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When is the day of the railway troops celebrated. Railway Troops Day

Employees have their own memorable day railway troops Russia, established by presidential decree for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of 2006. First established in 1996, the date of August 6 is not accidental - it has its own long history.

It was on this day in 1851 that Emperor Nicholas I approved a special provision regarding the formation of special military units. Their mission was to protect safe operation railway, connecting the two main cities of that time - Moscow and St. Petersburg, also built during his reign. Several companies were formed, numbering about 4 thousand people from military workers, conductors, and telegraph workers.

The uniqueness of this decision is that such troops were created in Russia as the first in the world. They were baptized by fire already in the Crimean War (1853-56). After its end, rather disappointing for Russian Empire, the need to revise the policy in the field of railway construction, its development, especially south of Moscow, was identified, as issued by the decree of the heir to Nicholas, Alexander II.

Subsequently, from 1870, the railway forces began to be part of the engineering troops. They proved themselves during the Russian-Turkish liberation campaign of 1877-1878, providing supplies for the army, building a separate section of the track for these purposes. With the establishment of the Soviet period, after the devastating civil war, the actions of individual corps were aimed not only at military missions, but also at the rise of the country, its development, like topographic reconnaissance of BAM, and other global projects of that time.

The military, together with civilian railway workers, showed courage and organization in the Great Patriotic War. The figures speak of the significance of their actions: 80,000 km of main tracks have been restored; station tracks 29 thousand km; many new railways, communication lines, more than 7,000 stations and sidings, and a number of other structures have been built. In the difficult post-war period, the construction of the canvas, railway stations, bridges proceeded at an accelerated pace.

In modern times, duties, in addition to defense, include the elimination of some negative consequences from floods, accidents, catastrophes, other emergencies as well as counter-terrorism operations. Since 2004, a special formation has been subordinate to the rear Armed Forces. Today, the number of this kind of troops is about 25 thousand people, including 10 brigades of regular readiness. They strengthen the potential of the military sphere of Russia, and on August 6, this is necessarily emphasized by the top leadership, congratulating employees.

Equally important is the technical equipment: a complete refurbishment is planned in the near future. Improved samples of high-performance equipment, moreover, of domestic production, are constantly being put into operation. For example, pile driving units on a KamAZ truck chassis, performing operations in temperature regime, relevant for Russia from + 40 to - 40 degrees.

To preserve the development of military traditions, to celebrate the merits of specialists in ensuring the security and defense of the state for over 165 years, various cultural events are called upon. To acquaint the younger generation with this holiday, quizzes and presentations are held.

On the territory of the railway military units, their solemn ceremonies are held: the removal of the flag, the awarding of commemorative signs, the opening of the Alley of Heroes, the obligatory honoring of veterans. Large-scale exercises, competitions of professional skills are organized - competitions for the title the best specialist and calculation. The Day of the Railway Troops is important for military professionals, civilian personnel, as an assessment of their activities, namely, faithful service to the national interests of Russia.

August 6 is the Day of Railway Troops in Russia Russian Federation , approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 19, 1996 No. 1040 "On the establishment of the Day of the Railway Troops".

Troop history

The history of the Railway Troops dates back to August 6, 1851, when Nicholas I approved the "Regulations on the management of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway", according to which 14 separate military workers, two conductors and " telegraphic company. Military railway workers received their baptism of fire during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. A special event for the Railway Troops of Russia was Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 It convincingly showed the decisive influence of the railways both on the course of the armed struggle and on the outcome of the war as a whole.

As a result of the fundamental changes that have taken place in political life countries, on January 27, 1918, by decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Railway Troops of the Russian army were disbanded. However, the Civil War quickly revealed the urgent need to recreate military railroad units. Therefore, in accordance with the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 41 of October 5, 1918, 16 railway companies were urgently formed.

During the war from 1918 to 1920, the Railway Troops restored and ensured the operation of 22 thousand km of railways, restored 3169 railway bridges. They provided combat operations of the Red Army during military conflicts on the CER (1929), in the area of ​​Lake Khasan (1938) and the Khalkhin-Gol River (1939).

