Repairs Design Furniture

Barge system with stabilized vertical swing for the beamless installation of the upper structure on the marine base

Over the past three decades, the practice of transportation of goods by inland waterways has been established using a non-intended fleet. The accumulated experience confirms high efficiency Transportation of bulk cargoes in pushed, and in some cases towed compositions. Compositions operated with tugs and tuckers are characterized by a rather high ratio of the capacity of the composition to the power of the tug, 13.6-15 t / kW. This indicator of domestic compositions by 25-30% exceeds the values \u200b\u200bof the loads under which the vessels of the United States, Germany, France and other countries are operated. The high degree of power use confirms that domestic tug-ticks for technical and operational qualities are not inferior to foreign samples.

Various shipping conditions of the country's pools cause the need to create ships with optimal traction characteristics for specific operating conditions in 50 this area. In addition, loads are transported to different distancesIn turn, predetermines the creation of tug-by-pushing of different power and autonomy. Tugger tugs can be divided into 3 main troupes: linear for local transport and raid for small rivers.

The first serial tugs designed to work on small rivers can be attributed to the court of 522 with a capacity of 103 kW, etc. 523 with a capacity of 206 kW. Simplified form of regiments, lightweight design, small dimensions and the possibility of their transportation railway contributed to widespread in many basins of the country. Due to the widespread introduction on a river fleet of driving of non-intended vessels by pushing in 1953-1954. Projects of refurbishment of some types of towing vessels in tolkachi tugs were developed and the first vessels were built on new projects 794 and 809 (Table 11).

In the future, these projects built 100 vessels of each type. The experience of operating the tolter towing on small rivers confirmed the correctness of the constructive decisions and identified the nearest tasks of improving them, primarily towards creating new water commentors and reversive steering devices. On project ships 861, 861A, 878, 895, water makers were used, which, essentially, solved the problem of creating a reliable propeller for shallow rivers.

To increase the efficiency of the water commercial, the method of water intake was changed. The feed tip was dodged the dodging that ensure the water fence into water vehicles from under the bottom and from the sides, the semi-controlled emission of the water jet was applied. To increase the traction qualities of the water commentors, a nozzle regulating the cross-section of the limit hole of the water pipe was applied. The use of a pipe installed at the outlet of the water supply made it possible to increase the traction toncira-pusher Ave. 816A in operating mode (at speeds 6-10 km / h) by 16-25%. On ships are also installed new, more advanced Rru.

In the 1960s, the construction of a specialized river tolki-tolkucha is started. 911. These vessels came to replace the obsolete wheeled steamers of Ave. 733 and the screw waters of projects 528 and 809.

They are equipped automatic coupling device and a towing winch, carry a driving barge and vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 2 thousand tons with a relatively small sediment (about 0.9 m) of the court have good traction and maneuverable characteristics. Since the 70s, it was built by vessels on modified projects 911V and P96 (see Table 11). Compared with the predecessors of the court of Ave. 911V have an extended and enhanced housing, an enlarged superstructure. The latter made it possible to make more spacious residential premises, improve sanitary conditions. The ship introduced an extensive complex of anti-shifted events. The P96 pr. P96 is intended for towing and the pushing of dry cargo and oil ships on waterways of the discharges "L" and "P". It is possible to enter the main rivers. The type of vessel is a single tolkach tolter with an elongated semi-branch, a cap above the MO, add-on and steering wheelhouse (Fig. 16). The characteristic features of the vessel are small diminishing and use as a propulsion water, which guaranteed the operation of the vessel on rivers with depths to 0.7 m.

Case material - steel of the VMSSP brand. The system is transverse (Fig. 17). As DG on the courts of P96, the diesel engine of the ZD6N-150 rotation frequency of 1000 rpm is used. Subsequently, in the P96B pr. This engine is replaced with a diesel engine of ZD6 with a capacity of 110 kW with a frequency of rotation of 1500 rpm.

The increase in the lifting capacity of the compositions on rivers and reservoirs of the discharge "P" has delivered before the designers the task of creating more powerful tolters-pusher with limited precipitate. Towstsome-pushers of projects P45, P45B (see Table 11) were built (see Table 11). They are designed to work with dry cargo and bulk compositions with a lifting capacity of up to 4 thousand tons on the River Rats "P" and on the waterways of the discharge "O" with weather limit ( maximum height Waves 1.5 m).

To extend the terms of operation of vessels during navigation, a building is increased, which provides the possibility of their work in the ice bit. The type of vessel is a two-screw toller with an elongated semi-grand and bunk superstructure. Case material - Steel WMSTVSP. Transverse system. The GD was used by the 8HHDSP 18/22 diesel engines with a capacity of 232 kW on ships of P45 Ave. and 6NVD 26A-3 brand with a capacity of 224 kW on ships of P45B. The holders of the pusher are rowing screws in the nozzles with a diameter of 1.4 m. In general, the court of P45b is different from the first modification of the project with improved operational qualities and less complexity of construction. This was achieved by implementing aggregation of mechanisms in MO, panel mounting Pipelines and electrocabilities, installation of an improved towing winch and a second private bar.

To transport the rafts in shallow rivers of the Northern Basin, the construction of the R14 projects, RZD and their modifications (Table 12) was launched. Tugger-rainfall P14 is designed to tow the rafts with a volume of up to 12 thousand m3, and the ships of the RZD Ave. - to tow the rafts of up to 40 thousand m3. The vessels of these projects and their modifications are built on the class "P" (ice) of the RSFSR river register. Personal attention to the protection of the DRC from damage to floating logs. For this, the propulsion complex has an enhanced fence. The shipping equipment of the flutter is the hydraulic steering drives and winches, automated boilers hot water And one of the first on a river fleet installation for cleaning sublayed waters. On the P14 P14 rails for the first time, a fully automated power plant was installed, and on the ships of the RZZ - system biological purification technical water. The construction of tug-rain towers on modernized P14A and RDS projects is carried out at many plants of the RSFSR river fleet (Fig. 18).

The experience of operating the tolter and tug-tug-tugs showed that narrow specialization highly limits their spheres of use. Therefore, there was a tendency to create universal boats, which simultaneously can perform the functions of a tug, pusher and a flutter. Examples of such vessels were tugs-pushers of projects P162, P162A, 81340 and 81350 (see Table 11).

Small-seeing tolkachi tolki pr. P162 (Fig. 19) are intended for the pushing of non-suitable dry cargo barges and oil ships with petroleum products III and IV classes. In addition, the vessel can be towed rafts, dry-cargo and oil ships with oil products III and IV classes.

The layout of the total location of the vessel (Fig. 20) is distinguished by the rational placement of mechanisms, devices and equipment providing maximum convenience If they are operating, as well as a convenient layout of residential and service of the crew.

The vessel body can be divided into several functional zones. Forep is used to accommodate a chain box, a remote control of an anchor, a carrier, a fan of residential premises and equipment storage racks. Entrance to Forpik through the right side of the right side.

Fuel and fecal tanks are placed in sides, as well as tanks drinking water with water supply unit and a foaming tank for fire system. In the middle part there is a rch. Two main engine with reverse gearbox are also placed in MO. Diesel generators are installed in the sludge. On the left side there is an emergency exit from MO. The steering drive is placed in the steering and lifting valves. On the Cape MO is a superstructure, on the right side of the superstructure - the sanitary and household premises of the crew and the drinking water preparation station "Ozone-0.1".

Residential crew premises are located in the bunk-tier unit installed on shock absorbers. In the first tier - two single and one double cabin of the crew and one double spare cabin; In the second tier - the cabins of the Komostava.

To ensure the superwater dimensions of the Tolkach, a lifting lift is installed on the vessel. The device for lifting cutting is located on the roof of the superstructure. In order to facilitate the amortized block, the root of logging is located on the stationary part of the superstructure. The floor of the steering wheelhouse in the raised position is located at an altitude of the OP by 6.7 m. Superwater gabaritet pusher with lowered cabbage and mast does not exceed 6.2 m from Waterlinium during the ship by email.

