Repairs Design Furniture

Housekeeping what. Types and forms of economic activity, its organization

  • 1.3. Content and objectives of the discipline "Economy"
  • 1.4. Real Economy Lighting Methods
  • 1.5. Organization of the educational process on the study of the discipline "Economics"
  • Topic 2. Laws of the development of the economy
  • 2.1. Modern production and features of its structure.
  • 2.2. Circuit of economic goods and its phases
  • 2.3. Expansion and elevation of needs
  • 2.4. Production factors production and patterns of their development
  • Types of factors of production (resources) and income
  • 2.5. Stages of the development of social production. Characteristic features of production progress stages
  • The first stage of production
  • Second stage of production
  • Third production stage
  • Topic 3. System of economic relations
  • 3.1. Unity of the system of economic relations
  • 3.2. Socio-economic relations. Economic and legal content of property. Types and form of ownership
  • 3.3. Economic and legal role of nationalization and privatization
  • The number of employed in the national economy, 1985
  • 3.4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Subjects, Objects and Property Rights
  • 3.5. Modern property relations in Russia. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the types of crimes against property
  • Distribution of enterprises and organizations in the form of ownership in 2009 (as a percentage of the result)
  • Number of registered crimes (thousand)
  • Section 2. Organization of business activities
  • Theme 4. Enterprises and organizations in the economy
  • 4.1. Economic and legal characteristics of the enterprise
  • 4.2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Commercial and Non-Profit Organizations. The concept of "business" and its characteristic features
  • 4.4. Enterprise Management. Functions and objectives of economic and legal services in the development of decisions in economic activity
  • Topic 5. Entrepreneurial activity
  • 5.1. Economic and legal grounds of entrepreneurial activity
  • 5.2. Small and medium business: its features and economic role. State support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
  • 5.3. Large corporations: Features of the organization of economic activity and role in the economy
  • 5.4. Comparative efficiency and profitability of various forms of business
  • 5.5. Planning in business activities. Content and procedure for developing a business plan.
  • Topic 6. Features of the modern market
  • 6.1. Characteristic features of market relations in the middle of the XX-XXI centuries. Infrastructure of the modern market
  • 6.2. Modern monetary system. Inflation and deflation
  • 6.3. Market features with large corporate capital dominance
  • Two types of stock operations differ:
  • What are derived securities? These include:
  • 6.4. Competition and its role in the progressive development of the economy
  • World Competitiveness Rating
  • 6.5. Monopoly: Economic nature and organizational forms. Legislation on the restriction of monopolistic activities and the protection of competition
  • SECTION 3. NATIONAL ECONOMMENT AND THE ROLE OF THE STATE In coordination of economic interests Society Topic 7. System of economic interests of society
  • 7.1. Long-term and current public development interests. Types of income participants of economic activities
  • The structure of monetary incomes of the population (in percent)
  • A. Wages
  • B. Profit
  • B. Bank interest
  • Interest rates on loans and deposits in Russia (average annual)
  • Refinancing rates (at the end of the year, in percent)
  • Rental fee
  • 7.2. The place and role of the public sector in the national economy. Legal Basics of Public-Private Entrepreneurship
  • 7.3. Economic indicators of the development of national economy. National accounts
  • 7.4. State-budget regulation of the development of national economy. Ensuring the country's economic security
  • Structure of the state budget revenues in 2007 (in percent)
  • Indicators of economic hazard in Russia in the 1990s.
  • Topic 8. Reproduction in national economy
  • 8.1. Economic growth in national economy, its factors and types
  • 8.2. Economic policy of the state and legal measures to stimulate economic progress
  • 8.3. Modernization of the Russian economy as an important condition for the implementation of the strategic interests of social development in the XXI century
  • 8.4. Equilibrium and instability of the national economy. Cyclicity of economic development
  • Dynamics of economic indicators in the phases of the economic cycle
  • 8.5. Modern global financial and economic crisis. Economic and legal measures to overcome the global crisis, conducting employment policies and inflation regulation
  • The specific weight of the unemployed in the number of economic population (in percent)
  • Topic 9. The role of the economy in the development of social relations. The quality of life
  • 9.1. Interrelation of economic and social relations
  • 9.2. Reproduction of the country's population. Economic and legal measures to improve the demographic position of the country
  • 9.3. State financial regulation of income of the population
  • The average annual number of non-economy in the economy in the total population, million people, 2007
  • 9.4. Accelerated development of the service sector. Economic and legal measures to reduce social stratification in terms of living. The quality of life
  • Sectoral structure of GDP in 2001-2006,% to the outcome
  • Sectoral structure of GDP in 2001-2006,% to the outcome
  • Foundation coefficient in different countries
  • Distribution of the total amount of monetary incomes of the population in Russia
  • Human Development Index, 2005
  • 9.5. Priority National Projects of the Socio-Economic Policy of the Russian State
  • The number of patients registered in medical and preventive institutions (per 100,000 people in the population)
  • Number of sports facilities
  • Distribution of residential premises by number of rooms
  • Livestock of cattle (at the end of the year, million heads)
  • Consumption of meat and milk (per capita per year, kg)
  • Topic 10. Modern world economy
  • 10.1. Characteristic features of modern world economy
  • 10.2. Internationalization of economic life and the global market. Features of the economic specialization of Russia
  • Production of passenger cars in 2006, thousand pcs.
  • Commodity export structure in 2007,% to the outcome
  • Major products exports in 2007,% to the total export volume
  • Major products of export and import in 2007
  • 10.3. Modern currency relations
  • Dynamics of official courses of foreign currencies in relation to the Russian ruble (at the end of the year)
  • 10.4. Trends and contradictions globalization of the global economy
  • Gross domestic product of some countries in 2002
  • The proportion of the population in the poverty line
  • Vocabulary
  • Major economic concepts
  • And foreign words
  • Section 2. Organization of business activities

