Repair Design Furniture

Purification of drinking water in the apartment. Complex water purification in the apartment. Coarse cleaning devices

Depending on which settlement your home is located, the quality of the supplied water can vary significantly. This is what excludes general recommendations concerning the choice of this or that model of filters for purification of incoming water.

Having made a decision about equipping your apartment, you need to start the selection procedure from the zero stage. It consists in the fact that it is determined what exactly the filter is required for. This can be done on the basis of an analysis (home, or better - laboratory), the results of which will show which impurities must be purified from the water.

Drinking water filter

Depending on the results of the analysis performed, you can choose a filter from three main groups.

Filter jugs

In terms of price, this solution is the most attractive. But only when the water has a minimum degree of pollution. These filters allow you to:

  • reduce the amount of chlorine contained in the water;
  • partially reduce its rigidity;
  • significantly reduce the total number of iron and copper ions;
  • qualitatively filter out the available mechanical impurities.

When deciding to purchase a jug type filter, buy only a product from a well-known manufacturer.

The advantages of these models: ease of use, low price, no difficulties with installation. Cons - the cartridges have a short resource, insufficient degree of cleaning, the inability to regenerate the cartridges.

Filters designed as tap attachments

In terms of the quality of cleaning, they are approximately comparable to pitcher filters. Many models are specialized. For example, filters using ion exchange resins can remove heavy metals, aluminum, iron, and hardness salts. Models with activated carbon qualitatively remove organic compounds, microorganisms and bacteria, phenol.

The advantages of such filters are their ease of use, compactness, relatively high-quality degree of cleaning, as well as ease of installation. As disadvantages, the insignificant resource of the filter element and the narrow specialization of filters are noted.

Multi-stage cleaning systems

This solution allows you to get guaranteed quality water. The vast majority of such systems include membranes that work using the reverse osmosis method. There are systems without it that are also very effective and outperform the jug-type faucet attachments and filters.

The advantage of such systems is a comprehensive solution to the issues of high-quality cleaning. Cons: low performance, substantial dimensions, high cost, installation complexity, expensive consumables.

When installation of filters for industrial water is required

A coarse filter is almost always needed. Its installation at the entrance to the apartment is the most the right decision... The presence of such a filter allows you to protect household appliances and plumbing, as well as extend the life of the cartridges used in cleaning systems drinking water.

Certain models of household appliances require additional filtration of the water entering them ( gas water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.). Additional filtration is required when the water hardness index exceeds the recommended by the manufacturers of the indicated equipment. Depending on the specific situation, sometimes it is enough to install a conventional filter at the inlet of such devices.

Most often, a complex filter unit is required. And even in cases where drinking water no longer raises any complaints about its quality, do not forget about the negative impact of hard water on human hair and skin. And this requires, at a minimum, the installation of a filter nozzle on the shower.

In cases where softening is to be done large volumes water, the optimal solution would be the use of filters operating on the basis of ion exchange. They have large dimensions, so they are not always suitable for an apartment, and the use of softeners with replaceable cartridges does not allow achieving the required quality.

Alternatively, consider using magnetic softeners. But, it should be borne in mind that most of these devices can only work on highways cold water.

Variants of schemes for complete purification of water entering the apartment

Consider a typical scheme, the implementation of which will provide the most complete purification of the water entering the apartment.

Positions 1A and 1B are pressure reducing valves (reducers) on the cold and hot water lines, respectively. Used to protect hose connections, plumbing fixtures, dishwashers and washing machines, shower cabins, other equipment from possible pressure surges in hot and cold water supply systems.

These elements can maintain a given pressure in the inlet lines. The installation of these valves minimizes Negative consequences, which may occur in the event of failure of the above equipment, or emergency ruptures of pipelines at the connection points. Typical reducers can be called models D06F - for cold water ½ "A and D06F - for hot water ½" B.

The first stage of cleaning involves the release of water from suspended particles (rust, sand, calcium salts, scale, etc.). For this, filters are used to ensure mechanical cleaning(cartridge or mesh).

Position 2A and 2B - mechanical cleaning filters (mesh). These filters are strongly recommended by almost all manufacturers of household appliances. For such filters, the grids are made from of stainless steel high quality and have a resource of several decades.

Flasks of such filters are usually designed for pressures up to 25 atmospheres, but the experimental pressure during checks exceeds the indicated one by 10 or more times. Such filters are not afraid of water hammer of any strength. A number of filters are equipped with internal mesh washing systems.

