Repairs Design Furniture

Metallic fencing stairs in the house. Instructions for installing the ladders from the tree with their own hands. Video - Installation of stainless steel fence

Although the fences of the stairs and are considered a secondary detail of the design, because they are not always used, but they are sufficiently important to tell about them. The main feature is to ensure safety and convenience when moving along a staircase march. An important role is played by the design railing.

For the manufacture traditionally used wood, concrete, metal and glass. The latter, as a rule, is used as filling the distances between the racks.

In this article we will talk about metal fences for stairs .

Sketches of railings and fences - photos and drawings

Sketches of the railings are an integral part of the design and help to present the final picture in more detail. For these purposes, photographs of railing, computer graphics or hand drawing are suitable.

Elements of stairs fencing

Perila - These are the fencing of stair marches that protect a person from falling out and ensure convenient operation of the design. Accessories for rail:

  • Balaasins . Support racks, with the help of which the fence is attached to the stairs. Perform a carrier and decorative function.
  • Filling fences . It is necessary in order to close the space between the racks, and thereby ensure the safety of movement on the stairs. Partitions are required if there are children in the house. There are several basic types of filling (presented in the photo).
    1. classic. Consist only of vertical or tilted bassine;
    2. solid panels. Such a fence is a set of wide sheets. As a rule, used when combining the railing with glass.
    3. filling with bias. In this case, the space between balusters is closed with horizontal metal rods - bollardings or leavers located in parallel handrails.

Handrails - Elements of fences that are installed on balasins on one side of a staircase march or both. Also can be attached to the wall. The pads on the railing provide a comfortable and pleasant to the touch of the grip of the hand.

Types of rails for stairs - Materials and methods of manufacturing

Before explaining how to make a railing for the stairs, you need to choose which metal is better suitable for our purposes.

  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • cast iron;
  • steel railing.

The choice of material depends on many factors, but the most important thing is the purpose of the product. For example, a stainless steel is best suited for outdoor fences, from which nickel-plated railing is obtained. Or cast iron, products from which can be seen in old entrances or on bridges.

Aluminum railings are great for premises and can make more complex shapes (screw or swivel). Iron, as a rule, are used for mass production. It is difficult to process and is not suitable for self-made products.

According to the method of manufacture, distinguish the following types of railings:

Precast fences for stairs

The railing assembly is performed from steel or aluminum parts. In the first case, at the end of work, painting railing is made, in the second - applying a special protective coating. Aluminum railing possess the following advantages:

  • ease of installation (the ability to make it yourself);
  • cheapness;
  • small construction weight.

Listed pluses are due to the fact that the prefabricated fences are manufactured without welding. If necessary, the design is easily dismantled.

By the method of applying a protective coating, railing and handrails are divided into:

  • polymer coating fences;
  • railing from anodized aluminum.
  • steel with chrome-plated spraying.

Welded railing for stairs - photo of metal fences

Welded railing for stairs is performed from steel or from ferrous metal. Their advantage is strength and durability. However, with proper finish, such products are also very beautiful. To give the shape of stainless steel periods, the method of "cold" flexible metal is applied. This type of construction is inherent in the presence of geometric ornaments.

The disadvantage of welded iron railing is their corrosion exposure and the need for periodic painting. Stainless steel railing is deprived of this shortage. The service life of such products is about 50 years. They do not need painting, nor in additional care. If necessary, repairing railings can be performed with your own hands. The surface of steel is processed using polishing, grinding or satin.

Welding railing is divided into two types:

  • semi-automatic;
  • argonodogovaya.

The disadvantage of the first method is a large amount of spray. The second way is deprived of this shortage and therefore more common. The seam during argon welding is obtained more accurate and is well amenable to further processing, which includes sweeping and polishing. The mounting of the handrail is carried out using a hardware assembly or by gluing with a special glue.

Forged railing for stairs - Photo of stair fences

Forged staircase railing is distinguished by an exquisite appearance and a complex manufacturing process. Performed by art forging, often, according to an individual project. Any options for finishing and mixing styles are possible - from light, openwork, air structures to massive, creating a sense of reliability.

Forged stair fences will give any product or interior a kind of charm of antiques and Quality.

Forged railing for stairs provide a huge variety in choosing a color: gold, silver, copper, etc. The only drawback of such products is their extremely high price.

Cast fences and railing

To make cast fencing and railing first prepares a sample of the future product, according to which the form is manufactured. Next, the molten metal (bronze, cast iron, brass) is poured into it. After the material freezes, it is additionally processed. Casting has a number of advantages:

  • durability and durability;
  • a variety of forms.

Combined railing for stairs

Combined fences provide a combination of various materials. For example, chrome powder coating railing, handrails made of steel and glass inserts, or aluminum leather. Such a variety makes the combined railing by a universal solution, suitable, practically, for each staircase.

