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Goji Berries (Lucium Barbarum) - Useful properties and contraindications. Goji berries goji origin

Goji berries are also known as lighter, originally from Asia, are already known for more than 2,000 years as a healing plant, but they began to acquire popularity only in 2014. This is for the plant where it grows, what to do with it, useful properties and contraindications - all this we will consider in this article.

What is goody

Goji berries are the fruits of the Rederesa plant, which is common mainly in China and Russia, often seeks. They relate to wolf berries, but are not poisonous. These are small, oval, orange-red fruits with a few wrinkled texture. The food is usually used dried.

What to do with them? For many centuries, they were used as a medicinal plant, and in particular for tinctures. On the beneficial properties of this plant, contraindications, harm and their use as superfud - you will receive answers to all questions.

Beneficial properties of berries goji

The caloric content of berries is large enough for fruit - 375 kcal per 100 grams, without saturated fats and contain about 32 grams of carbohydrates. They are often confused with Barbaris, due to the shape and smell, but the taste of G. is not so pleasant, and contains a lot of small bones. These berries are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • vitamin C;
  • fiber;
  • iron;
  • vitamin A;
  • zinc;
  • antioxidants.

They contain 18 amino acids, of which 8 irreplaceable and 21 trace elements. Berries contain antioxidants, in particular, beta-carotenes that help our immune system will strengthen, and contribute to the development of erythrocytes. This is one of the few vegetable products with a high content of proteins - 100 grams of berries Goji contain 10% daily norm. Carbohydrates are complex, and therefore, the level of sugar in the blood does not increase, and the energy from splitting enters the body evenly. The beneficial properties of berries Goji provide a lot of benefit to our body, but unfortunately have contraindications and can harm.

Contraindications for receiving berry year

Despite the fact that the product is very useful, as any other, it has a number of contraindications, and is strictly prohibited for using pregnant, nursing breasts and small children (up to 3 years):

  • may cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, since 100 grams contains 170% of the daily rate;
  • sometimes they cause allergic reactions, and it can acutely affect the baby, with breastfeeding and on the fetus itself - up to miscarriage;
  • it is impossible to use at elevated pressure, together with aspirin and other anticoagulants;
  • it is impossible for heavy stages of diabetes or at a low blood sugar;
  • people with oncological diseases;
  • in case of kidney disease - stones can form.

Since the berries themselves have become popular in 2014, a sufficient number of clinical studies of the product is not sufficiently carried out, and our doctors do not know goodness and cannot give high-quality consultation regarding contraindications to use.

Good benefits

Of the composition itself, it becomes clear - health benefits This product brings a lot and replacing Godji by other products is quite difficult. They are grown and sell as superfood, often can be found as part of a cream for face and skin, masks, hair balms, and so on. Often take for weight loss and quite successfully. If you use Goji's berries correctly - get a maximum benefit and avoid harm to the body. The benefits include:

  • increase in general immunity and influenza resistance;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce pain in arthritis;
  • helps to clean the liver;
  • replenishes the balance of hormones in the body and benefits during menopause;
  • for a long time, the berries of the men used as a means to improve the erection, spermatozoa mobility - a healthy alternative to Viagra. They also raise testosterone;
  • facilitate insulin resistance;
  • improve vision, reduce stress;
  • they bring separate benefits for skin and hair - Goji contain beta carotene, which stimulates skin renewal, and are a tool for rejuvenation. Berries reduce the effect of the Sun on the skin, and often on their base are created natural masks, balms and creams for leather and hair;
  • fight with free radicals that cause cancer. In Western countries, it is customary to take them as a prophylactic agent, since they are able to inhibit tumor growth and even increase the effectiveness of treatment;
  • useful to lose weight - the fact is, the berries have a low glycemic index and a load for a long time retaining a feeling of satiety. Add them to flakes or to yogurt will be much more useful than apple or other dried fruits.

It is not necessary to abuse this product, it is atypical for our region and diagnose an allergic reaction can be quite difficult. Goji berries are a good addition to food - a daily rate of 30 grams. The excess of this product in the diet is able to cause harm.

