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Properly make sewage in a private house. Sewage in a private house

Filimonov Evgeny

Reading time: 9 minutes


How to create a sewer in a private house. External and internal sewage. Selecting materials and location of sewage. Installation of pipes and sewage drains.

When building a mansion, a seasalization scheme in a private house, a important role should play. After all, from the arrangement of waste management waste, the comfort of living and the presence of sanitation repair work in the future depends.

Stages of laying sewer system. Materials for sewage creation. Inner and external sewage, which differences in them. Choosing a place. Options for arrangement. Selection of necessary pipes. Tips and recommendations for reliable installation.

During the construction of a new building, sewage is an integral part. With modern materials and quantity of useful information on the Internet, find out how competently designed the sewage scheme in a private house do not make any problems.

Observing simple requirements, you can easily mount the waste system yourself, since you do not have to use outdated bulky materials.

Since the old Dedovsky toilet lost its relevance, especially during the cold season, the three main types of waste systems are currently being operated:

  • System connected to a collective or urban collector;
  • Stationary waste collection point;
  • Hermetic reservoir;
  • Stationary sewer well without the bottom;
  • Installation scheme of biocanalization.

The principles of mounting the pipe system in the house and to the collector, all species are almost the same. It is convenient to carry out all wiring around the house, and the connection to the gathering point is more efficient to make the PND tube of the technical purpose, since its length allows an unlucky way. The main branch connected to the toilet deployed with a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, all other standard watershake points (sink, washing machine, shower cabin) are connected to a general system of pipes of the 50th diameter.

The only requirement is an angle in 2-3o on horizontal sites to ensure the optimal flow of water.

The sewer PVC pipes have its advantages and disadvantages when installing the waste system:

  • Simple connection method. The whole scheme is collected as a designer, pipes and components are simply inserted into each other;
  • Materials have light weight in comparison even with PND materials;
  • An easy way of fastening, including vertical surface;
  • The only drawback is the maximum length in free access 6 m.

Seasoning scheme in private house with your own hands

Installation of the sewage system in a private house is possible for all sewage types, except biocanalization. To implement this option, it is recommended to contact the specialists. All others can be mounted independently, but when connected to the central system, a package of tolerance documents will be required.

What should I start

The first item is the choice of the type of collection point. The most profitable is a connection to the common urban branch. The user once puts funds to installation and required materials and monthly pays a symbolic amount for services. This option will not always be implemented for country construction, but there is an alternative.

Stationary scheme of the sewage of the private house: the depth of laying the pipe to the tank

The tank can be made of different materials.

It may be:

  • Metal or plastic tank;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Concrete rings installed on a concrete base.

This method is acceptable even if there is a water well on the site, since liquid waste at good waterproofing does not penetrate into the soil. The only drawback is the waste of cash on the services of the assessing agents. Septic, as a rule, is mounted to a depth of 1.5-2 m. The pipeline is highly recommended to lay below the level of primeros of the soil, determine which is possible by a special card.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

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Depending on the number of waterproof points, the working capacity of the capacity is selected, but it should be borne in mind that the standard amount of the assessing machine is 3 m3, that is, the volume of your capacitance should be a multiple of this indicator.

For example, if the volume of the tank is 5 m3, you or you will overpay for the services of the second machine, or 2 m3 of the working volume is filled once and will become useless.

In the case of a standard family in 4 people, with periodic washing, shower, soaking dishes, the capacity of 3 m3 on average is filled in two weeks.

An option with a non-grid waste collection point

When implementing this type of sewerage, the location of the site collection site is very important. The minimum distance from the house and household buildings to the cesspool is 6-10 m. Otherwise, liquid drains are flushed out soil and sandy pillow.

Execution options:

  • Concrete rings installed on a drainage pillow;
  • Brick version of cesspool;
  • Metal or plastic barrels connected to one system with holes.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Note! When using the barrels, the base is laid out with gravel, since the weight of the opposite soil press the container into a loose soil.

When laying sewage in a private house, it is recommended to perform with a slope greater than an angle of 2-3 ° for a more efficient process. The depth of the RVA for each case is different, depending on the size of the site and its location relative to the driveway.

Basic principles of the device of the sewer pipeline

Depending on the number of interval points of communication, the diagram of the internal location of pipes is drawn up. For convenience, the scheme is drawn by millimeter paper. In the case of the construction of a two-story building, in order to save materials, it is recommended to place the bathrooms and secondary drain points as close as possible to the collector. The main collector is mounted on one vertical line at all planned floors, all subsequent parts of the system are consistently connected to the main line.

The technology of assembling PVC materials is very simple, as any pipe can be shortened to the desired size. Also, each node with a closed system is recommended to be equipped with an emergency adapter, in case of a blockage occurrence, or a larger diameter adapter.

Nodes located in closed sophons are recommended to be combined with the use of sealant. It is recommended to avoid angles in the 90o, it reduces the risk of a blockage.

The principle of water shutter

Water valve prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewage to the room. Its device has the same design, differences only in size. Water serves as a kind of cork.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Note! In the case of a long idleness without operation, water evaporates, and the waterproofing loses its functional qualities.