Requirements for fencing stairs - railing standards and handrails

Requirements for fences (GOST and SNiP) are due to their main function - security during lifting and descent. In this regard, the design must comply with certain standards:

  • height of stairs fences - from 90 cm to meter.
  • racks are installed from each other at a distance of about 60 cm;
  • the space between the bassines is filled with one of the above methods;
  • if the handrail is attached to the wall, then the distance from it to the wall should be 7-10 cm;
  • the lining on the railing must be smooth and continuous, to have a cross section of 5 cm;
  • handrails for stairs protrude behind the line line by 30 cm and have a rounded end;
  • the design must withstand the load of at least 100 kg per meter.

On the stairs installed in the children's institutions, the handrail must be duplicated at a height of 50 cm. And the distance between the racks is reduced to 10 cm so that the child could not push his head.

Installation of railings with your own hands - Installation of staircases video

It is difficult to overestimate how important the reliable installation of the staircase fences is. It depends on this, first of all, the safety of people. If you do not know how to install the railing, but you want to do everything with your own hands, select one of two ways:

Fastening the handrail to the wall - installation on the stairs

Fastening the handrail to the wall applies if the staircase is located near the wall. In this case, the racks are not needed, the installation of the handrail is carried out with the help of special brackets, the size of which is designed so that the distance from the handrail to the wall is about 7-10 cm.

Bracket for handrail can be two types:

  • cast;
  • hinged.

When using the second type, it is possible to regulate the tilt of the handrail, which is very convenient. The design is easily assembled and can be quickly dismantled if necessary.

Fastening Balyasin to Steps - Railings to the stairs

The balaasine installation can be performed in three ways:

  1. single - The easiest and easiest reliable way when the rack is fixed only on the anchor (dance). But, as a rule, it is quite enough;
  2. flange fastening - implies fixation of the flange using self-tapping screws. For maximum reliability, use three screws;
  3. anti-vandal fastening fences - The most reliable. With the help of a drill, the shurtes are drilled in the steps and the mortgages are placed in them, on which the pipes for the railings are attached.

Stage mount

  1. Installation of the railing of this method begins with the fact that there are places on the steps where the racks will be located. They must be located at a distance of 5-10 cm from the edges of the stage and at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other.
  2. First, the first and last pillar are installed. With single mount For this in the steps, the shurts depth 12 cm and a diameter of 16 mm are drilled. Anchor (ducts) is inserted into the shuffers, which are planted balusters.

    With flange mount Three holes are drilled with a depth of 8 cm and a diameter of 1.2 cm, in which a dowel is inserted. The flange is fixed with self-drawing and the rack is attached to it. An example is shown in the photo. When installing, you need to ensure that the input poles stood vertically, as they will be a guide for the rest of the baluster.

  3. At the top of the extreme racks pull the cord and install balusters, even their cord. Then check the verticality of each and attach to the steps.

    Stainless steel handrails can be attached to both balusters, self-drawing, and on the side, with the help of flanges.

  4. Stainless handrails before installing cut from the desired length at right angles. Determine the places where you need to drill holes, applying the handrail to the racks. Install on hinges and secure.
  5. If the filling of the space between the racks is carried out using rheelels, it is necessary to cut them into segments of the desired size, to determine the fastening points on the racks (usually 2 or 3) and drill holes. Fix the riglel on the balusters.

    If the glass panels are used as filling, it is necessary to install special holders on the rack and secure the panels with their help.

The disadvantage of fastening "to the step" is that the fence reduces the width of the march. Therefore, this method is undesirable in narrow staircases. In this case, it is preferable to mount racks in the end.

Balacine mount to the end of the stage

A similar mounting of the railing is possible when the distance between marches is at least 70 cm. Balasine is installed on the end using two anchors. Four ways are possible:

  1. Balacine mount on two spacer anchors through the sleeve. Used in cases where it is necessary to place a rack at a short distance from the stage. In the end of the stage, 2 recesses are drilled in which the spacer anchor is inserted through the holes in the racks and sleeves with decorative linings so that the end of the anchor spoke slightly. At this end, a cap nut is screwed, expanding it and fixing.

  2. Side mount. In this case, the balasins are fought in special holders and are fixed. And the spacer anchor fasten them to the staircase march.

  3. On two spacer anchors without the use of the sleeve. In this case, the rack arrogantly adjacent to the end of the stage. It differs from the first method only by the fact that the sleeve is not used.
  4. Fastening on the chemical anchor. Chemical or liquid nails are an adhesive substance, deeply penetrating into concrete and firmly fastening it. This method is used if you need to fix the fencing of stair marches in a concrete structure. So, an anchor and stud is entered into the hole filled with a mixture.

After the bales are fixed, the residual installation of the railing is carried out. In the same way as when installed on the stage (described above). Railie for stainless steel stairs are ready.

