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Even after some time. Some time later. B) circumstances expressed by nouns

You were together for a while. Perhaps a few months, and perhaps for many years. You were passionate about each other, or even loved. Then it happened so that you broke up.

You sadly, angry, sobbed, lost a couple of kilograms. It was comforting with girlfriends, attended a psychologist, engaged in sports, traveled to the world, started a dozen new hobbies, realized that life just begins, began to look great, walk to concerts, in theaters, on dates. It began to smile in the morning and before bedtime. Suddenly…

He reserved from ash, he appears on the light. As in the old anecdote: "All in white!".

Where he was? What is back? What does it want? How do I react to him? These and other questions instantly pop up in the head in a woman, introduce it into confusion.

Once my colleague has led an excellent example from the life of the dickery: "At night, when it becomes cool, the dickery roll together to get to warm up. But as soon as they come closer, hurt each other with their long needles. From pain Animals are moving away. It becomes cold again, they again get closer, hurt each other, rolled back ... It goes through the night of the dickery. "

When I heard this story, I immediately had an association with former men. There is no such "dickery", which never "rolled" back. Why are they doing that?

Why do they come back: three reasons

The first reason: to evaluate the correctness of the choice

Men are pragmatic, and for the most part there are an analytical warehouse of the mind. Once by choosing, a man with a certain periodicity checks its relevance and correctness. Whether marriage with a woman, or a break with her. It should be understood that the man remembers his former at the moment when something was not charged with this. Therefore, in the frequency of appearances, you can track the dynamics of his personal life, without even asking him about it.

Second Reason: Check Facilities

If the gap initiative proceeded from the man, and especially if the gap as such was not, and he was simply distinguished, he still retains the sense of the right to possess this woman. And then a man appears to make sure that her thoughts and feelings still belong to him.

Your emotional reaction will help him help him. It does not matter whether it is positive or negative. If a woman loves and waiting - she belongs to him. If a woman hates or suffers - she belongs to him. That is why the former often causes us an emotional reaction. Cool-brave-friendly indifference is the worst thing that a man can detect. So he understands that the woman is no longer him.

Third reason: you started living

Happy woman possesses a magnet - a man pulls her to her. Starting the relationship in the filled state, the woman focuses on a man, forgets about life in all its diversity. And devastated.

Then for a long time, suffering in a man after the gap, the woman really does not live, staying empty. Naturally, he does not remember it. But when she begins to live, engage in loved ones, communicate, enjoy, walk on dates, create career successes, a man feels this energy. Energy of life, positive, success, pleasure, and immediately appears. A filled, charged woman becomes interesting to him again.

If there is a former in your life, and you are not going to renew a relationship with him, remember these three councils.

The appearance of former men in the life of a woman can safely perceive as a compliment of its energy fullness.

Tip 2: Domestly, if such relationships create value for you

I do not recommend making friendship with a former man for a year or two after parting. This is a period of residence of loss. At this moment, friendship cannot be sincere, most likely, it is accompanied by the suffering and hopes of one of the parties. But after the separation process was passed, we can support friendship with former partners, if profitable and nice for both.

To be friends with the former is to get / create help and support, cooperate, raise your mood, and much more, what people can do, which in many parameters are pretty each other.

Tip 3: Surprise universal wisdom and thank her

It is amazing, but through the prism of time, people begin to understand that parting was not a drama, not a tragedy, but a gift. Almost no one after ten years after a divorce or parting, he does not think about the resumption of relationships. The longer the time passes, the more obvious the great idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe.

Have a nice former, real and future female happiness, my dear!

Separation (separation of comma) circumstances depends primarily on the method of their expression.

A) circumstances expressed by verbalia

1. Circumstances, pronounced by verbalias (for verdicts you can ask morphological issues what do you do? What made?) and consistent turnover (i.e., with verbalists with dependent words), as a rule, separate Regardless of the place that they occupy with respect to the verb-to-beam:

Example: Widely spreading hands, sleeps the chumased bulldozer (Sands). Ksenia dinner spreading the handkerchief on the rod (Sands).

If the circumstance, expressed by the leading and height turnover, is standing in the middle of the sentence, it is allocated with commas on both sides:

And then to the cliff, leaving your bulldozer, ran up Nikolai (Sands). Bird, shudder, picked up the wings (Permites).

