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Compound registered subject. Composite nimble leaf

Composite nominal leaky (grade 8), along with subject, is one of the main members of the sentence. As you know, three types of fags are distinguished: a simple verbal lean, composite verbal led, composite nominal faithful. A simple verbal is expressed by one imperative word or bound phrase. A composite verbal fault includes two parts: infinitives and verb. What is an integral name of the lean? To begin with, we note that it is studied in the 8th grade, consists of two parts: ligaments and a nominal part.

Composite name led (8th grade)

Bunch in the composite name

Bunch expresses modality and time category. The following verbs can be most often as a bundle:

  • The verb be in all categories of time. Do not forget that this verb in the form of the present turn turns into a zero ligament;
  • verbs become, to be, become et al;
  • verbs with a categorical value of the action of either the process: come back, stand, go away, go, go, fly away, come, etc.;
  • Katerina is excited and inflicted due to unforeseen circumstances arising from her way home. I will only be the first to be better than you. We will become a good boy, I may take you to the circus.
  • On the street I became cool, so we returned to the house. You turned out to be a two-room person, because I wanted to quarrel all. It becomes fun from those memories of long-lasting days.
  • Would get healthy from this doctor. Spouse will fly around the aircraft through Moscow by direct flight.

Types of ligaments

There is a composite name several types of ligamentsnoticeably different from each other:

In the forms of the past and future time verb be it is clearly expressed. The same context: She was a physician with extensive experience, but small ambitions and she will be a physician with extensive experience, but small ambitions. The proposals are allocated for composite nominal faiths with an abstract bundle.

A few words and the form of a subjunctive inclination, when used to the abstract bundle, a particle would be added. Offer: She would be a physician with extensive experience, but small ambitions.

  • The bunch is semi-person, represented by verbs appear, seem to be, to appear, become, etc. The peculiarity of the semi-significant bundles is that they carry not only the grammatical component in themselves, but also help in expressing the value of the nominal part of the facility. Offer: She turned out to be a physician with extensive experience, but small ambitions.
  • Bunch of iconic, expressed by the words of action, movement, any process. For example, they will take such verbs as sitting, lying, hear, think, read, walk, breathe, run, swim, wash, undress, talk, etc. These ligaments express specific lexical and grammatical meanings. Suggestions: Geese in the yard went important, as if the owners of the entire coupling. He served as an ensign on the border for many years.

Name portion of the composite name

The role of the nominal part protrude:

  • Summer days are in short. Today you look better than yesterday. I will be later, you may not wait for me to dinner. (The name is adjective in a comparative degree).
  • She is an ornament of this evening (name noun in the form of a cartonal case).
  • Aunt Masha seemed very sad. Summer this year was extremely cold. Flowers donated with you for the holiday were very beautiful. (Name adjective to a positive).
  • This child sometimes happens at all. A man living in the floor above is extremely rich. Honey, collected from his apiary, so sweet. (name adjective in brief form).
  • All errors made by writing dictation were my (assignant pronoun).
  • I suddenly became scary. It was rather strange (adverb).

Offers with composite names

Thus, the composite name is being studied in the 8th grade, along with other types of faithful: simple verb and composite verb. His feature - the presence of two parts: Bundles and nominal part. The problem of modern school education is that sometimes students do not have time to fully understand the essence of the types of faithful, as a result, the inability to find and define one of the main members of the sentence. You can deal with this problem in different ways, for example, work with a tutor or see the available and simple video tutorials on the Internet.

Composite fadies - These are the fampted, in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words. The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time and inclination) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He served (PGS). - He began to sing (GSS); He sick two months (PGS). - He was sick two months (SIS).

Composite verbal leaky (ghs) consists of two parts:

but) auxiliary part (verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) main part (The indefinite form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

GSS \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive

For example: I started singing; I want to sing ; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be a composite verb fault, two conditions must be performed:

    Auxiliary verb should be lexically incomplete, that is, it is alone (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what the speech is in the proposal.

    CP: i started - what to do?; i want to - what to do?.

    If in combination of "verb + infinitives" the verb is significant, then he is one is a simple verbal faugible, and infinitives is a secondary member of the sentence.

