Repairs Design Furniture

Gasnocos good reliable. Rating the best benzokos - choose a great tool. Benefits of gasoline braid before electric

Gasoline trimmers are one of the essential assistants for amateur gardeners, summer houses and owners of cottages and private houses. With this device, it is possible to put in order lawn, prepare large volumes of hay, handle shrubs and so on. One of the main advantages of such equipment compared to electrical products is absolute autonomy and independence from the presence of an electrical power source.

If necessary, such products make the grass even in hard-to-reach places - close to capital buildings, near the trees, borders, garden tracks, and so on. Herging is made using a special fishing line of a certain diameter and stiffness, but a special knife, designed to work with branches with a diameter of up to 1 cm and thick grass, can go with the device.

Gasoline trimmers are characterized by quite compact sizes. The range of similar products presented today in the stores is so wide that it is very easy to get confused and acquire a not quite suitable model. That is why we decided to devote our today's review of these devices. Before proceeding to the consideration of specific models, we led a number of basic recommendations for the purchase of this equipment so that it does not disappoint the user during operation.

When using this product, one of the keywords is played by the device and technical equipment equipment. Be sure to pay attention to the ergonomic component, because not all models are convenient to hold in hand for a long time. Clean weight of the product can reach about 10 kg, so any trifle will influence the ease of use.

Almost all models are equipped with a two-stroke engine, a four-stroke motor can only be found in high-power devices. The special oil tank is usually not provided, it will have to be mixed with gasoline in a strictly installed proportion manufacturer.

At the level of noise while working, it is also necessary to pay attention, since too loud apparatus will not be able to use in the morning or evening hours so that it should not interfere with anyone.

The degree of vibration has a direct impact on the comfort of work. In most modern devices Special systems are provided for its damage. Balancing is also very important, since the outresting one side will definitely affect the quality of work - it will be perfectly noticeable during the haircut of the lawn.

When developing our rating, we took into account all such moments, and also paid attention to the ratio of price and quality of the device and on user feedback. We hope that after reading the review you will be able to choose the most suitable equipment.

Top 3 models of an inexpensive price segment

3. BBT-230

The model is characterized by excellent manufacturing and assembly quality, even though it is one of the cheapest among all the designs in our current review. Part of the metallic elements, the part is made of reliable plastic of increased rigidity. Complete with the device comes a special disk with winning teeth. They are practically not blown during operation, with the help of this cutting element it is very easy to produce both shrubs and young trees.

The model is also equipped with a planny suspension, so that the mass of the product is evenly distributed on both shoulders. The two-stroke engine, works on a mixture of oil and gasoline, unfortunately, the manufacturer did not provide for the presence of a measuring cup to mix these things. Motor is different high quality manufacturing. The rod has a telescopic mechanism, produced from anodized aluminum. The shaft in the steel design, turns on the bearings that are able to be in working condition much longer than the sleeve. When having a haircut, the grass can be used, the maximum thickness of which is 3 mm. Collect the product and bring it into working condition yourself without any assistance.


  • Attractive appearance;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Good assembly quality;
  • Perfect works with thick grass and branches.


  • The quality of translation instructions leaves much to be desired, there is no visual assembly benefit.

2. HUTER GGT-1000T

This design has a straight barbell, the location of the engine is top. The model is perfect for harvesting high grass and hanging lawns in such sites where it will not work out the traditional wheelplate. This trimmer is equipped with a two-stroke engine, an electronic ignition system is coming to it. During operation, air cooling of the motor starts. The engine volume is only 32.6 cubic meters. See, which allows it to develop power up to 1 kW, works on a mixture of oil and gasoline, the capacity of the gas tank is only 0.7 liters. This will be quite enough for one and a half or two hours of continuous operation.

At idle the number of revolutions of the cutting surface is up to 9500 thousand per minute, a special knife for shrubs is coming. The design uses one of new Systems For vibration quenching - hands in the process of work are practically not tired. The trimmer is best working on the AI-92 brand gasoline. The ignition element is displayed on the device handle. The handle itself is rubberized, in shape resembles a bicycle steering wheel. It is located in the central part of the bar, thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the perfect balance of the device. The maximum width of the mowing is 26 cm. At the bottom of the knife is closed by a protective casing that does not allow the grass scattering. The manufacturer advises immediately after completing the work to clean all open tool nodes to extend the period operation of the model.


  • Excellent shows itself on large areas;
  • Shrubs and fine pigs are sufficiently cut;
  • High quality assembly.


