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The main reasons for the defeat of people with electric shock. What are the reasons for electric shock? Subjective causes of electric shock

safetylife Trauma Talk Fire

The greatest use was currently obtained three-phase three-wire networks with deaf-free neutral and three-phase four-wire networks with an isolated transformer or generator neutral.

Plug-free neutral is a transformer or generator neutral attached directly to a grounding device.

Isolated neutral - neutral of a transformer or generator, not attached to a grounding device.

To ensure safety, there is a division of the operation of electrical installations (electrical networks) into two modes:

  • - normal mode when the specified values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of its operation are ensured (there is no closure on Earth);
  • - emergency mode with single-phase closure on Earth.

In the normal mode of operation, the least dangerous person is a network with an isolated neutral, but it becomes the most dangerous in emergency mode. Therefore, from the point of view of electrical safety, the network with an isolated neutral is preferable, provided that the high level of phase isolation is maintained and alarms in emergency mode.

In a low-winded neutral network, it is not necessary to maintain a high level of insulation phases. In emergency mode, such a network is less dangerous than the network with an isolated neutral. The network with a deaf-earth neutral is preferable to a technological point of view, since it allows you to simultaneously receive two voltages: a phase, for example, 220 V, and a linear, for example, 380 V. On a network with an isolated neutral, you can only get a single voltage - linear. In this regard, at stresses up to 1000, networks with a deaf-free neutral are used.

A number of the main causes of accidents that occurred from the effects of electric current can be distinguished:

  • - a random touch or approximation on a dangerous distance to the current-carrying parts under voltage;
  • - the appearance of voltage on the metal structural parts of electrical equipment (housings, casing, etc.), including as a result of insulation damage;
  • - the appearance of voltage on disconnected current-carrying parts on which people work, due to the erroneous installation of the installation;
  • - The occurrence of step tension on the ground surface as a result of the closure of the wire to the ground.

The main measures of protection against lesion are the following:

  • - ensuring the inaccessibility of current-carrying parts under stress;
  • - Electrical network separation;
  • - elimination of the danger of damage when the tension appears on the housings, casing and other parts of electrical equipment, which is achieved by using low stresses, using double insulation, potential leveling, protective grounding, reducing, protective disconnection, etc.;
  • - the use of special electric equipment - portable devices and devices;
  • - Organization of safe operation of electrical installations.

Double isolation - This is an electrical insulation consisting of working and additional isolation. Working isolation is intended for insulation of current-carrying parts of the electrical installation and provides its normal operation and protection against shock. Additional insulation is provided additionally to the working to protect against damage to the current in the event of damage to the working isolation. Double isolation is widely used when creating manual electrical machines. In this grounding or changer is not required.

Protective grounding - This is a deliberate electrical connection with the Earth or its equivalent of open conductive parts (available to the touch of conductive parts of the electrical installation, which in normal operation are not under voltage, but may be under it during insulation damage) to protect against indirect touch, from static electricity, accumulating With friction of dielectrics, from electromagnetic emissions, etc. The equivalent of the earth can be the water of the river or the sea, the stone coal in the career of the location, etc.

With a protective earth, the grounding conductor connects the open conductive part of the electrical installation, for example, a housing, with a grounding. The earthing is a conductive part in electrical contact with the ground.

Since the current goes along the path of least resistance, it is necessary to ensure small compared to the resistance of the human body (1000 Ohm) resistance of the grounding device (earthing and ground conductors). In networks with voltage up to 1000 V it should not exceed 4 ohms. Thus, in the case of breakdown, the potential of grounded equipment decreases. The potentials of the base on which the person and grounded equipment are standing (the rise in the potential of the base on which a person stands is to a value close to the value of the potential of an open conductive part). Due to this, the tension of the touch and the person step is reduced to a permissible level.

As the main means of protection, grounding is used at a voltage of up to 1000 V in networks with an isolated neutral; At voltages above 1000 V - in networks with any neutral mode.

