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The position of the Government of South Ossetia. The loss of aviation of Russia

After the occupation of Georgia's part of Georgia, Russian troops and ethnic cleansing of Georgian villages around South Ossetia, with the participation of international intermediaries, a cease-fire was reached. According to the agreements reached, the conclusion of Russian troops from the Georgian territory was to end until October 1, 2008.

1. Prehistory of conflict

Ethnolinguistic map of the Caucasus.

Map of Georgia, 1993

2. Military Actions

2.1. Start of conflict

Protest shares in front of the Russian Embassy in Tbilisi.

The exacerbation of the situation on the border between autonomy and Georgia began at the end of July and early August of the year. Each of the parties accused another at the beginning of hostilities. A significant deterioration took place on August 1, when six Georgian police officers were injured as a result of the terrorist act. In response, the shelling of Tskhinvali began from the Georgian side, which caused the escalation of the conflict and shelling the position of the enemy on both sides. On August 3, South Ossetia began evacuating the civilian population from Tskhinvali - about 2.5 thousand people were evacuated.

2.2. Intervention of Russia

Georgia B. unilaterally He stopped the offensive to enable the civilian population to leave the zone of hostilities. In turn, the Government of South Ossetia announced the death of 1,400 people, mostly civilian population of the region. Meanwhile, in South Ossetia, regular troops of the Russian Federation were introduced with a total number of about 150 tanks and other equipment. By the end of August 8, Russian troops and Ossetian detachments controlled large parts of Tskhinvali, and Russian aviation continued to bombard military bases near Tbilisi and destroy Georgian aircraft. Direct clashes were also held between Russian and Georgian troops in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities around Tskhinvali.

2.3. Escalating conflict

On the night of August 8 to August 9th and in the morning, fighting continued between the Georgian and Russian troops around the capital Tskhinvali. At the same time, they received data on the bombardment of the Russian aviation of the Georgian port of the Poti on the Black Sea coast of the country. The bombardment was also subjected to military bases in different cities of Georgia, in particular in Gori were bombed residential buildingswhere about 60 civilians died. Also on the strengthening of Russian troops in South Ossetia, the landing units and detachments of special forces began to arrive, in particular the formation of seventy-sixth and 98th airborne divisions. For about 8 o'clock in the morning, the Russian side announced the seizure of Tskhinvali - this information was denied by the Georgian side, which insisted that Georgian troops were still controlled by parts of the capital of autonomy. Georgia also reported 10 shot down Russian aircraft, but Russia recognized the loss of only two. Postfaktum Russia recognized the loss of six aircraft, three of which were amazed by the Russian air defense storms: three SU-25 attack aircraft, the Tu-22m3 bomber and two front-line bombers Su-24m.

The main battle in the first days has turned air of Georgia. The Georgia air defense system had fierce resistance to Russian aircraft - and she served as the main goal of air strikes. After the Russian aviation managed to destroy the main radars and anti-air defensive complexes of Georgians, and she fully mastered the sky over Georgia, organized armed resistance to the invasion actually stopped. Russian military units without resistance have nominated for themselves. The Georgian command has left its parts and began to prepare for the defense of Tbilisi.

The escalation of the conflict shifted to another separatist region, Abkhazia, where the unrecognized republics and Russian mercenaries (in the Russian press - "Volunteers") began attacks on Georgian positions in the Kodori Gorge. On the same day, on the submission of President Saakashvili, the Georgian parliament adopted a resolution on the "state of war" in Georgia for a period of 15 days. The President of Georgia also proposed the cease-fire between the parties and the troop of the troops, but this proposal was rejected by Russia, which insisted on the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia as prerequisites for the cease-fire. The UN Security Council also failed to make a decision regarding the decision of this conflict, and Russia stated that he was conducting an "operation for the coercion of Georgia to the world."

The situation has deteriorated significantly on August 11, when Russia expanded the range of its attacks not only to objects in the immediate vicinity of the Theater of Military Action, but also began an offensive on the city of Mountain on the way to Tbilisi and seized the Georgian cities of Zugdidi and Senaki in the west of the country. Also, Russian troops captured the central highway, which connects the Eastern and Western Georgia. With the approach of the front to Tbilisi, panic began and the residents began to escape from the fighting area. Mikhail Saakashvili tried to reassure the population and assured that Georgian troops are ready for the defense of the capital. Meanwhile, Russia reported that he did not intend to attack Tbilisi.

2.4. Participation of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia

The conflict immediately participated in the group of ships of the Russian fleet led by the flagship of the Moscow flagship cruiser, the detachment included large landing ships "Yamal" and "Saratov" and others. The marine infantry of the Black Sea Fleet took the main port of Georgia and destroyed all the Georgian boats and ships on the raid, which had military labeling, including border, having laid explosives in them.

On August 10, Ukraine warned the Russian side from the participation of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the conflict around South Ossetia. The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was noted "in order to prevent the occurrence of circumstances under which Ukraine can be drawn into an armed conflict and military actions due to the participation of military formations of the Russian Federation, which is temporarily based on the territory of Ukraine, the Ukrainian side reserves the right according to the international standards The rights and legislation of Ukraine, prohibit the return to the territory of Ukraine before the resolution of the conflict of ships and courts that can take part in the above actions. " However, the Ukrainian side later recognized that interstate agreements regulating the stay of the Russian fleet in Ukraine do not contain restrictions on the military use of the fleet.

3. Plan Sarkozy

Press conference Medvedev and Sarkozy after negotiations on a six-billboard truce plan

On August 10, Georgian troops declared the discharge of troops from Tskhinvali and about the unilateral cease-fire. Mikhail Saakashvili signed a truce plan proposed by the European Union, the initiative took upon himself the French presidency. The agreements reached the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kushner in Tbilisi, who later visited Moscow and had negotiations with the Russian President Medvedev.

