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Single suggestions: examples, types. Single impersonal offer: examples. What is impersonal offer and what is his features

§one. common data

Recall: Proposals are divided into two-part, the grammatical foundation of which consists of two main members - to be associated and considered, and one-delivery, the grammatical basis of which consists of only one of the main member: to be or tamed.

Single proposals are divided into two groups:

  • with the main member - subject
  • with the main member - the fag

The latter are divided into four types.

So, only single-service offers are five types. Everyone has its name:

  • calling
  • definitely personal
  • uncertain-personal
  • generalized personal
  • impersonal

Each type is considered below.

§2. Single-parties with the main member - subject to

Record offers - These are single-service offers with the main member - subject.
In support proposals, the existence of a subject, phenomenon is reported or an emotional and evaluation attitude towards it. Examples:

What beauty!

Corresponding proposals with particles Here, won have a none value: Von village!

Calling proposals can be unprofitable and consist of only one word - the main member or common, including other members of the sentence:

Blue sky above his head.

Blue sea at the feet.

The window has a small table covered with a tablecloth.

Most often as subject to call suggestions:

  • nouns in IP: Heat!
  • proponation in IP: So they are!
  • nutritive or combinations of numerical with nouns in IP: Twelve. January 1.

§3. Single Suggestions with the Main Member - Taken

Single-maintenance offers with the main member - the fault of the unequal structures of the facid. Four species stands out.

Classification of single-maintenance proposals with the main member - to the Taken

1. Definitely personal offers
2. Uncertainty-personal offers
3. Summarized and personal offers
4. Impersonential offers

1. Definitely personal offers

Definitely - These are single-maintenance proposals with the main member - the faugible, which is expressed by the personal shape of the verb in form 1 or 2 liters. or the verb in the imperative inclination. The person is determined: it is always or talking, or a source. Examples:

I love meeting friends.

the action referred to in the proposal makes a speaker, verb in the form of 1 liters. units

Let's call each other tomorrow!

movement to the joint action of the speaking and interlocutor, the verb in the imperative inclination)

How do you live?

the action that information is obtained is the interlocutor, the verb in the form of 2 liters.

In narrative and question deals, the action of a speaking or interlocutor is expressed:

Tomorrow I detect on a business trip. What do you prefer for dessert?

In motivating offers, it is expressed in motivation to the action of the interlocutor:

Read! Write! Insert the missed letters.

Such proposals are independent, they do not need to be subject to, because the idea of \u200b\u200ba person can be expressed in the language of the personal endings of verbs.

2. Uncertainty-personal offers

Uncertain-personal offers- This is a single-service sentence with the main member - the fauceible, which is expressed by the verb in the form of 3 liters. In the present or future or in the form of MN.C. in the past time. The face is not defined: the action is committed by someone uncertain.

it is not known, not determined by whom the action is made.

On TV reported that ...

not determined who made action

Such proposals do not need to be subject to, since they express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uncertainty of persons producing action.

3. Summarized and personal offers

Generalized and personal offers - This is a single sentence with the main member - the faugible, standing in the form of 2 liters. units or 3 l. In the present or future, sometimes either in the form of 2 liters. units. or Insecurity:

In generalized personal offers, the face performs in a generalized form: all, many, and the action is presented as the usual, perhaps always. Such proposals express the collective experience of the people as a whole, reflect the sustainable, generally accepted concepts. Examples:

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.
In someone else's misfortune of your happiness you will not build.

The action referred to is the usual, characteristic of all people transfers the idea of \u200b\u200bcollective experience.)

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

It does not matter who specifically makes an action, it is more important that it is usually committed, always, everyone is reflected by collective experience, while the specific person is not meant.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba generalized person is important in the generalized proposals, so they express generalizations characteristic of proverbs and sayings, aphorisms, various types of maxims.


Not in all textbooks, generalized personal offers are highlighted in a special type. Many authors believe that certain personal and indefinitely personal offers can have a generalized value. Examples:

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.
(Considered as a certain personal offer, having a generalized value)

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
(Considered as an indefinite-personal offer, having a generalized value)

What is the basis for different interpretations?
Authors who allocate generalized personal offers in a separate type, pay more attention to the importance of this group of proposals. And those who do not see for this sufficient basis, to the chapter of the corner are formal signs (forms of verbs).

4. Impersonential offers

Impersonent sentences - These are single-service sentences with the main member - the faugible, standing in the form of 3 liters. units present or future time or in the form of a CP.R. Last time. Examples:

The action or state is expressed in them as involuntary, in no way depends on any person or group of persons.

The legend in impersonal proposals can be expressed in different ways:

1) impersonal verb: evening., Mattered.
2) a personal verb in an impersonal use in the form of 3 liters. units of a present or future time or in a CP.R. units Last time. Darkest., Doperly.
3) A brief ending communion in the form of a CP.R: Already sent to the market for fresh products.
4) The word Categories of the Categories: Are you cold?, I feel good.
In the present time, the zero bunch of verb be Not used. In the past and the future, the bunch to be in forms:

  • last time, units, cf.: I was good.
  • of this time, units, 3 l.: I will be fine.

5) Infinitive: Being a scandal., Be trouble.
6) impersonal auxiliary verb with infinitive: I wanted to relax.
7) the word category of states with infinitive: well rest!
8) denials: no (no - colloquially spacious), nor: no happiness in life!

The impersonal offers are diverse and according to them values. The states of nature and the state of people can be transmitted in them, and the values \u200b\u200bof the absence of something or anyone. In addition, they often transmit the values \u200b\u200bof necessity, opportunities, desirability, inevitability, etc. similar.

Sample forces

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Total test

  1. Is it true that the sentences are called one main member of the fault?

  2. Is it true that the sentences with one main member are alone are called?

  3. What are the proposals with one main member - subject?

    • incomplete
    • calling
  4. What is the proposal: What a nonsense!?

    • calling
    • definitely personal
    • impersonal
  5. What is the proposal: Protect the environment!?

    • definitely personal
    • uncertain-personal
    • impersonal
  6. What is the proposal: The newspaper printed the weather forecast for the week.?

    • uncertain-personal
    • generalized-personal
    • definitely personal
  7. What is the proposal: I'm shivering.?

    • calling
    • impersonal
    • definitely personal
  8. What is the proposal: Light.?

    • impersonal
    • uncertain-personal
    • generalized-personal
  9. What is the proposal: He wanted to sleep.?

    • definitely personal
    • uncertain-personal
    • impersonal
  10. What is the proposal: Do you want some tea?

    • definitely personal
    • uncertain-personal
    • impersonal

1. Under impersonal proposals, the proposals are traditionally understood, the grammatical foundation of which is represented by one main member - to the fag, the morphological nature of which eliminates the position of the nominative case with the value of the subject of speech, i.e., subject. For example: Mortals (V. Soloohin); To meit became terribly (In Soloohin); Eyespoured Blue (V. Soloohin).

Compared with certain personal and uncertain personal, impersonal offers are more diverse as in their structural and semantic signs. Nevertheless, all the diversity of impersonal proposals is combined into one structural and semantic type according to the specificity of their structure and semantics.

The indicated lack of a position of the nominative case representing the subject is the general structural sign of impersonal proposals.

