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The lesson's abstract complex offers with an extremely emptying sentence. Plan-abstract lesson in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic: Combined sentences with additives

Type of lesson: Lesson studying new material

Objectives lesson:


1) acquaintance with the new type of departing proposals - with the apparent issues;

2) observation of unions and allied words in the proposals of this type of data suggestions;

3) formation of the correct, competent speech


1) the development of oral speech of students, the skills of the monologue statement on the linguistic subject;

2) the development of self-work skills with linguistic text when studying a new material, the skills are argued to prove its point of view;

3) Development of group work skills, the ability to accept someone else's point of view, give an objective assessment of classmates answers.


1) upbringing conscious interest in his native language as a means of obtaining knowledge;

2) upbringing love for Russian literature, respect for the work of great writers;

3) Education of friendly relations between students, encouraging the desire for joint activities and mutual assistance.

Tasks lesson:

1) study the theoretical block on the topic "Combined proposals with apprehensive impressions";

2) To be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice:

    find the appropriate emotional suggestion proposals;

    determine the place of the apparent exemplary in relation to the main sentence; Tools with the main proposal;

    properly arrange the punctuation marks in the NGN with the apparent extremely

    draw up schemes of proposals with these apparent;

discern the apparent definition and spectative with the same means of communication.

Necessary equipment:computer / Laptop, Projector, Screen / Interactive Board, Tutorial, Notebook

Lesson plan.

I. Organizational moment. Motivation.

II. . Repetition of the material studied.

    Work on cards.

    Linguistic warm-up.

    Frontal survey.

III . Studying a new material.

1. Work with linguistic text and the compilation of the reference scheme (group work)

2. Presentation of the reference scheme

IV. . Fastening the material passed.

    Study SPP with Pressure Issuctive (Group Work)

    Digital dictation (work on the distinguisure of the apparent determination and thanks to the same communication tools).

    Work with text (comprehensive analysis).

    Work on syntactic synonyms. (replacement of proposals with direct speech speech SPP with pressing spelling).

    Editing proposals (development of written speech students)

V. . Summing up the lesson. Estimation.

VI . Homework.


    Organizing time. Motivation.

    Repetition of the material studied.

(Three on the places on the places, the rest are involved in the linguistic workshop and in the frontal survey).

1. Individual tasks (cards):

Insert missing letters and punctuation signs, make a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

In the difficult biography of Andersen, it is difficult to establish the time when he started writing his prelas. 4 (Sobat., Non-Social., Complex, Union, NGN with Puttingal Deer, consists of 2 proposals:

1. The main, single-main, impersonal, common, complete;

2. Pressing, twisted, common, complete.)

Teacher. Today we continue to explore a complex proposal. But before proceeding with the study of a new material, we will carry out a linguistic workout and recall the theoretical material studied.

2. Tasks for linguistic workout ( Slides 2, 3):

1) A4. Here erroneous judgment.

1. In the Word, all the consonants are deaf

2. In the Word I am afraid the number of letters and sounds does not coincide.

3. In the word sorrel, the softness of the consonant [l '] is indicated by the letter b.

4. In the Word, the hard consonant sound [t] is non-pronounced.

(To correctly execute the task, write down how the selected words are pronounced, that is, we will make the transcription of words.

1. Proceed -[SPOSAP.] - In the absolute end of the word, there is a stunning. [C], [n] - deaf consonants. The first option is not suitable for us.

2. I'm afraid -[Bai. , Mustache , ] - 5 letters, 5 sounds. The number of letters and sounds coincides, therefore, the answer is 2.)

Slide 3.

2) B7.In the suggestion below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write down numbers denoting commas between parts complexedoffers.

Creek, (1) Full despair and flour, (2) Wiscovers silence, (3) hit the stony slopes of spans and a holly echo returned to Savannah, (4) By informing its inhabitants, (5) that the owner of local sites was released - leopard .

(The commas 1 and 2 allocate a separate definition, 3 separates homogeneous taled, 4 highlights an adapted turnover. The main and pressing part shares the comma 5)

3. Frontal survey (slide 4)

1. Which groups are the NGN on their meaning?

(Eliminate NGN with apparent identifies (what? Whose?) Issuctive (questions of indirect cases) and circumstances (answer questions of circumstances). The easiest type of the pressing proposal is to determine on the issue that you can put to it).