The material of the hull is the steel brand of the brand of semicircle4, and the superstructure and steering cutting is the steel of the brand of the STIs. Adopted mixed system Set: deck and part of the bottoms are scored on the longitudinal system, side and bottom in MO - on the transverse (Fig. 21).

Case Opports Simplified Nasal Forms. Cylindrical insert takes about 70% of the calculated length of the vessel. The bottom in the DP is flat, with lifting on sides. The presence of lifting of the cheekbone improves the water flow to the rowing screws and reduces the possibility of sucking the vessel body to the soil when working on the limit shallow water. Feeding tip has specific circuits associated with the layout of the DRC. Rowing screws are installed as drivers in swivel nozzles.

In accordance with the grid of types of vessels of the Rush fleet of the RSFSR, a serial construction of small-scale universal tug-by-pusher projects 81340 and 81350 is carried out (see Table 11).

Tolkachi 81340 (Fig. 22) are designed for the pushing and towing of noncommet vessels and compositions with a carrying capacity of up to 1300 tons, as well as for towing the rafts and transportation of petroleum products III and IV classes in the barges with the highest area of \u200b\u200bthe cargo tank 80 m2. Tolkucha modification (Ave. 81342) can carry petroleum products I and II classes in barges with the highest cargo tank area 40 m2. For this, the Tolkach is equipped with a special fire protection system in accordance with the rules of the RSFSR.

Tolkachi Ave. 81340 and its modifications are intended for operation on inland waterways, referred to the RSFSR RCSP and L "discharges, with guaranteed depths of at least 0.75 m. In the future, these pushers should replace on small rivers morally and Physically outdated project ships 861, 861a, 861et, 163m, 522, T63M and P96B. A fundamentally new approach is the location of residential, service and household premises in a separate soundproof unit, articulated with the vessel body. That constructive solution It made it possible to place residential premises in the vessel's soundproofed from MO, and on the main deck place two articulated blocks of the superstructure of the minimum volume. Both units of a rectangular form.

The steering wheelhouse is located on the nose-based adduction unit, has the maximum glazing of the inclined nose wall, which, in combination with a convenient fan-shaped arrangement of the control panels, provides high ergonomic indicators. This largely contributes convenient location Nasal lads guaranteeing the minimum route of the route from the steering wheel to the pushed barge. In the nasal block, the pusher is located forpick, residential and service and household premises, as well as the superstructure. In the fringe chain box, racks for storing inventory and zip. Here is located ventilation unit Heated air for feeding in residential cabins. Residential compartment - six single cabins equipped with modern furniture and inventory. Entrance to the compartment on the inclined ladder from the transverse corridor of the superstructure. An emergency exit is provided by vertical ladder through light hatch. In the nose unit of the superstructure, a galley is placed, a dining room, a red corner, a valid pantry and a dryer. The steering wheelhouse is located on the roof of the superstructure. The entrance to the cabin is carried out from the superstructure corridor by internal inclined ladder. Sanitary and hygienic and household premises, MO and AKTERPIC. In MO - main and auxiliary engines, rechargeable, electrical equipment, systems and pipelines EU, as well as tanks for fuel, oil, water and feces collection.

The forms of the body of the body make it possible to provide maximum displacement with satisfactory tractive indicators of the pusher with a precipitate to 0.65 m. The nasal tip of the sanna with a slope of the buttocks is 27 ° and a smooth radius transition to a flat bottom. Cylindrical insert is 64% of the vessel length. In the feed tip of the tilt angle of 20 °. In DP there is a tunnel to accommodate the DRC.

Case material - brand steel brand2. The design of the case has a transverse system set. Space 500 mm. The main engine - Diesel ZD6 - is installed in DP, attached to the foundation with the help of inclined rubber metal shock absorbers AMN-200, connected to the shame with: help of the elastic bus clutch. The vessel of the four-blade guide in the nozzle with a diameter of 0.8 m. 62

  • to work with barges equipped with a starchy device under the R20MP-4 (basic version of 81340 Pros. 81340);
  • to work with barges equipped with a compliant device under the UDR-16K (modification Ave. 81341);
  • to work with barges, carrying petroleum products I and II classes (modification Ave. 81342).

Further development outlined above, the principles of the general location layout found in the design of the pusher Ave. 81351 (Fig. 23). New tolkachi tugs are designed for towing and pushing non-intended vessels and compositions with a carrying capacity of up to 2000 tons, as well as to tow the rafts and transportation of petroleum products III and IV classes in the barges, the largest cargo tank area of \u200b\u200b80 m2. Modification of this pusher (81352) can carry petroleum products I and II classes in barges with the largest area of \u200b\u200b40 m2 cargo tank. Tickups of this type are intended for operation on the inland waterways of the discharges "L" and "R" of the RSFSR rush register with guaranteed depths up to 0.8 m. These vessels must replace the waterball tolki-Polkachi pr. P96a, as well as morally and physically obsolete project vessels 528 and 809a.

When creating a vessel, special attention was paid to the further increase in the traction and maneuver indicators of the Tolkach, an increase in the reliability and durability of the work of EU, DRC, ship devices and systems, as well as the vessel as a whole. To reduce the noise levels to the normalized and ensuring comfortable conditions for the crew of the crew on the vessel, as well as on the pusher. 81340, a new scheme of vibration insulation of premises has been applied, which provides for the placement of MO with the main sources of noise and residential premises in 2 separate blocks. Between themselves, these blocks are connected by three shock absorbers, two of which are located in the cofferdam and are fixed on the bulkheads of the pusher body, the third shock absorber is installed in the DP on the roof of the superstructure. The use of such an original depreciation scheme made it possible to provide normalized noise levels in residential and service premises on a small vessel.

A distinctive feature of the architectural appearance of the vessel is the location of the steering wheel on an increased pedestal. The nasal wall of the roaster has a functionally expressive triangular shape with maximum glazed, which provides a good visibility with a good visibility not only in the course of the movement, but also on sides. The crew is placed in six single cabins located in the nasal soundproofing part of the case, which made it possible to provide the minimum superstructure. The dining room and the galley are also located in the nose-to-wear unit, and household and sanitary and hygienic rooms with non-normal noise levels - in the feed compartment of the superstructure.

The main dimensions are rational from the point of view of the planning of MO with two-channel EU, as well as layouts of residential and office premises. The housing dousers provide maximum displacement with satisfactory traction vessels with a limited precipitate (0.7 m). The nasal tip of the sled shape with an angle of tilt of the Batoks 27 ° and with a smooth radius transition to a flat bottom. The angle of inclination of the Batoks in the stern 14 °. In the feed tip on DP and from both sides, Skii, forming tunnels for the placement of the DRC. The transition from the bottom to the feed tip smooth, on the curve with a radius of 4 m.

Case material - brand steel brand2. A transverse system set is used. Space 500 mm. The engines are installed in the middle part of the MO parallel to the OP, are attached to the foundations using inclined rubberometallic Amn-200 shock absorbers, are connected to the shaft with elastic bus clutches. Two four-bladed GW in the nozzles with a diameter of 0.8 m are installed as drivers on the vessel.

We developed three modifications of the pusher:

  • to work with barges equipped with a starchy device for the R20MP-4 auto trap (81350 primary option);
  • to work with barges equipped with a compliant device for the UDR-16K (modification Ave. 81351);
  • to work with barges carrying petroleum products I and II classes (modification Ave. 81352).

The need for petty tuning tolkuchees exists not only on rivers Russian FederationBut also on the small rivers of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, other Union republics. In this regard, the BCB of the Masterchflow of the BSSR has developed a project of a small tolkachy tolcier (Ave. 730) (see Table 11). Since 1984, the head vessel of this project has been successfully operating on the upper Dnieper and his tributaries at depths to 0.8 m.

