Repairs Design Furniture

Filling equipment. Wine-cleaning and refilling equipment

The lubricating and filling operations accounts for a relatively large proportion of the total labor-intensity of the work of both at thene-1 and at T-2. Especially large scope of work is carried out with the next seasonal services (CO), where it is provided (in accordance with the car lubrication card) and the complete removal of the old lubricant from some nodes, and washing various systems Car with a replacement of working fluid, etc. Partially lubricating and refueling operations are carried out in TR zones, for example, when replacing aggregates.

Previously, when considering the types of friction and processes occurring in friction nodes, it has already been said about the value of the lubricant of parts, quality lubricants And the need for their timely replacement due to excessive pollution. Lubricating and filling and cleansing operations are specific, and for their implementation there is a wide range of the most diverse equipment and devices.

The main classification of lubricating equipment is carried out by type of lubricants refilled in the nodes and units. It is divided into equipment for refueling with liquid oils and equipment for plastic (thick) lubricants. Accordingly, there is also equipment for collecting spent oils. The nomenclature of lubricating and refueling equipment includes, also auxiliary equipment - installations for refueling the brake fluid of the corresponding car systems, installations for spent oils and washing oil systems, compressors to ensure production compressed air and installations for pumping tires, etc.

The above equipment can be stationary or mobile, and the small-sized, used mainly in small garages - portable.

By the type of working bodies, these devices are hand-made or foot. The mechanized high-performance settings for medium and large ATP are classified by the type of drive to electromechanical (driven from the electric motor) and pneumatic (using piston engines with an spool mechanism).

The classification is also carried out by the type of the main working body used - the pump. IN modern equipment Mostly three types of pumps are used: valve-type (with a system of intake and bypass injection valves), gear type - for distribution of liquid oils and plunger-type - for plastic lubricants (with a plunger performing a returned movement in the chamber high pressure).

The above equipment can be produced in a single (isolated) version for a specific operation, and may be combined (complex) - with a multifunctional purpose.

The development and creation of lubricant equipment of various purposes has accumulated extensive experience in both domestic industries and foreign firms. But due to its large variety, it is impossible to describe each separate sample in detail, so in this section only the principal foundations of the design and work on the main types of equipment are considered, and for some models, only their appearance (for familiarization) is reproduced and the specific parameters of the technical characteristics are played.

Equipment for refueling with liquid oils

In small garages or in field conditions, in the absence of oil supplies and installations for distribution of liquid oils, sometimes there is a need to distribute oil directly from the barrels into the portable container for the subsequent refueling of the aggregates. This process is extremely inconvenient and unsafe. Therefore, for this purpose began to use portable oil-based models modes. 397A or C-207 (application 9, Fig. 1). They are installed on a barrel, inserting a composite tube with a suction valve in the neck of the barrel. The mount is made by a special screw clip or wrapping the housing into the thread of the thread of the barrel. The main assembly of the column is a manual dual-action pump, a impeller type of mod. 397-1d (Fig. 2.51). The set of the installation includes a piston-type released oil, filter, hose and distributing gun, equipped with manual shut-off valve and a shut-off automatic microclap with a spring mounted at the outlet of the gun (it completely overlaps the output section of the dispensing gun, preventing the "dugout" of the oil after the pump is stopped).

Pump consists of a housing 1 cylindrical form in which the axis is mounted in the form of a bar 2 purchasing valves 3. At the bottom of the pump housing is installed with two suction valves 4 Case 5, dividing his protrusion low part Pump for two independent cavities.

Fig. 2.51.

maud. 397-1d:

1 - body; 2 - injection valve body; 3 - discharge valve; 4 - suction valve; 5 - body of suction valves

Consider the pump operation scheme. When turning the drive handle, rigidly associated with the axis and the body of the injection valves, its left "wing" rises upwards, outers the oil on it on the pipeline to the transfer gun, while at the same time creating a vacuum in the left lower cavity. Opening the suction valve is admitting a new portion of oil. At the same time, the right "wing" is lowered, the pressure in the right lower cavity will increase, the intake valve

close, and the discharge valve will open, the crossing oil from the lower cavity in the upper, where there will be some vacuum on the right side. When the drive handle is reversed, the process will repeat, but already in the reverse order. The performance of the described oil development columns at normal oil viscosity is an average of 8-10 l / min.

