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Is it true that the war revealed the poor technical equipment of the Russian army? Russian citizens held by South Ossetia

The Russian military operation, which took place from 08.08.2008 to 12.08.2008, was called the "Five-Day War". This operation was of a peacekeeping nature, and was a response to the Georgian aggression towards South Ossetia. This military operation was the first in the history of the Russian Federation, which took place outside its territory.

The war in South Ossetia began on the night of August 7-8. That night, Georgian artillery dealt a powerful blow to Tskhinvali, marking the beginning of the Russian-Georgian conflict. Immediately after the unprovoked artillery strike inflicted by Georgia, the Russian troops, which were located on the border and the territory of South Ossetia, switched to active operations, which lasted for 5 days.

The escalation of the conflict in early 2008

The conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia has been exacerbated since the late 1980s. The first bloody battles between Georgia and the self-proclaimed republic of South Ossetia took place back in 1991-1992. Then Georgia established a complete economic blockade of South Ossetia, which led to the mass death of children and the elderly in winter months... As a result of this conflict, a huge number of refugees tried to get to the territory of Russia, often being attacked by the Georgian military along the way.

In 2004, the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia sharpened again. The Georgian side has launched a large-scale campaign to restore the integrity of the country, considering the territory of South Ossetia as primordially theirs. In 2004, Georgian troops entered the territory of South Ossetia, and subsequently a systematic bombardment of Ossetian cities and villages began. Only Russia's intervention saved the young republic from the seizure of its territory by Georgia. At the same time, this aggravated Russian-Georgian relations.

In 2008, when tensions in the South Ossetian region reached their limit, Russia lifted the flank restrictions on the deployment of military forces in the North Caucasus. Already in April 2008, some units of the 7th Airborne Assault Division were brought into the territory of Abkhazia and were located near the Georgian border.

At the end of May 2008, Russian railway troops, with a total strength of about 400 people, entered Abkhazian territory. This introduction of troops caused a real hysteria among the Georgian authorities, which announced to the whole world that Russia was preparing for a full-scale invasion of Georgian territory, under the guise of providing assistance to South Ossetia.

The second half of July was marked by joint exercises of the United States and Georgia, which, according to military experts, were used to train the attack and seizure of the territory of South Ossetia. At the same time, Russia conducted the Caucasus-2008 exercise, in which units of various military and security agencies took part. In addition to the exercises, Russian railroad troops fully restored railways on the territory of Abkhazia.

Aggravation of the military conflict in the Georgian-Ossetian region at the end of summer 2008

Starting from the end of July, various skirmishes and raids began systematically on the territory of South Ossetia, from which the Georgian government diligently denied. As a result of instability, civilians began to leave the region hastily. Since the end goal of all the raids was the city of Tskhinval, the Prime Minister of South Ossetia, Yuri Morozov, signed documents on the production of a mass evacuation of residents of this city.

In early August 2008, the concentration of the military forces of the Georgian army on the border with South Ossetia reached a critical limit. Although both Georgia and Russia deny the presence of their regular units in South Ossetia prior to the conflict, several events indicate that both Georgian and Russian military special forces were already in South Ossetia at that time. The death of some contract soldiers from both sides on the first day of the conflict (August 8) indirectly testifies to this.

Who unleashed this conflict, the views of the opposing sides

Until now, the conflicting parties accuse each other of unleashing this conflict. To understand who is really to blame, you need to hear all the parties to the conflict and draw conclusions from this:

  • The opinion of the Georgian government is unequivocal and unshakable. They argue that the conflict was unleashed by the South Ossetian side, which, having entered into an agreement with Russia, carried out a number of provocations. According to Georgia, their invasion of the territory of South Ossetia was due to the fact that the Georgian military managed to intercept a secret telephone conversation, in which information surfaced that Russian troops had already invaded South Ossetia on August 7;
  • Russia's position in this issue was clearly voiced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He stated that the only reason for the entry of Russian troops into the territory of South Ossetia was Georgia's military aggression against South Ossetia. The consequences of the Georgian aggression were 30 thousand refugees, the death of civilians in South Ossetia, the death of Russian peacekeepers. All actions of the Georgian army on the territory of South Ossetia were qualified by the Russian side as a full-scale genocide. According to Russia, not a single country in the world will remain indifferent after an attack on its peacekeepers and civilians who find themselves on the territory of South Ossetia, therefore, the introduction of Russian troops into the territory of South Ossetia is logical and reasonable;
  • Since Europe was also interested in finding out who was to blame for the Russian-Georgian conflict, an International Independent Commission was created, headed by the Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini. This commission found Georgia guilty of unleashing the conflict in South Ossetia, since it was Georgia that started the bombing of Tskhinvali. At the same time, it was noted that the Georgian attack was launched after multiple acts of provocation by South Ossetia. The Russian side was also caught in numerous cases of violation of international rights.

The course of hostilities from 7 to 10 August 2008

In order to trace the entire chronology of the military conflict, called the "five-day war", it must be studied, starting one day before the official start, and ending a day later, after the end of the conflict.

On August 7, all Georgian mass media published information that the leader of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, had prepared for the conduct of massive military operations to seize the territories of Georgia. Since the attack by a small South Ossetian army on Georgia sounded absurd, the media reported that, along with the South Ossetian army, numerous detachments of Russian volunteers, who are in fact regular units of the Russian army, would act against Georgia. The leader of South Ossetia himself is in Java, from where he will lead the military operation.

The afternoon of August 7 was devoted to a televised address by Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, who called on the Georgian military to cease fire unilaterally, and called on Russia to become the guarantor of Georgia's negotiations with South Ossetia, in which he guaranteed to give South Ossetia the widest possible autonomy within Georgia.

At the same time, Saakashvili guaranteed a full amnesty to all armed formations in South Ossetia, to which he included the army. As a result of these negotiations, both sides agreed to cease fire prior to negotiations, which were scheduled to take place on August 8.

At 23.30 Georgia opened massive fire on Tskhinvali. The Georgian government announced that it was forced to open fire, as South Ossetia did not stop shelling Georgian villages during the ceasefire.

On the night of August 8, Tskhinvali was subjected to massive shelling from Grad multiple rocket launchers. At 3.30 am, Georgian troops began to storm Tskhinval with tanks. As a result of this assault, the capital of South Ossetia was encircled, and 6 South Ossetian villages were captured by Georgian troops.

On the same day, at the request of Russia, a meeting of the UN Security Council was held in New York. The Georgian spokesman said that the blame for the shelling lies entirely with South Ossetia. Although the UN Security Council expressed extreme concern over the situation in South Ossetia, the solution proposed by Russia did not suit it.

By 21.00, until official information Georgian media, the entire territory of South Ossetia, except for the Java settlement, was under the control of the Georgian troops. By this time, 7 thousand volunteers from North Ossetia were sent to the aid of South Ossetia. Another 3 thousand volunteers, having gathered at the headquarters of Vladikavkaz, were awaiting dispatch. By the end of the day, the troops of the Russian Federation reached the western outskirts of the city of Tskhinvali.

On the night of August 9, the UN Security Council did not make any decisions on the situation in South Ossetia. While the UN was trying to come up with a solution to this conflict, Russian troops began to take action. While the Georgian army bombed and shelled Russian and Ossetian positions, Russian aviation conducted targeted bombing of various military and strategic facilities in Georgia. Russian artillery fired at Georgian firing points in the Tskhinvali region.

At the same time, Russian ships began patrolling the territorial waters of Georgia.

On August 10, hostilities in South Ossetia were in full swing. The Georgian army systematically bombed the settlements of South Ossetia and the positions of the Russian and Ossetian troops. Russian aviation, in turn, continued air strikes against the following targets in Georgia:

  • All known positions of the deployment of anti-aircraft missile systems in Georgia;
  • Military radars;
  • Various military bases throughout Georgia;
  • Seaports;
  • Airfields;
  • Bridges across the country, in order to limit the mobility of the military units of the Georgian army.

Although the Georgian side still insists that Russia has inflicted numerous strikes on the settlements of Georgia. In fact, all the losses that were among the civilian population of Georgia were of an accidental nature, since such losses are always inevitable in the course of hostilities. The Russian side completely refutes all the talk that its air strikes were directed against the civilian population of Georgia.

On the evening of that day, Russian aviation launched a powerful air strike against a military airport located on the outskirts of Tbilisi.

The Russian side increased the number of its troops in South Ossetia to 4 regiments, in addition, significant aviation and artillery forces were involved. The total number of Russian troops officially participating in this conflict has approached 10 thousand people. In response to this, the Georgian side urgently began the transfer of its infantry brigade, which was stationed in Iraq.

On the same day, the troops of Abkhazia decided to take advantage of this situation and moved into the Kodori Gorge. By the middle of the day, Abkhaz troops took up positions on the Ingur River. Concerned about the latest events, the Georgian government handed the Russian consul a note informing about the cessation of all hostilities in South Ossetia by the Georgian side. Despite this, shootings from the Georgian side continued throughout the next night.

The course of hostilities from 11 to 13 August

On the night of August 11, the air forces of the Russian Federation launched a powerful air strike on a military base, which was located near Tbilisi. This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In addition, according to the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the same night, the Russian Air Force carried out a massive raid on whole line Georgian cities:

  • Batumi;
  • Tbilisi;
  • Poti;
  • Zugdidi.