    Wed: She is sent (for what purpose?) relax .

    The effect of the infinitive should relate to the subject (this is a subject infinitive). If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the facid, but is a secondary member.

    1. I want to sing . I want to sing - composite verbal leaky (I want - I, sing will - I ).
    2. I asked her to sing. Posil - Simple verbal leaky, sing - Supplement (requested - I will sing - she).

The values \u200b\u200bof the auxiliary verb

Value Typical verbs and phraseologisms Examples
1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action) Start, become, go down, continue, cum, stay, stop, throw, stop and etc.

He began to prepare for departure.
It continued to prepare To departure.
He gave up smoking .
He is again embedded to reason About rural life.

2. Modal meaning (necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of the action, etc.) Be able to be able to desire, want to dream, to intend, refuse, try, try, counting, able to manage, try, to assume, get used to, hurry, be afraid, to endure, love, hate, fear, fenced, drove, to be afraid , burn with desire, to have an honor, to have an intention, give a promise to have a habit and etc.

I can sing .
I want to sing .
I'm afraid to sing.
I love to sing .
I'm shatting singing.
I i count sing This Aria.

Compound Issign Sampling Plan

  1. Specify the type of faith.
  2. Indicate what the main part is expressed (subject infinitive); What value is auxiliary part (phase, modal) and which form of the verb is expressed.

Sample analysis

The old man started chewing again.

Russed to chew - composite verbal leaky. Main part ( chew) Expressed subject infinitive. Auxiliary part ( empty) It has a phase value and is expressed by the verb in the past time of expressing inclination.

In this article, we will tell about the types of faiths, let's stop in detail on the composite name and its ligaments, we give examples.

As you know, the whole led and subject is the main members. The faithful is usually consistent with the family, and among the subject. It expresses the grammatical meaning of the expressive, imperative or conditional inclination.

The main types of fague:

1) simple verbal;

2) composite verbal;

3) Composite nominal leaky (see examples below).

Two principles of allocation of types of fag

They are divided into two principles. Types of the fadies are classified as follows:

1) in composition;

2) by their morphological nature.

In the first case, these types are separated as simple and composite. The latter includes composite nominal and verbal fags. Based on the second principle, they allocate nominal and verbal. The nominal part of the composite faugible can be expressed by the adjective, nouns and imputs. These divisions intersect. So, composite or simple can be a verbal fault, and the name is always composite.

Simple verbal faithful

The definition of which, as you see, has some nuances, expresses the verb in the hidden form, that is, consumed in the form of inclination (expressive, conditional or imperative). It also includes such options that do not have a formal indicator of time, inclination and subordination to be. These are truncated (tool, sense, baz, etc.), as well as an infinitive used in the meaning of the expiratory ignition. In addition, a simple verbal legend can be represented as well as a hidden fit of the verb + (come on, yes, let it, let it be, as it were, for sure, as if, just, etc.)

Composite nimble leaf

As already mentioned, the registered type is always composite, including those cases when it is only one word form. Despite the fact that the word expressing him, just one thing, in such sentences there is a composite nominal faith. Examples are specified as follows: "He is young. He is concerned about the works, concerns."

Such associates always have two components. The first is a bunch that expresses predicative categories of time and modality. The second is the provincial part, it indicates the real main content of this type of fag.

Bunch in the composite name

The teaching about the bundle in Russian science on the syntax is designed detailed. The peculiarity of the traditional approach is that this term is understood widespread. The bunch, firstly, is called the word "be", the only value of which is an indication of time and modality. Secondly, it is called verbs with modified and weakened in one degree or another, which express not only predicative categories, but also invest in such a lean.

Compare Examples: He was sad - he seemed sad - he returned sad.

In the first sentence, the bundle "be" was distracted, this is the official word, formant, which has grammatical forms of time and inclination, which is characteristic of the verb. However, it is not a verb, since it does not have a procedural action or a sign, as well as the category of the species that has any of them.

