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General grammatical importance, morphological and syntactic signs of significant speech parts (on the example of one part of speech at the instructions of the teacher). Noun. Lexical and grammatical meaning

The words Speakers in the role of building material for language. To transfer thoughts, we use suggestions that consist of combinations of words. In order to communicate in combination and suggestions, many words change their shape.

Section Linguistics, which studies the shape of words, types of phrases and suggestions, is called grammar.

Grammar consists of two parts: morphology and syntax.

Morphology - Section of grammar learning the word and change it.

Syntax- Section of grammar, studying the combinations of words and suggestions.

In this way, word is an the object of study in lexicology and in grammar. The lexicology is more interested in the lexical meaning of the word - its correlation with certain phenomena of reality, that is, when determining any idea, we try to find its distinctive feature.

Grammar studies the word from the point of view of the generalization of his signs and properties. If the difference in words is important for vocabulary house and smoke, table and chairFor grammar, all these four words are absolutely the same: they form the same forms of cases and numbers, have the same grammatical values.

Grammatical valuese is the characteristic of the word from the point of view of belonging to a specific part of speech, the most general value inherent in a number of words that does not depend on their real-distinct content.

For example, words smoke and house have different lexical meanings: house - This is a residential building, as well as (Sobid.) People living in it; smoke - Aerosol formed by the products of incomplete combustion of substances (materials). And the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof these words are the same: the name of the noun, nominal, inanimate, male genus, II decline, each of these words is able to be determined by adjectives, change on cases and numbers to act as a member of the sentence.

Grammatical meaningsinfected not only words, but also larger grammatical units: phrases, components of a complex proposal.

Material expression of grammatical meaning is an grammatical agent.Most often, grammatical significance is expressed in affixes. It can be expressed with the help of service words, alternating sounds, changes in the place of emphasis and order of words, intonation.

Each grammatical significance finds its expression in the appropriate grammatical form.

Grammatical forms Words can be simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical).

Simple (synthetic) grammatical form implies an expression of lexical and grammatical significance in the same word, inside the word (consists of one word): was reading - verb form of the past time.

When grammatical value is expressed outside the lexeme is formed complex (analytical) form(Combining a significant word with service): i will read, let's read! In Russian, the form of a future time from the verbs of an imperfect type includes an analytical forms: i will write.

Separate grammatical values \u200b\u200bare combined into the system. For example, the values \u200b\u200bof the only and plural number are combined into the number of values \u200b\u200bof the number. In such cases, we are talking about grammatical category numbers. Thus, we can talk about the grammatical category of time, the grammatical category of the genus, the grammatical category of inclination, the grammatical category of the species, etc.

Each grammatical categoryit has a number of grammatical forms. The combination of all possible forms of this word called the words of the word. For example, a paradigm of nouns usually consists of 12 forms, adjectives from 24.

Paradigm happens:

universal- all forms (complete);

incomplete- There are no form;

private According to a certain grammatical category: the paradigm of declination, the paradigm of inclinations.

Lexical and grammatical significance are in collaboration:the change in the lexical value of the word leads to a change and its grammatical value and form. For example, adjective voiced in phrase voice voice It is high quality (has the forms of degrees of comparison: the ringing, calling, the very ringing). This is an adjective in phrase media It is relative adjective (ringing, i.e. educated with voice). In this case, this adjective does not have degrees of comparison.

And vice versa grammar meaningssome words can directly depend on their lexic value. For example, verb run In the meaning "quickly move" is used only as the verb of an imperfect type: He fled quite a long time, until he fell in full exhaustion. The lexical importance ("Escape") causes other grammatical importance - the value of the perfect species: Prisoner ran from prison.

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Lecture 19 Noun Noun

In this lecture, the name of the noun is systemically considered as part of speech.


In this lecture, the name of the noun is systemically considered as part of speech.

