Repairs Design Furniture

Cleaning the ceiling from dust by the simplest means. How to wash stretch ceilings easily and without divorce how to clean the stretch ceiling from dust

As you probably know, stretch ceilings are two types, depending on their material, namely:

  • Fabric
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Tissue are more expensive, but at the same time allow us to achieve aesthetic "seamlessness" over the entire surface of the tension.

Color features of this species, compared to PVC, slightly smaller. These ceilings are able to withstand and briefly hold water in case you have subdued neighbors. Their installation something resembles a huge canvas tension. True, after such a "neighboring" water, stains will remain on the canvas, which will not be able to wash off and the ceiling will have to be completely changed. Alas.

PVC stretch ceilingsIn the people of film, stand out by the fact that they can be performed in a wide variety of forms, textures, color solutions, and even imitate the day or starry sky. This is achieved due to high-quality photo printing on the film and the competent location of the lighting elements under it.

All stretch canvas are either matte or glossy. Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as a different need for care. If you have not yet decided on the view, we recommend reading for the kitchen.

How often do you need to wash?

Wash stretch ceilings, both glossy and matte, you need only as they are contaminated.

For example, small droplets of fat and moisture can be seen on the kitchen ceiling, which are formed during the cooking process.

It can happen even if you have a hood. Sometimes it is possible to accidentally leave the spot with an inaccier opening of bottles with strongly gashed water or champagne.

In other rooms, the most private pollutant is ordinary dust, which especially loves to settle in the corners, on the ends of the levels and on the joints. Naturally, to maintain a glossy stretch ceiling clean and shine, it must be slightly wiped as often as possible.

At home, it is easy to do this and simply, we will tell about it next.

What and how to wash?

1. Use only soft fabrics, fiber or sponge. No scratching or solid brushes, as well as driving rags or pile.

2. To eliminate fat spots recommended dissolve and hang in a bucket or basin. Average dishwashing detergent. Do not overdo it, the desired only a small concentration, the ceiling is not a pan.

3. To wash any glossy stretch ceilings at home in 90% of cases will be enough Detergents for windows and mirrors.

The most convenient and economical will be spray for washing glass surfaces. Due to alcohol or ammonia, which is contained in such sprays, the surface dries very quickly and most importantly - everything is without divorce.

4. In any case you can not use any kind of abrasive powder means, as well as those that contain acetone. They will absolutely spoil the appearance of the surface. Therefore, before applying a cleaner, please carefully read its composition.

Before you begin cleaning:

1. The first thing you need to learn before the start of the sink is control of effort while pressing cloth, sponge or mop on the surface of the ceiling. It must be minimal, but at the same time sufficient to eliminate dust or stains. We recommend stretching on some distant ceiling plot to fill the hand.

2. If you have high ceilings, you will need a stepladder and, most likely, a mop or a sponge with a long handle. Make sure that the stepladder is working, does not walk in all directions, and it is enough of her height to get to the canvas. Mop or other instrument you choose, should be as easier and shorter.

3. Remove the rings, bracelets, wristwatches - You can touch the fragile surface and leave scratch or dent.

Getting to wash the ceiling

So, how to wash tension ceilings at home:

  1. 1 Move from one corner to another, or by sections, if you have a complex design;
  2. 2 If you use spray for windows, you simply spray it two or three times and walk around with a rag or sponge circular movements;
  3. 3 So that the result was without divorce, reduce the spraying intensity and use the soft paper;
  4. 4 When eliminating fat spots, Moch the rag in the dishwasher diluted earlier, squeeze it well and also carefully and not strongly falling through light circles around the zone of pollution.
  5. 5 If you want to remove the cobweb From the corner, it is better to get there with a climber in hand, and not to use the vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the surface of the ceiling. The same applies to the use of mop, brooms, broom, etc.
  6. 6 With regular care for matte stretch ceilings, when you just wipe the dust, it is better not to wash them, but to use a slightly wet fiber, and in the case of glossy surfaces, it is enough just a dry cloth.

For greater clarity, give you a small video, which shows two options, how the stretch ceilings are washed, it is worth looking.

Stretch ceilings, especially glossy and especially in the kitchen, are rather demanding of care.

