Repairs Design Furniture

Chemical treatment of iron roof from snow. How is the cleaning of the roof from snow, nondes and icicles? Types of cables for anti-icing systems

Cleaning the roof of snow and the ice seems for us a simple matter, but quite often, such work turns into a real cautor. How to remove ice and snow from the roofs, we will tell us in our article where they collected the best advice and references to what rough mistakes can be allowed.

Frosty winter falls asleep in the snow roof of houses and garages, canopies and arbors, and very often the snowball is soft and fluffy, and it can be easily brushed with a special tool or even an ordinary broom. But it is very difficult to cope with the layers of snow and the nondes who looked at the surface of the roof and are ready to cause irreparable harm to the country. Today we decided to disassemble several difficult cases in detail and help every gift to get rid of the problem of a large amount of precipitation in different ways on the roofs.

Standard Methods

Work is dangerous and challenging, because in addition to low temperatures on the street and huge chances, the trauma is improved even due to the fact that the surfaces are very slippery. It should be extremely careful in cases of action from the ground, when you put the staircase or table to get to the roof, as well as when working on the roof itself.

How to clean the roof of snow?

Gazebo, greenhouse or any other small building, to which you can approach from any side, convenient for such work. It is enough for us to take a mop or broom and drive a heavy layer of snow down the roof. It should be done gradually, avoiding clusters of a large amount of snow and ice on small roofing sites. It is advisable to work slowly in order not to damage the surface of the roof, do not scratch it and not break. The snow dropped on the ground is worth transferring away away from the construction, so as not to get the spring dirt and puddles under their feet.

But what to do in the case when due to wind, strong frost and rain, on the surface, an ice crust was formed, which is no longer smeared with a broom? How to remove ice and snow masses, which are put on the design with a huge weight? Let's try to apply all knowledge and experience in this area!

Special cleaning tool

If the roof is rigid, for example, slate or tile, you should climb on the roof (thinking before about your own safety and insurance), and try to work as a special tool. These are small ice axes, scrapers, rigid brooms. Be very careful, because any insecure movement can spoil the roof or leave an unpleasant track on the surface.

Finding the parts should be removed, cleaning, say, in turns each square meter of the surface. Carefully uplooking the ice, offer it and let's fall down from the roof on the inertia. It is not worth lifting the slices of ice slices, as it is attempting and increase the chances to spoil the roof, if you, for example, drop a large icicle or ships.

The tool will help clean the roof, but only when you work correctly and without nerves, ensuring complete safety. The idea is complicated, but extremely necessary.

Salt and Special Chemistry for Snow Cleaning and Ice

We have repeatedly heard the advice of people who use special chemistry or an ordinary salt to solve the task. It is necessary only to scatter on the surface a certain amount of proposed drug on the surface, and after a few hours the ice with snow will turn into water and just plug down the roof slope. It is so, but there is a huge chance to harm the roof, because the salt eats even metal, imagine then what it can do with tiles. It is not intended for this and chemistry that roads are sprinkled, as it can leave not only traces in the form of spots, but also organize corrosion of the roof material.

In working with similar drugs, and even with the usual salt, the instructions and the possibility of impact should be explored, and only then begin to act.

Remember that even the usual kitchen salt will easily spoil the car tires, soles of shoes and even metal, and therefore it should not be used for cleaning ondulin or bitumen tiles from the land.

Heat of snow and ice

One of the interesting methods of solving the problem is the heating of the roof so that all flooding on the surface simply stool and glass down. But this method is possible only in the case of cleaning the canopy or roof, say, in a greenhouse or a gazebo, where there is direct access to the inner surface. Otherwise, heat the root will be very difficult.

The simplest method is considered to be heating with a construction hairdryer or burner, but think about how safe for you and the roof itself.

The hairdryer will help slowly heat the roof, so as not to get a sharp drop of temperature and cracks in the material, but you will work with it for a very long time. The burner with open fire is definitely not what they like with wooden beams in a gazebo or polycarbonate in the greenhouse.

So, from these two ways, we again do not fit completely, which means it is worth thinking well before taking a burner or hairdryer!

Cleaning the surface from dry hot water

Perhaps the safest and harmless way, but it also has many nuances.

  • Firstly, not everyone has a sufficient amount of hot water in the country, and it will have to be constantly warm.
  • Secondly, water flows and forms ice under his feet after a few minutes on a strong frost, and therefore the safety of work becomes the question!
  • Thirdly, the water supply must be as continuous as possible, otherwise you can get the opposite result, and there are also many heavy and dangerous icicles on the roof.

The ideal option is the flow of water to the roof from the hose, from centralized water pipeline. Then the snow and ice are cleaned gradually and under zero. The only thing you get after such a cleaning, a subtle icing of the roof, but it is no longer hundreds of ice kilograms.

This cleaning method is perfect for a soft roof, the same bitumen tile or ondulin, which cannot be cleaned by a special tool!

Heating and cleaning of canopies Kostroma

Who faced the problem, received from a neighbor or friend and the Council to warm up the roof from the inside the heat of the fire. Strange, but it works, but only with open canopies, and not with garages and greenhouses.

