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Attacks of people. What does attack or a sudden attack in dream of dreams

It is unlikely that someone managed to live life, never being attacked at least unfriendly peers in school years. For our ancestors, the ordinary thing was the attack of large animals, which now happens quite rarely, but the memory of it is stored in our consciousness.

Therefore, the dreams about the attack of people or animals are very common and belong to the category of anxiety. Usually after awakening, the dreams are experiencing a state of excitation, fear, heartbeat and other unpleasant symptoms. Nevertheless, the dream of the attack is far from always refers to the category of bad, moreover, it often foreshadows good luck.

Noborian dream book N.Grishina. What does the dream of attack mean?

Seen in a dream attack or attack speaks of danger to be disgraced lies, the temper of honor.

Modern dream book. How to interpret the dream "attack"?

If a young woman dreamed that she was attacked, her threatened big trouble, most likely in his personal life. The dream in which you attack yourself may be a reaction to what you were accused of indecision. To learn in a dream about the attack - a sign that you need to be ready for enemy miscarions that can cause tremendous harm.

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov. What dream of an attack?

If you are attacked in a dream, you will soon get very important, although incredible information. If you attacked yourself - you will talk badly about you.

Dream Miss Hasse. What predicts a dream about the attack?

Make an attack in a dream - to threaten your honor; To be attacked - get unexpected.

Dream Sigmund Freud. Meaning of sleep about attack

The attack symbolizes sexual intercourse. If in a dream attacks anyone, it speaks of his sexual activity, as well as a tendency to Sadizm. Participation in the group attack - a sign of insecurity in which the right advice is required, psychological support or a sexually active partner. Sleep, in which the dreams are attacked, speaks of his tendency to sexy fantasies. For a woman, such a dream speaks of sexual dissatisfaction, which entails her tendency to conflict.

Esoteric dream book. What did the attack dreamed?

Sleep, in which someone attacks you - the reflection of your fears and fears. If you attack you - beware of overestimate your capabilities, listen to the advice of competent people.


The dream about the attack says, first of all, about the large emotional denunciation tension caused by domestic nonpects or problems at work. A dream about an attack of an animal can warn about an unexpected attack of a detractor or on external influences that will be difficult to resist.


Dreamed that Ukraine was subjected to a chemical attack of the United States. In the sky flew a lot of US aircraft and sprayed some kind of nasty. At that moment I came to my grandmother and we were hiding under the blanket. We were very scary. Chaos reigns everywhere.


The United States in your psyche symbolize one of the competing aspects of the person. Another aspect is symbolized by Ukraine. Dreams [Many US aircraft] of the first aspect negatively affect the existence of another [Ukraine has undergone a chemical attack]. You react in a childish stereotypically [and we are twisted together with her.] Conscious life is disorganized [everywhere chaos]. In the following dreams you need to wait for the retaliation of Ukraine.


04.04.02. Today I dreamed that I went on the dark street and two guys, about my peers attack me with the goal of robbery. I'm trying to shout twice, call for help, but my voice is heard, although my mouth does not close. One of them snatches my bag and runs away, the other remains near me and asks where the money and everything is what they could be reached. Here I throw a look at my hand and see the golden ring on it, the cat. I was presented with my husband (this is a rally fact) and that I still have quite a lot of gold, but they did not notice it. For this, to keep at least this, I say that all the money and mobile phone remained in the bag and that other it is necessary to catch up or Return, and at this time I take off the gold, I try to remove it away and I manage to do it imperceptibly. Further the picture changes, it becomes light, I'm already going to a taxi, mine at the station, because Dolzna was going to her husband in his hometown, but here I remember that I was robbed and money for a ticket I did not have. Cartoon changes again , I suddenly get either in the cafe, or in the store, there are many people there, someone will dress at the tables, someone stands next to the dream of the wind (with cell phones) and nearly my friend's friend, cat. I say: "I can buy this expensive phone," I remember again that I have no money. Further everything is pretty messy, but suddenly, those two guys will appear before me, they robbed me, Return a bag and more good and pleasant-warm faces, they begin to suit me, hug me and all this so gently and odd. Then I'm not already knowing where, I'm going to a taxi, but for some reason, despite the experts of these guys and the return of my bag, that I clearly remember, I am still thinking that I have no money and convulsely start rummaged in a bag where I find three borrowings on fifty rubles and I will gladly understand that now I have enough money for everything. On this my sleep ended. EVE. 21g. Pool-women.


