Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose a paintopult for household and professional work. How to choose ankopult for home: Tips and tips What kind of paint clutch to choose for painting

For sure, everyone who had to engage in painting work was thought about buying a kraskoraspylitel. Manual ways of coloring do not provide proper quality of the coating, and also low-performance. But it is not worth buying the first crash and hope that it will forever replace the brush and roller.

Different paintopults have different capabilities, and not to disappoint in the acquisition, it should be sorted out in the characteristics of paint sprayers and in how they affect their capabilities.

The use of electric paintopult

Electric paintopults are considered a household tool, professionals usually use pneumatic. Although there are also "omnivores" and the performance of which allow them to be attributed to themselves among electric paint-sprayers. Therefore, electric paintopulizers are used not only in everyday life as a replacement of brush and roller, they also apply when:

Finishing works for painting walls and ceilings;

Construction work for painting walls and fences;

Manufacture of garden furniture and wooden structures;

Spraying shrubs and plants insecticides or fertilizers.

Types of electric paintopult

Electric paintopults are two types: air and airless. The manufacturer rarely gives information to what kind of tool relates, but it is easily determined by the appearance of the collapse and its parameters.

Airless paintopults It is easy to distinguish at low power, low price, a cup of divider on a nozzle and a characteristic "hump" above the paint tank, in which the plunger pump is hiding. With this pump, the airless spray gun serves paint into the nozzle, where it splashes with small drops.

The main advantage of airless paintopults is an acceptable performance at low power (and, accordingly, a low price). Painting consumption in such a design is easily regulated by changing the speed of rotation of the pump engine, so even the most budget models are equipped with paint flow regulators. In addition, even at low power, airless paintopulizers are able to cope with rather viscous paints.

But the flaws are also enough:

Due to the inhomogeneity of paint paint, the torch has an unstable form, which reduces the quality of painting;

Droplets of paint different sizes are formed, which leads both to the risk of formation of flows due to large droplets, and to elevated paint consumption due to small (colorful dust);

And the form of the torch, and the size of the droplets is determined by the quality of the manufacture of the nozzle, which can be quite low on cheap models. In addition, plastic nozzles are quickly wearing;

After completing the work, the tool requires a thorough flushing with a large amount of solvent. If you do not rinse (or rinse badly) tool after work, the paint dries inside the pump and the paintopult can be disposed.

Aerial paintopult Take the paint from the tank using the jet of air. This allows you to create a painting torch of a stable form and reduces the requirements for washing the tool: even the raw and dried spray crash can usually "lead to a sense", simply cleaning the nozzle (although it is still better to prevent this.

It should be borne in mind that the absolute majority of air electric sprayers use HVLP technology (High Volume Low Pressure - "Large Low Pressure") and, accordingly, has all the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. Benefits are reduced paint consumption and high performance.

Disadvantages there are also:

High air flow requires a powerful compressor, which significantly increases the tool price;

Painting from a short distance (15-30 cm) and high performance lead to the fact that in case of insufficient qualifications it is easy to allow the formation of flushing;

Due to the high flow of air, the tool is strongly dust. If the painted surface is in contact with sand or ground (for example, when painting the fence), the particles fascinated by air will stick to the surface;

In order to be able to use viscous paints, the compressor power should be higher than the average - inexpensive aircraft carriers can only work with liquid paints;

It is impossible to paint in a closed volume - the air will strive to leave this volume and carry paint.

It is easy to see that both types of electric paintopults are poorly suitable for neat painting of small parts and parts of complex shape. If this is precisely your case, it is possible to pay attention to the pneumatic paintopults of LVLP technology.

Characteristics of electric paint sprayers

Powerdetermines both the performance of the collapse and the way, as far as viscous fluids can be sprayed. If you need a tool that can cope with paint or varnish any viscosity, you should pay the closest attention to the power.

It should only be remembered that the power of airless and air electric paintopulists differs by an order of magnitude: airless have power in the range of 60-150 W, and air - 100-1500 W. If 110 W for airless paint means a decent "middling", the power of which is enough for most tasks, then for the air the same 110 W - the minimum and performance of such a tool may be depressingly low.

Permissible viscosity. The smaller the nozzle diameter and the greater the viscosity, the greater the power is required to maintain paint consumption. If the viscosity is higher than the permissible, the pump power will not be enough and the performance will begin to fall.

With strong viscosity exceeding the above, it is possible to clog the nozzle and the drop in the performance to zero. Determine the viscosity of paint can be using viscometerincluded in the set of most paintopults.

The viscometer is usually a glass or a funnel with a hole. Viscosity is determined by the time of leakage of a certain volume of fluid through the hole.

Most of the paints can be dissolved to the necessary viscosity with solvents, problems may arise except on low-power collars with some acrylic paints and varnishes, enamel and oil paints. High power paintopulizers are able to use the entire spectrum of the LKM with the exception of the bituminous and epoxy mastics.

Deciding with power and admissible viscosity, you should pay attention to the list supported materials. Some paints can be not applicable to a specific pattern of collapse, even if their viscosity is lower than that. This may be associated with the composition of the paint or the size of its particles. Thus, the suspension of metal powder ("Serebryanka") may not get into the list of supported materials due to large particle size.

The higher performance Kraskopulture, the faster it will cope with the task. The performance of electric paint sprayers is measured in g / min. To simply submit how quickly the paint sprouts of one or another performance will paint a specific area, you can use the following table:

Aerial paintopults can be with hose - In such models, the compressor is located separately and the air from it is supplied to the paintopult with the hose. Such a solution allows you to increase the capacity of the compressor, without increasing the weight of the kraskopult itself. In fact, this is the only possible option for powerful paintopults - to keep the compressor on an extended arm weighing a few kilogram to anyone will not like it.

But for an inexpensive grinding of average power, such a separation can also noticeably facilitate work, especially when painting hard-to-reach places.

System paint consumption adjustment - A very useful option, especially for powerful high-performance paintopults. For liquid paints and responsible works, it is possible to establish a reduced paint consumption - this will reduce the performance, but reduce the likelihood of the appearance of sublishes.

Selection options

If the need for a kraskoravitel arises infrequently, you can buy an inexpensive airless paint. Just do not forget to thoroughly wash it after use.

If the spray gun is expected to use often, but the volume of painting is assumed to be small, the optimal choice will be an air spray gun of medium power.

For professional use and large areas, a powerful high-performance paint sprayer will be required.

To reduce the load on your hands, choose among the models with the hose.

If you do not get the most powerful model and when working you want to be sure that the viscosity of the paint used is not too high, pay attention to the presence of a viscometer in the kit - with it you can always breed the paint to the desired degree of viscosity.

Electric paintopults are becoming increasingly popular, and in this regard, many began to ask a question: Is it possible to paint your car with electric paintopult, and what will it work out?

