Repairs Design Furniture

Aerator for the pond in winter do it yourself. Aeration of lawn with their own hands in different ways aeration of water in the pool with their own hands

Who don't want to decorate the garden plot perfectly decorated with water?

If the decision is made, it is worth contacting the specialists, as it is unlikely that you can make a handsome pond correctly, without being an expert.

And first, everything seems very simple: digging the pit and put water there.

Cutting machine from the grinder with their own hands

In fact, everything is quite difficult, at least, it is necessary to carry out allotted waters and amelioration.

Many people think that artificial reservoirs in garden sites remotely resemble a swamp, it comes from an unpleasant smell and are not at all suitable to swim in them. However, it is not. The pond is actually done very beautiful and, at the same time, clean, without using different chemistry and chlorine.

Before creating an artificial reservoir, you need to choose the type of the pool that you will enjoy and suitable for your site.

Decorative pond - used only to decorate the site and must be combined with the common area design.
Functional pond - has practical benefits, for example, can be used as a pool.

The easiest and most financially admissible for most solution can be called the use of a special and already finished form from plastics when creating a pond in the garden plot. Of course, this option also has its own specifics that should be considered when preparing and planning a reservoir.

There are the following steps when creating a pond:

It is necessary to determine which part of the site will be located with a reservoir, as well as what it will be forms.
The digging of the corresponding sizes.
Laying the film on the bottom of the reservoir.
Filling water reservoir, planting on the shores of decorative plants. You can purchase plants that live on the surface of the water. Here we disguise the ends of the film.

Of course, it is not necessary to dig with water, sizes resembling the pool. If the site does not allow you to get raised, you can make a very small armor, for example, in Chinese style.

It may be of various shapes, not necessarily proper geometric. The main thing is that the shape of the pond was without sharp bends. The less before, the less bends should be.

The shore can be postponed not very large stones, they should not be the right shape, or decorative tiles.

If the pond is a geometric shape, you should not put a large number of plants next to it, it will be enough, but a large-host, iris or barbaris.

Remember that a large number of plants visually reduces the sizes of the reservoir. And still, do not forget that any artificial reservoir needs oxygen, and the aerators for ponds will take care of this, which will provide water bodies with the necessary amount of oxygen.

How much oxygen is needed for aquarium

Aquarium fish and plants flourish with an amount of oxygen in 5-7 mg per liter of water. These indicators are easy to achieve in aquarium with a sufficiently large surface of the water, provided that the latter is not overcooked ...

How to check the level of oxygen in the aquarium

Various types of tests that need to buy and measure the level of oxygen in the aquarium are available. By themselves, these tests are permanently based on the basis, but, in the case of a removal aquarium or during the dilution of fish, it is better to use them or at least keep at hand.

It is due to the fact that during the day aquarium plants help saturate water with oxygen, but at night they consume it just like the fish themselves. These all factors, especially in a dense-seated aquarium, can lead to the morning "Zamor" fish. However, it is not necessary to immediately try this situation to your aquarium, this is a rather rare case.

Lack of oxygen in the aquarium

You will not need tests if you notice the fishes grabbing air from the surface of the aquarium or constantly hanging under the surface of the water. This is a faithful sign of oxygen starvation, but sometimes it may testify to deeper problems in the aquarium. For example, about the outbreak of some aquarium sore.

The causes of oxygen deficiency include the following:

  • Too many fish in this aquarium
  • Poor maintenance Aquarium: dirty aquarium filters and a bunch of rotting feed at the bottom of the aquarium
  • Small surface area of \u200b\u200baquarium
  • Small number of plants
  • Too slow growth in plants in the abundance of nutrients in the aquarium, in other words, aquarium plants are too small

In the short term, for solving this problem, you can use forced oxygen / air supply to aquarium, siren compressor / aurator. For the long-term perspective:

  • Create an aquarium in order
  • Reduce the number of fish
  • Increase the degree of filtering
  • Increase the growth of aquarium plants

Excess or oxygenation of aquarium oxygen

Yes, it happens and does not say that it was straight very helpful.

Most often, it is observed in overgrown with freshwater aquariums A la Dutch aquarium, which are also well highlighted. In such aquariums, plants provide a very high level of oxygen.

In this case, you can reduce the number of plants or, more optimally, reduce the amount of light entering the aquarium.

It is not worth an increase in the number of fish, for this will lead to a nitrogen cycle displacement with all the resulting.

In very extreme cases, an excess of oxygen can lead to a minimum gas embolism. It will not write to this term, curious Google to help, but it should be said that yes-s ... Fish to rest ...

Visually, the abundance of oxygen in the aquarium is manifested by a bunch of small air bubbles literally on everything, including the surface of the bodies of aquarium fish.

And now a list of popular questions for newcomers:

Oxygen supply to the aquarium forcibly

This is the supply of air into an aquarium with a variety of devices.

It is enough to buy a aerator / compressor and a couple of sprayers to him, the benefit exists a whole bunch of manufacturers of this aquarium good. By the way, the aerators exist even with special effects in the form of a beautiful form of sprayed air flow.

Yes, if you also add the backlight to add LED, in the place of air spraying ...

Do I need oxygen in aquarium?

Let's just say very desirable.