It dreams, it means that some person attacked me (adult man). The case was in some kind of apartment (perhaps in mine). I fought off, and it turned out that I hit the person very much, he lay in front of me, and in my hands I was an ax. Clearly remember, I thought that I could not kill him in general. But then he shoved and rushed. Head flew off. I took this head, I put it somewhere and decided to get rid of it, so I did not plan me (for some reason it seemed that they would not be determined by the body, or the body would not find any). I come home, there is my whole family there, closing in the bathroom and I think where to go head. As a result, put it in a black bag for garbage and went to another area to throw out this package. I would not say that I was terribly because I committed a murder. It was not even especially disgusting for a severed bloody head. By the way, the head was like Caesar .. Very unpleasant dream. I am a female, a dream dreamed of 15 years.


In a dream you can be frightened. Wake up of surprise and get frightened again, but what if it's not a dream? ... Arrow quietly soldered and stuck in the wall right between the legs. Well, of course ... launched by a strong hand. He taught pancake, to use onions on his head ... Yes, and the bow in this world I was brought ... that we sleep, then you caress. But they refuse them. Have you ever seen sowing monkeys? ... wild people, I am silent, as it stinks, strange! I have no sense of smell, but it seems to me stink. They never wash and the residues of food smear face. And what are their faces ... not, I can't so much! How to overcome a vomit reflex when you do not have a body? I do not deny that I am the same as they, but for me they are all one sex! Strong, arrogant and absolutely nothing fear. Joker. ... I taught them to weave from plants and skin, do something on the selection of mail. So in general, this literature :)), it became completely similar to people. This is of course it says loudly, but ... Persons where they are sledding? It is necessary to find a metal, at least wire. The skin does not go, they want to eat all the time! Something increasingly chew and chew, I have long forgotten what it is ... What am I talking about? Oh yes! I do not have the means ... ... Wire masks, for these diagonal faces came to be very much. They liked them so much that they slept in them, drank ... in one word gotta. :)) ... I need to remember that I am looking for this piece of sushi, from all sides by framing clouds and color evaporation, it seems that it is an island in the clouds. The greenhouse effect pops up some kind of name ... ... the ruins remained on this island of ancient civilization. For savages, it does not mean anything, caves and that's it. How difficult it is to rummage in memories, and certainly you need to find at least one of the former residents of this plot of strange land, and it is local. … THERE IS. I remembered it was called the room, and under the thick layer of web, dust and mold should be left on the wall and under the soil. Residents of these places were very big. Carriers of wicker clothes crowded in the middle of the room and was observed as me, a piece of herself, feeling almost a living wall. I am a shaman, not the leader is not, just the beast of another breed. Somewhere very high on the wall ... I was lucky. THERE IS. The wall had a not characteristic ledge in the form of a square. It was only worth starting to tear off her vegetation cover, like this bastard ... shot from Luke. Hefty arrow braided her legs. ... So I'm not alone in this world. It certainly pleases. Envy, this is an engine of any development ... it became a warning. WE'LL SEE! :)) I did not pay attention to the noise and a fight that my warriors arranged. While they did not break the head of his onions - they did not calm down, and the shot was good ... :)) Picture ... Frame, muddy glass, paper from behind ... The voices in the consciousness were whisper, looked on the interruption. Running paper I took out the pack of fragile plates. People, children, family ... Here! The photo of the house and the attachments will now be easier, there was a workshop here, was it really lucky? ... Now my living critic goes in wire masks. And I feel much better and distinguished by the ornament. I taught them to weave the ring with metal inserts, from the horns of animals to make Luke ... ho! Well, this is a whole people - war! :)) I have to come up with a name for them, I'm talking about them - Maggie. It was a piece of sleep ... theft is encouraged !!! :))