To refill aggregates with transmission oils, for example, using the mod installation. C-223 (Appendix 9, Fig. 2) with a replaceable tank capacity from 50-100 liters or using the MODE oil development. 133m (application 11, Fig. 1) with a capacity of 20 liters, as well as in installations for distribution of liquid oils using pneumatic engines - mod. C-229 (application 9, Fig. 3), the valve type pumps with a manual lever drive handle are widely used.

Fig. 2.52.

At the bottom of the suction pipe 2 (Fig. 2.52) Mounted in the inlet valve 6 and a strainer. At the end of the extension 3 stock 1 Using the nut fifth fifth 5, above which the piston is installed 4 With passing sections. When lifting the drive handle, the lever system will start lowering the rod, the pressure will increase in the pump chamber, which will close the inlet valve and raises the piston above the fifth, opening the passage cross sections for the oil meter into the epipal space of the suction tube. When lowering the drive handle, the rod, together with the extension and the fifth, will start climbing, the heap will block the passage cross sections in the piston and starts to raise it. As a result, the piston will supply the "intertwined" suction tube in the previous cycle of a portion of oil to a handouting gun. At the same time B.

the pump chamber will have a vacuum and an inlet valve will open, running the next portion of the oil. With repeated exposure to the driving handle, the pump performance at normal oil viscosity is an average of 3-4 l / min. These settings are used mainly in small ATPs and at STA.

When high performance is required, for example, mechanized installations are used on centralized lubrication posts. Moreover, the refueling with engine oils is usually made using oil-based columns with the rolled oil meters (application 10, Fig. 1; application 11, Fig. 3), and the refueling of aggregates produce transmission oil from pumping installations, almost identical installations for filling with engine oil, Directly, through the hoses with transfer pistols or using drums with self-winding hoses (application 11, Fig. 2; application 12, Fig. 7).

Stationary pump installation mod. 3106m (Fig. 2.53) consists of an electric motor 11 (1.1 kW capacity), gear pump 12 Type g11-22a, air-hydraulic battery 13, circuit breaker 14, Block of the bypass valve 15, Suction pipe 16 S. Mesh filter and oil cleaning filter. Pump installation is mounted on the foundation on the oilclode (usually in basement), next to the tank with oil.

Oil-timber column 18 Maud. 367m consists of a housing, an oil meter and a handouting gun with a sleeve. The oil to the counter is fed by a pipe passing inside the case, at the end of which the shut-off valve is placed, separating the highway coming from pumping installation To the oil meter. An oil meter is a piston, four-cylinder consisting of a size and counting mechanism. The counting mechanism has signs of one-time and total oil leave.

Fig. 2.53.

but - MODE FREE COLOR MOD. 367m; b. - pumping installation 3106m ( mounting scheme); in - Automatic

electrical switch; g. - pumping installation 3106m (top view)

Pointer of one-time vacation is a two-standing with an indication limits from 1 to 10 liters. Pointer of the total leave of the roller type, with the upper measurement limit of 999.9 liters.

The oil development column is installed on the post for lubricating and filling operations in the zone, sometimes at a great distance from pumping station (on average from 5 to 15 m). Suppress oil with a certain viscosity, on such a distance along small-diameter pipelines is very difficult: high initial pressure is required (depending on the length of the pipelines - from 0.8 to 1.5 MPa. And the tight oil is applied not smoothly, and the jewels, with hydrowools . To soften the oil supply and serves an air-hydraulic battery, in the upper part of which a shock-absorbing airbag is formed.