A characteristic sign of grammatical semantics of impersonal proposals researchers usually call the value spontaneity, involuntaryness, lack of control Verbalized in the proposal of action or state. This specific feature is manifested in all structural and semantic varieties of suggestions of this type. For example, when labeling the physiological or mental state of any living being: I really was ashamed at that moment (V. Soloohin); Ivan Stepanovich came, chairman, although he recently something not served (S. Krutilin); Environmental States: In the Moscow region fields and forests became raw and Milisto(V. Soloohin); Expressions of any action: King has long been frowning... (V. Soloohin); need to make something: I had to solve one of the most difficult human psychological tasks (V. Soloohin).

2. Passivity, the insignificance of feelings, the lack of control over the feelings and the method of expressing these signs, according to a number of researchers, is the property of a Russian language type of thinking, a Russian mentality, which distinguishes it, for example, from the European language type of thinking . So, for example, the Polish Researcher Anna Wiegezkka Notes: "Talking about people, you can adhere to two different orientations: you can think about them as agents, or" figures ", and you can - as passive experiments ...

In the experiential method of representing the person referred to in the proposal, as a rule, acts in the grammatical form of a denational case.<… > One of the main semantic components associated with this way of representation is the lack of control ... " . Commenting examples type I can not believeShe notes: "It is in this way that Russians are very often talking about the events of their mental life, implying that these events simply" happen "in their minds and that they are not responsible for them." .

Certificate of impersonality as a kind of grammatical metaphor of the Russian mentality can be found in the statement of the Optologian, the philosopher and the historian of the beginning of the twentieth century. about. George Flororovsky, who described the specifics of Russian historical consciousness in terms of Russian grammar: "There is no creative practice of history as a feat, as wanderings, how are<…> In Russian experience, the meaning of impersonal, even unconscious, some of the spontaneous forces, "organic processes", the "power of the Earth" is accurately accurately performed in the suffering pledge, more happens, what is happening ... the category of responsibility is . Similarly, characterizes the Russian mentality and reflections in the language and A. Wiegebitsky. In her opinion, "wealth and diversity of impersonal structures in Russian shows that the language reflects and in every way encourages the trend in the Russian cultural tradition to consider the world as a set of events that can not be human control, nor human understanding, and these events that people are not In a state until the end, comprehend and which he is not able to fully control, are more often bad for him than good " In agreement with the estimated connotation of Russian impersonal proposals A. Woolbitsky, For peace Kurbanovich Tarlanov The manifold of syntactic structures explains not the specifics of the mentality of the Russian people, but the wealth of the Russian language, its ability to develop the original subject-predicate type of sentence in various directions, including in the direction of the absolutization of the predicate, generating impersonal proposals, which is deprived of other Western European languages . "If you keep in mind that an immutable fact that the degree of perfection of the language, he writes, is determined by the measure of its ability to accurately correspond to the infinitely complex world of depicted and expressed objects, events, signs, concepts, ideas, etc., as well as subjectively evaluated The modes of their manifestation, the language structures cannot but be coordinated with a changeable perception of a person, with the progressive nature of its cognitive experience. The more this coordination in terms of expressive language capabilities, the thinner, fully, deeper, is universal, it fulfills its most important purpose. Therefore, more perfect in terms of its capabilities, including structural, the language that different events expresses differently " . G. A. Goldov On this occasion, it also writes: "Russian language, apparently, is peculiar to more diversity, constructive, semantic and expressive-valued, shades of involivity, of which chooses the necessary speaker according to its communicative needs." The diversity of impersonal proposals existing along with personal, says "On the wealth of semantic and expressive shades, differences in the expression of states, emotions, about the bright range of modal and interpersonal relations presented in the semantic space of Russian syntax." "Before the speaker - aware or intuitive - but choosing from a variety of funds. Where the choice, the possibility and need to choose, is required and the spelling activity of the speaker is revealed. .

3. However, one should not forget that the lack of a position of the nominative case in impersonal proposals does not mean absence Positions of wordformes with the value of carrier predicative feature, subject. This is what one of the largest modern researchers of Russian syntax writes about this Galina Aleksandrovna Goldov: "The proposal as a real act can not consist without attributing a sign of its carrier, in other words - without the correlation of the arising meaning with reality - in categories of modality and face" . The predicative sign in the proposal is specified as an action (physical action, mental activity, auditory and visual perceptions, etc.), states, properties characterizing the subject of speech. "Most of the" impersonal "proposals reports a sign of a person; The sign of this, psychological or physiological, outside of a person does not exist, is not carried out, and the structural and semantic appointment of these proposals is the predicative attribution of the called sign - its carrier " . This person can be verbalized or non-verbalized for various reasons: it can be clear from the situation or context, and its labeling seems to talking informatively redundant, which says can set certain tasks that are generally not associated with the verbalization of the subject of speech. In any case, the position of the word formation with the value of the predicative character carrier is preserved. For example: While light, you need to think about overnight (V. Solobukhin) (\u003d `Light in nature, the environment in time coinciding with the moment of speech`,` think about the night should be tourists, travelers`): the lexical value of predicatives ( light, think) It suggests that in the first case, the state carrier is the environment, in the second - a thinking creature, a person.

Specific for impersonal proposals is the expression of a predicative attribute carrier by substantive and circumstantial forms of indirect case. For example, in the proposal Self i wanted to fail through the earth (V. Soloohin) The talking reports about himself, about his negative state, which caused the desire to "fall through the earth", the state carrier is represented by the form of a dutiful pad.: to me. Dictumen part of the substantial sentence structure There was almost no one on the beach (V. Soloohin) encompasses the characteristics of a limited area, the beach, by the presence / absence of resting, this territory, which is a subject of characterization, is presented to the proposed case with a pretext on the: on the beach. In a sentence Patient Znobit The carrier of the predicative feature, the subject of the physiological state, is represented by the form of a vinitive pad.: patient.

The most frequency form of representation of the carrier of the predicative feature, such as the state carrier, is the form of a dative case. According to linguists, "Dative, impersonal, a model of a priori involves correlation with the human sphere" . On this function of a dutiful case can be found in the linguistic literature already x1x centuries . I did not remain unnoticed by Russian researchers this form and later. So, a scientist "Encyclopedic type" Alexey Alexandrovich Chematovalso indicated that in the impersonal proposals "the submission of a subject corresponds to the addition.<…> Addition to the donor. The case causes an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject experiencing the action of the predicate " . "The duty case with a verb, the case of an indirect approaching supplement, causes such an independent view to which the verb action is directed, without covering this presentation  is expressed by vinitis. The case) and not touching it directly (that (which is expressed by the birth. case). Therefore, a gift is expressed first of all the name of the person in its attitude to any active sign (action or state), originating independently of any manufacturer " .

Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson The position of the duty subject explains the "shift of the positional significance of the case", which "is usually accompanied by noticeable shifts in the semantic content of the verb." Commenting out statement The child will not sleep,the scientist notes that this design "expresses the action spontaneous, accomplished in addition to the will and desire of the face. The means of expressing the spontaneity of action is in this case not only an impersonal design, but also the impersonal verb breakthe suffix of which expresses this time not refund, namely spontaneity of action " .

4. In recent decades, the term "impersonal sentence" causes perplexists from part of linguists and disagreement with such termination of proposals informing primarily about the status of the person marked with registered forms of indirect case. So, Yuri Sergeevich Stepanov This generally accepted term characterizes as "a very inaccurate, non-substantive term" impersonal "" .

