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Care for seedlings of fruit trees. Care of fruit trees seedlings in the first year in autumn. Trimming a young garden - what kind of work to choose

A beautiful and well-kept garden, giving an abundant yield of berries and fruits - the pride of any subsidence, be it a country house, cottage or summer phasenda. To achieve good results, adhere to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, which apply their own developments collected over the years. First of all, it should be understood that any plant is a living being, which affects not only the observance of certain rules of agricultural equipment, but also lunar phases, climatic conditions, soil indicators, and even the mood of a gardener engaged in planting or leaving. All work is desirable to perform in accordance with the life cycles of certain types of crops.

How to care for seedlings - from choosing and landing, to fruiting

Seat selection

Of course, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the future harvest directly depends on the choice of planting material. Purchase plants in specialized gardeners, nurseries with a good reputation or familiar gardeners guaranteeing their quality.

All trees and shrubs, especially bone, preferably replant under the age of 1 year. Two-year-old plants are much more likely to come out in a new place, they sick or weakly fruit. This is due to the fact that younger seedlings have a less developed crown and a short subtle trunk, thanks to which the processes of addiction in a new place of residence pass not only faster and easier, but also painless.

The height of annual bone trees is considered normal from 1.1 to 1.3 meters, and seeds - from 0.9 to 1 meter. These recommendations refer to plants with a bare root system (the lack of an earthen coma on the roots).

For what features choose seedlings:

1. Special attention should be paid to the roots: if they have a big length, but at the same time there are no small roots on major rhizomes ("shaggy" roots), then it is better to refrain from their purchase. It is small branches that allow the plant to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil.

2. Saplings are better leaving if they dug at the beginning of autumn. Such plants have no characteristic unquestless green top, which is inherent in seedlings extracted from the Earth in August or even at the end of July.

Preparation of seats

Landing pits are digging in advance. Even if the planting is planned in the spring, then the pits are still desirable to prepare from autumn. The upper fertile layer of soil (it is darker) is postponed separately from the rest of the Earth. The depth of the pit is not less than 0.6 m, and the diameter is 1 m, as it is necessary to provide space for the root system. The lower (non-fermentation, light color, from sand and clay) layer of the soil is no longer needed - it can be scattered with a thin layer on the site or in the garden. The bottom is laid out with a drainage of river sand and small gravel or pebbles. Usefully span the seat with clean water. It is advisable to start not earlier than 1 month later.

Planting seedlings:

1. Before boarding the root plant of the plant is checked: the tips are trimmed (1-2 cm), broken rhizomes are removed or with signs of rotting.

2. At the bottom of the pit, the slide is hidden, consisting of 2 parts of the fertile land (a pending separate bunch), 1 part of the reworked manure or garden compost and 1 part of the peat.

3. The seedling is put on the center of a full-length bunch, so that the vaccination (root neck) is above the level of the surface of the site by 3-4 cm (the bulletination can lead to the fact that the plant can be started and perishing), while the lower roots are neatly straightening the slopes of the hill.

4. At a distance of about 10 cm from the trunk, we will drive the prepared wooden peasants (to support young trees) in an amount of from 1 to 3, a height equal to the growth of a seedling.

5. Uniformly distributing the fertile soil. Pull the pit.

6. Dry the land tightly with your feet (this stage is carried out to remove the remaining air bubbles left from the soil when landing, causing processes of root rotting), after which they paint the plant at the rate of 10 to 12 liters per seedling.

7. A seighted land is required to be filled with soil until the previous level.

8. Valine the rolling circle with the help of a peat (the apparent layer of about 2 cm), after which it is qualitatively, but do not tighten the plant to the peg (pegs).

Watering Sazedians

Plants need regular irrigation over, at least two years. It is during this period that there is a complete rooting, and the tree becomes strong and hardy. Watering is carried out within all months, except for the cold (starting from the first frosts and to the complete melting of the snow). Water volumes for each plant and irrigation frequency depend on the current weather conditions. In the absence of precipitation for 12-14 days, trees are watered until the water starts to be absorbed into the soil with a delay. With this method of irrigation, the soil crust is formed for the next day, which is loosened for a small depth.


