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The word order in a sentence in German is forward and backward word order. Forward, reverse (inverted) word order types

QUESTION 1. Direct and reverse word order in a sentence (inversion).

Grammatical syntactic norms regulate the correct construction of phrases, sentences, text.

In texts formal business style often there are constructions that cause difficulties in the execution of documents (sentences with prepositions, sentences with options for the connection of the subject and predicate, sentences containing participial and adverbial expressions, etc.).


The correctness of speech is largely determined by the order of the words in the sentence.

Word order, i.e. the syntactic sequence of the components of the sentence, in Russian is relatively free. Distinguish between direct (objective) and reverse word order or inversion (inverse word order).

Inversion in logic - reversal of meaning, replacement of "white" with "black".

Inversion in literature (from lat.inversio - overturning, rearrangement)- violation of the usual order of words in a sentence.

Inversion (drama) is a dramatic technique that demonstrates the outcome of a conflict at the beginning of the play.

In direct word order, the given precedes the new: Petrov's testimony was verified.

With inversion, a different arrangement of parts is possible:

A test of stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results

A test of stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results

Inverse word order is used for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of a sentence.

RULE 2 Direct word order

But it must be remembered that the shock (bearing the semantic load) is in the sentence the last word, therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normatively inversion is used only in artistic and publicistic speech.

The norm of modern Russian literary language formal business style is direct word order that obeys several general rules:

1. Subject usually comes first (in preposition): The court hearings were resumed.

If the adverbial words appear at the beginning of a sentence, the predicate may be in the preposition:On a country road, traces of the tread of a Volga car were found.

2. For secondary members of the sentence, the following placement is recommended within the phrase: the agreed words precede the core word, and the controlled ones follow it: He gave his (negotiable word) machine (core word) to a neighbor (controlled word).

3. Agreed definitions are usually placed before the word being defined: material values; civil marriage;

4. Separate definitions are placed after the defined word: a quarrel that arose earlier; evidence available in the case;

5. Addition usually follows control: sign a statement; execute the decision.

In this way, the direct order of words in Russian implies the following of the predicate to the subject, definitions before the defined word, the main members of the sentence before the secondary ones.

V from the direct word order, for example: A lone sail whitens in the blue mist of the sea ...
and here is the familiar inversion: A lonely sail in the fog of the blue sea gleams.

Inversion- unusual word order. This is one of the figurative means of the language.
Inversion helps to highlight the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional coloring of speech.


Very often poets and writers use inversions in their works.

Exercise 1.

Let us turn to an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Once there was a heavy thunderstorm, and it rained for an hour as if from a bucket. And all the rivers became clouded; where there was a ford, there the water went three arshins, turning stones. Everywhere streams flow, the hum is over the mountains.
This is how the thunderstorm passed, streams run everywhere in the village. Zhilin begged the owner for a knife, cut out a roller, planks, operated the wheel, and attached dolls to the wheel at both ends.

All sentences begin with different members of the sentence (1 - predicate verb, 2 - conjunction, 3 - adverb-circumstance, 4 - demonstrative pronoun-circumstance, 5 - subject-noun).

All sentences are constructed in different ways (1 - complex, 2 - difficult with different kinds connections, 3 - complex non-union, 4 - complex subordinate, 5 - simple with homogeneous predicates).

The words are in an unusual order.

Note that the predicate comes before the subject, the definition after the word being defined. This is not typical for the Russian language.

Exercise: Find such examples in the text.

(answer: There was a thunderstorm, the rivers became muddy, the thunderstorm passed, the thunderstorm was strong).

Task 2.

Swap the subject and predicate to get the author's text.

The forest drops your scarlet dress,
Morozsrebrit withered field
The day will pass, as if involuntarily,
And over the edge hide the surrounding mountains.

The forest drops its crimson dress,
The frost shakes off the withered field,
The day will pass, as if against one's will,
And hide behind the edge of the surrounding mountains.

Reverse word order in the interrogation protocol.

Sometimes observed inversion(reverse word order) of control and control words, mainly the predicate and the object, for example:

The accused Spiridonov, interviewed in the case, pleaded not guilty.

The combination "guilty of oneself" often has additions (for example, guilty of murder), but even then, as a rule, it is placed before the predicate. This is because the predicate verb (not) acknowledged is often used with a homogeneous verb indicating an additional testifying action.

For instance, Savina pleaded guilty to stealing household appliances and said during interrogation that ...

Reverse word order should be avoided in cases where the phrase "guilty self" has many dependent words. In such sentences, the predicate is so far removed from the subject that the reader is forced to return to the beginning of the phrase in order to understand its meaning.

for instance: Badma-Khalgayev admitted guilty of giving a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegal enrollment by a student at the university and fully confirmed the above circumstances. This sentence can be altered by replacing the chain of dependent words with a subordinate clause. The word order in the sentence will change. Badma-Khagaev pleaded guilty to the fact that he gave a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegal enrollment in the university, and fully confirmed the above circumstances. The reverse word order is justified in cases where the meaning expressed by the addendum is more important than the meaning of the predicate: when it is necessary to emphasize not so much that the accused has pleaded guilty, but rather what acts he confessed to.