Type of vessel-one-aluminous motor ship with an elongated semi-branch, one-tier superstructure and steering wheelhouse. The housing has a ski-shaped nasal and extended feed tip. A residential compartment is placed on the semi-furnace, further in the stern - cofferdam, fuel compartment, MO, TRIM-pantry and ahterpics. The residential compartment includes eight single cabins. As well as on vessels P162, the steering wheelhouse during the passage of the vessel under the bridges is lowered by 0.83 m. The room under hatch is used to accommodate tanks with drinking water.

One more constructive feature vessel. To enhance the passive qualities on the ship, water can be used with a semi-adjacent jet emission and a special starting device, due to which the propeller of the screw with a diameter of 0.995 m was able to install. The device allows the engine to partially block the output section of the water supply at the time of starting the engine and due to this, it is necessary to create a necessary way in it. The serial adjustment of the tonclock toll is 730 is conducted on Pinsky SSRZ.

Analysis of the characteristics and elements of theoretical drawings of towing vessels for small rivers allows you to allocate the following design features.

1. The length of towing vessels (with a capacity of up to 330 kW) changes in the range of 17-45 m, the width is 3-10 m, the precipitate is 0.50- 1.3 m.

2. The shape of the case largely depends on the operating conditions and the type of DRC. The nasal tip is performed by a spoonful or sled shape with a cylinder of the spangouts. Ferry tip usually have tunnel circuit breakers for rowing screws, transom-for water commercial drings and ground - for rowing wheels. The ratio of the main dimensions of the towing-pushing small rivers varies in the range: L / B \u003d 3.0 / 3.5; B / T \u003d 3/10. Change ranges: the coefficient of the total completeness of the displacement - B \u003d 0.46 / 0.86; The coefficient of completeness of Waterlinia - A \u003d 0.75 / 0.95; The completeness coefficient of Middle Spangout - P \u003d 0.70 / 1.00.

3. The following dependences are defined to ratio the length of the housing to the sediment:

for tolter tolter with gv in nozzles

L / T \u003d 1.6 b / T + 13.8;

for pusher tugs with water

L / T \u003d 1.2 V / t + 23.6;

for tugs with rowing wheels

L / T \u003d 4.5 V / t + 7.0.

4. When justifying the elements of tug-by-pusher coefficients, the completeness of Waterliners can be determined by the following dependencies:

for ships with screws in nozzles

for vessels with water lumets and rowing wheels

5. One is important characteristics The tolter tug is the power of EU (see Table 11). The choice of power EU is the greatest way influence the requirements for the provision of hostess in the conditions of shallow water and the controllability of pushed empty compositions that have a significant drift with lateral wind. The estimated rate of towing compositions of 5.0-10.0 km / h. At the same time, the thrust on the pump varies from 13 to 62 kN, and the specific traction is from 0.096 to 0.188 kN / kW.

6. The architectural and constructive type of tump of pusher small rivers is largely determined by the operating conditions of the pushed compositions. Them characteristic feature - shifted in the nose of the superstructure with a tower glazed in the perimeter of the steering wheelhouse, which provides a commodent circular review (see Fig. 19, 23). As drivers on most tugs, the GW in nozzles and water makers are used.

The experience of operating screw tugs-pusher on small rivers shows that in some cases they cannot provide the posting of the barge due to elevated flow rates and sucking the housing to the soil in shallow water. As a result, it was necessary to study and substantiate the possibilities of using new promising proposals for ships operated on small rivers. In this direction, the hopes of researchers and projectors are associated with the use of rowing wheels on petty courts, which with limited sediment is much more efficient to the rowing screw. This largely contributes to the fact that with the advent of industrial gearboxes with large gear ratios, it became possible to recruit a ship passing installation consisting of a high-speed diesel engine with a reverse gearbox, a lowering gear and rowing wheels.

Practice of application on ships as propeller propellers is well known. Back in the 50s, they were used on many river ships. However, the dieselization of the fleet led to the fact that modern boats began to equip rowing screws. The objective reasons for this replacement are clear. However, from disadvantages of wheeled vessels, only some can be attributed directly to the rowing wheel (bulkiness, vulnerability, complexity of construction, high cost), and unnecessary dimensions, the need to use gearboxes directly to the ship itself. The cessation of the construction of the wheeled vessels contributed to subjective reason - underestimation of the value of the fleet of small rivers, ignorance of its features.

Why, in fine-water conditions, preferably rowing wheel? The fact is that the above disadvantages relate to the qualities of a production nature. The hydrodynamic advantages of the rowing screw does not have before the wheel.

It is known that the effectiveness of hydroreactive propulsions is higher than the large mass of water they are processed, and energy loss is less than the lower speed of the velocity. Courts intended for small rivers have rowing screws with a diameter significantly less than optimal or placed in feed tunnels, which worsens the conditions of the water flow and their interaction with the case. Most often, both factors and the efficiency of the propulsion is significantly reduced.

With an extremely limited area of \u200b\u200bthe hydraulic section of the propulsion, the only power to dispose of the feed power is to increase the speed of rotation of the screw, that is, an increase in the caused flow rates. In addition to the loss of energy, an increase in the rotational speed of the screw causes two extremely negative phenomena: an increase in suction force in the stern and dynamic case drawdown. Experimental data show that at maximum precipitation, which can pass areas with depths 1-1.2 m, mentioned above the circumstances limit the limit power of the screw vessels by the value of 300 kW, since its further increase does not give a noticeable increase in the fuel and leads only to the overflow. Thus, the use of GW in the conditions of marginal shallow water is essentially contrary to the director of the development of the river fleet - an increase in the carrying capacity of vessels and compositions that makes it possible to maximize the dimensions of the waterway.

The only suitable for river conditions was the wheeled tug of 1721 with a capacity of 440 kW. The project of this vessel was developed back in 1954 and does not fully correspond to modern rules RCFSR river register and sanitary standards. However, the need for such vessels is so great that the construction of motor carriers on the basis of this project in 1973 was started on the river. Upper Irtysh, and since 1977 - on r. Lena. The modernization of the vessel was expressed in the elongation of the housing and increasing the power of EU. In Ave. 1721l, according to which the courts are built at the Rossiysky SSRZ, significant changes are made: residential and service premises are eliminated, the superstructure is made bunk, another type of main engine is adopted.

The type of vessel is a two-wing wheeled tug with a bunk superstructure (Fig. 24). It is intended for towing for dry-cargo compositions and oil barges with petroleum products of all classes. The main dimensions are shown in Table. 12 . The ship has a number of features that distinguish it from ordinary wheeled vessels. The DG is placed on the platform and are located across the case. To transfer power propellers, gearboxes C2-630 are installed with a transfer ratio of 1: 8.

For the command formulation, single cabins are provided in the second tier of the superstructure, and for the rank - also single cabins on the main deck and in the nose body compartment. Cabin Company, Sanitary and Other Rooms common use Posted on the main deck. The steering cut is raised above the main deck for two tiers, which provides a good circular review of the justifier. The rollover of the steering wheel is carried out by the RT1,6 steering machine. Towing the towing winch Lbiash 1.6-3 / 2, the return of the rope from a towing nuts is remotely from the steering wheel. Heating system Water: hot water Comes from the automated boiler KOAV-68, and when the vessel is moving - from 2 CAU-4.5 utilizers. The power plant consists of 2 DGA25-9M diesel generators.

Tests of the head ship "Mechanic of Corzennikov" and the BTK-602 serial vessel confirmed expediency decisions taken: The specific traction indicators of wheeled tugs were 15-20% higher than the screws. Measures of noise and vibration showed that the overall vibration of the case satisfies the requirements of the RSFSR river register. The amplitudes do not exceed 0.01-0.02 mm. Vibration levels in residential, service and production rooms Less extremely permissible for sanitary standards. Noise levels in MO on serial vessels for 2-14 dB, and on individual rooms 2-7 dB less than on the head.

Experience in operating boats 1721l on the rivers Zhui, Chara, Vitim, etc. Showed that the wiring of the barge on a tow through rolling with high flow rates is extremely difficult. At such sections of the court path, it is necessary to carry out a pushing method, and not towing.

