. You can combine different green types of Tui with gooseberry, barbaris and other plants. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that bright tones can quickly get bored. That is why the gardener, before landing such a multicolored alive hedge, it is necessary to think about whatever he would like to see the fence and whether he will be nice to see bright rich colors.

The choice of shrubs for green hedges and its arrangement in the household plot is not of great difficulty. Currently, in horticultural stores you can find a wide range of various plants for landscape design. Therefore, it will be necessary to solve from which it is better to make a live fence, based on your own taste and calculating time, how much you can give it when leaving in the future.

It was so that we were all trying to create our little "world," fencing private land from the manifestations of the outside world - neighbors and curious passers-by, wind and noise, exhaust gases and the hum of cars. However, not all of us pleases the prospect of constantly leaning with a look at a little visible two-meter fence, outlining the boundaries of our possessions. How to make your "kingdom" inaccessible to extraneous, not disturbing the natural beauty of the garden landscape? The answer to this question is hidden in the depths of the 18th century, when for the first time a live fence was grown - a thick linear planting from garden-park plants, designed to protect and, at the same time, decorate private territory.

Green fence located on the border of your land plot will become a natural barrier of dust, noise and wind, as well as annoying neighbors and uninvited guests. Especially good, a live fence in the country, since it does not require such significant cash investments as the construction of a capital fence. An excellent option for the country area is a freely growing alive fence - it is easily easy to create it, because it does not require periodic haircuts, like regular hedges of the correct geometric shape. Separate attention deserves a live elevation of roses, which perfectly decorate the facade of the house, a gazebo or a sad fence. It looks implicitly a fence from the maiden grapes - she does not need a special care, and in the fall, red grape leaves will create an elegant atmosphere in the garden.

Livestore from grapes can also be a fence, and a successful background for other elements of landscape design.

Types of green hedges

Live hedges passed a long way of development before finding in our time. Probably, therefore, the hedge, formed with the help of decorative plants, has such a variety of species and forms.

Green hedge formed in the form of a low border - the original frame for flower and tracks

Based on such a characteristic of a living hedge, as height, three types of this enclosing plant can be distinguished:

  • low borders up to 1 meter in height - to outline lawn borders, flower, tracks
  • living fence with a height of 1-2 meters - to divide the site to functional zones
  • live wall height from 2 meters and more - for landing along the boundaries of the site

Depending on the intensity of the haircut, the green hedges are divided into molded and freely growing. Unlike molded hedges, with a haircut attached a clear geometric shape, freely growing fences are practically not subject to correction and grow in an arbitrary direction.

A freely growing live fence from different types of shrubs will decorate a landscape of a plot in a landscape style

Another parameter according to which the living hedges class is classified. Green hedge, when creating plants sit down in one line, belongs to the single row. Two and three-row hedges suggest plants from plants with several lines in the form of divergent tiers. The single-row green hedge is formed from plants planted at an equal distance from each other. For shrubs, the landing step is adhere to approximately 30-50 cm, for trees - from 75 to 150 cm. In the multi-row, the plants are planted in a checker order, while the distance between them is respected depending on the expected size of the crown and height.

The multi-row cascading alive hedges create with some fractions of fantasy, combining freely growing and molded "steps" from various types of shrubs and trees. Beautiful blooming fence can be created using non-molded hedges from, Irgi, Barbaris and other shrubs. For the landing of the living hedge of a mixed type, plants of one species use, but different varieties - possessing various coloring foliage or needles. It is nice to look at the combination of purple and green beech, green and volatile turquish or holly. Such multilayer fences occupy a lot of space, but it is more effective to protect against unwanted views and intrusions, a gasped atmosphere and noise of the motorway.

To create molded living hedges, it is best to plant plants with small foliage - they will ensure a fencing tight surface.

In the process of haircut, green hedge is possible to give any form - from geometric to rounded

Selection of plants for green hedges

When choosing plants for landing in the form of living hedges, it is better to give preference to those of them, which were "testing for strength" in domestic climatic conditions. It should be winter-hardy, unpretentious plants with thick foliage, which are well restored after the haircut and have a high ability to form shoots. It is worth paying attention to trees such as Maple, Grab, Turn and Shrubs - Turkish, Hawthorn, Kisser. Speeciously looks in the living hedges, sea buckthorn, rhododendron, barbaris, honeysuckle, wrinkled roses, lilacs, Irgi. To create green hedges, plants are selected with fine foliage, which at a periodic haircut form a uniform surface.

A thick impassable hedge can be created from lilac and rhododendron bushes, growing freely

The order of planting green hedges

When choosing a landing material for a living hedge, it is necessary to look at the root system and the crown of plants - the roots should not be cut, the crown is uniform in its form. For planting vegetable plantings in the form of a hedge, young shrubs and trees are selected from 3 to 6 years old, which are sufficiently developed and can easily come across in new conditions.