Of course, the emergence of this term is explained by the morphological nature of the predicative lexeme of the proposals of this type, first allocated, probably Maxim Gerasimovich LOOKS (in monastic Maleti)in 1618, "grammar of Slavenskaya Right Syntagma" in 1618. M. Forersky not only allocated impersonal verbs into a special group and pointed to their only morphological form - the 3rd face, but also revealed a essential sign of impersonal verbs - the ability to form an independent proposal and combine with the parent and duty . It is the absence of ability to change on persons, the absence of a paradigm of a person, "their position outside the morphological paradigm" The emergence of the nominee "impersonal" in relation to this group of verbs, and later - in relation to narrow-minded proposals, which is pronounced above all the impersonal verb.

5. The traditional approach to as a nominative case with the value of the subject has determined the differentiation of simple proposals for single-maintenance impersonal and two-part personal: there is such a nominative case - it means the proposal is personal, two-way, there is no such case, the attacient word "prevents" his appearance - means the proposal . This traditional point of view on the subject is reflected in all university and school textbooks. The semantics of the structure-forming components of the proposal forming the most important proposed feature - predicativeness and various Methods of verbalization of these components are not taken into account. However, in the overwhelming majority of proposals, which are summarized under the "impersonal", not only there are guidance on the predicative character carrier, it is represented in the structure of the statement, but is represented by either an indirect case of the name or adverbial lexema. Specific representation of the subject word defines the semantics of the offer. Wed: I loved to go here at the end of September (V. Soloohin): The carrier of the predicative feature, the speaker itself, marked with a divestic form of personal pronoun. In suggestions, the personal subjective of which is represented by the form of an indirect case, "a lexico-morphological basis" impersonality "of verbs turns into a syntactic sign of the individual" . Such sentences G. A. Zotov calls twisading personal. These should also include proposals with the metaphorical filling of the position of the personal subject subject to the subject-spatial. Examples from poems B. Pasternak :

Meadow Muto Water Lilge ...

This night at the Park znobilo bog ...

In the earth darkened in the eyes

Subject with a spatial value of type in Room, outdoor, everywhere(In the room is stuffy; On the street noisy; Everywhere scattered) The value of the environment as a state carrier or property is called locus subjectable, and for proposals, including locus-subject, Yu. S. Stepanov proposed the term locus-sentences . The specifics of this proposal is that it is "limited to the framework of the 3rd person and the" subject "subject" .

In suggestions of type And only when Nadezhda Grigorievna said that he has a bad heart and a doctor prescribed leeches, I realized how dangerous it is (S. Krutilin); Everyone had so hard on the soul (A. Fadeev); And, however, the more he reassured himself, the alarmer he became in his soul(Y rhymes) Personal subject is presented in comprehensively, two words, one of which denotes the face he has, all as an integer, the other is part of the whole, in which the state is localized, with heart in the soul. Named wordforms do not communicate with each other, but both are correlated with predicative word form. At the same time, one of the word formed is structurally mandatory, it marks a part of the whole with the value of the "container" of the state, the word form with the value of the whole is optional and is often not verbalized. Wed: Oh Lord, what does Larisa do? What do I care about Larisa? With brains something is wrong. From the heat, from pressure and from well, of course! - From what we fall on the go, on the bolts, by hardware, like a dark purple cataphalk (Y. Trifonov); Psychopath cried out of pain, the pain sloped his hand, even in the back of the head it was hard and hurt (V. Shukshin); In the soul was alarming (M. Leenko). In the complex designation of the subject, the optional word may occupy the position of an inconsistent definition. For example: In the chest, the bears became cold, precisely ice water splashed there(M. Leenko); Yes, and in his soul he became quieter (F. Abramov).

The approach to the structural organization in recent decades, which takes into account the semantic structure, which "holds on the conjugation of a predicative feature with the name of his carrier," allowed to see the full predicative minimum of "impersonal" proposals, presented "in different, but always interconnected design", and unchanged their mutual roles : One of the word-mounted predicative minimum calls the carrier of a predicative minimum (is subject to), the other - represents the predicative feature (is a surehead). The scientific literature appeared nominee "subjectable" in relation to the word formation with the value of the carrier of the predicative feature, the so-called left actant, regardless of its morphological nature .

As in any two-part proposal, the subject form in "impersonal suggestions" can be unnamed. Such proposals are incomplete. for example Sorry, Uncle. All sorry(V. Astafiev); Spent the night in Klelev. Could not sleep (Markov); Fleece. Only a little spinned head and sick legs (K. Simonov); And dawns for a long time(E. Baratsky) ; Here he blundered, sat down to the table and added fun: well, it rained (A. Tolstoy); Overweight (M. Gorky); When it completely explained, Telegin saw again at the end of the field a highway road (A. Tolstoy).

6. Regardless of the method of implementation, i.e., it is called or not named, a personal involutual entity may think as a certain or generalized person. Wed: Only I'm not scary (S. Yesenin); Unbearably it became a shame and hurt(Ch. Aitmatov) - Reduction is not chib to be wisdom, but the people are joyful (A. Ivanov); It was very painful, but there was no other way out; every dog \u200b\u200bknows it: it hurts, but terply, hurts, and you lick, hurt, but silence(Troypolsky). In the first sentence, the representative state is experiencing a certain person, speaking, in the second - the state carrier is not specified, they can be any person: - i, you, im. The specificization of the status carrier carries out a context or situation. In this example, lexical content of the offer, the presence of a lexeme unbearable, Preference gives the speaker: It is that the status carrier itself can establish the degree of saturation of the state. With certain conditions (3rd and 4th offers), everyone can be fun, everyone should tolerate pain, in some way just in a famous way to soften it and silence.

However, the unnatfulness of both an involutive personal entity and the locus subject is not always possible. So, the verbalization of this component of the proposal is obligatory in the presence of opposition, for example, I am sad because you have fun (M. Lermontov); Quiet in the room spacious, and outside the winds (A. Akhmatova). As a rule, the subject is called and in a report on third parties. For example: He never sang so never (A.K. Tolstoy); Terribly it became, Yermil something (I. Turgenev); Frost and night over a snowy, and here cozy and warm (A. Fet). .

"The unnamed subject in the locus offers is common, subject to observation of a trait in the chronotope of what is happening, in the finish coordinates i am here - now: it's still fresh, but the proximity of the heat is already felt(I. Turgenev); Sidewalks in runners. Mortals (B. Pasternak); Dark, because the night (O. Smirnov).

The obligation to prevent the position of the support-carrier of the predicative feature, thus underlies the formation of two-component structural schemes of proposals. For example, offer Everyone had fun and easy (A. Chekhov) built according to the structural scheme "Who is something" which is symbolically can be represented as N 3 - PRAED. The involuntary carrier of the involuntary state is represented by a purification case of personal pronoun, and an involuntary state experienced by the subject is an impersonal return verb. The same structural scheme underlies the construction of statements with a non-verbalized subject. - It seems to be used to it, and not (V. Rasputin); Anxious and terribly(Ch. Aitmatov); It was boring, besides, he strained, stirred in himself jealousy (Y. Trifonov).

7. In structure and semantics, impersonal offers are quite diverse. According to the structural feature, the method of expressing the faugible, they are traditionally differentiated into verbal and nominal.

8. Under the verbants are such impersonal suggestions of which are primarily represented by impersonal verbs without suffix and their derivatives. Most of them are verbs with the importance of the environment, as well as the physiological or psychological state of a living being, more often: brozitsh, cut, the evening, will call, freezing, boils, lights, dawns, darkens, cold, grinds, znobit, fevering, stiffness, lomit, hovers, lights, smearing, sad, sick, sickand etc.