On August 12, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who offered six paragraphs on a peaceful settlement was also joined in the peacekeeping process. He also enlisted the support of the President of Georgia and Russia on this plan, according to which each of the parties pledged:

In the previous plan there was an item on the international discussion of the future status of unrecognized republics, however, at the request of Georgia, he was somewhat changed. This transaction was called "Sarkozy Plan", in Russia called "Medvedev-Sarkozy" plan. Moscow did not enter into a direct negotiation process with Tbilisi, they chose the way to ignoring Mikhail Saakashvili. All negotiations were actually conducted with the mediation of the French side.

3.1. Occupation of Georgian territories

On August 11, President Medvedev said "a significant part of the operation on the coercion of Georgia to the world is completed." In Russian propaganda terminology, the invasion of Georgia was called "coercion to the world." The next day, Premier Putin adjusted the statement of the president, noting that "Russia will bring his peacekeeping mission to a logical conclusion."

Despite the signed on August 12 of the Agreement, the Russian troops began to actively move into the depth of Georgian territory. In particular, the city of Gori, Senaki, Poti, cut the road connecting Western and Eastern Georgia. Blocks were installed on the roads. Russia in conflict involved serious strategic weapons, in particular military tasks performed the Tu-22 bomber, through the Rocky tunnel was delivered to the point-y missile system. On the high-kilometer portion of the road between Tbilisi and Gori on August 16-17, a movement was observed towards the Georgian capital of heavy equipment: "Urals" with infantry and installations "Hrad", SAU, Tanks and BMP. The Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, General Nogovitsyn on September 17, said at a press conference that Russians are observed as Georgian troops concentrate around Tbilisi.

In turn, Georgia also accused Russia in targeted attacks on civilian objects, in the bombing of residential buildings in Gori and Poti and Tbilisi International Airport. With the threat of the offensive of Russian troops, refugees appeared on the capital who tried to leave Tbilisi. Ossetian divisions, according to the Georgian side, shelled the Georgian villages around Tskhinvali, which led to the emergence of refugees from these regions. In connection with the onset of Russian troops there was almost empty city of Gori - most residents became refugees. Eyewitnesses accused South Ossetian rebels in the campaign of terror inhabitants Gori. Also they were charged with the production of ethnic cleansing on both sides. President of South Ossetia, Edward, frankly declared the ethnic cleansing and praised the destruction of Georgian villages in autonomy; The fact of ethnic cleansing in South Ossetia was confirmed by international human rights organizations.

6. Information War

From the first day of confrontation, mass channels of information distribution, the TV channels of Russia and Georgia were mobilized for information support for hostilities. So in Russia, where the basic television channels are controlled by the state, the continuous telemaceraphone was actually organized, the main slogans of which were repeated by voice hundreds of times a day and all the time were launched in large letters on the screens. These slogans were "genocide in South Ossetia" and "Forcing Georgia to the Mire." Russian society in harmony with the authorities of the country supported the introduction of troops to South Ossetia and fighting in Georgian territory, such decisive actions approved more than 70% of Russians.

In Georgia, informationally presented itself as a victim of the aggression of the Northern neighbor, the support of President Mikhail Saakashvili increased.

6.1. Cybervan

For the period of war, the objective information coming from the scene was playing a major role. Russian, Georgian and foreign media in different ways covered the information that came from the seats of events. This information war unfolded on the Internet, long before the start of hostilities. On the territory of Georgia, Russian channels were disabled, which Georgia accused of conducting information war. Also blocked Internet-Free sites with a domain "RU". As at the time of confrontation around the bronze soldier in Estonia, Georgia and its institutions also received ataks of hackers. In particular, the Georgian Foreign Ministry website was attacked, where Hitler's photos were posted. From attacks of hackers, other sites of the government of the republic also did not work. Attacks from Russia on the sites of parliament, governments and the ministries of defense were very organized and mass, even the sites of Georgia news agencies were blocked. Russia's hackers distributed the call: "Hackers and bloggers of all countries reunite", "sites will be blocked completely! No one can read nonsense that Russia attacked Georgia." At the same time, Estonia, which was subjected to such attacks, sent a group of experts to help Georgia.

The government of the self-proclaimed republic of South Ossetia also announced attacks on the websites of its state institutions and information agencies of the republic. Organization "Reporters Without Borders" condemned these actions.

6.2. Media

Attitude towards the conflict polarizuvalosha both in Ukraine and abroad. Georgia acted with a unconditional condemnation of aggression, her position was supported by a number of Ukrainian politicians and international organizations, which called Russia's actions against sovereign Georgia. Military aggression called Russia's actions numerous Western politicians, in particular the US Vice-President Dick Cheney and Lithuanian President Adamkus and others. At the same time, with support for the actions of Russia, some international and Ukrainian politicians performed. In particular, the aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia, these events called the Chairman of the KPU Simonenko. The Supreme Council of the Crimean Autonomy, the Supreme Council of the Crimean Autonomy distributed the same attitude towards the conflict and called on Kiev to recognize Abkhazia and PV. Ossetia. With the condemnation of the actions of Georgia, the chairman of the UN General Assembly Miguel Brockman also acted in conflict.

In turn, Russia accused Western news agencies in the biased lighting of events in Georgia. It was indicated that the information releases of the news of the Western media were almost completely ignored by events in Tskhinvali and the destruction of the city, and in exchange a lot of attention was paid to the comments of the Georgian side, in particular Mikhail Saakashvili.

The Russian media were also criticized for censorship on the coverage of events in Georgia. In particular, the British journalist William Dunbar quit the protest from the English-speaking channel of Russia Today, where, according to him, is censorship. According to the journalist, he was not allowed to broadcast after a report on the bombardment of Russian aviation in Georgia.