According to the Georgian Foreign Ministry, Russia carried out a massive attack on peaceful Georgian cities on the night of August 11, using at least 50 bombers in this operation. Russia, in turn, denies the fact of air strikes against the civilian population, stating that all the strikes were aimed at destroying military facilities in Georgia.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that as a result of the ongoing hostilities, the death toll of the Russian military continues to increase, reaching 18 people. In addition, Russia has officially announced that it has lost 4 combat aircraft. According to the Georgian side, their military shot down 19 military aircraft belonging to Russia. Given the tendency to exaggeration, which differs from official sources, it can be assumed that in reality Russia lost 8-10 aircraft, although this information cannot be verified.

On the same day, Georgian President Saakashvili signed an official ceasefire document. Nevertheless, throughout South Ossetia, fighting continued with detachments of the Georgian military, which were cut off from the main forces of Georgia and did not hear (or did not want to hear) about the signing of such an important document.

On August 11, the capital of South Ossetia was completely cleared of the presence of the Georgian military forces. Fighting, using heavy artillery and aircraft on both sides, continued. Georgian troops continued to shell Tskhinvali from a distance with long-range artillery and mortars.

On the same days, Ukrainian nationalists became seriously active, who announced a gathering of volunteers in support of the Georgian army. Officials in Kiev said they did not support this movement. In addition, the nationalists do not have enough funds even to buy tickets to Georgia for those wishing to fight there.

All communication routes between Russia and Georgia were interrupted. In the evening, battles between the Russian and Georgian sides took place within a radius of 25 km from Tbilisi. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the main part of the operation to force Georgia to a peaceful settlement of the South Ossetian conflict has been completed.

On the morning of August 12, the armed forces of Abkhazia launched an offensive. Their goal was to completely oust the Georgian armed forces from the Kondor Gorge. Prior to that, for 2 days, the Abkhazian artillery and the Air Force attacked Georgian military installations located in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge. This offensive was attended not only by the Abkhaz regular troops, but also by the reservists of the Armed Forces of Abkhazia.

At the same time, the Russian Air Force launched a powerful bomb attack on Gori. Georgian television was able to film this blow and show it on television.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced on the afternoon of August 12 that he had made a decision to end the military operation to force Georgia to peace. On the same day, a rally was held in Tbilisi, at which President Saakashvili announced that Georgia was leaving the CIS, and South Ossetia and Abkhazia were declared occupied territories.

On August 13, Russian ships that were in the Poti area were surprise attack boats belonging to Georgia. This act provoked the entry of Russian warships into the port, which destroyed 3 Georgian coast guard ships. At the same time, no one offered any resistance to the Russian military.

On the same day, Russia and Georgia declared mourning for those killed during this military operation.

Throughout the day, the Georgian media and officials have repeatedly reported that the Russian army continues to bomb Georgian settlements, captured Gori, and Russian tanks are heading towards Tbilisi at an accelerated pace. In response to these statements, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that all movements of Russian troops through the territory of Georgia were connected only with the withdrawal of Russian troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

In addition, the foreign minister said that a certain number of Russian army troops remain on the territory of Georgia in the Gori and Senaki regions. This is due to the fact that the Georgian military abandoned military equipment and ammunition depots to the mercy of fate, which could be plundered by marauders or various separatist gangs. In addition, Russian troops provide the local population with all possible humanitarian aid.

War crimes committed during the conflict in South Ossetia

Since the Russian and Georgian authorities accuse each other of various crimes and ethnic cleansing, one should listen to the opinions of independent experts, since each side will shield itself, while denigrating the actions of the enemy.

The human rights organization "Amnesty International" was seriously interested in this conflict, which in 2008, while all the consequences of the military conflict were still visible and fresh in the memory of the local population. As early as November 2008, this association published an official report detailing most of the war crimes. Here are the main takeaways from this report:

  • When the Georgian army stormed Tskhinvali, its soldiers carried out numerous attacks on civilians, as a result of which dozens of them were killed and hundreds were seriously injured. In addition, the city's infrastructure was significantly damaged, which did not belong to military facilities (schools, hospitals, etc.);
  • Tskhinvali received the most extensive destruction from the use of the Georgian Grad multiple launch rocket systems, which have an extremely low accuracy parameter;
  • During the military conflict, Russian aircraft flew about 75 sorties. It is these flights that the Georgian side blames for causing tremendous harm to the civilian population. According to the results of the check, villages and cities were slightly damaged in the results of air strikes, several streets and some individual houses were destroyed. Naturally, the people who were in them also suffered;
  • Sometimes the Russian military, attacking Georgian settlements, caused harm to the civilian population. To this the Russian side replies that all attacks on civilians are provoked by their aggressive behavior;
  • The report noted that the discipline of Russian military personnel was significantly different from the behavior of Ossetian fighters and militias, who often behaved like marauders. Georgian civilians interviewed confirm that the Russian military rarely behaved undisciplined;
  • South Ossetian soldiers were seen in serious war crimes on the territory of Georgia. These are unlawful killings, arson, beatings, threats, rape and robberies that were committed by units and militias of South Ossetia.

Amnesty International calls on the parties to investigate and punish every war crime.

The military campaign in Georgia in 2008 showed that the Russian army is in urgent need of reform, since many branches of the military were unable to coherently operate within the framework of a separate military operation. The combat losses of Russia were incomparable with the scale of this military conflict.

Little victorious war (tm)
About the Russian-Georgian war on August 8-12, 2008.
This war is just an echo of the confrontation between two powers - the Empire of Good (USA) and the Empire of Evil (Russia).
The United States pursued to a greater extent political goals, namely, the program of the previous administration to "promote democracy" to the East was implemented. If we consider the military component, the Pentagon was interested in assessing the effectiveness of the training program for puppet armies in the post-Soviet space GSSOP II. Well, and a real assessment of the combat capability of the Russian (this is how it sounds in all documents of American sources) army.

For our FSB and GRU, the task was different - to contribute to the defeat of the Georgian army and the capture of objects of interest. Our GRU was interested in three modern electronic equipment built by the Americans in Georgia. Radar station in Anaklia, RER center near Gori, air defense radar station on the mountain near Tbilisi. The first two were captured and taken out.

The plan for the American operation in Georgia was revealed in the spring, several months before the war. It is known that Bush personally gave "permission" to the war, that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who arrived in Tbilisi a month before the war, discussed the details of the operation there, assuring that the Russians would not dare to attack Georgia.

Back in 2006, there was a plan in Georgia, code-named "Throwing the Tiger", which envisaged until May 1, 2006, with the support of the United States and the OSCE, to force Russia to withdraw its peacekeepers from South Ossetia. Following this, in order to destabilize the situation in the region, several resonant provocations were to be organized within a week against the population of the Georgian enclaves on the territory of South Ossetia. At the same time, under the pretext of localizing the conflict area and ensuring the security of the Georgian population living in its immediate vicinity, it was planned to create groups of Georgian troops on the border with South Ossetia. On May 6, formations, military units and subdivisions of the Georgian security agencies from different directions were supposed to seize all large settlements of South Ossetia, while completely blocking the border with The Russian Federation... Further, according to the plan, followed the arrest of the de facto leadership of South Ossetia and bringing him to trial. Then martial law was to be introduced in the republic, a provisional government was appointed and a curfew was imposed. In total, the Georgian military was given 7 days for this operation. The existence of such a plan was confirmed in an interview with Reuters by former Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Okruashvili.

In 2007, President Saakashvili demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia. The largest base was Akhalkalaki. The troops were withdrawn ahead of schedule - on November 15, 2007, although the withdrawal was planned during 2008. Only the Russian peacekeepers remained, acting under the CIS mandate in Abkhazia and under the Dagomys agreements in South Ossetia.

During the presidency of Saakashvili, Georgia set a world record for the growth of the military budget, increasing it from 2003 to 2008 more than 33 times. The Georgian leadership dramatically increased its military budget, trying to bring its armed forces to NATO standards. The 2008 budget of Georgia planned the expenses of the Ministry of Defense equivalent to USD 0.99 billion, which accounted for more than 25% of all Georgia's budget revenues for 2008.

Georgia's arms suppliers included the United States, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Serbia and others, although the Serbian Kalashnikov assault rifle manufacturer denies direct deliveries and suggests that the assault rifles reached Georgia via Croatia and Bosnia. ... Ukraine supplied the following types of weapons to Georgia: air defense systems "Osa" and "Buk", helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-24, training aircraft L-39, self-propelled guns (including heavy 2S7 "Pion" caliber 203 mm) as well as tanks, BMP and small arms. Georgian special forces were trained by American specialists under a program that was tested in Croatia in 1995 as part of the Croatian armed forces' operation to seize the Serbska Krajina region, the majority of the population of which were ethnic Serbs.

The war, which began on the night of August 7-8, was preceded by a five-day heating up of the situation on the border of the then unrecognized South Ossetia. Beginning on 3 August, skirmishes broke out at night. Observers from the OSCE and Russian military observers worked to identify the instigators and tried to resolve the situation, trilateral negotiations were conducted.

Actually, it was clear from the very beginning that all the provocations were carefully planned and carried out by the Georgian side. Involve the Ossetians in a shootout, and then make mournful faces and shout to the whole world that the bandit Ossetians do not allow peaceful Georgians to live. The control over the actions of the Georgian saboteurs and their training was carried out by specialists from the CIA.