  • The weak coil for the fishing line - it is advisable to replace immediately after purchase;
  • Not very informative instructions, there are illustrations, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

1. Patriot PT 555

This model rightfully ranked first in the top rating section. petrol trimmers 2019 in an inexpensive price segment. Due to the increased volume of the gas tank, the device is capable of working autonomously for a long time. A special blocker is provided on the handle that does not allow spontaneous or accidental launch of this equipment. Such a benzocos can easily cope with lawn grass, and with dense bunign. The model has a comfortable and durable shoe belt. A special system of vibration damping practically completely absorbs fluctuations during operation. Almost all users in their feedback noted a fairly easy control of this device in many respects due to the fact that all controls are located on the control handle.

To professional models, such equipment will not work, however, it is simply suitable for individual use. Before starting work, it is worth checking how reliable all available bolted connections are. The fact is that despite the vibration damping system, they are capable of breaking over time. If you miss this moment, you can not only damage the device and bring it out of order, but also to get serious injuries. When preparing a mixture of gasoline and butter, it is desirable to use a special motor oilwhich was developed by the manufacturer.


  • High power indicator - shrubs like grass;
  • All metal elements are made not from tin, but from steel of increased strength.


  • A sufficiently heavy design, which also distinguishes increased fuel consumption.

Top benzokos for price and quality ratio

4. Stihl FS 55

This model is considered the most enduring among all devices presented in our review of the best benzokos. The design is characterized by a huge amount of advantages, high operational characteristics and the presence of a number of additional features. She will be an indispensable assistant On the site, regardless of weather conditions. Benzocos has an ideal balance, the product is based on a reliable engine. internal combustionIts volume is 27.3 cu. See its cylinder is covered with chrome compositions, so that it is perfectly resisting wear and is characterized by a rather long period of operation. The carburetor supplies the fuel mixture without interruption, is equipped with a good filter that does not allow the occurrence of blockages. Primary fuel supply occurs due to reliable hand pump Simple design.

The ignition system is completely electronic, characterized by perfect tightness. Due to it, the launch is made instantly, the trimmer functions consistently even in pretty sophisticated conditions. This system is able to support high voltageThanks to which the spark arises quickly and is burning for a long time - this makes it possible to largely reduce the volume of exhaust gases. The depreciation system is reliable, vibration is almost not felt. The mass of the model is not very heavy - with a blank gas tank, it is only 5 kg: this device You can easily wear a whole day for yourself.


  • Excellent reliability;
  • High level of performance;
  • It is capable of working without a break for a long time;
  • Punish easily - during the first three fillings of the fuel on the device should not be supplied to the maximum load.


  • The air filter clogs quickly enough, which affects performance, it must be changed regularly or at least clean.

3. Makita EBH253U.

This equipment refers to the last generation country technique. This is the first model in our review of the best gasoline trimmers of 2019, equipped with a four-stroke engine. It is characterized by high indicators of environmental friendliness, reduced noise and a number of new type control systems. Cycling handle, in the design there is a special unloading vest, which allows the device to work for more than one hour, and the benzokos itself weighs too much. With it, you can handle fairly large areas. To work with lawn grass there is a connector for installing a special coil with a nylon ribbon. To remove tall and thick bunigns, firing small trees or shrubs, you can use a special knife that comes in the kit. It is equipped with 4 blades, the capacity of which is quite enough for the alternation of branches with a diameter to one and a half centimeters.

The bar is made from the lightweight aluminum alloy, directly, due to which the maneuverability of this equipment is largely increasing. In particular, the trimmer is very convenient to work even at rough terrain, including in hollows or ravines. Power is quite enough for professional use - such a motocos is allowed to apply for the treatment of roads by road, railway paths, park areas and so on. It is worth noting that the handle has a function of adjustment, so it can be adjusted for itself. The grass is possible to scam and at a certain angle. The knobs are rubberized, do not glide in the palms, help additionally extinguish vibration.


  • Excellent quality of manufacture and assembly;
  • Noise is not too much;
  • Together with the gas tank provided a tank for engine oil, it is not necessary to prepare a special mixture.


  • Presented certain requirements for storage conditions;
  • The coil for the fishing line in the kit does not go;
  • More expensive than other models.

2. Husqvarna 128r.

This Swedish gas station is one of the leader among the best gasoline trimmers of 2019 at the ratio of price and quality of the device. The model is characterized by a slight mass - weighs only 5 kg, it is perfect for work on small country or household plots. Motokos is equipped with a special belt equipping, which ideally distributes the load throughout the spine - it is very convenient to use it for a long time. The adjustment handle of the number of revolutions is located on the knob of the device, has an ergonomic shape, due to this operation, the lawn mower becomes even more convenient. A quick and lightweight start is made in many ways thanks to the newest patented AIR PURGE system, as well as the presence of a special pump that will pump the fuel into the engine.

A separate tank for engine oil is not provided, so before refueling it will be necessary to prepare a special fuel mixture. During operation, special oil produced by the manufacturer is used. It was created precisely for garden tools, does not allow Nagar on the pistons, which prolongs the period of operation of the model. This design enjoys a rather large trust among users: it has excellent technical characteristics and long service life.