    This section of the textbook continues to study the system of economic relations. After considering the subsystem of socio-economic relations, we will now understand the subsystem of organizational and economic relations, without which economic activity cannot exist. This will allow us to find out how the production is organized, who it is managed and in which organizational and economic and legal forms it reaches the intended goals.

    Theme 4. Enterprises and organizations in the economy

    4.1. Economic and legal characteristics of the enterprise

    The primary link in the social production system is an enterprise (firm). Company - This is an independent business entity, created for the production of products, performance of work and the provision of services in order to meet public needs and profit.

    The manufacturing enterprise is characterized by production and technical, organizational, economic and social unity.

    Production and Technical Unity Determined by a complex of means of production with technological unity and the relationship of certain stages of production processes, as a result of which raw materials and materials used in the enterprise are transformed into finished products. They also allow for services and perform certain work in order to extract profits.

    Organizational unity It is determined by the presence of a single collective and a single leadership, which is reflected in the general and organizational structure of the enterprise.

    Economic unity Determined by the generality of economic results of work - the volume of products sold, the level of profitability, the mass of profits, the funds of the enterprise, etc., and, most importantly, the profit will act as the main goal of the activity.

    However, the company, above all, is not a production, not economic, but a social unit. The company is a team of people of various qualifications associated with certain socio-economic relations and interests, and the profit of the profit serves as the basis for meeting the needs (both material and spiritual) of the whole team. Therefore, the most important tasks of the enterprise are: the payment of the personnel of a social fair wage, which would ensure the reproduction of labor; Creation of normal working and recreation conditions, opportunities for professional growth, etc.

    The company is not only an economic entity of the economy, but also entity . A legal entity recognizes the organization, which is owned by economic management or operational management. Separate property and is responsible for its obligations with these property, may acquire and implement property and personal non-property rights, to bear the obligations, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court. Legal entities must have an independent balance or estimate.