Turning on and off the pump unit occurs automatically using the switch 14, When you press or releasing the handle of the dispensing pistol. Circuit breaker 14 represents relays 4 Pressure interacting with the limit switch button 10 through the lever 1. At the end of the refueling and release of the handle of the refueling gun, the valve is closed in it, and the pressure in the entire system increases sharply and passes through the pipeline 6 On the membrane 7 associated with the rod 8; gradually overcoming springs resistance 9, rod presses on the lever 1 , and in turn - on the terminal switch button 10,

and the pump electric motor is turned off. The power process takes place in reverse order. Pressure adjustment is made with a nut 2. Pressure control is carried out by pressure gauge 5.

In case of inconclusive, for any reason, the pumping unit is activated in operation, the block valves adjusted by a special screw 19 The pressure is somewhat more than developing the pump.

In addition to the described pump installation, the submersible type settings are widely used, which are installed on the tank neck (application 10, Fig. 1, b). The power of electric motors on them is 1.5 kW.

Equipment for plastic lubricants

The input of plastic (thick) lubricants into car friction nodes are made mainly through special press oils at a pressure (for different lubricant points) from 6 to 10 MPa, in 20% of cases, pressure from 10 to 30 MPa is required, and in some cases more . Sometimes to remove highly frozen contaminated lubrication use screw hydrochrips, developing pressure up to 150 MPa.

In order to enter plastic lubricants to friction nodes under great pressure use the most different types Lubricant superchargers - from manual lever to mechanized, with electric or with pneumatic pumps.

Fig. 2.54. Hand lever lubricant supercharger: but - general form; b. - Diagram of work supercharger mod. 03-1279

Consider the device and the work of the simplest supercharger in the instrument for the driver. Manual lever supercharger consists of a cylindrical microbunker 4 (Fig. 2.54) with a stem 5 and self-tightened piston promoting the lubricant under the action of the spring to the plunger pump, in the housing 3 which screws up the microbunker. Pump is equipped with a drive handle 1 With a lever, a hinged-knitted plunger, which makes a reciprocating movement during the swing of the handle in the vertical channel with the side opening for the lubricant input (in the future we will call it a high-pressure chamber - QW).

At the bottom of the QW is a valve 7.

On the side of the housing, the tube with a special tip for press oils is pressed. When lifting the handle, the plunger goes up, opening the side opening of the KVD for the receipt of a grease portion. When pressing the handle, the plunger, dropping, squeezes the lubricant under high pressure through the valve and the tip in the press oil of the friction assembly. This process is usually continued until the whole lubricant comes out.

Fig. 2.55. Lubricant supercharger 390m: but - kinematic scheme; b. - Plunger operation scheme


In large production, when high performance is required, the modifier of lubricant mod has been well proven. 390m (Fig. 2.55 and application 12, Fig. 1). It consists of a bunker 3 s Snack 4 and a shovel mixer that is mounted on a cart 11 S.four wheels 1. In a housing of the cart, closed lid 2 Two pairs of drive gears are mounted in the oil bath. Drive gear 9 Initially transmits torque on cracked mechanism 1 (Fig. 2.55, b) With roller 2, providing together with spring 4 REPORT-translational movement of rod 5 to kvd 6. With the extreme position of the plunger, the lubricant goes through the side opening into the KVD through the Mesh filter 7. When moving the plunger crank roller, it squeezes lubrication through the hose 8 to a handouting pistol. Second

a pair of gears (Fig. 2.55, a) drives a screw with a stirrer (breaking lubrication clots), and it gives lubricant via channel through a straight filter to the plunger pump. The inclusion and shutdown of the electric motor of the supercharger occurs automatically (using the pressure switch 7 and the limit switch). Capacity of the bunker - 16 l; Performance - up to 150 g / min; The maximum developed pressure is 40 MPa, is regulated by changing the tension of the pressure relay spring. Very similar to the design and the principle of operation of the model mode. 03-9903 (at lies. 12, Fig. 2).

Now produced a more modern compact mobile lubricant supercharger with an electromechanical drive mod. C-321. The capacity of the hopper is increased to 40 liters, the remaining indicators (including the power of the electric motor is 0.55 kW) are identical to the modes described above. 390m.