Plan lectures

19.1. The total meaning of the noun.

19.2. Lexico-grammatical discharges of nouns.

19.3. Grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the genus, numbers, the case of nouns.

19.4. Declination of nouns.

19.5. The transition of words of other parts of speech into the noun.

19.1. General meaning name noun

Natural name - part of speech that means the subject and answers questions who? Or what?, has signs of kind, numbers and case, in the sentence, it is most often subject to subject or supplement.

19.2. Lexico-grammatical discharges of nouns


Generalized names

homogeneous objects ( rain, city, alley)

Most of the noun nouns have a single and multiple number (City - Cities, Garden - Gardens)


Names of individuals, animals, phenomena, events, single items ( Alexander, Moscow, Dnipro, Youth)

As a rule, their own nouns are used in the form of only one number - either the only one ( Ural, "Seagull"), or multiple ( Carpathians, "News")


The names of individual objects of inanimate nature and living beings, as well as specific manifestations of actions, states of processes that are amenable to an account ( book, Bear, Jump, Evening)

Specific nouns are used both in the only and plural (Book - Books, Evening - Evenings)


Names of various abstract concepts - qualities, actions, states ( mercy, openness, embodiment)

Abstract, collective, real nouns belong to the nominal, inanimate (or stand out of differences in indispensability of inanimacy), denote objects and phenomena that cannot be considered. These nouns are typically used in the form of only one case - either the only one ( humanity, wax, happiness), or multiple ( finance, seedlings, sawdust)


The name of the aggregate of living beings or objects as a whole (Devora, Student, Foliage)


The names of homogeneous in the composition of substances (minerals, chemical compounds, drugs, materials, food products), which can be measured, but not count ( gold, Oil, Milk, Cement)


Call living beings - faces and animals ( child, doctor, Elephant, Dolphin)

The grammatically value of inanimacy is expressed by the vinitive case of a plural.

In animated

V.P. MN. h. \u003d R.P. MN. h.

In inanimate

V.P. MN. h. \u003d they. p. MN. h.

Im.p. Friends, apples

R.P. Friends, apples

V.P. Friends, Apples


Call objects of inanimate nature ( window, land, contract)

The principles of separation of lexico-grammatical discharges of nouns are different, so one noun owns simultaneously to several discharges. For example:

19.3. Grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the genus, numbers and case of nouns

Determination of genus values

Among the words on -a (-m) there are nouns that can be attributed depending on the floor then to the male, then to the female family: He is such a loft - she is such a notch. Such words are called the words of the common race (Plaks, self-taught, sludge, ruin, fox, huhza, bully, neveryzh, loft, painka, swelling, etc.).

The number is a word-only grammatical category of a noun, which indicates the number of animated and inanimate objects. The category of numbers form the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the sole and plural.

Determining the value of the number in nouns

words are used

in the meaning of both numbers

words are used only in the meaning of units.

words are used only in the meaning of the MN. h.

1.Acking specific subjects and different concepts to be account

(fire, board, solution)

1. Common nouns ( Natalia, Odessa, Caucasus), 2. Clear nouns (dwarf, youth, greens),

3. Announced noun (Blueberry, Cabbage, Copper);

4.Inted noun (Capacity, Mercy, Poetry)

1. Nutrition of paired objects or items consisting of several parts (Sani, glasses, scissors, pants, scales, choirs, rake),

2. Nonazing distracted actions, games, rites (Debates, elections, bumpers, name days, christenings, hide and seek),

3. Note of certain time intervals (weekdays, twilight, vacation),

4. Nutrition of substances, materials (yeast, ink, pasta, blush),

5. Single Own (Athens, Carpathians, Hawaii)

The case is a word-only grammatical category that expresses the syntactic relationship of nouns to other words in phrase and offer.

19.4. Declination of nouns

Table 1 reveals the content of the concept decliningin the first sense, Table 2 - in the second.

Table 1

table 2

19.5. Transition of words other parts of speech into a noun

The transition to the category of nouns of other parts of speech is called substantive.

Compare: Children's clothing - equipped children's

duty officer - duty dining room

child, student at school - school student

Date: 2010-05-18 10:43:01 Views: 3198.

