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The most massive form of political participation of citizens. Participation of a citizen in political life - knowledge hypermarket

Citizen - This is a person belonging to the permanent population of this state, using its protection and has a set of rights and obligations.

Between a citizen and the state are established civil rights relationshipand Ibased on the legal capacity and capacity of a citizen

- Legal capacity- the opportunity to have civil rights and bear certain responsibilities.

- Accuracy- The ability to acquire and exercise civil rights. Up to 18 years old man has incomplete (partial) capacity. Since 18 years old compability competes.

Every citizen has rights:






The state guarantees compliance with the rights and freedoms of the individual, creates conditions for their real incarnation.

Along with the rights, every citizen has its own responsibilities

He must:

Perform the laws and norms established by the state

Do not violate the interests of subjects of law and laws,

Do not harm the health of other people surrounding the natural environment,

Stand on defending society and state

In turn, the state undertakesto be responsible for a citizen in the person of its bodies and officials, to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens in the territory of the state and outside its limits.

Types of personality participation in politics:

- fully unconscious- eg. human behavior in the crowd;

- semi-consistent- Political conformism - an understanding of the meaning of his role in unconditional

subordinate to the requirements of its social environment, even in cases of discrepancies in opinions with it;

- conscious participation- the ability to change your role and its position in accordance with your

consciousness and will.

Motives and participation factors in politics:

The desire to protect the interests of other citizens;

Ensuring justice for all;

Promote solving the problems of the state and society;

Egoistic goals (personal: prestige, career, etc.);

Unconscious motifs.

Causes of passivity or non-participation in politics:

Lack of remuneration (there is no benefit, no payback of costs, etc.);

Weak theoretical preparation (not knowledge of legislation, state and law theory);

Common opinion: "One in the field is not a warrior", "What can I do?" etc.;

Factors affecting the level of political activities:

State of the economy of the country (the rise of the economy leads to a decline in political activity);

Type of political regime in the country;

Existing ideology in the country;

The level of culture of society and the personality itself;

Personal views, beliefs and values \u200b\u200bof man; Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (Extraction)


Ticket number 12.

1. Social sphere of society. Social politics.

Social sphere - A combination of social relations, social interaction and social relations between people.

Social communications- Facts that determine joint activities under certain conditions.

Social interaction- The interaction of people in the process of communication.

Social relations- establishment of communication between people, social groups.

Social groupin terms of numbers, it can be large and small, by the nature of the relationship - primary and secondary, according to the method of organization - formal and informal, in terms of the number of values \u200b\u200b- one-sided and multilateral.

Social norms- General rules for regulating people's relations in society. Among them are distinguished:

- customs(traditions, rituals) - historically established samples and rules of behavior;

- legal norms- the norms enshrined in the laws published by the state where the boundaries of behavior and punishment are clearly described;

- moral norms- spiritual and moral values;

- political norms- norms regulating the relationship between the individual and the authorities between the social groups;

- religious norms- Norms of morality supported by the consciousness of believers and religious faith;

- Aesthetic norms- ideas about beautiful and ugly;

- rules of etiquette- samples of proper behavior and communication;

Social politics- This is the regulation of the state socio-economic conditions of society and care for the well-being of all his citizens.

Subjects of social policy:


Civil society

The main directions of social policy:

Providing able-bodied opportunities for labor or entrepreneurial activities;

Providing social Guarantees for disabled, poor and unemployed segments of the population (state pensions and social benefits)

State Family support, motherhood, childhood

Labor protection and people's health

Establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage

Improving the demographic situation in the country

Development of social structure.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states: "The Russian Federation is a social state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person."

In Russia social reform program.

The main tasksproclaimed:

Improving the material status and living conditions of people;

Ensuring efficient employment of the population;

The realization of the rights of citizens in the field of labor, social protection, education, health, culture;

Improving the demographic situation in the country; - development of social infrastructure.

Law "On State Social Assistance" (Extraction)

Workbook in society Grade 9 Kotova Liskova


A citizen can take part in political life, taking part in the elections, referendums and working in legislative bodies.

2) Basic principles of electoral law in a democratic society.

Universal suffrage - The right belonging to all citizens who have reached 18 years old.
Equal election law - The right when the voter has only one voice.
Direct elections - The right to elect the president, deputies of the State Duma.
Secret ballot - When another voters are unknown for whom the voter voted.