Renal and semi-significant bundles

In other examples, the bonds of another type are indicative and semi-significant. The latter make a sign of the sign (to become / become), to save it (remain / remain), external detection (seem / appear), the inclusion of external media (to enjoy / hear, to be considered) to the composite nominal leakage.

Examples can be given as follows: He became smart - he remained smart - he seemed smart - he was smart.

Renal ligaments are verbs with a certain, specific value (mainly denoting motion or stay in one state). They are able to attach to themselves either noun in the tr. with the meaning of high-quality characteristics, or adjective in the form of the TP or I.P.

Proposals with composite nominal fault with a momentous ligaments can be brought as an example:

1. He came hungry (hungry).

2. The boys remained the ruin.

Bunch "Be"

The bundle "Be", being distracted, does not have in the expressive inclination of the form of the present time, so its expression in this inclination is the absence of a bundle. Such proposals, oddly enough, also have a composite nominal lean. Examples:

1. The case is in vain.

2. Evening wonderful.

3. The road is good.

It should be distinguished from the bundle of the verb "to", which have two values:

1. To be, indulged (we were in the theater. At that time there were many ideas).

2. To exist (the sister had a doll).

Bundles "Essence" and "Have"

The words "essence" and "have", which go to the forms of the present time of the Third Face of the verb "to be", are considered official words in modern language, namely by particles.

The absence of a bundle is called its zero form. This definition formulated A. M. Peshkovsky, it was the first attempt to study the syntactic phenomena in the paradigmatic aspect. The introduction of this concept means that the syntactic structure (that is, the predicative basis of a certain name is studied not as such separately, but in a certain number. This illustrates the following examples:

1. Street will (was) crowded.

2. The street would be crowded.

3. Street crowded.

Composite verbal legend

We looked at such types of fagged as a simple verbal and composite nominal. Let us now dwell on the composite verbal faith. It includes two components - an infinitive and a hidden verb shape. The latter with its grammatical form and lexical meaning expresses the temporary, modal and aspect characteristics of some action, which is indicated by infinitive. Infinitives can join the verbs belonging to several semantic groups (wanted to work, began to work, came to work, forced to work).

Rules for determining the composite verb

Compound lean, according to grammatical tradition, is not any connection with the infinitive of the hidden form. In order to talk about him, two requirements should be respected:

1. The infinitive in such a surehead means not any action, but only a certain substance, the same as the hidden verb form, that is, a certain subject called by the subject.

Examples can be given as follows. On the one hand, he wanted to work, began to work, can work, knows how to work. On the other hand, the parents forced him to work, everyone asked the girl to sing, the head ordered the task. In the first case, which presents composite verbal fadies, infinitive is customary to be called a subject, since it denotes the action of a substance, the same as the hidden verb form. In the second case, there is an object infinitive, which is traditionally not contributed to the composite tag, but they talk about him as a secondary member.

2. Determining at the composite border, it is necessary to take into account the character, which has semantic relationships between the infinitive and the hidden verb form. Infinitive with a goal value is not included in it. It has such a value with different verbs of movement: came to work, went to chat, came running to find out, sent to find out. Infinitive goals (which can be, as clearly from examples, both object and subject) is a secondary member. Only compounds of infinitive with verbs, the most distracted by the value (with modal and phase) should be considered a composite.

The composite verbal legend is, thus referred to as the designation of action, a certain procedural attribute, which is characterized in aspect (began to work) or modal (wanted to work), or at the same time in both of them (I wanted to start working).

We reviewed the main types of faiths, stopping in detail on the composite name and various bundles that are present in it. This is just a brief overview of this topic, more detailed information can be found in any grammar tutorial in the section on the syntax.

Predicate Along with the element of the grammatical basis of the proposal. The attacked indicates the action that the subject performs, as well as its condition or a sign, therefore, the legend answers questions what to do? what to do? What happens to the subject? What is the subject? What is he? who is he? As a rule, the legend is expressed by the verb, but there are other ways of its expression - noun, adjective, pronoun, communion, etc.

The Russian language is represented by three species - simple verbal leaky, composite verb and composite nominal. In order to quickly and correctly determine the species of the faith in a separate case, it is necessary, first, to represent the scheme of the composition of the faded, secondly, to be able to apply the theoretical scheme in a particular linguistic material. Consider the types of the fadedes, briefly describe each of them and follow the implementation by the example.