Stage - a deliberate electrical connection with a zero protective conductor of metal inadequate parts, which may be energized, for example, due to a closure on the body. It is necessary to ensure protection against electric shock with an indirect touch by reducing the voltage of the body relative to the Earth and restricting the current time through the human body due to the rapid shutdown of the electrical installation from the network.

The principle of the reasancement is that when the phase wire is closed on the underlined electromotor body (electrical installation), a chain of a single-phase short circuit current is formed (that is, closures between phase and zero protective conductors). A single-phase short circuit current causes the maximum current protection. For this, fuses can be used, circuit breakers. As a result, it turns off the damaged electrical installation from the supply network. In addition, before responding to the maximum current protection, there is a decrease in the voltage of the damaged housing relative to the Earth, due to the action of the re-ground of the zero protective conductor and the redistribution of the voltage in the network when the short circuit current flows.

The reinforcement is used in electrical installations by voltage up to 1000 V in three-phase AC networks with a grounded neutral.

Protective shutdown - This is a high-speed protection that ensures automatic shutdown of the electrical installation in it occurs in the danger of human damage to electric. Such a danger may occur, in particular, when the phase is closed on the body, reducing the insulation resistance is lower than a certain limit, as well as in the case of a person's touch directly to the current-carrying parts under voltage.

The main elements of the protective shutdown device (UZO) are the device of a protective disconnection and executive body.

The protective shutdown device is a set of individual elements that perceive the input value react to its changes and at a given value give a signal to turn off the switch.

The executive body is a circuit breaker, which ensures the disablement of the corresponding section of the electrical installation (electrical network) upon receipt of the signal from the instrument of the protective shutdown.

The basis of the action of the protective shutdown as an electric power facility is the principle of restriction (due to the rapid shutdown) of the current flow through the human body with an unintentional touching it to the electrical installation elements under voltage.

Of all the well-known electric protection products, the UDO is the only one that protects a person from electric shock with direct touch to one of the current-carrying parts.

Another important property of the UZO is its ability to protect against fires and fires arising from objects due to possible damage to the isolation, electrical wiring and electrical equipment faults.

Scope of the Uzo - Network of any voltage with any neutral mode. But they received the greatest distribution in networks voltage up to 1000 V.

Electroplature -these are portable and transported products that serve to protect people working with electrical installations from electric shock, from exposure to an electrical arc and an electromagnetic field.

In the appointment, the electric power facilities (EES) are conditionally divided into insulating, enclosing and auxiliary.

Insulating EZS serve to isolation of a person from parts of electrical equipment under stress, as well as from the ground. For example, insulating sticks of a montercene tool, dielectric gloves, bots and galoishes, rubber mats, tracks; Stands; insulating caps and lining; insulating stairs; Insulating stands.

Fencing ESS are designed to temporarily fencing the current parts of electrical installations under voltage. These include portable fences (shirms, barriers, shields and cells), as well as temporary portable grounds. Warning posters can be attributed to them conditionally.

Auxiliary protective equipment serve to protect staff from falling from height (safety belts and insisting ropes), for safe lifting to height (stairs, claws), as well as to protect against light, heat, mechanical and chemical influences (safety glasses, gas masks, mittens , overalls, etc.).

Most frequent cases:

  • random touch to current-carrying parts under voltage (bare wires, electrical appliances contacts, tires, etc.);
  • The unexpected occurrence of tension where it should not be in normal conditions;
  • The appearance of voltage on the disconnected parts of electrical equipment (due to the erroneous inclusion, the stress pointing with adjacent installations, etc.);
  • The occurrence of voltage on the surface of the Earth as a result of the closure of the wires from the ground, the fault of grounding devices, etc.
  • The electric shock of the human current, randomly produced under voltage. Currents through the human body of about 0.05-0.1 and are dangerous, large values \u200b\u200bcan be fatal;
  • overheating of wires or electrical arc between them with short circuits, which leads to human burns or fires;
  • overheating of damaged insulation areas between wires, leakage through isolation, which can lead to self-burning isolation;
  • Overheating of electrical equipment due to their overload.