And indeed, not every car enthusiast will become a painful chamber at home, buy a compressor with a receiver, moisture metero separator, hoses and good paintopult, and at a price, this set will come out terribly expensive. But if you need to paint one wing or door of the machine, then why not try electric paintopult?

Even the most implanted electric paintopult will be cheaper at times, than buying professional equipment. Let's reflect on this topic.

Usually painting the car at maintenance stations is carried out by painters with the help of air professional aspass painting with top (less often with the bottom) paint tank. Moreover, the base and varnish are usually applied by different collars with different output pressure on the paint, because The base and varnish have a different viscosity, and more viscous paints need to be applied under high pressure to break the paint in a smaller drop. The main leaders in the production of such SATA, DEVILBISS, Anest Iwata, Walcom. There are such paintopulizers are very expensive: from 300 euros and more for the painting gun. And you still have to buy air compressor liters by 300-400 per minute, hoses, filters, etc. It turns out, really very expensive for disposable work.

You can buy painting equipment for car service on the site of special colors.

The principle of operation of the collapse of any model is to create an aerosol in the liquid paint and apply it to the surface. In the coloring devices there is a dune (spraying head with a nozzle, nozzle), a trigger, adjusting valves for the supply of paint and air. Some models are equipped with a pressure gauge for pressure adjustment.

Allows you to quickly and evenly apply a dye on complex surfaces - embossed, openwork, large square. Due to the thin layer of paint, the consumption of material and drying time is reduced.

How to choose kraskopult

Manufacturers produce pistols, characterized:

  • in power;
  • management method;
  • the volume of the liquid tank.


For domestic use, low-power will be suitable. They are cheap, have a small power supply strength in the range of 0.2-0.5 kW. Consumption is about 0.5 kg / hour. This is enough for amateur use. For professional use, powerful models up to 1200 kW are selected. Such tools work faster, have greater weight, made of metal.

The spelling rate of paint from the tank fits into the passport of the pulverizer. At the output, this figure is below about 35%.

Management method

Manufacturers produce sprayers of two main species: electrical and. The first appearance works at the expense of the piston caused by the current under the action of the current, due to low pressure.

Each view has different:

  • power;
  • the material from which the housing is made;
  • the volume of the paint container.

Capacity for painting

The volume of the fluid reservoir is selected depending on the work being performed. For plain ceiling, a spacious tank is required, but it will be a hindrance to work with small items. Plastic containers are light and transparent. The operator shows the amount of paint in the tank. But plastic is easily damaged from mechanical and chemical exposure. After working, the tank was washed with solvents or acetone. The frequent effect of the reagent does not affect the surface of the plastic, and over time it comes into disrepair.

Metal tanks are more racks for damage to various kinds, they are made by chemicals without fear. Such containers are more durable. But they are heavy and opaque.

There are models with top and bottom tank for dye. At the top arrangement, the paint flows into the gun under the action of gravity. At the bottom, it enters the paintopult under the influence of the pressure generated during the operation of the tool.

Outdoor and hand pulverizers

Both types of painting pistols are outdoor and manual. Outdoor models are equipped with a large paint tank. For convenient movement, manufacturers are installed on the wheel housing and carrying handles.

Subtleties of choice

Choosing a painting gun, pay attention to the material of the case and the working items. The case is made from special impact-resistant plastic or metal. Working parts in the spray pulverizer must be metallic. For the main nodes use:

  • brass;
  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum.

For electrical models, the power supply is important. The pulverizers operate from the usual network with a voltage of 220 V or from the battery. In the second version, the battery should operate at least 1 hour without recharging.

The diameter of the nozzle depends on the work being performed. Included with the paintopult goes a few nozzles. They spray paint in particles of various sizes and have a different diameter. Some models are equipped with a filter holding solid fragments. It protects the nozzle from clogging, which prolongs the time of operation of the tool.

Technical data of kraskopult

  1. Performance and pressure generated. These indicators affect the speed of work and its quality.
  2. The diameter of the nozzle and the number of replaceable nozzles in the kit. The more additional nozzles, the greater the use of the gun.
  3. Weight and level of vibration. The smaller these indicators from the manual model, the longer the operator works in productive. For an outdoor sprayer, these indicators are minor.
  4. Additional options. Adjusting the pressure and method of spraying allow you to use a pulverizer with a maximum effect.
  5. Brand. The more famous manufacturer, the more you have to pay for the tool.

The best electric paintopult

Pulberizers operating on electricity consist of:

  • motor (power plant);
  • hull;
  • pump;
  • liquid tank;
  • multiple nozzles of various configurations.

The difference between electric pistols from pneumatic models is to supply the coloring material without air. The emission of the composition occurs due to the progressive movement of the piston. The electromagnetic cushion moves the piston forward, and the front spring returns it to its original position. In this case, a small vaccination is created in the housing, and the paint is delayed from the tank into the working capacity. On the reverse movement, the piston squeezes the paint, and it is ejected under pressure from the housing in the sprayed form.

Pistols work with compositions of different density. The passport indicates the type of paint for this model. In order not to deduce the tool, it is impossible to use it for other types of coloring substances.

Electrical consoles are air and airless. The first distributes the composition to a smooth layer, but creates a cloud of paint around the operator. When using such models, large material losses occur, an enhanced eye protection and respiratory tract is needed. The second type of electric pistol operates at a distance from the object. He has small paint losses, no clouds of a weighted dye.

On the quality of the tool, the correct selection of nozzles and operating pressure is affected. With high pressure, the dye layer will be uneven and the material consumption will increase.

Manufacturers have created an intermediate model - electric paintopult with a compressor. It creates the necessary low pressure, and the quality of staining is improving.

Choosing an electric pulverizer, pay attention to the automatic shutdown during overloads.


  • voltage - 220 V;
  • the volume of the reservoir is 0.5-2.2 liters;
  • the diameter of the nozzle is 1.2-1.7 mm;
  • operating pressure - 150-200 atm;
  • power up to 625 W;
  • weight without coloring composition - 1.4-2.5 kg.


  • small sizes;
  • cheap;
  • mobile;
  • simple in storage and care;
  • lungs;
  • do not require special training for work;
  • constant pressure does not require adjustment;
  • large tank capacity;
  • high rate of application;
  • high quality staining;
  • economically spend the material.

Easy to work and the availability of electric paint make it suitable for use without special training. The universal tool is used to dye auto, spraying liquid compositions on plants, applying disinfectants and detergents. It is used to apply soils, enamels, oil, varnish, paints.


  • low power;
  • vibrate during operation;
  • create a lot of noise;
  • place of work is limited to the length of the cord;
  • it is impossible to grind the coloring composition to a very small state, as there is no pressure;
  • at the upper position of the liquid tank, there is a possibility of the composition of the composition on the body, which leads to a breakdown of the tool.