1. Simple verbal leaky.

This is the easiest type of faugible - it is expressed by the verb in any inclination. For example, he plays; I would come early et al. Most often, this type is remembered by the formula: one word in the taught, it means that the failed simple verbal. It is not difficult to guess that this formula is erroneous: this type includes the faugables, which contain 2, 3 and even more words. For example:

It will be long remember About the past (Future complicated).

Let be Stars forever light Your long-long winter path (imperative mood).

It went out of myself (phraseologism).

They are waited, waited and did not wait (Repetition of one verb in different forms).

Spring waited, waiting nature (Repetition of identical verb forms).

Get offended do not be offended, but still will be in my opinion (Repetition of one verb with a particle is not).

I'll go string (a combination of different verbs in the same form).

2. Composite verbous legend.

This faugible is built according to the scheme: auxiliary verb + infinitive. All these elements must be present in a fault so that we can call it composite verbal! Again, it is not necessary to think that this legend consists of 2 components - there may be more.

It wants to come in the Institute.

I'm long could not with them meet.

You must learn.

It there was a hunter to have fun.

I was not able to think about it.

Note that the auxiliary element most often the phase verbs (those that denote the phase of action - Start, continue, become, throw) or modal words ( must owes, wants).

3. Compound nominal leakage.

Such a faithful consists of a verb-bundle and a name. The most common verb bunch beBut you can meet other bundles. The registered part is expressed by adjective. Nouns, adorption, communion, pronoun, etc.

Weather it was good.

The book is faithful friend.

His character little become.

Grass smeshen.

Evening quiet.

Error it was obvious.

Two by two - four.

This notebook my.

As you can see, the definition of the type of faithful simple task, you only need to confidently and absolutely know the material and, most importantly, be able to navigate in it.

the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

Composite verbal legendComposite fadies are a fague, in which lexical importance and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words.The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time and inclination) - in the auxiliary part.
Wed: He signed (PGS). - He began to sing (SGS); He was sick for two months (PGS). - He was sick for two months (SIS).

The composite verbal leakage (SGS) consists of two parts:
a) auxiliary part (verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part (an indefinable form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

GSS \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive

For example: I started singing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.
However, not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be a composite verb fault, two conditions must be performed:
1. Auxiliary verb should be lexically incomplete, that is, one (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what is about the proposal.
CP: I started - what to do?; I want - what to do?
1. If in a combination of "verb + infinitives" the verb is significant, then it is one is a simple verbal fault, and infinitives is a secondary member of the sentence.
Wed: She sat down (for what purpose?) Relax.
2. The effect of the infinitive should relate to the subject (this is a subject infinitive). If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the facid, but is a secondary member.
1. I want to sing. I want to sing - a composite verbal legend (I want - I will sing I - I).
2. I asked her to sing. I asked - a simple verbal legend, sing - addition (I asked me - I will sing - she).

The values \u200b\u200bof the auxiliary verb

1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action) Start, become, to go, continue, cum, stay, stop, throw, stop, etc. He began to prepare for departure.
He continued to prepare for departure.
He gave up smoking.
He again let him argue about rural life.
2. MODAL meaning (need, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of the action, etc.) Be able to be able to desire, want to dream, to intend, refuse, try, try, counting, able to manage, try, to assume, get used to, hurry, be afraid, to endure, love, hate, fear, fenced, drove, to be afraid , burn with a desire, to have an honor, to have an intention, to promise, have a habit, etc.
I can sing.
I want to sing.
I'm afraid to sing.
I love to sing.
I'm shatting singing.
I expect to sing this aria.

Compound Issign Sampling Plan
1. Specify the type of faith.
2. Specify than the main part is expressed (subject infinitive); What value is auxiliary part (phase, modal) and which form of the verb is expressed.
Sample analysis
The old man started chewing again.
Empty chew is a composite verbal leap. The main part (chew) is expressed by a subject infinitive. The auxiliary part (empty) has a phase value and is expressed by the verb in the last time of the expansive inclination.
Auxiliary part of the composite verb can be expressed by the verb be (in the present time in zero form) + Adjective briefs glad is ready, obliged, must, intends, capable , as well as adverbs and nouns with the modal value:

I was ready (not off, able) wait.