Future yield directly depends on how much the tree is strengthened. Annual apples and peaches will bring the first fruits, after 2-3 years, apricot, cherry and plums - 3-4, and a pear is about 5 years. If you are young trees bloomed previously revealed period, then all the flowers are removed, so as not to weaken the plants.

Abundant to you yields in the garden!

If you dream to grow a big garden with fruit trees, our article will help to find answers to all the questions in gardening. You will learn how to proper planting seedlings, care for them depending on the season and trimming fruit trees in spring to preserve yields.

Planting garden fruit trees

Beginner gardeners often make a common mistake, namely, the landing of garden crops incorrectly.

Note: Drop the hole, insert a seedling into it and pour out the earth - not everything you need for rooting and growth. In order for the culture to take root, you need to choose the right place, prepare a plot and conduct a transplant in accordance with all the rules.

Landing garden crops is best to spend early in spring when the soil warms up. In some cases, autumn landing is allowed, but in this case, the saplth must be careed more carefully so that it will have to root and grow to winter.

The correct landing is carried out so(picture 1):

  • The seedling inspects for damage and remove all dry or injured roots;
  • The plot is prepared since the autumn: carry deep steps, weeds are removed and organic fertilizers contribute (it is best to rewind manure);
  • Make wells for planting. In areas with a good drainage, you can just dig a hole in the ground, but if the soil is too wet, it is better to carry out a landing in small hilly;
  • In preparing the pit, fertile soil is folded separately. Later it is used to fill the wells.

Figure 1. Proper landing of garden crops

It is important to make a well of suitable size. It should freely place the polished roots. After placing a seedling in the well, the roots sprinkle fertile land, watered and seal the ground. When water is absorbed, you can pour again. In the future, the saplress needs to be observed in order to make fertilizers, pour or spray a culture from diseases and pests.

From the video, you will learn how to properly vaccinate fruit trees.

Care for seedlings

In order for the garden to be a crop, and young plants came faster, they need to constantly care for them.

The main care of seedlings includes(Figure 2):

  1. Care for rolling circles Includes a gradual expansion of the treated soil located around the trunk. Since the root system is growing rapidly, the space is increased annually, conducting surface loosening in the spring and deep people to the fall in the fall. In the summer, weeds, which can prevent the development of a sapling remove from the rollerous circles.
  2. Watering Plays an important role in rooting seedlings. In a moderate climate, it is enough to carry out 2-3 times a week, but if drought began and there are no natural precipitates, moisture contribute daily (mostly in the evening).
  3. Making fertilizers Especially important when landing on low fertility grounds. Nutrients, falling into the soil, are absorbed by roots, and the tree is growing more actively and begins to be fruit before.

Figure 2. The main stages of the care of fruit crops: trimming, whitewashes, watering and installing supports for branches

Young seedlings also necessarily look at the presence of symptoms of diseases and pest larvae. This will allow the spraying in time to preserve the viability of culture. Also annually pruning for the formation of the crown and stimulation of the formation of new shoots.

Features of the care of fruit trees are described in detail in the video.

Fruit trees for the garden: titles and photos

Among the popular garden trees are distinguished by many species. Unfortunately, not all of them are suitable for growing in a moderate climate. For example, citrus and subtropical can only grow the warm southern regions.

These types of fruit trees and fruit shrubs are considered the most common(Figure 3):

  • Seeds (pears, apple, quince, Irga and Rowan);
  • Bone (cherries, apricots, peaches, plums, etc.);
  • Walnut (walnuts and forest nuts, almonds);
  • Berry (strawberry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, etc.).