Before the formation of a green fence, it is necessary to study how to put a living fence correctly so that the plants do not have a flaw in the sun, moisture and nutrients. In this regard, an important point is the selection of a place to plant the hedges and the season for the transfer of plants into open ground. As a rule, the laying of a living hedge is made in the spring, after the soil is already dried, or in the fall, if winter-hardy plants are selected for the formation of a living fence. The location for the location of the green hedge is chosen away from the buildings - at a distance of at least 2 meters and at 0.5-1.5 meters from the capital fence.

The material will also be useful about the requirements for the distance from the fence to the buildings:

When landing a living hedge, it is necessary to pull out the trench, explode and focus her bottom, place a seedling and compact the land

Before the start of planting, the hedge must be outlined the line of its location with the help of a stretched cord. Along the markup line digit a trench of a depth of 0.5 meters. The width of the trench depends on the robes of green hedges - for the single-row it is 40-50 cm, for multi-row - plus 50 cm for each subsequent row. The density of the fence is influenced by the characteristics of specific plants, the estimated height and the number of rows of living fence.

Dense living hedges are used to create in the garden plot of secluded places to relax - "Green Rooms"

The density of planting seedlings on the 1st horsepower meter:

  • low shrub (Magonia, Spirea) 5-7 bushes;
  • medium shrub (snowy year, Kisser) 4-5 bushes;
  • high (2-3 m) trees and bushes (bubble, hawthorn) 1-2 plants.

Landing of swelling from coniferous plants

When planting coniferous trees, the pit is digging with a diameter, 2 times higher than the root size. Gardening land, removed during the dig of the pit, is mixed with a compost, organic fertilizer and silica, after which the bottom of the pit is sprinkled. Coniferous breeds of plants are most often sold in plastic containers. Before boarding, the plant is carefully covered from the container and planted into the open ground with a untouched earthen room. After the tree is installed in the landing fossa, the earth falls asleep, which is then compacted, but do not tram. At some distance from the landing line form an irrigation comb in the form of a low holloch, which prevents water spreading. At the end of the landing, the plants are abundantly watered.

Living hedge, pleasing to her greens all year round, can be formed from evergreen conifers

Landing of hedges of deciduous plants

Deflectful medium-tall or tall shrubs and trees are sold, mainly with a bare root system, which is washed before landing for several hours and cut, removing damaged and long processes. The landing pit is prepared with the calculation to plant a plant at a depth, not exceeding the one on which it was planted earlier. The ground, removed from the pit, is mixed with organic fertilizers, compost and partially returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or tree is placed in a hole and sprinkle the remaining earth, tracking backfill density - so that the plants are not formed between the roots. If the tree has a high barrel, in the bottom of the pit, at a depth of about 50 cm, clog the supporting stake, to which, at the end of the landing, fasten the tree.

A freely growing live hedge is often formed from diverse leaf fall trees and shrubs

Shrub hedge

Saplings of a low shrub are usually grown in plastic containers that provide root system of plants reliable protection. This allows you to not stick to clear terms of landing bushes in open ground. The hole under the landing of the bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizomes of the plant and the earth coma. When disembarking, the plant is released from the container with the preservation of the earth coma and is placed in the diverty hole. After filling out the emptiness of the landing pit, the top layer of the soil is slightly condensed and watered.

Living fence in the form of a freely growing border from a low shrub unobtrusively thumps the border of a green lawn or lawn

For landing of a large bush, it is necessary to dig a trench of a width of about 1 m and a depth of 50-60 cm. The bottom of the trench is loose to the depth of 20 cm and mix the explosion layer of earth with peat, leaf power, manure or compost. To add lime, wood ash and some phosphate fertilizers.

Select the best varieties of decorative shrubs will help:

Lavender bushes landed in the form of a rounded border, effectively emphasize the path leading to the house

Planting a grinding horn

It often often when a live fence is formed in the country, saving the space of a small garden plot is placed at the head of the corner. How can you grow a live fence in the cramped conditions of land, limited to 6 acres? In order to create a green hedge in the form of thick, but not wide splaters, plants are sitting at a short distance from each other - about 20 cm. The heat hedver looks great if it is formed from plants like yellow acacia, Iva, Rowan, or hawthorn .

Thin and, at the same time, a dense living elevation-sleeper can be formalized from ordinary willow

A year later, planted trees and shrubs cut off, as they say, "on the stump" - leaving 10-15 cm aboveground part of the plant. Aven a year, in the spring, they carry out a capital trimming of the hedge, while maintaining a few strongest shoots that intertwine the cross-closer - at an angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the branch in the places of contact branches. The resulting rhombid "pattern" is fixed on the frame in the form of a lattice structure, built on the base of the stakes driven with a small step into the ground, and the cross.