Vacuum valves and fan pipe

These two concepts are unknown by most people who are not associated with the profession of plumbing. The purpose of these two elements is to prevent air discharge in the system when draining a large amount of water or during the operation of the assessing agents, at the time of pumping waste from the accumulative container.

Undoubtedly, the installation of the sewer system is the simplest stage of construction compared to electricity or the construction of walls, but in this stage there are many pitfalls.

Here is a list of some of them:

  • When buying pipes and components, check the presence of rubber gasket in the termination. It is often lost;
  • It is ultimately not recommended to connect the fan tube to the ventilation system;
  • In the case of a standard set of water consumption points (one toilet, two sinks, a washing machine, a shower), mounted the fan tube is not necessary, you can limit the vacuum valve;
  • When laying PVC pipes in the ditch, closely follow the joints, since the locations of the compounds are unstable;
  • It is strongly recommended to establish an emergency removal for cleaning sewage. It is installed as close as possible to the door of the pipe in the house, in an affordable place.

Compared to other stages of construction, the sewage is the easiest in the installation, with the exception of biocanalization. Consult with experts or select specialized literature, since rampant actions are able to destroy bacteria present in the accumulative container. For example, from a cleaner for a chlorine-based toilet, bacteria will be recovered for a week.

All less often in private sectors you can hear the phrase "facilities on the street". This is not surprising - after all, every person is committed to comfort. However, he can not talk about him if a frosty night, waking up, have to dress and run through the snow in the cabin standing 15 meters from the dwelling. So the homemade masters of restrooms are equipped directly in the house. But in order for them to function normally, it is necessary to correctly mount the uncleanness of the septic tank, located on the street. Today we will look at how the sewage is mounted in a private house with your own hands. The scheme of its device will also be considered by us, and simultaneously learn and the cost of such works when performing their specialists.

Read in the article:

How to make a diagram of the sewage device in a private house with your own hands

Starting the drafting of the sewage scheme for a private house you need to decide on the number of drain points. It should be understood that in the presence of two floors in the residential structure, each circuit is mounted, as planned, individually, followed by the conclusion to the general riser exiting the septic tank.

The presence of only one riser is unacceptable only in case of installation of the pool or saunas - it will be necessary to mount a separate drain for them.

Important! From the completeness and correctness of the drained sequence scheme for a private house with their own hands will depend on its performance and simplicity of installation. In the plan, it is necessary to specify the length of all pipes - this will help correctly calculate the amount of material.

The problems that can be encountered when designing

The main complexity in the preparation of the project can be inserting a sewer pipe to the house. For this you have to break through the foundation or install special pumps. Their installation will be needed and the bathroom device in the basement or basement room. It does not prevent a special installation capable of chopping the organic. Pump for sewage along with knives assembly is called Multilift.

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Designer engineer VK (water supply and sewage) LLC "ASP North-West"

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"If the house is at the construction stage, then regardless of whether the toilet is planned inside or not, it is worth building a sewage pipe to the foundation. To begin with, you can simply drown. If you need to install sewage, it is very useful. "

When designing, the number of residents of living is required. This indicator will directly affect both the septic size and the diameter of the sewer pipes that will be used when installing the system. Do not forget about the depth of the primer of the soil - the system should be in the ground below this mark.

What types of sewage exist

The main species can be called:

  1. Betales. This format is not too common in private homes. It is more suitable for giving, where there is no need for constantly functioning sewage.
  2. Village Yama - The easiest in the installation and does not require much options. Its inconvenience is that it requires periodic pumping with the use of special equipment, and this is not cheap.
  3. Septic - The most common version of the sewage system. Vital products are processed using living bacteria and microorganisms or by adding chemicals that decompose organic waste into the container.

The septic device cannot be called cheap, but it allows you to do without pumping for a long time. The main task is to add the necessary substances on time. As for the sewage system itself for a private house, it will be the same as for a cesspool, and for the septic.

Sewerage in a private house with your own hands: the scheme and its main components

By drawing up a sewage laying project in a private house, it should be noted on the location of plumbing devices such as sink or. All pipes are also taken into account (in terms of their length and diameter), compounds, angles and branches are prescribed. Data is made about the location of the rising and its output to the septic.

If you write all the parameters in detail, it is possible to mount the entire system much faster and high quality. Plan, after installing the sewage, must be saved. It can help with breaks or other freelance situations.

By making a sequence diagram for a private one-storey house (as well as buildings in several floors), it is important to consider the installation sites for cleaning, special branches with plugs that will help get rid of blockages. Do not forget about the calculation of the secular line. With a weak slide, the plums will be ineffective, and when the walls are unnecessary on the walls, fat and contamination will occur, which will eventually lead to an emergency. Let's try to figure out how to make a scheme of the sewer system correctly.

Drawing up a sewer system

The first thing you need to do is to spread the plan for all the premises of the framework. It is more convenient if such schemes are available - quite often, it is precisely such in construction. In this case, it can be copied, and already "laying" the channels of the sewage. Pointing the installation points of sanitary devices, start measurements. Here each millimeter role can play.