RULE 3: Relationship between subject and predicate

When formalizing business texts, difficulties often arise in using sentences containing variants of the connection between the subject and the predicate. Remember the following rules:

1. With a noun male, calling a profession, position, title, but denoting a woman, a predicate in the official business speech put in the masculine form: A competent lawyer should help in solving this issue;

2. With a subject expressed by a combination of common noun + given name noun, predicate agrees with the latter: Petrova's lawyer should help in resolving this issue;

3. If the subject is expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ("many", "a lot", "several", etc.), the predicate can be used in the singular and in the plural: Seven people are (are) registered at the place of residence.

4. If time, space, measure, weight are indicated, or the sentence uses the qualifying words "only", "all", "only" the predicate is used in singular: two days have passed; there were only ten people in the house.

QUESTION 2. The main difficulties in the use of participial and adverbial phrases in the Russian language.

A prerequisite the use of adverbial expressions is that two actions, one of which is expressed by a predicate verb, and the other by an adverbial participle, must be carried out by the same person (or refer to one person).

An error in the use of the verbal adverb was made in the following sentence: After working for only two months, he had complications with the head of the shop. It would be correct to say: After working for only two months, he ruined his relationship with the head of the shop.

1. The construction of an adverbial turnover is also possible in an impersonal sentence, if the predicate contains an indefinite form of the verb, with which the adverbial participle is related.

Having considered the circumstances of the case, you need to make a fair decision.

Recognizing the failure to perform labor duties "repeated", several factors should be taken into account that enable the employer to comprehensively analyze the violations committed by the employee and make the correct, balanced decision.

2. The adverbial turnover should not be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the verbal participle refer to to different persons or if there is a logical subject in an impersonal sentence, expressed in an indirect case:

Coming out of the entrance, a strong wind hit him in the face.

Having considered the circumstances of the case, a fair decision was made.


The formation of adverbial turns and their isolation

Adverbial turns (adverbs with dependent words) and single adverbs are always separated, regardless of the location of the main word-verb:

After reviewing the submitted document, he was forced to give truthful testimony.

At the bus station, they boarded bus number 5 and, getting off at the stop "Institute", went down Kurortnaya street to the beach.

Worried , he began his story.

REMEMBER : if the adverbial turnover refers to one of the homogeneous predicates connected by a conjunction AND, a comma before the conjunction

And it is not put:

He stopped and, looking around, I remembered.

Do not stand apart:

* Single words in silence, sitting, lying, standing, joking, not looking, because they are close in meaning to adverbs:

He listened in silence.

* Adverbial expressions, represented by phraseological units:

He ran across the road at breakneck speed.


Exercise 1. In the sentences taken from the work of AF Koni "Moral Principles in Criminal Procedure", place the missing punctuation marks. Find the adverbial phrases, comment on the rules for their isolation using the example of these sentences.

1. The judicial statutes, creating the prosecutor-prosecutor and indicating to him his task, also outlined moral requirements that facilitate and elevate his task, taking away from the execution its formal callousness and soulless diligence.

2. Although under the dominance of the search, investigative process, the judiciary itself collects evidence, but having collected them, it does not give the judge the right to freely compare and compare them guided by inner conviction, but indicates to him a ready-made immutable yardstick.

3. Sometimes, without thinking deeply into the meaning of the jury's judicial activities, they want to see them as representatives of public opinion on the case.

4. That is why the law, protecting the freedom of conviction of jurors, sets strict rules on the secrecy of their deliberations.

5. The legislator, guided by moral and social ideals, the needs of the state and the goals of community life, deduces one typical concept from a number of similar everyday phenomena, which he calls a crime, imposing punishment defined within its extreme boundaries.

Task 2.

Arrange punctuation marks. Please comment on their setting.

The pilots of the TU 134 informed the "ensemble" that there was not enough fuel to get to London. Having started a short tantrum, the family still agreed to refuel in Finland. Convinced of the futility of repeated attempts to break into the cockpit, the Ovechkins demonstrated their seriousness of intentions. Wanting to psychologically influence the crew members, they shot one of the flight attendants from a sawn-off shotgun. Following such a course that not only the uninitiated, but even an experienced pilot without a navigator did not immediately understand where he was (in the USSR or already in the country of Suomi), the plane began to descend over the Gulf of Finland. The landing of TU 154 on a narrow fighter strip not adapted for aircraft of this class was successful.

Task 3.

Answer the question whether the sentences with adverbial phrases... Make the necessary corrections.

1. Arriving at the scene of the crime, it was very dark, only after three hours it began to dawn. 2. Having received a new assignment, the employees of the department faced new difficulties. 3. Taking into account the comments, reducing the volume, making tables, the article was recommended for publication. 4. While in prison, his mother often visited him. 5. Having become acquainted with this case, new, hitherto unknown facts are revealed to me. 5. Arriving home, consciousness left him. 6. Arriving in Paris, he was invited to the embassy. 7. Doctors told him: "Without restoring your health, you will not be able to seriously engage in sports."

Task 2.

Restore the original text by making a synonymous substitution of clauses stand-alone definitions... Explain the placement of punctuation marks.

Sample:Peter is sitting on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of the cliff. // Peter sits on a rearing horse, stopped at full gallop at the edge of the cliff.