Figure 3. Popular types of garden crops: 1 - seeds, 2 - bone, 3 - walnut, 4 - berry

Also in the gardens you can grow a rose, sea buckthorn, mulberry, honeysuckle and hawthorn. A variety of species is very large, and due to the work of breeders managed to bring varieties resistant to temperature and diseases.


One of the most important conditions for the successful cultivation of garden crops is the right choice of varieties. All derivatives of cultures undergo a long-term verification of compliance with the soil and climatic conditions of the region. Therefore, for each climatic zone there are its varieties.

Winter-resistant varieties are considered the best, as they are well taken out in any climate, and the decrease in temperature is reflected in the yield.

Among the best winter-hardy varieties allocate:

  • Apple tree Antonovka, Grushovka Moscow and Mednica;
  • Lada pears, Chizhovskaya and cathedral;
  • Pluma Plumoval, Hungarian Moscow and Blue Dar.

Also there are winter-hardy varieties of cherries (youth, memory of enakyev) and sweet cherries (Bryanskaya Pink, Tyutchevka, etc.).

Fertilizers for planting fruit trees

Acclimatization of seedlings depends on fertilizers that were introduced during the planting process.

Note: In the preparation of the well, the top (fertile) layer of the soil is removed and not mixed with the rest of the soil extracted from the pit. This land is later used to fill the space inside the well.

Traditionally, organic and mineral fertilizers are used during the landing. From organic fertilizers you can use overwhelmed manure and compost. It is impossible to use fresh organic, since the selection of ammonia in the decomposition process can provoke the root rotation.

From mineral fertilizers when landing, any means can be used, except for drugs containing nitrogen. Such feeders reduce the speed of planting plants. Nitrogen-containing drugs are brought later when the seedling is acclimatized.

Care of fruit trees in early spring

The main gardening of the garden in the spring includes pruning. First of all, they remove shoots and branches damaged by frost.

Also carry out a prophylactic spraying until the kidney awakening. Most often for this use diesel. It does not cause a sapling harm covering it with an oily film that overlaps the larvae access to oxygen.

Care rules

The main rules of care include whitening and pruning (Figure 4). After inspection, the trunks and branches remove all damaged parts. It is also necessary to remove the shelter and inspect the trunks for damage. If there are wounds on the trunk or branches, they are purified from the residues of the bark, they are treated with copper vigorous and smeared with garden water.

Sheets of trunks performs several functions. Firstly, it destroys the larvae of pests who have crossed under the crust. Secondly, protects the bore from sunburn.

Figure 4. Rules for gardening in spring

In addition, in the spring, complex mineral fertilizers contribute to the roasting circles, which will help plants to maintain yields and get the necessary nutrients from the soil.


Among the peculiarities of the spring care for the garden, preventive spraying against pests can be distinguished. They are carried out in several stages. The first time the treatment is carried out back in the period of rest when there was no slop in the trunk and branches. The second time to process is processed during flowering, using special chemicals for this. All these events help protect cultures from diseases and insumage of pests.

In the fall not only collect harvest, but also begin to cook the garden to winter. It is not worth neglecting the winter procedures, since it depends on their quality, how successfully the culture will postpone the cold season and retain the ability to fruit.

Care rules

In the fall of garden crops requires such care (Figure 5):

  • After harvest Prioric circles are completely purified from leaves, residues of fruit and dry branches. Any organic gauge on the surface of the soil will start rotting and can cause infection with fungus.
  • Under root Potash and phosphoric fertilizers contribute. It will help plants to gain strength before the winter. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are not recommended, as they activate growth and prevent plants to enter the state of rest.
  • After stopping the coilment Conduct pruning. But if the trees were not damaged, this item can be missed, since far from all cultures normally carry the removal of branches immediately before the onset of cold weather.

Figure 5. Autumn garden care and plant preparation for winter

It is also desirable to re-white the trunks of lime and spray the garden insecticides.


The main goal of autumn care is to prepare trees for the winter. Having gathered the entire harvest, it is necessary to clean the rich circles from the leaves and dry branches, the soil loans and make potash and phosphoric fertilizers.

