Repair Design Furniture

Wastewater treatment in a private house: septic tank or VOC? Features of wastewater treatment systems outside the city Pros and cons of a biological treatment plant. Owner reviews

Thanks to modern technology and science, many technologies have been invented that allow drainage without harming the environment. The sewerage of a country house can act in the following form:

  • as a cesspool;
  • septic tank;
  • biological treatment plant

It should be understood that the construction of any of the above sewers implies the preparation and development of all necessary documents and schemes.

A cesspool is very easy to do with your own hands. Due to its simple installation and low cost, this type of sewage system is most often used by owners of country houses. However, its maintenance will cost a pretty penny, since it is necessary to pump out drains very often when ordering the services of vacuum trucks. During pumping, there is an unpleasant smell in the yard, and the price for this event is high. It is best if you agree to clean up together with your neighbors.

To build such a sewer with your own hands, you need to calculate the volume of the cesspool. Cleaning is done no more than 2 times a year, so take this factor and the number of people living into account. So, for example, their number must be multiplied by 3 or 4 cubic meters (it all depends on how much waste each person produces monthly).

The pit is installed at a distance of 12m from the house, 1m from the fence and 30m from the well. The process itself looks like this:

  1. They dig a hole of the required size with their hands or with the help of equipment.
  2. Hands level the walls of the pit.
  3. A reinforced mesh is laid at the bottom (it is better to put stones or bricks under it).
  4. Concrete is poured onto the grid with a layer of 20-25 cm.
  5. During the drying of the concrete, they build an internal suburban sewage system with their hands.
  6. Carry out the laying of external sewage (I lay pipes to the pit).
  7. Installation of the walls of the septic tank is carried out using concrete or brick.

The hole must be closed. You can close it using a concrete slab with a hatch, or you can make such a slab yourself using a large board and reinforced mesh.

The store sells ready-made septic tanks that require only transportation. The septic tank cleans the drains and cleans them, and anaerobic bacteria process solid organic matter. However, two tanks for wastewater treatment are not enough, and installing 4 is expensive. In fact, the septic tank is the same cesspool, only with a partition. This is a more expensive but safe solution for waste disposal. To make a septic tank with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Build a pit of the required volume.
  2. Fill the bottom with concrete.
  3. Build walls with your hands.
  4. Divide the area into 3 parts and fill in two more walls (separating).
  5. When half of the wall is erected, a pipe is installed with a slight slope for overflow and then concrete is poured.

This is a modern sewer equipment, having installed it, you should not worry about possible environmental pollution. It is impossible to make a suburban sewer of this type with your own hands, but almost everyone can carry out the installation. For a station with an area of ​​1.5 cubic meters, it will not be necessary to hire lifting machines. It is made of polymeric materials, so the weight of such a sewer is not large.

With the help of a few friends, the installation of a deep biological treatment plant will be quick and easy. The main thing is that the pipe connected to the sewer installation should not be bent.

In country houses with an area where there is a high level of groundwater, a deep biological treatment plant must be installed on the surface or a small depression should be made.

degree of cleaning, do-it-yourself installation, reviews

The biological treatment plant guarantees efficient wastewater treatment in the country. The method of operation of the facility with a high degree of purification is borrowed from nature. The main work here is performed by microorganisms. According to the reviews of the owners, the equipment is trouble-free, its installation is simple.

The basis of the work of the biological treatment plant is the vital activity of microorganisms present in the effluents. Special conditions have been created here for their reproduction - air is pumped in, without which bacteria are not able to decompose waste. In fact, this is a copy of natural processes in miniature.

The device of the biological treatment station

SBO is a tank with several chambers inside. How many such chambers are in the tank, how many degrees of purification the biostation has. Each camera has a specific function:

  1. First, water, entering the first compartment, settles, large inclusions settle at its bottom. Subsequently, the sediment must be periodically removed.
  2. The next chamber is the activator. Air is supplied to it by means of a compressor, which is necessary for the vital activity of microorganisms. Here an anaerobic process takes place, which makes it possible to obtain activated sludge.
  3. The third chamber is another settling tank, where the processed product, sludge, is pumped out.
  4. From the secondary clarifier, 98% purified water enters the last chamber.

The silt resulting from the work of bacteria is an excellent fertilizer, and the water that has passed all stages of purification is suitable for irrigation. So in the country, this installation brings a double benefit.

Attention! There is no need to replenish the colony of bacteria by introducing preparations intended for dry closets. Here they will not be of any use, because. completely different microorganisms inhabit it.

Pros and cons of a biological treatment plant

If compared with a septic tank, then the aeration tank has a lot of advantages:

  • the degree of purification is higher;
  • no intolerable odor;
  • compact parameters;

Scheme of treatment facilities

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation - they are installed both underground and above, and deepened by half;
  • no special requirements for soils;
  • frost resistance;
  • exclusion of such a service as calling a sewage truck.

The operation of a biological treatment plant is impossible without electricity, so if the cottage is located in an area where electricity is supplied with large interruptions, then it is better not to install such a system. The rather high price of the station can also become a minus. The acquisition will justify itself if a large amount of wastewater is to be processed.

Attention! It is impossible to drain compounds containing chlorine into the sewer, otherwise the bacteria will die. Therefore, washing machines and dishwashers must be drained separately. Colonies of bacteria do not survive even when the station is idle for a long time.

Station installation

The SBO installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. The design of the pit, including its digging, tamping of the bottom, the device of a loading plate, if groundwater is not far from the surface.
  2. Lowering the station into the prepared pit.
  3. Backfilling into the pit of sand, carried out in stages and accompanied by compaction.
  4. Installation of a pipe and a supply of an electric cable.
  5. Ground planning.

Scheme of arrangement of a biological treatment station in the country

To perform the installation work efficiently, you should take into account some features of the process:

  1. The place for the station should be chosen at a short distance from the country house.
  2. SBO is best installed on a concrete slab.
  3. When backfilling the bioreactor, the edges are first filled with sand, then the soil is poured.
  4. With a low power station, the compressor and timer are placed in a special well located next to the reactor. Mounting of the control unit outside is allowed.
  5. Cables, as well as air ducts, are placed in protective covers.
  6. If sewer water cannot enter the chamber by gravity, then a pumping station is additionally needed.

Advice. Silt is pumped out 1 or 2 times a year. At the same time, preventive maintenance work is being carried out. It's better when professionals do it.

Popular models of biological treatment plants

Among the SBOs suitable for giving, use the following models:

Station for deep biological treatment BIOTANK


When choosing a SBO, it is useful to read reviews about different models.

  • Oleg. I installed Eurobion in my dacha. I was afraid of an unpleasant smell, but it is not at all. The vertical riser through which these odors are removed is high, so that nothing enters the yard. I water the garden with purified, clear water. I don’t invite anyone to service, I do it myself with the help of a drainage pump. The only bad thing is that after a long break in work, it starts for a very long time.

Eurobion installation scheme

  • Andrey. I have TOPAS installed near my country house. I installed it myself, I was even surprised that everything went smoothly. Gives out approximately 1 cubic meter of water per day. It was unusual to bring electricity to this structure, but he managed. Launched, working for 3 months. The water comes out clean and odorless.
  • Egor. I bought Biotank. It has 4 degrees of purification. I had to somehow turn it off for a day, the bacteria survived, however, I had to wait a bit for the unit to switch to normal mode after being turned on again.
  • Svetlana. Of course, I like that after the installation of the biological treatment plant, we have fertilizer for the beds (silt) and water for irrigation. In general, country life has become comfortable, like in an apartment. One thing is inconvenient: you can’t drain the water after washing your hair, the husband says that the filters will become clogged, and also let it out of the washing machine.
  • Ilya. I have a Bioxi station, the device resembles TOPAZ. Yesterday, after a year of operation, I decided to look inside. Everything is fine: the silt is almost not compacted, the airlifts are clean.

