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Cleaning system for water to the entire apartment. The best water purification system in the apartment: description, views, features, reviews and prices. When installing filters for technical water required

In centralized water supply systems, cleaning is performed by chlorination of the liquid. As a result, disinfection is made - removal of pathogenic microflora. But chlorinated water is dangerous for use, it also spoils the hair and causes the skin drying. Safe health cleaning provide individual filters. Their choice depends on the purpose and conditions of operation.

Types of water purification filters

Jugs are inexpensive, compact, easy to use models. Apply at home and in offices. Cartridges must be changed every 2-4 months. Equipment eliminates rust, chlorine and other impurities.

Drinking water filters that are installed under the sinks are massive, bulky systems. They differ quite complicated installation and high cost, but they remove not only chlorine and rust, but also dangerous bacteria, prevent the appearance of scale. The equipment is suitable only for buildings with a centralized water supply system.

Desktop - filters for water treatment in small apartmentsoh. Have a capacity of about two liters per minute. The greatest number of impurities remove the products of the membrane type.

Cranes nozzles are small flow filters for water in an apartment that do not cause difficulties in operation. They remove chlorine, rust, stiffness salts. Have low cost, but require frequent replacement of cartridges.

How to choose a water filter?

The quality of cleaning largely depends on chemical composition Fluid that is fed to a specific object.

It should also be considered constructive features Devices:

  • efficiency;
  • principle of operation;
  • purpose - for production or residential facilities;
  • the frequency of replacement of cartridges.

In almost all water pipes, an increased chlorine content is noted, there are also exceeds the permissible concentrations of iron salts, manganese, petroleum products, industrial pollutants and other harmful substances. Indicators of impurities in fluid depend on the quality of pipes, the features of the nearest cleaning station and other factors.

The simplest solution is to buy a universal water filter, but it eliminates only basic pollution. Specialized solutions are needed for fine cleaning. The Group of Companies "Eco Volt" picks up, establishes and serves in the apartments of the cleaning system, taking into account the individual characteristics of the water.

We perform:

  • analysis of impurities that are contained in liquid;
  • selection of water purification filters;
  • installation;
  • service.

At the preliminary stage, experts produce fluid fence and analyze in the laboratory. Depending on the obtained indicators, optimal filtration layers are selected. As a result, the equipment effectively eliminates existing pollution.

Some types of water purifiers are embedded in the pipeline - the installation is performed only by specialists. Desktop models and jugs do not require mounting workIn this case, only delivery is made.

Water filters need to be regularly replaced by cartridges. The structural features of the models, the intensity of use and others affect its frequency. individual parameters. In most of the domestic water purification devices, the cartridge replacement does not represent difficulties and is performed by the user. If necessary, employees go to the object and carry out preventive maintenance of filtering equipment.

Our company practices complex professional approach and offers individual solutions for water purification, which are based on modern technologies. For ordering or receiving for more information About the service, please contact the contact phone, e-mail Or use the online form form.

Conventional water from the municipal water supply rarely corresponds to sanitary and hygienic standards, and even more so does not add a person to a truly useful nutrient elements. For this reason, a considerable share of urban residents has long moved to individual filtering systems. In many ways, this is a costly and troublesome solution, but in terms of health care, it justifies itself. The modern system in the apartment is presented in different versions. Some of them are highlighted by filtration efficiency, others are more convenient in operation, and the third are also included in the composition of the liquid also additional useful substances.

What types of systems exist?

Industrial filtering is currently the most common direction in the sphere of cleansing systems. This produces bottled water, which can also be used in an apartment or house. Integrable and compact installations that serve small volumes of fluid are also popular. In the first case, the water purification system in the apartment is introduced into the water supply channel and further requires special service. The second option does not cause problems with assembly operations and operated as ordinary kitchen device. In choise suitable option It is worth evaluating a wide range of criteria, not forgetting that the filtration system can also eliminate the useful bacteria.