§one. General feature name noun

Noun name is an independent significant part of speech.

1. Grammar meanings - "thing".
Nouns include words responsible for questions:
Who! , What?

2. Morphological signs:

  • permanent-nominal / own, mesh / inanimate, rod, decline type;
  • changeable - number, case.

3. Syntactic role in the proposal Any, especially frequencies: subject and addition.

Guys love holidays.

As a conversion and introductory words, the noun a member of the sentence is not:

- SERGEY!- I call me mom from the courtyard.

(Sergey - appeal)

Unfortunately,it's time to go to do lessons.

(Unfortunately - Introductory word)

§2. Morphological signs of nouns

Nouns have a set of morphological signs. Some of them are permanent (or immutable). Others, on the contrary, non-permanent (or changeable). Unchanging signs relate to the whole Word as a whole, and the words changeable to the forms. So noun Natalia. - Audine, Own, J.R., 1 SKL. In what form it would not stand, these signs will be maintained. Noun Natalia. Maybe in the form of units. and mn. Numbers in different cases. The number and case is the non-permanent signs of nouns. Online lines from points lead to such non-permanent or variable morphological features. It is necessary to learn to distinguish which signs are constant, and which are non-permanent.

§3. Mennaya - own names nouns

This is the separation of nouns according to the characteristics of the value. Nortional nouns denote homogeneous objects, i.e. Any item from their series, and their own names of the nouns are called a separate concrete subject.
Compare noun:

  • baby boy, country, river, lake, fairy tale, repka - Mennaya
  • Alexey, Russia, Volga, Baikal, "Repka" - own

Menantive nouns are diverse. Their discharges are meaning:

  • specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod
  • abstract (distracted): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle
  • real: Iron, Gold, Water, Oxygen, Milk, Coffee
  • collective: Youth, foliage, nobility, viewer

To their own names, nouns include people's names, animal clinics, geographical names, names of literature and art, etc. Alexander, Sasha, Sasha, Bug, Ob, Ural, "Teenager", "Kolobok" etc.

§four. Foreignness - inanimality

Film names nouns called "live" objects, and inanimate - not "live".

  • Middle: Mother, Father, Baby, Dog, Ant, Kolobok (Fairy Tale Hero, acting as a Living Face)
  • Inanimate: orange, ocean, war, lilac, program, toy, delight, laughter

For morphology it is important that

  • in plural in animated virus evidence
    Near the school, I saw familiar girls and boys (wines. Pad. \u003d Rod. Pad.), And in inanimate names of nounsform of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of them. Pad.: I love books and films (wines. Pad. \u003d Him. Pad.)
  • in the singular In animated names of noun male genus Form of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of the genus. Pad.:
    Fox saw a kolobka (wines. Pad. \u003d Rod. Pad.), and in invisible names of nouns Form of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of them. Pad.: I baked a bunker (wines. Pad. \u003d Him. Pad.)

The rest of the noun shapes them., Wines. and genus. Cases differ.

It means sign of indifference animation It is possible to determine not only on the basis of the value, but also by the set of the word.

§five. Rank

The genus among nouns - This is a permanent morphological sign. Nouns do not change by childbirth.

In Russian, three kinds: male, female and middle. Sets of endings from nouns of different clans differ.
At animated nouns, the settlement to male or feminine is motivated by sexuality, because words indicate men's or female people: father - Mother, Brother - Sister, Husband - Wife, Man - Woman, Youth - Girletc. The grammar sign of the genus correlates with the floor.
In inanimate nouns, the words to one of the three births is not motivated. The words Ocean, sea, river, lake, pond- Miscellaneous genus, and the genus is not determined by the meaning of words.

The morphological indicator of the genus is the end.
If the word endings:

A, U. or a, Ohm, e in the singular and s, s, am, s or s, ami, ahin plural , then this is a noun male race

a, s, e, y, oh, ein the singular and s, am or s, ami, ahin the plural, then this is a noun feminine

oh, A, U, Oh, Oh, E in the singular and a, A, A, Ami, Ah In the plural, then the noun is medium kind.

