Repair Design Furniture

The harm of polluted air to health. How to clean the air with household purifiers? To keep the air clean ... It must be cleaned! How to clean the air from pollution in nature

Basically, problems with clean air prevail in big cities. The air is polluted with exhaust gases, various fumes and dust, industrial emissions, etc. This air enters our homes, accumulates in the premises, people breathe it, sometimes without even suspecting that their health is gradually beginning to deteriorate precisely because of the polluted atmosphere. Most people do not even know that a simple air cleaner, bought or made with their own hands, can solve this problem.

So, in order to get rid of small particles present in the air, many methods have been invented for its purification. But they are all united by one operating principle: the flow of contaminated air is sucked into the unit, passes through a filter (it can be water, electrostatic, carbon or other) and blown out by the fan, already cleaned of contamination.

The figure below shows the principle of operation of an air purifier, in which several cleaning phases are combined, where air passes through a coarse filter, an ionizer and a UV emitter. Further, the air stream collides with water, which picks up dust particles, and leaves the unit already humidified, clean and with negatively charged oxygen ions.

A large number of devices are on sale, both of a complex design and of simpler ones that successfully purify the air in rooms. But for some consumers, the price for them may seem very high, and therefore they tend to improvise and make such devices with their own hands. You can hardly design an electronic device at home using high technologies. But it is quite within the power of a home craftsman to assemble some simple models of air purifiers.

Air purifier options

First of all, it should be understood that the design of the air purifier depends on the conditions and for what purposes it will be necessary to use the air purifier. For example, if the room has normal humidity, but dust flies in the air, then you can remove it by making car filter purifier like in this video.

Dry room air purifier

In rooms with low humidity, in addition to cleaning from dust, it is required to raise this humidity to values ​​at which a person will feel more comfortable, namely up to 40-60%.

A simple device for these purposes is easy to assemble by yourself, and it will consist of a plastic container and a cooler from the computer. This is done simply.

Wet room cleaner

The increased humidity in the room also brings a lot of problems: the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, the rapid growth of mold fungi on the walls, damage to furniture and musical instruments, etc. Also, high humidity is harmful to the garage, or rather to the car in which you keep it. To dry and purify the air, you will need to use materials that can absorb excess moisture. The simplest material is the usual salt.

Before using for these purposes, the salt should be roasted for several hours in the oven. Only then will it most effectively absorb moisture from the air.

A homemade device for cleaning and drying air is done in the same way as for humidification, but with slight differences:

  • high fan speeds are not required (salt will scatter around the container), so charging from a phone with a 5V output will be enough;
  • instead of water, a thick layer of salt 3-4 cm is poured onto the bottom of the container.

However, technological progress does not stand still, and a more effective, moisture-absorbing material has been found - this silica gel... You met him when buying shoes - these are bags with small balls.

Silica gel is a non-toxic substance made of silicon dioxide.

Care should be taken if there are small children in the home. Make sure that the child does not eat this substance, as it may contain cobalt chloride - a poison if taken internally.

Silica gel can be bought in different packaging in Chinese online stores. The advantage of this agent over ordinary salt is that for the efficient operation of the unit, a much smaller amount is required.

Some types of silicon dioxide have special coloring as shown in the following photo.

This dye acts as an indicator: when the crystals are dry, it is blue, but when the substance absorbs maximum moisture, it turns pink. To restore the crystals, they are placed in the microwave for 8 minutes at the lowest power. Based on these data, silica gel works more effectively in devices that purify the air from moisture.

Purifier with carbon filter

The use of activated carbon for air purification is indicated when it is required to remove unpleasant odors from it, for example, when it is necessary to get rid of tobacco smoke. Also, coal is effective in removing some of the toxic substances dissolved in the air. A simple charcoal cleaner can be made from plastic pipes, but first you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • two meter sewer pipes (waste), diameters 200/210 mm and 150/160 mm;
  • adapter (ventilation) - 150/200 mm in diameter;
  • plugs for 210 and 160 mm;
  • metal mesh (you can use painting, with a small mesh size);
  • clamps;
  • agrofiber;
  • aluminum tape;
  • about 2 kg of any activated carbon;
  • drill with attachments;
  • sealant;
  • large needle and nylon thread.