Harm berry goji, side effects

If you are a reasonable person, take berries correctly (no more than 30 grams per day) and you are not contraindicated, they do not bring harm. If we take for weight loss too much (the most common cause of excess) is possible side effects in the form:

  • screwing in the intestine and diarrhea, pain in the stomach;
  • insomnia is possible;
  • increased pressure and blood dilution. When combining these factors, capillary bleeding, blood from the nose is possible.

The harm from the use of a risk group is very significant. Better avoid their use without a nutritionist or doctor

How is it right and when there are berries goji?

It is better to eat in the morning. They are digested long enough and if you eat them for the night - problems can arise with sleep. Usually eat the berries of Goji dry, as an additive to yoghurts, smoothies, porridge and flakes for breakfast. Less often use for sauce, desserts and baking, salads and tea brews. I repeat - a normal amount for the health of the body is 15-30 g / day.

Sold as fresh and dried. Before buying, trying to taste, because the sellers often deceive the sellers in force with Barbaris. The ideal option is to buy dried fruits of Goji via the Internet from the manufacturers. Many companies sell them as superfood.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

What is berries goji and where do they grow?

For Americans and Europeans goji berries are a fashionable novelty, but in China, they have already been known for several thousand years. Goji, or a Chinese, called Tibetan barberries and wolf berry. This is a plant from the Parenic family - creeping shrub with hanging down soft vines, reaching lengths of 3-8 meters. Fruits of shrub - red juicy berries.

Although this plant has more than 40 varieties, it is believed that only one grade it has wonderful properties. This variety grows on plantations in Tibet and Himalayas 3000 m above sea level. On the Internet you can find information that the Chinese is a rather widespread medicinal plant. In Russia, they grow mainly wild grades or varieties of Goji, but in their useful properties they do not give way to practically nothing exotic relative. In addition, they are used in medicine not only fruits, but also roots, and plants bark.

Goji - poisonous plant! Fresh berries take into hand not recommended: The skin due to the strongest oxidative reaction immediately turns. To collect berries under the bush on Earth, the fabric is spread and sticking the ripe fruits, which are then dried in the shade.

Berries after drying do not represent any danger. The taste of sweet-salty fruits may be acidic. But not their taste is important. Goji berries have a unique composition.

Researchers discovered 18 amino acids in them (8 of which are indispensable), 21 minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, germanium, selenium, zinc and others), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E, C), carotene, polysaccharides and a significant number of other biologically active substances.

Just just one tablespoon on the day of these miraculous berries to ensure the human body with the necessary number of all vitamins.
Juices and extracts from Godji lose their healing properties and the ability to strengthen the body.

Benefit and harm berry year

Useful properties in berries goji a lot:
  • beta-carotene contained in them (vitamin A predecessor) contributes to improving the vision and condition of the skin;

  • due to the high level of ascorbic acid content (vitamin C) and iron, Goji berries strengthen immunity and are a means of preventing sharp respiratory diseases; For example, in lemon vitamin from 500 times less than in Berry berries;

  • berries are used and when treating anemia - after all, they contain iron several times more than apples, beef liver, buckwheat, spinach and other products;

  • the adaptogens (biologically active substances) contained in the fruits improve the adaptation of the human body to adverse environmental impact, increase stress resistance, contribute to improving memory and improving physical endurance;

  • antioxidants contained in the fruits slow down the processes of the body's aging, so the berries of Goji are called longevity berries;

  • the use of berries Goji reduces blood sugar levels, so they can be used in the treatment of diabetes; Regulation of carbohydrate metabolicism and improvement of digestion using miraculous berries contributes to a small degree of weight reduction - it is not random nutritionists with any diet recommend to use the infusion of Goji's berries;
  • according to some data, berries have anticancer properties, due to the high content of Selena and Germany in them.
  • Based on the foregoing, Goji's fruits are recommended for regular use in diseases of the liver, kidney, patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Useful berries of Dereza ordinary will be all unbalanced people and in general, who are concerned about their own health and want to live a full-fledged, long life.

    But longevity berries can cause harm to the body. First of all, it concerns allergic manifestations, because Goji berries are quite strong allergens.
    In some persons, after eating berries, especially in large quantities, the appearance of a liquid chair and increased gas formation is possible.