A small bonfire unfolds under a canopy, where thick logs are burned, the corners of which can hold the temperature for a long time. By the time, let's say, several firewood, the roof warms up in the place under which there was a fire, and ice on the surface will begin to melt. At this point, the fire should be moved, then again and again.

The method really works, but requires a lot of strength and increased attention, because you should not joke with fire !!! Moreover, it is necessary to constantly adjust the height of the fire that can turn into the construction. Be careful!!!

So, the safest method of getting rid of the problem remains hot water. Several bottles will not save the roof of icing, but the powerful skeleton from the hose for 2-3 hours will help to solve the question qualitatively and safe.

Before cleaning the roof, initially determine the ice or snow on the surface, be sure to remember and consider when choosing a method of the roof material, as well as select the cleaning method that is most practical and safe in your case.

Cable Ice and Snow Milling Systems

The most correct and practical way to get rid of the snow layer and ice is the installation of special cable systems, due to the heating of the roof with which the problem is solved very quickly. But today we do not disassemble the topic of the roof cable heating, as we are not talking about the installation of the new roof and the introduction of modern technologies, but about the problem that already takes place. Such systems we will definitely consider in the future!

Our country is located in various climatic zones, where, along with frosty winters, there are frequent thaws with snowfall and subsequent freezers. In such extreme conditions on the roofs, it is formed, icicles and snow nanos of a significant thickness, and therefore considerable weight. The uncontrolled gathering of large masses of snow and ice is dangerous to people, and the multi-torque snow accumulation can destroy the rafter structures. There are methods of control over the critical thickness of the snow cover on the roof, which help timely clean the roof from snow and ice. And also there are modern ways to combat the clusters of winter precipitation on the roofs of buildings.

Calculation of snow load on the roof

Control the snow load on the roof of buildings must be because the high weight of ice and snow can lead to the destruction of the rafter elements and roofing cake. With large loads on the roof of the construction, the design errors and miscalculations are becoming obvious.

The roof design in addition to the roofing material itself consists of a whole complex of related materials and elements: waterproofing, vapor insulation, ventilation elements, insulation and many others. Such a multi-layered design resembles a puff pie, for which he received its name - roofing pie.

The failure of the rafter system, the small angle of inclination of the skates leads to unpleasant consequences

With excessive accumulation of snow masses on the roof of the building there are risks of a sudden gathering of snow reservoirs, which leads to unpredictable consequences and threatens people's health. It is necessary to monitor the weight load on the rafter system of the roof, since excessive pressure can deform or completely destroy the frame structure. The most likely cluster of the snow masses are subject to the following types:

  • single or double roofs with an inclination angle of less than 15 o;
  • single-car roofs with vertical wall;
  • complex multiple designs in planes joint planes with different inclination angle;
  • roofs made of non-metallic materials with a large friction coefficient;
  • roofs built without taking into account the winds of the winds of your region in the winter.

The listed types of roof need constant visual or remote control over the thickness of the snow mass, which is based on the snow weight calculations per 1 m 2 roof area and other methods.

Photo gallery: Snow clusters on the roof

The small angle of inclination of the skate leads to an increased burden on the roof Snow accumulation at the junction overloads the rafter system If the prevailing winds are not taken into account during the construction of the house, there will be permanent problems of the roof snow

Ways to control snow load on roof

For effective control, it is necessary to consider the limiting load capacity of the roofing material and the rafter design. To calculate the snow load there are special calculators, as well as SNiP and SP 20.13330.2016, but they are complex. We present a simplified formula for calculating the total weight of the snow: P full. \u003d N x P calc., Where:

  • N is an angle of inclination of the roof of the roof, the rate of scope at an inclination angle of less than 25 o is equal to 1, at 25 o -60 o is 0.7, and at the corners more than 60 o is not taken into account;
  • P Calc. - weight importance of snow cover on 1 m 2, kg / m 2;
  • P full. - complete weight of snow on m 2 roofs, kg / m 2.

Temperature conditions and the structure of precipitation do not always allow to accurately determine the weight of snow without the use of laboratory studies that are submitted by weekly. There is no need to use expensive data under normal conditions, an estimated table can help, which will significantly simplify the visual assessment of the snow load on the roof.

Table: weight of snow depending on the structure of precipitation

Based on the formula for the calculation and data of the table, you can calculate the load on the roof and determine the need to clean the roof of snow and ice. If there is no data on the load capacity of the rafting design and roofing, then it is necessary to produce periodic visual control of the health of these elements.

Temperature conditions and the structure of precipitation do not always allow to accurately determine the weight of snow without the use of laboratory studies that are submitted by weekly

In addition to the estimated and tabular data, there are other methods of control over the state of the snow cover on the roofs of various species. They consist in remote video surveillance or remote control with a computerized system with Tokves type sensors BBA or other strain grooves. Due to the high cost, such systems are installed on shopping centers, stadiums and cultural and entertainment complexes. A set of remote control equipment consists of the following components:

  • bracket with a fortified snow cover height sensor;
  • data transmission block with a device for measuring the external temperature;
  • receiving device connected with a computer;
  • computer with software for data processing and system management;
  • monitor for visualization and manipulators.

The advantages of this control system are to analyze the true, and not the estimated thickness of the snow cover on different parts of the roof.