Devices of a pitched type

The simplest and most popular way to get clean water At home. This system is implemented in the form of a small plastic jug, in the center of which there is a separation barrier with a filter cartridge. It is important to notice that one such an element is able to pass through itself about 300 liters of liquid, while maintaining the optimal level of water treatment. The cleaning itself is implemented with a particle admission of about 20 μR. That is, against the background of other means, this is not the most effective system Filters for water purification (in an apartment), but as a tool for the basic or temporary preparation of drinking resources can be used at home. Especially since compared to the analogs, this option wins due to several positive moments. First, the convenience itself is noted when using such a jug. He is mobile in circulation and does not take up much space in the kitchen. Secondly, the cost of cartridges is not as high as compared with the cost of servicing more technological and efficient installations.

Flowing filters

This filter group is currently the most common in consumer homes, demanding of water quality. They are two types - the upper and lower, which are located under the sink. As a rule, the installation of water purification systems in the apartment of this type is implemented using plumbing in a plumbing line. This allows the system to ensure constant control, with a high level. For example, the average filtration system flow-up It is capable of excluding particles by fraction of about 0.1 μR. Models of this segment are also convenient from the point of view of operation, since they do not clutter kitchen space. However, if the need for repair of local plumbing, the presence of a built-in filtering device can deliver inconvenience. Referring to the disadvantages of flow systems and the need for regular change of cartridges - manufacturers recommend to update the snap-in every six months.

Filtration by tap nozzles

One of the simplest solutions to the problem of pure water supply is to use the tap nozzle. Such adaptations are simply put on the tap head, then the flow water is also filtered. From the part of such a solution seems most attractive, but it has significant disadvantages. These include a small amount of cleansing sorbent and low performance. That is, if the flow of the settings described in the minimum degree influence the feed rate, then the water purification system in the apartment type can slow down the process of working the crane. There is another nuance of operation - the installation itself, although it does not have large dimensions, in some cases it can be delivered certain inconvenience when washing a large amount of dishes.

Reviews about manufacturers

Segment cleaning Systems Predated well presented with domestic products. In particular, the products of the company "Akvafor" and "Geyser" users praise for the organic combination of low cost and performance characteristics. However, if you need to get a high-quality filtering result, it is recommended to contact ATOLL, BRITA and TECO-FILTER firms. Effective comprehensive solutions offers BlueFilters. Even, according to specialists, it offers the best water purification systems for apartments based on osmosis principle. Innovative solutions are also mastered by the employees of the "Akvashchit" enterprise, under the brand of which, for example, manufactured systems based on electromagnetic components are produced. The indisputable advantages of such models include complete disposal of the need to regularly change consumables.

How much is the water purification system in the apartment?

The cost of cleaning devices is largely determined by the type of design and the principle of filtration. For example, the most affordable boilers can cost about 300-500 rubles. On more high level are located flow systems Water purification for apartments. Prices in this case can reach 3-4 thousand. In the same segment, installations for filtering on the osmosis principle are located.

The most expensive cleaning systems are available for 10-15 thousand. What are the manufacturers for this money offer? As a rule, these are sets of filters that are installed under the sink. The presence of a stylish body and the possibility of a separate installation is distinctive properties that premium water purification systems are distinguished for the apartment. Filter prices in such configurations can reach 20 thousand.


Despite the evidence of the pros and cons of various water purification systems, the choice of choice optimal solution Not so simple. In addition to structural featuresIt should also be taken into account the qualities of direct filtering that provide different systems Water purification for apartments. How to choose best option By this criterion? A win-win option can become complex water treatment. In modern flow-type systems, for example, universal cleaning, dearness, mitigation, bacteriological effect, as well as ionization and mineralization are envisaged. But, on the other hand, a simple pitcher filter will be able to preserve some of the useful salts and bacteria just because of the imperfection of its membrane.

IN apartment houses Centralized water supply system works drinking water. Of course, water treatment is carried out before entering residential apartments, but it is impossible to argue with confidence that even after it the water is fully ready for use. To get really purified from mechanical pollution and dissolved water salts, it is necessary to use additional cleaning systems, which are presented in a wide range.


Cleaning Water in water pipes passes through the same type, it consists of several stages.

