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What is the essence of the Decembrist uprising. Decembrist uprising on Senate Square

Decembrists, Russian revolutionaries, raised in December 1825 uprising against autocracy and serfdom (the name was received by a month of the uprising). The Decembrists were noble revolutionaries, their class limitations imposed a press on the movement, which was antipodeal according to slogans and is associated with the pivation of the prerequisites of the bourgeois revolution in Russia. The process of decomposition of the feudal-serfral system, which clearly appeared already in the 2nd half of the 18th century. And intensified at the beginning of the 19th century, was the base on which this movement grew. The weakness of the Russian bourgeoisie contributed to the fact that the revolutionary nobles became the "primary freedoms" in Russia. Patriotic War 1812, whose participants turned out to be almost all the founders and many active members of the future of the Decembrists, subsequent foreign hikes 1813-14 were for them to a certain degree of political school.

Decembrists - Representatives of the left wing of the nobility were the first to openly oppose the autocracy and serfdom for conducting bourgeois-democratic transformations.

The origins of the ideology of the Decembrism:

    humanistic ideas of French enlighteners and Russian liberal modes of the late XVIII century;

    patriotic rise and growth of national self-consciousness after the war of 1812 and foreign trips 1813 - 1814;

    disappointment in the internal political course of Alexander I, which cooked liberal transformations.

The first pre-kibrist organizations originated in the Wednesday of Guards officers in 1814 - 1815.

In 1816 - 1818. The secret society "Union of salvation" was operating, which united about 30 people and headed by A.N. Muravyov. In 1818, on the basis of this society, the "Union of Benencies" originated, which was more consistent and united about 200 people. At the meetings were discussed issues of elimination of serfdom and autocracy, the introduction of the Constitution and the Representative Board. In 1821, due to the disagreements and persecution of the authorities, the "Union of Benencies" was dissolved. On his basis, "South Society" appeared in Ukraine, headed by P.I. Pestel and Northern Society in St. Petersburg, headed by N.M. Muravyov (later, the first role was put forward here by K.F. Ryleev).

The program document "South Society" was the "Russian truth" of Pestel, according to which the elimination of monarchy in Russia and the establishment of the republic with a unicameral parliament ("People's Eve") was assumed. Executive power - "Holding Duma" from 5 members, each of which would be president during the year. There was a complete abolition of serfdom, the introduction of democratic freedoms and the provision of equal election law for all men.

The program "Northern Society" ("Constitution" N.M. Muravyova) was more moderate. Russia was supposed to become a constitutional monarchy, and the emperor - the head of the executive. Legislative authorities belonged to the two-challenged parliament - "People's Eve". The fortress law and the estate system were completely eliminated, civil liberties were introduced and equality of all before the law. At the same time, the electoral right was limited to property valuable and landlord landfill was fully maintained.

Both societies negotiated the coordination of their actions and planned to carry out their goals by military coup and the kingubius, which was planned for the summer of 1826. These plans were confused by the unexpected death of Alexander I in Taganrog on November 19, 1825. His brother Konstantin Pavlovich was considered secretly refused From the throne back in 1822, when it became aware of this, it was appointed renoval to the new emperor Nikolai I. The Decembrists decided to take advantage of the situation of transactions. It was decided to bring troops to the Senate Square in St. Petersburg and to force the Senate, the Synod and the State Council did not swear to Nicholas, but to accept the "manifesto to the Russian people", which set forth the requirements of conspirators.

On the morning of December 14, 1825, the troops were faithful to the Decembrists in a combat at Square (only about 3 thousand soldiers and 30 officers). But they acted indecisive, because It turned out that the highest officials were already sworn Nicholas, besides, appointed by the military leader of the Uprising S.P. Trubetka did not appear on the square. Against the rebels were tightened by the rules of the Russian troops (12 thousand people and 4 guns). Attempts to persuade conspirators to disperse were not crowned with success, so the order was given to open fire for defeat. The uprising was suppressed. Also, the uprising of the Chernihiv regiment was completed on December 29, 1825 in Ukraine, because The leaders of the "South Society" were arrested on the eve.

In total, 579 people were attracted to the investigation in the Decembrists case, of which 289 were found guilty. Over 100 people were expelled to Siberia, the rest were shown and sent to fight in the Caucasus, 5 people (P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyev-Apostle, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, K.F. Ryleev and PG . Kakhovsky) were executed.

Causes of the defeat of the uprising:

    narrow social base of the uprising;

    bid on conspiracy and military coup;

    insufficient conspiracy and passive tactic at the time of the uprising;

    the unpreparedness of most of society to serious transformations.

The value of the Decembrists' uprising is that it was the first attempt to change the existing system. Their performance showed the presence of deep contradictions and the need for reforms.

After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising in the country, a repressive-police regime was established, any dissent was suppressed.