    A legal entity is subject to state registration and operates either on the basis of the Charter or the constituent agreement and the Charter, or only a founding contract.

    The Charter reflects: organizational and legal forms of the enterprise (firm); name; mailing address; subject and purpose of activity; authorized capital; the procedure for the distribution of profits; control bodies; list and location of structural units included in the company; Conditions for reorganization and liquidation.

    Firm - Legally independent entrepreneurial unit. It can be like a large enterprise or organization and a small company. A modern firm usually includes several enterprises. If the company consists of one enterprise, both the term coincide. In this case, the enterprise and the firm denote the same object of economic activity. The company in relation to the production units included in its composition is an entrepreneurial authority. Usually it is the firm, and not an enterprise acts as an economic entity in the market, carries out a price policy, conducts a competitive struggle, participates in the distribution of profits, asks the pace and determines the directions of scientific and technological progress

    In economics, the most different enterprises are functioning. They differ from each other for a number of signs: industry affiliation; sizes; degree of specialization and scale of production of the same type of products; methods of organizing the production and degree of its mechanization and automation; Organizational and legal forms, etc.

    Signs industry belongingenterprises are: the nature of raw materials consumed in the manufacture of products; appointment and character of the finished product; technical and technological community production; Work time during the year. So, enterprises and organizations in our country are distributed in statistics, primarily in three groups of production sectors (parts of the national economy):



        distributing electricity, gas and water.

    The meaning of these sectors can be judged by general economic indicators (the number of organizations, the volume of goods shipped and the financial result) is Table 8.

    Table 8.

    1. Major performance performance, manufacturing production and distribution of electricity, gas and water in 2007

    Number of existing organizations:

    Mining minerals

    Processing production

    Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

    Volume of shipped products of own production, work performed and services on their own, billion rubles:


    Processing production

    Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water

    Salded financial result (profit minus losses),

    billion rubles.

    2. Agriculture has the following structure (according to 2008 data, as a percentage of the result)

    Agricultural organizations

    Households of the population

    Peasant (farmer) farms

    3. In construction in 2008 operated:

    Construction organizations

    The amount of work performed (in the actual prices of 1995, billion rubles)

    By destination finished products All enterprises are divided into two large groups: producing production facilities and producing consumption items.

    In the sign technological generality There are companies with continuous and discrete processes of production, with the predominance of mechanical and chemical processes of production.

    By work time during the year There are round-round and seasonal enterprises.

    In the sign the size of the enterprise They are divided into large (with a number of more than 500 employees), medium (with a number of 101 to 500 employees) and small up to 100 employees). The main criterion for the classification of the enterprise to one of these groups is not only the number of employees, but also the amount of permissible currency.

    By specialization and scale production Simplicated enterprise products are divided into specialized, diversified and combined.

    You can allocate enterprises and on other grounds. For example, depending on the various types of economic and legal relations and the nature of industrial activity, such, for example, enterprises are distinguished:

      rentalmanufactures products, performs work and provides services using property based on the lease agreement (for a certain period);

      venture- small enterprise in high-tech sectors of the economy, carrying out scientific research, engineering development and the introduction of risk innovations;

      closed(in some countries) in which an agreement is working on that only members of the trade union will be accepted for work in this enterprise and want to join the trade union;

      openin which members of the trade union and persons who are not members of the trade union are accepted for work;

      collectivewhich was created either when buying a state-owned enterprise, or when purchasing the property of the enterprise by the employment team.

    The classification of enterprises is important in developing for homogeneous enterprises of standard documentation, the use of typical constructive and technological solutions, production structure and other purposes.

    In accordance with the forms of ownership, enterprises can be state, municipal, private, and may also be owned by public organizations.

    Enterprise as object rightsrecognized property Complexwhich is generally real estate. This complex includes all types of property intended for its activities, including land plots; building; equipment; inventory; raw materials; Products.

