Repairs Design Furniture

Salads for growing spring, summer and autumn. Preparation of the overgrown area How to clean the garden plot from vegetation

This task can be solved relatively simply - to invite specialists. For 8 hours of their work (and techniques) in the sprawling and leveling of the territory will have to pay from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. And if you do not spend money and clear the overgrown area yourself? Like, as well as, what to take into account - with all this we will understand the proposed reader article.

It is from this that the whole thing begins.

  • Drawing up the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Moreover, the most detailed, taking into account all curvatures, recesses and so on. If this is a waste, then immediately should be specified with the borders of its one, so as not to work "in good", processing someone else's territory.
  • Examination of the area and determining the circle of solved tasks. Much depends on how much the plot is overgrown and for what purposes it is planned to clearing.

For example, it is needed all, for breaking the beds and shrubs. In some cases, the owner of the newly acquired one is primarily interested in only part of the territory - to start building a house. At this stage of preparation, it is advisable to explore the soil to determine its characteristics. If it is planned to arrange a well, then for drilling a pair of trial shurps and the analysis of the soil, experts will ask about 19,000 rubles.

  • Drawing up list necessary work Taking into account their order and complexity. In essence, this is a schedule of events. There are different situations, therefore, the clearing can be complete, throughout the area or on a separate segment. And the rest of the territory can be left the next time, or lead work in parallel with construction. For example, if the bucket will be involved in the arrangement of the pit, then at the same time, and a couple of panties will be able to eliminate.

Approximate procedure for clearing the site

  • Deleting grass.
  • Cutting shrubs.
  • Spilization of trees.
  • Overlooking the stumps, burning the remnants of the root system.
  • Swimming and smoking soil.
  • Transportation and styling of the soil (chernozem).
  • Making fertilizers.

Often the calculation of the necessary inventory and the number of assistants (if required) is necessary. It makes no sense to explain that the same tool fulfill all technological operations will not work. Yes, and the assistants are constantly also hardly needed. Perhaps they will have to attract only at individual stages.

There is always something in the farm, but for some types of work on clearing the site, equipment will be required, which is extremely rare in everyday life. It is worth thinking that you should buy, and what, for example, rent in specialized organization Or for the time of friends. Most likely, it will also be necessary for transportation for waste disposal - which, where to take it, how much will it be about it - these moments should also be thought out in advance.

What may take

In addition to domestic equipment - ax, saws, shovels, secateurs.

  • Motokos.
  • Costortion (if the trimmer is low-power, and this will not cope with this task). It may be
  • scissors (with long handles, for trimming branches).
  • Cultivator.
  • Chainsaw.

Order and features of work

"Cosmetic" cleaning. At this stage, it should be removed from the territory all that does not require the use of the tool - broken branches, construction (household) trash. Such work will not require a heap of assistants. In fact, it is preparation for the implementation of the planned plan. Everything that is collected is stored on the segment of the territory, from where it will be easier to remove with transport (or more conveniently burned).

By the way, ash (ash) is still useful as organic fertilizer, so you need to think about how to save it, so as not to swallow the wind or did not wash it with rainwater (if the area is on the slope).

Removal of shrubs and high grass. What to work depends on how much the plot thrust. But limited only by the trimmer or cultivator is undesirable. "It is necessary to go with a shovel. This work will take time and strength, but it is worth it. Why? Means of mechanization will not get rid of the ground from the roots and dispute. The trimmer will only cut the stems, and the cultivator will break the soil. As a result, after a while, a young piglet will appear again, and it will have to do everything "in a circle" again.

On a note! In some cases, chemicals can be used, although it should not be abused. Before use, you need to explore the manufacturer's instructions and ask the weather forecast (especially wind speed and its direction).

What to take into account when using "chemistry"

First, the result will be no earlier than a couple of weeks. Will have to wait.

Secondly, if the site is preparing under the planting of cultures, then after treating the Earth, herbicides can be processed only after about 2.5 months (depending on the type of preparation).

Cutting trees

Is it worth removing absolutely everything? This needs to decide on the stage of marking areas for arrangement. In places where it is planned to organize, a gazebo or something else, the trees can be left - to shaded the territory segment. By the way, some garden crops also do not like direct sunlight.