Important! When installing thinner pipes (for example, from the sink), if they are longer than necessary, the danger of their curvature occurs. In this case, the water will be stated, which will lead to the growth of fat and dirt and blocking.

If possible, all plumbing devices are better to have the immediate proximity to the riser - this is allowed to perform the sewer with the greatest efficiency. Indicate all the inserts in the riser. A prerequisite is to attach the discharge of the toilet directly into the main pipe, without additional compounds. Drain of the bathroom and shells can be combined - this will save the material and get rid of extra pipes and inserts in the main riser.

What diameter should be pipes

The diameter of the pipe is selected based on the number of living and the planned intensity of the use of the system. However, there are generally accepted norms. So the diameter of the main riser is directly to the septic, is usually 100-110 mm. The same diameter and draining toilet bowl. But the sink and bathroom go thinner pipes. Most often, a diameter is used for such purposes, equal to 50 mm. Such thickness will be quite enough.

All connections and inserts must be performed at an angle of 450. If the angle of the sewer pipe is smooth, it is this point that will be periodically clogged.

When the sewer system, it should be understood that the riser should go to the roof, from where air access will be available. Consider what will happen if there is no access to air, and the upper part of the riser is muffled, on the example of a two-storey house. Everyone knows that the toilet is arranged hydraulic reasons that does not smell from the system to get into the room. In the absence of free air access, we wash off the water in the toilet on the first floor. Due to the praise, water from the sanitary device of the second floor is drawn up. The hydraulic circuits are open, all the smell from the sewer system rushes into residential premises.

How can I increase the efficiency of the sewage

You can improve the quality of autonomous sewage operation as using the installation of additional equipment and pure installation parameters. To do this, you just need to correctly distribute the slope of the highways. The most effective is the bias of 3 cm / m. But for greater performance of the sewer system, you can increase this parameter to 4-5 cm / m. This will be quite sufficient for the efficient operation of the system and not enough for the rapid formation of a fatty or mud floor on the inner walls of pipes.

Very effectively struggling with deposits on the walls of modern funds. But you should not wait for the miracle from them when a solid blockage occurs. Advertising may argue that the tool can easily cope with any of them, but this is not quite true. In fact, such products are good for periodic prophylaxis. If the pipe is already thoroughly clogged, then there is nothing better than an old good cable.

Speaking about additional equipment, it is impossible not to be advised to prevent breakup of such equipment as the chopper of household waste under the sink. It does not allow large cleanrs and other Musor to get into the sewer tube. All that is sent to the drain after grinding, the consistency resembles a liquid porridge, which is not able to clog the highway.

How to make a sewer in a private house: stages of work

All work on the arrangement of the sewer system of a private house is made in several stages. There is no need to perform them without interruption, which means you can install in free time for a long time. However, according to professionals, such work is rarely delayed - barely starting the arrangement, the home master is trying to fulfill everything as soon as possible. Consider phased steps that need to be performed. The algorithm of action should be like this:

  • we calculate the required amount of septic;
  • install and equip the tank;
  • we deploy the highway from the septicity to the house;
  • we produce inner wiring of sewer pipes and connect them to the system;
  • we connect plumbing equipment.

By observing this order and simple rules for the production of work, you can be sure that the system will work without complaints. We will analyze every step in more detail.

How to calculate the required septicity for a private house

The calculation can be expressed by experience: for this you need to summarize the entire flow consumption with family living in the house. However, if the sewage system is mounted at the construction stage of the dwelling, this method is unacceptable. Then you can take the average values \u200b\u200brecommended by SanPiN. However, it is much easier to use a specially designed calculator below:

Send the result to me by mail

The averaged data is shown in the table below:

Number of residentsMiddle water consumption, m3 / dayRequired capacity, m3
3 0,6 1,5
4 0,8 1,9
5 1,0 2,4
6 1,2 2,9
7 1,4 3,4
8 1,6 3,9
9 1,8 4,4
10 2,0 4,8

Many may have a question why the amount of septica is more than 3 times than the daily wastewater consumption. The answer is quite simple. Almost all septic models installed in our country are designed for three-day processing of organic waste. It also applies to chemicals or live bacteria that are added there. It turns out that three days is exactly the segment of the time that is necessary for the complete processing of human activity products. Hence the tripled values.

Article on the topic:

From our materials you will learn the device, the principle of operation, the location requirements, the secrets of independent equipment of the cleaning facilities for the private house, as well as advice and recommendations of specialists.

Installation of the reservoir and equipment to it

More often, domestic masters are asked for help in installing septica to specialists. However, there is nothing superpost in this work.

By choosing a place in the yard, and digging the pit, it is necessary to put the reinforced concrete slab on its bottom, for which the container is fixed using cables. If the groundwater level is high enough, then a drainage tube with an output from the site into the nearest waste ditch is swapped at the bottom of the pit. Installation of septic ventilation is required. It is performed as follows. The pipe is derived from the vent, with a diameter of 50 mm, which passes under the ground under the tilt of about 4-5 m. At the output, the knee is set to 450 and then the pipe rises to a height of 3-4 m. This allows you to ensure good thrust and eliminates unpleasant odor in the courtyard.