Their beauty and grace go hand in hand with the brittleness and the need to carefully relate to them. Concerning it is recommended to refrain from:

  • the use of strongly heating lighting elements (halogen light bulbs);
  • high indoor plants and flying pets (especially large parrots);
  • experiments with a rapid opening of champagne, etc.;
  • children's games with darts, as well as toys that shoot plastic bulbs and balls.

We are confident that now you know everything about how to wash stretch ceilings at home so that there are no divorces and damage to the web.

Despite the approval of some manufacturers that stretch ceilings do not need cleaning and washing, they still need to wash from time to time. How and what to wash the stretch ceiling?

The stretch ceiling is a unique material used for decoration, which great combines practicality and refinement.

The main material for the production of stretch ceilings is a special polyester tissue or PVC film.

This is pretty strong and resistant to various mechanical impacts. Materials are able to delight you for many years.

The main thing is to properly care for them, in particular cleaning and washing.

Starting a tension ceiling washing, you should know that this is a very difficult task. Therefore, my stretch ceiling, pre-taking into account some important points.

After all, the improper washing of the tension material can lead to loss of color, turbidity or deformation of the material.

For washing stretch ceilings You can not use detergents with abrasive particles: soda, powder, etc.

Abrasive particles can permanently spoil the fabric or PVC film. Also for washing the tensioning canvas is forbidden to use detergents with any alkalis or acids.

All sorts of brushes with nozzles do not suit for washing the ceiling

You can care for the stretch ceiling in two ways: dry and damp cleaning.

Dry cleaning is performed using a soft dry tissue, which rubbed the ceiling by non-gods, soft movements.

Wet cleaning is carried out by a wet sponge using non-aggressive detergents.

Some are asked if it is possible to wash stretch ceilings with brushes or mop with a nozzle?

Undesirable to wash the ceiling mop - so it is easy to damage

Brushes with a scratching and strict surface is strictly forbidden to wash the stretch ceiling, as they can seriously damage the canvas, as well as the mop.

Regular cleaning or washing the ceilings will help preserve their magnificent shiny look, whereas the contaminants have entered very difficult to wash.

Video instructions for tension ceiling:

How to wash stretch ceilings?

How to wash a stretch ceiling in all the rules and what is required for this? To clean and washing the stretch ceiling you will need:

  • ladder-stepping;
  • soft napkins from suede tissue or microfiber;
  • soft sponge;
  • vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle-brushed
  • non-abrasive detergents.

Depending on the material of the stretch ceiling and the type of contaminants, they use this or that method of cleaning and washing.

Video instructions for proper cleaning of the stretch ceiling:

For example, to remove small contamination from the stretch ceiling: minor divorces, dust, just wipe the canvas with a wet and clean napkin of soft suede or microfiber.

After a wet cleaning, wipe the coating with a dry cloth.

With strong pollution of the stretch ceiling will have to take more serious measures. If the ceiling after repair work was very covered with dust, then the vacuum cleaner with a soft-brush was used to clean it.

The brush should not touch the ceiling. It is best to led in 2-3 centimeters from the canvas, otherwise the ceiling material can be saved, or damage.

Spots and other strong contaminants are removed with a napkin made of soft tissue or sponge using a soap solution or detergent, after which dryly wipe the dry soft cloth

We wash the ceiling with soft circular motions, without pressing and pressure.

If the ceiling is made of suede polyester fabric, then it is necessary to brush it only with a soft dry brush, again without pressure, soft movements.

To restore the glitter of the glossy surface of the ceiling, it is wiped with a soft cloth without a pile, impregnated with a 10% alcohol solution of ammonia or a glass cleaning agent.

After this restoration, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth.

Wash glossy PVC film

Stretch ceilings are glossy or matte. In order not to break the divorce, wash glossy stretch ceilings best of all means for washing the glasses.

But before washing the ceiling to the agent, it is necessary to apply it somewhere with the edge of the ceiling canvase and after a while check the reaction.

For washing the glossy ceiling, use soft cloth from suede or microfiber, as well as special napkins for cleaning rooms.

Microfiber is best suited for washing glossy PVC films

Reflective properties of glossy ceilings can be improved with the help of ammonia alcohol.

