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Beautiful performance on the last call. Parents speech on the last call

Words of gratitude to the teacher says at least once in life each of us. Both excellent students, and even those who cannot be attributed to approximate Tikhonians. 🙂 After all, the school is golden time for each student .

And it's not at all by chance that we often remember the years spent at the part year, funny changes and the first real friends . BUT After all, it is ridiculous to think, but a few years ago we were afraid to answer lessons, counted days waiting for the holidays and dreamed of how to spend a graduation party. 🙂

Well, he is already not far off - the last school holiday. The event is responsible, this is as a report of the new era, the beginning of an adult, such a desirable life.

And, of course, a special place among the solemn events is grateful to teachers. . Such words, by the way, have to talk on the day of the teacher too!

This moment is excited for all: students, teachers and parents. What are the words of gratitude to the teacher, and how to choose exactly those words that can express the entire overwhelming gamut of gentle feelings?

Here you have a few examples of a possible response, solemn speech on behalf of parents or students. Of course, they are not guidance to action, but may well serve as the main, to create their own, unique text. The first version of the response word will be more appropriate to use the parents of students.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from parents

  • Dear our teachers! Allow your heart and clean heart to tell you a lot thank you for the great and responsible work that you perform every day. While ten years, you helped our children to grow, learn and become real people. You not only brought in their many new and important knowledge, you sowed respect, friendship and love in their souls. You, as the second parents, took care of our children, day after day, frost, rain and sunny days, no matter how much or illness. You worried about their failures and rejoiced victories. Thanks to you, they learned the law of Oma, the Pythagore's theorem, the multiplication table, read hundreds of books and learned a huge number of poems. Our children found out that such politeness, friendship, mutual execution, responsibility ... Thank you for giving knowledge and friendly support you are ready to give every child, because the teacher has ever been to everyone, by the President of the country, the minister, at a simple worker, Scientist or doctor. Thank you for your hard work.

The second option of possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students.

  • Teacher! How many meaning in this word for each student! Friend, mentor, comrade - these are synonyms I want to pick up a great word to this! You keep knowledge and viability that convey from generation to generation to our children. Thank you so much for this difficult, and sometimes very hard work. In this solemn moment, when yesterday's kids stand on the threshold of a new life, we want to thank you for patience and attention to your disciples.

Well, this option in response can also use the students themselves.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from students

  • Native our teachers! In this festive, but sad day, we want to tell you a lot Thank you! Thanks for the fact that during these long years, you were our mentors! Thanks for the support, tips, and those knowledge that you gave us. Leaving his native school, we never forget the happy hours spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in its own way . You opened new horizons and new knowledge before us. All you did for us and not count. Thank you for that!

Response speech can be issued not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such a congratulation will come from schoolchildren, not parents.

Such a remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of response. The options for the finished text are quite a lot, examples of response speech in large quantities are posted on the Internet, and also found in special literature.

General Rules of Thanksgiving Teachers

When preparing a response, you need to consider several general, universal postulates.

  1. On average, the response should occupy 2 - 3 minutesIn extreme cases, about 5 minutes.
  2. It is not necessary to use a large number of complex and incomprehensible terms, for this event it is not at all what.
  3. Speech must be generalized not Recommended allocate Someone concrete from teachers, the exception is a cool leader. If necessary, personal congratulations can be expressed after the end of the solemn event.

If it is schematically to portray the structure of the response word at the final evening, then the following, rather classic scheme, will be obtained:

  • Greeting;
  • The main part is the words of gratitude;
  • Conclusion.

The first part involves the general appeal to the teachers, the second part is the immediate and the main text of gratitude. At this stage it is necessary to emphasize how much and for what exactlyYou are thanked teachers. You can complete the text with a small repetition of mutual love and respect.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher or director

A separate word is recommended to express the class teacher or the school director. In the first case, you can emphasize the similarity of the teacher with the second mom, to allocate aspect not so much learning to the subject, how much care and care. Here is one example of such a speech:

  • Our dear (Io teacher) On this commemorative day, we want to thank you with all my heart. For your help, for your friendly support and participation . You did not just taught us subjects and life, you defended and protected us, gave advice and wise facilities. It was to you that we walked with our adversities and difficulties, only you could sincerely divide our victories and new accomplishments. Today, as many years ago, we want to confess to you in love and respect. You are not just a teacher, you are friend and reliable comrade! Thank you for your hard work, believe me, he did not remain rated. Today, tomorrow and always we will open the doors of our school to come to visit you as to your home, in the warm and kind world of childhood, which you created for us.