More than 120 sensors located on the roofs of different buildings and structures can be connected to the remote control equipment within the radius of the transmission blocks and receiving data, and can also select the roof heating systems.

Ways to clean the roof of snow

Manual cleaning of the roof from snow clusters and ice requires significant physical effort and is dangerous for a person. The use of equipment, including on the basis of vibrational influences on the roof, does not give the expected result. This is because individual architectural solutions do not allow the use of mechanisms, and vibration disrupts the integrity of the roofing coating. Apply the following ways to clean the roofs of snow:

  • mechanical, in which manual reset of snow and ice is used, including from a telescopic tower based on a car;
  • chemical, using salt and reagents;
  • the method of applying hydrophobic films;
  • the technical method at which the adjustable heating of the roof and drainage;
  • preventive measures related to the correct choice of angle of slope and highly mounted roof thermal insulation.

The use of these cleaning methods is associated with high height works and is a particularly dangerous activity. It is very important to follow the safety regulations at high-altitude work and provide performers with a good tool, overalls and shoes, as well as use safety devices.

The mechanical method of cleaning the roof from snow and ice clusters requires significant physical effort.

Roof cleaning rules from snow

High-rise works are manufactured according to certain rules and regulations, the execution of which is mandatory. Safe working conditions are provided by the presence of good ladders, tools, workwear, caske and non-slip shoes. Special attention should be paid to safety trips with an adjustable length and a diameter of 8 mm, which are attached to the reliable supports of the first category. With a mechanical method of cleaning with manual discharge of snow and ice, there are separate rules that are as follows:

  1. Cleaning is made in the bright time of the day by a brigade of at least three people after the instruction in safety regulations for high-rise works.
  2. The discharge place is on a distance from 5 to 10 m from the snow drop and ice zone, a duty is exhibited, which provides a safe passage of people and has a voice or radio communication with high-altitude workers.
  3. The roof is cleaned from the cornice to the skate without disturbing the integrity of roofing, television or other cables.
  4. A layer of snow and ice is left on the roof with a thickness of 2 to 5 cm, which protects the coating from damage.
  5. Sweating icicles are cleaned with special diner or other devices that ensure the integrity of the drainage system.

Chemical reagents are scattered on the roof using rubber gloves, and the hydrophobic coating is applied to the roof of a roller or sprayer in overalls using respirators. Installation of heating elements of the roof and snow-holders is made in good power tools and other equipment (stairs, couplings, clips). For all works, it is necessary to use helmets and safety rings.

Devices and tools for cleaning roofs from snow and ice

When manually cleaning the roofs, tools are used to ensure efficient cleaning and non-damaging roofing material. The shovels are used plastic or wooden without cutting inserts, and saws on long cuttings are suitable for cutting snow. To remove the icicles from the cornice use kirk or scrapers. When eliminating hanging layers of snow and forehead can be involved telescopic towers that allow you to quickly and safely perform work. Chemical cleaning using salt and reagents does not require tools, but the disadvantage of this method is the increased corrosion of the metallic coating and the disruption of the water supply system. The application of hydrophobic coatings on a clean roof is made using rollers, brushes and paintopults, facilitates snow from the roof, but does not solve the roof icing problem. In some cases, sliding stairs are used, hydraulic lifts and crackers with electrical drive. The most effective is the technical method of cleaning, which we will consider in detail in the next chapter.

Photo Gallery: Roofing Tools

Plastic shovels are suitable for gentle cleaning Pushers are used for accelerated cleaning Kirk or scrapers are suitable for removal

Use of anti-icing systems

The simplest way to combat ice on the roof is the right choice of the angle of inclination of the slopes and professionally performed insulation and ventilation of the roof. Such passive protection is performed at the design and construction stage and should be carried out taking into account the prevailing winds in the region where development produces. Accounting for these factors allows you to save significant financial resources in the future. For existing buildings, other methods of protection of the roof from snow and ice are used.

Ways to deal with roof icing

With icing, it is possible to deal with the method of highly efficient thermal insulation of the residential part of the building from the underpants space. In this case, the method is provided with the same temperature of the external environment and an attic room, which makes it impossible to the ice formation. The disadvantage is that when alternating a positive and negative average daily temperature, it is impossible to completely eliminate the formation of ice on the roof and cornice.

There are a number of anti-change methods with the use of technical means that gently affect the roofing material and eliminate the accumulations of snow and ice in critical places of the roof. One of the technical methods is the electropulse method of impact on the sink of the roof. It is produced by submitting a short-term pulse to inductors, which is converted into mechanical vibration, which leads to the destruction of the ice crust on the roof. This method, unfortunately, has not received propagation because its impact is limited and does not solve the task of the anti-icing of the entire roof.

The most productive is the temperature method of an anti-population, which uses the heating of the cable located on the problem areas of the roof.

