Repairs Design Furniture

Sangria's soil rose. Rose Floribunda - Rude-siling Queen Garden: landing and care. Application in landscape design

Rose border. The nostalgic form of roses of this variety is perfectly combined with decorative plants on the flower bed, but the Grimm brothers can be grown in a single landing. Color color is simply incomparable! The petals are shining and overflow, and the bright reverse of the light shade gives them a special chic! Roses are lush due to the abundance of man-made petals. But the foliage on beauty is not inferior to the flowers - it is the same brilliant, bright and healthy. Bush grows quickly on different types soil. Strong resistance to mildew and black spottedness. Good rain resistance. Continuous flowering !!!

Rosa Tolender (Tolendo)

Rose border. Magnificent very bright grade. The bush is just suiced bright carrot flowers. Very beautiful grade for growing in garden porridge or in flower beds.

Rosa Sunrise (Sunrise)

Rose border. Beautiful spray border, with huge inflorescences of small flowers, gentle creamy yellow color. Excellent variety of roses for small flower beds, borders and garden tanks!

Rosa Chile Clementine (Chili Clementine)

Rose border. Charming grade S. bright colors. The painting is extraordinary, red-raspberry with copper-sun color strokes, colors are collected in inflorescences that abundantly cover the compact, well-limited bush. Highly good variety For the framing paths and single landscaping.

Rose Freensia (Friesia)

Rose border. Flowers of beautiful bright yellow color, with a darker coat of petals. They only burn out slightly and hold a beautiful form at all stages of the dissolution. Red stamens completely discontinued flower look very attractive. Fragrant flowers Appear on one or in brushes 3-7 pieces, hold for a long time. The bush is compact, resistant to diseases, with dark green, shiny foliage. It blooms almost continuously.

Rose Fire Flash (Fire Flash)

Rose border. Marble, Bi-Color, Pink and White Strike on a dark raspberry background. Rose changes the color from the light pink stroke to more juicy pink depending on the weather. Semi-glossy foliage, medium-green. Good for growing in containers.


Rose border. An unusually cheerful rosette, a compact bush is practically covered with large flowers. Coloring is unusual - the inner side of the petals saturated pink, the exterior ash white. White eyes gives a special charm with flowers. Perfect variety for small flower beds or large garden forms.

Sangria Rosa (Sangria)

Rose border. Bright grade, Fuchuchiye colors are collected in inflorescences and almost completely covered with a low compact rose bush.

"The charming blossom of small-bedroom rose Sangria (Sangria) will strike you with its lush and abundant blossoms. Delightful thick-rose flowers of a fuchsiev-pink shade, so thickly arranged that they resemble a bright pink bedspread on a perin of glossy dark green leaves.
On a robust stem, 5-10 flowers are formed, with a full dissolution, the flower diameter is 6-8 cm, the number of petals is 25-35. The duration of flowering bush is continuous, accompanied by a gentle sweet aroma.
Sangeni rose height reaches 60-70 cm, curvatched bush, compact. Great for growing on lawns, creating picturesque borders, jewelry of roads. Prefers solar places with fertile moisture-permeable soil. In the northern regions, it is necessary for the winter to dip and stroke with breathable material, has good resistance to disease. Variety miniature Roses Sangria has a lot positive feedback from most gardeners in Russia. "

FLORIBUND - the result of polyanthi selection and tea-hybrid roses. This group took the best of their progenitors. Bright shades colors, captivating flavor, long bloom and resistance to frosts are the main reasons why Floribund is so popular in Russian gardens.

Landing a hybrid is not much different from tea roses. Care is not burdensome, like the whole process of cultivation. The reproduction of this plant is carried out with stalling, grooves, by vulnery, and roses are grown from seeds. Floribund, of course, will not leave gardeners indifferent. Among the many varieties of a variety of colors and sizes, they will find the one that will decorate their homestead.


Floribund - one of the most beautiful decorative plants. It rightfully occupies a leading place among other roses. Distinctive feature The hybrid rose is that the flowers on it are concentrated by groups, and not grow one one. Externally, Floribund looks like a tea rose, but its buds are slightly smaller, and the flowering period lasts throughout the summer. Flowers are distinguished: simple, terry and dense. And their height ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 m, depending on the selected variety.

  • "Lilly Marlene" - white roses, the height of which is about 0.7 m. It has green leaves with a color of the bronze color and the weak meadow flowers of the fire red shade.

Grade Lilly Marlene

  • "Frisia" - Compact and dense rose bushes. The main distinguishing their feature is the yellow color of terry flowers. Blossom is long, right up to the appearance of the first snow. The variety was awarded the James Mason medal in the UK.
  • "Mana Maian" - Another variety medalist. It has a pleasant smell, large flowers, saturated raspberry shade.