Speech for School Director Also is often mandatory. Since the director most often does not lead lessons, but is engaged in organizational activities, the response word to prepare is much more complicated.

It will be best if you thank the teacher for its excellent administrative work, created by him a coordinated and professional team of school, care for children and creating a mental atmosphere.

General rules of performance with the words of gratitude to the teacher

As for the speech itself, it is worth noting the following aspects.

We should talk clearly, moderately quickly, if possible, rather emotionally.

Try not to do saddea, even if you have to say sentimental, exciting soul, things .

The response word can also be successfully complemented with a genuine history, which reflects the concern of the teacher about his students. This will give a response speech some personal shade, make it more soulful.

During the speech, it is not necessary to actively gesticulate, but you just need to smile.

At the end of the response, it is appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers to a teacher or reckoning a light bow .

It is best to tell learning in advance, and not reading it on a piece of paper, it looks more responsibly and seriously.

If desired, we can tell you how solo, and uniting with someone from parents or students, a duet. In this case, the duration of the text in time can be slightly increased.

So, approximately, you can express your feelings and say the words of gratitude to the teacher. However, do not forget the main thing. It does not matter what exactly you say - or teachers.

The main thing is always your sincerity!

Only sincere words coming from the depths of the soul will be perceived and appreciated by addressees. I learned this on my own experience. When. Be yourself - it is always profitable! 🙂

By the way, how do you think that it is better: to recycle some of the prepared typical grateful options to the teacher, or think of your own option? Express in the comments to the article, do not hesitate!

The graduation ball for schoolchildren is the first responsible and truly adult event. This is a symbolic trait, crossing which children will leave behind a carefree childhood. Many of them with trepidation are waiting for their graduation, watching senior students who are forgiving with the school. All this long-awaited day should be special - design, atmosphere, scenario and, of course, the wish to graduates from the class teacher.

Wish to schoolchildren: how to choose a good format?

Write a bright speech sometimes not as simple as it seems at first glance. Listeners will remember the performance filled with kindness and spiritual warmth.

Important nuances in drawing up a graduation from class teacher:

  • Decide on the form of the performance. You can make a choice in favor of prose or rhymes.
  • The poetic wish is interesting and very popular.
  • During prosaic speech, you can demonstrate a presentation, video and even use certain items.
  • The presentation in which special, fun moments are mentioned from the life of graduates will be remembered for a long time.
  • A successful option is a prose, built on real facts. Cool mom you need to mention different pleasant details and cute little things from school weekdays.
  • You can add aphorisms used in contact with pictures and photos. Voiced thought should not have too deep hidden meaning.
  • The main thing for poetic wishes is lightness and harmony. It should be carefully used pathos words.
  • Graduates will be very welcome if the class manager himself will try on the role of the poet. No one expects the perfect rhyme. For the guys much more important than the attention to them, sincerity and spiritual heat of congratulations.

What would you wish?

Deciding with the form of speech, you should think about its content. It will be reasonable to mention the years spent on the parties. Nevertheless, you can not forget about the wishes for the future.

Little symbolic gifts will stay in memory of children for a long time. A cool mom can hand over all graduates on a clean notebook, wishing to start life from a clean leaf and paint it only with bright shades of happiness.

An interesting idea is to offer every perpetrator a celebration systematically record the most significant events in your life in the notebook. At a meeting in 5 years, these "masterpieces" will be interested in others, diversify the situation.

The beautiful parting word graduates graduates from the class teacher - the wish of a light life path and aspiring up career growth. It would be appropriate to give to each air balloon - a symbol of flying in life and career.