Non-flag systems roofing

To combat Ice formation on the roof of buildings, the temperature effect on the roof and drainage is widely used. Icing systems differ in the method of heating control used by sensors and controllers. Management can be manual or automatic, and in some cases controlled remotely with the use of computer equipment. When heating the roof, gutters, funnels and drain pipes, a cable with a constant or variable resistance, which controls the controller is controlled. Efficiency and efficacy is achieved by the use of sensors operating in the temperature range from +5 ° C to -10 ° C. The combination of such technical elements providing trouble-free operation and electrical safety gives the following advantages:

  • the inclusion of the system occurs when the temperature sensors are triggered, humidity and in the presence of snow and ice, which saves electricity;
  • control over the parameters of the cable is carried out autonomously, which guarantees a constant power, no overheating and provides electrical safety;
  • the presence of the controller eliminates starting currents and voltage differences;
  • the work of the entire system is happening without human participation.

Photo Gallery: Roof Heating Installation Elements

The most effective is the scheme in which the cable is carried out simultaneous heating of oles, roofing sink and drainage system The cable on the funnel stacked through the walls
The heating cable of the drainage pipe is mounted on the chain Automated Heated Control Kit Save time

When installing the heating elements, cables are used in various designs, which differ significantly in terms of cost. The greatest distribution was obtained by resistive cables of a variety of design. A single-core cable consists of heating veins, double isolation and copper strip, which shields electromagnetic interference and provides sufficient protection against mechanical effects. The two-core cable consists of heating and return veins in three-layer isolation. The most expensive of resistive cables is a sectional modification in which in addition to two veins, a tungsten thread is used for the most effective heating. The disadvantage of the resistive system is heating the entire cable, which leads to electricity overruns, despite the presence of sensors. The self-regulating cable is deprived of these shortcomings and consists of two conductors, between which a semiconductor film is located. The smaller the external temperature, the more it occurs in the film of conductive lines with a given resistance, and this leads to greater heating and melting of ice.

The cable with self-regulation is resistant to mechanical effects and does not need automated control systems because heats up only in areas with low temperatures, and this gives energy savings and money.

Recommendations for the use of anti-icing devices on roofing

To optimally use the potential of the roof heating system, a thorough comparative analysis of the price and quality of various types of equipment and cable types is required. It is necessary to make sure that the equipment is equipped with fire-fighting sensors, the presence of warranty obligations of the manufacturer and service centers in your region. To save funds, you can use the following recommendations:

  • the cable is mounted in the zone of joints of multi-line roofs, electrons, on the atmosphers and in the drainage system;
  • in some cases, it is advisable to use a two-core cable in one row;
  • in critical sites, you can use a self-regulating cable, and the sink is mounted cheaper resistive;
  • in high-length drainage pipes, it is necessary to use cables or thin chains to avoid cable cliff;
  • to protect the cable from an uncontrolled snowmash, it is necessary to install synchtercing systems.

It should be noted that independent installation is possible in the presence of certain knowledge and skills, but the debugging of the automation system should be entrusted to those skilled in the art.

Video: Installation of the roof anti-flare

We looked at the methods of cleaning the roof from snow and ice, as well as types of control over the size of the snow load on the roof. The article reflect the most popular methods for mechanical, chemical, emulsion and technical struggle with snow and ice accumulations. It is important to take into account that you can get rid of these problems on the construction of a country house or cottage. For this, if possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of professional designers and designers.

In the winter period, cleaning the roof from snow becomes very relevant, as it may bring harm to buildings.

During thawing snowball and ice, falling from high heights, capable of injury to passersby and cause damage to cars.

Cleaning the roof of snow and sleep will help save the integrity of the facade, roofing and drainage.

Ice easily can destroy metal structures, concrete and brick, so how to remove the snow from the roof, should be interested in the start of frosts.

Safety during roof cleaning

The high load provided by Founding, causes the flexion of the roof crate, as a result of which the frame of the whole building becomes less durable.

But the dismissive attitude to the cleaning of the roof from snow can also lead to other dangerous consequences: from partial slaughtering toes with roofs to the total collapse of the fatal mass.

Responsibility for possible damage is imposed on either the owners of the structure, or to services responsible for timely work.

Cleaning snow and nondes from the roofs need to be carried out using wooden wide vanes. Tools made of wood will not damage roofing materials.

It should be borne in mind that cleaning of snow on the roof of the house is not needed when its layer is too thin. But on the atmis and in places of close location, the roof cleaning from snow and the ice should be made must be made.

Over the edge of the pitched roofing, ice needs to be removed using special hooks. Complete cleaning of the roofs from snow is made when its layer will reach 30 cm.

A worker conducting the cleaning of the roof with his own hands should be attached by the safety rope with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm from any durable design on the roof to the rescue belt.

But the cable can not be tied to the chimney tube, television and broadcasting antennas, since they do not differ in high strength and will not be able to keep an adult.

Without insurance and special non-slip shoes, the cleaning of snow from the roof is very dangerous, so a non-accompanied person for work is not allowed.

Resetting snow from the roofs should be carried out from all skates. It is necessary that the general design of the roof is not subjected to one-sided load.

During cleaning the roof from snow and sleep, it is necessary to leave a thin layer (up to 5 cm) ice crust, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the roof coating.

The most important safety rules for cleaning the roofs:

  • the worker to remove snow and ice should be equipped with non-slip shoes and insurance;
  • wet rope for insurance is prohibited - it is necessary to pre-dry it dry;
  • it is impossible to dump the masses of snow and a tax on television, electrical and telephone wires and cables, on the protruding parts of water and gas pipelines.