Rating of the best electric paintopult

Well showed themselves in the work of domestic models Bison (reliability), Caliber (Quality of staining). Positive feedback deserved a German gun Bosh (functional), for rare use the model is acquired TM Bort..

Best pneumatic paintopult

Pneumatic type pulverizer works on compressed air. For painting, a compressor and accessories are needed. The gun connects to the compressor using the hose through which compressed air is supplied to the tool. It spills fluid to the state of the aerosol, it is fed into the nozzle, it comes out through a loos and sprayed on the surface. Some models are equipped with a pressure regulator, which allows you to choose the density and dimensions of the particles.

The market presents 3 options for pneumatic paintopults.

  1. HP. Work in a set with an aggregate, creating a pressure of 3-7 atm. At the same time, the paint layer can be applied unevenly, there is a large loss of coloring composition during the process (50%). It is used on the squares where the rapid applying paint is important to the surface: ceilings, walls, production facilities, facades of buildings, fences.
  2. HVLP. A tool with a combination of "Large air / low pressure". The paintopult of this category is not sensitive to the power of the compressor, works at a pressure of 2-4.5 atm. The tool creates a "soft" torch. Qualitatively causes the composition on the working surface, economically spending raw materials. Used for high-quality paint on embossed and small parts.
  3. LVLP. Literal translation of the name of the gun "Slean air / low pressure". Works with a compressor that creates pressure up to 1.5 atm. This is a professional tool providing high-quality and rapid application. Material losses are up to 5%. Used to work with expensive paints.

For a pneumatic pistol are important:

  • air consumption;
  • the volume and material of the container for the coloring substance;
  • nozzle diameter.


  • pressure - 1.5-7 atm;
  • losses 5-50%;
  • hose length - 5 m;
  • duza diameter - 1.5-3 mm.


  • high quality coating;
  • high speed;
  • high power;
  • pressure adjustment;
  • works on large squares and volumes;
  • due to the large torch, the width of the coating and speed of work increases;
  • adjusting torch shape.


  • high weight;
  • complex management;
  • you need to connect multiple devices;
  • depends on the operation of the compressor - if it fails, the paintopult will not be able to work;
  • when working indoors, reinforced ventilation is required;
  • high price.

Rating of the best pneumatic paintopults

Among the best pneumatics:

  1. Huberth R500 RP20500-14. (reliability);
  2. KSO SO-71 in 018-2001 (quality);
  3. Metabo FB 2200 HVLP (functional).

Best paint paint spray

Most often to work in the garage, LVLP class pistols are used. They are maximally adapted to the requirements of work with compositions designed to apply to the surface of cars. This is a tool for professional work.


  • the diameter of the nozzle is 1.2-1.7 mm;
  • output pressure - 0.7-1.2 atm;
  • the distance from the nozzle to the working surface is 5-10 cm;
  • paint loss no more than 35%;
  • compressed air consumption - 130-150 liters.


  • low air consumption;
  • high quality staining;
  • not sensitive to pressure drops.


High price.

Rating the best models

  • Miol 79-560 (reliability);
  • Huberth R500 RP20500-14. (quality);
  • INTERTOOL PT-0132 (functional).

Best manual paintopult

Manual pulverizers are most accessible and popular. These are small models with simple control and low power. Hand guns are used in repair auto repair shops, in production for painting small surfaces, details.

On the household level they are used for spinning and painting works. They spray paints, primer, finishing putty. Manual paintopults are indispensable for working with openwork, coloring of fences, easy for giving. These are electrical / pneumatic models, and they consist of:

  • motor with pump;
  • reservoir;
  • nozzles;
  • pens.

Pneumatics are equipped with a compressor and supplying hose. Manual pneumatic tools have less power in comparison with outdoor samples.


  • voltage - 220 V;
  • the diameter of the nozzle is 1.3-1.7 mm;
  • weight - up to 1 kg;
  • material loss - 30%;
  • the distance from the nozzle to the working surface is 7-12 cm.


  • mobility;
  • low weight;
  • ease of Management;
  • fast application composition.


  • low quality;
  • pneumats depend on the compressor;
  • there are drums;
  • small power.

Rating of the best hand paintopults

  • KSS KRDP-4 018-1031(reliability);
  • Master ECRP-350 / 2.6M (quality);
  • Huberth R500. (functional).

Best airless paintopult

Pistols with airless principle of work gradually displacing air models. The tool is a type of electrical instrument. It works with water-free, alkyd paints, epoxy compositions, latex. Due to the spraying of the mixture under the action of high pressure, the coating layer becomes smooth, the loss of material is reduced. This is a professional tool for staining complex surfaces and applying the corners.


  • pressure - 530 bar;
  • work with high viscosity compositions;
  • the diameter of the nozzle is 1.7 mm;
  • when applied with a mixture, ricochettes from the surface, creating a cloud of coloring substance.


  • no compressor;
  • light and mobile;
  • paint is applied through a special nozzle without air injection;
  • built-in filter for dust trapping;
  • equipped with a protective bracket (it protects against accidental pressing);
  • apply in hard-to-reach places;
  • high performance;
  • thin coating layer.


  • low quality application of the workforce;
  • freaks are formed;
  • dear models.

Rating the best models

  • Bosh. (functional);
  • Bison (reliability);
  • Sturm. (quality).

Best paintopult for home

Home use implies low power and infrequent use. These are small models, easy to work and do not require special care and storage conditions. Coloring large areas in the private sector is rare. In the paper use manual electric paintopults. They work from the network or on batteries. The second option is more mobile, its movement is not limited to the length of the cord.


  • power - not higher than 500 W;
  • the diameter of the nozzle is 1.2-1.5 mm;
  • weight without a liquid - up to 1 kg;
  • the volume of the dye reservoir is up to 1 l;
  • battery life without recharging - 1 hour;
  • voltage on the network for wired models - 220V;
  • the volume of the paint tank is not regulated, provided by the manufacturer.


  • mobility;
  • simple control;
  • small price;
  • do not require special care and storage;
  • do not depend on pressure.


  • poor quality of staining;
  • large dye losses;
  • limited application.

Rating the best models

  • KSS KRDP-4 018-1031 (reliability);
  • Holiday 050-00 018-1045 (quality);
  • Huberth R500. (functional).

Professional and domestic pulverizers brought staining surfaces to a new level. After applying the composition, there is no separation, smooth layer, and the material consumption is reduced. Dear tools (airless) are more productive, but it is better to lease them.

If you are already puzzled by the choice of collapse, you need to give you due. After all, despite its growing popularity, many painting professionals still enjoy a roller, which will include an increase in duration and reduced quality in comparison with work performed by the spray. However, not every professional is able to navigate the variety. Without studying the characteristics and features of the tool, you can throw money on the wind and not get the desired result. Before comparing the paintopult, let's understand how the device is arranged and what is its main functions.