    Excess dose of berries can lead to insomnia even with those persons who have never had sleep disorders. If a sleep disorder appeared when using fruits of Dereza, it is better to eat them in the morning.

    There are no clear research on the interaction of berries of Goji and drugs, there is no reports of strengthening the effects of drugs that reduce blood pressure. Berries may enter into interaction and change activity also preparations for the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, patients with hypertensive disease and diabetes must be consulted with a doctor about the possibility of inclusion in the berry of Godji. Berries can enhance the effect of anticoagulants (drugs lowering blood intake) and cause bleeding.

    Application of berries Godzhi

    Indications for use

    Goji berries can be recommended for use with:
    • atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease;

    • diabetes;

    • kidney and liver diseases;

    • anemia;

    • headaches and dizziness;

    • chronic fatigue and frequent stressful situations;

    • constipation (due to bowel atony).


    Contraindications for receiving berries Gomezhi little:
    • Do not take them in individual intolerance and at high temperatures.

    • To refrain from the use of berries, it is also necessary to persons with allergies for vegetables and fruits having red, yellow or orange color, as well as people with a tendency to diarrhea.

    • It is not recommended to give berries to children up to 3 years.

    It should not be in a hurry to use the fruits of the blas of ordinary with malignant tumors. It is explained by the fact that malignant diseases develop against the background of a serious failure in the immune system. Therefore, a stimulating effect on immunity, which is rendered by Goji berries may have a negative effect on the course of the disease. Before using the berries, you need to discuss this issue with your doctor.

    Opinions about the possibility of using berries Goji during pregnancy and breastfeeding are ambiguous. Supporters of widespread use of berries recommend pregnant to use berries as a source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. And nutritionists recommend a very careful approach to such advice, referring to the fact that berries contain in large quantities of selenium, which can lead to a delay in the development of the child.

    How to take Goji berries?

    Goji berries can be obtained in our country most often in dried form. A handful of berries can provide the body with all the necessary substances. We use berries in different ways: just in a dry form by adding to yogurt, to a cocktail, ice cream, meat dishes, in baking or brewing with berries tea.

    In a dry form, eat 15-45 g 1 time per day.
    For cooking tea (infusion) with berries, one must take 1 tbsp. Dry berries, pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. The cooked healing drink should be drunk at 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day. Berries from Doma can simply eat, and you can add to soup or porridge.

    Berries goji for weight loss

    Losing a few extra kilograms only with the help of Goji is unlikely to succeed. Fruits will only help if the use of tea with berries (without sugar) is combined with diet and sports.

    The main merit of the healing drink is that it will benefit on the metabolism and will increase the vital tone. It is because of the effect of the normalization of metabolism and the normalization of digestion, one is recommended to use slimming. This effect is rather not to reduce weight, but to its normalization: thin people are gaining weight, and full losing weight.

    But it is impossible to forget that it is possible to reduce weight when you follow the diet-like diet and not forget about sports training. It will not be possible to reduce the weight, if the healing drink is made of chocolate candies. But in any case, tea from Godji will give strength and improve the mood.

    Recipe for weight loss: 1 tablespoon of berries Godji pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. The drink is divided by 2 times and drink half an empty stomach in the morning, and the second half is before the night bed.

    Effect of lowering appetite

    Sweet and flour products with high calorie content do not have a large nutritional value, but trigger a hormonal reaction leading to an increased appetite.

    How does this happen?

  1. You absorb sweets and flour and the body quickly sucks sugar into blood;

  2. Blood sugar rises;

  3. Because of this, the pancreas dramatically throws a large amount of insulin into the blood;

  4. Sugar levels quickly drops;

  5. You again feel the need to eat - "drink a seagull with sweet";

  6. Everything is repeated in a circle.
Therefore, if you use something sweet, it should be natural, have a high nutritional value and a low glycemic index.

Glycemic index of Goji and other products:

  • Goji- 29.

  • Apple - 38.

  • Orange - 42.

  • Banana - 25.

  • Raisin - 64.

  • Watermelon - 72.
In addition, berries are a source of nutritional fibers and chromium, which help effectively control blood sugar levels.


