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Installation instructions for CNS - complete sewage pumping stations. Setting the sewer pumping station Household sewer pumps

Currently, most industrial enterprises, as well as private residential sectors, are equipped with a sewer station. It is necessary for the forced drainage of waste and industrial waters. For example, if the bathroom is located below the main, then the option of removing wastewater Self drops itself. Let's figure it out in detail with what the sewer pumping station is and how this device works. In addition, consider key points of installation of equipment without attracting specialists.

General concepts and information

Currently, three types of CNS are sold depending on the design: simple, medium and complex. If you want to organize a wastewater removal in a private house, it is unlikely that you make sense to acquire complex sewer pumping stations. First, it is very very expensive, and secondly, their performance significantly exceeds the amount of wastewater that you will accumulate. In most cases, the simplest KNS is quite simple, if we are talking about a large industrial enterprise, then it makes sense to give preference to more complex designs.

Household Sewer Pump Station: Design

Depending on the manufacturer, the configuration of the KNS can be disconnected. If we talk clearly and briefly, such a pumping station is a sealed tank with a fecal pump. For which the accumulative container is needed, it is clear. There are gathering products. The material can be different: concrete, plastic, metal. The task of the pump is to raise wastewater to a certain level, further the outflow is implemented by gravity. Often the design implies several such pumps. One worker, and the second backup, which is needed to support the CNS in working condition in case of failure of the main one. In addition, there is a system of pipelines with valves for pump control. Pipes can lead to cleaning systems or to remove water to central sewers. Another integral part of the design is the float pads, almost the same as in the drain tanks of the toilet bowls. It is easy - when the drains reach a certain mark, the system is turned on, water is pumped out.

Principle of operation of the KNS.

Let's consider in detail how the device functions. Immediately it is worth noting that there is nothing difficult. When the sewage level rises to a certain mark, the float switch sends a signal to the receiving reservoir, which is injected with waste. It is worth noting that the submersible pumps are located there. When they are turned on, the drains are sent to the distribution chamber by means of pressure pipe. By opening water, either in the sewage treatment plant or to central sewers. To eliminate the inverse to enter wastewater into the distribution chamber, the return valve is installed in the latter. This is how the CNS works. Sewer pumping stations are equipped with a staircase through which the maintenance is carried out. Top of the top of the installation are sealed, which does not allow you to penetrate the smells to the service area.

Types depending on the power

The mini station is a very simple device that is connected directly to the toilet. Pump low power (no more than 400 watts), fecal-submersible, with cutting tools. In fact, this is a good solution for giving.

There are also average CHS. Sewage of this type are equipped with a polymer tank and a submersible pump. Enjoy the greatest demand, due to high versatility. They are suitable for both cottages and use at an industrial enterprise, in contrast to small and large CNS. If the device is intended for operation in domestic conditions, then one pump is mounted most often with cutting elements. For industrial purposes, pumps do not have cutting elements, they are provided 2 pieces.

As for large CNS, they are used in large industrial enterprises and in urban sewage systems. Pumps in this case multichannel, without cutting tools.

If you decide to choose a sewer pumping station, then be careful. There are several important details that you always need to pay attention. But before specify the following points:

  • depth of the system;
  • pump performance;
  • type of pump (with cutting tools, single-channel or multichannel handling wheels);
  • the material from which the CNS housing is made;
  • case diameter.

It should be understood that today manufacturers make corps from polypropylene and reinforced fiberglass. There are also options for the housing from polyethylene, concrete and steel. But the last two are more expensive. Also, the metal will be subject to corrosion.

To the "filling" station served as long as possible, all its elements should be stainless. If seismic activity takes place, the case must be superior. For the northern regions, additional warming is needed, perhaps you will also have to increase the depth of the occurrence. So the sewer will serve as faithfully for a long time.

What is a good sewer pumping station Grundfos?