Studying the experience of operating tugs Ave. 1721l, a large amount of research and development work allowed to develop technical solutions on the creation of displacement ships with extremely small precipitation (up to 0.4 m). At the same time, the conditions of which are necessary to provide clearly defined efficient work Ships. The first condition: the maximum load capacity of the vessel with a small sediment should be obtained due to the maximum use of the dimensions of the ship's path in the limiting areas, i.e., an increase in the main size in terms of limit values. Such an increase in the main dimensions of the courts can be achieved when using bending devices, and if necessary and nasal steering wheel. The second condition: when designing a vessel for small rivers, it is necessary to ensure the requirements of the protection of the shores and the lodge of the rivers from the blur. Since scientifically based data on the influence of a moving vessel, occupying a significant part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross section of the river, was absent on its channel, the speed of ships and compositions, limited FR, was taken for the maximum<=0,l, т. е. таким значением, при котором не возникает значительного волнообразования. При этом для состава Длиной 50 м такая скорость равна 8 км/ч, а состава длиной 100 м - 11 км/ч.

The most effective propeller for small-scale vessels is a feed rowing wheel, which has a significant hydraulic cross section and creates small speeds of the dropped water flow. Comparative traction calculations have shown the expediency of using a feed rowing wheel with non-reflective plans for low-speed vessels having a significant width of the housing at a small sediment. When sediment, up to 0.6 m, the rowing wheel compared to the waterman has a significantly larger efficiency. In addition, vessels with feed rowing wheels are not subject to sucking to the soil and loss of driving qualities at the marginal shallow water. Recognized by the necessary boats running on small rivers, equip devices for self-shooting with rheel and transshipment for loading and unloading operations at the unequipped shore.

Novosibirsk branch of NGO "Shipbuilding" has developed a technical proposal to a complex of small-scale vessels for the transport of bulk cargoes on rivers with depths of at least 0.5 m. For starting conditions, the ship moves of 20 m wide and the radius of rounding at least 50 m. Two options for the organization of transportation on Small rivers in Massare: Exploitation of ships only within small rivers with cargo transshipment in their mouths and smooth cargo transportation in small-scale courts for small rivers and highways. The comparison of the options shown has shown that transshipment of goods significantly increases the costs of their delivery. Therefore, the technical proposal was focused on smoothly transporting bulk cargoes on specialized small-scale barge-sites with a carrying capacity of 70-120 tons, which are followed by the highways in the pushed compositions, and in the mouths of small rivers are transmitted to small-scale pushers.

The main dimensions of the barje platform are chosen taking into account the maximum use of the dimensions of the ship's course, and the main dimensions and power of the pusher - based on the permissible modes of movement and ensure the precipitate 0.4 m (Table 13).

Tolkach is a single-alupile motor ship with a single-tier superstructure and a steering wheel shifted into the nose, mo - in the stern (Fig. 25). Tolkach and Barge Platform are designed to the RSFSR Rush Registry Class. At the pusher, the crew premises for 5 people. Autonomy of swimming in fuel reserves 5 days. Push the ticks of the pushing of the pusher of the pusher with the nose and feed transoms. A small precipitate of the pusher is achieved as a result of an increase in the width of the case (this is also necessary for the possibility of a possibility of a greater hydraulic section of the propulsion) and the uses for add-on and cutting of thin-lean corrugated steel. An increase in the width of the body made it possible to place three single and one double cabins on the ship and a block of sanitary and household premises. The vessel is equipped with a closed waste-fan-fan system with tanks and a system for collecting sublayed water.

As a GD on the vessel, a diesel engine of the ZD6 of 110 kW is installed. The transfer of power from the DG to the rowing shaft is carried out by means of a cylindrical two-stage reduced TDD-400 gearbox with a gear ratio of 1: 12.7 and an efficiency equal to 97% associated with rowing shaft traction, hinged on rowing and intermediate shaft currency. The gearbox is connected to the flange of the reverse gearbox of the main engine with an elastic coupling. The vessel is a vessel - a radial rowing wheel with a diameter of 2 m and a length of a plcce 7 m. Rowing wheel rotates with a frequency of 46.4 rpm. Calculated emphasis at the speed of pushing 8 km / h is 12.3 kN. The steering device provides 4 balancing steering wheel with a total area of \u200b\u200b0.6 m2 located behind rowing wheels. For drive drive, a manual steering machine and storms are installed.

On the pusher there is a bending device with a rotary frame and a hydraulic drive with a capacity of 4.5 kW, which provides the bending of the composition by 25 ° to the board for 40 s. Tolkach is equipped with a device for removing the composition with a melon, which develops stops 73.5 kN and providing a speed of 0.08 m / s. It is combined with a bending device and placed on its frame. For the movement of the vessel when removing from the grieces, folding rods are used, interacting with the soil when the frame of the bending device is rotated. A distinctive feature of the design of the barja platform is the use of only the fourth part of the total deck area only. Such a decision made it possible to significantly alleviate the case and provide the requirements of the RSFSR rush register regarding total strength. As a follow-up-coupling device on a barge, a tension drum is provided, and as anchor - pile clips. Permissible load on the deck 28.5 kN / m2.

The estimated velocity of the composition of the pusher and two barges during sediment 0.4 m on deep water is 9.6 km / h, and with one barges 10.8 km / h.

In 1980, NIIVT proposed a new constructive type of small tolkucha tolter with rowing wheels "Tandem" in Catamaran's clearance (Fig. 26). Such a scheme with the same total hydraulic section of the propellers as the single-case tug, gives a gain in dimensions, and while maintaining the overall width of the vessel makes it possible to increase the craving by increasing the hydraulic cross section and increase the power. It significantly decreases the vulnerability of rowing wheels, since the touch of the river beds is excluded, and the protection against floating objects is easily ensured during the installation between the housings of a special lattice. At the failure of one of the wheels, the vessel continues to function as a vehicle. Tolding is provided by a multiple steering complex located in the jet of drivers. The stability of the vessel is sharply increased and the living conditions are improved. The lack of catamaran compared to a single-populated vessel (the vessel's mass increases by about 15%) is compensated by savings from reducing the mass of the supporting structures of rowing wheels. The transverse strength of the catamaran increases sharply due to the fact that the housings in the underwater part are connected by the wavekaster system. However, checking the hydrodynamic efficacy of the proposed version of the wheel tugger in shallow water revealed important features and: the need for further refinement of the structure. In the shallow water there was a decrease in the water level between the housings, as a result of which the wheel drive became hydrodynamically light. At the same time, the stop and required power at a certain increase in the efficiency declined sharply.

The construction of a tolter with one case and four rowing wheels ("Tandem") was more successful (Fig. 27). According to the results of research on the NIIVT, when using such a scheme, it was possible to reduce the length of each wheel to 2.54 m instead of 3.9 m with a conventional scheme and reduce the precipitate compared to the traditional two-wheeled circuit by 15-20%. The drive of the rowing wheels can be both mechanical and hydraulic.

Table analysis. 14 shows the advantages of tolter tolkuch with a four-wheeled scheme, primarily in a reduced passable sediment of the vessel. In the event of an installation on a vessel, the Tandem scheme with the hydraulic framework appears the possibility of smooth change in the speed of rotation of the wheels and ensuring the operation of the EU without overloads when the engines are fully loaded with the maximum burden at any depth. Previously, it was possible to achieve only when installing the adjustable step screw or the impeller propulsion.

At the form of the body, non-intended vessels are divided into sections and barges. Accordingly, the composition formed from sections is called sectional, and from the barge - barge (Fig.28).

Section - a freight noncommet vessel, one or two tips of which can be conjugate with the tips of other ships, with a submerged transom and in rectangular / in terms of deck. Sections with a single transcendence form form into two-section compositions. After the sections of the sections, the composition becomes well streamlined and there is little different from the water resistance from the monolithic vessel of the same length. The disadvantage of sectional compositions is the absence of the interchangeability of the head and forage sections.

