Repairs Design Furniture

How to treat TRU on tomatoes at home. Treatment of cucumbers with iodine, milk - recipes for protection and feeding Green soap against the Tly

Last weekend from the bottomside of the leaves of a separately growing bush of black currant on our site we found a TRU. The remaining currant and gooseberry bushes are growing on the other side of the site, and the pest did not have time to bother. In this regard, the issue of getting rid of these insects. We decided to turn to proven environmentally friendly folk remedies.

Botato from potatoes

At the initial stages of defeat cultural plants Save them will help infusion of potato tops. Take 1.5 kg of fresh or 800 g dry potato tops, put in a bucket and fill with water. After 4 days, strain infusion. Add the obtained to the pulverizer and spray plants them. In order for the effect to be more pronounced, I recommend adding 40 g of the terrestrial soap to additionally.

Tomatov tops

A proven highly efficient agent against TI is tomato tops. The decoction on its basis can be successfully combined with infusions of garlic and onion husks.

Tomato tops are pre-dried outdoors under a canopy. It is then crushed, put into a small pan or bucket (depending on the required volume of processing), poured with clean water and put on fire. After the composition comes to a boil, tomato tops are boiled for 30 minutes on slow fire.

The resulting concentrate is filtered and diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Additionally enhance the composition will help grated laundry soap.


It is no secret that they deal with the TRU in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ants, which, in turn, feed on the sweet allocations of these pests. It will help to drive them from a plot of mustard powder. Lower it in places of the greatest activity of ants, on their pathways. Additionally, it is possible to make a subfolder around the plant you want to protect against Tly.

You can also prepare mustard solution, mixing 100 g of powder with 10 liters of clean water. "Charge the sprayer" to them and processed the infected plants.

Wood ash

300 g sizzy wood ash Fill with water and boil on slow heat for 20 minutes, after which the solution is strain. The resulting concentrate is in a bucket of pure water. Use the handling of the spray gun.

This agent is used not only as needed, but also as a preventive measure. In addition to the Tly, it will destroy or fall from the plants most of other pests.

Green soap

On many country sites and forums you can find a lot of information about the green soap. It is used not only to protect cultural plants from pests, but also for the prevention of many diseases.

On the standard 10 liter of water bucket take 250 g of green soap. At the resulting mixture additionally pour 20 g of mustard powder. You can also add a little copper vapor.

The resulting composition of the plant can be processed not more than 3 times during the summer season.

Milk with iodine

With the appearance of aphids on the bushes of roses, the following composition will help with it in the shortest deadlines: 100 ml of milk, pollocking of iodine solution (to pick up the syringe) and 1 l of water. All should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting solution it is necessary to spray the affected plants.


Take 50 g of green soap, 1.5 kg of ash, completely dissolve in warm water and give the composition to strengthen within 2 hours. The agent is especially effective at first, while the wave did not have time to finally "settle on the plant." Processing can be repeated, but not earlier than in a week.

Baking soda

Soda is extremely effective not only when dealing with tool, but also practically with all other pest insects. On the water bucket, 75 g of soda should be taken. The resulting solution is necessary to spray vegetable crops, berry bushes And fruit trees. Processing is repeated as inclinations.

Tobacco dust

If the word attacked your plants in the flowering season, use tobacco dust. You can use for the struggle of both decoction and infusion.

In the first case, the tobacco dust is bred by clean water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and boil on a slow heat about half an hour. Then the composition is filled and insisted during the day. Immediately before use in it add clean water 1 K 3 and the economic soap at the rate of 40 g of soap per 10 liters of working solution.

In the second case, the tobacco dust is poured with warm water and insist several days before processing, after which the composition is filtered.

For processing use a pelevizer.


Many dacities recommend fighting with aphid with vinegar. 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar Divide into 1 liter of water. Spray the resulting plant as the pest appears on them. As a rule, several treatments allow you to fully cope with the tool.

