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The most good indoor plants are antimicrobials. Official information. Bedroom plants

For a long time, it's no secret that houseplants are not only beautiful decoration Interior, but also possess useful properties. Energy of colors that we grow in our homes and apartments has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of our dwelling and affects its microflora. Indoor plants not only absorb harmful substances, but also calm the psyche, saturated with air oxygen, strengthen the immune system, improve the aura and have a favorably on health. What useful flowers are best grown on their shelves and windowsill?

This plant with confidence can be called a home doctor. Geranium is incredibly useful for health, it eliminates stresses, destroys harmful substances, absorbs dampness, suppresses negative energy, normalizes sleep, eliminates depression and reliably protects against colds. In the room where geranium grows, you will never see moths, mosquitoes and flies - this plant scares them.

In the people, he was called a talisman of health, which is not surprising - healing properties This plant is known for the time immemorial. Calanchoe relieves inflammation, heals the runny nose, destroys the bacteria, expands the vessels, treats wounds and burns, stops bleeding and has antiviral properties. From the juice of this plant, therapeutic tinctures that help with many diseases are manufactured.

Universal plant practically for all occasions. It highlights substances that destroy bacteria, well helps with angina and colds, soothes nerves, assists in hypertension, gives cheerfulness and strength. Not only fruits, but also leaves lemon possess therapeutic properties. In the room where lemon grows, the air is always clean, the mood is cheerful, the sleep is strong, and the efficiency is increased.

If this flower grows in your home - you can forget about fatigue, decay of forces and overwork. Rosemary helps with neurosis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the memory and concentration of attention, treats asthma, bronchitis, colds, cleans and moisturizes air. This plant is dangerous for mold, which is effectively fighting, and destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

One of the best and beneficial medicinal plants for all occasions, effective in almost all diseases. Medical properties This flower can be listed for a very long time: it assists with inflammation, has wound-healing properties, healing even very serious wounds, treats a runny nose and cough, increases appetite, and helps with anemia.


The fragrance of this plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieves irritation and fatigue, has a painful effect, increases the concentration of attention and improves appetite. Mint leaves are treated with insomnia, get rid of stress, help with heart disease and stomach ulcers, and are often used for cosmetic purposes - creams and mats with mint are used to improve skin color.

An incredibly useful plant for people spending a lot of time at a computer or a TV. Cactus absorbs harmful electromagnetic radiation and reduces air ionization. Thanks to this plant, headaches disappear, efficiency increases, biological clocks are normalized and. If you have a cactus next to you, you can forget about the decline of forces.

This unpretentious indoor plant cleans and refreshes the air indoors, effectively struggling with bacteria. He does not cause any allergic reactionsSo it can be calmly installed even from a crib. It is also believed that the ficus clears the house from the negative, helping when solving complex situations. If you want to save your dwelling from experiences and alarms - just get the ficus.

A noble plant that effectively helps with angina, spasms, diathesis, rheummits, heartburns and cardiovascular diseases. Many of us are accustomed to using Lavr solely as seasonings, but few people know that this is also a beautiful medicinal plant with a soothing and relaxing aroma. Lavr is also used in the perfume industry, for example, for fragrant soap.

Excellent plant for air purification, which copes with this task even better than special devices. In addition to the fact that chlorophytum fits perfectly in any interior, it allocates nutrients that destroy harmful bacteria and mold fungi. The unique feature of this plant is that the more air polluted Indoors, the faster and better chlorophyteum grows.

It's not just incredible beautiful flowerBut also very useful for both home and health. The leaves of this plant isolated substances that can kill harmful fungi and pathogenic microbes, absorb toxins and purify oxygen. Begonia takes off fatigue, eliminates depression, treats female diseases, helps with pains in the joints, heals ulcers, burns and wounds, and also improves efficiency.

In addition to a pleasant and aesthetic species, this plant also benefits health. The flower accelerates the processes of recovery, has a strengthening effect on the lungs, it helps in the treatment of various lesions and even fractures, has a fascinating effect on the body. In addition, Asparagus destroys microbes and bacteria, and by absorption of heavy metals cleans the air.