This is evidenced by the words of Mikhail Saakashvili before the war. "I will add that the purpose of this attack was not only to free South Ossetia for Georgia, but also to" drive ", as Saakashvili put it in a conversation with Burjanadze, Russian troops" on rusty tanks "and to demonstrate Russian" impotence "to the whole world. said that he personally wanted to put Putin in his place ... ". It may seem funny to some, but the Georgian generals and their commander-in-chief were going to drive our army all the way to Rostov.

At 23.45 on August 7, the Georgian side began a massive shelling by the artillery brigade, and in the morning the Georgian offensive began: hourly deployment and video.

Forces of the parties

What was the Georgian army like by the night of August 8? The main force of the grouping consisted of special forces detachments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tbilisi and the regions:
1. Elite special forces squad of Shavnabad;
2. "Anti-terrorist" special squad;
3. Office for the protection of pipelines (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
4. Subdivisions of the first and third directorates of the Main Directorate for Special Affairs;
5. Parts of Kakheti, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Kvemo-Kartli, Gori and other regional departments of the same Main Directorate;
6. Batumi Marine Corps Battalion;
7. The special forces brigade of the joint headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

In total - up to 15 thousand servicemen of the Ministry of Defense, 5 thousand employees of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 30 thousand reservists. According to other sources, the strength of all the armed forces of Georgia during the conflict was 29 thousand people, including reservists. Of these, 2,000 were at that time in Iraq, and 17,000 were in South Ossetia, plus an unknown number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other security forces.

Infantry - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th infantry brigades trained under the American GSSOP II program. The 2nd brigade was in reserve, the 4th (armed with the M4, suffered the greatest losses) and the 3rd brigade covered Tskhinval with ticks through the Znaur region and Prissky heights in order to reach Dzhava. The 1st Brigade was in Iraq. Only one battalion of the 1st brigade was the same Georgian peacekeeping battalion that opened fire on our peacekeepers at the beginning of the war.

A full-fledged Georgian brigade employs at least 1,500 people throughout the state.

BTT - 120 T-72 tanks, modernized by Israeli specialists.

Artillery - 80 guns, 120 mortars, 27 MLRS "Larm" and "Grad" (according to other sources, LARM are unguided shells for the Israeli MLRS "Links", produced by IMI under the designation "Pounder").

Aviation - 33 aircraft and 42 helicopters.

They were opposed by about 2 thousand Ossetian militias and 340 Russian military observers. Both did not have heavy weapons in the front zone. Ossetians kept 4 T-55 tanks in the greenery on the Zar road.

According to other sources, the armored forces of the Republic of South Ossetia numbered 20 tanks and 25 self-propelled guns, and according to Novaya Gazeta, about 80 T-72 and T-55 tanks remained after the Kavkaz-2008 Russian exercises. In January 2006, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Valery Kenyaykin argued that all the weapons that are now in Tskhinvali are the equipment with which the armed forces of the USSR were equipped and that remained there from the times Soviet Union... According to him, it was about four T-55 tanks, several howitzers and armored vehicles.

After the approach of units of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District, the 76th Pskov Airborne Division, the Vostok Battalion of the 291st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division and the Black Sea Fleet, the composition of the Russian Army grouping increased to 15 thousand people. From the side of Abkhazia (Kodori Gorge), up to 5 thousand people of the personnel of the Abkhaz militia could be involved.

"Yamadaevites" on the march:

Georgian and South Ossetian troops have been carrying out firefights and attacks of varying intensity since late July 2008. On the evening of August 7, the parties agreed to a ceasefire, which, however, was not actually done.

Ground operation

On August 7, the Georgian army tried to occupy the Prissky heights around Tskhinval, this attack was repulsed. On the same day, US Ambassador to Georgia John Teft reported to Washington that Georgian troops, including units with Grad-type installations, were moving in the direction of South Ossetia.

In the afternoon of August 7, the Secretary of the Security Council of South Ossetia Anatoly Barankevich said: “Across the entire border with South Ossetia, the activity of Georgian troops is observed. All this suggests that Georgia is starting a large-scale aggression against our republic. " Barankevich also suggested that the Georgian military have plans to storm Tskhinvali in the near future.

According to some reports, on the evening of August 7, part of the units of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District was alerted and received an order to advance to Tskhinvali. After the war, the Georgian side began to declare this, publishing its intelligence information in September 2008.

At 7 pm on August 7, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili made a special address on television: “... a few hours ago I issued an order, a very painful order, as commander-in-chief, that no Georgian unit, no police or other unit subject to our control , did not return fire ... I propose to cease fire, I propose to negotiate immediately ... I propose that the Russian Federation be the guarantor of South Ossetian autonomy on the territory of Georgia. " "I am ready for the sake of peace to take this step, and I am ready for the Georgian state to forgive all the crimes that have been committed over the past years, so that we achieve peace, and for the peace process and negotiations to move forward ... for the sake of peace, we are ready to go for any compromise, for any agreement. "

Half an hour before midnight, the artillery brigade begins a hurricane bombardment of the positions of the Ossetians and our peacekeepers.

At 3.00 am Special Forces, 1st, 3rd and 4th Infantry Brigades go on the offensive.

At the crossing, a traffic jam from the advancing troops formed, an Ossetian mortar battery hit it. Unimaginable chaos began, part of the reservists, dropping their weapons, began to retreat and came under fire from the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. Many of the reservists were from the region bordering with Armenia, ethnic Armenians, all of them fled.

Only Maxim Hakobyan died, there were several wounded. This stalled the advance for an hour.

First day video:

All that can be seen in the footage is the city center around the headquarters of the peacekeeping forces.

The heaviest battles took place in the "upper town" of military observers. There, 140 Russian soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Timerman held the defense for almost two days. After the artillery, their communications were out of order, and Georgian tanks attacked twice.

Vehicle fleet is on fire:

Here they are bombed by aircraft:

In the evening, a reconnaissance platoon made its way to the "upper town" to provide assistance. It was the reconnaissance platoon of Captain Ukhvatov, in a night battle they destroyed the servants of the Grad installation and captured the spotter.

Two tanks broke through. The one that stands at the barracks burned their own during the retreat (the ammunition was shot, the chassis was damaged) the captain and 4 fighters covered the withdrawal of the main forces, by lunchtime the paratroopers of the 54th DSB came out to them).

According to the recollections of Georgian soldiers, "there was artillery support only if you knew the numbers of the mobile artillery officers." Often an ordinary infantryman acted as the gunner, giving commands like "a little further and to the right ... no, no, he was mistaken a little more to the left."

In total, up to 2 thousand Ossetians fought in Tskhinvali under various command, at different hours of 3 days (according to other estimates, at least three thousand).

The battle for Tskhinvali lasted until 16.00, then the Georgian units retreated to their original positions, having lost 7 tanks (3 in the square in front of the parliament, 1 "upper town", 3 "oak grove"), 2 armored cars "Cobra" (Turkish wheeled armored personnel carrier based on the American armored car HMMWV). A body with a Ukrainian passport bearing the name of Borisenko was found in one of them.

In 15-20 minutes this "Cobra" will be knocked down, trophy video:

12.00 Russia entered the war.

Russian aviation is bombing Georgian troops throughout the entire depth of the front line and rear bases. They bombed the roads to Tskhinvali, in one of these bombings, in the "oak grove" they burned 3 tanks, a truck, a Chevrolet of the medical service and 22 Georgian soldiers of the 42nd battalion of the 4th infantry brigade.

"Oak grove" at number 3:

The 42nd battalion fled in panic, the commanders and the Americans jumped into their cars and rushed off. Those who did not have time to get into the cars ran at a run. All this army swept past the 43rd battalion, which he followed his comrades. The commander of the 42nd battalion was killed in action the next day.

2 reinforced battalions (800 people) of the 58th army under the command of General Khrulev begin to make their way to Tskhinvali. By the end of the day, they managed to recapture the village of Tbet and break the ring of the city's encirclement.

On August 9, the Georgian parliament unanimously approved the decree of President Mikheil Saakashvili on the declaration of martial law and full mobilization for a period of 15 days. In the text of the decree, the introduction of martial law was justified by the need "to prevent destabilization in the region, armed attacks on civilians and the facts of violence, in order to protect human rights and freedoms."

The first loss of the Russian Air Force in the August war. The SU-25BM aircraft of Colonel Oleg Terebunsky from the 368th Assault Aviation Regiment (Budyonnovsk airfield), shot down over the territory of South Ossetia in the Zarsky Pass area, between Java and Tskhinvali. He was hit by a missile from a MANPADS by South Ossetian militias at about 6 pm on 8 August. The crash of the burning plane and its wreckage were recorded on a video camera by the film crew of the Russian state television channel Vesti and shown on television as the shooting down of a Georgian plane. The incorrect identification of the aircraft, which caused "friendly fire" and led to the first combat loss, was probably due to the fact that it was one of the first sorties of Russian aircraft in the conflict, and the South Ossetian side was not yet aware of the participation of Russian aircraft in it.
In addition, just a few hours earlier, four Georgian Su-25s bombed the nearby area, after which the Ossetians had reason to believe that Georgian air raids would continue. Lieutenant Colonel Terebunsky successfully ejected, was quickly discovered and evacuated by the Russian side.
Anton Lavrov Torzhok

And here is what we managed to find from colleagues from "Russia". Consider the "source", with all the replicas.