The action and the state represented by these verbs is independent of the leader or carrier of the state, seven activity in the meaningful structure of proposals with impersonal verbs is absent. The value of the sentence, its semantic type is determined by the value of the impersonal verb. They can represent the state of the environment, various kinds of natural processes: Weather changes, changes associated with a change in the time of day. For example: Behind the window again frosted, the north of the eternal cold pulled. Rentally, skidded, raised, and from chilly thoughts I fought (L. Oshin); It became light(M. Privine); Overweight Mountains were already in the shadow(P. Pavlenko). Surrises in the courtyard(B. Pasternak); Everywhere smelled of cheremuhuhuhu (M. Privine); The room smelled of gray and resin, the shadows from the lamps crossed on the floor (M. Bulgakov); Snow it's a little bit here, Agata knew it, it was almost no need to crash the road, she was glad(A. Ivanov).

Less frequently implanting with the significance of the physiological state of a living being. For example: I wanted to read the road, yes smored (F. Abramov); His znobilo(K. POUST); - Do not feet sick? (S. Zaligin); Legs brazed until noon, then the pain began to gradually let (Y. Nagibin);

or mental state. Severely lit the soul of avakum (Y. Nagibin); But my heart spishes, as soon as I think that it will never be on this place (C. Krutilin).

The impersonal verbs form proposals with the value of the presence, lack of, lack of something. For example: I miss the tenderness of your and worries, you do not have enough of my care (S. Plikachev); Did not give your whims; I did not have enough courage to make her obey(K. Fedin); At all, the Bath, work is enough(N. Tikhonov); I would have gotten the mind to keep silent about this subject(V. Belinsky); So I had no way out (V. Soloohin); It must be assumed, the aviation plant has enough concerns beyond to get confused with glastial traitors (V. Soloohin);

9. The main member of the impersonal proposals represent impersonal verbs with suffix, expressing involuntary eases, and during denying, on the contrary, the difficulty or even the impossibility of staying in a certain state : it flies, bring, I want to have; (not) It seems, breathing, (not) is lying, (not) sitting, (not) read, (not) comes in, (not) writes, it looks like, it seems, it lives, unhealthy, unwound; Mortals.

Destinating the physiological or psychological state of a person, they form the proposals of the appropriate semantics. For example, physiological condition: I felt perfectly, it was breathing easily, but there was no joy (Y. Trifonov); Good morning! How did you sleep? - Loud, Mitya said with exaggerated cheerful (Y. Trifonov); The guy did not sleep something(V. Pikul); - Do not sleep something, Aunt Anna. All about them. It is difficult for them (M. Alekseev); Knows that it is impossible to wake night a female in Natasha just because she herself sleeps (V. Inbert); Kuznetsov did not sleep (Y. Bondarev); Everyone was breathing more and better, on all spring was reflected in the tide of the updated and cheerful vitality (V. Korolenko); Soloncova entered the bodies and simply, it was unpleasant for the last days, And she tired stronger than the usual (P. Proskurin);

The same group includes offers with the value of an involuntary mental state, or the ability / inability to involuntize or state. For example: Other Astrakhan Cavalers, without resorting to the help of conversational women, appeared in the garden themselves in the garden, then in the parisader, alone and at all at night in the sleeping window purssed yes so patiently that Feodosia was poring in his head (Y. Nagibin); ZGI is not visible, the night around. And fighter fractures (A. Teddovsky); You do not silent, and you speech steppe rods say!(S. Zaligin) (`emotional and mental state do not allow to be silent`); Today it works well today; But you do not sit, no! (S. Zaligin. Commission); I read very well, and I had already started to understand this attention in favor of my work.... (M. Privine); I read very well, and I had already started to understand this attention in favor of my work ...(M. Privine); Oleg, too, was not sitting in a bricke (A. Fadeev).

Returnless impersonal verbs can state the absence of something. For example. There was no brandy nor vodka ... (in. Soloohin); Time for thought did not remain(N. Ilina);

A special place in the composition of the verb proposals occupies sentences with the modal meaning, necessity, possibilities, desires. These proposals arose due to the modal enrichment of the meaningful structure of the proposals of another type. The faithful in them is represented by return modal verb in combination with infinitive. For example: I myself wanted to fall through the earth(V. Soloohin); Looking at him, I wanted to climb (V. Soloohin); How sometimes you want to do (V. Soloohin); We wanted to eat every hour, every minute and every second (V. Soloohin); In the army I had a lot to go on skiing and participate in crossings ...(V. Soloohin); We had to taper, places to go the ladder ... (V. Soloohin); Then you have to wait for dawn (V. Soloohin); On the tracks of the sanatorium we had to go when already dawn(V. Soloohin); ... and she was a poor girl, and she did not have to go through the groom (N. Leskov).

10. The overwhelming group of impersonal proposals is formed by personal verbs in impersonal : throws, puzzles, turns, blowing, grows, presses, pulls, pulls, blows, burns, lays, rings, Zudit, burns, shakes, rolling, clone, circling, hooks, mutitis, smells, stake, shakes, shakes , disassembles, tears, cuts, brighten, reduces, darkens, sick, rubs, cracks, shakes, hit, cleans, captures, waves, pulls, crubbles, hurts (`Insults, offends`) and MN. Dr. These verbs only on the sounds coincide with the corresponding personal verbs, for example, throws a bottle - throws in the heat, away the forest darkens - falls early in the fall; WATER WITH THE BEAR - I am pushed out. , Recognizing the productivity of this group of verbs, wrote that they are "are a replacement of complete personal forms, bringing in the phrase the tint of the launch of the leader, the manufacturer of the trait.<…> To understand the essence of the category of impersonality in modern language, it is important to note that the impersonal use of the forms of the 3rd person is sometimes included in the system forms of personal verb and is understood against the background of personal forms and the values \u200b\u200bof the same word. In these cases, denial or elimination of a person is as if grammatically modifying the personal forms of the same word. With the personal and impersonal use of the same word, various lexical shades are connected " . Proposals with this group of verbs also nominate the state of the environment. for example : No dirt, the whole yard dressed, brightened, wielded - it can be seen (A. Fet); It was getting dark. Alexandra Mikhailovna entered the kitchen, to the apartment hostess (V. Veresov); Spirits from her smelled tightly ordinary (V. Soloohin). The numerous group constitutes impersonal proposals informing about various processes in nature and the environment as a manifestation of natural strength. For example: No matter how long an hour, which did not burn (Chekhov); Suddenly in the Seine Troyko (M. Gorky); Buried in a pipe (M. Gorky); Break shop! Careful, Maximy, can still explode (M.Gorky); It's good that Aksinya gone, but it would hurt her(M. Gorky); Behind the river Buku, Akhalo, stukalo (A. Tolstoy); Scary cracked above his head (A. Tolstoy); All drowsh lifted (A. Pushkin); Sounded over a clear river, ranked in a meadow, rolled over a grove, lit up on that shore(A. Fet); In some places the stroke so that the steps ten had to go, tightening almost to the knees (V. Soloohin);

Numerous proposals with personal verbs in impersonal use with the meaning of the physical condition of a person. For example: He uttered this phrase quietly, but I got soved in the ears (A. Novikov-surf). Eyes poured blue (Soloohin); He uttered this phrase quietly, but I got soved in the ears (A. Novikov-surf); ... (r. Ivanovichuk); For guys breathing intercepted (F. Abramov); U Lyali even throat squeezed (Y. Trifonov); And my belly screamed (Abramov); The head slightly circled, and the body was difficult to even move (D. Balashov); In the ears of the guest switched, and the head turned (I. Wings);

Less often, the impersonal use of personal verbs represents the mental state of a person. For example: In addition, it began to pull from the uncomfortable government houses of the hostel in that completely different world (V. Soloohin); ; And from this sinister beauty at the cosos moments captured the Spirit, although it was the beauty of death ...(D. Balashov); Under the spoon I start to whine and suck (V. Soloohin ); .

