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Day w d troops when. Day of Russian Railway Troops

Railways became especially widespread during the reign of Nicholas I. For the first time in Russia, two major cities- Moscow and St. Petersburg. A route was laid out for a trip to Tsarskoye Selo. In connection with the joyful events, the sovereign decided to celebrate the day of the railwayman on July 6. This continued until the revolution came.

After 1930, the revival of the holiday began. People needed to raise their working spirit, so thanks to a small group of advanced workers, the railroad day was resumed. Initially, it was planned for the end of July, but with the onset of the weekend, it was moved to the first Sunday of August.

Railway Worker's Day is an international day. It is celebrated in all former Soviet republics.


The main purpose of the holiday is to show the prestige of the profession of a railway worker. On this day, solemn concerts are held, where the top management and the city administration award certificates of honor, diplomas and cash prizes to the most distinguished workers, labor veterans who have worked and continue to work on the railway.

Events often take on the scale of actions, so concerts with pop stars are often held in large cities on this occasion. Most of the events are free of charge, everyone can come to the concert.

Congratulations on the Day of the Railwayman

Congratulate the worker railway can be by any means: acceptable as souvenirs and valuable gifts and simple verbal congratulations. You can give a card with warm wishes.

We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success in your difficult career, loyal and understanding colleagues, development and career stability. Thank you for your invaluable and daily work, thanks to which millions of people can move from one point of the earth to another. With your own hands you are making the progress of life in our country. We are proud of you and appreciate what you do and continue to do for us.

I congratulate workers of railway lines on their solemn day! I want to wish that your train of life rushes at great speed to the fulfillment of all desires, and the green light is always on the way. I wish you good luck in your professional endeavors, a close-knit team and many happy days!

Dear railroad workers! Your professional path that you have chosen causes only admiration and pride for our country! Thank you for everything you do for our Motherland and us, continue to love your work and do it with pleasure. Successes on the labor front, career growth and simple human joys!

Railroad Day is the first professional holiday in Russia. It was established by order of the Ministry of Railways on July 9, 1896 and timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, who began the construction of railways in Russia. It was celebrated annually on June 25 (July 6, according to a new style).

On this day, the railway workers rested, and in the evening, as a rule, a gala reception with a concert was held in the hall of the Pavlovsky station of the Tsarskoye Selo railway.

The tradition of celebrating the Day of the Railwayman was revived at the initiative of the railwaymen themselves, for the first time in long years overfulfilled the transportation plan in 1935.

At the end of July 1935, at a reception held in the Kremlin railway transport an initiative was put forward to celebrate professional labor successes annually. By a government decree of July 28, 1936, the day of the professional holiday of railway workers was established on July 30. Later, his celebration was moved to the next day off.

Currently, Russian railways are the second largest transport system in the world, second only to the United States in terms of the total length of operating routes. In terms of the length of electrified lines, Russian railways rank first in the world. The Russian Federation currently carries out more than 20% of the freight turnover and 10% of the passenger turnover of all railways in the world.

In my own way geographic location Russian railways are an integral part of the Eurasian railway network and are directly connected to the railway systems of Europe and East Asia. In addition, ports can interact with transport systems in North America.

Railways are organically integrated into a single transport system Russian Federation. In interaction with other modes of transport, they satisfy the needs of the population, the economy and the state in transportation. At the same time, rail transport is the leading element of the transport system, its share in providing passenger and freight traffic is more than 40% of the country's total transport.

The leading position of railways is determined by their ability to carry out year-round regular traffic, transport the bulk of bulk cargo flows and provide mobility labor resources. The special importance of railways is also determined by the large distances of transportation, the poor development of communications of other modes of transport in the regions of Siberia and Far East, the remoteness of the places of production of the main raw materials from the points of their consumption and seaports.

On September 18, 2003, the Government of the Russian Federation established the Open joint-stock company"Russian Railways". The sole shareholder of Russian Railways is the Russian Federation. The powers of the shareholder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of 2016, Russian Railways transported 1.371 billion passengers (+1.6% compared to 2015), of which long distance- 101.4 million (+3.6%), in suburban traffic - 935.7 million (+1.4%). The total income of the holding in 2016 increased by 7.1% compared to 2015 and

This professional holiday is dedicated to the day of the formation of special military units for the protection and operation of the railway (Photo:

Day of the Railway Troops, celebrated in Russia annually on August 6, was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 1996 "On the establishment of the Day railway troops Russian Federation", and is currently celebrated in accordance with the decree "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" dated May 31, 2006.

This professional holiday of military personnel, workers and civil servants of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation (ZhDV RF Armed Forces) is timed to coincide with the day of the formation of special military units for the protection and operation of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway.

In 1851, the “highest approval” by the emperor of the “Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway” was issued.
According to the "Regulations", it was formed 14 separate military workers, two conductor and "telegraphic" companies with a total number of 4340 people.

This marked the beginning of the formation of the first military railway units. They were ordered to maintain good condition railway track, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of stations, the protection of bridges and railway crossings.

Since the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, railroad soldiers have contributed to the victories of Russian weapons. During the years of the Great Patriotic War The railway troops, together with civilian railway workers, restored and built more than 120 thousand kilometers of railways, over 3 thousand bridges. And after its completion, they actively participated not only in the restoration and reconstruction of the destroyed railway lines, but also in the construction of new ones.

For more than one hundred and fifty years, military railway workers have selflessly and selflessly served the Fatherland.

The Railway Troops are a branch of special troops as part of the Logistics Support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (from 2005 to 2010 they were part of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), which is part of the system for ensuring the defense capability and national security of the state.