During the First World War, military railway workers had to perform a wide variety of work - erect barriers, build railways, reconstruct them to increase bandwidth, to rebuild narrow-gauge railways to a broad gauge, to develop nodes and stations into supply stations, to provide technical assistance rear railways for repairs topside tracks and rolling stock. Armored trains were built by the railway troops, which played a significant role during the war. During the years of the Great Patriotic War the railway troops restored and rebuilt over 120 thousand kilometers of railways, 15 thousand artificial structures, 8 thousand stations and sidings, 2345 water supply points, laid almost 71 thousand km of communication lines, neutralized and destroyed more than two million mines and land mines, about 60 thousand unexploded aerial bombs. The construction of railways by the railway troops of the Russian Federation does not stop even in peacetime.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Railway Troops were actively involved in solving the tasks of restoring, reconstructing and building new railway lines. Only for 1946-1950. Railway troops completed 37 million m3 earthworks, 6230 km of track were built, 2632 bridges were overhauled.

From 1953 to 1965, the Railway Troops built 1,720 km of railways in the virgin lands. A large amount of work on the construction of railways was carried out in the Mongolian People's Republic, where 950 km of main and station tracks from Ulaanbaatar to the Chinese border were put into operation.

In the 70s of the twentieth century (before the construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway) the troops took part in the construction of the railway lines Tyumen - Tobolsk - Surgut, Ivdel - Ob, Abakan - Taishet, Suoyarvi - Yushkozero and others. Over 5,000 km of second tracks, access roads for external transport to the VAZ and KamAZ automobile plants under construction, were also built during these years by the hands of military railway workers.

One of the most important construction projects of the Railway Troops is considered to be the construction of the eastern section of the Baikal-Amur Railway. From 1974 to 1989, 1277 artificial structures were built, 1466 km of main and 443 km of secondary tracks were laid.

The main objects of the post-war years: the mines of Western Dombas and Zaporozhye; the second routes: Moscow-Kharkov-Rostov, Kharkov-Lozovaya-Slavenskaya, Gryazi-Liski-Rostov; Leningrad and Murmansk nodes; restored and reconstructed railway lines Moscow-Leningrad, Moscow-Smolensk, Moscow-Bryansk-Kiev. At present, the railway troops are solving the issues of technical cover and operation of steel lines.

At present, the railway troops are solving the issues of technical cover and operation of steel lines. Mobile, well-equipped railway troops are making a worthy contribution to the development of our country's railways.

The command of the railway troops always pays special attention to raising the level of personnel training for peacetime and wartime tasks, ensuring the uninterrupted delivery and protection of military cargo, the survivability of railways, and high combat and mobilization readiness. The experience accumulated over the history of the existence of the Railway Troops testifies to the ability of the Railway Troops to successfully solve the widest range of tasks. The personnel are persistently mastering new methods and modern technologies, shows high level responsibility in the performance of tasks of national importance.

Railway troops today

Modern conditions pose ever new tasks for the Railway Troops. In accordance with the requirements of the time and the introduction of more and more sophisticated equipment, the level of personnel training is steadily increasing, and its methodology is constantly being improved.

In the Railway Troops, it has recently been practiced to receive additional vocational education. The most urgent tasks today are technical re-equipment, training of personnel and high-quality staffing of the Railway Troops, improvement of management methods and provision of social guarantees for military personnel.

The analysis of the actions of the Railway Troops in the Chechen Republic deserves special attention, where they performed a significant amount of work to restore the functioning of the railway network in the region. The uninterrupted military transportation was ensured, the rhythm of the delivery of goods was ensured for the restoration of the economy of the republic. The readiness of units of the Railway Troops to carry out restoration work in the event of incidental destruction and the impact of enemy sabotage groups on railway facilities was tested in practice.

Since the beginning of counter-terrorist operations, the Railway Troops have neutralized more than 2,000 explosive objects, carried out continuous demining for 17,000 km railway tracks. This year alone, more than 600 units of rolling stock were escorted, more than 2,000 personnel were transported. For the successful completion of a special task in the period from 1999 to the present, more than 820 servicemen of the Railway Troops have been awarded state awards. An analysis of the actions of the Railway Troops in the Chechen Republic convincingly shows that there is no alternative to the Railway Troops in restoring railways in combat conditions.