What is the paintopult

Kraspopult is, saying with simple words, paint sprayer. All paintopulizers consist of a pistol, a tank for a solution and a device, with which the paint is injected from the tank and pushes out of the nozzle of the pistol. Thus, the sprayed paint lies with small droplets with a homogeneous layer on the surface. The paintopults are not only convenient to use, but also with the correct operation are able to provide a smooth, evenly painted surface of large volumes in a short time. And the high cost will pay off thanks to the tool service life.

There are two main groups of paintopults according to the method of injection and pushing the LKM:

  • Air or pneumatic;
  • Airless - electrical and rechargeable.

The design and feature of the work of both species is significantly different.

Body Painting Pneumatic Sprayer

Painting electrospendula


Such ankopult works at the expense of compressed air injected by the compressor. The gun with the help of the hose is connected to the compressor, and the one, in turn, to electricity. Air under pressure converts paint into the smallest particles and pushes a pistol out of the nozzle. Such tools cope with both large surfaces and small details. The quality of painting significantly exceeds the quality of other ways, so that they are used everywhere when painting cars.

The design of the collapse of the air principle

The main disadvantages of these paintopults are the fogging and a significant loss of LKM at the output (up to 55%).

Given that you acquire a gun and compressor immediately, the value of the tool is undoubtedly higher. It should also be borne in mind that the compressor must necessarily approach the pistol characteristics, otherwise there is a risk to output the equipment. This fact complicates the choice of the buyer even more. But instead, the buyer receives a powerful professional apparatus.

All commercially available pneumatic pistols are divided into main types:

  • HP - high pressure technology;
  • LVLP - low pressure technology, small volume;
  • HVLP - low pressure technology, large volume.

They are distinguished by pressure values \u200b\u200bin the air chamber of the gun and the air consumed from the compressor.

HP - Simplified technology. It is used in low-cost pistols. The essence lies in the fact that the high level of pressure allows you to spend relatively low air. It provides fast painting, but not the best quality. Disadvantages of technology - severe curvatures of particles and fogging. Accordingly, we have uneconomic consumption of paint. The percentage of its transfer to the surface is 45-50%.

A distinctive feature of LVLP technology is the highest quality spraying, low air flow, a significant reduction in fogging. The percentage of paint transfer in some manufacturers reaches 90%. However, the speed of operation is low due to low pressure. Such sprayers belong to the highest price category.

HVLP - HP upgraded paintopult. Air is included in the pistol under high pressure, and the paint is sprayed at a low redundant pressure of compressed air. Turningly insignificant fogging and small losses of LKM. The transmission indicator of the paint material is 65%. The quality of application is better. The need for air is less than that of HP pistols, but higher than LVLP. Such guns deserved the title of "supereconomic". They are more often used in auto-collapse.


These sprayers work at the expense of the built-in motor with a piston pump that injected the paint into the nozzle. Of course, the quality of staining with an electric sprinkler is inferior to pneumatic, as paint particles are much larger due to the lack of compressed air. But you will receive an inexpensive device that does not require special maintenance and additional acquisitions with the exception of the material. These paintopults work from the 220V network. Suitable for surfaces of a small area and are considered household.

Construction of an airless principle of work

Electric paintopults are: outdoor for professionals or manual for household purposes. Outdoor have a large installation with a capacity and a motor separate from the pistol.

It is most convenient for living conditions to operate a spray with a transparent tank. This allows you to keep track of paint consumption.

Comparative table of electrical and pneumatic paintopult

Evaluation CriteriaPneumaticElectric
Spraying methodair pressureelectric motor
Performance300-400 m2 / h 200-260 m2 / h
Weight0.4-0.7 kg1.1-3.5 kg
Engine power1.1-1.8 kW 0.18-0.7 kW
Volume barrel under the LKM0.4-1 L.0.4-1 l (\u003e 5 l outdoor)
Advantages of one over the other
Efficiency of consumption of material- +
The ability to apply dense compositions+ -
Quality of coloring+ -
Staining small details- +
Need for additional equipment+ -
Cost+ -
Ecology- +

How to easily decide on the choice of a successful model? Compare your goals and collapse requirements with the characteristics that the manufacturer offers us. To do this, consider in more detail the parameters of the instrument to which it is important to pay attention when it is purchased.

Purpose of work and purpose

In order to choose a successful tool model, first of all determine the target for which you decide to purchase.

For repair in an apartment or house once every 5 years, the costs of purchasing pneumatic equipment with a compressor are not comparable with the result. Even if in the future you plan to periodically sneak something, it is better to purchase a standard electric paintopult.

For garage painting Auto, amateur you or a professional, contact the manufacturers of pneumatic sprayers. In staining of details, quality is the main indicator of pure work. Cheap pneumatic devices, but necessarily proven brand, cope with all the stages of the preparatory and finishing finish are better than the rest. The staining speed will depend on many factors: the size of the torch, the output pressure, your skills.

Viscosity of compositions

Electric paintopults for paintwork materials are more capricious. The DIN viscosity indicator specified in the passport of any collapse must be not lower than the viscosity of your composition. Therefore, often builders are resorted to water paint. But dense formulations and putty are applied by such devices, most likely it will not work.

Pneumatic paintopults are capable of working with more viscous compositions. However, it all depends on the type of pistol, the size of the needle and pressure. With high pressure spray guns, the primer, paint, varnish or other viscous materials lay on the surface of the perfect layer, without fluttering, divorces and layers. As for low pressure tools, if the LVLP will be easy for a thick paint it will be easy, then it's not enough pressure under the putty.

Availability of adjustments

When choosing a collapse, electric or pneumatic, be sure to check the presence of adjustments. With their help, you can configure your device under the stainable surface and a specific composition, changing the pressure, the restriction of the needle stroke, which is responsible for the supply of paint, shape and torch size.

Also pay attention to the tool package. Best of all, if the kit will include replaceable nozzles with different types of diameter, pressure gauge, hoses of different lengths.

Bashka location

When choosing a sprayer, the location of the tank is important. It all depends on the remoteness and the location of the surface under the finish. For example, performing operations with the device with the lower tank location, it is recommended to keep it strictly vertically for injection of paint. However, the vertical location of the tank is uncomfortable for staining the ceilings.

Mobility tool

Will you ever paint the spray in remoteness from electricity? You decide. For this case, we propose to get acquainted with airless battery spray.

What is its advantage? Of course, in mobility. But there are a number of shortcomings:

  • Tool weight due to battery availability;
  • Low power;
  • Limited operation;
  • Pressure drop with a discharged battery and as a result of poor-quality processes.

Therefore, even if you are going to perform exclusively small household tasks, and the tool mobility is not in the first place, we advise you to acquire ankopult from the category of household, working from the outlet.