7. Diplomatic relations

8. Applications of conflict participants

9. The reaction of the world community

9.1. Commission PACE

Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) believes that Moscow and Tbilisi bear equal responsibility for August military actions. Such a conclusion is contained in the report of the report of the Special Commission of PACE Luke Van Bronda. In the period from September 21 to September 26, Luke Van der Branda visited South Ossetia, buffer zones in Georgia, Tbilisi and Moscow to clarify the causes and consequences of the August armed conflict. According to the report, the delegation is "extremely concerned about" by the fact that two members of the Council of Europe violated the obligations undertaken in this organization for the peaceful resolution of all disagreements, including old conflicts. Such behavior is unacceptable, both countries "are responsible for the escalation of this conflict in a full-scale war," said in a statement.

The report also notes that completely opposite points of view and versions of the Parties, as well as the short-term visit of the Commission in the conflict zone greatly make it difficult to determine the sequence of events on August 7 and 8 and the circumstances that led them.

However, it is quite obvious that both parties did not take sufficient efforts to prevent war, "and since then in the region, they are still committed - numerous violations of human rights. PACE called for investigating all such cases and punish guilty in court, while emphasizing that the Russian Federation It is responsible for the crimes that are committed in the current territory under the territory.

The report also noted that the Council of Europe is surprised that Russia and the United States have no satellite shots that could clarify the situation on the start of the conflict in Georgia. Parliamentarians noted that Moscow and Tbilisi adhere to the diametrically opposite versions of the beginning of full-scale hostilities. So, the Russian side insists that he introduced tanks and armored vehicles after the Georgian troops invaded the Tskhinvali area and began to conduct fighting there. The Georgian side, in turn, argues that its intelligence reported on the concentration of Russian troops and armored vehicles, which included the Rocky Tunnel in South Ossetia, and military operation was launched to reflect the attack russian armywho invaded the Georgian territory.

9.2. international Court

According to the assessment of the lawyer on the international affairs of Akhmat Glasheva, "the court accepted a purely political decision, which, first of all, is beneficial to Russia. The court actually refused to satisfy the complaint of the Georgian side, and at the same time removed from making any clear decision. The court decision says, Violated Russia International Convention for the elimination of racial discrimination. "

9.3. European Parliament

The war in Georgia had significant economic consequences: with the beginning of hostilities sharply fell shares of Russian companies and reflected not only on Russian, but also in the world market. There was also some correction of the ruble exchange rate to the US dollar, when foreign investors began to sell rubles in the domestic market. Trading on MICEX and RTS's main Russian funds died several times during the fall of the indices to prevent the panic sentiment of merchants: the general fall in the Indices of PCT and MICEX for a month and a half after the war amounted to more than 40%. The continuous growth of Russia's foreign exchange reserves against the backdrop of oil boom was replaced by a drop: in 30 working days, the volume of foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia decreased by $ 38 billion, or 6.8%.


  1. Comparison of the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia in the conflict zone - /
  2. General Staff: Russia's sun has lost 64 servicemen in South Ossetia -
  3. SCP clarified Russian losses during the war in South Ossetia - /
  4. General Staff: Russian troops lost the dead 74 people -
  5. Georgia confirms the conclusion of the Russian troops -
  6. South Ossetia chose Independence and Kokoity (Rus.) -
  7. S.K: In Russia, double standards for conflict in the Caucasus. -
  8. Kulik about the Caucasus: Ukraine needs to draw conclusions. -
  9. The terrorist attack in South Ossetia: Six Georgian policemen injured. -
  10. The zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict left more than 2,5 thousand people -
  11. Georgia announced the beginning of the war with South Ossetia -
  12. Saakashvili did not give a reason to start hostilities -
  13. Russia did not leave Georgia selection -
  14. Vladimir Gorbach. Provocation - Prostration - Occupation -
  15. Kokoity: Storming Tskhinvali -
  16. BBC UKRAINIAN: Georgia offers rebels truce -
  17. Saakashvili gave an order about full reservoir mobilization -
  18. ... We are there from August 7th. Well, our entire 58th army ... -\u003d2912&n\u003d453
  19. Russian tanks entered Tskhinvali: Georgia threatens Russia Ware -
  20. Russian aviation hit a military base near Tbilisi -

On August 8, the victims honored in Georgia and remembered the consequences of the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 - shares organized by the government and public organizations, passed throughout the country.

The most important and difficult investigation of the war that has changed the geopolitical situation in the region - Russia in August 2008 officially announced that he recognizes part of the internationally recognized territory of Georgia by independent states and provides them with military assistance. Tbilisi in response ripped diplomatic relations with Moscow, and the Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia officially announced occupied territories.

Eight years ago, in August 2008, as a result of the Georgian-Russian war, 408 Georgian citizens died, of which 170 servicemen, 14 policemen and 224 civilians.

According to the Georgian Ministry of Health, the number of wounded and affected on the days of August war amounted to 2,232 people. Of these, the military personnel are 1045 people.

The August War made refugees of 26 thousand inhabitants of Georgian villages from the Tskhinvali region. This figure has replenished the data of ethnic cargo of Georgians in Abkhazia in 1993, as a result, the total number of refugees in Georgia is already 263,598 people.

Russia has not yet fulfilled the most important points of the cease-fire agreement, signed with the mediation of French President Nicolas Sarkozy on August 12, 2008, which includes:

Refusal to use force;
- refusal to conduct hostilities;
- ensuring free movement to provide humanitarian assistance;
- the return of the Georgian armed forces in the place of permanent deployment;
- The return of the Russian armed forces on the line that exists before the start of hostilities.
- Russia also does not allow representatives of international observers in the occupied region.

The survey of the National Democratic Institute of the United States (NDI) showed that the issue of the territorial integrity of Georgia remains one of the most relevant countries for residents. Three months before the elections to the Georgian parliament, as in November 2012, 26% of respondents called the territorial integrity of the most important national issue.

Russian-Georgian War - as it started.

Currently, almost all observers agree that although the war has passed into the active phase on August 8, preparation for military actions and shelling of Georgian territory began much earlier.