Landscape design of the pool and pond

For, as already mentioned, oxygen affects all the processes occurring in the aquarium.

What aurator / compressor buy for feed

It all depends on the specific model. The specified air volume pumps all aquarium compressors anyway, but as far as all this happens silently, already a completely different question. And not always expensive will be less noisy.

Video: Oxygen blizzard in the aquarium

Preparation of a garden pond by winter

November 18, 2011

In November, when the air temperature is about to fall below zero, closely need to do preparation of a dacha pond for winter.

Unlike the soil, the old bath or just a tank with water, a real pond never freezes, even in minus 30 or 40 degrees. Naturally, said not concerns ponds from ready-made forms. In order to avoid the appearance of cracks, they are pumped out before in winter anyway.

In the remaining reservoirs in the winter time on the surface, ice crust is formed with a thickness of up to 20-30 cm, but under it - water. The secret is that it is not just a container, but a real living organism, with plants, microorganisms and animals. They breathe and distinguish heat.

Another thing is that in a heavy frost and a small depth of oxygen may not be enough for the full life of its inhabitants. Therefore, if you, let's say, spread the fish, it is worth thinking about either about the deepening of the existing reservoir, or about the resettlement of it in a deeper neighboring.

If the depth is at least 70-100 cm, it will not arise with wintering problems, the main thing is to disturb the saturation of water with oxygen in advance. To begin with, the pond will need to be cleaned mechanically - with a stitch, filter or underwater vacuum cleaner. The fact is that gases from the decomposing vegetation and garbage in winter will accumulate under the icy crust and can lead to the death of the dodgers of the pond.

In winter, it is necessary to make a hole and maintain it until spring. To maintain non-freezing wormwood and, as a result, normal gas exchange, special garden water heaters are intended, including embedded in underwater pumps. In Europe, floating heaters are used for these purposes.

Floating anti-icer for pond in action

The most fiscal option is the ice hole.

Aerator for a pond with your own hands

It is impossible to pierce it with a hammer, as the fish can suffer from the shock wave. It is better to flush with boiling water and constantly remove an increasing crust. By the way, hollow plants stems, such as rubbing, also enhance the air exchange.

For the same purposes, many stave sheaves into the water. Some build a simple device: a jet of water is served on the float using a pump, the float is constantly fluctuating, and it does not give water to delay ice.

As for the other inhabitants of the pond, the most valuable and sensitive types of plants should either transfer to a depth, where water will not freeze, or dig and transfer to the room (they can be turned into a cool subfield, in wet soil).

From the water you should get all electrical equipment, fountain nozzles and hoses if they are.

In addition to protecting livery, you need to think about the pond as a whole, especially if the bath for it is made of plastic, concrete or other able to gain damage to the winter. Ideally, as mentioned above, water from them could be repaid. But if fishing or plants remain in winter, it is possible to immerse the boards, poles, slices of foam and sealed plastic bottles to protect the shape. When forming ice, they are damped and, compressing, will take a blow to ourselves.

Video: The process of installing the pond anti-icader Aquascape (English)

Aeration of ponds in winter

Artificial reservoir is an excellent decoration of the country area. In the summer, the pond becomes the place of family holidays and unforgettable meetings with friends. It can also produce various plants and animals. The pond requires regular care, cleaning and aeration. The question of saturation of reservoir oxygen is particularly relevant in the winter. This article is dedicated to this particular problem.

General features of aeration procedure

For the injection of oxygen in the water, special devices are used, which are called aerators. These devices allow you to create an underwater flow and do not give the "bloody" reservoir. Oxygen is connected to organic molecules and allows water to be cleaned. Dirt floats to the surface in the form of a foam, which can be easily removed. Heavy particles usually settle on the bottom.

Aeration of water bodies in winter

In winter, the aerator for the pond helps to prevent through the water freezing of the reservoir. If you breed fish or other animals in the pond, then you need to use compressors. Otherwise, the inhabitants of the reservoir just suffocate under the icy crust, and you will have to clean the organic waste.

To enrich the pond with oxygen in winter, it is better to use bottom aerators that are characterized by increased power. The sprayer (diffuser) is installed in the deepest place of the reservoir and are connected to the compressor using a special hose. The compressor itself is installed in a separate room or on the shore. After installing the aerator in the pond, it is included in the network and the air flow is started.

Don Aerators make it possible to evenly distribute oxygen in the thickness of water. Separate installation of the spray and compressor simplifies maintenance and repair of equipment. There are superficial model of aerators, but they "like" not all algae and waterfowl. Surface aeration does not allow to be evenly saturated with water with oxygen.

If you decide to buy an aerator for a pond in Moscow, you will have to spend time to study the market and choosing a suitable model of the device.

What needs to be considered when choosing aerator?