To begin with, put a mechanical cleaning filter- Here is the best use of trunk variants that are equipped with replaceable polypropylene cartridges. Such cleaners effectively delay iron, sand, as well as other suspension, which not only improves water quality, but also prevents rust. The main devices are cut directly into the plumbing, it allows you to clean the flow water completely 100%.

Keep in mind that for cleaning hot water it is necessary to use special structures resistant to high temperatures. The use of coarse filters allows not only to clean the water from mechanical impurities, but also significantly increase the service life of the whole plumbing system in the apartment.

At the next stage, hot and cold water purified from chlorine and metals impurities, This also use main water filters with coal cartridges, and the result of the use of the cleaning system is noticeable immediately - after passing through it, water acquires a bluish tint, and also disappears nasty smell chlorine.

During the adoption of the soul from the water purified in this way, the inhabitants of the apartments do not complain about the unpleasant sense of skin struts, which occurs after hygienic procedures using unfiltered water.

In the third stage, solidness salts (calcium and magnesium) are removed, which contribute to the formation of scale and plaque on the inside of the pipeline and other plumbing elements in the apartment. Filters that use for this contain special softeners.

Well, at the finish stage, the filter is used, which is installed directly on the sink - it is used to produce high-quality drinking water.

TO modern systems Water purification is the most stringent requirements- It must be effective, environmentally friendly, ergonomic and reliable. It, as a rule, includes filters, as well as hoses and capacitances for pure water supply, but it has minimal dimensions - the most popular options are compact models that can be easily placed under the sink.

Definitely a private house Or the cottage has a big advantage over the apartments when it comes to creating a water purification system, because it can be allocated for it separate room Or isolated space, in the apartment space is limited to dimensions and layout. Therefore, all the elements of the cleaning system are constantly in contact with the tenants.

But it should also be borne in mind that apartment buildings feed on the total central water supplyTherefore, there is no need for preliminary cleaning, because at home water flows already purified from mechanical impurities, pathogenic microorganisms and hazardous compounds. The main purpose of filters in apartments is the removal of calcium salts, magnesium, as well as excess chlorine.

Under conditions of small apartments, the optimal jug filters and other systems equipped with cumulative filter storage tanks.

Often the water purification system in apartments contain non-standard water preparation methods:magnetic field, ultrasound and the like. However, most urban residents prefer a standard approach to water preparation, which long years The use has proven itself as reliable and fully responding with current standards and standards.


To remove solid impurities, mechanical filtering is used, the filters are divided into options with the auto industry and without it.

The first have compact dimensions, their diameters correspond to the pipe parameters into which they are mounted.

Typically, the housing of such products is made of brass or of stainless steel, but threaded connections Can be the most diverse on materials and sizes, they are selected in each case individually. Such filters are pretty low price - As a rule, their cost does not exceed hundreds of rubles, although there are more expensive brand models.

Since the grids are periodically clogged, they have to clean them regularly, so the bottom of the flask is usually removable, it is easily unscrewed and removed, and after cleaning the grid, returns to its place.

The filter with the auto industry is equipped with a nozzle and crane, which are installed at the bottom of the flask.With the help of the hose, the nozzle has an output into the sewage system, so if necessary, clean this filter, you just need to open the tap, and the water incoming under pressure all the contents can be cleaned into the sewer. After that, the crane overlaps and the device can be operated on.

As a rule, such filters are equipped with a gear gauge, with which the degree of clogging of the mesh is determined: if the pressure drops, it means that it has come to clean the filter. However, if the filter is equipped with a transparent flask, the pressure gauge will not need - the degree of contamination can be determined in appearance.

Depending on the type of connection, all mechanical filters can be flanged or coupling. Flanges are usually used for the production of trunk filters that are installed in high pressure water supply systems.

Disk filters are less popular.They are a set of rings, the surface of which has scratches of different depths. The discs at the same time are very tightly pressed among themselves, water in passing through them contact with all the hollows so that all large particles are settled on their walls. Since the movement occurs in a spiral-shaped, then the removal of the suspension is quite high-quality.