Ignoring prohibitions and international control Russia in the period from 2004 to 2008 built military bases in the area of \u200b\u200bJava village in the area of \u200b\u200bJawa. The military base was filmed by the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, these data were published.

As noted by the Russian expert Andrei Illarionov, by August 2008, the self-proclaimed South Ossetia possessed the most large quantity Tanks per capita compared to any state or part of public education in the world. 1758 tanks and light tanks per thousand people, which is higher than in such militarized countries like Israel (531) and North Korea (177).

Russia also provided the Tskhinvali regime for the help of personnel - the Minister of Defense of South Ossetia was Lieutenant-General Vasily Lunev, a graduate of the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze and Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who previously held the post of First Deputy Commander of the Siberian Military District.

On July 6, 2008, the North Caucasus Military District began holding the Kavkaz-2008 military exercises with the participation of 8 thousand employees of the army, internal troops and the FSB, including 700 units of armored vehicles, as well as with the support Air force and the Black Sea Fleet.

On August 2, 2008, these teachings officially ended, but the troops participating in maneuvers did not leave from their positions.

August 7, between 3:41 and 3:52 in the morning, the column of the Russian armored vehicles took place through the Rockan tunnel into the territory of South Ossetia, that is, the actually the Armed Forces of Russia entered the territory of Georgia. At that time, the Russian Federation officially recognized the boundaries of Georgia. This situation has changed after 20 days.

What happened by Georgia.

In July 2008, South Ossetian forces fired a collective peacekeeping forces and observers. On July 29, allegedly not subject to South Ossetian militia, Georgian villagers subjected to the artillery shelling.

On August 5, the South Ossetian Interior Minister Mindzaev gave an order to "erase from the ground" by the Georgian village of zeros. " Mindzaev's negotiations were intercepted and recorded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Also, according to the documented data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, on December 6 and 7, the South Ossetian forces fired and conducted an actuator of several Georgian villages, including zeros. On August 6, two Georgian peacekeepers were injured. On August 7, three more Georgian servicemen were injured, and two, as a post in Avnes, was killed.

In response to the shelling of the positions of Georgian peacekeepers, Tbilisi began military operation in the zone of the South Ossetian conflict. In less than a day, the Georgian military took Tskhinvali and adjacent territories. The Government of Kokoity and his environment ran to Java.

In response, Russia announced the "Georgian aggression" and introduced his troops deep into the territory of Georgia from two directions, taking control not only the situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but also the territory adjacent to them - the Gori and Kaspsky district in the east of the country, and Zugdidsky - in the West. Within five days, Georgian troops were ousted from the positions occupied, Russian aviation hit the airfields and roads throughout Georgia, including in the suburb of Tbilisi.

Russia used cassette bombs, as well as missiles "Iskander" and "Point-U" during the bombing of the territory of Georgia. The victims of the bombing were the inhabitants of Gori and the Oternal District in Racha. In the center of Gori was killed by a journalist of Dutch television.

Russian troops occupied the central car track of Georgia and continued to move towards Tbilisi. Georgian government resorted to diplomatic assistance.

On August 12, 2008, with the mediation of the European Union, the United States and personally, the president of France Nicolas Sarkozy adopted the so-called "agreement from six points", after which the fighting ceased and the Russian side began tackling troops from Tbilisi.

At the same time, in the most crisis days of August 2008, the United States had not only diplomatic, but also military support for Georgia.

US President George Bush on August 11, announced on a special briefing in the White House that the US military began holding a humanitarian operation in Georgia.

"I ordered Robert Gates to start a humanitarian mission in Georgia. It will be intense and indefinite. "

Said the American president.

Bush reported that the operations will be involved both the US Air Force and marines. The US President also demanded that Russia left open all air and sea routes to deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia. That is, Russia was proposed to free roads, airports and seaports.

Dmitry Shashkin - Three times the former Minister in the government of the third president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili - probation, education and defense, in the past year publicly and in detail about the work of American diplomats and military and pointed to the value of the United States in resolving the conflict.

"Many people do not know that our peacekeeping team returned from Iraq to Tbilisi on American military aircraft, which in the conditions of war was direct military support from the United States"

Noted Shashkin.

He stressed that Russia was not able to bomb the Tbilisi airport because American cargo planes "Hercules" were stood on the runway, because the flagship of the Fifth Fleet of the United States, which entered the Black Sea, controlled on his radar airspace in the triangle Tbilisi-Moscow-Volgograd . At the same time, the potential of American military control eight times exceeded the potential of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

Shashkin also stressed that the Minister of Defense, Robert Gates, was announced by the US Defense Minister Robert Gates, announced by the US President George by Georgia by Georgia's Humanitarian Operation. And April 14, 2008 from Jordan, American "Hercules" was accompanied by air-fighters. At the same time, the commander of the airlife officially stated that "any activity of Russian aircraft in the Georgian sky will be perceived as an attack on the United States of America," after which Russian aircraft ceased to invade Georgian airspace.

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Four years ago, on the night of August 8, 2008, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia and destroyed part of her capital Tskhinvali.

After an armed conflict, which dusted until the summer of 1992, Georgia lost control over South Ossetia. Since then, Tskhinvali has sought recognition of the independent status of South Ossetia, while in Tbilisi continued to consider this territory part of Georgia, offering Ossetians only autonomy.

Furnishing in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict on the evening of August 1. The city of Tskhinvali and a number of other settlements were massaged from the Georgian side. In the conflict zone, several hours were walking with the use of small arms, grenade launchers and mortars. The first human sacrifices and significant destruction appeared. South Ossetia began evacuating its inhabitants to North Ossetia, in the first two days after shelling, 2.5 thousand inhabitants left their homes.