  • Minor fuel consumption;
  • Vibration is not too strong;
  • The mass is small;
  • It is fairly simple, maintenance and minor repairs can be performed on your own.


  • It is not too convenient to adjust the length of the belt during operation.

1. Motocos Krüger GTK 52-7

Motocos with a gasoline engine has an enlarged power of 3 kW. The tool is treated with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 10 acres. Overheating of the engine during continuous operation prevents system air cooling. In idle mode, the gasoline trimmer produces up to 2800 rpm, and during operation - up to 9000. The low grass is mounted using a fishing line. If you need to cut shrubs or young trees, instead of the fishing line install sawmillwhich comes complete with a benzotrimmer.

Motokos Kruger has a thoughtful design, so it is convenient to work with it in any conditions. System smooth start Allows you to quickly and easily start the engine. Extended equipment increases the tool functionality. In the configuration of the gasoline trimmer, the Kruger is present five knives of durable metal and two spools with a fishing line. Benzokos demonstrates the best price-and high quality ratio.


  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Minimum vibration;
  • The presence of the SMART START system.


  • Noise when working due to high engine power.

Buy better krüger GTK 52-7 motocos here!

Best Professional Gasoline Trimmers

3. Makita EBH341U.

This model is characterized by quite high power indicators, but the volume of exhaust gases during the operation of this device is minimal. The product is suitable for almost any varieties of work related to grass and not too thick branches of shrubs and trees. This gasoline trimmer is equipped with a four-stroke engine, in the design of which a special valve of a certain form is provided, due to which it is possible to significantly lower the pressure and provide a quick and easy launch of the device. The handle is rubberized, comfortably lies in the palm, does not slip out of it. It is made in the form of the letter U, the grip is very reliable.

The maximum device capacity is 1.45 horsepower or 1.07 kW. The volume of the internal combustion engine is 33.5 cubic meters. See when working with this trimmer, you can use a fishing line, the diameter of which is a maximum of 2.4 mm. The drive shaft is characterized by increased rigidity. Equipment mass - 7.1 kg in an empty state, with a fastened gas tank will be slightly larger. Fuel per hour with the highest load consumes about 0.5 liters.


  • Almost no noise during use;
  • The design is very reliable, it is capable of listening not to one season;
  • No regular oil change is required.


  • At idle sometimes can stumble.


One of the best professional structures is equipped with a two-stroke gasoline engine of high power - 1.9 hp. In addition, there are easy-to-run systems that will not cause a reverse strike. Despite the fact that the model belongs to the class of professional, it is allowed to be used including at the cottage territories, in the garden and in the garden. Due to high level Power trimmer perfectly copes with thick thickets. As a kosy tool here is a reliable coil with a fishing line, designed for soft lawn grassOr a knife for working with thick and dense vegetation, if you wish, they even produce trees and shrubs.

The capacity of the gas tank is 0.84 liters, fuel consumption is quite economical, so it will not be necessary to fill this device regularly. The weight of the product is 6.78 kg. The kit comes a three-point adjustable belt, which allows to reduce the load on the shoulders, spine and lower back during operation. The handle is adjustable, it can be adjusted for yourself.


  • Access to the air filter is rather light;
  • Some of the highest indicators of maneuverability;
  • Excellent light launch system;
  • Trimmer is ideal for processing complex areas;
  • The engine is characterized by a slight fuel consumption.


  • A sufficiently noisy model.

1. Stihl FS 130

This is quite complicated, but a very powerful model, at the output of which you can get about 1.9 hp. Due to the increased technical characteristics of this model, it is possible to process about 20 acres of land at a time. Due to the high number of revolutions and considerable power, it is possible to easily cope not only with small herbal vegetation, but also with thick thickets, as well as shrubs. Starting the engine is performed manually. The volume of gas tank is 0.55 liters, the gasoline consumption is minimal, so they can work for quite a long time without an additional fill fuel. The equipment is equipped with vibration damping system - hands and spin operator will not be tired during operation. The mower is installed on the shoe belt. The mass of the device is about 6 kg, the load is distributed evenly. The handle has the ability to adjust, so it can be coated with grass almost at any angle.

The equipment works on the basis of a mixture of oil and gasoline: on 1 part of the oil is taken strictly 50 parts of the gasoline of the AI-92 brand, only used as oil. special compositiondeveloped by the manufacturer.


  • Long period of autonomous work;
  • Not a very large mass of equipment;
  • It is very easy to use - the location of all handles is intuitive;
  • The high level of power of the gasoline engine allows you to cope even with very thick thickets of grass;
  • The degree of maneuverability is much more compared to traditional lawn miles working on wheels.


  • Not detected.