  • racks can not be installed in the height and bending places of the handrail (fracture);
  • when installing, in places of removal and fracture, it is necessary to customize the dock as accurately as possible;
  • junctions of riggers, if possible, perform so that they are closed with fastening or special fittings;
  • when installing racks on the steps, lined with tiles, it is necessary to make a mark on the surface so that the drill with a diamond crown does not sculp.

If these rules are met, you can assemble the railing for the stairs with your own hands. This is a very real task if approaching it methodically and slowly.

For the convenience of use and safety on most stairs are equipped with railing. The railing is not only an element of insurance, but also an element that gives the staircase logically completed.

It is railing that it is customary to decorate a rich carvings, gilded decor and accurate details.

So that the railing performed their own direct protective function and were comfortable In support, it is necessary to accurately calculate their height.

Construction rates say that height The railings should be, on average, from 0.7 to 0.9 m. But there may be deviations from this norm - in children's institutions height of the railing on one side should not exceed 50 cm.

But the fencing of the plots on which there is a possibility of falling from height more 5 meters must be not less than 110 cm.

In order to find out ideal height of the railing for a particular person, it is necessary, when you descend from the stairs, slightly stretch your hand forward and measure Distance from palm to step under it.

Another parameter is extremely important When designing railing - width handrail. Standard dimensions of industrialized handrails fluctuate within from 34 to 74 mm.

Reliable and comfortable handrail must be in hand so that, in case of accidental fall, provide The possibility of strong grip. To ensure the desired strength of the design significant Another size is affected - the distance between the racks.

It is selected outside From the design of the stairs and artistic design of the designer.

Tip! But anyway, not recommended Make racks spacing apart morethan on 50 cm.

Simple ways of self-making parts and installation

Maintenance stages The manufacturers are as follows:

    1. Design. If the drawings and railing calculations did not enter the overall project of the stairs or there was a need to change the initial intention, then at this stage it is produced calculation of height, distances between racks, the number of necessary materials. On the stairs produced marking Mounting places Balyasin.

  1. Final finish Railing surfaces. At this stage are mounted decor elements, overhead thread and railing staining. For decorations, varnishes, butters and wax-based masses (bee or carnabsky) are used. In special cases, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer, the tree is brought by special brushes, reaching effect of composition.

How to make bent railing for the stairs See in video below:

The mandatory attribute of any staircase is fences and railing. They appeared in antiquity, and now they are used literally everywhere. However, the competent selection of railing requires certain skills and knowledge, since they should also vary for different buildings.


The question of how the staircase will look and what it will be constructed, should be solved on the design stage. It is imperative to choose the optimal material, design and form of a future design, which should be safe, functional and stylish.

To date, there are several main types of staircases:

  • marsh spans;
  • straight stairs;
  • curved structures;
  • rotary stairs;
  • screw devices;
  • curvilinear;
  • combined.

When designing stairs, there are several basic requirements:

  • Every 9-10 stages are preferably equipped with small platforms where you can relax and breathe.
  • The minimum width of the steps should be 80 cm - optimally, if 2 people will freely diverge on one step.
  • Comfortable for lifting the height of the steps is 15-20 cm, and the depth is better to build up 25-30 cm.
  • Staircases must be wider than a flight of a staircase march.

  • The whole design as a whole should be tilted with a maximum of 45 degrees, and better if this parameter is within 25-30 degrees, otherwise the movement will be unsafe.
  • Stages and other elements of the stairs should be fuel houses, for this, the materials used are necessarily processed by special anti-rotations.
  • The angle of lifting is the cooler, the smaller the area is reserved for the construction of the stairs. If the space is very small, the staircase will be a screw with a large number of turns and bends - it is often resorted to this option to arrange a country house.

The mandatory element of any staircase is the railing. They perform very important functions - make the descent / lifting to comfortable and safe and are a stylish element of the design that advantageously emphasizes the overall design solution of the interior and exterior.

Many believe that such fences are required only by elderly, sick people and families with children, since these categories of users have the greatest stability problems. And this in the root of the wrong approach - even an adult needed a sense of security, which is why the railing should be mounted on all types of stairs without exception so that anyone, even adult and absolutely healthy, can capture them in case of an unforeseen situation.

In addition to ensuring convenience, the railing perform aesthetic function. They may be dark or blond, with thread or without it, angular, rounded, wooden, glass or forged. The railing can be attached to the steps, and can be mounted in the walls - such a variety allows you to implement any design ideas and emphasize the conceptuality of the style.

From a technical point of view, the railing is vertically located structures that are attached along the edge of the staircase march. They include several basic elements:

  • The basis of the fence, its supports - This is the so-called baluster. It connects the steps with the handrail and provides a safe move over the entire design.
  • Fencing aggregate - These are materials that are attached between balusters. They can perform a decorative function, however, where children are constantly descended and rising, such boroughs are required.
  • Handrails - Serve as a reference device for a person. As a rule, they are attached to the wall either to the baluster.