Separate circumstances, pronounced by measles, and consistent turnover, are close to the meaningful to the secondary faith (but they never have independently fault!). Therefore, they can be replaced by pressing proposals or independently led.

Wed: And then to the cliff, leaving your bulldozer, ran up Nikolai. - Nikolai left his bulldozer and ran to the cliff. Bird, shudder, picked up the wings. - The bird shuddered and picked up the wings.


1) The restrictive particles are only included inside the separated design and stand out with it.

Chirknuiled match only for a second refreshing the face of a man.

2) Temploying and a height turnover, standing after the writing or subordinate union / allied word, are separated from it with a comma (such a turn can be taken away from the union, to rearrange the proposal to another place or withdraw from the proposal).

Wed: He threw the pen and throwing back on the back of the chair, began to look at the moonlight glade (Permites). - He threw the pen and began to look at the glade's flooded lunar light; Life is arranged so that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love (M. Gorky). - Life is arranged so that it is impossible to love sincerely, do not know how to hate.

3) The Union, the Allied Word is not divided by a semicolon with a lead-to-acting and inaccessible turnover in the event that an adperct design cannot be removed from the union, the union word, to withdraw from the proposal without destroying the structure of the proposal itself. It is most often observed in relation to the writing union a.

Wed: He tried to read the books unnoticed, and reading somewhere hid (It is impossible: He tried to read the books unnoticed, but somewhere hid); but: He did not call the author's notes, and, after reading, put it in his pocket. - He did not call the author's notes, and put it in his pocket.

Two homogeneous verbalias or particlepric turns associated with single writing or dividing unions and, or, or, are not separated.

Telephone player sat, clasping his knees and leaning on them forehead (Cablanov).

If the Union binds not two verbalias, but other structures (taught, parts of a complex offer, etc.), the commas are put in accordance with the rules for the formulation of punctuation marks with homogeneous members, in a complex sentence, etc.

Wed: 1. I took a note and, after reading, put it in my pocket. Single Union and binds to the fag ( i took and thrust) And the comma is placed after the Union;

2. He stopped, thinking about something, and sharply wrapped, called the watch. Single Union and connects two faiths ( stopped and called). Circumstances - accompanying momentums relate to different faiths ( has stopped , thinking about something; call sharply wrapped ). Therefore, they are separated from other members of the sentence on both sides.

2. are not isolated Circumstances, pronounced by measles and height turnover, in the following cases:

    conditional turnover is a phraseology:

    He worked after the sleeves; He ran beating his head.

    Note. Most often in the texts are not separated by such phraseologisms: running his head, running sowing head, work after the sleeves, working dries the sleeves, work not to dying the hands, sit back, rush to dried the tongue, listen to breathing, shout not passing the spirit, lying stretching the ceiling, not remembering yourself, spend the night is not a shiny eyes, listen to the waving ears. But if such phraseologism is an introductory word ( conscientiously speaking, honestly, frankly, in short, apparently), it is allocated with commas, for example: Apparently, he was not going to help me; In short, we will have to do everything yourself.

    before verprica, an amplifier particle is standing and (not the union!):

    You can live and not enough mind;


    Temploying in modern Russian is never a fault, so verb and verbality can not be homogeneous members!

    templocoming is part of the pressing offer and has an allied word as a dependent. In this case, the comma only separates the main proposal from the apparent, and between the hempuriss and the union word that the comma does not put:

    We are facing the most difficult tasks, without deciding which We will not be able to get out of the crisis;

    an accredite turnover includes in its composition to be.

    In this case, the comma only separates the entire turnover from the taent, and the semicolonde to be and the verdictivity is not separated. Such structures are found in poetic texts of the XIX century:

    On a spruce flashes, have breakfast Already gathered ... (Wings); Wed: Crow, perching on spruce, gathered breakfast;

    tempecippiece acts as a homogeneous member with an unique circumstance and is associated with the Union and:

    He walked quickly and not looking around.

3. Are not separate Conditional structures and single verbalia, which have lost the verb value. These are the most difficult cases for punctuation parsing. They require special attention to the meaning of verbalism, to the context in which the verbiciency and others are used.

    Doeperic and particle acts are not separated, which finally lost the verbal importance, moved to a discharge of an instill or acquired an inequer value in this context:

    She looked at me without blinking (It is impossible: watched and not blinked); We drove slowly (It is impossible: we went and in no hurry); Train Shel do not stop (It is impossible: went and did not stop); He answered sitting (It is impossible: he answered and sat); He went bent back (It is impossible: he walked and bent).