August 2 South Ossetia Georgian State Minister for the reintegration of Temur Jacobashvili after meetings with representatives of the OSCE observer mission, with the headquarters of the peacekeeping operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, by General Mamuka Kurashvili and the commander of mixed peacekeeping forces (SSPM) by General Marat Kulakhmetov, said that Georgian authorities do not see alternatives to direct Negotiations between Tbilisi and Tskhinvali and express readiness for negotiations without prior conditions. Georgian authorities, Jacobashvili said, will take all situations.

August 3rd Georgian side to the borders of South Ossetia. From the military base in Gori to Tskhinvali, an artillery column was nominated as part of one division of artillery installations of D-30 and two mortar batteries, which are an integral part of the fourth motorway brigade of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.

August 16 Plan to resolve the conflict in Georgia signed Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

August 17 The unrecognized republic introduced a state of emergency for a period of one month. The Commandant hour was introduced on the territory of Tskhinvali, that is, the ban on citizens to be on the streets and in other public places without specifically issued passes and documents certifying the identity, from 21 hours 00 minutes to 6 hours 00 minutes.

August 20 From 21:00 a state of emergency throughout South Ossetia and the Commandant hour in Tskhinvali "in connection with the stabilization of the situation in South Ossetia."

August 21 Abkhazia and South Ossetia According to the results of "nationwide similarities" of the presidents and parliaments, the republics with a request to recognize the independence of self-proclaimed states.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Events that occurred from 8 to 13 August 2008 received the name "Five Day War". Russia fought outside his state to stop aggression against the separated republics. The event agitated the whole world, 2008 Georgia remembered for a long time.

Prerequisites for war


In early 2008, relations between Russia and Georgia aggravated due to aggressive behavior of the latter. The drone was often observed over Abkhazia and Ossetia. For the spring, five of them were destroyed, Saakashvili president accused Medvedev. Saakashvili also announced the bombardment of Russian cities. The Russian Federation accused of conducting preparation for the assault, in connection with which the number of combat units has increased. The UN Security Council considered one of the dried drones, flying over Ossetia.

On March 6, the Russian Federation abolished the ban on the conduct of trade and economic, financial relations with Abkhazia, operating since 1996 after the adoption of the appropriate verdict of the CIS Council. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs negatively appreciated the actions of Russians, stating the support of separatists and encroach on their sovereignty, territory. On April 16, Medvedev made a statement on cooperation with Abkhazia to support the population. She said that the Government of Saakavisley does not take steps to create normal economic relations with the two republics, refuses to conclude agreements with Sukhumi leaders and threw, creating an Ossetian conflict.


The reserve from the divisions of the 7th landing assault division is located at the boundaries of a potential aggressor. The 17th South Ossetian president warned about tightening the enemy. The federation announced the need to increase the number of peacekeepers by transferring their parts with armored vehicles.

The Minister of Tyayakobshvili, when visiting Brussels, noted that he wants to avoid bloodshed, but it is very likely. Russia introduces reinforcements, hiding behind false accusations of aggression.

On May 31, Russia transferred 400 soldiers from the railway parts, they were accused of preparing for the invasion, arguing the need for repair railway paths To start attacks.

In July, conducted exercises. Georgia and America worked out the attack on the territory of separatists, and Russia did not fight, engaged in training its units.


The end of July and the first August days were characterized by frequent shootings and shelling of different intensity. Residents were forced to leave at home. The South Ossetian Prime Minister announced a urgent evacuation of the Civilian population of Zwinwal on August 1. Six policemen were seriously injured as a result of an explosion of a mined car by terrorists.

The fifth Ossetian Foreign Ministry made a readiness for the bombing of Gori, Kareli and resorts, if the situation escalates.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry drew the attention of the public to replenishing the separatist series by volunteers from the Federation, including Cossacks and Afghans. The country regarded the occurred as a signal about the impairment of the temporary truce. Also received information about moving to border points of armored vehicles and other machines. Medvedev spoke about the continuation of the teachings. Also, the Federation told about the support of Russians living in the conflict area, in case of needing, the operation will be carried out "Forced to the Mire".

Seventh met two heads of republics, they noted their complete readiness. Georgian fighters unsuccessfully attacked the sirsty heights, also received information about tightening soldiers for the offensive. South Ossetia stated that they were going to make the seizure of Zwinhala.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the face of Jacobshvili provided the official version about what happened. The reasons for the activation were called, they became provocations of South Ossetia and the fear of the response of their ally. The call was intercepted, where the transition of the Russian army and technology was discussed through the Rocky Tunnel.

The state responded to aggressive behavior, as a result of which peaceful people were injured. As Lavrov noted, most of the population - the Russians, none of the government will not disappearly observe the murders of their citizens. Causes of intervention - protection of citizens.

The International Independent Commission conducted an investigation. Experts found that the Georgians were the first to provoke, using heavy artillery for the shelling of the Ossetian city. Wines from the Russian Federation, which is also responsible for what is happening due to a multiple violation of international law is not taken. War Georgia Ossetia 2008 led many victims and destruction.

Battlefield 08 August

The attack began at night on August 8. Georgia made an art-rider Zwinchal 8 8 8, after a few hours it began to conquer using armored vehicles. The Ossetian Republic received a refusal of the truce by telephone, they informed the commander of Khrulev. In turn, the commander made a decision about army movement to protect and maintain peace.

The Georgian media passed the commander's message about the refusal to conduct negotiations to stabilize the conflict and the request did not interfere in peacekeepers.

Georgia in the morning 08.08.08 was able to take control of several settlements, except Java and Zwinhala, according to Jacobshvili.

In Georgia, 8 8 8 was injured by a journalist of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Russian media in the news reported on deliberate shelling of their positions, there were many wounded and killed. Georgians accused Russians in the use of artillery against the army. Information also appeared in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

In the morning of the Russian Federation committed an attack - bombing of strategic bases and airfields with aviation. In the evening, Jacobshvili asked the heads of the world to influence peacekeepers in order to stop hostilities outside the conflict zone, the storms of Russians were regarded as invasion.