The pastures of the ceiling with a mixed alcohol with a soft cloth with a soft cloth, then dripped dry with a dry napkin from suede or microfiber.

Rigid bristles with careless movement can scratch glossy PVC film.

The vacuum cleaner includes the minimum or medium mode and, without touching the ceiling, lead by the nozzle in the distance of 2-3 cm from it.

With a strong pollution, the ceiling was washed with a means of room cleaning, divorced according to the instructions, and then wipe dry with a clean dry cloth.

From the construction dust of the stretch ceiling is eliminated with a vacuum cleaner with a soft-brushed

How to wash matte ceilings?

A classic matte stretch ceiling is most likely reminiscent of the perfectly plastered surface. The material for such a ceiling is the canvas impregnated with polyurethane.

The surface of the matte ceilings is not subjected to cracking, scratching or depositing of dust, but everything is necessary to care from time to time.

Wash matte stretch ceilings are much easier than glossy, since they are not at all the divorces.

Care behind the matte ceiling mainly consists in cleaning with a water vapor, or washing a degreasing soft tool.

After washing, the matte ceiling canvas wipe with a soft cloth and polished.

Matte ceilings better clean ferry

Means for washing

I understand a little, how to wash the stretch ceiling to not damage it, let's try to figure out than washing stretch ceilings, which detergents are best to apply for these purposes, and which categorically cannot be used.

The best and safest detergent for the stretch canvas is an ordinary soap solution.

To obtain a soap solution, it is enough to dissolve a soft washing powder or a unproved outbuilding soap in warm water.

The best means for washing stretch ceilings - soap solution

Also suitable for washing ceilings. Means for washing windows or dishes.

Before using the selected detergent for stretch ceilings, it must be checked for loyalty and safety to the ceiling material.

To do this, the detergent is applied to a small stretch of stretch ceiling somewhere in an invisible place.

After some time, we check if the stain defined by the means did not leave traces and divorces, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

As for other detergents, today there are funds today that are intended specifically for washing stretch ceilings, and which are more expensive than ordinary detergents.

Special Ceiling Wash

But you should know that these "special" funds are nothing more than an ordinary detergent solution, although "universal".

Therefore, solving the means to wash stretch ceilings, give preference to soap solution or ordinary detergents, just not abrasive.

What to wash in the kitchen?

The surface of the stretch ceiling installed in the kitchen is polluted most often, especially if there is no hood in the kitchen. This contributes to a fatty soot, which is formed from the preparation of food on a gas stove.

The street dust is also made, which falls through an open window, as well as tobacco smoke (if there are smoking households in the family).

You need to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen in the same way as in other rooms, with the help of non-abrasive detergents and soft rags, sponges or napkins.

After washing the ceiling, it was washed with clean water and wipe dry.

To clean the stretch ceiling from the soot do not need to use any special detergents, for this purpose it is quite suitable for the usual means, which wash the dishes or a solution of ammonia alcohol.

Tissue care

Stretch ceiling of fabric more fragile than stretch ceilings from PVC film, so as not to damage the canvas, wash tissue stretch ceilings should be carefully and neat.

You can also wash the fabric ceilings with circular motions - they will only create even more divorces. It is better to wash the fabric ceiling by hand movies back and forth.

With severe pollution, you can apply a powder solution. In order to avoid damage, it is impossible to rub a long one and the same site of the tissue cloth.

Read more about cleaning fabric tension ceilings in video instructions:

Dust on the ceiling is a common phenomenon, because in the cleaning process we wipe the ceiling extremely rarely. We think about cleaning when the dust is already clearly visible with the naked eye, which means that the accumulated layer is quite large. The cleaning technique depends on the coating. We will look at the options for polystyrene tiles, paints (oil, water-emulsion) and stretch ceilings.

Universal gentle method is dry cleaning. Buy a soft wool brush on a long handle and use it only to remove dust from the ceiling during each cleaning, preventing dust clusters. Also, the brush is effective against the web and small mud.

The second general method is a vacuum cleaner, but you need to act neat. In order not to scratch the coating, keep the tip of the enabled vacuum cleaner at least 2-3 cm from the ceiling. Efficiency depends on the vacuum cleaner and the degree of contamination.