Do all these nouns refer to one of the three births?

Not. There are a few amazing nouns. They are interested in what they can relate to the people of both male and female. These words: smart grocery, Sonya, Zhaddez, Plaks, Neusalea, ignoramus, Evil, Zadira, Sneak, Evil, Straps, Kopusha, Sorvigolov etc. The form of such words coincides with the form of the words of the female kind: the set of endings they have the same. But the syntax compatibility is different.
In Russian, you can say:
She is so clever! AND: He is so clever! The value of the floor of an insane person can be found in the form of pronoun (as in our example) or adjective, or verb in the past time: Sonya woke up. AND: Sonya woke up. Such nouns are called essential common types.

The nouns of the general kind do not include words that call professions. You may already know that many of them are nouns for men: doctor, driver, engineer, economist, geologist, philologist etc. But they can designate both male and female face. My mother is a good doctor. My father is a good doctor. Even if the Word calls the female face, then the adjectives and verbs last time can be used in men and in feminine genus: The doctor came. AND: The doctor came.

How to determine the genus from unchangeable words?

The language has unchangeable nouns. All of them are borrowed from other languages. In Russian, they have a genus. How to determine the genus? It is easy if you understand what indicates the word. Turn to examples:

Mesieo - Madame - Words denoting an animation face the genus corresponds to the floor.

Kangaroo, chimpanzees - Words calling animals, male.

Tbilisi, Sukhumi - Words - Cities Names - male.

Congo, Zimbabwe - Words - names of states - neuter.

Mississippi, Yangtze - Words - the names of the rivers - female.

Coat, Kushne - Words denoting inadverted items, are more often neuter.

Are there any exceptions? There is. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully treat unchangeable words and memorize how they are used. The race is expressed not by the end (the endings in the unclear words are not), but the form of other words that are associated with an immutable nouns in meaning and grammatically. These may be adjectives, pronouns or verbs in the past time. For example:

Mississippi wide and full.

Brief adjectives in the form of J.R. indicate that the word Mississippi J.R.

§6. Declining

Declining- This is the type of change in words. Nouns vary in numbers and cases. The number and case is variable morphological signs. Depending on which form, there is a word in different numbers and cases, for the aggregate of all possible forms, nouns belong to one of the decline.

Decals from nouns Three: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The vast majority of Russian nouns are the nouns of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decline. The type of decline is a permanent, immutable morphological sign of nouns.

To the 1st decline include words of female and male sort with endings but,i In the initial form.
Examples: mom, Dad, Grandpa, Water, Earth, Anna, Anya, Lecture -ending [a].

To the 2nd declining include words of a male race with zero ending and middle kind with endings about, e. In the initial form.
Examples: father, Brother, House, Alexander, Sea, Lake, Building -ending [E] , Genius, Alexey.

To the 3rd decline include Words of the feminine with zero ending In the initial form.
Examples: mother, mouse, night, news, rye, lie.

Initial form - This is the form of a word in which it is usually fixed by dictionaries. Nouns have a form of a nominal case of a single number.

Pay attention to the words traditionally called nouns on ia, Ie, iY : lecture, building, genius.

How to designate the end in such words?

You remember that letters i and E.who are written at the end of such nouns of female and middle clad after vowels, and the letter and -vowel, denote two sounds? Lecture - [Iy'a], building - [Iy'e], and the sound [th '] is the last consonant base. So in the words type lectureending [A], in the words type building - [e], and in words like genius- zero ending.

Therefore, the nouns of the female kind: lecture, station, demonstration refer to the 1st decline, and the male: genius and medium: building- Ko 2nd.

The comment requires another group of words. These are the so-called medium-sorts on me , the words path and child. These are differential nouns.

Different noun - These are words that have the endings inherent for the forms of different decons.
There are few words. All of them are very ancient. Some of them are frequent in today's speech.