This manufacturer is considered the market leader in the production of modern CNS. It is worth drawing your attention to a wide range of Danish products. Here you can find both mini-sewer stations and the modification of the "wet well", etc. For example, the manufacturer gives a warranty about 50 years in a mini station. This is despite the fact that the installation practically does not require maintenance. In addition, you can buy a product under the order.

Let's look at the technical characteristics of Grandfos Integra. The installation itself is quite large, its height can be from 4.5 to 12 meters. Pneumatic cylinders provide tightness, and the tank is made of fiberglass, so it is quite durable. Of course, we can safely talk about the fact that the CNS is from Denmark are considered one of the best. This is due not only to the quality of assembly, but also using advanced technologies.

How to make a project?

Before proceeding directly to the installation of the equipment, it is necessary to calculate everything. And the first thing is water consumption. To do this, take the minimum and maximum costs, as a result, get the average. Next, you need to decide on the pump power. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the height of the amplification of the drain, taking into account the losses of the heating pipeline and air.

But this does not end. You need to make a general schedule of the station, and the figure obtained as a result of the functional calculation should be somewhat more than the usual calculation. It is important to understand that there are various pumps. Some are designed to work in short periods of time under load, others on the contrary. No need to forget about the occurrence of overloads, which submersible pump must necessarily withstand. The more often they will arise, the more powerful the unit is needed. At the final stage, we are determined with the volume of receiving tanks and we can proceed directly to the installation.

pumping station

Before mounting the main equipment, it will be necessary to put a concrete slab to which the base is mounted. Its minimum thickness should be 30 cm. You can use a special anchor to connect. Then you can start directly to the installation. For this, the first thing you need to dug the pit, corresponding to the depth and dimer. If the soil waters appear, it will be necessary to make a foundation. Then you can put the station and attach it to the stove, then fall asleep the KNS soil.

In most cases, the installation of the sewer pumping station passes without any problems. As noted somewhat higher, for the northern regions, where the primer of the soil is essential, it will take additional insulation. These may be sheets of foam or something like that. If we are talking about installing a mini station, then there will be enough elementary plumbing skills. The main thing is to ensure hermetic compounds and correctly on this can be considered completed.

On the advantages of the KNS.

Of course, it is not always advisable to install the sewer pumping station. If you have a normal central sewage, then there is definitely no particular sense in this purchase. Nevertheless, most private sectors need the CNS. And this is an obvious fact. Let's look at the main advantages that the sewer station has. First, this kind of building is very efficiently saved by living area, as the equipment is located on the street. Another big plus is to fully automate the process. After you perform the construction of the sewer pumping station, you can almost forget about this constructure. Of course, the installation needs periodic maintenance. The KNS is completely harmless to the environment, which is important, especially if the device is installed on the industrial site. Some models have cleaning filters, so wastewater can be sent straight to the ground.

Some interesting moments

If a complete sewer pumping station is bought, then its installation is easier to entrust to those skilled in the art. They will hold you and the pipeline, and the tests are necessary. If you decide to do everything yourself, then be prepared to work well. It is unlikely that you will handle the day or even a week, especially if the recovery is manually digging. Nevertheless, you can save an essential amount and get a precious experience. By the way, with regard to the prices of equipment, Sanicubic (France) with a capacity of 15 kW will cost you about $ 5,000. At the same time, wastewater will be sent directly to the soil after cleaning. But Homa Saniflux from Germany - equipment is very expensive, about 18,000 dollars. Domestic manufacturers supply CNS at a slightly lower price.


So we looked at typical sewer pumping stations. As you can see, it is a pretty expensive technique. However, in some cases this is the only available output. Although it can be said that many craftsmen themselves mastered something like the KNS, however, it costs it an order of magnitude cheaper. It always makes sense to acquire a sewer station in the pressure with a neighbor. This option is extremely relevant to the cottage or large private sector. So you can save a significant part of the funds, and the installation will be easier for third-party support.