In the place where the sewage drain will be drained into the tank, the tube segment is set, a diameter of 100-110 mm (the size depends on the septic pattern and the diameter of the planned riser). The septicch itself is buried under the ground, outside, above the ground, only its small part (often only the neck) remains.

Gasket of the sewage highway from the septicity to the house

For pipe laying, it is necessary to proceed with a trench, a depth of at least 60 cm. In some areas of Russia, where the climate is colder this parameter must be greater. In any case, the sewer highway must be below the level of primerization of the soil. Best trench wake up with river sand or sandy-gravel mixture (PGS). After laying a highway, it also falls asleep. It turns out that the pipe is located inside the sand pillow. Next, the PGS is a little tampering, and the usual soil is embanked from above.

Important! The pipe from home to the septica should go under a slope. The optimal will be the dispersion of 4-5 cm / m. This will allow uncleanness not to linger inside, but to go into a container with the greatest efficiency.

How to perform an internal wiring of sewage in a private house with your own hands

Sewage wiring in a private house is made in strict accordance with the project, we are talking about which has already been in our article. In order to respember to read the reader, it is easier to understand this issue, we suggest to consider several photo examples with comments.

IllustrationPerformed action
First, we note the place where the sewage pipes will be held. It is best to do this by a laser level to provide the desired slope of the highway.

Now the places that will be in sight should be stamped to hide the sewer pipes in the grooves. But this can be done only if the wall thickness allows.
Singing the wall on the marks, knock out an extra concrete (or foam concrete) with a perforator with a spatula.
Where the wall will not be put out, feed the holes with the same perforator and install special clamps that will keep the pipe.
Cut the plastic pipes in size. You can do this both with the help of a grinder and a simple hacksaw of metal.
Slubsing the inner rubber seal, insert the edge of the corner or pipe into the socket of another piece. The compound is obtained sufficiently dense and hermetic.
Similarly, we collect the entire highway to the main riser, which goes to septic
The part that is not accumulated in the stroke is fixed on the previously prepared clamps.
Do not forget that further finishing works will be made. Special plugs on the pipes will not give construction trash to get inside.
It remains only to attach the line to the main riser. Similarly, the installation and other branches of the sewage system of the private house are made.

Recommending how to make it possible to make a sewer in a private house, you can move to the installation of plumbing devices. But for a start, several tips for connecting plastic pipes with each other.

Connection of plastic sewer pipes: some nuances

The quality of the sewage layout in a private house depends on the correctness of the production of pipe connections among themselves. To do this, you need to purchase special silicone-based lubrication. It is not necessary to be confused with silicone sealant - such groups are not needed in such work.

If you look inside the squabble, then you can see there rubber sealing ring. It is quite enough for the tightness of the system. However, it is easy to damage when connecting pipes with each other. Even if the sealing ring shifts a little, over time the connection will begin to flow, and this is not necessary for anyone. Silicone grease is used to prevent such a problem. After it is applied, the pipe includes one to another without any problems, creating a reliable and hermetic connection.


When designing and installing internal sewage sealing for a private house, no one is insured against errors that can lead to unpredictable consequences, from the appearance of an unpleasant odor to the complete inoperability of the system. Consider in this article the concept of internal sewage in a private house: the design and installation rules + the analysis of frequent errors arising in the process of all this.

General characteristics of the modern internal sewage system

Today, the construction of private suburban housing is experiencing a real boom. Therefore, there was a need to create a convenient and modern sewage system, which could be mounted an ordinary person who does not have construction education. Such a system should have good performance, since the number of sanitary devices producing household waste has increased significantly. After all, with the advent of automatic washing machines, dishwashers, jacuzzi and shower cabins, the water consumption of ordinary household increased to 200 liters per person per day.

An increase in the number of plumbing devices leads to a significant complication of the pipeline networks themselves. The benefit that PVC pipes are used for installation of sewage, which is supplied with auxiliary shaped parts, with which the installation of the pipeline becomes not more complicated by the manufacture of crafts from the children's designer. All these parts are supplied with sealing rings that can be easily replaced if necessary.

Internal sewage is a combination of plastic pipes and shaped parts for their compounds serving for wastewater removal from sanitary devices. The devices themselves are equipped with siphons necessary to prevent the smell penetration into the premises. Laying of pipes obeys strict rules, non-compliance with which is fraught with a violation of the work of the entire system.

Rules for laying pipes when building internal sewage

As a central discharge channel in the entire sewage system at home is the riser. He can be one for the whole house. If the house is too large or the bathrooms are located at a considerable distance from each other, then the risers make two or more. They are vertically installed pipes that begin in the basement, and end on the roof. The lower part of the stand is connected to the inclined pipe of the same or larger diameter, which comes out into the container for the accumulation of wastewater or in the wastewater treatment plant. The upper part of the riser towers above the roof of at least 0.5 m. It is open or equipped with a check valve. Why it is necessary - consider further. All vehicles leading from plumbing devices are connected to risers.