List of nouns on me: stuffing, tribe, seed, burden, udder, theme, time, name, flame, banner.

About their spelling, see All spelling. Spelling of nouns

§7. Number

Number- This is a morphological sign, variable for some nouns and unchangeable, permanent from others.
The overwhelming number of Russian nouns vary in numbers. For example: house - Houses, girl - Girls, Elephant - Elephants, Night - Night. Nouns, varying by numbers, have forms and the only, and multiple number and corresponding to these forms of completion. A number of nouns of the sole and multiple number differ not only by the end, but also the basis. For example: man - People, Children - Children, Kitten - Kittens.

Me'ashat part of Russian nouns do not change in numbers, but has the form of only one number: or the only one or multiple.

Nouns having a single number:

  • collective: nobility guys
  • real: Gold, Milk, Prostokavasha
  • abstract (or distracted): greed, anger, good
  • some Own, namely: Geographical names: Russia, Suzdal, Petersburg

Nouns having a plural form:

  • collective: searches
  • real: Cream, soup
  • abstract (or distracted): troubles, elections, twilight
  • some Own, namely, geographical names: Carpathians, Himalayas
  • some specific (subject), clock, sleigh, as well as a group of nouns denoting items that consist of two parts: skiing, skates, glasses, gates


Most of the items indicated by nouns having only the form of a single or multiple person cannot be considered.
These nouns have an immutable morphological basis.

§eight. Paide

Paide - This is a non-permanent, variable morphological sign of nouns names. Cases in Russian Six:

  1. Nominative
  2. Genitive
  3. Dative
  4. Accusative
  5. Instrumental
  6. Prepositional

It is necessary to firmly know the case-made questions, with the help of which is determined, in the form of which case there is a noun. As, as you know, the names of the nouns are animated and inanimate, each case has two questions:

  • I.P. - who what?
  • R.P. - Who? What?
  • D.P. - to whom; to what?
  • V.P. - Who? What?
  • T.P. - Who?, what?
  • P.P. - (About who about what?

You see that for animated nouns, the issues of WIN.P. and genus. p., and for inanimate - they. n. and wines. P.
To not be mistaken and correctly define the case, always use both questions.

For example: I see an old park, shady alley and a girl and a young man walking on it.
See (who? What?) the park (wines. p.), alley (wines. p.), girl (wines. p.), man(wines. p.).

Do all the nouns change on cases?

No, not all. Nouns are not changed, which are called: unchangeable.

Cockada (1) sits in a cage in the store. I come to the cockatoo (2). This is a big beautiful parrot. I look at Cockada (3) with interest and think: -What do I know about Cockada (4)? I have no cockatoo (5). With Cockada (6) interesting.

Word cockatoo Meets in this context 6 times:

  • (1) Who? What? - cockatoo - I.P.
  • (2) I go (k) to whom? Than what? - (K) Cockada - D.P.
  • (3) I watch (on) who? What? - (for) Cockada - V.P.
  • (4) I know (o) com? What? - ( o) Cockada - p.p.
  • (5) No Who? What? - cockatoo - R.P.
  • (6) Interesting (s) Who?, What? - (C Cakada) - T.P.

In different cases, the form in unchangeable nouns are the same. But the case is determined easily. This is helped by case issues, as well as other members of the sentence. If such a noucent has a definition expressed by adjective, pronoun, numeral or communion, i.e. In a word, changing through the case, it will be in the form of the same case as the self-immutable noun.

Example: How much can you talk about this cockatoo? - (O) com?. than? - p.p.

§nine. The syntactic role of nouns in the proposal

Mother sits at the window. She lears the magazine, considers photographs of people and nature. My mother is a geography teacher. "Mom", "I call her.

Mother -subject

Near the window -circumstance

Magazine- addition

Photos - addition

Of people - Definition

Nature. - Definition

Mother- subject

Teacher - Taken

Geography - Definition

Mum - Appeals, like introductory words, prepositions, alliances, particles are not members of the proposal.