Mane Maiang variety

  • "HECHENTSABER" - Rude rose. The stems are literally rusked with flowers, as like camellia.
  • "Diade" - excellent option For landing in the foreground. Pink shade flowers. From the elegant type of flower it is impossible to take eye.
  • Niccolo Paganini - Classic red roses, possess large inflorescences. Perfect for creating flower arrangements.

Variety Niccolo Paganini

  • Blue Baho - Pale-blue rose. Very susceptible to temperature changes.
  • "Blouvander" - terry roses. Middle height, with pinkish flowers. Suitable for landing in the foreground.

Sort Bolvunder

  • "Georges" - Bushes, tall up to 1 m. They have pink buds and glossy dark green leaves.
  • "Galaxy" - Roses with an unusual color. In case of breaking, they become a pastel yellow shade. Sustainable disease. By smelling variety resembles linen oil
  • Sangria - unpretentious. There is enough one trim in 3-5 years.

Sangriya variety

Landing and care

Floribunda landing is carried out in spring and autumn time. But preference is better to give spring.

Council. For landing roses, it is better to choose a sunny section where it will be protected from the wind.

Special attention should be paid to the soil. If it is clay, then compost and sand should be added to it. And if it is sandy, then make humus and clay. Before planting a seedlock needs to be put into nutrient liquid and only after that put into the ground. After planting a rose, you need to pour and climb with humus and soil.

Attention! Pruning plants produced twice a year. The first and most important - spring, second - in the summer. The main trimming is carried out to create a shape of a bush. It depends on how much roses will bloom in the summer. During trimming, they try to remove branches with over two years.

Despite the fact that most varieties are frost-resistant, they still need to be covered with a snack before wintering.

Watering Roses Floribund love abundant. It is necessary to irrigate them regularly, especially often watering the plant is needed in hot months. Watering is better to exercise in the evening.

Very useful for roses will be mulching

Deleting weeds and soil looser is mandatory condition growing these colors. Swimming is produced periodically, as well as after the rain.


Floribund is very responsive to feeding. Before landing, the land ferture by humus. After trimming, the plant is fed by mineral fertilizers.

Next feeder is made by nitrogen-containing fertilizers in early spring. Organic fertilizers are made throughout the entire flowering period. For varieties with removable flowering, which relates Floribund, it is envisaged to introduce mineral and organic feeding for at least 6-7 times per season.

Roses must be fed several times a month

Potash fertilizers are used for colors that will go to the cut. This feeder contributes to the formation of flowers. high Quality and decorative species.


The method of reproduction of roses Floribund is a lot.

  1. Shining.
  2. Growing from seeds.
  3. Reproduction with tanks.
  4. Budding.

Among all the above, the most common believer is considered and eyelid. For the first option choose good cuttings And put them in the container with the root-forming stimulant. After the roots appear, the seedlings are planted into the ground or pot.

Drawn roses

The eyepiece is considered a more complex process. Roses are vaccinated to the donor. The grafted plant immediately begins to use the root system of the stock.

Another method of reproduction, which is impossible not to mention - the cultivation of floribunds from seeds. First, this method is not simple, and, secondly, it will take place for one year before the roses bloom.

Council. When growing roses from seeds, you need to purchase a quality product. The seeds should be prepared for landing and only then plant in the soil in the spring. It is done, as a rule, in April, indoors. The percentage of germination is so low that expected a rosary from one bag is not worth it.

Diseases and pests

Roses are susceptible to insects. Such as a web tick, a rose sawdress and aphid. The fight against them is conducted by insecticides and acaricides. Among the disease can be allocated martherny Dew, rust, gray rot and spotted leaves.

Rosal piloter

In order to save a plant from unpleasant ailments, it is necessary to remove damaged leaves or other areas of roses, spray borobo liquid or iron vigor, can also be used by fungicides.

Application in landscape design

Rose - the queen of the garden and that says it all. It doesn't matter how it grows, in a single or group landing - Floribund will always be in the spotlight.

The plant is used to decorate summer sites. It is planted in the flower beds, create special rosary. Roses look superb to decorate borders and even alpine slides.

Rose in landscape composition

Combined with many colors, but especially good compositions with Veronica, Petunia, bells and the canbushnik.

Floribunda - bush abundant roses, especially unpretentious and incredibly beautiful. With his flowering, they will delight until the autumn. Landing and care for them is easy. And among the variety of varieties, you can find frost-resistant varieties. Yes, and the colors of Floribundum are always bright and interesting. Troubles can deliver some pests or diseases. But if it takes care timely, it will not give any problems.


Rose Floribund: Photo

As a result of the crossing of tea-hybrid and poliant roses, floribunds were obtained. The new group took all the best from the progenitors. Among the most unusual varieties - Rosa Sangria. It is distinguished by lush and abundant blossom, dense colors.