This plant is extremely useful for keeping in the house, as the flies of flies and mosquitoes, purifies oxygen and refreshes air, destroys pathogenic organisms and toxins. In addition, this flower is effectively fighting with depressions and insomnia, soothes the nervous system and raises the mood. There is a belief that white pelargonium helps the addition of the family, and Pink - attracts love.

It is enough to put in your apartment this plant, as you will soon notice its favorable effect. The fern shares oxygen, improves the energy background, absorbs toxins and microbes. In addition, this flower will decorate any interior, it is able to establish and balance the family relationship. If you think that you have an unfavorable zone in your house - put a fern there, and the negative will immediately disappear.

Elegant drazes is an excellent assistant in your home. It cleans the air, absorbs bacteria, improves energy, destroys harmful fungi and softens the temperature differences. This is a very useful plant not only for the room, but also for well-being. Drazen is able to shoot headaches, normalize sleep, strengthen immunity, raise the mood and have a beneficial effect on the body.

This flower is good on all sides. Judge for yourself: the plant is favorably acting on the aura and the atmosphere, helps to reveal the creative potential, has a lot of useful properties and eliminates negative energy. In addition, Camellia leaves are unusually fragrant and useful, they have the ability to improve the metabolism, split fat, acts favorably on the body and promote weight loss.

Although many are divorced this room plant due to incredible beauty of colors (which can be all shades, except blue), few people know about useful properties Gerbera. It not only effectively cleanses the air indoors and absorbs harmful substances, but also significantly improves well-being. In the house where Gerbera is growing, always favorable atmosphere, a positive atmosphere and a wonderful mood.

Plant, perfectly restoring energy in the house. Introduces a positive, helps with stress, promotes decisiveness and friendliness, strengthens family relationships, eliminates problems and troubles. Hibiscus is a real source of oxygen and an indispensable air purifier from microbes and. Often used B. folk medicineSince it has useful medicinal properties.

And this is still not full list Useful indoor plants. But there is important flowerfish not to forget very an important nuance: In order for flowers to fulfill their "duties", it is necessary to create them optimal and comfortable conditions for full growth. It is necessary to take into account the humidity, the composition of the soil, lighting, temperature, and many other important factors. Careful care is necessary for each plant, even the most unpretentious, because, no matter how implausible did not sound, indoor flowers feel our concern and meet reciprocity, giving health and good mood.

Ecology of consumption. Food and Drinks: A small list of plant products that are not only incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, but also capable ...

A small list of plant products that are not only incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, but also can seriously correct our health and moral condition.

ASai berry - This is a small round dark purple berry, resembling grapes or blueberries, but with a modest amount of pulp, but a large bone. Berry grows clusters on palm trees, in the northern part South America In the Amazon River Delta, most common in the Brazilian pair. Palm trees grow by groups of 4-8 trees. The height of trees from 12 to 20 meters, and the diameter is modest, only 15-20 cm.

SAMI useful berry On Earth - it is she! Such a concentration of the beneficial substances contained in just one berry is almost impossible to find in any product.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, C, D
  • Minerals - Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Calcium, Zinc
  • Amino Acid - Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9

Helps with:

  • allergies
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure

Aloe vera - Medicinal Perennial Plant.The plant lives in the Arabian Peninsula, Barbados Island and Curaçao. Currently, the plant is often grown as indoor. IN therapeutic purposes Applied leaves, fresh juice, extract, SABR (dried juice).

  • Vitamins - B, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, Folic Acid
  • Minerals - Potassium, Chrome, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Sodium, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc

Helps with:

  • elimination of toxins from the body,
  • diabetes
  • gout
  • skin problems
  • obesity, high blood pressure,
  • enhances immunity
  • it has antibacterial properties.

Lamberry- Shrub height up to 25 cm with pale pink flowers.Fruits a lot, they are spherical, bright red. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, shrubs, tundra, on dried peatlands.