The heat hedge is grown by the method of cruciform weave of extinguishes of shrubs or low-spirited trees

Subsequently, all the side shoots of the trenches cut 2-3 times per season, sticking to the vertical plane, which stimulates the further branching of the hedge up. A regular side cutting of a high-alibed hedge is aimed at creating its uniform width - about 30 cm. The sleeper is also cut from above, supporting a certain height of green fencing.

Monotonous gray fence can be revived using bright abundant "blooming chopling" from weaving roses

Green hedge care

Laying green fencing on the individual or summer or summer, it should be noted that care for the season behind the living fence is much more complicated than behind ordinary garden plants. This is mostly due to the fact that behind the vegetable hedge you need to unwitting - water, fertilize and cut. If you treat the question of the trimming and haircuts of a living hedge without proper attention - it may be so growing up that it will be impossible to bring it into order and have to trim the landing "on zero".

The lush computences of the hydrangea, collected in the living fence, will decorate your garden with a bright accent and fence from the uninterested guests

Rules of haircut and trimming

Pruning when landing

Falling varieties of trees and shrubs formed into a living fence are strongly cut immediately after planting, leaving 10-15 cm overhead part of a seedling to speed up the growth of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then the pruning of the above-ground part should be made half of the existing height. Saplings grown in the container are cut into one third of the height.

The combination of diverse and multicolor borders of a geometric shape will give your garden unique color

Trim in the second season

A year later, the landed hedge lure about 4 times during the season - from May to August. Light trimming in the second year of the existence of hedge is aimed at giving the landing of a certain form and an increase in branch density.

In a strong trimming - at a height of about 15 cm from the surface of the soil, such types of shrubs are needed: turquoine, hawthorn, Turn, Tamarix. On 1/3 of the height of new shoots cut off: a caticker, holbar, Barbaris, Samshat, beech. Cardinal trimming does not require: juniper, lambist, cypressist, cypress. In such hedges, only individual twigs are cut, which are knocked out of the total mass and give the hedge of an untidy look.

Cutting the living hedge is done in such a way that its lower part is wider. than top

Haircut in 2-3 years

The haircuts of a living hedge in subsequent years are performed to give the decorative fence of a neat type - the side branching is cut off, the upper shoots are lumbaging. Deciduous trees and bushes cut in early spring - even before the appearance of young leafs, coniferous evergreen plants can be cut into a later spring or early autumn.

It's important to know! When cutting a green hedge, the base form a little wider than the top so that the lower branches are sufficiently illuminated and, accordingly, developed.

For haircuts of extended molded hedges, a special power tool is applied

The upper lifting of the living hedge is performed on a height of about 10 cm, pre-tightening the beat of the beech

Living fence from evergreen or necolastic plants is cutting with an electric tool or scissors. For trimming and hanging in largest elevations, a secateur is used.

When trimming and haircut, a living hedge can be given any shape, even the most bizarre

Watering and feeding

During the season, the living elevation must be regularly watered, pre-breaking the soil at 50-70 cm on both sides of the landing. When watering, the water stream is directed directly to the base of the plants, providing hydration of the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm.

With the help of low rounded vibrant hedges, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and a solitary rest

Raining the wearing plants near the walls of your home and having equipped a simple framework, you will become the owner of the works of Park Art

In addition to irrigation, the green hedge must be picked up by organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are entered into the early soil in early spring or autumn in an amount of from 2 to 5 kg per square meter of the Earth. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only at the beginning of spring, phosphate - mainly at the end of summer and early autumn. Autumn bait can consist of such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulphate.

Live fences are conditionally divided into high and low. They are created from coniferous or hardening varieties of shrubs. "Build" single-row or multi-row fences. All varieties are completely performed by a decorative function.

Evergreen varieties in hedge - the most spectacular solution. They do not lose bright colors all year round and easily carry a haircut.

The bushes are selected for a living fence in accordance with the future purpose. High bushes are suitable for external options, low-speed - for internal decorations. There are mixed options, but they occupy a lot of space and are therefore used less often.

Evergreen shrubs

Green live fence all year round is what every gardener dreams about. The environmentally friendly, which these shrubs create, are already found in the coniferous aroma.

Popular in our conditions are such non-squydal:

  1. Coniferous. For example, Thuja and Juniper.
  2. Fast-growing. For example, Tern and Kizvyzer.
  3. Shorty. For example, cypressovik and hydrangea.

Tuya - This is the most popular coniferous tree. Evergreen plant perfectly coming up in the Russian climate. In nature, it can achieve huge sizes, but in the fences they maintain a height of up to three meters.

Pyramidal and column models of crown plus coloring from a bluish-green to dark green in a lively fence give a huge decorative effect. Tyuly regularly cut, creating various forms.