Autumn trimming is carried out only if necessary (for example, if patients or damaged branches were detected) so as not to expose the plant with stress before in winter. Mandatory care also includes whitening of trunks and insulation of young crops. They are wrapped with insulating material, and the priestly circles cover mulch. This will help protect plants from frostbite.

Also on the territory lay out bait for rodents, which can damage the bark in winter.

Trimming fruit trees in spring: scheme

The trimming of the spring conducted by the correct scheme will help to accelerate the growth of cultures, will retain their yield and help prevent the development of diseases.

Note: Pruning can be carried out in winter, but only in the absence of severe frosts. If the temperature drops below -8 degrees, it is impossible to remove the branches, since the resulting wound can lead to the death of the entire plant.

There are several types of trimming that can be spent in spring(Figure 6):

  • Sanitary It assumes the removal of all damaged and sick branches. It is such a procedure that is carried out in early spring, in the process of examination of crops after winter.
  • Rejuvenating Helps keep the yield of old copies. In this case, old branches are removed, which are already practically not fruit. In their place, new with young crops are formed.
  • Crown formation More suitable for young seedlings, branches on which they grow chaotically. The main purpose of the procedure is to form the crown of the right form and release the central part of the trunk from the extra branches to activate fruiting.

Figure 6. Types of spring trimming

For trimming, only sharp garden tools are used: secantors and special hacksaws, with which you can make an accurate and even slice.

When starting trimming

Regardless of the climatic zone, the time when starting trimming in the spring depends on temperature and weather conditions.

Note: The main rule is to remove branches when the tree is at rest. So it will experience a smaller stress, and the wound will delay faster.

As a rule, the spring trim starts in March. At this time, the juice movement has not yet begun, but the kidneys are ready for awakening, so the wounds will quickly heal, and the plant will not experience strong stress.

Rules trimming

The main rule of the spring trim - to determine the moment when the tree still sleeps, but the kidneys are ready to reveal. So you will perform several important conditions at once: remove extra or damaged branches without stress for culture, and speed up the healing of the wounders.

Among the basic rules, you can allocate such:

  • For work, only sharp garden tools (sectors and hacksaws) are used to cut it smooth. The hacksaw that you use for cutting cannot be used for construction or other works.
  • Pruning is desirable to carry out in warm weatherless weather so that the location of the cut does not damage the cold air and the wind.
  • After the procedure, the location of the cut is smeared with a garden ward, and the barrel whitening lime.

Observing these simple rules, you can easily save the viability of trees, update old plants and activate the growth of young people.

Trimming fruit trees in winter

Contrary to popular belief, in winter the trees are not only possible, but also need to trim. The only contraindication is a strong frost. If the air temperature drops below -8 degrees, the branches cannot be deleted. The resulting wound will be formed for a very long time, and the plant may die.

However, winter trimming has several important advantages. First, the tree is at rest and does not have a strong stress. Secondly, branches devoid of leaves are much easier to process and inspect, so the cut can be made more accurate and even.

The location of the cut is defined by the garden harder to protect healthy fabrics from supercooling or damage.

Pruning fruit trees in winter: video for beginners

Since winter trimming has some features, it needs to be followed by certain rules.

If you have never removed the branches in the winter before, we recommend watching a video that will help conduct the procedure correctly, while maintaining the productivity and viability of culture.

Vaccination and rewrite - one of the main stages of care for garden crops (Figure 7). The vaccination is a method of vegetative reproduction of fruit crops. A seedling grown from seeds, in most cases does not preserve the varietal signs, so it is vaccinated (tolerate the kidney or cutlets from another culture). After the capture, the gardener gets a full-fledged variety tree.

Figure 7. Features of vaccinations and reapt

Crossing has a lot in common with vaccination, with the exception of one significant difference. The trunk is implanted with a cutlery with formed kidneys from another variety or even plants. As a result, the main tree will develop and fruit separately, and at the point of rewright will grow a full-fledged escape that will bring the fruits of its variety.