When choosing compression equipment and installation in the aerator pond, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Power.Before buying an aerator for a pond, you need to measure the volume of artificial reservoir. The data obtained must be verified with the information that is specified in the technical documentation of aeration equipment.

    skimmer for a pond with his own hands

    The power of the aerator needs to be selected with the reserve (10-15%), otherwise the compressor will work at the limit of its capabilities. This will lead to insufficient saturation of reservoir oxygen and rapid wear of the aerator details;

  • Climatic conditions.Aerator can only work in a certain temperature range. They are listed in the instruction manual. Make sure the specific model of the device is suitable for your climatic zone. In winter, the Aerator for a pond, not designed for low temperatures, can work with failures.
  • Noise level.Too strong noise impact will cause you constant discomfort. Neighbors in the cottage village and the inhabitants of the pond will not be renewed by constant noise;
  • The ability to adjust the intensity of the air flow. In the warm and cold season, the reservoir requires a different amount of oxygen. For year-round aerations, devices are suitable with a built-in power regulator;
  • Device manufacturer.The highest quality and expensive aerators collect German companies. If your budget is limited, you can pay attention to the equipment of other manufacturers.

Manufacturers of compressor equipment advise the pond aeration continuously. This will help maintain the optimal chemical biological composition of the water at any time of the year. Buy aerator for a pond in Moscow you can in our online store.

Prices for aerators for ponds

The acquisition of compression equipment is the main cost of consumption when creating an artificial reservoir. The cost of the bottom aerator depends on its technical characteristics. For aeration of a small pond in the country area, you will need a device whose power is at least 100 W. The cost of such a aerator, as a rule, does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

If you need to enrich oxygen with a medium-sized water, then you will have to buy an aerator for a pond worth 45-50 thousand rubles. For aeration of large reservoirs, the device will need a value worth not less than 100,000 rubles. Some owners of land, possessing the necessary technical skills, make the aerators independently. Technical creativity people are engaged for saving considerations.

The material is provided by Copying and placement of this material without written permission of the site administration illegally.

Don Aerator Robust Aire® (Robust Eir) is a unique, which does not have analogues of the development of American engineers of Kasco Marine, intended for the most efficient aeration of water bodies. The bottom aerators, in contrast to the surface, are able to aerate the whole thickness of the aqueous mass of the water, saturating it with oxygen, eliminating the stiring of water, temperature layers and the distinction during the cold season. The bottom aerators for ponds and water bodies work all year round, practically do not require maintenance, easy to use, and, most importantly, are effective in any climate, be it cold northern conditions or hot southern. This product is suitable for use on ponds and reservoirs of almost any size and depth and is one of the best for reliability and quality. The principle of operation of the bottom aerator is quite simple: the air is injected into the spray diffuser, located on the bottom, which, in turn, sprays the air in the water. Thanks to the message of the aquatic masses (diffusion), the air, as a result of the work of the bottom aerator, enters all the layers of the reservoir and it is aimed as efficiently as possible regardless of the season.

Building and equipment of aerators


  • Compressor piston, oil-free. Installed on the shore in the box or without it.
  • Diffusers From heat-resistant plastic with melted rubber sprayers, installed on the bottom of the reservoir.

Purchased separately

  • Hoses Weighted or standard - mandatory part of the design.
  • Compressor box With insulation and forced ventilation (type "cooler-fan"), lockable on the castle - a mandatory part of the aerator design when installed on the street.

Technical characteristics of the bottom aerator


A type: piston, oil-free, air

Operating voltage: 220-240 V, 50 Hz

Power: Depends on the model (see in the consolidated table).

Dimensions of one compressor:

  • without a drawer: 46 cm x 26 cm x 28 cm
  • with a drawer: 49 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm


  • in the drawer: 65 dB
  • without drawer: 70 dB

Development period: From 4 to 12 years, depending on the operating conditions.

Guarantee: 1 year since the acquisition.

Protection: bypass valve of overpressure, paper air intake filter.

Operating temperature range: from -∞ to +40 ° C.

Aerator for pond

Cold Start (the launch of an impenetrable compressor at temperatures below -10 ° C) is undesirable.


Hoses are designed to deliver air to diffusers. The number of hoses corresponds to the number of diffusers. Hoses can be buried under the ground for a small (up to 1.5 m) depth. Delivery to segments of any sizes. In order for the hoses not to be transferred to ice, and the air in them is not cooled, the hoses are recommended to be reducing to a depth equal to the typical depth of water freezing. The hoses in the basic configuration of the aerator are not included and are charged separately.

Branded, USA

Made of composite material, weighted, with a diameter of 9.52 mm, Sure Sink brand. Along with the hoses, special clamps and Viton fittings are supplied. Also, in the kit it comes a camshaft-valve-collector that helps to distribute air through hoses or overlap it completely for a specific diffuser. Price - 700 rubles 1 meter.

China's production (India)

Made of rubber, unwanted, with a diameter of 9.52 mm. Complete comes with a collector and the clamps of Russian production. Price - 200 rubles 1 meter.

Special (USA production)

If the length of one hose segment is 100 meters and more, then, in this case, special hoses will be required. Made of composite material, weighted, with a diameter of 15.9 mm, the brand Sure Sink. Price - 1000 rubles 1 meter.


Diffuser of the bottom aerator is a platform from heat-resistant plastic with a cavity to fall asleep with weighting material (sand, gravel, etc. for fastening at the bottom) and spray tubes from fine rubber. The air enters the spray tubes of the diffuser and comes out through them bubbles with a diameter of about 3 mm. The number of diffusers depends on the model of the aerator.