Soldiers - railroad workers made an invaluable contribution to the construction of railways at all times - both in the era of the tsars, and during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, and in the post-war period, restoring the destroyed economy of the country.

Throughout its history, much in the equipment, tactics and operational art of the Railway Troops has changed, but the loyalty of military railway workers to duty and devotion to the Fatherland remain unchanged.

Every year on the first Sunday of the month of August, the country celebrates the Day of the Railwayman - a holiday whose history goes back to the days of Tsarist Russia. It was established in 1896 and timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I - it was Nicholas I who began the construction of railway lines in Russia. Under him, a railway was built to Tsarskoe Selo, and Moscow and St. Petersburg were also interconnected. Until the October Revolution, the railroad workers' holiday was celebrated on June 25th.

After the Bolshevik revolution, all the "tsarist" holidays were canceled, including the Railwayman's Day, but already on July 28, 1936 Soviet government decided to celebrate this day on July 30. Later, the date was postponed - since then, the railway workers have been celebrating their Day on the first Sunday of August. The same date is celebrated in Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Anyone associated with the railroad,
Congratulations now with all my heart!
I wish you a high salary
And love is limitless, great,
And, of course, happiness, good luck,
So that all your dreams come true
To solve all the problems in life
Very easy and no fuss!

Let the magic train come
And in his first carriage
May it bring you much happiness
And in the morning, and at night, and during the day.

The second wagon is amazing.
Lucky let health in full
Diseases are insidious
Never touched you.

And the third trailer will perform
Dreams and wishes of all years
So that you never know
No grief, no sadness, no troubles.

Happy Railway Day! I wish you professional success and development. May all paths and arrows be in the right direction. Let the green light burn for any undertakings and desires. Health to you, strength of mind and body, vigor, determination, prosperity, well-being and all the best!

Let the railroad
All sorrows will be taken away
And at the very threshold
Laughter, comfort and happiness await.

Let it always burn green
Your life is a semaphore,
And, inspired by success,
Every day he enters the yard.

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers
And the line-up flies forward!
Let in your difficult work
Luck is always waiting for you.

Your work is very much needed
The whole country is proud of him.
Let the team be friendly
Things always work out.

Let at every station
Looking forward to health and success.
And always sounds on the road
Your happy ringing laugh.

Happy Railroad Day
Accept congratulations.
We wish you happiness and good
All the best of multiplication.

Let you be lucky in life
good luck locomotive
Always easy to solve
Work tasks.

Happy and bright days to you -
Like sleepers on strong rails,
Health and love wagon
And juicy colors of life.

Congratulations on the day of the railway
I'll rush you today.
And send your wishes
I want it with all my heart.

Let the days rush cloudless
Health will be anywhere.
Let them strive for you along the rails
Happiness, profit and praise.

Iron strength to you, success
And a wagon of good news.
Let it not do without laughter
After all, work with a smile is more fun.

On the day of the railway I wish you
So that your path to success leads
So that the car of love, blazing,
A fire was lit in the heart.

May great luck
Sending trains.
Peace and comfort at home,
The blessing of any for all years.

your hard work
Let there be joy day after day.
In the rain, in the snow, at any time of the year
We will find you on the railway.

Let health be strong
Always let there be plenty of strength
To keep your eyes sharp
And the boss to wear on his hands!

Let the salary be high
Sincere, kind - the team.
And it won't work without you
Let any corporate.

All railways
It wasn't created by the gods.
Who works for them
Accept this verse.

You - iron health,
Friendship strong as metal
So that everything is in order with love,
To get drunk with praise.

So that in the family and at work
You were always on the lookout.
And we can add:
Nerves of iron to you too!

Let not a writer, not an artist,
However, you deserve praise.
For your day, railwayman,
Let's raise a glass.
The native station meets you,
And the sound of wheels excites the blood.
You lose the romantic
You dream about distant lands again.
A train of happiness has been brought to the platform,
Take acceleration with your power
Rush away on it you from bad weather.

The Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for military personnel, those liable for military service, workers and employees (civilian personnel) of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation (ZhDV Armed Forces of Russia). This professional holiday is celebrated in our country annually on August 6.