Barges differ from the sections of more streamlined forms of the body of the housing. The main advantage of the brazier compositions is the complete interchangeability of the courts, which makes it possible to enter new barges in the intermediate paragraphs or to withdraw them from the composition. However, water resistance to the movement of the barge compositions is greater than the sectional compositions of the same carrying capacity and, as a result, less than their speed with the same tuning tugs.

By appointment, noncommet vessels are divided into dry cargo and bulk.

Dry cargo jackets for small rivers by type of case are divided into barja sites and trumpeted.

Barge-sites (Table 15) - ships with low tank and Utah and located between them a cargo platform. In the nasal and forage parts of the cargo platform there are strong transverse coming, and along the sides - fences with passages in them in case of transportation of rolling goods. Residential premises on: Pushed barges are usually not envisaged. The exceptions are barges intended for (transportation of general cargo to remote areas, as well as towed barges. An example of layouts of residential premises on the barge 183E is shown in Fig. 29.

A characteristic feature of modern barge sites for small rivers of projects P146, P146A - the presence of onboard folding ups. They allow you to load and unload the wheeled and tracked technique with their own way, thanks to which these barges can be used on rivers where there are no fittings and crane equipment.

For the construction of hulls of the barge sites, as well as the barge of the trumulous type of the thickness of the casing of up to 4 mm, carbon steel "Bloodstock2 brand, and the thickness of more than 4 mm-steel branch of the injection 4; For superstructures and structures that are not regulated by the RSFSR Rush Registry Rules, the Steel of the Stz brand.

The set system of most barge sites is mixed: longitudinal on the bottom and deck, transverse on sides and in the tip. Barge-platforms under cargo deck, as a rule, have several longitudinal bulkheads and diagonal farms in the plane of frame spangouts (Fig. 30). The papation on the barge-sites does not exceed 600 mm. Frames are usually put through two spangles, flora in the tips - on each spline. Longitudinal bulkheads are installed after 2.0-2.5 m. Barge-sites have a tip of a sub-type, as a rule, symmetrical relative to the Middle Spangout. In the modern period, the design of the stern extremities with a 0.2 sediment of the Iranian is preferred. It increases the carrying capacity of the barge and reduces water resistance.

The ratios of the main dimensions of the barge sites for small rivers are changed in the following ranges: L / B \u003d 3.5-6.5; In / t \u003d 4.5-12.5; L / H \u003d 20-29 for the barge with a loading capacity of up to 360 tons and L / H \u003d 28-33 for the barge with a carrying capacity of up to 1000 tons. The completeness coefficients of the housings of the barge sites are changed within: b \u003d 0.85-0.94; a \u003d 0.91-1.0; p \u003d 0.92-1.00.

Barges of the trumpets are intended for the transport of goods that are afraid of podmock (general cargo, grain, etc.) (Table 16). They are characterized by the presence of tricks and hatch closes of the simplest type. The height of the tank is determined from the condition of ensuring the impellation of the deck at the maximum pushing speed on quiet water. The need for Utah device is estimated depending on the surface board with the cargo processing of the vessel. The design of the housing of the trumulous type is characterized by the presence of a double bottom and double beads. Spacious trims provide the convenience of cargo operations.

Due to the increase in the carriage of general cargo, forests, grains in dry cargo shipments The need for truss barges decreased significantly.

Note the ratio of the main dimensions of the courts of this type: L / B \u003d 4.0-5.0; And / e \u003d 4.5-11.2. N / T values \u200b\u200bare approached 1.5. Turning Top Barge Barge Opports with Kelentability or Spoonful. Opports for feed tips, as a rule, laundered with a submerged transom.

Closed-type barges include tent barges that have a light superstructure (awning) on \u200b\u200bdeck. A awake can be equipped with vessels of any architectural and structural type. Loading and unloading of goods at awnty barges are carried out, as a rule, through onboard lacports. However, some barges, except lacports, in the roof of the awning include hatches for carrying out freight operations with a vertical way. Load capacity tent barges 100, 600, 1000 tons. With the development of cargo transportation in containers, the need for the construction of awesome barges almost disappears.

A significant place in the composition of the transport uncomfortable fleet is occupied by oil barges. In small rivers, they are widely used to explore petroleum products to remote areas of Siberia and the Far East. Features of their design and operation will be set forth in the section "Neftenial Courts".

To select the structural elements of the barge in the early stages of design, it is possible to use the dependences obtained by B. M. Sakhnovsky based on the processing of statistical data on the noncommet fleet:

  • for relative length - L \u003d 3,9 + 0.5 (DGR / DPP);
  • for the main dimensions - L / T \u003d 4.25 (B / T) +4.5; H / T \u003d 1.5;
  • for the completeness coefficient of the housing - a \u003d b + 0.06.

An analysis of the composition of the non-intended fleet for small rivers showed its diversity, extremely imperative construction, operation and repair of vessels. For example, barja sites are built by seven different projects with close characteristics (RGP \u003d 300-400 T, T \u003d 1.0-1.19 m, etc.).

In connection with the increase in the carriage of bulk cargo on small rivers NPO "Shipbuilding" developed a project of the barja platform with a carrying capacity of 100-500 tons on the basis of standard (modular) elements. The advantages of the modular elements of the enclosures are implemented not only in the construction of ships. They allow to produce during navigation aggregation of buildings, closers and equipment with less costs and in shorter time. For all vessels, it was accepted that the modular sections of the deck and the bottoms have a longitudinal set system. For large barges (loading capacity of more than 1000 tons) on the longitudinal system, the onboard sections are also typed.

Strength calculations have shown that small barges can be designed from standard sections without a longitudinal frame set, and the transverse set is not made from the brand profile, but from the flanged. This solution has sharply increased the degree of unification of cabinet structures of small barges: all sections of the deck and the bottom are the same among themselves. This design of standard sections has significantly reduced the complexity of their manufacturing, as they have only a transverse frame set and only longitudinal idle ribs. The technology of assembling sections has been simplified. On the cooked sheets, all the longitudinal ribs are mounted first, and then the transverse set. No split beams connecting on the beams of the main direction, the section has no.

From the point of view of the perfection of the technological process, the standard section must meet two basic requirements. First, it must have a minimal complexity of manufacturing both under conditions of mechanized production and at factories that do not have modern equipment. Secondly, the modular element should allow the transportation of the railway section.

The advantages of the modular method can be illustrated by the example of the appliers of the deck sections and the bottom of the project projects 81210-81218 (Fig. 31). On ships with a loading capacity of 200, 500, 600-900 tons for deck and bottoms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cylindrical insertion, the same sections are applied in the amount of 16 units. For barges Ave. 81218, 9 - for projects 81214-81217, 6,25-for projects 81210-81213 (the appearance of a fractional number is due to the fact that the DP of the DP, the bottom and deck sections are in length and width of half smaller than the standard sections ).

The main dimensions of the barge sites from standard sections were determined taking into account the characteristics of non-self-advocked vessels operating on small rivers, and the requirements of the RSFSR river register to the main dimensions: L / H<=40 и В/T<=7.

The shape of the barges of the barge is selected, taking into account the achievement of the greatest value of the total completeness coefficient (to ensure maximum loading capacity of the vessel). At the same time, the recommendations of the Livta on the reduction of water resistance to the traffic of a barge on limited depths were taken into account. As a result, flat latitudes are adopted in the nasal and feed extremities. The angle of inclination of the Batoks in the nasal tip is taken about 30 ° as an extreme angle at which you can not provide for a rounded transition to the bottom. The feed is made with a recessed by 0.2 precipitates with a transom and an angle of inclination of buttons to OP 16-17 °. The bile surround is designed in two versions: rounded shape with a radius of 0.25 m and simplified rectangular shape. In fig. 32 Dan a theoretical drawing of one of the barja options from the standard sections is given.