In addition, all types of aggregates have their own classification. So, by an execution option, they can be:

  • classical - That is, those that consist of vertically arranged or inclined rods, most often they are called figure figures;
  • solid - Very often, continuous panels are mounted to ensure greater safety and prevent falls, which are attached to balasins;
  • bregel - this is a design at which the vertical strips are bridged with each other horizontal;
  • porngy - It is an artistic filling that may look like anything in accordance with the individual design of the user.

Elements of fence and design of openings can be combined by creating stylish and spectacular combinations. In rare cases, the balasins are replaced by the theater - these are horizontal fences that are mounted under the handwalks parallel to the human movement. Some railing have a plug, which is also called a table - this is a detail that is installed at the beginning and end of the staircase instead of Balyasin. This is a purely decorative design that has no practical functionality.

To date, the market offers a variety of ready-made team models. However, if desired, everyone can do or order professionals his own "exclusive" staircase.

Norms and standards

The staircase railing is used to make the most secure movement, they perform the role of fencing and reduce the risk of injury. Designers sometimes establish models without a railing, which, of course, look very interesting, but use such a design a bit uncomfortable. There are certain standards that regulate the dimensions of the railil. The height should be determined individually based on the growth of the inhabitants of the house.

So that the structure is as comfortable as possible, you can spend an empirical experience - going down the stairs, you need to pull your hand forward and measure the distance from it to the foot - this size and will be the optimal railing height for you.

Traditionally, the minimum height of the handrail is 90 cm, and the largest - 110 cm. If there are children in the family, it makes sense to make 2 types of handrails located at different heights. Its standards are valid for children's institutions: for schools and other places where children are, it is recommended to mount double fences at an altitude of 90 and 50 cm.

As for the width, they are standardly produced in size from 3 to 7 cm - they should be such that they can be free to grab and resist them. The distance between the balusters is determined by the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners of the building, however, experts do not recommend take a step more than 0.5 m in length.

Designers give a few simple recommendations on the arrangement of the structural elements of the railil:

  • The number of Balyasin should dictated by the dimensions of the handrail. If flexible or heavy materials are used, then the number of supports should be such that there is no profile sagging or too intensive reloading supports.
  • In the classic execution of the balusters are fixed on each step, and sometimes even a few supports per step. If there are small children in the house, as well as in children's institutions, the distance between them should not exceed 15 cm - it will protect the kids from the risk of falling out.

  • If the width of the staircase march exceeds one meter, then it is recommended to install the railing on both sides.
  • Wooden railing is equipped only in residential areas.
  • In office buildings it is recommended to establish a tutor instead of balassine.
  • During the arrangement of the shopping complex, not less than three raylers should be used.


As already mentioned, the options for railings for the arrangement of stairs Great set. A wide variety is achieved through the use of different materials, colors and fastening options. Therefore, it is necessary to separately dwell on existing types of stair fences.

Immediately, we note that all the designated options are largely dependent on the location of the staircase. Distinguish the following types of railings:

  • Interior - That is, those that are located indoors. As a rule, they are made in bright shades, and the base material serves glass or wood.
  • Exterior - These are stairs, which are located outside the residential premises, for example, on the porch. In this case, dark color solutions prevail, and metal and loaves are used as material.

The shape of the railing depends on the localization of the span, in addition, the material of manufacture has a large influence on it. So, the tree is more often used to implement the ideas of classic design - balusters in the form of direct columns are quite massive, the handrail has rounded edges. The railing from the metal has a miniature handrail, but the balasins are abundantly decorated with decorative elements, but glass products differ in strict concise design.


Despite the abundance of materials presented in the market, the popularity of the pail from wood does not fall and it is easily explained - consumers always strive for maximum naturalness and environmentalities of their housing. They have a stylish appearance and an attractive texture, are characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, easily carry all types of negative external influences. This largely explains the fact that wooden railing is used everywhere and to improve the facade elements.

In addition, there are widely represented various wood breeds in various price segments, so everyone can buy raw materials based on their financial capabilities. Usually inside the house use more expensive wood rocks, and outside prefer budget options.


The railing of stainless steel or aluminum is widespread, nickel-plated and brass are widely less popular. The peak of their popularity occurred at the beginning of our century, then they were universally installed in large trade and office complexes and business centers. Interest in such periodiles is not ugas and today, this is due to the extremely high performance characteristics of such structures:

  • Long use.Metal railings can serve at least 50 years.
  • Aesthetics - Giving the design of a stylish and modern species.
  • Easy to maintain - Metal products do not need regular tinting and varnishing, they do not need to be processed by protective compositions and antipirens. All that is needed to care for them is only washed periodically simple water.
  • Corrosion resistance.Stainless steel, like aluminum, shows resistance to the appearance of rust, thanks to this property they can be mounted both inside the building and outside. If we talk about stainless steel railing, then another advantage will be the available price, which is much lower than the analogues of glass or forging.