Despite the fact that the healing properties have only the berries themselves, and not extracts of them or juice, people use the berries of Goji and in the form of wine, and in the form of tinctures.

The most common recipes for healing drinks:

Who seeks will always find. When searching for a couple of words "Goji Berries" in any of the search engines - knocks out a link to Wikipedia with an article titled "Tereza ordinary". We all have a familiar plant, almost weed, the fruits of which in the people it is customary to call "wolf berries" - is widespread in our latitudes. What attitude do the most legendary "Goji berries" have to our dereres? Very simple: "Ninxia Gowzi" is a Chinese plant that is as much as possible to European Deresu. In some provinces of China, this plant is called in its own way "Ninxian Derezoy" (we would have sounded so). Periodically, in the dictionaries, another word is found in the title, which is the prefix and is written as "Goji". Hence the whole history of origin to similarity of these two plants.

Goji Wikipedia berries

Growing berries

Dereza Ningxian is actively grown in the Chinese regions of Xinjiang, Shanxi, Gansu. In some territories - the cultivation, care and collection of berries of this plant is the only business that settlers are engaged in there. We also have a wild plant that do not eat, rather, as a source of some medicinal substances. The signs know and actively use the "wolf of the berry" when preparing various drugs. The Chinese - went further and assured all the conservative Europe in the fact that it was the berries of Godji who can give a person to implement the dream of a beautiful and slim body (without torturing itself on jogs and in the hall).

Goji Wikipedia berries


Ordinary Russian Dereza is a small bush that rises above the ground at a distance of three and a half meters. Leaves and stems - bright, rich green, branches have small spines and leaves of the oblong shape. Flowers Dereza ordinary small flowers of pink color, the petals of which are similar to the rest of the leaves of the plant. Berries on this shrub appear in the period from May to September or into broader lines - it all depends on the territoriality and climatic characteristics of the region. A berry that matures - is a bright scarlet, ellipsoid fruit. He is assembled at the very end of the season, he almost can not peresray.

Goji Berries in Chinese Medicine

In China, the berries goji all the time, how much medicine exists - they were considered for free antioxidant and medicine from pain "at the bottom of the body." This could include genitals, organs of the urine-sexual system, even joints. Immediately from these products - manufactured (and do to this day) a very popular national alcoholic drink. At the same time, many are confident that even a bit of passing with this miraculous drug - a person will never harm himself. Today, enterprising Chinese made berries with our unreal ordinary - panacea from all diseases. They are treated not only the problems of the "lower body", but also all the other available!

A very interesting phrase can be found in the same Wikipedia, in the material about Dereza. It is indicated that the berries of this plant is not in the composition of Vitamin C. On the Internet, the mass of information that the berries of Goji are filled with vitamin C 500 times rich more than ordinary orange or lemon. An example is simple - in order to equally satisfy your body as the same amount of this vitamin, as in the case of a conventional apple - it is worth drinking 13 glasses of juice or tea, boiled on berries.
So believe after this sellers "Placebo."

The berries of Goji are rich in the content of chemical elements, antioxidants, vitamins that give the healing properties of the fruits.

The following trace elements are contained in suites:

  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • germanium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • cobalt.

Germany prevents the reincarnation of cells into cancer. Therefore, Goji is adopted as an anti-monocological agent. Medicine has not yet confirmed the hypothesis of exposure to DNA molecules. Magnesium and thiamine give the antidepressive properties of the berries of G.

Increased vitamin C content increases the protective properties of the body, beta-carotene contributes to improved vision. Vitamins of the group in: B1, B2, B6, B9 are important in improving the metabolism and normalization of the nervous system.

Vitamin E, in excess in the fruits, contributes to the rejuvenation of the body. A large amount of iron helps to increase hemoglobin.

Unique properties of the fruits give:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • polish acids omega-6, omega-3;
  • monosaccharides;
  • polysaccharides.

Linoleic acid burns fat, which allows the use of fruits for the engine.

Beneficial features

It is believed that the reception of one tablespoon of berries Goji per day provides admission to the body of all the necessary elements, raises immunity and protects against infection with viruses and infections.

Known antioxidant properties of Goji. Due to the binding of free radicals, cell rejuvenation occurs.