Typical models are Honeywell F 76S - ½ ”AA, (½” AAM), Honeywell FF06 - ½ ”AA, (½” AAM).

Position 3A and 3B - cartridge filters. These are metal or plastic flasks that contain filter elements that can be replaced as needed. Cartridges performing mechanical cleaning remove impurities from it with a size of 0.5 - 100 microns. When using carbon cartridges, you can clean water from chlorine and unpleasant aftertastes. Typical models: main filter FHPR-2 Standart AQUA 10, geyser 1P - ½ ”, KVF10 - ½”.

Position 3 - low capacity filter softener. Placed exclusively on cold water. Frees incoming water from hardness salts. Necessarily connects to drainage system since needs regular regeneration of filter media. The installation of such a system prevents the appearance of scale in the existing instantaneous water heaters (shades of washing machines, boilers, etc.). Representatives: Canature CS6 H 1017, Atoll Ecoline R - 14.

Position 4 - thermostatic mixing valve with burn protection. Provides the output set temperature... It is used in hot water supply systems for centralized temperature control, as well as for limiting the temperature value in the return pipe of the boiler. The interruption of the cold water supply automatically interrupts the hot water supply. And vice versa - the cold supply is turned off when the hot one disappears. Typical device- Honeywell TM200.

Position 5 - drinking water filter. Mounted under kitchen sink and is supplied with its own tap for purified water. Typical device - household system reverse osmosis Hidrotek or Atoll.

Water purification systems in use today are extremely diverse in terms of models and purposes. Only specialized organizations... Most of them offer turnkey installation of such a system in one of four options offered today:

  • economical;
  • budgetary;
  • universal;
  • premium class.

Pay due attention to the purification of water that is used in everyday life - this will preserve the health of your loved ones.

Many probably remember the Russian folk tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, in which our ancestors lucidly and eloquently told about the importance of clean drinking water. More than a dozen years and even decades have passed, and young parents still tell their children that drinking dirty water is dangerous: you will become a kid.

In order to protect themselves and their families from all kinds of transformations, citizens often install various systems water treatment, without thinking that before purchasing equipment, it is imperative to analyze the water.

It happens that the water after filtration becomes even worse than before cleaning, and the reason for this is the wrong choice of equipment. In particular, consumers buy filters for softening, assuming that their water is hard, but in fact, too soft water washes out useful minerals and organic substances from the body, leading to rickets. To avoid this kind of opus and waste of money, you should do a water analysis.

Today, the analysis of drinking, natural and waste water can be ordered in specialized laboratories. Within 1-2 days, analytical chemists will determine why your water is unusable. It is best to do a complete bacteriological and chemical analysis of water, since only in this case it is possible to judge the quality of the water, as well as the need to install water purification systems.

Based on the data obtained during the research, you can purchase exactly the filter that will purify the water from the detected pollutants.

The most dangerous impurities for living organisms are considered to be nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, pathogens and heavy metals. Here are just some of the diseases that can be caused by polluted water: allergies, boric psoriasis, cretinism, anemia, gout, cancer, fluorosis.

Excess impurities include iron, hydrogen sulfide, metal salts, manganese and other substances that contribute to corrosive processes. Well, the sources of mechanical impurities are rust, sand, clay and scale.

An important step in any water analysis is to determine the organoleptic properties of water, i.e. consumer qualities - color, taste, odor, turbidity and temperature. The good organoleptic properties of water have a positive effect on human health, and bad smell, sediment, alkaline or other taste are the first signs of contaminated water.

Water purification methods

In order to purify water, you should strictly follow the recommendations that you receive in the laboratory, because often to eliminate all impurities, it is necessary to use several purification methods at once.

Today, the most accessible water purification methods are: clarification, adsorption, deferrization, oxidation based on chemical reagents, softening, desalting, disinfection, conditioning, dechlorination, removal of organic contaminants and nitrates.

The following are ways to remove the most common pollutants from water.