It's hard to remember everything, but here are some moments from sleep. This dream, like many others, was quite realistic. For some time, I lived a large segment of time, full of mysticism and realism at the same time. He lived with parents in an apartment with large windows view of some square. And now, one day there was a green-yellow screen with a triangle, in which it was reported that all people will be captured and destroyed in a matter of hours. I did not understand what was going on, and went out. There I met friends and we are located at the tables in an open summer cafe. Nothing foreshadowed troubles: there were a lot of people and everyone looked quite careless. In the crowd somehow, I saw it: dark, but not too hair was carefully combed in a girlish haircut, low growth, slim, dressed like most girls: T-shirt and jeans. But I could not consider it better, but even more so approach, because The panic began. Everyone fled somewhere, rumored rumors about strange invasion, real monsters began to appear in the city. I logged in various entrances and apartments (the doors of the apartments were revealed to the lash), Monsters were attacked everywhere and every time different. The idea slipped in my head: they are the same different as we are - people! So, rolling from one of the streets, illustrated by smooth stones, and descending on the stone staircase, I almost did not become a victim: I as if someone lured into this porch seemingly a long-abandoned house. I felt it and did not become, especially since I noticed that I noticed a dark-skinned man-like monster, who ran after me, preparing to attack. It turned out to break away from it easily and I again walked around the summer cafe near my house. There were much less people there: many fled down the streets with horror in the eyes. And then I saw the fact that the fear was inspired in them: it is not known where peculiar projectiles flew from, which, scattering, produced two glowing sprockets the magnitude of Sladom. Once alone, they were singing panic. And then I saw how an explosion occurred in the distance from me, which, but did not harm people. However, those people who were close enough from him came to horror and seemed to be crazy. The most impressive turned out to be what I saw further. People one after the other as if blown, the skin was spawned and there was turning them into monsters! That is why they are all so different - as we are people! From everywhere heard a cry of incomprehensible gas. The worst thing was Wet that now these monsters hunted people. They from somewhere appeared weapons appeared, I produce small shells with two asterisks. I hurried to my house. At home, my father told me that gas turns people into monsters and with the help of a small gas spray with gas you can try to delay. Going out on the street, I found that people have become much smaller. And here the crowd swept the crowd, in which I saw her and frozen and did not run. It seemed that she also noticed me. Our views briefly met, but that I saw a monster. I decided to destroy him even at the cost of my life. I deployed face to the enemy and sending a spray to him right in the face. Released, as it seemed to me, at least half of the contained gas. But the monster just scratched a terrible grimace and as if grinning released a jet out of weapons, which moved into the two stars into the air smoothly. I began to run together a pillar and began to come to myself a little, clogged in the elevator. We spent the night at home with the light off, barricading all the approaches (the benefit that it was not the first floor). On TV, there was still a message that the end came to us. It was a terrible, restless night, all the details of which I do not remember. In the morning, looking out from under the closed curtains, I will not see any person. But here they appeared those who captured: it turned out ... People !!! That's this way: people in the taped forms are in advance with the same strange weapon. They walked one by one by one. On TV, the same message was still issued about our death. And someone noticed that our house is not empty. A few seconds, we broke to us ... Shot and I saw how smoothly in the air at a distance of an elongated hand, two bright stars were batted from me. Rushing from all his legs to go, I heard a soft cotton and felt the heavy smell of gas ... "Just do not breathe" - I flashed in my head and I found myself on the street. The strong smell of gas spread even beyond the house. My parents died ... it heard here: "Let's come here! For the obstacle, the gas will not penetrate so quickly, "someone grabbed me for the sleeve and dragged for the sidewalk. It was she. A minute later I came to my senses. We talked no more than a minute, but I remember what I remember. I remember the ending: "Why didn't you run?" - "I looked at you and wanted to protect." Tears rolled down with her eye and then she rushed into my arms. It seems to have lost her relatives for a long time. Then there was the most unforgettable kiss ... What if he was the last? So sad look all my life your libov, and finding, enjoying it in the last moments of our life ... And then we have noticed us. Shots followed, in the air they steam and alternately exploded the magnetic asterisks. I once again felt a sharp smell of gas. This is the end ... What can make human against the whole army? ... The last thing I saw, it was like she died ... The invisible enemy triumphantly victory when we were not ... The only thing that flashed in my mind was thought: "God, how it is ? Why now? "... And then I woke up. It was hard to believe right away that ZTO is just a dream. And I didn't ask her name, after all ... Do not be surprised that some moments are lowered or blurred, while others are described quite accurately. According to the law of sleep, it is quite difficult to recall the full content of dreams, and the further, the more events are forgotten (as a rule, two or three days). And since such mystical dreams, I have time to play from time to time, I decided, according to Freud, write something from him.



Reasoning until I can come up with ... Too much albeit. I can only say one thing: in Iraq at that time, Baghdad was stormed, I worked on the eve and did not sleep almost did not sleep, in the love sphere at that time there were many disappointments ...


I came to the queen of the Northern Kingdom, I have an unpleasant news, there is an invasion. This is the Slavic army. The fact is that most of the troops of the queen and almost all the military officers are also Slavs and many are ready to move towards the enemy. I know that twenty or one hundred and twenty thousand almost betrayed us. There is no chance of victory. I am listening to the queen and oracle- (small white bird in a cage). The bird confirms my words, and asks to call all the commander here. The military monitories are included, a person fifteen twenty. Oracle is transformed, I hear only his angry loud voice. He accuses everyone in betrayal that they are willing to make and commit. Its speech is very valid at all. Everyone is suppressed lowered their head, they are ashamed for what they do. From speech oracle, I understand that the loyalty to the Queen will save only seven. This number includes Oracle himself, Queen and Ya. Trying to find an explanation to this sleep. I accidentally went to your site.