3) Differences between elections to the authorities and referendum:

Elections - this is when the candidate or a list of candidates for a certain position is chosen by the vote. The referendum is a form of adoption of laws or the solution of the most important issues of public life by universal voting.

4) Check out these social polls and answer questions.

1) What elections, according to citizens, affect their lives?
Elections in local governments, because people are worried about the problems in their city. These are the problems of the household with which they face in everyday life. All these problems are solved, but only you need to make efforts from the right of self-government.

What elections, according to citizens, affect the life of the country?
Presidential elections, because the president is the head of state that has great powers, compared with other posts, such as deputies.

What makes the evaluation of the citizens of the influence of elections for their life and the life of the country?
The presidential elections affect the political system of the state, and elections to local governments significantly affect the life of the city in which citizens live.

Is it possible to conclude that a significant part of the citizens does not see the influence of elections on their lives and the life of the country?
Yes, I agree. If you fold the answers of citizens (it makes it difficult to answer, none affect), then the overwhelming majority.

2) Suppose that the opinion of citizens surveyed is explained.
Politicians during elective companies promise change for the better for citizens, and actions - no.

5) Answer questions.

1 - This gives people freedom of choice. The people independently decides, that is, affect the formation of the state (participate).

2-3 - Underline contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, cancellation or ... of such rights and freedoms.
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate ... from other circumstances.

4 - This norm means that the equality of citizens, where every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to participate in the referendum.

5 - According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state is not entitled to influence citizens and forcing them. Every citizen has the right to decide for himself, to participate or not, and for which item to vote.

6) What question would you add to state authorities?

I would ask a question about the repair of bad roads and the increase in wages to teachers and medical professionals.

An example of such an appeal:
I, Full name, permanently residing at: ADDRESSI appeal to the city administration CITY with a request to repair asphalt coating on the street We write street. I ask you a respected administration to take action. With respect, NAME

Hypermarket Knowledge \u003e\u003e Social Studies \u003e\u003e Social Studies 10 Classroom \u003e\u003e Participation of a Citizen in Political Life

" Thoughts wise

"There is a minimum level of education and awareness, out of the way, all the voting becomes its actual caricature."
I. A. Ilyin (1882-1954). Russian philosopher

24. " Participation of a citizen in the political life

Can a ordinary citizen affect the political process? Why do you need a culture of democracy? What are the paths of political self-improvement of the person?

Political life is dynamic and changeable. It involves people, social groups ownership of elites with their hopes, expectations, level of culture and education. The interests of various socio-political forces are intertwined here. The interaction of subjects of policies on the conquest, deduction and use of state power generates political processes in society.

What is the political process?

Essence of the political process

In the most common political process - This is a chain of political events and states that change as a result of the interaction of specific policies. For example, other political leaders and governments come to replace. A parliament has been updated, one parties disappear from the political scene, others appear. The state of stability is becoming a strengthening of tension in society, new situations arise, each of which is peculiar and unique.

Our life is eating from individual political processes: large and small, random and natural. Political scientists classify them in different ways. So, on scale stand out internal political and foreign policy (international) processes. Domestic political processes are important to develop on nationwide (national), regional, local levels (for example, the electoral process); They are not so significant for society (for example, the formation of a separate party), and the changes to reflect changes in it. From the point of view of significance to society, political processes are divided into basic and private.

The dynamics of all political life is as a rule, as a rule, the basic political process (for example, "Society Democratization"). It characterizes the operation of the entire political system as a mechanism for the formation and implementation of political power. As a result, changes in all spheres of public life are observed. (Give examples.)

The basic process defines the content of private processes: economic and political, political and legal, cultural and political processes. An example of one of the private cultural and political processes is the modernization of education in the Russian Federation, the PACCMENT in paragraphs "Science and Education", "Political System". (Remember how the interaction of the political system and the environment is carried out within the framework of the process. What stages did it include?)

We emphasize that for basic, and for private political processes the following stages are characterized, or steps:

a) representing interests (requirements) with power structures;
b) decision-making;
c) Implementation of peeks.