The troops continued to arrive. Closer to the dinner there was a serious clash in Tskhinvali, several people were killed, many were injured, including correspondents and Khrulev. Allies retreated, because the expected reinforcement has come. Bombardment continued, the fleet entered the enemy's water.


Georgians continued to fire the South Ossetian zone, and peacemakers - bases, ports, airports and aggressor bridges. Also, at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fired settlements, plants. Russians increased the number of combat units to 10 thousand.

At night, Georgian troops fought for sirsty heights, but in the afternoon, Russian troops were able to discover attacks, forcing the opponent to leave these areas. Most of the Georgians were broken, many parts were cut off from the main forces.

Allies took control of important strategic points along the borders.

As a result of the collision in seawoodGeorgians lost a military missile boat, the rest were forced to stop the shelling.

The Georgian side presents the note by the Russian consul about the cessation of battles.


Despite the statement about the cessation of shootout, shelling continued at night. The peacekeeping army makes an attack on the enemy territory, occupying Zugdidi, the village of Hurcha, reached Senaki. Also captured airspace, knocking down the Su-25. Promotion stopped after eliminating the threat of art print.


The Twelfth President Medvedev made a statement about turning the operation forcing to the world. He said that the population is safe, the aggressor is stopped, the army is divided. In the event of a repetition of the situation, a decision will be made about destruction.

During the visit of the President of France, the requirements for resolving conflict were drawn up:

  • Complete cessation of aggression;
  • Unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid;
  • Feedback troops;
  • Ban on the use of power methods;
  • Return of Russians at the initial positions;
  • Conducting negotiations on the status of republics.

After the French president met with Saakashvili.


Continuate reports about the promotion of peacekeeping troops. The columns of armored vehicles who took the mountains moved towards Tbilisi. Lavrov commented, saying that the technique was exported from the region to ensure the protection of civilians. He also refuted the presence of tanks, there were a BTR. The minister denies that cars were in Poti.

The Georgian side agreed to accept the requirements, but after the editorial office of the last item. Sarkozy supported the need to edit. He achieved the resolution of Medvedev to change the context, removing the ambiguous interpretation.


Art-folds of Gori occur, the Russians deny their involvement, refuting the charges in capturing. In the afternoon, the transfer of local police was made, fully allied forces will leave him in 2-3 days.

The fifteenth

Uvarov announced the increase in peacekeeping contingent, military equipment will also be transferred. According to Uvarov, conclusions were made and it was necessary to prevent the repetition of 2008, the war with Georgia, this should not happen again.


There was a signing of a settlement plan by all participants. The event known as the "five-day war" ended.


This situation shows how for such a short time, you can destroy a lot: relationship, fate of people, cities. And in our power to do not allow military actions.

This is one of the best texts about the 2008 Russian-Georgian war.

Seven years ago, the Russian-Georgian war broke out. She certainly created a new reality - in Georgia, Russia, in the post-Soviet space and in the world in relation to Russia. But most of us know about her by the myths created by the massive Russian propaganda. Here are the most common ones

Myth number 1: War started Saakashvili

The war begins the one who is preparing in advance.

Who was preparing for her and who tried to prevent?

In June-July 2008, various information sources report that the political decision on the ambulance (presumably - in August) war with Georgia in Moscow has already been accepted that Putin personally oversees training. Official news agency "Osinform" will publish the formula of the future war: "The peacekeeping operation on force coercion of the aggressor to the world."

July 5, large-scale maneuvers of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO) "Caucasus 2008" begin. 8,000 military personnel, 700 units of armored vehicles, ships of the Black Sea Fleet take part in them. The official goal of the exercises is to prepare for the "operation for coercion to the world." In the troops distribute the leaflet "Warrior, know the likely opponent!" - with a description of the Armed Forces of Georgia.

By the border with Georgia are given the best landing units of the Russian army from different regions of the country. They replace the motorized rifle parts previously stationed there. In the 58th Army, the Teressian army in the south of North Ossetia, a field military hospital unfolds, capable of taking 300 wounded per day.
After graduating from maneuvers, the field hospital is not dismantled. The troops participating in them are not returned to the place of permanent deployment. Some of them seeps into South Ossetia. The benefit there just these days (so coincided) completed the construction of a military base in Java.

By the beginning of the war (that is, until 08.08.08 - the official date of the entry of Russian troops in combat operations) in Java, about 200 units of armored vehicles and the advanced parts of the 135th and 693rd regiments of the 58th Army were concentrated - over 1,200 people. In Russia, it still does not recognize this (and how to recognize that Russian troops for the reflection of Georgian aggression are stationed in South Ossetia before the start of the aggression itself?), But the evidence itself of the soldiers and officers of the 58th Army, which appeared in the media, do not leave doubt (see, for example, a selection).

Simultaneously with military training was informational. On July 20, hacker attacks began on Georgian state and information sites. It was the second in the history of the famous case of cybervarov against the state. (The first was recorded in 2007, when after the exacerbation of relations between Russia and Estonia due to the transfer of the monument to Soviet soldiers in the center of Tallinn, the sites of Estonian government agencies were collapsed.) The final attack took place in the morning of August 8 - against Russian-speaking information sites of Georgia.

But from August 1, Russian journalists began to arrive in Tskhinvali from Vladikavkaz to Tskhinvali. Soon their number increased to 50 people, but not a single foreign (with the exception of the correspondent of the Ukrainian television channel "Inter") among them was not. Russian authorities have established a tough tolerance system: accreditation should be obtained in the Ministry of Defense and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through this double sieve could only leak the most proven and trusted.

So conditions were provided not only for a massive invasion, but also in order for it only what was reported to report.

The most essential in this multi-part combination is that in reality the war began
July 29, 2008.

It was on this day that hostilities began. And they began, in accordance with plans from Moscow, the South Ossetian Armed Forces controlled by Russia are fully controlled.