Almost all users agree that any models of biological treatment plants work well. Each of them has its own advantages, small disadvantages are not excluded, but it is easy to eliminate them.

How to install a biological treatment plant: video

Wastewater treatment plant: photo

Do-it-yourself treatment facilities for a private house

Country house or country house is good. But as is customary in places remote or somewhat remote from cities, there is no water supply and sewerage system. The arrangement of sewerage is a very important stage in order to comfortably live outside the city. But sometimes the services of specialized companies are expensive, moreover, unjustifiably. So why overpay if you can equip a treatment plant in a private house with your own hands? How? We will now tell you in detail.

What is a sewage treatment plant?

Before you start arranging treatment facilities in the house, you need to decide which type is right for you both in terms of consumer characteristics, price, and, if possible, self-assembly:

  • The sewage storage tank is a cesspool in which a filtering bottom and sealed cesspools are equipped.
  • Devices that process wastewater, namely septic tanks, biological deep cleaning stations, biofilters and aeration tanks.

If you dig deeper, then any of these systems can be installed by yourself without the involvement of specialists, well, unless you need a couple of friends and free time. But, before equipping one or another type, you need to figure out how suitable it is for you.


This is the cheapest option that can be applied to a private house. Before talking about how to equip it with your own hands, I would like to clarify some points about it. This type has been used for a very long time, it has some advantages:

  • The available materials for the arrangement, one might say, are junk, and besides, they do not need much.
  • The design is simple.
  • Elementary installation.

installation of concrete rings for wastewater treatment plants

But, despite the clear advantages, you need to consider the disadvantages, as they can influence the final choice:

  • Over time, it will become necessary to clean the pit using sewers, which is far from cheap.
  • Not every site has the opportunity for the entrance of special equipment, you need to take care of this so that you don’t rack your brains over cleaning later.
  • There is also a restriction on the distance to the source of drinking water.
  • Such a pit pollutes the soil.

Drains, getting through the sewer pipe, merge into a pit, in which a sand and gravel cushion is provided. From there, the liquid seeps into the ground, and solid waste remains on the pillow. Over time, it fills up and needs to be pumped out.

There is a more modern option - this is an airtight cesspool, but here the need to call vacuum cleaners can occur very often, especially if you live in the house regularly. In order to minimize the number of calls to special services, you need to choose a large capacity.

How to equip one and the other option, we will tell further.

Standard pit

Since ancient times, people have used cesspools. Then, at the dug hole, the walls were covered with clay, and the toilet itself was on the street. Today, of course, such "technologies" are no longer used.

digging a well for installing treatment facilities for a private house

Whichever option you choose, the first thing to do is to dig a hole of the required size. Concrete rings, bricks, even obsolete tires are suitable for its arrangement. In the latter case, the larger the diameter, the better.

With the use of concrete rings, the technology is somewhat different. To do this, you need to install a ring on the chosen place, then climb inside it and dig it out: as you dig, the ring will fall. With the next ring, do the same, and to the required depth. Then you need to fill the bottom with a sand and gravel pillow. In most cases, three to four rings will suffice. You also need to remember to provide an outlet for the drain, namely: a hole for the pipe, which will lead the drains to the required place.

When using old tires, you can either proceed in the same way as with concrete rings, or dig a hole in advance. In the second option for laying tires, the soil around them should be compacted so that there is no space between them and the wall of the pit. If brickwork is used, then the pits are dug in advance approximately the same size as the pit. Then it is simply covered with bricks using standard masonry mortar. Don't forget to wall up the pipe or leave room for it.

From above, this structure must be covered so that it does not exude odors and rainwater does not get there, or no one falls. It is also desirable to provide a vent and a pumping well.

Please note: this type will not work if there are a lot of drains, for a number of reasons:

  1. The soil is not able to absorb a very large amount of water.
  2. Given that the filtration will be coarse, the liquid that enters the soil will be undertreated, which means that sewage will enter it and pollute it.

sealed pits

For their arrangement, it is necessary to purchase a special container. Today, the most common are plastic pits, their sizes vary from one to dozens of cubes, so you can choose by size. But here a problem arises: first of all, it needs to be transported somehow, and then installed in the place intended for it. Completely without the involvement of special equipment can not do here. Next, we will present the sequence of works:

  • Digging a hole. If a large capacity is expected, then it is not so easy to dig it out, and it is better to use the services of an excavator. If you are not embarrassed by the not very harmonious appearance of the container, then you do not need to bury it at all.
  • Screed. In most cases, the container is still hidden underground, but first the pit needs to be strengthened. To do this, it is necessary to reinforce and pour a small concrete screed.
  • Capacity installation. After preparation, you can install a container in the resulting pit. It can be of different shapes, so most likely it will have to be covered with a layer of soil on top so that only a pumping well remains on the surface.

When arranging this type of sewage treatment system for a private house with your own hands, you need to take into account some important factors. For example, do not wait until the container is filled to the brim: there must be at least a meter of distance between the lid and the drains. Take care of ventilation, so you can get rid of the strong smell when you open the hatch cover. So, equipping this type of pit, take care of the convenient entrance of special equipment.

installation of concrete rings without a bottom for arranging drainage

A closed cesspool has the following advantages:

  • It can be arranged in any convenient place, as it does not pollute the soil and sources of drinking water.
  • Such a cesspool is great for a country house, because it does not require high maintenance costs.

Septic tank, or how to rationally use drains

Another option is to make a septic tank with your own hands. It is a design of one, two, three or four containers. The more of them, the better the cleaning will be. With the maximum level of such filtration, it is even possible to use wastewater for technical purposes, for example, for watering or cleaning the territory.

installation of special septic tanks with a system for treating wastewater and draining into the ground

The essence of the work of this treatment plant is that the effluents, falling into one chamber, settle in it for some time. Heavy particles precipitate, then the resulting liquid passes into the next chamber. After these processes, the liquid enters the aeration field, where it is cleaned using soil bacteria, which are very numerous in the upper soil layer. In order to make such a design with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate all its parameters and take into account the features, performance, which will primarily depend on the size of the septic tank.

It is very important to determine the correct dimensions of the septic tank. Here, the amount of effluents that will be produced by the inhabitants of the house in two days is taken into account. Now we are talking about the calculation for the first chamber, since for smaller ones such a calculation goes to knocks. So, knowing that the approximate number of drains per day for one person is 200 liters, this figure should be multiplied by 3 days, since the process of filtering drains in a septic tank can take up to 3 days. In total, we get 600 liters in three days, but this is subject to the residence of one person, if more, then 600 must be multiplied by the number of people permanently residing in the house, which means they use water to wash dishes, take a shower, use the toilet. Having made such simple calculations, it is better to round the resulting figure up. For example, if three people live, we will get a figure of 1800 liters, that is, it is better to take a septic tank for 2000 liters.

Another size of the septic tank can be calculated if there is a water meter. Here you also need to calculate for three days, it is best that two weekends and one weekday fall into this period, since it is on weekends that the water consumption is greater, which means that the load on the septic tank is greater.

Scheme of the treatment system

Before creating such a treatment system, it is necessary to develop its scheme. We will offer the simplest one that can be implemented. The basic system includes:

  • A septic tank, it can be made from concrete rings, European cups, it can also be just a foundation pit in which the walls are lined with concrete. There should be at least two cameras.
  • Aeration field where post-treatment will be carried out.

When arranging a septic tank, you need to take into account that the best result can be obtained using three cameras.

The entire structure must be sloped. First, there is a pipe with a slope to the septic tanks. Each department of the septic tank should have its own hatch to control its filling. This is followed by an overflow pipe of at least two meters. The filtration field should be from 5 to 20 meters long; ventilation pipes must be installed above it. Above you need a gravel cushion of at least half a meter.