2. How are the main and pressing proposal?

(The main and apparent proposal is associated with the meaning, intonation and through the help of subordinate unions or allied words).

3. How to distinguish the Union and the Union Word?

(Union is the service part of speech, so it is not a member of the sentence, it can be omitted, to replace with another subordination union; in the role of the union word, it is always performing an independent part of speech (pronoun or adolescence), so it is a member of the sentence, it cannot be omitted without prejudice For the offer, you can replace with another significant word, sometimes a logical stress falls on the Allied word)

4. What function do the indicative words perform? What parts of speech can they express?

(Indexing words are in the main sentence and are usually responsible for the same questions, they have the same syntax value as the apparent proposal.

The main function of the indicative words is to be a precursor of the presidency, so in most cases the indicative word can suggest, to which type there is an apparent offer. In the role of indicative words are pronouncing and adverb)

5. Tell us about the features of the NGN with the apparent determination.

(Approved in such proposals answers the definition questions and is joined only with the help of allied words. Pressing proposal is always related to the name of a noun or word speaking in its meaning. The situation of the Put supply offer is always after the definite word. In the main sentence may also be indicable words. There are also locomotive-identifying sentences. The contact word will in this case will be pronoun (all, every one)).

    Studying a new material.

    1. Determining the goals and objectives of the lesson (slide 5).At last lessons, we met with apparent definitions. Today we have to explore the NGN with the apparent extreme. Let's try to formulate the goals and objectives of our classes:

- we will get acquainted with the new type of pressing proposals - with the apparent extremely

- we will conduct monitoring the use of subordinate "fastening" in these proposals,

- we will continue to work on the preparation of the SSP schemes,

We will continue to work on the formation of the correct, competent oral speech.

2. Work with linguistic text (slide 6). Having studied paragraph 23, make a support scheme "SPP with the apparent variability". When drafting a scheme, rely on the following questions. (Slide 6):

Presentation of the reference scheme (slide 7)

IV. . Primary fixing

    Record offers. Highlight the grammatical foundations. Determine what a question is responsible for an extreme sentence and with the help of what joins the main one. (Slides 8, 9)

[Arsenieva struck (what?)], (As far as I remembered the journey of twenty years ago). , (how much).

4. It is known () that elephants in the wonder from us.

5. What wolves are greedy anyone knows ().

6. How much he asked it difficult to say ().

7. I'm afraid to predict () what will be his reaction and worry

8. He asked () Is our friendship strong.

V. . Fastening the material studied.

1. Distribution digital dictation (slides 10-11).

Objective: to work out the skill of distinguishing the apparent definition and emotable with the same means of communication.

The task: listen to suggestions, determine the type of pressing and distribute the numbers of offers in 2 columns: SNPs with apparent determinants, locomotive-determined and SPP with apprehensive applanted. (In a weak class offer is better to show on slides 10 - 11)

    On the cliff, which was towering from behind, in the bright sky, Cherl is a lonely bench. (I. Bunin)

    It seemed that the city was tired of winter. (D. Granin)

    Not far from the house where the writer lived, rose a huge poplar.

    Often, such interesting conversations occur in the car, which you will not hear even in the circle of friends.

    For old hunting I know what beautiful the last days of autumn can be. (M. Svtain)

    In the stormy autumn nights, when the giants-popoli swore and buudded from the wind flew because of the wind ponds, horror spilled out of the old castle. (V. Korolenko)

    Read, please, when the train arrives from Samara.

    The investigator guessed where the criminal could hide.

    I already know who will sing today.

    Who sows and deepes, he will not menounce. (Proverb).


In NGN with the apparent definition, the additive is responsible for the question?, Performs the function of determination; In the NGN with the apparent extassers, the apparent is responsible for a falling question and belongs to words with the meaning of speech, thoughts, feelings.


I Column: No. 1, 3, 4, 6, 10.

II Stake: No. 2, 5, 7, 8, 9.

2. Record the text (slide 12). Insert the missed letters and punctuation signs.

Tasks for text:

A) Remember what kind of synonyms are called contextual.