The political process is always aimed at solving any political problem. We are talking about the most significant problems for society, those that require the intervention of the authorities. For example, the deterioration of the performance of some students is a private problem of individual schools and families. And the state of the education system in the country as a whole is a political problem. It is such problems that the agenda of politics. Their solution becomes an object - the purpose of the political process, which, with leads to certain results (improving the quality of education, the creation of new management structures and the increase of EGO efficiency, etc.). However, the political process can only take place if there are specific subjects of the participants in the process. These include initiators, i.e. those who declare the problem, and performers, that is, those who are able to provide its consistent decision.

Citizens, interested groups, political parties and movements, professional and creative unions, youth, female and other organizations, media are initiated by the initiators of political processes in a democratic society. (The essence and significance of their actions will be discussed below, when studying the issue of political participation.)

The decision of political problems belongs to performers - previously under the authority institutions and the authorities of officials, as well as assigned to these goals to people from non-governmental OPGUNIs. (Remember who, as in which forms, the question of the modernization of education was resolved.)

Performers political process A choose CPEA. Methods and resources for EGO implementation. Resources are important to serve knowledge, science, technical and financial resources, public opinion, etc.

The outcome (result) of the political process largely depends on the totality of internal and external factors. Internal factors include, for example, the competence and ability of the authorities to correctly assess the situation, elective to it and methods, to be implemented by the decisions taken in the Coverships with the norms of law. Important importance is worth the competence and civil liability of those who are addressed to these decisions. The inconsistency of all elements of the political process, i.e., subjects, objects (purposes), funds, methods and resources of the performers, with leads to unpredictable results (the processes of restructuring, the creation of CHH, etc.).

Within the framework of political processes, in solving problems, various interests of social groups intersect, causing some difficult-time contradictions and conflicts. An example is the transformation of a walf device, for example, a constitutional PEForm in Russia, which was held in acute confrontation of the Torons of the Presidential Republic and their opponents. No less acute is the struggle and other political problems. (Give examples.)

From the point of view of publicity, the adoption of power solutions allocate open and hidden (shadow) political processes.

With an open political process, the interests of groups and citizens are revealed in the programs of parties, in election voting, through the accounting of public opinion, through public appeals and the requirements of people to gloomy to the authorities, consulting power structures with stakeholders and jointly developing a number of documents.

In contrast to the open hidden (shadow), the political process is characterized by the closeness and uncontrolcity of state decisions. They are accepted by officials and authorities under the influence of publicly unrelated, socially recognized (tee) structures, such as mafia corporations and clans.

democratic society power is designed to act openly. Allow socio-political contradictions and conflicts before weego non-violent methods. The main one is the coordination of interests based on the search for compromise and the achievements of consensus (from Lat. Consensus - consent).

Consequently, genuine democratic processes are the processes open, occurring in front of the community of society and with EGO conscious active political participation.

Political participation

Political participation - These are a citizen's actions in order to influence the adoption and implementation of gloomy decisions, the choice of representatives to the institutions of power. This concept is characterized by the involvement of members of the company in the political process.

The amount of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms. In a democratic society, they include: the right to elect and be elected to public authorities, the right to participate in the management of state management directly and through its representatives; The right to unite into public operations, including in political parties; the right to hold rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing; the right to access the public service; The right to appeal to state-owned.

Recall that the implementation of rights has borders (measure) and is governed by laws, other regulatory acts. Thus, the right to access the public service is organized by a certain register of government posts. The right to gather on rallies, demonstration - the management that they should pass peacefully, without OVI, after the preliminary notification of the authorities. 3 The organization and activities of political parties aimed at a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system, inciting social, racial, national, religious retail, etc.

The established regulatory limitations, requirements and prohibitions are introduced in the interests of the safety of personality, society and the state, the protection of morality and public about the order.

Political part happens indirect (pp.) and immediate (straight) . Indirect participation is carried out through elected representatives. Direct participation is the impact of a citizen to power without intermediaries. It is manifested in the following forms:

The reaction of citizens (positive or negative) on impulses emanating from the political system;
- periodic participation in the actions related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of authority to them for making decisions;
- the participation of citizens in the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements;
- Impact on political processes through appeals and letters, meetings with political figures;
- Direct actions of citizens (participation in rallies, picketings, etc.);
- The activities of political leaders.

Indicated forms of political activity Most to be gppos, mass and individual . So, a ordinary citizen who wants to influence politics, usually joins a group, party or movement, whose political positions coincide or are close to EGO. A member of the party, for example, showing activity in the affairs of its organization and election campaigns, is constantly and the most effective impact on power. (Explain why.)