Hedge from junipernikov It is formed in the form of difficult rates. The bushes depending on the variety grow from one and a half to two meters. Juniper loves wet soil and sunlight. He is durable - can live more than 200 years.

The color of the shrub is blue, yellow, yellow-green and greens. Often juniper is planted in the company with Tay.

Kizlin - It is an evergreen fast-growing grade, he has many varieties and all of them are grown in our climate.

Brilliant, denser. Refers to the number of fast-growing bushes with a height of up to two meters.

Chernopod Kizil matures only at a five-year-old age.

All-ray dog. The shape of his crown is rounded, the leaves are wide, large.

Multi-dealer (native) Kizlist Reachs three meters. Its leaves are larger compared to other species and are able to change coloring with the change of season: from gray - in spring to burgundy and red - in the fall. In the summer they are green.

Things - These are low-speed bushes to half a meter from the ground, has horizontal branches with dense leaves and small fruits.

Pressed. His outstretched crown is pressed against the ground, and the height of the entire halfer.

Kiparisovik Perennial has many varieties. In the natural environment, it grows up to 60 meters, and in our conditions for green coniferous hedges, Lavson and Pea-like are more often used.

Bushes grow up to two meters. Crown conesoid, spherical and usual. Sit them both one and in the company, creating reliable fences. Great grows in the shade and in the sun.

Yew In the living hedge characterizes its owner with a great taste. At the stage of formation of such a fence, TIS requires special attention. Soot bushes at a distance of more than 20 cm from each other.

TIS is growing fast, beauty is supported by regular haircuts. Natural territory protection can have a color from blue to dark green. Berries add contrast into color.

Becklett refers both to evergreen and leaf falling. Bright fruits against the background of green foliage create a real sight. Following the berries in red, it begins to "burn" foliage and it makes a living fence more colorful.

Samsit More often used to create low independent fences up to one and a half meters high or to decorate the site in a pair with another view planted with it in neighboring rows.

With the help of a short-range haze, a variety of unique geometric shapes and forms give various unique geometric shapes.

Falling trees and shrubs

Willow. An excellent option for the creation of a hedge is Wava Ostrotiste, whital, black and purple. Iva is unpretentious to the choice of soil - it is equally growing in dry and damp soil.

Willow Willow Varieties: goat, purple and ostalistic have elastic soft branches that are easy to bind. Even until full landscaping declares the ornament of the weaving itself.

Barberry - This is the fastest growing plant, has tall and low-spirited varieties. From Barbarisa It turns out an impassive hedge

Such a living fence is replenished and the function of fruiting. The decorative effect is expressed first in the colors, then - in the fruits. Jam and jam are boiled from edible berries. Many varieties, basic for this purpose: Golden, ordinary, Ottavsky.

The plant is spiny, but it is easily cut on any style. For lovers of bright colors, a deciduous grade of Tunberg is suitable: shades of colors from pink to red and brown. The fruits of this shrub inedible.

Deren white. The main advantage of this leaf falling shrub is the rate of its growth in any climate and with any humidity of the soil. Bushes are capable of growing up to three meters. Basically, its height is supported at 120 centimeters.

Some gardeners create picturesque fences in several levels. Living hedge of white dend indicates the status of the owner. From this shrub create gazebo inside the yard. The color of foliage is green and silver.

Bubbler Kalinolisny Multi-Year. The popularity of the gardeners deserved at the expense of the ease of cultivation and the fact that it is not demanding to care. It is equally adaptable to drought and frost. Bright multicolored leaves and flowers in such a fence create a beautiful design.

Lilac Also quickly grows into the width and reaches two or three meters in height, it moves well with a haircut. Crop her branches will not be difficult for even inexperienced gardener.

She is great for any climate. She freezes for the winter, but the whole blooming period lilac will not leave any view indifferent. The color gamut of shrubs has more than 20 shades, of which there are beautiful scenery when alternating.

Forzition It has long been loved by our gardeners. It blooms before the appearance of leaves. At first she looks gold, then green leaves come to the colors. Shrub easily breeds in the heat, and in the cold.

Smorodina Alpine Allows you to create a beautiful curly fence of a two-meter height. The coloring of the fence is obtained by green due to leaves and light green flowers. Chambered fruits in the rock form are red.

Shrub perfectly tolerate any climatic conditions: frost, winds and heat. Dense foliage creates reliable garden protection. For the fence, a volatile, glossy and marble currant is used.

Spiky shrub

Blackthorn - This is a gustwood, spiny shrub, reaching the height of four meters. It does not need careful trimming. The powerful and impassable fence from Tern will protect from wind, dust, from prying eyes and even from thieves.

It can be compared with a real building structure, so such bushes are used instead of external fence. Grow such a fence is easy. He is completely undemanding neither to the soil or weather conditions.