(In the context, the semantic differences of the words close on the meaning of words are often erasing, and then the words not belonging to the lexical system of the tongue to one synonymic series can be used synonyms. For example, in phrasesspeaking (Ropot) Waves, noise (rust, rustling, whisper) foliage Selected words are interchangeable, but to call them synonyms in the strict meaning of the term cannot be called. In such cases, they are talking about contextual synonyms. So, words that come closer to meaning in conditions of one context are called contextual (situational, occasional, copyright) synonyms).

B) Write down the contextual synonyms used in the text.

(A.M. Pokeshine - Master - Master)

C) Explain the lexical meaning of the word "whisk" (Proposition 3) (Slide 13).

D) Complete the full syntax dissection 2 offers (slide 14).

It was decided that he would stand b in Pyatigorsk.

(Narrative, unkonsectative, complex, union, NGN with the apparent extasnient, attachment joins the main thing with the help of the verification union "that" consists of two simple:

    The main, single, impersonal, unprofitable, complete;

    Putting, double, widespread, complete).

3. Establish the punctuation marks, then convert the data of the statements in SPP with the apparent extreme. (Slide 15).

The purpose of the task is to recall the alignment of punctuation signs in proposals with a direct speech, develop the skill replacement of proposals with a direct speech of suggestions with an indirect speech (SPP with pressing spelling)

(Aristotle wrote that clarity is the main advantage of speech)

(Chekhov insisted that the language should be simple and elected)

(A.P. Chekhov argued that the wealth of language and oratoritarian art was accounted next to).

4. Development of students' speech . (Slide 16)

Speaking about the role of the subordinate "fastening" in the NGN, it is impossible not to recall the errors with which we are confronted in your written works, and in oral speech. Therefore, the next our task is to edit proposals.

The task: Correct errors in building proposals.

(Mix straight and indirect speech.Scalyozub is satisfiedly noticed that he is happy among comrades )

(In the office of Onegin Tatiana sees woven portraits of Bayron, laid down on the table book with pencil litters Eugene.)

VI . Reflection on the lesson (slide 17).

Educational and additional literature used in preparation for the lesson:

    Russian language. Grade 9: studies. For general education. institutions / L.A. Tostentsova, TA Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Duckina, O.M. Alexandrova; Scientific ed. N.M. Shan. - 6th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009.

    Bogdanova G.A. Russian lessons in grade 9: CN. For Teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999,

    Bogdanova G.A. Russian language: Workbook for grade 9. In 3 hours. - M.: Publishing House "Gearhouse", 2008.

    Drabkin S.V., Subbotin D.I. State final certification of graduates graduates in a new form. Russian language. 2012. Successful preparation. Help tasks. Algorithms. Tests. Tutorial. - Moscow: Intellect Center, 2012.

    The norms of the Russian literary language: Pratte. Material for lessons / O.V. Zagorovskaya, O.V. Grigorenko, G.A. Zavarzina et al; Ed. O.V. Poverty. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006.

View the contents of the presentation
"SNP with apparent extreme"

1.Ithological setting

"Give a smile" Smile is worth nothing, but gives a lot. She enriches those who receive it, not a dinner at the same time those who gives it. It lasts a moment, and in memory sometimes remains forever. She creates happiness in the house, generates the atmosphere of goodwill in business relationships and serves as a password for friends. Give each other smile. And with this smile, let's start a lesson.

My University -

1. A proposal in which only one grammatical basis 2. Communication in complex offers 3. Types of complex proposals 4. Guess the questions, unions and the union words of the additives 5. For how many hares you can not get angry? 6. Golden Wheel in the Blue Sky? 7. How many letters in the Russian alphabet? 8. Name the three last letters of the alphabet. 9. What day is today? (Friday, December 19th. /

Right answers

  • 1. Simple.
  • 2. Union and non-union.
  • 3.PP and SSP.
  • 5. For two.
  • 6. Sun.)
  • 7. 33
  • 8.E, Yu, I

3. Write in the notebook:


And before you write a topic, we will carry out a slight observation.

4. Surveillance and conclusion 1) The guys saw ... 2) They thought ... 3) it seemed to them ... 4) They are happy ... 5) nice ... Conversation:

My University -

My University -

Theme lesson:

Combined proposals with extremely smelling

A survey on the topics covered.