    Such single verbalias, less commonly, accompanying turns are usually circumstances of the image of action (answer questions as? how?), merge with the faithful to one whole, are not separated from the faithful pause and most often stand immediately after the faithful:

    i watched silently, I watched smiling, I listened to frowning, I didn't stop walking, it was walking, walked, walked, wondered, won my head, wrote my head, didn't he and etc.

    Often such verbalia can be replaced by adverbs, nouns with pretexts and without them.

    Wed: He spoke about it smiling. - He spoke about it with a smile; Train Shel do not stop. - The train went without stopping.

    In all such consumption, verbality does not indicate an independent effect, but on the image of an action expressed by the legend.

    For example, in the sentence: He walked bent - Act one ( went), and former verprepiece ( bent) Indicates an action image - a characteristic position when walking.

    If, in this context, the verb value is preserved, then single verbality or particle gains are separated. Usually in this case, with the verb, there are other circumstances; The verdicticity also acquires the value of clarification, explanations and intonationally stands out.

    Wed: He walked without looking around. - He hurriedly walked, not looking around.

    Strengthening the verbity in particresions can contribute to the degree of prevalence of consideration.

    Wed: She sat waiting. - She sat, waiting for a response.

    Are not isolated Former verprices that have lost contact with the verb and switched to the rank of servicewords: Starting with (in the value "from such a time"), based on (in the value "on the basis of"), depending on (in the meaning "in accordance") :

    Everything has changed since last Monday; The estimate is compiled based on your calculations; Act facing circumstances.

    However, in other contexts turns may be separated:

    turnover with words Starting with isolate, if the nature of the clarification, explanations and is not associated with the concept of time:

    The word starting in such contexts cannot be thrown without prejudice to the sense of supply;

    turnover with words based on isolation, if in meaning correlated with a manufacturer of action that can "proceed from something":

    We constituted the estimate, based on your calculations (we proceeded from your calculations);

    the turnover with the words depending on it is isolated if it matters refinement or joining:

    Accounted for act caution, depending on the circumstances (clarification, you can insert "namely"); Vacation can be used to occupy various sports, watching the year (joining).

B) circumstances expressed by nouns

1. Always are isolated The circumstances of the concession expressed by noun with pretexts despite, despite the. Such revisions can be replaced with the apparent concessions with the union though.

Wed: Despite rainy summer, the harvest was excellent (Conveillan). - Although summer was rainy, the crop was excellent; Despite a strong shelling, Fedyunsky rose to his supervisory point. "Although shelling was strong, Fedyunsky rose to his supervisory point."

2. May be isolated circumstances:

    causes with pretexts and proposed combinations due to, due to, due to the lack of absence, according to, due to, due to, due to the case et al. (can be replaced by the appropriate offer with the union since).

    Wed: Savelich, according to the yamchik's opinion, advised to grind. - Since Savelich agrees with the opinion of the yamchik, he advised to grind; Children, due to youngstershave not defined any posts (Turgenev). - Since the children were small, they were not identified any posts;

    concessions with pretexts Contrary to (can be replaced by the apparent offer with the union though).

    Wed: His life with all the severity of his position, walked easier, slimmer than the life of Anatol (Herzen). - Although the situation was heavy, his life was lighter, slimmer than the life of Anatoly; Contrary to its instructions, ships brought into the sea early in the morning (Fedoseyev). - Although he gave instructions, the ships brought into the sea early in the morning.

    conditions with pretexts and proposed combinations if there is no, in the absence, in the case of et al. (can be replaced by the apparent offer with the Union if).

    Wed: Workers in case of refusal, I decided to declare a strike. - if the workers are denied, they decided to declare a strike;

    objectives with pretexts and proposed combinations in order to avoid (can be replaced by the appropriate offer with the union so that).

    Wed: Money, to avoid delay, Translate the telegraph. - To avoid delay, transfer money to the telegraph;

    comparisons with the Union is like.

    Wed: Nikolai Petrovich was born in southern Russia, like the eldest brother Paul (Turgenev).

However, turnover with such pretexts and proposed combinations may not be separated.

The turns are more often separated, which are located between the subject and faithful:

Savelich, according to the yamchik's opinion, advised to grind.

In addition, separate turns are usually common, that is, they contain a noun with dependent words:

Thanks to great weatherand especially Festive Day, the street of the village of Marynsky revived again (Grigorovich).