On the night of January 11, 2007, I had a dream in which I went with a group of tourists to some exotic country, the jungle circle, the heat. Suddenly they attacked us, everything happened so rapidly that I could not understand who attacked and consider them. All around died, I was left alone. I am going on the grass, around one corpses, I am scared, hurt and find a note written by one of the tourists of our group, an elderly man. In the note, some kind of text and the name of this man and some other woman (I did not remember the names). I go further and suddenly the jungle end and an advanced field, and there is something like an ancient temple on the hillock. I was glad that I found at least some kind of shelter, sit down at the stage of the temple and the snake will lie down to my feet, alike, but very poisonous. I can't move in horror, I look at her as in the trance and suddenly I understand that the soul of this elderly person who wrote a note was united in this snake. I'm still afraid, but still I begin to understand that nothing bad I do not make me. As if in the confirmation of these words I see how Cobra crawls to us and this snake was driven. The sleep ended in the fact that I took it and returned to my home. And the snake began to live at home.


I remember the scraps of sleep in some kind of secret-secret organization for the safety of land. We are lecture that some civilization, seated its agents to blow up the land. Their civilization was on the severity of the development of others. Show the star card of the sky, the Milky Way and the small galaxy aside from the total "star cluster". This civilization destroys the rest to conquer the whole world. The map shows which civilizations already destroyed. Our land will blow up with six bombs that will be laid in sarcophagas. These sarcophages, very similar to the sarcophages of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, will be "donated" by our land from that civilization. Our task to detect and neutralize these bombs. Then show their weapons - "Fire powder". Powder - fuel self-replicable substance. Show how this powder is lit with purple flame. When combustion, the powder increases in geometric progression. We meet representatives of that civilization. They, insidious, give us a sarcophagus - a stone slab with an image on the lid of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Then there are an adventure with these sarcophagi, but I never remember saved the world or not.


The plot is breathing in itself, but it is quite a serious sense. Sarcophages may mean some old ideas that have learned landmarks or installations are not excluded imposed or brought from the outside (association with mummy). Violet fire is apparently emotions that flash when contacting these settings. The death of our civilization - I think we are talking about the so-called "inner universe", the ideological space of a person in which all interesting processes occur. You are exempt from what you think that you have learned. New aggressive civilization - I think some actual ideas are currently relevant to you. And the earthly civilization is your model of perception of the world to be broken. If you dug deep, then, apparently, new ideas have entered the conflict with old, hence and purple flame.

Personally add from myself that the other day (more precisely, at night ???) I saw a dream with no less fantastic shudge. But there conflicted groups of scientists. Single thing! I still can not solve.


What about sarcophagues (the same coffins) I have similar associations. Mummy are devastating programs buried in the subconscious. It is known that negatively experienced life experience (stress, suffering, terrible experiences, etc.) instinctively driven by a person in the subconsciousness so that the memories and scrolling of past events were not tormented by him. But these mummies (hidden subprogrammes) are gravily influenced by thoughts, behavior and all further life negatively. "Sarcophagi" and "Mummy" speak of very old abandoned subroutines. There are special psychothechnics "Foccaling these corpses" and the destruction of harmful subroutines. Six bombs are, apparently, 6 negative qualities (such as hatred, malice, etc.) or events, the filing of which, indeed, will destroy the inner world (or as a person). Powder with purple fire, apparently, speaks about the chain irreversible reaction that arose after "opening of sarcophagus.


From the Personal Archive: 04/23/08 The second was even more interesting - also fantasy, but already with elements of modernity! I dreamed that we are with the people, I do not remember who was next to me, we walk on some snow-covered hills. And some creatures are attacked on us, we ... well, what can modern people who are in such a situation naturally dug !!! We run so that the heels sparkle, run for some hill, and here we see a huge statue of the dragon from ice, not long ago the statue was a statue, the ice begins to crack, falls off with solid pieces, and in front of us with the roar appeases a huge Fire Dragon! (very spectacular, by the way)))). I understand that he slept for a very long time, and awakened him! He accelerates those suspicious species of creatures, but it clearly does not sympathize! I understand the case of rubbish! It is so left, he is doing things here! Need to do something!!! Here the memory throws me to the decision - I already had a dream! And I know what to do! Dragon should be put on the needle!))) To make it an injection, I know where there are three ampoules and one-time syringe! I do not remember why the first 2 ampoules, but the third reduces! It will be the size of the palm! In a dream, this heroic feat made some kind of man Kamikadze, risked his life! Well, I somehow did not want to risk myself, but nothing to do! Needless !!! For some reason, we are transferred to the entire honest company, with a dragon from the snowy prairies to my treache! The dragon decreased somewhat, and fell apart in the hall on my sofa! Watching a TV! Indeed, why do the dragon do not like me in the hall and do not watch TV?))) Suddenly there is something interesting)))). I run to the bath, I find a washing machine, a syringe, ampoules, like a charted nurse, reveal, I type, as I remember the syringe, there was 2 cubic insulin! And with the syringe, I go to the dragon! He suspiciously asks - "What is it?" I - "Cross!" He is "why?" I am "Well, you walked how much! Times changed! You have no immunity! And now what is just not wandering! So many contemporary diseases !!! Let's take at least the same bird flu !!! AIDS? " Dragon clearly does not trust me! Nervously turns the tail! I leave the syringe! With the words - "Well, how do you want !!! I'm right here for the sake of you try !!! Here catch the infection, then do not complain! " And I calmly go out of the hall, the people sits, peeping out! And here they are told - "Lenka !!! He is injected! " I think so as long as he has not decreased, now it will understand what happens to him, and I don't have to decide on, you need to sink, save yourself to your love !!! Run and lock in the toilet! It will break to me on the door - I hysterically watched the "busy"))))), the door handed over !!! Thanks to the masters, I put the manufacturers !!))) then over time, the strength of the blow weakens, weakens! And when the weak scratch is heard, I boldly go out! In front of me, the red small one flies with the palm, hits, trying to handle her hair and shared))))