The equestrian monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg was made by the French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet, who was invited to Russia by Catherine II. The name "The Bronze Horseman" was assigned to the monument thanks to the poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

August 7, 1782 at Senate Square to the sounds of cannon fire from “ Bronze Horseman”The canvas coverlet was ripped off.

Peter is sitting on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of the cliff. The horse is still in motion. The majestic landing of the rider, the gesture of his hand, which is stretched out towards the sea - all this speaks of a mighty will. The snake trampled by the horse's hooves reminds of the defeated enemies of Russia. It symbolizes the envy and intrigues of enemies. The pedestal of the monument was a granite rock, which was cut in the shape of a sea wave. This stone block weighing about one hundred thousand pounds. Here, in St. Petersburg, to the building of the Winter Palace, she was taken from afar, placed on wooden runners, which were upholstered with iron. The delivery of such a stone block was an unparalleled technical achievement in those days.

QUESTION 3. The use of homogeneous members of the proposal in the design of official business texts. Types of management.


Exercise 1.

Pay attention to speech stamps in professional legal vocabulary and observe the nature of errors in their use.

1. “The same acts committed repeatedly (how?) Or by a person (by whom?) Previously committed rape”; “The same acts committed in large size(how?) or by a person (by whom?), previously convicted "- heterogeneous incomparable concepts, different members of the sentence.

2. "On the basis and in execution"; "On time and in order"; "In size, on time and in order"; "On the grounds and in order"; "In order and on grounds"; "On terms and within" - creative communication words that are not homogeneous members are connected; their grammatical form is different: "on the basis" - in the prepositional case; "In execution" - in the accusative case; "In terms" - in the plural, in the accusative case; "Okay" - singular, prepositional etc.

Exercise 1.

In these combinations, synonymous words require the use of different cases. Convert the proposed options, make suggestions with them.

Admire, bow down (courage)

Despise, neglect (danger)

Get carried away, love, be interested, study (music)

Resent, angry, angry (disgrace)

To be timid, to be afraid (a necessity)

Be, unhappy, disappointed (review)

Reprimand, reproach (employee)

Understand, be aware of (need)

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome structures.

1. One of the most common flaws is cluttering complex sentence subordinate clauses.

Wed: A statement by representatives of foreign circles that ignores the fact that trade relations, which have been steadily developing in recent years and showing a tendency to further friendship that has embraced the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that it will not be easy to achieve progress in such negotiations, but we are used to overcoming difficulties.

2 ... In a complex sentence, the structures are weighted due to "stringing" clauses: "The sail appeared at sea as the good news that the fishermen are fine and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a heavy storm."

3. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses with successive submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which lay at the top of the keel near the shore."

4. In a number of cases, the same situation can be expressed using both complex and complex sentences.

Wed: He entered and we got up; When he entered, we got up.

· At the same time, cases of “structure failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When Murka was tired of messing with kittens, and she went somewhere to sleep.

In Russian, the word order (more precisely, the order of the members of the sentence) is considered free. This means that in the proposal there is no strictly assigned place for one or another of its members. For example, a sentence consisting of five significant words: The editor read the manuscript carefully yesterday- allows 120 options depending on the permutation of the members of the proposal.

They differ in a direct order of words, determined by the type and structure of the sentence, the way of syntactic expression of this member of the sentence, its place among other words that are directly related to it, as well as the style of speech and context, and about b r a t
order, which is a deviation from the usual order and most often performs the function
and nversi and, that is, the stylistic technique of highlighting individual members of the sentence by rearranging them. The direct order is typical for scientific and business speech, the reverse is widely used in the works of journalistic and literary and artistic; the reverse order plays a special role in colloquial speech, which has its own types of constructing sentences.

The determining factor in the location of words in a sentence is the purposefulness of the statement, its communicative task. Associated with it is the so-called literal division of the utterance, which presupposes the movement of thought from the known, the familiar to the unknown, the new: the first (the basis of the utterance) is usually enclosed in the initial part of the sentence, the second (the core of the utterance) is in its final part. Wed:

1) On April 12, 1961, Yu flew. A. Gagarin into space, the first in the history of mankind(the starting point, the basis of the statement is the indication of the date, that is, the combination April 12, 1961, and the core of the statement is the rest of the sentence, which is logically emphasized);

2) Flight Yu. A. Gagarin into space, the first in the history of mankind, took place on April 12, 1961(the basis of the statement is the message about the historical flight of Yu. A. Gagarin, and the core of the statement is an indication of the date, which is logically emphasized).

§ 178. Place of subject and predicate

  1. In leading sentences, the subject usually precedes the predicate, for example: The wires ran from tree to tree ...(Azhaev); Some people left the village to work ...(Gladkov); The earth revolves around the sun.

    The mutual arrangement of the subject and the predicate may depend on whether the subject denotes a certain, known object, or, conversely, an indefinite, unknown object. Wed: The train has come(definite). - The train came(undefined, of some kind).