Increasingly began to be used as a drive mechanized installations for distribution of liquid oils and for blowers lubricant pneumatic engines with a spool mechanism. This is domestic development. It appeared in the early 60s. Then gradually its release was discontinued. BUT B. lately Pneumatic pumps began to widely use foreign firms to produce garage equipment, and our industry again resumed their release.

The pneumotor consists of a cylinder 2 (Fig. 2.56, but), Closed bottom cover 1 crank 11, hinge 9 and coupling carvings 10 in piston 8. Piston with a leash 6 Located with a spool mechanism for the distribution of compressed air, located in the housing 5. The spool mechanism in various models of pneumotors has its own design.

In fig. 2.56, b. A diagram of the pneumotor operation is given with a valve type pump, the work and the design of which have already been considered.

Consider the work of a plunger type pump together with a pneumatic engine on the installation for the injection of plastic lubricants on the mod example. C-322 (Fig. 2.57).

Fig. 2.56. Device (A) and scheme (b) work fig. 2.57. Mode lubricant supercharger. S-322.

pneumatic Engine

Mounted on a bunker with a capacity of 63 liters Pneumatic engine with a working pressure of compressed air 0.6-0.8 MPa is associated with a rod 8 High pressure plunger pump up to 40 MPa located at the bottom of the receiving pipe 2, placed in the installation bunker. In contrast to previous options, high pressure chamber 4 With lateral inlet holes for lubrication, along with a stock makes vertically reciprocating movement, and the plunger 3, fastening 1 With a mesh filter, remains fixed. The pump is equipped with a valve 6 With spring 7 and piston 5, Mounted on top to the QW, and during its reciprocating motion, a fixedly fixed piston during the lift sucks lubrication through a mesh filter into the lower part of the receiving pipe, and when lowering it creates pressure, contributing to the input of lubricant through the holes in the KVD, simultaneously turning it into a plastic homogeneous mass. When lowering the rod with the QW, the plunger displaces lubricant through the hollow rod and through the hose to the gun.

Equipment for lubrication, refueling oils, air and working fluids

Fig. one.

Fig. 2.

Fig. four.

Fig. 6.

Fig. five.

Lubricant installation and accessories

Fig. one.

pump installation mod. 3106m (B)

maud. 1101-B5.

It is intended for pumping tires, cleaning and blowing parts after washing, drive of a pneumatic tool, pneumatic solido-superchargers and other equipment.

The compressor includes a head with cylinders and a crank mechanism, a receiver, electric motor, drive belts, air bodies and a fence.

The compressor head and the electric motor are installed on the receiver, which creates a compact design. The transmission of rotation from the electric motor to the crankshaft of the compressor is carried out by three wedge-shaped belts, which are closed with a fence for safety.

Compressor two-stage action, with air cooling after the first stage. In order to facilitate maintenance in the compressor, automatic execution of the following operations is provided:

  • maintaining pressure in the specified limits using a pressure relay;
  • unloading the electric motor when starting a special pneumatic unloader;
  • Department of condensate with the help of the Vla-Gomaslootel of the ITER;
  • Removal of condensate with the help of a mo-gowdaler.

Lubricant equipment

Fig. 2.

Fig. one. Tank oil-based mod. 133m

Fig. four.

Fig. five.

BMW-ZOO Foot Solid Control is a mobile device with foot drive. Vertical cylindrical tank for lubricant is made of steel pipe. From above it is closed with a knocked lid. The reservoir is attached to the base made of steel sheet. The base is equipped with two wheels. At the bottom of the tank, a plunger pump for bulging oil is mounted. The piston of the pump is connected to the pedal, driven by foot. The opposite course of the pedal is performed under the action of two springs. Inside the tank is mounted piston, compressing lubricant attached to a screw with rectangular thread. The piston is shifted using a double-sided glow attached to the screw. The displacement of the piston leads to the initial compression of the lubricant inside the tank. The solidopter is equipped with high pressure hose and two replaceable tips for lubrication.