Laundry soap

The household soap, cooked according to the classical recipe, destroys all the varieties of the Tly, occurring at the gardens. For the preparation of the working solution, a slot on the grater is a piece of soap on a grater, completely dissolve the resulting flakes in warm water. It is possible to reinforce the composition with the help of wood ash and onion husks. The product is fully safe for plants and man.


The elements contained in garlic have a destructive effect on the TRU. Grinding 200 g of fresh garlic on garlic davilion (better not Chinese!), Pour the resulting Cashitz 1 l warm water and give the composition to strengthen within 5 days. The resulting solution is resolved and use for spraying from the sprayer, pre-diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 30.

Shell of the onion flashes

Infusion of onion husk is extremely effective when dealing with tool. As Luke cleanses in winter, you can not throw away, but gradually lay the husk.

Take 200 g onion husks, put it in a bucket with warm water and insist for the next 15 hours. Use a gauze or a sieve for the filtering of the resulting infusion.

The resulting composition without additional dilution is used for spraying from TI (with different degrees of lesion and as prevention).

The trouble may present a serious threat to your garden. Timely measures will help to cope with the pest in short time And without tangible losses.

TLL is considered to have dachas one of the most malicious pests

They settled on the leaves, stems and roots, they crawl and fly, and where they will not be "on the post and punctors" - the plants begin great problems.

Than dangerous toast

Sheet WLL quickly weakens young plants, sucking their cellular juice. At the same time, it also distinguishes the poison, because of which the leaves are twisted, they are deformed and dying, shoots stop in growth, the tops are twisted. Sweet allocations (natural departures) contaminate the leaf surface, violate the normal activity of plants.

Through saliva, the facility is able to infect plants with harmful viruses, which can lead to extensive damage, especially in gardens or professional rosas. When the colonies are getting too big, the leaves and young shoots are dry and dying.

The greatest harm of the TLA inflicts young fruit trees.

TLL can give up to 50 generations for the summer

If you do not apply any special techniques against this pest, the failure is completely natural, without tightening, giving up to 50 generations for the summer, will cause a significant damage to anyone, even the most well-keeled summer sector. No wonder only in the northern hemisphere, about 450 species of sheet tli are among the most significant agriculture, forestry and gardening economy.

You need to fight

It is extremely difficult to fight with soot: it breeds rapidly and inconspicuously. Therefore, we must try to get rid of it faster than she will save us from the crop.

What should be taken into account in the fight against the tle

Repeat before rush to the enemy, we need to understand where this problem has "legs grow" to come true, with the mind to come to the fight against the pest.

1. Where and why does the TLA appear?

The TLA feeds on the juice of the plant, the spinning of his skin with his trunk. Old rigid leaves to her "not on the teeth", she needs the most tender leaves and buds. So, the probable places of lesion are the most young parts of the plants. Simply put, the tops of the shrubs and the lower side of the leaves. Therefore, our task is protect young shoots and leaves.

Creative and "kitchen" methods of dealing with tool

Sometimes the most ordinary product may be an excellent means of combating vegetable pests. Yes, and the moderation of our dachas sometimes simply causes admiration.
  • Vodka russian ordinary
On the bottle of the cheapest vodka (at the request of the dacket, you can buy vodka and more expensive) to wear a sprayer - and the remedy is ready! They say, acts trouble-free!
  • Coca-Cola (American)
As in the previous recipe, put on a bottle with coca-cola to wear a sprayer and spray amazed plants. Most likely, the destructive effect of this fluid on the TRU is explained by the presence of orthophosphoric acid.
  • Spraying essential oils with cream
In a glass of cream dilute 10-15 drops essential oils Lavender, tea tree and cedar. Add this mixture to 2 liters of water. Three spraying (every other day) give an excellent result. One glass of sunflower oil pour into a bucket of water and mix well. Wash the plants where colonies were settled, or spray the leaves. It is argued that 2-3 times per season is quite enough.
  • Milk and iodine
This is how you can beat the TRU - with the help of milk and iodine. Watch the video :)