Often, citizens, groups or teams, perturbed by the injustice of the state solution, will ensure the revision of the EGO. They contact petitions, letters and applications to the relevant instances, on radio and television, in the editorial office of newspapers and magazines. The problem acquires public resonance and forces power, as already noted, change or adjust its decision.

No less effective is the mass shares. For example, in Russia, the rallies of teachers, doctors, miners against untimely payments of wages, under work conditions or growing unemployment. Political scientists call these forms with protests, for they are a negative reaction of people on the situation in society.

The most developed and extremely important form of political participation are democratic elections. This is necessary, minimum of political activities guaranteed by constitutions. Within the framework of the Institute of Election, each full-fledged citizen makes its individual action, voting for any party, any candidate or political leader. Attaching your voice to the votes of other voters who have made the same choice, it directly affects the composition of the NaPOs, and hence the political course. Therefore, participation in the election is the responsible business. Here it is impossible to succumb to the first impressions and emotions, for the danger to get under the influence of populism. Populism (from Lat. Populus - the people) is an activity, the purpose of which to ensure popularity in the masses of the price of unreasonable promises, demagogic slogans, appeals to the simplicity and clearness of the measures proposed. Pre-election promises require a critical attitude.

Referendums are closely adjacent to elections - voting on legislative or other issues. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on a national referendum.

Political part can be permanent (membership in the party), periodic (participation in elections), one-time (appeal to the authorities). Nevertheless, it is always directed, as we found out, to do something (change the situation, to elect a new composition of the legislative OPGAA) or to prevent something (worsening the social conditions of people).

Unfortunately, in each society, some groups of citizens evade their participation in politics. Many of them believe that they are out of political games. In practice, such a position, called abssentitis, strengthens a certain political line and can cause damage to the state. For example, a non-appearance to the elections can take them and thereby paralyzing the most important links of the political system. Citizens, boycotting elections, are sometimes included in political processes, especially in conflict situations when their interests are affected. But political participation can cause disappointment, because it is not always effective. Here, many depends on whether political actions or irrational are rational. The first is actions conscious and planned, with understanding of goals and means. Second - actions, motivated mainly by the emotional state of people (irritation, indifference, etc.), impressions of the events occurring. In this regard, the regalityment of political behavior is of particular importance, i.e., compliance with political rules and norms. So, even a sanctioned and organized rally may have unpredictable consequences if the participants act mainly irrationally and not according to the rules (allow for hooligan antics, an insult of opponents, abuse of government symbols). Extremely dangerous violent, extremist forms of behavior, the type of which is terrorism. (What are the EGO goals, essence and consequences? If difficulty will arise, refer to the task 3.)

We emphasize that violence and enmity generate only violence and enmity. An alternative to this is a civil court. Recently, new mechanisms for political communication of people are emerging: public monitoring of political norms, predicting the effects of political actions, a constructive dialogue of political forces. This requires the participants in the political process of a new democratic political culture.

Political culture

Political culture Personality suggests: in first, versatile political knowledge; WO-VTOPY, orientation on the values \u200b\u200band rules of life democratic society; Thirdly, mastering these rules (ways of practical political actions - models of behavior). In the aggregate, they characterize a democratic political culture. Consider each of its components.

Political knowledge - This is the knowledge of a person about politics, a political system, about various political ideologies, as well as about those institutions and procedures with the help of the participation of citizens in the political process. Political knowledge is important to include both scientific and everyday ideas. In everyday ideas, political phenomena are often distorted, the consensus is interpreted as an agreement, and Democracy - as the limitless opportunities to do everything you wish. Scientific knowledge is the result of mastering the foundations of political science and are designed to adequately reflect political reality.

A person who owns scientific knowledge is able to independently navigate and evaluate political information, confront the attempts to manipulate the EGO political consciousness, which, unfortunately, is not in politics.

Political value orientations - These are the ideas of a person about the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof a reasonable or desired public device. They are formed under the influence of knowledge of politics, personal emotionally related to political phenomena and their estimates.