  • Pour alone tall trees It should not, all the more, if there are adjacent, already affected areas are located.
  • All wood can be rationally used, even sawdust (for mulching). Therefore, export trunks and branches from the territory is hardly advisable. It is Firewood, and Rem / Accessories (for example, for hedge), and ash for the fertilizer of the territory.
  • Overlooking the stumps. The easiest way is using an excavator, but it will not always be acceptable. It is often possible to drive into the territory of the technique (especially if it is equipped), and it is quite difficult to bring a plot after it. But it is not worried - there are several effective ways Getting rid of stumps with their own hands.

How to irrigate stumps without equipment?

Method 1

Turn around the circumference, after which you wrap (trim by chainsaw) roots. It will only be left to dig a stump and remove.

Method 2.

There are several cuts on the cut deep holesIn which the saltter solution is poured. The next summer, the stump can be buried. For the year, "Chemistry" hesitates the whole structure of the wood so much that the material will easily ignite. If you can wait - the optimal option.

Method 3.

He, rather, for lovers of exotic. You can land on the cut mushrooms - my way - and collect harvest. Their colony gradually, in a few years, will deplete wood, and the stump will turn into a duchus, which will be easy to remove.

After anteriorizing, the hemp should be treated well, otherwise it is not a fact that the roots remaining in the soil will not give new shoots.

  • People's methods are quite a lot - pour gasoline and smear, pour lime and a number of others. Choosing this or that technology, you need to foresee how this "Piglet" will be used.
  • If the stump is decided to leave for the decoration of the territory, as a garden "stool", then it must be processed - to remove the pipe from the core and impregnate (to deceive) with special safety, and then cover, for example, varnish. Otherwise, it will turn into the insect habitat, in it (and nearby) moss will appear, mold, mushrooms and so on.

Everything else - loosening, making fertilizers, laying a fertile layer - at the discretion of the owner, therefore it is not worth stopping in detail. Especially since the main task Made - the site is cleared.

You can use the heavy special equipment. However, then you will have to equalize tracks, traces of the bucket, most likely manually. Clean the plot with axes and shovels - you can, but too long ...

Cleaning the plot in the photo

Plot cleaning methods depend on many factors. First of all, from the type of clogging.

Bianoan (annual and perennial grass), which grew into human growth, is mounted with a powerful cushing (analogue of a benzotrimer, but with a metal disk). Skilled grass from the site must be removed, since it will interfere with the subsequent soil processing.

Clearing section from shrub. A large shrub need to be pre-cut, leaving the ends of 50 cm. To hook them with a two-abnormal bucket. Small can be simply trying to pull the bucket without spill. On a light soil, it is possible to pull the shrub with roots. But in most cases you have to use the Kirchnashchik - a tool similar to giant forks or rakes that are attached to the loader.

Trees. Remove with chainsaw and hydraulic capture, and can be crucified to firewood. Removal of pney And the roots are made by the Kirchchik. For large stumps - with pre-feeding.

Construction garbage it is often necessary to pre-grind with the help of a jackhammer, after which it can be immersed in the bucket. Small construction garbage is collected by robbles or kirchnac. Building garbage is not always useless. The brick and concrete battle, which is also called secondary rubble, can be used to lift the level of the site, swelling of the road and parking.

The utilization method depends on the type of waste and the rules adopted in your village. Development containing glass, plastic contaminated with petroleum products soil and other types of waste, not in nature, are unambiguously subject to export. Shrub, grass, tree branches are biodegradable waste, so can be disposed of in computer heaps or by burning, and also exported to the nearest ravine. However, in many villages, the neighboring grass, shrub and soil are not considered safe waste. If your village refers to this, we will help to immerse the garbage into the container or dump truck.

Photo 1. Cleaning from trees.

Land clearance is a popular service. To quickly, safely remove unnecessary long-term green plantings, it is necessary to invite arborists who own the necessary skills, and also know how to handle the special equipment.

Recalling the territory usually under construction, gasket of communications, landing garden, gardening or for other needs. Plant cleaned area becomes completely suitable for any purpose. The main thing is that large-scale shrubs and shrubs are removed qualitatively, neatly, without damaging located near the buildings.

To stripping the territory from trees and bushes, you need to receive official permission. The carbon ticket can be issued in the Department of Natural Management and Protection ambient Moscow or in the management of forestry in the Moscow region. The document receives the owner.