Hydrodynamics of liquids in pipes

The pipe is a cylinder, inside of which water moves. With full filling the pipe with water, the effect of the piston occurs. This means that the pressure from the top of the water plug drops sharply, and on the contrary, it rises. In a situation where an explosive plums from a toilet bowl occurs, the vacuum formed is able to suck all the water from the siphones. This is fraught with the appearance of smell in the premises. On the contrary, in the course of the movement of the fluid, an excessive pressure occurs, which is able to push the uncleanness of the device below.

Ignoring the laws of hydrodynamics leads to two common errors in the design and installation of sewage. The first error lies in the failure of the ventilation device. The background tube coming from the root to the roof, not only removes the unpleasant smell, but also serves as a pressure compensator in the system. After all, when it is presented, the reduced pressure over the water piston does not cortify water from the siphones, and will ensure air flow into the system from the atmosphere, which again levels the pressure.

The second common error lies in the fact that all plumbing devices are connected through the undermining pipes to the riser below the toilet bowl. It is unacceptable, as it will certainly be the reason for pouring uncleanness into the sink or shower cabin during washing. Similar problems occur when supply pipes are longer than permissible for them. In order not to have no such trouble, it is necessary to formulate some important rules for the installation of intumery sewage.

Rules of the device of the domestic sewage system, whose violation is unacceptable

Attention! The violation of the rules below may result in a serious disorder of the internal sewer system or emergency.

  • Connecting the toilet to the riser should be carried out separately from other plumbing devices.
  • All other plumbing elements include the system above the toilet connection point. On one supply tube there may be several devices if their performance allows.
  • Any supply pipe must be diameter no less than having the largest diameter of the appliance.
  • The toilet removal has a diameter of 100 mm, therefore, the riser should not be thinner.
  • The toilet is set at a distance of no more than 1 m from the riser, and the remaining devices are not more than 3 m.
  • If the house has a drilling pipe longer than 3 m, then it should not be thinner than 70 mm. Approach that is 5 m longer than 100 mm millimeter pipes.

If an increase in the diameter of the supply pipes for some reason is not possible, then there is a way to bypass this rule. To do this, it is necessary to bring the roof of such a pipe to the roof and supply a vacuum valve or to flashes it to the riser above all other appliances.

Quantitative characteristics of parameters of laying sewer pipes

Significant, important nuances, the observance of which will ensure the performance of the sewage in optimal mode:

  • The slope of all horizontal pipes depends on the diameter of their cross section. The standards suggest that the pipe with a diameter of 50 mm should be descended by 3 cm each temporal meter of length, having a diameter from 100 to 110 mm 2 cm per meter. Pipes having a diameter of more than 160 mm can be tilted at no more than 0.8 cm on the temporon meter.
  • Such an indicator, as a height difference for the toilet, should be 1 m, and for other devices 3 m. The exceeding of these parameters must be accompanied by the ventilation organization at the ends of the corresponding veins.

Another common error lies in the improper design of the corners. If you make angles of 90 degrees, then as a result of the rebound in this place, zoom from waste will be formed, and the pipe will quickly break. For this reason, on the corners it is necessary to create a smooth flow of water. To do this, use the shaped parts having an angle of inclination of 135 degrees.

The fourth error is the output of the fan pipe not on the roof, but in general home ventilation. Such a device will create an unforgettable "fragrance" in the whole house, to get rid of which it is possible only by converting the entire system.

In order not to be heard of the sounds of water moving along the pipes, it is necessary to arrange noise insulation. For this pipe, the pipes are wrapped with mineral wool and placed in the box of plasterboard sheets. For timely and convenient conduct of preventive work, the pipes are equipped with hatches of revision every 15 m. The same applies to all turns.

Fifth error. In a pipe connecting the domestic sewer and septic tank, the check valve is not installed. In this case, when overflowing outdoor devices for recycling, water can rise up through the pipes and pour the basement.

Errors associated with the connection of siphones

Connecting any plumbing device to sewage is carried out through siphons having a view of the letter U. Such a curved form allows water to be constantly in it. It forms a hydrobarier and does not smell penetrate the room. However, this system ceases to work when performing some errors. Main error - no ventilation. In this case, the vacuum simply sucks water from the siphon, allowing smells to walk freely around the house. Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell is a banal evaporation of water from a siphon. This happens with rarely using the device. You just need to plug the rag used device.