The theme of sewage drainage may seem unavailable only inexperienced homeowner and only at first glance. Once problems arise with the sewer, their elimination becomes the most important task.

If the troubles with the drains are regular, it makes sense to revise the original project for errors. To eliminate them, a pumping sewer station may be needed. We will tell how to install it, operation and maintenance.

KNS or sewer station, this is a device for forced removal of solid and liquid drain. Such devices are most often used for industrial purposes.

But there are a number of CSTs specifically designed for operating conditions. They are usually installed in private households with or where it is necessary to ensure the transportation of waste to the riser of a centralized sewer system.

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There are compact models of sewer pumping stations that can be installed under the kitchen sink. But you can not connect a washing machine to such a device or dishwasher

It is necessary to take into account the permissible temperature of the drain, installed by the manufacturer for each specific model. So, sewer pumping stations in which you can merge warm but not too hot wastewater, suitable for connecting to the shower, bath, toilet, bidet, kitchen sink, etc.

However, if there is an automatic washing machine, you should select the model of the sewer pumping station for the house, into which you can merge wastewater with a temperature of 90 degrees or higher. It should be borne in mind that the mode of operation of this technique usually provides for boiling.

All this also applies to the dishwasher, from which almost boiling liquid can flow into the drain. In addition to the current needs of the house, you should evaluate your plans so that you do not have to buy and install a new sewer station.

If it is supposed to purchase a dishwasher in the future, it is better to immediately choose the CHC, designed for wastewater with high temperature.

Pay attention is also on the number and location of the nozzles. For each new household device in need of connecting to, which may appear in the future, there must be an appropriate nozzle. Otherwise, it will simply have nowhere to connect.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The overview of the compact sewer station for the toilet is presented here:

On this video schematically depicts the installation process of a large KNS:

The sewer station may noticeably improve life in the house. It is important to choose the correct CNS model and install it competently. Proper operation and regularly will provide no problems with this useful device for many years.

In situations, when it is impossible to provide the necessary slope of the sewer tube, the self-decrees of the drainage of the drain is not valid. In these cases, the sewer pumping station is indispensable, providing unhindered outflow and waste recycling.

There are two varieties of aggregates: mini-station and full-featured complexes for home service. We will understand what option is better to give preference, what characteristics should be considered when choosing. In addition, we describe the step-by-step technology of installation and the rules of operation of the sewer station.

The sewer pumping station (CNS) is a holistic complex of hydraulic equipment, which is intended for pumping stormwater, industrial and household drain, when their self-e-leading is impossible.

Pumping stations can have an additional horizontal cavity to propagate precipitate on a larger area, which allows you to make cleaning from ral

The CNS is used primarily at such cases:

  1. The geodesic level of containers and pipelines, from which the drains are dismissed, is located below the sewer collector or cesspool.
  2. Lack of physical ability to organize a straight-line self-esteem effluent or small clogged clogging.
  3. The distant location of the cesspool or the central collector from the sewage source.

KNS Cottage villages, country houses, as well as industrial facilities, located far beyond the city and remote from the centralized sewage network are equipped.

Classification of sewer stations

The size of household sewage pumping stations can be the most different. They can fit directly for the toilet and immediately pump up the drains in the required direction, and may have the appearance of the horizontal tanks in tens of cubic meters into the Earth.

But not only the sizes are characterized by the KNS. Below are the classification of pumping stations for sewage in various parameters.

By installation type:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal.
  3. With self-priming pumps.

The last type of CNS involves the forced injection of wastewater into the station housing, and their removal from it after cleaning.

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The sewer pumping station (KNS) is a complex of equipment and tanks for pumping wastewater. The need for the installation of such a station occurs in cases where the transportation of waste sews for any reason is impossible. Here it becomes an indispensable assistant. In this article, we will look at the main structural features of the CNS, their types, as well as the features of installation work and the rules of service.