As a rule, the indicated revisions at the end of the sentence are not separated.

Wed: Workers as directed by Master, headed in the next workshop. - Workers went to the next shop as directed by Master.

In general, the separation of revolutions with the specified pretexts and the proposed combinations is optional.

3. Circumstances expressed by names noun, without prepositions or other pretexts, are isolated only if they acquire an additional semantic load, have an explanatory value or combine several circumstantial values \u200b\u200b(temporary and causal, temporary and seeding, etc.).

For example: Peter, after the resolute refusal received by him, went to his room (L. Tolstoy).

In this case, the circumstance combines the values \u200b\u200bof the time and reasons ( when did you go? and why did he leave?). Note that the turnover is expressed by nouns with dependent words and is located between the subject and be sure.


Separate circumstances expressed by noun always allocated intonation. However, the presence of a pause does not always indicate the presence of a comma. So, the circumstances that cost at the beginning of the proposal are always distinguished.

Wed: In St. Petersburg / I was last year; Last year, I was in St. Petersburg.

However, the comma after such circumstances is not put!

C) circumstances expressed by adveria

Circumstances expressed by adverbs (with dependent words or without dependent words) are separated only if the author wants to attract attention if they have the meaning of associated remarks, etc.:

A moment later on the courtyard it is not known, ran out of a man in Nanko Kaftan, with white, like snow, head (Turgenev).

Tell me, please, do you need a comma before "and"? I hope Ivanova released, and he will sign a new contract.

The comma is not needed because the introductory word hope Refers to both parts of a complex proposal.

Question number 297655.

Good day. Tell me how the seed or seed? And accordingly: in the flaxseed seed or in a flaxseed seed. Thank you. I hope for an answer.

Russian reference service response

Large dictionary

Beat Sword -and; mN. Rod. -receipt, dates. -bels; g. . One seed of sunflower or pumpkin. Solve seed. Full, empty with.

Bezko, -but; mN. Rod. -receipt, dates. -bels; cf. 1. Reduce. to me me (1 zn). 2. Oblong or flat seed in the fruit of which plants. S. Apple. Watermelon, pumpkin seeds. 3. only MN: Bez Swords, Schek. Sunflower seeds or pumpkins as a delicacy. Close, gnawing, cheating seeds. Raw, fried seeds. Black seeds (Sunflower). White seeds (Pumpkin). Seed with seeds; paul reversed by seeds (husks of these seeds). It's seeds for us (talk; about what does not require effort; Empting, nonsense). < Becoy, - one. (2-3 zn). Cous and bone fruit. C-born fruit trees. S-Aya Halva (from sunflower seeds).

Question number 296806.

Good day. Tell me, please, which part of the speech is the word "however," when the whole phrase consists only of one of this word (in the meaning of surprise, amazement). Thank you.

Russian reference service response

Large dictionary

BUT. I. union. UPOTR. To join the proposals or individual members of the sentence with the value of opposition, inconsistencies to the previous or limitation of the previous one (close by the meaning of the Union "but"). Star, oh. energetic and cheese. I said goodbye to the time, oh. The reasons did not explain. At home, loves to sing, away, oh., Shy. A. I know you too well to fully trust you. We did not hoped to meet, oh. Seen years later. Although I appreciate you, about. Do not overestimate. * At least to live sad, my friends, however live is still possible (Pushkin). II. input. sl. Nevertheless, still, after all. I think everything will be fine, but be, oh., Careful.Pupils love me, but, oh., Do not listen. Prepared for the performance all day; Meeting, about. and did not take place. Fully share your indignation, but you, oh., Be too hot. III. interddes (with exclants. intonation). UPOTR. to express surprise, bewilderment, indignation, etc. He was recently elected to academicians. - ABOUT.! I will certainly become a great singer. - ABOUT.!

Question number 295676.

Hello, tell me, please, do you need to separate the expression designated by numbers: "A sharp cry came suddenly twice in a river over the river and (1) after a few moments (2) Repeated further"

Russian reference service response

There is no reason to set commas.

Question number 295208.

Hello. It is necessary to put a comma in the sentence: "These tablets begin to act after 12 hours." On one of the sites they write that you need to put a comma after the word "pill".

Russian reference service response

The comma is not required.

Question number 294158.

When you need to use "through", and when "later"?