What calculations are produced when planning internal sewage

Work on the design of internal sewage should be carried out strictly in accordance with the above rules. In addition, certain calculations are required to comply with them:

  • The general scheme indicates the place where one or another will be located. Its distance from the riser, the diameter of the supply pipe, the option of attachment and compounds with sewage is thought out in advance. At the same time calculate the required amount of materials.
  • Defined with the type of sewer system itself. They are pressure and controversial. Usually because of the simplicity, the system is used in which water flows under the action of the gravity of the Earth. The main thing here is to calculate the tilt of the pipes according to the rules set out above.
  • According to the technical characteristics of each sanitary appliance, it is calculated its simultaneous stock. The thickness of the supply tube depends on this indicator. In most cases, for all devices, in addition to the toilet, 50 millimeter tube is suitable
  • Calculate the most optimal place for mounting the riser. Most often it is toilets. If there are two of them in the house, in different vertical planes, then the riser is better to do two.
  • Calculate the sequence of the sewage is needed so as to maximally reduce the number of angles of rotation. This will significantly reduce the risk of blockage.

The above calculations made correctly will make the sewage system most workable and efficient even if overload occurs.

What is needed to build a domestic sewage system

As mentioned above, the main thing in the sewage device inside the house is to compile its detailed drawing with the indication of all the instruments and sizes of the elements. For installation, sewer pipes from polyvinyl chloride are used. The device of their ends is such that the two pipes can be connected by placing the end of one into the socket of the other. For risers, pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are used, and for the remaining devices 50 mm. For a compound with external sewers, a corrugated pipe is used, due to its better resistance to the adhesion of the soil.

From the tool usually used: saw for cutting plastic pipes, sharp knife and rubber mounting seals. The saw cut the pipes, cut the cuts with a knife and make chamders. Rubber seals are inserted into the squabbles. For connecting pipes to the system, various fittings are used:

  • Kings or taps that are needed for the design of the corners. They are produced with a bend of 45 and 90 degrees. Their ends are also equipped with connoisseurs with seals to create dense connections.
  • If it is necessary to connect trimming of the pipes of one diameter, apply transitional taps.
  • Tees of various species are fittings for organizing pipe branching.
  • Transitional clutches are needed in order to create transitions between pipes of different thickness.

A common error during installation of plastic sewer pipes is ignoring their heating. So that the pipes are easier and more densely in each other and in the connecting shaped parts, the squabbles must be heated in hot water.

Sequence of work when installing internal sewage

Installation of the sewer system inside the house is carried out in the following order:

First, the risers are installed, withdrawing their ends on the roof and in the basement. They must pass in close proximity to the toilet bowls. In the basement, they are connected to the inclined pipe, which goes out into the septic tank, and the upper ends are left open or supplied with check valves.

Secondly, underwater from toilet suits to riser. They must be separate.

Thirdly, connected to the laying stands from other devices above the inputs of the toilet bowls.

Fourthly, installed on all devices of siphons.

Fifth, connect siphons with eyeliners.

In conclusion, let's say that the properly designed and collected sewage will work will work all for a long time without serious problems.

Separate design of engineering communications - sewage system planning. The owners of cottages and country houses often have to independently be drawn by the scheme and installation of equipment, so it is simply necessary to know the nuances of the organization of work.

The efficiency of the system depends largely on whether the sewage layout in a private house is performed correctly - the internal system of pipes and equipment connected to them. For competent design, it is important to take into account all: from the selection of components to the material of the manufacture of individual elements. And we will tell you how to do it.

Unlike electronic, gas, water supply systems, which are established according to the documentation certified in certain instances, the sewer on its own land plot and in the house is allowed to be equipped without permitting papers.

However, without a project, it will not do without a project, as it will force from errors associated with the violation of generally accepted requirements.

For example, one of the frequent disorders is non-compliance with the boundaries of the sanitary zone during the installation of a drain pit. The supply and drain systems should not contact each other.

Option of communications in a private single-storey building - Exterior water supply and sewer system are located on different sides of the building

The internal layout device is often associated with errors in the organization of ventilation, improperly select the diameter of the pipe or angle of inclination.

Specialists are usually engaged in building aksonometric scheme. They also produce hydraulic calculations of the internal network and the highway located on the outside of the building. Now there is a more interesting option - creating a sewage model in a 3D format.

3D modeling programs allow you to make an accurate and full-fledged project, which simplifies the selection of pipes, shaped elements, fasteners, as well as installation methods.

The project turns to specialists when they want to reduce the risks. But there is another option - to study sanitary and technical standards, familiarize themselves with the internal layout schemes, learn to understand as a plumbing equipment and make a project on their own.

Placing important system units

The feature of the autonomous sewage is that the principles of its arrangement depend on each component in the overall system.

For example, the criterion for choosing a wastewater drive is not only the number of residents living in the cottage, but also the number of connected sources of draining technical and economic waters - from home, garage, baths, summer kitchens.

Work planning and scheme selection

Installation of sewage pipes is usually performed with the installation of the water supply, respectively and design these two systems are better together.

If we generalize all the documents that make up the project, and try to act according to the rules, then the following list will be:

  1. General data - description and conditions for the installation of water supply and drainage systems with support for regulatory documents.
  2. Explanation of the premises (explanation to the scheme) with the indication of wet zones and the method of their waterproofing.
  3. Calculation of water consumption and drainage taking into account norms.
  4. Floor planning plan for water supply and aksonometric scheme.
  5. Floor seasalization plan.
  6. Specification - enumeration of all components with an indication of the quantity or element.