1. Which groups are the NGN on their meaning?

2. How are the main and pressing proposal?

3. How to distinguish the Union and the Union Word?

4. What function do the indicative words perform? What parts of speech are they expressed?

Study of the theoretical material of the textbook of the NGN with the apparent Issuctive method of Dzhigso

  • What are the apparent spectacle?
  • What parts of speech act as a contact word?
  • What questions answer the apparent emptying?
  • What are the applied emptying to the main sentence join?

Project protection.

Is there in the Kazakh language an extremely empty?

What role does the index word play in the main sentence?

What did we learn about the apparent exemplary?

We will make a support scheme of the NGN with the apparent emotional

[ ] , ( ).

Indirect case

K. Sl.


S.Sl Oova: What, as if ...

Unions : What, how, where ...


Sample : [Arsenyeva struck (what?)], (As far as I remembered the journey of twenty years ago). , (how much).

S.Sl - Nar.

- . - . - . - . - . -


- . - . - . - . - . -

1.This people knew (), as Lermontov did not like the court.

2. It was nice to look (), what kind of tanned, independent.

3. I am sure () that he will cope with the task.

Write down the text by inserting the missed letters and punctuation signs.

1. Soon after the creation of a monument to Pushkin A.M. Podkeshin Ave.The to another major work to the monument to Lermontov. 2. Solving .. But it was that he will stand in Pyatigorsk. 3.This put in front of the L. Sliver .. aware of the task of Caucasian the sculpture with the Caucasus environment. 4. The Master sought to ensure that the landscape. There was not only Dec .. but also complemented the characteristic of the sculptural appearance.


  • IN BUT Jacket -I; m. high. Sculptor. Antique Vahatels

Syntactic analysis

Something .. But it was that he will stand

in Pyatigorsk.

Estip off the punctuation marks, then convert data to SPP with applied

  • Aristotle wrote Clarity The main advantage of speech.
  • Chekhov insisted the language should be simple and elected.
  • At all times, the wealth of language and oratory art was going near A.P. Chekhov.

Determine what the norm of the literary language is violated. Correct the mistake.

  • Rockozub is satisfiedly noticed that "I am happy in my comrades."
  • In the office of Onegin Tatiana finds portraits of Bairon, books laid down on the table and on which there were marked pencil Eugene.

My University -

My University -

Let's summarize

  • Candidate of claims refer to ................................................... in the main part of the NGN.
  • Candidate of claims answer on

questions ...

  • To main part candidate of claims join with ...

words with speech, thoughts, actions

indirect case

subordinate unions and allied words

Estimation uk-sm

Homework: UPR page

Candidative thanks to the main part of the unions (which, as if, as if, whether, whether, or whether, or, or others, or other) and allied words ( What, who, how, what, why, where, where, from where, and dr.):
I want to equate to the pin (V. Mayakovsky) - a means of communication - the union so as to the bayonet.
I do not know if I want to go with them - a means of communication - a union, which, like writing alliances, also, also, is not at the beginning of part.
They said that he would be addicted to collect smoking pipes. (A. N. Tolstoy) - means of communication - the composite alliance as if.
I asked if he was with me, or to me to go alone - a means of communication - Double Union Li - or.
One God could have said what was the character of Manilov (N. V. Gogol) - a means of communication - the union word, which is part of the fant.
It's sad to see that the young man loses its best hopes and dreams ... (M. Yu. Lermontov) - a means of communication - a union when.
Candidates are applied to one word in the main part - the verb, a brief adjective, adverb, the excavated noun with speech, thoughts, feelings, perception:
I was delighted / expressed surprise / was glad that he came.
Well, that he came.
In the main part there may be an index word in different casements: I was glad that he came. In this proposal, the word may be omitted, so the apparent refers to the adjective is happy.
However, in some NGNs with an extremely sensitive, the indicative word in the main part is a mandatory component of the proposal structure; For example: It all started with the fact that the father returned. Such appendages belong to the indicable word, which can only be the word that. This feature brings together such proposals with prisoners-determined, the use of the Union, and not the Union Sword allows them to be attributed to the Issuctive.
An exemplary appendage is usually the word in the main part to which it belongs, but occasionally, mainly in conversational speech, it can be located and in front of the main part:
What he won't come, I was clear right away.
Puttingable exemplary occupies a position corresponding to the addition or subject to; In the complex 2, it corresponds to the apparent additional and subject.