  • Vitamins - A, C, E
  • Minerals - Potassium, Calcium, Iron

Helps with:

  • urinary tract infections
  • inflammation of the gums.

Seeds Chia. - Seeds of plants Sage, which grown in Mexico since the time of Maya and Aztecs. According to statements of scientists, unprecedented yields were collected. It is possible that the local name of the plant comes from the Aztec word "chian", which means oil. CHIA CHIA implies strength, and in folklore of these crops reflected, as if small black and white seeds were used as a tonic, giving hardly the remedy hardly. Most likely, the share of truth in it is, because the seeds of chia - a concentrated product containing omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, calcium and antioxidants - not a very typical set of "utilities" for one plant. A similar composition in a flaxseed seed, which, unfortunately, is escaped by the body more difficult. Seeds have a soft walnut flavor.

  • Minerals - Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Calcium
  • Amino Acid - Omega 3

Helps with:

  • diabetes
  • psoriase
  • migraine,
  • obesity
  • constipation,
  • enhances immunity.

Chlorella - Green algae. Chlorella, constantly found in dirty puddles, dutches and ponds. Holy algae is not rare and homemade. In the modern world, it is crushed by steam into pills, while it can be taken as "vitamins" - it is for those who do not really like the taste of algae. The rest can sprinkle food.

  • Vitamins - A, D, B2, B3, B12, Folic Acid
  • Minerals - iodine, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, chlorophyll

Helps with:

  • afta (on mucous membranes),
  • asthma
  • elimination of toxins from the body,
  • stress
  • constipation,
  • inflammation of the gums
  • enhances memory and immunity.

Unjeiled cocoa beans - These are manually collected raw beans from wild trees, while all the amazing living properties of this plant and its fruits are preserved. Untry cocoa beans are radically different from the common industrial cocoa, since they are not subjected to rigid heat treatment.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, E
  • Minerals - Magnesium, Manganese, Sere, Zinc, Iron

Helps for :

  • depression
  • high blood pressure
  • favorable proper work Brain and central nervous system.

Kombu - Edible laminarium algae common in Southeast Asia. Earlier, it was also fed only by very rich people, however, at the beginning of the 20th century, the method of its cultivation was invented, because of which its cost fell several times.

  • Vitamins - A, B2, B12, C
  • Minerals - Potassium, Phosphorus, Chrome, Iodine, Sodium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron

Helps with:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland,
  • arteriosclerosis
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder,
  • high blood pressure.

Turmeric - Plant from the family of ginger.Root systems and stems of many species of this kind contain essential oils and yellow dyes (curcumin) and cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. The ribbed root of this plant is known as turmeric spice.

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B6, C, E, K
  • Minerals - Potassium, Copper, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron

Helps with:

  • arthritis,
  • diabetes
  • skin diseases
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol.

Maca Peruvian - Plant family of cabbage. Growing in the mountains of Bolivia, Peru and North-West Argentina at an altitude of 3,500-4,450 meters above sea level. The plant has aphrodisatic properties (stimulating sexual attraction and sexual activity).

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, C, E
  • Minerals - iodine, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron

Helps with:

  • anemia
  • infertility
  • stress
  • rheumatism
  • high blood pressure.

Garlic bearish (Shamesha) - herbate plant, growing in raw groves, in beech forests and in shady mountain forests in raw places. The plant blooms in May-June, forming thick thickets. In pharmaceuticals and nutrition, apply both a bulb and grass.

  • Vitamins - A, C
  • Minerals - Magnesium, iodine, sulfur, iron, manganese

Helps with:

Spirulina- Sin-green algae. In addition to the fact that algae is a frequent inhabitant of both salty and fresh reservoirs, in a number of countries it is cultivated. As well as Chlorella, often sold not only by leaves, but also in tablets compressable by steam, which is not reflected on its properties. This is the richest protein plant on Earth.

