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The syntactic analysis of the proposal is many difficulties will have to overcome. The procedure for syntactic pavement

In order to correctly put the punctuation marks, it is necessary to clearly imagine the structure of the sentence. Aware of it is designed to help the syntactic analysis, that is, the analysis of the sentences. It is the syntactic analysis of the proposal that our article is devoted.

Units of syntax

The syntax studies the connection of words inside the phrases or suggestions. Thus, the syntax units are phrases and suggestions - simple or complex. In this article we will talk about how to make a syntactic analysis of the proposal, not phrase, although it is often asked to do it in school.

Why do you need a syntactic analysis of the sentence

The syntactic analysis of the proposal involves a detailed consideration of its structure. It is absolutely necessary in order to correctly put the punctuation marks. In addition, it helps to understand the connection of the words inside the phrase. During the syntax parsing, as a rule, the characteristics of the proposal is given, all members of the sentence are determined and displaced with what parts of speech they are expressed. This is the so-called full syntactic analysis. But sometimes this term is used in respect of a short, partial, syntactic analysis, during which the student only emphasizes members of the sentence.

Members of the sentence

Among the membership members always allocate the main: subject and predicate. They, as a rule, make up the grammatical foundation. If in the proposal one grammatical basis, it simpleMore than one - sophisticated.

The grammatical foundation may consist of both of the two main members and include only one of them: or only subject to, or only the failed. In the second case, we say that the offer sosta. If both main member are present - doubles.

If, besides the grammatical basis, there is no words in the sentence, it is called non-proliferated. IN commonthe proposal is also secondary members: addition, definition, circumstance; A special case of definition is an application.

if in the sentence there are words that are not members of the proposal (for example, appeal), it is still considered unprosted.

Performing a parsement, it is necessary to call a part of the speech, which is expressed by one or another member of the sentence. This skill guys work out, studying Russian in grade 5.

Offer characteristics

To give a description of the proposal, you need to specify it to describe it

  • on the purpose of the statement;
  • by intonation;
  • by the number of grammatical foundations and so on.

Below we offer a plan characteristics.

For the purpose of saying: narrative, questioning, prompting.

By intonation: Exclamation or unkonsectant.

There may be any sentences to exclamation of proposals, and not only incentive.

By the number of grammatical foundations: Simple or complex.

By the number of major members in a grammatical basis: Single-main or twisted.

If the offer is single, it is necessary determine his view: Writing, definitely personal, uncertain, impersonal.

For the presence of secondary members: Common or unprofitable.

If the proposal is complicated, then it is also necessary to specify. This is a plan of a syntact analysis of the proposal; Better to stick to him.

Complicated offer

The proposal may be complicated by appeal, introductory and plug-in structures, homogeneous members, separate members, direct speech. If some of these types of complications are present, then it is necessary to indicate that the proposal is complicated, and write than.

for example, Offer "Guys, let's live together!" complicated by the appeal "Guys".

If the proposal is complex

If you need to make a disclaiming of a complex sentence, you must first indicate that it is complex, and to determine its type: union or non-union, and if the allied, then also a complex or complex one. Then to characterize each of the parts from the point of view of the composition of the grammatical framework (twisted or single-main, type of one-service) and the presence / absence of secondary members.

The table shows secondary members and their questions.

Secondary members can be expressed by different parts of speech, for example, a definition:

woolen Skirt - adjective;

skirt of wool - noun;

smooth skirt - participle;

habit win - Infinitive ...

An example of a syntactic analysis of the sentence

We will analyze the offer "I did not know that you, Masha, moved from the village to the city".

Stress grammar Basics. Their two: knew and you moved. Determine parts of speech: knew - Taken, expressed by the verb in personal form, etc.

Now emphasize minor members:

Moved from where? From the village - the circumstance, expressed by the noun; where to? The city is also the circumstance, also expressed nouns. Masha - This is an appeal, it is not a member of the sentence.