If the ceiling is very dirty and the two previous methods did not help, you will have to make manual cleaning. To do this, take a stepladder or a steady table, then follow the recommendations for your coverage.

When cleaning the ceiling from dust it is impossible to use rigid brushes, abrasive and acetone-containing detergents, as they can damage the coating. Before processing the entire surface, check the tool on a small invisible area.

Stretch ceiling (matte or glossy). You can wash warm water with the addition of a special tool (divorced according to the instructions). Also to remove dust fit microfiber napkins or soft wet fabric. Remove the excess moisture towards the welded seam. After cleaning, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

It is allowed to use rags from microfiber

Water-emulsion paint. Wet cleaning is not recommended for this coating, as water leaves the drums and divorces. Wipe the ceiling with a dry soft cloth, if it does not help - with wet napkins (first necessarily on a low-speed place).

Oil or latex paint. The easiest of care of the ceiling. Use a universal detergent to eliminate dust. Divide the drug in water, wipe the surface with a sponge or cloth moistened in the solution, then wipe dry so that there are no traces and divorces left.

Polystyrene tile. Facing such a tile looks beautiful, but the surface is very capricious in care. If the tile is covered with a protective film, you can make wet cleaning as in the case of oil paint. If there are no films, only dry removal of dust is permissible.

The stretch ceiling is a very interesting way to finish, allowing to translate into reality even the most incredible idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer. The canvas can be different: glossy or matte, colored or white, monophonic or with an image applied.

Such a ceiling does not boost over time, cracks will never appear on it, as well as it is resistant to various deformations.

The main problem is the divorces remaining after washing. Currently, there are many types of material, and for each of which is inherent in its effective cleaning method.

Sequence of a glossy stretch ceiling

Than washing without divorce:

  • soft sponge without pile;
  • dry flannel;
  • warm water (no more than 40 degrees);
  • detergent.

The presence of incorrectly selected tools and detergents can lead to a saving ceiling and a loss of initial color.

Several reasons for pollution of stretch ceilings

Materials from which stretch structures are made, be sure to impregnate with a special means, the main purpose of which is to protect the surface from such adverse factors as moisture, dust and various spots.

If the installation of the ceiling was performed with the observance of the technologies, its attractive appearance will rely for a long time to delight the owners. However, over time, the flawless surface is still covered with dust, which muffles the initial brightness of the color.

The presence in the House of Children ensures that the canvas sooner or late will suffer from the water gun with some coloring solution or from splashing soda.

The main rules for washing stretch ceilings

In order to solve the question correctly: "What is the wash of stretch glossy ceilings without divorce and avoid multiple problems?", I need to remember the following rules:

What to wash the ceiling?

The beauty of the stretch ceiling emphasizes its absolutely smooth surface. That is why any kind of pollution and stains are perfectly visible on such a cover. In view of this, many owners are concerned about the question: "What washing the stretch glossy ceilings without divorces?". The rules of care, first of all, suggest that in the means used to clean such a coating should not be abrasive components.

Caring for the glossy ceiling must be responsible to the following conditions:

  • intact surface;
  • lack of divorces and spots.

Moreover, the damage should not be understood as a mechanical disorder, such as a cut or scratch. It may be the deterioration of the color, the loss of elasticity or wrinkling.

The order of removal of dust from the stretch ceiling

What washing stretch glossy and matte ceilings without divorces, if they just slightly covered with dust? An excellent option is a slight wet napkin, the material for the manufacture of which served as a microfiber or soft suede.

If the nature of pollution is serious, then you need to move to more efficient measures. So, if at the end of the cosmetic repair, the surface of the stretch ceiling was covered with a solid layer of dust, then it is worth taking a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. At the same time, cleaning should be carried out in such a way that the nozzle is practically not in contact with the surface. The optimal distance from the canvas is 2-3 cm, otherwise it can be saved or even significantly damaged.

Wet cleaning ceiling

What washing stretch glossy ceilings without divorces, if a stain or any other strong contamination appeared on the surface? It is recommended to use a sponge or napkin with a pre-applied soap solution or another non-abrasive detergent.

Even if a polyester material was used for the manufacture of the ceiling, a soft dry brush is the optimal option of soaking the stretch glossy ceilings without divorces. Other types of cleaning cannot be called completely safe.