It should be noted a fundamentally new design of the discharge of plastic lubrication mod. C-104 (application 9, Fig. 4) with an electric drive and an additional transition pump. It provides the operation of both two lubricant posts with its supply directly from the standard container (for transporting lubrication) to handouts for posts. Constructive feature The supercharger is a combination of a high-pressure pump of the total electric drive, pumping the lubricant to two handouts, and the submersible pumping pump that provides lubrication from the container. In addition, the supercharger is equipped with a built-in cable winch, with which you can hang a supercharger on a special support by lifting it when changing the container with lubrication. The high-pressure plunger pump drive is carried out from an electric motor with a capacity of 0.75 kW through a worm-cylindrical gearbox using an eccentric with the bearing. The output shaft of the gearbox through the intermediate shaft provides the drive of the gear pumping pump that feeds through the mesh filter to the plunger pump. The pumping pump is equipped with a screw (with lubricant stir) for supplying lubrication to it directly from the container. The drum of the winch with a ratchet is mounted over the pumping pump. Installation is equipped with a dual-mode pressure switch, which can switch to pressure 25 or 40 MPa. The performance of the pump that provides work with two dispensing pistols is 300 g / min. The supercharger is recommended to mount in separate room, with the output of hoses with pistols on lubrication posts.

In order to minimize the time of lubricant work, the convenience of their implementation, control over the flow rate of lubrication and other liquid filling materials, compliance with the norms of fire, sanitary and environmental securityThe market presents a wide range of equipment of the corresponding functional purpose that can satisfy the inquiries of owners and specialists of a hundred.

Equipment for lubricating and filling works is divided into stationary and mobile. The supply of oil (liquids) provide injection devices operated by electricity or compressed air. Some models have manual drive.

On specialized posts for lubricant and refueling (refueling) of cars, it is advisable to apply stationary universal mechanized installations. In most cases, they have a panel containing several drums with self-concealed hoses and dispensing tips (cranes) for motor and transmission oils, plastic lubrication, water, compressed air. Oils and lubricants come to handouts with pneumatic pumps installed in tanks - standard barrels in which oils and lubricants are delivered to ATP. When supplying liquid oils is provided up to 0.8 MPa, when filing plastic lubrication is 25-40 MPa. The need for such a high pressure is caused by the fact that with non-systematic lubrication of friction assemblies, such as a pivot compound, wear products are clogged with supply channels. In some cases, it is necessary to apply manual "missiles" - devices, the pressure in which a pair is created: a cylinder with a threaded channel, filled with lubricant and turning into it a threaded rod. Besides wall-mounted optionThe installation may be an outdoor or ceiling location. Some models have oil consumption counters. There are separate installations for one particular type of lubricant. For motor oil There are models that allow it to warm up. For plastic lubricants produced superchargers having an individual drive. Main differences different models Installations of one destination consist in the design of feed pumps and tanks for oil (lubrication).

For refueling, pumping or replacing the working fluid of hydraulic brakes, adaptations are produced, which are a tank into several liters, from which the brake fluid under the action of compressed air (0.3 MPa) through the distribution hose and the threaded fitting is supplied to the main brake cylinder. With such an adaptation, the replacement of the brake fluid or pumping system can conduct one performer. Some adaptations of this type allow you to check the quality of the brake fluid.

To apply liquid anti-corrosive coatings on the lower surfaces and the plumage of the car, the installations (with a pressure of 0.5-1.0 MPa) anticorrosive emulsions (with air) are produced in the box of the box type. The viscosity of the coating is 70-150 mm 2 / s.

A wide range of equipment creates a certain problem for the consumer optimal choice. We will classify the equipment of the same functional purpose on the principle of operation.

Installations for removing (extraction) of motor and transmission oils from aggregates are classified on the principle of their action:

1. Drain - the oil is removed by the method of samonek under the action of gravity through the drain hole in the car unit;

2. Decompression - the oil is removed by pumping from the vehicle unit into the container, installation, the pressure in which is lower than atmospheric;

3. Installations in which the removal of the oil occurs by its pumping of the built-in vacuum electrical pump through the hole of the oil probe, either by the self-election (the presence of the pre-target with the volume and viewing window allows you to control the volume of the flux);

4. Pneumatic - equipped with a pneumatic pump connected to pneumatic area;

5. Combined - butter can be removed both by pumping (decompression) and samothy (draining method), depending on the situation.