You can refuse to install additional ventilation equipment, but provided that a private house is not higher than 2 floors, and the load on the sewer network is minimal.

If a lot of people live in the building, the number of latoms of more than 2, the drains are removed into the sewage treatment, the installation of the fan tube is obligatory. Thanks to her, the atmosphere in the house will be healthy, and water from the hydraulic assets will not disappear anywhere due to the pressure difference in the network.

Features of the wiring in a high-rise building

The number of risers due to the presence of the 2nd or 3rd floors does not increase, but the connection scheme is complicated, since the taps are present on all floors. For multi-storey home, there is a "code", set forth in the SNiP documents.

The issue of the device of a full-fledged bathroom in a private house stands up before each owner. Technologies allow you to equip household sewers without special investments, both material and temporary. And an increasing number of residential buildings remains with amenities in the yard. In this article, we will consider such popular questions: what types and sewage types exist, the sewage device in the house is your own hands, what is septicchka and how to do it, how to make a septicity from concrete rings, what is a cesspool and how to do it, as well as related Questions.

Types of sewage for private households are divided into two parts.

For cottage settlements or urban areas, where the private sector is closely located to apartment buildings, the sewer for a private house is summarized to centralized drain collectors. Such a solution is featured convenience, since all difficulties consist only in the quality laying of sewage pipes to the scene. However, there is a negative side of the connection of a private house to a city sewage network - payment of wastewater services. For apartment buildings, the tariff and the total volume of drainage corresponds to the total amount of water consumed. Accounting is conducted in the number of regulations registered, according to the norms or water metering devices.

For a private house, where the lion's share of water used does not merge into the sewer, the calculation of payment according to the testimony of the water meter can significantly complicate life. Many this issue will seem unimportant, but some of the owners tends to autonomy, and therefore it remains relevant.

The traditional method of drainage in private homes is a cesspool, it septicchka, she is a sewer.

Before proceeding with the detailed guidelines for its creation and arrangement, it is necessary to produce all the plumbing work in the house.

DIY sewage device in the house

Most of the private sector buildings have one floor. In the same place, where they are two, the bathroom is located on the first floor. Modern private building projects provide for the placement of plumbing on each floor, but adjoin all the objects to a common riser. As an example, consider the standard one-storey structure, where it is necessary to carry out the sewer with your own hands.

So, it is necessary to place a sink in the kitchen, washbasin and bathroom / shower cabin in the bathroom and toilet toilet.

Bathroom and toilet are combined or separate. In any case, the draining for them will be common, because the distribution of plum points in the room should be done in such a way that before the "riser" (the main pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, which will take the drain on the street) the distance was minimal.

The kitchen, where the washing is located, according to the project documents often has an adjacent wall with a bath or toilet. In this case, no difficulties arise. If the kitchen is distant from the main riser, it is necessary to lay a separate drain to its connection with the riser. Depending on the situation, this can be done both in the perimeter of the house (the suspension is in the riser, which includes plums from the washbasin and the bathroom / soul) and the perimeter (if the placement of the kitchen and the bathroom does not allow the pipes in the perimeter, they are output Limits at home, where they can be connected or enter into a drain pit separately).

The difficulties described above are caused by the fact that for high-quality water drain, it is necessary to observe the slope of the sewage, which is not always possible to do in situations when the distance from the point to the point is large. The slope of sewage must be a certain percentage depending on the diameter of the pipe. See the values \u200b\u200bof the slope of the sewage depending on the pipe diameter in the figure below.

Laying of sewage pipes is made under the floor. Most buildings have wooden floors, raised above ground level. Cavity under the floor is empty, which gives a lot of options for solving the problem. The bias is measured by the construction level or marks on the masonry for which the pipe should pass. The collected spans of pipes are tested at intermediate stages of water filling into the system and the control of its drain. It is important that nowhere will be stored and a small part, because there is a blockage formed there, to eliminate which after flooring will be difficult. Sewer's slopes are more than 5% permissible if it is dictated by the convenience of placing the system or the distance of the distance under the floor.

Final assembly

When the estates of each plum were removed to the final place, the final assembly will have. PVC pipes for sewage have all the necessary knees and adapters, as well as tees with various transitions, allowing you to docile together plums from washing, shower and washing machine. Next is combined with risers and drain from the toilet. After completion of the work requires final testing with a large load to eliminate leaks, if such appear and avoid breaks and water accumulation.

The release of the sewage perimeter is produced at a depth of at least 300 mm. It depends on the climatic characteristics of the region, as well as from the slope of the site, the proximity of the groundwater, which affect the depth of the drain pit.

On each of the drain points, besides the toilet, from the flexible hose is a knee in which a small amount of water is constantly worth it, the so-called water shutter, which excludes the penetration of the unpleasant odor from the drain. If necessary, clean the blockage in such a knee is 10 minutes.