  • Fouring tobacco smoke
The method is offered for, but, as I think, it is quite applicable in the open space. To preserve the author's sound and color, imagine a recipe completely, without adjusting: " You take the iron bank from under the herring, in which the seedlings are growing in the spring (such a bank is even better because there is holes in it at the bottom), it is incubated to a small bonfire in the jar and, as soon as he coar - fall asleep with tobacco dust. Immediately begins to throw white smoke. You put this bank to a greenhouse, you close all the inputs-outs and wait for a few hours, while the greenhouse will first be filled with a thick white stinking smoke, and then it will dispel. And all that did not happen. "

The fusion of trees and bushes smoke has long been used our grandfathers to preserve plants from short-term. Today, summer residents expand the "smoky" range.

Some are offered to use such ambiguous methods to combat the soot as smoke from burning rubber, wiper and even cleaner gas plates . Of course, for fruit crops Such methods are completely unacceptable. Whether to apply them on decorative plants - decides everyone for himself. If there is a desire to experiment, see how the author of the next video is struggling:

Go to the transfer of allies)

Plants scarying

With his phytoncides (volatile fragile substances) they scare the TRU. These are herbs with a pronounced smell - both, onions and, and, and, daisy Dalmatskaya and, as well.

Basil scares Tlya

The enemy T'li - Ladybug

For lubrication on the site of Burning, they advise to plant. Burbeds do not destroy TRU, they feed on the pollen marketing. But the larvae of flies of flies large quantities Absorb the TRU, which is nearby. Therefore, inviting the governing to the country, you won't lose.

The bugger will choose the grained and, and the zlatprace will prefer for a reproduction of cool shady places covered with thickets of ferns.

You can put in the garden flower pots With wood chips - in them will be able to settle the inchraktki, who are also not averse to to enjoy the soot.

In addition, the larvae of ladybugs and zlato-paragraphs can be purchased in specialized garden centers (or order by mail), and then release on its site.


What is especially pleased: the TLL is an object of mining for many small birds. They feed her chicks. Will eaten how to eat:
  • sparrows;
  • foam-shadow
  • preamn-Pumps;
  • tits;
  • kolki;
  • wipers;
  • malinovka-Zaryanka;
  • condets.
To attract these picules on cottage plot You can post the birdhouses (s), to place the water capacity - in a word, to make the birds want to fly here.

But! If you have already decided to attract help useful insects And birds, you will have to completely abandon use on the site of the Yadohimikatov!

Birds willingly eat so

How to deal with aphids without chemicals.

It is important to know that the word is most often striking weak or reborn plants.

Unfortunately, the TLA can live almost on any kind of plants, especially likes fruit shrubs, roses, chrysanthemums, peonies. In addition to visible harm (twisted leaves, faded buds and non-leaving fruits), the TLA brings harm, pulling the useful juices from the plant, which may later not survive the winter. Therefore, when the behavior, which dwells mainly on the underside of the leaves and the tops of young shoots, be sure to take action. Plants can be sprayed with champs from nettle, garlic, bow or tomato tops.

In the fight against the tool, a simple tool helps perfectly.

You will need:

8-10 red chili peppers

1 tbsp. Spoon of soap chip

1 L. boiled water

Bottle with pulverizer

Finely dig chili pepper along with seeds. Mix with water and soap, let it stand in the day. Then pour the infusion into a bottle through the strain and spray plants.

By the way: the remedy will help to cope not only with the tool, but also with caterpillars, frozing and garden clouds.
Both for indoor and some garden plants will suit The method in which to post next to the fragrant geranium affected by the greenery. The wave does not tolerate the neighborhood with this flower.