    In addition, this complex includes the rights of claims, debts, as well as notation, individualizing enterprise, its products, work and services (corporate name, trademarks, service signs), and other exceptional rights.

    The company operates its activities in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, in connection with informatics, science and scientific services, trade, logistics, culture, education, services and services in other sectors of national economy. The company can simultaneously conduct several types of economic activities.

    According to Art. 3 HCU under the CD is understoodthe activities of business entities in the field of social proceedings, aimed at producing and selling products, performance of work or the provision of value services that have pricing definiteness.

    HDcharacterized by the following signs:

    1) This activity is aimed at the production of products (goods), work and provision of services in order to meet the needs of other subjects ;

    2) it is carried out, as a rule, on a professional basis ;

    3) the results of this activity have the form of goods, and therefore the value expression;

    4) In the process of organizing and implementing this activity, both the private interests of the manufacturer and the public interests of the state and society as a whole are united.

    According to Art. 3 HCU HD, carried out to achieve economic and social results and in order to profit is entrepreneurship And the subjects carrying out this activity are entrepreneurs. HD, which is carried out without profit of profit is non-commercial HD.

    In chapters 4 and 5, the HCCs are enshrined the general provisions regarding entrepreneurship and non-commercial economic activities.

    According to Art. 42 HCC entrepreneurship- This is an independent, initiative, systematic for its own risk of HD, carried out by business entities (entrepreneurs) to achieve economic and social results in order to profit.

    According to Art. 52 KHKU non-commercial business - This is an independent, systematic HD, aimed at achieving economic, social and other results without profit without profit. The NCD is carried out by the business entities of the state or communal sectors of the economy in areas (activities), in which according to Art. The 12th Code is prohibited by entrepreneurship.

    The NCD can also be carried out by other business entities that are prohibited by the exercise of HD in the form of entrepreneurship (commodity and stock exchanges).

    According to Art. 52 HCCs are prohibited from the implementation of the NCD state authorities, local governments, their officials. In HCCs, the organizational forms of the implementation of the NCD (Article 53) are determined; Provisions regarding its regulation (Art. 54).

      Objective basis, means and methods of state regulation of economic activity

    State regulation of HD is an objective necessity that acquires all new features and features aimed at the formation of market relations, denationalization, entrepreneurship, the development of various forms of management. The state regulates the HD for two reasons. First, the state carries out property management, which is state-owned objects, and, secondly, the state impact on the CD is due to a number of requirements regarding the protection of public interests related:

      with the formation of the state budget;

      with environmental protection and natural resources;

      with the provision of the country's defense capability;

      with the implementation of freedom of entrepreneurship and competition, protection against monopolism;

    With respect for law enforcement both in the internal HD and in the implementation of foreign economic activity and foreign investment;

    With the provision of employment of the population and others.

    In addition, the state is obliged:

    Ensure business entities (regardless of the form of ownership) the same legal and economic conditions of management;

    Promote the development of the market, to regulate, using economic laws and incentives, implementing antitrust measures;

    Provide preferential conditions to enterprises that apply progressive technologies create new jobs and others.

    State regulation of the CD is a set of measures regarding the adoption and appropriate execution of economic legislation, as well as the definition of the system of government agencies that directly carry out the functions and management of this area of \u200b\u200bthe economy.

    According to Art. 12 Khki K. main fundsthe regulatory impact of the state at the CD refers:

      state Order, State Objective (Article 13 of HCC and Zu dated December 22, 1995 "On the supply of products for state needs" from February 22, 2000 "On the procurement of goods and services for public funds");

      licensing, patenting and quotation (Art. 14 of the HCC and Zu dated June 1, 2000. "On the licensing of certain types of HD", "On the patenting of certain types of PD", "ODAD");

      certification and standardization (Art. 15 HCU, IS "On Standardization", "On Confirmation");

      application of standards and limits;

      regulation of prices and tariffs (HCC Chapter 21, Issue "On Pricing and Pricing");

      providing investment, tax and other benefits (Art. 17, Issue "On Eid", "On the regime of foreign investment", etc.);

      providing subsidies, compensation, target innovation and subsidies (Art. 16 HCC).