To ensure safety, it is necessary:

eliminate the possibility of touching a person to the current parts, which is achieved by the conclusion of electrical equipment into closed buildings and its disconnection during repairs;

if possible, use safe low voltages to 36 V using portable electrical equipment;

maintain a high level of isolation relative to the Earth;

reduce the effect of wire capacity;

use protective ground (ground wire);

apply Networking devices from leaks in networks with deaf neutral grounding.

On the network with a rejection of the connection of electrical equipment for individual earthing, not connected to the neutral wire is prohibited.

Electric current action on human body

The effect of electric current on the human body is manifested in the following sections: thermal, electrolytic, mechanical, biological.

Thermal impact is manifested in the form of current and arc burns.

The degree of burns: redness, appearance of bubbles, leaning fabrics, charring. This should consider the lesion area.

With electric shock, a person can get local electric shocks or an electric blow.

Local electricians: burn, leather metal, electrical signs, electrophthalmia.

The electrolytic effect is manifested in the form of damage to the internal organs due to electrochemical reactions in the human body.

Mechanical impact can be direct or indirect. A direct mechanical effect is manifested in the form of a break of muscle tissues and the walls of blood vessels due to the transformation of lymph or blood in steam. Indirect mechanical impact is manifested in the form of bruises, dislocation, fractures with sharp involuntary convulsions of muscles.

The biological effect is manifested in the form of an electric shock - the effects of electric current on the central nervous system.

Electric blow has several degrees:

light tremor in the joints, weak pain,

severe pains in the joints,

loss of consciousness and violation of cardiac activity or breathing,

loss of consciousness and stop heart or stop breathing,

loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest, respiratory stop, i.e. State of clinical death.

The degree of human lesion by electric current significantly affects the value of the current, the duration of the flow of the current through the human body, the path of leakage, the skin condition.

In terms of the value of the current on the human body, the current is distinguished by a tangible and current unrequisite, in which the victim cannot independently break the hand. Tangible current - constant about 5 - 8 mA, variable - about 1 mA.

The value of the incommary current is about 15 - 30 mA. Currents more than 30 mA are considered dangerous.

The magnitude of the resistance of a person's body, depending on external conditions, can vary widely - from several hundred ohm to dozen com. A particularly sharp drop in resistance is observed at a voltage of up to 40-50 V, when the human body resistance is reduced in tens of times. However, when calculating the electrical safety in networks, the voltage above 50 V is considered to be the amount of the resistance of the human body of 1000 ohms.

The duration of the current flow and the value of the permissible current are associated with an empirical formula

The less the duration of the current flow, the greater the value of the permissible current. If AT \u003d 16 ms, then the value of the permissible current of 30 mA.

Such current value determines the requirements for isolation. So, for example, for a network with a phase voltage of 220 in the insulation resistance must be at least

Since 1879, the safety of people working with electricity is a topical theme. It is then that the first case of the death of a person from exposure to electric current is registered.

Since then, the number of victims is increasing all the time. Based on sad statistics, security rules have been created, each item in which is based on someone's tragedy.

Electricians of various professions are preparing for several years of school, technical schools, institutes and specialized courses. After that, graduates of institutions are internships at the enterprises of energy, surrender numerous exams and tests. Only after that they are allowed to independently work.

However, even who worked many years of electricians from the highest fifth Safety Group Due to errors and inattention, sometimes they receive serious electricians.

Unfortunately, a simple person has no such theoretical training and practice of working with electricity. Yes, and he does not need to know all the subtleties of our profession. But, to comply with the elementary rules, which, by the way, everyone is told with a school bench and kindergarten, just necessary.

I want readers of articles of this site to become active preachers of safe handling electrical installations not only in production, but also in everyday life, among their loved ones. The word specialist supported by the life facts is always well imprinted in memory and is perceived with great confidence than ordinary text. It can never be "superfluous."

Human psychology quickly adapts to all families: electricity surrounds us everywhere, alleviating life, and malfunctions are rare in it, and they usually cause little harm. But, to a certain pore ...

Therefore, tell your surrounding again the main reasons for the defeat of people with electric shock in everyday life. Be sure: your words will be removed close to the accident.