Now dadim characteristic. Proposal narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex.

The first part "did not know" incomplete, unpropered.

The second part is twisted, common. Complicated by appeal.

At the end of the pars, it is necessary to make a scheme of a complex proposal.

What did we know?

The syntactic analysis is intended to help understand the structure of the sentence, so it is necessary to specify everything that may be connected with it. It is better to follow the plan, then more chances that you will not forget anything. It is necessary not only to emphasize the members of the sentence, but also to identify parts of speech, and give the characteristics of the proposal.

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The proposal contains information, asks about it or sends to action. Most often has the basis and describing its secondary members. To assimilate or refresh the topic in memory, it is useful to study examples of a grammatical separation of the supply in Russian.

Grammatical basis in the analysis of the sentence

The basis is logical in use. It consists of a subject, which calls the thing or phenomenon directly, and the facility - actions committed or directed to the object.

Such is always used in the initial form (nominative n.), But it may be not only a noun. It can be:

  • numeral - to indicate quantity, sets, numbers (in the queue stood three; four was the best estimate for him);
  • personal pronoun (he quietly walked along the corridor; we left the class);
  • undefined pronoun (Some sitting in the room; I prevented something);
  • negative pronoun (no one could prevent them from);
  • adjective (Responsible was appointed by the leadership; the duty officer followed the order).

In the grammatical analysis of the sentence, the proposal is made to allocate by emphasising, and the failed - double underlines.

The faithful is most often a verb, but has several types:

  • simple verbal, expressed by verb in any inclination (Pins fled along the alley; the student gets up early);
  • composite verdol, consists of auxiliary verb (modal word) and infinitive (she began to run in the morning; I have to go to work);
  • composite nominal, having a verb-ligament (most often - to be) and a call part (the schoolboy became a student; bread is their main meal; three times two - six (the word "will") is lowered));

Fullness sentence

Based on the basis of the base, the proposals are two-part, where both main member are present or one is meant (incomplete) (night comes; where he(omitted "Location") ?) , and single-main. The last happens:

  • definitely personal, in which the verb face is clear, about whom (I do everything possible (I); we go for a walk (we));
  • uncertain-personal, expressed verbal time in the plural (the floor below is loose; somewhere in the distance they sang);
  • generalized personal who attribute the action to everyone (often found in proverbs and sayings) (you want to eat fish - you need to climb into the water; go and admire the view);
  • impersonal not implying any object (Hummer; it was very sorry; in the room it is cold).

Minor, but no less important

To give deployed information, an object and action is supported by third-party words and structures. They are:

By performing a grammar analysis of the proposals, they should also be considered. If secondary members are available - the proposal is considered common, respectively, without them - non-prolonged.

Complicated proposals are not at all difficult

Various plug-in components complement the offer by increasing the amount of information. They are embedded between the main and secondary members, but are already defined as a separate part, which goes a separate point in the grammatical analysis of the proposal. These components can be removed or replaced without losing the meaning of the text. Among them:

  • separate definitions applicable to the object member (describe the property, stand out as definition), are involved in turnover (The kettle, heated on the stove, whistled sharply; the road led to the house standing in the forest);
  • separate circumstances (stand out as a circumstance) are consistent turnover (He ran, stumbling about stones; looking with caution, the dog extended the paw);
  • uniform members of the sentence - perform the same function and are always asked the same question. (on the floor were scattered (what?) books, notebooks, notes (homogeneous subject to); on weekends we are only (what they were doing?) slept and walking (homogeneous led); he looked at (who?) mom and sister (homogeneous addition));
  • appeal to someone who is always separated by the comma and is an independent member of the sentence (my son, you did right; you, Andrei, did not understand me);
  • introductory words (probably may finally, etc.) (I probably got excited; tomorrow, most likely, it will be hot).

How to make a grammatical analysis of the proposal, given all the components?