Mechanical way to remove snow and ice

On the pitched roofing, the cleaning of snow should be carried out regularly 2 m from the edge after each abundant snowfall and with a frequency of 1 time per month clean the roof completely.

If winter sediments often fall out, the snow masses are much faster sliding to the edge, and the amount of ice increases.

In the period of frequent and abundant snowfalls, complete cleaning of roofs should be carried out two or four times a month, depending on the thickness of the layer.

Flat roofs are cleaned after each snowfall, since snow masses under their weight form a solid ice crust, which can only split with scrap.

Because of the abundant amount of snow, the roof is a great pressure, and during the removal of the land there is a risk of damaging its coverage.

When warming the ice frame will begin to quickly and abundantly, and the resulting water flows into all available holes in the material, so clean the roof is required as accurate as possible.

To clean the private house from a large number of snow on the roof, you need to use the most affordable mechanical method. For this, a special shovel with a wooden blade is suitable.

If the mechanical method is cleaned by the roofing of large buildings, then methods of industrial mountaineering are used to improve the efficiency of work.

Cleaning the roofs of the land begins with the designation of the fastening points of the insuruction on the roof.

In some cases, the air ducts use for such purposes, but it is best to install fasteners for a stationary insurance cable located along the roofs.

Experts, cleaning the roof of snow, apply selected depending on the characteristics of the roofing tools.

If the metal tile has been used to cover the building, then remove the snow from the surface of the roof, can be specially designed for this with pushers designed under the profile of the covering material.

Clean snow from the roof covered with other materials, you can use wooden shovel. Some models of this tool on the blades are equipped with protective rubber inserts.

To chop out the masses of the laid, special shut-off kirk are applied.

Technical method cleaning roofs

With the technical method of cleaning the roofs of snow and the land applies to the achievements of modern technologies in this area.

To protect your home from unnecessary roof icing, you can use one of these developments - the roof system without icicles.

If the water flow system does not work (its passage can be closed with ice and garbage), then on the roof of the building, it will be abundantly to form.

But even when the leakage of the fluid is carried out correctly, the appearance of the icicles is not always avoided.

The roof at any time of the year, including in winter, radiates a small amount of heat, which contributes to the melting of ice and snow.

The liquid that appears slowly flows along the roof, and during frosts freezes, forming icicles.

The operation of the roof of the roof of the roof is aimed at preventing the formation of land and icicles with the help of heating electrocabels.

They are paired at the edges of the roof, including in the drainage gutters - in those places where it is mainly formed to be formed.

Several demands are presented to the quality of heating electrocabels:

  • cable and its shell must have high wear resistance;
  • resistance to the effects of sun rays, temperature drops, precipitation and wind;
  • the presence of a metal braid;
  • high degree of isolation.

Mounting cables for heating the roof, the "cold" supply cables, controls and junction boxes are connected to the system.

Anti-icing systems are equipped with automation, so they are equipped with sensors measuring the temperature and humidity of the environment.

This is necessary, because the "antiy" system works only in the period of thawed, since at a minus temperature the snow does not melts naturally, and the system consumes a large amount of energy without a useful effect.

When installing the anti-icing system use rubber and self-regulating cables.

Rubber have constant resistance along the entire length and increased strength.

The main disadvantage of cable data is that they have limited length, so difficulties may appear when installing the system.

Self-regulating cables can be of different lengths. In addition, in contrast to rubber, they are able to change the heating temperature in different sections, which eliminates the inefficient consumption of thermal and electrical energy.

Cleaning Roofs using chemicals

One of the available facilities for cleaning is clean or mixed with sand salt, as it is inexpensive.

The freezing temperature of the salt solution is significantly lower than pure water, so snow and ice, covered with powder or solution, starts to calm.

Positive asset applications:

  • availability;
  • efficiency;
  • low freezing temperature of the saline solution;
  • long shelf life;
  • rapid action;
  • fire safety.

With competent use in compliance with the safety regulations, the technical salt does not harm nature.

The main disadvantage of salt is that it, hitting the sidewalk and asphalt, destroys the tires of the machines and the sole of the shoes, increases the risk of corrosion of metals.

Solid and liquid reagents are a substitute for technical salt. Obtaining on the floor, the solid reagent actively absorbs the liquid, and it begins to quickly melting with the release of a small amount of heat.

The temperature increase causes the active destruction of snow and ice masses. The resulting solution of the reagent freezes at temperatures lower than water, so the new frame is not formed.

The difference between liquid and solid reagents is the method of their application. During snowfall and active melting, solid mixtures are used, in dry frosty weather - liquid.

The highest quality means in the fight against ice masses is a reagent capable of dissolving large volumes of ice and snow with strong frosts.

In addition to the listed requirements, the drug must bring the least harm to the environment, buildings, transport and pedestrians.

Of course, none of the listed ways to remove snow and is not fully effective and suitable for all situations.

It is necessary to take into account many factors, selecting the cleaning agent - ranging from the characteristics of the roof and ending with the budget.