Shrub leaves are dense. Ripe fruits have a beautiful blue color. They are edible and possess many useful properties. They need to collect them after the first frosts.

Rosehip and tea rose. The hedge from this pair is often referred to as healing-colorful. Shrubs are unpretentious to climatic conditions. Such a fence grows up to two meters.

It is attractive by a variety of color scheme. Initially, these are terry flowers from white to all shades of raspberry and yellow. Then - bright red and brown-black fruits. Such a contrast combination with green foliage creates unique scenery. Fruits with such an aromatic fence are used to prepare delicious and helpful drinks.

For the fence, such types are planted: ordinary, resonance, brown, Mont Blanc and wrinkled.

Sea buckthorn - Spiny shrub with bright orange fruits in the fall. Leaves petty sizo-green. Harvester branches. The fencing of berry bushes is obtained by impassable and gives a large crop of acidic, useful fruits.

Care for sea buckthorn is easy - she is unpretentious. With the help of the haircut give a careful appearance.

Mixed livestock - This invention is increasingly using gardeners to give the fence of originality. In this decision, all the original functions of the living hedge are performed, but due to the game of the paints, an unsurpassed decorative effect is created.

Tui, gooseberry, barbaris, rosehip and other shrubs can participate in this design.

How to care for a living hedge

Like all living things need to be careful, and for long-life such hedge cannot do without care. Each gardener cannot just plant a green fence and forget about him. To ensure that the fence has developed correctly and become all thicker, it needs to be regularly cut.

The trimming can be figured - the new shoots are cut on 10-15 centimeters. Such a procedure for evergreen bushes is made once a year. The rest are cut twice, and sometimes three times a year in the ripening of new shoots.

The first years of triggering is needed in a dry spring or autumn time. With the age of trimming to give a form monthly. Slices should be held between shoots and run on oblique. The more often the trimming is made, the more often shrubs feed.

Livestore is a multifunctional solution. A high and dense wall of shrubs created by man together with nature, carries not only a beautiful design, but also a favorable microclimate. It protects it from the gusts of wind, noise and dirt.

A solid green fencing is an excellent alternative to the traditional fence. If you use fast-growing varieties for this purpose, the names and descriptions of which gardeners have long been known, then the result is obtained in a more compressed duration. And you can establish in preferences in the photo.

The idea to plant a live fence or border sooner or later comes to almost every gardener. And as soon as she, this idea, finally masters the consciousness, the gardener loses peace and sleep. "What to plant? How to plant? How much to plant? " - The sufferer falls asleep and wakes up with thoughts about his venture.

To reveal peace again, take yourself in your hands and begin to think systemically. We will help you with this: we will ask questions and help look for answers.

The question is the first: why do you have a live fence?

Large breeds of trees are suitable if you want:
  • close from curious eyes;
  • overlook the territory;
  • create background for the garden;
  • disguise unsightly paintings;
  • draw snow on the plot.
Of course, a dense fence from the three-meter buoy also quickly and effectively solve all these tasks. But, first, this attribute of Rubles is available not to all lovers gardeners; Secondly, in the middle lane of Russia, the thua will feel good and accordingly look. Well, finally, aesthetics ... about tastes in general, it is not arguing, but the associations with cemetery topics sometimes arise.

So, in order to solve all the listed tasks, it is quite possible to do with deciduous rocks (we will tell about the assortment of deciduous hedges below). And so that your living walls have become a reliable protection against prying eyes, hands and paws, use proven receptions:

  • compacted landing;
  • formation of cutting hedges;
  • the use of trees with pyramidal, tightly growing crowns;
  • planting trees with branches growing from the very base of the trunk;
  • the use of prickly trees and shrubs.
But on conifers still have to be spent, if you, among other things, you want:
  • find barrier from wind, noise, dust and gases;
  • ensure that plantings protect you from pathogenic bacteria and microbes;
  • see the green wall all year round.

So, you decide why you need a live fence. We figured out, it should be or coniferous. Now…

Question Second: Which height do you want a fence?

If you need a live wall with a height of more than three meters, but at the same time you can't give a lot of land under these landings, the fence must be single-tier. It will be desirable for her to pick up trees with branches growing from the base of the trunk. Room maples, linden, poplar.... - What you can find because it is difficult to find such a landing material in large quantities.

If there is enough space on the plot, make an elevation multi-tier: The first row is high trees with an ordinary strab, the second and third - shrubs of different heights. Usually such hedges are planting from the prevailing winds. In multi-tiered landings, trees and shrubs are selected in such a way that the plants of one height do not obscure others to be combined with each other in color and replaced each other in flowering and fruiting.