1. Position in the country on the eve of the uprising.

· In November 1825, during a trip to South, Alexander I died to Taganrog, who officially inherited his brother Konstantin. However, during the lifetime of Alexander I, Konstantin renounced the throne in favor of the younger brother Nicholas, but he knew about it a narrow circle of persons.

· After the death of the Tsar, the army and government agencies swore Konstantin, but he confirmed his refusal and on December 14, 1825 was prescribed oath.

· This situation was decided to take advantage of the Decembrists, raise the uprising, interfere with the risenage until the new emperor adopt the constitution.

· On December 13, a meeting was held at the apartment at Ryleev in St. Petersburg, on which it was drawn up - "Manifesto to the Russian people", which indicated the purpose and program of the Decembrists.

2. The main provisions of "Manifesto to the Russian People":

· The destruction of serfdom and the estate structure, the equality of all citizens before the law;

· Destruction of autocracy and temporary government organizations for elections;

· Proclamation of private property rights;

· Destruction of the Crist's Court and the introduction of the court of jury;

· Destruction of recruitment kits and military settlements.

3. The uprising of the Decembrists in the Senate Square and in the Chernihiv regiment.

· In the morning December 14, 1825 The Decembrists were already in the barracks to lead the subordinate to them to the Senate Building. The first came to the Senate Square Guards Moscow Regiment under the command of Mikhail and Alexander Bestuzhev. In total, approximately 3 thousand soldiers gathered on the square.

· The plan developed on the eve of the uprising, the organizers could not be implemented. Head of Uprising S. Trubetskaya did not appear on the square, and only in the evening a new manager was elected prince Obolensky.

· Decembrists did not undertake offensive actions (they did not capture the Winter Palace, artillery), although they had such an opportunity. They were afraid to attract the people to the uprising, which supported them.

· Several times Nikolai I tried to persuade the rebels fold the weapons, but to no avail. Nicholas I pulled the remaining troops who surrounded the Senate Square. Guards cavalry attacked the rebels, but they beat off the attacks.

· In the evening, Nicholas I ordered the shooting of the rebel artillery. By night, the uprising was finally crushed.

· At the end of December 1825 in Ukraine Rebellious Chernihiv infantry regiment.The uprising was led by members of the South Society - Sergey Muravyev-Apostol and Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin. South Society repeated the Northern errors. Southerners not switched to the offensive, most importantly, they were afraid to rely on the support of the masses. A few days later, the uprising in Ukraine was defeated.

· The royal government brutally dealt with the Decembrists. 579 people were attracted to the investigation. July 13, 1826 five people - k.f. Ryleev, P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyev-Apostle, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin and P.G. Kakhovsky - were hanged in the Petropavlovsk fortress.

4. The value of the Decembrist uprising:

· This revolutionary movement was distinguished from the natural peasant rises by the fact that it developed a political program, led organized struggle aimed at eliminating the existing public and state system in the name of building more advanced;

· The main mistake of the Decembrists was that they were far from the people and wanted to produce a revolutionary coup without the participation of the masses, so the uprising was doomed to defeat;

· The Decembrists laid the beginning of the revolutionary movement in Russia, and the subsequent generations of revolutionaries studied their experience;

· The Decembrists have developed a clear program of bourgeois transformations. The basic requirements of this program - the elimination of serfdom and autocracy - became the main for the advanced public and the revolutionaries of subsequent generations (before the cancellation of serfdom in 1861).

Topic 30. Power and society of Russia in the second quarter of XIX V.V. Internal policy of Nicholas I (1825-1855).

In 1825, there was a coup in Russia, which ended quite unsuccessfully for conspirators.

The progress for the coup was the liberal views of advanced youth, which was not agreed with the king's policies. To the Patriotic War, few people wondered about what kind of relations were between the simple people, the government and the intelligentsia. There was no fortress law in Europe, and in Russia, the simple people oppressed with terrible force.

Young progressive young people craving for change. Secret circles began to appear in which they discussed how to change the situation in the country. Soon the backbone was formed from leaders. Gradually came to the conclusion that it was necessary to change the board in Russia, and for this you need to get rid of the monarch.

Just at this time there was a very obscure situation with the transfer of power. Alexander first died, and the new king has not yet proceeded to his duties. Using this situation, the conspirators raised the people against the king Nicholas. A lot of people have gathered on the square with each minute complicated. The people were configured quite aggressively. But the worst thing turned out to be the fact that the leaders themselves could not find a common language among themselves. Already on the square I had to replace the head of the uprising, many activists for incomprehensible reasons were also not appeared. Therefore, the uprising can be said without managers. To an angry crowd, which could not argue their actions approached the military and brutally suppressed the riot. Leaders - Decembrists of those who survived, then on the same area executed. The rest were referred to Siberia.