The following video was made by the political officer of the 135th regiment battalion. Column 135 regiment on the march. Refugees. The footage is taken from the amateur film "South Ossetia. Chronicle of the war", the author of which is the political officer. Therefore, the first video, sorry, with "music" ...

The same political officer removes the consequences of the shelling of the column by Georgian mortar men. An infantry fighting vehicle is on fire, in which ammunition is exploding. This is the Zarskaya road at the entrance to Tskhinval, 4 kilometers away, just above the cemetery. Approximately from 11 to 13 Moscow time. Now without music.

Well, our shooting the same day, but a little later. Exactly 20 minutes before that, Sasha Sladkov (a correspondent for t \ k "Russia") and General Khrulev drove past us in the direction of Tskhinval.

A battalion tactical group (BTG) near the village of Khetagurovo came under mortar fire. The Georgian spotter brought artillery fire on the convoy and the group retreated, losing one BMP and two mortar trucks, two more trucks were damaged and taken out the next day.

Fight or "ambush of Khrulev's column":

At about 15.00 BTG launched an offensive, the task was to reach the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali to the "upper town". The BTG column passed what was the Georgian post, the reservists and the tank crew left the position without a fight. Moving through the city in the direction of the "Verkhniy Gorodok", in the "Shanghai" microdistrict, the column literally "ran into" the soldiers of the 2nd Georgian Infantry Brigade. In the ensuing oncoming battle, General Khrulev was wounded in the shin.

All 8 Georgian intelligence officers were killed, they were literally beveled at point-blank range. The battle distances were almost 8-10 meters. But one of the Georgian soldiers managed to throw a grenade, the splinter of which wounded General Khrulev. Part of the convoy with the wounded retreated to the height of Sarabuk, 5 km away, the other went further, occupying the outskirts of the city at the foot of the "Verkhniy Gorodok" skyscraper.

The battle in the city lasted for about seven hours.

The video clearly shows how BTG enters the city, Major Denis Vetchinov blows up an abandoned Georgian tank in the "oak grove" area. Further, the BTG goes through the city and on the very outskirts, a concrete fence on the left, engages in battle with the advance company of the 2nd Infantry Battalion of Georgia entering the city.

Captain Semiletov's group on eight infantry fighting vehicles, defeating the advance company of the Georgian 2nd Infantry Brigade at the brewery, passed two more blocks, reaching the outskirts. Here, in the area of ​​the 14th kindergarten, ours began a battle with the main forces of the 2nd Georgian Infantry Brigade, immediately losing 2 BMPs.

During a 7-hour battle in the "Shanghai" microdistrict, Russian soldiers destroyed a Georgian tank and armored personnel carrier. At the intersection, a Georgian jeep with a machine gun got out under the tracks, they were shot at point-blank range. By nightfall, having used up ammunition on all six infantry fighting vehicles, the group withdrew. The scouts put in the BMP about 30 civilians from the surrounding houses, who fled for help.

After the battle, the bodies of the dead Georgians remained in the place of the notorious "ambush".

By the end of August 9, the Georgians retreat to their strongholds and fortified positions. Behind them are 4 mountains overhanging Tskhinvali, and fortified areas in Nikozi and surrounding Georgian villages.

At night, a powerful artillery attack on Tskhinvali followed again, and early in the morning the Georgian units repeated their assault attempt. This time they met a more organized resistance, falling into the Ossetian "sacks of fire" and were unable to advance to the center. The battle continued until the evening.

200 planes of the Transcaucasian Military District destroyed all the airfields of Georgia, bombed even two fields of aero clubs.

August 8, 2008
(1) 9:45 am 2 Russian military fighters dropped about 3-5 bombs near the village of Shavshvebi, on the highway between Poti and Tbilisi and 300-500 meters from the Georgian military radars (they bombed the radar, damaged the antennas and the warehouse).
(2) 10:30 Russian Su-24 bombed the village of Variani in the Kareli region, 75 kilometers west of Tbilisi. Seven civilians were injured (bombed the rear base of the 4th brigade, destroyed the fuel depot and the BZ depot).
(3) 10:57 Two of the six Russian planes dropped three bombs in Gori. One of them fell near the stadium, the second near the Gorijvari slope and the third near the artillery brigade (reservists were bombed, civilian casualties were recorded).
(4) 15:05 Russian military planes drop two bombs on the Vaziani military airport (they bombed the reservists).
(5) (6) 16:30 30 Russian aerial bombs fell in Marneuli and Bolnisi, on the territory of the air bases, 20 km and 35 km south of Tbilisi, respectively. Two planes were destroyed on the ground. In addition, several buildings were destroyed and there are casualties.
(7) 17:00 The second bombing of the military airbase in Marneuli (they broke a strip, damaged 2 Su-25, there were no more cars in the parking lots).
(8) 17:35 The military air base in Marneuli, 20 km south of Tbilisi, was bombed for the third time, as a result of which 1 person was killed and 4 were injured. As a result of three explosions, three aircraft were destroyed (fuel tankers burned out).
(9) 18:45 The Georgian artillery brigade in Gori was bombed by five Russian planes.

August 9, 2008
(10) 00:12 The military port of Poti came under rocket fire, 4 civilians were killed, one policeman, 33 reservists were wounded, and Navy Corporal Pichkhaya was killed.
(11) 00:17 Bombing of the Senaki military base, 1 soldier and 5 reservists were killed. The train station in Senaki was also bombed, killing eight.
(12) 00:20 The Vaziani airfield, which is 2-3 kilometers from the Tbilisi International Airport, was bombed again.
(13) 01:00 Poti, the port was hit by a Tochka-U tactical missile.
(14) 1:20 Bombing of Gatchiani in the Gardabani areas (not clear fact, most likely "free hunting").
(15) 10:00 The Russian Air Force bombed the Kopitnari airfield a few kilometers from Kutaisi (a very successful bombing, half of the Georgian aviation was destroyed).
(16) 10:22 The Russian Air Force continues to bomb Gori.
(17) 12:40 Kopitnari airfield was bombed again (finished off).
(18) 14:00 The Russian Air Force bombed the positions of the 5th brigade, including the airfield in the village of Omarishara
(19) 16:35 Oni bombed (no data).
(20) 22:30 Russian Air Force bombed Chkhalta, the administrative center of Upper Abkhazia. No casualties were reported.

August 10, 2008
(21) 5:45 A Russian bomber entered Georgian airspace from Dagestan and dropped 3 bombs on the Tbilisi aircraft plant (they bombed the plant's runway).
(22) 7:40 Russian bombs fell in the village of Urta in the Zugdidi region (preparing for an offensive, bombing the police and reservists).
(23) 8:45 Ten Russian planes attacked Upper Abkhazia.
(24) 11:15 In the village of Shavshvebi, between Gori and Kareli, a field airfield of attack helicopters was bombed, 3 MI-24s burned down.
(25) 15:00 The Russians bombed the village of Knolevi in ​​the northern region of Kareli (3rd brigade of the Georgian Armed Forces).
(26) 15:10 Russian troops and Abkhaz militias shell the Kodori Gorge.
(27) 16:05 Gori, military bases were bombed.
(28) 16:10 Russian aviation fired at the only remaining bridge on the highway connecting the eastern and western parts of the country.
(29) 19:05 Tbilisi civil airport, a radar was destroyed by an X-59 missile.
(30) 19:10 "Tbilaviamsheni" aircraft plant, the runway was bombed.
(31) 19:35 Two bombers bombed Senaki (Western Georgia).
(32) 20:25 Two bombers bombed the Kodori Gorge (Upper Abkhazia).

August 11, 2008
(33) 00:30 A radar station in the village of Shavshvebi, west of Gori, was subjected to an airstrike.
(34) 00:31 The Kodori Gorge (Upper Abkhazia) was bombed.
(35) 3:05 The villages of Sharabidzhebi, Kapandichi and Makhov near Batumi (Georgian-Turkish border). Batumi airport was bombed.
(36) 3:12 Bombed the territory of the military base in Khelvachauri (near the Georgian-Turkish border).
(37) 3:26 Kodori Gorge (Upper Abkhazia). Artillery shelling from ships.
(38) 4:30 Georgian Air Force Central Command Center, bombing.
(39) 4:37 A civilian radar station in the village of Yennisi, 5 kilometers from the center of Tbilisi, was partially destroyed by Russian bombing.
(40) 5:00 Russian planes bombed the Shiraki airfield in the Dedoplistskaro region in the east of the country.
(41) 6:10 The Gori tank battalion was bombed again (36 killed by the military unit).
(42) 7:15 Senaki Airport, the airstrip and the Senaki military base were bombed by Russian aircraft (3 helicopters were destroyed).

August 12, 2008
(43) 09:30 - 10:55 The central square and the market in Gori (the gathering point for Georgian reservists) were bombed.

An animated map of the Russian Air Force bombing strikes with a breakdown of the points:

Four reconnaissance groups of the fleet acted on the shore - they did not suffer losses, they completed their combat missions. They blew up an air defense radar damaged by aviation, an air defense division S-125, 6 ships and a coastal radar station.

Currently, the Georgian navy has been disbanded, the surviving 2 "Vultures" were handed over to the coast guard, and two landing ships were decommissioned.

Ground operation

On the morning of August 10, forward Russian units entered the city, all the same BTGs of the 135th and 693rd motorized rifle regiments, a company of the Vostok battalion and paratroopers of the 76th division.