For the analysis, a clear algorithm is created that does not cause difficulties in the knowledge of all the above designs and components of the sentence. Among them are distinguished and complex - the order of analysis is slightly different. The following grammatical analysis of suggestions with examples for individual cases is provided.

Simple sentence

At the beginning of autumn, covered with a gold carpet, urbanly overflore urban alleys.

1. Determine the main members. The basis should be one, as in this example: alley - subject to overflow - Taken.

2. Allocate secondary members: (when?) At the beginning of autumn - circumstance, (what?) golden carpet covered- Selected definition, (how?) fancy - circumstance, (what?) urban - Definition.

3. Determine the parts of speech:

In the beginning of the land. Autumn susta covered with bonds Golden adj. Carpet SUBS , fancy nar. Pleasted ch. Urban arr. Alleys of SUMS.

4. Describe Signs:

  • the purpose of the statement (narrative, motivating, questional);
  • intonation (exclamation, non-visible);
  • based on (twisted, single-maintain - indicate what);
  • fullness (full, incomplete)
  • according to the presence of secondary (common, unprofitable);
  • complicated (if so, then) or not complicated;

The characteristic of the given non-visible, two-part, complete, common, complicated by a separate definition.

So it looks like a complete grammar debriefing.

Difficult sentence

Since the complex proposal includes two or more simple, it is very logical to disassemble them separately, but the analysis algorithm is still different. The grammatical analysis of the proposals in Russian is ambiguous. Complex proposals for simple communication are:

An example of the analysis of a complex sentence

In the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy, but at the weekend everyone was going along with one large table.

  1. All foundations are allocated. There are several of them in a complex sentence: everyone - subject to was busy - composite nominal leaky; everything - subject to collected - Taken.
  2. Determine the parts of speech.

In the seed seed. , regardless of Nar. From the age of the age of land. , every place. Was ch. very nar. busy adj. but with. on the pr. Weekend adj. All a place. Goals gon Behind Ave. Big Ad. Table

  1. To identify the availability of the Union. Here - "But". So the offer is allied.
  2. It is possible to characterize the position of simple, if there is an alliance (paragraph 2). This example is a complex proposal, simple in it are equivalent (i.e., if desired, it can be divided into two independent). In the case of a non-union, this item is not specified.
  3. Make a general characteristic: narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex.
  4. Disassemble simple inside separately:
  • in the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy (narrative, unkonsectant, simple, double, full, common, complicated by a separate definition of "regardless of age") a
  • at the weekend, everyone was collected behind a large table (antifreeze., Non skins, simple., Dvusost., Full, Protect

Complex sentence

The algorithm will be similar only with an indication of the verification union. It is part of the same need to highlight the main thing and find out what way they are "attached" toaders (round brackets).

This is the type of submission, not a mandatory point, but also often taken into account.

The main thing is to remember that grammatical and syntactic analysis are synonyms. The meeting of one of the words in the task should not be scared, as the theme is quite common and fast-lying. For foreigners, it is difficult due to the big variability, but the same is the Russian language.

Syntax is the most difficult section of the modern Russian language. At school, the syntactic analysis of the proposal almost always causes serious difficulties, since when analyzing it is necessary to use the previously obtained knowledge comprehensively: to be able to distinguish part of speech, refer to information from vocabulary, it is excellent to navigate in the semantic load and functions of different sentences, correctly indicate simple proposals in the composition Complex and determine their role.

At school and university, various requirements for syntactic analysis of the sentence are presented. Schoolchildren usually denote parts of speech, when analyzing commenting on every word. The requirement is due to the fact that for the correct analysis it is necessary to know the morphology well, it is impossible to confuse the concepts of syntax and morphology (there is a common error when the parts of the speech and the members of the sentence are mixed). At the philological faculties of various higher educational institutions, the scheme of the syntactic parsing is individual: it depends on which learning complex is being trained, which there are methodological developments on the Department. When preparing for admission, the applicant will need to find out the requirements of a particular university, otherwise the analysis can be recognized as incorrect.