These are special troops designed to restore, build, operate, fence and technically cover the railways used for military transportation. They also take part in the aftermath emergencies, accidents, disasters and hostilities and conflicts.

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To determine the Day of the Railwayman in 2018, what date, you need to look at a wall or pocket, even an electronic calendar. Traditionally in our country this day belongs to the first Sunday of August, and this year this Sunday falls on a beautiful date: August 5th.

Railwayman's Day is a professional holiday, which was first celebrated in Tsarist Russia. After the advent of the first railroads, of course. The event was established in 1896 and was timed then in the date of birth of Nicholas I, emperor at that time. After all, it is this Russian emperor began to actively build a railway in Russia.

A bit of history

Under Nicholas I, he built a railway that led from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo. Soon there was a direct branch connecting two large cities Russian Empire: St. Petersburg and Moscow. It used to be that before the onset of the October Revolution, the professional holiday was celebrated every year, but on a different date than now: June 25th. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Then there was a revolution that won. The goal of the winners was, among other things, to abandon all the holidays that were established under the tsarist regime. Including, they forgot about the day of the railwayman. Soviet government re-established this holiday in 1936, setting the date for it on July 30.

Time passed, and the dates of this professional holiday were postponed several more times. True, they were always within the middle of summer. As a result, it was found that the Day of the Railwayman in 2018, what date is celebrated, is the first Sunday in August.

About the features of the celebration

By this date, many festive and festive events are organized for railway workers throughout the country. In addition to entertainment, celebrations are held as part of these events. the best workers, celebrate special merits and achievements in this field. Rail transport is still popular in our country. It is difficult to imagine that during the year a person does not use the services of trains or electric trains.

Today, Railway Worker's Day can be considered an international holiday. After all, on the first Sunday in August, August 6, 2018, this event is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and many other countries of the former Soviet Union.

Whom to congratulate on this day? Of course, machinists and sinkers, as well as technicians and conductors, must be congratulated by switchmen, explosives and all people who are connected with the holiday in one way or another. If you list all the professions that are involved in the work of the railway, then the article will turn out to be very long. Cook for your favorite railroad workers.

We want to sincerely congratulate those people, thanks to whom the railways in our country operate comfortably, smoothly and safely. Our trains always arrive on time and this, of course, is only thanks to you. We have time to meet with loved ones, relax, return to work on time, solve our personal and work issues only thanks to railway workers, on whose work the arrival of each train depends on the schedule.

Russian railways are almost 200 years old. Rail transport is still indispensable - modern Russian Railways transport more than a billion passengers and more than a billion tons of cargo every year. More than 800,000 employees are employed by Russian railways, who celebrate their professional holiday in August. When is the day of the railway worker in 2018 in Russia: what date is this holiday celebrated, what is its history, in which other states former USSR this day is celebrated.

When did the day of the railwayman appear in Russia

The Russian holiday Railwayman's Day was the first such holiday in all of Europe. It appeared back in 1896, and it was celebrated until 1917 on June 25, according to the old style (according to the new - July 6). This date is the day when Emperor Nicholas I was born, during which railways appeared in our country.

The history of Russian railways began in the 1830s. The first railway in the country - Tsarskoye Selo - was opened in 1837. It connected St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo. The average travel speed of 51 km/h was fantastic for those times.

Thus, the impetus was given to the development of this modern look transport in the country. TO late XIX century, railways already connected the main cities of the European part of the country quite well, and in 1891 the implementation of an ambitious project began - the construction of the Great Siberian Railway, the basis of the modern Trans-Siberian Railway. By 1904, the railways reached Vladivostok.

The traditions of the Railwayman's Day in tsarist times implied that the railway institutions did not work at all on this day, and the road management gathered for festive dinner and a concert in the capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, not a single royal holiday remained, and no railway worker's day existed for almost two decades. He returned in 1936, and there was no talk of any rest for the railway workers on his holiday - the return took place under the slogan of the day “Maximum labor efforts for the glory of the Motherland”.

The date of the first version of the Soviet celebration of the Railway Worker's Day is July 30, in honor of Stalin's meeting with railway workers on July 30, 1935. However, since 1940, the date of the celebration has undergone a slight reform, and the Railway Worker's Day in the USSR received a "registration" on the first Sunday of August. So this professional holiday was assigned to a day off.

Since then, nothing has changed, and the date of the celebration of the professional holiday of railway workers is the first Sunday of August.

Railway Day in 2018: what date is celebrated

The first Sunday of August this year is the 5th. Respectively railroad day in 2018 is celebrated on August 5.

This holiday directly affects more than 800 thousand employees of modern Russian Railways. Drivers and conductors, simple track workers and station directors - they all accept congratulations on this day on their professional day.

By tradition, solemn events and concerts are held on this day, prizes and awards are awarded to the best railway workers. In addition to Russian railway workers, on the first Sunday of August, workers of the railways of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan celebrate a similar holiday. In many other post-Soviet republics, such a holiday also exists, but is celebrated on other dates.

In 2018, the Russian holiday Railroad Day differs by only one day from another related day - Day of the railway troops. This day, unlike the main holiday of all railway workers, is tied to the date of August 6th. By the way, in the past, 2017, there was a rare meeting in the calendar of these two days - the Day of the Railwayman then also fell on the 6th day.

The Day of the Railway Troops appeared in 1996 in memory of the appearance on August 6, 1851 of special units to protect the newly opened railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow. In modern railway troops Russian army serves about 28.5 thousand people.