Construction and interior of the KNS

When choosing the KNS, the intended wastewater volumes, the size of the device, the degree of pollution of wastewater and the type of contamination are taken into account. The choice also affect the relief features of the land plot on which the station is installed, and the depth to which the conductive pipeline is laid.

The KNS device of different purposes can noticeably differ, but the main parts of the design are sealed containers and pumps - there are in all models. Usually, the water tank is merged with grades, after which pumps are pumped out and transported to the place of disposal or treatment facilities. There are mini-KNS connected directly to the toilet bowls. This is aesthetically decorated hermetic tanks of a small volume, equipped with pumping mechanisms. Such models of the KNS are usually installed in the bathroom.

As a rule, the tank of the KNS is a polymer tank, buried to the ground. The neck of the container is displayed on the surface to facilitate the planned inspection, repair and maintenance of the station. It is closed by a polymer or steel lid. Inside the tank is a pipeline connected through the nozzles in the walls. The uniformity of the flow of water is provided by the bipper, and the absence of the flow of flow - due to the water wall.

Sewer stations used for household purposes are equipped with 1-2 pumps. If the equipment is intended for removal of waste management enterprises, pumps must be at least two. The pumps of various types are put on the CNS of various purposes. For household stations, it is better to use pumps with a cutting mechanism, for utilities - it is not recommended, since solid waste, occasionally in sewage, can cause breakage of the cutting mechanism.

The main elements of the design of the KNS - a hermetic tank and pumps

Requirements for the KNS, features of the installation and arrangement of the sanitary zone, the required number of pipelines regulates SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewage system".

The principle of operation of the sewer station

Regardless of the KNS type, the principle of operation of all systems is the same. In the receiving part, the drains merge, which, due to the dense laying of water, do not seep into the ground, and under pressure are forcibly pumped by pumps into the pressure pipeline. Further, wastewater falls into the distribution chamber and pipes are transported to treatment facilities. So that the drains are not returned back into the pump pipeline, the check valve is provided. If the volume of stocks increases significantly, an additional pump is included. If the pumps do not cope with wastewater volumes, alarm is turned on.

The work of the CNS is controlled automatically. Control over the level of incoming waste is carried out with the help of float sensors located at different levels, thanks to which the station operates in this mode:

  1. The first-level sensors indicate a small volume of stock, pumps do not work.
  2. Second-level sensors include a pump on the pumping of accumulated waste. Volume of effluent within normal.
  3. The third-level sensors are triggered with an elevated volume of water and include a backup pump for pumping excess waste.
  4. Fourth-level sensors include an alarm, since sewage pumping devices do not cope with their volume. In this case, the service team needs to take measures to normalize the operation of the CNS, since the alarm may be included as a result of a breakdown of one of the pumps. To simplify the maintenance of the CHS, equipped with a hatch and staircase.

When the milk pumping is completed, the flow level falls below the first sensor, the system is turned off. The next time you turn on another pump, which performed an additional function. Such a system of work allows preventing premature wear of the mechanisms of one pump.

Additional equipment to be equipped with a sewer pumping station:

  • Backup power source;
  • Pressure sensors, pressure gauges, shut-off valves;
  • Metal pavilion, ensuring the safety of the system and the safety of the equipment;
  • Equipment for cleaning pumps, connecting pipes.

The station is fully automated, but if necessary, it can be translated into manual control mode. Such a need usually occurs when repaired, the need to clean the capacity or launch of the new CNC into operation.

Wastewater pumps pumps into the pressure pipe, after which they fall into the distribution chamber and are sent to treatment facilities

Types of sewer pumps and their features

Pumping equipment is the main part of the KNS. It pumps household wastewater, production waste, il, stormwater. Distinguish such sewer pumps:

  • submersible;
  • console;
  • self-priming.

The submersible sewer pump is a pressure device constantly located in a submerged state. Materials for the manufacture of such a pump are selected resistant to aggressive media.