I was surrounded by adolescents like me. Tolpi students or everyone was on the street. I am surrounded by people. We were visible apparently. We were students who went outside to ventilate. For the same teenagers participated in the attack. Ponvzhovshchyna, they simply began to cut. students around the screams and blood. I tried to escape and was injured in groin. But I remember this blow from under the harvest. Then this pain and try to escape from the scene of the events with me next to people seem to be my acquaintances in a dream. And the dream I see How do we sit in some conference room as many students and suspicious teenager in the hood. In the dream, I understand that it can repeat and he is a murderer, grab the next girl and we run before the start of the massacre. Let's hear screams across a second crowds of those who run away for us. What moves are trying to get out into the street. I'm trying to dial the emergency room
And all the dream ended. Momed please, very unpleasant sleep, apparently I cried in a dream

Such a plot, as an attack with a knife, dream interpretation in different ways. The meaning of this vision depends on many nuances: to whom the plot was discouraged, what exactly did a man - attacked or was a victim, the details are important. For example, a dream in which a person escaped from the attacker, interpreted differently than the one in which she failed.

What does sleep value depend on?

The value depends primarily on the one who thought it was - a woman or a man, a child or an elderly person. Floor and age are important moments for understanding sleep, but far from the only one.

The value of human classes is important. For example, if a woman sees a dream, an attack in which is performed on her, or she herself acts as an aggressor, then interpretation directly depends on the genus of her classes. All old dreams, such as the collection of Miller, Islamic and others interpretation, under the term "woman" imply a custodian of the focus, a leading house and the farm for funds produced by a man.

Accordingly, if a dreamy, actively under the career, is looking for decryption in any of the old dreams, it finds a value that the subconscious mind has invested in the vision. Working women, and even more so those who work in senior positions and have subordinates, you need to watch the men's sections of dreams, it is there that they will find the correct meaning of the preceded symbols.

In the event that the work in the life of a woman is present, but it is easy and is more likely to have a significant source of income for the family, both values \u200b\u200bshould be viewed. Truth will be per allotting. Exactly the same approach is relevant for men. If a person is not a getter, but exists on cash earned by a woman, the meaning of the doned should be looking for not in the men's sections of old dreams.

What else is important for understanding?

In addition to age, the genus of classes and gender, for the right understanding of the meaning of dreams, it is necessary to take into account personal circumstances, the life situation, the psychological state, the microclimate in the family and many other nuances, which only a person can know about.

In addition to what characterizes a dream in real life, it is important to understand the meaning of the item, the details of the plot. It is in trifles that the key lies to the right interpretation, regardless of which a dream book is used for this. The attack is only part of all you need to try to remember the characteristics of the knife - large, small kitchen, fantastic, hunting, special or some other. The knife itself is a symbol found in the oldest dreams, so he needs to pay attention.

It should be remembered and the entire plot as a whole, of course, taking into account the details. For example, if the victim runs away from the attacker - barefoot it does it or in shoes? If in shoes, then what? It is absolutely all of the fact that the sleeping sees. No values \u200b\u200belements in a dream are erased, missing. That is, if it does not matter exactly where the victim runs away from the attacker with a knife, then the dreams will not remember. But if there is a place - a castle, sewage, urban streets, a labyrinth, a forest or something else, then you need to remember. Sometimes the plot unfolds in a particular place that exists in the present life, such dreams are preventing.

What dreams of a man's attack on a woman? For women

Such nuances are important for the right understanding: was the familiar person or abstract confined? Was it a famous person or an unfamiliar person who managed to consider well and remember the features of the face? Dream Interpretation Attack a man with a knife on a woman interpreted ambiguously.

In the event that a completely abstract person is attacked in a dream, or a maniac, then this Gosse foreshadows the appearance in the near future the strongest fan without any particular advantages. When a woman is haunted by a woman familiar to her, this dream means that a person needs to pay attention. We are not necessarily about flirting or female attention, it is possible that familiar is required to participate or help.