Note: With the help of rewrite, you can successfully grow cultures that are not cultivated by climatic or soil conditions traditionally.

From how correctly you will care for seedlings in the first years of their lives, future crops of fruit trees depend. Therefore it is very important to know the basics of care of young trees and do not miss the main stages of their development. In today's article, we will talk about how to care for young seedlings in the first two years of their lives.

Formation of a priority circle

After planting a seedling to the ground, you should form the so-called rolling circle, thanks to him, the young tree is much easier to fertilize and water, because everything you need will not be broken through the territory of the garden, but will fall to the destination, to the roots of a young tree. In the first year of life, the rolling circle of a sapling can be 30-40 centimeters, and in the future it expands.

The rolling circle should always be cleared of weeds and is well brazed, these simple actions will help ensure the best access of oxygen to the root system.

Watering Sazedians

The required amount of water depends on what basis the seedling and weather conditions are planted. So, in case the tree is planted on sandy soil, and even summer has been hot and dry, then the young village should be pouring at least 6-7 times a year.

In one watering under the root, 3-4 buckets of water pours out, after which the land in the rolling circle should be braid.

If you chose a good land for landing and the tree does not feel a sharp deficit of moisture, it will be enough to pour a seedling three times, the first one - in early April, the second is in May, and the third is in June.

Necessary subordinate

The required number of fertilizers depends on how correctly the plant was fertilized during the landing, if all the necessary procedures were performed, it will be enough for a young tree for a year, but if the landing was performed "on an ambulance hand," then a month after the landing should be made In the rolling circle, potassium chloride, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

As soon as your seedling is a year, it is necessary to expand its rolling circle for approximately half a meter.

The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of the second year of the life of your seedling, depending on how well the tree has rummaged in the first year of life depend on the number of microelements. If you need to accelerate the growth of the seedling, then add urea and more ammonium nitrate, they are nitrogen-containing, because the tree will immediately heat the necessary height.

Trimming young trees

In the first years of life, a pruning of young shoots performs an important role, since it is at this time that the crown of a tree occurs. Overrigue one fourth part of the shoots, it follows with special secateral scissors. This procedure cannot be performed before the onset of frosts, since the young plant may not survive the winter.

If the seedling, even before the landing, was too big, then the first trimming must be performed immediately after buying a young plant.

Mulching of the priority circle

Most often for mulching, peat, humid or compost, a non-footing layer of mulch can be accumulated and maintaining the necessary level of humidity in the soil.
For fruit trees, it is better not to use fishing of coniferous plants for mulching.

In winter, this layer will perform the role of a "warming blanket", which will help a young plant to overvarce.

First wintering

The first winter and frost are a rather serious test for a young plant, because it should be helped to fall over, for this you need to purchase special shelter material, it will protect the tree from various rodents, heats up in a cold period and early in the spring will save from burns. Wrapping the tree is best together, in this case, the likelihood that you will not break the branches are much higher. Must with strong winds will be able to proper support, which does not hurt the bark of a tree.

How to make your seedlings turn into strong fruit trees and lived for a long time and happily - do not forget about the trifles!

Let's start with the fact that the tree transplant is a painful procedure for a plant, which will need to urgently regenerate its root system in a new place.

Therefore, the cropping of a seedling after planting should be minimal and limited only to broken branches or branches with dead wood. Clamp formation to one or two seasons until the tree is strengthened.

How to install the backup under the seedlot correctly

Contrary to a common statement that a seedling should be firmly tied to the support, some gardeners believe that the majority of newly planted trees do not need this, except when the tree is planting in autumn and on an open windy place. And then the support should be removed in the spring immediately after the onset of favorable weather. Why? The dependence of the tree from the support, allegedly, will prevent it from developing sufficient strength of the trunk.