Russian reference service response

In the meaning "after any time" prepositions through and layingequivalent. It is difficult to give an example when a design with a pretext laying Cannot be replaced with design with a pretext through.

Question number 293990.

GOOD DAY. Do you need a comma: but, after time, ......

Russian reference service response

You do not need commas.

Question number 293396.

Good day. Tell me, please, whether the punctuation marks in the phrase are correctly placed in the phrase "our name - Mercedes Cup - he received a year later - in 1979."? Thank you.

Russian reference service response

It is better: your current name is Mercedes Cup - he received a year later, in 1979.

Question number 292436.

Good day! Tell me, please, whether the phrase "after the years" is distinguished in the letter in the following sentence: "In the worst case, years later, closing the Eternal Glant's land."

Russian reference service response

Before words "after years," the comma is not needed.

Question number 292090.

Tell me, please, you need a comma at the place of pass. Almost ten years later () at the session held in 1966.

Russian reference service response

The comma is needed.

Question number 291998.

Hello, I ask to clarify the spelling of the word "post * nuclear" - with "Kommersant" after the prefix or ply. Your site contains two diametrically opposite options (see below). § 70. The letter Kommersant is written only before E, Yu, I in the following cases: 1. When combining the console ending on the consonant, and the root, for example: an entrance, volume, supernatural, will be interjected. post ... The first part of complex words. [from Lat. POST - after, after] (serves for the formation of ad. and the land). Book. Makes sn.: Existing, occurring after what is indicated in the second part of the word. Posteadaptation, post-dollaric, post-attractionism, postmodernism, post-industrial, post-empty, retainer.\u003dx&bts\u003dx&zar\u003dx&ag\u003dx&b\u003dx&sin\u003dx&lv\u003dx&az\u003dx&pe\u003dx&word\u003d%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82- Specographic dictionary Post-core\u003d%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82*%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1% 80% D0% BD% D1% 8B% D0% B9 & All \u003d x Thank you.

Russian reference service response

See Wocked Fixation: post-core and fast. The discrepancy between the intelligent dictionary and spelling guidelines concern only the morphele is part fast-. In the sensible dictionary, it is defined as part of complex words, but it can also be qualified as a prefix. In spelling, it is considered exactly the prefix (see about this, for example, in the directories of D. E. Rosentale). On this basis fast writes according to the rule pneuing and requires after a dividing sign before the next part starting with e, E, Yu, I.

Question number 290928.

Good day! Caused doubt the writing of the Union "like that" before the colon on your site in section VII. Commanded with circumstantwroughts, § 153, paragraph 1: Note 1. Not allocated by the comma-dying words with explanatory words, which are solid expressions, somehow: folded arms, breaking his head, after the sleeve, having dried breathing, etc. (http : //

Russian reference service response

In the "Rules of Russian Spelling and punctuation" 1956, which you quote, explanatory compoundlike that Written through a hyphen. But the rate has changed. IN« Full academic directory» 2006 this union was recorded in separate writing thatallowed speaking to spell it from uncertain pronoun (adverbsomehow.

Question number 290583.

Hello, our teacher gave us a task to compare the current standards of use of the form R.P. MN. h. The words "Gram", "Kilogram" and the norms of use in the 2000s, and sent us to your portal to figure out. I found how correctly to consume these words today, but as it was in the 2000s I would like to ask you.

Russian reference service response

Thanks for the interesting question! But curious to trace the story story gram - grams, kilogram - kilogramsstarting not since the 2000s, and at least over the past half a century. Still spread the opinion that forms gram, kilogramin the parent mn. Numbers are erroneous. Meanwhile, in their permissibility, dictionaries were indicated in the 1950s.

In the Russian Literary Pronunciation and Empimentary Dictionary Ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegova (M., 1959) such a division is carried out: grams - mainly in writing speech gram -preferably in oral speech after numeral. Same with kilograms: kilograms - in writing speech kilogram -in oral (here about numerals do not say).

Such a division survived to the beginning of the 2000s, although during these half a century, the dictionaries indicated the option gram, kilogramas permissible, it was not indicated. For example, in the 10th edition of the "Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language" (M., 1970) - only grammovand kilogramsand two years later, after the 9th edition of the "Dictionary of the Russian Language", S. I. Ozhegova (Ed. N. Yu. Swedovaya) repeats the recommendation of 1959: grams -mainly in writing speechgram -predominantly oral speech after numeral;kilograms -in writing speechkilogram -in oral. Academic "Russian grammar" (M., 1980) also indicated that in oral speech form grams, kilograms Unfinitive.