The figure below shows what the adapter, plug and pipe looks like.

Below is an algorithm for performing the work.

  1. Cut the outer tube (200/210 mm) to 77 mm and the inner tube (150/160 mm) to 75 mm, remove all burrs.
  2. Turn the inner tube with the thick side up and cut off the rim so that it fits better against the plug.

  3. It is necessary to drill as many holes as possible on the inner pipe. In this case, the drill diameter is 10 mm.

  4. Drill holes in the outer tube with a 30 mm bit.

  5. Do not discard the circles remaining after drilling, they will still come in handy for the spacers.

  6. Both pipes should be covered with agrofibre and sewn with nylon thread.

  7. Next, wrap the outer pipe with a painting net and sew it using 2 clamps 190/210 for convenience. They will ensure a good adhesion of the mesh to the pipe. It is required to stretch the mesh first from the thick side of the pipe.
  8. Sew the entire length of the mesh with a slightly curved needle and nylon thread, rearranging the clamps as you sew.

  9. Remove the protruding ends of the mesh with nippers, and the excess agrofibre with scissors or a blade.
  10. The inner pipe should first be wrapped with a metal mesh, and only after that with agrofibre.

  11. Secure the edges of the pipes with aluminum tape.

  12. Insert the inner pipe into the plug exactly in the center, using spacers made of circles, then fix it with either mineral wool or seal.

  13. Insert the inner tube into the outer one.

The next step in making the filter will be refueling it with coal... It is recommended to use AR-B grade of 5.5 mm coal. But another one is also possible, for example, the one that is used to purify water with a fraction of 2.5 mm.

Before refueling, the coal must be sieved through a sieve to remove fine dust from it.

Coal is filled up slowly so that voids do not form. The filling will take about 2 kg of coal. When filling, it is required to knock the pipe on the floor from time to time so that the filler fills the entire space evenly.

When the space between the pipes is completely filled, put on the adapter, which will act as a lid to hold the charcoal in place. Then, using sealant, seal the small gap between the adapter and the inner tube.

At this stage, the assembly of the air cleaner is completed. After the sealant has dried, a duct fan can be inserted into the adapter so that it draws in air from the filter and blows it into the room. Also, this filter can be applied to the home by embedding it into the supply ventilation line.

Thanks to him, clean, odor-free air will enter the house.

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Today, more than ever before, there is the issue of air pollution with harmful substances. Air purification is the highest priority due to the high level of pollution, the main cause of which is human activities, in particular, the development of industry, agriculture, and an increase in the number of vehicles.

The daily volume of emissions of harmful substances (gases, harmful impurities) that react with atmospheric gases (O2, N2) lead to a change in the composition of the air and an increase in the amount of CO2. Various changes in the atmosphere lead to the emergence of acid precipitation, which negatively affects the soil, soil, flora and fauna. In addition, such precipitation leads to the gradual destruction of architectural objects, structures, buildings, equipment.

A significant contribution to air pollution is made by industrial production, which was put into operation several decades ago, and still functioning today, without a modern air purification system. Very often in underdeveloped countries there is no equipment for air purification, which leads to a real environmental disaster in the surrounding areas.