In conclusion video

To date, more and more landowners' owners go to the use of motorized tools. The gas station is one of them. Since the market is represented by the widest range of benzokoskos models with various characteristics and price range, the question of many times or late the question is: what brand and the model is better to choose that the price does not "bite" and the functionality was good? We will introduce you to the main characteristics of modern motocos, including video, and will present a rating of the best of them according to consumer reviews.

Benzokos: concept, types and main characteristics

Benzocos or motocos is practical, mobile and effective toolused on the gardening area for the face of grass, overgrown, bouran, etc. From the name it is clear that this tool works on gasoline (92th gasoline is usually used), but it is better to look at the instructions for using a specific model to not disrupt the work Engine.

Depending on the operational mode, the benzokosy is divided into two subspecies:

  • Professional - most often used in industrial scale. They have more powerful engine and equipped with a head with a cutting knife and a thickened fishing line. Such motorcing are designed to work in agriculture and in utility services, since it is capable of working more for a long time Compared to domestic and designed for large amounts of work.

Household motocos lightweight and designed for a short period of work

  • Household motocos, designed, respectively, for home use and much smaller work. They are perfectly suitable for working in the garden, vegetable garden, etc. Household motocos has a number of fundamental differences from professional. These include: the curved shape of the rod (for work in hard-to-reach places); Dimensions (size and mass of household gas station is significantly inferior to industrial); collapsible rod design (which is very convenient for transportation and storage in small rooms); Price (household motocos cost significantly cheaper professional).

The optimal selection of motocos will be directly dependent on which of its basic characteristics are more important:

  • Power. Speaking about the power of the benzokos, the watt or horsepower is used as a unit of measure (1 watt \u003d 1.36 hp). Household trimmers usually reach a limit capacity of 1.8 hp This is quite enough to work on a small area (you can cut the lawn, crushing the grass, crop shrub). Professional benzocos are equipped with a power engine from 2 hp (It can exceed 3 hp).
  • Engine's type. Benzokosy is available mainly with a 2-tact engine, but tools with a 4-tact engine are becoming increasingly popular. They are almost silent and more reliable, but have much larger weight And there are somewhat more expensive.
  • Type of cutting element. The benzokos is equipped with various cutting elements: a fishing line - for the pcs of grass and a metal / plastic knife with several cutting surfaces, which is able to cope with the tasks more complicated (weeds, shrubs, even small trees).

Council. Not all motocos have several cutting elements at once. Therefore, if you plan to actively use this tool to work on the gardening and garden plot, then when you select the model, take care that the motocos has not one cutting element.

  • Weight design. Spit, equipped with an engine, is much harder than the usual. On average, the weight of the benzocos is about 4-8 kg, which is quite a lot. Remember: the more powerful the tool is heavier. So Middle Power Motocosa reaches a weight of 6-7 kg. If you choose the tool is not the easiest by weight, then make sure that the special belt is included with it. It is attached to the shoulder and helps redistribute the weight of the product for greater convenience.

Rating the best benzokos: Top 8 models for consumers reviews

The best budget motocos for gardening and garden work:

  • Echo GT-22GES is a very light and small-sized tool, quite economical in terms of fuel consumption. Perfect for small areas (even with a complex relief). Good mowing grass, weeds. The model is not very powerful, equipped with only a fishing line.

  • Patriot PT 3355 - Easy and with a rather powerful unit (1.8 hp). Perfectly copes with "difficulties" both in the smooth areas and in the complex area (even in the pits, ravines, etc.). It has a collapsible bar and cutting elements of two types (fishing line and knife). The kit also includes a special belt. But users mark a rather tangible vibration when working with a tool.

The best motocos for work in agriculture:

  • Echo SRM 2305SI - powerful tool For high complexity work in areas of up to 20 acres. Economical, silent, light unit. It has a knife and a fishing line in the design, a three-blade canvas for cutting a rigid shrub, a wrought shaft and a casing transformer. The kit includes safety glasses. Equipped with a system that prevents accidental inclusion. Considerable plus: In the design there is a place to install a cultivator nozzle.

  • Stihl FS 250 - Remorate motocos with built-in vibration system. Easily copes even with very hard vegetation. Equipped with a carburetor with a compensator.

The best motocos for work of high complexity:

  • Oleo Mac Sparta 38 is a professional high power tool. Equipped with a flywheel protecting the engine from overheating. The kit includes a strap of a knaptest type that allows you to distribute the load as rationally as possible. Thanks to this, the operator can work without tired for quite a long time.

Oleo Mac Sparta 38

  • ECHO SRM-330 ES is a professional powerful and economical motor intelligent, equipped with special devices for the most comfortable and long work (vibration insulator, comfortable handle, three-point strap). The manufacturing company took care that the engine serves a long time and reliably: the surface of the cylinder has a chrome electrolytic coating. The design provides the possibility of changing nozzles.

We introduced you to the main functional characteristics of the benzokos and presented the ranking of the best of them according to customer reviews. We hope that the information received will be basic for you when choosing your own gardening and garden tool.