To choose the most suitable option for cleaning the roof from snow, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

If you want to make attention to people and clear the nearby sidewalks and public zones from snow and ice, this article will tell you how it is easier to do. But know that it is important for work to arm a good shovel or other cleaning equipment. Before you begin, it will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the local requirements for the content of public areas adjacent to your territory.


Remove snow and ice shovel

    Use high-quality snow removal shovel. The easiest way will be used by a shovel of light plastic or aluminum covered with a special spraying that prevents the stagnation of snow.

    • With a high-quality shovel, you will be easier to collect and throw it off. You do not need too cumbersome or chlipping shovel.
    • If you choose a shovel with an S-shaped cutter, then you do not have to bend too much.
    • For lung and fluffy snow, you can use a shovel with a C-shaped web, the so-called scraper.
    • The shovel can be handled with lubricant so that it makes it easier to slide in the snow. Purchase oil, WD-40, paraffin wax and other similar means may become possible options. Before using them, you need to dry and warm the shovel. Re-apply lubricant on the shovel as needed.
  1. Regularly read the snow shovel . Do not wait for the end of the snowfall - clean the snow immediately, otherwise the snow and ice will fit into the pavement, which makes it difficult to remove them. In addition, you can always offer a little to work out a neighboring child and ask him to clear the sidewalk in front of your home.

    • The key to success lies in the growing start of snow removal work.
    • During the snow, the snow should be removed several times a day. The thin layer of snow is lighted easier than the deeper sharp snow, so we will break the snow cleaning to the steps. Do not crush the snow to the walls of the buildings where it can draw, frozen and create additional problems.
    • Sprinkle the snow from the sidewalk to the base so that the sun rays can reach the asphalt, which will also help prevent the formation of a nappy in these public areas. Another reason why it is necessary to immediately remove the fallen snow is due to the fact that it is easily tamped under the legs of pedestrians and wheels of vehicles.
  2. Correct the shovel correctly to not be injured. Removing the snow shovel, you can easily reload back or knees. Nevertheless, such consequences can be prevented. It is very important not to load the shovel more necessary. Work with silent for you volumes of snow. If possible, concentrate more on putting off the snow, and not transfer it, and do not forget to make regular breaks in the work.

    Thought to store snow. Throw off the snow on the road or neighborhood is a bad idea. Treat around with respect. In addition, it should also be traced that the storage snow is not blocked by the drain.

    • If you will throw off the snow on the road, then the likely to cause a road collapse for motorists. And the storage of snow from its access road to the house on the territory of the public sidewalk may violate local rules of improvement.
    • It is best to store snow from a sidewalk directly in my yard or in the garden. You still won't use this territory in winter. When you remove the snow, most importantly, do not create dangers for others.
    • Even before the beginning of the winter, pride the place where you will stare snow. This place will be occupied by the snow all winter, so think everything in advance in order to save your own time and energy.
  3. Examine the requirements for improvement. It is possible that local regulatory acts provide for your duty to cleanse public spaces from snow to your property. Check out this information in the administration.

    Use equipment and electricity to remove snow and ice

    1. Use a rotary snowplow. If you have to clear up a large enough area from snow and do it quickly, it will be easier to use a rotary snowflower.

    2. Take advantage of professional snow removal services. If you need to clear the snow with a large or geometrically complex public space and sidewalks, you can attract those who specialize in snow removal. In most regions with snowy winters you can find quite a few companies offering snow removal services.

      • Do not wait too long after the start of the snowfall, otherwise all cars will be occupied soon. You will need to pay for such services a certain amount. If you want to conclude a regular cleaning contract (and sure that you need it), start learning this question back in September.
      • Ask for the minimum amount of precipitation, in which the company will produce snow removal technique. Also ask about the methods of their work in abundant snowfall. For example, whether they will come to you repeatedly or just once.
      • Such companies own specialized snow removal machines, which are easier to remove large areas. You can learn about their services in your area via the Internet, on someone's recommendations or through the telephone directory of organizations. Prices will vary depending on your location, concretely attracted technology and the alleged work.
    3. Arrange a warm pavement. To do this, you will need to be paved under the pavement electrical wires that will warm it from the bottom. This will allow you to make falling snow.

      • Typically, the installation of a warm sidewalk system is engaged either when creating new, or when repairing old sidewalks. However, the use of such a system will require additional costs of electricity.
      • The principle of operation of the warm sidewalk is based on the fact that the wires underlying the wire are heated and give heat up, thereby heating and melting snow, so it disappears the need to remove it with a shovel! But this option is usually best suited for sidewalks on its private territory.
      • Another option, more suitable for snow regions, can be a system of liquid heating of sidewalks.

    How to prevent snow and ice accumulation

    1. Use liquid magnesium chloride. Process the sidewalks and public areas with this chemical with a garden sprayer immediately before the snowfall. It is best to produce processing two hours before snow dropping out.

      • The chemical is able to melt the snow sediment with a thickness of less than 5 cm. In addition, it prevents the snow sticking to solid surfaces (sidewalks and the like).
      • Also, the anti-icer can be used after removing the dropped snow.
      • Be prepared for what you will need about 4 liters of chemical for every 100 square meters of the sidewalk. You can buy it in business stores.
      • Chemical anti-icers can be very toxic for plants and animals. Strictly follow the instructions attached to them and think about other methods of fighting snow and ice, if you have pets and expensive plantings in the garden.
    2. Use a stone salt. The stone salt has a pronounced effect at the air temperature above -10 ° C, but it is not the best idea to use it on the lawn and concrete coatings. Purchase a technical stone salt, or sodium chloride, you can in housekeeping stores, and in supermarkets you will always find the foodstock salt.