The box is a beige stainless steel box (painted by powder painting), lockable on the lock. The bin of the bottom aerator compressor contains a cooling system (type "cooler-fan"), as well as soundproofing and is designed to install the compressor outdoors. Comes in two variations: large (dimensions 61 cm x 46 cm x 51 cm) and small (dimensions 49 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm). Small box is calculated for 1 compressor and is intended for vertical and horizontal mounting of models RAE-1, 2, 3; The large box is designed for horizontal mounting and is designed for 2 compressors (models RAE-4, 5, 6).

When installing the compressor in a dry, well-ventilated room, with the temperature of the temperature mode, the compressor is provided without a box.

The advantage of bottom aerators for ponds and reservoirs Robust Aire

  • aeration most of the water mass of the reservoir
  • liquidation of temperature layering
  • maximum oxygen saturation
  • lack of drilling and foam on the surface of the reservoir
  • effective work in any climate
  • lack of any installations and stretch marks on the surface
  • ability to work in both small and giant reservoirs
  • preventing icing of the surface of the reservoir and the intention on it
  • only the air is transmitted on the hoses, which does not give them to climb

The result of applying bottom aerators

  • enrichment of water oxygen
  • maintaining the viability of fish and useful aquaphlor
  • wormwood on the reservoir, as well as an additional air inflow in winter
  • almost the same temperature in the whole reservoir
  • no unpleasant smell from water, mosquitoes and gnus, soil fever
  • displacement of harmful gases and accelerating the decomposition of the organics in the reservoir

Video about aerators and aerations

Cost of aerators

We draw your attention to the fact that all prices specified on the site are relevant.

Aerator model Power,
W / C.
Maximum aeration area,
Ha *
Number of diffusers The volume of pumped air,
m3 / hour
Number of compressors
in the device
Box Cost **
RAE-1 288 0,6 1 6 1 Without drawer 152 000
With drawer 195 000
RAE-2 384 1,2 2 8,4 1 Without drawer 215 000
With drawer 263 000
RAE-3. 384 1,9 3 8,4 1 Without drawer 254 000
With drawer 293 000
RAE-4. 624 3,3 4 12 2 Without drawer 401 000
With drawer 447 000
RAE-5. 696 4 5 15 2 Without drawer 446 000
With drawer 490 000
RAE-6 840 4,5 6 17,4 2 Without drawer 489 000
With drawer 533 000

* - Presented the maximum aeration area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir when installing diffusers to a depth of 2.5 meters at continuous operation for at least 48 hours.

** - Hoses and delivery to the specified value are not included.

Calculator bottom aerator

Do not know which bottom aerator suits you? Enter the approximate area below and the maximum depth of your reservoir and you will get an accurate calculation of what aurator you need.

Also, you can send us in a letter to the coordinates of your reservoir (width and longitude) on Google Maps or Yandex maps (with the depth of the reservoir). It will be especially convenient for those whose water has a non-standard form.

If you want to order a bottom aerator:

If you are ready to order a bottom aerator, please send the following data by email. [Email Protected]:

  • required aerator model;
  • whether the compressor box is required;
  • country of production of hoses;
  • metrah hoses;
  • your details. For individual or IP - Passport details, Inn, contact phone number. For a legal entity - Details of the Organization, Fm.o. and the contact phone number of the person responsible for the purchase of aerator;
  • delivery address accepting a person and its contact phone number (if necessary).

In response, you will receive a letter with a score and contract.

If you carefully read the information on this page, but the questions remained You can contact email [Email Protected] Or call on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 Moscow time by phone + 7-495-16-222-45.

If you want to drive up to us officeTo familiarize yourself with the equipment, then please specify the availability of equipment, the date and time of the meeting by phone + 7-495-16-222-45 (on weekdays, from 10:00 to 19:00 MSK).

You may also be interested in:

  • Anti-icers - maximize the use of the bottom aerator both in the winter and in the summer.
  • Floating aerators - duplicate aeration in summer, and are also a good alternative in places where the use of bottom aerators is impossible.

Private pond - a decent decoration of any plot, a great place to relax in the circle of family and friends, as well as excellent refuge for a variety of representatives of flora and fauna. In order for the country's country to remain clean, it is necessary to care for it. One of the most important components of the Pond care is the organization of the aeration process.

After reading the information below, you will receive a general idea of \u200b\u200baeration as such and consider the features of its organization during the cold season.

The aerator in its traditional understanding is a hydromechanical device, by means of which the forced oxygen supply is carried out in the pond and the flow of water is organized, which minimizes the risk of "flowering" the pond due to the caution.

It is not necessary to speak about the need to supply air in the reservoir: first, the inhabitants of the pond breathe oxygen, aeration contributes to additional water purification - reacting with oxygen, pollution is collected in a foam on the surface of the water or accumulate in the sediment.

Factory-based aerators are relatively expensive - on them, in fact, one of the most significant items of the cost of arranging a private reservoir. But here, as they say, it is better to spend once and not to know the problems than constantly thinking how to reanimate the pond once again.

Features of the device for aeration pond in the cold season

Aeration is sufficiently ensured throughout the year. The position remains relevant and in winter: the ice shell on the surface of the water branch does not allow the oxygen to penetrate into the water, and this threatens the death of the inhabitants of the pond.