You can make a septic tank with your own hands from improvised materials. The following factors should be considered: durability, environmental friendliness, compliance with sanitary standards, efficiency. You can make a septic tank from bricks, concrete rings, eurocubes.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

Septic tanks made of concrete rings are created no deeper than four meters. Four or five standard rings will be enough for this. The diameter can also be different: from 70 cm to 2 m, this indicator must be taken into account when calculating the required volume. First of all, decide how many wells there will be, where they will be located and where the aeration field will be located.

installation of meter-long concrete rings and fixing in the ground

Please note that each ring weighs several hundred kilograms, and this must be taken into account, because you will most likely have to use special equipment. But, in principle, you can do it yourself, although you will need helpers. The pit digging technology is the same as we told for the cesspool. Lay in this way you need to consistently all the rings. To bind the rings, reinforcement is used, which is welded in the middle of the structure. At the bottom of the septic tank, a screed is poured, waterproofing is carried out. The same must be done with the joints - they are covered with cement and waterproofed. With the second compartment, you need to do the same, but it needs to be made smaller in volume by 20%, from the first. From the last compartment of the septic tank, you need to make an exit to the aeration field.

European cup septic tank

It’s still easier here, you just need to find or buy such containers, you can even use them. Here it will not be possible to particularly turn around in size: both the first and second, and subsequent containers will be the same in volume, only they need to be placed 20 cm below the level of the previous compartment. In such a cube, you need to make a hole for ventilation, it should be separate for each cube and for the aeration field. Before installing septic tanks, it is necessary to dig a hole. Cubes are not heavy, it is quite possible to move and mount them together.

installation of a septic tank from eurocubes and an overflow system

The containers must be connected to the pipe that comes from the house, between themselves and draw a conclusion to the aeration field, then this entire structure should be covered with a layer of earth, leaving only ventilation pipes and wells on the surface. Such septic tanks must be cleaned of sediment in order for them to work effectively.

brick septic tank

When arranging a septic tank of a brick pit, you need to decide on the number of drains. If there are less than a cube, then one camera will be enough. In a brick septic tank, a foundation is needed; on the basis of it, “walls” should already be erected. First you need to dig a hole. Its depth is the volume of the septic tank, we described above how to calculate it. It is also necessary to seal the bottom and think over a sand cushion.

construction of a brick septic tank with a complex system of filtration and overflows

The arrangement of the chamber must begin with the processing of bricks with mastic, after which masonry is carried out using building concrete. After the construction of the structure, it is necessary to process the connection of the wall and floor of the pit with cement mortar. The walls must first be treated with clay, and then plastered, after which the installation of a two-layer waterproofing should be organized. For such a septic tank, a reinforced concrete slab is needed for overlapping. It should have two holes - one for the hatch, the second for the ventilation pipe (it can be both plastic and asbestos).

This option has many advantages, namely:

  • Low price and availability.
  • Reliability of a design and durability, on condition of the correct execution of works.
  • Ease of arrangement.
  • Placement and erection options, no need to be tied to a cube or a cylinder.
  • All work can be carried out independently without the involvement of assistants.
  • Practicality.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • The construction process will take a long time, it is laborious.
  • The design needs additional protection from environmental influences.

Important! Do not build a septic tank from a foam block, as it will not withstand the effects of negative factors and will simply fall apart after a short time.

Other options

The last septic tank option that we would like to talk about is a tire septic tank. This option is cheap and takes less time to implement than the previous one. All work is carried out in stages:

  • First you need to markup. Lay a tire on the ground, which will be the basis of the first well, at some distance for the second. If there are more of them, then for the next ones. Now you need to dig holes according to the marks.
  • Bottom. It in any septic tank should not let sewage into the ground. That is why it must either be concreted or covered with the so-called "clay plug", that is, a layer of clay of at least 20-25 cm.
  • Tire preparation. All need to cut off the upper part, for this, use a jigsaw or other suitable tool. By carrying out this operation, it will be possible to obtain smoother edges of the well, which will not let runoff into the ground.
  • Mounting. You need to stack them one on top of the other. For the stability of the structure, they must be tied together with wire, in the future, all connecting seams are treated with a sealant to prevent seepage of drains. At a distance of 2/3 to the bottom, you need to insert a transition pipe through which the drains will enter the well from the house.
  • The remaining space between the well and the pit should be covered with a layer of earth, for example, use the one that remains after digging it.
  • Lid. Any material that does not rot will do.

As you can see, everyone can equip a treatment plant with their own hands, and at the same time it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cleaning systems. A self-made septic tank will serve faithfully for many years.

Biological treatment station for a private house, comparison of a septic tank and SBO

If you do not have the opportunity to connect your country house to the central sewerage system, then the arrangement of a septic tank can rightly be considered the best solution. The use of such an installation allows you to cope with the removal of wastewater offline, which will be appreciated by any owner of a summer house or a house outside the city.

Biological treatment station can be installed by hand

The modern market amazes with a variety of proposals for choosing septic tanks for a country house - from the simplest to those characterized by complexity and perfection of design. The popularity of biological treatment stations for a private house or summer cottage is especially growing - equipment that has a number of obvious advantages that can bring a lot of benefits to their owners. Separately, I am glad that they can be installed with your own hands, which means significant savings for the family budget.

Design and principle of operation of biorefinery stations

SBO is a septic tank made of fiberglass, which includes several compartments. Their specific value is determined by the performance of the treatment plant and the design principles laid down in the installation by the manufacturer.

In addition, the deep biological treatment plant provides for the presence of equipment that performs aeration - the process of saturating sewage with oxygen. The use of such installations contributes to the growth of the number of aerobic microorganisms, which carry out wastewater treatment - "digesting" the organic compounds included in them.

Air is forced into the septic tank with deep biological treatment by means of compressors - most often one or two. Without them, the microflora in the tanks will not be able to clean the drains, since for its full-fledged life, the presence of sufficient volumes of oxygen is simply necessary.

The principle of operation of the biological sewage treatment plant provides for the phased implementation of the following actions:

  • sewage entering the first compartment is settled, as a result of which heavy fractions settle to the bottom of the tank;
  • in the second, aeration chamber, the main process of biological wastewater treatment is carried out, followed by the formation of activated sludge;
  • water purified in this way enters the third chamber, in which it is finally settled.

It should be noted that stations for deep biological treatment of sewage are capable of removing 98% of unwanted inclusions from them. Due to this, the principle of operation of these installations does not provide for the arrangement of soil filtration fields, which is very convenient when compared with settling tanks of a conventional design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now it is worth listing the main pros and cons that a biological wastewater treatment plant has. It should be said right away that the advantages of this equipment are much greater than the shortcomings, which ensures its steadily growing popularity. Its most significant benefits include:

  • higher degree of purification, in comparison with conventional septic tanks;
  • reliability and durability of the structure;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • compact installation dimensions;
  • the possibility of installation regardless of the specifics of the soil;
  • no threat to the environment;
  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • saving money on pumping.

In addition, the principle of operation for the maintenance of biological treatment plants is not very difficult.

Also, the operation of such installations provides for the pumping of activated sludge every few months, from which a good fertilizer is obtained for the vegetation growing on the site. Of the shortcomings of the SBO for country houses and cottages, the following points stand out:

  • unlike a conventional septic tank, a biological treatment plant depends on the electricity needed to operate compressors and jet pumps;
  • susceptibility to peak wastewater discharges;
  • relatively high cost;
  • the need to replace compressors every few years.

The biological treatment plant must operate without long downtime

Also, the equipment in question should not stand idle for a long time without loading - this can lead to the death of the microflora in it. In addition, when using bio-treatment stations, effluents containing chlorine should not be drained into the sewer - again, in order to avoid harming the colonies of beneficial microorganisms.