For the first time, the date of the holiday was officially established by the Decree of the President of Russia of July 19, 1996 "On the Establishment of the Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation." Currently, the holiday is celebrated as a memorial day in accordance with the decree of July 18, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Railway Troops are special troops whose mission is the construction, restoration, operation and technical cover of railways that are used for military transportation.

These formations take their history from August 6, 1851, when the Russian emperor Nicholas I, at the final stage of the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, approved the Regulations on the composition of the management of this railway. Hence the modern date of the celebration - August 6. In accordance with this provision, the first special military formations were founded, designed to operate and protect the railway. They were ordered to guard stations, bridges and transport hubs. new road. For more than 160 years, military railway workers in our country have selflessly and selflessly served in the interests of their Fatherland.

Already during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878, military railroad workers ensured a continuous supply of Russian army formations along the specially built railway section of Bendery-Galati. The railway troops also played a very important role during the First World War, during which they built about 300 kilometers of broad-gauge railways and about 4,000 kilometers of narrow-gauge railways. Also, the railway troops restored more than 4.6 thousand kilometers of tracks.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the life of the railway troops began new stage. The Railway Troops of the Red Army were created already on October 5, 1918, after their formation was announced by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic. In the peaceful years after the end of the civil war in Russia, they were engaged in the reconstruction of existing and construction of new railway lines. Their contribution to the victorious for Soviet Union end of the Great Patriotic War. Soviet railway units and formations managed to distinguish themselves in a special way during the defense of Leningrad, Moscow, as well as in the Battle of Stalingrad, the battle on Kursk Bulge and other strategic operations on the territory of the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe. Carrying out their tasks in extremely difficult, very often combat conditions, they managed to restore about 120 thousand kilometers of tracks, as well as more than 15 thousand bridges, built more than 10 thousand kilometers of new railway tracks, neutralized and destroyed more than two million land mines and mines, contributing to the safety of railway transportation .

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the railway troops took an active part in the restoration and reconstruction of the railways destroyed by the war and the construction of new highways. The most significant of them are the railway lines Kizel - Perm, Ust-Kamenogorsk - Zyryanovsk, Abakan - Taishet, Tyumen - Surgut, Ivdel - Ob, Trans-Mongolian Mainline, Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). At the same time, it must be remembered that every 9th kilometer of railways in the USSR was electrified with the help of military railway workers. At the same time, units of the railway troops were regularly involved in the elimination of the consequences of natural Disasters, accidents and catastrophes, including man-made ones. In particular, military railway workers worked to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the earthquake in Armenia, and the flood in the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory.

In the period from 1991 to 2005, the railway troops were part of the power component of the Russian state, but were outside the size of the country's Armed Forces. So in September 1995, by decree of the Russian president, federal Service railway troops of the Russian Federation. This management structure existed until the integration of the railway troops back into the Armed Forces, the integration took place in 2005. On November 27, 2010, by order of the Minister of Defense of the country, the Regulations on the Main Directorate of the Chief of the Railway Troops were approved.

The modern railway troops, according to their organizational structure, include the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, as well as the Directorates of the Railway Troops of the military districts. As part of the Russian railway troops, there are separate railway brigades of constant readiness, as well as units of central subordination. At this stage in the development of the Russian Armed Forces, the Main Directorate of the Chief of the Railway Troops is part of the structure of the central apparatus of the Logistics Support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (MTO of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

In their work, military railway workers actively use special equipment: overhead cranes, track layers, drilling and blasting equipment. Only in 2013-2014, the Russian railway troops received more than 500 vehicles and 40 units of various engineering weapons. As a result, the share of modern (with a service life of up to 6 years) models of automotive equipment for general use was increased to 35%. In general, like all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the railway troops are actively re-equipping. In accordance with the current program of the State Defense Order until 2020, the share of new equipment in the troops should be increased to 75%. At the same time, the number of railway troops in Russia today is about 23 thousand people, of which about 5 thousand people are contract soldiers.