As for the minuses, it is one - after a long time to use the stability of the material to mechanical damage decreases and numerous scratches and chips appear on the surface of the railings, and their fastening places are often cleaned. However, this does not apply to aluminum periodiles - they retain strength and fortress over the years.

More expensive, but qualitative option are the forging railing. When choosing such material, the leading factor is the exceptional grace of such products and beauty.

Production of wroughtted staircases is made by several technologies:

  • Cold forgingallows you to create products of the simplest shape, twisting the rods. As a rule, this option is preferable for the railing on the porch and other types of external stairs.
  • Hot forging It takes longer time, but the products are obtained by the most intricate and suitis. With the help of a hot method, you can create the most complex structures that are often installed in large comfortable cottages or hotels.

The advantages of forged railing are not subject to any doubt, among them:

  • resistance to external adverse effects - forged railing perfectly transfer fluctuations in temperatures, rain, hail, and snow, and also show resistance to mechanical damage;
  • long service life - fences can serve as faithfully up to 100 years;
  • exceptional design - The technology of making forged products allows you to equip the railing on any individual sketches, such a product is always exclusive.

The disadvantage of forged railing is only one - they are very expensive.


Stylish and modern solution for those who prefer minimalism in the interior. Despite the external fragility, these beautiful railing possess a large number of advantages:

  • easy and high mounting speed - Railings and handrails can be installed in a couple of days, and the installation process itself does not differ in difficulty and high manufacturability;
  • large selection of various design options - The market is widely represented by sound insulation, explosion-resistant and frost-resistant models, as well as refractory and bulletproof modifications;
  • durability - Glass fences can be used for 50 years;
  • simple dismantle - In the event of deformation, any section can be replaced without the need to change the entire fence as a whole.

Not devoid of such railing and disadvantages. These include the complexity of the service and the high cost of such products.


Polymer composite railing is made of very hard plastics and from DPK fixed on a special mounting. The advantage of polymers is their price. The cost of plastic railing is an order of magnitude lower than all other options for arranging stairs. However, this advantage of plastic is not exhausted. This material is characterized by simplicity in care, it is easy to clean and wipes, does not require regular lacquer treatment, paints and antipirens.

The material is resistant to drumming of weak force, but any strong blow may damage them. However, this statement refers to most materials.


Concrete railing, as well as a stone option, is used quite rarely, since such structures are quite heavy, and if we talk about the stone, then they are still very expensive. At the same time, the strength and fortress are exceptionally high, which is why their scope of their scope is the arrangement of staircase marches and a porch.

They are not afraid of no adverse atmospheric influences, but they look more than presented, emphasize the exterior style, as well as the status of the building owner.

Stone balusters are very popular. Depending on the peculiarities of their manufacture distinguish:

  • carved bassins - usually manufactured manually, therefore, as a rule, they are distinguished by the sophistication of the forms and variety of patterns;
  • point - The most common type is characterized by roundness of the forms and a variety of solutions of thickens, to recognize them simply - the horizontal cross section of the point supports have a circle form;
  • tesana- Such columns have pronounced smooth faces, their form is quite angular, and the horizontal cross section resembles a polygon.

As for the materials, marble, Dagestan or artificial stone, as well as granite, is used to arrange the railings. The latter gives the most durable supports, since this stone is one of the hardest rocks. Stone railing look very attractive, they emphasize the luxury and nobility of the internal design of the premises, but create an additional load on the stair marches. This must be taken into account when designing a staircase.

Stone supports are perfectly combined with stairs from boards or metal steps. Such combinations are favorably refreshing the design and give the room a more residential and well-maintained appearance.

Upper support elements

Any railing must be equipped with "tops" - handrails, otherwise their use will be unsafe. There are the most different options for performing the upper reference elements of the rail.

In form and material

If we talk about form, the handrails may be presented in a wide variety of options: round, rectangular, square, oval, angular or rounded. Depending on the purpose of the stairs, you can choose the most profitable material for its production. So, for the porch, forged or chrome-plated profiles are most preferred, as well as variants of stainless steel.

Handrails from PVC on its operational characteristics are similar to metal, but the wooden elements resemble the wooden elements. The main advantage of their advantage is high plasticity that allows you to handle any form when exposed to warm air (for example, when heated with a construction hairdryer). Another advantage is low cost.

For many years at the peak of popularity remains handrails from wood. This non-acclaimed interest is largely due to the special atmosphere of the coziness, which wooden elements introduce into any house. Sometimes the quality of their manufacture is so exceptional that the handrails can be called even the work of art.

At the place of fastening

Depending on the type of fastening, you can select the periodile handrails of the two main types:

  • above theater;
  • handrails with a carrier function.