To properly make a syntactic analysis of the sentence, you need to master the large amount of theory, be able to accurately use terms, get a practical skill. Practice plays a particularly important role, so it is advisable to regularly train, analyzing the proposals of a different level of complexity.

Strict requirements are presented to the syntactic analysis: it can only be done on a clear scheme, not retreating from the given algorithm. Often, it is also necessary to draw a graphical scheme of the sentence, reflecting in it levels of membership, the dependence of simple proposals from each other. Also, members of the sentence are graphically allocated by different signs directly in the text (several types of substitution lines).

General scheme of syntactic discharge offer
There is a general scheme for which a syntactic analysis of the proposal is carried out. It varies depending on specific requirements, but the main base remains the same.

  1. The purpose of the statement is indicated: a narrative, incentive, question offer.
  2. At this stage, it should be written, what proposal is to intonation: exclamation or non-visible.
  3. The type of sentence is determined: simple or complex consisting of several simple.
  4. Sophisticated offers you need to specify the type of design: simple (single-type), complex (different types of communication between simple proposals in the composition of complex).
  5. It is indicated by the type of communication of the proposals: allied, non-union.
  6. Allied proposals have two types: complex and complex.
  7. For a complex proposal, the type of appendage is determined: the definition, thantening, circumstantial, attachment;
  8. It is necessary to designate the type of circumstantial pressing proposal:
    • image image;
    • places;
    • time;
    • conditions;
    • measures and degrees;
    • comparisons;
    • concessions;
    • consequences;
    • goals;
    • the reasons.
  9. If the proposal is complex, a description of the communication of parts in the complex is performed. Parts are numbered, all types of communication are indicated (non-union and union, supervisory and writing), if necessary, make membership on levels.
  10. Then go to the characteristic of each simple sentence, indicating its number.
  11. An analysis of a simple proposal continues the indication of the main members: single-maintained or twisted.
  12. A single offer is determined by its type: called, generalized personal, impersonal, definitely personal or vaguely personal.
  13. At this stage, you need to write a type of faith: PGS (simple verbal led), ghps (composite verbal led) or SIS (composite nominal leakage).
  14. Now it is necessary to determine the presence of secondary members: common (secondary members), unpropered (secondary members are missing).
  15. In this pale, the discretion indicates whether the proposal is complicated than exactly it is complicated.
  16. At the end of the analysis, it is necessary to determine the type of offer on the fullness: complete or incomplete. Incompletely called proposals in which the main or minor members are omitted, but they can be easily restored from context.
Also, it will also be necessary to graphically designate members and borders of proposals in the text, draw the schemes, pointing out the numbers of offers, alliances, asking questions to the receiving proposals from the main.

Methods for expressing members of the sentence
Knowledge of ways to express members of the sentence will help make a syntactic analysis of the proposal properly, not by the way it is part. Often, students of schools are hard to determine even the main members of the proposal, since there are a number of difficulties, and generally accepted stereotypes prevent true to find the basis and accurately analyze secondary members.

It must be remembered that different parts of speech have almost unlimited possibilities and can be almost any suggestions, with rare exceptions. Often, schoolchildren are getting used to that subject - this is a noun, and the legend is verb. We have not seen suitable parts of speech in the sentence, they find themselves in a difficult position and do not know how to disassemble it in composition. In fact, it is impossible to make an analysis in such a framework.

Subject Responsible to the identity of the nominative case and is expressed by different parts of speech: noun, pronouns, numerical. Also subject can be expressed:

  • adjective (red - my favorite color);
  • communion, which passed into the noun (surrounding silence);
  • union (and - Connecting Union);
  • an uncertain form of verb (for example, an indefinite form of verb with a visional case: have a serious advantage in the house).
Predicate answers questions: What does the subject do? What happens to the subject? What is the subject? What is he?