Installation of SBO for summer cottages or suburban households

With regards to the implementation of the installation for giving this equipment, then you can perform this procedure with your own hands - without the involvement of employees. In addition, in most cases you will not need to use lifting machines - due to the low weight of the mounted structures. Install the station in the following sequence:

  • digging a pit and carefully ramming its base;
  • installing a slab if the groundwater level is high;
  • lowering the biological treatment plant into the pit;
  • backfilling of the pit, providing for compaction every 25-35 cm;
  • connection of a sewer pipe;
  • connecting the power cable needed to power the compressors and the pump;
  • ground leveling.

It is also worth adding that for arranging SBO with your own hands, it is advisable for you to consider the following points:

  • it is not necessary to locate the station at a considerable distance from the dwelling;
  • it is most rational to install a treatment plant on a concrete slab;
  • filling the station, you should first fill the edges of the pit with sand;
  • if the performance of the equipment being installed is low, it is justified to place the compressor and timer in a separate well;
  • cables and air ducts must be placed in special casings that provide their protection.

Remember that with your own hands it is really only possible to install a bio-treatment station. It is almost impossible to make it yourself in compliance with all quality and safety requirements, and therefore it is better to refuse such an undertaking.

Finally, it remains to be noted that when answering the question of which is better - a septic tank of a classical design or SBO, it is worth considering whether you live outside the city permanently or not. If so, then such a comparison will most often be in favor of the treatment plant - due to the ease of its installation by one's own hands, ease of operation and other reasons listed above. The final decision - an ordinary septic tank or a station - depends only on you, in accordance with your needs, features of economic activity and financial capabilities.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house. Deep biological wastewater treatment. Autonomous sewerage is the most demanded part of communications. The article talks about autonomous sewage in a private house and wastewater biological treatment plants

Autonomous sewage systems are a complex installation with a characteristic system of overflows, filtration and no less complex electronics. Only competent calculation and observance of norms and rules will ensure a long and quiet life for the “autonomy”. How to arrange an autonomous sewerage system for a private house with your own hands, using "biological weapons" for peaceful purposes?

From the cesspool to the biological wastewater treatment plant

Living in a private house is now becoming more comfortable, thanks to the successful and total implementation of engineering water purification systems. Autonomous sewerage is the most demanded part of engineering communications.

Starting with primitive and labor-intensive do-it-yourself "economy options" - cesspools and septic tank installations, modern autonomous sewerage for a private house is fundamentally different from its predecessors. The organization of sewer installations is based on the principle of deep biological wastewater treatment.

What is the principle of autonomous sewerage for the house

The work of the autonomous sewage system of a private house is organized according to the wastewater treatment method, which involves the following steps:

Mechanical (cleaning of large fractions)

Biological (removal of organic compounds)


Waste water disinfection.

At the mechanical stage of treatment, the effluents pass into a state favorable for the release of suspended solids. The result of mechanical cleaning is the removal of up to 70 percent of contaminants and the creation of an even distribution of water in the drain.

The result of biological wastewater treatment is the degradation of water organic matter using microorganisms (aerobic and anaerobic).

An important step in wastewater treatment is sludge dehydration or a change in the chemical composition of water. To increase the efficiency of the mechanical process in the sewer system, a flocculant is used.

The final stage of wastewater treatment is based on its disinfection and subsequent salvo discharge.

A simplified diagram of an autonomous sewage device in a private house for waste disposal consists of the following elements:

Sewage and fecal waste storage

Tanks for purification and processing.

But of particular interest are stations for deep biological wastewater treatment, which include aerotanks and methanetanks.

The aerotank is a reinforced concrete structure of an open type. Waste water, which contains organic pollutants, is passed through the aerotank, air and recirculated sludge are supplied in an active state. In a flow-type aeration tank, water circulates continuously. During aeration, the liquid can be in the tank for up to several days.

What is deep biological wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment technology using deep biological treatment plants can be confidently attributed to complex processes in which microorganisms are involved. Technologically necessary:

Create conditions conducive to the formation of enzymes

Create conditions for aeration, oxidation and decomposition of substances

In the process of the created conditions for the life support of the biopurification cycle, the breakdown of products will be carried out

Perform technological discharge of cleaning products into a reservoir or onto a relief.

To date, there are many models of stations for deep biological wastewater treatment. Recall that ready-made stations from the manufacturer are designed for the disposal of sewage, but not for their storage.

The most popular autonomous sewers are:

Poplar - Eco

and this list is updated annually with new models.

Autonomous sewerage, what could be easier! This video will tell you about it.

Stations for deep biological wastewater treatment have an impressive cost, however, performance characteristics provide a good degree of wastewater treatment. In addition, the advanced sewage treatment technology makes it possible to reuse the treated waste water for irrigation. How to install an autonomous sewer for a house with your own hands?

Installing an autonomous sewer yourself

Of course, it is preferable to entrust the installation of autonomous sewage to specialists. If you intend to install it yourself, then you first need to consult with specialists who will help in choosing a place for digging a pit for installation. It does not hurt to draw up a plan and installation scheme.

selection of installation model for autonomous sewage

When selecting a plant model, the following initial data are required:

Number of consumers and users of sewerage

Location of groundwater and its water pressure level

Geological composition of soil and soil

Working volume of the receiving chamber

Depth of insertion of the outlet pipe

Estimated place of volley discharge of sewage.

Based on the collected data, the selection, purchase and delivery of an autonomous sewage installation is carried out.

Useful information

In the model of treatment facilities, the manufacturer indicates the depth of the tie-in of the sewer pipe into the system. This is a height of 1.05 - 1.45 mm from the soil level to the lower edge of the supply pipe.

what you have to do with your own hands for installation and installation

Installation activities for an autonomous wastewater treatment plant consist of the following steps:

Earthworks for excavation

Installation of the station structure into the pit (without concreting)

Insulation of the top and side parts of the station

Sand station design drainage

Gaskets for inlet and outlet pipes (inlet sewer pipe Ø110 mm with insulation and outlet pipe Ø110mm type DGT-PND)

Laying of an electric cable VVG 4x1.5 in a protective tube PNDØ25

Installation of a conical filtration well Ø0.6m. at the top, Ø1m. at the bottom, up to 2 m high.

Compressor connections

Polymer-sand manhole installations

Soil backfill.

If at the sight of this list of ongoing events your enthusiasm has not faded, then it's time to watch the proposed video.

How to independently install a wastewater treatment plant will help you video.

The device of the biological sewerage treatment station for the house
  • comfortable stay at home.

The principle of operation of the biological treatment plant

Installation of a station for deep biological wastewater treatment

System advantages:


Comparative table of wastewater treatment methods
Septic tank device



  • Installing a septic tank is more difficult.

Using a septic tank to give

  • compressor;

  • first a pit is made;
  • the station is immersed in the pit;
Mounting Features

Installation of a biological treatment station

Biological sewerage for a country house is a modern environmentally friendly option for wastewater treatment.

Overview of biological treatment stations for summer cottages

Out-of-town sewerage is a convenient and modern solution, therefore, in dachas and in private villages, local purification systems are increasingly being installed. Such systems are able to provide high-quality and efficient wastewater treatment through the decomposition of organic substances contained in them. Thus, problems regarding the disposal of these compounds are solved.

If a biological treatment station is installed for a summer residence, then you can forever forget about the issue of waste disposal and removal of sewers.

The installation of an autonomous sewage system in your home does not require much effort, while the result of the work justifies the costs. As a result, an ordinary summer cottage turns into a comfortable suburban housing designed for year-round use.

On the one hand, the owner of a country house must himself monitor the operation of the autonomous sewage system, ensuring its serviceability. On the other hand, if you purify wastewater and do sewage in the country with your own hands from a barrel, then you can be calm that everything is in order.

One of the main advantages of such systems is the independence from the general sewer system, which often fails. It is also worth noting that the price of such a solution is quite acceptable.

There are many important advantages of installing an autonomous sewer system:

  • eliminates the risk of pollution and poisoning of the land on the site;
  • the environment is not polluted, namely groundwater and reservoirs;
  • comfortable stay at home.