Many Russians, as noted by political scientists, have no lasting and conscious orientations for approval in the country of democratic values \u200b\u200brecorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. (List them.) The weakness of the political positions of citizens is one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve agreement in society, contributes to the emergence of nationalist and other radical political movements. And on the contrary, the commitment to democratic ideals and values \u200b\u200bencourages a person to targeted, more often to constructive, actions.

Methods of practical political actions are samples and rules of political behavior that determine how it can be done. Many scientists call them models of political behavior, because any form of political participation of a citizen is supposed to comply with one, but a number of political rules. For example, participation in the elections involves the analysis and the monitor from the standpoint of certain requirements of the pre-election propamm and personal qualities of applicants for power. A combination of a voter actions according to regulatory requirements (rules) and will be a model (sample) of the EGO of political behavior.

Political consciousness predetermines political behavior, which, in turn, actively affects political consciousness.

We emphasize that democratic political culture is actually actually in political behavior, and not in words.

Essential signs of democratic culture political scientists belong to socio-cultural values. Their successful implementation in many ways depends on the availability of participants in the policies of such personal qualities as criticality, initiative and creativity, humanism, peacefulness, tolerance (respect for someone else's opinion), civil liability for their political choice and the EGO implementation methods.

Thus, the democratic type of political culture has a pronounced humanistic orientation and has worldwide significance. It embodies the best samples of the political experience of many countries of the world.

Practical findings

1 For one to understand this or that political process, you need to find out who exactly acts as an initiator, in whose interests it is carried out, who is and as able to provide EGO consistent development. Since the real process is always influenced by various political forces, it is advisable to overtake their alignment. In other words, it should be determined which layer, the social group is in the center of events, dominate them. This will make it possible to draw conclusions about the XAPActer and the directivity of the changes.

2 Independent information about the political process will allow MPAMTO and consciously engage in NEGO: to elect adequate forms of political participation, comprehend the goals and means of their political actions.

3 Political actions should be carried out by the established standards and rules, without excessive emotionality.

4 The consistent implementation of the tips outlined above will contribute to the establishment of a film-based political culture.


From the "memories" of the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, 6th federal Chancellor of Germany V. Brandt.

In fifteen years ... I spoke in the Lubek newspaper Volksboten, saying that how young socialists we should prepare for political struggle, should be incentive to work on themselves, to improve, and not kill their time with only dancing, and songs. Where there is no place to civil courage, there is freedom of naevst. And where at the right moment does not protect freedom, it can be returned to it only at the price of the victims. This is the lesson of our century.

When in early summer, 1987, I resigned from the post of Chairman of the Party, he asked himself: what, in addition to the world, is it more important for you? And replied: freedom. I defined it as freedom of conscience and opinions, freedom from the need and fear.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. As you understand the author's thought: "Where there is no place to civil courage, there freedom is short-lived"? Is this thought relevant today? Argument your answer.
2. What, according to V. Brandt, was the essence and purpose of the preparation of young socialists to actively participate in the parties of the party?
3. Should, in your opinion, the modern Russian youth entering political life, prepare for political struggle? Reply explain the answer.

Questions for self-test

1 What is a political process?
2. What types of political processes are you known?
3. What are the structure and stages of the political process?
4. What is the essence of political participation?
5. What are the possible forms of political activity of citizens?
6. Why is political participation not ECDA effectively?
7. What is political culture?


1. Some political scientists compare the political process with two-way Janus - the Roman deities of doors, entrance and exit, all of the start, one person is facing the past, dpugoe - to the future. How do you understand this cope? On concrete measures, expand the essence of the ELO.

The political process involves various forms of participation of citizens in the political life of society.

Active forms of participation:

  • - participation in elected bodies, such as presidential elections;
  • - mass actions, such as rallies, demonstrations, strikes, in which the masses are coordinated by which or actions of the government;
  • - single stocks, quite noticeable to have a political weight;
  • - participation in political parties and organizations, participation in the management of the country, in the adoption of laws;
  • - participation of citizens in polls;
  • - appeals and complaints in the superior structures of individuals or groups of citizens;
  • - lobbying activities;
  • - Network participation - blogs, electronic newspapers, and other Internet resources.

Passive forms of participation:

  • - Social apathy as a factor in the distrust of citizens to the government and, accordingly, all non-participation in the elections;
  • - ignoring social events, such as Saturdays, rallies and demonstrations, upon invitation or urgent recommendation to come to it;
  • - the noteworthy of anything caused by dissatisfaction with some government actions. For example: a small payment provided by the individual, which he considers it offensive and does not receive it, they say, thanks not to.