In 2013-2014, the Russian railway troops repaired about 140 kilometers of non-public railway tracks every year. It can also be noted that in 2015, a group of railway troops began the process of building a section of the Zhuravka-Millerovo railway in the Voronezh and Rostov regions of Russia. They are building a road around Ukraine. Trains traveling from Moscow in the direction of Rostov-on-Don and Sochi were forced to overcome the section of the Lugansk region without stopping. The length of the new road under construction will be 122.5 kilometers; traffic on the new branch can be launched as early as mid-August 2017.

It should be noted that the main goal of improving the railway troops of Russia until 2020 is to give them an innovative look that will meet the needs of ensuring the armed protection of Russia's national interests, in accordance with the mobilization and economic capabilities of our country.

On this day, the Military Review team congratulates all military personnel, civilian personnel and veterans whose life path is still associated or was previously associated with the railway troops, with their professional holiday. Properly continue the glorious traditions of the Russian railway troops, because your work in the construction of railway lines is important not only for the army, it also provides serious support to the socio-economic development of the country.

Glen Miller - Chattanooga Choo Choo.

Yesterday was the Day of the Railwayman, I congratulate all those who are related to this holiday, as well as all those who love trains.
Michael Turner.

Railway Day was first established by order of the Minister of Railways of the Russian Empire, Prince Mikhail Khilkov No. 68 of June 28 (July 9, new style), 1896.
"The Sovereign Emperor, in commemoration of the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, whose sovereign will laid the foundation for the construction and operation of railways in Russia, according to our most humble report, on June 28 of this year, His Highest command deigned: to establish an annual celebration of the anniversary of Emperor Nicholas I by all central and local institutions, managing railways in Russia. Such a Highest will was announced by the Department of Railways. "
Minister of Railways Prince M. Khilkov.

Vadim Voitekhovich.

The new holiday became the first professional holiday for employees railway transport, not only in the Russian Empire, but also in Europe. The date of the annual celebration of the Day of the Railwayman by all central and local institutions in charge of the railways in Russia is inseparably connected with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, June 25 (July 6, according to a new style). Russian Emperor Nicholas I is considered the founder of the railway business in Russia. Under him, the first pleasure railway to Tsarskoe Selo and the first all-Russian highway from St. Petersburg to Moscow were built.

Peregrine Heathcote.

On this day, the central and local railway institutions did not work, and in the evening a dinner was organized with a concert in the hall of the Pavlovsky station of the Tsarskoye Selo railway. Thanksgiving prayers were held at large stations and railway stations. It was especially solemnly held on the Fontanka embankment near the house 117, where the Russian Ministry of Railways was located at that time. Not only the highest ranks of the Ministry of Railways, but also representatives of the railway departments of the Ministry of Finance and State Control, who worked in close contact with the Ministry of Railways, came here to celebrate. Railroad Day was regularly celebrated until June 25, 1917.

Terence Tenison Cuneo.
Out of the Night.

Big Boy on Sherman Hill.

After the October Revolution, all tsarist holidays were canceled, including the Railwayman's Day. The tradition of celebrating the Day of the railroad resumed in 1936. According to the decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of July 28, 1936, signed by the chairman of the presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Mikhail Kalinin, it was decided to hold the holiday annually on July 30.

Evening Freight to Knysna.1975.

The Lickey Incline.

This day was chosen because on July 30, 1935, Stalin received a delegation of railway workers and they began to celebrate it as the All-Union Stalin Day of Railway Workers. On July 29, 1936, an special issue of the Gudok newspaper was published, which began with a decree of the USSR government "On the celebration of the Day of Railway Transport of the Soviet Union." The Day of Railway Transport of the Soviet Union was declared a national holiday, its first celebration was in as soon as possible organized throughout the country.

Alan Fearnley.
9F At Consett.

Dainton Conquered.

A few years later, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of July 9, 1940, it was decided “to postpone the celebration of the All-Union Day of the Railway Worker in 1940 to the next day off (Sunday) - August 4. In the future, establish the celebration of the All-Union Day of the Railway Worker on the first day off (Sunday) of August. From the 80s of the XX century. The professional holiday of railway transport workers was again called "Railwayman's Day".

Snow Freight.

The Long Drag.

Railwayman's Day is celebrated in all republics former USSR and most countries of Eastern Europe (though on different dates).
Alexey Lipatov.
Arrival in Utopia.