      • Keep salt in a sealed container and dispel it in public spaces with a manual seeder or a mobile salt and sand spreader. Salt will coat ice and interfere with the formation of slippery crust. Use approximately a salt handy for each square meter area.
      • If you are not a supporter of the use of salt, you can try to use urea, which is usually used as a fertilizer and which can act in the same way as salt. However, it is somewhat more complicated to find the urea. It is usually sold in stores selling goods for the garden and the garden. Another anti-icing that helps to heat the snow can serve such a fertilizer like the flour of alfalfa.
      • The disadvantage of the stone salt is that it can harm plants and animals, and also completely loses its effectiveness at temperatures below 30 degrees of frost. In addition, it is able to leak into the soil.
    3. Try using calcium chloride. Calcium chloride granules are drowning ice faster than stone salt and have other advantages as an anti-icer.

      • Calcium chloride is valid at lower temperatures than the stone salt. It retains efficiency in frosts up to -30 ° C.
      • But calcium chloride is also harmful to pets and other animals, and it is noticeably more expensive than the stone salt. In addition, it can, on the contrary, make pedestrian surfaces slippery.
      • The long-term use of this chemical to combat snow (during overpowering) can lead to damage to concrete and asphalt. Therefore, use it in moderation.
    4. Sprinkle sandy sand or feline toilets. Despite the fact that this method will not allow you to remove the ice, from which you cannot clear the sidewalk, they are still better to use than to create the risk of falling on slipfast ice.

      • Sand and filler feline toilets allow you to create additional friction on icing surfaces. This reduces the risk of falls. The disadvantage of this method is that after melting of snow and ice, sand and filler will not go anywhere, thereby forming a mess.
      • To combat the ice, it is necessary to use coarse sand, and not the fine-grained sand of construction quality. Also with the same success, you can sprinkle the tracks with grain for birds.

Snow cleaning with roofs is particularly relevant for the snow regions of Russia. You probably have obviously observed how the icicles are knocked down with the roofs of the building or dangerous places around it fell ribbon. For what and how it is done, I will tell you in this article.

Why do you need cleaning roofs from snow and sleep?

A large accumulation of snow cover on the roof of a residential building will certainly carry the sad implications for those around people, and if this did not happen, then it is only a matter of time.

What dangers can there be a massive accumulation of snow on the roof?

First of all, the roof itself is damaged in such a situation. Do not assume that snow is easy. In construction, when calculating roofing loads, two components always take into account. The first is the weight of the roofing coating itself, and the second is the snow load. The weight of the snow carpet can sometimes reach quite large values \u200b\u200b(100 -200 kg per 1Q. Meter).

Therefore, the erected rafting system can and withstand the load data, but the roofing material itself will most likely give a crack where the moisture will fall and in any case there will be a quick repair. It is worth understanding that if you do not close the crack in the roof, then with the following strong frosts, the gap will only increase

  • The attic space in most residential buildings is forcibly heated, the cause of this - pipes with hot water. Consequently, the lower layer of snow will always be lifted due to positive temperatures, as a result of which it is formed to be formed on the roofing material. Changing its aggregate state several times a day, water grows in volumes and forms icicles of huge sizes, which at any time can break down, thereby damaging someone's property or cause injury to man
  • If your roof is equipped with special snakers, it does not mean at all that the cleaning of the roofs should not be performed at all. Such elements are arranged only in order to protect passing by your building of people from avalanche-like snow outlet from the roof, but this cannot be guaranteed when they froze in ice lump
  • On multi-level roofing, the fall of snow from the upper tiers will certainly carry at least minor, but changes in the structure of the coverage of the lower row. Consequently, such a material will fail much faster

If you live in a multi-storey building, then the process of cleaning the roof of the building in the winter period is entirely on public organizations, but in the modern world, it becomes more and more often to do everything because these bodies may not always arrive within the prescribed period. In order to clean the roof from snow and icing on their own forces flowed in the right track, you will need specific tools.

What tools and fixtures to use, dabing snow and sleep with roofs was safe?

To date, state organizations for cleaning the roofing canvas from snow use the following tools:

  • Special snow shovel. It can be from any material, but the standard is considered a tree or plastic
  • A peculiar scraper
  • If the work on snow cleaning will be held on large areas, then the sliding is used. This is a special fixture similar to the shovel. Only functional compared to the usual spade is different. Here you will have to not take her snow mass, but simply come across the roof
  • In private construction you will probably need portable stepladers whose width is at least 30cm. For convenience and security, they must be equipped with hooks that allow clinging for the horse. Such adaptations are advisable to apply on roofs with a slope of more than 20%
  • Fitting tape you need in any case if you make a job with a densely populated point or city. It is worth understanding that not only the tape can serve as a fence for the fall of the drop of snow dropping. These can be various lattices, or bright shields.
  • The assembly belt and the safety cable are important components of the elements when working at height. If you did not know, the distance from the floor in one meter in construction is already considered height and some organizations require a special tolerance to their employees in order to make sure that he can really work in such conditions

To clean the roofing of private houses, the list of tools is not at all different, but still there are some differences, for example, the shovel used may have "correct" parameters.