If with a knife in his hands, her spouse or close friend rushes to the lady - this is a sign of ambulance associated with jealousy, tested by a man. Such a dream may impose the case of domestic violence or the beating of a woman on the soil of jealousy. Or maybe just warn that the man is jealous and this is the source of his distrust of a woman.

If a well-known personality is thrown in a dream on a woman, then such a vision foreshadows attacks from the public. The exact value of the vision can only be understood with the fact that the person appears in it, and how a woman belongs to this person.

The stranger, who managed to consider - sleep prophetic. He has no meaning of anything that happened in the plot. Of course, it is not necessary that the future of the future attack on her maniac. But the man whom she saw in such a dream is a source of danger, diseases, injuries or other troubles.

Attack a man on a woman? For men

Men attack dreams for various reasons. For example, if in a dream a man plays an active role and strikes a knife on the body of his wife or girlfriend, this speaks of his spiritual discomfort, resentment, insolvency, weakness. In all this, a man blames a woman and takes off her anger in a dream. That is, such a Gosset is the game of the subconscious.

If a man observes an attack from the side, it prevents real life events. This means that the dreams will witness an offense or a crime. Dream Interpretation The man's attack on a woman observed by the side interprets and as the foresight of injustice, the eyewitness of which will sleep.

If a man took a knife in a dream and, while she pursued the sacrifice, it cut himself, then it foreshadows the unsuccessful manifestation of the initiative. If the woman is abstract - a dream talks about work, and in cases where the spouse is dreaming - about the family.

Attack women on a man? For women

Such a dream is usually talking about the active life position of a woman and its "male" behavior in life. But understanding depends on the details and development of the plot. If a woman attacks the one who pursues her, then it is a positive, good sleep. He foreshadows the ambulance permission in life, relevant to a specific period of time.

If a woman itself exhibits aggression and pursues a man, then the meaning of sleep depends on whether the victim is familiar with her. Pursuit of the spouse means distrust of a person in reality. If the victim runs away, then disbelief is not empty. If a woman manage to hurt a man, and he doesn't even resist, then this suggests that all doubts are in vain and only offend a close friend.

Attack women on a man? For men

The value here lies deep in the subconscious of the dream. As a rule, similar dreams are the consequences of strong mental injuries derived from female in childhood or in junior. If nothing like this was, and in dreams a man becomes a victim of a familiar woman, then the vision reports the unclean, mercenary plans of the lady. If the strikes are like a knife or a spouse with whom all life lives, provided that this is the dream of an elderly person, then you need to remember the places of strikes. This may be a warning of diseases that will appear in the victims in the dream.

Attack one woman to another? For women

Attack with a knife Dream interpretation interprets in different ways, but if a woman was harming that she was attacked by another, this is a sign that reports in the life of the rival. In this dream, the details define everything. A familiar woman is a victim or not, long-haired or outdated naked, fat or thin. Each little thing is important, and its value is clear only by the Newestness itself, since no one knows the real life situation and hidden thoughts. If the victim in a dream ran away, then this is a bad sign. It was not possible to defeat the opponent in a dream, it would not be possible in life.

At sleep with the reverse role distribution, the value is similar. The only difference is that the real real rival of the first will take some action, which warns the vision.

Attack one woman to another? For men

Such an attack with a knife Dream interpretates unequivocally. Gosset is the foresight of empty bustle, gossip and a large quarrel of women present in the life of a dream. In the event that the familiar decreased - they will quarrel. If the plot of sleep is family, then relatives will quarrel. Abstract women - conflict defeat at work.

What dream knife?

The attack with the knife Dream interpretation interprets and taking into account this symbol. The dimensions and purpose of the knife should be understood literally. A small knife is a minor danger, but the kitchen cleaver is a serious threat. Dagger is the severity and validity of the attacker's intentions, and the kitchen knife is domestic troubles, momentary anger.

The knife itself symbolizes the male beginning, but not only. In dreams, this is another harbinger alarm and a source of danger. The knife in the hands is the continuation of the attacker himself. That is, the knife expresses what the person will attack in real life. For example, if we are talking about work and intrigues of colleagues, then a knife in a dream is their arguments in a conversation with the bosses.

What else does such an attack dream?

Ambiguously interprets the dream attack with a knife. The hands of the victim cut down - to the losses in the real life, which would not be able to avoid. If the striker himself cuts about the blade, then the dream foreshadows the fact that a person will suffer from his own actions.

In general, see a dream with a knife is useful. He reveals the person of the intention of non-earnews or loved ones, as well as the means of their implementation. Therefore, such dreams need to be attentive.

What dream attack

Dream of Freud.