    Principles of state regulation of HD They are the main provisions that determine the most common and most significant features of the state's economic policy. These include:

    Consistency and coordination of actions of business entities of various forms of ownership;

    Economic independence;

    Equality of all forms of ownership;

    Combining Economic and Social Goals.

    In the process of regulating the CD, the state uses certain methods of state regulation of HD,which are a combination of methods and techniques used in the regulatory activities of government agencies to solve the problems in the field of the economy in order to achieve certain results.

    Among such methods should be allocated:

    Method of belief, permission;

    Direct instructions method;

    Administrative and economic methods.

    In modern conditions method of belief and permission is one of the main methods. The principle of voluntary creation of CX is defined in HCC, their equality is independent of the form of ownership and taking into account personal and public interests.

    However, in the conditions of becoming market relations, the use of the method of belief and permission is isolated from method of direct instructions Does not give positive results. Therefore, to ensure the procedure for HD in the cases provided by law, the method of direct indications is applied, which establishes the requirements for product quality, environmental protection, keeping accounting and reporting, safety and other safety.

    Administrative methods - This is a direct impact on behavior, the activity of CX with the help of mandatory instructions, and economic methods are direct influence with the help of economic incentives (prices, subsidies, loans, etc.). Administrative methodsmost often apply in cases when an order or a ban is needed to implement the management decision.

    The practical application of economic methods is carried out with the help of the following levers: pricing, preferential lending, financing, etc.

    According to Art. 8 KHKU the state, OGM and OMS are not business entities. Decisions of these bodies in the field of HD are accepted within their economic competence, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, in the memory "On local government administrations", "On local self-government" and others.

    Types of economic activity

    There are several types of economic activity:

    • Household is an economy whose maintenance is carried out by a group of jointly living people.
    • A small enterprise is an economic unit, occupied by the manufacture of relatively small amounts of goods. The owner of such an enterprise can be one person or several. As a rule, it uses its own work by the owner or is employed by a relatively small number of employees.
    • Large businesses are enterprises that produce goods massively. As a rule, these enterprises are formed by combining property owners. An example of which enterprise is a joint stock company.
    • National economy is an association of economic activity across the country. To a certain extent, this activity is sent by the state, which, in turn, tries to ensure sustainable growth in the country's economy and thereby increase the welfare of the entire population.
    • The world economy is an economic system in which there is a relationship between various countries and peoples.

    Forms of economic activity

    Definition 1.

    The form of economic activity is a system of norms, which determines the domestic relations of enterprise partners, as well as the attitude of this enterprise with other counterparties and government agencies.

    There are several forms of economic activity:

    • Individual shape;
    • Collective form;
    • Corporate form.

    Under individual form of economic activity It is understood by the company, whose owner is this or an individual, or family. The functions of the owner and entrepreneurs are combined in one subject. He receives and distributes the income received, and also carries the risk from its economic activity and has unlimited property responsibility to its creditors and third parties. As a rule, such enterprises are not legal entities. The owner of this enterprise can attract additional hired labor, but in rather limited quantities (no more than 20 people).

    If speak about collective form of economic activityThere are three types of them: economic partnerships, business companies, joint-stock companies.

    Economic partnerships May be in shape: full partnership and partnership on faith. The full partnership is an organization that is based on collective ownership. As a rule, it is an association of several individuals or legal. All participants in this type of partnership carry full unlimited responsibility for all the obligations of the partnership. The property of the full partnership is formed by the contributions of its participants and obtained in the process of carrying out their activities of income. All property belongs to the participant of the full partnership on the rights of equity property.

    A partnership on faith is an association, where one or more of his owners carry full responsibility for all the obligations of the partnership, the remaining depositors are responsible only within the capital belonging to them.