Means of protection of the atmosphere

Let's highlight the main measures for cleaning atmospheric air and protecting the atmosphere from harmful anthropogenic influences:

  • Implementation of modern environmentally friendly production processes. Creation of low-waste or closed technological cycles that contribute to the complete elimination or significant reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Preliminary purification of the raw materials used to reduce harmful impurities in its composition. The transition to alternative energy sources that do not have any harmful components that pollute the atmosphere, or have a minimum content of harmful substances. Transition from internal combustion engines to alternative motors: electric motors, hybrid, hydrogen and others.
  • Implementation of treatment facilities. The means of protecting the atmosphere from the harmful effects of human life should include methods of air purification with the help of treatment facilities, which will minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere in production and in agriculture.
  • Implementation of sanitary zones. SPZ - sanitary protection zone - a strip of territory that separates an industrial zone from a residential one. Earlier, during the construction of industrial and residential facilities, practically no attention was paid to the use of sanitary protection zones, which led to the placement of an industrial and residential area nearby. The establishment of the CVD, its length, width, and area are determined based on the amount of harmful impurities released into the atmosphere.
  • The introduction of the correct architectural and planning division implies the correct location of industrial production and residential buildings: taking into account the terrain, wind direction, highways and other types of roads.

Cleaning methods

Today there are various methods of cleansing, we will highlight the most effective.

Ozone method

The ozone method is used to purify atmospheric air from harmful emissions and deodorize emissions from industrial plants. This is done by introducing ozone, which accelerates oxidative reactions. The time of gas contact with ozone to neutralize harmful components is from 0.5 to 0.9 seconds.

The average cost of using ozone as a deodorizer and purifier is up to 4.5% of the power unit's capacity. Such air purification from harmful substances is usually used not in industry, but in the processing of animal raw materials (meat and fat factories), as well as in everyday life.

Thermocatalytic method

Based on the use as a purifier - catalyst. In a container (reactor) containing a catalyst, toxic gaseous impurities are purified. The catalysts are usually: minerals, metals, which have strong interatomic fields. The catalyst must have a stable structure under the reaction conditions.

This method effectively removes odors and harmful compounds. It's quite expensive. Therefore, the main trend of recent years is aimed at the creation and development of inexpensive catalysts that work effectively at any temperature, in any conditions, are resistant to toxic compounds, and, in addition, are energy efficient, with minimal operating costs. The use of catalysts as purifiers is widely used in the purification of gases from nitrogen oxides.

Absorption method

It consists in dissolving a gaseous component in a liquid solvent. The contaminant is released with a liquid that is used once. This is how mineral acids, salts and other substances are obtained. The plasma-chemical method consists in using high-voltage discharges as a purifier, through which a contaminated air mixture is passed. Electrostatic precipitators are used as equipment.

Adsorption method

It can be called one of the most common, especially in the United States. Purification of the air space from harmful impurities based on adsorption has proven its effectiveness in industrial operation.

Special systems, where the main adsorbents are sorbents, oxides and activated carbons, allow not only to remove odor from bad-smelling flue gases, but also significantly reduce the content of harmful substances in them, and then perform catalytic or thermal afterburning in order to achieve maximum results. Especially this set of measures is often used in the chemical, pharmaceutical or food industries.

Thermal method or thermal afterburning

From the name it is clear that the purification of harmful emissions consists in their thermal oxidation, at a temperature of 750 to 1200 ° C. This method achieves 99% gas cleaning. Of the shortcomings, it should be noted the limited use.

This method is effective for cleaning gases containing solid inclusions in the form of: carbon, soot, wood dust. If the emissions contain such impurities as sulfur, phosphorus, halogens, then the combustion products when using the thermocatalytic method in their toxicity will exceed the original ones.

Plasma catalytic

A new method that combines methods of air purification from harmful substances: catalytic and plasma-chemical. These measures for air purification from harmful substances are well studied and widely used in practice, and this method is new and highly effective. There is a two-stage cleaning through the reactors:

  1. Plasma-chemical reactor in which ozonation takes place.
  2. Catalytic reactor. At the first stage, harmful impurities pass through a high-voltage discharge, where, interacting with the products of electrosynthesis, they pass into environmentally friendly compounds. At the second stage, there is a final purification by means of synthesis for molecular and atomic oxygen. The remains of harmful substances are oxidized by oxygen.

The disadvantage of this method is its high cost and mandatory preliminary cleaning of the air from dust. Especially with a lot of content.