    The reverse order of the main members of the sentence (first the predicate, then the subject) is usual in the following cases:

    The statement of the subject in front of the predicate in such cases was found in old texts, for example: - Tell me, gossip, what is your passion for stealing chickens? - the peasant said to the fox when he met her(Krylov); - Do you know grandpa, mother? - the son says to the mother(Nekrasov); the rhythm of the verse is also taken into account;

    3) in sentences in which the subject denotes a period of time or a natural phenomenon, and the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, becoming, the course of an action, etc., for example: A hundred years have passed ...(Pushkin); Spring came(L. Tolstoy); It was a moonlit night(Chekhov);

    4) in descriptions, in a story, for example: The sea sings, the city buzzes, the sun shines brightly, making fairy tales(Bitter);

    5) as a stylistically given technique and idea, in order to logically highlight one of the main members of the sentence, for example: A bear hunt is dangerous, a wounded animal is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers since childhood, dared(A. Koptyaeva).

    When setting adverbial words at the beginning of a sentence, the subject often comes after the predicate, for example: Noise came from the street ...(Chekhov). However, the direct order of the main members of the sentence also occurs in these conditions, for example: Uvarov and Anna arrived at the base during the hottest time of the day.(A. Koptyaeva).

  2. In question sentences, the predicate often precedes the subject, for example: Will grandfather or auntie stand up for me?(Pushkin); So, will I give you this short, dear, short?(A. N. Ostrovsky).
  3. In subjective sentences, subject pronouns preceding the predicate verb reinforce the categorical nature of the command, advice, motivation, and following the predicate, they soften the tone of the command. Wed: You just pick me up(A. N. Ostrovsky). - Don't crush me, old woman(Turgenev).
  4. In colloquial speech, the link is often put in first place, for example: I was young, hot, sincere, intelligent ...(Chekhov).
  5. Placing the nominal part of the predicate in front of the subject serves the purposes of the inversion, for example: Mysterious and therefore beautiful are the dark thickets of forests, the depths of the seas; the cry of a bird and the crackle of a tree bud bursting from the warmth are mysterious(Paustovsky).

    A means of highlighting the predicate is also the setting of the nominal part in front of the link, for example: ... Both were hungry(L. Tolstoy); Bor became deaf, gloomy(Seifullin). The same in the compound verb predicate when setting the infinitive before the auxiliary verb, for example: So you, then, didn’t even think to sow?(Sholokhov).

§ 179. Place of definition in a sentence

  1. A concordant definition is usually placed in front of the noun being defined, for example: interesting plot, proofreading, verified quotes, third edition, our publishing house.

    Placing an agreed definition after the noun being defined serves the purpose of inversion, for example: Unapproachable mountains from all sides(Lermontov).

    The postpositive definition (that is, the definition after the word being defined) was often found in the works of writers and poets of the 19th century, for example: She had a strong influence on me(Turgenev); Involvement and unfeigned love were visible on Anna's face(L. Tolstoy); A lone sail gleams in the blue mist of the sea(Lermontov); There is an initial short, but wonderful time in autumn ...(Tyutchev).

    Postpositive definitions are common when referring to a noun repeated in a given sentence, for example: This notion of a reflex is, of course, an old notion ...(Academician I. P. Pavlov); Voropaev recalled his first meeting with Goreva - an amazing and rare meeting in a kind of front-line beauty(Pavlenko). Wed in publicistic and business speech: Such plans, plans bold and original, could have arisen only in our conditions; This decision is definitely a wrong decision and must be canceled..

    In stylized speech, postpositive definitions give the story the character of a folk story; Wed from Neverov: A month came out at a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at desert fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

    Definitions expressed by possessive pronouns, being in a position after the noun being defined, can give an expression an expressive coloring, for example: I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world.

    In neutral styles, it is not uncommon for postpositive definitions to be expressed by demonstrative pronouns, for example: This halt ... was surrounded by a double shaft of thick pine logs(Kazakevich).

    The means of semantic highlighting of the definition is:

    a) its isolation, for example: People, amazed, became like stones(Bitter);

    b) separation of the definition from the noun being defined, for example: Rare stars swelled in the ash dawn sky(Sholokhov).

    A stand-alone definition is usually postpositive, for example: publication of letters received by the editorial office; exhibition of paintings nominated for the prize... Placing such common definitions (without separating them) in front of the word being defined is perceived as a kind of inversion; Wed: publication of letters received by the editorial office; exhibition of paintings nominated for the award.

  2. If there are several agreed definitions, the order of their arrangement depends on their morphological expression:

    1) definitions expressed by pronouns are placed in front of definitions expressed by other parts of speech, for example: on this solemn day, our future plans, all noticed typos, every fourth Tuesday... The setting of definitions-pronouns after definitions-adjectives is an inversion, for example: In this morning, this silvery-opal hour, the whole house slept(Fedin); The tanker fought his own slow and long pain(L. Sobolev);

    2) attributive pronouns precede other pronouns, for example: all these amendments, your every comment... But the pronoun most placed after demonstrative pronoun, For example: the same possibilities, the same case;

    3) definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives are placed in front of definitions expressed relative adjectives, For example: new historical novel, warm woolen underwear, light leather binding, late autumn time;

    4) if heterogeneous definitions are expressed by the same qualitative adjectives, then closer to the noun being defined, the one that denotes a more stable sign is put, for example: huge black eyes, a pleasant light breeze, an interesting new story;

    5) if heterogeneous definitions are expressed by some relative adjectives, then, as a rule, they are arranged in the order of an ascending semantic gradation (from a narrower concept to a broader one), for example: daily weather reports, antique bronzes, specialized bookstore.