To distinguish different types of fagged, it is important to recall the lexical and grammatical meaning of words. Lexical significance reflects the meaning of the word, and the grammatical contains grammatical categories (for example, inclination, time, number and genus). Types of fag:

  • PGS: The failed pronounced personal form of the verb, in which the GZ and the Lz coincide. Sometimes PGS is expressed by phraseologism containing a hidden verb form.
  • SGS: should consist of at least two words. Each word carries its value: the infinitive of the verb (lexical value) and the modal or phase bunch (grammatical meaning). The phase bunch indicates the phase of action, and the modal reflects the attitude towards action. The bunch can be expressed by words reflecting the assessment of action, desirability, necessity, brief adjectives.
  • SIS: must consist at least from two words. Named part (LZ) and formal or semi-significant bundle (GZ). More common formal bunch: verb be. In the role of the nominal part protrude all registered parts of speech, adverb, phrase. The semi-significant bundle there are verbs to make, become, to appear, to appear, and others; Condition verbs, movement.
Definitions answer what questions? whose? They are divided into consistent and inconsistent.
  • The agreed definition of learn is easily, it is pronounced - adjective, adjective, communion, ordinal numerical. The main thing is not to confuse it with the name of the SIS.
  • The inconsistent definition is usually expressed by nouns in indirect cases, but sometimes there are adverbs, phrases, infinitives, adjectives of comparative degrees. There are also inconsistent application definitions.
Addition answers questions of indirect cases. More often expressed nouns.

Circumstance answers the overall question as? It is expressed by adverbs, nouns. Circumstances are divided into discharges:

  • time circumstance;
  • places;
  • image image;
  • the reasons;
  • comparisons;
  • concessions;
  • conditions;
  • goals;
  • measures and degrees.
It is necessary to take into account the nuances of expressing members of the offer with different parts of speech in order to correctly perform the syntactic analysis of the proposal.

Types of departing offers
Analyzing the complex proposal, it is important to correctly determine the type of the pressing offer. It can be a circumstantial, thanks to and definitive.

  1. Candidate spectacular proposals respond to questions of indirect case. Unions, allied words are associated as a means of communication.
  2. Puttingular definition proposals relate to noun, joined with the help of allied words, sometimes unions, answer questions? What?
  3. Puttingular circumstances are distinguished depending on the discharge:
    • By places answer questions where? where? Where? joined with the help of allied words;
    • In time answer questions to how long? how long? when? for how long? The connection is common with the help of unions only when, as long as, etc.;
    • According to measures and degrees answer questions to what extent? How much?, belong to the word expressing the concept that may be degree of manifestation;
    • According to the image, they answer the question as?, Main part can be inserted in this way, so;
    • According to the conditions answer the question as provided?, Connecting unions - when, if, as soon;
    • For the causes reveal the question of why?, Unions due to the fact that, since, because, due to the fact that;
    • For purpose: Questions for what purpose? what for? etc. Unions only if, in order to;
    • By investigation: Corollary follows from the first part, the Union so;
    • Concessions: questions Contrary to what? Despite what? All the unions, for nothing, despite the fact that;
    • By comparative: Questions How what? Like which? Unions as if, exactly, like;
  4. Approaching attachments do not answer questions, do not express the semantic relationship circumstances, but provide additional information to the main part. Means of communication: Union words (relative pronouns that, where, from where, when, how, why, why, why).
In the polynomialic sentences you need to specify the type of submission. It is consistent: the first appendage is subordinate to the main, the second apparent is first, etc. With parallel submission, the apparent depend on the main thing, but respond to different questions. When the submission is homogeneous, the apparent depend on one main word, respond to one question.
Universities are mainly the polynomials of proposals, therefore, there are levels of membership, the relationship between them, indicate all blocks and features of their relationships among themselves, draw complex schemes. The school is usually limited to suggestions consisting of two or four simple.