Junior lieutenant V.V. Neff, the commander of the T-62 platoon, tactically correctly placed his tanks at the intersection of Moskovskaya and Chochiev streets, and organized surveillance.

In a battle near school number 12, junior lieutenant Neff's tank crews burned point-blank a Georgian T-72 tank and shot the servants of a mortar battery in the schoolyard; in a battle on August 10, the tank was hit by two shots from an RPG (Vitaly Neff was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation).

By the middle of the day on August 10, the city and the immediate vicinity were completely cleared of Georgian troops, the Georgians fled, leaving the corpses of their killed comrades in the streets

A network of battalion-tactical groups began an operation to encircle the enemy. The airborne assault battalions of the Pskov division bypassed the "Likhvan corridor" of Tskhinvali, capturing Georgian villages.

On the night of August 11, BTGs broke through the front and reached Gori, capturing a height with a TV tower and a Georgian battery of D-30 howitzers. The calculations simply fled, falling under fire.

On the same day on central square Gori, where reservists were walking in herds, and the operational headquarters of Georgians and American "advisers" were located in the hotel, in the former house of pioneers, a Georgian reservist accidentally fired a grenade launcher into a fuel tank in a boiler room. The explosion was mistaken for a bombing, panic began.

A rumor spread that the Russians were already in Gori, our aviation was constantly flying over the city, the Georgians had no communications, the command had disappeared.

In the evening and at night, the Georgian army, huddled in a huge herd, ran along the Georgian Military Highway to Tbilisi. The commander did it first, "moved due to a shell shock," as he now explains. The others began to follow him.

Russian armored formations took the 3rd and 4th brigades in ticks near Tskhinvali. The troops, who were surrounded, threw equipment, weapons, fled, disguised as civilians.

The last battle took place in Zemo Khviti. During the offensive, the convoy came under fire from an artillery battery, losing a tank and 2 infantry fighting vehicles.

Combat video.

During the advance on Gori, perhaps the most amazing battle took place here. The BMD-1, which was following as part of the airborne assault battalion, had an engine out of order, and the crew with the paratroopers remained on the road to wait for the repair vehicle. At that moment, the headquarters column of the 2nd Infantry Brigade was leaving the encirclement. During the battle, 11 soldiers burned two Urals and damaged 5 Land Rovers.

The story of the soldiers of the 104th Airborne Assault Regiment ("tank" - that's how the paratroopers call the BMD, there were about 200 Georgians):

On the morning of August 12, everything was over, President Medvedev announced the end of the "peace enforcement operation."

Losses of the parties.

Aviation (4th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense) lost 4 aircraft: 1 Tu-22, 2 Su 25 and 1 Su-24 (according to some sources, another Su-24, although most likely the dispute is about the wreckage of a Georgian plane shot down over Gufta ).

67 fighters (mostly those who were hit by the artillery strike on August 8-9). Name list. Other sources name 71 dead and 340 injured. According to Georgia, up to 400 were killed.


Aviation - 25 aircraft and 37 helicopters (see above).

Knocked down and captured
68 T-72
25 BMP-1/2 (including Ukrainian BMP-1U "Shkval")
14 BTR-70/80

65 tanks of the Georgian army and 15 BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles were captured (21 captured tanks were destroyed).

The number of armored vehicles knocked out and burned in battles - 19 T-72 tanks.

Air defense
Captured 5 Wasp installations (division), 4 Buk installations (Ukraine), 2 Israeli-made Spider installations.

The C-125 division near Poti was destroyed.

11 trucks, 4 armored personnel carriers, 2 German demining vehicles, 37 guns and 96 mortars were captured.

Killed: 180 - army, 29 - Ministry of Internal Affairs, 111 - reservists, national guard (all on the lists of civilians).

Sanitary losses: 1964 injured.

According to Georgia: 412 dead (including 170 servicemen and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 228 civilians), 1747 wounded and 24 missing. According to other sources - the total losses of up to 3,000 people among the army and law enforcement officers.

South Ossetia

According to various estimates, from 162 to 1692 dead.

Abkhazia - 1 dead and two wounded.

US losses

2 killed instructors who were in the battle formations of Georgians in Tskhinvali (data closed). According to other sources, they were captured in the village. Kekhvi.

2 prisoners.
One was captured near Tskhinvali (data closed).

The second, Winston Freserli, was wounded and left by the Georgians on Tskhinvali Street, and introduced himself as a journalist.

The losses of the Americans did not become clearer a year later.

And here are the most curious revelations of Israeli military advisers.

08.08 in the morning, the 4th infantry enters Tskhinvali in a slender crowd, they walk along Heroes' street
there is no time for fun

The first day of the war in Tskhinvali
the assault was repulsed, the Georgians had already retreated, at about 17.00

Hit "Dots"

This is Gori 10.08. at the end, an explosion is seen at a tank base

Morning 08.08 Ossetian shooting of the city

09.08 at 14.00 strike of our artillery brigade on Georgian batteries at Prissi heights

Video of the "upper town" of the MC, the broken barracks in which they held the defense.
bombing of the "Upper Town" filming from Eredvi.

Here the soldiers are filming the burning car park of the upper town from the position.

Amateur video, driving down the street of Heroes

The corpses of killed Georgian tankers and soldiers of the 4th Infantry Brigade.

The first day of the war, the 42nd battalion is in the "oak grove", the 41st battalion is being bombed, then everyone will run.

Still unsuccessful to escape

Video, "oak grove", corpses.
All 22 died after being hit by attack aircraft 08/08/08

This one was more fortunate, was captured by the Ossetians

This too, they sit in the Ossetian KGB

After hitting Gori

Wounded Sladkov and Khrulev

Marneuli airfield, rocket wreckage

A little more video:

The data is taken mainly from here, partly from Wikipedia and the rest of the Internet.

Russia has completed a significant part of the operation to force Georgia to peace in South Ossetia, Tskhinvali has been taken under the control of peacekeepers, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

00:06 Shortly before midnight Moscow time, large-caliber shelling of the capital of South Ossetia Tskhinvali, as well as South Ossetian villages, began from the Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti. Representatives of the unrecognized republic said that Georgian troops had actually started a war and were storming Tskhinvali.

00:42 Georgia has promised to restore constitutional order in South Ossetia. The commander of the Georgian peacekeepers Mamuka Kurashvili called the military operation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict "bringing constitutional order in South Ossetia." He also called on the Russian peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone not to interfere in the situation.

01:38 The assault on Tskhinvali is being conducted in all directions. The South Ossetian authorities said that the Georgian side was shelling Tskhinvali from Grad installations, howitzers and large-caliber mortars.

02:08 Georgia announced the beginning of a war with South Ossetia. Georgia notified the peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone about the beginning of the war in South Ossetia.

02:37 Abkhazia sends a thousand volunteers to South Ossetia. President of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh called an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Friday night; according to media reports, Abkhazia will send about a thousand volunteers to help South Ossetia.

03:46 Georgia launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali. The Georgian army has launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali, said South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity. The South Ossetian forces, he stressed, are resisting. Georgian State Minister Temur Yakobashvili, in turn, announced that Tskhinvali is in the ring of Georgian troops.

04:20 The infantry went to storm Tskhinvali.

04:33 Russia demanded the convening of a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in South Ossetia.

04:48 Reinforcements from North Ossetia arrived in Tskhinvali.

06:49 Abkhazia moves troops to the border with Georgia.

07:12 Georgian media reported on the call-up of reservists.

07:23 Georgian aviation struck South Ossetia.

08:56 Georgian troops began shelling Russian peacekeepers.

09:23 Georgian media announced the capture of Tskhinvali.

11:10 The President of Georgia, during his address to the nation, spoke about his vision of the situation in the conflict zone and announced the general mobilization of reservists.

11:19 Rustavi-2: Georgia shot down a plane that had flown in from Russia.

12:37 The Parliament of North Ossetia called on Russia to help South Ossetia.

13:45 A gas pipeline was blown up in Tskhinvali. Earlier it was reported that in the center of the capital of South Ossetia, battles were being waged, a hospital was destroyed, a university was on fire.

16:14 A column of Russian armored vehicles entered Tskhinvali. Earlier, Georgia threatened Russia with war if the information about the introduction of Russian armored vehicles into the territory of South Ossetia is confirmed.

18:23 Subdivisions of the 58th Army occupy the northern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

19:32 During an air raid on the Georgian air base, several military aircraft were destroyed.

21:23 The border of South Ossetia was crossed by 200 volunteers from Russia. According to one of the volunteers, a column of 20 Gazelles arrived from North Ossetia to South Ossetia.

23:16 From Batumi in the direction of Tskhinvali, 20 trucks with Georgian soldiers set off. According to eyewitnesses, at least 200 servicemen were sent from Batumi to South Ossetia.

02:14 The shelling of Tskhinvali from all types of weapons continues.

09:17 One of the tactical groups of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District broke through to the base camp of the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

11:38 Units of the 76th Airborne Division from Pskov enter Tskhinvali. Units of the 98th airborne division from Ivanovo, as well as special forces from the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment, are being transferred to South Ossetia.

12:28 The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces confirms the information about two downed Russian military aircraft Su-25 and Tu-22 in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. One pilot was killed, three - in captivity.