Water, purified from mechanical impurities, can be used for washing, washing dishes, cleaning and other household needs. However, it does not fit for drinking or cooking. Signally speaking, it can be used to receive inside only after boiling, and so that you can drink water without heat treatment, you need to use fine cleaning filters, which can effectively remove most dissolved in the form of substances and disinfected it.

Most often for this use one of several popular options.


It is the most budget and affordable optionwhich effectively reduces the content of chlorine, copper and iron liquid, softens the water and delays mechanical impurities.

Cleaning occurs at the time of water through the replaceable cartridge, which contains:

  • activated carbon - necessary to remove chlorine-containing compounds and microorganisms;
  • polypropylene fibers - which are used to precipitate solid impurities;
  • ion exchange resin - allows you to remove calcium salt and manganese, as well as the compounds of heavy metals and radionuclides.

The advantages of filters-jugs include the simplicity of their use and low price.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting a small service life of the cartridge and the lack of opportunity to restore them.

When acquiring jugs, it is necessary to give preference to brands of well-known manufacturers, since cheaper options often produce only rough Cleaning.

Attachment on the crane

Another popular type of filters, which on the principle of action look like jugs. At the time of the passage of water through such a nozzle at the entrance, all chlorine compounds and mechanical pollution are displayed. Separate varieties can also remove stiffness salts, heavy metals, iron and aluminum ions, and in addition, nozzles containing activated carbon are purified from most varieties of bacteria, phenol and organic matter.

The popularity of the nozzles is explained by ease of their installation and small dimensions.The disadvantages are the same as the jugs, and in terms of the cost of cleaning at the input liter of water it turns out that these filters are expensive than the multi-stage cleaning systems.

Multistage cleaning

The efficiency of cartridge filters largely depends on the number of degrees of cleaning - that is, separate filtering elements that can delay individual types of contaminants.

Such systems may be single, two, three- and even four-stage.

Single-step contains universal inserts with a multi-layer structure, they are rather cheap. However, their effectiveness causes a lot of doubt, since in each region the composition of the water varies greatly, and in the case of the use of universal systems, it is impossible to expect that the specific locality of the impurity will be derived from water.

Multistage filters are a case of several flasks.In each of which there is a special filter component, which removes strictly certain types of contaminants. These flasks are connected to each other with overflows, flowing through which water is gradually cleaned. The advantage of such a system is the possibility of installing a specific filter under your analysis of tap water - it significantly improves the purification quality. However, such filters require free space, differ in the complexity of installation and high cost. IN reverse osmosis Such filters requested a significant amount of water - in order to clean 1 liter of water, up to 5 liters of "waste".

There is an opinion that deep cleaning of water is flushed from it all microelements useful for humans for man, this theory did not find any confirmations or refutations, however, for those who fear the loss of their useful properties, always on sale water mineralizers.

Separately, focus on the variants of filters that are used in multistage systems for cleaning different species Molted substances.

If the water acquires a brown shade and a characteristic taste, this may indicate the large content of iron in it, such a phenomenon is often found when water from wells and wells are used. Such water causes the formation of deposits on the walls of sanitary and technical devices and clogs the locking equipment if the concentration of ferrolences exceeds 2 mg / liter, then they must be removed.

The optimal output in such a situation will be the use of a catalytic filter- It is a rather large balloon in which catalysts are placed, such equipment requires connecting to an electrical network.

Under the introduction, the composition of the filling of special components may be derived by manganese, chlorine and other substances.

As a rule, deletion of deposits is made according to a specific schedule, most often at night. Failure is effectively rinsed under the influence of water pressure, all pollutants are displayed in the sewer, usually set at night.

Catalytic filters are very complex and notes, but they are the most reliable and durable of all presented on the market.

There is another way to remove iron salts from water - aeration. To do this, in the reservoir with air, which is injected by the pump through the nozzles in the form of suspension, the water contained in it is reacting with oxygen, oxidized, and the resulting oxides at the outlet remain in the filter.