What means can be used for washing stretch ceilings?

How and what wash stretch ceilings glossless without divorce? What substances can be used, and what better forget about forever?

The best and safest tool for cleansing the surface of stretch glossy ceilings is an ordinary soap solution. It will require the following ingredients for its preparation:

  • warm water;
  • soft washing powder;
  • pre-finely small pieces of economic soap;
  • what is the composition used for washing windows or dishes.

Before you start cleaning the surface of the stretch ceiling, you need to check the action of the detergent at an inconspicuous area. If the composition did not have any influence on the surface, then they can wash everything canvas.

Oh important

What washing stretch glossy ceilings without divorce? The small invisible area should be the inspection site planned for use. Only after that you can proceed to cleaning.

If there is too high ceiling, it is allowed to use a mop with a cloth. But it is impossible to forget that, despite the high strength, the canvas can break in case of strong pressing, as it is in the tension.

Under the prohibition there are such products for cleaning, such as sharp brushes, detergents in which abrasive particles and solvents are present.

If it happened to damage the integrity of the surface, then you do not need to try to cope with the difficulties yourself. All that you need to do before the arrival of a specialist is a little to put down the place of gap with the help of a scotch. Only a professional can repair a stretch ceiling or conclude that it is necessary to fully or partial replacement.

no divorce?

The popularity of glossy ceilings can be envied. The main reason is that a mirror surface is characteristic of such a canvases that can reflect the light and create a unique interior. To preserve gloss, such a surface must be cleaned regularly.

Than washing stretch glossy ceilings without divorces (rules):

  • the best tool to purify such a surface is a solution for washing windows;
  • if the texture of the ceiling is lacquer, then there will be a naughty alcohol;
  • it is forbidden to use cleaning powders;
  • cleaning a shiny surface requires only a soft sponge, otherwise scratches can remain on the coating;
  • polishing the canvas needed with extreme accuracy and not allow pressure. It is also not recommended to use mop and other similar devices.

How to clean the matte surface of the stretch ceiling?

The matte canvases usually prefer the adherents of classic plastered ceilings. This type of surface allows you to create polyurethane used as impregnation.

It is described above in detail than washing stretch glossy ceilings without divorces, cleaning types, but how to clean the matte surface.

Washing the stretch ceiling is recommended by specialists only if there is a strong contamination. Preferred is a dry method of cleaning the matte canvas. Among the extensive variety of means for washing it is better to choose a spray or an aerosol, an ordinary shopping soap or powder is also suitable. The latter must be well breed with warm water until all solid particles dissolve. Matte ceiling is prohibited from which contains acetone.

The process of cleansing a matte stretch ceiling

Cleaning the matte stretch ceiling involves consistent execution of the following actions:

  1. You need to start with the surface wiping the surface with a dry cloth, it will allow you to get rid of dust and web.
  2. Then you need to make a warm soap solution.
  3. If there is a high ceiling, you can use mop, and better - stepladder.
  4. During washing, in no case cannot be put into the canvas.
  5. The cleaning substance used is necessary to wash off the surface.
  6. At the end, the surface should be wiped with a dry soft cloth.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner or microfiber. Any tensioning design requires timely cleaning, which will preserve the initial attractive view of the canvas for many years. Some pollution (for example, splashes from unsuccessfully open champagne) is better to erase at once, than to fight them after they dried. As can be seen, the most simple events allow you to maintain a beautiful ceiling indoors and significantly refresh air.

How to wash the ceiling and remove the dirt from the soot

The washing of the stretch ceiling is periodically necessary, despite the fact that the materials for its manufacture do not attract dust and are not subject to the formation of mold. It can dump, for example, after an inaccier opening of a bottle of champagne, can acquire a dim view after a while.

When the tensioning structure, it will be necessary to clean it in the kitchen quite often, oil and soot are harvested on the surface. What to use, tells the article.

Features cleaning

Stretch ceiling in modern design is a real masterpiece.

The design in appearance may be:

  • Matte (see).
  • Glossy or mirror (see).
  • On a tissue basis.
  • Monophonic.
  • With patterns.
  • Color.
  • With white surface.

In addition, suspended structures have retained a primordial look.