Pond Aeration - Scheme

In addition, if you leave the pond without aeration for the winter, there will be no current in the reservoir and it is with a lot of probability to vomit that it is also unlikely to benefit your pets.

Factory Aerators

The modern market presents a large selection of aerators for private ponds. From factory manufacturing units worth noting the bottom models that are best suited for winter use.

Installation is as follows: The air sprayer is placed on the bottom of the reservoir in its deepest point, through the hose it is connected to the compressor installed on the shore or indoors, the latter is included in the power grid and the aeration process is started. Air supplied directly under the ice pops up, at the same time creating a flow and excluding the likelihood of water freezing.

In its power indicators, the bottom aerators wict noticeably even from the most productive surface models, because Capable oxygen is more intensely with parallel provision of its maximum uniform distribution in water.

Important advice! Choosing aurator, consider not only its power and dimensions of the artificial reservoir, but also the needs and life preferences of the inhabitants of the latter. Not all representatives of flora and fauna favorably treat the surface aerator. Installation of the bottom unit will avoid similar problems and eliminate the risk of adverse effects on plants, fish and animals.

Homemade aerators

If you wish, you can give preference to the homemade aoderator. In the case of specifically with cold weather, the choice will be limited to the devices of the submersible type and visor. About them in the table.

Table. Types of homemade aerators for a pond

Varieties of modelsDescription
It is going like this: take a car compressor, connect the feed hose to it, the second end of this hose connects with the membrane. The membrane can be made from a perforated pipe, muffled on one side.

The car compressor is placed above the level of the pond. The plug and the hose are lowered into the water. The compressor is included in the power grid and the aeration process begins. In winter, you can use a larger length hose to get the ability to install the compressor indoors. In this case, the hose will need to be pre-burned below the soil freezing level. If earthworks seem too time-consuming, you can let the hose on the ground, wrapped in any suitable heat insulation, and to bind the weight of this weight to the spray head so that the membrane falls to the bottom and remained there.

From factory wind aerators, their self-made variety differs, first of all, the absence of a compressor: wind energy transmission is carried out on the blades installed in water. The model cannot boast a beautiful appearance, but with its tasks, it copes at 100%. The design is somewhat more complicated in comparison with the elevated option. Here you will have to assemble in a single complex of the bed, movable shaft, as well as blades.
When determining the optimal shaft length, focusing on the depth of the reservoir. The main disadvantage of such a design is the dependence on climatic conditions.
For regions with protracted and powerful frosts, it is best for all the same models with a compressor, because In such conditions, the visor often delays ice - enough, at the same time, there will be even several hours of windless weather.

Deciding with a suitable type of design, pay attention to its key specifications. About them further.

What to take into account when choosing aurator?

Firstly, we are determined with power. For this, we need to know the volume of artificial reservoir. We define it and process with the information provided in the manufacturer's instructions of a visiting aerator. We buy a design with some power reserves - if you take everything exactly and under the calculation, the design will work for wear, which will lead to a significant reduction in the timing of its service.

Secondly, we pay attention to climatic conditions of terrain. Even the "winter" aerator will have its own lower permissible temperature limit.

Thirdly, Consider the features of the working aerator. It is unlikely that you will be glad to install too noisy device next to your home. And the inhabitant of the pond, such tests will not like the sound.

Fourth, pay attention to the presence / absence of the ability to change the design modes of the structure. Do not forget that in winter and summer water requires varying degrees of aeration.

Fifth pay attention to the design manufacturer. German brands are considered recognized world leaders. But, if you plan to purchase a modest aerator for servicing a miniature dacha pond, focus more on the budget and elementary prudence - hardly a quality product will be sold too cheap.

Aerator for water bodies "Aqua-mini". Instruction. File for download

Remember several useful tips:

And the last moment with which you will also have to decide: buy an aerator in finished form or make it yourself. Decide: a professional design for the aeration of medium-sized water bodies is at least 40-50 thousand rubles, for a large pond - from 100 thousand rubles, depending on the technical characteristics, manufacturer and other important points. Along with this, if the issue of the landscaping of a small pond in the country area is solved, with a large share of probability, there is enough structures with a power of about 100 W. Buying equipment with such characteristics, in 10 thousand it is quite possible to meet. Otherwise, the choice is yours.

Video - Aerator for Pond Winter

The lawn has long been considered an attribute of the landscape design of a large number of country sections.

In order for green coating to look always carefully and aesthetically, it is necessary to regularly spend such works with it as watering the haircut, and also periodically fertilize the grass.

However, many land owners forget about another type of work - aeration necessary to improve access of oxygen to the roots of grass.

Important aeration

When forming in the turne plots of the blind soil significantly reduces the level of oxygen, water, as well as nutrients.

Along with this carbon dioxide accumulates, and this slows down the growth of herbal cover. Thus, aeration is quite possible to be called tillage. In fact, this is the loosening of the soil or doing special holes in it.

Without the execution of such an operation, in some places, the lawn will begin to form propellant, and the grass itself will become more susceptible to the harmful effects of excess moisture and cold.

As a rule, aeration is carried out in autumn, once a year, but in some cases it is worth carrying out unscheduled work:

  • in the arid summer they are needed to increase the moisture incoming to the roots;
  • with abundant precipitation, the roots of the grass begin to rot, and aeration contributes to the drying of the soil;
  • if many guests come to the cottage with children with children, the lawn in any case will be pulled out, which will cause the need to air the soil.