There are two types of filters for purifying water of this type - pressure and non-pressure. For more active oxidation, oxidizer can be supplied to these settings - hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite. In this case, the biological water purification is carried out - from microbes and bacteria.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

When buying a water filter is very important to choose a truly quality productwhich will effectively clean water from all types of pollution. Unfortunately, today's market is literally flooded with the most diverse fakes, which claim to produce complex cleaning, and in fact they only remove solid particles and chlorized.

Based on the reviews of consumers, the rating of manufacturers was drawn up, whose products have proven itself as high quality and reliable.

The absolute leaders are the products of the Akvaphor brand.This company implements a wide range of various cartridge filters - for drinking water, for the shower, as well as for washing and dishwashers. Among the products of this brand you can always choose installations focused on cleaning both cold and hot water, which completely neutralize all types of chemical compounds. However, among the products you can find such filters whose tasks include only rough cleaning - all information about the functional purpose is placed on the package.

Filters are not less popular german manufacturer Honeywell.which offers devices that carry out significant exceeding the working pressure in the plumbing, which can reach 10 times. Among the products proposed by this brand, you can find both coarse and fine filters, and the main filter element is a special metal grid that is closed in a reliable flask of high strength.

Among domestic companies are very popular with the "New Water" cleaning systems.Products of this brand are distinguished by price availability and extremely high quality. The product range of products includes trunk filters with a separate crane, the degree and level of water purification in which you can adjust by changing cartridges.

A large number of Users gives preference to the brand "Geyser", the company is tirelessly introduces the latest technological developments in production, thanks to which were created clear Systems On the basis of ion exchange polymer.

It should be noted that under the brand "Geyser" produced a lot of various filters, the products are presented in all regions of our country. In stores you can find the simplest household models, and complex industrial installations that can simultaneously clean rather large volumes of fluid.

Atoll - the company operates in the market of cleaning systemsnot one decade and tirelessly invest in improving its products. As a result, each newly created model released in this production has an increasingly perfect and reliable fastening and more long term use. The cost of products at the same time is low, thanks to which the filters of this brand are available for the Russian user.

Coolmart is a Russian company located in Vladivostok.The company began its activities over 20 years ago, starting from the issue of one of the first in our country with remineralizing water purifiers. To date, the main volume of products is implemented in the Primorsky Territory, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And also users celebrate high quality Fibos products.

More about the filters of the brand "New Water" you can find out by looking at the next video.

How to choose?

To pick up the optimal water treatment system for installation in an apartment, little to learn the reviews of relatives and loved ones, it is necessary to take into account their own operating parameters.

If financial capabilities allow, the optimal option will be the nanofilter, which will serve as faithful over the years and does not require the replacement of the cartridge, and the water will be perfect after it.

Filter flasks cold water Make out transparent plastic, And for hot - from brass.

With a high content of iron in water, which indicates a red-haired laid on the plumbing, the filtering mesh may gradually score with the sediment of iron, which will reflect on a decrease in pressure in the crane.

Cartridge trunk filters

Cartridge trunk filter consists of a housing (flasks) and cartridge. The casing of the filter for cold water is made of transparent or opaque plastic. In a transparent flask, you can control the level of contamination of the cartridge. For hot water, the flasks make from opaque plastic or stainless steel. When installing the housing from a stainless steel under it, you need to leave a free space, equal to the height of the case (this is necessary to replace the cartridge), but if too hot water is supplied to the highway, it is not deformed and will not penetrate.

The flasks have SL standards (Slim Line) - narrow and BB (Big Blue) - wide. Their height ranges from 5 to 40 inches. The larger the size of the housing, the higher the filter performance.

The cartridge for such a filter must be chosen by the type of contamination, which will be cleaned. They have the same size standards as the housing, for example 10 "SL or 20" BB. The larger the size of the cartridge, the longer it will serve.

To purify water from mechanical particles, cartridges from foamed polypropylene, cellulose or polyester are used. They remove undisguised particles with a size of 1 to 50 microns. Cartridges made of cellulose and polyester are also called petals. They have a large area of \u200b\u200bthe filtering surface, and, accordingly, a higher resource. However, the cost of such cartridges is higher.