The basis for the participation of the population in the political life of society is the participation of most citizens in the elections, which are held regularly, through a certain time provided by law.

In democratic countries, elections are conducted on the basis of general and equal election law. Election districts are created for the elections in order to be elected equal to the number of residents or voters. And only then is the actual equality of electoral law.

A very responsible political event is the nomination of applicants for elective posts. To determine and campaigning for them, a pre-election company is organized. Candidates can be nominated by public organizations, parties or on their own initiative of applicants. Real chances of being elected have, of course, candidates from political parties. The principles of democratic policies require that parties and candidates make the electoral company in equal terms. Implement this requirement in practice is not easy.

Pre-election campaign ends the day before the vote, the order of which is strictly regulated by law. It should be secret. The voter alone in the cockpit fills the bulletin and he must lower it in the urn. Special attention is paid to the counting of votes. So that there were no disorders and swelling when opening the urn and counting of votes, the presence of foreign observers is allowed. The balls themselves are sealed.

Votes are calculated on the basis of certain rules. The combination of such rules is called the electoral system. Two electoral systems are the most common: a majority system (majority) and a system of proportional representation.

  • 1) In the majoritarian system, the candidate who received most votes votes is considered to be, and it has two varieties: the absolute majority and relative majority. In the majoritarian system of the absolute majority, the candidate wins, for which 50% of voters took part in the elections voted. If the winner is not detected, the second round of elections is held, in which two candidates who received the greatest number of votes in the first round. In the majority system of the relative majority, the victory is given to the candidate who has gained more voices than each of his rivals individually, even if he was supported less than half of the polling stations.
  • 2) With a proportional system, each party puts the lists of candidates in the election. In accordance with them and the number of informed votes for this batch, the number of deputies is determined. This system allows even small parties to have their representatives in government. So that this does not happen in the legislation of many countries, including Ukraine and Russia, a barrage point is established, which does not allow to obtain deputy powers to those parties that received less than 4-5% of votes.

The next form of political participation is a referendum. The referendum is the vote of the population to foreign policy. In elections, voters determine who from candidates will represent their interests in the Legislative Assembly or will take a selected post. At the referendum, they themselves make decisions on the constitutional or legislative issue issued on the voting.

Currently, the constitution of many states provide for the possibility or obligation in a number of cases of referendums. The initiative of its conduct is provided to the head of state, parliament, public organizations, people. The most important issues of the political life of the country are made to a national referendum: the adoption of the Constitution and amendments to it, a change in the form of a state-owned device or the form of government, the adoption of new or abolition of current laws, the country's accession to the international organization, etc. The results of the referendum have no legal force, but the opinion of the people has a huge political force and is accepted by the government and president for execution. For example, when the Supreme Council of Russia could not adopt the Constitution - the President turned to the people. In preparation for the referendum, the constituencies are not created. The decision was considered that the majority of citizens who ordered in the referendum voted. In order for a referendum to more precisely express the will of the people, it should be preceded by a wide and comprehensive discussion issued on the voting of the issue. The form of political participation of the people in management is also a plebiscite. As well as a referendum, he is designed to determine the opinion of voters by voting. In the sphere of interstate relations, the plebiscite is used to survey the population on the belonging of the territory on which it lives, by a particular state. Inside the political life, the plebiscite acts as one of the types of referendum on the issue of trusting the head of the state and the policy implemented by it. The requirement for holding plebiscite may proceed not only from the people who are dissatisfied with political leadership, but also from the leadership itself. Thus, plebiscite is a direct expression of the will of the people. But the story indicates that people can be deceived and people who will then betray his interests with his help. Depending on the level of economic and political culture, the mentality of the people of this state, the political participation of the people in the life of society can lead or to the stability of political life or, on the contrary, to political conflicts and instability of the political system.

Read the text, make a plan on the topic. Assign the task to exit from quarantine.

Political participation - These are a citizen's actions to influence and implement state decisions, the choice of representatives to the institutions of power. This concept is characterized by the involvement of members of this society into the political process.

The amount of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms. In a democratic society, they include: the right to elect and be elected to state authorities, the right to participate in the management of state management directly and through its representatives; The right to unite into public organizations, including political parties; the right to hold rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing; the right to access the public service; The right to appeal to state bodies.