Most often, submersible fecal pumps are used in the KNS. They are effective, easy to use

The device is convenient and occupies a relatively few space, because it is constantly in the submerged state, there is no need to prepare a separate platform for it and an additional pipe junction. Advantages of this type of pumps:

  • reliability;
  • ease of operation;
  • rare maintenance;
  • the ability to efficiently operate at low temperatures;
  • cooling surrounding and leaking liquid;
  • universality: Pumps are used for dry installation.

Console Sewage Dry Installation Pump - a device, most often used in large CNS industrial level. Such pumps are not mounted in modular stations. When they are installed, it is necessary to prepare a separate foundation and bring the pipe correctly.

Console sewage dry installation pumps require a separate foundation, used in large industrial level CNS

Commissioning such a pump is better to entrust specialists. Console pumps are open open, access to them is facilitated, which greatly simplifies repair work. Advantages of console pumping devices:

  • reliability;
  • convenient access to the impeller, engine;
  • simplicity of maintenance;
  • the ability to change productivity due to the correct selection of the electric motor and other structural elements.

A self-priming fecal pump of a dry installation is an aggregate used on utility and industrial KNS for pumping severely polluted wastewater.

Self-priming pumps are not subject to clogging, effective at negative temperatures. The only minus is a high price

These devices are easy to maintain due to the design of the electric motor with flange mount, do not climb due to the spacious passage in the nozzle and the handling wheel. Advantages of the device:

  • it is convenient to maintain due to retractable design;
  • little subject to clogging;
  • works at negative temperatures when installing a special heating element;
  • pumps sewer strokes with solid elements, sediment;
  • it is most sealed due to a double mechanical seal;

It should also be noted that if necessary, such a pump is easily dismantled.

Installation and maintenance of equipment

To install the KNS, the depth of which is calculated in such a way that the tank cover performs above the surface of the Earth per 1 m. Under the bottom of hermetic capacitance, the sand pillow is 1.5 m. Further, the reservoir is installed, the pipelines are attached, the pipelines are attached, after which they fall asleep with sand and layer . The soil density must correspond to 90% natural.

Then the pumps in the container are installed, adjust the course of floats. Floats of the first level should be 0.15-0.3 m above the bottom of the tank. The following floats are installed at 1.5 m above the previous ones. Next, the electrocabels are mounted, the power supply is connected, equipped grounding. When checking the operation of the system and pump performance, clean water from the water supply system or tanks are used.

Installation and power supply, grounding is carried out in accordance with the SP 31-110-2003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings".

To ensure the safety of the sewer pumping station, pavilions - metal, concrete, bricks can be equipped

The maintenance of the CNS is carried out in this order:

  • Visual inspection of the state of shut-off reinforcement, pumps, checking the control panel indicators. If there are indicators of abnormal operation of the pump, extraneous noise or vibrations, the unit is removed from the tank, inspected, washed and checked.
  • Purification of pumps and station housings is made by clean water from the hose with the help of brushes without the use of detergents. When cleaning, it is important to prevent water from entering the control panel, pressure gauges.
  • Disassembling pumps for checking, subsequent installation. When installing units, you need to ensure that they secure on the automatic tube coupling.
  • Maintenance provides for checking the condition and cleaning of the catcher of large garbage.
  • Current repairs involves replacement of worn out parts, tightening fasteners wrench.

When repairing the KNS, the service personnel must adhere to the safety regulations, use protective measures. Disassembly of pumps should be carried out only after the full cooling of the aggregate; It is necessary to turn it off from the system and reset the pressure.

The sewer pumping station applies in cases where it is necessary to raise the sewage drain from the depth and send them to the main sewer. In this situation, the task was forced with the help of the KNS pumping the estates coming from the bath to central sewer. Initially, the customer wanted to put, but I had to dissuade him, because Topa will not work if there is no sufficient food for bacteria.