Personal verbs included in this group with an impersonal consumption with the meaning of a living being, as a rule, are formed from transient verbs with a value of action. Thanks to the changes that happened in the lexical meaning, the verbs have lost this `activity` And acquired seeds` passivity`, `spontaneousness`,` involuntary`. As a result of the changes that have occurred, the loss of communication of object word formulas with an active manufacturer of action, its "unknown", the wordform changed its syntactic place, "moving" into the position of the patient's subject, under the influence of some external forces, saving, however, and the value of the object of the specified impact . The specificity of the vinitive in impersonal verbs emphasized A. A. Chematov, who argued that "the addition to the vinemane. The case may cause an idea of \u200b\u200ba subject experiencing the effect of the predicate, just as the same representation is caused by the supplement at the verb suffering. Pledge: his wound means that he is Ranned» .

On the genetic connection of a vinitive subject with a vinitive direct object indicates Elena Sergeevna Skoblikova. The use of a vinitive subject in the designs under consideration, in its opinion, can be explained by the fact that "the subject of the state seems to be in these cases the object of some spontaneous influencing force." At the same time, the researcher notes that "object value in the suggestions of the type His lickingit turns out to be erased - as well as the value of a particular action " .

Semantic changes that occurred in the seed composition of personal verbs were the condition that they acquired all signs of impersonal verbs, including the ability to represent the involuntary state of the subject marked with the vinitive pad. For example: I was konilo to sleep (V. Soloohin); Nestor remembers well, as Miska distorted... (r. Ivanovichuk); - There is so far that Kostokov's suit, my friend, then twisted two days. Potted, and passed (C. Krutilin). However, unlike impersonal return verbs with a suffix, in which the means of expressing the shade of spontaneity, involuntary, along with the impersonal design, "is a suffix - sia, In the sentences formed by the impersonal use of personal verbs, the involuntary of the state, the passivity of it "gives the verb the impersonal design itself.<…> Modifying the meaning of the verb, the impersonal design acts here in the function, the relative function of the suffix - smilingwed: His mutit and He suffers in his head with noticeable discrepancies in significant values \u200b\u200b( torment in impersonal use denotes the state of nausea or faintness, while torture Indicates a semi-resistant state), but with constant in both cases a tint of involuntaryness. The impersonal use of personal verb becomes here a means of converting the verbal value, transforming the verbs of the action ( tear out, torment) In the verbs of an involuntary state " .

11. A special group is formed proposals with the value of the action committed by the "indirect entity" represented by the hardware case. For example: In winter, the ships came to the ice, they were covered with snow (K. POUST); But it was so warm in the father's wooden house. Purga Kookoko and Melo, Baukalo in Evening Dream (L. Oshin);

12. Impairedly used personal verbs with the value of perception form proposals with a duty object of perception: for example: Here smells in summer, heat and pine (Oshshin); Chu! Knocking the passing WHO, it stretches from the road(Nekrasov); It even smelled to the wind when she swept past (Kurrun); From the road rushed with heat, it seemed that there was no oxygen in the air ... (A. Voronov); King has long been frowning ... (Soloohin);

13. A few sentences with the meaning of the mythical force are the meaning. For example: The sort of weak elders in order with the summer at least a little bit lucky (L. Oshin).

14. Names include suggestions predicative (leakage) of which are represented by the words of the category of states known in linguistics as predicative adverbs, or predicatives. For example: The whole day was nothear (V. Soloohin); In the Moscow region fields and forests becamesyro andmallisto (V. Soloohin); In the mouth was donetasty - tasty ... (at. Solobukhin).

15. Semantics of proposals forms the lexical significance of the predicative lexeme (the fag). They are presented with suggestions with the meaning of the state of the environment or nature. For example: In the field wasempty , dead andquiet , the moon looked behind the light clouds, the road slightly dark ...(I. Bunin); Below, at the foot of the pine, alreadydark anddeaf (K. POUST); In the taiga werequiet andstuffy (N. Zadornov); From the outlook went to the barn - there was heat andsummary (B. Mozhaev); Quietly in the fields after the crash of the train(I. Bunin); We in the room hadnoisy (K. POUST); It was like thisquiet [At the end of the garden] that he could hear a rare drop of droplets with hanging branches(I. Bunin); And again it became audible thatquiet , quiet At night and on Earth and in the sky, - only somewhere far crying the bell(I. Bunin); Was reallyquiet , only below, under the mountain, branded empty vendors of women - went to the drussment of water(K. POUST).

16. The productive words of the category of states and in the formation of proposals with the value of the physiological and psychological state. For example: AND to me it was sad (Colukeev); Them (Volchatam. - VK) It was also scary, and the fear of them was transferred to them with maternal blood(Aitmatov); I feel uncomfortable (Bulgakov); First she is still boring it was, and here it seems to be even better: it became free to her (Leskov); It's hot to me! Kushai, Behemot(Bulgakov); And I'm hungry, and boredom ate(Bunin); Under the mouse you do not hurt? (Solzhenitsyn); You will be hot (Coluteev). He buried his face in dry boards, his head squeezed, felt that a little more - and he would be bad(Pretashing); He was warm, comfortable, long ago he had no such comfort (Markov); The spaway was not so much painful how much is hurt(Astafiev); I'm doing easily from a pleasant decision not to beat Vitaka (Soloohin); And on the yard, the weather is so wonderful: warm, light, fun, and through the green wooden grating of the garden can be seen, as in trees from a bitch on the bitch, different birds pear(Leskov); He took a gun he is not always - when he recalled. Now I remembered, took. And immediately in the soul (A. Voronov); The combination of cowardice and aggression was so unnatural that Gleb was terribly(A. Voronov); It became boring.(A. Voronov); He suddenly became easily, warm and a little sad. He knew that she took the right decision ...(A. Voronov); People have fun without vodka, whether it is not a reason for joy(A. Voronov).

17. In sentences with the main term presented by the word category of state, information on the attitude of the personal entity in the world around the world, any fact, its assessment may be presented. For example: I got everything indifferent (Soloohin); TC -Tz-Tz, as I feel sorry for you! Come on(A. Voronov); Beautiful man, right? I even canA. Voronov);

18. Proposals with the words of the category of states may contain a spatial characteristic. For example: The city was already completely close (R. Ivanchuk);

19. The words of the category of states with the meaning of visual and auditory perception shape the impersonal offers of co-relatives semantics. For example: Neither people nor the noise of urban, the tops of the pines speak with me, like the voices of friends from the time of the past (L. Oshin); ... through the green wooden garden lattice, it can be seen as the trees from a bitch on the knuckle peeze different birds(N. Leskov);

20. The question of qualifying proposals with infinitive and evaluation and estimated by the linguists is ambiguously solved by -about Type it is impossible, it is necessary, it may be necessary, it is necessary and under.; sin, shame, sorry, it's time, scary, good, bad; and under. For example: And suddenly you need to sit in one, actually, believe(V. Soloohin ); Need to go as hard as possible and straight ... (V. Soloohin); You can leave at night with a walking... (V. Soloohin); Sitting on the stone was cold and boring(A. Voronov); It was joyful after that again feel the hard support under his feet (V. Soloohin).