The photocatalytic method of air purification from harmful substances also belongs to the modern, innovative, which are being used more and more often. An apparatus for air purification based on catalysts made of TiO2 (titanium oxide), which are irradiated with ultraviolet light, is used. This method is widely used in household air purifiers and is one of the most effective ways to purify incoming air.

Cleaning criteria

Indoor air purification is very relevant today for many people living in the city. Its quality leaves much to be desired, therefore, not only industrial cleaning of production products has been actively developed, but also household air cleaning from odors, harmful substances, tobacco, dust.

To obtain a high-quality and clean indoor air space, you need equipment with high-quality and efficient filters.

Filters used

Basically, several types of filters are used:

  • coal
  • aquatic
  • ozonizing
  • photocatalytic
  • electrostatic

Each of the types has its own disadvantages and advantages. Efficient models of purifiers always use not one, but several different air purification means (multi-stage cleaning). You can be offered air purifiers with beautiful color displays, paws, indicators, but these functions do not affect the cleanliness of the air in the room.

For air purification to be truly effective, and money is well spent, always choose an air purifier with several types of purifying components. The more there are, the better it will perform its function. With devices with a multi-stage filtration system, the air humidification function will be very effective. This will not only make the air fresh, but will also allow you to control the level of humidity in the room yourself, will allow you to more effectively cope with the purification of air from tobacco smoke, eliminate dust and unpleasant odors.

Climate systems are widely used instead of devices for purifying atmospheric air. They are multifunctional devices that combine three functions:

  • cleansing
  • humidification
  • ionization

Climatic complexes have a higher cost than conventional purifiers or ionizers, but the quality of air purification in the room where the climatic complex is installed is much higher.

Popular manufacturers of climate control systems that are used for industrial air purification, as well as for air purification in restaurants, hotels, shops, offices or apartments, are well-known world brands: Panasonic, Daikin, Midea, Boneco, IQAir, Euromate, Venta, Winia and others. ...

Before buying air purifiers and climatic systems, carefully read their characteristics, performance and functionality.

It is known that a person can live without food for more than one month, without water - only a few days, but without air - only a couple of minutes. So our body needs it! Therefore, the question of how to protect the air from pollution should occupy a priority place among the problems of scientists, politicians, statesmen and officials of all countries. In order not to kill itself, humanity must take urgent measures to prevent this pollution. Citizens of any country are also obliged to take care of cleanliness. It only seems that practically nothing depends on us. There is a hope that through joint efforts we will all be able to protect the air from pollution, animals from extinction, forests from deforestation.

Atmosphere of earth

Earth is the only planet known to modern science on which life exists, which became possible thanks to the atmosphere. She provides our existence. The atmosphere is, first of all, air, which must be breathable for people and animals, free of harmful impurities and substances. How to protect the air from pollution? This is a very important issue to be resolved in the near future.

Human activity

In recent centuries, we have often behaved extremely unreasonably. Mineral resources are wasted ineptly. Forests are being cut down. The rivers are drying up. As a result, the natural balance is disrupted, the planet gradually becomes uninhabitable. The same thing happens with air. It is constantly polluted by all sorts of things that enter the atmosphere. Chemical compounds contained in aerosols and antifreezes are destroying the Earth, threatening global warming and related disasters. How to protect the air from pollution so that life on the planet continues?

The main reasons for the current problem

  • Gaseous waste from factories and factories, in countless volumes emitted into the atmosphere. Previously, this happened generally uncontrollably. And on the basis of waste from enterprises that polluted the environment, it was possible to organize whole factories for their processing (as is done now, for example, in Japan).
  • Cars. Burned gasoline and diesel fuel form which escapes into the atmosphere, seriously polluting it. And if, at the same time, we take into account that in some countries there are two or three cars for each average family, one can imagine the global nature of the problem under consideration.
  • Combustion of coal and oil in thermal power plants. Electricity, of course, is extremely necessary for human life, but getting it in this way is a real barbarism. When fuel is burned, a lot of harmful emissions are generated that greatly pollute the air. All impurities rise into the air with smoke, concentrate in clouds, spill on the soil in the form of this, trees, which are intended to purify oxygen, suffer greatly.