How to choose a benzokos: video

Benzokos for giving: Photo

In the market, gasoline trimmers are represented by the richest assortment. However, given the cost of equipment of this class, you do not want to make mistakes with the choice. After analyzing a number of different models, our editors made a rating of the best gasoline trimmers for giving and garden work, based on user experience. As practice shows, the view is that "the quality is worth greater money"- just a myth. Modern manufacturing technologies and experience of engineers allow you to develop and make excellent tools of all price categories. Thus, everyone can choose a good benzotrimmer for seasonal work, taking into account all my wishes.

The best manufacturers of benzotrimmers

Almost every manufacturer of tools and small construction equipment is engaged in the release of gasoline trimmers: from world leaders of the industry to nameless brands from China. The diversity of proposals creates a lot of questions about the correctness of the choice of the manufacturer of gasoline trimmer, not to mention the layout, as assembly, ergonomics. Perfect optionWhen all the advantages of the trimmer are combined in a single case. Despite the fact that each manufacturer positions its technique as the best on the market, the first lines of the rating of the best benzotrimmers remain almost unchanged:

  1. Stihl
  2. Husquarna.
  3. Makita.
  4. Oleo-Mac.
  5. Champion

The best inexpensive gasoline trimmers (up to 10,000 rubles)

Buying a lot of gasoline trimmer to solve many tasks on garden plot, dacha, as well as equipment is often used for service household. The braids of this class do not differ in high power and productivity, because they are intended for periodic, short use. The choice of a good benzotrimer from the budget segment is the most difficult. Similar for the price and appearance of the model can differ significantly as and reliable. Choosing a good and inexpensive trimmer is better to start a review not from the most popular, but from proven representatives.

1. Champion T433-2

Model T433-2 from Champion is a rare example when quality is higher than the price. A comfortable and light trimmer is designed for haircuts of lawns or shrubs. For work, you can use cord with a fishing line in 3 mm or a cutting knife with a diameter of 25.5 cm. Now about the main thing: the maximum width of the mowing is 40 cm, the power of the unit is 1.7 hp "This is enough that the trimmer can easily cope with the lawn grass or Bianana." The fuel tank accommodates up to 0.95 liters of the mixture. The design of the benzotrimer is a bit massive, but quite familiar and standard: a bicycle handle with a straight rod, the upper arrangement of the engine. According to user reviews, this is one of the best models in its class, despite the unprecedented cost.


  • reliable and unpretentious in use;
  • relatively low weight of 8.3 kg;
  • low price;
  • it is possible to disassemble the rod for convenient transportation;
  • economical;
  • complies with the declared parameters.


  • increased noise - during the operation of the benzokos produces 102 dB;
  • scarce equipment;
  • not the most successful design of protective casing.

2. Patriot T 545 Pro

A good-hard and reliable trimmer with a solid tight shaft of transmission, a good power supply and tracting effort by the company Patriot. Cycling handle is adjustable. When replacing the fishing line on cutting disk The benzotrimmer will master the dry, burly, shrubs and even small trees. Balanced design is supplemented by a vibrating absorbing coupling. The design is convenient and thought out: control is concentrated on the handle, easy access to the spark plug and replacing the air filter. The trimmer is perfect for use in large areas.


  • power and endurance of the internal mechanism;
  • easy start and stable operation;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • moderate noise and vibration;
  • the perfect combination of price and quality;
  • full set.


  • not a very comfortable regular coil;
  • required to the quality of fuel.


This one of the most powerful budget trimmers will greatly show itself on a large and uneven area. Separately, it should be noted a reliable, unintended bar and high-quality fixation of the handle. The benzotrimmer is convenient to use, compact and easily manage, and most importantly - producers, its power is 3.0 hp You can purchase this unit even for the most running area - the performance of the Trimmer is enough for any piglery, with the exception of trees from 10 cm with a diameter, not to mention the shallow lawn grass.


  • the trimmer will replace the brush cutter;
  • fast-breaking bobbing;
  • a robber-type belt;
  • excellent equipment;
  • high power;
  • quick access to the air filter.


  • bad vibration protection;
  • there are minor flaws on the assembly.

Video Trimmer Overview DAEWOO POWER Products DABC 520

Best gasoline trimmers for the price and quality

When buying a gasoline trimmer, everyone strives to get a tool with an ideal combination Prices and qualities so that the technique justifies the expectations and did not harm the budget. In this category, you will not find models of 5,000 rubles, but you can choose an inexpensive and popular trimmer. Representatives of the middle segment (semi-professional) are universal: the technique can be used for regular work in household conditions or periodic and short-term - in professional conditions. In narrow circles, such tools are the rank of "farmers", due to the optimal combination of characteristics.