Eating in food improves the composition of the blood, contributes to the production of red and white blood tauros.

When taking berries, blood pressure comes to normal, blood vessels are strengthened.

Polysaccharides normalize blood glucose levels, which helps to reduce cholesterol and normalization of sugar content at the initial stage of diabetes.

The use of goji fruits increases the number of lymphocytes, which increases the protective properties of the body. For the content of antioxidants, more than many foods. Impact on the body:

  • Applied to the treatment of foaming
  • Supports intestinal microflora
  • Cleans the liver
  • Displays excess fluid from the body
  • Improves metabolism
  • Normalizes hormonal background.

For women

Tibetan barbaris perfectly solves health problems in women, alleviating menstruation pain. It is recommended to take during the climax. The reception of the berry of Goji improves the condition of the skin, acts rejuvenating on the body. Increases sexual attraction. This is a good assistant to regulate the psycho-emotional state of the woman.

For men

The magic berry of Godji is able to return a potency to a man, as the use of the body increases the body's tone, improves the production of genital hormones. Enhances the quality of sperm. This is an excellent means of treating infertility. Men using Tibetan Barbaris marked the enhancement of sexual attraction, an increase in the erection time.

For weight loss

Goji Berry - Low-calorie product. Due to the combination of vitamins, antioxidants use in food allows you to achieve good results when weakness. The reception of the fruit of Godji contributes to the appearance of a feeling of satiety. Vitamin B2 improves metabolic processes in the body. Antioxidants contributes to the improvement of oxidative reactions in cells. Due to which there is a conclusion from the body of all harmful substances. Product reception should be combined with physical exertion to achieve maximum effect.

Slimming is achieved by:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excretion of slags and liquids from the body;
  • reduced appetite.

How to accept

Goji berries are taken into the food in the dried form.

There are restrictions on the reception: on the day it is recommended to use no more than 40-45 g. It should be started with small doses, several berries per day will be enough for a start. Gradually, the dosage increases to 8-10 g. The use of more is better to start, consulting with the doctor.

Take better in two adhesives: the first half of the portion is eaten on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon the remaining part.

For pregnant women and children, the dose should be one third of the total.

You should not take a product after 6 pm, as they have a tonic property, the probability is not sufficient at night.

There are many ways to eat berries Godji. Pour fruits like dried fruits. You can brew. For this, the daily dose of pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes and use one third of the glass three times a day.

Chinese barberries can be added to dishes to improve taste in:

  • porridge;
  • ice cream;
  • salads;
  • baked.

Make an alcohol tincture of berries: for this handy of fruits pour one liter of alcohol and insist 7 days in a darkened glass dishes. Take 20 ml per day, diluting with water.

It is also possible to use berries Goji in the form of juice.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the abundance of useful qualities, Goji berries can harm when:

  • unlimited use;
  • admission for the night.

There are contraindications to use when:

  • pregnancy, since berries possess stimulating property;
  • lactation, in order to avoid active substances to a child with mother's milk;
  • low pressure, as it reduces pressure, it is possible to deteriorate the state in hypotonics;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • increased temperature.

You should not use the product to children under 3 years old, as well as people suffering from allergies.

How to choose and store

When buying berries, Godji should be asked: from which country they are delivered. Preferably fruits from Tibet, as they have more useful properties.

Good berries must be firm to the touch. Do not have to be soft and sticky. If the berries have a bright red color, then this speaks about fake. They must have an orange tint. The similarity with the fruits of Barbaris can lead to an erroneous purchase. So that this does not happen, you need to remember that Barbaris has inside one elongated bone, and there are many small yellow grains inside. If they are packaged in bags, then you can shake and look at the contents: if the berries are crunchy and scattered in different directions, then the quality is low, it is better to refuse the purchase.

To find out whether these fruits are real, you need to throw a handful of water if the berries on the surface, which means that you are a genuine product.

Store fruit preferably in paper and canvas bags in a dry, sun-protected place. Perfect qualities in glassware. You can keep in the package from the manufacturer.

Goji berries are the fruits of Lycium Barbarum and Lycium Chinense, two closely related species of Dereza from the Parenic family (which also includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, beauties, chili peppers and tobacco). These two species are aboriginal for Asia.