Real sewer pumping stations cost from 100 thousand rubles, we offered the customer a variant similar to the standard KNS and made non-standard. In the standard sewer pump station, 3 and more drainage fecal pumps with cutting mechanisms are installed. We installed one drainage pump with a knife inside the tube. Collector Well Alta Plast Tuba is a good option for the organization of the CNS with your own hands. This tube is a model Alta Plast Tuba - 2.400, 2 meters high, in fact 210 cm with hermetic bottom and with a closing lid.

How to choose the sewer pumping station

So that the pumping station for your sewer is as efficient as possible, it is necessary to pick it up with it, guided by the criteria that we put out just below.

Choosing a station for your home, remember that the point of buying excessively powerful and, therefore, significantly more expensive equipment whose capabilities will be used by a third or even a quarter, is completely absent. The selected unit must be optimal and fully comply with the needs of your home. To this end, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

  1. The distance to which the drains remains.
  2. Maximum amount of processed wastewater.
  3. The level of pollution of wastewater and their structural-quality composition. Thus, if there are large fractions in them, it makes sense to acquire such a KNS, which contains a grinder, which practically eliminating the probability of blockage.
  4. The high-altitude difference is available between the station inlet and the place where the drains are served.
  5. Dimensions of equipment.
  6. Required cleaning level of wastewater.

Universal formulas used when calculating the performance of equipment, no. For this reason, the calculation algorithm should be used, which, as a rule, is presented in the instructions attached to a specific CNF.

The calculation of the necessary performance of the station is performed in the following sequence:

  • the daily flow consumption of water in the house and the volume of waste genera are determined;
  • it is based on an estimated flow of flow income on the daily period;
  • the maximum and minimum sewage stream values \u200b\u200bare calculated;
  • the necessary productivity of the pumping station is determined, taking into account pollution of the effluent.

Correctly determining the parameters listed above, you can unmistakably choose the optimal equipment that will fully satisfy the needs of your home.

We have already spoken somewhat higher about the size of prices for sewer pumping stations. Now we want to clarify that the price is quite an eloquent indicator:

  • brand popularity;
  • maintainability of the product;
  • opportunities for service equipment.

It should not be preferred to cheap aggregates, if there is no use of them daily and if there is no additional pumping equipment for evacuation and the drain and no reserve containers are provided.

How to install the KNS.

To begin with, we deliver the necessary materials for installation and tools to the installation site. We start digging the pit under the CNS and ...

In parallel, install the rosette inside the tube to supply the power pump. The hole is drilled by the hole and the cable in the corrugation is done. The cable is mounted to the outlet, and the socket screws on the screws to the walls of the tube.

The discharge tube is already in the trench and launched into the central sewer, it remained to connect it with the station. Copper kitty for installation of the sewer pumping sone.

When dripped up to the necessary depth, in our case it is 225 cm, we make a sandy pillow and equalize the bottom of the pit. We lay guides to lower the ZBB plate.

By this time, we are brought by a reinforced concrete slab, with the help of which we will yield our asthgregat. Since the crane-board courtyard could not physically come in physically, we were transported by a manually to the meters for 3.

The reinforced concrete slab on the spot, you can begin to lower the tuba in the pit.

A good tube is even the fact that it is light as it consists only of plastic, we easily lowered it and installed in place. Next, using a rope tube was securely fixed to the ZhB plate. Now you can start the discharge pipe (PND 32) and start to bury.

A tube is buried, of course sand, so that the backfall was dense. The electric cable in the trench is stacked.

For the insertion of the supply sewer pipe in the station body, it was necessary to drill the hole under the jigsaw blade and himself. A circle was carved and started with a rubber seal.

It remains only to bury ...

honestaying the incoming drains.

KNS closed with a lid.

The reproducing pipe of the PND 32 in the house is headed in 50 sewer gray pipe through a transitional gum, providing reliable fastening and tightness.

In general, the customer was pleased with the work done, and promised to recommend us to his friends.