Above the listed installations are portable, subframe (mobile) or stationary. Attention should be paid to the method of removing oils from the installation tank after its maximum fill in the storage capacity and further disposal. Unloading oils from a tank with volumes less than 25 liters is carried out manually, with large volumes - pneumatically.

Mulminating installations on the principle of operation are classified as follows:

1. Manual - oil supply pump drives into manual;

2. Compression - oil supply is carried out due to compressed air in the installation tank (it is important that such installations are functioning regardless of the source of compressed air, for example, pneumaticinium);

3. Pneumatic - oil supply is carried out dosed by a dual-action pneumatic pump connected to pneumatic (assumed various models Pumps and methods for their installation in containers of any size, including standard barrels, possibly wall fixation, accommodation on rolling trolleys with tanks installed on them).

Pneumatic systems are also used (including electronically control) centralized supply of oils, lubricants and liquids over the pipelines from the warehouse supplies to workplaces.

Lubricant work Designed to reduce the intensity of wear and resistance in friction nodes, as well as to ensure the normal functioning of systems containing technical fluids, lubricants. Operations for the replacement of motor and transmission oils, the discharge of greases, the replacement of the coolant can be attributed to the most commonly performed operations at stations maintenance and repair of passenger and trucks. These works constitute a significant amount of TO-1 (16 ... 26%) and TO-2 (9 ... 18%). Lubricating and refueling work is to replace or replenish the aggregates (nodes) by oils, fuel, technical fluids, replacing filters.

The quality of these work refers to the number of significant factors affecting the resource of the nodes. For example, most of the structures of the ball supports passenger cars The reserve of the "factory" lubricant is enough for the entire period of operation. However, in those supports where there are holes for the oilbox and the lubricant is performed in the mode of T-2, the resource rises by 20 ... 30%. It is explained by the fact that in spite of the protective rubber cover inside the support can penetrate water with mud (abrasive), and the incoming lubricant cleans the rubbing surface. Operation of the engine with an oil level below the permissible leads to a complete drop in the pressure in the lubrication system and the failure of the crankshaft liner. Reducing the level of brake fluid leads to air intake in the system and its failure.

The main technological document determining the content of lubricants is a chimmotological map in which points of lubrication points, the frequency of lubrication, oil grade, their filling volumes are indicated.

Composite part Filling works are washing. When washing, wear products are washed, which ensures better conditions Works of parts and newly poured liquids. The regular replacement of the entire volume of the brake fluid in the system increases the durability of rubber sealing cuffs at 1.5 ... 2.5 times.

Indirectly referring to the filling work and tire swap. The pumping of the truck tire must be carried out in a special metal fenceable to protect service staff From shock removable parts of the rim in the case of their spontaneous dismantling. In road conditions, when pumping the tire must lie with a locking device to the ground.

The pressure rate for a specific model is the most correct to determine the inscription on the sidewall of the tire; It may indicate the pressure in various units and is given several different values \u200b\u200bdepending on the load on the bus. With ignorance of the actual load, it is better to navigate the maximum values. If there is no pressure designation on the tire, you need to be guided by catalogs, bus manufactory prospects (but not car), in which recommended norms are given for each specific model.

Classification of equipment.In order to minimize the time of lubricating and refueling, the convenience of their implementation, control over the flow rate of lubricant and other liquid materials, compliance with the norms of fire, sanitary and environmental safety, the market presents a wide range of equipment of the corresponding functional purpose, capable of satisfying the requests of owners and specialists .

Equipment for lubricating and filling works is divided into stationary and mobile. The supply of oil (liquids) provide injection devices operated by electricity or compressed air. Some models have manual drive.