Goji - these are deciduous wood perennial plants, grow 1-3 m in height. L. Chinense is grown in the south of China and usually somewhat shorter than L. Barbarum, which is grown in the north, primarily in Ninxia-Hui Autonomous Area.

Leaves and flowers

Leaves of Goji berries are formed on shoots either in alternating order, or in bundles of 2-3 sheets, each of which has either lancing (in the form of a spear) or egg-shaped form. Leaves 7.0 x 3.5 cm with blurred or rounded tips. Flowers grow in groups of 1-3 flower in the sinuses of the leaves. A cup (torn in growing berries) consists of bell-shaped or tubular cups, which form short, triangular shares. Lavender or light purple wrenches, 9-14 mm wide with five or six blades, shorter than tubes. Strined stamens, with threads, longer than anthers. Anthers reverently dropped. In the northern hemisphere, bloom occurs from June to September, and the ripening of berries - from August to October, depending on the latitude, height and climate.


Bright orange-red berries, ellipsoid shape, 1-2 cm in diameter. The number of seeds in each berry varies depending on the variety and size of the fruit. In the berry can be contained from 10 to 60 tiny yellow seeds compressed with curved embryo. In the northern hemisphere berries ripen from July to October.


The name of the genus Lycium (Dereza) is derived from the anatomous southern region of Anatoly Lycia (Λυκία). In pharmacological reference books, the fruit is called Lycii Fructus, or the "Frup of Dereza". In English, Goji's berries call "Wolfberry", and the etymology of this word is unknown. According to one version, this name happened from the name of the root of Mandarin, GOU, which means "Wolf", or as a result of confusion in the name of the genus Lycium, which resembles the Greek word Lycos, denoting the wolf. In the English-speaking world from the beginning of the 21st century, the name "Goji berries" is used. The word "Goji" approximately reflects the word GǒUQǐ, denoting the view of L. chinense in several Chinese dialects, including Hawk Kjen and Shanghai dialects. This name may occur from the same roots as the Persian word Gojeh, meaning "plum / berry".


Since the beginning of the 21st century, interest in Goji berries is increased due to their novelty and nutritional value. Their worship as "super-fruits" led to their abundance in the market. In traditional medicine, it is believed that the fruit of the entire or its extracts can have numerous health effects, which is still not proven scientifically.



Most of the berries produced for sale are grown in Ninxia-Huieu autonomous area in the north-central part of China and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the west of China, where they are grown on plantations with a total area of \u200b\u200b200,000 acres. Cultivated in fertile apparent floods of the Juanhe River for more than 600 years, Goji's berries from Ninxia earned a reputation in all of Asia for their premium quality. Sometimes these berries are called "red diamonds". The Ningxia Region is recognized as the largest supplier of Goji berries in China, and provides 39% (13 million kg, 2001) of gross bodies in the country, the total value of which is estimated at about 72 million pounds (33 million kg) in 2001. In addition, sales of berries Goji are increasing in Chinese regions of inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi provinces, Shanxi and Hebei. When ripened, the abnormal, red berries are very gentle. Their collection should be accurately and separate the whole fruits from the juice to avoid their damage. The fruits are dried in the sun in open trays or mechanically dehydrated with the use of gradually increasing thermal effects within 48 hours. Every august the annual festival is held in Ninxia, \u200b\u200bwhich coincides with the day of the harvest of berries of Godji. Initially, the festival was held in the capital Ninxia, \u200b\u200bthe city of Yinchuan, however, since 2000, the festival was held in the Zhongning district, an important center of growing berries of Godji. Since the borders of Ninxia merge with three deserts, Goji berries are also planted to combat erosion and soil desertification.

Use of pesticides and fungicides

Chlororganic pesticides are usually used in commercial cultivation of berries. Goji to reduce damage to thin insect berries. Since the beginning of the 21st century, FDA has discovered high levels of insecticide residues (including phenvalrata, cypermethrin and acetamipride) and fungicides (for example, triadimenol and isoprotyolane), on some imported beodies of Chinese production, which led to the confiscation of these products. The Green Food Standard of China, which is managed by the Chinese Center for Natural Power Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, has really allowed the use of some pesticides and herbicides.