How to protect the air from pollution?

Measures to prevent the current catastrophic situation have long been developed by scientists. All that remains is to follow the prescribed rules. Humanity has already received serious warnings from nature itself. Especially in recent years, the surrounding world literally shouts to people that the consumer attitude to the planet must be changed, otherwise - the death of all living things. What do we have to do? How to protect the air from pollution (pictures of our amazing nature are presented below)?

According to environmental experts, such measures will contribute to a significant improvement in the current situation.

The materials given in the article can be used in the lesson on the topic "How to protect the air from pollution" (grade 3).

Many of us are seriously thinking about how to improve the quality of perception of life and try to change not only the world around us, but also the air that we breathe, in connection with which an urgent question arises: how to make the air cleaner?

To solve this problem, today there are two main ways: one is to plant houses, and the other - supplementing or replacing the first - air purifying devices around us by means of ionization and other technologies, supported by large-scale advertising campaigns, videos and tempting discounts, which turn, almost into a panacea for all possible ills.

Today we will consider them in detail ...


What kind of air we breathe at home

The air we breathe is not at all like the one described by smart books and encyclopedias. In addition to the main line-up, it contains hundreds of impurities, thousands of smells and aromas, useful and not so ...

For example, indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, and the degree of pollution can exceed these indicators by several times. And, as a rule, the average person spends fifty to sixty percent of their entire life indoors.

We do not see all this, but our body feels it very well, we begin to "think worse", we feel tired, and our internal organs are slowly and steadily poisoned by our own "exhaust" exhalations.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that periodically ventilate the room where you are, live, work, sleep. A portion of the street air with its not entirely pure composition is even more useful than the air filled with our "exhalations".

It becomes clear to the naked eye that in order to be healthy, something needs to be changed, and this is "something", first of all, air around us.

Here is the time to remember about air conditioners and other air cleaners, the purpose of which is to directly create a microclimate in the room and clean the air.

Devices that make the air clean

1. Conditioners

2. Home air purifiers

The basic functions of the air cleaners provide for and dust removal, elimination of flower allergic pollen, air purification from tobacco smoke, destruction of viruses and bacteria, elimination of unpleasant odors and odors, decomposition of harmful substances, filtration of small particles(animal hair, for example). Sounds tempting, doesn't it? But all this information only applies to quality !!! air purifiers. Otherwise, we are threatened with too zealous saturation of the air around us with nitrogen and ion, and, as you know, that is unnecessary, it is no longer healthy ...

Besides air purifiers are several types - photocatalytic and filter.

Photocatalytic air purifiers

The most effective are considered to be photocatalytic air purifiers. The air in them becomes cleaner by the principle of photo catalysis, harmful substances contained in the air decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation to absolutely harmless. The cleaning rate is constant and consistently high and reaches ninety-five percent. But, such an air purifier definitely cannot cope with exhaust gases. In order to somehow rehabilitate this drawback, the manufacturers of such devices confidently declare that their purifier will certainly cope with viruses and gases. There is an opinion that the efficiency of a photocatalytic cleaner is five hundred times higher than an ordinary filter one. The service life of such a cleaner is four to seven years.

Filter air purifiers

Based on the name, we already understand that the principle of operation of such a purifier is based on the use of filters, which can be quite different. For example carbon filter(its main component is activated carbon) performs deodorizing and adsorption functions, copes with the removal of odors and gas impurities. Mechanical filter, looks like a fine mesh, does an excellent job of filtering air for dust and wool. Nero filters- this is already more serious, they are created on the basis of fiberglass, capable clear the air from the smallest impurities by almost ninety-nine percent. But electrostatic filters do their job well clean the air from small dust particles(in the operation of such a filter, the principle of attraction of oppositely charged and polar ions is used). The filters in these air purifiers are replaced several times a year.