Description of varieties

Plant with small colors, saturated color of pink fuchsia. Rosa Sangria has a strong aroma. Flowers thick, reminded the bedspread on the background of dark green leaves. On each stem is formed up to ten flowers with a diameter of six centimeters. For Sangria, a long blossom is characterized.

According to the description, Sangria Rosary is not very high - about sixty centimeters. The bush is very compact, spread. The variety is ideal for growing on lawns, as borders. Rosa Sangria has a high frost resistance. However, when growing in the northern regions, the plant needs shelter.

Features of seedling

Deciding to plant a rose Floribond, attention should be paid to choosing a seedling. The grafted plant should have at least two irrevised weed shoots with green bark. It should not have any damage. Necessarily examine root system. It should have many small roots. Also examined the root neck. Its diameter should be the same above and below it and not exceed eight millimeters.

Choosing a place landing

To get beautiful, as in the photo, Rose Sangriya, you need to properly pick up the landing site. Floribunds love bright areas, but it does not mean that the plant should be placed on the site, where the sun shines all day. With this location, Floribund will quickly fire. If the plant is located on the south side garden plotthen the bush can get sunny burns And suffer from excessive dryness.

To plant for a long time It was pleased with abundant blossom, one should choose such a corner in which there is a slight shading in the midday heat. Do not place a plant on draft.

Soil preparation for landing

Floribunds prefer light sand-clay soils with breathability. During watering or rain, water should quickly be absorbed into the ground.

Place of landing must be prepared in advance. The ground is drunk to the depth of the shovel. During this procedure, phosphoric fertilizers are made, biohumus in the form of manual or compost.


There are two methods to land roses:

  • Method 1. The seat of 60x60 cm in size is digging. At its bottom, the prepared mixture is stacked. The plant is then lowered into the pit: the depth of the seal is determined by the vaccination place. It should be five centimeters below the soil level. When landing, be sure to straighten the roots and gradually fall asleep with their soil. Its should be tamped as the roots of the roots fall asleep. After planting a rose is watered. As soon as the water is fully absorbed, the plant is plunged by the Earth and in this form leave up to spring.
  • Method 2. The water bucket is poured into the landing pit. While she did not absorb, quickly plant a plant. A seedling is placed in the center of the pit, the land is satisted. Soil with water perfectly fill all the empties between the roots. With this landing, the plant does not water. The next day, when water from the landing fossa is completely absorbed and the soil will fall, the land is added.

When planting a plant, any method is necessarily monitored behind the level of vaccination. It should be covered with soil. If the place of the collection is higher than the level of the Earth, then a wild greed will go from this place.

Having planted a rose into dry and warm weather, it is definitely protected by a wet moss or any other material, long-holding moisture. From sunlight The shoots are closed with paper, pre-cutting them by leaving no more than four kidneys.


Floribunds love a lot of water. In different phases, rose rose consumes different amounts of water. Most of all, it is needed during the period of intensive development and growth: during the dissolution period of the kidneys, during the development of leaves and shoots, as well as after flowering and during the growing of new shoots.

Without the right amount of water, roses grow weak shoots, few colors. The latter - on shortened legs and not terry.

Do not water the plants in the heat. During irrigation, water should not fall on the plant, but should pour a trickle to the base of the bustle.

End of summer I. autumn period - These are such seasons when plants are watered with caution and only as needed. Excess moisture at this time encourages the plant to further growth and development, and it should prepare for the rest period. Based on this, since September, a rose stop watering. From this period, she has enough of the moisture that it gets with atmospheric precipitation. If the autumn is dry, then the bush will have to water.


Photo and description of roses Sangriya shows that the plant needs permanent fertilizer. It contributes to abundant flowering. However, it should not be abused by them, since the roses are sensitive to excess salts in the ground. The ideal solution It will be the use of special complex fertilizers for roses according to the instructions on the package.

In addition to minerals you can use organic fertilizers in the form of well-overwhelmed manure or compost. This species is applied before landing. Fertilizer climbs into the ground at the rate of ten kilograms on square meter Soil. On heavy soils, 1.2 of the specified norm is introduced.

For abundant flowering Floribunds feed according to the following scheme:

  1. Early spring, before the bushes are disclosed, contribute sixty grams of full fertilizers per square meter of the Earth, scattering it on the ground. After making a fertilizer, you can open plants. To this moment mineral fertilizer It turns out in the ground.
  2. In mid-May, with the advent of buds, the plant feed the complex fertilizer. For this, the composition is prepared on the water bucket according to the fertilizer instructions (you need to take such a number of means that is specified on the package, usually 5-10 ml of liquid fertilizers and about thirty grams of dry). Three liters of mortar are poured under the bush.
  3. At the end of June, the nutrient watering repeat.