Performance and power

Finally, choosing a sprayer, often the buyer first looks at its performance and power. And here you need a cold calculation.

Buying a pneumatic apparatus, it is recommended to first purchase a gun, and then under its characteristics to choose a compressor. Based on the performance of the pistol, that is, the air consumed, select a compressor with the "stock". If the compressor is incorrect, the pressure drops too quickly or the motor operates at the limit, as a result of which its overheating, disconnection and early wear of the piston group are possible.

When comparing tools, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that in the passport the company indicates the performance at the entrance. Depending on the model, losses occur at the expense of air compression. Therefore, the actual productivity at the output is 65-70% of the specified one.

The capacity of compressors on average is 1.2-1.8 kW, which is enough to work the entire unit. The volume of the receiver with most types of work is sufficient within 24-50 liters.

With airless paint collapse, things are easier. The manufacturer provided and balanced the characteristics of the pistol and the motor with the pump. Focusing on the price and indicators, you can choose the best apparatus. But consider: the more power and performance, the device will better cope with thick compositions.

Specialists advise each composition and material to customize the gun and check it on a separate surface. The optimal selection of the needle is 1.3-1.4 mm.

Summing up the choice of spray collapse, we present you the most popular proven brands of manufacturers who are in demand from professionals and lovers.

  • Bosch. Bosch manufactures cheap and compact paint sprouts with an electric motor for home use. The most famous models: PFS55, PFS65. The pump and the engine of smaller power models is designed built-in. Bosch's paintopulizers are used to process the surfaces of walls and ceilings, for staining small parts. The average performance is 0.11 l / min. Tools are easy to use and maintain. The main disadvantage of these paintopults is to limit on the use of certain types of LKMs, such as: alkaline, latex, dispersion paints and other difficult spraying compositions. Therefore, the prices for the paintopult begin from 4000 p.
  • Wagner. The German aircraft of the Wagner is a good Bosh competition. Models worth from 5000 p. (Wagner W550) is suitable only for liquid LCMs, the performance is 0.13 l / min. More expensive sprayers cost from 12000 p. (Wagner W665) can be applied and thick compositions, including water-dispersion paints, which cannot but rejoice the malaria. Products are shipped with additional components.
  • Paint Zoom. In Russia, the paintopult is also known as the "Spectrum". The cheapest and easy to use the electric space. However, one should not rely on its reliability. It can be used to perform a small volume that do not require high quality. The performance of the collapse is about 0.3 l / min. The cost of collapse of 1000 p.
  • Black & Decker. The HVLP air spray guns of the American company has proven themselves in the production of paintwork of medium and large surfaces, primarily on the household level, in homes, apartments, cottages. But if there is a good experience, they are also suitable for automotive painting. Popular models are HVLP200 with a built-in compressor and HVLP400. Black & Decker's paintopulists are equipped with a special configuration control and nozzle size system, which saves material. The tool with ease disassemble and washes. The models refer to the average price category of the paintopult, and the cost begins from 4000 p.
  • ELMOS. Airless ELMOS paintopulizers are used in domestic conditions. Good performance allows dilated medium surfaces. The best sprayer works with water-based paints, varnishes and poly rubberies. Thanks to the elongated bending no, you can paint the hard-to-reach places, horizontal and vertical surfaces, without turning the gun. The ELMOS PG-80 model has proven itself, with a capacity of 0.3 l / min, which is equipped with a special turbine, creating the required amount of air to increase the dyeing speed. The cost of such a collapse of 4000 p.
  • SATA. The Chinese brand produces pneumatic paintopults of increased and reduced pressure. SATA tools are suitable for professional painting works for large and small surfaces. The maximum operating pressure is 0.7 bar, a good uniform paint outlet torch and sufficient speed contribute to a homogeneous application. The material transfer is more than 60%. It should be borne in mind that it is precisely a rather powerful compressor that it takes a rather powerful compressor. Some models are specifically designed to apply viscous compositions, thick paints or putty. The price of SATA paintopult is within 13,000-50 000 r.
  • Walcom. Italian Walcom's paintopulists are designed to perform large volumes of painting and are considered professional. There are several lineups of sprayers on sale depending on their destination. There are both basic models for primer and rolled paints cost from 7000 rd. And sprayers for bodywork and aerodisan from 22000 p. Kraspuople are considered the most economical and environmentally friendly, paint transfer is more than 80%.

Kraspopult is an indispensable tool for any paintwork. It is intended for convenient applying paint to the surface and easily "gives away" even inexperienced hands. But how to choose a paint gun right?

Electric or pneumatic paintopult: how to choose between them?

Modern paint sprayers are distinguished by a high degree of functionality and performance. They cope even with a large volume of painting work, giving the opportunity to complete them in the shortest possible time. Especially relevant to the use of collapse in the processing of hard-to-reach parts.

The market presents many variations of the instrument, but mostly division is carried out according to the principle of the device.

According to this criterion, all paint sprayers are divided into two groups:

Type of kraskopulture Features of work Benefits disadvantages
Pneumatic The compressor pumps the air, supplies it to the paintopult.

Under the influence of pressure, the paint material is crushed into small particles and sprayed through the nozzle.

  • excellent quality painting
  • need to buy additional equipment
  • dorganiza device
  • the complexity of the use and care of the design
Electric (airless) The device works at the expense of the electric motor.

The built-in pump creates the pressure required for spraying paint. There is no air flow.

  • relatively low price
  • small sizes
  • easy to operate
  • insufficient grinding of paint materials, which does not allow to treat the surface at a professional level

Pneumatic paintopulists are primarily intended for use by professionals: in this case, the cost of the device is quite justified.

The pulverizers with an electric motor are traditionally considered household models and are recommended to people who are used to fulfilling their repairs at home. The quality of painting will be slightly lower than in the case of applying even the cheapest pneumatics, but simplicity of painting works quite justifies minor and low-challenging defects.

There is an intermediate version - spray gun with an electric motor and a minicopressor.

The quality of painting in this case increases significantly, but the price of such models begins from $ 500.

Electric paintopult: What to choose - manual or floor?

Pneumatic models are left to professionals, for the home it is necessary to choose an airless paint sprayer.

But what better? The pulverizers with the electric motor are of two types:

  1. Manual. The device consists of one block, which includes an engine with a pump, a container, handle and spraying nozzle. Manual paintopults provide a sufficiently low paint transfer efficiency, but they guarantee ease of use and quick operation.

    Also, features include the characteristic buzzing sound and vibration, accompanying the color process.

  2. Floor. In terms of painting, the device is as close as possible to the category of professional tools.

    The design of the collapse intends to have a powerful motor and a producing pump. During operation, the user wips only to a gun, and the reservoir and power plant are on the bed.