We explain why someone somehow placed the signs of punctuation in the sentence. The procedure for syntaxially. And at the end, we make the analysis of the apparent and main proposals as simple offers. Errors when analyzing a simple proposal§4. We allocate the grammatical basis of all simple proposals, of which it consists of complex.

Offer narrative, unkonsectant, complex, connection to the union, a means of communication submissions because a complex proposal. We allocate the necessary phrase from the offer. We indicate which part of the speech is the main and dependent word. Next, we specify how this phrase is connected with this syntax.

It is important to comply with the procedure for parsing. Next, we disassemble the words that are included in this turnover. First, we note that in this sentence, there is direct speech. We indicate the direct speech and text of the author. Almighty scheme offer. First, we indicate which proposal for the purpose of the statement is a questionnaire, narrative or motivating. We find unions with the help of which simple proposals are connected in the complex.

We read them, call the number of simple proposals that are part of the complex. We define what the relationship between simple proposals is in meaning. In meaning, we establish how simple suggestions are formed in the complex sentence. I. Disassemble a proposal for members. II. Divide the offer on parts, numbered parts in order. III. Make a descriptive analysis according to the following scheme: 1. For the purpose of the statement: - narrative, - questionnaire, - motivating.

In a simple sentence:

Direct addition is the addition in the form of a vinitive case without an excuse belonging to a member of a sentence expressed by the transition verb. They are mainly associated with part of a complex proposal, but can also be used in a simple proposal for communicating homogeneous and inhomogeneous members. If we have an offer, then select the phrases from it. Naturally, the characteristic of phrases differs from the characteristics of the sentence, because the phrase is not an independent syntactic unit, as a proposal.

But a simple sentence has only one grammatical foundation, and complex - more than one. Therefore, it is important for the latter to identify the character of the syntactic relationship between parts. That is, the pavement schemes of a simple and complex proposal have important differences. Getting started, it is important to understand which syntax units you understand and what is required for this.

In a sentence, having homogeneous members.

1. To determine the main and dependent word, allocate the main thing, to put the question to the dependent. 3. Determine the view of the syntactic connection: coordination, control, adjoining. The second simple sentence: Two-part, the grammatical basis, and I went to the class, is not complicated.

Sample discretion sample

The proposal with a direct speech, direct speech is in the preposition in relation to the words of the author. The writings of the author are a simple proposal, two-part, unpropered, full, uncomplicated.

The simplest way to respond to the incorrect input chain of the lexeme is to complete the syntax analysis and display an error message. However, it is often useful to find in one attempt to syntactic analysis as many mistakes as possible. When an error is detected, the syntax analyzer skips the input lexemes one by one until one of the specially defined set of synchronizing lexes is found. Sometimes when an error is detected, the syntax analyzer can perform a local input correction so that it allows it to continue to work.

Naturally, this strategy is powerless, if the real error occurred before the error detection point by the syntactic analyzer. When such products are triggered, an error is recorded, but the syntax analyzer continues to work as usual. Under the order of words, the proposal means the consistent location of its members.

The change in the usual, direct order of words in the sentence leads to their semantic and emotional allocation. The syntactic analysis of a simple proposal is firmly included in the practice of primary and secondary school. This is the most difficult and comprehensive type of grammatical parsing. The structure and value of a simple supply is studied from grade 5. Let's start with the simplest: we will help the guys to prepare for the execution of the syntactic parsing in grade 5.

We show the dimensions between the level of requirements in the syntactic parsing format. The analysis is constantly being worked out in the lessons and participates in the grammatical tasks of control dictations. The disclaiming of a complex supply in grade 5 wears training character and is not a means of control.

The content and structure of such proposals can be very diverse. Stage 2: Determine the intonation and emotional color color. At this stage of the syntactic analysis of the offer, see which punctuation sign is at the end of the sentence. Stage 3: Find in the proposal grammatical foundations. Stage 4 for a simple sentence: Find the main members and give a description of the proposal.