The operation of any air purifier is, of course, limited by the corresponding technical characteristics, but as a rule:

  • - the performance indicator is from one hundred eighty to four hundred and twenty cubic meters of clean air in one hour (the cubic capacity of a room is considered the product of length and width and height, in meters);
  • - limitation of the area of ​​action - thirty-five square meters.
Rapidly developing technological progress brings not only more and more benefits, but also more and more problems. Perhaps the most important problem is environmental pollution, which undermines our health. Scientists have found that already now 80% of its resources, our immune system spends on neutralizing harmful environmental factors. And this percentage will only increase.

What to do? We have been trying for a long time to eat environmentally friendly food, purify or buy clean water. Harder with clean air. We always need it. Without food, we can live for several days, without water - less. How long can we not breathe?
Therefore, air purification is very important, especially in rooms where we spend most of our lives, and where the air is much more polluted than outside.

And now a person who has matured to the recognition of the vital necessity of purchasing an air purifier comes to a specialized store. But here his eyes just run wild. Most of all are represented by air ionizers, which are also considered as purifiers. But they only attract dust. And gas molecules ionize. But, if ionized oxygen becomes more useful, then harmful gases - even more harmful. The already purified air must be ionized.

There are many more types of air purifiers, such as water purifiers or wet spinning discs, but they all collect only dust. Gases are collected by activated carbon. But air purifiers with charcoal also have disadvantages. First, coal begins to collect gases with a molecular weight of more than 40. And the most common exhaust gases in the city consist of carbon and oxygen molecules of masses 12 and 16, i.e. in total, less than 40. This means that even a gas mask does not save you from exhaust gases. Secondly, coal picks up pollution in the amount of 7-10 percent of its mass and stops working. Filters need to be changed, but they are expensive, especially imported ones.

But how does nature itself purify the air? It, unlike us, does not accumulate and does not bury pollution, but simply breaks it down. There is a process called photocatalysis. On some chemical compounds, harmful gases, odors, even bacteria and viruses decompose under the influence of sunlight. It is known that all organic compounds are 95 percent carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Air pollution collapses on these atoms, and the elements immediately combine into carbon dioxide and water. Thus, photocatalysis is a natural phenomenon, as a result of which complex and harmful organic molecules are converted into simple and harmless ones. Only nature itself can no longer cope with the increasing amount of pollution.

Photocatalysis, like photosynthesis, was studied by scientists more than 100 years ago, but so far it has not been possible to create a device that works on this principle. About 20 years ago, this problem was solved by the Novosibirsk chemist professor Evgeny Savinov. He dealt with the fundamental problems of solar energy and natural photocatalysis. His daughter suffered from allergies. He tried all the filters available then, including the HEPA brought from America. Nothing helped. Then Evgeny Nikolaevich took the powder of a photocatalyst, since he worked at the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a tanning lamp and a fan. Made a device and placed it in my daughter's room. This installation turned out to be quite noisy and cumbersome, but the girl stopped coughing and began to sleep well.

This device became the prototype of unique photocatalytic air purifiers and disinfectants developed by Russian scientists. Since they use a natural phenomenon, they:

Firstly, they are completely safe and can even be placed over the baby's bed.

Secondly, the spectrum of their action is extremely wide - from exhaust gases, any odors and chemical compounds to bacteria and viruses.

Thirdly, they are economical. Household appliances only consume 40 watts and are designed for continuous operation.

Fourthly, they do not require any replaceable elements, since they do not accumulate anything, but decompose to carbon dioxide and water.

We have been using photocatalytic air purifiers in our Moscow apartment for a long time. I can tell you about existing models, how to choose them, how to use them effectively, where to buy and how much they cost. But this will already be an advertisement.

Remember this word - photocatalysis. Let's help nature fight pollution by starting from our own apartment. And we ourselves will be healthy.