The main reasons for the defeat of the uprising were not knowledge of all the subtleties of such events, naivety, betrayal. Also played a role of a weak preparation for such a serious event. Despite the failure of the Decembrists, their rebellion served as good lessons to descendants who took into account all the mistakes of the Decembrists.

More details

The victorious procession of Russian troops to Paris brought not only the fame of Russian weapons and the emperor Alexander I, who received the loud title "Liberator". But there was another circumstance. People looked at how they live in Europe without serfdom. A revolution occurred in France. There, the main document was the Constitution. The ideas of equality and brotherhood Vitaly in the air. And in Russia, the arbitrarians reigned, and the king himself. The difference was so striking that some military began to be disappointed in autocracy.

They began to think about liberal changes in Russia. People wanted to live, as in Europe. The main idea was as follows - the change in the existing, monarchical, building to the constitutional. Some at all waived in the republic. Military created secret societies - North and South. Alexander I suddenly dies. It was decided to take advantage of the confusion in the transmission of the throne. To bring the troops on the morning of December 14, 1825 to the Senate Square and demand from the new King Nicholas I, so that he beaten from the throne. And then I made a manifesto, then convening a nationwide cathedral. And on it to choose a new form of government. This, of course, was utopia. They even planned to take the Petropavlovsk fortress and the Winter Palace. And as an extreme measure - arrest, and even the murder, royal family.

But as always, everything went not according to plan. The chief head of the coup Prince Trubetskaya on the square did not appear. The troops remaining without the commander were confused. They were offered to disperse peacefully, but someone shot in the spoken of a graph of Miloradovich from the pistol. This served as a signal to the attack at the rebels. The troops approached the square, the faithful king, quickly suppressed the riot. Artillery was applied. The area was covered with pile of corpses. The age of the Decembrists was from 20 to 60 years.

The court was ambiguous for sentencing. Five were hanged. The remaining 124 rebels were exiled to distant cold eastern Siberia. Ninety six people sentenced to Katorga. On the carts, according to the stage, as criminals, they quickly brought to the place of reference challenged in hand and foot shackles. Among them was one hundred thirteen people of the noble rank, eight had the title of Prince, four baron, three generals, eleven colonels and one valid Stat adviser. Color and pride of Russian society. It was "political" death - the loss of all civil rights, existence without the right of correspondence. So cruelly dealt the king with the rebels. Only thirty-four, survivors, returned from the reference to sick old men.

Decembrists were sewn through the territory of Eastern Siberia to the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the East, Yakutsk in the north, so as not to communicate with each other. And they were constantly translated from one place to another.

But the victims brought by the Decembrists were not in vain. They stirred by Russia, forced her inhabitants to think, created the first revolutionary organization. It was the first political performance in the history of the country. The trouble of the Decembrists is that they were still so far from the people, they underestimated his strength and power, hatred for autocracy. According to V.I. Lenin: "The Decembrists woke Herzen, and he began revolutionary agitation."

Decembrists left a trace in the development of Siberia. They opened schools for their money, hospitals, engaged in scientific research. As a sign of gratitude, people created the museums of the Decembrists. The biggest is in Irkutsk. In it, the piano was preserved to this day, on which Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya was playing.

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St. Petersburg. A wonderful cultural city, it was in it on April 22 (April 10) of 1899, a great Russian writer was born: Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich.

  • Robert Stevenson's Life and Creativity

    A large number of well-known works, one way or another, written by foreign writers and literary figures. It is not necessary to deny that very often the foreign writers write sufficiently decent works.

  • Secret societies

    The first Russian revolutionaries wanted to raise an armed uprising in the troops, to overthrow autocracy, cancel the serfdom and to promote the new state law - the revolutionary constitution. It was decided to perform at the moment of changing emperors on the throne. After the death of Alexander I, there was an environment - a government crisis, profitable for revolutionaries.

    Day December 14 was the oath of the new emperor -. His elder brother - just died childless, the brother next for him, refused the throne (Alexander left a copy of his refusal in the Assumption Cathedral in a closed package, so it was not known about the refusal to the throne almost nobody), and now the third brother, Nikolai - A rough and ignorant serf and the painful of soldiers - has already made his leg on the step of the throne ...


    Decembrists carefully developed their plans. First of all, they decided to prevent the troops and Senate to bring the oath to the new king. Then they wanted to enter the Senate and demand to publish a nationwide manifesto, which will be announced by the abolition of serfdom and the 25-year period of the Soldier service, on the declaration of freedom of speech, the meeting chosen by the people of deputies.

    The deputies were to decide which system to establish in the country, and approve its basic law - the Constitution. If the Senate did not agree to publish the People's Manifesto, it was decided to force him to this force. The rebels troops were supposed to take the Winter Palace and Petropavlovsk Fortress, the royal family should have arrested. If necessary, it was assumed to kill the king. Meanwhile, as the Decembrists thought, from all sides they will eat deputies elected by provinces on the provinces. Collapse autocracy and serfdom. A new life of the liberated people will begin.