The attack is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If a man attacks a dream to someone - it is not only active in sex, but also inclined to manifest the sadism against his sexual partners.

If a man participates in a group attack on something - he is not sure of his sexual opportunities. He needs friendly support, the advice of an experienced comrade or a woman, the first manifest activity.

If someone attacks a man (bandits, robbers, etc.) - he is inclined to sexy fantasies.

If the woman was attacked - it is prone to creating a conflict or scandalous environment, which is caused by her sexual dissatisfaction

If a woman attacks someone - she is a masochist.

What dream attack

Dream Khasse

Attack - take care of your honor; Take an attack - get money.

What dream attack

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To attack in a dream on someone with unfair accusations and reproaches - it is a warning of the most unfairly offended. We are attacked by biased criticism - means that they will soon receive the long-awaited money.

If someone suddenly attacks you in a dream from an ambush - it became that the danger on the road awaits you. The dream in which a drunk man attacks you with the pitchfunks - means that you have or have personal enemies that will take it in every way to annoy you.

Sleep, in which witches attack you and other unclean power - foreshadows disorders of both at work and at home. Defense with the evil dwarfs on you, says that in reality will refute all the charges at its address, having proven its honesty. To attack someone with a knife in your hands - means that I will show the bad features of your character, unfairly by friends.

Sleep, in which sharks attack you - predicts failures that will attain you in the extreme degree of despair. If Keith attacks the ship, on board which you float in the ocean, and turns it - it will turn it out for you an accident or illness.

Snakes attackers for you - mean that you will be a powerless victim in the hands of your enemies. If a furious cat attacks you, biting hard and knocking your eyes to you - this is the threat of loss of property and reputation during unequal litigation, which will come to all your savings.

What dream attack

Sonner Simon Kananita

Attack - take care of your honor - to be attacked - get money

Attack - someone attacked - incredible, profitable information; Self - they will say badly.

What dream attack

Esoteric dream book

Attack - your fears on you. You will foresee a threat from someone's side.

You attack - do not hope only for your hand. You need help or advice advice.

What dream attack

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Someone attacked - incredible, profitable information; Self - they will say badly.

What dream attack

Modern dream book

Interest in a dream by a gangster attack - a sign that you will be known about someone's wrongfulness.

Being yourself among the attackers - to your own trouble. Sometimes such a dream says that you will be able to expose your secret enemies. A young man is such a dream - recommends that more hardness in relations with his beloved.

What dream attack

Eastern Dream

A young woman is a dream in which she is a victim of an attack - warns: she will have to cope with serious troubles, perhaps in his personal life.

If you suddenly find out about any attack - be a vigilant: the enemies will not stop neither before, just as possible to harm you.

What dream attack

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Attack, attack see - to be disappeared; The danger that the lie will spare honor.

What dream attack

Akulina healer dream book

What does the assault robbery mean in a dream - expect welcome guests. Good dream. It will be fine, if on the day after sleep you will read something about the robber, for example, about Robin Hood.

What dream attack

Lowish dream book

To see the attack - an unfavorable sign that says that in real life you have to prepare for serious troubles, tests.

If a young woman dreamed of an attack, where she is a victim, then in his personal life it is waiting for disappointment - a close man will betray her, showing himself not from the best side.

If you dreamed of a dream in which you yourself attack someone, then I will have a very often hear reproach in indecision to your address, and it is quite possible that these reproaches are unfounded and proceed from those who want to submit you to themselves.

Attack - If you have dreamed of a dream in which you will learn that someone attacked the person close to you, then in reality you should fear your enemy, which will not be dreamed and proceed to active actions.

If you dreamed that during the attack of the criminal delays the police, then in reality your help will need someone from your loved ones.

Attack - If you have dreamed that some animal hit you, I will have a long time to pursue trouble for a long time. And they will chase until you understand that you yourself are the culprit of all complex situations, your inattention and irresponsibility is worth you to change your attitude to life, your behavior, as a situation, will change drafically.

What dream attack

British dream book

The attack is not surprising that throughout the history of mankind, this dream was very common. Today, the attackers will rather be another person, but the fear of the attack of a large animal remains in our subconscious. What dreams dream: do you remember the surrounding and helpless associated with the attack? Do you feel the same wounded and defenseless in real life?

What dream attack

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of an attack - you were attacked by some unfamiliar people - your enemies, still fragmented, united and complete determination to overcome you; Another interpretation of sleep: You will receive news that someone is not true to you that all your secrets are known to competitors; You will define some actions of your employee as an industrial espionage. You seem to avoid attacks - the miscarions of nonsense and competitors are not terrible to you; You keep your hand on the pulse of the case; You will also be lucky in love. You yourself attack someone - you may have trouble with the law; Due to your weakness, you may have complications with your loved one - do not let the ropes from ourselves.