Meaning aeration

What is soil aeration?

The soil aeration has one of the most important values \u200b\u200bin agriculture, because the fertility of the Earth depends on this process.

During a strong drought or abundant rains, the oxygen level coming to the roots of agricultural plants is significantly reduced, which makes them weak.

That is why after irrigation, farmers are engaged in soil looser, and in particularly severe, in terms of weather conditions, years they spend aeration several times per season. It is worth noting that farmers are weathered by the soil also in shrubs and trees.

Methods of ventilating lawns

Depending on what time and what depth, the holes are made, there are two ways of aeration:

  1. Piercing - Works are performed at the beginning of autumn. The depth of the holes must exceed 8 centimeters. This method is used in places of reducing excess moisture, at the wipe places of the lawn or in places of gravity of the crawling MCH.
  2. Angoing - This method is used when the fibrous layer of the turf cover becomes too dense. As a rule, the depth of the holes does not exceed 4 centimeters. Works produce either late in spring or in the summer, when drought is worth.

Devices for aeration

Of course, to perform the process of weathering the lawn soil on a small area, you can be performed using a robber or fork, but this method is sufficiently rude relative to the delicate grass.

That is why it is optimally applied to special devices called aerators. In today's market for gardeners, two versions of such devices are presented: the first works on gasoline or electricity, and the second are mechanical aerators.

For large territories

Compact equipment equipped with a motor is ideal for aircraft aircraft.

There are two varieties of such equipment:

  • gasoline technique differs by high maneuverability, the ability to perform a large amount of work at once, but is complex;
  • electrical aerators are almost silent, do not pollute the ambient air and easy to use, but the radius of the action of such equipment is limited to the length of the electrical cable.

On the video, the mechanical aerator for the lawn, made by hand:

Manual technique

Mechanical devices for enriching soil oxygen power sources are not needed.

Distinguish several similar devices:

  • aerators-rake - at one end of the product there are thin plates that trim the upper layer of the soil; Designed for the processing of small lawns;
  • aerators-Sandals - flat sole equipped with special spikes, attached to the gardener boot;
  • roller Aerators - improved rake; Devices allow us as soon as possible to treat the large area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn without the special costs of physical forces.

Making a device with your own hands

If there is no desire or financial ability to acquire a device for weathering soil, then the aerator for the lawn can be made with your own hands.

Homemade aerator-spikes

So, for lawns whose area is small, special shoes are suitable equipped with sharp spikes. The production technology of such a device is simple:

  • first, the owner of the site is necessary to cut blanks from a wooden board for the size of their shoes;
  • in the workpiece, long nails are driven, or screws are screwed down (minimum length - 10 centimeters);
  • next should be attached to the wooden plates with nails to shoes, for which old straps from the backpack will be suitable.

Despite the simplicity of the device of such a aerator, security measures should be observed when using it. First of all, to follow, not to apply to yourself, by other living on the site, as well as pets of wounds with sharp nails or self-drawing.

Work on the lawn is also necessary to produce with all accuracy so as not to damage the grass.

Device for large lawns

For the lawns of large areas, this aerator will not fit, as it requires large physical exertion on his feet. Optimally - make a universal mechanical device.

For this, you will need the following materials: a piece of pipe length of more than meter, iron sheet, about 20-30 nails long at least 100 millimeters, bearings.

The manufacture of aerator occurs in several stages:

  • the piece of the pipe of the required size is filled with sand or gravel for weighting, and then in a checker order to it, nails weld up to it;
  • the workpiece is planted on the shaft, placed in advance to bearings for the maximum speed;
  • the shaft is installed with a wooden handle with a wooden handle for greater convenience when used.

Safety for such equipment is standard - you need to look at your feet during the execution of the aeration of the lawn, so as not to damage others.

The owner of the device should also contact him gently. Such a self-made mechanical adaptation is at times reduces the time spent on the aeration of the lawn coating.

Some craftsmen make electrical power supply devices.

To do this, a steel frame is needed to be installed with special knives that will perform the role of the ripper.

The drive in such a technique is an ordinary electric drill. The frame is equipped with rubber wheels, and on the handle the aerator draws a power outlet for power supply.

One of the veson aerial options:

How often do you need aeration?

Work on the saturation of the soil of the lawn with oxygen is optimally produced at the beginning of autumn, however, and late spring work will lead to the improvement of lawn grass.

If you perform aeration in the fall, it should be done a couple of months before the alleged frosts so that the lawn is restored.

Treatment in the spring starts at the moment when the first sprouts get out of the soil.

The number of operations on the aeration of the lawn directly depends on the nature of the soil on which it grows:

  • clay soils are characterized by a high density of all layers and tend to accumulate a large amount of dry grass, so aeration should be made for at least 2 times a year;
  • if the lawn grows on alumina or sandy soil, it is enough just to weather to determine that the lawn irrigation is improved, and the amount of oxygen-feed incoming to roots has increased.

To do this, you can purchase a mechanical, gasoline or electric aerator. However, having free time and some skills in the manufacture of similar devices, the device for weathelation can be completely made it with your own hands.