Natural formulations for getting rid of

For processing indoor plants Dissolve 50 g of household soap in 2 liters of hot water. The obtained cold routing pads thoroughly rinse their plants. Five days later, repeat the entire procedure.

To combat aphids in the country area, prepare tobacco infusion for spraying plants. Fill in a bucket of 600 g of tobacco with 10 liters of hot water, cover the lid and leave it for a couple of days. Then, strain and decrease another 10 liters of water with a small piece of economic soap dissolved in it or 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. The soap component in the solution is needed that the composition does not immediately wash off from the leaves of plants.

Still in a bucket kilogram of ash and 8 liters of boiling water. Leave to insist for two days, then strain and bring the remaining fluid volume up to 10 liters of water. Spray garden or home plants with the resulting composition.

Prepare a decoction from tomatoes tops. Fill four kilograms with crushed fresh tops and insist three hours. Then put the container on the fire and boil 20 minutes. Perfect and dilute the resulting decoction twice with water with a small piece of economic soap.

Type a full bucket of wormwood, cleanliness, tomato tops, garlic arrows and confuse. Fill with water. Leave for two days under the lid. In another bucket, stir ashes in the water in the proportion of 1:10. Then straighten both solutions and mix them by adding washing powder or economic soap. Spray your plants with the resulting composition every week all season.
Home preparations for fighting tool

The most popular reservoirs used for centuries, the recipes against the Tly include soap (it is more convenient to use liquid soap for dishes) and vegetable oil. A viscous consistency of soap and oil envelops the body of insects and prevents breathing (the tribes breathe through the skin).

Prepare drugs on the recipes below, and spray the affected colors of the plants in the evenings (when the insect pollinators have already set off on peace) once a few days until the pests perish. Keep in mind that these drugs are mainly not selective, that is, they destroy both harmful and useful insects.

Liquid soap and water

Divide soap in a bottle with a sprayer. You can add oil. I successfully applied this drug (with Fairy) on my tomatoes. A small amount of Tli disappeared after the first application.
.2 glasses of water
.2 teaspoons liquid soap
.1 a glass of cheap vegetable oil (not required)

Infusion of sliced \u200b\u200btomato leaves

This infusion is quite mild and is considered effective among organic gardeners. I personally are not very clear how it works if the failure is happy to settle on tomato leaves and feeds them with juices. But nevertheless ... Soak crushed tomato leaves overnight or longer in water. Perfoliate and reclix into a bottle for spraying. Add to a bottle of water if more drug is required. Spray the affected plants, not forgetting about the lower side of the leaves.
.2 cups chopped with scissors of tomato leaves (it is convenient to use those that are evicted from the bottom of the stem of the plenty tomatoes to the flowering brush)
.2 glasses of water

Infusion of garlic
.3-5 garlic cloves missed through the press
.2 Ch.L. Cheap vegetable oil
.1 / 2 l of water
.1 Ch.L. Liquid soap

Insist the chopped garlic in water during the day or longer, add water and soap. Keep the resulting drug in a tightly closed container. For use, dig a pair of tablespoons of the drug with water in a spray bottle and spray affected plants.

Although the tomato top is one of the ways to combat Tley and other pests, but the bushes themselves can also be amazed. And most small insects do not touch the fruit, and settle on the tender young leaves than cause great harm to the plant by sucking the juices and promoting disease and destruction of valuable garden culture. Therefore, the story about how to deal with aphid on tomatoes will be relevant and useful for many gardeners.

Types of Toles in Tomatoes

On the garden you can find various types of these pests: white and black, green, melting and red wave. There are also insects with wings and without them.