Features of biological wastewater treatment

As a rule, biological treatment occurs with the participation of bacteria, which are divided into two groups:

  • due to aerobes, ammonia is converted into nitrates and nitrites;
  • due to anaerobes, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide are released in gaseous form.

Biological treatment is the most convenient and safest way to treat domestic water in the sewer system. There are various types of stations, the work of which is based on the vital activity of aerobic bacteria, the question of how to make a toilet in a country house with a sewer can be solved quickly and easily. Thus, organic compounds in wastewater decompose into simple components.

It should be noted that the biological method of wastewater treatment is considered the most versatile, since a local sewerage system can be installed in any suburban area. There is also no need to connect to a centralized sewer system.

You can install such systems for a country house of a country type, a cafe, a hotel, a restaurant and other establishments. Due to the biological treatment of wastewater, the destruction of organic impurities is ensured, so the water becomes clean and transparent. The advantages also include the absence of a problem with the disposal of water and a decrease in the risk of its re-contamination.

Autonomous sewer systems are used to effectively treat domestic wastewater. This is perhaps the most successful solution to such problems of a country house.

Biological stations are able to qualitatively purify wastewater without accumulation, which occurs in the case of using conventional septic tanks. If such a station is installed in the house, then there is no need to call a sewage truck.

Autonomous sewage system has a compact size and can be installed on any soil.

Deep biological treatment plant or septic tank?

The station consists of 4 sections, in which there is a stage-by-stage purification of wastewater due to activated sludge and oxygen. In this case, purification is carried out up to 98%. The resulting water can be fully used for irrigation or for technical needs.

Such a biological treatment plant is compact and easy to install, which is an indisputable plus for independent work. In addition, no further pumping of settling effluents is required. Despite this, the station needs regular maintenance, which consists in washing the sections with a pressure washer, in addition to this, the unit will need to be restarted. You can do this yourself or contact the service department. An important condition is the careful handling of the station during its operation.

It is advisable to use such treatment facilities at facilities where permanent residence is planned.

System advantages:

  • Compact dimensions - the deep biological treatment station does not take up much free space.
  • Easy installation - this is especially important for independent work.
  • Pumping out is not necessary if maintenance is performed in a timely manner.
  • There is no need to install a post-treatment system.


  • The station is volatile, so it does not work without electricity.
  • Regular maintenance required.
  • To wash the unit, you need to use special detergents that can be bought at the store.
  • If no one lives in the house in winter, equipment conservation and its subsequent launch will be required.
Septic tank device

The device is a polyethylene container, consisting of three sections, directly in which wastewater is purified up to 90%. Such septic tanks should not be confused with simple storage tanks. This device performs wastewater treatment by directing water into special systems for final purification. Such water can be used as a technical liquid, for irrigation of the soil or for the construction of drinking sources.

If the water from the septic tank is not further purified, then unpleasant consequences can be observed. There is sediment left in the device, which must be pumped out, about once a year. From a certain point of view, septic tanks are considered cheaper than biological treatment plants, but do not forget about the need to use a post-treatment system. Installation of such a unit is relatively more difficult, since anchoring is required. Despite this, this system can be used for country houses where year-round living is not provided.


  • It does not require electricity to work.
  • Do not buy and use special detergents.
  • The device can be used both in the country and for the house where people live permanently.
  • Maintenance is not required, the filtration composition in the post-treatment system needs to be changed once every 15 years.
  • Affordable cost, even if you take into account the purchase of a post-treatment system.


  • The need for post-treatment systems.
  • Installing a septic tank is more difficult.
  • Periodic pumping required.
  • Such a septic tank in the country with your own hands from the rings can be installed for any house or cottage.

The principle of operation of biological treatment plants

Stations where sewage biotreatment is carried out are called SBR reactors. Intermittent aeration of activated sludge colonies takes place in them. As a result of such actions, ammonium is converted to nitrogen, while phosphate-accumulating bacteria contribute to the removal of phosphorus from wastewater.

Inside the case, made of foamed polypropylene, the stations are located:

  • automatic control unit;
  • compressor;
  • 4 chambers, namely the receiving chamber, the aerotank, the activated sludge stabilization chamber and the secondary clarifier.

Wastewater treatment steps at aeration stations:

  • There is a separation of wastewater into fractions in the receiving chamber.
  • The wastewater is then saturated with oxygen. Effluent is pumped through the operation of airlift pumps, in other words, air bubbles act on the waters, while the biomass is not damaged.
  • When biomass enters the aeration tank, they turn into suspended activated sludge, on the flakes of which the main purification is carried out.
  • After that, the spent sludge enters the chamber, where the activated sludge is stabilized.
  • In the secondary clarifier, the treated effluents are released from particles that are in suspension.
  • When the wastewater treatment process is completed, the wastewater is discharged into a reservoir or simply onto the terrain of the site.
  • After going through all the processes, the sludge becomes safe and can be used as a biofuel or a good fertilizer for plants in the country.

Installation process of biological treatment plants

The advantages of installing equipment include the absence of the need to use special equipment. So, you should follow a certain sequence:

  • first a pit is made;
  • if there is a high level of groundwater, then it will be necessary to form a loading plate. In the case of non-watered soils, the station will have to be installed on a compacted site;
  • the station is immersed in the pit;
  • the pit is covered in layers with sand and compacted;
  • inlet and outlet sewer pipes are mounted;
  • bring the electric cable;
  • the site is being planned, while only the hatch will be visible on the surface.
Mounting Features

During the installation of a biological station, it is required to take into account the following features:

  • the bioreactor should be mounted at a short distance from the house, while the station is completely or partially submerged underground;
  • concrete rings are not used for installation, therefore, construction costs are significantly reduced;
  • the station is usually installed on a concrete slab;
  • the edge of the bioreactor is sprinkled with sand and then earth;
  • if the equipment is of low power, then the timer and compressor will be located near the reactor in the technological well. If necessary, the control unit can be installed on the outside of the bioreactor;
  • with the help of special casings protect air ducts and cables;
  • if it is not possible to organize the flow of water into the equipment by gravity, then it is necessary to install a pumping station.

Only specialists should pump out excess sludge, check airlifts, compressor and aerator membranes, as well as change faulty parts and clean the walls of the bioreactor. Such processes are required to be carried out at least 1-2 times a year.

Out-of-town sewerage is a convenient and modern solution, therefore, in dachas and in private villages, local purification systems are increasingly being installed. Such systems are able to provide high-quality and efficient wastewater treatment through the decomposition of organic substances contained in them. Thus, problems regarding the disposal of these compounds are solved.

If a biological treatment station is installed for a summer residence, then you can forever forget about the issue of waste disposal and removal of sewers.

The installation of an autonomous sewage system in your home does not require much effort, while the result of the work justifies the costs. As a result, an ordinary summer cottage turns into a comfortable suburban housing designed for year-round use.

On the one hand, the owner of a country house must himself monitor the operation of the autonomous sewage system, ensuring its serviceability. On the other hand, if you purify wastewater and do sewage in the country with your own hands from a barrel, then you can be calm that everything is in order.

The device of the biological sewerage treatment station for the house

One of the main advantages of such systems is the independence from the general sewer system, which often fails. It is also worth noting that the price of such a solution is quite acceptable.

There are many important advantages of installing an autonomous sewer system:

  • eliminates the risk of pollution and poisoning of the land on the site;
  • the environment is not polluted, namely groundwater and reservoirs;
  • comfortable stay at home.

Features of biological wastewater treatment

As a rule, biological treatment occurs with the participation of bacteria, which are divided into two groups:

  • due to aerobes, ammonia is converted into nitrates and nitrites;
  • due to anaerobes, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide are released in gaseous form.

Biological treatment is the most convenient and safest way to treat domestic water in the sewer system. There are various types of stations, the work of which is based on the vital activity of aerobic bacteria, the question of how to make a toilet in a country house with a sewer can be solved quickly and easily. Thus, organic compounds in wastewater decompose into simple components.