What is forbidden to do with electrical appliances in everyday life

Damaged devices

Any electr receiver has a layer of isolation. It covers the most responsible wires of the wire even several layers in order to eliminate the contact of human skin with the power supply potential. But, a careless handling of electrical wiring, mechanical effect on it, overheating from incorrect loads or weakened contacts violate its dielectric properties.

It is impossible to touch the wire metal of the wire that is under voltage or use switches, sockets and forks with broken housings. This is a straight premise for the manufacture of electricians.

To eliminate such cases, spend periodic inspections of the state of all devices and wiring. And it is better to check the condition of its insulation by measurements. But this is a rather dangerous event and you can only entrust it to experts.

Repair work

All faulty electrical equipment should be output from work to eliminate breakage. And only a prepared person can do it. Otherwise, the consequences of unqualified fixing can be unpredictable.

Equipment handling

It is impossible to disassemble the electrical appliances connected to the network. Especially gently should be handled with the power cord. It is unacceptable to pull for it in order to move the electric stove, iron or pull the plug from the outlet.

In this way, you can easily arrange a short circuit. Power cords are often subjected to twisting, flexible, tension. Heating. Inside them can be festers and cliffs. They are capable of breaking good contact, cause sparking, leading to ignition.

It is necessary to carefully exploit its electrical appliances.

Replacing the light bulbs in the lamps

Each adult, not to mention the children, should know what to repair the electric equipment that is under voltage is prohibited. Any action with electrical receivers must be performed when power off.

Often people get injuries when they screw / turn ordinary incandescent bulbs. The light switch should always be disconnected.

The metal carving of the base can be swam in the cartridge, and the fastening of it with the flask loosen. As a result, the glass part will be checked, the internal threads of the voltage supply, made of open metal, come into contact with each other by creating a short circuit.

Contact with the instrument housing connected to voltage

In a two-wire network (phase, zero), operated, with a breakdown of insulation on the housing, life-threatening potential appears. If a person with one part of the body applies to such a device (the dishwasher is shown in the figure), and the other elements of the structure of the building connected to the ground (in the picture - pipeline), then through its body there will be a current on this path.

To prevent these injuries to prevent such injuries, the protection responding to the appearance of leakage currents. In such a wiring, it will reduce the striking effect of the current, and in a diagram equipped with a protective re-conductor on TN-S systems or TN-C-S will prevent an accident.

Proper connection to the contour of the grounding of all household appliances, the use of the potential equalization system is the key to prevent the damage to the tenacles.

Long work of electrical appliances

Modern refrigerators, freezers and some household appliances are designed to perform a continuous technological cycle. They are equipped with automatic control systems.

Even such devices can break and need periodic control from the owner. Burned electric motors, filled with water floors or cases of flooding neighbors from below - bright confirmation of it.

For working equipment and electrical equipment, you still need to look from a person.


We love to make something with your own hands. Now it is very easy to find many tips on how to make a homemade machine, heating, welding ... But whether we have enough qualifications to perform all this not only working, but also safe for operation? Surely not always.

The designs of many homemade heaters are not only firewood, but are able to create an electrical injury.

In any case, before entering homemade electrical appliances, it is important not only to measure the resistance of electrical insulation, but also to test it. This is done by specialized electrical laboratories.

Maintaining in good condition Wiring Protection

In all residential premises, introductory shields are installed in the operation of the electrical circuit. In them, as a rule, the electric meter and protective machines or fuses are mounted.

They must be maintained in a working condition. Especially important is this requirement for old houses in rural areas, where you can still meet working, but morally obsolete electrical folders with an induction meter and two cork fuses. In them, the hosts instead of industrial smelting inserts establish homemade "bugs" - segments of randomly selected wires.

Often their nominal nominations are overestimated: to once again not change when burn out. It is for this reason that they do not always quickly turn off the short circuit that has arisen, and in some cases they do not work at all.

The same requirement refers to the settings of circuit breakers. Their selection, configuration and testing of performance - an important element of electrical safety.


They are always inquisitive, movable, actively climb into all accessible and even forbidden places. In this way, they know the world around us, master it. But is it always an adult man can keep track of the behavior of the baby, protect him from entering the current? How to avoid accidents?