  3. An unspoken definition is placed after the noun being defined, for example: expert opinion, leather-bound book, novel with a sequel... But definitions expressed by personal pronouns in the role of possessive come before the word being defined, for example: his objections, their statements.

    Statement of an inconsistent definition, expressed by a noun, in front of the word being defined is the inverse, for example: medium-sized bear(Gogol); General Zhukov yard(Chekhov).

    Prepositive inconsistent definitions, that is, standing in front of the word being defined, have become entrenched in some stable turns, for example: watchmaker, guard senior lieutenant, kind-hearted man.

    Agreed definitions usually precede inconsistent ones, for example: tall mahogany bed(L. Tolstoy); old tobacco colored eyes(Sergeev-Tsensky). But an inconsistent definition, expressed by a personal pronoun with a possessive meaning, usually precedes an agreed definition, for example: his last performance, their increased requests.

Section 180. Place of addition in a sentence

  1. The addition usually follows the control word, for example: proofread the manuscript, correct typos, ready to type.

    The addition (most often direct), expressed by a pronoun (personal, indefinite), can precede the control word without creating an inversion, for example: I liked the book; This sight amazed him; The mother noticed something in the expression on her daughter's face; I am glad to see you.

    Placing an addition in front of a control word usually has the character of an inversion, for example: The pharmacist, maybe we'll see(Chekhov); The soul is drawn to the high(V. Panova). Wed in lively colloquial speech: Someone asks you; All their friends have been forgotten; Can you fix the TV?

    The usual preposition of the complement with the meaning of the face in impersonal offers, For example: He needs to talk to you; The sister is not well; Everyone wanted to rest.

  2. If there are several additions related to the same control word, a different word order is possible:

    1) usually direct addition precedes other additions, for example: Take the manuscript from the proofreader; Discuss the issue with your employees; The one who entered gave his hand to everyone present;

    2) the indirect object object in the dative case usually precedes the direct object object, for example: Give us your address; The mother gave the child a beautiful toy; This woman saved Bekishev's life ...(V. Panova).

    Likewise, a genitive case with a character meaning (inconsistent definition) precedes another case (as an object), for example: son's visit to his parents, author's memo for the editor.

  3. A direct object that coincides in form with the subject is usually placed after the predicate, for example: The mother loves her daughter; The paddle brushed against the dress; Laziness breeds carelessness; Courts protect laws... When the subject and object are rearranged, the meaning of the sentence changes ( The daughter loves her mother; The dress touched the oar) or ambiguity arises ( Carelessness breeds laziness; Laws Protect Courts). Sometimes, in such cases of inversion, the desired meaning is retained, arising from the lexical meaning of the named members of the sentence ( The bike crashed the tram; The sun covered the cloud), but the correct understanding of such sentences is somewhat difficult, therefore it is recommended either to keep the direct word order, or to replace the actual turnover with a passive one ( The bike is smashed by a tram; The sun is obscured by a cloud).

Section 181. Place of circumstances in the sentence

  1. Circumstances of the development, expressed in adverbs in -o, -e , are usually placed in front of the predicate verb, for example: The translation accurately reflects the content of the original; The boy looked at us defiantly; Gavryushka blushed deeply and protested violently ...(Gladkov); The station swam back faster and faster ...(G. Nikolaeva); The pavement turned white smoothly(Antonov).

    Some adverbs that are combined with a few verbs are placed after them, for example: walk, lie prone, walk barefoot, fall backwards, walk.

    Usually postpositive circumstances of the course of action, expressed by a noun in an adverbial meaning, for example: scatter in waves, diverge in circles.

    The place of circumstance of the course of action may depend on the presence or absence of other minor members in the proposal; Wed: The climbers walked slowly. – Climbers walked slowly along a steep path.

    A means of semantic highlighting of the circumstance of a mode of action or measure and degree is their setting at the beginning of a sentence or separation from the words to which they are adjacent, for example: In vain Grigory tried to see Cossack lava on the horizon(Sholokhov); Nikita experienced this feeling twice(Fedin); Yes, we were very friendly(L. Tolstoy).

  2. Circumstances of measure and degree are positive, for example: The announcer repeated the figures given in the text twice; The director is very busy; The manuscript is well prepared for typing.
  3. The circumstance of time and usually precedes the predicate verb, for example: Little talked at supper(Turgenev); A month later Belikov died(Chekhov); In the evenings, the doctor was left alone(V. Panova).

    Often, however, the circumstance of time is post-positive, which contributes to its semantic allocation, for example: The sister rose early; I came before dawn.

  4. The circumstance of place is usually prepositive, and often appears at the beginning of a sentence, for example: The factory was restless ...(Bitter); A cloud was coming from the west(Sholokhov).

    If the circumstance of the place is at the beginning of a sentence, then often the predicate immediately follows it, and then the subject, for example: On the right, the white hospital building rose up ...(Garshin); The unfamiliar smells of herbs and flowers rushed from everywhere ...(Serafimovich). However, under these conditions, a direct order of the main members of the sentence is also possible, for example: Over the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds(Bitter).