    TO economic Societies Refines: Limited Liability Company, Society with additional responsibility. Limited Liability Company is enterprises that are created by combining the contributions of legal entities and individuals. At the same time, the number of participants in a limited liability company cannot exceed the established limit, otherwise during the year this society will be transformed into a joint-stock company.

    Society with additional responsibility It is an organization that share capital is divided into shares, the size of which is defined in advance. This type of society is formed by one or several persons. For all the obligations of society, all its founders are subject to subsidiary responsibility in the amount, which is Cathedral in the cost of the contribution to the authorized capital.

    Joint-stock company It is the form of economic activity, all the means of which are formed by combining the capital of the founders, as well as the issue and placement of shares. Participants in the joint-stock company are responsible for all obligations in a society in the amount equal to deposits.

    In order to protect its commercial interests and increase the efficiency of capital use of the enterprise, various organizational and legal forms can be united in the so-called corporate forms of entrepreneurship. These include: concerns, consortium, inter-sectoral and regional unions.

    Concern - This is the union of organizations that joint activities voluntarily. As a rule, the concert possess scientific and technical functions, functions of industrial and social development, functions of foreign economic activity, etc.

    Consortium - Combining the organization to solve certain tasks created for a while. In our country, the consortium is created to implement government programs to organize any forms of ownership.

    Industry and Regional Unions represent the association of organizations on the contractual conditions. These unions are created to implement one or more production and economic functions.

    Organization of economic activity

    The organization of economic activity takes three stages:

    1. Stage 1 - assessment of opportunities. Initially, it is necessary to give an objective assessment to all resources, necessary for the production process. For these purposes it is advisable to use scientific developments. The main advantage of this stage is that it helps to give a preliminary assessment of the production potential precisely in those volumes and in those conditions that will be investigated, and on the basis of which the decision will be approved for the launch of this or that products. After the organization's production potential is studied, the production line is launched within the plan formed.
    2. 2 stage - running auxiliary production. The implementation of this phase is only if there is a need. Auxiliary production is a pretty necessary event, since it helps to master the new segments of the sales market and increase the chance of the effectiveness of the financial development of the organization. The organization of the organization can be carried out both by their own and through the attraction of third-party organizations and resources. At this stage, services are used to optimize the production of production and evaluate the potential costs of funds. At the next stage, work is carried out aimed at studying the sales market and product sales capabilities.
    3. 3 Stage - product sales. All stages affecting the sale of products are monitored. At the same time, the products implemented are carried out, and projections are drawn up, which make it possible to accept competent solutions to the Organization's management. There is a situation where the post-sale methodology should be developed. For example, when establishing a warranty period for its products.
    The activities of the enterprise is a process that includes not only directly the production of goods or the provision of services, but also financial and economic activities, supply, product sales, the use of labor and material resources, equipment and equipment. Enterprise - structured and living organism.

    The structure of any enterprise includes administrative and management apparatus, production department, financial and economic and accounting department and reporting. In addition, the structure may also include other units, whose tasks include ensuring a continuous process of producing products and manufacturing products, which would be competitive and responded in quantity, quality and timing of delivery to the market requirements. At the same time, the main requirement and criteria for the efficiency of the enterprise is to minimize production costs, i.e. Reducing the cost of goods and services produced.

    Factors defining the production and economic activities of the enterprise

    The effectiveness of the production and economic activity of the enterprise, first of all, depends on such factors as providing production facilities, the state of the production and technical base, its technical and organizational level, how the organization of production and labor meets the modern requirements of the conjuncture and market.

    Such a factor as financial and economic planning has great importance for the activities of the enterprise. This is not only uninterrupted provision of necessary resources, but also permanent control over the current activities of the enterprise, the operational adjustment of management decisions in order to achieve planned results.