Currently, the serial construction of the projects of projects 81210, 81216, 81.218 for the Siberia and the Far East rivers (see Table 15) is underway. The scheme of the general location of the barje platform Ave. 81210 is shown in Fig. 33. Barge-sites are designed for carrying the method of pushing or episodic towing of mineral-building goods, coal, forests, containers with a carrying capacity of 5 tons, as well as tracked and wheeled technology.

Barge designs allow accelerated loading and unloading using grab cranes with a carrying capacity of 10 tons. Barges are operated without a team. Loads are placed on a platform with bunkers 0.75 m. In the nose of the vessel there is a saddleness. The housing in length is divided by waterproof bulkheads. Case material - brand steel brand4. The scheme of the Middle Spanthort of Barge Platus PR. 81210 is shown in Fig. 34.

When designing, much attention is paid to maintainability of the hull, mechanisms and equipment.

For this purpose, provided:

  • placement of mechanisms and equipment on the deck, providing convenient passages, maintenance and access with preventive inspections and repairs;
  • repair platforms in the area of \u200b\u200bmechanisms and equipment for their disassembly and assembly during repair;
  • the ability to replace damaged areas of the case with standard sections.

Works on the introduction of a promising modular method in designing and building vessels of ships are not limited to barges. As the experience of the construction of the buildings of the courts using standard sections will be improved and manufactured both design and technological processes for the manufacture of the modules themselves and expand their scope of application on the ships of different types.


BARGE s, g. Barge, IT. Bargia, English. Barge. 1 . Small rowing ship with cabins for passengers. Sl. 18. From the yacht by going into small courts, they are called Bardges with Groke, and went by the Reta Thams. LCD 1698 2. The day was with sunshine with a quiet weather. On the day (1. 7.) Walked along the river on the barges. YURNAL 1718. // ROA 10 236. Write from the yacht. Sell \u200b\u200bin Bartz. I went to the Majesty. YURNAL 1726. // Roa 10 421. Her Majesty knew to return to Barge .. and leaving the barge leaving the hour and a half. YURNAL 1726. ROA 10 416. Barge, ship Lucco for riding on rivers. The nose sharp, oars and sail is like a seam, tokmo on the stern for the late seating, or the chunned closed, with the windows. Tat. Lex . // Tat. Election 176. 1723 July 28. There was a descent of the Barge of the Majesty, at which the descent was descended to be the Majesty to be and on Oyoy Barge learned to arrive in the summer house. RA 1874 1 517. The city shipyard is open here, on which: yachts, shebeci, boats, boats, barges are built. PM 2 129. My desire is to do in St. Petersburg for the Pond Suchnyago in St. Petersburg .. Ordinary eight-meter barge. 12. 8. 1784. P. B. Sheremetev Decree by the ruler. // RA 1898 9 21.

2. The genus of the port plash used during loading and unloading the ship. Sl. 18. Yang. 1803 1 340, mor . sl. 2 20. Barz. but/ -Debrarkader so. RRP 1953.

3. Truck, usually a flat-bottomed vessel, moving with a tug or self-propelled. BAS-2. MAN to the Volodyan Fedorov's Pozard's contribution to the city of 2 barges on the monastery of the courtyard. 1665. On Ant. 64. White browns in front of the nose, it was a powerful tug and dragged the iron barbell strip. Powestrian heroic. southeast. Barge refrigerator. SV 363. Armed Barge but/ .So. RRP 1953. Bargestrive shipyard. October 1997 8 71. || A steamer Barge is lucky, barge seeds gnawing. Arkhangelsk 18.

4. oblast Telego for transportation of sheafs, with sides of three sides. Sl. Urals add.

5. oblast Large sledges for Kokanya. Sl. Urals add.

6. ., okkaz? And again, not allowed the Female not only to answer, but even think, already won Zellsov near the stove-barge. V. Astafiev cursed and killed. // Nm 1992 11 218.

7. ., simple. Large woman. The woman was antennial, in colored clothes, puffed bitter spirits. Lydia unwittingly thoughtfully thought: "Eka frightened, barge!" B. Nasuzhenko Milling of the Lord. // Neva 1994 4 138. In comparison. And Manka Tyapiha sits collapsed, like barge, I do not know, hover, I do not know. Lena Gulga Vologda. were. // DN 2003 12 20.

8. Pomegranate entered Barge a large car through the windshield, slightly higher and left to the operating coupon. Moscow 2004 5 56.

- Norm. Some strokes in your dictionary .. I consider not as innovations, but as a slave invasion in the literary speech of vulgarian and the surprise. So, for example: sheets, talk. barge, etc. This is almost equivalent to me but/ zin, Art about/ lAR, M. about/ lodge, officer but/ where you everywhere worth the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot and what it shows that these are very strongly equal in the well-known layer of society, but perhaps it is greater to slip into a literary speech than before. 14. 6. 1956. A. N. Burnashev- S. I. Ozhegov. // Dictionary 2001 531. There are words from Peter's poets what we did not scattered srod. We are knitting bone Moscow, and their neva gives them freedom. We will say "Mirage and/ ", they are" peace but/ zhi ", in Moscow not" b but/ rye ", and" barge and/ ", But even on the abyss of rye, we have not to say that" O-Bes-ku-Ra-Rushi-Va-Yosh, "D. Sukharev St. Petersburg school. // Banner 2000 2 5. - Lex. Sl. 17: Barge; Nordstet 1780: Barge; SAR 1789: B but/ rust; Eras. 1934: B. but/ rye and Barz. but/ ; BAS-2: B but/ rye and Barz. but/ ; ORF 1974: Bargestro e / nie, Barzho / nKA.

Historical dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language. - M.: Wire Publisher ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [Email Protected] . 2010 .


Watch what is "barge" in other dictionaries:

    BARGE - (English Barge). The genus of a small rowing vessel for load and unloading large ships. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Barge 1) A small propeller, serving for load and unloading large ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    barge - Barge, barges, barges, barges, barge, barges, barge, barges, barges, barge, barges, barge, barges (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyaku") ... Word forms

    BARGE - Barge, Barge Barge, Rod. MN. Barz and (break) barge, wives. (Franz. Barge). Wide large flat-bottomed shipping ship. Barge usually pull on tow. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    BARGE Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    BARGE - Barge, and, genus. MN. Barz and barge, and, genus. MN. She, wives. Freight ship, usually flat-bottomed. Non-suitable b. Self-propelled b. B. Tank. | arr. Barge, Aya, Oe and Barzheva, Aya, Oe. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    BARGE Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    BARGE -? Women, bottom. bad singing; Book, unstrozno sing, tear goat. II. Barge wives. A large rowing ship, a boat about 20 tons and more oars, with an interview, a canopy. | Rectors, cargo ship without sail and cheerful, which is taken in Task (on a tug) steamer ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    BARGE - (Barge) 1. Steel, reinforced concrete or wooden noncommet special buildings, serving for the transport of various goods. In military ports B. Receive special names of artillery, mineral, sanitary, oil, coal, ... ... Sea Dictionary

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  • Barge T-36. Fifty days of death drift, Andrei Orlov. The book is based on real events. In the Bay of the island, ITUP Hurricane Wind was carried out in the open sea Self-propelled tank modest barge T-36. Four soldier her board was left without ...

In view of the economic profitability of container traffic, the search for new, even more profitable methods of their organization continue. One of them was found as a result of the comparison of freight transport in a unified container on the railway, along the highway and by sea. Since transportation on water is cheaper than highway or rail transport, the option was faced: building floating containers in the form of rectangular barges and design vessels, on board which these barges could be transported by the sea. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a vessel was not Nova, since during the Second World War, especially in the US Navy, there were a number of vessels, which thus transported the landing troops and had an equipment for lifting the barge on board and descending them into water. This method of overload was called "Float ON - Float Off". It is advantageous to sell the house in the elite area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region. In recent years, many such vessels have appeared. Depending on the method to which barges are accepted on board, there are three main structural types of barbells: Lash, Sibi and bumps. The first ships of the Lash type were built in 1969-1970. The appearance of such a vessel, as well as the method of loading on it is presented in the figure below.