They are:

  • Do not yellow.
  • Not subject to crack formation.
  • Do not collect dust.
  • Easy wash.
  • Perfectly fit into the interior of any room.

What to clean the stretch ceiling after installation? Everyone wants the coverage for more than one year rejoiced with its beautiful appearance.

Sources of pollution can be the most:

Tip: To avoid this, it is necessary to build except the vertical curtain, also horizontal.

  • Sends dust, especially in summer or when performing construction and repair work.
  • Permanent cooking leads to the formation of a soot, settling on the entire surface of the canvas in the kitchen.

Sheave surface, which requires sufficient attention when cleansing. The procedure of washing with your own hands is not fulfilled, the main thing is to purchase the necessary funds.


  • Perform it with a dry way. It uses a soft dry fabric, better without a pile so that the veins do not stick to the surface, which can worsen the appearance of the surface.
  • Make wet cleaning. To do this, you will need a soft urine and detergent non-aggressive agent.

Than laundering

Further operations depends on the type of design.

What is necessary for manipulations

First you need to purchase:

  • Soft rag.
  • Reliable stepladder.
  • Vacuum cleaner using a special brush nozzle.
  • Non-abrasive sponge.
  • Detergents without abrasive, chlorine-containing and caustic substances.

The detergent for the care of stretch canvas should create a good soap solution. After that, a sponge or soft cloth is cleaned with dust and dirt.

Tip: It must be borne in mind that for each type of material it will be needed. It is strictly forbidden to be used when leaving for such a surface, a rigid brush, means containing chlorine, sharp objects.

The care instructions offers:

  • Before starting work, the existing decorations are removed to prevent unforeseen damage to the canvas.
  • After washing the surface, it should be wiped dry.
  • It is necessary to abandon the use of various creams containing solid particles and powders, without excluding soda.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the means containing acetone. It will spoil the PVC film very quickly, which is the basis of the design.
  • The surface must wash without pressure. When using mop when cleaning the film, it should not be pulled hard.
  • The surface can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. But with not high-quality fastening of the film, there is a chance of a violation of the vacuum cleaner of the overall geometry of the structure. Even if there is a web in the corner, it is better to remove it with a cloth or a soft pan.

Glossy option

How to wash the ceiling in the bedroom

With this design, the owner may have a question: how to wash it so that the surface does not lose gloss and beauty?

For this you can:

  • The coating wipe with a solution with ammonia alcohol. This will allow you to get rid of annoying soap divorces.

Tip: When using any solution, you must first test its action in the zone where this site will not be visible. It will relieve random negative consequences.

  • To increase the gloss on the glossy surface, you need to walk with a soft cloth along the coating.
  • Tools that contain ammonia alcohol make it possible to achieve a mirror effect.
  • After wet cleaning, the matter is always wiped dry.
  • When carrying out the repair of repair, construction dust appears. You can get rid of it by a vacuum cleaner with a brush's nozzle. In this case, the power of the vacuum cleaner is becoming minimal, and it is better not to touch the cloth to the surface itself.


In the manufacture of matte stretch systems, the tissue base is impregnated with polyurethane compositions. There are no scratches on such clutters, they are not going to dust. However, it will take care of such a coating.

The matte surface is purified much easier than glossy. There are no traces on the canvas when using funds with abrasive elements.

An ideal option for cleansing a matte surface is the use of water vapor. In the kitchen you can use soft tools that have the effect of degreasing. After processing the matte surface, it is necessary to wipe dry.


Many are interested in whether the canvas are wedge on a tissue basis and what means. In this area, experiment undesirable, otherwise the price can be high enough.

Washing fabric must be made as accurately as possible to exclude its damage.

Features of cleaning material:

  • For fabric cloth, you should not use the means used to clean the glasses, the substances existing in their composition can be absorbed into the cloth and change its color.
  • When cleaning such a material, it is not a rag of led in a circle. This may cause the appearance of a large number of divorces.
  • The tracks on the canvase must be performed from themselves - to yourself.
  • With an extreme need, an aqueous solution with powder is allowed.

Stretch ceilings, the example of which is presented in the photo, are becoming increasingly popular. This requires comply with all rules for the care of them. The one who wants to get acquainted in detail with all the methods of cleaning stretch structures. You can watch a video.