As a rule, handrails are mounted to balusters using anchors and self-tapping screws, as well as welding method, it depends on the material used. The mounting of the handrails on the wall along the line of the staircase is produced using special cast brackets that can wrap a bar in any place or from the end.

Non-standard solutions

To create an individual design and maintaining the atmosphere of comfort and comfort in country houses, unconventional handrails are often installed. Very aesthetic and stylishly look a little rude handrails from a raw log. Such an element may arise the necessary accents in the room and emphasize the thoughtfulness of its interior.

Pretty nontrivially look the handrails from branches in combination with polycarbonate - this allows the principles of minimalism in the design of the premises. But the seizures of the maritime theme can be recommended the options from the rope or thickened rope, which will harmoniously look at both the house and in the country.

Original handrails preferred an increasing number of homeowners. Among the most popular options:

  • handrails from light wood in the form of a continuous line;
  • straight oak bar, which is attached using metal locks;
  • the combination of glass and chrome sheets with wooden edging;
  • uniform alternation of vertical and horizontal lines - as a rule, this option is used for wooden or metal structures;
  • steel pipes fixed parallel to each other with curved turns.

Against the background of dark walls, the railing with backlight looks quite unusually, while the power is supplied directly to the handrails.

The most common designs:

  • railing from stainless steel and handrail with backlit.It is embedded in the handrail in the form of a LED tape, it "breaks out" on the turns, and at the end, the brass stopper is fixed.
  • Glass fences with euroral.Here LED tape is located inside the main profile. In the basic versions, the LED has a power of no more than 4.8W / m and has a scattered white or color shade.
  • Tubular backlight options. In this case, special remote holders are used on which the LED ribbon is mounted. Consumable power also corresponds to 4.8 W / m, and the rivet is attached at the end.
  • Warring handrails- At the same time, the handrail itself, and fittings are attached using mirror gased stainless steel pipes.


If the railing is installed with their own hands, then the most commonly used wooden structures. This is due to the fact that wood is fairly easy to handle, and the tools that are needed for this are in the arsenal of any home master.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the future staircase, and already begin to start it. Consider the work scheme:

  • For starters, end stands are mounted - they are installed on top and bottom of the stairs. If it has two or more marches,
  • then the cabinets are fixed on each turn.
  • A fishing line is stretched between the couches - it indicates where the railing will be located and what will be the base position of the handrail.

  • In places where supports will be located, put markup. As already mentioned, the distance between the supports may be the most different, but, as a rule, it is 15-20 cm, and if children live in the house or often, children should be less. Please note that the balasins are installed at 5-10 cm from the edge of the stage.
  • To achieve greater reliability of fixation, they are fixed directly to the stairs and the growths: to the first horizontally, and the second is at right angles. To increase the strength characteristics of the attachment, it is recommended to additionally use the mounting glue.

  • At the finish stage, the balasins install the handrails. In order for the process to go faster, the grooves should be pre-cleaned from dirt and remove all dust, it will allow you to achieve full smoothness.
  • Complete work with varnishing, with which it is possible to achieve not only the increased aesthetic design, but also additional wood protection. This stage is worth paying special attention.

Among the majority of private house owners there is an opinion that the wooden surfaces of all types are always processed by the same scheme. This approach is erroneous, since the reaction of wood of different breeds on the same paintwork can vary greatly. For example, light varieties, such as pine, it is desirable to lacquate with light coatings, and if it is impregnated with dark vests, then the result may be the most unpredictable, and most often the composition absorbs the structure of the tree unevenly and completely destroys its natural texture.

This is explained by the presence of a large amount of resin in the pine, it accumulates in the material heterogeneously, in connection with which areas with the greatest resininess are better absorbed by the veil, giving the material a saturated-dark color. At the same time, areas with a small concentration of resin remain light, creating a rather unaesthetic visual effect.

For the impregnation of wood, such varnishes and paints should be used, which benefit the structure of the tree, emphasize its interesting drawing, but in no case hide it.

The railing is an important part of the stairs. They strengthen the design and serve as a support for people. Properly performed railing will decorate the staircase and the interior of the house. They are made from different materials and, in accordance with its design, have all sorts of shapes and sizes.


When installing the railings should prepare tools in advance:

  • chisels;
  • hacksaw and chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • lobzik;
  • level;
  • marking tools - roulette, pencil, marker.


Selecting the material for the railings, several factors should be taken into account:

  • design features;
  • interior style;
  • mounting complexity - this moment is especially important when independent work.

Materials from which railing is performed for the stairs:

  • wood;

  • metal: steel, aluminum, chrome metal;

  • worn iron;

  • glass;

  • plastic.