1. Oleo-Mac Sparta 25

Opens this category of rating one of the best reliability trimmers for home use. The recommended area of \u200b\u200boperation is the grass of grass, permissible "inclusion" of a small shrub. The durable gasoline trimmer does not differ in high performance and has an average power in 1 hp. But in aggregate with the fuel tank in 0.75 liters and the high-quality anti-vibration system is very easy and convenient to use. The reliability of the presented device no complaints will arise even after 5 years of operation.


  • troubleless launch;
  • durability and reliability of internal nodes;
  • worn shaft;
  • low weight;
  • acceptable noise level;
  • maintainability.


  • rigid spring coil;
  • there are no glasses.

2. Stihl FS 55

If you ask a professional, what trimmer is better to buy, you will undoubtedly recommend Stihl. Model FS 55 is the best aggregate price - quality. The benzotrimmer is designed for regular use in domestic conditions: it will also go for the household, and for servicing the big pricework. In addition to the global brand, the owner of the Trimmer receives 1 hp. Power balanced launch Thanks to the introduction of the ERGOSTART system, a reliable electronic ignition system and all at an affordable price.


  • moderate vibration;
  • full-fledged equipment;
  • low weight;
  • economy;
  • maneuverability.


  • guide heads from silumin;
  • overpayment for the brand;
  • small spaciousness of the fuel tank.

3. Makita EBH253U.

Excellent model of trimmer from Makita with a quiet and hardy four-stroke engine. Working volume 25 cm. Cube. With the power of a little less than 1 hp Despite the modest characteristics, the performance is more than enough to overlap the order of 80% of different household work in the garden or in the country. Trimmer owners celebrate excellent assembly, good cutting parts, high-quality plastic - all this ensures durability of operation. In this case, the gasoline trimmer is also comfortable in use: low weight, comfortable handles, "soft" work.


  • all trimmer details are made of high quality materials;
  • ranger-type belt;
  • good anti-vibration system;
  • canceled balancing;
  • low noise gas station.


  • critical comments were not found.

Video Overview Makita EBH253U

Best Professional Gasoline Trimmers

Professional benzotrimmers are distinguished by endurance, great performance and the ability to work for a long time even in harsh environments. Their practicality and independence from the energy session even bribed those who are used to work only by eclectic units. Wherein specifications Do not affect the scale, however, it does not prevent the tool to serve at times longer than more powerful and budget versions. Such a trimmer will definitely work for a long time, requiring only periodic to replace worn out consumables. The big advantage will be impeccable ergonomics and the lack of even small flambery.

1. Stihl FS 250

The most powerful trimmer in the ranking is made by the Stihl brand. The unit with a two-handed handle is designed to maintain forestry, garden work. The trimmer copes flawlessly with reeds, stamped herbs, nettle, burdocks, when installing a knife "Osilit", young trees and a bitch shrub. TECHNICAL SIDE: Easy and trouble-free start, reliable fasteners, the STIHL compensator warns the maximum mixture by maintaining constant power. Completing the picture electronic system Ignition, manual fuel pump and competent control focused on one handle.


  • high power trimmer under becoming a professional technique;
  • soft shoe straps evenly distribute the load;
  • the presence of a light start system;
  • reliability in work;
  • thoughtful design;
  • excellent assembly quality;
  • lack of vibrations.


  • increased fuel consumption and fishing line;
  • insecured rod complicates transportation.

2. Husqvarna 143R-II

A good professional trimmer for the cottage offers Husqvarna. The high-end unit with proper maintenance will last for many years, attractive not only in quality and good assembly, which is characteristic of any professional technique, but also comfortable operation. Anti-vibration system operates 100%, 2 hp trimmer engine Durable and hardy, which confirms numerous user responses.


  • light replacement of fishing line, coil and starter cord;
  • durable coupling;
  • good power supply;
  • anti-vibration system;
  • for a long time of continuous operation;
  • excellent quality to smallest things.


  • heavy;
  • noticeable noise.

3. Oleo-Mac Sparta 38

Top-3 closes one of the best gasoline trimmers according to specialists. "Spartan" Oleo Mac is equipped with a specially developed engine with a high torque. The shaft is cast from aluminum, the piston is a two-segment, which in the aggregate ensures reliability at intensive operation of the trimmer. A large flywheel contributes to efficient cooling, warning overheating internal nodes, and aluminum transmission can withstand significant loads. Despite not the highest power among rating models, professional benzotrimer easily "tolerates" small overload. If necessary, the trimmer can remove high grass, shrubs, small trees, lops and other "complex" pigs.


  • good combination of power and mass;
  • reliability and durability;
  • excellent assembly;
  • economy;
  • unpretentious;
  • there are no complaints about serious breakdowns.


  • low, but noticeable vibration.