Snow shovels that work at height should necessarily have handle. This is due to the fact that during the work of the stalk, it will simply be icing and such a tool will not be able to keep in hand. For the safety that are at the bottom of people and of course the worker, I advise you to bind a shovel to the mounting belt. This simple trick will allow you to use both hands if necessary.

As for the safety cable, it must be attached in a reliable point of construction. As a rule, these elements are tested before use, the elements are tested by minimizing in at least 200 kilograms.

Fencing tape or specially created for this shield are arranged on a distance determined from the sweep.

  • If the serviced building has a height of up to 20m, then it is enough to protect 6 meters from the sink
  • When the structure of the structure fits in 20-40m, then 10 meters of fencing will be enough
  • Height more than 40m - 16-20 meters

How do the snow cut from the roofs prepared people?

Organizations well prepared for these works are not stopped only by the device of fender elements. For this, they also use:

  • Near the fetcable shields is always a pedestrian in orange vest. With he, he has a whistle, in order to warn pedestrians about the danger. Also there is a radio or mobile phone for communication with the roof colleagues
  • Before starting work, if cars are parked in the snow damage zone, then they should be removed from there. As a rule, until this point, cleaning the roof of snow and ice does not begin
  • The entrance to the passage is closed, and if this does not work, then inside another duty is installed inside

In regulatory documents, you can always find even the slightest details of the building of the building, and this is what is written in them regarding places to relieve snow from the roofs.

The discharge of snow masses with roofs is prohibited if the following interference is below:

  • Wiring Communications
  • The following exploited buildings
  • Trees or shrubs
  • Hinged equipment (air conditioners, antennas, etc.)

IMPORTANT: Any obstacles that are on the way in large slices of snow or ice can change its fall path, which may entail irreparable consequences. Do not risk it.

The clothes should not fade the movements of workers and at the same time be pretty warm. As for the shoes, the soles must be gear lining.

All cleaning work should be carried out only in the bright period of day for obvious reasons. Wind power more than 6 points is invalid to work at height. Everything happens in life and sometimes there is a need to clean the roof from icicles and snow at night. For this, strong spotlights are installed in order to illuminate the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, and the icicles are removed by a special hook. It is worth noting that in the dark, freeze from the edge of the skate is not safe.

The developers whose roof is laid from galvanized steel or metal tiles can observe the end of the winter to the accumulation of the roofing surface. In the process of its rise, the coating temperature and ice was aligned several times, which resulted in their very strong clutch. Therefore, the disconnection of the frozen water from the material may result in detachment from it the protective layer, therefore, over the next year, your roof will cover corrosion.

In general, the problem on the accumulation of snow or sleep is easily removed when creating an optimal slope. It is more than 60Gradusov. Of course, such a rafter system has a rather complicated structure and there will be quite a lot of materials on its creation, but considering that as a result, there will be no need to clean the roof from the snow cover every winter several times, then it fully justifies the costs.

There is also an alternative version of the high slope of the roofs - these are heating cables. They can be purchased at construction stores at an affordable price, but it is worth understanding that some costs for heating the cables themselves will appear. Therefore, what to choose from two options remains to solve only you.

Snow roof cleaning

I would like to write a little the technological process for cleaning snow, and consider it in more detail how snow cleaning from the roofs is made, you will be helped with a photo in this article.

  • Preparation. At this stage, it is necessary to clean the place for the future snowdrift, which is formed after cleaning the roof. This place is protected by a special ribbon or shield, and if necessary, the duty officer with a walk-between
  • Work. With a large cluster of snow on the roof, it does not matter where it is to start cleaning it, but if you find places on it where the lumens are visible, then this is your goal. Here the snow will be lifted and cleaning will not be much difficulty
  • In a densely populated point after the cleaning of snow from the roof is completed, it will have to ensure the removal of snow into more suitable for this place. This work should be engaged in state bodies, but, again, it may turn out that before their arrival, the snow is completely melted and nothing will have to clean. Perhaps they always count on it. But if you talk seriously, it is a mandatory process that self-respecting companies are common practice

How to remove the snow from the roof of the balcony - the most frequently asked question of the residents of the last floors of residential high-rise buildings. Here, all the work, as always should lie on the state, but as you have already understood, almost always have to do this procedure yourself.

For this work you will need to get access to an attic room and from there to get to the roof of your building. The work is categorically prohibited to lead alone. Ask a neighbor to go along with you and at the same time crying and his balcony.

With you, you must have at least two adaptations - mounting belt with a cable and snow shovel. Then the whole process flows at the understandable channel. You reliably tie the cable to ventilation pipes (as a rule, they are from bricks) and start raking the snow from the balcony on the roof of the building. That's all.

I hope now it has become clear that the big roof drifts are not only damage your roofing, but also dangerously for those around people. If you are not enough text material, you can watch a video about how snow cleaning from the roof is made by different organizations.