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What nouns indicate individual specific items, and not a group of homogeneous subjects?

    • Own names
    • Names are negative
  2. Nouns which group is more diverse by value?

    • Own names
    • Names are negative
  3. Is an animation-inanomistically grammatically: a set of endings?

  4. How can I find the genus of the noun?

    • By meaning
    • In terms of compatibility with other words (adjective, pronouns, verbs of the past time) and at the end
  5. What are the nouns called, having the end, characteristic of various declines?

    • Nonclocking
    • Diagrable
  6. What feature is the number of nouns good, evil, envy?

    • Permanent (immutable)
    • Non-permanent (variable)
  7. The total meaning of the noun and its grammatical signs

    Noun - This is part of speech that combines words with an objective value expressed in grammatical categories of case and numbers and in the forms of a certain grammatical genus.

    Nouvenient combines the general value of the subject semantically different words: names of specific items (boat, forest, gold), creatures (Girl, Bear, Tit), Nature phenomena (lightning, rain), generalized properties and signs (kindness, courage, blue) states (Recreation, Dund) etc. Unlike adjective, shorter, verbs, nouns are called signs and actions or states independently, regardless of those subjects and phenomena, which these signs or processes are peculiar to who are their carriers.

    Zagalnokategorical The value of the substrate in the noun receives the expression in grammatical categories and in word-forming means. The main grammatical signs of the noun are the presence of categories of the genus, case and numbers. Each nouns refers to one of the three grammatical genera - male, female or medium. There are no grammatical species only nouns multiple (Gate, bran, yeast and etc.).

    Nouns are changed by cases (except for some words of foreign-speaking origin, some abbreviations and surnames) and are characterized by the grammatical value of the number (some have comparable forms of the number, others perform only in the only or plural).

    Categories of the genus, numbers and cases of nouns differ from adjectives, locomotive and partially numbers: in the noun they are defining, and in other registered parts of the speech repeat the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the explanatory noun, therefore, is syntactically conditioned values, for example: saline water, salt water, salted water, salt water; My friend, my friend, my friend, my friend.

    In the noun value of the number is quite commonly expressed by the auxiliary means (emphasis), and the value of the genus is perceived in the process of comparing the flexions of the entire paradigmatic series (compare: weaver and oven, day and salt) And accounting for semantic classrooms to the floor in the names of creatures (compare: father and apple Nikolai and Marina) And a number of signs.

    In adjectives, in terms of pronouns and numerical all three grammatical values \u200b\u200b(kind, numbers and cases) are expressed by flexy.

    The noun as the name of the subject acts in a typical syntactic function of the syntactic function (in the initial form - a nominative case) or an application (in indirect cases). For example: Sky today is blue in spring (O. Gonchar) Rosehip is difficult to fruit. She is missing for the sleeve (L. Kostenko).

    The noun can also perform secondary functions: the definition (agreed - application and inconsistent), the circumstances, the name of the composite, such as: Son Omelko-slight clap "I was standing at my mother and watched she did (Elena Petrovna) The flexible breeze was breathing to him to meet fresh freshness of large waters, the subtle gingerbread spirit of distant steppes (O. Gonchar) In someone else's edge, do not look for, do not ask what is not and in the sky, and not only on someone else's field (T. Shevchenko) Poetry is always the uniqueness, what an immortal touch to the soul (L. Kostenko).

    part of speech


    What means

    morphological signs

    Hidden words. Changes on cases and numbers. Have a genus. Initial form: the nominative case of the only number, and for those that are used only in the plural - a nominative multiple number. On lexical and morphological signs are divided into their own and general, concrete and abstract, creatures of creatures and inanimate, prefabricated and single

    syntactic signs

    The main one: subject to (nominative case or generic, when combined with a quantitative numerical or other word with a quantitative value-in folded to be subject to), an application (in indirect case). More abundant: circumstance (more often noun with pretext, especially in the case), inconsistent definition, application, registered part of the composite

    Different lexical values \u200b\u200bare combined under the objectivity, but they are all perceived as the name of the subject. These may be the names:

    Specific objects (bed, broom, glasses, sleigh)

    Creatures (person, teacher, doctor, bee, stork, goose, cat)

    Plants (Rye, Acacia, Spruce, Kalina)

    Nature phenomena (blizzard, blizzard, lightning, rain, snow); - or status (Drawing, correspondence, cooking, message)

    Abstract concepts (kindness, success, dignity, love, generosity).