In the 21st edition of the "Dictionary of Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova (M., 1989) Options gramand grams, kilogramand kilogramsalready given as equal. It would seem gramand kilogramfinally became regulatory. However, the 2nd publication of the dictionary L. K. Greudina, V. A. Izkovich, L.P. Katlinskaya "Grammatical correctness of the Russian speech" (M., 2001) states that the separation of oral and written speech in the last decade of the 20th century and At the turn of the centuries, it was noted: "Household units of weight measurements gram, kilogram Oral speech is used in the overwhelming majority with zero flex. In writing speech under the influence of editorial proof, is currently used exclusively forms grammovand kilograms».

Modern Russian dictionaries already, as a rule, do not give separate recommendations for the use of these words in oral and written speech. There are publications, where forms with zero ending and with the end - oV Fixed as equitable - for example, "the dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language for media workers" M. A. Stutyerner (M., 2016). But nevertheless, most dictionaries give a more detailed recommendation, distinguishing the use of these forms in combination with numeral (in the counting form) and outside of such a combination. In combination with numerical options gramand grams, kilogramand kilogramsrecognized equal, but outside of such a combination (which is found, how much less frequent) is correct only grams, kilograms.Such a recommendation ~ - in the Russian spelling dictionary, RAS Ed. V. V. Lopatina, O. E. Ivanova (4th ed. M., 2012), "the orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language" ed. N. A. Eskova (10th ed. M., 2015), "The Big Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. V. V. Morovkina (M., 2016). It seems the most justified.

Thus, now right: five gramand five grams, six kilogramsand six kilogramsbut (out of combination with numerant): counting the number of grams and kilograms(not gram and kilogram).

Question number 290392.

Are the commas placed right? A year later, shortly before the organization was created, some documents were published. Some documents were published shortly before the organization was created.

Russian reference service response

Running punctuation: A year later, shortly before the organization was created, some documents were published. Some documents were published shortly before the organization was created.

Question number 290365.

Employees of Soyuz LLC, as part of the official task, was drawn up a reference book "Medical institutions of the city". This directory was published with great circulation and distributed in the territory of the mountains. Novosibirsk. For some time, representatives of Soyuz LLC found themselves in the dissemination places of their reference book, another reference book published by LLC "Momew". The content of the new reference book was identical to the content of the reference book "Medical Institutions of the City". Soyuz LLC appealed to the court with a claim for the obligation of LLC Momit to stop violations of the exclusive right to work - a reference book "Medical institutions of the city", withdraw all distributed copies of the reference book "Medicine of the city" from civil turnover. LLC "Moment" did not agree with the claim, motivating their objections to the fact that the plaintiff's directory is not the result of creative activities and, accordingly, cannot be recognized as an object of intellectual property; Both reference books contain public information about the names of medical institutions, types of medical care, phones and addresses. What legally significant circumstances need to be established for the right permission of the case? Allow the dispute on the merits.

Russian reference service response

"The reference service of the Russian language" does not give legal advice. You did not appeal at the address.