Type of pollution Cleaning methods
iron ions, manganese
  • aeration - enrichment of water with atmospheric oxygen;
  • the addition of special oxidants (chlorine, ozone), stronger oxidants are used for manganese ions;
  • filtration through modified loading - destruction of iron and sediments by passing special materials
microparticles, coarse particles, colloids, suspensions
  • settling water;
  • coagulation - an increase in the size of polluting particles for their further sedimentation;
  • filtration with dolomite, activated carbon, quartz sand
increased content of calcium and magnesium salts
  • boiling;
  • electrodialysis - a decrease in the amount of electrolyte under the influence of voltage electric current;
  • cationization - softening and demineralization of water with ion-exchange filters that replace calcium and magnesium with sodium and hydrogen;
  • reverse osmosis - the passage of water through a membrane from a solution with a more concentrated raster to a less concentrated one
increased acidity filtration with dolomite or granular calcium carbonate
salts, microorganisms, organic compounds reverse osmosis
microorganisms, bacteria, viruses
  • chlorination;
  • ozonation;
  • irradiation of water with ultraviolet light
change in organoleptic properties sorption on activated carbon - binding of particles at the molecular level

Water purification systems for apartments

Despite the fact that the water supplied to city apartments is treated at water supply stations, it still contains impurities that can be harmful to health. The main water pollutants in the urban water supply system remain insoluble mixtures, pesticides, oil products, phenols, metal salts and chlorine. Therefore, taking into account the indicators of water analysis, consumption volumes, as well as financial possibilities, it is necessary to choose exactly the treatment system that most effectively cope with sources of pollution.

Let's dwell on some types purification systems, which are more expedient to use in the city.

Recommended for final water purification. The advantages of this treatment equipment, the main filtering component of which is activated carbon, are considered to be ease of operation, compactness, mobility and low cost, disadvantages are the quality of water purification and filtration rate.

The Geyser company offers consumers several types of filter jugs with a 5-level cleaning system: bactericidal, universal, for hard and ferrous water. The cost of these filters varies from 175 to 359 rubles.

Filter jugs of the company "Aquaphor" promise to protect against chlorine, bacteria and organic compounds for only 360 - 560 rubles.

The jugs produced by the Barrier company cost approximately 249 - 699 rubles. They are distinguished by a wide the lineup, color variety, in addition, "Barrier" produces filter jugs with electronic indicators.

A household water purifier of the accumulative dispenser type is similar in principle to the filter-jug. The only difference between a dispenser and a jug is the volume of the container.

There is a wide range of desktop dispensers on the market. So, a 1.5-liter water dispenser costs about 1.6 thousand rubles, and if it is equipped with a water heating and cooling system, an electronic display or a mini-aquarium, then the price rises to 5 thousand rubles.

Multistage systems

The next type of cleaning equipment for apartments is multistage systems "for washing".

Classic multistage filters "under the sink" are several filter cartridges, permanently connected to the water supply, with a separate tap for pure water... These filters purify water from mechanical impurities, pesticides, heavy metals and oil products.

2-stage filters “for washing” of the Novaya Voda company cost 1.99 - 2.27 thousand rubles, 3-stage filters “Geyser” - from 2.6 thousand rubles.

When buying a cleaning system for the home, the main thing is to decide what you want to get from the filter: water purified from large impurities, which will not spoil household appliances, or clean drinking water, which can be consumed even by babies.

Carbon filters

The operation of carbon filters, capable of removing organic impurities and chlorine, which give water an unpleasant taste and smell, is based on the principle of adsorption (preventing pollutants from entering the water by retaining them outer surface solid). The main component of such filters is activated carbon, which, due to its large surface area, provides good filtration.

Filter charcoal is made from coconut shells, the advantage of which is high abrasion resistance, which allows one filter to be used for about a year. The main disadvantage of carbon filters is the size - 860 × 340 × 260 mm.

The cheapest carbon filter with a capacity of 1.4 m 3 per hour costs 25 thousand rubles.

Mechanical filters

These are the simplest strainers available at any plumbing store. Mechanical filters are installed in the pipeline, they purify water from suspended impurities. These cleaning systems prevent the ingress of solid particles into taps, valves of household appliances, meters. The most acceptable mechanical filter for an apartment is considered to be a magneto-mechanical filter, inside which a magnet is located, capable of retaining metal particles.

The minimum price for mechanical filters of the Honeywell brand is 1.9 thousand rubles, for Aquaboss filters - 1.97 thousand rubles.

It is a mistake to assume that water from a deep well is of the highest quality. Chemical analysis will show that natural water contains dissolved iron, hydrogen sulfide, manganese, as well as a number of biological pollutants.

Water purification from a well consists of a whole range of measures, since for the use of natural water for domestic purposes it must be softened, clarified, and salts and iron, gases, chlorine, and ammonia removed from it.

The design of the water treatment and filtration system must be carried out on the basis of chemical analysis and the volume of water consumption (the average nominal volume country cottage 1.2 - 1.9 m 3 per hour).