And finally, we indicate how his grammatical meaning is. Next, you need to talk about how this offer is built. First, the previously defined and subject is determined, then the minor, which are included in the first - to be subject to, then the faithful. Determine the value of all this complex proposal - contrasting, alternation or enumeration. We explain what kind of complex proposal it is, we pay attention to how it is built than connecting the appling to the main offer and what it applies to.

Next, you need to take the analysis of the sentences on members, while pointing to what parts of speech they are. To begin with, consider the syntactic analysis of a simple sentence with examples. The syntactic analysis requires knowledge and skills. The first simple sentence: a single-part, with the main member - the fag not asked, the common, not complicated. Grammar parse - in computer science, syntactic analysis (PARSING) This is a process of comparing the linear sequence of the lexeme (words, tokens) of the language with its formal grammar.

The syntactic analysis is one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language program. Many do not understand what a syntax analysis is and why it is needed. It is this analysis that allows you to see the structure of the sentence, and this, in turn, increases the level of punctuation literacy. You can conduct a syntactic analysis of the phrase, simple supply and various types of complex proposals.

Syntactic analysis of phrases

First, it is necessary to identify the phrase from context that interests us. Secondly, it is necessary to determine what word is the main thing, and what is dependent. Determine what parts of speech is each of them. Name the type of syntax inherent in this phrase (matching, adjustment or management).

The syntaxial analysis of the phrase is a relatively simple analysis in the Syntax section. Let us give an example of the parsing of the word "folding". In this phrase, the main word "says". Saying how? Folded "Folding" is a dependent word. The main word "says" is the verb of the present time in the editorial inclination, the third person, the singular. "Folding" is adverb. Type of communication in phrase - adjoining.

Syntactic offer analysis

In this part of the article we will try to tell you what syntactic analysis of the sentence and from what stages it consists. The syntactic analysis of the proposal is an analysis aimed at studying the structure of the supply and relations between its components. The syntax analysis consists of several consecutive operations.

Simple proposal analysis scheme

  1. It is necessary to determine what is the proposal for the purpose of the statement. All offers in this regard are divided into narrative, questionative and motivating. If at the end of the sentence is an exclamation mark, it is necessary to note this and indicate that the proposal is also exclamation.
  2. Find the grammatical basis of the offer.
  3. Describe the structure of the sentence. Single-maintenance - only a legend or only subject to grammatical basis. In this case, specify which this proposal is: definitely personal, vaguely personal, impersonal or called. The proposal may be twisted - there is also subject to, and led. Specify, non-prolonged or common proposal is, that is, whether there is an add-on, definition, circumstances in the proposal. If they are (secondary members), the proposal is common; If not - unprosted. You also need to specify, full or incomplete is the proposal. If incomplete, then you need to specify which member of the sentence is missing.
  4. Determine the complicated offer or uncomplicated. Complicated is the proposal in which there are homogeneous members, applications, appeals, introductory words.
  5. To determine what a member of the sentence is every word and which part of speech they are expressed.
  6. If the proposal is punctuation signs, explain their alignment.

Now we will explain what the syntactic analysis of a simple supply, on the example of the sentence: "The girl sunbatched on the beach and listened to music."

  1. Narrative, unkonsectant.
  2. The grammatical basis: the girl is subject to, inflamed - the lean, listened - the lean.
  3. Twisted, common, complete.
  4. The proposal is complicated by homogeneous legend.
  5. The girl is subject to expressed nouns. kind in units h. and they. case Inflated - a lean time, expressed by the verb of the past time in units. h. and wives. kind; on - preposition; The beach is a circumstance expressed by a noun husband. kind in units including offers. case and - connecting union; He listened - a fault, expressed by the verb of the past time in units. h. and wives. kind; Music is a direct addition, expressed by the nouns of the female family in the unit. including vinit. Padge.

On the example of the analysis of the phrase and simple sentence, we explained to you what is a syntactic analysis. There are also syntactic parsing of complex proposals.