Definition cartridges are used to remove from the water of an excessive amount of iron. They translate iron from dissolved in a unwanted form, then it is filtered mechanically. The disadvantage of such cartridges is the low yield threshold - up to 3 mg / l of iron in water.

To purify water from chlorine and its connections, a coal cartridge is used. It effectively removes chlorine, iron, heavy metals and organic substances, due to which water can have an unpleasant smell, taste and color.

To reduce the level of water and protection household appliances Use a softening cartridge. When it is used, there is either the substitution of calcium ions and magnesium on sodium ions, or they are translated into a form in which they are not precipitated on the surface of heating elements. With high rigidity or large water consumption, such cartridges are ineffective, since their resource ends quickly.

The filter for household appliances is installed immediately in front of the washing or dishwasher and protects it from scale. Polyphosphate appetizer does not give a precipitate for heating elements. In the process of work, the backstage is dissolved, and it is necessary to periodically shove it. You can control its level through a transparent case.

Magnetic converters also use magnetic converters. Such filters affect the magnetic field on the water and are not allowed to fall out on the household appliances.

For drinking water

The main task of filters for drinking water is the finishing of tap water to the drinking condition, that is, the removal of chlorine, chlorine-organic compounds and heavy metals, as well as softening, wilderness and disinfection of water.


Jug - the most common filter for home use. This is a plastic container with a cartridge installed in it. Water poured into a funnel, passes through the cartridge and already cleared in low part Reservoir. The main advantage of such a filter is that it does not need to be connected to the water supply system. The main drawback is a low filtration rate and a small amount of filtered water - not more than 4 liters. Such filters are distinguished by a low service life of replaceable cartridges and lose other drinking filters as water purification.

Tight nozzles

Nozzle on the crane is inexpensive and easy to use water purification device. Water passes through the cartridge and goes through a separate crane or a hole in the filter. The advantage of such a device is low cost and higher filtering speed compared with jugs, disadvantages - a small cartridge resource and the need to constantly connect the nozzle or switch water between the filter and the mixer.

Filters under the sink

The flower cleaner is connected to the water supply system and can have from one to four papers of cleaning. The filter is equipped with a separate crane for feeding purified water. Such a system works quickly and effectively removes chlorine from the water and its connections, since at least one coal cartridge is always included in the package. In a system consisting of three cartridges, the water passes several cleaning steps, each of which purifies water from the type of impurities. Such filters can soften water, reduce the high iron content or combine several types of cleaning immediately. It should be noted that the filter has a large chlorine resource, but small on the salts, stiffness and gland.


In a separate group of flow filters, filters with an ultrafiltration membrane can be distinguished. They purify water from all impurities of more than 0.1 micron. And since the average bacterium has a size of more than 1 micron, such filters effectively purify water and from them.

Filters based on reverse osmosis

A reverse osmosis-based filter consists of a prefilter block, a refundable membrane, a cumulative tank, postfilter and a crane for clean water. A two-or-three-stage filter is used as a block of prefilters, the function of which is the protection of the reverse osmosis membrane from large mechanical pollution, chlorine and dissolved iron, which can score the pores of the membrane and bring it out of order. Replacing cartridges in the preservation unit must be carried out once every six months a year.

The water purification system for the apartment must be modern, environmentally friendly, ergonomic and efficient. It includes a set of various filters with additional equipment (hoses and tanks for feeding and removing clean and dirty water). The water purification system in the apartment must be minimal overall dimensions. That is, only a compact or mobile, which is easy to accommodate under the sink or move is used.

The main connecting elements are fittings, plastic liner, taps. Usually manufacturers deliver components with their equipment. Thanks universal adaptersFiltration systems are quickly and easily mounted.

Types of cleaning systems

Produce several types of water filtration systems for the apartment:

  • sorption;
  • membrane;
  • ion exchange.

The private house has a great advantage to install the cleaning system: you can select an isolated room or space. The apartment is limited in the area, all items in it are in contact with its tenants.

Today, many adherents of environmentally friendly products begin to abandon ion exchange filters. In them, the filter mass is restored to regenerating solutions. Digure the popularity of membrane systems.