An optimal well water purification system consists of 4 stages:

  1. Aeration - oxidation of impurities and removal of gases;
  2. Disinfection and catalytic clarification - reagent-free removal of hydrogen sulfide, iron, manganese, etc .;
  3. Hardness stabilization - water softening;
  4. Water purification by microfiltration or ultrafiltration.

Often the question arises before consumers: what kind of water purification system - reagent or non-reagent - to choose for a country cottage. It should be noted right away that each purification system has its own advantages, but one should dwell on the one that is more effective in dealing with the destruction of impurities found during chemical analysis.

Reagent cleaning

The essence of reagent water purification is to add a certain amount of reagents to the liquid that enter into a chemical reaction with impurities, resulting in the formation of an insoluble precipitate or foam. Reagents can be flocculants, inhibitors or coagulants, depending on what you want to remove from the water: iron, manganese or hydrogen sulfide.

The disadvantages of a reagent water purification system are seasonal fluctuations in the volume of pollutants (the amount of reagents is dosed in a given volume), and the harmfulness of reagents (it is necessary to store the reagents in a safe place).

Reagent-free cleaning

The reagent-free system purifies water without chemicals, and is certainly more modern technology... This system saturates the water with oxygen through aeration, as a result of which the iron reacts with manganese oxide. At the end of the reaction, iron is precipitated by crystals, and manganese is returned to the catalytic bed. As a result, the consumer receives purified water.

UV cleaning

Another way to clean Wastewater is the disinfection of water with ultraviolet light, which kills pathogens by acting with ultraviolet rays on the enzyme system and cellular metabolism of harmful cells.

Water purification with ultraviolet light occurs without chemical reagents, in addition, ultraviolet light does not affect the organoleptic properties of water.

Low operating costs and a high degree of environmental friendliness make UV disinfection the most efficient wastewater treatment system.

Installation of a water purification system includes the delivery of selected equipment, installation of a filtration system, connection of filters to engineering networks starting the system.

Designing a water purification system will cost a resident of Moscow 15 thousand rubles, installation of filtering equipment on a turnkey basis - at least 40 thousand rubles. The cost of calling a specialist for service equals 3.5 thousand rubles, prices for maintenance of reagent-free and reagent filters start from 900 and 3.5 thousand rubles, respectively, maintenance of aeration systems - from 450 rubles.

If the cost of installing a water purification system seemed to you high, then remember that dirty water can kill, and purified - prolongs life, protecting human cells from negative impact environment... Therefore, you should not save on your own health, drink purified water!

Evgeniya Khvatova,

Ordinary water from a municipal water supply rarely meets sanitary and hygienic standards, and even more so does not add truly useful nutrients to a person. For this reason, a large proportion of urban dwellers have long since switched to individual filtration systems. In many ways, this is a costly and troublesome decision, but from the point of view of health care, it justifies itself. The modern system in the apartment is presented in different options... Some of them are distinguished by their filtration efficiency, others are more convenient to use, and still others include additional useful substances in the composition of the liquid.

What types of systems are there?

Industrial filtration is by far the most common area of ​​purification systems. In this way, bottled water is produced, which can also be used in an apartment or house. Also popular are integrated and compact units serving small volumes of liquid. In the first case, the water purification system in the apartment is introduced into the water supply canal and further requires special maintenance. The second option does not cause problems with assembly operations and is operated as usual kitchen appliance... In choise suitable option it is worth evaluating a wide range of criteria, not forgetting that the filtration system can eliminate some of the beneficial bacteria.

Jug type devices

The simplest and most popular way to obtain clean water at home. This system is realized in the form of a small plastic jug, in the center of which there is a separation barrier with a filter cartridge. It is important to note that one such element is capable of passing about 300 liters of liquid through itself, while maintaining the optimal level of water treatment. The cleaning itself is carried out with a particle tolerance of the order of 20 microns. That is, compared to other means, this is not the most efficient system filters for water purification (in an apartment), but as a tool for basic or temporary preparation of a drinking resource, it may well be used at home. Moreover, in comparison with analogues, this option wins due to several positive aspects... Firstly, the very convenience of using such a jug is noted. It is mobile in use and does not take up much space in the kitchen. Secondly, the cost of cartridges is not so high compared to the cost of maintaining more technological and efficient installations.

Flow filters

This group of filters is by far the most common in the homes of consumers who are demanding on the quality of water. They are of two types - upper and lower, which are located under the sink. As a rule, the installation of water purification systems in an apartment of this type is carried out using a plumbing insert into the water supply line. This allows the system to provide continuous monitoring at a high level. For example, an average filtration system flow type able to exclude particles with a fraction of the order of 0.1 micron. The models of this segment are also convenient from the point of view of operation, since they do not clutter up the kitchen space. However, if there is a need to repair local plumbing, the presence of a built-in filtration device can be inconvenient. The need for regular replacement of cartridges is also attributed to the disadvantages of flow-through systems - manufacturers recommend updating the equipment every six months.