Three-tier hedge - Excellent protection from everything and all. And it will look very aesthetic, if you correctly pick up trees and shrubs. For the highest row, you can use:

  • linden;
  • else;
  • ash;
  • sharp maple;
  • crash laxative;
  • pear Ussuriyskaya;
  • iVA basket;
  • decorative apple trees;
  • rowan ordinary;
  • poplar.
Height from two and a half to three (and sometimes more) meters You will provide:
  • deren - bloody red and white;
  • karagan tree;
  • barbaris - Amur and ordinary;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • irga - Cosmiage and Smooth;
  • rubbinnik ripbinolistic;
  • bubbler kalinoliste;
  • aria blackfoot;
  • solving ordinary;
  • turn;
  • cherry - ordinary and felt;
  • lilac - ordinary and Hungarian;
  • kalina Gordin;
  • honey - Tatar and Maak;
  • chubuschnik ordinary;
  • maple - Tatar and Ginnala.

For middle hedges with a height of 1.2-2 meters Suitable:

  • kiznicker brilliant;
  • roses - dog, wrinkled, szay;
  • rocket Russian;
  • spiraei - Irovel, Wangutta, Gray Outrocessable;
  • honeysuckle - bedspread and alpine;
  • barbaris Tunberg;
  • karagan shrub;
  • gooseberry;
  • snowy year white;
  • currant - Golden and Alpine.
With the help of these shrubs, it is possible to exorcate from the neighbors (if it does not need a very high fence), and divide your own area on the zone if there was a need. If in order to delimit the territory, you need more low bleeds - 1-1.2 meters- Use:
  • laptop shrub;
  • almond steppe;
  • karagan - orange and shrub;
  • little grades of Barbaris Tunberg;
  • cherries - ferruginous and breastplace;
  • spiraei - Japanese, Nipponskaya, Three-blade, Berezoliste;
  • the lowest varieties of the Chubuschnik - "Snow Avalanche", "Chamomile", "Pompon", "Aurea".

And finally, at all low borders - 50-70 centimeters high. Squeeze:

  • karagan Dwarf varieties "Nana" and "Pygmaea";
  • barbaris Tunberg varieties "ATROPURPUREA NANA", "Aurea", "Green Carpet";
  • japanese varieties "Little Princess", "Golden Princess";
  • chubudnik varieties "Dwarf" and "Gnome";
  • magonia Padoliste;
  • lamberry.
The height figured out. Then went nuances. For example…

Question Third: Can you afford to care for a cutting hedge?

Of course, there are undoubted persistent hedges pros: beautiful, compact, reliable. Over the years, the cutting hedge will become very dense, impassable. But there are obvious minuses: It requires more care. Strike the hedge will have to 1-2 times a year, and will first need to become familiar with the technique of haircuts: there are certain rules in this matter.

Note: If the hedge is needed high, it will have to cut with a stepladder, jumping up and down it and moving it along a row of trees. And yet: when having a haircut, a large mass of shoots and leaves will be removed, therefore, regular feeding will be required to maintain the vital activity of plants.

If you still decide to dwell on the street hedge, you need to choose trees and shrubs that are well holding the shape after trimming, are greatly restored, have a high future concern and greater escape designers. These plants include:

  • linden;
  • kiznicker brilliant;
  • hawthorn
  • honeysuckle - alpine, bedspread, Tatar, Albert;
  • dend white;
  • karagani - tree and shrub;
  • loi - narrowed and silver;
  • currant - Alpine and Golden;
  • barberries;
  • males - Tatar and Ginnala;
  • willa Purpournal;
  • poplar - Canadian and Berlin.

For coniferous storm fit tui variety "BRABANT" and "Smaragd", spruce ordinary, and - Do not be surprised - european larch. The latter looks very impressive not only in the humble condition, but also after the dedication of the needles. It forms dense thickets from a variety of intertwined shoots of very beautiful color - with a soft orange tint.

We would attract the use of trees and shrubs grown on special frames in the form sleker. Usually grow on the tag linden, decorative apple trees and pears, hawthorn tree, ryabina ordinary. You can make trellis and from curly plants - girl grapes, aktinidia, honeysuckle honeycomb. But at the same time it must be remembered that they will be required regular competent haircut.

Now let's think together what ...

Question Fourth: Maybe you need a barbed hedge?

Her pros - It forms impassable, dense (especially with a haircut) overgrown. Such a fence will be more important than many fences. But there is I. minuses - not only unbroken guests can be injured, but the owners themselves. Usually, prickly hedges are not recommended to plant, if small children are often available on the plot.

For prickly hedges are good:

  • hawthorn;
  • barberries;
  • rose hips;
  • turn;
  • aralia Manchurskaya;
  • elewerococcus spiny.
If the main criterion when choosing a hedge for you is not safety, but aesthetics, think about the next option.

Question Fifth: Perhaps you want a hedge with leaves of various coloring?