How to safely remove perennial wood plantings of any sizes, the arborists of the company "LESMASTER" know. They have the experience of stripping the territories of any degree of launching. Specialists eliminate plants completely, not leaving roots or stumps. All works are carried out with compliance with safety.

Prices for stripping territory

The cost of work is determined by the degree of neglected degree, age, sizes of plantations. If the diameter of the barrels is less than 8 cm, then the tractor and excavator use. Consequently, it is necessary free space for access special equipment.

Calculator Calculating Plot Tractor

Rates for cleaning the site if large trees do not grow on it

  • Work conditions:
  • ensuring free space for access special equipment;

    the diameter of the trunks of trees is up to 8 cm.

Type of work Units. change price, rub.
Target Tractor Tractor, Excavator 8 ocloc'k 17 500
  • Brief technology for work:
  • pulling the stumps with the help of special equipment;

    failure formed by pits, leveling the territory.

    For 8 hours of operation, it is possible to clean about 6 acres prepared for the cortex of the middle-running site.

    Minimum cost of work 17 500 rubles.

Prices for the work of the sector clearing brigade if large trees that need to be cut on it

  • Work conditions:
  • the presence of sufficient free space for the movement of the tractor;

    thickness of trees from 8 cm.

  • Brief technology for work:
  • spice of the trunks of the trees arborist manually towards the natural inclination;

    pickup of the remaining stumps with the help of a tractor;

    fasting formed by a mixture of land and sawdust.

    For 8 hours of operation, on average, it is possible to remove about 20-40 trees with the barrel diameter to 20-40 cm.

    Minimum cost of 40,000 rubles.

Get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow work is carried out on cleaning areas from thickets from the following video.

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Video 1. Clearing the territory from trees and shrubs Excavator

Photo 2. Cleaning the area from trees and bushes by the method of cortex.

If large-barrels with the barrel diameter are growing on the territory, then first the arborists are performed by hand in the direction of a natural tilt. Then the remaining stumps with the help of a tractor. After that, they fall asleep all the pits with a mixture of land with sawdust, produce alignment of the territory.

The amount of time spent on complete cleaning was largely determined by the size of green plantings, the type of their root system. Quickly chop up the territory on which specimens with a thin barrel and surface roots grow. Uriscouched and rod root system More complicated, its removal takes more effort and time.

How to clear the plot from trees and shrubs?

Shrubs and small specimens can be corrected using an excavator with a traction bucket. If large-barrels with thick barrel, overall branches grow on the site, experts remove them manually. Such plantings are fed entirely or spill on fragments, so as not to damage the communications, neighboring buildings.

Photo 3. Cleaning the area from trees and shrubs excavator.

Clean the land from the trees can be a tractor. This method effective when you need to clean the station from large number Instances having a small diameter barrel. They are rewarded with the bucket. The remaining stumps are rooted with a winch or heavy machinery. After that, the pits fall asleep the earth.

Clearing the area from the forest, as a rule, takes more time. Fragment of shrubs and wood vegetation often have manually. The procedure also provides for the spreading and plowing of the site, cleaning the woody garbage.

from 1.5p per m2

Employees "Sadovod-VIP complex clearance of country sites on the territory of Moscow, Moscow region. Our company offers services for clearing a plot from trees and shrubs, meltsya, thickets of grass, cleaning garbage, as well as the service to the panties. Making seasonal cleaning of the site. Cleaning country house. Plowing the earth. Assistance in the development of new sites. Clearing area for construction.

Clearing section for construction

Having bought a land plot, or inherited, especially if these are new sections in SNT and DNT. Many are faced with the need to elementally clean the site from unnecessary spontaneous vegetation, to break the trees and export firing or fallen, produce a typing and alignment of the site. Also remove the garbage left by the builders.

What is included in the clearing of the site

In the clearing of the garden plot included the pouch of the grass, heap the old and broken trees, cutting down the shrub, the collection of grass and foliage. In the cleaning of the site also includes a pnenet's knocker and earth alignment. Electricity on the site is not necessary, as all work is carried out gasoline tool. If necessary, we carry out disassembly (demolition) of the dilapidated or not the necessary buildings (at home, sheds, the swollen baths) of buildings is calculated based on the volume of garbage. When cleaning the site, in most cases, we organize garbage removal by containers of different volumes.