Composite nimble leaf

The composite nominal leakage (SIS) consists of two parts:
a) auxiliary part - a bunch (verb in a hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and inclination);
b) the main part is the nominal part (name, adverb) expresses the lexical meaning.

SIS \u003d bunch + registered part

For example: he was a doctor; He became a doctor; He was sick; He was sick; He was wounded; He came first.
Types of verbs-ligaments

Type of ligament by value

1. The grammatical bunch - expresses only the grammatical meaning (time, inclination), does not have a lexical value. Verbs to be, be. In the present time, the bunch should usually be in zero form ("zero bunch"): the absence of a bundle points to the present time of expressive inclination. He was a doctor.
He will be a doctor.
He is a doctor.
He was sick.
It will be sick.
He is sick.
It is sick.
Lyrics have the highest manifestation of art.
2. The semi-significant bundle - not only expresses the grammatical meaning, but also contributes to the lexical value of the additional shades of the associated shades, but cannot be an independently led (in that value). a) the emergence or development of a sign: to become, become, to make, become;
b) Saving a feature: stay;
c) manifestation, sign detection: to be, to be;
d) an assessment of a sign in terms of reality: seem to seem to seem to be considered, to hear;
e) Sign name: to be called, be wounded.

He became ill.
He remained sick.
He was sick every fall.
He was sick.
He was considered sick.
He seemed sick.
It is sick.
He walked sick.
They were called patients.
3. A significant bunch of verb with a complete lexical value (can one act as a failed).
a) verbs of position in space: sit, lie, stand;
b) verbs of movement: go, come, return, wander;
c) verbs of the state: to live, work, be born, die.

She sat tired.
He gone angry.
He returned upset.
He lived herger.
He was born happy.
He died the hero.

Verb be May act independently simple verbal faults in sentences with the meaning of being or possessing:
He had three sons; He had a lot of money.
Verbs become becoming etc. Also can be independent simple verbal faults, but in another meaning:
He found himself in the city center;
He became near the wall.
The most difficult for analysis are composite nominal faiths with a significant bundle, because usually such verbs are independently tamers (Wed: he sat at the window). If the verb becomes a bundle, then its value is less important than the meaning of the name associated with the verb (he sat tired; more important is that he was tired, and not what he was sitting, and not standing or lay).
In order for the combination of "significant verb + name" to be a component of the name, the following conditions must be observed:
1. A significant verb can be replaced by a grammatical bundle to be:
He sat tired - he was tired; He was born happy - he was happy; He came first - he was the first;
2. Bundle can be done zero:

He sat tired - he is tired; He was born happy - he is happy; He came first - he is the first.
If the verb has dependent forms of complete adjective, the communion, the ordinal number (answers the question what?), Then this is always a composite nominal leaky (sat tired, gone upset, came first). The commas part of such a composite name is not divided!

Methods for expressing the name

1. Name noun
1.1. The noun in the nominative or cleaner case is my brother.
He was my brother.
1.2. The noun in an indirect case with an excuse or without the pretext of the navigator was in forgetting.
I'm without a penny.
This house is Meshkov.
1.3. One-piece phrase with the main word - nouns in the parental case (with the meaning of quality assessment)
The son-in-law was silent breed.
This high growth girl.
2. The name of adjective
2.1. Brief adjective
He is cheerful.
He became cheerful.
2.2. Full adjective in the nominative or in the hardening case he is fun.
He became cheerful.
2.3. Adjective in comparative or in excellent degree here sounds of music were heard.
You are the best.
3. Communion
3.1. Brief Communion He is wounded.
Glasses were broken.
3.2. Full swaps in the nominative or cleaner glass of glass were broken.
Glasses were broken.
4. Pronomed or whole phrase with the main wordpronoun all the fish is yours.
This is something new.
5. Numeral in the nominative or cleaner case
Their hut is the third with the edge.
Their hut was the third with the edge.
6. Institutes
I was on guard.
His daughter is married to my brother.