Great Britain

On June 18, 2007, the UK Food Standards Agency analyzed the history of fruit consumption in Europe until 1997, and crossed out Goji's berries from the list of new food. Currently, the sale of Goji berries in the UK as food is the legal, as the Food Standards Agency reports. The Agency, however, expresses concern about marketing claims regarding the potential benefits of these health berries.

Import of adult plants

Importing berries Goji to the UK from most countries outside Europe is illegal, in connection with the possibility that these berries can serve by carriers of diseases attacking grated cultures, such as potatoes or tomatoes.

Canada and United States

During the first decade of the 21st century, Canada's farmers and the United States began to grow more industrial scales for potential markets for fresh berries, juice and products of their processing.


Berries Goji are usually sold in open boxes and small packages in dry form.

Culinary use

Dried Goji berries traditionally undergo heat treatment. Dried berries are often added to rice decoction and almond jelly, as well as used for the preparation of Chinese tonic soups, combined with chicken or pork, vegetables and other herbs, such as wild yams, astragal membrane, Codonopsis Pilosula and licorice root. Berries are also brewed to prepare herbal tea, often together with chrysanthemum flowers and / or red yuyuba or with tea. Also produced various wines containing the berries of Goji (called Gǒuqǐ Jiǔ), including wine, which are a mixture of grape wines and berries of Godji. Young shoots and leaves of berries Goji are also collecting and selling as hardwood vegetables.

Preliminary medical examination

In a preliminary study, it was found that the Berry Polysaccharide-protein complex may exhibit biological effects that may be associated with the benefit of human health, including supporting the immune system and prevents some forms of cancer, neurotoxicity and oxidative stress.

Security questions

There are two published clinical cases describing the state of older women, namely, increased bleeding, after receiving a certain amount of berry berries. Further testing in vitro has shown that such tea is hampered by metabolism, which indicates possible interaction between and the uncertain phytochemical components of the berries. The toxic alkaloid contained in other representatives of the Parenic family is contained in Goji berries. Concentrations in berries from China and Thailand are variables, the maximum content is 19 parts per billion, which is significantly lower than toxic level. Nevertheless, the possible presence of samples with a higher level can explain the difference with early measurements that have demonstrated much higher indicators. Potentially, harmful interactions can be observed with a joint admission of Goji berries with other drugs, such as drugs, metabolizing enzymes of cytochrome P450 liver. Such preparations include, or drugs for the treatment of diabetes or hypertension.

Microelements and phytochemical compounds

Goji berries contain many nutrients and phytochemical compounds, including:

11 irreplaceable and 22 trace dietary mineral 18 amino acids 6 vitamins 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides 5 unsaturated fatty acids, including indispensable fatty acids, linolete and alpha linolenic acid beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols of 5 carotenoids, including beta carotene and zeaxanthin, Lutein, Licopene and Cryptoksanthin, Xantofil Numerous phenolic pigments (phenols) associated with antioxidant properties

100 g of dried berries contains:

Calcium - 112 mg, providing about 8-10% of the daily dietary consumption of potassium - 1132 mg, providing about 24% of daily dietary consumption of iron - 9 mg (100%) zinc - 2 mg (18%) selenium - 50 μg (91% ) [[Riboflavin | riboflavin]] (vitamin B2) 1.3 mg, 100% [[vitamin_s | vitamin C]] - from 29 to 148 mg (respectively, 32% and 163%)

Berries also contain numerous phytochemical compounds, the daily consumption rate of which was not installed:

Beta carotene 7 mg / 100 g of dried berries Zeaxanthin - from 2.4 to 82.4 mg per 100 g to 200 mg per 100 g. Higher values \u200b\u200bare made by Goji berries with one of the richest food plant sources containing Zeaxanthin. Up to 77% of the total number of carotenoids present in the berries of Goji, there are in the form of zeaxanthin. Polysaccharides - proteoglycan polysaccharides are the main component of Goji berries, and provide up to 31% of the weight of the flesh.


berries_godzhi.txt · Last changes: 2016/04/05 15:28 - Nataly