Parents need to take into account the age of the child and its development. Children under three years need to exclude access to electrical appliances elements of furniture, partitions, fences. Be sure to specify the forbidden zones and inspire that they should not enter there.

All contacts of the electrical sockets must be closed by dielectric plugs. After all, kids can turn there nail, pin or another piece of metal.

Children of all ages need to persistently explain the rules for the safe handling of electricity in everyday life and on the street. For this purpose, a lot of books are written for them and many learning cartoons are shot. For example, "Tips of Aunt Owls."

Such video tutorials are created by specialists, taking into account the specifics of children's psychology. They are informative, well remembered. Especially when parents give a passing explanation, and after the joint viewing are divided by comments, ask leading questions.

In the conclusion of the article, I would like to refer to the electricians again: you certainly, on the basis of your own experience, know another causes of electric shock in everyday life. Share them with your loved ones! Your advice will always be perceived. They will help protect a person from receiving electricians.

1. Random touch to the current-carrying parts under the voltage as a result:

erroneous actions during work;

faults of protective tools that the victims concerned the current parts and others.

2. The appearance of voltage on the metal structural parts of electrical equipment as a result:

damage to the insulation of the current parts; closure of the network phase to the Earth;

drops of wire under voltage, on the structural parts of electrical equipment, etc.

3. The appearance of voltage on the disconnected current parts as a result: the erroneous turn on the shut off installation;

closures between disconnected and stressed currents;

discharge of lightning in electrical installation and others.

4. The emergence of the tension of the step on the plot of land where the person is, as a result:

closure phase to the ground;

potential takeaway with a long conductive subject (pipeline, railway rails);

faults in the protective grounding device, etc.

Step voltage - the voltage between the two points of the circuit of the current circuit, located one of the other at a distance of the step, on which the person is at the same time.

The greatest value of the step voltage near the place of closure, and the smallest - at a distance of more than 20 m.

At a distance of 1 m from the earthinger, the step voltage drop is 68% of the total voltage, at a distance of 10 m - 92%, at a distance of 20 m - almost equal to zero.

The danger of the tension of the step increases, if the person who has exposed to its effect falls: the tension of the step increases, since the current passes no longer through the legs, but through the whole body of man.

42. The most important factors affecting the outcome of electric shock are:

the value of the current flowing through the human body; current exposure time; current frequency;

passage of current; Individual properties of the human body. Current value. Under normal conditions, the smallest current of industrial frequency, which causes physiological sensations in humans, is on average 1 millia minute (MA); For DC current, this value is 5 mA. Duration of current exposure. The prolonged effect of electrical current with parameters that did not seek initially danger to the body can lead to death as a result of a decrease in human body resistance. It has already been noted above that when exposed to electric current on the human body, the activity of sweat glands increases, as a result of which the humidity of the skin increases, and the electrical resistance decreases sharply. As the experiments showed, the initially measured ohmic resistance of the human body, which make up tens of thousands of orals, decreased under the influence of electric current to several hundred ohms. Current and frequency. Currents of various kinds (with other things being equal) represent a different degree of danger to the body. The nature of their impact is also unequal. Permanent current produces thermal and electrolytic effect in the body, and the variable is predominantly cutting muscles, vessels, voice ligaments, etc. It has been established that the alternating current of the voltage is below 500 in a more dangerous to it by direct current voltage, and with an increase in voltage over 500 V Increases the danger from the effects of DC. The role of the Tok path. The path of the current in the human body is essential for the outcome of the defeat. The passing current is distributed in the body throughout its volume, but it passes the largest part along the path of the smallest resistance, mainly along the flows of tissue liquids, blood and lymphatic vessels and shells of the nerve trunks. Features of individual properties of a person. The physical and mental state of a person at the time of exposure to its electric current is of great importance. The dangers of lesion of the current are more susceptible to persons suffering from heart diseases, lungs, nervous diseases, etc. Therefore, labor legislation has been established by the professional selection of workers serving electrical installations, depending on the state of health.