But the adherents of traditional gardening are confident that the backup is necessary, since the root system suffered damage during a transplant, which limited the ability of the plant to extract water and nutrients from soil. As soon as the tree is planted, it will attach all your strength to stand straight. Gardening can help him by completing the following correct actions:

Set at least two, and even better three backups, at equal distances from the trunk.

The distance between the barrel and the backups should be at least 60-70 centimeters in order to avoid injury to the root system.

The backups firmly secure in the soil with a recess of 60 centimeters.

Take a tree to the stakes with a suitable biodegradable material, such as burlap. Avoid using wires and rubber hoses, so as not to apply the wounds of the fine bark of the young tree.

Tension material should not be too strong. Make so that the tree can slightly swing in the wind.

Protect the seedling with a plastic shield from a possible attack by hares or deer, spray a tree from mouse-imaginary rodents or make scout bookmarks. Remember that excessive wrapping of a seedling for the winter by numerous layers of burlap or paper will create a medium for the accumulation of insects, including harmful, and will not benefit the plant.

How to water the sapling when landing in autumn

The correct watering methods are vital for your seedling to stimulate the growth of the root system and supply all the plant moisture.

Watering methods should correspond to the very variety of wood, the environment, the type of soil and drainage.

Young plants require more moisture than the same adult trees with a well-developed root system. The type of soil will also affect the scraper. Clay soils are pouring less frequently, but is plentiful than sandy.

Each new tree should be well pouring immediately when landing to a depth of 40 centimeters to eliminate air pockets and ensure density. After that, they are also abundantly watered twice a week during the first few weeks until the root system is established.

Be careful not to pour a seedling! Too frequent watering will lead to the fact that the leaves will yellow and fall.

Consequently, before irrigating, check the soil for dryness. If the upper 5-10 centimeters are completely dried, the sapling time to water. The slow trickle of water from the garden hose left in the root zone for several hours is more useful than the short, frequent watering, which provoke the root system to grow closer to the surface and makes the tree more vulnerable to environmental stress.

Continue to water until the middle of the autumn, reducing irrigation frequency when the temperature drops. Before the onset of final frosts, moisture profitable watering is not only seedlings, but also to all other fruit trees.

How to fertilize saplings

Trees growing in wildlife do not receive any additional fertilizers, and nevertheless continue to grow and develop. In this, it helps a organic, which is obtained by decomposing the fallen foliage and litter of animals.

Garden trees, on the other hand, often grow in soil, where there are no sufficient nutrients for satisfactory growth such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Often, the fall of gardeners remove the leaves and other plant residues from the surface of the earth, not allowing them to overheet, so to speak, on the root of trees.

In the case of seedlings, young plants need to provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The best time for making phosphate and potash fertilizers - before planting a seedling during the preparation of the pit: Mix in equal parts on a handful of fertilizers, add the top layer of the Earth, mix everything again and put on the bottom of the fox.

There is also a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Remember that synthetic fertilizers are always quickly released when dissolved in water, while organic fertilizers dissolve slower.

When fertilizing seedlings, use delayed release fertilizers or with controlled release. For example, to determine whether nitrogen fertilizer is such, pay attention to the percentage of nitrogen insoluble in the label. If approximately half of nitrogen is insoluble in water, it is considered to be a slow release fertilizer.

After making fertilizers, the soil must be irrevocable, which, in principle, makes any gardener.

The advantages of synthetic fertilizers are relatively rapid elimination of the nutrient deficit in the soil. Such a tree grows vigorously, less susceptible to diseases and is good fruit.

The disadvantages of synthetic fertilizers can be attributed to the fact that sometimes gardeners bulk them too generously and get the opposite effect. Thus, the excess of nitrogen fertilizers contributes to the growth of green leaves and can delay bloom, and when highly loses of soil fertilizers in July and August, growing up the growing time, the young tree will not go to the state of rest in winter and may perish. Therefore, in the second half of summer to feed young trees it is better to apply in. They are recommended for organic farming, improving the sugartyness of fruits and can be used before harvesting.