Compact hand paint sponsors received the greatest distribution. Despite the not too high efficiency of the consumption of paint materials, the device is able to provide acceptable quality of repair performed on its own. An important advantage in front of which "faded" possible disadvantages is low cost: Hand painted pistols cost from $ 35 to $ 150.

Mostly buyers prefer the BOSH brand models (in "household" green buildings).

Outdoor paintopulists are found not too often due to relatively high prices on them: at least $ 300.

Such devices are designed to perform large volumes of work and perfectly cope with the staining of ceilings, floors, walls. Outdoor paint sprayers are produced by Earlex, Campbell Hausfeld, Wagner.

Electric paintopult: how to choose by basic characteristics

As a rule, the paintopults of different manufacturers work with about the same "diligence".

Small differences in the amount of watts or pump pressure indicators do not play a special role. The buyer must first of all pay attention to such parameters:

  1. The type of compositions for which the device is intended.

    Some of the paintopult works only with water-soluble paints, others can "cooperate" with any materials (though, it is worth such versatility somewhat more expensive).

    It is necessary to think about which agents will be used during the repair, so that the freshly acquired kraskoral sprayer does not have to be idle due to the "uniformity".

  2. Type of tank. The best option is a transparent tank located below.

    If a large amount of work is planned, the built-in reservoir may not be enough. Therefore, it is recommended to look at the models of the paintopult, "able" to take paint from a separate container.

  3. Production material. Manufacturers "love" plastic: It is light and cheap. The task of the buyer is to make sure that the material is really high-quality, does not have obvious roughness and scuffed scuffs. But no matter how good plastic is, it is necessary that the needle is made of metal.
  4. Ease of operation.

    Some models are equipped with elongated pistols, making it possible to do without stairs during the processing of the ceiling. Sometimes the paintopulizers have a function of a laser target designator denoting the working distance (succeeded in this Wagner). Such a property is very useful to beginners who are just beginning to comprehend all the wisdom of painting.

Kraspopult only proven brand should be purchased.

If the device costs 15-20 $, then the likelihood of its Chinese origin is great. And this means that it will be very difficult to work with a paint gun. It is better to buy a good tool once than "fight" with a poor-quality device.

The paintopult is an amazing invention that allows you to significantly simplify the repair. It is enough to choose a suitable model to turn the process of painting walls or ceiling into an interesting occupation.

Among the methods of applying paints and varnishes (contact, spraying, dipping, obulation, pinched, extrusion) - spraying is the most widespread, not only in the "DIY" sector (DIY) and the car repair industry (ART), but also in the automotive industry (OEM) .

Spraying is a method of transferring liquid paint materials (LKM) to the painted surface in the form of an aerosol.

There are several spraying methods: air, airless, combined and in the electrostatic field.

First of all, we will talk about the air spraying, the process of which, in turn, is divided into two stages: the breakdown of the LKM and the formation of a torch shape. This process provides high speed and quality of work, and the desire to reduce the unproductive consumption of material, improve the decorative qualities of the resulting paintwork, in turn, lead to the emergence of new, more advanced spraying technologies, new, more perfect, eco-friendly and economical equipment. Compressed air in the spray head, defines the type of painting system, the main of which are:

CONV - Convention System - Spraying is performed at high pressure compressed air in spraying head 2-3 bar;

HVLP (High Volume / Low Pressure - Large Volume / Low Pressure) - Spraying is performed at low pressure in the spray head: 0.7 bar;
3. Optimized spraying systems:

  • LVLP (Low Volume / Low Pressure - Low Volume / Low Pressure) - Spraying is performed at a spraying head pressure: 0.7-1.2 bar.
  • HTE (Hight Transfer Efficiency - High Transfer Efficiency) - Spraying is performed with an average pressure in the spray head: 1.2-1.3 bar.
  • LVMP (Low Volume / Middle Pressure - Low Volume / Medium Pressure) - Spraying is performed with an average pressure in the spraying head: 1.6 bar.

Common, for these types of painting systems, is that compressed air, passing through the spraying head of the painting gun, forms a painting torch, to the smallest droplets, breaking the LKM and forming an air-droplet dispersion (aerosol).

The aerosol, in the composition of the torch, is transferred to the painted surface and is deposited on it, thereby creating a paint coating. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that most microcapels do not reach the painted surface, but forming a painting fog, settle, somewhere outside its borders, leading to a significant increase in an unproductive flow rate of the LKM.

How to choose an electric paintopult?

Therefore, the main direction of improving the pneumatic paint equipment is to increase the transfer coefficient to the surface. Not only the economy of the similar method of color, but also the environmental friendliness of the process, because

work is carried out by synthetic solvent paints with a high solvent content.

And everything began in Russia, where the first air sprayer was invented at the end of the XIX century.
June 1893, Naum Roman, the head of one of the textile manuffs, demonstrated the owner of the manufactory, a famous Russian industrial, Savva Morozov, a cumbersome device, made of galvanized steel sheets by bending and soldering ...

Initially, the device was intended for moisturizing the woven canvas before applying the dye.

Already after a couple of months, all Morozovskaya manufactory were equipped with such devices, and even six months later they began to apply them to apply the dye to the fabric through the stencil.

But the principle of pneumatic spraying, in 1888, developed a modest otolaryngologist from Ohio, Allen Devilbis.

Familiar with the main postulates of hydro and aerodynamics, he first applied this principle for more efficient treatment of patients with liquid drugs.

His son, Thomas, found a new application of the invention of his father, while largely improved the inhaler used exclusively for medical purposes.

So in 1907, the first handmade paintopult appeared, which is not better approached for the new industries that began successfully developing a new industry - automotive industry. With it, it has significantly increased the efficiency of the coloring process.

The quality of the resulting paint coating, both with decorative and from an applied point of view (wear resistance, strength, etc.) has become estimated by contemporaries, much better.

Consider more three main pneumatic application systems for LKM.

Convention system.
For a fairly long time, throughout the almost total of the 20th century, pneumatic painting pistols were represented by the collapse of the high pressure of the conventional type, with an input pressure of about 3-4 bar.

High pressure system, also called "straight".

This is due to the fact that the pressure at the inlet to the painting gun is approximately equal to the pressure at the outlet of the spray head.

These painting pistols were characterized by a minor consumption of compressed air, good quality spraying of paintwork and homogeneity of the painting torch, providing a good spray, which still remember the older malaries.

Any compressor, in addition to the main characteristic - output pressure, has one more, and very important, which must be considered when choosing equipment - this is a performance, t.

e. The ability to pump out a certain amount of compressed air.

The high pressure pistols of the conventional type presented very modest requirements for the performance of the compressor, which was satisfied with the Malyarov themselves and the owners of auto-service enterprises, since there was little compressed air (about 300 liters for their productive and stable operation.

per minute), and, therefore, not particularly powerful compressors.