43. Basic measures to protect against elimination EL. Current are:

Ensuring the inaccessibility of current-carrying parts that are under voltage for random touch, eliminating the risk of lesion when stresses on the housings, casing; - protective grounding, reinforcement, protective shutdown; - the use of low voltages; - The use of double isolation. Analysis of the causes of electrical exchanging detects the following main conditions for the occurrence of human lesion by electric shock: 1. Contact with current-carrying parts under voltage. 2. Damage to the insulation of electrical equipment and wiring, creating the ability to transition voltage on their structural parts. Touching the structural parts of it substantiated, can cause an electrician. 3. High voltage transition to low voltage system.

A person may suffer when working with electrical dispensers in the case when malfunctions are observed in the power grid.

Possible causes of electric shock

The greatest number of incidents are observed when servicing electrical installations. People who become victims of accidents:

  • do not represent what danger is the wrong handling of electricity;
  • not competent in electrical safety issues.

Classification of electrical workers

  1. ELECTRICAL ELECTRONE - as a rule, without a violation of the human body.
  2. Electric degree of gravity - there is a loss of human consciousness, disruption of the operation of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  3. Electric shock - high degree of body lesion. Numerous injuries on the body are observed, a person does not respond to external stimuli.
  4. Clinical death. It is a consequence of obtaining particularly serious injuries.

The victim, if necessary, should have a medical assistance. If the degree of injury is great, then the patient immediately need to be delivered to the hospital.

Major terms

Electrical safety is a set of measures, actions and protective electrical equipment aimed at reducing accidents when contact with electric strokes.

Electrotramatism is a violation of the body's work caused by the effects of electric flow.

Electricalrahm - obtained under the influence of electric flow injury.

Electrical signs - harmless traces on the skin, as a consequence of contact of skin with current-time parts.

Electrical signs on the skin of the victim

Electric burn is the lesion of the skin tissues caused by high temperatures of the electric arge, which occurred as a result of the KZ.

Skin metallization - penetration into medium layers of alive tissues of molten metal particles.

Electric shock - condition (often temporary) paralysis of the body, loss of respiratory reflex, heartbeat and performance of body systems.

Electrode - numerous damage to the body obtained during the incident.

Paralysis of the heart muscle occurs with especially serious circumstances. When the charges pass along the body or across, hitting the line of the heart, stopping its normal operation. Fibrigration causes a violation of blood outflow. Death comes with inaction or improper first aid.

Elevation of the affected electric shock

Step voltage - voltage value between two points of touch (steps). Its smallest value is achieved with a minimum length of his legs from each other. If the step of injury and death is increasing, the risk of injury and fatal outcome increases, since the current passes through the vital organs.


Conditions under which injury can be obtained:

  • Touching the open parts of the electrical appliances that are under voltage.
  • Accidents that are caused by the inconsistency of staff work.
  • Touching the body of electrical apparatus, which failed and on the surface of which there are voltages or delay leakage currents.
  • Random approximation in the damage zone of faulty high-voltage power transmission lines.
  • Hit into the zone of action of the electric arc.
  • Touch tool (from conductive materials) to electrical apparatus.
  • Hit for overvoltage.
  • Touching pipes and metal structures, which were under voltage (dried wire, etc.).
  • Fault of the enclosing devices of repair objects. Lack of necessary measures to limit access to hazardous elements.
  • Voltage feed without warning. The erroneous inclusion of exhaust machines at substations.
  • Lack of protective grounding.
  • The occurrence of short circuits when performing repair work.
  • Malfunction of electrical appliances. Disrupting the integrity of insulating surfaces.
  • Troubles in insulation caused by overheating and melting the protective layer of cables.
  • Use of broken electrical appliances.
  • Malfunctions on LPP.
  • Short circuits.
  • Errors in work: random touch to hazardous devices, falls, etc.
  • Electrooper. It occurs when overcoming the maximum permissible safe distance between man and electrical installation of more than 1 kV.
  • The occurrence of step tension in the presence of a bare conductor under voltage.
  • Lightning strikes in installations that are not equipped with lightning rooms. Electrotocks and a large value occurs. The incident is often accompanied by fire.
  • Hanging moisture in a room with a faulty electrical installation: the presence of condensate on the walls and floors leads to the affix of living organisms.
  • Leaving electrical installations without supervision with a closed chain. It is a frequent cause of injury.
  • Malfunction or lack of grounding circuit. Violation of the memory.
  • Breakdown sz. There is due to the inattentive attitude towards the workflow of the personnel.
  • External factors: the occurrence of voltage on the current-carrying parts due to repeated accidents - on the feed substations, lightning strikes during the work of DR.