Evdokia Mikhailovna Galkina-Fedoruk, for example, combinations of predicative adverbs with the meaning of the state, as well as coinciding in shape with adverbs on - about Type it is impossible, you can, you need, it is necessary necessary or representing the frozen case forms with modal values \u200b\u200bof the type horror, sin, laziness, undersion, it's time With infinitive calls "complex led" impersonal proposal: fun ride, sad admit, sorry to part, laziness to go; you can begin, you can not go, you will need to talk, it was necessary to stay And pr. Indicating that "the infinitive is usually in postposition.

If, according to E. M. Galkina-Fedhoruk, "Prepositive infinitive is separated from predicative adverbs on - about The pause and calls the action or a state that is estimated is determined or characterized by the following impersonal-predicative word, then such proposals is two-way, the infinitive acts as a subject, and the predicative word - in the role of the said: eg: Ride - fun; Cheat - ashamed; Return - a shame" If there is no pause between predicative infinity and infinitive, then such a proposal is prof. E. M. Galkina-Fedhoruk calls impersonal, and the combination under consideration characterizes how to lean .

Vera Vasilyevna Babaitsev The question of the single-delivery / doubles of the proposals under consideration offers to solve with the lexic and grammatical properties combined with the infinitive of words. The infinitive is part of the confused when modal words, regardless of the place occupied by him. Wed: You can not live only by old glory. (N. Ostrovsky); These days can not be forgotten... (Lviv); For bad cases of children should be punished (Bitter).

Sentences with words on -about,combining the value of the assessment and state, in its opinion, can be both single-main and twisted. With the postposition of the infinitive, the state value is enhanced, especially in the presence of a subject with the value of the state carrier, which the author calls an indirect supplement in the duty. For example: Sad we listen to the autumn blizzard (N. Nekrasov); I was very painful to see him sad (A. Green); Go (L. Tolstoy).

In the preposition of the infinitive, V. V. Babaitseva notes, in words, the value of the assessment and proposals are considered to be treated as two-way: words on -o come closer to adjectives. For example: It was fun and interesting to go (Kataata); Dream - easy and nice, but it's hard to think(Ushinsky); Live - very good! (Bitter).

It notes the lack of a clear boundary between two-storage and single-parting proposals in the words of the state of the state, indicating that the proposal of a number of conditions, among which, along with the lexical meaning of words, appears to the structural-semantic segment of the proposal, also calls the presence / absence of intonational dissection Bundles be, index particle this is, "Congue Subject", etc. Lack of unambiguity in solving structural-semantic dismemberment, the possibility of two qualifications lead it to the conclusion about the preference of "considering such proposals as a single-part" .

Pavel Alexandrovich Lekant, Alexander Nikolaevich Gvozdev, Alexey Georgievich Rudnev, etc.the impersonal relates all proposals, the structural type of which is represented by the "impersonal form of a ligamentary verb (including the zero form of the auxiliary analytical component with a modal value) without differentiation of the position of the modal component. His examples: Firstit was necessary to go for weightlah (A.T.); Cannot live away from youth (Paust.) .

Approach to infinitive proposals as the values \u200b\u200bof the validity of the validity of the action revealed the presence of an estimated component in their semantics, according to which the infinitive calls "not the action itself, but no matter how its possibility", which "is weighed and receives an assessment," allowed G. A. Golotovoy It is concluded that "desirability - the undesirableness of this possibility for the speaker is closed with a pragmatic, ethical or expressive assessment.<…> When the modal word predicatively assesses the possibility of an action called infinitive, the proposal turns out to be dismembered and represents a more complex structure " . Neither the position of the modal word with respect to the infinitive nor the method of expressing the modal component does not affect the infinitive function to represent a potential effect, and the modal component - marked the assessment of this action. From examples of G. A. Zolotova: To destroy ourselves? - i do not want! Disassembleno Volushushka! (Rings); Recognize tramp The sovereign wasi unable (Pushkin); Him There was no strength to interferefor Khlebnikov (Kubrin); I quietly rushed on the shop by Kalach, fell asleep, and interrupt you did not dare (Sholokhov); Learn painting only on books while no one not succeeded (Book Friend, 1977, March). The lexico-grammatical nature of the expression of the modal assessment of the action is diverse. These are personal modal verbs with a negative particle and without it: be able to, to want and etc.; Predicative adjectives with modal meaning: glad Mostly, should, able to; Predicative adverbs, or status category words: it is impossible, it is impossible, leisure, time, time;modal values: duty, duty; MODAL COMMUNICATION: ( not) able, in the forces, under power, no strength, no urine and etc.

The modal component may occupy a different position in relation to the infinitive. With the absent of the infinitive proposal - it is preposable and together with infinitive occupies a straot position. Dissected infinitive proposals with a stray position of a modally evaluating predicate, according to G. A. Golotovoy"They differ greater expressiveness than unrelated. They seem to correspond to the internal dialogue: in the predicable component, the speaker sets the question of the possibility, the feasibility of a particular action, the predicating component is responsible for this question, usually recognizing the impossibility of the above-mentioned action or leading the reason for this inability. " . The vocabulary noted by the author of the lexical incompleteness of modal lexemes, the impossibility in view of this "serve as an independent name of a sign or state" and express only modal (voluntative) relationship between subject and action determines their syntactic non-independence. These lexemes cannot independently represent the predicate, only in combination with the infinitive, they occupy the position of the prediction and are part of a composite verbal leaky, in which "the action itself is expressed by the infinitive form of the verb or the exclusive name (cf. i agree to go - I agree to the trip, I am waited - I am glad in decisions, I am glad to meet - I am glad to meet, ready to answer - Ready to answer) .

Thus, G. A. Goldova definitely solves the question of the syntactic status of modally-voluntative words of both verbal and registered status. Proposals with modal-voluntative lexemes, are attributed to the impersonal verbs and the words of the category of state, with a prepositive and postpositive position in relation to the infinitive are quite productive and formed the proposals of one structural-semantic type - they are traditionally nominated with impersonal, but one should not forget that any The characteristic of the action is able to give only a personal entity. It can be verbalized or not verbalized, but its position in the proposal structure is preserved. For example: I wouldn't cost me to catch up with five jumps and throw myself through the board(V. Soloohin); We did not have to dinner at all(V. Soloohin); In this room, we were forced to study Fockey and Rumbam(V. Soloohin); I think that it is simply impossible to tell him(V. Soloohin); I will be able to avoid meeting her husband(V. Soloohin); Yes, sometimes a huge effort of will, I managed to look at the interlocutor... (V. Soloohin); He did not need to run through silou (V. Soloohin); And what if I do not have a cigarette, but bread, Christ, ask?(L. Oshin); Any our bedside table could be opened to anyone (V. Soloohin) - And the hands had to hide in pockets(V. Soloohin); It always happened when I had to cry(V. Soloohin); I had to be pretty stuck to pass through the door (Soloohin); Canopy had to rebuild several times(E. Vorobyov); It would be impossible for three years not to talk (V. Soloohin); From oats, you can cook porridge, and the famous oatmeal to do, and pancakes oven, and even scaring bumps (P. grandfather); But it was impossible to hit the target bedside table (V. Soloohin).