Filtration by means of nozzles on the tap

One of the simplest solutions to the problem of clean water supply is to use a tap nozzle. Such devices are simply put on the tap head, after which they also filter the running water. From the outside, such a solution seems to be the most attractive, but it also has significant drawbacks. These include a small volume of cleaning sorbent and a low level of productivity. That is, if the flow-through installations described above have a minimal effect on the feed rate, then the water purification system in an apartment such as a nozzle can slow down the process of tap operation. There is another nuance of operation - although the installation itself does not have large dimensions, in some cases it can cause certain inconveniences when washing large-sized dishes.

Manufacturer reviews

The segment of purification systems is quite densely represented by domestic products. In particular, users praise the products of the company "Aquaphor" and "Geyser" for the organic combination of low cost and performance characteristics... However, if you need to obtain a high-quality filtration result, it is recommended to contact Atoll, BRITA and Teko-Filter. Bluefilters offers effective integrated solutions. Even, according to experts, she offers best systems water purification for an apartment based on the principle of osmosis. Employees of the AquaShield enterprise are also mastering innovative solutions, under the brand of which, for example, technological systems based on electromagnetic components are produced. The indisputable advantages of such models include the complete elimination of the need to regularly change consumables.

How much does the water purification system cost in the apartment?

The cost of purification devices is largely determined by the type of design and the principle of filtration. For example, the most affordable pitcher models can cost about 300-500 rubles. At a higher level are flow systems water purification for an apartment. Prices in this case can reach 3-4 thousand. In the same segment, there are installations that provide filtration according to the principle of osmosis.

The most expensive cleaning systems are available for 10-15 thousand. What do manufacturers offer for this money? As a rule, these are sets of filters that are installed under the sink. The stylish housing and the possibility of separate installation are the distinctive features that distinguish premium water treatment systems for an apartment. The prices of filters in such configurations can reach 20 thousand rubles.


Despite the obvious advantages and disadvantages of different water purification systems, the question of choosing optimal solution far from so simple. In addition to design features, you should also take into account the quality of direct filtration, which is provided by different systems water purification for an apartment. How to choose the best option by this criterion? Integrated water treatment can be a win-win option. V modern systems flow type, for example, provides for universal cleaning, deferrization, softening, bacteriological effect, as well as ionization and mineralization. But, on the other hand, a simple pitcher filter will be able to retain some of the beneficial salts and bacteria just because of the imperfection of its membrane.

Every person wants to drink clean water. For example, you probably want to forget about the smell of chlorine, brownish tint, rust ... In our rating - the best (according to customer and expert reviews) popular water filters. You can choose exactly the product that you need, whether you live in a densely populated metropolis or in country house... We read and become the owners of truly pure water!

Types of household water filters


  • Filter jugs... One of the most popular varieties due to its portability, availability and ease of maintenance. The design consists, in fact, of a jug and an upper funnel with a lid and a cleaning cartridge installed inside. The water flows through several filter layers, is cleaned and ends up in a storage tank. Cartridges can be of several types - universal or with certain properties (for example, reducing water hardness, removing iron, etc.);
  • Dispensers-cleaners... The principle of operation is also simple and unpretentious - water is poured from above and, under its own weight, passes through the filter system into the lower tank. The main difference from jugs is a noticeably larger volume and the presence of a drain valve.


  • Tap nozzles... Inexpensive and easy-to-install filters with a one- or two-stage cleaning system, usually reduced to neutralizing chlorine and rust. Cassettes do not last long, but they are available and inexpensive;
  • Benchtop systems "next to the sink"... Representatives of this category have an average performance, differ in the method and degree of water filtration, and, accordingly, in price. Disadvantage - they take up a lot of space in the kitchen;
  • Under the sink systems... The most efficient devices with multi-stage filtration, including water disinfection and softening. The most advanced varieties are models with reverse osmosis, the key component of which is a semi-permeable membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through. But bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and others harmful impurities there is no chance to "leak". The degree of purification is so great that additional mineralization is used to make the water drinkable.
  • Trunk or prefilters... They are installed directly into the water supply system and can be used both for individual taps and for the entire apartment or house. A special cartridge acts as a filtering element, and in the simplest examples - an ordinary metal mesh.