1) Even if the faithful consists of one word - a name or adverb (with a zero ligament), it is always a composite nominal leaky;
2) brief adjectives and the intersections are always part of the composite nominal faith;
3) nominative and cooling case - the main case forms of the name of the faithful;
4) The nominal part of the tag may be expressed by a solid phrase in the same cases as subject.

The most typical errors in the analysis of the composite nominal faith:
1. The brief form of adjective and especially the communities are taken for the verb, so the faugible mistaken is considered simple verb. In order not to make a mistake, put the failed time: the surfix appears in the verb, and a brief adjective or communion will appear (it was, it was).
For example:
He is sick (PGS). - He was sick;
He is sick (SIS). - He was sick;
The city is taken (SIS). - The city was taken.
2. A brief adjective medium (registered part of the faded) is confused with nascha. To not be mistaken, pay attention to the form of subject:
If there is no (SUPPORTED), then the name of the tame is adverb.
Wed: Sea calmly;

If the infinitive, a noun, female, male genus, a noun in the plural, then the name of the faugible - adverb: to live is good; Life is good; Children are good;
If the noun is a noun average, change the number of subject or substitute another subject - a noun female or male genus: the form of adverbs will not change; The end of a brief adjective will change; You can also replace a brief adjective for complete.
Wed: Sea calmly (SIS; Named part is progressive). - River calm; The sea is calm; Sea calm).
3. The registered part of the tame, pronounced complete adjective, communion, sequence, erroneously disassembled as a secondary member - definition. In order not to be mistaken, pay attention to what the word is called what? to this name.
If the question is raised from the subject or addition, this is a definition.
Wed: She had red

Wed: She had red (what?) Dress; Red - definition.
If what's the question? It is placed from the verb, then this is the name of the faithful.
Wed: her dress was

Wed: Her dress was (what?) Red; Red - Nominal part of the tame.
If the verb in the sentence is not, then pay attention to the order of words:
The definition is usually faced with a noun.
Wed: She has a red dress;
The nominal part of the responding is usually standing after the noun.
Wed: Her dress is red.

4. Nominal part of the tame, pronounced by the noun, pronoun in the nominative case, is often confused with the subject. It is especially difficult to distinguish between the subject and faithful if both members are expressed by the forms of the nominative case.
To distinguish between the subject and fabricated, pronounced forms of the nominative case, consider the following:
The subject is usually preceded by the fault:
Moscow is capital of Russia; Capital of Russia - Moscow.
However, in Russian, the legend can also be preceded to be.
Wed: Good man Ivan Ivanovich;
Indicating particle this is It is necessary or can be delivered before the fault:
Moscow is the capital of Russia; Moscow is the capital of Russia; Ivan Ivanovich is a good person.
Please note that in offers of the type: it's good; This is my brother - this is subject to a pronounced index pronoun in the nominative case;
to be expressed only by the form of a nominative case; At the following two main cases - nominative and cleaner case. If you put a bunch in the proposal to be in the past time (it was, it was, it was) or to appear, the form of a nominative case of the fag change to the form of the creatorial, and the former will remain.
Wed: Moscow was the capital of Russia; Moscow is the capital of Russia; Ivan Ivanovich was a good person; Ivan Ivanovich is a good person.

Compound Nominal Tale
1. Specify the type of faith.
2. Specify than the name is expressed, in what form is the verb bunch.
Sample analysis
Life is good.
Good - composite nominal fag. The nominal part is well pronounced; grammatical bunch to be in zero; The zero bunch indicates to the present time of expressive challenge: I came first.
The first one came - the composite name of the lean. The first part is first pronounced by a sequence numeral in the nominative case; The significant bundle came expressed by the verb in the past time of expressive tracking: this guy of medium height.
Medium height is a composite name of the lean. Nominal part of the average growth is expressed by a solid phrase with the main word - nouns in the parental case; grammatical bunch to be in zero; Zero bunch indicates to the present time of expressing inclination.