Nihal squeezed a cigarette between the index and thumbs, releasing the stream of smoke. On the street it was noticeably cold for the last week, and he even nowhere to go warm up, except in the ward to her sister. However, after a day, he will have to think about how to warm them both. The money that he reversed at Tom should have been enough for the operation and part of the rehabilitation period, however, the price of the operation increased dramatically, and he hardly found at least the amount. The attending doctor made it clear to understand that without proper rehabilitation, the girl is unlikely to live up to the next summer, which means they have very little time to be together. After tomorrow it ended the postoperative period, and he had to either get money or pick up his sister. A young man made one more tightening and thrown a bull in the ballot. He was still to say about this sister, and after all she believed that he would now be healthy.
-What's going on here? - In a blank ward, nurse did cleaning. The bed was empty, nor the girls nor her things there were there, - Where is my sister?
"I have transported," one of the girls answered.
-Where transported? What for? - He turned around and rushed to the Cabinet of the Heads of the doctor. As he assumed, she was there. In his old, the clothes that she was not in size for a long time, judging by how the hands were sticking out of the sleeves, and the pants climbed over the ankles.
-What's happening? - He approached the sister, who immediately leaned against him. She was still weak, - I thought we still have time.
- Immediately you have plenty now, "said the doctor and closed the patient's personal matter," your sister is translated into another place.
- What is the place?
"Strain, I thought you should be aware of what was happening," he took out the document and extended to a young man. He ran through her eyes, and stared at the name.
- Wait, here is some kind of mistake. I can't pay insurance, not to mention ... To pay for a day of stay in this place, I will need to work for a year, - he squeezed the leaf in the fist.
- Listen, I do not know. But I received a request last night for the fact that I should prepare the history of illness, documents and an extract to noon. You deal with them yourself, but my advice to you. Even if this is a mistake, it will win you a couple of days. Or maybe no one will know, and then your sister will receive rehabilitation in one of the best research centers. In any case, they are already here, and you have nowhere to go.
The sister of Nieel was categorically forbidden to move independently, so at the moment it was in a special stroller, which a young man was driving slowly ahead. In the corridor, he was met by Sanitars, dressed in uniform of the research center, where they were taken.
-What, I will do it, the guy carefully watched, how carefully and carefully people in shape treat his sister, and how happily she smiles. Yes, she would be very good there, and perhaps it would have a chance. Provided that he could afford it.
The first thing he did is set off to the administrator to clarify the situation. Of course, he could listen to the doctor and pretend that everything should be so, but now, when he had nothing to pay even his dinner and today's breakfast, and now even dinner, he could not afford to join another one An unpleasant story for their sister to pay fines and pay the full cost of living in this place.
"Listen, a girl," he was tiredly blocked about the rack, "I simply do not have such money." It's some kind of mistake. You yourself will then fly from the manual.
-So! - A young girl, with long curly sandy hair, which white uniforms walked like a different one, looked at the dark guy to anyone, - how much time I have to say that I will fly much more if I do not accommodate you in the next 5 minutes. Here, - she turned the registration log and showed his finger on the line, is her name?
"Yes, but," the guy bit the tongue. Recognize that it could not be a false name.
- know, no but! - The girl slammed the magazine and rose.
- Listen, well, you never know people with the same name. I am homeless! I can't even pay my dinner, not that its content is here.
"It's not to worry about it," she put his palm forward, thereby showing that she no longer intends to interrupt. - Everything is paid for 3 months ahead. And you take away my time, I have to check well if your sister is located, and not to listen to what is too good here!
The girl quickly stumbled on the corridor, away from a strange young man. Nihal, having sigh bitterly, went behind her. There was no logic in all this, but at least that his sister will be in warm and full, for some time, could not please him.
Having passed into the ward, he felt even greater devastation within himself. It was not at all like a hospital block or research center, it was the real children's room. Beige bright walls, with watercolor paintings, looking at which, feel peace, large windows, in which the sun shines in good weather, soft toys, even a carpet on the floor.
Nihal looked at her sister. She seemed so happy, sitting in a big bed and hugging the already loved bear with one hand. Perhaps when they are expelled, the guy might steal him for her.
He looked at her and for the first time in a long time saw her such, not experiencing pain.
-Scoro will bring lunch, "the girl said softly, after bypassing the child's hair, and gone.
- I like it so much! "The girl said enthusiastically," And Uncle Bill gave me a cake. "
-What is still uncle Bill? "The guy immediately was alened." A tiny children's cake really stood on a small table, weighing grams of 250, no more. Nihal was ready to swear, which was already somewhere he saw him, "I told you that you can't talk to unauthorized people. Never. Moreover, take gifts from them. Not all people are good, my sweet, and some want to harm us.
-Hell, perhaps, but not me, - the male voice rang behind them. Nihal turned and revealed his mouth from surprise. That's what he did not exactly expect to see ... alive. Bill was dressed in cream-colored narrow jeans, refilled in coarse boots, and a black turtleneck, on top of which a white robe was thrown, "hello," he said, he said, and extended his hand.
-It's you? - Without believing their eyes, Nihal shook his hand, rather to make sure that the person standing in front of him, - So did you succeed?
-To some extent…
-And, he ...
- I am alive. But, while - Bill licked her lips, - let's not talk about it "yet." I was told that you are too nervous at the expense of all this, - he spread his arms to the sides, showing the room, - and I came to calm you.
- This is your hand?
- Let's go out?
They left the ward, covering the door is not to the end to see the girl who, however, was fascinated by her new plush friend, and did not pay attention to everything else.
-Bill, why?
- You helped us, so I want to help you.
- I did not help you. We had a deal.
-You did not give us out, let us release and fulfilled its part of the contract, I believe that under the conditions of that situation, this is help. I am alive, and not without your merit, - Nihal vaguely recalled the events of that day, and suddenly remembered where he saw that little cake standing on the table at his sister now. It is in such a thing that only more, he handed the weapon.
"It's," the guy exhaled and spread his hands. He had no words to describe everything he felt. Despair, relief, pain, hope, disappointment, faith, love, gratitude and many more emotions contradictory. He swayed and leaned against the wall to resist his feet. When did he cry for the last time? Yes, probably, when he was five years old. Since then, a whole eternity has passed, but now he just could not .... He could keep it in himself. He moved along the wall down, sitting on the floor, and could not even squeeze out of himself "Thank you."
-Too strong? - Bill, without sorry for his clean light clothes, sat down near, - I understand. Believe me, I'm fine now I know what to feel hope and how difficult it is. Consider this the most missing part that we did not have with Tom then.
- It is far from that part.
-You is the most. Saved life for saved life. It sounds now very ... pathetic or something, - Bill grinned, - and I have no right to argue that everything will work out, and we will cure it. But this is the best research center in the country, and one of the best in the world. If they can help, then only here, and believe me, I will travel to make every effort.