21. However, from lexically non-valid modal lexes should be distinguished by words on-type hungry, fun, festive, shamethe semantic-syntactic independence of which allows them to occupy the position of the prediction with the state value. For example: And I'm hungry, and boredom ate(I. Bunin); AND you are nice and fun (V. Kolupaev); I felt, what them uncomfortable (V. Kolupaev). The emergence of the physiological state ( hungry), mental comfort ( pleasantly, fun) or, on the contrary, discomfort ( uncomfortable) The subject has their cause. This reason can act as an action represented by infinitive, and words on -about Call the state of the acting person, the condition causated by the action represented by the infinitive. Such proposals are twisted with infinitive subject to the location of lexically imperative states of the state of the state in relation to the infinitive. For example: Back scary and look back (V. Soloohin) - I'm scary; On the hard highway went easier (V. Soloohin) - I already easier; Still strister look at your dancing legs(V. Soloohin) - I'm ashamed; Cry it was hard and uncomfortable (V. Soloohin) - It is difficult for me and inconveniently; However, it is difficult for me to speak for my comrades (V. Soloohin); In the forest good stroll(V. Soloohin) - in the forest well; In general, he is not easy to entertain me (V. Soloohin) - It's not easy for him; How to sit down well at the cast-iron stubs together and the breath of their someone's fingers warm, looking at the fire, to climb about nothing(L. Oshin) - Good to all.

22. In the word group on -aboutincluded in suggestions with infinitive and disposed of pre- or

pOSTPOSITIVE RELATIONS TO THE INFINITIVE, allocated so-called estimated words like

immoral, reckless, it is useless, tasty, perhaps harmful, stupid, sinner, bad, beautiful,

dangerous, unlikely, inevitably, abnormally, dishonestly, incorrectly, dishonestly,

low, ok, useful, correctly, decent, is subtle, conscientious, doubtful, exciting,

ugly, honestly, longand etc . "Their meaning - evaluation, moral, pragmatic

or expressive, action, real or potential, named

infinitive. " For example: Shuffling will have to be inevitable... (V. Soloohin); I understood that

it is useless to talk truth (K. POUST); It is harmful now to shake on Furmanke

(V. POUST); It is stupid to go through Siberia for such an idiotic business like yours. In the link you

two years later


Unlike words with the meaning of the state causing the action, the words with the value of the assessment do not function in impersonal proposals under the subject in the duties. They can act in the position of the ledity of the deviliation, as well as, characterizing the method of action, can be combined with the hidden verb. For example: Reading is useful; Rest is useful, smoking is harmful, read correctly, reads decently, traveled long.

Infinitive proposals, including words on -o with the value of the assessment, twisted. The infiniment is subject to the value of the estimated situation, and the Word on -O is a sure, denoting assessment of moral, expressive or pragmatic. For example: I knew that staying in the forest is dangerous (K. POUST); It is said that it is useful for a person from time to time alone (K. POUST); At sunset sleep is harmful (K. POUST); Yes, and it would be useless to tell, - just we would not believe (K. POUST); How long was it prescribed to a papers on a paper ticket (V. Soloohin); Through theatrical corridors it was impossible to sort(K. Powesty);. Deceive - dimly; Rest - useful; Travel - fascinating; Learn over forty years - okay; Listen to criticism - right; Smoking is harmful; Light over - dishonest

23. A special type of impersonal suggestions form a suggestion of which is expressed by a brief suffermentary communion with suffixes -En, and -T, ending on -about.For example: I was postponed on the stove (V. Soloohin); So, it can be seen, the sky is destined (A. Pushkin); About the battery Tushina was forgotten (L. Tolstoy). The proposals of this type are used when it is necessary to submit a state as a result of completed action. The suffering communion expresses a sign of a non-active subject, but a passive, exposed object, verbalized or non-verbalized. For example: Where she sewn on a living thread, wait for the cuts yes a loss (proverb); (N. Gogol); Someone fled from Moscow, and ordinen was all delayed yes inspect (A. Pushkin); On both shores of the river was dried in a thick post (S. Aksakov) - Nature Here we are destined to cut the window to Europe (A. Pushkin); Why fate not destined to my inconstant lio heroism chant one (A. Pushkin) .

The proposals of this type, some scientists belong to the verb, given their producing verb base. but Evdokia Mikhailovna Galkina-Fedoruk notes that it is impossible to fully attribute these proposals to the verbal types of education, since they are not expressed in the process lasting in time, "but the state resulting as a result of action" . Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov characterized by the suffering communion as such a genus of words "in which the verbity is expressed as a focused action attributed to the subject and defining it like the adjective name" . The proximity to the name of the adjective affects and in the expression of modally-temporal meanings with a ligalar component in terms of the expression of the facility in particular, a brief suffering communion.

In their value, involuntary impersonal offers are differentiated into the following groups, determined by the lexical value of the communion.

1. Most of them in modern Russian is a state as a consequence of the completed productive effect: it is written, eaten, drunk, cut, sown, breakand mn. Dr. For example: Folding said, Father Varlaam(Pushkin) ;

2. Proposals with the value of the expression of the manifestation of some kind of will with predicative type leks ordered, ordered, was awarded, established, resolved et al. for example : Parsushka was ordered to stay at home, looking at the room and a suitcase (N. Gogol); Immediately after dinner, it was appointed to go to stretch Sganarel (N. Leskov); Probably her as the most educated in the house, was instructed to meet the doctor(A. Chekhov);

3. Suggestions expressing perception by the senses of various phenomena with type predicates heard, seen, felt, understood et al. for example: It was certainly noted that if the storm and harp was broken at night on the tower buzzing so that the sounds reach through the ponds and parks in the village, then the barin is not sleeping at that night and the morning is gloomy and harsh (N. Leskov).

4. Suggestions with the value of the result of natural or mythical forces with type predictions zemen, clogged, burned, dispelled et al. for example: Wonderful arranged on our light! (N. Gogol); But it is destined to lunch, and through the long-range edges, your smoky iris will dream as youth early my(A. Block).

24. Structural schemes "impersonal" proposal as meaning the propositions are diverse. Their component composition is determined by two parameters: a type of proposition (the condition of the living creature, the environment, the presence / absence of ourselves and others) and its forming meanings, as well as the substantial structure of predicatively lexemes and its morphological nature. For example: statement To me sad and easily (Pushkin) informs about the mental state of the speaker, the basis of its construction is the structural scheme "Who is what is what can be represented by symbols N 3 - PRED, where the state carrier is represented by the noun in the form of a denational case to me, and the state is marked with the words of the category of state (predicative) Sad, easy.In impersonal sentence He paralyzed the right side of the body (C. Krutilin) \u200b\u200bThe structural scheme "who has some state in which part of the body" is implemented, which is symbolically can be represented as N 2 - VF 3 S - N 4. Statement At the station weredark andsad (I. Bunin) represents the state of the environment, the station, which contributes to the structural scheme "where there is something", which is symbolically can be represented as "ADV LOK - COP - PRED". In determining the structural scheme of an impersonal supply, as well as any other, it should be not forgotten that the structural scheme is a sign of a predicative relationship, which is the result of an act of predication, the act of attributing the subject of speech, subject, predicative feature that predicative signs coexist with their carriers, outside the carriers are not Maybe predicative feature. This carrier can be objectified, can be reduced for various reasons, but its syntactic place in the structural scheme is present and eliminates the single-component of the structural scheme.