Another option is to give yesterday's schoolchildren carved from red cardboard heart with personal wishes. It is a piece of the heart of the class teacher who will always remember his students.

Wishes of the class teacher: examples

Text number 1.

My dear children! How quickly flew years. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You stated yourself as new students who came to school with serious intentions. With a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity came to the class.

But quickly flew 4 years. Pupils switched to senior school. She met you with the equations with many unknowns that you diligently solved. It seems that yesterday you stood here - confused, waiting for something new five-graders. They looked at me - their new cool mom.

Since then, seven times incurred to the school threshold of multi-colored asters, the seven winter blizzards have confused. During the training of the teacher, they became native for you, they left an indelible mark in your hearts.

What was not only in our school life: lessons, contests, holidays, evenings, educational clock. Of course, it was not without knocked glass, paper airplanes in lessons, packed diaries, lost portfolios. All these are valuable drops of the Ocean of School Life.

Recently, graduates who were waiting for their hands on their hands. Today, the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children turned into adult boys and girls who have a new one, but such an interesting life.

Today, you solemnly note the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time, you were supported by teachers, parents and me, your cool leader. And today you have opened the doors in a large world with a mass of opportunities.

We together conquered new vertices in the country of knowledge, learned to understand themselves and each other, defend their point of view and principles. These are the knowledge and skills that will help you come out by the winners of complex everyday tests.

Believe in yourself. You are unique personalities that will definitely succeed. Be deserve respect for others and delight me, a class teacher, with its achievements.

Have a good trip!

The class teacher is not a position, but the state of the soul. The heart wish to graduates will leave an indelible mark in the soul of students who leaving the country of childhood.

What to tell the director to the favorite graduates at the festive graduation party or the school line, the mental words of wishes, useful and interesting facilities for the future of eleventh graders for graduation from the director of the school.

Excellent wishes for eleven graders for graduation

Today, pride overwhelms my soul. So many beautiful and joyful persons are present in this room. All students and students of the school, which today are produced, as if my family children.

I wish everyone from you to find your calling in life, find yourself, to give myself a whole chest of useful knowledge, having got the best diplomas about higher education and become employees of the most prestigious firms, companies.

Keep memories of school, never forget your teachers and come to visit more often!

Official speech by school director for graduation

Today, the culprits of the celebration are graduates of 11 classes! All today is very beautiful and elegant.

Dear our graduates, I wish you so excellent you managed to look always. Be confident, glorify our school and remember the teachers who helped you write and read, as well as study the exact sciences and humanitarian items.

I, as director, schools were insanely nice to watch your adulthies and give you a part of my soul!

Good words of farewell to holiday 11 classes

Dear and favorite our graduates!

Today you open the door to a new life. Each of you will have to survive a new stage of growing up and overcome new obstacles in its path.

To part with the school is always sad and slightly sad. Indeed, here many have the first best friends and the first true love. Here you made your first victories and suffered the first disappointment.

I want to wish you success in your further adult life. Do not forget your school and your expensive teachers. Communicate between yourself and get every day even better than you are - because there is no limit to perfection!

Touching wishes to school graduates from the director

Already such native graduates!

So I do not want to close the door to childhood, but today you are already graduates of the school. Adults, self-sufficient and responsible young people.

Another eleven years ago we accepted you all in the ranks of our educational institution very young children. Someone hid behind Mom, someone actively acquainted with other kids, and someone just smiled and boldly walked towards new school adventures.

All of you are different, but you all our favorite students that we will always be proud of!

I wish you all great success! Let your adult life, outside the walls of the school, will be interesting and saturated, full of impressions and positive emotions!

Happy holiday, children! Always go ahead and only forward, the new page of your life is waiting for you and only you decide what it will be!

Festive toasts in prose from the director for graduation

Where to buy a ticket to childhood? This question is asked by many adults.

Today you are graduates who have an adult interesting and new life. I want to wish you not to forget the years spent on the school desk with classmates.

Let little failures become your big victories. And great victories will help you to open the doors of the best educational institutions.

From the pure heart and the entire school directorate, I thank every graduate and I wish you creative success and loud victories!