They started massive and systematic shelling villages of South Ossetia, under the jurisdiction of Georgia, and the positions of the Georgian contingent of peacekeeping forces. The fire was conducted from mortars and 120-millimeter guns, generally prohibited in the conflict zone. People died.

This is not a separate exacerbation in the solarness of the opposition of separatists with the central government. This is a frank prelude war. Conscious provocation in order to cause response actions. So the urban shpana suits the youngster to grow out with passersby, to then jump out from behind the corner and hollow out all the shella with a cry: "NOT Taming Malts!"

The Tbilisi authorities perfectly understood what they were waiting for them. But it is impossible to demolish the blows for a long time. By evening, on August 1, Georgians begin the return artillery fire at the positions of militants in the vicinity of Tskhinvali. Ossetians correspond to the expansion of the shelling zone of Georgian villages and the increase in the intensity of fire. Large-caliber mortars and 122-millimeter guns are going to move.

Mass evacuation of the population in Russia begins from Tskhinvali. Over 20 thousand people were taken out for several days. It is estimated that it is half the actual population of the self-proclaimed republic. Tskhinvali becomes almost a deserted city.

And through the Rokan tunnel - the only way to pass heavy equipment from North Ossetia to the South - the Russian armored vehicles and troops are moving.

Georgian authorities are trying to solve the world before the latter. Personal representative Saakashvili T. Yakobashvili is negotiating the meeting with the South Ossetian leadership in Tskhinvali on August 7 through the mediation of the Russian ambassador on special instructions Y. Popov.

Comes. Popova is not. It turns out that the wheel lowered the wheel. "So put the reserve!" - advises the Georgian Minister to the Russian ambassador. - "A and the reserve of puncture," the ambassador answers. Such trouble. The representative of South Ossetia refuses to negotiate without the Russian mediator.

Jacobashvili is negotiating, with whom there is, - Commander of the peacekeeping forces by General Kulakhmetov. He admits that "no longer able to control the Ossetian divisions." What to do? "Announce a unilateral cease-fire," advises Kulakhmetov.

For an hour, Jacobashvili decided the question. At 17:00, he announces Kulakhmetov about the harmony of the Georgian government at one-sided cessation of fire. At 17:10 Georgian cannons Smallkley. At 19:10 Saakashvili declares this in the direct television address in Georgian and Ossetian and calls for negotiations.

The answer becomes the intensification of the shelling of Georgian villages. By 23.00 they reached a peak. And at the same time, a column of Russian troops with 100 units of armored vehicles comes from the Rock Tunnel. The invasion began.
After half an hour, Saakashvili will give an order about the beginning of a military operation.

He could do otherwise? Of course, could

But for this it was necessary to forget that you were the president of the sovereign country, that you are a man and that you are Georgians. And if he did it - there would be no one, neither another nor the third.

It was the situation of Zugpswang: the rulers of Russia were skillfully started in the war, without leaving another exit.
Wars the war, he starts the war to the one who is preparing to her, the one who does not give the opponent's chance to avoid her. It was Russia.

Myth number 2: Russia began the war to stop the Ossetian Genocide

Where did it come from.

Already on August 8, the President of South Ossetia E. Kokoity reported that, as a result of shelling and hostilities, 1,400 people died in Tskhinvali - the figure is not final. The next day, August 9, the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic announced 2100 dead civilians in Tskhinvali.
This figure - more than 2,000 dead - appeared later everywhere: both in the reports, and in the media reports, and in Internet forums.

The number of victims was complemented by examples of Georgian military atrocities: shooting from tanks with direct vendor at home, where civilians are hidden, aiming fire from machine guns for children and old men, burning houses along with live people, decapitated corpses of girls ...

But when they began to consider, it turned out that everything was not quite so. In the Tskhinvalskaya hospital, where all the wounded and deceased Ossetians arrived, for all the time the battles took 273 wounded and 44 killed, 90% of the victims - South Ossetian militias. The head of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of Russia A. Bastrykin announced 134 dead peaceful residents of South Ossetia for all the time of war, according to Yulia Latynina, "one feather resurrection to 1866 people."

But after the official count of the figure, the "2000" remained in the public consciousness, and even in performances, interviews of officials, including Putin.

Although it is originally unreal. The official number of residents of Tskhinvali before the war - 42 thousand. After evacuation at the beginning of August, half had to be left. The usual ratio of those killed and wounded in the zone of military conflicts 1: 3. So, statistically for 2000 killed was to be another 6,000 wounded. That is, almost every second Tskhinvalets after the Georgian assault would be injured or killed. And be it so - could such a bold arithmetic, like Kokoity, will be silent about it? But did not say.

How did you draw 2000 dead on the second day? And so - what genocide without thousands of victims! "Thousands" is at least two. And 2000 came out. Modest - at a minimum.

As for Georgian atrocities, no fact has found confirmation even after checking such a discerning organization as Human Rights Watch. Not a single state of eyewitness is only the retelling of the told. This is how rumors spread. Judging by their abundance and drama, these were specially blurred rumors. Professional dispensary.

But the ethnic cleaning of Georgians by the forces of South Ossetian armed formations are not rumors. Georgian population in South Ossetia, where Georgian villages were alone with Ossetian almost in a checker, no longer exist. Robbed, expelled, killed - some Georgian villages were simply equalized with the Earth. Made by the hands of the brave soldiers Kokoity. In the battles, they did not distinguish and almost did not participate (and the warlike president of the first reports on the promotion of Georgian troops to Tskhinvali escaped from the capital under the village of Russian tanks to Java, and returned with them), but in the souls with peaceful residents and laddering, the soul took.

Their efforts of Georgians in South Ossetia are no more. But on the territory of Georgia, outside of South Ossetia, there lived and continues to quietly live more than 60 thousand Ossetians. What would be with them if Georgians really started the genocide? Remember Armenians in Baku during the Karabakh crisis.