On specialized posts for lubricant and refueling (refueling) of cars, it is advisable to apply stationary universal mechanized installations. In most cases, they have a panel containing several drums with self-concealed hoses and dispensing tips (cranes) for motor and transmission oils, plastic lubrication, water, compressed air. Oils and lubricants come to handouts with pneumatic pumps installed in tanks - standard barrels in which oils and lubricants are delivered to ATP. When feeding liquid oils, a pressure of up to 0.8 MPa is provided, when filing plastic lubrication - 25 ... 40 MPa. The need for such a high pressure is caused by the fact that with non-systematic lubrication of friction assemblies, such as a pivot compound, wear products are clogged with supply channels. In some cases, it is necessary to apply manual "Personnels" - devices, the pressure in which a pair is created: a cylinder with a threaded channel, filled with lubricant, and the threaded rods inhibited. In addition to the wall variant, the installation may be an outdoor or ceiling location. Some models have oil consumption counters. There are separate installations for one particular type of lubricant. For motor oil there are models that allow it to warm it. For plastic lubricants produced superchargers having an individual drive. The main differences of different models of installation settings are consisting in the design of feed pumps and tanks for oil (lubrication).

For refueling, pumping or replacing the working fluid of hydraulic brakes, adaptations are produced, which are a tank into several liters, from which the brake fluid under the action of compressed air (0.3 MPa) through the distribution hose and the threaded fitting is supplied to the main brake cylinder. With such an adaptation, the replacement of the brake fluid or pumping system can conduct one performer. Some adaptations of this type allow you to check the quality of the brake fluid.

To apply liquid anti-corrosive coatings on the lower surfaces and the plumage of the car, in the cavity of the box-type settings, spraying (with a pressure of 0.5 ... 1.0 MPa) anticorrosive emulsions (with air). The viscosity of the coating is 70 ... 150 mm 2 / s.

A wide range of equipment creates a certain problem of optimal choice for the consumer. Below is the classification of equipment of the same functional purpose on the principle of operation.

Installations for removing (extraction) of motor and transmission oils (Fig. 22) from aggregates are classified on the principle of their action:

1. Drain - the oil is removed by the method of samonek under the action of gravity through the drain hole in the car unit;

2. Decompression - The oil is removed by pumping from the vehicle unit into the installation capacity, the pressure in which is lower than atmospheric;

3. Installations in which the removal of the oil occurs by its pumping of the built-in vacuum electrical pump through the hole of the oil probe, either by the self-election (the presence of the pre-target with the volume and viewing window allows you to control the volume of the flux);

4. Pneumatic - equipped with a pneumatic pump connected to pneumatic area;

5. Combined - butter can be removed both by pumping (decompression) and samothy (draining method), depending on the situation.

The above installations are portable, subframe (mobile) or stationary. Attention should be paid to the method of removing oils from the installation tank after its maximum fill in the storage capacity and further disposal. Unloading oils from a tank with volumes less than 25 liters is carried out manually, with large volumes - pneumatically.

Fig. 22. Installations for removing spent oil

Masproofing (Fig. 23) on the principle of operation are classified as follows:

1. Manual - oil supply pump drives into manual;

2. Compression - oil supply is carried out due to compressed air in the installation tank (it is important that such installations are functioning regardless of the source of compressed air, for example, pneumaticinium);

3. Pneumatic - oil supply is carried out dosed by a double-acting pneumatic pump connected to pneumatic jam (various pump models are assumed and the methods of their installation on the tanks of any size, including standard barrels, possibly wall fixation, accommodation on rolling trolleys with tanks installed on them).

Pneumatic systems (including electronically controlled) of centralized supply of oils, lubricants and liquids over pipelines from the warehouse of consumables to workplaces are also used.

Fig. 23. M. acosloirevarioval Installations

Equipment for lubrication of aggregates and assemblies of cars

Mobile pneumatic lubricant blowers

A sleeve with a handouting gun also includes a supercharger.

Stationary electric lubricants with electric driveand the pumping pump provides the work of simultaneously several lubricant posts with its supply directly from the standard container to handouts.