It should be noted that the biological method of wastewater treatment is considered the most versatile, since a local sewerage system can be installed in any suburban area. There is also no need to connect to a centralized sewer system.

You can install such systems for a country house of a country type, a cafe, a hotel, a restaurant and other establishments. Due to the biological treatment of wastewater, the destruction of organic impurities is ensured, so the water becomes clean and transparent. The advantages also include the absence of a problem with the disposal of water and a decrease in the risk of its re-contamination.

Autonomous sewer systems are used to effectively treat domestic wastewater. This is perhaps the most successful solution to such problems of a country house.

Biological stations are able to qualitatively purify wastewater without accumulation, which occurs in the case of using conventional septic tanks. If such a station is installed in the house, then there is no need to call a sewage truck.

Autonomous sewage system has a compact size and can be installed on any soil.

The principle of operation of the biological treatment plant

Deep biological treatment plant or septic tank?

The station consists of 4 sections, in which there is a stage-by-stage purification of wastewater due to activated sludge and oxygen. In this case, purification is carried out up to 98%. The resulting water can be fully used for irrigation or for technical needs.

Such a biological treatment plant is compact and easy to install, which is an indisputable plus for independent work. In addition, no further pumping of settling effluents is required. Despite this, the station needs regular maintenance, which consists in washing the sections with a pressure washer, in addition to this, the unit will need to be restarted. You can do this yourself or contact the service department. An important condition is the careful handling of the station during its operation.

Installation of a station for deep biological wastewater treatment

It is advisable to use such treatment facilities at facilities where permanent residence is planned.

System advantages:

  • Compact dimensions - the deep biological treatment station does not take up much free space.
  • Easy installation - this is especially important for independent work.
  • Pumping out is not necessary if maintenance is performed in a timely manner.
  • There is no need to install a post-treatment system.


  • The station is volatile, so it does not work without electricity.
  • Regular maintenance required.
  • To wash the unit, you need to use special detergents that can be bought at the store.
  • If no one lives in the house in winter, equipment conservation and its subsequent launch will be required.

Comparative table of wastewater treatment methods

Septic tank device

The device is a polyethylene container, consisting of three sections, directly in which wastewater is purified up to 90%. Such septic tanks should not be confused with simple storage tanks. This device performs wastewater treatment by directing water into special systems for final purification. Such water can be used as a technical liquid, for irrigation of the soil or for the construction of drinking sources.

If the water from the septic tank is not further purified, then unpleasant consequences can be observed. There is sediment left in the device, which must be pumped out, about once a year. From a certain point of view, septic tanks are considered cheaper than biological treatment plants, but do not forget about the need to use a post-treatment system. Installation of such a unit is relatively more difficult, since anchoring is required. Despite this, this system can be used for country houses where year-round living is not provided.


  • It does not require electricity to work.
  • Do not buy and use special detergents.
  • The device can be used both in the country and for the house where people live permanently.
  • Maintenance is not required, the filtration composition in the post-treatment system needs to be changed once every 15 years.
  • Affordable cost, even if you take into account the purchase of a post-treatment system.


  • The need for post-treatment systems.
  • Installing a septic tank is more difficult.
  • Periodic pumping required.
  • Such a septic tank in the country with your own hands from the rings can be installed for any house or cottage.

Using a septic tank to give

The principle of operation of biological treatment plants

Stations where sewage biotreatment is carried out are called SBR reactors. Intermittent aeration of activated sludge colonies takes place in them. As a result of such actions, ammonium is converted to nitrogen, while phosphate-accumulating bacteria contribute to the removal of phosphorus from wastewater.

Inside the case, made of foamed polypropylene, the stations are located:

  • automatic control unit;
  • compressor;
  • 4 chambers, namely the receiving chamber, the aerotank, the activated sludge stabilization chamber and the secondary clarifier.

Wastewater treatment steps at aeration stations:

  • There is a separation of wastewater into fractions in the receiving chamber.
  • The wastewater is then saturated with oxygen. Effluent is pumped through the operation of airlift pumps, in other words, air bubbles act on the waters, while the biomass is not damaged.
  • When biomass enters the aeration tank, they turn into suspended activated sludge, on the flakes of which the main purification is carried out.
  • After that, the spent sludge enters the chamber, where the activated sludge is stabilized.
  • In the secondary clarifier, the treated effluents are released from particles that are in suspension.
  • When the wastewater treatment process is completed, the wastewater is discharged into a reservoir or simply onto the terrain of the site.
  • After going through all the processes, the sludge becomes safe and can be used as a biofuel or a good fertilizer for plants in the country.

Installation process of biological treatment plants

The advantages of installing equipment include the absence of the need to use special equipment. So, you should follow a certain sequence:

  • first a pit is made;
  • if there is a high level of groundwater, then it will be necessary to form a loading plate. In the case of non-watered soils, the station will have to be installed on a compacted site;
  • the station is immersed in the pit;
  • the pit is covered in layers with sand and compacted;
  • inlet and outlet sewer pipes are mounted;
  • bring the electric cable;
  • the site is being planned, while only the hatch will be visible on the surface.

Mounting Features

During the installation of a biological station, it is required to take into account the following features:

  • the bioreactor should be mounted at a short distance from the house, while the station is completely or partially submerged underground;
  • concrete rings are not used for installation, therefore, construction costs are significantly reduced;
  • the station is usually installed on a concrete slab;
  • the edge of the bioreactor is sprinkled with sand and then earth;
  • if the equipment is of low power, then the timer and compressor will be located near the reactor in the technological well. If necessary, the control unit can be installed on the outside of the bioreactor;
  • with the help of special casings protect air ducts and cables;
  • if it is not possible to organize the flow of water into the equipment by gravity, then it is necessary to install a pumping station.

Installation of a biological treatment station

Only specialists should pump out excess sludge, check airlifts, compressor and aerator membranes, as well as change faulty parts and clean the walls of the bioreactor. Such processes are required to be carried out at least 1-2 times a year.

Biological sewerage for a country house is a modern environmentally friendly option for wastewater treatment.

Thanks to modern technology and science, many technologies have been invented that allow drainage without harming the environment. The sewerage of a country house can act in the following form:

  • as a cesspool;
  • septic tank;
  • biological treatment plant

It should be understood that the construction of any of the above sewers implies the preparation and development of all necessary documents and schemes.

A cesspool is very easy to do with your own hands. Due to its simple installation and low cost, this type of sewage system is most often used by owners of country houses. However, its maintenance will cost a pretty penny, since it is necessary to pump out drains very often when ordering the services of vacuum trucks. During pumping, there is an unpleasant smell in the yard, and the price for this event is high. It is best if you agree to clean up together with your neighbors.

To build such a sewer with your own hands, you need to calculate the volume of the cesspool. Cleaning is done no more than 2 times a year, so take this factor and the number of people living into account. So, for example, their number must be multiplied by 3 or 4 cubic meters (it all depends on how much waste each person produces monthly).

The pit is installed at a distance of 12m from the house, 1m from the fence and 30m from the well. The process itself looks like this:

  1. They dig a hole of the required size with their hands or with the help of equipment.
  2. Hands level the walls of the pit.
  3. A reinforced mesh is laid at the bottom (it is better to put stones or bricks under it).
  4. Concrete is poured onto the grid with a layer of 20-25 cm.
  5. During the drying of the concrete, they build an internal suburban sewage system with their hands.
  6. Carry out the laying of external sewage (I lay pipes to the pit).
  7. Installation of the walls of the septic tank is carried out using concrete or brick.

The hole must be closed. You can close it using a concrete slab with a hatch, or you can make such a slab yourself using a large board and reinforced mesh.