Details of construction

Elements from which there are any staircase railing:

  • Tubes - supports - installed at the beginning and end of the staircase march. They account for the main burden, so they should be very stable. For reliability, the couches are often installed on an additional platform. Its height is 80-90 cm. This is an average parameter, in which a person is comfortable to climb the stairs, but if desired, it can be changed.

  • Balaasins - columns that are installed along the staircase and support the railing. They are any form: round, square, flat or curly.

Wooden balasins are often decorated with manual carvings.

The distance between the columns is different, but it should not exceed 20 cm. One of the options is a solid baluster.

  • The handrail is the upper part of the railil, the size of which corresponds to the length of the stair march. It happens round, rectangular and even carved, but the main purpose of this detail is the convenience of users. It is he who is supporting when moving along the stairs.

How to make a railing for the stairs

Wooden railing for stairs

Selection of material

For the manufacture of railings, various wood species are used: spruce, fir, poplar, nut, etc. But the most reliable is the products from oak, ash or teak. Solid rocks allow you to create fine, but safe parts, and the railing of them have a lightweight, elegant look.

Installation of fencing stairs

  1. At the end and beginning of the march, the cabinets are installed. To check the selected height between them, the cord is stretched and a test climb and a descent on the stairs is carried out. The cabinets are attached and checked for stability - their "tenting" is unacceptable.
  2. The string (lower support) is fastened with screws to the staircase march and stands.
  3. The frequency of the BALASIN is calculated, and the holes are drilled on them.
  4. The end edges of the balasine are scorn at an angle equal to the slope of the stairs. When attaching racks to the steps, their lower part leaves straight.
  5. Balaasins are installed using studs that screw in their base and are inserted into the prepared hole in the stairs. They are tightened with nuts on the bottom of the design. Another fastening option is to use spikes and recesses in the tutor and handrails.
  6. On balasins are installed and the railing is fixed.
  7. Finished fences are cleaned of dust, all visible flaws on the surface are sweeping and lacquered.

Fastening the railing with nails is the easiest way to build them. But he and the most unreliable, since a short time, the design becomes unstable. Special studs, spikes or self-tapping screws planted on the adhesive composition will provide a more durable fastening of parts.

Metal railing for stairs


Metal railing is purchased ready or ordered in the workshop - it is very difficult to make them on their own. These designs are performed from various material, which has its advantages and cons.

  • Aluminum - has a low weight, affordable cost. The railing from this material is diverse in form and configuration, but not very durable.
  • Stainless steel - beautiful, durable and resistant to moisture. It has one drawback - high cost.

  • Painted pipes are reliable and available at cost, but require regular coating updates.
  • Nickel plated pipes are beautiful and not very expensive, compared with the "stainless steel", but are subject to corrosion.

Mounting railing

  1. On the steps of the stairs, in the installation places of the Balyasin, markup is made.
  2. In the marked places the holes are drilled.
  3. The dust appeared is blowing out by an industrial vacuum cleaner.
  4. Two-component glue poured into the resulting hole, and the studs are inserted.
  5. With the help of the screw or welding on the studs are attached racks. With the help of the level, their vertical position is controlled.
  6. The bars are attached to the supports of the bolts. Welding is rarely applied because it requires certain skills.
  7. Welded seams are cleaned and polished.

Worn races for stairs

Forged railings are mounted using welding. Elements for them are sold in stores or workshops. But the best option is to order a railing from the blacksmith. Upon the proposed drawing, the masters rose a unique product that will be uniquely decorated at home.

Welding work on the installation of railing does not require special professionalism - it is enough to have small skills on them. But it is very important to carefully approach the finishing of the finished design. With properly selected materials for primer and painting, they will serve for many years without changing the appearance.

Railie for the stairs, photo:

The presence of a railing makes the movement on the stairs safe. They can have a different configuration, but their main purpose is not to allow a person to fall out if he accidentally stacked on the descent or lifting on the stairs. They also perform the decorative function, decorated with any interior. The railing consists of a baluster and handrail, which is installed in their upper part. Attach the wooden railing for stairs can be independently by carefully observing all instructions and safety requirements.

Wooden railings are suitable not only for wooden stairs, they are also well harmonized with stone structures, glass, concrete or metal. The range of wood species from which the railing is made, very wide. They can be made of beech, ash, pine, oak, birch.

Railings from oak look very elegant and solid. The main causes of their great popularity is a beautiful wood pattern, high strength and durability, as well as resistance to rotting. Book wood is also distinguished by increased strength, but it does not like wet premises. Pine railing have low cost, low weight and pleasant resinous fragrance. The ash is easily processed, and its wood has beautiful shades and pattern. Birch is also easily processed and does not destroy from the effects of high humidity and temperature drops.

Advantages of wooden railing:

  • Environmental purity and safety;
  • Long service life;
  • Large selection of models and shades;
  • Simplicity in montage;
  • Pleasant aroma.