What dream attack

Home dreamy

You dreamed of an attack for what is the problems or feelings causing fear. Attacks the animal - the fear of its natural motives; Birds - fear of their own thoughts or fear themselves; Attack yourself - to achieve your goals.

What dream attack

Online dream book

Some gangsters attacked you - learn about someone's treason.

If you attacked someone yourself - it means that in all the troubles you will be guilty. In addition, you can learn about the ideas of your enemies.

What dream attack

Universal dream book

If you attacked someone in a dream or attacked you - sensations, I suppose were not the most pleasant.

If you attack only you, do you think it is justified or not? If it is unjustified - try to understand why you see yourself as a sacrifice. Perhaps this is how you feel about yourself at the moment of life.

Perhaps external forces and circumstances, as if consistent, threatened to you - is it a physical or psychological impact, or does someone affect your social status? Who exactly does it? Are you yourself, your colleague, family member or unfamiliar man?

It is important to understand who is your opponent to be prepared to meet him. For example, in a dream, a group of teenagers attacked you - maybe you are afraid of new and fashionable ideas, new ways of self-expression? Perhaps you have pressure changes, and you do not know what to do with it.

It attacks in a dream on someone - it is not only active in sex, but also inclined to the manifestation of sadism regarding his sexual partners.

If a man participates in a group attack on something - He is not sure of his sexual opportunities. He needs friendly support, the advice of an experienced comrade or a woman, the first manifest activity.

If someone attacks a man (bandits, robbers, etc.) - He is inclined to sexy fantasies.

If the woman was attacked - It is prone to creating a conflict or scandalous environment, which is caused by her sexual dissatisfaction

If a woman attacks someone - She is a masochist.

Modern visible dream book

Put in a dream gangster attack - A sign that you will be aware of someone's wrongness.

Be among the attackers - To your own trouble. Sometimes such a dream says that you will be able to expose your secret enemies. Young man such a dream - recommends that more hardness in relations with his beloved.

Eastern female dream book

Young woman sleep in which she is a victim of attack - Warns: She has to cope with serious troubles, perhaps in his personal life.

If you suddenly find out about any attack - Be vigilant: the enemies will not stop neither before, just as possible to harm you.

Dream Khasse

Attack - Take care of your honor; pass attack - Get money.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Attack in a dream on someone with unfair accusations and reproach - It is a warning itself not to be undeservedly offended. Subjected to attacks biased criticism - Means that they will soon receive the expected money.

If someone suddenly attacks you in a dream from an ambush - It became that a danger on the road lies. Sleep in which a drunken man attacks you - Means that you have or have personal enemies that will take it in every way to annoy you.

Sleep, in which witches and other unclean power attack you - foreshadows disorders of both at work and at home. Defense with a spear from the evil dwarfs on you "It suggests that I will refute all charges at your address, proving your honesty. Attack someone with a knife in hand - Means that in reality to show the bad features of its character, unfairly by friends.

Sleep in which sharks are attacked - predicts failures that will plunge you in the extreme degree of despair. If Keith attacks the ship, on board which you float in the ocean, and turns it - In reality it will turn into an accident for you or a disease.

Snakes attackers - Mean you find yourself a powerless victim in the hands of your enemies. If a furious cat attacks you, biting hard and thoroughly scatter your eyes - This is a threat to the loss of property and reputation during unequal litigation, which will come to all your savings.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Attacks of his sex - This behavior is associated with passive homosexuality.

Modern universal dream book

If you attacked someone in a dream or attacked you - Feelings, I suppose were not the most pleasant.

If you attack only you, do you think it is justified or not? If it is unjustified - Try to understand why you see yourself as a sacrifice. Perhaps this is how you feel about yourself at the moment of life.

Perhaps external forces and circumstances as if conspicable, threatening you - Is it a physical or psychological impact, or someone affects your social status? Who exactly does it? Are you yourself, your colleague, family member or unfamiliar man?

It is important to understand who is your opponent to be prepared to meet him. For example, a group of adolescents attacked you in a dream - Maybe you are afraid of new and fashionable ideas, new ways of self-expression? Perhaps you have pressure changes, and you do not know what to do with it.

If you attack adolescents - It may mean that you invest new ideas, thoughts and new concepts into the consciousness of people who are not yet ready for this. You may want to make these people change.

If you are in a dream, attacking a person, beat him on the head - It may mean that you want to change the way it thinks.

If you beat a person on the ears - So you want to make him listen.

If you attack someone - It may also mean that you want to free. Perhaps in a dream you are freed from negative energy, wanting to take revenge on who in real life restricts you and annoys.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Hit someone - Good news; self attack - wrap.

Esoteric dream book

Attack - Your fears are on you. You will foresee a threat from someone's side.

You are attack - Do not hope only for your strength. You need
Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in the open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.