12:59 The Georgian military surrenders and leaves their positions in the South Ossetian capital.

14:59 Abkhazia launched an armed operation in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

15:52 Ossetian militias destroyed 4 Georgian tanks.

19:02 The Abkhaz army launched a missile attack on some military installations in western Georgia.

20:39 Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are regrouping in the Black Sea, adjacent to the Georgian sea border.

21:00 Units of the 58th Army are carrying out an operation to oust Georgian formations from the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

23:50 After a five-hour battle, the shelling of Tskhinvali stopped. Tank assault prevented. 12 Georgian tanks were knocked out on the southern outskirts of the city.

08:45 Abkhazian troops resumed massive shelling in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge, controlled by the Georgian military, using aircraft and Grad multiple launch rocket launchers.

10:20 Russia has strengthened its naval grouping in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. The Black Sea Fleet warships entered the water area near the city of Ochamchira.

10:25 The Georgian Interior Ministry announced the withdrawal of troops from South Ossetia.

14:02 The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the information about the withdrawal of Georgian troops from Tskhinvali.

14:40 An air raid on Zugdidi was carried out.

17:13 Abkhazian troops continue to carry out air and artillery strikes on Georgian positions in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

17:33 The Abkhaz army took up positions on the Inguri river along the border with Georgia.

18:39 From Tskhinvali to Vladikavkaz, the first convoy with the wounded left. 50 people were evacuated.

18:56 Georgia announced a ceasefire. The Russian consul received a note stating the corresponding order of Mikhail Saakashvili. The Georgian Foreign Ministry claims that Georgian troops have been withdrawn from South Ossetia.

20:20 Georgian media reported on a new bombing of the territory of the Tbilaviastroy plant. According to journalists, a Russian plane dropped the bombs. No casualties or damage were reported.

21:05 Sergei Lavrov announced the need for an unconditional withdrawal of Georgian troops. In a telephone conversation with Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili, Lavrov pointed out that the Georgian troops did not leave the conflict zone, despite the statement of the Georgian authorities.

21:40 Tskhinvali completely came under the control of the Russian peacekeepers. This was announced by the assistant to the commander of the JPKF Vladimir Ivanov. According to him, Georgian troops are retreating to the administrative border with South Ossetia.

22:16 Georgia agreed to let Russian peacekeepers into Zugdidi region

The governor of the Zugdidi region, Zaza Morokhia, agreed to the presence of the Russian military on the condition that the bombing of Georgia stops

23:40 Igor Dygalo confirmed the destruction of the Georgian missile boat. According to the assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, four ships violated the boundaries of the "declared security zone" in the patrolling area of ​​the Russian fleet. After the destruction of the boat, three other Georgian ships left in the direction of Poti.

00:17 Russian paratroopers arrived in Abkhazia. According to Aleksandr Novitskiy, assistant commander of the CPKF for information support, the soldiers were brought in to "prevent Georgia's military aggression against Abkhazia."

00:23 Tskhinvali again came under artillery fire.

1:10 In South Ossetia 19 Georgian saboteurs were taken prisoner. The prisoners were placed under increased security due to fears that the inhabitants of the unrecognized republic would arrange lynching.

1:22 am Georgian Interior Ministry: Russian artillery began intensive shelling of the city of Gori.

1:57 Russia and Georgia have agreed not to use aircraft in the conflict zone. This was reported by Novosti-Georgia news agency. The commander of the Russian peacekeeping forces Sergei Chaban noted that the agreement does not apply to the Tskhinvali region.

2:37 JPKF assistant commander: shooting in Tskhinvali has stopped.

3:28 North Ossetia will send 2,500 volunteers to South Ossetia. According to Novaya Gazeta, aid is arriving in the conflict zone from Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya and other regions of the Caucasus.

4:16 am Abkhazia resumed shelling of the Kodori Gorge.

4:24 France presented a plan for the settlement of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. The main provisions of the plan are an immediate ceasefire, the provision of medical assistance to the wounded, and the withdrawal of Georgian and Russian troops from the conflict zone.

5:24 AM According to the Georgian Interior Ministry, the Russian air force attacked the suburb of Tbilisi.

7:26 Georgia continues shelling Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia

According to the commander of the JPKF Marat Kulakhmetov, on Monday night in the southern part of the Tskhinvali region, clashes between Russian peacekeepers and Georgian soldiers continued. One of the peacekeepers' posts was bombed by the Georgian air force

8:24 A convoy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with humanitarian aid entered South Ossetia. 52.5 tons of food, two hospitals and a tent camp for 500 people will be delivered to Tskhinvali.

8:51 According to Irina Gagloeva, a spokesman for the South Ossetian government, Georgia opened an irrigation canal to make it impossible for people to hide from the bombing.

10:10 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia announced that 50 Russian bombers appeared in the skies over Tbilisi. According to the Georgian side, bombs were dropped on the village of Kojori near the capital.

10:20 The Abkhaz forces have completely blocked the upper part of the Kodori and are ready to start an operation to destroy the Georgian troops.

10:50 The Russian peacekeepers demanded that the Georgian troops in Kodori surrender their weapons. Sergei Chaban announced the demilitarization of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone.

12:24 Maritime communication between Russia and Georgia was terminated. The Georgian port of Batumi is closed.

12:43 The shelling on the road from Tskhinvali to the Roki tunnel on the border with Russia has stopped, the situation has stabilized. From the surrounding settlements the evacuation of local residents continues, and military equipment, including tanks and self-propelled artillery installations, follows in the direction of Tskhinvali.

13:02 "Georgia Online" found Russian submarines off the coast of Abkhazia.

13:05 The "peace enforcement operation" in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict has been largely completed, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, the city of Tskhinvali was taken under the control of a reinforced Russian peacekeeping contingent.

13:07 Georgia refused to lay down its arms in Kodori. Georgian troops rejected the ultimatum of the Russian peacekeepers.

13:07 The General Staff of the Russian Federation admitted the loss of two more Su-25 aircraft, said Anatoly Nogovitsyn, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He also said that the total loss of personnel on the territory of Georgia amounted to 18 people killed, including one officer and 17 sergeants and soldiers.

13:10 The General Staff of the Russian Federation: American planes have been transferred from Iraq to the Georgian military.

13:31 Western airlines cancel flights to Georgia.

13:35 Saakashvili signed a ceasefire document prepared by the Foreign Ministers of France and Finland, Novosti-Georgia reports.

13:52 Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn called the statements of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili about the ceasefire as a hoax.

During the three days of the war, 92 people were killed in Georgia. Losses among the population of South Ossetia, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, exceed two thousand people, more than 30 thousand became refugees.

00:31 Georgian television reported that Russian troops entered the territory of Poti.

00:51 The Russian Defense Ministry denied this message.

04:34 Two Russian journalists disappeared in Georgia were found. It turned out that the photographer of the Expert magazine Vyacheslav Kochetkov and the correspondent of the Russian Reporter magazine Igor Naydenov are in the camp of the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

10:15 am Russian troops began fighting 20 kilometers south of Tskhinvali. The agencies reported this with reference to the Ossetian militias.

11:21 Reuters reported that Russian planes began bombing Gori. It was also reported that several people were injured as a result of the bombing.

11:35 FSB detained the deputy head of the Georgian Foreign Intelligence Service. Russian special services claimed that the detainee was collecting information about the military and the president of South Ossetia. It was also reported that a number of Georgian agents were suspected of attempting to form a bandit underground in southern Russia.

13:00 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced the end of the peace enforcement operation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The goal of the operation, Medvedev said, was achieved, the safety of peacekeepers and civilians was ensured, and possible centers of aggression would be destroyed.

13:01 Georgia accused Russia of bombing an oil pipeline. According to Georgian media reports, Russian planes bombed the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BDT) oil pipeline, which is necessary for the transportation of oil from Azerbaijan to Turkey and is partially laid through the territory of Georgia. This was stated by the secretary of the Council of the National Security of Georgia, Alexander (Kakha) Lomaia. Earlier, Russian representatives have repeatedly stated that they do not intend to interfere with the operation of the oil pipeline.

13:21 Explosions occurred on the outskirts of Tbilisi, media reported. According to preliminary information, this happened in the area where the airport and aircraft plant are located.

13:40 Russian troops control Senaki airport and settlements in the security zone of Abkhazia.

13:50 The General Staff of the Russian Federation denied reports about the bombing of the oil pipeline.

14:00 The General Staff of the Russian Federation demanded the presence of international observers in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Russia has completed a significant part of the operation to force Georgia to peace in South Ossetia, Tskhinvali has been taken under the control of peacekeepers, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

00:06 Shortly before midnight Moscow time, large-caliber shelling of the capital of South Ossetia Tskhinvali, as well as South Ossetian villages, began from the Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti. Representatives of the unrecognized republic said that Georgian troops had actually started a war and were storming Tskhinvali.

00:42 Georgia has promised to restore constitutional order in South Ossetia. The commander of the Georgian peacekeepers Mamuka Kurashvili called the military operation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict "bringing constitutional order in South Ossetia." He also called on the Russian peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone not to interfere in the situation.

01:38 The assault on Tskhinvali is being conducted in all directions. The South Ossetian authorities said that the Georgian side was shelling Tskhinvali from Grad installations, howitzers and large-caliber mortars.

02:08 Georgia announced the beginning of a war with South Ossetia. Georgia notified the peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone about the beginning of the war in South Ossetia.