    The statement of the circumstance of the place after the predicate is the norm in those combinations in which the presence of the circumstance is necessary for the completeness of the statement, for example: The house is located on the outskirts of the city; His parents live permanently in the south..

    If a sentence contains a circumstance of time and a circumstance of place, then they are usually put at the beginning of the sentence, with the circumstance of time in the first place, and the circumstance of place in the second place, for example: Warm weather without precipitation is expected in our city tomorrow; By evening, everything in the house had calmed down... Setting two circumstances side by side emphasizes their semantic role in the proposal. Their other placement is also possible: in the first place the circumstance of time is put, then the subject, followed by the predicate and, finally, the circumstance of the place and other members of the sentence, for example: In early April, the river opened up along its entire length; I met my old friend on the street yesterday.

  5. Circumstances for reasons and goals and more often stand in front of the predicate, for example: Due to the excitement at sea, the steamer arrived late(Chekhov); Two girls cried out of fear(V. Panova); A man with a bag on his back ... nudged another with his shoulder for a laugh(Malyshkin).

    The statement of the named circumstances after the predicate verb usually leads to their semantic emphasis, for example: She woke up with fear; He does not go to work, allegedly due to illness; The train was sent to the depot for annual repairs.

§ 182. Location of introductory words, addresses, particles, prepositions

  1. Not being members of the sentence, introductory words are freely located in it if they relate to the sentence as a whole; Wed: He seemed to fall asleep. – He seemed to fall asleep. – He fell asleep, it seemed.

    At the same time, it should be noted that the semantic load of the introductory word in the above variants is not the same: to a greater extent it is noted in the first of them, where at the beginning of the sentence the word it seemed approaching in value simple sentence as part of a non-union complex sentence; the last two options are equivalent.

    If introductory word meaning is associated with a separate member of the sentence, then it is placed next to it, for example: A real bird began to appear, game, in the words of the hunters(Aksakov); Our dilapidated boat bent down, scooped up and solemnly went to the bottom, fortunately, in a shallow place(Turgenev).

    You should not put an introductory word between the preposition and the word that the preposition controls, for example: "The case was in seemingly right hands" (instead of: The case was seemingly in the right hands).

  2. Appeals are also freely located in the sentence, however, for their semantic and intonational highlighting, the place they occupy in the sentence is not indifferent: the address at the beginning or at the end of the sentence is logically emphasized. Wed: Doctor, tell me what's wrong with my child. – Tell me, doctor, what's wrong with my child. – Tell me what's wrong with my child, doctor.

    In appeals, slogans, proclamations, orders, oratorical speeches, official and personal letters, the appeal, as a rule, is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

    The same in poetic speech, and the appeal is often singled out as an independent proposal, for example: Pale youth with a burning gaze! Now I give you three covenants(Bryusov); My dear mother earth, my forest side, a land suffering in captivity! I’ll come - I don’t know the day, but I’ll come, I’ll bring you back(Tvardovsky). Wed broken call with the main part at the end of the sentence: For blood and tears longing for reckoning, we see you, forty-first year(Shchipachev).

  3. Particles, as a rule, stand in front of the word to which they refer in meaning. Wed:

    a) This book is difficult even for him (it comes about the difficulty for a qualified person);

    b) This book even difficult for him(the unexpectedness of the difficulty is emphasized);

    v) Even this book is difficult for him(we are talking about an unprepared reader).

    Particle -so postpositive ( pretty much insisted), but to emphasize the meaning, sometimes in colloquial speech it is placed before the verb, for example: The state councilor, although he himself disappeared, still reprimanded his comrade(Gogol); Elena said nothing, and I still locked her this time too(Dostoevsky).

  4. The separation of the preposition from the controlled noun in constructions like: "I will come with a few more comrades" (instead of: I will come with a few more comrades); “The volume of exports has decreased from about ...; increased to about ... "(instead of: ... decreased from about ...; increased to about ...).

    You should not put two prepositions in a row, for example: "In one of the letters received from you ..." (instead of: In one of the letters I received from you ...); "Pay attention to outstanding work in all respects" (instead of: Pay attention to outstanding work in all respects).

    In combinations of a noun with a numeral, indicating an approximate amount, the preposition is placed between the named parts of speech ( ten minutes later, twenty steps), and not before the whole combination ("in ten minutes", "in twenty steps").

The word order in a sentence is the arrangement of its members in it. It is believed that the word order in Russian is free. However, it is not. It is relatively free due to the structural coherence of the components of the sentence and their semantic significance. Those. Russian is a language with a movable word order.

The word order is determined by the structure and semantics of the preceding sentences, the communication task, etc. Thus, the word order depends on the context. It plays an important role in the actual segmentation. Actual division is the adaptation of the grammatical structure of the sentence to the tasks of communication.

The word order, depending on the actual division, is (Mathesius - objective) - Rhem theme

Father will come / tomorrow.

2.converse = inversion (Matesius - subjective) - rema theme

Father / father is coming tomorrow.

There is no offer without a bump.