16. Equipment for refilling brake fluid

Equipment for refilling brake fluidit is intended for filling the brake fluid into the brake system of vehicles with hydraulic drive, bringing it into working condition and execution, depending on the requirements, individual test operations. Equipment for refueling brake fluid can be portable, mobile and stationary.

Portable Tank for Filling Brake Liquid it is a closed steel tank, the pressure in which is controlled by a pressure gauge. Refueling the tank brake fluid is carried out through the neck.

Mobile installations for fill and pumping hydraulic brakes designed to carry out a complex for maintenance of hydraulic drive brakes.

Modern car repair and specialized stations for centralized management of the distribution system, collection and disposal of all types of oils, lubricants and technical fluids are used by means of computer monitoring.

A centralized computer system of distribution of technical fluids allows you to simultaneously monitor the distribution of several types of technical fluids in all posts, control the presence of all types of liquids and automatically notify the need for a certain type of fluid. This system provides automatic prohibition of fluid issuing, the level of which in the reservoir was equal to the minimum permissible for safe work pump.

17. Equipment for supplying plastic lubricants

Equipment for lubrication of aggregates and assemblies of carsdesigned for supplying plastic lubrication through press oils into driving vehicles. It includes various lubricant blowers.

Mobile pneumatic lubricant blowers (Fig. 4.2) consist of a special tank (cylinder) placed on the trolley and pumping installation with high and low pressure pumps.

Fig. 4.2. Mobile lubricant with pneumatic drive

A sleeve with a handouting gun also includes a supercharger.

Stationary electric lubricants with electric drive and the pumping pump provides the work of simultaneously several lubricant posts with its supply directly from the standard container to handouts.

Lubricant equipment

Purpose and classification. Device and principle of operation. Applicability of equipment at Stara.

The lubricating and refueling operations there is a relatively large proportion of the total labor-intensity of work both at thene-1 and at the time-2. A particularly large amount of work is carried out with the next seasonal services (CO), where it is provided (in accordance with the car lubrication card) and the complete removal of the old lubricant from some nodes, and flushing various systems of the car with the replacement of the working fluid, etc. Partially lubricating operations are carried out in the zones of tr, for example, when replacing aggregates.

Previously, when considering the types of friction and processes occurring in the friction nodes, it has already been referred to the value of the lubrication of parts, quality of lubricants and the need for their timely replacement due to excessive pollution. Lubricating and filling and cleansing operations are specific and for their implementation there is a wide range of the most diverse equipment and devices.

The main classification of lubricating and refueling equipment is carried out by type of lubricants refilled in nodes and units, and it is divided into equipment for refueling with liquid oils and equipment for plastic (thick) lubricants. Accordingly, there is also equipment for collecting spent oils. The auxiliary equipment is also included in the nomenclature of lubricating and refueling equipment - installations for refueling the brake fluid of the corresponding car systems, installation for suction of waste oils and washing with oil systems, compressors to ensure the production of compressed air and the installation for pumping TIN, etc.

The above equipment can be stationary or mobile, and the small-sized, used mainly in small garages - portable. But the type of working bodies drive, it can be manual or foot. Mechanized high-performance settings for medium and large road accidents are classified, but the type of drive to electromechanical (driven from the electric motor) and pneumatic (using piston engines with a spool mechanism).

The classification is also carried out by the type of the main working body used - the pump. In modern equipment, it is mostly three types of pumps: valve tina (with a system of intake and bypass injection valves) and gear type - both for distribution of liquid oils and plunger pump pumps for plastic lubricants (with a plunger that makes reciprocating movement in the chamber high pressure ).

Figure 4 Classification of lubricant equipment

The above equipment can be produced in a single (isolated) version for a specific operation, and may be combined, complex with a multifunctional purpose. In the development and creation of lubricant equipment for various purposes, extensive experience has been accumulated, both in the domestic industry and foreign firms. But due to a large hundred diversity, each separate sample is impossible to describe in detail, so in this section only the principal foundations of the design and work on the main types of equipment are considered, and for some models, only their appearance (for review) is reproduced and separate specifications are given.