But there are one significant disadvantage of conventional type of conventional type: the lowest transfer rate of the LCM, an average of 30-35% (although, depending on the ambitions of the manufacturers of such equipment, the claimed characteristics have reached a different times and up to 45%, but in any case it is very small).

To increase the coefficient of transfer, the high pressure air is supplied to the paintopult. This, in turn, gave rise to the opposite effect: Droplets of paintwork material, are flying out of a pistol's nozzle under high pressure, and at high speed, the painted surface is hooked, bounce off from it, increasing unproductive pollinal.
Yes, and the design of the air head has drawbacks affecting the efficiency of work.

Two of these factors and lead to a significant loss of paint and varnish material when painting.

HVLP system.
When working with a conventional high-pressure spray gun, painting pollinal is formed in large volumes, which, according to environmental organizations, leads to an atmosphere pollution.
Therefore, the introduction in the early 80s.

the last century of new, more stringent laws related to environmental protection, forced the manufacturers of painting equipment to develop a paint gun more perfect from an ecological point of view.

It was the HVLP machine-based paint material at a pressure, approximately 0.7 bar at the outlet of the collapse. The inner device of the painting gun is such that if we are with the help of a pressure gauge, at the entrance put the working pressure of 2 bar, then the output is guaranteed to get 0.7 bar (subject to the condition of the paint collapse).

Due to the low pressure of compressed air, a high coefficient of transfers of paintwork on the painted surface is reached (from 60 to 70%), as well as a homogeneous torch is formed.
Reduce air pressure in the spray head, managed due to changes in its design.

The outlet holes have become much larger than that of high-pressure conventional pistols, and the diameter of the air channels themselves inside the gun increased. But the increase in the transfer factor increased and the risk of formation of inclination.

Therefore, when working with the equipment of this type, it is necessary to clearly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Another disadvantage of the system was the increased compressor performance requirements installed on the painting area.

This is understandable: a low-power compressor with full-fledged provision of the necessary air volume, HVLP collapse will not clearly cope. As a result - loss of color shade, low quality color, and other negative moments.
In any case, the preparation stage is important, especially when it concerns the application of paints and varnishes.

In order for the compressor to the painting gun, the compressed air prepared for use was supplied to the pneumaton, it must be able to stand the filter module consisting of a coarse filter, moisture - oil - separator, and a replaceable fine cleaning filter.

The correct and effective work of these filters is extremely important, because

the painting pistols of the HVLP system are sensitive to pressure drops, which strongly affect the homogeneity of the torch and, accordingly, the result of color.
Also, Kraskoraspyliters of the HVLP system are characterized by a low speed.
But no matter how, no, the advantages of the painting system HVLP still much more, and they are much more significant than cons.

The main thing is a significant decrease in the formation of painting pollinal, leading to a savings of up to 30% of the paint and varnish material!

If, for example, on the color of the Wing of the VAZ-2109, when using the high-pressure conventional gun, 200-250 g of paintwork was used, then the use of the HVLP paint pistol reduces this amount to 100-150 g, (of course, much depends on the quality of the material, Mastery of the Malar and the covers of automotive enamel paint.)
Among the HVLP spray guns, the professional pistol company Walmec - Genesi Top Line Geo is of greatest interest.

This paintopult has a special, patented design of the spray head, where the head cover has an increased number of air holes, and nozzle - a cupid shape with 6 reservoir holes.

This design allows you to carry out a double breakdown of paintwork. Previously, inside the nozzle, the paint is broken down on the micro drops, then the air flow splits the aerosol once again into smaller drops.
As a result, the paint cloud is formed with particle size from 30 to 60 μm, which, at an output pressure of 0.7 bar, significantly improves the quality of the color, even when spraying viscous paints and varnishes.

Optimized spray systems: LVLP, HTE and LVMP, etc. systems.
Painting pistols of the conventional spraying system and painting pistols of the HVLP system, along with positive moments characterizing them, have enough weaknesses.

An attempt to combine positive experience gained during the operation of these devices has become an optimized technology of spraying paint materials with an average compressed air pressure.

Different manufacturers are LVLP, HTE, LVMP, RP, TRANSTECH, etc.

In this regard, the main feature of the painting pistols of optimized systems, the combination of the advantages of the conventional and HVLP systems - low air flow and the high coefficient of material transfer (more than 70%).
This made it possible to significantly reduce the dependence of painting pistols from the pressure of compressed air in the air mainstream - the paintopults of optimized systems are lowly sensitive to pressure drops in air supply systems.

The change in the internal air channels has undergone, as a result, the air pressure in the spray head increased to 1.2 ... 1.6 bar, with a working pressure of the collapse from 1.6 to 2.3 bar from different manufacturers.
Consumption of compressed air decreased significantly, which led to the weakening of the technical requirements for airways and compressors, but, no matter how reflected in the stability and homogeneity of the torch, and as a result - on quality color.

For greater clarity, manufacturers of painting equipment, adhere to a single color marking, which is applied to the air head cover and sprouting screws:

  1. white (Silver) Color - CONV - Conventional Type;
  2. green - HVLP system;
  3. blue - LVLP system, LVMP.

Walmec's paintopults are labeled in blue, the HVLP GEO double spray system, and the Black HTE.
Optimized systems, each manufacturer of painting equipment developed completely independently, based on its patented technologies:

  • RP - SATA (Germany);
  • TRANSTECH - Devilbiss (United Kingdom);
  • HTE - Walmec (Italy);
  • LVMP - AURITA (Taiwan), etc.

What is a paintopult, how to choose it, is it necessary at all?

How to choose ankopult for household and professional work

Such questions are given as a professional construction team, and an ordinary person who has identified repairs in an apartment or at the cottage, in which many surfaces will have to paint.

Questions are also due to the fact that any instrumental devices always cost more than the usual mechanical.

In our case, it is a bucket with paint and various brushes and rollers.

Do we need a paintopult?

So, you decided to paint the ceiling in the bathroom. Not fashionable, but there are adherents of white and painted ceilings, and you just feel about them. Should I buy a special tool for staining surfaces? It is not necessary, since the volume of works is small, it is quite possible to do with a roller or a tassel.

And if there is a large amount of work - coloring of the country house, floors and walls of a large area or painting of the wing of the machine, then it is easy to easily easily.

And here the paintopult will come to the rescue. About how to choose it , We will try to tell you.

Types of paintwork tools

The paintopults are divided into several types:

According to the principle of pressure:

  • Low pressure;
  • High pressure.

According to the principle of operation:

According to the principle of filing paint:

  • With top tank;
  • With lower tank;
  • With HVLP technology;
  • Airless spraying;
  • Combined spraying;
  • Electrostatic painting principle.

From such a number of all sorts of types of paint appliances, ripples in the eyes and choose what is suitable for each particular case, difficult.