    The control is carried out by analyzing the production and economic activity of the enterprise by comparing the main results of this activity with calculated and planned indicators. To such indicators characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise, for example, belong:
    - profits from the sale of goods and services rendered;
    - cumulative production costs;
    - profitability;
    - Lead of remuneration of people working at the enterprise;
    - the amount of cash in the settlement accounts of the enterprise;
    - existing payables and receivables.

    In the distant past (over 10 thousand years ago), people were practically engaged in production, but only they took everything necessary from nature. Their activity was hunting, fisheries and gathering. Over time, humanity has greatly changed and improved activities.

    From this article, you will learn what economic activities are and what types of economic activities are.

    So, the economy is called human production all that is necessary to ensure the needs and improvement of living conditions. In other words, economic activity is a totality of industries that are interrelated.

    Such sectors refers:

    • agriculture;
    • industry;
    • services sector;
    • transport;
    • trade;
    • science and education;
    • health care;
    • building.

    Engaged in providing people with food and supply of raw materials for some industries. The development of agricultural production depends mainly on natural conditions. The degree of development of agriculture, in turn, has a great influence on the economy and the political situation of the state, as well as on its food independence.

    The most important directions of this industry are animal husbandry and crop production. Livestock is engaged in the content and breeding of farm animals for food (eggs, cheese, milk), raw materials (wool) and organic fertilizers. It includes cattle breeding, poultry farming, sheep, pig breeding, etc.

    The task of crop production is to grow different farm cultural plants, which are then used as food, animal feed and raw materials. The sectors of crop production include vegetable growing, potatoes, gardening, grain farm, etc.

    Enterprises that produce implement tools and are producing materials, raw materials, fuel, as well as processing industrial or agricultural products. Industry is divided into mining and processing. The extractive specializes in the extraction of raw materials, oil, coal, ore, peat, and processing - on the production of black and non-ferrous metals, machinery, equipment, building materials. Industry includes the following industries:

    • fuel industry;
    • light industry;
    • food industry;
    • forest industry;
    • non-ferrous metallurgy;
    • ferrous metallurgy;
    • mechanical engineering and other industries.

    Services sector

    This industry is designed to provide the population with material and intangible (spiritual) services. Material services include household service, communication, transport. To the intangible - health care, trade, communal service. There are also market and non-market services. Under the market, they mean those services that are implemented on the market for significant, in terms of the economy, prices. Transport, paid education and health care are examples of typical market services. On non-market services includes science, defense and free health care and education services, that is, everything that has no economic value.

    Means satisfying the needs of the population in the carriage of goods and passengers. This industry expands the scale of production and consumption, since literally connects these two processes. However, transport is strongly dependent on external conditions, because transportation is often carried out for long distances. Nevertheless, the transport industry is considered quite profitable in market conditions, not to mention the monopolization of transport.

    The activities of people who are associated with acts of purchase and sale and a complex of operations intended to implement the exchange process. Trading is two types: Wholesale and retail. In wholesale trade, the purchase of goods occurs in large parties, as it is acquired for further use. The retail, on the contrary, carries out acts of purchase and sale directly to finite consumers.

    Education includes children's pre-school and general secondary education, as well as training. Education includes industries such as transport, natural science, psychological, radio engineering, mathematical, construction and other types of education. The purpose of science is to obtain scientific knowledge as the results of the studies. Science is very difficult to overestimate: its contribution to the development of the state economy, improving the efficiency of material production and the protection of state resources of the state is very large.

    A branch engaged in the organization and ensuring the health of the population. To preserve, maintain physical and mental health, as well as to assist with poor worsening, special social institutions are created.

    This branch provides the commissioning of new, as well as the reconstruction and repair of objects of both industrial and non-productive purposes. The main role of this industry is the creation of conditions for the dynamic pace of development of the state economy. In addition, this industry is directly involved in the creation of fixed assets (along with the building materials, metallurgy and some other sectors of the economy), which are intended for all sectors of the national economy.