Even on the topic of complex sentences with apparent addiction:

  1. § 12. Complete proposal with applied emotional
  2. 7. Complete sentences with apparent extassers
  3. 336.Sended suggestions with an extreme suppression part
  4. Completed proposals with several apparent
  5. 6. Completed proposals with apparent determinants

In the extinctive proposals, the Podcodnaya explains the supporting word of the main part, which means speech, mental, informative, volitional, evaluative, emotional activities (speak, write, rejoice).

As a rule, it is a verb or the words of another part of speech, which are describedly related to the verb: noun, sacrament, followerness, adverb (wondering, surprise, surprisingly, believe, faith, believing)

Means of communication:alliances (which, as if, as if, no matter how, if, if); Union words (which, why, why, why, how much).

The most consumed of the Union that. It joins the appreciation to the Word denoting various shapes of the ignition.

For semantics and means of communications in the yellative proposals are divided into 3 groups:

· Sphere of saying. (which, as if, as if, allegedly, for sure). Reports about what the speaker, the supporting words have semantics that causes the semantics of the speaker. Usually it is a vocabulary with emotional or intellectual effects: to inspire. Kazbich imagined like Azamat with the consent of the father stole a horse.

Union as indicated by the coincidence of the point of view of the subject and the speaker. Was seen, asunder the period, people fled. The status category may be a supporting word.

· The scope of the will (so that not, if only, just like, let it). Words with the meaning of request, order, council, desire, aspirations. Mom asks you to did not cut the garden.

· The scope of the issue (which is, whether - post and interpretation). Putting to the words having the meaning of reflection, knowledge. He looked out for everything, do not laugh lie over it.

With the help of the Union lie Indirect questions are issued. He asked, I will not go lie I'm in the cinema.

Union words: who, what, how much, when, why, why. The method of registration depends on the issue itself. He asked, when I'll be back.

18. A complex proposal with the apparent location-correlate.
Classification of proposals in scientific and school grammar.

The main sign is the availability of correlate words in the main and pressing proposals. The apparent part fills the lexical non-perplexity of the word in the main part.

These correlate words (correlators) constitute the structural basis of location and correlation proposals.

The corrective word in the main part due to its lexical incorpority, the service function is also performed in relation to the apparent part (connects the apparent content with the main).

The pronouns of the one, that, then, the locomotive adverbs there, from there, and others - the quantities and other values: where, where, there, where, where, who, who, that, so, so, what Dr. Such a wind that is scary.

Correlants are divided into groups:

With subject ( who is what) and spatial value ( there, where, where)

Qualitative and quantitative value ( this is what is so much)

Sustainable combinations ( to such an extent that, in such a way that so), have a definition value.

Promotional-correlative appendages are divided into:

- identified

Communication is carried out on the basis of correlates having spatial value ( where, where, where), determined value ( what kind of one, then what)

What we took over the tree turned out to be a rock.

-frameological structures

Are built on sustainable schemes: to such an extent that, in such extent that, so much

Mask high quality and quantitative.

It was so cold to such an extent that the trees were cracking.

-delivered structures

The contact word in the main part performs a service role, connecting the appling with the main one. It is necessary to distinguish from the exemplary when there is an index word when the verb.

Summer nights are good because it happens light.

The school textbook does not differentiate demendant dealence proposals, but indicates this fact: "Putting can serve to explain the words in the main sentence or only ch.




·the reasons

· Concessions


· Images and degree

· Comparison

· Time

· Covenant

Attachment attachments

In a school textbook, in some cases, the allocation of apparent is based on a semantic basis, which makes it difficult to develop attention to structural features (subordinate. Eastern). On the other hand, there are cases when appropriate. Direct type based on the structure, without semantics (compared. And def. Relations). Definitive on the basis of the structure. Prior: Independent-Define: Who seeks will always find (who exactly what).

Among the apparent measures, degrees, comparisons attention to semantics: Where there was a forest, now stands the city.Podcan. Priva-t word (there).

We hurried so much as if someone was chasing (comparison is apparent, the structure is unrelated, the places-correlate so - as if)

It was so cold that the trees were cracking (Sex-Soyuz, so -What)

Pressing the word or the word word in the chage. Join with the help of allied words and synthes unions.