Sorption filters with interchangeable modules, which are easy to replace and do not need to be restored are also used.

Basic requirements for water purification systems for apartments

As with the choice of any water filtration system, its chemical analysis should be made. Apartment houses It feeds the central water supply water. People do not need pre-cleaning systems if water comes from modern communications. Filtering devices in the apartment should work on the removal of chlorine and stiffery salts.

In limited spaces rarely use filters with cumulative tanks For the storage of the filtrate. Mobile and reduced variant of such systems is a filter-jug, which supplies with water with a family of 2-3 people.

Often, drinking water cleaning systems for apartments are unconventional ways to prepare water: structuring, magnetic field, ultrasound. But many residents of megacols choose a conservative approach to water purification, which have proven themselves over many years of use in softening and removing chlorine, comply with the standards and standards.

Selection of water purification system for apartments

Each area has an individual composition of water. Therefore, there is no accurate instructions for the choice of water filtration system. But if it was firmly decided to use purified water, then you need to start with zero level. It should be accurately determined from which water should be cleaned. This can be done in laboratory or yourself at home.

Immediately warn: one filter is not enough. Drinking water requires a more thorough approach than technical.

Drinking water filters

In the apartment optimal options there will be a multi-stage system, nozzle for a crane or filter jug.


At first sight budget option It seems a filter-jug. However, it is effective with the acceptable quality of tap water. The filter jug \u200b\u200ballows:

  • reduce chlorine concentration;
  • reduce the amount of copper and iron;
  • lower water rigidity;
  • remove mechanical impurities.

There are significant differences between the filter jugs of various manufacturers. Large enterprises try to specialize their cartridges under different water. Better to give preference famous brands For slightly greater cost. Cheap jug filters can only produce mechanical cleaning Or in general to be ineffective.

To the advantages of filters of this type include:

  • low cost;
  • simple use;
  • does not require installation.

The disadvantages are:

  • short-term cartridge service;
  • cartridges are not restored;
  • not high efficiency Cleaning.

Attachment on the crane

By the method and effectiveness of the tap attachment similar to the jug filters. They remove chlorine compounds and produce mechanical cleaning. Additionally, specialization can be provided. If the filtering mass is ion exchange resin, heavy metals, stiffness salts, iron ions, aluminum are removed. When using activated carbon, it is cleaned from most of the types of organic and bacteria, phenol.

What nozzle is better than a jug? It all depends on individual preferences. Sometimes it is possible to regenerate ion exchange resin, which is not characteristic of cartridges from filters-jugs.

Advantages of tap nozzles:

  • easy installation;
  • minimum system sizes when good quality cleaning;
  • convenient to use.

Disadvantages are the same as the filters-jugs.

Multistage systems

Multistage systems are used with serious water issues. Many of them are equipped with a membrane of reverse osmosis. But even with its absence, effectiveness is quite high.

The advantages of multistage systems:

  • great performance;
  • solves almost all water problems.


  • big value;
  • requires a certain space;
  • complex installation;
  • slow work;
  • in reverse osmosis, a large amount of water is required (5 liters of "waste" are required for 1 liter of pure water);
  • dear consumables.

Many consider deep cleaning with a disadvantage: microelements needed needed. But you can always additionally provide a mineralizer or resort to another method of increasing water mineralization.

Technical water purification systems

First, the water before serving in the apartment should go a rough cleaning. It is necessary to protect plumbing and household appliances. It also extends the service life supplies In the cleaning system of drinking water.

Washing I. dishwasherswhere water heating occurs, require individual filters of water softening. They can be installed in front of the device.

But with high rigidity, it is better to solve the problem comprehensively. After all, hair and skin suffer from solts. The minimum cost will be filter nozzle on the shower.

Ion exchange softeners with high performance are not suitable for small-sized apartmentsSince they require a lot of space. Experts recommend using a magnetic softener.

The filters described are mounted with cold water pipeline. Hot water also requires cleaning.

Water purification is a comprehensive task. It requires an individual approach to creating a water purification system from different species filters.