Direct word order is called neutral, and the inversion results in meaningful word order. The function is to put emphasis. The inversion is emphasized intonationally - the logical stress emphasizes the bump.

Word order can be pure grammatical meaning... Then it serves to formalize the syntactic relations between the members of the sentence. Moscow is the capital of our country. The capital of our country is Moscow. The role of subject and predicate is determined only by word order. Changing the word order does not lead to stylistic shifts in the sentence.

This breaks down when quality adjectives appear. A wonderful city - Moscow.

The order of words in sentences such as June sultry has grammatical significance. Sultry June is already a nominative proposal. The place determines the function of the adjective or participle. The reassured friend left or the friend left reassured.

Word order determines the grammatical significance of homonymous noun forms. Day turns to night. The mother loves her daughter.

The order of the members of the proposal.

§ topic = vile, rema = skaz => vile skaz, otherwise - inversion

§ topic = skaz, rema = vile => skaz vile, otherwise - inversion

§ inseparable sentences => foul skaz

§ interrogative sentences => skaz mean

§ direct word order: determ skaz is mean, if the subject is the first - inversion

§ matched members before the words being defined, otherwise - inversion

§ controlled - after controllers, otherwise - inversion

§ adjoining - before and after the dominant word, depending on the way of expression and the transmitted meaning

§ first indirect addition, then direct, otherwise - inversion

§ dependent infinitive after the word to which it refers, otherwise - inversion

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Question No. 54 Word order in Russian and its functions

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The order in the sentence of the members of the sentence - SUBJECT - FAILED - usually called in grammar direct word order(the Direct Order of Words). Direct word order is the norm of an affirmative sentence in English language:

Walking can be recommended as a good exercise.

Reverse word order

Setting the predicate to the subject is usually called reverse word order, or, using the generally accepted term, inversion(the Indirect Order of Words, Inversion).

Distinguish between full and partial inversion.

At full inversion the predicate, expressed in one word, is placed before the subject. There are few cases of complete inversion:

Is anybody at home? (as a semantic verb). Has anybody twenty dollars to lend me? (as a semantic verb).

Cases are much more numerous partial inversion, that is, setting before the subject part of the predicate-auxiliary or modal verb, as well as the linking verb:

Has you received any new emails? Can walking be recommended as a good exercise? Is it cold today?

When forming a question using an auxiliary verb do type: At what time does the sun rise now? - there is essentially no reverse word order. The question mark is an auxiliary verb do; other members of the sentence are placed in the usual order: subject - predicate: Does the sun rise?

An indirect question in English is built like an affirmative sentence: Ask if he can come to see me tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what time it is. In Russian, the reverse order of words is observed, as well as the presence of a particle in the sentence: Ask if he can come to me tomorrow. Find out if the director has arrived.

Other cases of inversion

The predicate stands before the subject also in the following cases:

In construction there is (are) and with all verbs preceded by the formal there: There is a meeting today. There must be a meeting today.

In exclamation sentences expressing the wish: Long Live the King!

In conditional sentences starting with verb forms: were, had, should: Were I in your place, I would act differently. Should the weather keep fine in September, come down to see us in the country.

When repeating an auxiliary or modal verb in sentences like: You are here, so am I.

Note: The subject takes its usual place if it refers in both sentences to the same subject of speech: “You seem to be very pleased with your work,” said my friend to me. “So I am,” I answered.

The main means of formalizing a sentence are word order, the actual division of the sentence, intonation and logical stress.

For the correct construction of the sentence, it is essential word order, consistency in the arrangement of the members of the proposal. In Russian, the word order is free. This means that there is no strictly assigned place for this or that member of the proposal. However, an arbitrary arrangement of words in a sentence can lead to a violation of logical connections between words and subsequently to a change in the semantic content of the entire utterance.

For instance: At the meeting of representatives of the two states, the obligations assumed were successfully fulfilled.(The meaning of this proposal can be understood so that the obligations were fulfilled at the meeting itself. To eliminate the inaccuracy, it is necessary to correct the proposal as follows: The commitments made at the meeting of representatives of the two states were successfully fulfilled.) The exact word order is especially important for written speech, in which the semantic content of the statement cannot be clarified with the help of logical stress, non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions) and the situation itself.

The syntactic function is expressed in the fact that there are cases when, depending on the position in the sentence, the word can be a specific member of the sentence.

Compare: Mother(subject) loves daughter(addition). - Daughter(subject) loves mother(addition); Sick arrived(definition) Human. - The man came sick(nominal part of the compound nominal predicate), My mum(subject) - our teacher(predicate). - Our teacher(subject) - my mother(predicate), etc.

Word order in Russian is important when expressing thoughts, as it has three main functions.

1. Word order serves to fully convey the meaning of the message. .

For example, in sentences: The car beat Kasparov and Kasparov was beaten by a car, which differ not lexically, but only in word order, contain two messages that are different in meaning: in the first case, we are talking about a machine (the subject of the message), and in the second, about Kasparov, that is, he is the subject of the statement, although in both cases the machine is the subject, and Kasparov is the complement. A different word order leads to a different actual division of the sentence.

2. Special word order can add emotional flavor to a sentence. while performing the stylistic function: Red Square slumbers. Quiet passerby step.