The best time to make fertilizers - before and during the planting seedling in the fall and early spring. In the fall, the roots are more intensely absorbed nutrients when the growth of shoots is already discontinued, and in the spring plants will not prevent additional incentives after a long winter.

What mulling to choose for a seedliness

Trees living in vivo create their own mulch, dropping their leaves, twigs, fruits and flowers into the roast zone. The thick layer of the litter protects the tree from the cold and feeds the roots with useful elements.

In the garden, you can easily imitate this process using a mulch with an organic wood chips around the trees.

Advantages of mulching

  • Reduces weed problems
  • Reduces soil seal and erosion
  • Keeps moisture
  • Controls soil temperature
  • Improves aeration and soil structure
  • Just look good

Young trees need care, like small children. They need special support and concern until they are growing and not fixed. The health of the tree or shrub and the future harvest depend on proper care. How much fertilizer to seedlings are why the branches froze in the spring, how often the trees need to water - at beginner gardeners the mass of questions. We will understand in order.

How to choose saplings

Healthy planting material is the basis of good survival and future harvest. There are several rules how to choose seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs:

Saplings of fruit trees

Feeding young trees and shrubs

Normal garden soil rarely boasts high fertility. Young fruit trees and shrubs need a lot of nutrients that need to be made in a timely manner. The lack of elements in the soil will affect the growth and health of the plant, on its resistance to diseases and resistance to weather conditions, will negatively affect the future yield of the tree. But the excess fertilizer can harm - burn roots. Therefore, it is necessary to feather moderately. Before landing, the landing pit needs to be well refed with organic or complex fertilizers. Young plants are experiencing increased need for potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus.

Interesting information! The most demanding are seed (apple, pears, quince). Bone (cherry, plum, apricot) make it easier to carry a lack of any trace element.

What is better to feed the seedlings of fruit trees in the spring after landing? If the soil has been filled with enough, it is not necessary to fertilize the seedlings in the first year. The first feeding with nitrogen starts on the second or third year after landing, in spring and autumn. In the fall, it is impossible to give nitrogen to the rapid plants, otherwise they will go into growth again and may die from frosts. Nitrogen is contained in the following substances:

  • manure, bird litter, compost - nitrogen content is low, so it is better to combine with mineral fertilizers;
  • the ammonium nitrate is well absorbed by plants, the norm in a dry form is 15 g. m. or 20 g. On 10 liters of water;
  • the urea contains nitrogen in the form, well-digestible plants.

In the autumn of the fourth after the landing of the year, you can begin to feed the potassium and phosphorus. Fruit trees fertilize these elements in spring during the period of fruits. You can make potassium using:

  • potassium salt, potassium content is 40%, brought at the end of the growing season;
  • potassium sulfate, contains 50% of potassium, fertilize them in the spring.

You can easily find phosphorus:

  • superphosphate, which is made at the rate of 30 g. m.;
  • phosphoritic flour, which is also neutralized by the soil acidity.

Many gardeners use a compost as fertilizer. It contains many substances needed for young plants. Good compost can give seedlings enough food for a successful start. It is submitted when landing and for the third year after. But if the soil is very poor, then you can easily be organic and for the second year. It follows in the fall, so that some of the substances manage to be learned, which will help the treeper easier to survive the winter.

Rules of watering Sazentev

When landing, the seedling is carefully watered into the area of \u200b\u200bthe priority circle. This is not only necessary to drink a plant, but also for soil seal. So that the water does not spread around, and it was absorbed into sufficient depth, several techniques are used:

  1. Bowl. Around the priority circle equal to the diameter of the crown, sides are made from the ground, 15-20 cm high. In the resulting "cup" water is gently poured.
  2. Trench. This method is suitable for a garden on a flat surface where the trees are located in a row. The furrow is made in the aisle, about 30 cm wide, can be watered from the hose.
  3. Sprinkling. This is the most effective way to watering trees growing on the slope where the usual method is washing the fertile layer. Irrigation is performed using special equipment.
  4. POWN WARIV. To do this, when landing from two sides, the trunk is knocked up vertically pipes, about 50 cm long. It is subsequently fed into the pipes and falls directly to the roots. With this method, watering the fluid flow is reduced by 3 times.