The shade of wood is easy to adjust the verse, varnish or paint. So that the natural color and drawing are preserved on wood as long as possible, experienced masters recommend covering it with parquet varnish, since it is most resistant to abrasion.

Mostly wooden railing is installed in the house. For street stairs, they are not suitable, because wood will quickly deteriorate under the influence of atmospheric phenomena and loses its attractive appearance.

How to fix poles for wooden stairs is the most firmly

The support poles are installed at the bottom of the stairs and on the turns, the railing is attached to them. Poles not only give structures strength, but also serve as an element of the decor. However, they should be firmly attached to the base in order for the exploitation of stairs to be safe.

Installation of the railings must be started with fixing the support pillars, because without this operation it will not be possible to produce proper marking of the attachment points of the balusne to the stairs.

There are such options for attaching supporting Tumbers:

  1. At the bottom of the product, a figured groove is cut in such a way that the fastening element is in the center of the couch. To the floor, the support pillar will be screwed down with "dehakhare" (hexagon or tetracted galvanized fastening) until it stops.
  2. In the lateral part of the pillar at an altitude of 3-4 centimeters, a rectangular slight recess is cut. The cabinet is screwed to the floor with a special fastener and fixed using a bayonet nut.
  3. In the latter case, the supporting table is attached with zipball (a completely new type of fastening that does not need to drill a lot of holes).

All three methods allow us to firmly attach the element to the floor or steps so that it becomes a reliable support for the rail. Installation does not take much time, and the device will be securely fixed.

What are the landfills for stairs: carved and milled

The landing pillars of stairs are its main decoration. They can be made in the form of columns, figures of people and animals. Handmade products are most valued, but they cost quite expensive, and independently cut the masterpiece from the first time. To decorate a pillar, you can buy inexpensive carved wooden lining and attach them to the column.

Carved poles can be divided into several groups, based on the manufacturer's method:

  1. The accurate products look very elegant, have a smooth streamlined shape and can be made on the usual turning machine.
  2. Molded columns have a complex pattern over the entire surface, but are already manufactured on special machines.
  3. Handmade carvings are made by masters without applying machine processing. Such reference pillars look incredibly beautiful and exclusively.

So that the carved columns manufactured by hand were truly unique, the sketch should be independently developed, and ask the wizard to perform work on it.

Dimensions need to be calculated in advance, since then it can be such materials in the store not to be. In this case, you will have to wait for the delivery of the species you need. It is better to determine everything before the end of the sketch and immediately purchase materials.

With the creation of the sketch, the special program of artkam will exceed.

Tips for masters: how to install a railing on a wooden staircase yourself

First, the support poles and balusters are installed and fixed, and then the handrails are then attached.

It should be remembered, the balasins are categorically not advised to mount on nails, as they are loosened through a very short time, which can lead to the destruction of the structure.

Basic rules of installation Rail:

  • For the railil only durable wood is taken, without cracks and a large number of bitch;
  • The height of the fence should be at least ninety centimeters (for young children it is recommended to install additional railings with a height of 50 cm);
  • If the staircase is attached to the wall, it is recommended to install a special wall-willed handrail;
  • The handrail must be smooth, but not slippery.

First, the balusters are trimmed under the necessary angle, and a special sub-sterile rail is screwed to them with self-draws. Then the handrail is superimposed on the rail and is screwed down with fasteners.

What is better: make wooden railing for the stairs do it yourself or buy ready-made

Many novice masters face a problem: Is it worth making the railing itself or still better order ready-made products? In the presence of the necessary tools and equipment and materials, you can try to make the railing with your own hands, especially if the staircase is not too big. It will be an interesting experience, besides, you do not have to pay anyone. But you can go easier and order ready railing.

Advantages of finished products:

  • The same woody drawing and a shade of the entire party rail;
  • The possibility of preliminary antiseptic processing;
  • Large selection of models.

The railing and balusters are preferably made from one tree of wood so that they look more harmonious.

We learn how to mount railing to a wooden staircase: some secrets

All the masters eat their little secrets that they willingly share with their substructions. They help to avoid serious errors when installing railing, as well as make the design comfortable and safe and beautiful.


  • Cuts are recommended to do the end saw, and in order not to damage the elements of the structure, they are wrapped with construction scotch;
  • PVA glue takes not a stationery, but a construction;
  • Unnecessary holes and defects are lubricated with glue mixed with sawdust and stall;
  • It should be noted that during the independent manufacture of railings and balasine, the percentage of marriage is about 10%, so the blanks need to do more;
  • It is necessary to constantly carefully control the location and the accuracy of spising Balyasin and other structural elements, as they are located at different levels.

How to mount wooden railing for stairs (video)

There is nothing complicated to attach the railing to the wooden staircase with their own hands. The main thing to comply with the instructions and safety techniques, and, if possible, consult with an experienced master. It is better to pre-make the necessary calculations and purchase the material to not be mistaken when assembling the design.