Most often, TLL on tomatoes meet the following types:

  • White or root - excreted from the wintering eggs in the earth and settled near the surface of the soil, which is why it is difficult to detect it. It is moving quickly and gradually overbinds the base of the stalks of plants. The settling white wave in the seedlings of tomatoes is able to completely overlap moisture access, the coal development of young bushes.
  • Potato wave - insects of red or green, having a size of up to 4 mm, attack the tomatoes greenhouse and soil.
  • Bahch wave - very small pests with a size of 1-2 mm of various shades of green. Awakening in the spring and early summer in the greenhouse, the larvae begin to actively develop, gradually become adults, and then fly out in July-August open airThe winged females have a black and green color.
  • Peach (or greenhouse) - winter in the bases of the kidneys of peach trees, with spring reproduction, often moved to tomatoes and other garden crops.

On a note!

Very often there is a wave on tomatoes in a greenhouse, where for its development and reproduction there are maximum favorable conditions Humidity and heat. Therefore, any host when detecting even a small number of such pests in its seedlings or adult plants, it is necessary to choose as quickly as possible than to treat tomatoes from Tlya until it caused great damage.

Signs of the defeat of tomato tool

Signs of damage to small pests on tomatoes and cucumbers:

  • leaves, zerovy and young shoots are first yellow and twisted, and then dried and shuffled;
  • on the fruits and the tops you can see a sticky flare, which is distinguished by insects, called sweet step, it is very loved by ants;
  • bushes stop in development and begin to root.

The experience of the struggle of gardeners and gardeners with pests over many years has accumulated rich, and the most often these methods depend on the growing season and the Tly detection season. In the initial stage of infection, it is recommended to act, and with strong defeat -.

Physical ways of struggle:

Prevention of the appearance of Tli.

So that the attack of Tlya does not become an unexpected surprise, you should take care in advance preventive measures To prevent its appearance and reproduction:

  1. The first stage falls on the autumn season when the harvest was taken. To reduce the number of dedicated eggs for the winter, it is necessary to collect and destroy all the remains of the plants and destroy the soil for 10-15 cm depth.
  2. In the spring, on the site allotted under the vegetable garden and tomato landing, it is recommended to do carbofos processing to destroy eggs and Tley larvae.
  3. When disembarking tomatoes to scare off in the aisles, plants are plant with a sharp smell: dill, velvets, celery, etc.
  4. The whole season regularly inspect the lower parts of the leaves and the stalks of the plants to detect the white, black or green cloth on time when they appear on them, especially in greenhouse landings.
  5. On the territory near the planting of tomatoes is recommended, the inhabitants of which love to breed themselves for their feeding.

A successful result in the struggle against pests depends on how quickly measures are being taken to destroy them after the TLL appeared on tomatoes, because this insect is able to multiply with a rapid pace and destroy the garden plants in a matter of days.

What does the TLA look like on tomatoes known to every gardener. It is considered a pest for harvest. Some species of plants are completely destroying, and others damage only a bush, not a touch of harvest. The last species include tomatoes. There are many effective waysHow to deal with such pests.

Causes of Tli

TLL appears on tomatoes different ways. In the garden, she can even get from the clothes of a person who came. In autumn I. winter Representatives of this type of insects live in the bark of trees, weeds, close to the beds. With the onset of spring, their active reproduction begins. In the colony there are individuals who know how to fly, which are looking for a new place and create a future offspring. Usually, the ants are settled next to the tool, which serve to protect them and consider their duty to help attack new areas of plants.

If the trouble has never been noticed nearby, then its appearance could be provoked by infected with sowing material. Purchased tomato seedlings are also considered a risk factor for its infection. On the leaves or in the ground there may be eggs insects.

Is the TLL on the tomatoes?

The TLL in the greenhouse is accompanied by the following signs:

  • Leaves, ovary on tomatoes, as well as shoots are located in a deformed, twisted state. Suction in insects of them makes them weak, they dry and swell.
  • On the bushes and fruits can be found a sticky dew, which is distinguished by individuals in the process of its livelihoods, and for what the ants settle nearby.
  • Tomatoes stop in growth.