02:37 Abkhazia sends a thousand volunteers to South Ossetia. President of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh called an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Friday night; according to media reports, Abkhazia will send about a thousand volunteers to help South Ossetia.

03:46 Georgia launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali. The Georgian army has launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali, said South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity. The South Ossetian forces, he stressed, are resisting. Georgian State Minister Temur Yakobashvili, in turn, announced that Tskhinvali is in the ring of Georgian troops.

04:20 The infantry went to storm Tskhinvali.

04:33 Russia demanded the convening of a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in South Ossetia.

04:48 Reinforcements from North Ossetia arrived in Tskhinvali.

06:49 Abkhazia moves troops to the border with Georgia.

07:12 Georgian media reported on the call-up of reservists.

07:23 Georgian aviation struck South Ossetia.

08:56 Georgian troops began shelling Russian peacekeepers.

09:23 Georgian media announced the capture of Tskhinvali.

11:10 The President of Georgia, during his address to the nation, spoke about his vision of the situation in the conflict zone and announced the general mobilization of reservists.

11:19 Rustavi-2: Georgia shot down a plane that had flown in from Russia.

12:37 The Parliament of North Ossetia called on Russia to help South Ossetia.

13:45 A gas pipeline was blown up in Tskhinvali. Earlier it was reported that in the center of the capital of South Ossetia, battles were being waged, a hospital was destroyed, a university was on fire.

16:14 A column of Russian armored vehicles entered Tskhinvali. Earlier, Georgia threatened Russia with war if the information about the introduction of Russian armored vehicles into the territory of South Ossetia is confirmed.

18:23 Subdivisions of the 58th Army occupy the northern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

19:32 During an air raid on the Georgian air base, several military aircraft were destroyed.

21:23 The border of South Ossetia was crossed by 200 volunteers from Russia. According to one of the volunteers, a column of 20 Gazelles arrived from North Ossetia to South Ossetia.

23:16 From Batumi in the direction of Tskhinvali, 20 trucks with Georgian soldiers set off. According to eyewitnesses, at least 200 servicemen were sent from Batumi to South Ossetia.

02:14 The shelling of Tskhinvali from all types of weapons continues.

09:17 One of the tactical groups of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District broke through to the base camp of the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

11:38 Units of the 76th Airborne Division from Pskov enter Tskhinvali. Units of the 98th airborne division from Ivanovo, as well as special forces from the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment, are being transferred to South Ossetia.

12:28 The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces confirms the information about two downed Russian military aircraft Su-25 and Tu-22 in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. One pilot was killed, three - in captivity.

12:59 The Georgian military surrenders and leaves their positions in the South Ossetian capital.

14:59 Abkhazia launched an armed operation in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

15:52 Ossetian militias destroyed 4 Georgian tanks.

19:02 The Abkhaz army launched a missile attack on some military installations in western Georgia.

20:39 Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are regrouping in the Black Sea, adjacent to the Georgian sea border.

21:00 Units of the 58th Army are carrying out an operation to oust Georgian formations from the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

23:50 After a five-hour battle, the shelling of Tskhinvali stopped. Tank assault prevented. 12 Georgian tanks were knocked out on the southern outskirts of the city.

08:45 Abkhazian troops resumed massive shelling in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge, controlled by the Georgian military, using aircraft and Grad multiple launch rocket launchers.

10:20 Russia has strengthened its naval grouping in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. The Black Sea Fleet warships entered the water area near the city of Ochamchira.

10:25 The Georgian Interior Ministry announced the withdrawal of troops from South Ossetia.

14:02 The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the information about the withdrawal of Georgian troops from Tskhinvali.

14:40 An air raid on Zugdidi was carried out.

17:13 Abkhazian troops continue to carry out air and artillery strikes on Georgian positions in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

17:33 The Abkhaz army took up positions on the Inguri river along the border with Georgia.

18:39 From Tskhinvali to Vladikavkaz, the first convoy with the wounded left. 50 people were evacuated.

18:56 Georgia announced a ceasefire. The Russian consul received a note stating the corresponding order of Mikhail Saakashvili. The Georgian Foreign Ministry claims that Georgian troops have been withdrawn from South Ossetia.

20:20 Georgian media reported on a new bombing of the territory of the Tbilaviastroy plant. According to journalists, a Russian plane dropped the bombs. No casualties or damage were reported.

21:05 Sergei Lavrov announced the need for an unconditional withdrawal of Georgian troops. In a telephone conversation with Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili, Lavrov pointed out that the Georgian troops did not leave the conflict zone, despite the statement of the Georgian authorities.

21:40 Tskhinvali completely came under the control of the Russian peacekeepers. This was announced by the assistant to the commander of the JPKF Vladimir Ivanov. According to him, Georgian troops are retreating to the administrative border with South Ossetia.

22:16 Georgia agreed to let Russian peacekeepers into Zugdidi region

The governor of the Zugdidi region, Zaza Morokhia, agreed to the presence of the Russian military on the condition that the bombing of Georgia stops

23:40 Igor Dygalo confirmed the destruction of the Georgian missile boat. According to the assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, four ships violated the boundaries of the "declared security zone" in the patrolling area of ​​the Russian fleet. After the destruction of the boat, three other Georgian ships left in the direction of Poti.

00:17 Russian paratroopers arrived in Abkhazia. According to Aleksandr Novitskiy, assistant commander of the CPKF for information support, the soldiers were brought in to "prevent Georgia's military aggression against Abkhazia."

00:23 Tskhinvali again came under artillery fire.

1:10 In South Ossetia 19 Georgian saboteurs were taken prisoner. The prisoners were placed under increased security due to fears that the inhabitants of the unrecognized republic would arrange lynching.

1:22 am Georgian Interior Ministry: Russian artillery began intensive shelling of the city of Gori.

1:57 Russia and Georgia have agreed not to use aircraft in the conflict zone. This was reported by Novosti-Georgia news agency. The commander of the Russian peacekeeping forces Sergei Chaban noted that the agreement does not apply to the Tskhinvali region.

2:37 JPKF assistant commander: shooting in Tskhinvali has stopped.

3:28 North Ossetia will send 2,500 volunteers to South Ossetia. According to Novaya Gazeta, aid is arriving in the conflict zone from Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya and other regions of the Caucasus.

4:16 am Abkhazia resumed shelling of the Kodori Gorge.

4:24 France presented a plan for the settlement of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. The main provisions of the plan are an immediate ceasefire, the provision of medical assistance to the wounded, and the withdrawal of Georgian and Russian troops from the conflict zone.

5:24 AM According to the Georgian Interior Ministry, the Russian air force attacked the suburb of Tbilisi.

7:26 Georgia continues shelling Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia

According to the commander of the JPKF Marat Kulakhmetov, on Monday night in the southern part of the Tskhinvali region, clashes between Russian peacekeepers and Georgian soldiers continued. One of the peacekeepers' posts was bombed by the Georgian air force

8:24 A convoy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with humanitarian aid entered South Ossetia. 52.5 tons of food, two hospitals and a tent camp for 500 people will be delivered to Tskhinvali.

8:51 According to Irina Gagloeva, a spokesman for the South Ossetian government, Georgia opened an irrigation canal to make it impossible for people to hide from the bombing.

10:10 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia announced that 50 Russian bombers appeared in the skies over Tbilisi. According to the Georgian side, bombs were dropped on the village of Kojori near the capital.

10:20 The Abkhaz forces have completely blocked the upper part of the Kodori and are ready to start an operation to destroy the Georgian troops.

10:50 The Russian peacekeepers demanded that the Georgian troops in Kodori surrender their weapons. Sergei Chaban announced the demilitarization of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone.

12:24 Maritime communication between Russia and Georgia was terminated. The Georgian port of Batumi is closed.

12:43 The shelling on the road from Tskhinvali to the Roki tunnel on the border with Russia has stopped, the situation has stabilized. Evacuation of local residents continues from the surrounding settlements, and military equipment, including tanks and self-propelled artillery installations, follows in the direction of Tskhinvali.

13:02 "Georgia Online" found Russian submarines off the coast of Abkhazia.

13:05 The "peace enforcement operation" in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict has been largely completed, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, the city of Tskhinvali was taken under the control of a reinforced Russian peacekeeping contingent.

13:07 Georgia refused to lay down its arms in Kodori. Georgian troops rejected the ultimatum of the Russian peacekeepers.

13:07 The General Staff of the Russian Federation admitted the loss of two more Su-25 aircraft, said Anatoly Nogovitsyn, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He also said that the total loss of personnel on the territory of Georgia amounted to 18 people killed, including one officer and 17 sergeants and soldiers.

13:10 The General Staff of the Russian Federation: American planes have been transferred from Iraq to the Georgian military.

13:31 Western airlines cancel flights to Georgia.

13:35 Saakashvili signed a ceasefire document prepared by the Foreign Ministers of France and Finland, Novosti-Georgia reports.

13:52 Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn called the statements of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili about the ceasefire as a hoax.

During the three days of the war, 92 people were killed in Georgia. Losses among the population of South Ossetia, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, exceed two thousand people, more than 30 thousand became refugees.

00:31 Georgian television reported that Russian troops entered the territory of Poti.

00:51 The Russian Defense Ministry denied this message.