Best side fairs and congratulations to graduates of grade 11

Today, congratulating all graduates with exams, and the long-awaited holiday prom, I want to wish each of you great success, fewer difficulties, more attention and respect.

Remember, you are the best students who have a big invaluable experience for their shoulders.

Be proud of your knowledge, skills, strive to learn even more, and never forget the walls of your native school, where you love and will be glad to you on any day!

Happy holiday, dear graduates!

On May 22, in the schools of the rural settlement, the Uspenskie sounded the last calls of 2015.

The guys congratulated and spoke of parting speech director of schools, teachers and class teachers.

Congratulated graduates and the head of the village settlement Assumption Vladimir Goryolav. " The last call is a symbol of graduation, this is a cheerful and sad holiday at the same time. Behind the lessons, control and homework. For those students who this year finish grade 11, the last call closes the student, and ahead is the long-distance road of adulthood, and what it will be - to solve only you! I am sure that, despite all the difficulties and problems that have been studying school over the years, no matter what, you will remember these years with warmth and love. I wish you always to be people with pure thoughts, noble actions and happy fate! Of course, good luck on exams, good summer mood and excellent rest!"- said Vladimir Vladimirovich.

This day is special for those guys who completed training. Graduates today had the last school line. Elegant dresses, bows and tape graduates are a holiday that will forever remain in the memory of graduates, parents and teachers.

Of course, it was not without surprises. The younger generation prepared colorful numbers for graduates. They danced, read poems and sang songs.

In response, 11-graders said a lot of good words to teachers and directors. Also, the audience of today's holiday they pleased with small performances and traditional waltz.

Here are the solemn rules, our graduates took place on the last circle of honor. We wish them further success in adulthood and that all of them come to do!

I congratulate you dear our graduates. Here is another generation, we are released from our school doors. I wish you guys, outline a goal and go to this goal the most correct ways. The main thing is to find yourself in life and understand what to strive for. I wish you a lot of success in combination with rational wise decisions. And then everything in your life will be obtained.

Dear graduates, accomplishing you in adulthood, I want to wish you to always remain honest and fair, make sure solutions and follow your principles. I want you to successfully mastered the chosen profession, became happy people.

Well, in good way, guys,
I wish you boldly go to go,
To in life, not a single barrier
You did not get on the way!

Let your wishes come true
Let all happiness acquire!
And in life the main calling
Let all graduates find!

You will tell you in a good way guys.
You send director's hello
So imperceptibly flew
All the older school years.

Let the desire come true
Let all you are lucky
Tropick adult, new life
To the top bright will lead.

Guys! Joy, school pride!
Her hope and the basis!
Wrong to you,
I wish you just a little bit
Sad, but in the distance to watch calmly,
So that the path has found your own - worthy.
And so that he was possibly clean,
He had a deep meaning.
Try, wait, seek!
To us for advice, please contact us.
I wish your flight
Prevented a new takeoff!

For you, graduates,
Rings the bell last,
School in the world big
Doors open you.

On behalf of the whole school
And from teachers
I wish you children
Happy me road.

We taught you
Everything we know
I wish you feel free
In life you stepped.

To goals were confidently
The vertices conquered
So that native school
Always proud of you.

Dear our graduates, congratulations on the end of the school! You have to make an important step to determine the direction of the life path. We wish this step to be conscious and faithful. So that you were happy and engaged in your favorite thing.

School years flying
And it came to say goodbye time!
You are waiting for new in the life of the height,
I wish you only good!

Let your desire come true
To sang from happiness soul!
Let all beginnings
And there will always be life good!

Graduation classes, congratulations
Take now. How the director will tell you,
That rightfully you are worthy of admiration,
Therefore, you wish you from all my heart

So that the path is further successful
Surrounded soover joy and warmth,
That even very difficult tasks were solved,
Happiness to everywhere you went.

School ship with you breaks up
But in memory he remains
After all, school - childhood best years,
You always be remembered!

And I, like the captain, congratulations to you
And sincerely, I sincerely wish
So that you find your way in life
And to no one with it to roll!