If the fruits during the attack of insects are completely ripe, they can only be covered with a dusty dew, which is easily removed. But if the bushes are damaged before the time of ripening, the tomatoes will die. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to deal with aphid to the point when flowering begins. Otherwise, the population of this type can eliminate the future harvest.

Even on tomatoes, the TLL is dangerous in that it can carry bacteria and viruses. Forms quickly form fungal lesions. Low immunity tomatoes are unable to resist infection and soon die.

Methods of destruction

Currently there are quite a few ways to get rid of Tly different species. Fighting with them may be as chemical treatment or using folk remedies. Birds and special traps will help destroy pests.

Physical methods to help destroy TRU at tomatoes seedlings:

  1. Manually destroy insects. In most cases, such a method implies clamping of the affected leaf or stem. You need to take care and accuracy. For convenience, you can use toothpick.
  2. Strongly deformed areas of the plant should be removed. Especially if the lower stems and shoots are infected.
  3. Wash off to water. To do this, on tomatoes, you need to direct the water stream using the hose or the usual sprayer. The procedure is repeated for several days in a row until traces of insects completely disappear. The trouble is slowly moving and not coming from the space, so it will be difficult for her to move back to the bush. However, it may appear on the bushes again.

In the fight against this type of insects will help ladybugs. The breeding of this population will help to cope with the tool.

Chemical methods for the destruction of insects

Chemical struggle measures suggest the use of drugs with pesticides and insecticide. They are very effective in combating black tool. To such means include:

  1. "Spark" - universal toolwhich is not only killing this species The population, but also other pests, for example, often occurs the whiteflink on tomatoes. In addition, this preparation contains special anti-stress additives and potash feeding. Despite the low cost, this means actively destroys insects and at the same time contributes to the recovery of the plant.
  2. "Carbofos" - a small-toxic drug. When spraying the affected leaves penetrates the insect organism through its skin. After processing, retains its operation for 7-10 days.
  3. "Tax" and "Aktara" - according to their properties the drugs of the same action. These funds fall into the body of the insect when contacting and with food. The destructive effect occurs in a week. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, and carefully spray each affected area, as the drugs are toxic and there is a risk of accumulating them in the fruits.
  4. "Bleaching powder" - effective tool. It is perfect for the fight against the tool on tomatoes. The leaves infected with pests and stems are sprayed below. This solution cleans the soil. Processing with this means will save from pests and diseases of plants.

Folk ways

Aids cooked on tomatoes will help folk recipeswhich also proven itself well as purchased, and are able to completely remove insects. But the use of some of them is unacceptable during fruiting, as they can harm human body.

  1. Solutions of ash and soaps. Universal recipe against aphids on tomatoes. It not only helps to remove insects, but also treats various diseases of the tomato, and acts as feeding. To prepare such a means, you need the following: sifted ash (300g) pour into hot water And cook 25-30 minutes. Then the mixture to strain and dilute in the water of a declitron bucket. Add there about 50 grams of a bath or economic soap. A cooked solution spray tomatoes from the Tsley in the evening in the windless weather.
  2. Tobacco infusion. Due to the caustic fragrance, you can scare and destroy pests. This means are destroyed insects on tomatoes in the greenhouse. With a combination of tobacco tobacco products and chemicals on tomatoes, black wings are completely destroyed. For its manufacture, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto pour 0.5 kg of tobacco into liter of boiling water. Boil about half an hour. Then strain. And dilute in 10 liters of water. Spray greenhouse tomato and take a break in 5 days.
  3. Broth of potatoes. Potatoes are considered a strong tool against bugs, aphids, larvae, caterpillars. To cook it, you need 1-1.5 kg of green tops chop and pour 10 liters cold water, Interest 2-3 hours, then process. After this procedure, pests are dying in a couple of hours.

Such recipes are very simple and accessible to every gardener. And the effectiveness of their use on high level. It is necessary to start the methods as early as possible to combat Tley, finding the first signs of its appearance. In this case, the crop will be saved.