For staining of small areas, a semi-professional model will suit, and a professional unit is needed to work on a large space. Therefore, the question of which paintopult is better to choose becomes very relevant. We will analyze every item in more detail.

Low pressure paintopults

They cannot be used in thick coloring material, but it is very convenient to change different paints, the stained surface is fine, and the coating is high-quality.

With their help you can paint furniture, windows or your car. But there are many minuses of such a tool.

  • Big paint reservoir;
  • Low rate of application;
  • Filters for painting chambers are expensive, and they have to change them quite often;

High pressure paintopults

These include pistols for combined or airless spraying. They give a coating not too high quality, but can be used on large areas, work with viscous paints.

More than half of the coloring material when working with such a tool "crashes into the pipe", and in the literal sense of the word. But the price is relatively low.

As you can see, choose the appropriate paintopult for the Domana is so easy, especially considering the low environmental friendliness of the work.

Manual and automatic tool

Manual paintopults are convenient when working with small volumes, for painting of products of complex shape, it is convenient to change the paint to the paint, and the quality of the painted surface is very high.

It is best to choose pistols with a top tank, as it allows you to use all the material without a residue.

The automatic tool is good in many ways - the perfect painted surface, the quality of which does not depend on the masraine mastery. The main thing in working with an automatic gun is its adjustment and accurate selection of nozzles, so that there will be no heights of paint or non-crushed plots.

But it is used on automated lines, so it is not intended for household use.

The result of the ink depends on the feedback

To find out how to choose the right paintopult, stroll through the video materials on the Internet. First, it is interesting. Secondly, you can visually see a specific type of tool in action.

The tool with the top tank is convenient for small workshops.

Capacity does not have more liters. Paint with this embodiment is used without residue. For thick material, such a tool is not suitable. The pistols with the lower tank weigh more, so working with them, faster tired, in addition, a small amount of paint remains at the bottom.

Modern airless paintopults have proven themselves in everyday life.

Actually, all electric paintwork pistols operate on an airless principle and are with different tanks - not only the upper and lower mount, but also side.

Separately select a tool with HVLP spraying technology. This is a spray technology at low pressure, which reduces the formation of a colorful fog.

The coating is obtained very high quality, and the paint is significantly saved.

Electrostatic paintopults found their use in the winder repair, when painting plastic and wooden surfaces.

How to choose electric crash

  1. First of all, pay attention to the number of paintwork, with which a fabricated tool can work.

    Models easier work only with one type of paint products, for example, water-making paints, models of more expensive - with several, including various varnishes and primers.

  2. In the second - by the number of adjustments on it.

    What they are more, the better you can adjust the supply of paint and the torch itself.

  3. Electrical models are manual or outdoor. The first are suitable for express staining of small surfaces, as they have small tanks in the form of plastic barrels with a volume of up to 1 liter.

    The second can pick up the paint directly from the bucket through a special hose (depends on the model).

  4. Also pay attention to the length of the pistol. There are special extension cords that allow you not to run through the steps, but to paint using a special extension nozzle, you can even get it up to the ceiling.

What electric paint clutch choose , it also depends on the quality of the pistol itself.

Turn it in your hands. Rate out of what plastic are made separate parts, how many metal in it. Very well, if the needle responsible for the emission of paint will be metallic, and all the minor parts of the gun are perfectly fitted. They are not subject to repair, so any breakdown will result in replacing the gun. This is exactly the case when the brand is of great importance. By choosing a branded tool, you will relieve yourself from unnecessary money.

Another point to which we definitely pay attention is vibration.

Very good if you compare multiple models in the on state and select the one that is most convenient for you. It is also important how much the product will weigh, including the weight of the full tank.

How to choose a pneumatic paintopult

The difference between the pneumatic tool from electric large. It requires a high-quality compressor. And this is a decent amount of money. In addition, we need to choose the nozzle-gun itself, depending on it and will be seamless to the compressor.

If it is not supposed to work on painting professionally, you should not think about buying a pneumatic tool. In addition, when choosing a compressor, relying only on its knowledge more than unwise, it is better to use the advice of professionals.

As you can see, the choice of paint equipment is great, so it is very easy to pick up a tool for yourself. One of the important criteria when choosing a spray industry is knowledge of the features of each of the models.

It is also better to prefer the corporate version of the Chinese bass. Although it all depends on your choice.

Sprayer for coloring

With the development of science and technology, there have been some changes in the color of finished products.


If it were hand in hand, various technological innovations are currently used that reduce color consumption, and the coloring process is enhanced faster and better. With manual visualization it is difficult to avoid small dust particles or villa to the product that destroys its appearance.

There are several types of spray guns, also called sprayers.

Image quality with a spray gun directly depends on the quality of the spray gun. There are several types of spray guns, the coloring technology of which is fundamentally different. Specifications and features of use allow you to paint powder with a powder of each type.

All paint sprayers are divided into three main types in accordance with the coloring and technology method, including universal guns, low-pressure sprayers and high-pressure sprayers.

High pressure pistol

High Pressure Pistol Visualization Technology It is its ability to apply enamels and varnishes and, in addition, the main coatings in the form of metals.

Coloring high quality, because these sprayers perfectly spray coating on the surface and give the most uniform result, which has color.

Thanks to working with very high pressure, this airbrush consumes some air. Painting with the highest quality is achieved when painting from a distance of about forty centimeters.

Low Pressure Pistol

Low Pressure Pistol Visualization TechnologyThis requires a large amount of air.

Therefore, when painting this sprayer uses a powerful compressor. The distance to the color product in this case is much smaller and perfect about 20 centimeters.

For coloring, a pipe large diameter is required. This diameter should coincide with the pistol handle handle diameter. When using low-pressure spray guns, less color is lost, which means that this application is more economical.

Universal sprayers

Removable equipment with a universal sprayerit is a combination of two above-mentioned working methods.

The use of spray guns is allowed at home, but you must protect all the surfaces in advance so that there are no paint drops.

When staining with a pulse gun, carefully examine instructions for the choice of optimal pressure.

The compressor connected to the sprayer consists of a control unit, compressor and instrument block.

Automatic compressor control is carried out through the control unit. After reaching the desired level of pressure, the device quenches the engine and can produce color.

Sprayer for enamel

The most commonly used color gun - enamel PF-115 (Alkyd enamel - For painting of metal, wood, unpainted or pre-painted surfaces subject to weather conditions.

PF-115 aluminum enamel is resistant to the surrounding corrosion medium, precipitation and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which allows the use of PF-115 enamels for internal and outdoor color) or a similar organ of materials based on organic solvents. Together with enamels and lacquers for paint with pulses, water-soluble materials can be used in acrylic paint - water-based

Many produce pistols - sprayers, but the use of such devices is not recommended.

In the absence of technological education it is very difficult to invent the device that will be high quality and safely.