It is very expensive….
-Precy! Money is ... Believe, the events of my life show that money is not what should be kept. I paid too much the price for having. In addition, in this place there is enough patients who can pay their content to the extent that they deserve. Well, - Bill was slightly jumped.
-Well, not all left bills of my uncle were revealed. I assigned a certain part of the money. And, do you know? He did so much terrible things for them .... It is impossible to fix anything, but I can direct them for good deeds. Some of them went to the organization of a charity foundation, which will be engaged in sponsoring research of the same rare diseases like your sister. At the chapter of all this is my mother, so do not worry that you are deceived or something else. She has talent for this case.
- Thank you, "the guy whispered, wiping his cheeks. His sister should not see him crying.
Nihal spent almost all day at the sister, and only when he was dark on the street, and the girl fell asleep, he left the ward. He still has no place to go and there was no money for food. In the afternoon, he ate the cake, who gave him a sister, saying with all the responsibility that she could not, and the cake would disappear. But for a person, not July two, it was very small.
The guy fastened the battered jacket, because it was raining on the street, and goosebumps were already running along the skin, and he did not even come out of the warm premises.
"Goodbye," he said to the girl, who argued in the morning.
- Where are you going to this weather? As I understand it, you have nowhere to go.
- I can't stay here.
The girl frowned slightly, as if something thinking.
- rumors that you talked with the general director of all this. It's true? - The girl blushed slightly, embarrassed, - with William Kauffman .. And you called him Bill?
-Something like that…
"Don't get me wrong, not what it is ...." If you have nowhere to go, then ... you could ... stay for some time. No, no, no, it's not at all because you are familiar with our director .... Lord, she closed her face with his hands, - What am I carrying this?! Simply, I ... .. I do not have the habit of inviting home every homeless me.
"It's .... Not, right," the guy said, not to the end I still realized that it was the girl who tried to tell him. "
Yes, but I thought that if Mr. Kauffman .... For you, you can trust you .... And I….
- I do not understand what you are trying to say.
-God, I invite you to spend the night at me at home, and not on the street where the rain pours !!! - Girl flagged.
-ABOUT…. - Only I was able to squeeze the guy from myself a little dumbfounded by such a proposal.
-ABOUT? Is that all you can say?! ABOUT? "The girl got up from her place and took a handbag," I expected to thanks, and not on Oh, -on removed a bathrobe, under whom there was a turquoise dress made of fine wool, which was rapidly going.
Nihal was also surprised because such a type of girls is usually distinguished by excessive love of themselves. She was one of those who do not fit the street on the street, knowing in advance that they would not pull.
-And your guy will not kill me? -Hell smiled. He is not a fool to abandon the night in warmth and in the company of a beautiful girl who also called him herself.
-Ha! My last guy was a complete idiot, but my cat may well, "she went to the young man and stretched out her hand," By the way Marley. "
-Hell, - he answered a handshake.
- Do you believe pizza? I'm dying as I want a pizza with sausage.
The guy gave the girl to the hanger, where she took her coat, opened the door in front of her, and kept her head open an umbrella over the road to the car, and he thought about himself what he knew when Christmas would now celebrate.