The store sells ready-made septic tanks that require only transportation. The septic tank cleans the drains and cleans them, and anaerobic bacteria process solid organic matter. However, two tanks for wastewater treatment are not enough, and installing 4 is expensive. In fact, the septic tank is the same cesspool, only with a partition. This is a more expensive but safe solution for waste disposal. To make a septic tank with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Build a pit of the required volume.
  2. Fill the bottom with concrete.
  3. Build walls with your hands.
  4. Divide the area into 3 parts and fill in two more walls (separating).
  5. When half of the wall is erected, a pipe is installed with a slight slope for overflow and then concrete is poured.

This is a modern sewer equipment, having installed it, you should not worry about possible environmental pollution. It is impossible to make a suburban sewer of this type with your own hands, but almost everyone can carry out the installation. For a station with an area of ​​1.5 cubic meters, it will not be necessary to hire lifting machines. It is made of polymeric materials, so the weight of such a sewer is not large.

With the help of a few friends, the installation of a deep biological treatment plant will be quick and easy. The main thing is that the pipe connected to the sewer installation should not be bent.

In country houses with an area where there is a high level of groundwater, a deep biological treatment plant must be installed on the surface or a small depression should be made.

From this article, you will learn about the most common ways to equip a sewage treatment system for a private house, about the pros and cons, features of operation, as well as the cost of each of the options for these systems.

Competent arrangement of the drainage system can be considered one of the most difficult and responsible tasks in the design of an individual house. The most common ways of arranging a local sewage system are:

  • storage pits
  • septic tanks of various types
  • biological treatment systems

All wastewater treatment systems work with the participation of microorganisms, which, in the course of their life, absorb pollution, which is an excellent nutrient medium for them. The quantity and species composition of these bacteria determine the type and quality of the final treatment. The organization of the process is fundamentally possible only in three ways:

  1. With the use of putrefactive bacteria, without creating additional favorable conditions for them. Effluent treatment is minimal. This type is typical for various wastewater storage tanks.
  2. The use of anaerobic microorganisms living in an oxygen-free environment. The degree of wastewater treatment is on average about 50%. This option is used in the operation of various types of septic tanks. Advanced biofeeding devices involve the intermittent supply of artificially grown microorganisms.
  3. The use of aerobic bacteria that need a constant supply of oxygen. The process of wastewater treatment proceeds similarly to the natural decomposition of waste, but much faster. The output is industrial water purified by 98%. It is used in biological treatment systems with aerotanks.

Thus, it is possible to equip a local sewage system in various ways and at different costs, but the effect will not be the same. The choice of the system remains with the owner of the home, and in order to facilitate it, we will consider the main ways of arranging an autonomous sewage system.


Devices are the simplest drives designed to collect sewage. Effluent enters the tank through a pipeline, which must be laid below the freezing level of the soil or additionally insulated. As the pit fills up, it is cleaned out with a cesspool truck. The building must be airtight, this is a guarantee of its safety. Variants of pits without a bottom or with a filter layer of sand and gravel arranged at the bottom poison the soil and, accordingly, groundwater, which makes them a serious source of pollution.

An autonomous sewage system with a cesspool has certain advantages:

  1. Extreme simplicity of design.
  2. Cheap manufacturing and installation. If an industrial production capacity is purchased, the costs will be slightly higher.
  3. The device does not require maintenance, except for pumping out. It does not depend on the supply of electricity and does not require the arrangement of additional treatment zones, such as filtration wells or fields.

There are also disadvantages of the system:

  1. The need for regular pumping of sewage, which requires certain costs to pay for the services of sewers.
  2. A fairly high probability of depressurization of the tank and the ingress of effluents into the soil and groundwater. This is especially true for metal structures that are prone to corrosion.
  3. Bad smell.
  4. The location on the site is limited by sanitary standards, while the possibility of free access to the pumping facility is also taken into account.
  5. The impossibility of arrangement in the case of a high level of groundwater.

There are many options for arranging cesspools. The simplest, but also the most expensive, is the purchase of a ready-made tank. Most often these are plastic containers of various shapes and volumes. They are not subject to corrosion and keep the tightness all term of operation. There are many types of such drives. These are "Tank", "Triton", "Leader", "Topas" in various modifications. The cost of devices starts from 9,000 rubles.

Many people prefer to equip cesspools with their own hands. Such structures are made of brick, concrete, cinder blocks or tires. Another common option is to use a finished metal container or make one to the desired size. In any case, when choosing a cesspool as an autonomous sewer, one should assess the intensity of its future pumping. Very often, clean-up costs are high and nullify the apparent benefit of arranging the cheapest option.

Septic tanks

A septic tank is a technologically connected system of tanks in which, with the participation of anaerobic bacteria, mechanical treatment of domestic wastewater occurs. Contaminated liquid flows from one container to another. In each of them, solid fractions settle, which are subsequently decomposed by bacteria. The accumulated sediment must be periodically removed from the system. Septic tanks clean drains up to a maximum of 60-70%. All solid insoluble contaminants remain inside the system, while light fractions continue to be present in the water. It needs to be further cleaned. For these purposes, special structures are used, the choice of which is determined by the type of soil.

Most often these are filtering fields. They are spray pipes placed in trenches made of a filter element with a thickness of at least 1 m, under which a drain is laid to drain clean water. Such fields should be equipped at a certain distance from sources of drinking water and fruit plants. In addition, the depth of their laying must be greater than the level of soil freezing, otherwise the system will not be able to work in the cold season. Once every five to seven years, it is necessary to dig out the structure, completely rinse or replace the filter layer. In any case, such fields are a very expensive and environmentally unsafe device.

The water purification system for a private house - with the help of a septic tank has undeniable advantages:

  1. Complete energy independence.
  2. Relative cheapness of arrangement and installation.

Among its disadvantages are:

  1. Low level of domestic wastewater treatment.
  2. The need to equip an additional cleaning system such as filtration wells, fields, etc.
  3. Regular, although not as frequent as for cesspools, pumping sludge from the system.

You can set up a septic tank yourself. For this, several containers are made, interconnected. They can be made of concrete, brick, tires. Eurocubes are also used for these purposes. Home-made systems will cost their owner less than industrial septic tanks. However, the latter are distinguished by high reliability and a variety of models, which allows you to choose the best option for specific conditions.

The main criteria for choosing a septic tank are:

  1. The capacity or amount of effluent processed by the device. Measured in cube. m / day.
  2. The quality of the container material.
  3. The maximum value of a salvo discharge, that is, the volume of wastewater simultaneously entering the chamber of the device in cubic meters.
  4. The degree of cleaning carried out by the facility.
  5. Limiting value of short-term loads. For some models, it is permissible to exceed the passport loads for a short time, which must be indicated in the device documents.
  6. Possibility of installation of a design in the conditions of a high level of ground waters.

As practice shows, it is best to purchase a septic tank in companies specializing in the sale and installation of devices. In this case, you can be sure of the correct selection and installation of the system, which will save you from problems and additional costs for correcting mistakes. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the certificate, hygienic conclusion and guarantees. These documents must be present.

Comparative characteristics of the most common models are given in the table:

Volume options Cleaning degree Material Additional Benefits Price
Tank From models designed for 1-3 people. up to options for 7-9 people. Up to 70%, using the infiltration system offered by the manufacturer allows you to get up to 98% purified water Durable plastic up to 17 mm thick, seamless housing Block-modular design makes it possible to assemble systems of the required volume, From 27 000
Triton From devices for 1-2 residents to systems for 38-40 people 60%, post-treatment required High-strength polyethylene from 14 to 40 mm thick Low cost device, easy installation From 20 000
cleansing From models designed for 2 people. up to devices for 18 residents For systems with a biofilter - up to 80%, additional cleaning is needed Polypropylene, fiberglass with a thickness of 10 to 14 mm Built-in biofilter, additional resistance to large salvo discharges, adapted to Russian climatic conditions From 24 000
Rostock From options for 1-2 people. up to systems for 8 people. For devices with a biofilter - up to 80% Polypropylene 10 mm thick, seamless body Salvo protection, special shape to prevent the device from surfacing, service required every 1-2 years From 25 000

Stations of deep biological treatment

Deep biological wastewater treatment - can only be done with the help of aeration stations. These are devices that use the principle of natural biological purification, which is ubiquitous in nature. Mechanical cleaning, combined with the action of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, makes it possible to obtain 98% purified technical water and sludge, which can be used as fertilizer.