    For leadership, the recruitment was elected a dictator - a longtime member of society, one of its founders - Guard Colonel Prince Sergei Trubetskaya.

    Beginning of the uprising

    More than 3,000 guards soldiers under the team of revolutionary officers - the nobles gathered at the Senate Square of the capital, raised by the hot speeches of their teachers. The first spoke to the Moscow Guards Regiment. He raised the revolutionary speech of the officer Alexander Bestumev. Colonel commander Baron Frederix wanted, it was to prevent the exit of the rebels on the square, but he fell with a bought head under the strike of Sabypina officer - Rostovsky. The soldiers of the Moscow Regiment came to the Senate Square with a fluttering regimental banner, chargeing a gun and taking a combat cartridges. The regiment built in a combat kare (quadrilateral) near the monument to Peter I.

    End of the uprising

    By the night with the first Russian uprising, it was finished. Dozens of corpses remained on the square. The police fell asleep in the snow of blood puddles. Everywhere burned fires. Walk out guard patrols. In the Winter Palace began to communicate arrested.

    Not all conceived happened. I managed to raise the rebellion not all the outlined shelves. Among the rebels did not turn out to be artillery parts. Dictator Trubetskoy changed the uprising and did not appear on the square. The rebel troops lined up before the empty building of the Senate - the senators have already brought the oath and dispersed.

    In the south, it was also not without armed rebellion. Six mouth of the Chernihiv regiment released the arrested Sergey Muravyov Apostle, who made them to the White Church; But, the hussar with horse artillery overtook, the rebels laid the weapons. Wounded ants was arrested.

    Corollary and court

    The decree was established by the Commission for finding about malicious societies chaired by the Military Minister Tatishchev. The Investigation Commission presented to the Emperor Nicholas the All -genged report, compiled by D. N. Bludov. The manifesto was established by the Supreme Criminal Court of the three state classes: the State Council, the Senate and Synod, with the accession of "several specials from the highest military and civilian officials." The court was betrayed: from Northern Society - 61 people, southern society - 37 people, United Slavs - 23 people. The court established eleven discharges, highlighting a particular five person, and sentenced: on the death penalty - five quarters, 31 - cut-off of the head, 17 - to political death, 16 - to reference forever to the hard work, 5 - to the reference to the hard work on 10 liters ., 15 - to the reference to the convolution. work for 6 liters, 15 - to the link to the settlement, 3 - to the deprivation of ranks, nobility and to reference in, 1 - to the deprivation of ranks and nobility and writing to soldiers until driving, 8 - to deprive the ranks with spelling into soldiers with a spello . Emperor Nicholas Decree

    Decembrist uprising (briefly)

    Brief history of the Decembrist uprising

    In the first quarter of the nineteenth century, revolutionary moods flare up in Russia. According to historians, the main reason for this was that the progressive part of the Society was disappointed by the Board of Alexander First. At the same time, a certain part of people sought to end the abandonation of Russian society.

    In the era of liberation campaigns, having familiarized themselves with various political movements in the West, the advanced Russian nobility understood that it was the serfdom - the cause of the backwardness of the state. Russian serfdom was perceived by the rest of the world as an insult to national community. Large influence on the views of future Decembrists, educational literature, Russian journalism, as well as the ideas of Western liberation movements were provided.

    The very first secret political society was organized in St. Petersburg in the winter of 1816. The main purpose of the Company was the abolition of serfdom and adoption in the state of the Constitution. There were only about thirty people in it. After a couple of years in St. Petersburg, the "Union of prosperity" and "Northern Society" were formed, pursuing the same goals.

    The conspirators were active preparation for armed uprising and very soon, after the death of Alexander, a convenient moment has come for this. The Decembrists' uprising occurred in 1825 on the day the oath of the new ruler of Russia. Buntari wanted to capture the monarch and the Senate.

    So, by the Fourteenth December, the Life Guard Grenadersky, Life Guard, Moscow Regiment, and the Guards Sea Regiment was located on the Senate Square. In general, at the square itself there were no less than three thousand people.

    Nikolai first was warned in advance about the rebellion of the Decembrists and brought the Senate in advance to the oath. He then collected the faithful troops and told them to surround the Senate Square. So the negotiations were started, which, however, did not bring any result.

    During this, Miloradovich receives a fatal injury, after which an artillery was applied by order of the new king. Thus, the Decembrist uprising of 1825 was repaid. A little later (twenty-nine-day December) and the Chernihiv regiment, whose rebellion was also suppressed in two weeks.

    The arrests of the organizers and participants of the uprisings took place throughout Russia and as a result of the case more than five hundred people were attracted.