04:34 Two Russian journalists disappeared in Georgia were found. It turned out that the photographer of the Expert magazine Vyacheslav Kochetkov and the correspondent of the Russian Reporter magazine Igor Naydenov are in the camp of the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

10:15 am Russian troops began fighting 20 kilometers south of Tskhinvali. The agencies reported this with reference to the Ossetian militias.

11:21 Reuters reported that Russian planes began bombing Gori. It was also reported that several people were injured as a result of the bombing.

11:35 FSB detained the deputy head of the Georgian Foreign Intelligence Service. Russian special services claimed that the detainee was collecting information about the military and the president of South Ossetia. It was also reported that a number of Georgian agents were suspected of attempting to form a bandit underground in southern Russia.

13:00 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced the end of the peace enforcement operation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The goal of the operation, Medvedev said, was achieved, the safety of peacekeepers and civilians was ensured, and possible centers of aggression would be destroyed.

13:01 Georgia accused Russia of bombing an oil pipeline. According to Georgian media reports, Russian planes bombed the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BDT) oil pipeline, which is necessary for the transportation of oil from Azerbaijan to Turkey and is partially laid through the territory of Georgia. This was stated by the secretary of the Council of the National Security of Georgia, Alexander (Kakha) Lomaia. Earlier, Russian representatives have repeatedly stated that they do not intend to interfere with the operation of the oil pipeline.

13:21 Explosions occurred on the outskirts of Tbilisi, media reported. According to preliminary information, this happened in the area where the airport and aircraft plant are located.

13:40 Russian troops control Senaki airport and settlements in the security zone of Abkhazia.

13:50 The General Staff of the Russian Federation denied reports about the bombing of the oil pipeline.

14:00 The General Staff of the Russian Federation demanded the presence of international observers in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The tension grew gradually. The refugees had been leaving Tskhinval all summer. Georgian and Russian troops demonstratively held exercises in the area in front of each other. Politicians canceled some agreements and concluded others. Finally, the abscess burst.

Ossetian blitzkrieg

On the night of August 8, 2008, Georgian troops rained down on Tskhinvali a shower of shells from Grad rocket launchers. After artillery preparation at 03:30, tanks moved into the city. The capital of South Ossetia was encircled, and by morning the Georgian army controlled the entire Zainur region.

Simultaneously with the start of the shelling, the commander of the Georgian Armed Forces announced to TV that "a decision has been made to restore constitutional order in the conflict zone."

By midday on August 8, most of South Ossetia was occupied by Georgian government forces.

In response to the appeal of the South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity, the first Russian combat unit, the 1st battalion of the 135th regiment, passed through the Roki tunnel. South Ossetia included three battalion tactical groups from the 429th and 503rd motorized rifle regiments of the 19th motorized rifle division and the 135th separate motorized rifle regiment of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District, which deployed in battle formations in the Java and Guft regions.

At 15:30, clashes between Russian and Georgian units began. By the end of the day, Russian troops cleared the bypass road and heights in the Kvernet, Tbeti, Dzari areas and reached the western outskirts of Tskhinvali.

On the evening of August 8, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said that government troops completely control the entire territory of South Ossetia, except for the high-mountainous settlement of Java.

On August 9, the transfer of troops from Russian territory to South Ossetia and the creation of a strike group continued. The 76th Pskov Airborne Division was deployed to the combat area. Russian ships entered the territorial waters of Georgia and began combat patrols.

Units and subunits of the 58th Army, having arrived on the outskirts of Tskhinvali, "begin preparations for an operation to enforce peace in the peacekeepers' zone of responsibility," artillery fires at firing points in the Tskhinvali region and conducts counter-battery warfare.

Not everything went smoothly. While attempting to unblock the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali by the forces of the battalion group of the 135th motorized rifle regiment, the group encountered Georgian troops, who began a new assault on the city. The convoy in which the car of the commander of the 58th Army, Lieutenant General Anatoly Khrulev, was ambushed by the Georgian special forces. The driver of the car was killed, the commander himself fired back from his service weapon, but was seriously wounded. Having suffered losses in people and equipment, the group withdrew from the city.

On August 10, Russia increased its grouping in South Ossetia to four regimental tactical groups (135th, 429th and 503rd motorized rifle regiments and a regiment of the 76th Pskov airborne assault division) and attracted significant artillery forces. The total number of troops was brought to about 10 thousand people.

In response, Georgia began an urgent transfer of its infantry brigade from Iraq. In addition, the formation of volunteer detachments ready to go to the aid of Georgia began in Kiev. Ukrainian nationalists took the initiative. But the operation fell through: air tickets to Tbilisi were too expensive.

All night from 10 to 11 August in South Ossetia there was a battle for the Prissky heights dominating over Tskhinvali. Georgian units continued shelling the city and a number of settlements of South Ossetia all night, but by midday they were driven out of almost all districts of Tskhinvali. The Prissky heights were also recaptured by Russian troops. During the fighting, Georgian enclaves to the north of the South Ossetian capital were blocked. The Georgian troops stationed in this area were cut off from the main grouping.

A group of ships from the Black Sea Fleet, headed by the Moskva missile cruiser, arrived at the shores of Abkhazia. The group also includes the Smetlivy patrol ship and support vessels. There were already three large landing ships in the area. The ships of the Russian Navy repulsed the attack of the missile boats of Georgia with missile strikes and artillery fire, one of them was sunk.

In the afternoon, representatives of the Georgian Foreign Ministry handed the Russian consul a note informing that the Georgian side would cease hostilities in South Ossetia. However, skirmishes in the conflict zone continued.

Uragan multiple launch rocket systems and Tochka-U tactical missile systems drove through the Roki tunnel from the territory of Russia towards Georgia.

In the area of ​​three Georgian cities - Gori, Zugdidi and Senaki - there were battles between the troops of Russia and Georgia. Georgian units were retreating from their positions in the Gori region, abandoning military equipment and property. Late in the evening, battles between the troops of Russia and Georgia unfolded 25 km from Tbilisi, Georgian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Nikolaz Natbiladze said.

On August 12, in South Ossetia, Russian troops reached the administrative border with Georgia almost along its entire length, continuing to squeeze out the few remaining combat-ready Georgian units to the south.

“I have decided to complete the operation to force the Georgian authorities to peace. The goal has been achieved,” said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at a working meeting in the Kremlin.

Battle in the skies

On the morning of August 8, Russian aviation began bombing targets in Georgia. The planes attacked the military base in Gori, the Vaziani and Marneuli airfields, where the Su-25 and L-39 planes were based, as well as a radar station 40 kilometers from Tbilisi. According to the Gori city administration, as a result of the raid, more than 20 people were killed and more than 400 were injured.

The Russian side lost the Su-25 attack aircraft and the Tu-22 long-range supersonic bomber - a very powerful and expensive combat vehicle. Three pilots who ejected from a downed bomber were detained by Georgian security forces.

In the area of ​​hostilities, several air battles took place, a Georgian Su-25 was shot down, which attacked the positions of the 58th Army. On August 9, Russian military aircraft attacked a military airfield in western Georgia and struck the Kodori Gorge in Abkhazia, which is controlled by Georgia.

The bombing of Georgian territory caused panic among the authorities and the population. For example, a representative of the Georgian Interior Ministry said that on August 10, early in the morning, Russian aviation carried out a raid on international Airport Tbilisi. He later clarified that the airstrike hit the neighboring territory, where the Tbilaviastroy plant was located.

On the night of August 10, Tbilisi, Batumi, Poti and Zugdidi were bombed by the Russian Air Force. There were at least 50 Russian bombers operating simultaneously. Two more Su-25 attack aircraft were shot down in the battle.

On August 12, the Russian Air Force bombed Gori. It was shown on Georgian television that the strike of Russian planes fell on the city television tower and in the mountains.

Wicked war

The battles in the streets of Tskhinvali were fought in the most brutal manner. There were no regular Ossetian troops in the city, and the militia had practically nothing to oppose to the tanks. During the battle, the district hospital was almost completely destroyed. The buildings of the university and parliament were set on fire. Targeted fire from multiple launch rocket systems was opened at the headquarters and barracks of the Russian peacekeepers.

The war was fought without rules. The confrontation between the two peoples was too strong.

The population was hiding in the basements. The Georgian infantry, having entered the city, staged "cleansing operations". The military knew that Ossetians were hiding in basements, and threw grenades there or fired from machine guns.

“I saw Ossetian women praying for Russian tanks, I talked to my grandfather, whose Georgian tank had run over his car with his son, wife and child,” wrote the correspondent of the “Solidarity” newspaper Julia Korvin.

Eyewitnesses say: “The center was bombed most of all. The bombings from the air went on for 24 hours. The house where the women and children were hiding caught fire. The fire reached the basement. But the floor was earthen, and they began to dig into the ground. The defenders of the city came to the rescue. They were 16-17 years old. Residents were dragged out of the burning basement, and they ran into the basement of the school.

Meanwhile, Georgian tanks and infantry entered the city. One of the tanks began firing direct fire at the school building. The militia fought with tanks. They took plastic soda bottles, drained gasoline from cars, and threw this Molotov cocktail into Georgian tanks. How many guys were killed there, do not count, but they knocked out the tank.

According to official data, at least 2,000 residents died in Tskhinvali. Losses of Russian military personnel amounted to 71 people killed and 340 wounded. Georgia lost 215 troops, 70 missing and 1469 injured.