Sounds Communication - Podeepat refers to a significant word for certain speech or semantics. Winning - refers to pronoun.

Complete sentences with apparent addiction

The purpose of the lesson:

Consolidate the ability to determine the structure of the NGN; placing punctuation marks; Fastening spelling skills

During the classes

I. Actualization of knowledge. Checking homework

Students read offices compiled according to these schemes

Repetition of the studied material

Complicated chopping. Write the SSP with the apparent explanatory. Insert the missed orthograms, lay the commas.

1. In the rays of the Rossist in the rays of the green leak .. it is a river .. that I am Mila (F. Fatyanov.) 2. One old man .. and the priest was undoubtedly convincedthat he makes a very useful important thing. (L. Tolstoy.)

3. VMIG in speech was identified that the princess was taken set up into the corner brought the pate (A. Pushkin.)

What proposals issued? Why?

Output: Putting-absorbers are responsible for cases and explain the words of the main part of the SSP. The lexical significance of these words is such that they need additional clarification:thought about what? Waiting - what? I see - that, etc.

You say that again warm wailing spring.

Without a deliverance, such proposals would be incomplete, unfinished in meaning and grammatical terms:

I think ... I agree with each other ... in appearance you can assume ...

Puttingable thanxicately join the main part at the power:

1.Syuzu: What, as if, whether.

2. Union words: What, how, how much, why, when, where, why.

Many SSPs with apprehensive impressions are in their composition

indexing words that are most often expressed in indicable

the place of the estates is that. In some cases, such a pronoun performs a special role in the proposal and cannot be removed:

The point here is not in some words, but in the fact that they are together as a nervous zia bend to us spoken, crumbly Russian speech. (S. Marshak)

I I.Becking knowledge. Development of skills and skillsCommented letter

Determine where that joins the apparent determination, and where

issuctive. In which sentenceswhat is the Union, and in what union word? Remember that in the apparent determinationwhat can be replaced by a wordwhich the. Arrange the punctuation marks.

1. Village that can be seen far away. News that this village rebuilt re-made me. 2. information that was

received upon interrogation of the captive were very important. Information what

Pugachev took several fortresses turned out to be true. 3. News that guests will come today caught the hostess by surprise. News that brought the elder to all upset. 4. Thought that tomorrow I will forever rest well my native places oppressed me. The idea that Sergey expressed the controversial. 5. Announcement that tomorrow will be a Saturday hung Zara her. Announcement that reported on the cleanup was posted in advance.

Remember! Use in the same offer of the Union

And particles Lie unacceptable, because particlelie performs the role of the Union. Cannot say:We found out for a long time that the train will arrive today.


Correct stylistic errors in the following sentences.

  1. He asked that how long the artist worked on the picture

and what did you want to tell about them.

2. Lace asked That I sleep if I want to listen to his story.

b) Determine which of these proposals is excess, and where it is lacking.

1. Nikolay said that he had to say to reconcile races of his friends. 2. The commander explained that the fighters had to do. 3. I knew that my brother would come tomorrow. 4. I could not decide to say my mother what I conceived to leave. 5. She understood what he was for what the deck was. 6. The lecturer said that everyone was known. 7. Reading the first chapters "Eugene Onegin" we already learn why Onegin becomes an "egoist to unwit."

Graphic dictation

1. He did not say whether today will come today, and we were not sure if he would return at all. 2. Lyubok said she thought, not

it's better to confess her, and let go to the camera. (A. Fadeev.) 3. There were many old traces in the snow, it was only unknown whether the tiger left for the hunt for himself or was we swung it. (V. Arsenyev.) 4. The border guard was to learn how many violators passed the border and how deeply in the rear they managed to go. 5. Tell me what you read, and I am SKA, who you are. (A. Chekhov.) 6. Little laughed here, and it was not always a man but, on what laugh. (M. Gorky) 7. Nanny Pushkin began to ask whether there was a search and whether any papers took. (V. Veresov.)

III. The results of the lesson

What is the difference between the apparent extreme and apparent determinants?

With the help of which the impressive is explained to the main sentence?


Finish the proposal to the empty.

I have long knew where ...

I have long knew where ...

I have long knew where to ...

I have long knew that ...

I have long knew when ...

I have long knew how much ...

I knew what ...