    • The name of the noun is an independent part of speech, which means the subject and answers questions who? What? (and questions of case)

    • General grammatical meaning Nouctive is the value of the subject. The subject and grammar is called everything that you can ask: who is this? Or is it what?

    • By meaning, nouns are divided into the following groups :

    • concrete - Call specific objects of living or inanimate nature: magazine, brother

    • real - Call different substances: air, water, cape, butter

    • distracted - Call phenomena, perceived mentally: running, novelty, joy, endurance

    • collective - Call a lot of identical objects as a single whole: foliage, defortion

    • Morphological signs of nouns - Rod, number, case, decline.

    • Syntactic signs of nouns names : In the proposal, the noun is most often subject to or addition, but maybe other members of the sentence - definitions and even be sure.

    • Nneagative nouns, calling homogeneous objects: forest, table, book, textbook

    • Animate nouns called wildlife objects (who?): Girl, bird

    The name of the noun .

    • The genus of the noun can be determined by putting my pronoun, my pronoun (M.R), mine (railway), my (cf.): (My) Bow, (my) pumpkin, (mine) sun.

    • some nouns are fluctuations in kind: Tulle-this tulle, this tulle; Shampoo-this shampoo, this shampoo

    • The special group is the nouns of the common kind, which may designate people and male, and female: orphan, scaby, zasya, shubber, sludge, dirty, dirty (what a loan you are! - about the boy. What kind of sludge you are! - Oh girl)

    • Bantic M.R. Sun- cp. Pumpkin- R.R.

    • Nouns have two numbers:

    • single and multiple

    • Nouns in the form of the singular designate one subject, in the form of multiple - many: book books

    • Numbers change specific nouns. The change in the numbers is transmitted using the end: month-month

    • Do not change according to the numbers are distracted, real, collective nouns. They have one form a single or multiple number.

    Number of noun.

    • Only the form of the only number have:

    • Real nouns: milk, sour cream

    • Distracted Nouns: Love, Friendship

    • Collective nouns: foliage

    • Own names Nouns: Caucasus, Ural

    Padege names of nouns

      In Russian, six cases. Each case has its name and value. Each case corresponds to their questions. All cases, except for nominative, are called indirect. Cases show the attitude of nouns to other words in the proposal. To determine the case, you need to find a word on which the noun depends on and ask from this word to a noun case.

    Declination of nouns

    • Changing nouns on cases and numbers is called declining. Nouns are distributed over three types of declination.

    • The 1st decline includes nouns of J.R., M.R. With the end-and-it.

    • The 2nd declination includes nouns m. R. With zero ending, as well as noun Wed. R. With the end -o, -e.

    • To the 3rd declination include nouns of J.R. with zero ending. They have a soft sign at the end of the base.

    Different noun

    • When calculating cases and numbers, some nouns have the end of different decons, so they are called differential. These include:

    • - Sonsisuals on -Mim: burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirring, theme

    • -Contest male race path

    Unchanging noun

    • Some nouns in Russian do not change on cases and numbers.

    • The immutable nouns include:

    • - Maintaining and own names Nouns of foreign language origin: Troy, cocoa, coffee, coat, radio, metro, kangaroo, chimpanzees ...

    • - Names of a girl or married woman: Lady, Miss, Mrs., Madame, Freulein, Frau

    • - Comprehensive words: MSU, computer, nuclear power plant

    • The number and case of such nouns can be determined in phrases and suggestions. On the case of such nouns may indicate prepositions.