What trimmer to buy for giving

Gardening works are regular, therefore it is recommended to purchase reliable benzokos from good manufacturers. This rating of the best models of gasoline trimmers will help with the choice of a budget, semi-professional or durable and productive unit, which will not submit at the right moment. Choose only that tool that will truly serve you faithfully for many years, and our experts will help you with it.


To combat the increasing grass, as well as for the workpiece of the Hayen cattle and horses, the gasoline motocos is very convenient, due to the availability of fuel and high performance.

Benefits of gasoline braid before electric

It would seem that the battery trimmers are not inferior in mobility and autonomy of work with gasoline and at the same time easier by weight, which means it is more convenient in work. But this is true only when you need to put a small garden, where the struggle with weeds will just last 2-3 hours. If you have a huge plot of a few dozen acres, right up to hectare, and you need to arrange a big pouch, you cannot handle the battery trimmer - the fishing line is very quickly, and not with each stem will cope. For the simple reason that you have to make big breaks to recharging the battery.

Another point is the availability of fuel. If you need to go somewhere on the bay meadow for the workpiece of the hay, it is much easier to take with me a couple of combustible mixture for motocos than several batteries for the trimmer. And even more so inefficiently transport an electric generator to recharging the batteries. Filling the tank of the internal combustion engine is carried out in all conditions, including in the field, without causing any difficulties. The rechargeable tools are demanding that the voltage and current is supplied to the input.

Finally, gasoline models are not more powerful than electric. You can select a battery trimmer. It is only suitable for cutting a young glow of green hedge and hanging the lawn on a plot, maximum - for the cutting of weeds on the beds. With a powerful Burning Leske, nozzles will no longer cope, but such a task forces by the battery braid. But also its ability to be limited, in particular, not every model will be suitable for chucks on the trees. Gasoline motocos are planned many work in the garden, associated with sharp and logging, the trifer line is easily replaced by any other nozzle with different amounts of teeth.

What nodes consists of motocos, and how does it work?

The design of this, of course, is based on the operation of a two-or four-stroke internal combustion engine (DVS), its shaft, connected to the gearbox, rotates the nozzle, which can be a trimmer fishing line. The spindle rotation can be carried out directly by the shaft passing through the bar of motocos, or through the drive in the form of a flexible cable. Some models have disassembly rods, which at the point of section connecting sections there are special adapters with grooves and protrusions. Collapsible rods are convenient when transporting.

An important part of the design is handles that can resemble a bicycle steering wheel, or be D-shaped. There are both options both, and the choice of any of them is strictly individual. However, it should be noted that the two bike steering handles allow you to perform more accurate maneuvers to the instrument. In the case of a breakdown of a knife with a strike of a stone or an imperceptible scrap metal in the grass, so that the scattered fragments of the blades do not poured the operator, the nozzle has a special casing. The material for it can serve as plastic or thin metal.

First of all, a combustible mixture is prepared for a two-stroke engine, which is not stored for a long time, and it is not recommended to do it. Mix the oil and gasoline in the proportion of 1:50, that is, 20 milliliters per 1 liter, respectively. In four-stroke engines, gasoline and oil are flooded in separate tanks. The gearbox also need to drop a little lubricant. Running motocos can be carried out in two ways - by spinning a starter with a cable or by pressing the button, which takes place in the new models with a four-stroke engine. The tool is holding a canopy and only after the launch omit to the level of cutting vegetation. When working, the fishing line should cut grass with the most tip, it, as well as the knife, should be brought to the grass smoothly.

Disadvantages of gasoline aggregate

Many minus will record the price, since electric trimmers cost much cheaper on the engine. Yes, and energy consumption is much lower than gasoline costs and oil. But the price factor is a disadvantage only in cases where the tool owner can afford the loss of time to charge the electric trimmer batteries. When there is a hot time, and every day of clear weather on the account during the workpiece of the hay, the prevailing factor becomes the performance. Moreover, only branded brands differ high costs, there are inexpensive Chinese models that can be attributed to the discharge of budget.

The second drawback is a significant weight of the motocos, and, the higher the power of the engine and the tank of the tank, the greater the mass of the tool. On average, it is worth it for the fact that you have to perform work in the garden with 6-7 kilograms in your hands. The presence of such a D-shaped handle can create an inconvenience, since the second hand will have to keep the tool for the bar closer to the engine, which usually gets warm during operation. Therefore, pay attention to the presence of a belt bundled, with which you can hang a braid over the shoulder, evenly distributing its weight on the body and hands. Choose in this case better "bicycle" handle.

Many calculate the disadvantages of the maintenance of the internal combustion engine, which is far from everyone. But it should be borne in mind that not all landowners also know how to rewind the electric motor. Moreover, the FROF himself breaks infrequently, and those parts that may require adjustments are not distinguished by high complexity. In particular, it is replacing gaskets (seals) or damaged shaft. It also often needs to be replaced by the starter, especially when cutting the cable of a jerk plant. Sometimes the replacement is subject to the broken line nozzle.