Scale of injury

Distinguish the following extent of injuries that depend on factors:

  • The duration of the residence of a person under the action of electric flow. The higher the indicator, the greater the likelihood of injury and death.

The protective functions of the body (along with the body resistance) are reduced during long-term contact. It has been proven that with the duration of the defeat of 1-2 minutes, the resistance can decrease by 25%. Increases negative impact on the work of the heart. If the electrotocks passes through the main body during a relaxed state, then its most detrimental effect. In such cases, fibrillation occurs.

  • The conditions of the body: physical preparation, stress resistance, the presence of chronic diseases, the acute phase of the flow of diseases.

During the acute cycle of the disease or in the presence of chronic diseases, the individual is more vulnerable than a person who has no serious health problems. The problems of the cardiovascular system increase the likelihood of obtaining serious damage. The current flows along the path of least resistance, so those bodies that work are affected will be affected.

Dry skin covers have resistance greater than after moisturizing. Dissolved salts and acids reduce the resistance value of 1.5-2 times. Pot and dirt increase the electrical conductivity of the skin. The effect of electrotock in this case becomes more significant.

The resistivity of the skin of the body has a different meaning. The smallest - has the epidermis of palms, faces, inguinal zones, neck, where the thickness of its layer is minimal. Also, people with a large complex have a large resistance. Plots of the body with a large number of sweat glands are vulnerable.

The magnitude of the floor and age current. Women and children under the same incident conditions will suffer more than men.

What does the electric car look like

During stress, the protective functions of the body also decrease, therefore, persons with stress resistance are less vulnerable.

The area with a smaller value of the relative pressure of the atmosphere is a more dangerous zone. The vacuum (low oxygen content in the air) contributes to an increase in the negative effect of physical quantity.

  • Network Characteristics: Voltage class, Type and current, network frequency, etc.

The voltage class has a secondary importance compared with the concept of current in the incident. With the same voltage of the strength of the current may differ in thousands of times.

Tangible current - up to 1.5 mA. Causes discomfort when passing through the skin. In most cases, it is displaced.

Do not let go. (3-5 mA). Causes cuts of muscle tissues. With an increase in the parameter to 15th, the victim begins to experience significant pain. It is impossible to free up independently.

Fibrillation current 100mA..5a. There are disorders of all organism systems.

When overcoming the threshold in 5a, an electrical shock occurs as a result of a heart and respiratory stop. Long impact leads to death.

It has been proven that the effect of alternating current in networks up to 0.4 kV is much more dangerous permanent. Further, the danger of the latter becomes more (at a frequency of 50 Hz). With an increase in the operating frequency to 10 kHz, the body is exposed to thermal exposure (receiving electrologies).

  • The circumstances of the incident - the place, the speed of rendering a preferences.

Humidity indoors, actions during charge charges by body, quality assistance and d. Painly affect the outcome of the case.

  • Pathways of electric flow through the body. If the charges pass, do not hurt internal organs, then chances to survive are high.

The most dangerous are the hand-hand chains, a hand leg, i.e., those under which the vital organs suffer. Touching by reflexogenic areas is also dangerous (chest, neck, whiskey).

Obtaining electrician man

There are a number of cases when contact with electricity is not dangerous for the body:

  • Contact in dry rooms with networks of 20 V. Man will not receive electricians when taking dangerous items. With this impact, the cramp does not occur, and the victim can independently free.
  • Voltage 12V is considered safe in raw rooms.

Lighting in children's rooms is used on 12 V. This measure is used to reduce the risk of injury to the child.

Video about first help

How to give first aid with an electrician, tells the video below.