Recall that the implementation of rights has borders (measure) and is governed by laws, other regulatory acts. Thus, the right to access the public service is limited to a certain register of public posts. The right to gather on rallies, demonstrations - an indication that they should pass peacefully, without weapons, after prior notice to the authorities, the organization and activities of political parties aimed at a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system, inciting social, racial, national, religious retail, and etc.

The established regulatory restrictions, requirements and prohibitions are introduced in the interests of personality security, society and state, the protection of morality and public order.

Political participation is mediated (representative) and immediate (direct). Indirect participation is carried out through elected representatives. Direct participation is the impact of a citizen to power without intermediaries. It is manifested in the following forms:

  • the reaction of citizens (positive or negative) on impulses emanating from the political system;
  • periodic participation in the actions related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of authority to them for decision-making;
  • citizens' participation in the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements;
  • impact on political processes through appeals and letters, meetings with political figures;
  • direct actions of citizens (participation in rallies, picketings, etc.);
  • the activities of political leaders.

Indicated forms of political activity can be group, mass and individual. So, a ordinary citizen who wants to influence politics, usually joins a group, party or movement, whose political positions coincide or are close to his own. A party member, for example, showing activity in the affairs of its organization and election campaigns, has a permanent and most effective impact on power. (Explain why.)

Often, citizens, groups or teams, perturbed by the injustice of the state decision, require its revision. They contact petitions, letters and applications to the relevant instances, on radio and television, in the editorial office of newspapers and magazines. The problem acquires public resonance and forces power, as already noted, change or adjust its decision.

No less efficiency may have mass shares. For example, in Russia, the rallies of teachers, doctors, miners against late payments of wages, deterioration of working conditions or growing unemployment. Political scientists call these forms with protests, for they are a negative reaction of people on the situation in society.

The most developed and extremely important form of political participation are democratic elections. This is necessary, minimum of political activities guaranteed by constitutions. Within the framework of the Institute of Election, each full-fledged citizen makes its individual action, voting for any party, any candidate or political leader. Attaching your voice to the votes of other voters who have made the same choice, it directly affects the composition of people's representatives, and hence the political course. Therefore, participation in the election is the responsible case. Here it is impossible to succumb to the first impressions and emotions, for the danger to get under the influence of populism. Populism (from Lat. Populus - the people) is an activity, the purpose of which to ensure popularity in the masses of the price of unreasonable promises, demagogic slogans, appeals to the simplicity and clearness of the measures proposed. Pre-election promises require a critical attitude.

Referendums are closely adjacent to elections - voting on legislative or other issues. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on a national referendum.

Political part can be permanent (membership in the party), periodic (participation in elections), one-time (appeal to the authorities). Nevertheless, it is always directed as we found out, to do something (change the situation, to elect a new composition of the legislature) or to prevent something (worsening the social conditions of people).

Unfortunately, in each society, some groups of citizens evade their participation in politics. Many of them believe that they are out of political games. In practice, such a position called abssent property ^ strengthens a certain political line and may cause damage to the state. For example, a failure to appear to the elections can disrupt them and thereby paralyzing the most important links of the political system. Citizens, boycotting elections, are sometimes included in political processes, especially in conflict situations when their interests are affected. But political participation can cause disappointment, because it is not always effective. It depends here much on whether political actions or irrational are rational. The first is actions conscious and planned, with understanding of goals and means. Second - actions, motivated mainly by the emotional state of people (irritation, indifference, etc.), impressions of the events occurring. In this regard, the regalityment of political behavior is of particular importance, i.e., compliance with political rules and norms. Thus, even a sanctioned and organized rally may have unpredictable consequences if its participants act mainly irrationally and not according to the rules (allow for hooligan antics, an insult of opponents, abuse of government symbols). Extremely dangerous violent, extremist forms of behavior, the type of which is terrorism. (What are his goals, essence and consequences? If difficulty will arise, refer to the task 3.)

We emphasize that violence and enmity generate only violence and enmity. Alternative to this - civil consent. Recently, new mechanisms for political communication of people are emerging: public monitoring of political norms, predicting the effects of political actions, a constructive dialogue of political forces. This requires the participants in the political process of a new democratic political culture.