Such hedges can be either monophonic (for example, burgundy from representative Sort "Diabolo" or bright yellow from representative "DARTS GOLD"), either multicolored. In the latter case, you can mix plants with foliage contrasting color, and you can use the color of foliage-close colors, gently combined with each other.

Two- and three-tiered multicolored hedges very effectively watch, when the foliage color changes from the tier to the tier. For such landings, you can use other than those already mentioned:

  • bubbler's variety "LUTEUS";
  • deren White Pestrocracy - "Albo-Variegata", "Sibirica Variegata", "Elegantissima", "Aurea", "shpaetii";
  • chubuschnik Vest Yollaptic;
  • spiray of Japanese varieties "Gold Flame", "Golden Princess", "Gold Mound";
  • temptina ordinary is purple-olive and yellowball.
It is interesting to look in a similar race of high trees with multi-colored foliage. Especially we would recommend cherryuhu variety "Colorate" and "Schubert". These plants are very stable in our climate, do not burn out in the sun, they do not suffer from malievable dew, and therefore in dense mass landings with them there will be a lot of trouble.

And now what to pay attention to ...

Question Sixth: Would you like to see a un-femoral hedge or a living wall in which plants of different breeds are combined?

Self-femoral hedges are more appropriate in small gardens. Or surrounded by the mothers orborders. They will soften, mix excessive motion, the complexity of the composition, if such is present on the site; It will help to combine the scattered elements of the garden, especially if the latter is not very combined in style and mood. In a word, they will be able to bring in your garden or element of harmony and rigor, or the mood of peace and peace.

However, on a large space, as well as in the garden, not overloaded by other landings, uniform hedges may seem monotonous, boring. Here will be very good combined (or mixed) hedges. In them, some plants can be particularly attractive in flowering, others - with fruits, others - stand out by the color of foliage, the fourth - winter colorful bark. Such a hedge can be unusually decorative throughout the season, it is only necessary to choose its elements to be able to be combined in height and Gabitus.

Very spectacular combined hedges from two breeds of different heights. In this case, low shrubs close the barbed branches of tall plants, which may seem unsightly after the peak of decorativeness (flowering). In mixed landings are used:

  • lilans species - Hungarian, droy, Amur, Preston Lilac;
  • tall varieties of chubuschniks;
  • forzition;
  • kalina - Bulderezh and Gordin.
However, your fences can be not only spiny, motley or blooming, but also delicious ...

Question Seventh: Do you need a decorative-vitamin elevation?

This is an option for those who are not interested in how it will look. He is for those who are important, and how it tastes. Currently, this type of hedge is particularly popular in domestic gardens.

To combine beauty and favor, plant:

  • arose in black and fodder;
  • honeysuckle edible;
  • fruit gooseberry and currants;
  • varieta IRGU Canadian - "Mandam", "Pepper", "Slat", "Krasnoyarsk No. 1";
  • seat buckthorn varieties - "Poker Hybrid", "Dar MSU", "Golden Caught";
  • sweet rowan rowan - "Nevi", "liqueur", "grenade", "dessert michurine", "solar";
  • sweet viburnum - "Taiga Ruby", "Red Bunch", "Zarnitsa";
  • vitamin rose hips "victory", "spire", "globe".
Well, we seem to be and decided on what we want to see our hedge. Now - a small trifle - it is necessary to understand whether the conditions in our garden are suitable for the selected plants ...

The question is the eighth: what about us with the sun, moisture and soils?

If, for example, the plot of you shadedYou will fit:
  • maple Tatar;
  • honeysuckle - Tatar and Alpine;
  • deren - white and bloody-red;
  • kalina Gordin;
  • solving ordinary;
  • bearded beekeleton.

If a many sun, dried plot, good hedges will be from:

  • karagani - tree and shrub;
  • currant golden;
  • barberries;
  • loha narrowed.
For plots S. dry sandy soils Suitable:
  • almond steppe;
  • karagans;
  • rose dog;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • loch - silver and narrow-walled;
  • kiznicker brilliant;
  • sandy cherry;
  • barberries - ordinary, Tunberg.
In areas with increased moisture The hedge can be made of:
  • ways five thousand;
  • decorative forms of willow white;
  • alder - shrub and gray.

In general, the main mass of plants suitable for landing into a living fence are growing well on thin soils characteristic of the Moscow region. And there are also those in general anyway, on what soils grow. This, for example:

  • karagan - shrub and tree;
  • kiznicker brilliant;
  • honeysuckle - ordinary and Tatar;
  • spiraya - solar, medium, three-blade;
  • currant - Golden and Alpine;
  • barbaris - ordinary and Tunberg;
  • dend white;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • snoch narrow;
  • iva island
  • poplar is trembling, Canadian, black.
Squeeze them at least in the sand, even in clay - you will not be wrong. And finally, the last ...