The natural conditions are fully guaranteed to be fully guaranteed by water bodies in one in another, oxygen saturation. It turns out that constantly beating sources saturate the water with the necessary trace elements. If we say exactly about the ponds, then additional aeration may be needed. For a beginner, it sometimes sounds rather strange, but professionals understand what we are talking about. Reasons for aeration pond mass:

Do you need aeration? A similar question is very often asked newcomers. To do this, it is enough just to observe a little behind your reservoir:

  1. If the water was formed on the water, aeration is necessary. Education speaks of the presence of stagnation.
  2. How often fish rises to the surface in order to block air?
  3. You can watch snail. The trouble will be in the event that they are located on algae and try to rise higher.

What aerator to choose

In any case, the aerator for the pond is necessary. Who knows when he might take it? So that you know exactly what you need in your case, let's define them.

Breakproof stationary and mobile products. Already from the name it is clear that stationary mounted for permanent work, but mobile - for short-term.

There are options and the location of aerator:

  • Surface type products. Their feature is that they can move freely on water. Due to the drainage pump, the water is absorbed and ejected out in the form of a fountain. As you already understood, the water is enriched with oxygen and falls back in the reservoir, thereby transmitting substances.
  • Coastal, or, as they are also called, bottom. They are located along the coast, as it costs the compressor. The installations themselves are on the shore. Air enters the installations on special tubes. The products are thrown into the water, thereby enriching it with oxygen. This type of aerators is the most efficient.
  • Wind aerator. The principle of its action lies in the fact that the wind stream leads to the movement of the blade. This causes the installation to rotate, creating a flow. Thus, air bubbles are formed on the surface of the water, which saturate water.

We do with your own hands

Practice shows that the aerator for a pond with his own hands will make it possible to significantly save and accurately choose the desired type for your situation. So, we will need:

  1. Pump or centrifugal pump with self-priming function.
  2. Special reliable reinforced hose. In some cases, you can pick up the PND pipe.
  3. For connecting elements it is worth using fittings.
  4. Power cable for electricity supply.
  5. Any wild stone to improve the appearance.

When everything is available, go to work specifically:

  • The centrifugal pump can be installed directly on the shore. No need to be fried with a pit, etc. Choose a convenient and reliable place to install. If we are talking about pump, then it should be placed in a cube from a metal grid.
  • Next, you must bring the feed hose with a patching device. In order not to get large particles, it is best to install a filter.
  • The next step is to connect the hose for output.
  • Choose a comfortable plot of a pond and make a small slide of stones there. The hose sums up to it.
  • All this is connected to the electrical network.
  • In order for the first launch to go on the oil, it is worth filing the intake hose with water through a special hole in the pump.

Artificially created landscape with a rope, a pond and walking peacocks looks attractive only with proper care. Aerator for the pond will allow air and life to saturate water. Without renewal, stagnant water will bloom, covers with an unpleasant ocked film and acquire a bad smell. All living things need oxygen. Create populated fish and water lily pond can only with aeration.

Objective causes of aeration of stagnant water

The entire water system of the planet is in continuous motion and turnover. Groundwater, rivers, lakes and salty ocean are connected, water exchange includes an atmosphere. Stirring, jets are fascinated by air. And only ponds do not participate in the overall dance. The bottom of them is lined with insulating material, a small surface cannot be saturated with severe oxygen, obtained with raindrops. As a result, the watering of the pond is first lifeless, and then gives the shelter with malicious algae and rotches that develop in such an environment. Instead of a pond over time there will be a fetid swamp.

Submit air to, install a man for a pond is necessary:

  1. The warmer on the street, the less the solubility of gas and the poorest oxygen becomes a pond.
  2. The exhaust microorganisms are lowered to the bottom in the form of the alley and begin to rot in the absence of oxygen.
  3. To prevent the caution, the water movement in the pond is necessary.
  4. In rich oxygen water, biological processes actively go.

If the oxygen in the water is not enough, the fish float on the surface and the mouth is delivered to catch the air. Snails that are brushing the pool, going to plankton, seek to rise above the stroking on plants.

If the pond did not experience oxygen starvation for years, for some period it happened, the analysis is required. Any ecosystem can carry a definite load. The pond could influence, too many plants use oxygen, and it was not enough. The reason to become an unlimited feeding of fish in the pond, the mass will zakuats and use oxygen. Excessive breaking is also harmful to the system.

Aerification air supply methods

Any aerator for the pond should create stirring of water layers, simultaneously saturating them with oxygen. But depending on the volume of the pond, different aeration methods are used from its inhabitants:

  • surface;
  • injection;
  • bottom;
  • combined.

Surface air compressors include installations floating on the surface of water. They can create. Water drops, falling down, saturated with air, mixed with layers. Another type of such installations may be propellers, which mix water as a fan air, at the same time involving gas over the surface. The process occurs noisy and does not like the inhabitants of the pond.

The injector method is based on the involvement of the incoming air water in the twisting flow. Created at such principle of the installation of Turbo Jet, Aqua Handi have a submersible floating motor with an impeller forming a funnel where air is suused, drought by a jet. A mixture of water and air has a directional radial movement of the funnel, excludes the formation of congestion zones. These aerators are suitable for ponds with fish, they are low noise, they publish a soft hiss when working.