Superstructings are shifted far into the nose; Two machine branches are placed on both sides of the wide hold of the stern. The location of the barge during the flight can be seen in Figure B. As a transshipment, it serves as a mobile gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 5 MN. Loading capacity of the standard barge type Lash is 370 tons, the overall dimensions of 16.7x9.5x4.4 m. When unloading, the lighters are raised from the truma with a gantry crane, move to the stern and move it there. Loading is made in reverse order. Lash type ships can find a variety of use. They can, in particular, carry 20-foot containers (Fig. C)

Barzhezia type "Sibi" are built mainly in the United States; Their barges are much more and have a carrying capacity of 850 tons. Barges have several decks equipped with rails for moving them. The stern has an elevator with a loading capacity of 19.6 MN, which serves for lifting and shutting down the barge. When loading, the elevator is lowered so that two barges could enter it. Then the elevator together with barges rises to the desired deck. Under the barge is supplied by a swivel cart, on which barges on the rails are delivered to the place where they are fixed during the flight time. Bargezos of the "Sibi" type have a deadweight 38 410 tons, while Lash Types are built in three versions: Deadweight 18 850, 26,500 and 43,517 tons.

Bargeozo type Sibie

a - transportation of lighter to the elevator. B - Further transportation on the ship.

Third Type of Barzhevozov - Court Bakat Deadweight Approximately 25 thousand tons. Two-barpent design of the vessel allows barges like Lash to swim under the main deck between the two housings where they are fixed. Small barges with a loading capacity of 140 T rise to deck elevators, as well as on Garzheza like "Sibi". Type of buck vessels are designed to transport barge from small or river ports to Lash-type sea ships, as well as for transportation in coastal areas or on small water bodies. Special, not yet very common, the original shape of the barbell is the so-called composite vessel. It is a very big barge, which, with the help of a special lock and hydraulic wedges, is connected to the machine department working as a tolkach. The economic benefit from the use of composite vessels consists in low build costs. In addition, Barge can stay in the port, while the energy part immediately goes into the sea, therefore, operational costs are reduced. On the other hand, appropriate barges and energy sections of a special design are required, as well as very well organized maintenance in both ports.

Page 11 of 12

This method of installation involves the assembly of a metal span structure (or its section) on the shore, after which it is delivered on floating supports to the span and is installed on support.

Installation technology is the following works.:

  • assembly of the span structure on the shore of sequential or parallel (sectional) methods;
  • rewriting the span structure on the pierces to the river;
  • loading a span structure for floating supports, pre-commissioned under the span structure, with a sublinking on support cells from wooden bars;
  • preparation of the track (dredging, tossing, accommodation anchors);
  • transportation of the floating system to the place of installation of the span structure on supports, the installation of the flooder in the span;
  • the lowering of the span structure on the support parts.

The method is advisable to use:

  • on the construction of multiplet bridges, when the installation works are repeated repeated, and the cost of the costs of releasing poulys and flooders pay off;
  • with a sufficient depth of the river, a relatively small flow rate and long-term warmth of the year.

Plastic installation technology of metal spans Allows you to significantly reduce the construction time due to parallel management of work on the construction of supports and installation of translucent buildings. However, it is required to perform a large amount of work on the construction of piers, floating supports, rental powerful tugs, etc.

The assembly of the span structure is carried out on the shore along the river or on the embankment of the axis of the axis of the bridge. For the assembly it is convenient to use gantry cranes serving assembly sites.

Plashkuts floating supports are most often mounted on the shore (on cells from BRUSEV) from the Pontoons of the COP (Fig. 6.67), and the superstructure of floating supports is from the elements of MIC-C and MIC-P. The screery supports are based on the pontoons through the beam cells than the uniform distribution of the load from the weight of the span structure to the required area of \u200b\u200bthe plash.

Fig. 6.67 - PONTON COP

The plash is descended into the river in the inclined paths (slips). On the plashcoat placed superstructure. The superstructure is mounted with large blocks using a float. On top of the superstructure, the support cells from wooden bars with a height of 0.6- 0.7 m are arranged. Cells make it possible to take into account changes in the altitude position of the support due to fluctuations in the water level by the time of loading. The height of the floating support (Fig. 6.68) is determined on the basis of the RUV mark (working water level at the time of transportation of the span structure) and the project level of the span structure.

Fig. 6.68 - Transportation of a span structure for manifold: 1 - support cell; 2 - superstructure; 3 - farms of reinforcement of the plash 4 - Lower Bulk Scarlet; 5 - Brace with Facts for Tension

Floating support is equipped with pumps for ballasting and strip out of pontoons, compressors, manual or drive winches and admiralty anchors with cables.

Loading the span structure on floating supports is carried out when the flooded is flooded by resetting the water ballast from pontoons. To move the transit structure over long distances, more often use transverse mobile for releasing pirs (Fig. 6.69). In this case, as a rule, dredging ("bucket") is satisfied between the pirs, so as not to build expensive long-length pits (which can destroy the ice rose). The top of the top of the purses of the purses corresponds to the project mark of the nez of the span structure.

Fig. 6.69 - Preparation of a span structure for transportation

To reduce the cost of releasing poults for which the pile foundations are needed, the transverse movement can be carried out on low pirs. For this, the farm-lifts are required at the ends of the piers. They are built in the form of towers or racks equipped with hydraulic lifts or polyspers for lifting the span structure and loading it on floating supports.

The floating system is transported to high power tugs bridge. The flooding span is introduced from the grassland side (to avoid bulging on the supports) on the cables (with the help of winches installed on floating supports). Without reaching 50-100 m. To the axis of the bridge, the fastening of the flooding is switched from tugs on winches placed on the plash. For this, the ends of the cables with winches are fixed to the permanent joint supports (by three-time winding of the cable with the fastening of the faces, where the ends of the cables from the winches of the floating support) and the anchors (admiralty or anchors-suits) in the direction of the river and on the shore (Fig. 6.70). The minimum distance from the anchors to the floating support is made at least 10-15 depth of water in the river. This will ensure normal operation of the anchor. After the factory of the span structure in the span and installation on the support parts or temporary cells, the plasters are ballasting with a water ballast.

Fig. 6.70 - transportation schemes and factory in the span structure on floating supports: a - tugs; b - winch; 1 - peeling boat; 2 - the span structure; 3 - floating support; 4 - chief tug; 5 - auxiliary tug; 6 - anchor; 7 - Bucken; 8 - direction of movement of the floating system; 9 - the river; 10 - Support Bridge; 11 - axle bridge

After that, floating supports are removed from under the span structure and transported to the place of sludge.

The loading of the span structure can also be carried out. longitudinal mobile Using flooding supports in accordance with the on-line (Fig. 6.71).

Fig. 6.71 - Schemes of longitudinal shut-offs of the span structure: A - with temporary supports suitable along the axis of the bridge; b - without temporary supports; 1 - floating support; 2 - Bridge Support

Guns are carried out with temporary supports in the span or without them.

First method It is advisable to apply with the construction of multiplet bridges when the span structure is loaded into 2 plasters and is transported for installation in other spans.

Second way It is used for the construction of a single-span bridge, when for one reason or another, the displacement device is undesirable.

Ballasting of the floating system It is performed for high-speed control of its position when loading the span structure on floating supports and install it to the support parts.

The amount of water ballast in the pontoons of the plash cover of the floating support G score consists of the following parts:

Q NC - the weight of the transported structure transported;

L, in - the length and width of the plastics;

γ - the proportion of water;

Here (Fig. 6.72):

Δ 1 - deformation of the span structure under its own weight;

Δ 2 - pier deformation;

Δ 3 - deformation of floating supports;

Δ 4 - the gap between the span structure and the pier needed for the removal of the span structure; Approximately δ 4 \u003d 0.15 m;

G reg - the amount of water ballast to take into account water oscillations in the river during transportation (H reg \u003d 0.15 m), determined by the formula

G OCM \u003d LBH OCM - residual (unrelated) water ballast;

h Ost \u003d 0.1 m.