But the fact is that the Genocide of Ossetians in Georgia and from Georgians to no war, nor during her, nor after - was not. There were no causes.

Myth # 3: Russia began a war to protect his peacekeepers

The last thing they wanted Georgians to fight with Russian peacekeepers.

The first thing they did, starting military actions, were warned by the Russian peacekeeping contingent.
At 23.35, President Saakashvili gives an order about the beginning of the operation, and at 23.40 Commander of Georgia's peacekeeping forces Brigadier General Mamuka Kurashvili announces the promotion of troops by the commander of Russian peacekeepers to General Kulakhmetov and asks not to interfere.

"Not everything is so simple," said Russian General Georgian.

Even before that, at the initial stage of military operations, Ossetian artilleryrs and mortarmen led the shelling of Georgian villages near the places of the dislocation of peacekeepers, using them as covers, or even using direct assistance to guideline. Kulakhmetov in conversations with Georgian officials did not consider it necessary to deny. During the onset of Georgian troops, the key figures of the South Ossetian command were hidden in the main headquarters. According to international standards, it made it a legitimate goal.

Nevertheless, in the map of the goals issued by Georgian artilleryrs during art preparation, the objects of peacekeepers were noted as forbidden for fire.

In order to protect your peacekeepers, the Russian leadership did not have to introduce troops and spend money on the war. It was enough to ban the Kokoity to use them as a cover - and everything would be left. But the goal was different.

Myth # 4: Russia began a war to protect his citizens

Russian authorities themselves created their artificial diaspora in South Ossetia, issuing citizenship of the Russian Federation and Russian passports by thousands of residents of the self-proclaimed republic in Georgia. Legally, this is regarded as interference in the internal affairs of another state. As it turned out - and in fact. Artificial diaspora created an artificial reason for intervention: the protection of their citizens is nothing that the newly minted, we are all roads.
It is witty, of course: so you can provide an excuse for invasion into any country.
But not original: Similarly, Hitler created a reason for the annexation of Czechoslovakia in 1938, under the pretext of protecting the rights of the Sadden Germans and for the presentation of territorial claims Poland. The same was trying to make Milosevic in the 90s in the dismembered Yugoslavia.
Firstly, good company. Secondly, it is known that the ultimately turned this protection to "oppressed compatriots".
Who really won from the almost uncontrolled issuance of Russian passports to residents of South Ossetia - the corrupt top of the republic. Georgians discovered hundreds of Russian passports in the captured Tskhinvali without signature owners - for these "dead souls" certainly accrued pensions and benefits from the Russian treasury.

Myth 5: Georgia bombed Tskhinvali

When Georgian troops on the night of August 8 came to Tskhinvali, they were only a barrier fire and shelling administrative buildings. In another there was no need. Georgians entered the designer and semi-empty city, which left not only the majority of the inhabitants, but also the main forces of the militia. Kokoity with the color of their military escaped on the Russian military base in Java. Georgian troops opposed the few fragmented group of partisans with small arms. From tanks they could only run away.

The bombing and shelling of the city from "Grads" were needed in the next two days, when Georgians were knocked out from the city who came to the aid to the aid of the Ossetian brothers Russian troops. These were their bombs and shells. It is for their conscience most of the dead civilians (see Myth No. 2) and the destroyed city.

Myth №6: Georgians fled shamefully

On the progress of modern wars, most of us receive a show on television pictures. From the picture of the August war, the audience could remember how "Robust Georgians fled", leaving the technique and barracks with filled beds. And could not see what they did not show.
For example, the defeat of the Russian column armored vehicles by Georgian special forces on August 8. Then, of 120 tanks and armored personnel carriers, more than half were destroyed, a serious injury received the commander of the 58th Army General Khrulev. According to Saakashvili, this episode delayed the promotion of Russian troops for two days. And then the Russian command pulled such forces that in the case of a direct confrontation, the Georgian army would be defeated completely. And he gave an order to retreat to make things to defend Tbilisi. The breadwinner does not hurt.
It is clear that the ratio of the forces of the Russian and Georgian armies is so incommensurate that there can be no speech about any real confrontation. But it rather refers to myth # 1 - about whether the Georgians wanted war.

Myth number 7: War ended the world

Georgia lost 20% of the territory - the lands that most Georgians consider their own. No Georgian president will not dare to abandon them forever. And no one will instruct that some of them will not be decided to return the lost - including force.

Russia acquired two formally independent quasi-states as satellites, which, besides her, recognized only such influential powers, like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru - for $ 50 million, and Vanuatu is still trading, well, Hamas, who is not the state itself. In fact, these are two forever in the region of Russia, doomed to be black holes of the Russian budget, oases of wild corruption and crime. Well-being and even calm there will never be there, and the possibilities of criminal and national conflicts are always.

Russia returned to himself the Soviet image of the brutal aggressor, which, of course, techite national pride, but business, diplomacy and ultimately the security of the country only harms.

Russia and Georgia began and remain irreconcilable enemies. This is for a long time. After the war between the two states, the real "Cold War" began, and as the recent experience of the past shows, in the "Cold War", he does not always defeat the one who has more weapons and the army is stronger.

Myth number 8: South Ossetia - Earth Ossetia, not Georgia

The territory of South Ossetia is the original part of Georgia, which even say geographical names. The same Tskhinvali, after the war in the Russian press and official documents renamed Tskhinval, did not become less Georgian, since his root - from the ancient-German word meaning "Grab". Ossetians in the capital of South Ossetia became a national majority only by 1990. To the interethnic conflicts of the Sunset of the USSR and the sovereignty wars caused by it, there were practically no antagonism between Georgians and Ossetians. This is not even a situation of Kosovo, where an overwhelming Albanian majority was formed at the original Serb Earth. Ethnic cleansing, produced by Kokoity, with the support of Putin in 2008, too deep and fresh wound so that she could delay, and the Georgians come to accept it.

Well, finally, a lot of photos of the destroyed Georgian villages