3. Word order can distinguish between members of a sentence and then it does the syntactic function: The truck overtook the car.

With a sufficient free order of words in the Russian language, nevertheless stand out straight and reverse word order.

At direct word order members of a sentence are usually located like this:

In declarative sentences, the subject is followed by the predicate: .
- the adjective object follows the defined word: The teacher checked our tests.
- an agreed definition is placed before the word being defined: The teacher checked our tests.
- an inconsistent definition appears after the word being defined: She bought a polka dot dress.
- circumstances can occupy different positions in the sentence: He came home late yesterday. We will go to the village tomorrow.

Reverse word order can be any, it is used to highlight the necessary words, thereby achieving the expressiveness of speech. Reverse word order is also called inversion (Latin "inverio" - permutation).

Inversion allows you to:

1) highlight the most important in meaning members of the proposal ;
2) express a question and intensify the emotional coloring speech;
3) link parts of text .

So, in the sentence The forest drops its crimson dress(A. Pushkin.) Inversion allows you to strengthen the meaning of the main members of the sentence and the definition crimson (compare: direct order: The forest drops its crimson dress).

In a text, word order is also one of the means of connecting its parts: Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.(I. Turgenev.) Inversion of the complement not only enhances its semantic meaning, but also connects sentences in the text.

Inversion is especially often found in poetic speech, where it not only performs the above functions, but can also serve as a means of creating melodiousness, melody:

Over Moscow great, golden-domed,
Over the Kremlin wall, white stone
Because of the distant forests, because of the blue mountains,
Playfully along the plank roofs,
The gray clouds are accelerating,
The scarlet dawn rises.

(M. Lermontov.)

Intonation includes melody, rhythm, intensity, tempo, timbre of speech, logical stress. It is used to express various grammatical categories or to express the feelings of the speaker.

There are various types of intonation: interrogative, exclamation, enumeration, excretory, explanatory, etc.

Intonation- a complex phenomenon. It consists of several components.

1. Each phrase has a logical stress, it falls on the word that is the most important in meaning.
2. Intonation consists of raising and lowering the voice - this is the melody of speech.
3. Speech proceeds faster or slower - this forms its tempo.
4. Intonation is also characterized by its timbre, which depends on the target setting and can be gloomy, cheerful, frightened, etc.
5. Pauses are also part of intonation. It is very important to do them in the right place, since the meaning of the statement depends on this:

How surprised he / his brother's words!
How surprised he was by the words / brother!

Intonation interrogative sentences consists in raising the tone of the word on which the logical stress falls: Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Depending on the place of logical stress, intonation can be ascending, descending or ascending-descending:

The peculiarities of the intonation of exclamation sentences are that the highest pitch, the power of sounding falls on the word emphasized.

Logical stress- this is a semantic stress, it can fall on any word in a sentence, depending on the desire and tasks of the speaker. It highlights the most important thing in the sentence.

Read the following sentences aloud, emphasizing the highlighted words in intonation:

1) Ripe in our garden grape ;
2) In our garden matured grape;
3) V our grapes in the garden.

The first sentence says that the grapes are ripe, and not something else; in the second, that the grapes are ripe, are already ready; in the third, that the grapes have ripened in our country, and not in our neighbors or somewhere else, etc. The most important thing in the message is usually new, which is given against the background of the given, known to the interlocutors.

Take, for example, the sentence Brother goes to school.

If we emphasize the first word with a stronger emphasis, then we emphasize that it is the brother who studies at the school (and not the sister or anyone else). If we highlight the second word, then we emphasize what exactly the brother is doing. Highlighting the last word with a logical emphasis, we emphasize that my brother goes to school (and not in a technical school, university, etc.).

Depending on the logical stress, the meaning of the sentence changes.

When the place of the logical stress changes, the intonation also changes: if the logical stress falls on the last word, then the intonation of the whole sentence is usually calm and the logical stress itself is weak. In other cases, the intonation is tense, and the logical stress itself is strong.

An example of how important it is to correctly place a logical emphasis is an excerpt from an article by V. Lakshin about the play by A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".

“The capacity of Chekhov's phrase is amazing. Petya Trofimov says in the play: "All Russia is our garden." Actors on different stages in our country and around the world pronounce these four words in different ways.
To emphasize the word "garden" - to respond to Chekhov's dream of the future of the homeland.

Using the word "our" - to emphasize the feeling of disinterested ownership, involvement in what is given to your generation to accomplish.

In the word "Russia" it means to respond to one's belonging to everything Russian, a land not chosen, but given from birth.

But perhaps the most accurate way is to emphasize the word “all”: “All Russia is our garden”. For there is no corner in it, to the care and needs of which we have the right to remain deaf, which we would not like to see in the blossoming of “eternal spring”.

And the surest way to this, according to Chekhov, is to start at least one unconditionally disinterested good deed. Write at least one inspirational, honest page. Plant at least one tree. "

Thus, the most important thing in the message can be highlighted both by word order and logical stress.

Word order - a means of oral and written speech, and logical stress is only oral speech .

Boolean stress is required if the word order does not highlight what is most important in the message.

The ability to highlight the most significant in a sentence - necessary condition expressive oral speech.