The bottom method is most commonly used for the aeration of ponds. In this case, the method can be used when the compressor stands on the shore, and the air on the hose is transmitted to the comb in the bottom zone. Used submersible pumps installed on the bottom. They drive the air to rugs with air fittings. Aerators are stirred by gas saturating and leveling the temperature. Immersed in winter in winter, they will not let the resulting crust on the surface.

Combined installations have a compressor on the shore, and the air supply is superficial. When using additionally, the pump, it turns out the gas mixture.

Which of the arrangement methods to choose is solved for each pool depending on the size and inhabiting livery. But it is necessary to provide air condition, taking into account climatic conditions, not allowing the fruit of the pond. In winter, the Aerator for the pond will save water from a complete freezing, and fish from death. Due to the fact that the water is constantly updated, rises up, there is no possibility to form ice on the surface of the mirror.

Installation selection criteria

Each compressor is designed for a certain amount of water. For the inhabitants of the reservoir, extra oxygen is also harmful, as well as its drawback. It is necessary to take into account the need for oxygen in different climatic periods of the year.

If you need to choose a good quality air compressor, give preference to the German manufacturer. The price of the aerator for the pond depends on many indicators:

  • air compressor power;
  • use capabilities at different temperatures;
  • noise of the aggregate;
  • reputation of the manufacturer.

Summer aerators for small decorative ponds can be bought at a price of 4-10 thousand rubles. For the artificial reservoirs of the average size of the price of aerators for ponds begins from 40 thousand rubles. Railed large ponds with winter air supply from well-known manufacturers are over 100 thousand.

For example, the Aerator for the OASE Aqua-Oxy CWS 2000 pond is suitable for supplying oxygen 20 cubic meters of water. It is worth installing 12 thousand, in the kit it has a motor with two aerial nozzles and hoses of 2 y5 meters long. Installation consumes only 250 W, low noise. The length of the wiring to the source to a power outlet is 120 meters. You can arrange the energy part on the shore and even below the level of the pond, since the line is provided with a check valve. Includes there are two ornamental stone stylized under the bodies with grass.

We collect the installation of aerator with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy installation. It is enough to know the principle of operation of the air compressor and have a long-term stock of the tools that have narrated. You can create an aerator for a pond with your own hands if the farm is found:

  • the drainage pump, which shave the flooded pit after a flood, can be used with installation under water;
  • inch sewer tube - 2 m;
  • nozzle with a cross section of 32 mm long 30-50 mm;
  • tee with tap 45 0;
  • corner;
  • waterproof wire in a double insulating tube.

We proceed to install the installation. To do this, connect the tee with the fitting under the hose. On the other hand, the ton is inserted into the tee. Turn the removal under 45 degrees and insert a large pipe. Connect the adapter to the assembled node. In the design you need to put the check valve.

All submersible pumps have a hermetic case. The supply wire is performed with a double circuit and hermetic isolation.

After that, perform moisture-proof wiring. In the ground, score the mounting pipe and to attach the design to it, so that the air intake tube is slightly above the water level. In order to cover the design from fish, put it in the grid. The pipe must be under the tilt so that the air smoothly entered the water flow and mixed with it. We got an injection mixer.

If there is a deep pump in stock, you can build a picturesque house on the shore. On the nozzle to wear the check valve and the protective grid and attach the hose to withdraw in the pond. In the right place, the Hose aerator for the pond is decorated, and a small waterfall or something similar is organized, depends on the designer's imagination. When starting the hose must be under the bay so that the air stop does not occur. The same installation with pump should be immersed in water in the safety mesh casing.

Do you have a compressor? Then make the submersible aerator. It does not matter, from the car with the receiver or from the refrigerator, we will arrange them on the shore, connect the hoses with bottles of radi and place these devices along the bottom of the pond. In the holes pierced with needles, the air holes continuously will climb up. But in order not to overlay the motors, you will need to put a timer for periodic inclusion.

The compressor will successfully replace the engine from the vacuum cleaner, to attach the eyeliner with a corrugated hose Create a comb for air output, fill the bottles of pebbles to trigger them, and let them float together with fish under water.

You can collect the installation with wind drive. Such aerators for ponds with fish will be useful in winter. Windmate aerators have long been used in winter pits, where fish rolls. And no matter what propellers will be made - from a metal sheet or a cut barrel. They should spin on the shaft and transmit rotation to the submersible stirrer. The installation itself can float along the pond on the surface, driving the strength of the wind or be tied to one place. Usually spinning mast strengthened on a wooden dam. The rotating rod is fixed with a clutch in the sliding bearing. Lower stirrer is three-sand, from tin or plastic.

Another deserving design is made on the electric motor with rechargeable power on the foam dam. From the horizontal axis of rotation, lungs are lighted four-stuffed turbines, the fleet is independently moved along the pond. Aeration superficial. The engine in a closed case, stability is maintained due to the consolidation of turbines on independent floats on which the rotating shaft is attached.

Using the information, any dachantine will be able to build the smallest decorative pool of old car tires, equip a corner with a waterfall created by a manifold material to joy to children.

Aerator for garden reservoir do it yourself - video