Equipment of motorized braid

As a rule, any trimmer and, moreover, the braid is supplied with several nozzles. Also in the kit must include a belt for hanging the tool on the shoulder. In addition, several different nozzles are often coming, among which the trimmer is most often proposed, the cutting element of which is a fishing line, and a three-bladed knife for bulking. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to choose a set with more powerful securing knives and multi-section nozzles of the "Circular circle" type to turn the tool in.

Often, glasses and a replacement fishing line are attached to the tool. The kit must include a handle with control joysticks, as well as the tool required for assembly and repair. What is noteworthy, sometimes when buying a tool with a collapsible barbell, add-ons are offered to a set in the form of sections with other profile suspensions: air broom, cultivator, snow removal and other options. Pay attention to the presence of instructions for the operation of the braid where the diagram of all the leading nodes should also be included.

How to choose a device for yourself?

For the most part, the choice is carried out on the price threshold and capacity, although these 2 criteria are practically inextricably linked. So, budget motoches within 1 horsepower allow you to push the most thick thickets wild herbs. It should immediately note that the frequency of rotation of the shaft of any braids is not lower than 11,000 revolutions per minute, and the professional tool reaches 13,000 revolutions. That is, choose the tool does not follow the frequency, but by the power of the rotation of the shaft, which in a weak trimmer can be stalled when the thick stem of the weed, and the powerful spit is capable of not to slow down, even when the shrub is not driving.

Another aspect of the selection is noise in the operation tool. Here there is a sharp separation of the two-stroke and four-stroke engines. The first type is cheaper and has a relatively low weight, however, the reliability of such braids is low. The second option has a lower price threshold from 8,000 rubles and provides a significantly greater resource of the engine and gearbox. In addition, such models have a rather low noise during operation, although their weight is quite significant (from 6 to 8 kilograms), which reduces ease of use.

Repair motocos - What are there any problems?

Most often, the owners of motorized braids and trimmers face such a problem as the engine failure when trying to turn on, that is, the device is not started. If there is a fuel in the tank, then the reason can be wounded in the fuel filter, inspect it for clogging in the first place and, if necessary, replace, for this should always be available in stock. To reduce the number of problems, it is advisable to use gasoline with an octane number of at least 92. Also pay attention to the spark plug, it sometimes needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Attention - without a fuel filter, it is categorically not recommended to work with the motocosa, the result can be the failure of a piston engine group.

Carefully inspect air filterMaybe it needs cleaning, in this case, rinse it under running water, press, dry, impregnate with oil, press again and set to the place. To start the motor run, you need to set the tool so that the air filter is in the upper position. In this case, the fuel mixture gets the ability to check into the lower part of the carburetor. You can also remove the air filter and injected some fuel into the carburetor, then collect everything back and start starting.

In the presence of a nice site, the need to care for the territory. The site also needs a platform near the private house, the courtyards of high-rise buildings. These questions in the competence of owners.

Similar tasks perform utilities on the lands common use. Most of the work is associated with the tender of grass, small shrubs, trimming trees. All this can be easily executed by one tool - motorized mowing.

The tool is so universal - which is capable of a variety of types of work:

  1. haircut of lawns, lungs, spaces between trees, including in hard-to-reach places;
  2. bringing the rooks in order;
  3. creation of fireproof strips in the area of \u200b\u200bforestshodok;
  4. trimming branches of trees and shrubs;
  5. curly haircut of green plantings;
  6. harvesting dry, weeds.

As well as much more, depending on the nozzle used.

The advantage of the tool in ease of use and ease of maintenance. The device is individual, that is, the work is made by one operator. If you have made solutions to purchase this tool, you need to know how to choose a motocos.

Criterias of choice

The tool parameters have quite a lot, we will help to figure out the main ones:

According to a functional basis:

For professional use.
The tool is an unintended design with a monolithic rod. On the one hand, it allows you to transfer a more powerful torque to the working nozzle and prevents the shaft contamination.

On the other hand, it makes it difficult to transport and storage. Such braids are usually used by utilities for work on the improvement of public areas. You can also use a professional tool in farms in farms, for the workpiece of the hay and cleaning of weeds in large territories.

Motokos is designed to work for a long time, equipped with a powerful power plant. In addition to the main task - the leaf of the grass, such a tool can cut the bushes and thin branches of trees.

Semi-professional braids.
Golden middle between pros and household option. It is characterized by a smaller weight, a weaker engine and relative convenience of transportation. Basic application - landscape design and gardening.

Also designed for long work, however, the motor is compared to professional tool below. Therefore, a lot of funds take place for maintenance, which is compensated in initially low cost.

For domestic use.
The most massive tool for a wide range of users. Light design, collapsible rod, power point Small power. Affordable price Ensures greater participation of the operator in maintenance.