Question Ninth: What size should be seedlings?

Of course, I want the green wall to be in all its glory. Well, keep in mind: if the hedge is planted simply to decorate the fence or to determine the inner borders of the garden, you can use enough adult plants, but! .. When planting a hedge in adverse conditions (wind, gases, dust) it is better to use small saplings height 70-100 cmSince adult planting material will be much worse to adapt in this situation. It will be hard and, most likely, not without loss.

And still be remembered: Live hedge bookmark should be made only healthy, strong seedlings. Do not acquire exotic plants with reduced winter hardiness. Such non-jewels in the conditions of our climate are quickly weak, and they will be the first to meet the most unfavorable conditions: wind, gases, smoke, dust, dirt. Therefore, the plants in alive hedges should be very stable, healthy and winter-hardy.

Livestore is more reliable than a structure from stone or wood, and is distinguished by much less cost. It may well become not only protection against prying eyes, but also an interesting element of the garden decor. Before proceeding to its creation, it is necessary to decide what kind of live fence you want to see in your site. The formed elevation will have to periodically cut, warming will need less care. The next stage is the selection of shrubs for a living hedge, from which its appearance directly depends.


Fast-growing barberry

Perfect Protection against Disappeared Guests and the leader in the ranking of prickly plants for hedge. The beauty of Barbarisa not only pleases the eye, but also helps to be drunk from the site of attackers and stray animals. This plant moves the haircut perfectly and is suitable for a live border.

Busta bushes as a living hedge

Living hedge from velvet Barbaris Tunberg, Barbaris of the Disclaimer, Barbaris Amur, Barbarisa Ordinary or Barbaris Zibold will conquer you unpretentious, shadow and stability to harmful environmental factors.

The minus of the use of Barbaris as a shrub for a living hedge is an unpleasant haircut process to maintain a form associated with an increased thorny.

Yellow acacia

Barbed Living Hedge of Yellow Acacia

Somewhat yellow Acacia is like Barbaris And also can stand on guard of property of its owners. Someone else's cats and dogs will not go to your site, and your own birds or animals will not come out for its borders. Due to the possibility of thick irresponsible landing, drought resistance, protective spines, shadowiness, injuries and frost resistance, living hedge from yellow acacia is popular.

Minus the use of yellow acacia as a shrub for a living hedge is similar to Barbaris - spines cause discomfort during a haircut.


It can be called a classic genre of alive hedge. He is unpretentious to the soil, makes it possible to create a beautiful thick hedge. Hawthorn single-Secure, Siberian, Spiny and Tupoliste Good suitable for the role of live fence.

Living green hedge of hawthorn fits both for the fencing of the entire area in diameter and for separation on the functional zones

The hawthorn is one-stop grows faster than other types and does not need wet air and warm, Like his other fellow. Sharpness is the main feature of the hawthorn one-stop, which can grow both in the sun and in a half.

Minus the use of many types of hawthorn as shrubs for living inges - the need for good lighting is not always possible.


Excellent economical option with many positive qualities. This plant is unpretentious, fast-growing and winter-hardy.

Hedge of White Deres

In addition, the dend is distinguished by a bright bark, which looks good in winter on the background of snow. Derenn white, offspring and bloody-red is suitable for creating beautiful compositions.

The minus of the use of dend as a shrub for a living hedge - for growth, he needs a large space.


Living fence from alpine currant

Living fence from currant bushes looks just fantastic. Its advantages simply not to count: a pleasant aroma of flowers, heat resistance, frost resistance, dust resistance, drought resistance, smoke resistance, edible berries, insensitivity to pathogenic factors and high adaptation ability.

Minus the use of currant bushes as shrubs for living hedges - uneven maturation of berries, which slightly disrupts aesthetic appearance.


The original fence of the plot of willow do it yourself

Thanks to a wide range of shrub varieties, the living fence can be planted in areas of any size. For landing on a small area suitable Waway white, purple, ash, solid and rosemary, For big - iva Schwerin and Iva basket. Willow of all kinds are simple in reproduction, unpretentious and fast-growing.

Minus the use of Shrune Yves as shrubs for living hedges - they need wet and acidic soil.


The brightest, blooming and beautiful shrub is lilac. Its main difference from other plants for living inges - a wide range of varieties: different types of lilac ordinary, lilac Hungarian and lilac Amur.

Live hedge from Lilac will be a certain decoration of your site, without requiring special care

This shrub significantly exceeds the rest with its beautiful appearance with the possibility of selection of unpretentious varieties.

Cons of lilac use as a shrub for a living hedge - the growing of roasting rigs and lightness


Undoubtedly, this is not all, but only the most popular plants, But on their example, you can correctly choose shrubs for your own living hedge, which will be strong, beautiful and durable.

Video how to create a living fence with your own hands