The principle of operation of the systems is quite simple. Effluent enters the receiving chamber, where large sewage is crushed and the liquid is saturated with oxygen. The wastewater prepared in this way, after passing through the coarse filter, is directed to the biological treatment chamber by means of an airlift. Biomass forms active suspended sludge, on the flakes of which cleaning processes take place. With the help of airlifts, the spent sludge is transferred to the activated sludge stabilizer.

The treated effluents are freed from the suspended particles dissolved in them and discharged into water bodies or onto the relief. In addition, such water can be used for technical needs, for example, for irrigation. On average, once a month, the spent sludge is pumped out of the device using a regular pump. It is an excellent source of biofuel and a high quality fertilizer.

The advantages of using such a system are obvious:

  1. A high degree of wastewater treatment, reaching up to 99%, which allows you to freely discharge the received process water or use it for household needs.
  2. The compact dimensions of the installations allow minimizing the work on arranging an autonomous sewage system.
  3. Extreme ease of maintenance.
  4. No unpleasant odors.
  5. Ease of installation of the device, which does not require special equipment.
  6. Possibility of installation in soils of any type.

There are several ways to clean the sewerage generated when people live in a private house. Some are cheaper to install, others are easier to operate. But if the most efficient treatment system is required, then option one is an aerobic septic tank, also called an active septic tank or a biological treatment plant. Impurities in it are processed by microorganisms by 98–99%. Although it is large, it is quite easy to arrange with your own hands.

The task of any sanitary sewage treatment system is to process them and drain them into the ground. First, the effluents are clarified in the sump, during which large suspensions settle. Then the purified water is drained or used for household needs, and the sediment in the form of sludge is pumped out.

Septic tank with post-treatment of wastewater with aerobes

However, a wide variety of disinfection and filtration elements are often added to this scheme. Getting into the local treatment system (VOC), which is standard in design, sewage flows go through three stages of utilization:

  1. Primary filtration, clarification of water with sedimentation of heavy fractions to the bottom of the tank.
  2. Fermentation with partial decomposition of organic matter.
  3. Drainage into the ground or pumping out with sewage equipment.

In the cesspool, all these processes take place in one container. However, this option is acceptable only for small volumes of wastewater, otherwise, due to overflow with waste, the “cesspool” ceases to fulfill its functions.

Numerous types of typical septic tanks subject waste to partial processing up to 60-70% of the volume. They are assisted by anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen. They are present in the same cesspool, providing continuous fermentation and decay of organic waste in it. However, they are “slow”, in order to speed up their work, a bioactivator has to be constantly added to the septic tank.

General scheme of a septic tank with aerobic bacteria

Aerobes are more productive - microorganisms that require constant oxygen supply for life. Therefore, to provide them with the necessary oxygen, aerobic septic tanks are supplied with aerators and air compressors.

It's important to know! Only with continuous pumping of air will the septic tank with aerobes function effectively.

Scheme of VOC deep biological treatment

An active septic tank of an aerobic type consists of several chambers:

  1. Settler for lighting.
  2. Tank with aerator (there may be several).
  3. Prefabricated well with water purified to technical quality.

For the operation of such a treatment system, not only microorganisms are needed, but also electricity. If bacteria feed on waste, then pumps and compressors need electricity.

Advice! An aerobic septic tank is a volatile installation. If a private house is regularly blacked out due to power outages, it is better to find another cleaning option or take care of an emergency generator.

How bacteria work in an “oxygen” septic tank

Anaerobic bacteria are always present in the VOC primary clarifier. Fermentation of wastewater in it takes place in two stages: acidic and alkaline. The first occurs at the very beginning after launch, when the septic tank only receives the first volume of sewage. In its course, a large volume of gases with unpleasant odors is formed, which displace oxygen from the tank.

Due to oxygen starvation in the cleaning tank, a rapid increase in the number of anaerobic microorganisms begins - this is already alkaline fermentation. The silt at the bottom acquires a dark color and no longer emits fetid odors. But it is in it that anaerobes “live”.

Advice! It is not necessary to completely clean the sump from alkaline sludge. Its small mass at the bottom of the treatment tank is a guarantee of the absence of sewer stench and the correct operation of VOCs.

Scheme of the wastewater treatment process

Further, the water clarified in the sump enters the aerobic chamber of the septic tank for post-treatment. Aerobic bacteria are already starting to act here. And the more oxygen they receive, the better and faster they decompose and oxidize organic matter.

The post-treatment of wastewater in an aerobic septic tank is carried out not by natural aerobic microorganisms, but by bacteria specially bred and attached to the filters. They purify wastewater by 99%, which makes it possible to reuse purified water for technical needs.

In order for the aerobes to work efficiently, the water in the tank is blown with air - it is aerated. Compressors are used for this. The settled effluents, when they enter the post-treatment chamber, are mixed with activated sludge, which rises from the bottom due to the action of compressed air.

Aerobic bacteria begin to process organic matter and multiply. As a result, additional silt is formed in a small amount, settling at the bottom. The volume of the septic tank is calculated so that the sediment from it has to be unloaded no more than 1 time per year.

Advantages of using aerobes in wastewater treatment

Aerobic septic tanks have four undeniable advantages:

  1. No unpleasant odors.
  2. The minimum number of cleanings - vacuum trucks will need to be called only once a year.
  3. Maximum biosecurity - pollution of the earth and groundwater is practically excluded.
  4. The possibility of recycling treated water for irrigation or technical needs.

The device of a two-chamber anaerobic-aerobic septic tank with a drainage field

The only drawback is the sensitivity of the microflora of the aerobic septic tank to certain chemical compounds that lead to the death of aerobes.

Important! Aerobic bacteria and household chemicals with a high content of formaldehyde and chlorine compounds are incompatible. These substances simply kill aerobic microorganisms.

Installing an aerobic septic tank with your own hands

The easiest way is to install an aerobic type factory septic tank. This is a ready-made system that only needs to be buried in the ground and sewerage connected to it. It is supplied in the form of plastic or metal containers with a set of compressor and pumping equipment.

The size of the sump is determined at the rate of 600 liters of wastewater for every living person in the house. This is 200 daily liters multiplied by three days. These are the recommendations of SNiP for private cottages.

Overflow septic tank from two reinforced concrete wells

With your own hands, an aerobic septic tank can be made from several tanks, for the arrangement of which it will fit:

  1. Brick.
  2. Reinforced concrete rings.
  3. Plastic containers.
  4. Iron barrels.
  5. Tires.

You will have to tinker with brick wells, reinforced concrete is heavy and will require lifting equipment. Barrels and tanks made of iron are subject to corrosive processes. The best option is plastic. But the choice of material largely depends on its availability and cost in a particular region.

Do-it-yourself aerobic VOC device option

For the functioning of an aerobic septic tank, you will need equipment:

  • external compressor for pumping air;
  • aerator for saturating the tank with aerobes with oxygen;
  • a pump for pumping sludge from the end tank into a container with bacteria;
  • submersible pump for pumping purified water.

Important! All this equipment requires connection to the mains, a septic tank with aerobes is volatile. This should be taken into account when choosing a local treatment plant for a country house, where there may be problems with electricity.

Video: odorless aerobic two-chamber septic tank

If you wish, you can install an aerobic septic tank yourself. It is enough to assemble the factory set of the cleaning system according to the instructions. But when arranging wells or sedimentation tanks made of reinforced concrete or brick, you will have to work. But everything is possible. It is also important to correctly connect the electrical equipment and load the aerobes into the cleaning chamber. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the power and size of the septic tank.