Slum system

It is it that it becomes for many homeowners a stumbling block in matters of household sewage setting in a private house. Technologies have noticeably simplified work with the contents of such pit, allowing them to do without servicing for many years.
Household sewage is divided into two types - septic tank and traditional drain pit.


Technological solution, progressable during the construction of cottage towns and small country houses. They are plastic or metal container collecting all the drains and organic waste. It uses only its useful volume, which partially increases the use of microorganisms (septic), processing the organic capacity to gas (excreted through the ventilation channel, does not harm the environment) and clean water (suitable for watering the site with a small pump). For a full-fledged residential building on a numerous family, high capacity models are offered.

A bottleneck of this type of sewage is its price. The cost of tanks is sufficiently high, moreover, transportation and installation is superimposed on it, which must be carried out in compliance with technology so that the container remains the whole.

The advantage that is worth noting is that the septic tank can be mounted in areas with a high level of groundwater. The tanks are attacked in the dumped pits, then loaded with a load so that water in the flood does not pushed them out of the ground.

The average service period with proper use and adequate use of a useful place is 2-5 years.

Septic of concrete rings

One of the subspecies septica is a device from factory concrete rings. This type of septicity is rather popular, because It is relatively cheap, fast and easy to install. Septicity from concrete rings do it yourself quite simple. To do this, dig a pit sufficient depth. To cut off the water, the bottom of the crushed stone is put on the bottom.

Typically put 3 one-step rings on each other, then cover them with a hole with a hole. On this hole put another small ring to access the septic. This ring is closed by a sewer hatch. Rings fasten with a cement mortar. If you are septic with overflow, then you need to create 2 or 3 such pyramids from the rings. The more cameras overflow, the cleaner the water will be at the output. The bottom in the first chamber is hydroizing and concrete. At the top of the upper large ring, a hole is made and a pipe of 110 mm on which tees on both sides are put on.

If you want to make 3 cameras, we repeat the procedure with a hole and a pipe, but we have them just below the level of overflow from the first chamber to the second. From the last chamber, the pipe is discharged on the drainage field, or it is left open in it open and laid a large crushed stone on it. On the sides outside, the rings fall asleep with sand, for cutting water. Do not forget to remove the ventilation tube from the chambers to access the air.

Video about septica from concrete rings

Village Yama

Many decades are used without complaints and special problems. Even in areas with a high level of groundwater, filling such pits during the period of flooding, they have found a solution in the form of placement of the pit at a low depth, but with a large square.

The place to accommodate the pit and the release of sewage from the house must be defined before all the works, since the reorientation of the system already diluted under the floor will require the recalculation of sludge and extra time.

The pipe leading from the house to the pit is deepened by 500 - 800 mm, if the water level allows. Otherwise, it is necessary to warm it as much as possible and leave the audit windows (a special butt block with the opening lid) for easy cleanings every 3 meters of pipe length.

The average volume of the pit for this type of sewerage is 5 m cubic per adult. At the same time, it is not necessary to neglect organic septic ones that will allow you to do without rejecting the contents of decades.

We build a drain pit

By choosing a place, you need to define linear dimensions and depths, pull out the pit and thoroughly align the walls. The perimeter near the walls on the bottom is drunk under a crunch of 300 mm and deepened about 500 mm in depth. A small layer of rubble is placed on the bottom, then 2-3 rows of semi-block are placed on the solution without holes. It will be the basis for the walls of the cesspool.

Walls (only for a long time is able to withstand the microenide), making gaps between bricks at 20 - 25% of their length, starting with 5-6 rows. Through these intervals, water will be departed, which will allow less often to serve the pit.

The masonry is removed not to the edge of the pit, but with a non-worker of 400 mm. The main thing is that the pipe release tube will be fully covered.

At the bottom of the pits lay out the middle crushed stone with a layer of thickness up to 200 mm, from above can be strengthened by it collected from slag pile by stones similar to the legs for feet. This trick makes it even less likely to dig a pit, because in the pores of such a drainage, microorganisms absorbing the organic are well developed.

The overlap can be any, on the curly finished railway plates before the product alone. This product is created from a flat slate or galvanized sheet laid out on top of a masonry cut. The future overlap should be at least 250 - 300 mm per edges of the masonry. The reinforcement of rods is stacked on top. It is enough that there will be a grid of reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm with a cell of 20 by 20 cm. The bottom edge of the grid should be raised from the base at least 20 mm (it is better to lay on the stones or locksters of the protective layer). In the sides of the reinforcement, we build a formwork and pour all the concrete layer at 100 - 200 mm.

If the linear dimensions of the Great in the center of the pit puts the support from the brick or pig-iron pipe to which overlap is based on.

Be sure to leave the hatch to be able to access the pit, as well as to show it if necessary.

An excellent solution will make the top edge of the overlap below the soil level and lay the space around the hatch of the turret.

Be sure to leave the outlet nozzle for ventilation (standard sewer PVC pipe). Many make up the arbor or parking spaces for cars. But in this case, reinforcement and stove above the pit should seriously increase.

We hope you figured out the basics of the sewage device in your home. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article, we will definitely answer them.