Impersonal is called single suggestions, the main member of which calls the process or state independent of the active figure (or a sign, independent of its carrier). For example: Dawn; I can not sleep; It's cold outside.

The semantic basis of impersonal proposals is the lack of an active figure (or a sign of a sign), since the indication of the leader (or a sign carrier) in the proposal may still be in such a form that does not allow the grammatical subject. Cf. Examples: I sing easily and I feel easily. In an impersonal sentence, I feel easily eating an indication of the acting person (me), however, the form of the verb-fagant does not allow a nominative case, it cannot be established in relation to in other words, and the action is presented as flowing independently of the leader. Approximately the same in the following sentences: Dark Street and dark. In a two-part proposal, the street is marked by a sign of a sign (street), and in impersonal on the street there is a dark sign as existing whatever to its carrier, and the sign is somewhat changing their quality: it goes into a state.

The grammatical types of impersonal offers are quite varied. The most clearness in its structure and the expressed value of verbal impersonal offers.

As the main member of the impersonal sentence is used immune verb (Without suffix, and with suffix, it): lights, drizzles, znobit, nauseous; It is unhealthy, sleep, I want to melt, dreamed, and others. These verbs have the grammatical shape of a third party of the only number, and in the past time - the form of the middle kind of single number: lights - light, shiny - shiny, it is diminished - mumbled, etc. But by the meaning of these verbs are such that they do not allow the use of nouns or pronoun in the nominal case.

The main member of the impersonal proposal may be expressed a brief ending communion with the suffix -n-, -n- or -t-.

The shape of the middle kind of brief suffolding communion is transmitted to the status value as the result of the accomplished action. For example: Battery Tushina was forgotten (L. T.); Also sent to the pursuit (P.); We sat in lithographs where it was hung (C.).

Nareny impersonal Proposals are presented in modern Russian primarily offers with impersonal predicative words as the main member. This is "adveria with the meaning of the state", these etymologically associated with brief adjectives and some nouns, the semantic feature of which is the expression of various states: Easy, fun, cozy, ashamed; Sorry, hunting, underestimation, it's time. There may be a form of a comparative degree: all the warmer becomes (Shuksh.).

An impersonal proposals with impersonal prediction words, morphologically coinciding with the names of nouns (sin, shame, shame, horror, sorry, it's time, time, leisure, laziness, hunting, reluctance), in combination with infinitive designate actions from the moral and ethical side: Over old age laugh sin (gr.); Emotional state of a person: and tell me the truth was a pity (Fet); Due to the time of action: I had a good friend - where it is better to be - yes, everything happened, we will talk with him (Sim.); Modally and volitional shades: I would have a hunt to dance (A.N. T.). In colloquial speech, such proposals can be used without infinitive: hunting home.

Among the impersonal (existential) proposals highlights a kind of group impersonal genitic Proposals, a structural feature of which is the presence of a negative word in combination with the genitive case. For example, there is no negative word, there is no: no provision in society, nor the former honor, nor the right to invite to visit (Ch.); ... there is no counterclamp there (pins.)

Impersonal sentence

- A type of single-parting proposals, the main member of which is in a fixed "impersonal" form, which, depending on the inclination and time of the verb, coincides with the shape of the average or the form of the 3rd face of the singular. Maldly cased design B.P. not allowed. The designation of the manufacturer of the action (state carrier) is not at all possible (dawn; in the house quietly) or it is denoted by the forms of indirect cases (he switched to him; his shiny).

B.P. Characterized by a large structural variety. Chief Member bp may be expressed: a) non-returnable and returnable impersonal verbs and personal verbs in impersonal use; Wed: lights; Evening; Darkest; He is not sitting in place; It is easy to breathe here; His ears laid; In side rings; He is lucky; He had to (succeeded, it followed, fortunately) to leave; d) impersonal predictive words; Wed: on the street dark; Here warm and dry; Boy cold; Here it is impossible (you can) smoke; e) negative forms of the subject in conjunction with the pet entity; Wed: Fire was not; Nothing happened; The answer did not come; There will be no objections; He has no money; e) forms of the suffering pledge (liability) in absolutely eating or in combination with an indirect addition - in impersonal passive bp; Wed: Caution, painted; Closed for lunch; Doubts ended; I was sleeping behind the stove, ... and there was dumping sheepskin, blankets, small pillows (M. Roschin); This has not yet been said (already written); About Goncharova was not mentioned at all, and I only learned about her for an adult (M. Tsvetaeva). B.P. Typically qualifies as denoting "actions and conditions that occur by themselves, spontaneously, by themselves, and inside us - in addition to our will" (A.G. Rudnev). This characteristic, fair to most varieties of bp, does not apply, however, on impersonal passive bp, which, on the contrary, most often denote a conscious targeted action.

Borders bp Not quite clear. On the one hand, some varieties of infinitive single-part offers are close to them. On the other hand, proposals with estimated words on-like smoking is harmful or harmful to it is often regarded as twisted with the subject, expressed infinitive.

In general, in modern Russian, there is a steady increase in the consumption of B.P. Different types, which is considered to be an important distinctive feature.

Literature: Galkina-Fedohouse E. M. Independent proposals in modern Russian. M., 1958; Rudnev A. G. Syntax of the modern Russian language. M., 1968; G. A. G. A. Communicative aspects of Russian syntax. M., 1982; Wurnvitskaya A. Language. Culture. Cognition. M., 1996.

Impersonent sentences

Impersonent sentences - These are single-service sentences that speak about the action or state that arises and existing independently of the actuator's manufacturer or state carrier.

A feature of the grammatical value of impersonal proposals is the value of the spontaneity, the involvement of the expressed action or state. It manifests itself in a wide variety when it is expressed: action ( Boat demolides); The state of a person or an animal (I did not sleep; it is cold); environmental state ( Darkest; Pulls freshness); the state of affairs ( Bad with frames; It is impossible to postpone experiments), etc. According to D. E. Rosental, impersonal offers are inherent in the "hue of passivity, inertness".

According to the school classification, infinitive proposals are also attributed to impersonal (that is, proposals with the main member -cake, expressed independent infinitive).

The main member can be expressed

  • form of the 3rd face of the only number of impersonal or personal verb:
  • men's form: I walked you, happiness, snow, took it on a century ago, flooded you with boots receding to the soldiers (Ivanov); Did not have enough bread even before the shin (A. Chekhov);
  • in short not (in the past time it corresponds to the form of the middle kind did not have, and in the future - the form of the 3rd face of the singular - will not be): And suddenly the consciousness will throw me in response that there were no younger and no (N. Gumilyov).
  • status category (composite nominal fag): And boring and sad but (M. Lermontov); But they are not visible to change ... (A. Pushkin);
  • the combination of the word category of states (with a modal value) with an infinitive (composite verbal led): When you know that you can not laugh, then - then it is precisely this shaking, painful laughter (A. Kubrin); It's time to get up: the seventh hour (A. Pushkin);
  • brief supportive communion of the middle kind (composite nominal faith): Wonderful arranged on our light! (N. Gogol); I'm not caught! .. (A. Chekhov);
  • infinitive: You do not see such battles (M. Lermontov); Well, how not to please the native little man? (A. Griboyedov); Sing for a long time and ring in Purge (S. Yesenin).

see also

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  • Independent offers in modern Russian, E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk. This book is devoted to the study of the essence, the grammatical structure and the lexico-semantic nature of the impersonal proposals in the modern Russian language. The author puts the task to reveal ...