In the first year after planting, seedlings require frequent watering - about once every two weeks. A common mischief error is the increase in irrigation, but at the same time a small amount of water. With this method, moisture is not enough to roots, because they are at a depth of 50-70 cm. Therefore, it is better to water less often, but abundantly. For one seedling, about 30-50 liters of water is required, for 3-5 summer trees - up to 80 liters. Shrub cultures need 40-60 l per 1 square meter. m of the priority circle.

Important! Watering of young trees with a sprinkle should not be carried out in sunny weather, to avoid burns of leaves and tender bark. This procedure is carried out in the evening or early in the morning.

Causes of the frozen trees in spring

Already survived the harsh winter, young trees and shrubs can freeze early in spring. This period is characterized by strong daily temperature differences (the difference between the day and night temperature can be up to 30 gr.). Positive (up to 10-20 gr.) Daytime temperatures stimulate the awakening of the plant, the flavory begins, the fabric becomes sensitive to cold. At night, the spring may still be freezing to -10 gr., And even below. Under such conditions, floral kidneys suffer, the bark may be damaged by a sunburn. Young plants have a surface root system, which can also be damaged when the soil is freezing. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the ground around the trigger of mulch - peat or sawdust, a height of 10-12 cm.

Late spring frosts often coincide with flowering and starting fruit tying. Buds are dying at -3-4 gr., Flowers - at -2-3 gr., Zagazy - at -1-2 c. If there are many colors or barriers on the tree, you need to cut everything, even whole. If only part is damaged, you need to leave no more than a quarter to keep the plant of force. As soon as possible, it is necessary to blow up and rush the ground around the damaged plant and to be mediated with a humid or compartment layer 5-10 cm.

Important! Throughout the season, it will be necessary to actively protect the village from diseases and pests. The frozen plant is most vulnerable.

To reanimate frostate plants, you need to immediately provide them with proper care. In the late spring - the beginning of the summer it is impossible to allow the slightest lack of moisture. Water damaged trees need often and abundantly, as they have a juice movement difficult. During this period, you do not need to try to save the plant with fertilizers before mid-June. Under the root, it is possible to make a solution of sodium humate, it will help spraying on the leaves of 1st% solution of mineral fertilizer. Extra-corner feeding can be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 10-15 days.

Pruning with weak frozenia is carried out at normal time. If only the tops of the twigs were injured, then remove the damaged part before the healthy wood. With strong damage, the cropping must be postponed before May, the dead branches are clearly visible. You should try to leave more shoots so that the plants have chances to reanimate. A very frozen seedling can be cut off to the level of vaccination, provided that the tree did not suffer below.

  • To protect seedlings from mice and solar burns, it is necessary to impose protection (burlap winding) in late autumn). It is also important to remove it in the spring on time so that the bark does not ban. It is necessary to do it in the evening or in cloudy weather, so the tree will not get a burn.
  • In the regions with unpredictable winter (as, for example, in the suburbs), you can hide a young church from frost in the whole covering material.
  • It became very fashionable to plant largest largest trees. At the same time, you need to be careful with mineral and poorly recoverable organic fertilizers. Rope growth stimulants will not interfere, they will help speed up the process of roaring the tree.
  • Tree cultivation is a long process. So that the large area between the seedlings is not empty, there you can plant rapidly growing shrubs or garden crops.
  • Seedlings of fruit trees are usually tied to a peg to protect against wind. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor that the trunk is not rubbed about the peg, and the ropes did not crawl into a bark.
  • Rail the garden is a difficult task. Saplings require a lot of attention and knowledge. The novice gardener will have to learn to care for the trees and bushes, until they turn into luxurious fruitful trees and bushes. Then hard work will be in joy.