Plot clearance price

How the price for clearing the site is formed

The pricing is directly affected by the height, depletion and the number of plantings on the site that need to be deleted (the scope of work), the buildings that need to be demolished (if any), the use of special equipment, its dimensions, garbage disposal. The method is affected that can be used while eliminating unnecessary trees. Beyond the city in private territories if there is no number of buildings, then use the roll. If there are buildings nearby, then you need to cut into parts, in which remote fragments are descended down on the safety cables is a more expensive method.

Seasonal cleaning service

In summer, care for flower beds, lawns, gardening is needed. Make trimming trees, shrubs, enhanced the territory. Wash off dirt, sand, you can whiten borders and trunks of trees.

In the fall, remove the fallen leaves, sticks, garbage. Necessary

In winter, we clear the plot from the snow dawns, clean the roofs, remove the icicles. In winter, surface treatment with special solutions is necessarily carried out. In the spring, make a complex cleaning of the plot, remove the garbage after the winter period, and take out the site.

Why should you order a sector clearing in our company?

    Affordable prices;

    We work under the contract;

    Warranty on work done;

    Flexible system of discounts;

    Efficiency (engineer departure on the day of circulation);

    Discount pensioners 10%;

    Performance of work exactly in the agreed period:

    We work on cash and cashless payments:

    We use your technique for execution complex work;

    Experienced staff and corporate instrument

Plowing plot

After the complex cleaning of the site, we propose to plow the Earth. Plowing the Earth is necessary for grain seeds, seeds vegetable crops, potatoes, etc. Plowing the earth saturates the soil with oxygen, nutrient substanceshelps to get rid of weeds. In the event that it is necessary to remove small irregularities from the surface, the plot of the site is also necessary. After plowing, they usually make cultivation, we refine the surface with robbles and get a smooth and outlet and beautiful plot. Rusdirerek company provides professional plowing and cultivation of land on dumart sites in the Moscow region. Our specialists produce work with a motoblock or tractor.

Price for plowing land

The pricing is directly affected by the state of the soil and the size of the area being processed. As well as if necessary to conduct additional work - Pencing the panties, the export of stones, grass waste and wood, alignment of the plot. In any case, the final price for services is determined individually. Consult in detail and calculate the exact price of our engineers.

How to spend plows

For plowing the earth, we use different types Techniques (motoblock, tractor) and various mounted plows. Rusdirerek's company we offer our customers a selfless and dismissal plow with different species Plugs. We select equipment depending on the wishes of the customer, as well as offer different methods of plowing land depending on the type and state of the soil. In addition to the deep processing of the Earth, using PLugs, we will also offer you the surface treatment of the Earth - dispensing (or harrowing).

What depth you need to plow

The goal with a discharge is to explode the upper fertile soil layer, refurbish the roots of the weeds located in it. At the same time, the underlying soil layers is absolutely not required. Therefore, for the leveling of the site and the sowing of the lawn, 15 centimeters of the peeper will be enough.

What is better to plow the site - a tractor or a fiberboard

First of all, you need to proceed from the size of the site. If more than 10 acres, then it is better to plow the tractor. In this case, the price will be more profitable. With a plot of up to 10 acres, the motoblock will easily cope. Overpass the land to 15 and even 20 centimeters can any modern fiberboard or tractor. We use technique with active soils, for us a simple task - plowing to a depth of 15-20 cm.

What is the soils for pepper

The active soil spin rotates regardless of the rotation of the wheels of the technique. This allows it to develop a lot of effort and praise even virgin lands.

What is disking

Discovery (harrowing) is, in contrast to plowing, shallow processing of the Earth. Discovery is carried out using disk harrows and is carried out if there is a high risk of soil erosion, as well as in the case of a small thickness of the fertile layer. Also, dispensing is made for loosening the Earth after plowing. The cost of disconnecting the soil is lower than plowing, due to smaller requirements for the requirements and models of technology. Discover approximate cost Discovery you can on the pages of our site. To accurately calculate your object, call contact numbers.

When you need to plow

The best time for this is of course from spring to autumn, in dry weather, at the air temperature at night above +5.