  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
  • Minerals - Potassium, Magnesium, Chrome, Manganese, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron

Helps with:

  • diabetes
  • elimination of toxins from the body, Green tea - Tea subjected to minimally possible fermentation (oxidation). And green, and black tea are made from the leaves of the same tea tree, simply processing methods are different. Both tea contains caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system. At night, drink is not recommended. However, modern green teas are released without caffeine.
    • Vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B7, E, C
    • Minerals - Manganese, Potassium, Flor, Calcium, Zinc

    Helps with:

    • depression
    • diabetes
    • caries,
    • high cholesterol.

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There are houseplants that cannot be held at home - the photo and the names of these colors I would like to mention this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, someone has country cottage area, and someone, for his absence, seeks to create a green corner in his apartment. Sometimes we are impressive beauty, bright colors Another flower, strive to purchase it quickly to decorate your home.

Buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes begin to feel bad or our pets are suddenly ill. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are so many poisonous representatives, sometimes the most beautiful of them turn out to be absolutely unsuitable for home content.

What can not keep indoor plants at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them here anything else, but I would like to focus on the most common - those whose attractive views we admire on the windows of flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds, isolated in the atmosphere of poisons, harmful pollen. Some flowers are not recommended to settle where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets that strive everything to try tooth, you must be doubly careful, attentive when choosing domestic flowers.

What can not keep indoor plants at home?

The simplest security rules are the use of garden or ordinary latex gloves when contact with green inhabitants. If you pruning or remove branches, foliage, then use a special knife. Those tools you use in the kitchen should not touch the plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary items, should be carefully soaked at the end of the leaving. Remember that individual flowers can actively highlight poisonous substances during irrigation or irrigation.

Indoor Poisonous Plants - Photo and Names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, but its fragrance is able to provoke dizziness, nausea or even fainting. Juice foliage, stems can cause allergies or burns on the skin. Do not allow oleander to enter the eyes - the consequences can be very deplorable, right up to loss of vision.

Potted milk look very exotic, due to its large, saturated green leaves. In fact, the family of Muzhai has a lot of varieties: some are like cacti, others resemble miniature palm trees. Separate types of milk have spines, whose injection is a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The foliage, the stems of the dairy contain juice, which, if in the esophagus, causes strong poisoning, and when contact with skin or mucous membranes, it leads to burns, irritation.


Diffenbachia attracts eyes with its large decorative leaves with a fiber pattern. Her milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes, when contacting the skin causes a burn, redness, itching. If you get into your mouth or esophagus, it provokes a strongest burning of mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to start this plant!

Diffenbahia, photo:


Alocation is a decorative deciduous plant that is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out, putting protective gloves, and it is not only juice, but even evaporation from the roots. All thematic forums have experienced flower products strongly recommend using protection during alocation transflection. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can feel an explicit cyanide smell that is not recommended to even inhale long. If you get to the eye, alocation juice can cause a loss of vision, even if the child's abnormal or animal lies with a small drop of juice, long-lasting is guaranteed. All parts of alocation of poisonous: contain a sinyl acid, mercury, a sulee.


Croton has very beautiful thick growing leaves, in appearance it resembles a small tree. The houses bloom very rarely, but often acquired precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous if, with some circumstances, his juice will fall into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even a deadly outcome is possible. If you get on the skin, you should immediately wash this place with soap.


Azalea is very loved by many flowers, it is just luxurious, flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and Andromedotoxin, which, if in the body of a person or an animal, cause poisoning, nausea, convulsions. The poison itself is considered to be Azalia Sims or Indian.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees have long been already the inalienable attribute of the Spring meeting in the country ascending sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful shrubs, who can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender is growing well in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Solding once such an invaluable product, like a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stay from finding all the new recipes for its feeding to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its sharpness and spice, has a fresh and gentle taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and give it to launch at least 15 minutes. I have a nutmeg pumpkin very juicy and sweet, so it is not necessary to mive it. If the pumpkin of another variety, then you can smash it with your hands so that it will slightly let juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landing Most dachensons usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. IN lately The desire of K. healthy nutrition and big choice Greens in supermarkets force gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