Fig. 6.72 - Scheme to calculate the ballasting of the plasser

On the flooding work:

1) verticalforces:

On the weight of the flooding elements, including the water ballast (σg i);

Pushing force equal to the weight of water displaced by plashcoat (vγ 1), where

V - the volume of displaced water:

t - Plashota sediment.

2) horizontalforces:

From the action of wind loads (σw i);

From the strength of the water resistance displacement (T).

Since the system is in equilibrium, the tipping point must be equal to the restorement:

where can I determine from

Insofar as v., γ in unequal 0, then the critical case will be the condition P - U \u003d 0, i.e., the condition of stability acquires the view

where P, A is, respectively, the meticenter radius and the ordinate of the center of gravity of the flooded from the center of the displacement (the calculated scheme is shown in Fig. 6.73).

Fig. 6.73 - Scheme to calculate the stability of the flooded: 1, 2, 3 - respectively, the center of gravity of the floating system, the center of displacement, meticenter

From here, it is follows the feasibility of lowering the situation of the center of gravity of the floating system achieved, in particular, a water ballast in the pontoons of the plashcoat. However, it increases the sediment of the floating system, and the height of the dry side decreases.

The size of the flooding of the flooding is approximately determined by expression

where L, in - the length and width of the plastics, respectively;

Σg i, γ in - respectively, the load on the floating support, including ballast, and the proportion of water.

Dry board with pontoon height H can be determined by the formula

where φ is the angle of inclination of the floating system.

At the same time, the magnitude of the dry side should be greater than or equal to 0.2 m. For PONTONES COP and more or equal to 0.5 m. For barges.

Pontoons are loaded with water ballast, pumping water into the hatches of ballast pontoons or reducing compressed air pressure in pontions with bottom holes (Fig. 6.74).

Fig. 6.74 - Ballasting options for floating

As an example, below presents some data on the floors of the River Irtysh in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, implemented by the Mostotroy - 11 in 2004. The project of the bridge built according to scheme 370 + 94,5 + 136,5 + 231 + 136 , 5 + 94.5 + 570 + 49.0 Dimensional g - 11.5 + 21.5 m, performed by OJSC Transmost (St. Petersburg). Building technology and a project of special auxiliary facilities and devices have been developed by CJSC Institute High Rosroymost - St. Petersburg. The main span with a length of 231 meters. With a ride of Poniga, is a continuous lattice army with a flexible tightening.

After assembling the arched section with a length of 304.5 m. And weighing 3600 tons. It was loaded onto the flooded and brought it into the span. The design for loading on the barge collected in the stapel moved over pirs at 71 m. With the help of two hydraulic cylinders (each - 300 tons, the piston move is 2.95 m). At the work during the operation, the hydraulic cylinders rested into a thrust beam, which, in turn, in the plates between the pieces of pierces, welded in a step of 2.3 m. The front of the thrust beam was fixed in the holes of the pier beams. When reverse the piston, the thrust beam pulled up with hydraulic cylinders for the next working stroke, and the resistance tongue automatically snapped after the passage of the next plate and served as an emphasis at the next work.

Movement design relied on powerful sliders, moving on pupboalks of gliding cards placed on the beams covered with Daclene.

The transportation of the arched section was carried out in the summer of 2003 on four barges with a displacement of 3000 tons. Each (Fig. 6.75). The dimensions of one barge - 16.5 × 85.0 × 3.3 m. The load on the barge was 2150 tons. And included the load on the weight of the span structure (1150 tons), closures of the barges (400 tons), adjustment and residual water ballast (600 T). Closing the barge was performed from metal frame supports. Each barge was equipped with pumps with a capacity of up to 250 m 3 / h, electric lobing with a carrying capacity of 5 tons, knechats, boiled layers, polyspore systems.

Fig. 6.75 - Transportation on the barges of arched span

Given the large height of the arches (61 m) and, as a result, significant sailboat, as well as the high flow of water flow in the river (up to 2 m / s), it took a traction force during the transportation of 70 TCs for transportation and 200 vehicles during a forced parking (at wind speed 10 m / s). This caused the need for powerful tugboats, polyastes, anchors-blinds weighing up to 45 tons. 8 tugs were used to transport the arched section: 4 with a capacity of up to 2400 liters. from. and 4 with a capacity of up to 1200 liters. from.

The arched section was displayed on the axis of the bridge against the flow, at the beginning of the floating system descended downstream at a distance of 400 m. Below the axis of the transition, after which the tugs led it up against the flow. Without reaching the axis of the bridge 50 m, the working tugs stopped the movement and limited to holding the flooding against the flow, and the auxiliary tugs with a capacity of 150 liters. from. We started feeding ropes on floating fish.

After the establishment of the cables coming from the barge to the anchors-suits and to the stack of supports, barges with the help of the winches fixed on them, started the arched section on the axis of the bridge and revealed to the plascape of winches, then the ballasting of the barge was made to lower the arch on the support of the bridge and the bonding Temporary reference parts.

Next dismantled rigging, barges starred with anchors, chose the cable winches. Barges tugged from under the span structure. The duration of work from overloading the arched section from piers on the barges, transportation and before the installation for permanent supports occupied 22 hours.

In 2011, the ship's shipping company Palmali became the winner in the TENDER OF NK LUKOIL on the development of the project and the construction of a transport and assembly barge (TMB) with a cargo offshore crane for the arrangement of the objects of the naval field of hydrocarbons. V. Filanovsky in the north of the Caspian.

On December 22, 2011, a long-term TMB chartering was signed between Palmali and NK of OJSC LUKOIL.

LUKOIL has assigned the name "Yuri Kuvikin" in honor of one of the former leaders of the Geological Service of LUKOIL - Yuri Stepanovich Kuvikin (1935-2012), which made a great contribution to the opening of a large oil and gas province in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. In recognition of the merit of Yuri Kwykin, the Sarmatian oil and gas condensate field was also renamed his honor, which LUKOIL opened in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea in 2003.

The construction of the four sections of the Barge Corps was performed at the Besiktas Shipbuilding Plant, the city of Yalov, Turkey. Docking sections, installation of basic equipment and commissioning work, the implementation of the receiving test program was made at the Khazar ship repair plant in Azerbaijan.

TMB is designed to carry out work on the transportation of large-sized buildings, placement and transportation of various technological equipment for the construction of the drilling complex and will be operated on the licensed seaside section of the deposit. V. Filanovsky in the north of the Caspian.

The main characteristics of the TMB "Yuri Kvykin": Maximum Deadweight 14351 tons. Length 140 meters, 62 meters width. Barge can carry cargo weighing 14000 tons, and placed on board an offshore crane is able to raise the cargo weighing 400 tons.

The T-shaped barge consists of two main pontoons, as well as two additional pontoons (outriggers) necessary to increase the carrying capacity and stability of the vessel when transporting superheavy overall cargo, such as the upper structures of LSP-1 and CTP.

As part of the transport and assembly barge, Yuri Kuvikin, which houses the upper structure of the ice-resistant stationary platform No. 1, two tugs and two transport and bunker vessels, October 20, 2014 went from the head shipyard of a shipbuilding enterprise in the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel in Caspian sea.

On June 22, 2016, Barge came out of the seaport of Astrakhan towards the objects of the seabed field of hydrocarbons. V. Filanovsky, located 220 km from the seaport. Its according to the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel (VKMSC) was carried out by the pilot and promotional vessels FSUE "Rosmorport", which was completed on June 26.

On April 16, 2017, in the region of 170 km of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel (VKMSK) of the Lotsmann FSUE "Rosmorport" of the Upper Building of Iceproof Stationary Platform No. 2 (LSP-2), placed on the transport and assembly barge. June 27 from the seaport of Astrakhan Barzhaxir Caravan towards the deposit. V. Filanovsky.