Mixtai is best prepared in the form of casserole, separating fillets from the skin and bones. Fish pieces are mixed with a motley vegetable set, poured with cheese sauce, sour cream and eggs. Such a fish casserole has presentable view, and her taste is a fancy mixture of thin nuances. Vegetables and fillets are impregnated with sour cream, cheese will freeze the ruddy crust, the eggs will connect all the ingredients. Pieces of fish are plenty of Italian herbs, and Mintai acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, to truly feel the awakening of nature, only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

Quickly smashed and turning into wild thickets, Borschevik violates the established ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oilsThe fruits and leaves of Borshevik are caused by severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more complicated to fight him than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today there was a means capable of short term Get rid of your plot from most weeds, including from Borshevik.

Carrots are of different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and licopene prevail, yellow due to the presence of Xantofilles (Lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. We will tell about the best early, middle and late grades in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy cake recipe with a delicate chicken and potato filling. An open cake with chicken and potatoes is an excellent diet dish that is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it out on wooden surfacehaving previously released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is a start period of active vegetation, and for most - and the return of their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Densitive conditions and universal, all indoor cultures are faced with much more bright lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature modes.

Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake the cake can not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. The cake in a frying pan will not be so high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.

He is also interested in the fact that his fruits (Thaivin) are used in food with young, not matured (radiant). So, it is not necessary to wait for the crop ripening, and from the end of spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables in the menu. On her beds, it is better to grow grade and hybrids of zucchini, resistant to diseases and to changes in weather conditions. It eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest with any weather. It is about such zashchka varieties and will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is a time when the first bloom of plants in gardens and parks begins. Unchanging solts that have entered into their human rights - bulbous primroses. But amonges decorative shrubs You can meet such that will delight fragrant colors, animating the still inconspicuous garden. The main rue of beautiful decorative decorative shrubs is per month May, most of them, as a rule blooms in mid-May.

People take care of the purity of the dwelling and that their positive energy is surrounded. Houseplants bring great benefit to man: they clean the air, green color It has a positive effect on the mood and they perfectly decorate the interior.

But there are flowers that are of particular importance for a person.

Useful indoor plants for home

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a certain plant corresponds to each residential premises. But there are also those considered universal - suitable for any room.

Listed plants are considered universal and can be put in any room.

Kitchen plants

For landscaping of this room, resistant temperatures are sustainable, inconsolable to the care that do not need constant spraying and drought-resistant.

Kitchen plants must be hardy and well cleaned air.

Attention! You should not turn the kitchen in the jungle - enough one - two colors to maintain sufficient humidity.

Plants for children

For children, you need to choose plants that first of all will be useful for health. And this means that they should not cause allergies, neyovy, and care for them should be quite simple. After all, how much pleasure can deliver the child a flower growing!

Note! So that the baby is more interesting to care for green friends best if interesting will be selected flower pots. This will make it possible to form a right attitude towards nature.

Bedroom plants

Select bedroom plants, you need to be guided by the same principles as for the children's.

    1. Mirt and Eucalyptus perfectly copble with air purification. They also remove the bronchial spasm, so they will be especially useful for asthmatics.

    1. Spathifylum.
    2. refreshing the relationship between spouses.

    1. lowers the content of harmful substances in the air. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and sends oxygen.

  1. Kalanchoe.

Attention! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is best in the bedroom to place plants of red, symbolizing mutual love and consent.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

All of the above plants have a positive energy, create a favorable home atmosphere. Especially it should be noted:

    • Spathifylum;

  • Hibiscus;

Plants that do not keep home

There are a number of houseplants that are not suitable for the house. This is due to the fact that they allocate poisonous substances that can be dangerous to an animal or man.

Also, many disputes cause some plants negative energy. In this case, we can say that everything is individually, and opinions on positive or negative energy can be subjective.

In addition, poisonous juice The above plants allocate only if they are broken, and the juice is harmful when it is used inside. Those. If there are no children or animals in the house, and you like the flower, you can start.

In general, it is best to focus on your own taste and a feeling of pleasure. Useful plants Houseplants serve not only for air purification, but also to create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere.